During the change of the calendar year, a special atmosphere of good and miracle is created, which is why desires made on New Year's Eve, very often come true.

To make exactly accurately, it is necessary to formulate his dream in advance as much as possible, but briefly. In order to not be confused in pre-holiday, it is better to write down a new year's desire to a piece of paper. Especially since this note can be used for a ritual.

Commit correctly

Few know that it is not so easy to fasten the desire for the new year. The fact is that you need to state your dreams as in detail as much as possible, but you will not write a treatise for several sheets! Therefore, you will need to try to fit your desire in a few words.

Basic Rules:

  • it is necessary to make a finite, and not an intermediate result, that is, if you want to relax on the road, you need to make it a trip to rest, and not more "Money". You can have money, and will add only to leave they will be on other needs;
  • it makes no sense to make desires about other persons, they should concern you personally. For example, it is meaningless to make "I want the husband to find high-paying work," you need to formulate this way: "The financial situation of my family is high and stable";
  • the desire should not contain the negative and evil aimed at other people;
  • in the wording there should be no negation, that is, make sure that the particle does not occur among words.

We start to conceive a desire better a few days before the holiday so that it was possible, not in a hurry, to think about everything. It is worth writing on paper possible options, and then choose what is especially important and valuable for you.


There are many interesting rituals that need to be held on New Year's Eve using a sheet with a desire written on it.

The most famous and frequently used is the one in which it is necessary to burn a piece of paper with the desire for the new year, and the resulting ashes to throw into a glass filled with champagne and a volley to drink.

Several comments on this ritual:

  • formulate and write the conceived on paper need in advance, have time to do all actions per minute it is very difficult, so it's worth a little easier for yourself;
  • use fine paper and take a little on the size of the leaf, remember, the smaller the paper was, the less the tasteless ashes will have to swallow;
  • attach assistants while you will make a desire for the New Year, burning a piece of paper, someone will have to open a bottle with sparkling wine and fill the glasses;
  • even if the last kraural strikes sound, be careful, trying to break the wine. If you are stylish, then the desire can become irrelevant;
  • if you do not eat alcohol, nothing terrible. This ritual can be carried out with any carbonated drink - lemonade, coca-cola or even mineralka.

In addition, you need to correctly burn a piece of paper with a desire for the new year, that is, performing the rules of fire safety. Be extremely neat open fire, as the fire on the New Year's Eve of Joy will not bring anyone.

If it happened so that you can't get a piece of paper (I forgot the matches, we are afraid of setting up a festive table, etc.), then you should use a simpler version of the ritual. It is enough just to eat a leaf with a recorded desire and put it with wine.

Not everyone is happily belonging to the future to swallow paper or paper ashes, even in the name of the performance of desire. However, you can do without it. It is sufficiently simultaneously with the twelfth blow of the chimes to open the window and dispel the resulting ashes from paper in the wind, recovering your dream into the information field.

If there are a lot of guests and everyone wants to make a desire, it is hardly advisable to arrange mass burning of pieces of paper, in the end, it is unsafe. Therefore, in advance, distribute paper white napkins and scissors in advance. Let everyone cut out for himself an openwork snowflake and write their desire on it. With the onset of midnight, open the window and throw snowflakes to the streets under the friendly cries of the guests: "Happy New Year!"

There is another interesting ritual with pieces helping to get rid of the negative in your life. Write on small sheets of paper all what makes you unhappy (illness, lack of finance, lack of love, bad relationships in the working team, etc.). Then start collecting old unnecessary things in it - cracked plates, well-broken clothing broken. In a word, we begin to sequentially clean your home from the dawn. The old things "on the emission" should be no less (if it turns out more - not scary) than it turned out the papers with a negative present in your life.

We stick with a tape (or attaching any other way) to the old things prepared notes and fold things into a large bag, stitched from the tissue (however, you can take a plastic bag).

We take a bag on your back and take it to the garbage containers. Throw out and feel relief, exemption from negative events in your life. Such a ritual is not necessary to fulfill on New Year's Eve, it is best to spend on the day before, during the pre-New Year cleaning.

In order for the rituals to work, it is not necessary to fulfill all the instructions exactly. It is much more important to believe that everything will work out, and also, to be positive. If you perform a ritual in a bad mood or with thoughts: "What is it nonsense!", I should not hope for the fulfillment of desires.

The new year is the most fabulous and wonderful holiday of the year. On such a day, even adult people start believing in a fairy tale and a miracle.

After all, only in this wonderful, New Year's Eve, all our most cherished desires and dreams can be performed. And for the fact that your dreams come true as quickly as possible, we decided to tell you how to properly make them on New Year's Eve.

Burn leaves

Burning a piece of paper is considered the most familiar and popular option. Your paper can be any colors and in it you pishich my most important a wish. After startingbeat the chimes from footing leaf.

When he burns, pour him ashes into a glass and quickly drink the contents. You should hurry to have time to do this out. one minute manipulationAnd otherwise your desire will not come true.

We drink champagne

Light a candle and pour into a glass or winery champagne, waiting for the battle of the Kurats on TV. Hearing the first fight, start off the champagne from the glass with small sips.

Every sip of champagne, this is one of your desire, which will be fulfilled in the new year. How much will you have time, during the time you beat the chimes to make sips of champagne, so many desires will be fulfilled.

12 desires

Take 12 small sheets of paper. On each of them write a desire and twist the leaflets into the tube or square, as you are more convenient.

Put the pads under the pillow, scattering the leaves. In the morning, when you wake up, first think about the most important and necessary desire, and then pull one of the leaves. You will definitely pull exactly the one that will be more important and most important for you.

Letter of Grandfather Moroza

Write a small letter with wishes of the 30th, and 31 in the New Year's Eve seal it in the New Year's envelope, and then put it under your Christmas tree.

When the time comes to throw out the Christmas tree, hide the envelope in a safe place, and a year later, on New Year's Eve, open the envelope and read what all the same came true. As a reusable practice shows, you will be amazed by the result.

Skillful desire in the night

If you have a balcony, you need to wait for midnight and when they beat the chimes, jump on it and scream your desire to night silence.

If you do not have a balcony, not dusty. You can always scroll your desire to an open window. The most important thing is to shout your desire as louder as possible, and then it should be exactly. You can also scroll your desire with your second half, it will strengthen the magic effect.


Buy eight oranges. Choose only the most beautiful, juicy fruits of small sizes. On New Year's Eve, after driving the chimes, crumble oranges around the room, where the festive table is.

You can throw oranges one thing to be more convenient. When you throw them, then you must mentally congratulate yourself with the execution of your desires. Also wish good health, success in affairs and of course a millionth for happiness.

After the last orange turns out to be on the floor and you will give up the latest desire, then collect them in a basket. Then for seven days, give the orange to your relatives, and eighth orange, eat yourself on the eighth day. After that, the emergency fulfillment of your desires will not make yourself wait.

Follow these are not cunning ways and your desires will be performed. Upcoming holidays !!!

The new year is the only holiday that combines millions of people with one remarkable tradition - makes desires.

After all, how cool, standing at the dressed up trees surrounded by loved ones, close the eyes and under the battle of the chimes, whisper something very intimate and desirable. At the moment when even the air itself is impregnated with magic, I want to believe that all the mandated will come true. However, there is a belief that for the maximum effect you need to spend a certain ritual.

K.NEWS. offers several options:

  • it is necessary to write a desire for a piece of paper in advance and to burn it under the battle. Then quit ashes in a glass with champagne and drink. This method is the most famous. It is used even Western Stars of Show Business.
  • Another way is more capricious and works with a certain weather: when it is snow. To do this, go outside and catch snowflake. If it does not dissolve before the clock is trying at midnight, the desire will come true.

  • For the next ritual, an ordinary thin candle is needed. It should be lit at midnight and whisper the cherished words over the flame. Then the candle must be placed on the festive table. If the candle lasts until the end of the evening and will not go out, the desired will necessarily come true.

  • Psychologists claim that in order to come true, it is important to correctly and clearly formulate words. It is worth avoiding the particles "not", for example, if we are talking about health, not to say "I wish not to hurt," on the contrary, pronounce "I wish to be healthy." No less important at this moment began to feel all emotions. For example, if a person gave a new home, to imagine what kind of houses he, how many rooms there and what design there should be. Not only the details are important, but also the feeling of how you already live in it.

  • Choranst battle carries a certain promise of the "Miracle". You can get up for a chair, make a desire and at the time of the last strike jump from the chair into a new life, where all the dreams have already come true.

  • Letter Santa Claus: This magic works not only in children. It is enough to write a cherished desire on a piece of paper, wrap in a beautiful envelope and leave a letter under the Christmas tree. After the holidays, you need to remove the envelope into a secluded place, but constantly repeat about yourself. Exactly in a year to print the letter and read last year's wishes. Thus, check, works ritual or not.

  • Under the sounds of the chimes, you need to open a window or a window in the house and voice the desire directly to the universe. A special atmosphere and faith in what is happening will contribute to their rapid execution.

You can also come up with your own rituals. Constant remains faith in magic. It is important to remember that miracles happen, and dreams have a property come true.

Each man on New Year's Eve receives an amazing opportunity to fulfill his dream. For this there are special rituals. What do they imagine?

How to make a desire for the new year so that it come true: Basic Rules

Working with a dream is the process intuitive and purely personal. But still there are several recommendations, following which will significantly increase the chances of implementing conceived. The main rules sound like this:
1. Not to tell anyone about desire. Each person is a unique personality with its own energy field. And dreams are a secret ownership in which other people cannot be allowed. Their criticism and even just an unkind glance can quickly reduce the positive attitude required for the implementation of the ritual.
2. Keep calm. Excessive desire to achieve the goal negatively affects the effectiveness of the rite. Energy nervousness leads to the fact that a person is either achieving nothing, or acquires the opposite conceived. It is important to conduct a ritual in a balanced state of consciousness and even somewhat indifferent, simply performing the valid actions.
3. Concentrate on desire. Concentration has nothing to do with panic, zaqotty or nervousness.
You just need to clearly realize the goal and send part of energy resources to its implementation. For this, 3-7 days before the new year, you can keep a kind of post. It is necessary to abandon his favorite food, constantly reminding himself that the restriction is delivered for the sake of achieving a dream.
There are many ways to make a desire for the New Year; Magic allowed even the creation of its own rituals if they are inspired by intuition and internal illumination. The rite necessarily should like and not cause rejection: only it will benefit.
How to make a desire in the new year at the crossroads
The ritual is suitable for those who are ready to meet a holiday outside the house: at midnight it is necessary to stand on a quiet crossroads. We need to take with you: a handful of coins; any food from the festive table; wax candle.
Going to the crossroads follows in the upper clothes, put on the night. Approximately five minutes before midnight, it is recommended to light the candle and pronounce a conspiracy to fulfill the desire:
"The night festive over the earth dates back, the joy of people is illuminating, and I stand at the dead crossing, I call for hell, I appeal to the demon, I demand help. Go, devils and demons, to the light to me, behind my back becomes, ears Turn the desire to hear mine: (let's voice the desire). As a year, a new one will come to the ground, so you, demons and devils, beat their parses, go to the world, find it, I will bring my desire to fulfill my desire. And now pyruite-celebrate, the coming year. Meet me, I remember the word good, you do not forget about my request, get your payment, and do not require much payment. "
Next, you need to put a treat on Earth, throw coins through the left shoulder, blend the candle and go home without looking around and not reacting to the rustles behind your back. The desire will come true during the year. After this time, it is necessary to return to the intersection and silently wait there the same candle to energly complete the started.

How to make a desire in the New Year with the help of the house

The house lives in every modern home, although it is infrequently shown to people. But this entity loves the new year, and necessarily joins the celebration. Being in a raised mood, the house is losing vigilance than and you should use.
You will need:
a pen;
Plate with milk.
You need to start the ritual in the evening when you start to climb on the table. It is necessary to retire in a quiet room, write their desire and conspiracy words on paper:
"House-house, play-ka with me! I have a fresh milk yes sweet, and you will be an honest desire for me. Pey milk is tasty, satisfying - the desire of my kind, sincere ".
A piece of paper is recommended to burn. You should pour ashes into a container with milk, after which put the ass on the table. It is desirable to allocate a separate place for the house and own chair: so essence will feel more comfortable and more likely to help in conducting a ritual. It is necessary to begin to celebrate. It is not necessary too often to look towards the plates, so as not to embarrass the houses and do not cause suspicion. The essence of cheerful celebration will definitely be treated with milk, which means that the terms of the contract will take. This is the surest way to make a desire in the New Year: the houses will have to make a conceived person. In the future, it is recommended to thank your assistant, leaving him on the windowsill sweets and milk.

How to make a desire for the new year with a candle

Bringing to the ritual should be about 20 minutes before midnight. You will need:
wax candle;
Water container.
It is necessary to solitude. It is necessary to scrape a needle, expressed in one-two words on a candle. Next, you should pronounce a plot:
"The candle burns, the wax will be dripping into the water, the wish is dripping, the desire for mine embodies, fills in life, it exists in the world, from the misfortunes of blacks, it leads to me, I leave for happiness."
Fitil set fire. Magnifying wax is recommended to merge into a vessel with water. The rite is considered completed when the candle itself will roam. Water with frozen wax should be poured in their yard, but away from home. At the same time you need to say:
"The driver in the ground falls, the desire of my picks up, so that it sprout from the ground to have the strength to type."
You should return to the house. There are no restrictions: you can have fun, talk to people, just go to bed, etc.

How to make a desire for the new year about love

The rite is suitable solely to solve problems in the personal sphere, whether it is a search for the second half, attracting the attention of the likely person, reconciliation. In no case cannot be used by a ritual for riddling money, career successes, improving health - spells will behave unpredictable.
You will need:
own single photo;
a pen; needle;
Red candle.
There are no absolute recommendations when it is better to make a desire for love in the New Year: you need to listen to intuition. Many prefer to spend the ritual immediately after midnight, while others allow witchcraft and early in the evening of December 31, and in the first half on 1 January. It is necessary to light the candle and write its goal on the reverse side of the snapshot. It is recommended to choose clear laconic phrases, exactly reflecting the mood about the conceived. Must be prescribed:
"So that my desire to fully come true is only good to me, so that the joy of everyone presented."
Then you need to dine the index finger and press it to the photo, tumping written by blood. Next, the snapshot burned from the flame of the candle, and the ashes are dispelled in the wind, aloud or mentally pronounce consultation:
"Weight, the wind is snowy, in the New Year, fly, the desire for mine, where we should take."
The mandated will come true for twelve months. It is recommended to recall the ritual as little as possible: the result will definitely manifest itself, you just need to wait.

The easiest way how to make a desire in the new year

For the rite, nothing is required, except for the awareness of its goal. About midnight, when all people will be chained to the clock and TV, you need to open the entrance door and pronounce a desire to it. After the time you should say:
"All that is pioned by me, the wind was taken away, and strangers hid from the eye, hid, from the ears, hid, from the hands of greedy saving, from Molly, the evil was defended, until his time was worn under his wing, and how an hour came to come true."
After that, you can return to the celebration. Conceived will be carried out next year. You can make a desire from any sphere: the method is universal and is equally well working with issues of health, love, career, money, good luck.
If you make a desire in the new year, it will come true almost for inexperienced magicians. It is only important to understand that the dream is not always brought happiness. But why not try - suddenly lucky?

And drink. Do not everyone know that this ritual has its own strict rules. For example, your desire must be recorded by a simple pencil, and the paper is barely folded four times. Under the battle of the chimes, it is necessary to adjust it not by a match or lighter, but from the flame of the candle on the New Year's table. After that, to quit champagne into a glass, and when the clock is trying exactly 12, drink a volley.

Method # 2: Spanish

The classic of the Spanish genre is 12 grapes (a sign of abundance and wealth), which must be eaten one after one, with each new beat of the clock. What is noteworthy, you can make wishes in bulk: with each new berry to vote about myself another cherished dream. For convenience and speed, prepare small grapes without bones. And be careful - do not eat in a hurry!

Method # 3: Cap

A day before the new year, make yourself an improvised hat: it can, for example, tie or fold out of paper. Create with love - Even in a comic sample all your feelings. Dress it on the exit of the outgoing year, and when the clock is trying at midnight - remove and whisper your cherished dreams into it. The miracle cap can not be thrown over the whole year or until the desire is fulfilled.

Method # 4: Sleepy

Method # 5: Monkeys

The easiest and simple way to please the Talisman of the Year - the Fiery Monkey: Under the battle of hours, clean the orange, distribute to all those present and eat, makes a desire.

Method # 6: Friendly

An excellent option for those who meet holidays by the company of friends or in a large family circle. While the clock beat twelve, it is necessary to join as much as possible and to make the most cherished desire. In advance, come up with autumn the cauldron, which you have time to speak about yourself "in the air." By the way, this method corresponds to an ancient German belief, according to which it is necessary to "jump up" in the New Year.

Method # 7: Money

A method that can be perfectly combined with all the others. Enough on the New Year's Eve put money in all pockets (girls can be used for these purposes) - open financial streams ahead.

Method # 8: wax

Put the candle of different colors on the festive table: red (symbolize love), green (wealth), blue (success in all matters), white (health). When the chimes start their battle, take any of them and hold in your hand until all 12 shots are trying. At the end - blend and say a desire, making a sip of champagne.
