Object and subject of modern pedagogy.

Pedagogy in the general system of scientific knowledge about a person.

General pedagogy is a basic scientific discipline that studies the general laws of human upbringing, develops the general foundations of the educational process in educational institutions of all types. There are two levels in general pedagogy: theoretical and applied (normative). Traditionally, general pedagogy contains four sections: - general foundations; - didactics (theory of instruction); - theory of education; - school studies. Preschool and school pedagogy constitutes a subsystem of age-related pedagogy. It studies the laws governing the upbringing of a growing person, reflecting the specifics of educational activities within certain age groups. Age pedagogy, as it has developed to date, covers the entire system of secondary education. In the subsystem of social pedagogy, there are such branches as family pedagogy, reeducation of offenders, etc. People with various disabilities and deviations in development fall into the scope of special pedagogy. The teaching and education of the deaf and deaf is dealt with by deaf and deaf pedagogy, the blind - by typhoid pedagogy, the mentally retarded - by oligophrenopedagogy. pedagogy examines the patterns of functioning and development of educational systems in different countries. Professional pedagogy studies pedagogical processes focused on a specific professional education of a person. Pedagogy, like any science, develops in close connection with other sciences. Philosophy, being the basis for understanding the goals of upbringing and education, plays an important methodological role in the development of pedagogical theories. Anatomy and physiology form the basis for understanding the biological essence of a person. Of particular importance for pedagogy is its connection with psychology: pedagogy uses psychological research methods, any section pedagogy finds support in the corresponding section of psychology. The links between pedagogy and physiology, sociology, history, literature, ecology, economics, etc., are obvious.

A. S. Makarenko is a scientist and practitioner, in 1922 he formulated the idea of ​​the specificity of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is not true. The object of research of scientific pedagogy is "pedagogical fact (phenomenon)". At the same time, a child and a person are not excluded from the attention of the researcher. On the contrary, being one of the human sciences, pedagogy studies purposeful activity for the development and formation of his personality.

Consequently, as its object, pedagogy does not have an individual, his psyche (this is an object of psychology), but a system of pedagogical phenomena associated with his development. Therefore, the objects of pedagogy are those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are called education. It is that part of the objective world that pedagogy studies.

The subject of pedagogy- This is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions). Pedagogy in this case is a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of a person's development throughout his life. On this basis, pedagogy develops the theory and technology of its organization, forms and methods of improving the teacher's activity (pedagogical activity) and various types of student activities, as well as strategies and ways of their interaction.

Definition 1

Literally "paidagogos" (Greek) means "schoolmaster". It comes from the nouns "paidos" ("child") and "ara" ("message").

In ancient Greece, a slave was called a teacher who led the child of his master to school. Little by little, the word "pedagogy" began to be used in a more general sense, namely as the ability to "lead a child through life" - to instruct, educate and teach. With the accumulation of knowledge, a special discipline about the education of children appeared. Pedagogy becomes the science of teaching and raising children. In theory, a transition has also taken place from certain facts to more complete cases. This understanding of pedagogy lasts until about the middle of the 20th century. Only in recent decades have we come to understand that both children and adults need highly qualified pedagogical management. The shortest, general and, moreover, a relatively complete explanation of the latest pedagogy is as follows:

Definition 2

"Pedagogy is the teaching about the upbringing of a person."

The term "upbringing" is used here in its broadest sense, encompassing education, training and development. Pedagogy can be thought of as a teaching about the correctness of teaching children, about the management of its development in accordance with the needs of society.

The subject of pedagogy is a process aimed at improving and developing a personality in the conditions of its training, education, upbringing. A subject is something that changes in activity. An established group means a kind of unity separated from the world of objects in the process of understanding the world. The main difference between an object and an object lies in the selection of properties and features.

I interpret the definition of the subject of pedagogy in different ways. For example, P.I. Pidkasisty considers the subject of pedagogy in educational activities, which is carried out in educational institutions. According to I.F. Kharlamov - teaching the individual, this is a special activity of society. According to V.A. Andreev, the subject of pedagogy is a unified system of upbringing, education, training, socialization and creative self-education of a person. B.S. Gershunsky is sure that this is not only work related to the direct activities of a teacher-practitioner with students, but also work of a scientific, experimental and guiding nature. V.V. Kraevsky believed that the subject of pedagogical science is the construction of relationships that appear in pedagogical activity.

Each generation of people solves the following important tasks - to study the experience of previous generations, to enrich, increase, and finally, to provide it to subsequent generations. A more accurate description of the concept of "pedagogy" sounds like this: "A science that studies the patterns of transmission by the older generation and active assimilation by the younger generations of social experience necessary for life and work." The subject of educational psychology is the process of studying the psychological laws of education and upbringing, both from the side of the educated person and from the side of the person who creates this training and upbringing.

Expanding the concept of "subject of pedagogical science", one should touch upon its categories (Greek kategoria - judgment) - a scientific view that determines the most general features and connections of the phenomena of reality.

Figure 1. Subject of pedagogical science

The formation of a person is the process of development of his personality under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled social and natural factors.

Learning in a broad interpretation is a targeted process of development of mental abilities, physical and religious powers of a person, prepared for life, active participation in labor activity. Upbringing, based on a short definition, is a regular and directed influence of the educator on the educated in order to create in them the desired attitude towards people and phenomena of the world around them. Education is the process and result of studying a certain system of knowledge and providing, on this basis, a suitable level of personality formation. Education is received in the main process of education in educational institutions, professional teachers supervise the learning process. Nevertheless, self-education plays an important role, that is, the independent acquisition of knowledge.

Definition 3

Learning is a target process of mutual activity of the teacher and students in the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. In this case, the work of the teacher is called teaching, and the activities of the students are called teaching.

General pedagogy assimilates and develops the principles, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, which are common for all age groups and educational institutions. This branch of pedagogical knowledge develops the basic laws of teaching and education. The constituent points of general pedagogy are the theory of education and the theory of instruction (didactics).

The subject of educational psychology is also the definition of criteria for mental and other aspects of personality development. Higher education pedagogy prepares the issues of teaching and educating university students. Corrective labor pedagogy develops the issues of re-education of convicts.

Object of pedagogical science

The object of pedagogy is one of the varieties of social relations between people, namely, the variety that ensures the formation, development of a person.

Pedagogy considers the process of personal improvement based on the social experience collected by people, without which any production is unthinkable, be it material, be it spiritual, since it is a person who acts as a subject of any social relations.

Created together with man and human society, the area of ​​pedagogical relationships, like other spheres of social activity, revealed a tendency to complicate its content and forms. If earlier, it did not stand out as a separate sphere of activity, then as the forms of human activity and the disclosure of his knowledge increased, moving from a collective to a producing economy, the emergence of agriculture, crafts, trade. Education moves into a specialized area and becomes a special profession.

1. Pedagogy as a science, its object, subject, tasks, categorical apparatus

Pedagogy got its name from the Greek word "paidagogos" (pay - child, gogos- I lead), which means childhood or childishness. In ancient Greece, this function was carried out directly. The slaves who accompanied the children of their master to school were originally called teachers. Later, teachers were already civilians who were engaged in the guidance, upbringing and education of children. By the way, in Russia (XII century) the first teachers were called "masters". These were free people (sexton or secular) who began to teach children to read, write, prayers, or, as it is said in one "Life", "write books and teach pupils literate tricks" at home or at home.

Pedagogical science, in contrast to everyday knowledge in the field of education and training, generalizes disparate facts, establishes causal links between phenomena. She not so much describes them as explains, answers the questions of why and what changes occur in human development under the influence of education and upbringing. Scientific knowledge is necessary to anticipate and manage the pedagogical process of personality development. At one time, the great Russian teacher KD Ushinsky warned against empiricism in pedagogy, rightly noting that it is not enough to rely only on personal, albeit successful, upbringing experience. He compared pedagogical practice without theory to medicine in medicine.

At the same time, everyday pedagogical experience, despite the oral form of its existence, did not disappear, but was passed on from century to century, withstood tests, changed orientations and values, but in general remained in the form of the pedagogical culture of the people, its pedagogical mentality, and today it is the basis of scientific pedagogical knowledge. That is why K.D. Ushinsky, opposing empiricism in teaching and upbringing, did not identify it with folk pedagogy, but, on the contrary, argued that, turning to the nationality, upbringing will always find an answer and assistance in a living and strong feeling of a person, which acts much stronger than persuasion. If it does not want to be "powerless, it must be popular."

To define pedagogy as a science, it is important to establish the boundaries of its subject area or to answer the question of what it is studying. In turn, the answer to this question presupposes an understanding of its object and subject.

Object of pedagogy. A. S. Makarenko is a scientist and practitioner who can hardly be accused of promoting "childless" pedagogy; in 1922 he formulated the idea of ​​the specificity of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is not true. The object of research of scientific pedagogy is "pedagogical fact (phenomenon)". At the same time, a child and a person are not excluded from the attention of the researcher. On the contrary, being one of the human sciences, pedagogy studies purposeful activity for the development and formation of his personality.

Consequently, as its object, pedagogy does not have an individual, his psyche (this is an object of psychology), but a system of pedagogical phenomena associated with his development. So the object of pedagogy are those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are called education. It is that part of the objective world that pedagogy studies.

The subject of pedagogy .The subject of pedagogy is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions(family, educational and cultural institutions). Pedagogy in this case is a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies and prospects for the development of the pedagogical process (education) as a factor and means of a person's development throughout his life.

On this basis, pedagogy develops the theory and technology of its organization, forms and methods of improving the teacher's activity (pedagogical activity) and various types of student activities, as well as strategies and ways of their interaction.

Tasks of pedagogy... Pedagogical science of science distinguishes several classes of problems for different reasons. Consider the classes permanent and temporary tasks, solved by pedagogical science.

Permanent tasks :

· The priority constant task of pedagogical science is the task of DISCOVERY OF REGULARITIES in the fields of upbringing, education, training, management of educational and upbringing systems. Regularities in pedagogy are interpreted as links between deliberately created or objectively existing conditions and the results achieved. The results are the level of training, good breeding, and development of the personality in its specific parameters.

· In the composition of the permanent, i.e. the enduring tasks of pedagogical science, and further includes such a task as STUDYING AND GENERALIZING PRACTICE, EXPERIENCE in pedagogical activity. Professional educational work is inherently always creative. The continuous accumulation of rational means of effective influence on students is an integral part of the work of any teacher-practitioner. Many teachers went down in the history of Russian education as the creators of original pedagogical technologies. However, any samples of teachers' creativity cannot find their place in the system of pedagogical values ​​without theoretical justification and scientific interpretation. The role of science is to penetrate into the essence of the findings, to reveal that which corresponds to the individuality of the teacher-innovator, is unique, which lends itself to generalization and can turn into the common property.

· It is customary to refer to the most important permanent tasks FORECASTING EDUCATION for the near and distant future. The field of pedagogical forecasting covers all horizons of the educational infrastructure and science itself. Without scientific forecasts, it is impossible to manage pedagogical policy, the economy of education, the improvement of pedagogical activity itself, management systems, etc.

· Among the relatively new tasks of pedagogical science that have arisen in recent decades, the task of IMPLEMENTING RESULTS OF RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE is called. The authors of scientific developments in the field of education and upbringing, already at the start, design the given parameters of the future product, categories of users, conditions for successful application, expected positive consequences in the labor of users, forms of presentation of the results of work on the KIBS market, cost of work and user feedback for designer supervision for the quality and consequences of the implementation of their developments.

Temporary tasks. Much richer and more diverse are the tasks that are conditionally classified as temporary. Their number, scale, complexity, science intensity, unpredictability, acuteness, reflect the boundless richness of pedagogical reality. Their emergence is dictated by the needs of practice and science itself. Many of them defy foresight. Therefore, there is a need for scientific units of the "rapid response" type. Examples of temporary tasks can be such as creating libraries of electronic textbooks, developing standards of pedagogical professionalism, identifying typical stresses in the work of teachers, creating a didactic basis for teaching ailing schoolchildren, developing tests of levels of pedagogical skill, identifying factors in choosing a profession by schoolchildren, analyzing the nature of typical conflicts in relationships. teacher-student. Even such micro-scale tasks as, for example, analysis of the reasons for the emergence of students' cognitive laziness, the nature of incentives for the educational activity of future teachers, and countless others.

Categorical apparatus. The main pedagogical concepts expressing scientific generalizations are also called pedagogical categories. The main pedagogical categories include upbringing, training, education. Our science also widely operates with general scientific categories, such as development and formation.

Upbringing - purposeful and organized process of personality formation. In pedagogy, the concept of "education" is used in a broad and narrow social sense, as well as in a wide and narrow pedagogical meaning.

In a broad social sense, upbringing is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones. Experience is understood as knowledge, skills, ways of thinking known to people, moral, ethical, legal norms - in a word, everything created in the process of historical development of the spiritual heritage of mankind.

In a narrow social sense, upbringing is understood as a directed influence on a person by public institutions in order to form in him certain knowledge, views and beliefs, moral values, political orientation, preparation for life.

In a broad pedagogical sense, upbringing is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled impact of the collective, educators on the educated in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process.

In the narrow pedagogical sense, education is a process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

The next main category of pedagogy is education . This is a specially organized, goal-oriented and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at assimilating knowledge, abilities, skills, forming a worldview, developing mental powers and potential capabilities of students, consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set. The basis of training is knowledge, abilities, skills (ZUN), acting on the part of the teacher as the initial (basic) components of the content, and on the part of the students - as the products of assimilation. Knowledge - it is a person's reflection of objective reality in the form of facts, ideas, concepts and laws of science. They represent the collective experience of mankind, the result of the knowledge of objective reality. Skills - willingness to consciously and independently carry out practical and theoretical actions based on the acquired knowledge, life experience and acquired skills. Skills - components of practical activity, manifested when performing the necessary actions, brought to perfection through repeated exercise.

Authors of the material: Stolyarenko L.D., Samygin S.I.
Answers to questions 14, 15, 16, 17 were prepared in collaboration with Cand. ped. Sciences A. V. Dukhavneva, T. K. Sologubova;
on questions 18, 19, 20, 25, 32, 55, 57-67, 70-74 - in collaboration with prof. M.V. Bulanova-Toporkova, Cand. ped. Sciences A. V. Dukhavneva

The pedagogical branch of knowledge is perhaps the most ancient and, in essence, is inseparable from the development of society. The social progress of mankind became possible only because each new generation of people entering life mastered the production, social and spiritual experience of their ancestors and, enriching it, passed it on to their descendants in a more developed form. The more the production developed and became more complicated, the more scientific knowledge was accumulated, the more important was the special preparation of the younger generations for life, the more acute was the need for their specially organized upbringing - in the purposeful transfer of the experience of mankind to them.

Education and upbringing have become an objective need of society and have become the most important prerequisites for its development. At a certain stage in the development of human society, in particular in the late period of the slave system, when production and science have reached significant development, education is singled out as a special social function, i.e. there are special educational institutions, there are people whose profession is the teaching and upbringing of children.

The term pedagogy, which has become the name of the science of education, originates from ancient Greece.
In ancient Greece, slaves were called teachers, who were instructed by aristocrats to look after children, accompany them to school. The Greek word peydagogos (peida - child, gogos - news) means a schoolmaster. Subsequently, people who were involved in teaching and raising children began to be called teachers. From this word the science of education got its name - pedagogy. As a special science, pedagogy was first isolated from the system of philosophical knowledge at the beginning of the 17th century.
1. OBJECT of knowledge in pedagogy - a person who develops as a result of educational relations. The subject of pedagogy is educational relations that ensure human development.
Pedagogy is the science of upbringing relationships that arise in the process of interconnection of upbringing, education and training with self-upbringing, self-education and self-study and aimed at human development. Pedagogy can be defined as the science of translating the experience of one generation into the experience of another.
Pedagogy is the science of how to educate a person, how to help him become spiritually rich, creatively active and completely satisfied with life, to find balance with nature and society.
Pedagogy is sometimes viewed as a science and as an art. When it comes to education, it must be borne in mind that it has two aspects - theoretical and practical. The theoretical aspect of education is the subject of scientific and pedagogical research. In this sense, pedagogy acts as a science and is a set of theoretical and methodological ideas on education.
Practical educational activity is another matter. Its implementation requires the teacher to master the appropriate educational skills and abilities, which can have varying degrees of perfection and reach the level of pedagogical art. From a semantic point of view, it is necessary to distinguish between pedagogy as a theoretical science and practical educational activity as an art.
The SUBJECT of pedagogy is the study of the essence of the formation and development of the human personality and the development on this basis of the theory and methodology of education as a specially organized pedagogical process. Pedagogy explores the following problems:
... study of the essence and patterns of development and formation of personality and their impact on education;
... determination of the goals of education;
... development of the content of education;
... research and development of methods of education.

Lecture, abstract. The object and subject of pedagogy is the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

And so on. So, for example, an economist, determining the level of capabilities of "human resources" produced by the education system, tries to calculate the costs of their training. The sociologist finds out whether the modern education system prepares well for people who adapt to the social environment, help scientific and technological progress, various social transformations. The psychologist studies the psychological aspects of education as a pedagogical process. The political scientist wants to find out how effective the state educational policy is, etc.

The contribution of many sciences to the study of education is very valuable, but these sciences do not touch upon important, defining aspects of education associated with the everyday processes of human development, the interaction of teachers and students in the process of this development and with the structure corresponding to it. And this is understandable, since the study of these elements determines that part of the object (education) that should be studied by a special science - pedagogy.

The subject of pedagogy is education as an integral pedagogical process. In this case, pedagogy is a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies and prospects for the development of pedagogical education.

In this regard, pedagogy develops the theory and technology of organizing education, forms and methods that improve the teacher's activities and various types of student activities, as well as strategies and ways of their interaction.

A. S. Makarenko in 1922 expressed the idea of ​​the peculiarities of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that “many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is not true. The object of research of scientific pedagogy is a pedagogical fact (phenomenon) ”. At the same time, a person is not excluded from the attention of the researcher. But, being one of the human sciences, pedagogical science involves the study of the effectiveness of professional practical activity of pedagogical processes and phenomena aimed at the formation and development of personality.

Therefore, as an object, pedagogy has not an individual person, his psyche (this is an object of psychology), but a system of educational and pedagogical phenomena associated with his development. We can say that the object of pedagogy is the reality that determines the development of a person in the process of society. These phenomena are called education. This is the subject of pedagogy.

Pedagogy considers the following problems:

1) the essence and pattern of personality development and their impact on education;

2) the purpose of education;

4) methods of education.

Functions of pedagogical science.

The functions of pedagogical science are undoubtedly determined by its subject. This refers to the definition of theoretical and technological tasks posed in the process of identifying the principles and patterns of pedagogical activity. These are theoretical and technological functions that pedagogy carries out in a limited way.

The theoretical function is carried out at three levels:

1) descriptive - involves the study of the innovative experience of educational scientists; at the descriptive, or, as it is also called, explanatory level, he studies the foundations of innovative pedagogical experience.

2) diagnostic level - involves identifying the state of pedagogical processes, the effectiveness of the teacher and students, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

3) the prognostic level - is an experimental study of the pedagogical process, as well as the construction on their basis of models for transforming reality. The predictive level of the theoretical function reveals the essence of pedagogical processes, scientifically substantiates the proposed changes. At this level, certain theories of teaching and upbringing are created, as well as models of pedagogical systems that are ahead of pedagogical practice.

The technological function is also carried out at three levels of implementation:

1) projective level - involves the formation of criteria and principles for constructing a textbook, drawing up methodological developments (curricula, programs, textbooks and teaching aids, pedagogical recommendations) that embody theoretical concepts and define "normative or regulatory" (V.V. Kraevsky ) a plan of pedagogical work;

2) transformational level - studies and implements the experience of pedagogical science;

3) reflective level - involves determining the degree of influence of research results on the practice of educational activities and subsequent correction.

4. Tasks and methods of pedagogy

There are theoretical and practical tasks of pedagogy that should be distinguished. Pedagogy solves some important theoretical problems:

1) determination of the laws of the process of teaching, upbringing and education;

2) study and generalization of the experience of pedagogical activities of various schools;

3) development and implementation of new methods, forms, systems of training and management of educational structures;

4) study and implementation of research results into teaching practice;

5) setting goals and planning education for the near and distant future.

Theoretical problems are fully and fully implemented in educational institutions.

KD Ushinsky, for example, argued that sciences in general only discover facts and laws and are not engaged in the development of their practical activities and applications. While pedagogy is different in this respect. Therefore, Ushinsky saw the task of pedagogy in "the study of man in all manifestations of his nature with a special application to the art of education."

The practical tasks of pedagogy are to “discover the means to education in a person of such a nature that would withstand the pressure of all the accidents of life, would save a person from their harmful corrupting influence and would give him the opportunity to extract only good results from everywhere” (Ushinsky K. D ., "On nationality in public education" (1857)).

Currently, there are many different scientific methods of pedagogy. The main ones are:

1) pedagogical supervision;

2) research conversation;

3) study of school documents and products of students' activities;

4) pedagogical experiment;

5) study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Pedagogical observation, as the main source of accumulation of knowledge, facts and information, is used in any research activity. This technique is especially important in pedagogical activity, when it is impossible to describe the process otherwise.

A pedagogical experiment is a scientific research method that allows you to confirm or reject any theoretical calculations empirically.

The purpose of the goals of the pedagogical experiment determines the following types of experiments:

1) ascertaining;

2) creatively transforming;

3) control;

4) natural.

Branches of pedagogical science

General pedagogy - involves the study of criteria, methods and forms of education. In this case, it is necessary to take into account general age characteristics and conditions for obtaining an education in an educational institution. The sections of general pedagogy are the theory of education, the theory of instruction and the theory of organization and management in the education system.

Preschool pedagogy - deals with the study of the laws of the upbringing of preschool children.

Pedagogy of a general education school - deals with the study of the content, forms, methods of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren.

Special pedagogy (defectology) is a special science that studies the development and patterns of teaching and upbringing of children with physical or mental developmental disabilities.

Pedagogy of vocational and secondary specialized education - is engaged in the study and development of issues of training and education of students of vocational schools and secondary specialized institutions.

Corrective labor pedagogy - studies the problem of reeducation of offenders of all ages.

Higher education pedagogy - deals with the training and education of university students.

Pedagogy, as an independent scientific discipline, cannot develop without interacting with other sciences. So, for example, in the development of a pedagogical theory, philosophy plays an important methodological role, which determines the initial data in the study of pedagogical processes. Psychology influences the solution of specific issues of education and upbringing, affecting the development of modes of work and rest (especially developmental and educational psychology, which studies the patterns of mental processes in children depending on age, in the conditions of training and education). Sociology, which studies society as a complex integral mechanism, provides pedagogy with great practical material for the logical organization of the process of teaching and upbringing.

Thus, in this lecture we got acquainted with the main historical stages of pedagogical science, the subject, object, functions, tasks and methods of pedagogy.
