The book is an introductory overview of all modern physics, from the well-established classical sections of it to the latest advances in particle physics and astrophysics. The author set a goal to bring the reader to the fundamental ideas of physics and to reveal some of the modern concepts that were developed in the middle of the 20th century. He coped with this task brilliantly.
The book is written quite strictly, with great pedagogical skill. It shows the beauty, romance and greatness of scientific research. The author does not use higher mathematics, the presentation is accompanied by numerous examples and illustrative figures.

Several hundred years ago, the entire volume of scientific knowledge was so small that one person could familiarize himself in detail with almost all the basic scientific ideas. Indeed, the scientist of that time was called a "natural philosopher," meaning that he studies all aspects of natural science. Since the Renaissance, the accumulation of scientific information has proceeded so quickly that the idea of \u200b\u200ba scientist as a person with universal knowledge has long lost its meaning. At present, scientists are divided into physicists, chemists, biologists, geologists, etc. However, we still strive to link together different branches of science. As our understanding of nature becomes more complete, we will be able to better understand the relationship between physics and biology, between chemistry and geology, between meteorology and oceanography.

The physicist tries to understand the most elementary systems in nature. Made by physics
our discoveries not only expand our knowledge of basic physical processes, but often play a decisive role in the development of other sciences. So, for example, the discovery of quantum theory allowed chemists to comprehend the whole variety of accumulated facts about the chemical structure and chemical reactions. The laws of the propagation of sound waves in solids formulated by physicists have allowed geologists to use seismological methods to study the earth's interior. The theory of the movement of gas streams turned out to be extremely important for meteorologists and oceanographers. The laws of physics govern all physical processes. We have discovered only a few of these laws - the rest are still eluding us.

Table of contents
Preface to Russian edition 7
Author's Foreword 9
1. The structure of physics and its language 11
2. Length, time, weight 35
3. Galaxies and Atoms 53
4. Movement 93
5. Strength and Momentum 135
6. Basic forces in nature 167
7. Energy 191
8. Fields 243
9. The movement of electric charges 269
10. Oscillations, Waves and Radiation 309
11. Theory of relativity 351
12. Fundamentals of Quantum Theory 387
13. Atoms and quanta 425
14. Structure of matter 467
15. Atomic nuclei 501
16. Elementary particles 541
17. Astrophysics and Cosmology 575
18. Unsolved Questions in Physics 607
Answers to some problems 614
Subject Index 620.

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The Nobel Prize winners in physics proved that, without a doubt, the physical world is a single ocean of energy that appears and disappears after milliseconds, pulsating again and again.

There is nothing solid and solid. This is the world of quantum physics.
It has been proven that only thought allows us to gather and hold together those "objects" that we see in this constantly changing field of energy.

So why do we see a person and not a blinking bundle of energy?
Imagine a reel of film.
A film is a set of frames at approximately 24 frames per second. Frames are separated by a time interval. However, due to the speed with which one frame follows another, optical illusion occurs, and we think that we are seeing a continuous and moving image.
Now think about television.

The cathode ray tube of a television is just a tube with many electrons hitting the screen in a certain way and thus creating the illusion of shape and movement.
This is what all objects are anyway. You have 5 physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste). Each of these senses has a specific spectrum (for example, a dog hears sound in a different spectrum than you; a snake sees light in a different spectrum than you, and so on).

In other words, your set of senses perceives the surrounding sea of \u200b\u200benergy from a certain limited point of view and, based on this, builds an image. This is not a complete and not at all accurate picture. This is just an interpretation. All our interpretations are based solely on the "inner map" of reality that has formed in us, and not on objective truth. Our "map" is the result of experience accumulated over a lifetime. Our thoughts are associated with this invisible energy, and they determine what forms this energy. Thoughts literally iterate over the universe particle by particle in order to create physical life.

Take a look around. Everything you see in our physical world started out as an idea - an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed until it grew enough to become a physical object through several stages.

You literally become what you think about the most. Your life becomes what you believe in the most. The world is literally your mirror, which allows you to experience physically what you believe to be true for yourself ... until you change your point of view.

Quantum physics shows us that the world - this is not something rigid and unchanging, as it might seem. On the contrary, it is something constantly changing, built on our individual and collective thoughts.

What we think is true is actually an illusion, almost a circus trick. Fortunately, we have already begun to uncover this illusion and, most importantly, look for opportunities to change it.

What is your body made of? The human body is made up of nine systems, including blood circulation, digestion, endocrine system, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal systems, and urinary tract.

And what are they made of?
From tissues and organs.
What are tissues and organs made of?
From cells.
What are cells made of?
From molecules.
What are molecules made of?
From atoms.
What are atoms made of?
From subatomic particles.
What are subatomic particles made of?
Out of energy!

You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent embodiment. Energy, constantly changing under the surface, but under the control of your powerful intellect. You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.

If you could see yourself under a powerful electron microscope and conduct other experiments on yourself, you would be convinced that you consist of a bunch of constantly changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons, and so on.

So is everything that surrounds you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that makes it be where and how we see it. The object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you can see, your observation, your attention to something, and your intention, literally create this object.

This is proven by science. Your world is made up of spirit, mind and body. Each of these three elements, spirit, mind and body, has a function that is unique to it and not available to others. What your eyes see and your body senses is the physical world, which we will call the Body. The body is an effect created for a reason.

This reason is Thought. The body cannot create. It can only feel and be felt ... this is its unique function. Thought cannot perceive ... it can only invent, create and explain. She needs the world of relativity (the physical world, the Body) in order to feel herself.

Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body. The body does not have the power to create, although it gives such an illusion. This illusion is the cause of many frustrations. The body is simply a result, and it is not in its power to cause or create anything.

The key to all this information is the opportunity for you to learn to see the Universe differently, in order to give embodiment to everything that is your true desire.

« Physics - Grade 10 "

From the very birth we get used to the things and phenomena that surround us. So, we learn that an object always falls down, that there are solid objects that can be hit, that fire can burn, etc.

However, important as such knowledge is, it does not yet form a science.

A person always asks questions: why is something happening? What is the reason for the observed phenomenon? The search for answers to these questions is the subject of scientific activity.

Physics and other sciences

It was the development of the natural sciences that gave modern technology into the hands of man and led to the transformation of the world around us. The main role was played by physics - the most important science that studies the deepest laws of nature. Physics is the foundation of the main directions of technology. So, the discovery of the transistor, made in the laboratory of solid state physics, determined modern development electronics, radio engineering and computer technology. The creation of a laser made it possible to carry out communication over long distances, to obtain high-quality volumetric images (holography), to offer one of the methods for confining high-temperature plasma, to create unique technologies for eye surgery, and much more.

By discovering the laws of nature, hidden under the cover of an infinitely diverse world of phenomena, man learned to use them for his own purposes, to create devices without which modern comfortable life is inconceivable. Scientists continue to study the Universe, create unique materials, and search for new sources of energy.

Physics is a science that studies the fundamental and at the same time the most general properties of the material world around us.

Therefore, the concepts of physics and its laws are at the basis of natural science.

Physics is very closely related to astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences. For example, the discovery of the DNA double helix, the “master molecule,” was made in a physics laboratory. This discovery determined the development of molecular biology, designed to answer the question of what life is. Quantum theory has allowed chemists to explain the chemical structure of matter, and the laws of sound propagation help geologists study the interior of the earth.

Physics has contributed to the development of many areas of mathematics. The English physicist J. Maxwell said: "Exact sciences strive to reduce the mysteries of nature to the determination of certain quantities by operations with numbers." The English scientist I. Newton created differential and integral calculus, trying to write the equations of motion of bodies. Striving for simplicity of mathematical description allowed the Austrian physicist E. Schrödinger to write down an equation that describes the world of atoms.

Scientists of practically all fields of science use physical research methods.

Scientific method

By what means is scientific truth obtained? Several hundred years ago, the foundations of the physical method of research were developed. It consists in the following: relying on experience, making assumptions about the essence of this or that phenomenon, they seek first the qualitative, and then the quantitative (formulated mathematically) laws of nature; open laws are tested by practice. Thus, the scheme of scientific knowledge looks like this:
observation - hypothesis - theory - experiment.

It is the experiment that is the criterion for the correctness of the theory.

“Only that which can be measured belongs to physics” - this statement belongs to the American physicist P. Bridgman (1882-1961) and accurately reflects the peculiarity of physics. The main judge who is called upon to approve or reject this theory is experiment. Physics deals with reproducible situations. By repeating the experiment under different conditions, we can evaluate the influence of these conditions on a given physical phenomenon.

Models in Physics

One of the most powerful research methods in physics is the simulation method.

Modeling is the process of replacing a real object, process or phenomenon with another, called a model.
Model is the idealization of a real object or phenomenon while maintaining the basic properties that determine this object or phenomenon.

We emphasize that the model must preserve those properties of a real object that determine its behavior. Models are theoretical and laboratory, recently computer models are widely used.

When creating a theoretical model, the results of observations and experiments are used. Obviously, the problem becomes clearer with the help of specific images, which is why the model is most often mechanical. For example, the movement of gas molecules can be visualized as the movement of elastic balls, the structure of the atom was initially assumed to be similar to the structure of the solar system.

One of the first models that we will use is a material point, that is, a body whose size and shape can be neglected under the conditions of this problem. The last words are key: it is the conditions of a specific problem that make it possible to apply this model.

At first, when there is little data, the model usually turns out to be rough, but as the experimental facts accumulate, it is refined, but to answer some important questions, you can stop at a primitive model.

In the laboratory, as a rule, phenomena are modeled, the study of which in natural conditions presents significant difficulties. For example, the flow of a river, changes in its channel are simulated in hydraulic flumes, aircraft models are tested in a wind tunnel. In this case, the different conditions similarities - geometric, kinematic, etc.

The theoretical solution of any physical problem is reduced to mathematical modeling, that is, writing equations. Often these equations are quite complex, and their solutions are done with computers.

Scientific hypotheses

Scientific hypothesis - a statement made, an unproven statement, an assumption explaining the observed phenomena or the results of laboratory experiments.

A scientific hypothesis is always put forward to solve a specific problem in order to explain the experimental data obtained or to eliminate the disagreement between theoretical and experimental results obtained during the testing of previously put forward hypotheses. For example, the German theoretical physicist, founder of quantum theory, M. Planck, developing the quantum hypothesis, relied both on the conclusions obtained in the framework of the classical radiation theory and on the negative results of testing previous hypotheses.

The words of the Russian scientist DI Mendeleev confirm the importance of scientific hypotheses in the process of scientific cognition: “They (hypotheses. - Auth.) Are necessary for science and especially its study. They give harmony and simplicity, which are difficult to achieve without their permission. The entire history of science shows this. Therefore, we can safely say: it is better to adhere to such a hypothesis, which may turn out to be incorrect over time, than none. Hypotheses facilitate and do the correct scientific work - finding the truth, like a farmer's plow facilitates the cultivation of useful plants.

Physical quantities and their measurement

In order to understand and describe experiments, scientists introduce a number of physical quantities, such as speed, force, pressure, temperature, electric charge, and many others. Each quantity must be precisely defined, its name must be entered in a certain system of units, it must be indicated how this quantity can be measured, how to carry out the experiment necessary for such a measurement.

Most often, in the definitions of physical quantities, they simply clarify and quantify what is directly perceived by our senses. This is how the concepts of force, temperature, etc. are introduced. There are, of course, quantities that are not perceived directly by our senses (for example, an electric charge). But they are expressed in terms of other quantities to which the human senses react. So, the electric charge is determined by the forces of interaction between charged bodies.

To measure a physical quantity, you need a standard, a standard, that is, some means of measurement that allows you to store a unit, transmit and repeat its size. Standards, such as, for example, the standards of meter, kilogram and many other quantities, are stored at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sevres (France). Exact copies of the standard have been sent to different laboratories around the world.

Is there an exact value of a physical quantity at all? We know that any body is made of atoms. With increasing measurement accuracy, we come to the need to measure objects of very small sizes, such as atoms and molecules. One of the essential conclusions of quantum mechanics was the conclusion that it makes no sense to even raise the question of the exact value of a physical quantity, and the uncertainty lies at the basis of the laws of nature themselves, and not in the imperfection of devices.


By studying the quantitative relationships between individual quantities, one can identify particular patterns. On the basis of such patterns, a theory of phenomena is developed. The theory should explain particular laws from a general point of view. The theory allows not only to explain the already observed phenomena, but also to predict new ones. So, for example, D.I.Mendeleev, on the basis of the periodic law he discovered, predicted the existence of several chemical elements, which at that time were not known, and the English physicist J. Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves.

If there is a discrepancy between theory and experiment, then the theory must be changed so that all the new data obtained can be explained, that is, the theory must be improved. Almost every known theory is the result of successive refinements.

Physical law

In order to draw general conclusions from observations of physical phenomena, to find the causes of these phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between various physical quantities. Carrying out a physical experiment, they seek to trace the dependence of a given quantity on the nature of the change in each of the conditions separately, For example, the pressure of a gas depends on its mass, volume and temperature. To investigate this relationship, one must first study how the volume change affects pressure when temperature and mass remain unchanged. Then you need to trace how the pressure depends on temperature at a constant volume, etc. Thus, in the process of research, scientists get scientific facts.

Scientific facts are statements that can always be verified and confirmed when specified conditions are met.

Physical law - based on scientific facts, a stable connection between recurring phenomena, processes and states of bodies and other material objects in the surrounding world.

Physical laws are usually expressed in the form of a short verbal statement or a compact mathematical formula linking certain physical quantities. The English theoretical physicist P. Dirac said: "A physical law must have mathematical beauty."

The limits of applicability of physical laws

The theory, verified and confirmed by numerous experiments, can be considered as physical law... However, each law has limits of applicability. These boundaries are primarily determined by the theoretical model in which we consider this law. All the laws governing a real gas, derived from the ideal gas model, are valid only for those conditions under which the properties of a real gas are close to those of an ideal gas.

So, we already know Ohm's law: the current in a section of the circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it and is inversely proportional to the resistance of this section. However, this law is not true for all conductors. For example, it is not applicable to ionized gas. In addition, it can be used only in a certain range of current values, in which the resistance can be considered constant. In fact, when the current passes, the conductor heats up, the resistance of the conductor increases, and the current strength will differ from the calculated one.

Discoveries in physics

Physics continues to develop rapidly. Each new experiment improves the theory. There is an inextricable link between theory and experiment, continuous interaction.

It must be remembered that any physical theory is based on a certain model of objects and phenomena. In the process of obtaining new scientific facts, any physical model is improved and complicated. However, it is obvious that the world around us is much more complex, more diverse and more perfect than any of the most complex models created by the human mind. Therefore, the completeness of any physical theory does not mean full knowledge of the laws of nature.

Currently, scientists receive new materials in laboratories and study their properties. So, in 2010 was awarded Nobel Prize in physics to A. Geim and K. Novoselov for the discovery of graphene, which has super-strong properties and the highest electrical conductivity of the existing materials. Scientists solve global issues: the discovery of new elementary particles, new physical laws, new types of energy. Theories are being developed, the confirmation of which requires the creation of very complex installations, such as, for example, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The length of its main ring is about 27 km. The creation of such installations is costly and complex preparation.

However, it often happens that theories do not find experimental confirmation for a long time. So, for example, quarks have not yet been discovered, although it is believed that all elementary particles consist of them, and a harmonious theory of quarks has been created. So today there is no reason to believe that almost all the laws of nature have been revealed and we are at the boundaries of knowledge. The field for the activities of future scientists has practically no boundaries.


Mechanics is the science of the causes and general laws of the mechanical motion of bodies.

The laws of mechanics were formulated by the great English scientist I. Newton. On tombstone at Westminster Abbey in London, the significant words are carved:

Sir Isaac Newton rests here,
Which almost divine power of his mind first explained
With your mathematical method The movements and shapes of the planets
The paths of comets, the ebb and flow of the ocean.
He was the first to investigate the variety of light rays And the resulting color features,
Which until that time no one even suspected. A diligent, discerning and faithful interpreter of Nature, antiquities and Holy Scripture.
He glorified in his teaching the almighty Creator. He proved the simplicity required by the Gospel with his life. Let mortals rejoice that such an adornment of the human race lived in their midst.
Born December 25, 1642
He died on March 20, 1727.

For many years, scientists have been convinced that the only basic (fundamental) laws of nature are Newton's laws of mechanics. However, it turned out that not all phenomena can be explained on the basis of a mechanical picture of the world, for example, electromagnetic phenomena have a different physical nature, and they do not obey Newton's laws.

It was also found that Newton's laws, like any other laws of nature, are not absolutely exact. When moving at speeds close to the speed of light, bodies exhibit properties that Newton did not know existed.

Mechanics studies the movement of bodies. In physics, the abstract concept of "physical body" or simply "body" is used. By the body we mean any object, it can be a running dog, a man, a car, the Earth revolving around the Sun, etc. Having studied the laws of motion physical body, we can answer practical questions such as the speed of a train, rocket, person, etc.

The movement of bodies around us can be explained on the basis of Newton's laws, the scope of which is very extensive.

Mechanics based on Newton's laws is called classical mechanics.

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Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist who made a significant contribution to understanding the structure of the atom and quantum theory, once said: "If quantum mechanics did not shock you much, then you did not understand it."

Quantum physics has stumped scientists all over the world, especially with the discovery that our physical material reality is not physical.

"Everything that we call real consists of things that cannot be regarded as real."

It seems that the philosophers of our ancient past were right, our feelings really deceive us.

The meaning, significance and consequences of these conclusions about our quantum world have led to an abundance of ideas and theories, some of which lie within the label of “pseudo-science”. This article will present scientific evidence that clearly shows the connection between consciousness and what we call reality, and that this can no longer be denied. It will also allow you to reflect on the implications of this knowledge, and how this understanding plays important role opportunity, while we need it the most.

Scientific knowledge has been continuously changing throughout human history. The old "knowledge" is constantly abandoned when we are faced with new ones. Some new ideas are threatened by our current understanding of physics, but how can we have an idea of \u200b\u200bphysics when what we call “matter” doesn't even exist? How can we understand this if, when we observe an atom at the smallest level, its? The quantum world is certainly strange, and it's safe to say that we don't understand it, but we do understand the significance and potential it has to help change our world. We begin to recognize that it may not be physical properties that govern the universe, and we turn our attention to consciousness and the role it plays in relation to the physical components of our reality.

The notion that an atom is the smallest particle was shaken by the discovery that the atom itself is made up of even smaller, subatomic elements. What was even more shocking was the discovery that these subatomic particles emit various “strange energies”. Some scientists argue that the conclusions within the framework of quantum physics are applicable and meaningful only at the subatomic level, but do we not all exist at the subatomic level? When we observe ourselves and our environment at a minimum level, are we not made of atoms? Are we not made of subatomic particles? Are we not what we observe?

At the turn of the nineties of the last century, physicists began to investigate the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. As a result, the belief that the physical, Newtonian material universe, which was at the very center of scientific knowledge, was diminished, and the awareness that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists have begun to realize what is made of energy.

Quantum physicists have discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that constantly revolve and vibrate, each emitting its own unique energy signature. Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and understand who we are, then we must accept the fact that we are indeed beings of energy and vibration, emitting our unique energetic signature, which quantum physics has shown us over and over again.

We are much more than how we perceive ourselves. If you observed the composition of an atom through a microscope, you would see a small, invisible tornado, like a vortex, with infinitely small energy vortices of quarks and photons. It is they who make up the structure of the atom. An atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don't have any physical structure! Atoms are made of invisible energy, intangible matter.

That's a mystery, isn't it? Our experience tells us that our reality is made of physical material things, and that our world is objectively self-existing. At the same time, quantum mechanics shows that there is no true "corporeality" in the Universe, that atoms are composed of focused vortices of energy - miniature tornadoes that constantly appear and disappear. The revelation that the universe is not a construction of physical parts proposed by Newtonian physics, and instead comes from the holistic entanglement of nonessential energy waves, is based on the work of Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, including.

Despite the findings of quantum physics, many scientists today still cling to the prevailing prevailing worldview. These scientists are limiting the quantum theory of the subatomic world. If we know the world is not physical, how can we deepen our scientific discoveries by viewing it as physical?

"Despite the unsurpassed empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that this could literally be a true description of nature is still met with cynicism, misunderstanding and even anger."

T. Folger, “Quantum shmantum”, 2001

What does it mean that our physical material reality is not physical in principle? This can mean a variety of things, and concepts like this cannot be learned if scientists remain within the boundaries of the perception of the world as we see it. Fortunately, many scientists are already questioning the meaning and implications of what we have found with quantum physics. One of these potential revelations is that "the observer creates reality."

“The fundamental conclusion of the new physics also recognizes that the observer creates reality. As observers, we are personally involved in creating our own reality. Physicists were forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Innovative physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is directed towards a non-mechanical reality; The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a big machine. Reason no longer seems to be an accidental intruder in the realm of matter, we must welcome it as the Creator and ruler of the realm of matter. "

S. R. Henry, “The Mental Universe”

We can no longer ignore the fact that our beliefs, perceptions and attitudes (consciousness) create the world.

Now that we have found out that our reality is not physical, where should we go next? We are atoms made of subatomic particles, which are actually a bundle of energy vibrating at a specific frequency. These vibrational energy beings manifest a consciousness that creates and interacts with our physical material world.

Research has shown that positive emotions and peace within oneself can lead to completely different experiences for the person emitting these emotions, as well as forothers. At our subatomic level, do oscillatory frequency changes manifest physical reality? If so, how? We know that when an atom changes its state, it absorbs or emits electromagnetic frequencies that are responsible for changing its state. Are different states of emotions, perceptions and feelings the result of different electromagnetic frequencies? Yes! This has been proven.

The immaterial world is strange, isn't it? The fact that material substance (matter) emerges out of thin air, with a lot of evidence pointing to consciousness as what creates it, is very intriguing. One minute we feel a physical object in our hands, for example, a coin, and then the next minute we realize that if we look at this coin under an atomic microscope, we will see that we are not actually holding anything.

The best we can do now is to understand that humanity must work together, in cooperation and mutual understanding. We must realize that we are all interconnected, that we can easily solve our problems, given the fact that we have a number of solutions. This is the only way we can implement and apply these solutions through a shift in consciousness.

Physical world

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that our world is a most interesting place. We each have our own ideas about him. Unfortunately, among these ideas there are many and very perverted ones. Many people (for example, some priests and scientists) tell us that this world is a worthless, senseless and spiritless abode of evil and we are here only to rule. This myth is widespread in some religions ("God gave man power on Earth"), as well as in a number of interpretations of Darwin's natural science theory. I'm not going to challenge the theory of evolution (of course, we have evolved) or enter into a discussion about the age of the universe (of course, it has been around for a very long time), but you should know that Darwinism was perverted in its time to provide a non-religious alternative to the debunked now the biblical myth of the creation of the world, discrediting this level of the universe.

None of the belief systems that slander our world contain a drop of truth. Humanity is no more valuable than the animal kingdom, and the Earth is not at all a base world that needs our control. Moreover - and this should be obvious - neither we, nor our Earth are an accidental product of evolution. Both the planet and its inhabitants only concentrate energy, like everyone else, and it hardly makes sense to say that someone concentrates it “better”. It is equally pointless to think of the Earth, or our lower dimensions in general, as something grosser than the higher dimensions. The fact that we are in the area of \u200b\u200blow energies does not mean at all that our world is even a hair less significant, less exalted or less worthy of respect than the higher spheres from which we came here. Not at all. All discussions about hierarchy and control reflect and explain only human ideas about these things, and not the truth of the Immortal Spirit.

The truth is simple. Everything that you can see around is the creation of the Immortal Spirit.

This is all ours, and we are responsible for all this. One way or another, even if the physical world is “just” our creation, we should not underestimate it or our bodies (as in some ascetic practices), because in reality it is not “just” the physical universe. The physical world in this dimension is the true crown of creation, and we are its creators and protectors.

Our physical universe is undoubtedly unique. As we now know, it is the most "material" of all existing in different dimensions. In other words, it is the most durable, strongest, most "real" world among all levels of the universe. Partly due to its density and partly due to the fact that it is the result of many eras creative work Spirit, this is the most beautiful and most amazing thing that we have ever created. Galaxies, stars, planets, plants, animals, winds, tastes, smells - everything here is completely unlike anything that exists at any of the higher energy levels. Nothing that we have ever created could be more perfect than this clearing for the games of the frolicking Spirit.

This is an amazing treasure. If you stop reading and reflect on this, you will understand how terrible the myths about the imperfection of this world really are. You will understand what a terrible crime we are committing by destroying it.

The only "problem" concerning creation here at the lower vibrational levels is the one I have already mentioned. The ability to create is limited here. Not in the sense that their potential is limited. Not at all. You can still create whatever you want. The nature of the restrictions is different. Creation at this level is constrained by the density of matter (or, to be more precise, by its inertia). The matter of the world is too heavy and cold here. The movement of energy and the creation of things in this thick "soup" can be compared to a long train moving along the rails. It takes a lot of effort to get the train moving in the direction you want. Once started, it will be relatively easy to follow the chosen path for as long as needed. However, if you want to change direction or switch the train to other rails, you will first have to slow down, stop the train, switch the switches and start again. The lower you are in the measurement matrix, the heavier your train is and the more effort you put in.

Creation in our world is also limited because of its sensitivity. The subatomic particles that make up this universe are very fragile. They easily pass through the barrier between being and non-being and must be constantly held by the Spirit, otherwise they will simply disappear. At the same time, because of its power, the Spirit cannot put its full power into the creative intention; otherwise the matter will explode. If so, we should be patient. Let our train move slowly, move on, and carefully change direction. We do this without bringing down the full brightness of the consciousness of the Spirit on physical matter. At least that's how it was in the past. Interesting things are happening now. We see that if it is possible to lower the frequency of energy vibrations by several orders of magnitude, as long as physical matter is not formed, then, in principle, it is not a problem to increase the frequency of vibrations, provided that we can meet certain conditions. This means that, having created a dense and cold physical universe here, we can begin to move it back to vibrations of a higher dimension. Take another look at the Tree of Life (page 25). We can imagine this process if we take the sphere of Malkuth and begin to move it to the level of Yesod (and further from Yesod to Tiphareth). It is difficult, but not impossible.

A curious phenomenon should be noted here. The more we succeed in raising the vibrational status of matter as it ascends through dimensions, the more easily it responds to our creative intention. Of course, this is not at all the same as sawing a pipe with a hacksaw. In fact, we are talking about changing the physical order of the arrangement of atoms so that matter reflects our deepest creative intention in a way more similar to that to which we are accustomed to at higher levels. This means that when our universe ascends to the next vibrational level (and the next one after it), we will manifest our thoughts faster, much easier and more gracefully. The great thing about all of this is that by raising the rate of vibration of matter, we will not lose the key benefits of creation at our present, low level. That is, what we have created will continue to be durable, strong and beautiful.

One way or another, our goal is to increase the potential of the physical world. Most religions have something to say about this, and they are more or less clear. This process can be called the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the return from matter to Spirit, the manifestation of Shambhala, etc. They also speak of it as a path “back to God”. It doesn't matter what it's called: the idea remains the same. Raise matter to several levels-dimensions so that our creative intention can be easily manifested. In this way, we will bring the physical world back to the world of the Spirit.

Agree, it's great!

The reason why we should want this is immediately apparent.

This will joyfulevent, although it will frighten someone, but for someone it will turn out to be dangerous.

Of course, it won't hurt your soul in any way. She is immortal and indestructible. However, this process can be quite dangerous for your body. If your main method of interacting with the world is denial, if you are overwhelmed with anger, hatred, envy or other negative emotions, if there is no balance in your life, then with the further development of the ascension process of the universe, all this negative and disharmony will very quickly manifest in your immediate environment, as well as in your body. This means that any diseases you have will develop faster and with greater intensity. It also means that if you do not clear your thinking, then you run the risk of manifesting in your life only chaos, failure, illness and inevitable death.

Ascension can be intimidating because of deeply rooted beliefs that were implanted to prevent you from gaining your full bodily strength. In later chapters of this book, I will share with you a concerted effort to keep you at the mercy of fear and illusion. As you open up to the truth about your incarnation in this world and move forward, you will have to overcome the fear nurtured in you by the system that was created to keep you in emotional, psychological and spiritual rein. You will have to overcome the notion of your own worthlessness and claim your status as a co-creator of this physical universe.

This will not be easy for many of you. The fears you will have to deal with are very deep. Ironically, the self-esteem that should help you overcome these fears has come under fierce attacks from the very first day of your life on Earth. You are directly called a low, dirty, stupid and underdeveloped creature (or indirectly hinted at it). You are told that you are a child who needs constant care and guidance. And guardians-leaders are always right there: priests, bosses, parents. They also scare you that these influential people can judge you. You are told that you will fail in life if you don't do your job or study; you will suffer eternal damnation if you do not listen to God. All these absurdities are piling up in your soul, and you are simply afraid to look at yourself.

The trouble is, until you take a lookon yourself, you you can not see,who you really are - an incredibly beautiful creature made of light. Unfortunately, our fear of our own light is strong and strong, and as soon as we see a ray of this light, we shamefully flee from it. This state of affairs would be a grave offense to God if there were no reasons to keep your spirit in check. Later we will discuss this need for spiritual self-castration provided by the higher powers. Now, however, you should know that Ascension requires each of us to overcome deep-seated fears and delusions. In this sense, we no longer have a choice. You can go a long way towards overcoming your fears by reflecting on what it really is. love,and remember that “God is Love”, that God does not judge, curse, command and does not create servile slaves to play with them, in some crazy cruel games.

However, back to the topic of this chapter. The goal set before us in this physical universe is to raise the vibration of matter and return to a higher dimension.

We call this Ascension.

While the concept of Ascension is quite simple, in practice, Ascension involves some subtle nuances.

For example, creation even at the levels of higher dimensions, where the fabric of the world is light and ephemeral, takes a lot of energy. And with the advancement along the Tree of Life to the lower dimensions, the need for energy grows exponentially. In our world, even such simple things as obtaining light elements (hydrogen, helium, etc.) require a lot of energy and effort. The costs of forces and energy increase sharply with further movement along the periodic table. It takes much more concerted spiritual effort and much more energy to create heavy elements (such as uranium) and keep them stable. simple atom hydrogen. In fact, the available energy is not sufficient to maintain the stability of the heavier and more complex elements. Uranus and more complex elements are unstable; they disintegrate into stable forms, releasing the energy that held them together. This feature of energy, like the difficulty of keeping creation intact, also acts on the evolutionary ladder. The simplest organisms require less energy and less intention. By the time highly organized beings (of any kind) emerge, the need for energy becomes truly overwhelming.

As I mentioned, the need for energy also increases at the borderline points of ascension. These boundary points represent a kind of quantum steps through which creation must pass, moving down (descent) or up (ascension). Border points resist creation. Walking through them is like overcoming surface tension in a glass of water. A little extra effort - and now the barrier has been overcome, you have passed, you are floating unhindered - until you reach the next barrier. Having passed through the border, you also get a little extra energy (with other elephants, you accumulate a momentum of strength).

Now it should become clear to us what we must accomplish when we are born on Earth. Our main spiritual task is to generate enough energy to lift the physical world to the point of ascension and overcome the quantum barrier that prevents our universe from reaching the next, higher level of vibrations (dimensions). To put it a little differently - we need to scoop up enough energy from the universal reservoir to bring the body of Christ (which is our world - the whole world, with all its inhabitants) to ascension, so that we do not have to work hard as in hard labor to enjoy life.

Of course, being the Immortal Spirit and Sparks of the One, we already know how to do this. The problem has always been the practical details. To understand the principle of action and understand what difficulties we are dealing with, let us consider in more detail the structure of this universal reservoir of creative energy.

Let's sum up

So you've got some basic formulation of the meaning of life and the mechanics of the ascension process. You have learned that creation is an energetic process that involves moving through quantum energy levels from higher vibrational states to lower ones and back.

The benefits of moving down vibrational levels (descent) are that we receive more and more material embodiments of our intention. The price is such that we need more energy, and the reality we have manifested does not respond to our intention as quickly and easily as before.

Fortunately, the inertness and insensitivity of matter at this low level of dimensions will not limit us forever. Through our own efforts, we can return our physical world to the top rungs of the dimensional ladder. To do this, you need to increase the flow of energy in order to raise the rate of vibrations of our world and overcome the quantum boundaries that separate the levels of measurements. This is Ascension. What will it give us? Although the physical world around us will retain its dense material character, it will take less effort to create in it. As we ascend, we will enjoy the benefits of creation both in the higher dimensions and in the lower levels.

We will get the best of both worlds.

From a formal point of view, the ascension process has already begun. We have already “awakened” the material universe and pushed it through the lower quantum barrier. You can see evidence of this around you - notice how quickly your unmeasured behavior began to manifest. The simplest way see changes - think about such a physical dimension as time.Everyone notices that time has accelerated. In a much shorter amount of time than before, more things happen, more discoveries are made, and more things are created. “Time is shrinking,” people say. This compression is real. And this is a symptom that our physical universe is moving faster now than before. Time will continue to shrink for a period. However, when we are all embraced by the Earth ascension process and notice that now life requires less effort from us, our perception of time will return to normal.

The real test for us now is not ascension, but awakening. During ascension, the causes of our ignorance and fear cease to exist. The reasons for your fears and imposed ignorance will be sorted out when we discuss the problems associated with previous attempts to make the ascension. In any case, at this moment you should start getting rid of fears and illusions that prevent you from remembering who you really are. Otherwise, in the new conditions of the ascended universe, your illusions and fears very quickly and powerfully manifest. If you want to ascend without pages and negative consequences, move forward. To do this, simply state your intention to progress. Repeat a simple affirmation several times a day:

“I want to move forward. I choose life. I choose Ascension. "

And get ready for a glorious and exciting journey.
