
- to acquaint with the letter "C";

- continue to work on the proposal;



Summary of literacy classes

(in the preparatory group)

Topic: “Sound (C). Letter (C).

Prepared by the teacher:

Fatkulbayanova A.V

Topic: Sound (c). Letter (c).


To consolidate the skill of pronunciation of a sound (c);

Ability to hear in a word, highlight and name a sound;

Exercise in determining the place of sound in a word, in sound analysis of words, in highlighting a stressed vowel;

Introduce the letter "C";

Continue working on the proposal;.

To consolidate in children the skill of forming nouns with a diminutive-caressing meaning using the suffixes -c-, it-, -ts-.

Foster positive motivations for the lesson.

Equipment: large-format letter C, cards with syllables (u, li, tsa, li, tso, ku, ri, tsa, si, ni, tsa, pa, lec), cards for each child with words in which the letter C is missing (zay_y , ov_a, caterpillar_a, _irk, chick_), object pictures for each child with the sound C, split alphabets, pens.

The course of the lesson.

Organizing time
The one who affectionately names the object so that the sound of Ts appears in the word will sit down.
Soap-soap, oil-butter, window-window, dress-dress, tree-tree, swamp-swamp, mirror-mirror, business-business, body-little body, dish-saucer.

Acquaintance with the topic.

Today we will remember the C sound and work with the C letter.
Remember the name of the Ts sound.
Look at the letter C.

Composing words from syllables.
-When I went to the d / s today, Dunno was walking towards me. He was very upset. He was asked at school to write a word, but he forgot which one, he only remembers that this word contains the syllable CA. Let's think about what word could be asked to Dunno. (Children come up with words).

Let's play the game: "The words crumbled."
-The words crumbled into syllables and all messed up. Collect the word and read it. (The teacher of the defectologist writes the syllables of one word on the board, the child comes out and collects the word, the children read.)

You have word cards on your tables, but they are missing the letter C. Write the letters and read the resulting word.

Finger game "Chickens".

Five chickens, (Thumb and forefinger are beak, the rest
pressed to the palm)
Five lumps (clench all fingers into a fist)
In the yard they stand by the barrel (Use your fingers to depict the barrel)
They wanted to get drunk (Open your beak fingers)
Water flows from the cracks. (Fingering with your fingers, lowering your hands from top to bottom)
Here are chickens drinking from a puddle (Show how chickens drink)
And everyone's paws are chilled (Fingers are trembling)
Here the claws tightened, (Press the crooked fingers to the palm)
We ran to warm ourselves to the kvochka. ("Run" your fingers on the table)

Drawing up proposals for individual pictures.

-Guys, look at your picture, come up with a sentence for this picture and count how many words are in your sentence. (Children pronounce their sentence and name the number of words in it).

- Guys, what time of year is it? What appears in the spring? (Flowers)

- Listen to the sentence: "Flowers are blooming." How many words are there in this sentence? Now we will lay out this proposal from the letters of the split alphabet. But first, let's repeat the rules of the proposal. (Together with the teacher, the defectologist, they repeat the rules for writing sentences and lay them out from letters).
Outcome: Well done, everyone worked well today

Synopsis of correctional and educational activities "Adventures of the Chicken Chicken" for older preschool children

Purpose: teaching children the methods of maintaining health, stimulating performance, thinking and speech activity.

Correctional educational tasks: clarify the pronunciation of the sound [c]; develop phonemic hearing, improve the sound-syllabic analysis of words. Correctional and developmental tasks: to develop intonational expressiveness of speech, thinking, auditory memory, visual perception, coherent speech, speech breathing.

Correctional educational task: to form mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment: mirrors, individual schemes, object pictures, finger puppets "chickens", cane puppets: horse, chicken, fox, hare, bear, plot picture "In the yard".

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist:- One, two, three, four, five - get into a circle to play! A new day has arrived, let's greet it with a smile. I will smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, affectionate.
- Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in kindness, beauty, health, and exhale through your mouth all the resentment, anger, grief (Lyric music sounds.)

2. Communication of the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Children, guess the riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells. Who is this?" (Chick)
Psycho-gymnastics: Depict a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he crawls out of the shell: first he stuck out the head, then the right wing, then the left. Chicken in the rain, chicken basking in the sun.
Hear what story happened once with Chicken Chicken. He took her chickens out into the yard for a walk, looking for worms. And Chicken Tsyp was the most disobedient, at first he looked out from under the gate, saw a flowerbed with flowers (I show a large flower: color therapy is blue) and decided to go to smell the flowers, then he played catch-up with a grasshopper, then studied the path of the caterpillar for a long time and ... got lost.
Chicken doll appears
Chip: What should I do, how to find my way home.
(An audio recording of the horse's hooves ts-ts-ts sounds)
Chip: Oh, can you hear what that weird sound is?
Speech therapist: Children, who do you think is jumping? (Horse) How do its hooves knock? (Ts-ts-ts)
Today you and I will study the sound [ts] and help Tsyp to return home.

3. Sound characteristic

Make the sound [c] while observing the articulation in the mirror. Children analyze the pronunciation of the sound [c] according to the scheme. The lips are smiling, the teeth are drawn together, but not closed, the wide tip of the tongue is lowered behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is pressed behind the upper teeth. A strong air blast breaks this barrier. The voice doesn't work.
Speech therapist: -What is the sound [c]? Children: (The sound [c] is a consonant, always hard, deaf.)

4. Exercise in pronunciation with elements of su-jok therapy, the development of motor skills, prosodic components of speech.

Speech therapist: The Horse Queen will show us the way

a.) Pronunciation of a poem
Pronunciation of the poem by tapping out each syllable with the fingers of both hands alternately from thumb to little finger (applicator casts).
You are a horse, gray side.
Knock with your hoof
Let's go home soon.

b.) pronunciation of syllables
jumps fun over the stones: tsa-tso-tsa-tso
neatly jumps over streams: ac-oc-uts
climbing hard: tsva-tsvu-tsvy

Horse: Walk from the well two cells to the right and one down. There is an egg sitting under the tree, he will show you the way further. (One of the children makes a move on a sheet lined in a box)
Speech therapist: Children, who is this egg? (Hare).

5. Pronunciation of sound in words, the development of phonemic representations.

Hare: I will tell you the way if you can help me name the words a). The game "Be attentive." - Consider the picture "In the Yard". Name a word with the sound [c], in which there is one syllable (two syllables, three syllables).

(Chain; eggs, porch, flowers, sheep, starling; stairs, hen, chickens, greenhouse, cucumbers, well.)

Hare: Walk two cells down and three to the left, there, near the old mill, someone is waiting for you (Children guess the word fox by the first sounds)

6. Development of auditory attention and memory, sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis of the word "chicken".

Fox: Oh, what wonderful children. Do you want to play with me
The game "Remember-repeat" with elements of self-massage
Open up, third eye
Teach us soon. Massage the point on the bridge of the nose
Our memory will be better
Check it out for yourself. We massage the points on the temples.
The words heron, ring, scissors, flowers are suggested.
Starling, singer, lollipop, well done
Fox: Tell me, what is the name of the chicken's mother?
Children: Chicken.
Sound analysis of the word chicken

Speech therapist:
-How many syllables are in the word chicken? (Three)
-Name the first syllable. (NS)
-How many sounds are in it, name them. (NS)
The syllables "ri" and "tsa" are understood in a similar way.
Children lay out the word scheme on their own.
Fox: Well done, we did everything right. Go four cells down and one to the right, there is someone sitting in the clearing, eating lollipops.

Speech therapist: Guess who is sitting in the clearing. In the name of this animal, the first sound is [мь], the last [a], her cubs are small cubs.
Bear: You guessed it right, well done. Smell what my flowers smell like.

7. Formation of prolonged speech exhalation, relaxation.

Exercise "Oh, how candy smells!"

Now take a rest in my clearing, and then I'll show you the way further.
Muscle relaxation "Magic mat"

Together with the speech therapist, the children take hold of the edges of the rug. All together raise it up, taking a breath, on the exhale, lower the rug down, drawlingly say: "Oo-oo-oo". The exercise is repeated 3 times.
Then the rug is spread, the children stand around it and say the "magic" words: "One, two, three - rest!" Then the children go to the mat, make a circle (the sun) and lie down with their heads in the center of the circle (calm music sounds)

Eyelashes go down ...
Eyes close ...
We are resting quietly ... (2 times)
We fall asleep magically ...
Our hands are resting ...
They get heavy, fall asleep ... (2 times)
The neck is not tense
And she is relaxed ...
The lips are slightly parted ...
Relax so nicely. (2 times)
Breathes easily, evenly, deeply.
We are having a wonderful rest.
We fall asleep magically ...
It's good for us to rest
But it's time to get up.

8. Prevention of visual fatigue and myopia.

Speech therapist: Look at what a beautiful butterfly flies over the meadow.

Let's trace the flight of the butterfly with our eyes. (Simulator "Butterfly")
Children follow a given trajectory with their eyes.

Bear: Well, guys, have a rest? Listen where you go next: go three cells to the right and one up, there is a house on the outskirts of the village where the chicken lives.
(One of the children makes a move)

Speech therapist: And here is the house in which the chicken Chicken lives. (The picture "Chickens in the yard" is exhibited) We saw Chickens, were delighted and invited to play with them, to invent dreams-tales.

9. Development of coherent speech.

Children come up with a dream-fable about what happened to the chicken and the object that is drawn in the picture.

10. Reflection.

Speech therapist: Today we did a good deed with you, helped the chicken find its way home. Who helped us and showed us the way? (Answers of children).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 8 of the combined type of the Novooskolsky district of the Belgorod region".
Prepared by a speech therapist MBDOU d / s # 8:

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Swallow "in the village of Taezhny"

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy "Sound and letter C"

prepared by a speech therapist

Kudrina Natalia Vladimirovna

Taezhny, 2014

The sound and the letter C.

Goals: introduce children to the sound C and the letter C; Development of phonemic hearing; teach to pronounce the sound C in syllables, words, sentences; learn to determine the place of sound in a word; improve the skills of sound-syllabic analysis of the word CHIP; develop children's fine motor skills and graphomotor skills.

Equipment: grandfather, woman, chicken with chickens, shells with tasks, sound C, symbol of sound C, sandbox, pictures with sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word, a cloud attached to the ceiling, letters C, schemes for sound-syllabic analysis.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time... Guys, guess the riddle:

Appeared in a yellow fur coat,

Goodbye two shells.


Who is the mother of the chickens?

Children: chicken.

Do you want me to tell you a story?

1. A speech therapist tells children a fairy tale:

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a poached chicken. The chicken laid eggs not golden, but simple ones, and small, yellow chickens hatched from them. But suddenly an evil sorceress flew in and carried the little chickens to a distant sandy land. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the chicken is crying: "Save my little chickens."

Guys, can we help the chicken? Save her little chickens?

Children: Yes.

But to get to this country, you have to complete many tasks. But I think you can handle them. So, let's hit the road.

1. And here is the first task: Pronounce the Ts sound correctly.

Children pronounce the sound C in chorus, individually. A speech therapist gives a characteristic of the sound C (consonant, deaf, hard, denoted by a blue circle).

Well done boys! You have completed this task.

2. Repetition of the syllable chain for a speech therapist.

Repeat after me:

TsA - TsO - TsU - TsY

AC - OTs - UC - YTS

3. Finish words with CA syllable.

And now I will speak the words, and you end this word with the syllable CA: milli (CA), vodi (CA), pevi (CA), smoke (CA), umni (CA), sick (CA).

Well done boys. Our path continues.

4. Selecting the sound C at the beginning, middle, end of the word from the pictures.

Are you tired on the way?

Would you like to drink some water from the well?

Children: Yes.

Oh, but there is no water. What's this?

The speech therapist takes a picture out of the well.

Children: Ring.

And where is the sound C in this word?

Children: in the middle of the word.


The speech therapist places the picture on the panel. Etc. with the rest of the pictures. Children take out pictures, name the word, the place of the sound C in the word and place it on the panel.

5. Guessing riddles.

We continue our way. (On the way there is a tree). The tree blocks our way to the sandy land. We need to guess riddles and then maybe the tree will let us through.

Speech therapist makes riddles to children.

Long and green in the garden,

And in the tub, yellow and salty.

Running up the mountain

Somersault from the mountain.

6. Drawing up suggestions based on pictures-answers.

Now let's make sentences with answer words.

Children make sentences. The tree is removed. A sandy land in front of the children.

Well, here we are in the sandy land. Let's call the chickens: CHICK-CHICK-CHICK.

What? Our chickens do not respond. We need to complete one more task, then we will definitely find them.

7. Drawing up the scheme of the word CHICK.

Let's outline the word CHICK.

Children do sound-syllabic analysis of the word.

The music of the wind sounds, the letters fall from the clouds.

8. Acquaintance with the letter Ts.

Oh, what is it guys?

Children: Letters.

What letter is that? Maybe some of you already know?

Children: This is the letter C.

The letter C corresponds to the sound C. Let's write the letter C on the sand.

Children write the letter C in the sand and see a chicken in the sand. Found in all chickens.

So we found all the chickens. Let's take them to the chicken.

Children carry the chickens to the hen.

9. Lesson summary.

Children, grandfather and grandmother ask what tasks did you complete? Were the tasks difficult? What sound have we met today? Grandfather and grandmother thank you, and while you were away, the chicken laid more eggs, but not simple ones, but magic ones. They are with a surprise. Help yourself!

The speech therapist distributes chocolate eggs to the children and says goodbye to them.


    We speak correctly. Synopsis of frontal classes in the preparatory logogroup / O.S. Gomzyak. - M.: Publishing house GNOM, 2011.

    E.V. Kuznetsova Development and correction of speech in children aged 5-6 years: class notes / E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

    N.V. Nishcheva The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with OHP / N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2001.

Svetlana Tsedilenko

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution

kindergarten of general developmental type number 33 "Stream"

with. Mikhailovka of the Mikhailovsky municipal district

Lesson summary

on ZKR, sound"C"

teacher Tsedilenko S.A.

with. Mikhailovka

Topic: Summary of the lesson on ZKR, sound"C"

Target: formation of correct pronunciation sound"C" in words and sentences



exercise children in clear pronunciation sound"C" (isolated sound, in words and sentences);

develop the ability to determine by ear the presence of sound"C" in words;

develop the ability to pronounce words with sound"C" in a sentence;

improve the intonation expressiveness of speech;

exercise in word formation;


develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

develop the articulatory apparatus of children;

develop phonemic hearing and auditory attention.


to cultivate benevolence, attention, perseverance, the ability to bring what has been started to the end.

Planned results:

the child willingly performs articulatory gymnastics; takes part in games with desire; shows interest in drawing in technique "Scratchboard".


1.painting depicting a titmouse;

2. items for the game "Wonderful bag" (scissors, flower, hare, book, ring, paints, doll, phone);

4. items for the game "What sounds like" (spoons, accordion, tambourine, drum, bell, rattle, abacus);

5.pictures: lion cub and lioness, tiger cub and tigress, bear cub and bear, wolf cub and she-wolf, chicken and hen;

6. a painting depicting a hen, chick and heron;

7. a painting depicting a chicken and a rooster;

8.Sample of drawing a chicken in technique "Scratchboard";

9. sheets of green;

10. brushes, stacks, glue stick, decorative eyes, napkins, plates, cups;

11. costume of chickens for children, chicken for the teacher.

Preliminary work:

a story was composed "Tit";

learned articulation exercises "Hours", "Swing", "Let's brush our teeth" etc. ;

learned finger gymnastics "Fruit palm";

prepared sheets for drawing technique "Scratchboard".

Course of the lesson:

The teacher invites children to rub their palms, stretch their fingers, squeeze and unclench their fists, shake their hands.

Finger gymnastics "Fruit palm".

(Children alternately unbend their fingers from the fist, starting with the big one and pronounce the words).

This finger is an orange

He is certainly not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot

Growing high on a branch.

This finger is a pear

Requests: "Well, eat it!"

This finger is a pineapple

Fruit for you and for us.

Then he suggests developing a tongue.

Articulation exercises.

"The tongue greets the chin"

The tongue wakes up -

He was not used to sleeping for a long time.

And asked at the chin:

- Hey, what's the weather like?

"The tongue greets the upper lip"

Smile, don't be rude

Hello upper lip!

"Hours" (tongue movement to the left, then to the right).

"The cat licks milk" (with a wide tongue, make movements back and forth).

"Swing" (tongue reach first to the nose, then to the chin).

"Slide" (the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is arched).

"Let's brush our teeth" (make movements with the tongue either behind the upper teeth, then behind the lower ones).

Educator: These are our clean teeth. Reads a story "Tit" (puts the card with the titmouse on the board).


It was a cold, snowy winter. And the birds found it increasingly difficult to get food. The tit flew up to the house and sat on the porch. The door to the house was open. She flew into the veranda. The children saw her and gave her bread crumbs. The tit was hungry. She began to peck bread crumbs and sang merrily "Ts-ts-ts" and flew away. Can you sing a tit song?

(How did the titmouse sing? Let's sing together the song of the titmouse)... Individual and choral responses.

A game "Wonderful bag"(in pouch: scissors, flower, ring, hare, book, paints, doll, phone).

Children take an object out of the bag and say whether there is a tit song or not.

A game "What sounds like?"

Children examine sounding objects (accordion, bell, abacus, rattle, spoons, metallophone)... Then the objects are removed behind the screen, and the children have to determine what sounds.

The teacher praises the children that they correctly identified by ear what sounds, even without seeing the object.

Educator: Guys, each of us has a mom. And the chicken has who it is? (chicken)- showing a picture.

The teacher reads a story about a hen, a chicken and a heron (a picture for the story is put on the board).

The chicken mother laid the egg, and the Chicken Chicken hatched from the egg. Chicken mom rejoices and condemns: "Chick-chick-chick, my chick!"... The heron came to congratulate the chicken and gave her a mirror.

Children should name in which words from the text there is a tit song (chicken, egg, chicken, Chicken, heron, mirror).

- How did the chicken mother say? (Chick-chick-chick, my chick)

Dance break

"Chick-chick-chick, my chickens! (children have caps of chickens)

Educator: Tell me which chicken (small; weak; fluffy, like a lump)... What colour is he? (yellow, golden).

And what kind of mother chicken? (kind, caring, attentive).

Then a painting is exhibited showing a chicken and a rooster. The teacher calls the child, and he tells what kind of chicken.

Educator: And what kind of cock? (big, strong, important, bright, colorful, variegated).

- Guys, do you like small, yellow, fluffy, like lumps, chickens? (Yes)

- Let's draw them (drawing a chicken in the technique "Scratchboard").

- Whose song did we learn to sing today?

In conclusion, the children sing a song "Chick".

Svetlana Odintsova
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Acquaintance with the sound and the letter C"

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic:

« Acquaintance with the letter and sound C

Target: Reinforcement of the covered material

Tasks: 1. To acquaint again with the letter and sound C.

2. Learn to relate letter with the sound Ц.

3. Exercise in the ability to describe sound, give him the appropriate characterization (voiceless, hard, consonant) .

4. Consolidate in the ability to find and mark a place sound in a word(beginning, middle, end) a certain symbol; divide words into syllables.

Equipment: letter C, pencils, colored pencils (blue, red, green); cards with tasks, plasticine.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: -Guys, today we will remember what are the sounds and let's play games with them, let's get acquainted with the letter again, which we have already studied, and which one, you will find out a little later.

What are the sounds?

Children: -Vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless.

Educator:-Right. Now listen puzzles:

On the sixth palace

There is a singer in the palace (starling)

Whoever is frightened is saved under the bush

Angry wolf gets caught in the teeth (Hare)

No windows, no doors

The room is full of people (cucumber)


Educator: -Tell me which is the last sound did you hear in the words-guesses?

Children:-Sound C.

Educator: (suggests repeating all the answer words again, but so that you can clearly hear sound C) .

2. Feature sound.

Educator:-What do you think, sound Vowel or consonant?

Children:(answer) .

Educator: -Place your palm to your mouth and say sound C... How air comes out of the mouth (not free, in jerks).What is an obstacle to the air (tongue, teeth) .

Now put your hand on the neck, say it again sound C... Is the neck trembling?


3. Acquaintance with the letter C.

Educator:(puts on the board letter C)

Do you know what is on the letter the sound C is denoted by the letter C... What does it look like?

Children:(offer their options)

Educator: -A about letter There is little poem:

D-chain, decoration

All people for a feast for the eyes.

Let's repeat together (repeat 2 times) .

Reading words with a new one letter

Educator: compose a word using the first letters of words: chicken, stork, sail, swallow, yacht.

- What word is hidden here?

Children: It turns out the word heron.

4. Sculpting plasticine letters.

Educator: -See what elements it consists of letter C? .

Children: -From sticks.

Educator: -How many stick elements are in it?


Educator: -Take a piece of plasticine and mold the letter C yourself.

Children:(perform the task)

5. Physical education minute "Heron".

Educator: -Now you will not be guys, but turn into a heron, which is waiting for a frog in the swamp. (execution of movement in accordance with the text)

It's very hard to stand like this

Do not lower your leg to the floor

And don't fall, don't swing

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

6. Work with handouts.

Educator: -Guys sit down at the tables, Take the cards with assignments, consider them and answer that you are leading to them?


Educator: -The first task on the first line: designate a place sound C in a circle(at the beginning, middle, end of a word) to each drawing, with a simple pencil.

Children: (perform the task)

Educator: Second the task: on the second line, divide the words into syllables that I will pronounce (wrestler, singer, seller) .

In which group you can combine these words (professions)

-Third task: on the third line write letter C... And tell me what letter C can sound mean?


Educator: -What do you draw a square under letter Ц?


7. Verbal and play exercises.

Game "Tell the word".

Educator: -Leads a chicken (chickens)

On mom's finger (ring)

Grows green in the garden (cucumber)

They are placed in a vase (flowers)

Educator: - You have finished speaking, and now come up with a sentence with these words.

Children: (come up with a sentence with these words)

8. Game "Smack the word by syllable" (material fixing)

Educator: -I will tell you the words, and you will have to clap them on syllables: dancer, blacksmith, seller, wrestler, singer, cucumber, heron, queen, circus.

9. Outcome:

What are the words with sound [c] you remember? (Children list words with sound [c] who remembered.)

- From what with letter and sound you met today? What have you learned about him? What did you like the most on occupations?

The answers of the children are heard.

TASK number 1.

TASK number 2

