The wolf at night, thinking to climb into the sheepfold,
Went to the kennel.
The whole kennel rose suddenly -
Feeling the gray so close to the bully,
The dogs are flooded in the stables and are eager to fight;
Houndsmen shout: "Oh, guys, thief!"—
And in a moment the gate is locked;
In a minute, the kennel became hell.
They run: another with a club,
Another with a gun.
"Fire!" they shout, "fire!" They came with fire.
My Wolf sits, huddled in a corner with his back.
Clicking teeth and bristling wool,
With his eyes, it seems that he would like to eat everyone;
But, seeing what is not in front of the herd
And what comes at last
Him to comb for the sheep, -
My trickster has gone
In negotiations
And he began like this: "Friends! Why all this noise?
I, your old matchmaker and godfather,
I came to put up with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel;
Let's forget the past, set a common mood!
And I, not only will not touch the local herds,
But he himself is happy to squabble for them with others
And with a wolf's oath I affirm
What am I…" - "Listen, neighbor, -
Here the hunter interrupted in response,—
You are gray, and I, buddy, are gray,
And I have long known your wolf nature;
That is why my custom is:
With wolves, otherwise do not make the world,
Like skinning them off."
And then he released a flock of hounds on the Wolf.

Moral of the fable "Wolf in the Kennel"

It doesn't matter when, but everyone will have to answer for their misdeeds - that's the kind of morality the writer put into his lines.

Committing various, sometimes not at all good deeds, a person does not care at all that he harms and offends others with them, and does not know that it may turn out that he will later encounter those who were offended or their defenders. Such individuals do not reflect on the fact that they can be punished or called to account.

Believing that there is simply no equal to them in strength, such people hope that they will be able to behave outrageously with absolutely impunity.

But even if patience for someone who does bad deeds in life, offends the weak, was very, very long, there will come a moment when it still ends one day, and after that neither “negotiations” nor obligations will be able to help him ever again. commit such misdeeds. No one will believe in his repentance and desire to improve.

This fable makes it clear that for every strength there will be a great strength, and the weak will have a reliable defender, and everyone will certainly need to answer for a bad deed and be punished.

Wolf in the kennel”- Krylov's fable, allegorically describing the failed negotiations between Napoleon and Kutuzov. Wolf in the kennel- a real masterpiece of the fable genre.

The situation described in the fable reproduces the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. Napoleon conquered many European states quite easily, just as the Wolf easily copes with helpless sheep. However, having entered the borders of Russia, Napoleon realized that he would not see an easy victory: “A wolf at night, thinking to climb into the sheepfold, got into the kennel” ...

Listen to the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel"

The wolf at night, thinking to climb into the sheepfold, Got to the kennel. Suddenly the whole kennel rose up - Sensing the gray so close to the bully, The dogs burst into the stables and rush out to fight; Houndsmen shout: "Oh, guys, thief!" - And in a moment the gate is locked; In a minute, the kennel became hell. They run: one with a club, another with a gun. "Fire!" they shout, "fire!" They came with fire. My Wolf sits, huddled in a corner with his back. Clicking teeth and bristling wool, With his eyes, it seems he would like to eat everyone; But, seeing that there is not in front of the herd And that it comes, finally, to Him to comb for the sheep, - My sly one set off Into negotiations And began like this: "Friends! Why all this noise? I, your old matchmaker and godfather, Came to put up to you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel; Let's forget the past, set a common mood! And I, not only will not touch the local herds in the future, But I myself am glad to squabble over them with others And with a wolf's oath I affirm that I ... " - "Listen, , neighbor, - Here the hunter interrupted in response, - You are gray, and I, friend, are gray, And I have long known your wolf nature; Therefore, my custom: With wolves, otherwise do not make peace, How to remove the skin from them off. And then he released a flock of hounds on the Wolf. From the school curriculum

Good to know!

Fable " Wolf in the kennel has its own historical background. It was written during the Great Patriotic War of 1812.

One fine day, Ivan Andreevich Krylov spent the evening in the Olenins' living room - it was there that he learned all the latest news about the war.

Turgenev told a story about how Napoleon asked for peace, and Kutuzov took and refused him. There could be no question of any truce while the French were in the very heart of our country - Moscow.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov listened to her with special trepidation and excitement. It was even noted that he brushed away tears from his eyes.

That evening, Krylov unusually early left the hospitable home of the Olenins, where after that he did not appear for several days ...

It was at this time that the great fabulist wrote his work, called " Wolf in the kennel».

In his fable, he tells how a wolf secretly entered the sheepfold, but unexpectedly fell into a deadly trap. It was then that the robber got it: he was given a friendly rebuff, which he did not expect at all. After the predator got scared and offered a truce.

In the image of a gray-haired and wise Huntsman, Krylov shows Kutuzov, the great Russian commander. Napoleon, on the other hand, appears in the form of a wolf who wanted to attack Russia and win, but nothing came of it. The wolf is shown as a hypocrite, his appearance absolutely does not correspond to his speeches, which indicates extraordinary insidiousness.

Like a fable, it was born 4000 years ago. A witty allegorical narrative certainly contains the main idea - morality. This genre was brought to Russian literature and revived by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. If the first fabulists - the ancient Greek author Aesop, the German writer and playwright of the 19th century Lessing - preferred the prose form, then Krylov wrote all the fables exclusively in verse. "The Wolf in the Kennel" is a fable of high patriotic content, written during the years of the Great Year, at the time of the invasion of Napoleon's troops and their inglorious flight from the battlefield.

It is characteristic that at school the study of this work is not always accompanied by a reference to a parallel with a historical plot in which there are two main characters: the Stalker is the commander Mikhail Ivanovich Kutuzov, the Wolf is Napoleon. Meanwhile, it is in this context that the “moral of this fable” should be perceived. The analysis of the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel" is often done superficially, the work is presented as a fairy tale about an unlucky wolf who, "thinking to get into the sheepfold, ended up in the kennel." An unimaginable noise arose, the dogs rushed into battle, and the Wolf sat in fear, “huddled in a corner with his backside”, began to speak flattering speeches about good neighborliness. But you can’t fool the Huntsman: he knows the nature of wolves well, and he will go to the world, “only having removed the skin from them off.”

Used by I. A. Krylov, they vividly reproduce the atmosphere of military battles, the state of mind of the trapped Wolf, as well as the anger of the inhabitants of the kennel, where an uninvited guest showed up. Is it possible to more vividly describe the confrontation between the defenders of the Motherland and the aggressor, who, at the first danger, backpedaled and even tried to make peace - why not a wolf in a kennel? A fable is a miniature work, comparable in significance to an action-packed novel or a historical story.

What is Wolf in the Kennel really about? The fable describes a real historical fact from the time of the Patriotic War. Realizing that he could not defeat the Russians, the emperor decided to make peace with Kutuzov. However, these negotiations did not take place, and any attempt to make peace would be doomed to failure. The enemy troops were utterly defeated and shamefully fled, freezing in the snows of Russia and losing thousands and thousands of people. This is colorfully and metaphorically written in the satirical picture "The Wolf in the Kennel". The fable was written precisely in the memorable year 1812.

The fabulist gave his creation to the army Kutuzov. History tells that Mikhail Ivanovich, going around his regiments, would certainly read to the soldiers by heart "The Wolf in the Kennel". The fable contains the following words: "You are gray, and I, friend, are gray." With these words, Kutuzov each time took off his cocked hat and showed his gray head. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the soldiers knew no bounds.

The meaning of this fable is so transparent and obvious that the author did not even accompany it with his traditional explanation - "The moral of this fable is this." The one who defends his home and his land cannot be defeated or tricked by some tricks - that's the whole moral of the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel". She is out of time. That is why it remains relevant to this day.

You are gray, and I, buddy, are gray

Krylov. Wolf in the kennel.

A hint of Napoleon, who was trying to enter into negotiations, and of Kutuzov, who saw cunning in Napoleon's proposals and said about Napoleon: "He can beat me, but never deceive me."

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "you are gray, and I, buddy, gray" in other dictionaries:

    You are sir, and I, friend, sit. Krylov. Wolf in the kennel. A hint of Napoleon, who was trying to enter into negotiations, and of Kutuzov, who saw cunning in Napoleon’s proposals and said about Napoleon: “He can beat me, but he will never deceive” ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    FRIEND, friend, husband. 1. A person with whom they have a friendly, short relationship, a close acquaintance. "All our friends are looking forward to seeing you." A. Turgenev. "All others, all friends until a black day." Merzlyakov. 2. Formula ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category of catchphrases. About authorship ... ...

    GRAY, about color, admixture of black, dark to white; shades of gray are different, but there are two main ones: hut and blue: hut gray, brown gray: gray wolf, gray hare, gray (unpainted) cloth: blue gray, blue gray: gray eyes, ash, ash, gray horse; … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    gray-haired, gray-haired; sit, sit, sit. 1. About hair: white, silver due to color loss. Gray beard. "There was a lot of gray hair in the sideburns and mustache." Goncharov. || With white hair that has lost its color. Gray-haired old man. "You are gray, and I, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    You, you, you, you, about you (Dat. te and wine. te and te colloquial, predominantly in proverbial expressions), pronoun. personal 2 persons unit part 1. Use. when referring to one person, predominantly. to a close person, as well as to an animal. “And I say to her: how do you ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Krylov I.A. Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769-1844) Russian fabulist. Aphorisms, quotes Krylov I.A. biography It's your fault that I want to eat. Wolf and lamb (Wolf) What thieves get away with, thieves are beaten for. Crow Almost everyone in ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    GRAY, gray, gray; grey, grey, grey. 1. The color that is obtained from mixing black with white. Gray cloth. Gray paper. Grey eyes. Gray clouds. Gray wolf. “You are gray (to the wolf), and I, buddy, are gray.” Krylov. Gray trotter. Gray hare. 2. change… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (Golenishchev Kutuzov Smolensky), 40th General Field Marshal. Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev Kutuzov [The Golenishchev Kutuzovs descended from Germany, who left for Russia to Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

The fable “The Wolf in the Kennel” by Krylov will tell about the unsuccessful attempt of the predatory Wolf to justify and save himself from the hounds.

Read the text of the fable:

The wolf at night, thinking to climb into the sheepfold,

Went to the kennel.

Suddenly the whole kennel rose up -

Feeling the gray so close to the bully,

The dogs are flooded in the stables and are eager to fight;

Houndsmen shout: "Oh, guys, thief!" -

And in a moment the gate is locked;

In a minute, the kennel became hell.

They run: another with a club,

Another with a gun.

“Fire!” they shout, “fire!” They came with fire.

My Wolf sits, huddled in a corner with his back.

Clicking teeth and bristling wool,

With his eyes, it seems that he would like to eat everyone;

But, seeing what is not in front of the herd

And what comes at last

Him to comb for the sheep, -

My trickster has gone

In negotiations

And he began like this: “Friends! why all this noise?

I, your old matchmaker and godfather,

I came to put up with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel;

Let's forget the past, set a common mood!

And I, not only will not touch the local herds,

But he himself is happy to squabble for them with others

And with a wolf's oath I affirm

What am I ... " - "Listen, neighbor, -

Here the hunter interrupted in response, -

You are gray, and I, buddy, are gray,

And I have long known your wolf nature;

That is why my custom is:

With wolves, otherwise do not make the world,

Like skinning them off."

And then he released a flock of hounds on the Wolf.

Moral of the fable Wolf in the kennel:

The moral of the fable is that you will still have to give an answer for your deeds anyway. The wolf, who wanted to get into the sheepfold, could no longer whitewash himself in the eyes of the dogs, wise by life experience. They knew that all the persuasion that the predator launched into would not affect his true nature in any way. He will continue to do his evil deeds in the old way, if you believe him. The fable teaches not only that every bad deed will come to an end sooner or later; but also to the fact that vile deeds should not be let go by those who pretend to repent only in order to be saved and continue to commit vile deeds.
