The Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU) was created in 1967 and located in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, on the basis of the Physics and Mathematics Boarding School of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The first recruitment of cadets was held at the Omsk VOKU them. M.V. Frunze.

According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of December 16, 1968, June 1 was declared the day of the school.

A bright page in the history of the school in the 1980s. At this time, it became one of the largest military educational institutions countries. Our graduates have established themselves in the troops as well-trained officers, capable of leading military units in peaceful conditions and in a combat situation, skillfully and effectively carrying out educational work. True patriots, courageously performing their duty, they heroically showed themselves in great deeds. Many of them participated in the liquidation of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plantothers are baptized with fire in Afghanistan.

Among the first Afghan officers who became Heroes posthumously Soviet Union, there are our graduates: senior lieutenant Shornikov N.A. and Lieutenant Demakov A.I. In March 1981, by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Senior Lieutenant Shornikov N.A. forever enrolled in the lists of the personnel of the school. Three years later, in May 1984, by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense, deputy commander of a motorized rifle company for political affairs, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant A.I.Demakov. enlisted forever in the lists of the 13th company of cadets of NVHPOU A street in Akademgorodok is named after him, a bust of the Hero and a memorial plaque are installed.

A new stage in the life of the school began in the 1990s. In connection with the abolition of the political bodies of the NVHPOU in May 1992, it was reformed into the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School (NVOKU).

At present, 25 graduates, 17 of them posthumously, have been awarded the high title of Hero.

In 2009, in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation the school was reorganized and became a branch of the All-Arms Center of the SV "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

On October 1, 2009, on the basis of the school, courses for professional retraining of reserve officers were opened. In 2011, the courses were transformed into the faculty of professional retraining and advanced training. During the existence of the courses and the faculty within the walls of the school, more than 800 servicemen who are retiring to the reserve have undergone professional retraining. The faculty also implements advanced training programs for military officers before being appointed to a higher position.

Since 2011, the university has been accepting cadets-future professional sergeants for training under the program of secondary vocational education in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of road transport."

The school also trains junior specialists for the troops.

Each graduate receives a driver's license for the right to drive a car of category "C" and a driver's license.

In 2015, the university again received an independent status and again became known as the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School.

The school carries out activities in the following educational programs:

Higher professional education:

In NVVKU they are trained in two specialties "Application of military intelligence units" "Application of motorized rifle units"

What is the specialty after graduation from NVVKU:

Personnel management (the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)

This specialty is relevant only for law enforcement agencies and differs from the civilian specialty "Personnel Management".

The cadets have the skills to maintain combat readiness, manage units. Organization of comprehensive support for the activities of units. They learn to control a unit in battle, shoot all types of small arms and drive military equipment

Cadets-reconnaissance cadets undergo airborne training, mountain training, make parachute jumps, master techniques of silent combat on land and under water.

Each graduate has the skills of survival and combat missions in any climatic conditions.

Training period

The term of study is 4 years.

Who will the graduates be after graduating from NVVKU

After graduating from NVVKU, graduates are awarded the military rank of "Lieutenant" and they begin service in the army as "Commander of a reconnaissance platoon", "Commander of a motorized rifle platoon", respectively.

Graduates are distributed throughout Russia.

Requirements for admission

Male citizens of the Russian Federation who have completed secondary education (who have completed 11 grades of school, a technical school, a vocational lyceum (if it gives secondary education), a cadet corps, etc.) if during this time the candidate has received secondary education and can confirm it with a document.

Citizens with higher education are not eligible to enroll in military school (Article 5, clause 3 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Age of applicants:

from 16 to 22 years old who have not served in the RF Armed Forces or other power structures;

up to 24 years old dismissed from the RF Armed Forces or other power structures;

up to 27 years of age serving under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or other power structures.

Entrance exams

Russian language, Social studies, Mathematics ( profile level) - USE results.

Have the right to take the above exams not in the form of the Unified State Examination, graduates of technical schools, colleges, professional lyceumswho graduated from these institutions in the year of admission to the school, candidates from r. Crimea and Sevastopol.

Passing score

According to the results of admission to the NVVKU in 2017 for the specialty "Use of military intelligence units", the last enrolled had - 246 points (Russian -69, mathematics - 45, social studies - 56, physical education - 76), the last enrolled in the specialty "Application of motorized rifle units" had - 278 points (Russian -69, mathematics - 56, social studies - 53, physical education - 100).

The competition in 2017 was 4 people per place for all specialties.

The average USE score in general subjects is 55 points per subject.

Features of delivery of physical training

In NVVKU physical training is passed in the following types: pull-up on the crossbar, run 100 m, run (in the stadium) at 3000 m.All three types surrender immediately from the beginning of pull-up, then 100-meter, and after 3 km. The results are converted into a 100-point system and summed up to uSE results in subjects.

Approximate standards: pulling up at least 15 times (70 points), 100 meters in about 13.2 seconds (70 points), 3 km in about 11.18 minutes. (70 points) The total is 210 points, which is converted into a 100-point scale according to the additional table, just 100 points. You can pull up more and run faster.

Medical Commission

Upon admission, all candidates undergo a final medical examination. Requirements for applicants for the specialty "Use of military intelligence units" are more stringent, since health candidates must be fit for airborne training and diving training (height not less than 170 cm, weight not more than 90 kg, etc.) there are a lot of requirements and the category of suitability "A" in the military commissariat does not yet guarantee the successful passage of the medical examination in the school.

Mandatory documents for the medical board: a medical examination card (drawn up in a military registration and enlistment office or a military unit) an outpatient child development card (for those who have not served or have served in the RF Armed Forces) a medical book from the moment of conscription (for military personnel).

Features of passing professional psychological selection

Candidates perform several special psychological tests... Testing is going on at an intense pace, strictly according to time standards, lasts about 3 hours and is carried out in the morning.

At the end of testing, each candidate is interviewed by the specialists of the professional selection group. The interview takes place in the afternoon after testing.

How to draw up documents

All documents for civilian candidates are drawn up through the military commissariat at the place of residence. To do this, you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and inform that you want to enter the NVVKU. There you will write an application and receive instructions on what documents to submit. There you will also undergo a medical examination. All your documents will be registered in the personal file of the candidate and sent in the prescribed manner to the address of the school.

List of required documents:

Military personnel

command report

application to the district military registration and enlistment office

Persons who passed and did not pass military service

  • autobiography;
  • a copy of the document on secondary education;
  • copy of the passport;
  • characteristic;
  • service card;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • three photographs (without a headdress, size 4.5X6);
  • medical examination card;
  • medical book;
  • for those serving on contract - a private matter.

- autobiography;

- a copy of the birth certificate;

- copy of the passport

- a copy of the document on secondary education (for students - a certificate of current academic performance, indicating the studied foreign language);

- characteristics from the place of study (work);

- three photographs (without a headdress, size 4.5X6);

- certificates from the regional department of internal affairs;

- card of professional psychological selection;

- medical examination card;

- outpatient child development chart.

Accounting for individual achievements

Upon admission, NVVKU awards points for the following individual achievements (but not more than 10 points in total for individual achievements):

a) the status of champion and medalist of the Olympic Games, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, the presence of a silver and (or) gold badge received for the results of passing the norms of the physical culture complex "Ready to labor and defense ", - when applying for training in specialties and areas of training that are not related to specialties and areas of training in the field physical culture and sports - 5 points;

b) the presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors - 5 points;

c) implementation of volunteer (volunteer) activities (if from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity until the date of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations no more than four years have passed) - 5 points;

d) participation and (or) the results of participation of applicants in the Olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) benefits when applying for training under a specific set of conditions for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical culture events and sports events, conducted in order to identify and support persons who have shown outstanding abilities - 5 points;

e) exposed by the organization higher education grade for the final essay in the graduating classes of organizations that implement educational programs secondary general education (if the applicant submits the specified essay) - 10 points.




candidate entering

to the Novosibirsk Higher Military

command school

Ministry of Defense

Russian Federation

(in the specialty "Application of subdivisions

military intelligence ")

Novosibirsk - 2007

1. Introduction

This manual is intended for young people who have decided to enter the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with a degree in the use of military intelligence units.

2. Historical information about NVVKU

The Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School was founded in 1967 as the Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU). The first recruitment of cadets was carried out on the basis of the training center of the Omsk Higher Combined Arms Command School in Omsk.

The only building, which housed the entire school, was the building of the physics and mathematics school (now educational building No. 1). On July 1, 1992, NVVPOU was re-profiled into the Higher Combined Arms Command School (NVOKU). He was entrusted with the task of training platoon commanders of motorized rifle troops and military reconnaissance, and since 1994, with the transfer of a special reconnaissance battalion from the Ryazan VVDKU - officers for special intelligence units. In 1998, NVOKU was renamed into the Novosibirsk Military Institute of the RF Ministry of Defense, in connection with the ongoing reform of military education in the Armed Forces. In 2004, the NVI of the RF Ministry of Defense was renamed into the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (Military Institute) of the RF Ministry of Defense.

The formation of military knowledge and practical skills among cadets begins from the first day of admission to the institute, on field trips and classes. Shooting from small arms, driving of combat vehicles are carried out in training center institute, firing from BMP weapons - at the military training ground, and parachute jumping - at the base of the special purpose brigade.

A compulsory form of training is a military internship, during which senior students test their knowledge and skills in practice.

Graduates of the institute can manage units in any type of combat, shoot all types of small arms, drive combat and transport vehicles, train and educate subordinates, organize the daily life of units.

The educational process requires maximum effort from the cadets. Based on the results of reviews on graduates of NVVKU recent years, more than half of them took or are taking part in hostilities in Chechnya, Tajikistan, as part of the peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia and other hot spots, most of them were awarded orders and medals.

For more than 35 years, our university has been producing comprehensively developed, cultured, physically strong officers capable of performing any tasks both during service in the army and in civilian life. Over the years, 22 graduates of the NVVKU have been awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, every fourth graduate has been awarded state awards.

To be today a cadet, and then an officer - a graduate of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School - is hard work for men and a great honor, which obliges a young man to a lot. Therefore, before entering a military school, think about whether you can handle it, whether you will be worthy of the high rank of a Russian officer.

3. Directions of training cadets of NVVKU

4. Conditions of admission

The institute accepts males :

- citizens who did not do military service, aged 16 to 22 years at the time of admission;

- Citizens who were or are doing military service at the time of admission, including under a contract after half of the term specified in the first contract - under the age of 24 years.

Submit a report on command to

April 1 of the year

admissions, (graduates of the SVU and KK of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation until May 15 of the year preceding the year of graduation)

Submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office of the district at the place of residence until April 20, and to the faculty of special intelligence before April 1 of the year of admission

Candidate documents :

- autobiography; - a copy of the document on secondary education; - copy of the passport; - characteristic; - service card; - card of professional psychological selection; - three photographs (without a headdress, size 4.5X6); - medical examination card; - medical book; - for those serving on contract - a personal matter; - autobiography; - a copy of the birth certificate; - copy of the passport; - a copy of the document on secondary education (for students - a certificate of current academic performance indicating the foreign language being studied); - characteristics from the place of study (work); - three photographs (without a headdress, size 4.5X6); - certificates from the district department of internal affairs; - card of professional psychological selection; - medical examination card and medical book.



By July 1, and graduates of the SVU and KK - by July 10

The selection committee decides on the admission of the candidate to the professional selection, or reasonably refuses him until June 20 of the year of admission. Upon arrival at the school, candidates present their passport, military ID or certificate of registration, and the original document of education (academic certificate who graduated from the 1st and subsequent courses of higher educational institutions with state accreditation).

Features of checking general education

preparation of candidates

Written exams ... All written work, both in final and in draft form, is performed only on insert sheets. For writing an essay, 4 astronomical hours are allotted from the moment the names of all topics are written on the blackboard, without a break, for writing a dictation - 1 astronomical hour. When writing a dictation, the examiner reads the entire text aloud, then dictates it by sentences and reads the entire text again to check what was written by the candidates themselves. Additional time for self-checking of the dictation by candidates is not provided.

Interview It is conducted with persons who graduated with medals (gold or silver) with state accreditation educational institutions of secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, as well as graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Candidates are interviewed in areas corresponding to the subjects submitted for the entrance exams. There is no time for applicants to prepare for the interview. The interview is conducted in the form of an oral survey. When it is conducted, the survey in each area lasts, as a rule, 20 minutes, including the time for preparing answers to the examiners' questions. A candidate is considered to have passed the interview if, in all areas, he basically gave clear, confident and correct answers.

5. Typical options for entrance exams

to Novosibirsk VVKU

In the specialty "Use of military intelligence units".

Features of passing exams

for general education.

Applicants for training in specialties that train commanders of military intelligence units take exams in mathematics in writing, in the Russian language in writing (in the form of a dictation), physics in writing. The materials below can be used to self-preparation for exams.

History reference:
The Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School was founded on June 1, 1967 as the Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU) for the training of officers-political workers of the company level. The first recruitment of cadets was carried out on the basis of the training center of the Omsk Higher Combined Arms Command School. The school was quartered in a picturesque place in Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok, known in our country and throughout the world as the center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The only building, which housed the entire school, was the building of the physics and mathematics school (now educational building No. 1). On July 1, 1992, NVVPOU was re-profiled into the Higher Combined Arms Command School (NVOKU). He was entrusted with the task of training platoon commanders of motorized rifle troops and military reconnaissance, and since 1994, with the transfer of a special intelligence battalion from the Ryazan VVDKU - officers for special intelligence units. In 1998, NVOKU was renamed NVI, and in 2005 - into the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the RF Ministry of Defense, in connection with the ongoing reform of military education in the Armed Forces. The Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School is currently the only educational institution in the Ground Forces that trains specialists of four diverse profiles: officers of special intelligence units, commanders of reconnaissance platoons, commanders of motorized rifle platoons (the last recruitment was made in 2001) and, starting in 2002 - deputy company commanders for educational work... Today the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School occupies one of the leading places among the universities of the RF Ministry of Defense. Educational buildings and departments are equipped with modern equipment, computers, simulators. The formation of military knowledge and practical skills among cadets begins from the first day of admission to the institute, on field trips and classes. Shooting from small arms, driving combat vehicles are carried out in the training center of the school, firing from BMP weapons - at the military range, and parachute jumping - at the base of the special purpose brigade. The cadets are also taught humanitarian, socio-economic, natural-scientific and general technical disciplines, including the history of the Fatherland, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, jurisprudence, economics, sociology, psychology and pedagogy, higher mathematics and computing, foreign languages.
A mandatory form of training is military training, during which senior students test their knowledge and skills in practice. Graduates of the school can manage units in any type of combat, shoot all types of small arms, drive combat and transport vehicles, train and educate subordinates, organize the daily life of units. The educational process requires maximum effort from the cadets. According to the results of responses to graduates of the NVVKU in recent years, more than half of them took or are taking part in hostilities in Chechnya, Tajikistan, as part of the peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia and other hot spots, most of them were awarded orders and medals. For about 40 years, the university has been producing comprehensively developed, cultured, physically strong officers who are capable of performing any tasks both during service in the army and in civilian life. Over the years, 22 graduates of the school have been awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, every fourth graduate has been awarded state awards. To be today a cadet, and then an officer - a graduate of the Novosibirsk military school - is hard work for men and a great honor, which obliges a young man to a lot.

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School
Former names

Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School named after the 60th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution ( NVVPOU)
Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School ( NVOKU)
Novosibirsk Military Institute ( NVI)

Year of foundation
A type



Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU) - one of the leading military universities in Russia and the former USSR. Founded June 1, 1967. At present, the Military Training and Research Center of the Ground Forces is called the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk branch).

Located on the territory of Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk, at the address: Ivanova street, 49, postal code 630117.

School history

Checkpoint of the school

The school trained deputy company commanders for political affairs for units of the Ground Forces, the Airborne Forces and the GRU General Staff. A large number of graduates of the school took part in hostilities (Afghanistan, Chechnya, South Ossetia, peacekeeping operations, and others). More than 20 graduates of the school were awarded the titles Hero of the Soviet Union and. In terms of the number of Heroes of the Russian Federation from among the graduates, the Novosibirsk VVKU is second only to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (RVVDKU).

August 18-25 - the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School (NVVPOU) was formed. The first recruitment of cadets took place on the basis of the Omsk Higher Combined Arms Command Twice Red Banner School named after MV Frunze. The first graduation took place in 1971. Initially, the school had 11 departments, in 2009 there were 15 of them.

In June, it was transformed into the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School (NVOKU).

Reoriented to the training of officers of motorized rifle troops and military intelligence. Of RVVDKU a special intelligence battalion was transferred, in connection with which three new departments were created at once.

November 1, 1998 - transformed into the Novosibirsk Military Institute (NVI).

September 1, 2004 - transformed into the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (NVVKU).

From the school (institute) prepared officers in the following specialties:

1. Military-political combined arms (with airborne troops) - 11 424

2. Command tactical motorized rifle troops - 2,038

3. The use of military intelligence units - 1 271

4. The use of special intelligence units - 878

5. Military sociologists - 77

In February 2010, it was transformed into the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (a branch in Novosibirsk).


The list of specialties for which officers are trained at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (Military Institute) of the RF Ministry of Defense

Note: * - profiling exams are highlighted

Heads of the school

Gg. Major General Vasily Georgievich Zibarev

Gg. Lieutenant General Boris N. Volkov

Gg. Major General Nikolay Fyodorovich Zubkov

Gg. Major General Shirinsky Yuri Arifovich

Gg. Major General Kazakov Valery Alexandrovich

Gg. Major General Vladimir Petrovich Yegorkin

Gg. Major General Salmin Alexey Nikolaevich

Gg. Colonel Murog Igor Alexandrovich

The composition of the school


Department of tactics.

Department of Intelligence (Special Intelligence and Airborne Training)

Department of command and control of troops (units in peacetime) (UV (PMV)).

Department of Weapons and Shooting.

Department of Pedagogy.

Department of Psychology.

Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines.

Department of Combat Vehicles and Automotive Training (BMiAP).

Department of Operation of Armored Weapons and Equipment (BTVT).

Department of Natural Sciences.

Department of General Technical Disciplines.

Department of Foreign Languages.

Department of Physical Training and Sports.

Divisions of management

Legal service.

Service of airborne equipment.

Human Resources Department.

Combat department.

Mobilization group.

Department of weapons and equipment.

Missile and artillery armament service.

Grocery service.

Food service.

Home front service.

Financial department.

Medical service.

Fire Service.

State Secret Protection Service.

Cadet battalions

The first battalion (Deputy company commander for educational work) - the last graduation in the specialty in 2012 and transfer to the Military University (Moscow).

Second Battalion (Reconnaissance Platoon Commander).

Third Battalion (Commander of Special Intelligence Units).

Support divisions

Support base educational process (BOOP).


Military band.

Trade union organization.

  • Amosov, Sergei Anatolyevich - Soviet officer, Hero of Russia, lieutenant, died while fulfilling his international duty in Afghanistan.
  • Vorozhanin, Oleg Viktorovich - Russian officer, Hero of Russia, senior lieutenant of the Airborne Forces, died on January 16, 1996 in Grozny. A monument to the Hero was erected on the memorial to the Heroes-graduates of the school.
  • Galkin, Alexey Viktorovich - Major, graduate of 2006. The title of Hero is awarded for courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task.
  • Grigorevsky, Mikhail Valerievich - lieutenant, graduate of 2007, died in battle in Ingushetia. The title of Hero was awarded posthumously.
  • Demakov, Alexander Ivanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union, died while performing his international duty in Afghanistan
  • Dergunov, Aleksey Vasilyevich - For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2004, Senior Lieutenant Dergunov Aleksey Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).
  • Elistratov, Dmitry Viktorovich - senior lieutenant, commander of the special forces group, graduate of 1999. The title of Hero was awarded for the courage and heroism shown in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.
  • Erofeev, Dmitry Vladimirovich - lieutenant, commander of the special forces group, graduate of 1994. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism displayed in the performance of military duty (1995, posthumously).
  • Zakharov, Pyotr Valentinovich - senior lieutenant, graduate of 1999. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region (2000, posthumously).
  • Kalinin, Alexander Anatolyevich - captain, 1996 graduate. The title of Hero was awarded for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty (2000, posthumously).
  • Klimov, Yuri Semyonovich - Police Lieutenant Colonel, 1984 graduate. The title of Hero was awarded for the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus (2000, posthumously).
  • Larin, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich - captain, 1990 graduate. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism displayed in the performance of military duty.
  • Lelyukh, Igor Viktorovich - captain, commander of the special forces group, release of 1989. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism displayed in the performance of military duty (1995, posthumously).
  • Omelkov, Viktor Emelyanovich - Russian officer, Hero of Russia, lieutenant colonel, died during the storming of Grozny (December 31, 1994) in the first Chechen company. The title was awarded for courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a special assignment (1995, posthumously).
  • Potylitsyn, Vitaly Nikolaevich - Senior Lieutenant, 1994 graduate. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a special assignment (1997, posthumously).
  • Sidorov, Roman Viktorovich - lieutenant, graduate of 1999. The title of Hero was awarded for the courage and heroism shown during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus (1999, posthumously).
  • Stankevich, Igor Valentinovich - Guard lieutenant colonel, graduate of 1979. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty (1995).
  • Taranets, Sergei Gennadievich - Major, 1992 graduate. The title of Hero was awarded to courage and heroism displayed during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus (2000, posthumously).
  • Timerman, Konstantin Anatolyevich - Russian officer, Hero of Russia, commander of the motorized rifle battalion of the 135th motorized rifle regiment of the 19th motorized rifle division, acting battalion commander of the peacekeeping forces in South Ossetia (since May 25, 2008), lieutenant colonel.
  • Tokarev, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - lieutenant, commander of the airborne assault maneuvering group, graduate of 1993. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism displayed in the performance of military duty (1994, posthumously).
  • Uzentsev, Sergei Viktorovich - a serviceman of special forces, major, participant of the second Chechen war, senior assistant to the head of the operational intelligence department of the special purpose brigade of the GRU GSh, (2000).
  • Urazaev, Igor Kabirovich - Russian officer, Hero of Russia, participant in the Afghan and first Chechen warriors, during the storming of Grozny received a severe concussion but fulfilled the order, continues military service in the Airborne Forces, colonel.
  • Ukhvatov, Alexey Yurievich - Major, commander of the reconnaissance company of the 135th motorized rifle regiment, graduate of 2001. The title of Hero was awarded for courage and heroism displayed in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region (South Ossetia).
