Why am I so dumb? Anyone who finds himself in a new, unfamiliar situation can ask a similar question. Moreover, the level of education and the degree of reading does not play any role here. He simply does not know what to do, because he has not formed certain patterns of behavior.

It's not scary, but it makes you think about a lot. To some extent, your own knowledge can even prevent you from feeling genuine self-confidence. A person who suffers from a lack of self-esteem in many cases finds himself in a situation where he begins to doubt his mental abilities and torments himself with the question: "What if I am stupid?"

A person who is dissatisfied with his relationships with people around him, as a rule, begins to seek the truth within himself. In some cases, the search takes several months or even years. It takes more time to define your true values. If you do not rush yourself and do not rush to conclusions, you can restore peace of mind. The main thing is to be able to sort out your own feelings, to understand the true reasons for the events taking place.

Signs of dullness

By what criteria do we usually evaluate ourselves? After all, it often happens that we exaggerate our own shortcomings, constantly considering them under our complexes. The habit of constantly monitoring your experiences can become entrenched over time and lead to unsatisfactory results. What do you mean, stupid person? Let's try to figure it out!

Inability to hear the interlocutor

Such a person is extremely inattentive to what is happening around him. He concentrates only on his own needs, and therefore tends to ignore people's reactions.

The inability to hear the interlocutor ultimately turns into the fact that others begin to consider such a not very distant person. From the outside it seems that he is completely incapable of delving into the subject of the conversation, does not know what it is about, that is, he is a bright representative of stupid people. In fact, such a person is overly focused on his own experiences.

Poor learning

If it is difficult for a person to memorize any material, it is likely that he has a small amount of memory. At the same time, concentration of attention necessarily suffers. Poor performance in school and subsequent educational institutions, as a rule, forms a significant degree of self-doubt. And many young people ask: "What if I am dumb in my studies?" They consider it completely useless to learn something new and apply the knowledge gained in practice. Extreme self-doubt creates additional problems associated with communication and self-realization.

It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate on the task at hand. Thinking about the question "What to do if I am stupid and lazy", you should be guided by an individual approach. Each person is unique and has distinctive characteristics.


In order for such a sense of self to form, good reasons are needed. It's just that no one considers himself to be a complete insignificance. The feeling of worthlessness is dictated by the feeling of one's own uselessness and the impossibility of somehow expressing oneself in society. Even once faced with misunderstanding, a person then expects ridicule all his life.

Insecure individuals tend to take too much into their own account, even those that are not directly related to them. So what are the reasons why so many people consider themselves stupid? Let's consider them in more detail.

The habit of comparing

When a person feels dumb, in most cases, conclusions are drawn based on comparing their own shortcomings with others' merits. And therein lies a big mistake! People cannot be the same and have an equal stock of knowledge in all areas. Almost everyone has the habit of comparing themselves to others. It comes from a lack of self-confidence. The more we dig ourselves, the harder it really becomes to focus on day to day tasks.

When a person compares himself to those around him, thereby he signs his own weakness, takes away precious energy from himself. Such a state cannot lead to something good, since it hinders development.

Disbelief in yourself

Only by fully realizing their own perspectives can a person move forward. Everyone has opportunities, but not everyone understands how to apply existing knowledge in life. Disbelief in oneself actually blocks many undertakings, does not allow the personality to open up. Thus, self-realization becomes impossible, since it is hindered by the arising strong fear of potential defeat.

Each failure is experienced very hard, as if the happiness of a particular individual depends on it. "Why am I so dumb?" - the person constantly asks himself, asking himself numerous other questions about his inferiority. In most cases, he is looking for opportunities to remake himself for a long time. This is because the fear of loneliness lives inside, coupled with the fear of not being up to par.


Uncertainty in their abilities is another reason why a person may begin to consider themselves a failure. It is hardly surprising that he does not understand much in life. If you constantly think about your own insolvency, then you can never move forward in important matters and issues.

Self-doubt makes it difficult to enjoy life, comprehend its boundaries and open up new perspectives. It is impossible to achieve success if you constantly look at yourself in search of answers to a wide variety of questions. You cannot oppress yourself with painful reflections about your personal unfulfillment.

Psychological trauma

A traumatic situation is one of the most serious reasons that can permanently undermine self-confidence. It is very difficult for a person who is convinced of his impenetrable stupidity to begin to perceive himself in the opposite way.

Psychological trauma and internal conflicts are a serious obstacle to feeling like a full-fledged person. The feeling of happiness depends on many factors, and it is always subjective.

When inside there is a conviction that you cannot master the most basic skills, an obstacle to the formation of a happy self-feeling is created. It really seems to a person that he is not capable of anything. Such thoughts are destructive: they do not help to cultivate self-confidence, but only convince the person of complete failure.

Interpersonal conflicts

Another reason why a person may consider himself narrow-minded is resentment. It usually interferes with adequately perceiving the surrounding reality. When some need for life is not satisfied, the personality develops internal deprivation. Sometimes a person does not understand what is happening to him, has developed the habit of considering himself incapable of realizing the most ordinary things.

The existing conflicts with people often interfere with the construction of normal harmonious relationships. Emotions such as fear, anger, resentment in many ways inhibit personal development, prevent the emergence of a sense of satisfaction. A person always needs to feel his need and involvement in the life of other people.

What to do

In order to get rid of the feeling of inner awkwardness, it is necessary to take certain actions. Without taking concrete steps, it is very difficult to let go of feelings of inferiority. What if I'm dumb? Asking such a question, you should be extremely frank with yourself. Having a set of clear steps, you can quickly get rid of the problem.

Working with self-esteem

Stop calling yourself dumb! It is very important to let go of your inner discomfort if you really want to start feeling differently.

There is no need to constantly harass yourself trying to cope with the existing problem. When a person calls himself stupid, he thereby signs his own weakness. Most likely, other people will begin to perceive it accordingly. However, it is worth remembering that a narrow-minded person will never think about his own shortcomings.

Developed reflection just suggests that a person is smart enough. It's just that some people do not know how to value themselves, find their strengths. You need to learn this! Working with self-esteem starts with accepting your individuality. It is impossible to achieve something significant without making any attempts to do so.

Constant self-education

What if I'm dumb? This question usually comes to mind for those who suffer from low self-esteem. And to feel confident, you really need to put in a lot of effort. The best thing would be to start self-education. Systematic exercises increase self-confidence, contribute to the release of a huge amount of energy, which can be used for useful purposes.

Self-education undoubtedly boosts self-confidence. Thus, a person ceases to consider himself stupid and narrow-minded. Sometimes it will take a lot of effort to release the inner feelings of inferiority.

Taking responsibility

This is an important and necessary step in order to keep moving forward at the moment when your hands are down. Taking responsibility implies that you need to stop complaining about life.

When we stop blaming others for what is happening in our lives, visible changes begin. It is necessary to try to ensure that self-confidence grows and grows stronger every day. If this is not done, then the person will constantly feel his complete failure in something, will not be able to start a new business without feeling guilty.

Feeling your own stupidity is a purely subjective feeling that you need to try to work with. You cannot get rid of the problem once and for all, because there is no magic pill, but you can work on yourself and change for the better.

Skills development

What if I'm dumb? You must definitely try to improve your abilities. You can't just stand still and not make any attempts at self-change.

The development of communication skills contributes to the formation of overall productivity. Then any business will be on the shoulder, and will bring moral satisfaction.

It is necessary to strive for a feeling of joy and spiritual fulfillment. The more we work on ourselves, the more prepared we become.

Thus, it is never too late to try to change something in your life. If a person feels rather insecure around other people due to lack of knowledge, this means that he needs to expand his inner vision. There is no need to dwell on the problem. You should always remember that there is a way out of any situation.

Oversensitivity refers to excessive psychological vulnerability. It is expressed in increased sensitivity, anxiety, and high sensitivity to any sensations. For a long time, such people were considered introverts, but modern research has shown that among hypersensitive people, only 70% are introverts, the remaining 30% are extroverts.

What other qualities are inherent in such people? “The nervous system of hypersensitive individuals is especially sensitive,” explains Ilsse Sand, Danish writer, psychotherapist and bestselling author of "Close to the Heart. How to Live When You Are Too Sensitive". - We notice many nuances and analyze them deeper than everyone else. We have a rich imagination and a vivid imagination. Thanks to their active work, our "hard drive" fills up faster, and we experience overexcitement. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you are hypersensitive, then in a situation of intense communication you will feel an overabundance of information earlier than ordinary people, which will make you want to withdraw and leave. "

However, it is these traits, according to many psychologists, that can enrich the life of hypersensitive people. “The cause of increased excitability lies in our overly sensitive nervous system, but thanks to it we are able to experience genuine joy,” notes Ilsse Sand.

It is hypersensitivity that makes us more creative, responsible, empathetic and attentive to those around us (which they undoubtedly appreciate).

True, this medal has a downside. “The oversensitive expect from others the same sensitivity that they themselves show, but in vain - most people are absolutely indifferent to the feelings of others. And it’s better to be ready for this than to be horrified over and over again, ”recalls Ilse Sand.

Too sensitive people: how to make your life easier

The first and foremost thing to do, according to the author of the book, is admit that you are different from the rest, and stop considering your features as something bad.

The second important step is show yourself more gentle ... As Ilse Sand notes, highly sensitive people often have high standards of self and low self-esteem. “High standards must be strictly controlled, otherwise there is a high likelihood of mental stress. You need to focus on your own life principles and start the process of pacification. The rest is a matter of practice, - thinks Ilse Sand. “The feeling that you can be yourself and don't have to be overly helpful will have a positive effect on your self-esteem.”

* Find something to your liking and come back to it regularly. “Go for a walk and admire nature, pamper your senses with a bouquet of fragrant flowers, listen to good music, start keeping a diary, write poetry or prose, spend time with someone who is really dear to you,” writes Ilsse Sand.

* Learn to say no. In the absence of this skill, you will constantly suffer from overload and overwork. Don't worry: a politely worded refusal is unlikely to offend anyone.

* Do not wish for the impossible. “Maybe you have been reproaching yourself for many years in a row that you do not have enough strength for everything that others are doing. Or get angry with yourself and force you to do activities that overload your nervous system. This happens because you refuse to come to terms with the peculiarities of your personality and want to prove that the level of your abilities is no different from the level of the abilities of most of those around you, explains the Danish psychotherapist. - Stop going out of your way, proving to others that you are as strong as they are, allow yourself to be soft and sensitive, adjust your life exclusively for yourself and suddenly you will find that the state of happiness is very different from the usual sensations of eternal pursuit for you and struggle ".

Recognize your own characteristics and learn to live in accordance with them - this is perhaps the main step on the path to peace with yourself.

Elle Girl editors, as always, know the answer to your questions of the day;)

Answer: As I understand you! And for sure they not only do not look, but very much pay attention to you, only they are not the same all the time: uninteresting, boring, younger than you, or with some bad habits and bad character, right? If yes, then let's figure out what's the matter. That you are just a super-duper, we believe, and the entire editorial board, because we saw who asked this question, but it's all about you. There are five main reasons why you don't or attract the wrong guys.

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Reason one: your set of qualities scares guys away

Stop stop stop! This does not mean that you urgently need to become a mess, push your excellent self-esteem into a corner, pretend to be a fool and give up your goals. On the contrary, develop these qualities in yourself - they are very useful, just know that you do not attract guys who are much lower than you in terms of development. And this is very good. I repeat, in no case change yourself, so that the boys who surround you like it, sink to their level, just so as not to be alone - the last thing.

What to do: Determine what kind of guys you like, adequately assess whether there are such guys around you, and establish contact with them. If not, go to places where these guys appear more often. Since I don't know who your type is, when will you decide - make a request in Google, where these guys usually spend their free time - he knows.

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Reason two: you can attract older men

If you are over 18 - okay, that's great, you have a large selection of young people whose attention you can attract. Surely guys 18 and older are looking at you, you just did not pay attention or did not consider them as a potential couple. If guys from 14 to 20 are frightened by girls of your type (guys are simply not ready for responsibility and cannot match you, and you hardly need them), then older guys, on the contrary, are very attracted.

What to do: Try to change your mind about them and look for a guy among a different age category, just don't get carried away when you are 18, and he is 45 - this is a little too much. And if you are not yet 18 years old, then wait a little - everything will come by itself.

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Reason three: you are still too young

No, not in the sense that you are a baby, you still need to eat porridge, and not look for guys, you just may think that you are ready for a relationship, but in fact you are not. You will be surprised, but this psychological unpreparedness is reflected in our behavior, and the guys understand everything perfectly. You can also just look very young. In the modeling business, this is called a baby-face, girls with such faces look 13 years old, although they are already well over 20. Guys are sometimes just afraid to approach such a girl, after all, it is not written on your forehead how old you are, but in a criminal the code is very well spelled out what happens to relationships with children.

What to do: Don't worry. You don't need to paint brighter and wear revealing clothes to look older - just change the presentation. Start acting like an older, more serious girl, change your style a little (for example, stop wearing underpants with SpongeBob and a T-shirt with Mickey Mouse), and you will see that guys intuitively recognize you as a grown girl, not a naughty child.

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Reason four: There are simply no guys of your level in your social circle

No, well, we all go around like Christian Gray, Jamon Salvatore, Chuck Bass, Jughead, Ezra and Caleb, just not everywhere these guys are found. Theoretically, fate can push you if you ride the subway, and he is in an expensive car - the car may break down, and he will have to take the subway and cuddle up to you in a stuffy car for half an hour - but fate is a lazy and capricious thing, so you need to take everything into their own hands.

What to do: Stop waiting for the weather by the sea. I like athletes - go to the sports ground to get acquainted, like movie lovers - create yourself a blog about cinema and get accredited for press screenings full of film critics and experts, I like elegant young people - they are found at exhibitions, receptions, restaurant openings and other events - promote your Instagram account and get invitations, or even go yourself - the best parties are those to which we were not invited;)

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Reason five: you misrepresent yourself

And a little more about style. You are, of course, an athlete, a member of the Komsomol and just a beauty, and you know about it ... but the guys do not know! You don't walk around with a banner on which all your wonderful qualities are written? I hope that you have not yet reached this degree of despair. So, if they don't know about all your merits, how can they pay attention to you ?!

What to do: Emphasize your merits and learn to present yourself. Choose the perfect palette for your makeup - figure out which colors suit you, choose a hairstyle and stop tying them in a ponytail - this is a sign that you are in a hurry and you don't have time to style in the morning, and guys don't meet girls who are always somewhere- then they are in a hurry. Find your own style of dress (bloggers will help you) and do not wear whatever falls out of the closet every morning, and do not neglect accessories. Walk slower and don't cover your ears with headphones - this way you reduce the chance to meet someone on the street - a quick step will prevent you from catching up, and headphones will not call out, and the guy simply won't take steps so as not to look like an idiot. And also learn to present yourself, pay attention to Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Kate Middleton - they all have a style, and it is different for everyone.

Pushing aside dreams and tired of ideas, I look forward to winter like others do not. Remember when you promised it wouldn't rain? And they all go and go Surprisedly I look out of apartment windows - Am I in a dream or is it all in reality?

Remember when you said that all life is a dream? I woke up, and it's strange, I live And the next day I play my role again, And laugh out of place again. Remember when you said that love is pain ?! You are wrong, love is hell Anna Akhmatova. Poems of the classics.

Biographies of poets. Biography of S.D. Drozhzhin. -: Pushing aside dreams and tired of ideas, I am waiting for winter, as others do not. Remember when you promised it wouldn't rain? And they all go and go Surprisedly I look out of apartment windows - Am I in a dream or is it all in reality? Remember when you said that all life is a dream? I woke up, and it's strange, I live And the next day I play my role again, And laugh out of place again.

Remember when you said that love is pain ?! Pushing aside dreams and tired of ideas, I am waiting for winter, as others do not. Remember when you promised it wouldn't rain? And they all go and go Surprisedly I look out of apartment windows - Am I in a dream or is it all in reality? Remember when you said that all life is a dream? I woke up, and strangely, I live. But take wise advice: Let her read my poems, Let her keep my portraits - After all, the suitors are so kind! And these fools need a Consciousness full of victory, Than friendship, light conversations And the memory of the first tender days When you will live a penny of happiness with your dear friend And for a satiated soul Everything will become so hateful at once - In my solemn night Do not come.

I don’t know you. And how could I help you? I do not heal from happiness. It is very strange that at the end of such a bright and wonderful day I saw this particular work for the first time🤔 Pushing aside dreams and tired of ideas, I look forward to winter like others do not expect.

Remember when you promised it wouldn't rain? And they all go and go Surprisedly I look out of apartment windows - Am I in a dream or is it all in reality? Remember when you said that all life is a dream? I woke up, and it's strange, I live And the next day I play my role again, And laugh again out of place. Remember when you said that love is pain ?! Poems. Classics. A. Order the analysis of the poem. Categories of the poem "Anna Akhmatova - Moving away dreams and tired of ideas": Poems of Russian classical poets. Read a verse by the poet Anna Akhmatova - Moving away dreams and tired of ideas on the RuStikh website: the best, beautiful poems of Russian and foreign poets of the classics about love, nature, life, homeland for children and adults.

Read the poem by Anna Akhmatova "Moving aside dreams and tired of ideas" on the best poetry site. 💎 All the poems of great poets in one place. Pushing aside dreams and tired of ideas Pushing aside dreams and tired of ideas, I look forward to winter, as others do not expect. Remember when you promised it wouldn't rain?

And they all go and go Surprisedly I look out of apartment windows - Am I in a dream or is it all in reality? Remember when you said that all life is a dream? I woke up, and it's strange, I live And the next day I play my role again, And laugh out of place again.

Remember when you said that love is pain ?! You were wrong, love is hell !. The portal provides authors with the opportunity to freely publish and discuss works of contemporary poetry. Other articles in the literary diary: Moving away from dreams and tired of ideas Complete list of articles.

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Of course, this can only be your opinion, which is actually far from the truth. It is rare to meet really ugly people. It is important to understand that everyone has their own characteristics, and to perceive their far-fetched or real shortcomings precisely as features.

I consider myself ugly, how to be

Once Coco Chanel, who is now considered a style icon, said: "If a woman is not beautiful, then she is just stupid." Even in those days, there were many ways to highlight your very best and de-emphasize your flaws. At the present time, the fair sex has many opportunities to improve their appearance.

Realize that if you are not beautiful, then this is your choice. Want to get more compliments and love your reflection in the mirror? So we need to act! Determine what traits you are unhappy with, make a plan with points in which you write down how you can fix this or that problem. Now, with this plan in mind, get down to business!

Complexes or imperfect appearance

In fact, your lack of confidence in your own appearance can only be a complex that someone once instilled in you. Some kind of "flaw" was pointed out to you and you believed it.

Many of your "imperfections" that you are ashamed of people may not notice at all or do not consider them as such. Such self-doubt speaks of low self-esteem, and a visit to a psychologist can normalize the situation.

Probably, many have heard stories about stars who, having a beautiful appearance, were dissatisfied with themselves or had complexes about their outgoing youth, going under the knife of a plastic surgeon. As a result, the appearance, which seemed to be the standard for millions of people, was simply spoiled. Such celebrities include Renee Zellweger, Lara Flynn Boyle, Melanie Griffith, Meg Ryan and many others. Surely, these women decided on surgery, ceasing to consider themselves beautiful. Look at the photos of these actresses before plastic surgery, and make sure that their claims to themselves were very far-fetched.

How to understand that you are a beautiful girl

One of the main criteria in this matter is the compliments of others. If people periodically note the advantages of your appearance, then apparently you are really beautiful.

There are simply no definite patterns of beauty. The ideal changes every decade, and each culture has completely different ideas about female beauty.

However, note that beauty does not always carry charisma, charm, sexuality, or intelligence. It's great if you have undeniable external and internal virtues, but if you are deprived of physical beauty, you can be no less successful in all areas of life than written beauties.

Surely, you have often heard stories about how men leave their beautiful wives for the sake of seemingly completely inconspicuous persons. Many people ask the question: “What did he find in her?”, But when you watch such women live, everything becomes obvious - they are so charming, intelligent, sexy and attractive that the external “ordinary” ceases to be.

And this effect happens quite often. You may hear about some woman that he is very beautiful, but seeing her in the first second, you do not understand the general enthusiasm. Having started to observe such a woman, you suddenly also begin to notice her beauty. It's all about charm - people are not born with it, but actively develop it.

How to love yourself if I'm fat

If excess weight really upsets you, then there is only one way out - to get rid of it. Perhaps you think that you are doing everything possible, but the hated kilograms remain in place. This means that you are not, and you are not doing your best, in other words, you are not trying hard.

Girls who cannot lose weight are either not motivated enough or have health problems. To exclude the second option, undergo an examination with an endocrinologist, nutritionist, gastroenterologist.

Set yourself a deadline for which you need to lose weight. For example, you can read stories of girls who lost their personal weight. There are many groups of this orientation in VK, where you can see the results "Before" and "After", and make sure that with the proper degree of desire and perseverance, you can also find the desired forms.

What to do if I have an ugly face (long nose, bad skin, small breasts)

Many people believe that at least 50 percent of beauty is completely different qualities - not the nose or chest. If you have well-groomed hair, clean skin, healthy teeth and a slender body, then at least you can already be considered a pretty girl or woman. All of these points are quite achievable if you really want to.

There are several large sites on the Internet where girls leave detailed reviews with photographs of how they managed to grow their hair or bring it to perfect condition. There you will also find information about skin care, sports activities and harmless diets.

Also on the Internet there is a lot of information on how to visually smooth out certain flaws.

Plastic surgery is the way out

If this is not enough for you, and some part of your body or face is seriously poisoning your life, it seems that the time has come to think about surgery. Many women, for example, having done rhinoplasty, admit that they very much regret not taking this step earlier. Contact a specialist and find out his opinion - do you really need an operation.

Consider the possible risks. If plastic surgery remains the only option for you, then choose a clinic carefully. Look for real reviews, try to get in touch with the clients of the institution through the social network, asking them about all the "pitfalls" of the operation. Often, such interventions are not cheap, and if you do not have the required amount, then this is not a reason to be upset. Many clinics carry out the operation on credit, "splitting" the payment into several payments.

I don't like my height - I'm too tall or too short

No matter how tall you are, look for pluses in it. Tall and short are good in their own way. Tall girls are often jealous of miniature girlfriends, and those, on the contrary, are unhappy with their diminutiveness, dreaming of adding more than a dozen centimeters in height.

To make it easier to gain confidence, find information about celebrities who are about the same height as yours. They often look great and don't seem to have any self-esteem issues. See what these stars are wearing, what style and hairstyle they prefer, and try to get closer to these canons.

How to live for an ugly woman

What to do to love yourself

Realize that there is no second you in the world and this is great! Perhaps your appearance really has some flaws, but why did you decide that they are worthy of more attention than your merits?

Pay attention to your strengths, highlight them, and focus on them. Behave with confidence, and it will have a beneficial effect on the attitude of others. Probably, many girls noticed this phenomenon: a girl who is ugly in your opinion behaves confidently and even a little defiantly, and at the same time her personal life is developing remarkably, and many fans are seeking her attention. Self-confidence sometimes attracts much more than external beauty.

Makeup tricks and transformations with clothes

There are many videos on the Web that clearly demonstrate how even the most ordinary-looking person can turn into a model from the cover of a magazine after applying makeup correctly. Now there are many techniques, available beauty products and salon procedures that can significantly change your appearance for the better. Watch some video tutorials and you will find that these skills are not difficult to master!

Clothing, like makeup, is designed not only to hide nudity from others and to escape the cold, but also to draw attention to your advantageous sides, emphasize skin tone, visually enhance hair color, add or hide volumes in the necessary places and the like.

Determine your color type from numerous tables on the Internet and read which shades are right for you. It is possible that earlier, for some reason, you avoided, for example, pink, without even suspecting that the combination with it is the most suitable for you.

Examples of successful imperfect stars (movie or Hollywood) who became famous due to or despite their imperfection

There are many women in the world who cannot boast of an ideal appearance, but very few pay attention to this. However, if there are such, then these women do not care about their opinion, because they have achieved fame, recognition and success, despite criticism. Let's talk about some of them.

This woman is successful, wealthy and has many fans around the world. What made her so? At first glance, it is difficult to call the face of this actress ideal, but when you start to observe how she speaks, looks, moves, laughs, you forget that her appearance is imperfect.

In the 60s of the last century, she even played in the film "Funny Girl". This is a biopic about the real personality of Fanny Bryce, who, despite many features of her appearance (squint, big nose, etc.), managed to become a real Broadway star. Barbara saw in herself many similarities with Fanny, but, like the prototype of the film, Streisand managed to achieve success, despite external shortcomings.

When Vinnie was a child, she often had to catch the eyes of others, and the reason for this was her Vitiligo disease. The girl had to face ridicule and insults, and she no longer expected anything good from life until she pulled herself together and showed willpower. Having matured, the native of Jamaica went to the show "America's Next Top Model", instantly captivating its creators. The girl managed to become famous in America and abroad, having concluded many expensive contracts. Now she is in demand, successful and famous, and after all, people around her once called her a cow, because of the white spots on the dark skin of her face and body.

Now this graceful Englishwoman regularly flashes on big screens, being for many women the standard of elegance. Surely, for Tilda herself, it is strange to be in such a status, because, according to her, in childhood she was not perceived as a girl. The actress notes that she decided to “turn off the sexuality,” but this did not save her from the public's attention, and the whole point is in her incredible charisma!

A popular actress from childhood heard criticism in her address and continues to hear it to this day, but this did not prevent her from becoming a world-famous star. Moreover, he is a happy mother and wife. In addition, in her youth, Parker was in a long relationship with one of the first handsome men in Hollywood - Robert Downey Jr., and today she is a real icon of style!
