Tatiana Goryacheva

Dear Colleagues! For the second year I have been the head of the city methodological association of educators of preparatory groups for school. Due to the fact that 2013 was declared the year of protection by the order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. environment in In November, a GMO meeting was held under the title "Environmental educational event as a way to implement complex - thematic planning, which allows individualizing the educational process." I present to your attention my message on this methodological association and a small photo report on the final event of the educational event in the kindergarten "Wildlife Day". I hope my material will be useful, because in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, kindergartens will work on educational events, like schools.


The integrative result of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education is the creation of a comfortable developing educational environment that provides high quality education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students and their parents. Today, the teaching community is faced with the task of establishing the priority of the child's individuality. In the transitional period, which the entire system of preschool education is going through, new guidelines have been identified aimed at:

Promoting the development of the child in interaction with parents;

Desire to make children's lives more interesting;

Formation of an initiative, active and independent child;

Reducing and simplifying the content of education for preschool children by setting targets for each educational area.

FGT assumed the need to build the educational process on the basis of a complex thematic principle, close to the so-called "event-driven" principle, which will make the life of kindergarten children more interesting, and the educational process motivated. The implementation of complex thematic planning is based on the following approaches:

A striking event in nature, social life of society or a holiday;

A striking event in a literary work of art;

Vivid events, specially modeled by the teacher, by introducing new, unusual interesting objects;

The object of the preschoolers' subculture (an element of values \u200b\u200bwithin the age group).

Approximate topics (N. V. Fedina)

Events that form a child's sense of citizenship (Day of Russia, Defender of the Fatherland Day);

Phenomena of moral life (Days of "Thank You", Kindness, Friends);

Phenomena of the surrounding nature (Days of water, land, birds, animals);

The world of art and literature (Days of poetry, children's books, theater);

Traditional festive events of the family, society and state (New Year, Spring and Labor Day, Mother's Day);

The most important professions (Days of the educator, doctor, postman, builder).

At present, there is an interest in the concept of "educational event" in the teaching environment, which is primarily associated with its effectiveness in the development of the child's personality.

What is the essence of the concept of "educational event"?

At the same time, any of the participants in the educational event is really a participant, not a spectator: everyone has their own meanings, their own activities, their own experiences, but the field of choice is such that the child should have unlimited possibilities in the choice of limited (content and time) resources.

According to BD Elkonin, “the event is not a consequence and continuation of the natural course of life. The event is connected precisely with the interruption of this flow and the transition to another reality. That is, the event should be understood as a responsible action, as a transition from one type of behavior to another, from one concept to another, from a misunderstanding of another to its development and acceptance. The event cannot be understood as an accident. The event presupposes a very serious, difficult and intense work and experience. "

Justification of the integrative possibilities of educational events:

1. During the implementation of educational events, modern educational technologies are used: project-based learning, problem-based learning.

2. Educational events contribute to the integration of the educational process.

3. Educational events form effective educational space, aimed at the formation of a holistic, diversified personality.

4. Educational events allow you to systematize, generalize and bring knowledge into a single harmonious picture of the surrounding world.

5. Educational events help to increase the teacher's motivation to teaching activities and the child for learning.

6. Educational events develop a creative attitude to one's own activity, make it possible to adequately evaluate it, develop skills for self-development and self-study.

7. Educational events contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

The event-driven approach is viewed as a pedagogical technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of a preschool collective and an individual.

In the event-driven approach, the unit of design is an educational event. There are different definitions of this phenomenon in the literature. "An educational event is a special form of organization and implementation educational activities, built as an intense meeting of real and ideal forms of generation and design of knowledge ”(BD Elkonin). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe event approach was borrowed from the pedagogical system of A.S. Makarenko, who noted that bright and exciting events are of great importance in a person's life.

It should be noted that the organization and implementation of EVENTS is viewed as a relatively independent goal of education and upbringing, which is to saturate life with bright, memorable events that cause a positive emotional response in the minds of children of all ages.

The teacher's activity in the implementation of eventfulness can be organized at various levels: in the process of conducting GCD, in the process of regime moments, individual and group forms, etc.

A feature of the teacher's activity is that it is flexible, differentiated and includes elements of spontaneity and improvisation, requires a number of professional skills and abilities, including the ability to observe the activities, behavior and relationships of children, analyze current events, and interpret the results obtained.

Stages of organizing educational events at a preschool educational institution:

Stage 1

- determination of the topic of educational events. Activities are recorded in the complex-thematic planning, the annual work plan of the institution, plans for educational work,

Stage 2

- determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation.

Ideally, a joint activity of the teacher and pupils should be organized here, but in practice this does not always work out. Therefore, the teacher himself determines the goals and objectives of the educational event. If several teachers participate in this event, then they organize this activity together.

There is a definition of the goals of organized educational activities, different in content and form, traditional and non-traditional. The teacher determines what additional resources he needs to conduct an educational event (joint activities with other teachers, parents, etc., their joint activities are also planned, a model for achieving the set goal is developed, the means necessary to achieve it are determined, activities are detailed at each step, taking into account individual personality traits, group relationships and readiness for the event.

Stage 3

- preparation for an educational event.

In the process of preparing for the educational event, the pupils acquire the knowledge and skills that will be needed during the educational event. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks, the guys cook creative work, the thematic materials are viewed.

Stage 4

- conducting an educational event, the most wonderful and long-awaited moment of action.

The very scenario of the educational event is developed by the teacher.

Vivid visibility (design of an exhibition from children's works, design of the event venue according to the theme, creative play action, surprise and surprise are mandatory criteria for preparing an educational event.

Stage 5

- reflection, the effect of participating in an educational event.

Based on the results of the educational event, an exchange of views on participation in the event is carried out, participants share their impressions, express their opinion about what they have lived through. At the assessment stage, the results obtained are analyzed, the effectiveness of the educational impact is determined, the positive and negative experience of organizing and implementing the event is taken into account, taking into account the analysis carried out, adjustments are made to the educational process.

The value of an educational event lies in the fact that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects a picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture personal qualities a child - this is efficiency, perseverance, diligence and the quality of interpersonal communication - this is creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of a teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new opportunities for their personal qualities.

"Educational event" Wildlife Day "at the preschool educational institution"


Human life is filled with events. Different. Memory mechanisms are arranged in such a way that a person remembers exactly events - significant phenomena, facts of personal and social life. Everyone has their own life experience, which is composed of events. First day at school, first love, admission to university, graduation, first job, birth of a child, first sports victory, first literary publications, first ... Note, when we talk about events, very often the definition of “first, first” is basic. It turns out that the event is in many ways what happened for the first time? Of course, everything is much more complicated.

Especially at a young age, a person's life is a sequence of different events that have different emotional tonality and nature of impact. All the variety of events taking place in a person's life can be classified on various grounds. For example, according to the nature of the emotional response, one can distinguish positive events, which cause joyful emotions, and negative ones, which are associated with troubles and failures.

An event is what happened, this or that significant phenomenon, a fact of public, personal life. The problem of eventfulness in educational environment becomes more and more relevant, since it is directly related to the creation of the necessary cultural conditions. In this regard, Remorenko reports that the eventfulness of the school structure is the principle of open pedagogy that underlies the model of “our new school”.

In most cases, a person strives for events that create a positive resonance in life, and to avoid negative events that can be harmful. However, there are both individual individuals and entire age groups (for example, adolescents), for whom the event that can cause strong emotional experiences is decisive. They usually strive for "strong" experiences if they lack eventfulness. Therefore, eventfulness with any sign is accepted. Teenagers want not only to be witnesses of the current events, but also to become active participants in it. It seems important for them to tell about the event, to create their own image of “event personality” in the minds of their peers.

The psychologist believes that the events that cause significant changes in a person's life are called critical. The scientist identifies normative and non-normative critical life events. Regulatory events include events that usually occur at a certain age and have a certain content. Abnormal events are events that are atypical for most people. They lead to a fundamental loss of control, disorganization, depression, underestimation of their capabilities. They are unpredictable and impossible to prepare for.

It seems interesting to study the scientist who defines the concept of "event" through the prism of such a complex contextual concept as "community" - a set of people, organized or unorganized, small or large group. The content of another meaning of this concept is the inclusion of people in permanent or temporary forms of joint activity, depending on the presence of common values \u200b\u200band meanings. Some modern researchers adhere to an even narrower understanding of the community. From this point of view, community is the unification of people on the basis of common values \u200b\u200band meanings: moral, professional, ideological, religious, etc. Community here is, first of all, the internal spiritual unity of people, characterized by mutual acceptance, mutual understanding, internal disposition of each to each other. friend.

believes that communities in which not statuses, but positions rule, are a space for development. He calls such a community "co-being" or "co-being community." Etymologically, “co-being” means being together, living together, but from the point of view of semantics, the basic meaning of the word is preserved - something significant and important in human life.

The community of events is characterized by the completeness of connections and relationships. As noted, the main function of co-being is developing. “… Co-existence is that which develops and develops. Accordingly, the very course of development consists in the emergence, transformation and replacement of some forms of compatibility, unity, co-existence with other forms - more complex and of a higher level of development ... ”.

Proceeding from this, it can be assumed that it is within a specific event community that human abilities are formed (arise) for the first time, allowing a child, firstly, to enter various other communities and join certain forms of culture, and, secondly, to leave this community, individualize in it and create new forms yourself, that is, be original.

Such reflections, conclusions and practical recommendations are effectively extrapolated to the educational system of children's health camps, to the organization pedagogical process in educational and health centers. Indeed, the community of adults, which over the years has developed a special style of behavior, attitude towards the child, towards creativity is a co-existence for children who, albeit for a short period of time, fall into this community, are imbued with its traditions, rules, and attitudes. This means that in this community, temporal-spatial, but spiritual and professional, certain effects, positive phenomena, which we call events, should play a primary role.

Organizing events is an important task for a teacher. The event method, as a part of the environmental method, must be considered in the context of the pedagogical process. The pedagogical process is an integral educational process, characterized by the joint activities of its subjects, cooperation and co-creation, contributing to the development and self-realization of both the student and the educator. The pedagogical process is filled with events, or at least should be filled. A decrease in the eventful saturation of life can cause a low realization of internal capabilities, a reduction in achievements, as well as deviant behavior of young people. Prevention of deviant behavior of schoolchildren is possible through the organization of activities, situations saturated with events that affect the value-semantic sphere of the individual. This is one of the reasons why a teacher, when working with schoolchildren, needs to master the technology of organizing and implementing life events.

What is the event method and how is its mechanism of action applicable in the conditions of a children's health camp (center)? The event-driven approach is a technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of a team and an individual. It affects the mental and emotional sphere of the pupils, which means that it has a holistic, systemic character. What is seen, experienced, organized personally have a strong impact on the child, and this impact on a person or a group is provided on the basis of the organization in the pedagogical activity of events that cause strong emotional experiences. The event-driven approach was reflected in pedagogical activity, which noted that "bright and exciting events are of great importance in a person's life." ...

The life of the children's team should be filled with creativity, interesting activities, work stress, and this is the basis for creating bright and successful events. What is the specificity of the event-based approach in the conditions of the NDC "Zubrenok"?

Above we mentioned that the event is largely characterized by first, that is, an unforgettable trace leaves what was for the first time. A child who has come to Zubrenok for one shift or another should, in a good sense, face new

events, phenomena, impressions. Moreover, this new has the property of territoriality, that is, such a novelty is possible in a specific context, "here and now."

The main form of this novelty should be holidays- collective and creative, combined forms, involving a wide range of both demonstration and interactive methods. To organize them, it is necessary to include children in the preparation and organization of the holiday. The holiday is a milestone in the life of the team, separating one period from another. The biographical effect of the holiday is achieved through various means: an upbeat, solemn atmosphere, vivid experiences, specially organized affairs, interesting guests, the implementation of the principle of openness, involvement, etc. The possibilities of the center, its infrastructure, experience of creative novelty, professionalism of teachers allow organizing events- holidays with high quality, professionalism and competence.

The determining aspect in upbringing based on life events is the organizational aspect, which includes pupils in the development of a scenario, preparation and implementation of a life event. In the planning process, one should take into account the fact that the attitude towards the event is determined by the system of expectations, the measure of the involvement of students in the activity. Also, possible options for interaction with different participants in the educational impact, institutions, groups are determined in order to optimize the educational impact. At the stage of accomplishment, the event is directly realized in specific living conditions. The implementation of the event is carried out in accordance with the developed and approved annual plan.

An important point and specificity of the organization of the pedagogical process from the point of view of the event approach is the so-called. "Zone of near impact". Communication with peers, reflection of the evening light, attending circles, winning individual competitions, organizing research activities - everything can become an event for a child.

The role of the teacher is to manage events as a tool of influence. The event connects the teacher, the pupil and the situation into a single whole. Educational influence is carried out not only by direct relationships, but also by the context that is set by the situation or event. From this point of view, the task of the educator contains the organization of precisely those events that have a positive impact on the personality.

The scientist believes that in order to implement the event approach in the educational process, it is advisable to organize alternative activities, within which the desire for risk, the search for thrills, increased behavioral activity, provoking strong emotional states of schoolchildren, can be realized. Suffice it to recall the most popular games of summer projects in the NDC "Zubrenok" - the detective game "The X-Files", the evening game "Octopus", extreme projects, etc., which in practice confirm the above thesis.

The event approach as a technology for organizing and managing events occupies an important place in the system of forms and methods of education. It allows you to establish close links between real life and educational, educational content, life processes occurring in a person or group, and their pedagogical significance. The effectiveness of the educational influence of the teacher based on the event-based approach is determined by the level of proficiency in the relevant methods and professionalism.

Summing up, we note that the event community is a space for the development of the child. In the process of relationships, communication with adults, there is “a child's acquisition of his soul”. This happens because through external stimulation, direct connections with adults, the child forms self-awareness.


Anikeeva, the climate in the team: Methodical

material /. - M.: Education, 1989 .-- 223 p.

Vachkov, I. V., Deryabo, the world of training. Methodological

the basics of the subjective approach in group work. , S. D.

Deryabo. - SPb., 2004.

Pencils, development. Part one. Introduction. ... Minsk, 1997.

Manuilov, approach to education. ... - M .: Pedagogy, 2000. №7.

Makarenko, pedagogical compositions: in 2 volumes. - M., 1977.T.1.

Nemov,. Training for students of higher. ped. educational

institutions. In 3 kn. Book. one. General basics psychology. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education: VLADOS, 1995 .-- 576 p.

Rosin, such an event? (Analysis of the conditions of the philosophical

Prepared, Methodist

Teacher primary grades School №3

Sevostyanova Lyubov Vladimirovna

Pavlovsk, Voronezh region


Today, the teaching community is faced with the task of establishing the priorityindividuality child. In the transitional period to the Federal State Educational Standard, which the entire education system is going through, new targets have been designated aimed at:

·​ a desire to make children's lives more interesting;

·​ promoting the development of the child in interaction with parents;

·​ the formation of an initiative, active, independent child.

It is these guidelines that require new types of interaction with children, parents, teachers, and the surrounding society.

How does an “educational event” differ from an “event”?

In the encyclopedic dictionary of the teacher, underevent understood"A conventional generalized name for any more or less organized interaction between children and teachers, which has a goal, content and the corresponding implementation methodology." Parents were grateful spectators. The question arose of how to make parents active participants in educational relations. And here the idea of \u200b\u200ban event-based approach comes to the rescue, borrowed from the pedagogical system of A.S. Makarenko,who noted that bright and exciting events that cause a positive emotional response are of great importance in a person's life.

What is the essence of the concept of "educational event"?

The essence of the educational event lies in the fact that special conditions are organized to create a “product of joint activity”, during which children, together with their parents, live a significant event, gain experience, knowledge, show initiative, independence, and rejoice at their successes and the successes of others. Any of the participants in the educational event is really a participant, not a spectator: everyone has their own meanings, their own activities, their own experiences.

As B.D. Elkonin “The event is not a consequence and continuation of the natural course of life. The event is connected precisely with the interruption of this flow and the transition to another reality. That is, the event should be meaningful as a responsible action, as a transition from one type of behavior to another, from some ideas to others, from a misunderstanding of another to its mastery and acceptance. The event cannot be understood as an accident. The event involves a very serious, difficult and intense work and experience "

An educational event is

·​ Meaningful creative action.

·​ Discovery of the meaning of what is happening for each participant.

·​ What develops and what develops.

·​ That which is created together, but individually understood.

·​ The way of human life creation.

·​ Unique, it cannot be repeated.

Stages of implementation of an educational event

Stage 1 Determination of the topic of the educational event. Recorded in the institution's annual work plan.

Stage 2 Determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation. Determination of goals determine what additional resources are needed to conduct an educational event, determine the means necessary to achieve it, develop a model for achieving the set goal.

Stage 3 Preparing for an educational event. In the process of preparation, children receive knowledge and skills that will be needed during the course. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special tasks and the children prepare thematic materials.

Stage 4 Conducting an educational event. The brightest, long-awaited moment of action. The script is developed by teachers. Registration of the venue, creative joint activities. And as a result - the design of the exhibition of products of activity.

Stage 5 Reflection. The effect of participating in an educational event. Following the results, an exchange of views on what has been lived is carried out, they share their impressions.

Justification of the integrative possibilities of educational events:

1. During the implementation of educational events, modern educational technologies are used: project-based learning, problem-based learning.

2. Educational events contribute to the integration of the educational process.

3. Educational events form an effective educational space aimed at the formation of a holistic, diversified personality.

4. Educational events allow you to systematize, generalize and bring knowledge into a single harmonious picture of the surrounding world.

5. Educational events contribute to increasing the teacher's motivation for teaching. and the child for learning.

6. Educational events develop a creative attitude to one's own activity, make it possible to adequately evaluate it, develop skills for self-development and self-study.

7. Educational events contribute to the successful socialization of the individual.

The event-driven approach is viewed as a pedagogical technology for organizing and implementing significant events in the life of the school collective and the individual.

The teacher's activity in the implementation of eventfulness can be organized at various levels: in the process of regime moments, individual and group forms, etc.

A feature of the teacher's activity is that it is flexible, differentiated and includes elements of spontaneity and improvisation, requires a number of professional skills and abilities, including the ability to observe the activities, behavior and relationships of children, analyze current events, and interpret the results obtained.

The value of an educational event lies in the fact that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects a picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child's personal qualities - these are working capacity, perseverance, diligence and the quality of interpersonal communication - this is creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of a teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new opportunities for their personal qualities.

According to Furyaeva

allocate two formats in education: educational and event-based... In education, the project-event component is being strengthened. Let us turn to a more detailed consideration of the concept of "educational event". An educational event is a form of organizing educational activities that is built as an intense meeting of real and ideal forms (Mirkes, Mucha)

An event is learning in action. It presupposes inclusion in the proactive forms of generating and formalizing knowledge. In the event there are different forms of communication, interest in the creation and presentation of a specific product. Event formats include: business games, immersion, Olympiads, educational tourism, trainings, educational projects, programs. In the real education process, it is important to coordinate educational and event modes. The specificity of the event format, in contrast to the usual educational format, consists in the following seven characteristics concerning the tasks, participants, the process of organization, the nature of the activity, and internal effects. In the event form of the organization educational process articulated special tasksthat are activity-oriented solution urgent problems, on fixing key contradictions, gaps, etc. Professional specialists are necessarily included in education. Particular attention is paid to the reproduction of organizational culture, active non-judgmental communication.

The entire educational process is an active, product-oriented activity that involves the implementation of various kinds of trials. In this sense, an educational event is a space of competent trials. It cannot have a complete assignment of tasks and a mode of action. There is uncertainty, there is a high intensity of communication, emotional experiences, semantic richness and openness. In fact, what is happening has a huge energy potential, which gives the effect of an extended spring, the tension of all participants, turned on at the limit of their capabilities.

In event-driven education, special support is required, which involves:

Specially built space of reflection (detection of deficits and successes);

Formulating a task for your own promotion (diaries, stories, newspaper, magazine, etc.)

An important characteristic of education organized in an event format is the educational result . It captures personal and activity growth, the appearance of new formations in the field of experience of subjectivity, the acquisition of reflexive experience of self-determination and resource management. Reflection of a new type is aimed at identifying one's own deficiencies, determining a method of effective action in a situation of uncertainty. In general, upbringing and education make sense if they are filled with real events. As you know, the main sign of an event for a person is the presence of meaning due to the memory and experience of the past, as well as goals, dreams, plans and hopes for the future. Physical time devoid of eventfulness is the time of decay, decomposition. It is not held by human memory, which is eventful and not chronographic. And then this void is filled with either boredom or vanity. Instead of events, life is filled with either aimless search for entertainment and pleasure (time is killed), or is not filled with anything (drags on, puffs). Events are not events where goals do not live. The objectives of the event are defined and set by adults, so the activities do not become events for children.

This approach should also be considered as one of the aspects of the activity approach. Its essence is the transformation of any planned event into an interesting business for everyone, capable of leaving an unforgettable experience.

In the event-driven approach, the unit of design is an educational event. There are different definitions of this phenomenon in the literature. "Educational event - a special form of organization and implementation of educational activities, built as an intensive meeting of real and ideal forms of generation and design of knowledge ”(BD Elkonin).

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe event approach was borrowed from the pedagogical system of A.S. Makarenko, who noted that bright and exciting events are of great importance in a person's life.

Principle eventfulness assumes that the process and content professional development possess such characteristics determined in the studies of E.M. Safronova as:

a) the personal significance of any phenomenon, deed, someone's deed,

behavior, actions for a person;

b) the impact of some fact, phenomenon on the emotional sphere of the individual,

the ability to "touch a living", "leave a mark" in the memory, perhaps even in


in) internal dialogicity of a fact, phenomenon, deed, affecting

value-semantic, moral sphere of personality, which entailed

the need to make a decision, to make a choice on the basis of moral principles, and not blindly following the known truths, but only realizing

experiencing and accepting them independently into your inner world as a kind of moral guideline;

d) affirmation in activity (intellectual and cognitive, sense-seeking, artistic and creative, reflective-analytical and

others) the dignity of the individual, its intrinsic value;

e) a kind of “spiritual and moral catharsis” that occurred due to contact with an aesthetic object, or an object that is a moral value; the pupil's achievement of a significant result for him, success in any field of activity (participation or victory in a drawing competition; for the first time independently performed work of a creative nature), that is, everything where a person has achieved success on his own or with the help and support of a peer, teacher, parents ...

Based on this, the bearer of the "event" can be:

a) joint creative activity, turned into co-existence, that is, into

cohabitation of reality;

b) a movie, a play, a book, an article that will help you unexpectedly find

the answer to an important question for personal growth when expressing your own

relationship to the world through the product of creative activity;

c) "meeting" with significant personthat can leave a noticeable mark

in life. All the above levels of events can also take place at

organization of the process of forming the experience of activity.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

New pedagogical technologies Municipal budgetary educational institution Pavlovskaya average comprehensive school №2 Pavlovsky district of Voronezh region Teacher of history and social studies Chereshneva O.E.

2 slide

Slide Description:

3 slide

Slide Description:

Technology is a detailed way of carrying out a particular activity within the framework of the chosen method. Pedagogical technology is such a structure of the teacher's activity, in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and presuppose the achievement of the predicted result.

4 slide

Slide Description:

The criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology: an unambiguous and rigorous definition of learning objectives (why and for what); selection and structure of content (what); optimal organization of the educational process (how); methods, techniques and means of teaching (with the help of what); taking into account the required real level of teacher qualifications (who); objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is it so).

5 slide

Slide Description:

Educational technology: fits easily into the educational process; allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and the education standard for a specific academic subject; ensures the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanization of education and a personality-oriented approach; ensures the intellectual development of children, their independence; ensures goodwill towards the teacher and towards each other; a distinctive feature of most technologies is special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality; clear focus on the development of creative activity.

6 slide

Slide Description:

Modern pedagogical technologies (PT) are subdivided into 9 main types: ________________________________________ PT based on the activation and intensification of the activity of PT students based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the PT educational process based on the personal orientation of the PT pedagogical process based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material Private subject PT Alternative PT Nature-friendly PT Technologies of developing education PT of author's schools

7 slide

Slide Description:

Priority technologies developing education; problem learning; multilevel training; collective learning system (CSR); technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ); research methods learning; project teaching methods; technology "debate"; technology of modular and block-modular training; lecture - seminar - credit training system; technology for the development of "critical thinking"; technology of using game methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games; learning in cooperation (team, group work); information and communication technology (ICT); health-saving technologies; the system of innovative assessment "portfolio"; distance learning technology; workshop technology; group training, etc.

8 slide

Slide Description:

Modern pedagogical technologies Health-saving technologies Integrated learning technologies Project activities (individual, group, collective) Educational and research activities Cooperation technologies Personality-oriented technologies Learning based on learning tasks and situations Information and communication (ICT) Differentiated learning technologies Business games Problem-based learning Students' portfolios computer technologies interactive technologies Technologies of different levels of education

9 slide

Slide Description:

The following educational technologies are widely spread: Information (computer, multimedia, network, distance) technologies Projective and activity technologies Creative technologies Game technologies: imitation; operating rooms; role playing; "Business theater"; psychodrama and sociodrama Technologies of personality-oriented education Ethnopedagogical technologies Collective and group methods of teaching Trainings Coaching (individual training, training) Network technologies

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11 slide

Slide Description:

Technology of eventfulness Authors: Troitskiy Yu.L., Tyupa V.I. etc. The essence of technology: the development of a culture of objective thinking, enrichment of personal experience and value relationships students In order for the lesson to become eventful, the content must be presented in the form of textual eventfulness, a set of documentary works that imply a polysemy understanding

12 slide

Slide Description:

Stages of organizing educational events Stage 1 - determining the topic of educational events. Stage 2 - determining the goals and objectives of the upcoming educational event, planning the stages of preparation. Ideally, a joint activity of the teacher and pupils should be organized here, but in practice this does not always work out. Therefore, the teacher himself determines the goals and objectives of the educational event. If several teachers participate in this event, then they organize this activity together. Stage 3 - preparation for the educational event. In the process of preparing for the educational event, the pupils acquire the knowledge and skills that will be needed during the educational event. Creative workshops are held here, children are given special assignments, children prepare creative works, and thematic materials are viewed. Stage 4 - conducting an educational event, the most wonderful and long-awaited moment of action. The very scenario of the educational event is developed by the teacher. Stage 5 - reflection, the effect of participating in an educational event. Based on the results of the educational event, an exchange of views on participation in the event is held, the participants share their impressions, express their opinions about what they have lived through.

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Forms of organizing events in the lesson: "Basket of walnuts" The phraseological combination "tough nut" is used when they talk about the essence of which cannot be recognized at first glance and the problem of which cannot be easily solved without great efforts or the help of other people. Some life issues are solved without difficulty, like seeds, and other issues accompany a person all his life, often remaining unresolved. "Walnut" is a visual image of the difficult question of life facing the student. Sometimes he hopes for help from someone, often he is sure that he will cope with his spiritual obstacles himself. However, the moment of identifying a problem, its formulation, and putting it forward as the main issue in life is already the beginning of a solution. “A basket of walnuts” is a conversation about what a student cares about, before which he pauses in thought, what he cannot cope with yet - questions as strong as a walnut that cannot be cracked without a tool and without much effort.

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"Discussion swing" The essence of this entertaining form is in imitation of a swinging swing: two partners swing the "swing" with alternate jolts on the board; the stronger the push, the higher the take-off of the "swing". Partners become two groups of children, located opposite each other. After the question for discussion is proposed, they in turn from each group express judgments on the proposed question - "swing" I start to move. By encouraging, correcting, directing, strengthening the statements of children, the teacher supports the course of the discussion "swing" until it seems to him that the strength of the children has been exhausted. He stops the swing. "You can't swing in debt - your head will spin!" - sums up the discussion. The moderator sets the rhythm for the conversation, supports the game element of the form, sometimes comments on the course of the discussion, supporting the participants in their efforts. He also contributes to the preservation of an elevated level, making sure that the “swing” does not “crawl on the ground”, but ascends in understanding the essence of the phenomena of life.

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"Theater impromptu" The method of organizing an impromptu theater is extremely simple. The text for "Voice-overs" is compiled, usually fabulous, fantastic, detective, so that entertaining events unfold on the stage. Then - all the characters of the performance are recorded, indicated on the cards. These cards are distributed among the children who have come to the performance, and they are immediately invited backstage. In the course of the sounding of the text, which carries information about the actions of the heroes, the actors appear from behind the curtains and perform everything that is reported by the Voice-over. It is necessary that in the play there are many actions that replace one another, so that the turn of events is unexpected and, in the end, funny and a little funny. The characters are people, animals, plants, things, and natural phenomena such as wind, lights, clouds.

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In conclusion, reflection is required, the effect of participating in an educational event. Based on the results of the educational event, an exchange of views on participation in the event is carried out, participants share their impressions, express their opinion about what they have lived through. At the assessment stage, the results obtained are analyzed, the effectiveness of the educational impact is determined, the positive and negative experience of organizing and implementing the event is taken into account, taking into account the analysis carried out, adjustments are made to the educational process. The value of an educational event lies in the fact that it creates a holistic unity of the educational process, and its content reflects a picture of everything studied, acquired, accumulated, formed in the creative, speech, cultural, emotional sphere. The educational event also presents a holistic picture of the child's personal qualities - these are working capacity, perseverance, diligence and the quality of interpersonal communication - this is creative cooperation, kindness, responsiveness, empathy. Preparing for an educational event is a creative process and joint activity of a teacher, children, parents, where everyone finds a place for themselves and learns new opportunities for their personal qualities.

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The advantages of this method are obvious and, therefore, when answering the question whether educational events are needed in our school and whether we will continue to work in this direction, we say unequivocally "yes", because there is a guarantee in obtaining new knowledge not provided for by the program; experience of joint activities of students and teachers is gained; it is a great way to motivate the development of cognitive interest; the child acquires the skills of conscious choice, partnerships, interpersonal communications; the child learns self-expression, self-determination, self-realization and reflection; every child is involved in an activity that has a cultural content and that he likes. Finally, educational events foster respect for the country's history and cultural traditions. Thus, an educational event is a wonderful way to organize an interesting school intellectual life.
