After you talked to the "personnel officers" and went through a kind of dress code, you will most likely be sent to a full-time psychologist, although in some institutions this is done after passing the main commission and testing. But this does not matter, since it depends on the staff psychologist whether you will work here or not.
Usually this position is occupied by a girl of 22-30 years old, but this is not necessary. Your main task is to please the psychologist, to endear you, and not to fit into any standards or patterns. After all, testing of the CPD is carried out automatically and no one there thinks how you answered a certain question, but here you have a living person and he will decide "accept or reject".
So, first you will be offered to pass some tests - these are not JPC, but rather simple tests, such as SMIL-minimal, in order to approximately determine the main features of your character, personality and determine whether you are a frank person or a liar. Tests are different everywhere - somewhere they give 2 tests, somewhere 3, somewhere and 5, but they are all similar.
There are no questions in the tests, there are statements. For example: "I am afraid of the dark", the answer options are "true" and "false", but it is worth paying special attention to statements with double negatives: "I have never seen snow", the answer is "WRONG". I'll make a reservation right away, statements are repeated, only in different interpretations, the main task is to check for honesty, so it is best, without too much thought, to answer frankly so as not to screw up.
Another of the suggested tests luscher testthat goes everywhere. The examination procedure proceeds as follows: the subject is asked to choose the most pleasant color from the cards in front of him, without correlating it with either the color of the clothes (whether it goes to the face, or with the upholstery, or with anything else, but only in accordance with how much this color preferred over others The selected pattern is removed from the table or turned over, then the next, and so on, until all the colors are selected, while the psychologist writes down the number of each selected color pattern.

Personally, on the advice of a psychologist friend, I always followed the rule of "traffic lights" - first green, then yellow and then red. Well, then, according to the mood - which one you like best, but black is always the last. And it seemed like everything was always normal.
Described below analysis techniqueLuscherwhat and how in his opinion it should be, but in principle, it turns out the same:
The colors are divided into basic (1 - dark blue, 2 - blue-green, 3 - orange-red and 4 - light yellow) and additional, among which 7 (black) and 0 (gray) are achromatic, and 5 (purple ) and 6 (brown) are mixed. Primary colors syvolize basic psychological needs, which Luscher identified as the need for satisfaction and affection (blue), the need for self-affirmation (green), the need to "act and succeed" (red), and the need to "look ahead and hope" (yellow). Therefore, they are normal and, when fully balanced, should be in the first positions. Additional colors are not given the importance that equates to the need-sphere. Their role is sort of dividing or diluting.According to Luscher, they are not psychological "primary elements" and are included in the experiment mainly to expand the action of the primary colors. There is one more test with the choice of color - associative, that is, with what color you associate yourself or something (someone). Here, too, everything is according to the principle of a traffic light: green is good, yellow is back and forth, red is bad. For example: family is green, work is yellow, drugs is red, death is black.
In the same test, on another page, you need to continue the sentences, well, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to write nonsense like: "If I had extra money, I would ......." - "..... ..... distributed them to the poor ", it is immediately clear that you are an asshole, moreover, stupid. There are no answer options here, so write what comes to mind, for example: "...... went to rest at the sea." Do not bother or try to appear smarter than you are.

Now directlyconversation with a psychologist..... The psychologist believes that he is smarter than you and that everything that is written in books is true, so immediately sit freely (do not cross your legs, arms, fingers), during a conversation, try not to gesticulate and do not perform tic actions (scratching, biting your lip etc.). Try to look away less often and keep your head straight. Then, according to the books, the psychologist will think that you are not nervous and are telling the truth.

When answering questions, try to use combinations less often: they told me, they sent me, etc., more often:i thought and decided, I made sure, I made a choice... When asked about dismissal from the previous place of work, do not answer trite, such as "did not work with the team" or "conflict with the bosses", you can answer that "I realized that this place was hopeless, I did not like the job and the salaryunstable, I wanted to work for you for a long time, I found out that there are vacancies and decided to take a chance "(well, or something like that) .... As for alcohol, the answer" on holidays "is already annoying to everyone, and a non-drinker in general is either lying or sick, so it would be much more original to say that "I can afford to drink a glass, but in an extremely significantME date ". Well, in general, the main thing is not to be clever, not to joke a lot (but also not to be too tense), just try to win over and lie less.

Don't try to argue, but don't be too loyal either.

Last year, they gave about 26 thousand reports on the psychological state of the Moscow police officers. 11 polygraphs are used to test the management staff, and in the near future it is planned to purchase another 17 polygraphs. Vladimir Kolokoltsev told what measures are being taken to ensure that the recertification passes without abuse and gossip. Indeed, there are rumors that some department leaders will take the opportunity to get rid of unwanted subordinates. Others argue that those who want to successfully pass the certification, their bosses require rewards in advance. Even astronomical amounts are named for a specific position. If an ordinary opera "costs" allegedly 200-300 thousand rubles, then the general's chair is "estimated" at a million dollars.

Passage of a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Test for logical thinking Test for logic Emotional tests Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of attestation - tests for hiring and subsequent re-certification - applicants and existing employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade ...) Personality tests The main, widely used personality test for hiring is the SMIL test (Standardized Multivariate Personality Research Method) - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MMPI) and its abbreviated version MMPI Mini-Mult Intellectual Tests Level , the intelligence quotient (IQ) of the applicant is often the most important test indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are needed.

Psychological tests when applying for a job with answers online for free

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed, increasingly demand from applicants the appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways .., banks, including Sberbank .., as well as in large corporations. Hiring tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, and for lawyers, and even for sales consultants ... On this page of the psychoanalytic site http: // Psychoanalyst-Matveev.RF you you will be able to pass psychological tests for free and online, which are used when applying for work in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.
However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job.

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests

Denis 11/08/2016 9:49 PM What test must be passed to enter the position of junior inspector of the department of protection and escort of convicts? Valentina 11/08/2016 19:32 How to pass tests for a precinct. Marat 10/18/2016 10:16 PM What test is needed for admission to the position of a police officer (dog handler) of the department of protection and escort of accused and suspects? Alexander 10/14/2016 19:10 Hello, CPD for joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexander 09/21/2016 08:12 Hello! Please tell me how to pass the Luscher test correctly (in what sequence is it necessary to arrange the colors for the device for the position of an operative)? Thank you! Ivan 09/20/2016 3:34 PM CPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the teaching staff.

Igor 09/15/2016 10:15 AM CPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the teaching staff. Mongush 09/14/2016 07:47 AM I want to pass the test for an investigator at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A psychologist in uniform - about cunning operas and the selection of candidates for police service


Passage of a psychologist in the Hello unit. I work in the police myself. A comrade whom I have known for many years, absolutely normal, adequate, tried to get a job in a traffic police regiment in our region. He came to the cadres, he was recorded to the local regimental psychologist.

He passed it, she told him directly - I don't see any obstacles to employment, now I'm making a conclusion, come to the staff in a day, take a referral to the VVK, etc. A day later I called, he was fed breakfast - call in a week. As a result, the deputy. The company commander told him that he had not gone through a psychologist. I repeat, he is absolutely normal, he has served, two sons, God frankly did not offend his health, 25 years.

Report a bribe

Moreover, the capabilities of psychologists have long been used not only at the stages of selection and placement of personnel, but also during service-combat training of employees, while accompanying operational-service and operational-search activities. Testing is not a one-time act, but an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination conducted by police psychologists. For each candidate, and now for employees and managers, psychological characteristics are compiled with a detailed description of individual personal characteristics that are directly related to the performance of official duties.
Everyone knows that for every profession there is a certain set of requirements for personal and psychophysiological characteristics, called a professiogram.
The event of an unusual format was held at the North-Eastern Line Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Transport. “One day in the transport police”, namely the opportunity to “immerse yourself” in the work of a psychologist, was held as part of the “Choose life” campaign. It was initiated by the Transport Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Far Eastern Federal District. It was held in all regions of the district by structural units of the transport police.


Olga Golovkova, a psychologist of the North-Eastern LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport, invited journalists to her office and offered to try herself as a police psychologist. As it is known throughout the entire service, from the moment of passing the initial selection to the police, all employees undergo psychophysiological examination. All these requirements have been tightened as part of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Of course, the recertification was not done without the psychologist's "stamp".

How is a candidate's test done by a staff psychologist in the Ministry of Internal Affairs


Vyacheslav 06/24/2016 07:06 Hello! Please tell me, is the test of the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs online 2016 identical to the test that is carried out at the IHC? Nataliya 06/13/2016 5:17 PM Hello! Tell me, the test of the central control center in the Ministry of Internal Affairs online 2016 is identical to the one that passes at the IHC. take the test for the detective Erdem 06/08/2016 14:34 I want to pass the test of the central police department for the post of district police. Vitaly 06/06/2016 13:19 I want to go to the CPD for a higher position, weapons inspector. Marina 06/05/2016 07:00 I want to pass the CPD for the position of the Criminal Investigation Officer.

maksim 06/01/2016 14:28 Hello! I want to go through the CPD for admission to the traffic police. Nikolay 05/30/2016 4:26 PM I want to go to the central control center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the position of a district inspector.
Thus, psychologists monitor law enforcement officers from hiring to retirement. Olga Olegovna told reporters about the main stages of psychological research in the selection of candidates for the service, about which they talk a lot, but so little is known. They are greeted by their clothes ... Psychological research begins from the moment a person comes to the psychologist's office, with his appearance... The psychologist notes neatness, manners, speech, norms of behavior. After that, intellectual abilities are examined - speaking and writing, literacy, general awareness and erudition. Candidates demonstrate basic knowledge of mathematics, geography, history, literature.

Motives for admission: high wages and social guarantees The motives for entering the service are also important.
Alexander 02.02.2018 09:57 Good afternoon. I am getting a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the ATS I want to take tests Alexey 01/22/2018 10:15 PM CPD FOR INSPECTOR OF THE MIA HEADQUARTERS Yana 01/12/2018 09:13 Hello, I am getting a contract with the Russian Guard, tell me what tests will be and can you help me with them? Nikita 12/17/2017 6:04 PM Good afternoon, how can you get a polygraph from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Via e-mail 06.12.2017 12:56 Hello, I'm getting a job in the OMON, please help. Alexander 11/25/2017 10:38 PM Hello, what test do the border guards pass? There they have a math, too, is it by chance a CAT test? Anzor 11/12/2017 10:12 AM Hello! Passed online test SMIL. The result was 70.44 T-points on the Passiveness (Depression) scale. How can the result be corrected? Thank you.

Joining the police force involves passing interviews, tests and fulfilling physical standards.

Among the many tests, a lie detector is a must. Consider what awaits the applicant on the tests and how to pass a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without problems.

What is a CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Work in law enforcement is a specific type of public service. An employee of the Ministry of the Interior must meet all the criteria set by the state.

The recruitment of suitable personnel from among many candidates is carried out by the Center for Psychological Diagnostics (CPD).

CPD conducts a comprehensive examination of candidates. Everyone who wants to get a job in law enforcement agencies must pass psychological research for aptitude.

The specified center conducts:

  • polygraph testing of a person;
  • CAT test - to test the mental abilities of an individual;
  • SMIL test - the establishment of psychological characteristics.

In addition to the tests, the center's staff conduct interviews with each applicant. On the basis of multilateral selection stages, suitable people for the service are determined and those who are not recommended for work in the police are identified.

Questions on the polygraph of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The exact list of questions submitted for testing is not previously published, but in general, all tasks are aimed at identifying answers regarding:

  • previous violations of the law;
  • use of illegal drugs and abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • attitude to service, bosses, team at work;
  • relationships within the family;
  • attitude to weapons, solving questions about its use;
  • reactions to difficult work situations, the procedure for their solution;
  • identifying any negative addictions in a person;
  • attitude towards people's life, a reaction to the need to deprive a person of life within the framework of the law and service assignment is established.

Its useful to note: the questions are formulated in such a way that the person answers yes or no, no detailed answers are provided.

In fact, the questions are asked as follows:

  1. Have you ever used drugs?
  2. Have you ever committed theft?
  3. Do you like violence?
  4. Are you related to the underworld?
  5. Are you capable of deceiving your boss?

Answers to CPD tests upon admission to the police

To maintain normal performance, the answers must be given honestly, without any doubt.

An incorrect answer or a question that baffles the applicant will manifest itself in an emotional outburst on the screen of a specialist.

The reaction to the answers is recorded:

  • breathing sensor;
  • pressure;
  • temporal pressure;
  • sweating on your fingertips;
  • sciatic muscles;
  • reactions of the eye pupil.

What does a polygraph test give when applying for a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Law enforcement agencies intend to select suitable personnel who can serve and be useful to the police in the long term.

Due to the complexity of the service and its specific features, the police must be recruited reliable and mentally stable people.

The lie detector helps:

  • ensure security in the ranks of law enforcement agencies;
  • to predict the disposition of an individual to a corruption component;
  • with its help, the elements associated with the criminal world are revealed;
  • a person's predisposition to cruelty and sadistic inclinations is determined.

How to get a polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The polygraph for a candidate is considered the most controversial test. For some, this procedure is the most calm and simple, others cannot cope with a lie detector.

The reason for these polarities is the different psychological characteristics of people.

The main thing when passing a polygraph is to be calm and not to let internal emotions go off scale against the background of a normal state. How to achieve this ? There is no need to try to hide information, in an attempt to appear better and more correct.

It is the policy of the JRC staff regarding candidates that all people are flawed and may have previously committed illegal or immoral acts.

The main thing is that the candidate admits his mistakes, frankly answers the questions posed and does not have any egregious acts in his life history that do not fit into the framework of normal understanding.

Before the interrogation at the detector itself, the psychologist conducts a conversation with the subject, at this stage the questions that will be asked under the supervision of the device are discussed in detail. The conversation may contain conversations on topics that are of concern to the candidate. If you do not discuss issues of concern to the mind, on a polygraph, they can harm and distort the test results.

Take note: there is an opinion that in order to bypass the sensors, sedatives must be used before the procedure. An experienced instrument specialist will easily detect inhibition of reactions and will not allow such a person to be tested.

Do not take sedatives! The easiest and most effective way to pass a polygraph is to relax with the help of the same psychologist, breathe evenly and answer questions without trying to hide information.

Didn't pass the polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - what to do?

Those who fail to pass the lie detector are deprived of the right to further employment with the police.

All other results in this case will not matter.

However, in such a situation you should not despair, after 6 months there is an opportunity to undergo the procedure again.

I am getting a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PPP I want to take tests Alexey 01/22/2018 10:15 PM CPD FOR INSPECTOR OF THE MIA HEADQUARTERS Yana 01/12/2018 09:13 Hello, I am getting a contract with the Russian Guard, tell me what tests will be and can you help me with them? Nikita 12/17/2017 6:04 PM Good afternoon, how can you get a polygraph from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Via e-mail 06.12.2017 12:56 Hello, I'm getting a job in the OMON, please help. Alexander 11/25/2017 10:38 PM Hello, what test do the border guards pass? There they have a math, too, is it by chance a CAT test? Anzor 11/12/2017 10:12 AM Hello! Passed the SMIL online test. The result was 70.44 T-points on the Passiveness (Depression) scale. How can the result be corrected? Thank you. Tatyana 10/21/2017 04:24 AM Help to pass the test for an investigator at the Moscow MAD Alena 10/04/2017 06:20 Good afternoon! I want to take a test for employment in the fsin. Thank you in advance.

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests


Alexander 09/21/2016 08:12 Hello! Please tell me how to pass the Luscher test correctly (in what sequence is it necessary to arrange the colors for the device for the position of an operative)? Thank you! Ivan 09/20/2016 3:34 PM CPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the teaching staff.

Igor 09/15/2016 10:15 AM CPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the teaching staff. Mongush 09/14/2016 07:47 AM I want to pass the test for an investigator at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Julia 09/12/2016 11:49 am I am applying for a job at the Federal Penitentiary Service as a dog handler, what tests are needed? Lyudmila 09/10/2016 08:34 I went to the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they said that they took my position, what to do now I don't know where to go? Denis 09/03/2016 09:31 AM I want to take a test for the position of a policeman-driver.


Ruslan 08/29/2016 18:58 I want to take a psychologist test at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the post of district police.

Ksenia 08/28/2016 10:12 AM It is necessary to pass the SMIL test, I get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the position of an operative inspector.

Psychological tests when applying for a job with answers online for free

CAT test (Brief indicative, screening test, V.N.


Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik) is designed to diagnose the general level of intellectual abilities.

The CAT is an adaptation of the Wanderlik test. The CAT method belongs to the category of tests of intelligence (IQ), which indicate the general level of intellectual development of an individual.
In tests for determining IQ, an individual is presented with a series of tasks, selected in such a way that an adequate sample of all the most important intellectual functions is provided to penetrate the "critical points of intelligence".
CAT provides psychodiagnostics of the following parameters of intelligence: ability to generalize and analyze, flexibility of thinking, speed and accuracy of material perception, literacy, choice of the optimal strategy, etc. The CAT questionnaire was developed as a selection questionnaire for people applying for further education.

Short selection test cat, form a

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed, increasingly demand from applicants the appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities.

For this, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways .., banks, including Sberbank .., as well as in large corporations.

Hiring tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, and for lawyers, and even for sales consultants ... On this page of the psychoanalytic site you will be able to pass psychological tests for free and online, which are used when applying for work in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.
However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job.

If he drives at the same speed, what distance will he cover in 5 seconds? 1500 (15) 26.
If we assume that the first two statements are correct, then the last one:

  1. right,
  2. wrong,
  3. indefinitely
  • Bor is as old as Masha.
  • Masha is younger than Zhenya.
  • Borya is younger than Zhenya.

27. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost $ 2. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 cents? 1 28. Spread and stretch. These words:

  1. are similar in meaning,
  2. opposite,
  3. neither similar nor opposite.

29. Divide this geometric shape a straight line into two parts so that, adding them together, you can get a square: 2-13 30. Suppose that the first two statements are true.

Recommended answers for the police test smil (mia)

The CAT test also allows one to obtain a detailed characteristic of the formation of the cognitive adaptation of the subject in the world as a whole. The CT method is used in the preliminary selection and distribution of personnel in industry, the army, the education system, career guidance, psychodiagnostics of learning and business qualities of a person. Source: Test instructions The test is intended to determine the integral indicator of general abilities.

Instructions for the test: “You are offered a few simple tasks.

Read this page carefully and do not turn it over without a command. Get to know the sample tasks and the correct answers to them: 1. "Fast" is the opposite in meaning of the word:

  1. heavy,
  2. elastic,
  3. secretive,
  4. light,
  5. slow.
  • Correct answer: 5

2. Gasoline costs 44 cents per liter.

Passage of a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Tsyren 04/06/2016 10:36 AM I want to take a test in the IVS. Sergey 04/06/2016 07:01 Good day! I want to take tests at the teaching staff.

Rina 04/03/2016 13:18 I want to try to pass the tests of the central control center in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the position of the personal assistant.

Vladimir 03/30/2016 04:54 AM I want to pass the test for moving from position.

Tatyana 03/28/2016 1:08 PM I want to go through the CPD in the FSIN. Ruslan 03/28/2016 12:09 PM I want to take the test for admission to the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Natalya 03/25/2016 9:25 PM CPD test for the position of PDN inspector Olga 03/24/2016 21:00 CPD for the position of investigator Julia 03/24/2016 11:52 I want to take tests at Ministry of Emergency Situations.

What tests will there be? Renat 03/20/2016 08:34 Hello! I want to go to the Central Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the operator of the regime. What tests should I expect? Thank you! Yulia 03/15/2016 3:26 PM I want to take the test I get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. (inspector

DPS) Dmitry 03/05/2016 12:49 If I'm not passed cpd, can I try to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after a while.

Intelligent tests at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The three partners in a joint stock company (JSC) decided to split the profits equally.

T. invested $ 4,500 in the business, K. - $ 3,500, P.

- $ 2,000.

If the profit is $ 2,400, how much less profit will T.

Psychological Tests General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized tests for certain professions. However, the results of tests on the rate of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers. Verbal tests Verbal test when applying for a job - the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where verbal (speech) abilities of the applicant are needed. Math Tests Some corporations use math tests when hiring to measure the analytical skills of a job seeker. Numeric Tests For some jobs, such as accountant, employers use numeric tests when hiring.

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests

Denis 11/08/2016 9:49 PM What test must be passed to enter the position of junior inspector of the department of protection and escort of convicts? Valentina 11/08/2016 19:32 How to pass tests for a precinct. Marat 10/18/2016 10:16 PM What test is needed for admission to the position of a policeman (dog handler) of the department of protection and escort of accused and suspects? Alexander 10/14/2016 7:10 PM Hello, CPD for joining the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexander 09/21/2016 08:12 Hello! Please tell me how to pass the Luscher test correctly (in what sequence is it necessary to decompose the colors for the device to the position of an operative)? Thank you! Ivan 09/20/2016 3:34 PM CPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the teaching staff.
Igor 09/15/2016 10:15 am CPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the teaching staff. Mongush 09/14/2016 07:47 AM I want to take a test for an investigator at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the OVD.

Test cpd in fsin.

Alexander 02.02.2018 09:57 Good afternoon. I am getting a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the ATS I want to take tests Alexey 01/22/2018 10:15 PM CPD FOR INSPECTOR OF THE MIA HEADQUARTERS Yana 01/12/2018 09:13 Hello, I am getting a contract with the Russian Guard, tell me what tests will be and can you help me with them? Nikita 12/17/2017 6:04 PM Good afternoon, how can you go through the polygraph of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Via e-mail 06.12.2017 12:56 Hello, I'm getting a job in the OMON, please help. Alexander 11/25/2017 10:38 PM Hello, what test do the border guards pass? There they have a math, too, is it by any chance a CAT test? Anzor 11/12/2017 10:12 AM Hello! Passed the SMIL online test. The result was 70.44 T-points on the Passiveness (Depression) scale.
How can the result be corrected? Thank you.

Psychological test for admission to ufsin


Alexander 12/09/2015 17:23 I want to take a test in the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Evgenia 12/04/2015 16:02 Hello. I would like to pass the test for admission to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Konstantin 12/02/2015 19:21 I want to take a test, I get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. (traffic police inspector) light 12/01/2015 18:19 I want to pass the CPD tests for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a police dog handler. Maria 12/01/2015 08:19 am Soon to pass the CPD, but according to many friends, everything falls on this test. IHC has already passed, but I am afraid to fail the CPD, and I have no desire to wait for half a year. I want to take a test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs 11/26/2015 11:25 am I want to take a test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a police dog handler.

Thank you. Evgenia 11/22/2015 01:01 AM Hello, I want to take the CPD test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Shaura 11/7/2015 2:09 PM I want to take tests at the UFSIN. Anastasia 11/06/2015 11:20 PM I want to take a test and get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Psychological tests when applying for a job with answers online for free

Express advice. If you are not confident in yourself when undergoing psychological diagnostics (psychodiagnostics), then choose from your acquaintances the one who, as it seems to you, ideally matches the niche that you are trying to occupy or defend. Answer how he would answer. 2. If the instructions say that there are no right and wrong answers in the test, do not trust it. 3. Avoid extreme, be closer to the "golden mean", do not spit on yourself, but do not exalt.
To the question "Do you always pay for public transport?" it is better to answer “no”, because most do so. Otherwise, you are more likely to be suspected of lack of frankness. 4. Many tests contain a "scale of lies", i.e. have a number of provocative questions as in the previous example. And even if you always pay for travel, then you will have a plus sign on this scale.

Test cat (as part of the central control center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs): description

Be sure to come to the diagnosis with a watch: firstly, it can help you with planning the time for answers, and secondly, the absence of a clock can affect your image (as a non-business person). If the psychologist is standing with a stopwatch - do, of course, the task as quickly as possible. If not, use every chance of wasting time. For example, if a psychologist reads out questions to a group, be sure to ask the psychologist to repeat an incomprehensible or difficult question, at the end you can even ask to give you a list of all the questions personally.

If you are working individually with a list of questions or a test book, this is a big plus for you. In the test (questionnaire) Kettell, for example, 16 personality scales. Among them - one for intelligence. There is no time limit.
Sit and think to your health, take your time. 9. You have the right to ask the psychologist for the name of the test that is being conducted with you. This might come in handy.

Short selection test cat, form a

Creative tests Many modern organizations require creative, creative people who sometimes have to have organizational and even entrepreneurial talent, so creative tests are also used when hiring. See all psychological tests of the site http: // Psychoanalyst-Matveev.RF The general list of psychological tests when applying for a job will be expanded - add the site to your bookmarks and visit more often ... Consultation of a psychoanalyst before applying for a job (paid) Psychological trainings for each individual Self-hypnosis for adjustment yourself for a job and undergoing testing.

Cpd tests fsin

Large corporations use tests SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect) An important point: To successfully pass an interview and any tests when applying for a job, knowing or not knowing the answers to them, you need to morally and psychologically set yourself up for testing ... give yourself a mindset for success ... (more: how to pass an interview) Examples of basic psychological tests used when hiring in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations ..., Banks (Sberbank), trade ..., testing for the position of a manager, chief accountant, policeman, firefighter, rescuer, salesperson (sales assistant), lawyer ... etc.

CPA tests upon admission to the FSIN

J'aime Afficher la liste de "Likes" Partager Afficher la liste de partages Hello !!! How long does it take to get the 2nd degree of state secret admission? J'aime Afficher la liste de "Likes" Partager Afficher la liste de partages Good evening! Is there anyone who goes to the border control (Moscow), how long have you been waiting for the results of the CPD? I have been waiting for J'aime Afficher la liste de “Likes” for a month already. Partager Afficher la liste de partages The referral to the IHC is overdue! How long can the HR department extend the maximum? J'aime Afficher la liste de "Likes" Partager Afficher la liste de partages Guys, tell me, what kind of order came out of the new one, which is connected with the central control center and the air force? I called at the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 3 on Voykovskaya. They said they were reconsidering the cases because of the new order. Maybe who knows? Thanks in advance. J'aime Afficher la liste de "Likes" Partager Afficher la liste de partages The people get a job in the Russian Guard under a contract.

Cpd in fsin online tests 2017 with answers


Hello! Tell me how to pass the CPU test when applying for a job. The first time I tried it, I didn't pass it, the psychologist said he was lying somewhere. What to do, how to answer correctly? Asked by Alexey.

Psychologist's answer. Hello Alexey. If your psychologist said that you lied, then most likely you did not pass the lie scale during testing. It contains such questions (or similar ones): Methodology Scale of lies. And in general, I would recommend that you answer honestly, not try to appear better, or worse, than you are.

No one expects from you ideally correct answers, actions, thoughts, everyone understands that normal person must have its flaws and weaknesses. It is the desire to make an overly good impression that prevents you from passing the scale of lies and testing in general.
