Hello everyone! The values \u200b\u200bof life are practically the foundation of a person's personality, its core and support. Remember the saying: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are"? This is exactly how you can characterize anyone, having learned what is most important to him, what he aspires to and longs for.

Role and significance in human life

Values \u200b\u200bhelp us make decisions and choose the path we want to take. Or rather, they define it. Because, thanks to them, we are guided in this world, and we understand what should be done and what is better not. Otherwise, it will not work to satisfy needs and realize dreams. They often give us. They bring stability and confidence in a successful future. The main thing is to refrain from starting to impose them on others, otherwise they will be transformed into ideology. And this does not always bode well.

They are the ones who inspire, motivate and empower us to achieve. Because a person who knows exactly what he wants and firmly believes in the correctness of the chosen path cannot be stopped. It can be argued without a shadow of doubt that they help to find the meaning of their existence. They shape character and help create close, deep connections with people who are similar in their prioritization. Agree, it is very difficult to be close to someone who devalues. Or does not understand at all the importance of some processes that are significant for the interlocutor or partner.

They also allow you to form beliefs and a clear position regarding political and, in principle, social issues. Build self-esteem. They are guided in society, in the form of norms and rules of behavior.


In addition to material and spiritual, professor of psychology and pedagogy, Philip Lersh, identified three main types:


These are our passions, hobbies, desires and feelings. To put it simply - the way and lifestyle. For some, the most important thing is quality rest, which is why he tries to get pleasure and satisfaction from travel as often as possible. And for someone it is more important to invest in material things, rejoicing in the replenishment of the collection of stamps or figurines.


This category is more typical for individuals who strive to realize themselves, achieve heights and success, gaining recognition and respect of others. Why all resources and free time are directed to work. An example is inveterate careerists who strive to come to power at all costs and so on.


Based on the name, one can understand that they give meaning and meaning to actions, desires, dreams. This is the desire for creativity, the search for something ideal and perfect. Sincere impulses to serve the good of society and help those who need help.

7 core values

A person is in a continuous process of development, except in cases of degradation. He is completely different at different stages of his life. That is why there is a constant change of values.

For example, there are often cases when successful businessmen left their business, sold houses, cars and went to live in deserted places. To connect with nature and feel the pleasure of life. Their system of priorities was completely changed, old stereotypes and aspirations "disappeared", and new ones were developed. They were aware of their problem and strove to fix it, to fill the wasted years. And sometimes, and vice versa, the world received geniuses and just creative personalitieswho are satiated with solitude and hungry for communication.

So, despite the fact that everyone has their own views on the world and needs, there are still areas that in no case can be ignored. So as in the previous examples, not to go to extremes. So, the main values:


In the first place, since it is quite difficult to do without it, and sometimes impossible. Agree, without pain and any physical limitations, it is much easier to realize your goals and dreams. Wellness is the best companion on the road to success. A surge of strength, cheerfulness and energy - isn't that what most of us dream about?

Therefore, it is important to play sports, consult a doctor on time and undergo periodic examinations to make sure that the state of the body is normal, or to anticipate the onset of any disease. Listen to the sensations in the body, follow your desires and tie with any kind of addiction. After all, as they say, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

If you don't know where to start, it doesn't matter. You will receive recommendations on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, so that it is useful and enjoyable, and does not consist of only restrictions, by clicking on.


Spirituality is quite multifaceted, and consists of faith, ethics, inner balance and harmony with the surrounding world, nature, understanding the meaning of life and one's purpose. And also affects the moral side of the person. All this taken together helps to feel happiness, to understand what actions are worth doing and what not. To cope with difficulties, because what if not faith gives us strength and motivation to act and move on, no matter what? It is very important to develop spirituality in yourself, and you will learn how to do this.


It is important to receive it both in friendships and in family. Communication is in fact our most important need, after, of course, physiological. To continue your family, to feel support and support behind your back, to know that there are comrades-in-arms and in general people who are not indifferent to you is really valuable.

Many, not getting intimacy, try to replace it with material things, which give the illusion that, in principle, one can live without love. But in fact, the saturation and satisfaction from this are superficial and short-lived. Nothing can fully replace contact with another person, healthy and full of feelings.

Financial position

Financial independence provides a person with comfort, tranquility, stability, and sometimes health. Each of us simply must be able to plan expenses, have a passive type of income and avoid falling into a debt trap. Otherwise, anxiety, stress and poor health will be constant companions.

Thanks to money, we can purchase quality products, equip our life so that it is comfortable. Travel the world, expanding the horizons and boundaries of consciousness, learn new things and more. The problem arises when a person tries to replace all other needs with money directly, ignoring relationships, rest, hobbies. Therefore, take on board and start to improve your financial situation.


The realization of one's ambitions and abilities is sometimes vital, as it allows one to gain recognition from colleagues, relatives, and society as a whole. Achieving career success and professional competence, a person experiences self-esteem, and this has a beneficial effect on his self-esteem.

This includes not only professional activitybut also charity. Helping others is the best way to increase self-worth, and to some also gives an understanding of their purpose.


Getting good quality rest is important to get inspired and energized. And believe me, not everyone is capable of this. Life troubles and grandiose plans are sometimes so addictive that a person is afraid to relax even for a minute. Lazing in front of the TV or playing computer games and on social networks actually takes time and does not allow you to sufficiently recuperate your strength and resources.

To get new emotions, you need to change your usual way of life. The culture of modern society promotes a whole host of entertainment and opportunities to qualitatively relax, try new things for yourself. So take a moment and spend your holidays and weekends in pleasure, without reproaching yourself for laziness.


There is no limit to perfection, and, despite the level of your development, there is always something that you can still learn. Get to know not only the world around you, but also your inner structure, so to speak, the personality structure. You are constantly changing, and it is very important to notice the slightest changes in order to know how to treat yourself, build relationships with others, and also advance in your career.


To understand which area requires your urgent attention, I want to offer you an interesting method called the "Wheel of balance". It will help you see a holistic picture of your problem areas and vice versa, the benefits. You can view it by clicking.

The material was prepared by a psychologist and gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina.

Have you ever wondered what is the most important thing in life for you? Each of us, answering it, will name personal desires and needs. For some, the main goal is a career, for others - power and position in society, for others, the family is at the head of the whole. And this is quite understandable, because everyone has their own life priorities.

However, we are rather interested in what this choice is connected with and what the individual is guided by in achieving the set goals. Let's figure out together what is life values person and how they are formed.

Briefly about the main thing: concepts and types

Speaking about what the term "life values" means, it is worth considering the individual scale for each person, through which he evaluates his life and chooses the further direction of his path. At various stages of development and formation of society, such a scale of measures and assessments underwent changes. But at all times, certain parameters were present in it, which remain relevant to this day and are, so to speak, constant values.

The human value system consists of absolute individual factors that are of great importance in a person's worldview and are the main guidelines in his activity. And those directions that will coincide with the life principles of a person will become priorities for him. The rest will be secondary.

Interested in what life values \u200b\u200bare and what they are in general, do not forget that this concept is complex. As a rule, the formed system of values \u200b\u200bof a mature person consists of three main “ingredients”. And this:

  • General human valuesconditioned by the concepts existing in the human mind about what can be important and what is not worthy of attention (secondary).
  • Cultural, formed on the basis of generally accepted norms about what is "good" and what is "bad", as well as the characteristics of cultural development and the environment of education.
  • Individual (or personal) values \u200b\u200bare individual features of the worldview, which are purely subjective for each individual person.

You can see that in fact, there are a lot of life values. Moreover, they can all be divided into different types of values \u200b\u200band groups, which will be based on the classification according to a specific criterion.

So, for example, all known values \u200b\u200bare divided into two large groups, depending on what their nature is: material and spiritual values. People who consider the first group to be the main are those for whom various material goods are priority, what can be owned (cars, apartments, jewelry, clothes, etc.). The second group is focused on people for whom spiritual concepts and human qualities, such as mercy, wisdom, freedom, knowledge, love and others, are more important.

Classifications of psychologists

The classification of values \u200b\u200bproposed by Münsterberg makes it possible in psychology to divide the priorities of people into two types:

  • Life, to which human feelings can be attributed: love, happiness, joy, etc.
  • Cultural values \u200b\u200band norms that combine not only material, but also spiritual benefits, which are of great importance in culture.

At the same time, there is another classification of priority life concepts, in which the spheres of implementation of certain structures, as well as the degree of their spirituality, were taken as a basis. Thus, the following human values \u200b\u200bcan be distinguished:

  • Vital ones are human life and its quality, health, environmental and physical safety.
  • Economic - favorable conditions for business development, an optimal environment for the production and promotion of products, the same rights for manufacturers.
  • Social values \u200b\u200b- position in society, family and children, well-being, gender equality, individual independence, hard work, patience, career.
  • Political - peace, patriotism, the ability to express civic position, independence.
  • Moral values \u200b\u200bare love, justice, kindness, mutual respect, help, good breeding, honor, devotion, care.
  • Religious - faith in God and salvation, the Bible, grace.
  • Aesthetic values \u200b\u200b- inner balance, beauty, a sense of beauty, style.
  • Moral values \u200b\u200bare the meaning of life, conscience, honesty, responsibility, determination, duty.

Despite the fact that human values \u200b\u200bare divided into only two main groups, all people are divided into three types. The main criterion for such a classification of people is what one or another person prefers. That is, there are materialistic people who are interested exclusively in material and material goods (things, cars, houses, apartments and other goods).

Spiritual people, the next type of people, are those who give preference to concepts and qualities of a non-material nature. And there is another type - spiritual materialists. These include individuals, the main vectors of development of which are directed simultaneously to both material and spiritual values.

The concept of "values" for all people on the planet has a different content, but at the same time they are associated with certain phenomena from the same spheres of life. The value system will only embody an individual sequence of priorities.

Conditional scale of life priorities

IN highlight the basic, eternal values, thanks to which the general system values \u200b\u200bfor all people on the planet. It:

1. Health. Perhaps, for many, this point will become the main factor, which is rated very highly. In turn, health can be attributed both to the category of spiritual and physical well-being, and to the category of social values. This is due to the fact that for many of us, various crises, setbacks and adverse situations are a significant indicator for assessing health status.

2. Family. This is one of the main values \u200b\u200bin human life. Despite the fact that there are those who refuse to create a family or have a child, as well as despite the promotion of same-sex marriage, caring for loved ones remains the main activity of many people on the planet.

What are family values? This is a concept that cannot exist apart from the family, because it means various rules, ideals, relics and memories that accumulate over the years and are passed on from generation to generation. And here you can give a lot of examples from life.

For example, old photos and stories of ancestors, aesthetic norms, rules of behavior, ideas about family relationships, traditions and much more. That is, family (or traditional family) values \u200b\u200bare a set of ideas of each family member about a community united by common interests, in which everyone is able to influence the choice of life goals and guidelines, as well as ways of self-realization and organization of the future.

3. Success in various spheres of life and in life in general. With the development of a cultured society, prestigious education, a high position and decent earnings, universal recognition and position in society are becoming more and more priorities. In this regard, success and promising self-realization are those values \u200b\u200bin life that are held in high esteem by the majority of the population.

4. Time. Time is viewed by many as an invaluable resource that cannot be bought, sold or traded. And those meaningful spiritual structures that build up over time often shape family values, experiences, and memories.

5. Finance (money). This is a very important point, which is highly appreciated by every second person, which is not at all surprising, given the economic situation in the world. For many, money is a means of a successful, happy existence and full-fledged development.

6. Leisure and travel opportunities. It is not surprising that many of us consider this item a priority for ourselves, because the opportunity to rest and travel not only brings invaluable experience, new knowledge and emotional relaxation, but also contributes to the box of family values.

All of the above points represent core values. In addition to them, there are others that are no less common in modern society: creativity, close circle (friends and relatives), spiritual development, freedom, authority, communication, etc.

Speaking about life values, you need to understand that they are an "inner beacon" to which every subsequent step and deed should lead us. And if reality does not correspond to the internal model of your world, this can be expressed in recurring problems, stressful situations and deteriorating health. When you set a specific goal and prioritize correctly, you can gain self-confidence and become successful, and most importantly - happy person... Author: Elena Suvorova

2. Philosophy of values

3. Values \u200b\u200bin literature

4. The values \u200b\u200bof life and culture of modern youth (sociological research)


Bibliographic list


The system of value orientations, being a psychological characteristic of a mature personality, is one of the central personality formations, expresses the meaningful attitude of a person to social reality and, in this capacity, determines the motivation of his behavior, has a significant impact on all aspects of his activity. As an element of the personality structure, value orientations characterize the internal readiness to perform a certain activity to satisfy needs and interests, indicate the direction of her behavior.

Each society has a unique value-orientational structure, which reflects the identity of a given culture. Since the set of values \u200b\u200bthat the individual assimilates in the process of socialization is precisely the society that “translates” to him, the study of the system of personal value orientations seems to be a particularly urgent problem in a situation of serious social changes, when there is some “blurring” of the social value structure, many values \u200b\u200bare damaged, social structures disappear norms, in the ideals and values \u200b\u200bpostulated by society, contradictions appear.

In essence, the whole variety of objects of human activity, social relations and natural phenomena included in their range can act as values \u200b\u200bas objects of value relations, can be evaluated in the dichotomy of good and evil, truth and error, beauty and ugliness, permissible or forbidden, fair and unfair.

1. Values: concepts, essence, types

The cybernetic understanding of society consists in presenting it as belonging "to a special class of universal adaptive-adaptive systems."

From a certain perspective, culture can be considered as a multidimensional program of adaptive management that sets the main parameters of self-organization of communities and coordinates the joint activity of fairly autonomous individuals. At the same time, culture can be understood as a kind of generator of structure inherent in any highly organized system: "Orderliness is achieved by limiting the variety of possible states of system elements by establishing the dependence of some elements on others. In this respect, culture is similar to biological and technical programming devices."

Culture itself is defined axiologically as a set of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200band methods of their creation and transmission. Values \u200b\u200bas such are inextricably linked with the sociocultural context and can be considered as some quanta of the common cultural field. It is in this sense that values \u200b\u200bcan be considered as structural invariants of various cultures, which determine not only the content-specific specifics of a particular culture as an arsenal of effective adaptive strategies, but also the features of its dynamics and development. Chavchavadze N.Z. and defines culture as "the world of embodied values", distinguishing between values-means and values-goals.

A person's value system is the "foundation" of his relationship to the world. Values \u200b\u200bare a relatively stable, socially determined selective attitude of a person to the totality of material and spiritual public goods.

“Values,” wrote V.P. Tugarinov, is what people need to meet their needs and interests, as well as ideas and their motivations as a norm, goal and ideal. "

The value world of each person is immense. However, there are certain “cross-cutting” values \u200b\u200bthat are practically pivotal in any field of activity. These include hard work, education, kindness, good manners, honesty, decency, tolerance, humanity. It is the drop in the significance of these values \u200b\u200bat one time or another in history that always causes serious concern in a normal society.

Value is one of those general scientific concepts, the methodological significance of which is especially great for pedagogy. Being one of the key concepts of modern social thought, it is used in philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogy to denote objects and phenomena, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody moral ideals and act as standards of what should be.

In essence, all the variety of objects of human activity, social relations and natural phenomena included in their range can act as values \u200b\u200bas objects value relationships, can be evaluated in the dichotomy of good and evil, truth and error, beauty and ugliness, permissible or forbidden, just and unjust.

Value as a concept defines "... significance anything unlike existence object or its quality characteristics ".

There are a huge number of values \u200b\u200band they can be divided into two large groups: material and spiritual:

We referred to material values: a car, an aquarium, a garage, jewelry, money, food, a house, toys, cosmetics, musical instruments, books, clothes, an apartment, a tape recorder, a computer, a TV, a telephone, furniture, sports equipment;

Spiritual: active life, life wisdom, life, family, love, friendship, courage, work, sports, responsibility, sensitivity, honesty, good breeding, beauty, mercy, creativity, freedom, human, peace, justice, self-improvement, health , knowledge.

We can touch, see, buy material values \u200b\u200band they depend on the time in which a person lives. For example, 300 years ago there were no cars, which means there was no such value.

Spiritual values, unlike material ones, we cannot always see and they are not bought, but we can feel them through our actions and the behavior of the people around us. For example, if beauty is important for a person, then he will strive to create it around him, to perform beautiful deeds. Thus, these are higher values \u200b\u200bthat are universal and significant at all times.

2. Philosophy of values

In philosophy, the problem of values \u200b\u200bis viewed in inseparable connection with the definition of the essence of man, his creative nature, his ability to create the world and himself in accordance with the measure of his values. A person forms his values, constantly destroys the contradictions between the existing world of values \u200b\u200band anti-values, uses values \u200b\u200bas a tool for maintaining his life world, protection from the destructive effects of entropic processes that threaten the reality he creates. The value-based approach to the world requires the consideration of objective reality as the result of human self-assertion; the world with this approach is, first of all, a reality mastered by a person, transformed into the content of his activity, consciousness, and personal culture.

M.A. Nedosekina in her work "On the question of values \u200b\u200band their classification" (Internet resource) defines value ideas, understood as the basis of assessments and the prism of a goal-oriented vision of reality, as needs and interests translated into the language of thoughts and feelings, concepts and images, ideas and judgments ... Indeed, for the assessment, it is necessary to have developed ideas about the values \u200b\u200bthat act as orientation criteria for the adaptive and activity activity of the individual.

On the basis of their value ideas, people not only evaluate what exists, but also choose their actions, demand and achieve justice, and carry out what is good for them.

E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolina defines values \u200b\u200bas a non-rational regulator. Indeed, behavior regulated by reference to value criteria is ultimately focused on achieving maximum emotional comfort, which is a psychophysical sign of achieving a specific goal associated with the assertion of a particular value.

N.S. Rozov identifies several evolutionary types of development of the worldview of communities: mythological consciousness, religious consciousness and ideological consciousness. This kind of classification is more than obvious. However, few people dare to abandon the finality of the last form of social consciousness and at least assume the possibility of the birth of a new one, completely different from the previous ones. N.S. Rozov did this: "The value consciousness most likely claims to be the leading form of worldview in the coming historical epoch." Values \u200b\u200bwithin the framework of value consciousness as a new form of worldview, firstly, come out of a subordinate position, and secondly, they absorb and rethink all the diversity of existing worldviews, since communication and the search for productive compromises between representatives of these different worldviews are already urgently needed ... value consciousness is not reduced to a combination of the meanings of the two words that make up this name. This concept is built, first of all, normatively: value consciousness is a form of worldview based on values \u200b\u200bthat satisfies the requirements established above.

The world of values, teleologically determining their object, to which it is initially directed, does not hang in the air. It is rooted in the affective life of the psyche no less than vital needs. The first contact with values \u200b\u200boccurs through communication with significant persons - parents. From the initial stages of ontogenesis, they interfere with the spontaneous functioning of vital needs, introducing into them the order necessary for the entire society. And if the emerging consciousness draws its strength mainly from the affective images of significant persons, then in the future it is freed from the need for such support and, in the pursuit of the goal-value, self-organizes and produces its structure and content, moving in line with objective laws. The existing hierarchy of values, teleologically defining its subject - human consciousness, can give rise to values \u200b\u200bthat take them out of the sphere of immediate vital needs of a given society. This is the axiological basis of progress.

Values \u200b\u200bin the most general sense are things and phenomena that are essential for a person and society. Values \u200b\u200bhave the ability to satisfy certain human needs, meet his interests, or correspond to the traditions of society and those social groupsin which the person is included.

Obviously, the value is not in the item itself. Objects become valuable only in the process of assessing the world by a person. For example, a banknote is by its very nature just paper with ink applied to it. Its value is given by the corresponding attitude of the individual and society. Obsolete banknotes lose their purchasing value, although they do not physically change.

However, value is not contained only in the human mind. The idea of \u200b\u200ba bill and the bill itself are not the same thing. Money in the mind and money in the pocket are different things, and accordingly their value is different: choosing between them, we will choose real money (even if it will be much less than “money in mind”). In the subject, in his consciousness, one can find not the value itself, but only the act of evaluation. So, there are no values \u200b\u200beither in the object or in the subject. Therefore, they exist in the sphere of their interaction (as there is no electricity in either the positive or the negative pole of the battery, it appears when they are connected). Value arises only at the meeting place of man and the world. A person is surrounded by mute things. To evaluate means to single out something essential from this mass, to feel the ability of some thing to respond, to respond to a person's needs.

The values \u200b\u200bare so diverse that a complete and comprehensive description of them is impossible. An infinite number of values \u200b\u200bcan be distinguished:

o primary - food, water, shelter, clothing, safety, protection;

secondary - belonging, respect, love, recognition, self-expression;

o material - food, water, housing, clothing, natural resources, tools, expensive items;

about spiritual - truth, goodness, beauty, creativity, knowledge, justice, holiness;

o universal - life, freedom, goodness, beauty; personal - everything possible.

Values \u200b\u200bare not isolated and not torn from each other, but are in constant movement and close interaction, making up a complex system of mutual intersections, coincidences and influences.

Life is the highest human value. A person lives life consciously, sets himself certain goals and strives for them. In other words, he ascribes a special meaning to life. The common sense of life for all can be deduced from the natural laws of life itself (naturalistic approach) or from absolute values \u200b\u200bthat lie outside of life (authoritarian approach).

According to naturalistic approach, the meaning of life is the pursuit of pleasure, pleasures, benefits. At first glance, this approach seems correct, but a detailed analysis reveals a number of shortcomings in it. Sometimes, in pursuit of pleasure and profit, a person becomes not a free spokesman for his desires, but their slave. Fixation on pleasures often leads to the destruction of the psyche and the body (for example, in the case of drug addiction). The consistent development of all naturalistic goals shows that their consequence can be such negative qualities as selfishness, gluttony, stinginess, and what is truly useful for a person is the ability to limit oneself on the path to pleasures and benefits.

IN authoritarian approach, the meaning of life is to strive for a great idea (for example, the common good). However, considering a person as a means of achieving higher goals devalues \u200b\u200bhuman life: for the sake of absolute ideas, which often turn out to be illusions, people died and die. As a rule, the logical development of authoritarianism leads to a blind adherence to an idea - religious or political fanaticism.

Also available subjective the point of view, according to which there is no common meaning of life for all and each person freely chooses the meaning of his life in each of his actions. The Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) pointed out three main directions for finding this meaning. A person must accept the values \u200b\u200bof creativity (creation and self-realization), experience (the ability to admire beauty, goodness, truth) and attitude (optimistic perception of the world).

A person is free to choose his own path and is not immune from mistakes and failures. Science is able to show him only an approximate direction of the search. The meaning of life cannot be received ready - you need to experience it and suffer in order to feel like a human being. Only freedom of choice gives meaning to life.

The concept of freedom is diverse - it can be negative (freedom from something) and positive (freedom for something), internal (freedom of will and choice) and external (freedom of action). The points of view on whether a person has freedom are also significantly different. Some thinkers believe that a person's actions and decisions are arbitrary (such a position is called voluntarism), others believe that all actions are predetermined from the outset (the position of fatalism).

In the most general sense, freedom is the absence of restrictions and constraints. But in reality, a situation is impossible in which all restrictions are absent. Human actions are limited by nature and society. Natural restrictionsare represented by the physical laws and objective capabilities of a person: you cannot go back in time, you cannot run above a certain speed, you cannot live more than is determined by the biological characteristics of the organism. Social restrictions connected with the fact that the freedom of one person is limited by the freedom of another. An English proverb puts it this way: "The freedom of my fist ends where the freedom of your nose begins."

To become truly free, you need to realize these external limitations: to know the objective laws of nature and social life and to understand the limits of your capabilities. Only knowing the nature and essence of the limitations, you can overcome them, thereby expanding the range of their actions. Than better man understands his capabilities, the more freedom he has. For example, the laws of nature and the data of science say that a person cannot fly like a bird. Understanding the essence of objective constraints (laws of gravity, aerodynamic features) made it possible to develop such technical means that helped a person rise into the air without violating natural laws. You can get around the limitations only by realizing them: modern aircraft simultaneously take into account physical limitations and expand human capabilities. Freedom, according to the Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), is a conscious (known) necessity. Hence follows a philosophical definition of freedom. It - the possibility of the subject manifesting his will on the basis of understanding the laws of the development of nature and society. It is the knowledge of laws that liberates; ignorance only restricts freedom.

As a realized necessity, freedom is closely linked with responsibility.

A responsibility - it is an awareness of duty, the requirements of society to a person. In fact, responsibility is the flip side of freedom: the freer a person is, the more responsible he is. If a person's behavior was not free, predetermined by someone else's will or objective circumstances (the lives of his loved ones were threatened or the person is mentally insane), he, as a rule, does not bear criminal or moral responsibility. But for all his actions, committed freely, for each of his personal choices, a person is obliged to answer to society and to himself.

In this respect, freedom has moral and legal limits. External restraints (from the side of society) are expressed in norms, traditions, customs, laws, religious precepts, etc. Internal restraints (from the side of a person) are expressed in convictions, personal principles, in the voice of conscience. If the internal restraints are formed correctly, then the external ones are no longer necessary. A person becomes a person when he does not act on the basis of external compulsion, not out of fear of punishment or out of a desire to be rewarded. A real person acts morally, proceeding from his inner convictions, formed in the process of free self-determination.

Freedom is refracted in a special way in different spheres of social life. For example, in the economic sphere, freedom of the market and freedom of trade stand out. In the sphere of relations between the individual and the state, they distinguish freedom of speech (the ability to express their beliefs), freedom of conscience (the ability to choose to accept religious or atheistic views), freedom of assembly (the ability to gather to discuss various issues), freedom of association (to unite with other people) and etc.

Personal civic values \u200b\u200bare formed on the basis of political freedoms. The concept of "citizen" indicates that a person has a stable connection with a particular state. This connection is expressed primarily in the granting of certain rights and freedoms to a citizen by the state. Since there is no citizen without freedoms, it is the duty of every citizen to protect their freedoms from any encroachment. In this way, active citizenship to protect their rights and freedoms, even if the state itself violates the rights of a citizen, is the primary value of the individual in relation to the state.

For every citizen, the continuation of freedoms is the obligation to the state. In exchange for their freedoms, a citizen undertakes to abide by laws, protect the country, pay taxes, etc. Such duties are a fair payment for the rights and freedoms granted to the individual, therefore her evasion of duties is considered not only illegal, but also morally reprehensible. From this point of view, the values \u200b\u200bof a citizen are patriotism, a sense of duty, responsibility for the fate of the country, etc.

There are a number of civic qualities that are not associated with the relationship between the individual and the state, but with the relationship between the citizens themselves. Since the freedom of one person in the state is limited by the freedom of another, respect for the interests of others and laws that ensure these interests fall into the category of values. From this point of view, the basic civic values \u200b\u200bare:

ABOUT tolerance-tolerance towards the beliefs of others; about humanism - recognition of the intrinsic value of any person;

about sense of justice - recognition of the rule of law over private interests or beliefs.


  • 1. Values in the most general sense, they call things and phenomena that are essential for a person and society. Truth, goodness and beauty are recognized as the main spiritual values.
  • 2. Life is considered the highest universal human value. Meaning of lifeit is impossible to get it ready - it must be experienced and suffered. Each person himself puts meaning in his life.
  • 3. Liberty there is a possibility of the subject's manifestation of his will on the basis of awareness of the laws of development of nature and society. The flip side of freedom is a responsibility - awareness of duty to other people and society as a whole.
  • 4.K civic qualities individuals include an active civic position, patriotism and responsibility for the fate of the country, as well as tolerance, humanism and developed legal consciousness.


  • 1. How does a person's interests influence his value preferences? Are there differences between values \u200b\u200bin different cultural traditions?
  • 2. What are the main approaches to determining the meaning of life. How does the degree of personal freedom affect the solution of life-meaning issues?
  • 3. How do you understand the phrase "Freedom is a cognized necessity"? Why is freedom called the reverse side of responsibility?
  • 4. What do you mean by civic values? Why in modern life the civic qualities of the individual have acquired special significance?
  • For more details see: V. Frankl. Man in Search of Meaning. M., 1990.
6 415 0 Hello! This article will focus on human life values, their main categories, how they are formed and how they are rethought. Values \u200b\u200bare the main goals and priorities that determine the essence of the person himself and govern his life. These are human faith, principles, ideals, concepts and aspirations. This is what each person defines for himself as the most significant and important in life.

What are life values \u200b\u200band their role for us

Life values \u200b\u200band guidelines are some absolute values \u200b\u200bthat occupy the first place in the worldview and determine a person's behavior, his desires and aspirations. They help to solve tasks and set priorities in their own activities.

Each person has his own hierarchy of values. Values \u200b\u200bdetermine how a person builds his life, how he makes friends, chooses a place of work, how he gets an education, what hobbies he has, how he interacts in society.

As a rule, the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bchanges during life. In childhood, some significant moments are in the first place, in adolescence and youth - others, in youth - the third, in adulthood - the fourth, and by old age everything can change again. The life values \u200b\u200bof young people are always different from the priorities of older people.

Events occur in life (happy or tragic) that can turn a person's worldview by 180 degrees, force him to completely rethink his life and re-prioritize exactly the opposite of what they were before.

This is a natural process of development of the human psyche and personality. Adapt to changing conditions environment - the protective function of the body, part of the evolutionary process.

Each individual needs to be clearly aware of the hierarchy of his own value system. This knowledge helps in various difficult situations, for example, when it is necessary to make a difficult choice between two important things in favor of one. Focusing on the primary values, a person will be able to correctly determine what is truly important for his own well-being.

Let's analyze a typical example from life. A responsible workaholic often stays at work in order to successfully complete all assigned tasks. The job is really interesting, well paid, promising, etc., but never ending. There is always a gnawing feeling that he is not working on it and does not have time. At home his beloved family is looking forward to it. The wife periodically makes complaints about the frequent absence from home, which also causes some discomfort. The feeling of dissatisfaction lingers and becomes chronic.

It is in such situations that you need to learn how to correctly prioritize. It is important to decide what comes first. Solve the problem within yourself and stop rushing about. It is always impossible to keep up with everything, but it is quite possible to choose the highest priority. By examining such cases and adopting your own hierarchy of priorities, you can minimize chronic personal conflicts.

There are no right and wrong value systems. For some, a successful career and recognition comes first, for someone love and family, for others education and continuous development.

But there is an awareness of their own hierarchy of priorities and internal consistency with them. And there is an internal conflict when a person has difficulties with and determining the true importance of things for themselves.

Basic life values

Conditionally, life values \u200b\u200bcan be divided into two groups:

  1. Material: , comfort, home, a sense of financial solvency and stability.
  2. Spiritual:
  • A family: intimate long-term stable in a pair, procreation, a sense of one's own need for other people, a sense of community.
  • Friends and work team: feeling of belonging to a group.
  • Career: achievement of a certain social status, respect for significant people.
  • Favourite buisness: business project or hobby (music, sports, gardening, etc.), disclosure of their own destiny and talents.
  • Education and development any skills, qualities, personal growth.
  • Health and beauty: slimness, good physical shape, absence of diseases.

Both categories are intertwined with each other and become related values. IN modern world it is difficult to separate material values \u200b\u200bfrom spiritual ones. For the realization of some, the presence of others is necessary. For example, to get an education, you need a certain financial condition that you need to earn. Money brings financial comfort to the family and the opportunity for leisure and interesting hobbies. Material investments are also needed for health and beauty. The social status of a modern person is largely determined by the material wealth acquired. Thus, material values \u200b\u200bhave become an integral part of the spiritual.

Life values \u200b\u200bare:

1. Universal (cultural). it general views people about what is good and what is bad. They are laid down in childhood, and their development is influenced by the society that surrounds a person. The model, as a rule, becomes the family in which the child was born and raised. Parents' priorities become fundamental in the formation of their own value system.

The universal human priorities include:

  • physical health;
  • life success (education, career, social status, recognition);
  • family, children, love, friends;
  • spiritual development;
  • freedom (judgments and actions);
  • creative realization.

2. Customized.They are formed in every person throughout life. These are the values \u200b\u200bthat a person stands out from the generally accepted ones and considers important for himself. The priority can be politeness, kindness, faith in people, literacy, good breeding and others.

How to reveal your values

Currently, psychologists have developed a large number of techniques for diagnosing life values.

Tests can be taken online. They usually take no more than 15 minutes. The result appears within a few seconds. The methodologies are either a series of multiple choice questions or a list of statements for further ranking. The answers are not right or wrong, and the results are not good or bad. Based on the results of testing, a list of the main values \u200b\u200bof the respondent is issued.

These methods help a person quickly get a picture of their own hierarchy of priorities.

Test results can sometimes be confusing. It may seem to you that they are wrong and your priority system does not match the issued program. Try another test and then another.

While you are answering the questions, you can simultaneously decide for yourself what is most important for you in life, and what is secondary.

Another option for determining your own value system is an independent analysis of your priorities.

To do this, you need to write on a piece of paper all the things that are meaningful to you in life. Everything that you respect, value and value. It is not necessary to use terminology and peeped criteria and definitions. List in exactly the same words as things are called in your head.

After making your list, take a short break. Switch to other activities. Then take your list again and take a close look at it. Pick the 10 values \u200b\u200bthat matter most to you, and cross out the rest. Now the list needs to be halved again. To make it easier to determine your priorities, go through different life situations in your head, determining what is more important.

As a result, 5 most significant values \u200b\u200bremained. Rank them (list them in order of importance from 1 to 5). If you can't choose what is more valuable to you, imagine a situation in which you would have to decide what would be more difficult for you to lose. And this is exactly what you cannot part with even in thoughts, and will be your highest priority in life. The rest will also remain important, but still secondary.

This way you will get a picture of your life priorities.

How to instill life values \u200b\u200bin the process of education

The question of instilling life values, as a rule, is asked by young parents. I would like to raise my loved one "correct" and happy.

The fundamental factor in choosing a system of priorities that one wants to put in a child's head is the parents' own understanding of the “correct” values.

The ideas about important things formed in childhood will be fixed in the subconscious for the rest of their life and will remain unchanged without serious shocks. We are talking about universal human values \u200b\u200b(family, love, striving for self-development and education, career growth, material enrichment).

In a family where close people always come first, a child will grow up who appreciates love and interpersonal relationships. A careerist family is likely to form an ambitious personality longing for a certain status. Etc.

The value system of a growing person is built on life experience. On what he "cooks" in every day. It is useless to tell the younger generation that the most important thing in life is the family, when the father disappears at work, and the mother does not crawl out of her gadgets, depriving the child's attention. If you want to form the "correct" life priorities in your baby, show it by your own example. The life values \u200b\u200bof children are in the hands of their parents.

Rethinking values

The formation of basic life values \u200b\u200bbegins in the first year of human life and ends by about 22 years.

Throughout life, a person is faced with various situations that entail a rethinking of values. Such moments are always associated with strong emotional upheavals (both positive and negative) or prolonged depressive states. It can be:

  • marriage;
  • birth of a child;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • a sharp change in financial position;
  • serious illness (own or a loved one);
  • tragic events on a global scale that claimed many lives);
  • falling in love with a person who does not correspond to ideals;
  • life crises (youth, maturity);
  • old age (end of life).

Sometimes a change of priorities occurs involuntarily, when a person instinctively chooses the best path for his future life.

Sometimes, for example, in cases of crises, prolonged mental anguish leads to rethinking and a new choice of life values. When, in long depressions, a person feels his own unhappiness, cannot find a way out - and the problem of life values \u200b\u200bbecomes acute. In this case, realigning priorities requires a conscious approach and a clear desire.

Rethinking values \u200b\u200bgives a person a chance to “start life from scratch”. Change yourself, radically change your existence. Often such changes make a person happier and more harmonious.

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