The most important component of selection for work in large international corporations is SHL verbal tests. SHL tests, math and verbal, are designed to be the primary screening for open vacancies. After passing the test, the number of applicants is reduced by about three times , and those who have passed successfully pass to the interview stage.

It is important that there is no point in striving for one hundred percent result, it is necessary to get ahead of other applicants, and here the level of the bulk of those who pass is important, but it is better not to count on other people's mistakes.

Hiring tests - dozens simple examples with options for answers. The assignment provides a short text with certain information, statements, and as answers, facts are offered that confirm or refute the information from the example. For each phrase-answer, it is necessary to confirm its truth or falsity, or maybe the option - “there is not enough information”.

Verbal thinking tests for many applicants are becoming a more serious obstacle than math problems. It is easier to calculate percentages and proportions than to draw conclusions from a text that is sometimes quite difficult to understand. Verbal tasks are important because they show a person's ability to process information, understand the meaning of words, the logic of language.

Any exam, test can be passed, in fact, for this they are created. Likewise, verbal tests for work are within the power of every educated person. It is not very difficult to understand the submitted information, the main problem is the lack of time, therefore, it is better for the newcomers to the selection in the Big Four, FMCG sector or any other sector to practice in advance.

The most important tip is to test your knowledge beforehand, but there are other nuances.

"It's hard in learning ...". Each company has its own unique tasks, but the general principle is the same. Therefore, each applicant is able to find verbal tests, examples of which are posted on the Internet. The trial tasks are different, they are simpler, but the person will at least understand what to expect from the full examples.

"Iron nerves". Of course, it's easy to talk about future tests, and when it's time to submit, it's hard to deal with the excitement. We must try not to worry about the lack of time. Often there are more examples of verbal tests than can be performed in a given time, that is, this is done on purpose. It is better to answer correctly to those tasks that are clearly understood.

The threshold for passing. All tests, including verbal ones, are needed to “reject” a certain number of applicants. You can answer correctly by 65% \u200b\u200band go further, or you can - by 78% and not be included in the group of lucky ones, because many answered correctly by 79-80%. The result of the rest is important, so there are always chances, even when there are doubts about the correctness of the answers.

Verbal Reasoning Tests are not penalized for incorrect answers, and the answer involves a choice of three options, and all opportunities should be used. But just going through the list and ticking the boxes at random is not an option either. It is necessary to answer first to understandable tasks, and then move on to the difficult ones. When time is running out, you can start answering at random - there is always a chance to guess correctly.

Translation problems. Although recently this has been rare, but it is better to prepare for the fact that some examples will sound strange in Russian, like after a "google translator". At first, when foreign companies were just beginning to select candidates through testing and interview tests, many applicants were bewildered. It is one thing to understand, at least in general, what it is about, it is quite another thing to recognize certain statements as true or false. If you come across such an incomprehensible text, it is better to work with it last, and before testing it would be good to find examples of verbal tests in Russian, but as “old” as possible in order to understand what there is a chance to encounter.

Many companies offer the opportunity to take tests online. It's more convenient, no one will interfere, like in a crowded office, but tests at home can relax the applicant. Remote testing is not much easier - the time is still limited, and you need to respond quickly.

"Help from a friend." If the applicant plans to take tests at home or in another place with the Internet, there is a temptation to call "smart" friends. Such help can be of poor help, because even if the friend has already passed verbal tests, which is unlikely, his assessment of some examples will be different from that of the test taker, and the slightest argument will lead to a decisive loss of time.

Any educated person can take the verbal test, but it is difficult to solve all the examples correctly for the first time, and examples of tests will help prepare for passing.

Best regards, worldcompanyjob team

Dear friends!

  • If soon you will have "Verbal-Numeric" testing SHL, Talent-Q, Ontarget Genesys,
  • If you are afraid not to pass and are looking for how to prepare
  • If time is short

then I hasten to inform you that there is an opportunity to prepare online professionally.

Quickly and easily, using effective online training, you will train your skills in 2-3 days and pass the tests the first time! A stable skill appears after solving 30-40 tests.

Listen to a 6-minute interview immediately after testing and preparing in our system.

In the interview, we talked about online program Roboxtest V.8, which is a platform for versions MAXIMUM 875, BIG4, FMCG, NGK.

Our team has developed a unique computer program Roboxtest V.8. It is as close as possible to real testing - the process itself takes place right in the browser, with a limited amount of time. I invite you to take a trial verbal test and see everything with your own eyes. A complete database of tests (more than 100 tests at the moment - about 1500 questions) is also available. To do this, contact me. Contacts are below.

All preparation will take place online. Each test has correct answers and solutions without time limit. The program works directly from the browser Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.

Attention! FROM Internet Explorer at the moment the program is "not friends" (not all functionality).

(Works with Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.)

At the end you will see a report similar to what employers see - in percentages and percentiles. This will allow you to soberly assess your strength. Since the preparation takes place online - there is an opportunity to compare yourself with other people who passed this test - this is important, because this is how employers look at you.

The system will also reveal your strengths and weak sides and tell you what to pay more attention to.

Now the database contains more than a hundred different tests (more than 1,500 questions) - mainly, ability tests - verbal, numerical, abstract-logical. But, most likely, you do not decide the whole base. Here, another thing is important - skill.

Experience shows that it is enough to reach the level of 80-90 percent and at least 60 percentiles for each type of test in order to successfully pass the real test the first time.

People who prepared according to our system solved an average of 30-40 tests. Here again individually, one candidate really wanted to get a job - he made 152 tests !!! And passed the real testing successfully !!!

There are also tests of knowledge - English - 2 levels, RAS, IFRS - for training in the big four.

If you are interested in training in our system, please contact me. Without payment, the system will block you within a few hours after registration.

Respectfully yours, Stanislav Panteleev.

[email protected]

The tasks that you will solve cannot be called difficult. These are not matrices and integrals, not complex mathematical logic. The purpose of testing is to measure your psychometric data.

The whole difficulty lies only in the time that you are given and in the passing points that are assigned by employers and test companies. You do not know anything about them, you do not know about the types of tasks either. In this article, we will open the veil of secrecy and show you what will await you during testing.

Example of a test company report for an employer

Your results will be compared with those of other candidates. Here is what the test result looks like for an employer using the example of testing the Talent-Q system.

Draw conclusions. You will be compared to the normative group and, based on these results, they will invite you for an interview or not.

To get to the interview - be sure to train hard! See what types of problems exist, find your own materials or use ours. The formula here is simple "Workout \u003d Success"

Numerical test and its varieties. Examples and solutions

Example of a task with a schedule

How many thousand more cars were imported in the second quarter of the second year than in the first year over the same period?
The graph shows that in the second quarter of the second year, 600 thousand cars were imported, in the second quarter of the first year - 425 thousand.
We calculate the difference 600-425 \u003d 175 thousand cars
175 thousand cars

Example of a task with a diagram

It is no secret that the level of power of the financial system of any country is assessed based on the size of its gold and foreign exchange reserves. Of course, the larger the reserves, the higher the level of economic resilience to various financial shocks.
The charts below show the change in the size of such reserves (in billions of US dollars) of the five largest economies in the world: China, the United States, Japan, the European Union in aggregate (EU) and Russian Federation... Note that the considered data relate to the period 2010-2013.

How many times are China's gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2010 greater than Russia's in 2011?


China's gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2010 amount to $ 2,000 billion, the Russian Federation in 2011 - $ 400 billion.


Example of a task with a table
At the 2004 Olympic Games, most of the gold, silver and bronze medals were won by athletes from five countries: USA, China, Russia, Australia, Japan. Question: How many gold awards did the Russian national team lack to take the first line in the overall team standings in terms of the number of gold medals, not counting silver?

Commentary: places in the standings are distributed according to the total amount of awards


For Russia to take first place in gold medals, it needs to overtake the United States and collect 36 medals. That is, we lacked 36-27 \u003d 9 medals


Example task for interest

In January 2012, the price for a men's suit increased by 25%, and in March 2013 on sale it decreased by 16% from the raised price and is currently $ 336. By what percentage has the overall price of a suit dropped or increased over the period mentioned above?


Let's denote by x - the initial price.

Then the price in January 2012 is 1.25 * x;

Price in March (1-0.16) * 1.25 * x \u003d 336 dollars

1.05 * x \u003d 336 dollars


The price went up by 5%.

Example of a problem on a mixture

With two salt solutions - 10 percent and 15 percent, you need to create 40 grams of a 12 percent solution. How many grams of each solution should you take?


Let us denote by x - the mass of a 10% solution, by y - the mass of a 15% solution.

Then we can make 2 equations:

The total mass of the solution is 40 grams, that is

The following equation will determine the salt content in solutions:

0.1x + 0.15y \u003d 0.12 * 40

So, we have a system of 2 equations. Express x from the first equation and substitute it into the second.

0.1 * (40-y) + 0.15y \u003d 4.8

4 - 0.1y + 0.15y \u003d 4.8


10 percent 24 grams, 15 percent 16 grams.

Verbal logic test. Example and solution.

An example of a verbal logic problem

There is an international classification of diseases accepted all over the world (ICD-10), it includes hundreds of different diseases. Many psychiatrists from different countries around the world (for example, the American doctor Kimberly Young) require cyberdiction (computer addiction) to be included in the next edition of the ICD as a disease. At the moment, the closest existing diagnosis is gambling addiction, however, the description of this disease refers exclusively to the use of slot machines, there is no talk of personal computers.

Question 1: Cyberadication is a worldwide recognized disease.

Answer: False.

Explanation: since psychiatrists from different countries demand the inclusion of cyberdiction in the next edition of the ICD, it can be concluded that this disease has not yet been recognized throughout the world.

The story of Stanislav Panteleev. P&G tests

I will tell you about my experience, and you yourself will draw conclusions from this. In 2008 I graduated from the Ural State University majoring in economist-manager with specialization in crisis management. In our last courses, we had a powerful Big Four ad (E&Y KPMG Deloitte PwC). Many people from my course went to work there. 90% left within the first year. I chose a different path for myself - sales. The first company I joined was P&G. I filled out a questionnaire in the Taleo system, uploaded my resume, waited for a call, and here I am, testing at the P&G branch in Yekaterinburg. The first impression is that the tasks are easy, but time passes inexorably. There were three of us candidates for the Sales position at P&G. I carefully resolved everything, hanging on some tasks. I remember there was a problem of how many and what items of different sizes fit into the warehouse - I sat on it for 10 minutes and realized that I could not solve it. At one point my rivals asked me - "Will you have time?" I said that I would be in time, but in the rest of the time I just stumbled across answers from the bulldozer. The results were in 20 minutes. Stanislav "No". I was very upset then. I have never had any problems with such simple tasks, and then take and fail and ruin your career. A few days later, I reanimated and realized this simple idea - I will find textbooks, download tests, start preparing. But it was not there. There were practically no textbooks on the Internet for preparing for seemingly such simple tasks. Tests too. As a result, there are scarce resources for preparation. And my career meant a lot to me at that time. This is money and professional growth and social significance. There was a resource by Vadim Tikhonov, but I didn't want to pay for tests at that moment. It seemed to me that everything can be downloaded. As a result, I spent a lot of time, began to compose my tasks on the basis of what I remembered and what else I met. I began to ask my friends and acquaintances who also faced this problem. This is how I got to know Marina Tarasova, who greatly helped me in preparation. At that time, she already had extensive experience in developing tests for assessing and qualifying personnel, including training tests for admission to international companies. Then there were companies Mars, KPMG, E&Y, Unilever. Everywhere I passed these tests with a bang! It was only worth learning the principle. The training has helped me, will help you. Our tests are paid because we do a lot of work to create them - work for the result. You have probably come across the fact that there is very little information on preparation for testing. We are filling this gap. A lot of new things come from you, dear clients and readers. Every month we update the tests in accordance with new information and trends in the candidate testing market. These are new tasks, and new types of tasks, examples of solutions and other updates. As a result, we have created a small but very useful resource for your preparation for testing. We are ready to hear your wishes, comments and feedback on our website. To do this, contact the "consultant" and we will contact you.

Today, when working with personnel, in addition to questionnaires, it is practiced to carry out, by analogy with Western companies, various types of testing, interviews, it is proposed to solve any problems to identify the adequacy of the applicant. And numerical tests, along with psychological, verbal, logical tests, are often carried out in many well-known companies when hiring. For small firms, this approach is still new, and giant companies have long used this selection method.

The importance of testing is so high that verbal and numerical tests at Pyaterochka even pass all employees who come to work. After the first testing, the number of applicants for the position decreases significantly. Verbal tests, which show the level and ability to perceive information, process it, and understand the meaning of various words and the logic of language, cause significant difficulties. And if working with quantitative information for children school age is even more difficult, the simplest verbal testing tasks can be started from primary and secondary school age.

Passed: 5084 847 41

Verbal and numerical tests at Pyaterochka are used to test all applicants for any position in the company. This is required to assess the basic skills and qualities of candidates.

Passed: 2728 455 22

The Numeric Items test provides the fastest possible assessment of the math skills of candidates applying for a position in the company. The tasks do not require knowledge exceeding the basic ones.

Passed: 4836 806 39

A dynamic test of numeric ability and skills asks you to evaluate your skills in solving simple math problems. By means of simple calculations it is required to obtain unambiguous answers to examples.

Passed: 4216 703 34

The numerical hiring test is used to assess the computational skills of people applying for jobs in companies that require basic math skills and knowledge.

Passed: 3844 641 31

A numerical test for information analysis makes it possible to judge a person's ability to interpret information expressed in the form of numbers. This requires minimal mathematical ability.

Passed: 6324 1054 51

The test for the perception of verbal and numerical information will show what kind of perception the person is inclined to. Some find it easier to analyze numerical data, while others find it easier to analyze data orally.

Passed: 6324 1054 51

A dynamic test of verbal skills and abilities shows how effectively a person perceives information expressed orally, and what part of it he is able to reproduce again.

Passed: 8060 1343 65

The test for the ability to interpret and analyze numerical information characterizes a person's tendency to understand information transmitted using numbers. A high result indicates a person's mathematical mindset.

Passed: 5704 951 46

A numeric and math ability test will determine if you have an aptitude for solving math problems. The tasks do not require in-depth knowledge and analyze basic math skills.

Passed: 3348 558 27

It happens that a person works in every day for 12-14 hours, reads professional literature, attends useful events and communicates with the right people. And the result does not justify the effort and time spent. What is the reason? Low efficiency. Go through our psychological test and find out if you have organized the work process correctly.

Half of the test questions are math, the other half are verbal. Mathematics includes examples for calculating proportions, percentages, area, productivity, time, as well as finding segments, mixtures, histograms, diagrams, and working with graphs. The list shows that examples of the school level, there is no higher mathematics, derivatives, integrals, etc. However, you should not relax in advance, given the testing conditions.

Verbal tests include two types of questions: assessment of the correctness of statements and analysis of the text. Attached to the short text are several statements that are flagged as "true," "false," or "insufficient information."

Simple examples provide an understanding of the tests.

For example, there is initial data that there were 100 residents of the house in such and such a year, and their number grew at a rate of 4% per year. To answer, you need to count how many people there are in the city in five years.

For example, there is a text that says that a complete inventory of the library was recently carried out, after which a shortage of two dozen books was revealed, and five books were unaccounted for. The first statement says that books were found due to the check, and it is correct, and the second assumption indicates that the books disappeared due to the librarian's negligence, and here the correct answer is not enough information, since based on the text it is not known why the books disappeared ...

The SHL test is more difficult than the examples above suggest. These tasks are unlikely to be encountered in real testing - examples there are more complicated, but the essence is similar.

Assistance in passing tests

There are no "magic" recipes for passing SHL tests or any kind of cheat sheet, but there are some sensible guidelines with which you can understand how best to prepare for testing.

Constant practice. It is better to solve examples of problems for logic and mathematics regularly, every other day or several times a week. The tasks are not particularly difficult, but they require maximum concentration and automatism. If you start to reason about each example, then success is hardly possible.

Timing. Over the past couple of years, tests have become more difficult, especially in terms of time constraints. Previously, a task was given a minute, now - thirty seconds. This is due to the constantly growing number of applicants. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise during the testing itself, it is better to prepare, gradually reducing the amount of time.

Search for information. There are frequent searches on the Internet about how to pass the SHL test correctly, and there is nothing negative about it, on the contrary, the more data an applicant finds about the upcoming testing, the better he will be prepared. There is no need, of course, to collect a heap of "garbage", it is necessary to filter out the incoming information, but before there was no such excellent source of knowledge at all, and not using it is stupid.

Skipping complex examples. If there is an opportunity to skip some tasks and move on to the next, and it usually is, then you should use it. The only condition is the ability to instantly assess the level of difficulty of the task, otherwise you can endlessly scroll through the list. The ability to quickly evaluate an example must be developed in advance.

Minimum technical assistance. Some companies conduct testing online, others directly in the office. Do not think that it is much easier at home - time is still limited, but theoretically you can search for data on the Internet, use calculating programs, etc. In the office, most often they do not even allow using calculators, and one must be ready for this, practicing the solution by example with only a pen and a piece of paper.

Memory training. To solve numerical tests, you need to do simple calculations in your head, complex ones on a leaf, but with verbal tests the situation is different. There is a text of 500-600 characters, roughly speaking, one paragraph, and statements for evaluation are given to it. If you constantly re-read the text, there will not be enough time for answers, so it is necessary that it be imprinted in memory, and the remaining time was used to evaluate the statements.

Creation of "interference". Passing the "exam" in the office can be complicated, intentionally or accidentally, by the surrounding noise, by any ongoing processes, which, if imposed on the participant's nervousness, can lead to a complete failure of testing. It is a good idea to practice at home by playing music and asking your family to speak loudly nearby. The ability to concentrate in any conditions will become indispensable.

Since the next attempt is given at least six months later, you should know in advance how to pass the SHL test correctly. This requires a lot of time, especially the first time, but the next tests will be more successful, and preparation will take less time.

Best regards, worldcompanyjob team

Depending on the type of tasks, tests are divided into: verbal (for example, a test for classifying words) and non-verbal (for example, Raven's matrices). Verbal and non-verbal tests differ in the nature of the stimulus material.

The first ones consist of tasks, the stimulus material of which is presented in linguistic form - these are words, statements, texts. The content of the subjects' work is the establishment of logical-functional and associative connections in the stimuli mediated by the language form.

In verbal tests, the subjects are required to work with words in one form or another: to perform operations with concepts, mental actions in verbal form. These tests are very sensitive to differences in language culture, educational level, and professional characteristics.

The verbal type of tasks is common among many intelligence tests.

Example: Verbal Intelligence Test by G. Eysenck. Scales: intelligence level (IQ).

Purpose: assessment of intellectual abilities, determining the extent to which the subject has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years old with at least secondary education.

Non-verbal tests - a type of technique in which the test material is presented in a visual form (in the form of pictures, drawings, graphic images etc.). Unfortunately, you still can't get rid of the verbal component completely, because you still have to understand the instructions. However, the very fulfillment of tasks is based only on perceptual, psychomotor functions, the activity of visual thinking.

Non-verbal tests also facilitate the examination of subjects with speech, hearing impairments, or low educational levels. They are also widely used in the assessment of spatial and combinatorial thinking.

Seguin's Planks (1866) - Test of reproduction of the previous order on the board.

It is used to diagnose children with mental retardation from 2 years of age. Incentive material: 5 boards with nests, in which different figures are located.

Diagnostics is carried out individually. In front of the child, they place the first board with figures inserted into the nests and offer to carefully examine it. After 10 sec. the psychologist turns the board over, and mixes the figures that have fallen out of the nests, after which he asks the child to reproduce the previous order (put all the figures in their original place). Three tests are made, and the indicator is the shortest time it took the child to complete the task. The procedure is repeated with each of the four boards. In addition to the execution time, errors, individual attempts and features of the child's actions, his statements, as well as the nature of using the help of a psychologist in case of unsuccessful attempts to complete tasks are recorded.

Progressive matrices J. Ravena.

The technique is based on the theory of Gestalt psychology. Each task is a definite whole, consisting of a number of interrelated elements. It is assumed that at first the subject carries out a global assessment of the matrix, and then differentiates the image into separate elements with the separation of the principle from the integration. At the final stage, the selected elements are included in a holistic image, which makes it possible to find the missing part of the image.

This test is considered by many British psychologists as the best measurement of the general factor (g-factor) in existence.

Stimulus material: matrices - compositions with a missing element. The test subject must select the missing element among 6-8 proposed options. Currently, three forms of dough are used, designed for different age and different level intellectual development. In each of them, tasks of the same type, but of increasing complexity, are organized into a certain number of series, the difficulty of which also increases from the first to the next. The complication of tasks both within each series and from series to series allows, according to the author, to implement the principle of progressiveness. It consists in the fact that the fulfillment of the previous tasks is the preparation of the subject for the fulfillment of the subsequent ones - the learning process is underway.

The test is not limited in time, it can be either individual or group. The psychometric parameters are high and were obtained on samples that are different both in volume and in nature.

Test - Draw a man - F. Goodenough (1926) - diagnosis of children from 3 to 13 years old.

The child was asked to depict a man on a piece of paper, and to do it as best as possible. The drawing time was not limited. The assessment of the level of intellectual development was carried out on the basis of which parts of the body and details of clothing the subject depicted, how the proportions of the figure, perspective, etc. were taken into account.F. age group.

In 1963 g. D. Harris revised it, expanded it and published it under the title Goodenough-Harris drawing test.

Now the child was asked to draw a woman. Performance was assessed based on 73 drawing elements (for a man) and 71 (for a woman). Along with the assessment of the drawings by elements, a simpler processing was proposed - a qualitative assessment by comparing them with 12 reference samples (by the degree of similarity). The rates were obtained for ages from 5 to 15 years. The retest reliability of the Drawing Test is higher than that of the Goodinough test (about 0.80), while the validity remains at the same level. These techniques were not used in Russia.

The culture-free intelligence test was developed by R.B. Cattell... It has three options. The first is intended for children 4-8 years old and mentally retarded adults; the second - for children 8-13 years old and adults without higher education; the third is for children 10-16 years old and adults with higher education.

The test consists of two parts, each of which includes 4 identical subtests. The "Series" subtest consists of tasks that require the selection of the element that ends the series. In the tasks of the "Classification" subtest, you should find an element that does not match the others in the row. In the "Matrix" subtest, one should mark an element that correctly complements each matrix. In the “Conditions” subtest, it is required to find among the proposed options the one for which the condition specified in the sample was met.

All tasks are presented in graphical form, and their execution time is limited to 3-4 minutes. Primary scores are translated into scale estimates, according to which the subject's compliance with the statistical norm is established (its boundaries are 84 and 116 IQ).
