At least once in your life you have met a person who is not particularly beautiful, does not have a round sum in a bank account, and sometimes even untidy dressed, but he knows how to impress, attract the attention of the interlocutor and by no means because of his eccentricity or non-standard thoughts. This is what charisma is - the ability to arouse adoration and trust.

5 steps to gaining charisma

Step 1. Become confident

Being charismatic does not mean having an inflated self-esteem, but at the same time it will allow you to attract attention to yourself and make others believe in your strength. People always need a leader, and if they see it in you, they will follow you.

What to do to become self-confident?

  • Positive attitude. Try to look at life in a positive way, love yourself and your occupation. At the beginning of a conversation, you should not criticize a society, a place, or speak negatively about political figures. Interest others in what you yourself like and you will definitely be drawn to. It would be a mistake to mention negative things. Feeling the negative energy emanating from you, people will take flight.
  • Speak words confidently. Don't try to yell, raise your tone, or interrupt someone. Confidence is bringing to the person only important and relevant information, said convincingly. Speech should be clear, it is desirable to slightly increase the tone and rhythm, change the timbre depending on which part of the phrase you want to emphasize. It’s easy to practice correct pronunciation - record your voice on a recorder, and if you begin to believe in yourself, then you speak convincingly.
  • Try not to appear confident, but to be. The first thing that is needed here is love for yourself, your appearance and character, occupation. Do not focus on the shortcomings - emphasize only the merits, get rid of the negative. Work on your appearance, because people need to see that you care how your jacket or dress sits on you, whether you are neatly combed or not.
  • Focus on inner confidence. Business style of clothing, proper gesture control will help you.

Step 2: Show Charisma Through Body Language

Even if you don’t say anything, when you enter a room, people are already forming an opinion about you based on how you move, how you hold yourself, what gestures you resort to – waving your arms or being afraid to move. Your goal is to make those around you think of you as a confident, passionate person.

How to work on body language and gestures?

  • Correct posture. A charismatic person stands proudly straightening his back, his step is confident and shows efficiency. Such people enter the room with their heads up, looking forward, and not at the floor. Active hand gestures testify to openness and readiness for communication.
  • Keep your back straight. Nothing makes you believe in the confidence of a person like his good posture. When shaking hands firmly, you need to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Show your positive attitude to others as much as possible when talking and being around. Try to be as natural as possible. Do not make sudden and cyclic movements (tapping, scratching), showing anxiety or nervousness.
  • Control your movements. Are you talking to a person and notice that you keep shaking your leg or drumming your fingers on the table? A person who is carried away by conversation will never do this. Gesture correctly so that the person sitting next to you can see what you are interested in.
  • Act out the scenes in front of a mirror. Compose a speech and speak with it in front of a mirror, look at yourself, evaluate the movements of the body, eyes. What impression do you make? A naive liar or a truly charismatic person? Think about whether the interlocutor will understand you, will he catch your mood if he does not see? The mirror is your assistant, practice regularly and try to eliminate mistakes.
  • Imitate. A few minutes of communication will allow you to notice how your partner behaves. Try to get closer to him by repeating his gestures. It should be borne in mind that if you come across an emotional interlocutor, then you can accompany the speech with gestures. But if a person is restrained, then you should behave similarly.
  • Eye contact. If you started a conversation, then look the person in the eye, do not look at foreign objects. When you become distracted by the phone, look at your watch or look around, then the conversation will quickly end.
  • Learn from others' mistakes. Observe other people, correlate their words and gestures, evaluate whether the way and what they say and body movements match? You will notice that some do not know sign language at all, while others, on the contrary, have become very successful in this matter. Often such people are religious leaders, actors, scientists. Try to find good and bad examples of the use of gestures, learn from the mistakes of others and the skill of using body movements.
  • Be welcome. A smile will win over the interlocutor to you, show that you are glad to meet or get acquainted.

Step 3. Prove to the person that he is special.

Anyone with whom you speak should feel that he is not an empty place for you, but a person who requires a special approach. With good charisma, you will be able to have a pleasant conversation with different people, regardless of their gender, age or beliefs.

Ways to show the interlocutor that he is unique

  • The principle of equality. It doesn't matter who you are talking to, be it a boss, a child, a philanthropist, a passer-by or a girl, you should not put them above yourself or, on the contrary, consider that they are below you. Respect everyone and expect the same from them.
  • Be enthusiastic. Let people know that you are interested in their life, but do not impose yourself by constantly asking about business, personal relationships or connections. The person himself must understand that you are not indifferent to his fate or opinion.
  • Learn to listen. Show that you are able to listen and hear: nod your head, appropriately insert “understand”, “sympathize”, “good”, etc., touch the person’s shoulder as a sign of support or agreement.
  • Targeting. Nothing is more repulsive than being addressed like "man", "woman", or even more so "hey". Memorize the names and use them in conversation, this will ensure that you can remember them the next time you meet.
  • Learn to praise. No need to stoop to rude flattery, it is important to be able to make subtle compliments, with simplicity and gratitude to accept them yourself.
  • Don't try to force yourself to like, always taking into account what the interlocutor thinks of you. Charismatic people captivate on their own, rather than pleasing everyone and everyone.

Step 4: Be witty

Learn to joke and cheer people up and they will need you.

How to be witty?

  • The ability to laugh at yourself. If you can smile when it comes to you, people around you start to think that you are confident. The only subtlety is that you should not make fun of your shortcomings, provoking people to do the same behind your back.
  • Adapt your humor to different people. If you are close to a person who is not embarrassed by vulgar jokes, then match him by getting into a society of serious people where they love subtle humor, you need to change your position and choose more suitable funny stories. With an unfamiliar interlocutor without unnecessary need, you should not joke at all.
  • Get quality, not quantity. Beware of getting the title of a jester who sprinkles jokes every minute. A witty statement that caused laughter is remembered longer than a series of funny stories throughout the conversation.
  • Tease your interlocutor. If you have known a person for a long time, then light teasing will help you to consolidate your position, but you should know the line so as not to accidentally offend, turning a joke into a mockery.

Step 5: Get Interested

Charismatic people are not only able to impress, but also to interest, showing their passion and awareness of how to act correctly in different situations.

Charisma should not be like a mask, but come from within you, be natural. Practice and you will succeed.

Stay honest

Don't flatter or bow down, speak your mind freely without offending others or disgusting yourself.

Learn from actors

Sign up for a course where you will understand that actors and charismatic people often use the same methods to win over an audience.

New role

Take on the role of a leader, communication and leadership skills will only benefit you.

Each of us has a familiar person who instantly attracts attention. Such people have charisma, which is difficult to resist. Fortunately, this quality can be developed in yourself. To begin with, it is worth working on self-confidence and learning how to express your respect for others, and then you should develop the skills of verbal and non-verbal communication.


How to build self-confidence

    Think about what you like about yourself. People will like you faster if they see you the way you see yourself. You may find it difficult to appreciate yourself. In this case, you should remember your strengths, your skills and what makes you special. If you remember your positive traits more often, it will be easier for you to deal with doubts.

    • Make a list of your positive qualities, skills and accomplishments. Ask loved ones to tell you what they like about you.
    • Experiment with the external features that you like about yourself. For example, if you want to draw attention to your eyes, learn how to draw elegant arrows, and if you are proud of your legs, dress so that your legs are visible.
  1. Learn think positively . A positive attitude draws people in and makes them want to spend more time with a positive person. Be an optimist, try to see the good in every situation and cheer others up. Treat problems and obstacles as opportunities rather than insurmountable difficulties. Here are some tips to help you stay positive:

    • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. If you find yourself thinking that you will inevitably fail, respond with a positive affirmation. For example: "This is an opportunity for growth and development."
    • Surround yourself with positive people. This will help you stay positive.
    • Laugh to cheer yourself up. Watch a comedy, make a joke, or share a funny story with people. Daily laughter will help you have a positive attitude towards life.
    • Make a list of things you are grateful for.
    • Work on what you are not happy with. If you feel like blaming yourself for something, remind yourself of your progress.
  2. Dress to impress people. Your clothes say a lot about how you feel about yourself and how people should perceive you. Clothing is also a reflection of how you feel at the moment. Choose clothes that make you feel great. This will communicate to others what you want to convey to people.

    • Wear clothes that fit you well. Choose attractive colors and patterns.
    • Don't wear things just because they are considered fashionable. If you don't like a thing, you won't feel comfortable in it, and it will be noticeable from the outside.
  3. If you need to feel confident in your abilities, remember some of your achievements. When a person thinks about their achievements, the brain releases oxytocin, a substance that helps a person feel satisfied with himself. If you lack self-confidence, increasing your oxytocin levels will help you feel more confident for a while. If you have some important event coming up, remember what you have achieved in the past.

    • For example, you can keep photos that remind you of three great achievements in a special folder on your phone. Review them before you go to any event or important meeting.
  4. Sign up for free improvisation classes. Improvisation will teach you how to speak in front of people and how to think quickly. Improvisation classes will help you get out of your comfort zone in a circle of like-minded people. Besides, you will surely have a good time.

    • Look for courses online or on social media.

    How to express your interest and respect for others

    1. Do not use electronic devices while talking to people. If you are busy with an electronic device while talking to others, people will feel less important. Put your phone on silent and put it in your pocket or bag. Do not play games on smart watches or other devices. Give your full attention to the people you interact with.

      • Take time to check for new messages on your phone. Apologize from time to time, go to the restroom and read the messages.
    2. Carefully listen when people talk about themselves. Focus on what the person is saying, not on your response. Nod, comment on what has been said (“yeah”, “interesting”, “wow”) to show your interest.

      • Ask people questions that require a detailed answer so that the conversation does not stop. Listen to the answers with sincere interest.
      • Try to paraphrase what the person said to let them know what you were listening to.
    3. Make people sincere compliments . Tell them what you like and appreciate about them. This will lift their spirits. To make the compliment more meaningful, be specific. For example, instead of the neutral “good presentation,” say: “You were very good at articulating your thoughts during your presentation today.”

      • If you compliment a person's appearance, he will be pleased. You may even like the person even more. However, this is not appropriate in every situation, especially at work.
      • Praise work, accomplishments, and skills. It will motivate and inspire people.
    4. Remember people's names. When meeting people, repeat their names out loud to make it easier for you to remember them. Address the person by name when you want to speak to them. If the person sees that you remember the name, they will feel special and interested in you.

      • To make the name stick in your memory, repeat it several times during a conversation with a person.
    5. Manifest empathy in relation to others. Think about what other people's motives might be. Try to see the situation from their point of view. Put yourself in the other person's shoes to understand how they feel. Let people know that you understand their feelings. Acknowledge their feelings and listen to their words.

      • Ask the person how they feel and listen carefully to the answer.
      • Don't judge people for acting differently than you would in a similar situation. All people have their own experience, which affects the formation of character.
      • Tell people that you have felt the same as them in the past.
    6. Talk about your challenges and how you overcame them. Inspire others with stories from your life. This will make you seem like a mature person with your accomplishments, but people will also see that you have worked hard to get where you are now.

    How to communicate with people

    1. Learn to keep up empty conversations. This is difficult for many, and this is normal, but charismatic people can talk to everyone. Make a list of topics for such conversations. Practice talking about these topics on camera or in front of a mirror to hone your communication skills.

      • For example, you can talk about the weather, your city, sports, favorite music, holidays or seasons.
    2. Joking to get closer to other people. You can tell jokes, funny stories, or make fun of yourself. This will make people feel more comfortable around you and want to spend more time with you.

      • But don't overdo it. Use jokes at the right time in a conversation or presentation.
      • For example, you can start your presentation with a joke or tell a funny story at a party.
    3. Don't hesitate to tell stories. This skill attracts people and makes a person more interesting in the eyes of others. Tell stories about yourself. Share your experience. Use special intonations, bright gestures and lively facial expressions to make others interested in listening to you.

      • Acting classes will help you develop this skill. Actors and charismatic people use the same techniques to keep the attention of the audience and awaken their emotions. In the courses you will learn how to use different intonations, shades of voice, gestures and facial expressions.
    4. Be firm in your convictions. People are repelled by uncertainty, so you should clearly define your position. Believe in the correctness of your choice and your words. Tell others that you know the answer, even if you are not completely sure. If over time you realize that you were wrong, you can reevaluate the situation and make a different choice.

      • Even if you're not sure, you will seem like a charismatic person to people if you act like you're convinced that you made the right choice. Make decisions based on the information you have now. If you decide later that you were wrong, you can change your mind.
      • For example, say "I believe in this plan" instead of "This plan might work." The first phrase shows that you are confident in your idea, and the second - that you do not fully believe in success.
    5. Treat what you are talking about with great enthusiasm. We are all attracted to people who are passionate about something. Don't talk mindlessly - only tell people what you really believe. Speak passionately and invite people to share your passion.

      • Build your life around the things you are passionate about. So you will be interesting to others as a person. If something doesn't make your heart beat faster, put it aside.

Charisma is the inner spark of a person. Thanks to this quality, many people achieve great success in life. Not everyone knows how to become a charismatic guy or a bright, attractive girl. However, psychologists assure that this quality can be developed, you just need to work on yourself.

What is charisma

There are people who surprise others with their character, behavior, sense of humor and many other qualities. This happens for one simple reason - they have charisma. This is a bright character, characterized by a cheerful mood, cheerfulness, inner spark. Thanks to these qualities, you can charm any person, you just have to want to.

Charisma causes admiration and respect in almost every person. Previously, experts argued that such a human gift is not inherent in everyone. However, today it has been proven that charisma can be developed in oneself. After all, it is closely related to the psychological mood of a person.

How to understand if the person in front of you is charismatic

There is an opinion that every personality has a bright character. It's just that some people can use it, others can't. Charismatic people are always easy on jokes. They can easily laugh not only at their friends, but also at themselves. Such people always show a strong character, try to be different from others and look at life with optimism all the time.

Charismatic people easily recognize the negative aspects of their character, try to work on themselves. In public, they do not know how to be shy and easily express their opinion. A person with a bright character always strives to prove himself, does not hesitate to demonstrate his abilities.

If you have an insecure person in front of you, he cannot be called charismatic. When such people express their opinion, no one hears them. They rarely look at life with optimism. They don't believe in the future, they can't joke. If you are in this category, then read on for How to Become a Charismatic Person. After all, this quality is very important in life.

How to become a bright personality

To become a charismatic person, you need to heed the advice of psychologists. If you stick to them, then your life will quickly improve. For girls, there are such recommendations of specialists:

  1. Look at life with optimism. Never be discouraged. Remember that time will put everything in its place.
  2. Be calm in any situation. Try to control your character, do not show unnecessary emotions.
  3. Respect and love not only yourself, but also those around you.
  4. Create your own unique style. A memorable appearance is a component of charisma.
  5. Feel free to speak or joke in public.
  6. Don't talk about the person behind their back. If you don't like something, it's best to say it straight to your face.
  7. Look for the positives in every situation.
  8. Never interrupt your interlocutor. Try to build a dialogue, not a monologue. This is very important in communication.

Now you know how to become a charming and charismatic girl. For a guy, there is one more additional tip that is very important: be a gentleman. Try to help the weaker sex. Give way to the transport, open the doors and let the girl go ahead. There are a lot of such actions, but not every guy does it.

When talking, smile more often to the interlocutor. After all, such behavior causes not only respect, but also admiration. Try to make your gestures, voice, facial expressions pleasant to others.

We figured out how to become a charismatic person. Remember that everything depends only on you. You can become a bright personality only when you listen to the advice of experts and begin to act in the right direction.


In the article, we looked at how to become a charismatic guy or a bright, charming girl. Based on this, we can conclude that you need to work on your image, behavior and character.

Remember: you need to practice self-education daily. Strive to discover your abilities. Needless to say, they don't exist. Every person has a talent, look for it well, and you will definitely discover something new in yourself.

Always set a goal for yourself. It is only through her that you can move forward. The person who wants to achieve as much as possible from life will be successful. Work on yourself, try, study, and you will definitely succeed.

One of the main features of a successful person in life and in business is charisma. Charismatic people are able to lead. Their charm encourages others to create and create.

Many mistakenly believe that charisma is given from birth, and if you were already born ordinary, then you will be so. Research by many psychologists suggests that charisma in oneself can be revealed and developed. Everyone can do it. How to become a charismatic person - read further in the article.

How to become a charismatic person?

First of all, do not think that you have no chance at all to become charismatic. Every person has the makings of charisma. What can be distinguished in every charismatic person at first sight? Each of them has some kind of talent, and they are all confident in themselves.

Talent is the basis of charisma. And it is in every person. Do not try to get rid of the shortcomings. First of all, you need to find and develop your strengths. It is they who will help you become more charismatic, but how do you discover talent in yourself?

There are plenty of ways. You can try different things from drawing to dancing or just look inside yourself, ask the question - what am I good at? Or what do I love? Often the answer must be sought very far. Even in childhood. In something that you have loved since childhood. After all, parents often do not notice talent in their children, and it remains one of the ordinary skills.

Even if you have not found an outstanding talent in yourself, you can always develop it from a skill or something you love. It is important to realize your dignity and pay attention to it. How does this help with charisma? You will become more confident in using it, and this will help you become charismatic.

How to become confident and charismatic?

Confidence is not easy to develop and rarely comes all at once. Above all, confidence is based on self-confidence and self-love. So start loving yourself. Get up in the morning and smile at yourself in the mirror. Praise yourself for the things you have done, no matter how important they are, and do not scold yourself for mistakes. Accept mistakes as lessons. The more confident you are, the easier it will be with people.

Also, try to have and defend your own opinion. Don't like the fashionable cinema praised by everyone? Feel free to say so. Remember: you are entitled to your opinion. And for your own interests.

Interests are another component of a charismatic person. It can be anything from skiing to a collection of dishes from the world. The main thing is that you have one, and preferably several topics for conversation. What is yours. After all, a charismatic person is always surrounded by other people. Both men and women are drawn to charisma.

Charismatic man and charismatic woman

Charisma itself is independent of gender. You may be wondering how to become a charismatic man or how to become a charismatic woman, but there is no universal answer to these questions. Charisma does not depend on gender, and only by virtue of upbringing can it be more developed in a man than in a woman.

However, an important part for any gender is style. As a rule, a charismatic person has his own special style. It does not require a stylist or development of taste to develop it. It's your style and it's up to you to create it.

You can sit or lie down, close your eyes and imagine what you think a charming person should look like. Adjust this image for yourself. Imagine what you are wearing, how you move and speak.

When you open your eyes, try, at least gradually, to enter into this image. Make yourself this person. And don't be afraid to stand out. Charismatic people always stand out from the rest. Find your zest and reveal it.

Remember, each of us has something unique. And only you can make this unique the basis of your charisma.

Charisma is the ability to win over any people, to attract views and attention, to force oneself to listen and admire. Charisma is not only an attractive appearance, it is something more. I want to be equal to a charismatic person, to imitate him. Some have been given this property since birth, and they are definitely lucky. But if you are not one of these people, do not despair - charisma can be developed in yourself on your own. Of course, this requires a lot of effort and time. However, the result will please you - having charisma, you can easily enter into the relationships you need with people, make contacts and just communicate with people you are interested in. Charisma will help both in business relationships and in personal ones.

Show confidence

It is always more pleasant to be with such people than with those who doubt their every step. Self-confidence will not completely replace having charisma, but it can make it more “persuasive”. Here the question immediately arises: how to develop self-confidence, if it is not? On this topic, you can write a separate article, and more than one. For now, let's talk about the most general recommendations.

1) Radiate positivity. Self-confident people love themselves (within adequate limits) and what they do. Therefore, they have no reason to show negativity towards other people or phenomena. A self-confident person will never start a conversation (let alone meeting a new person) with claims, discontent or conflict. We are talking about the negative in general, both in relation to the interlocutor, and to strangers or events. Talk more about things you love and respect. It is better to remain silent about hatred, irritation and criticism.

2). You must learn to convey your thoughts in such a way that those around you can easily believe. Your voice should not be monotonous - change the rhythm, timbre, volume level. Add emotional coloring, highlight the most important phrases in your story with intonation. Useful exercise: record how you talk on a voice recorder. Listening to the recording, you will notice shortcomings in your speech that you did not pay attention to before, and gradually eliminate them.

3) Like yourself. If a person does not like something in himself, he cannot be sure. And putting on a mask of confidence is also not for everyone, and is it necessary? Everyone has their shortcomings, for which we do not love ourselves or reproach ourselves. And it will eat away all our confidence. Fight shortcomings, and emphasize advantages. Love yourself both externally (put your figure in order, dress in beautiful clothes) and internally (follow your life principles in any situation).

Watch your body language

Psychologists have long established that we perceive most of the information received from the interlocutor through his non-verbal behavior. Nonverbalics will tell a lot more about a person than his words. Of course, the most “honest” body language is the one that comes from a person unconsciously. But since you undertook to develop charisma in yourself, then you also need to correct your body language.

1) Always keep your back straight. Enter the premises with a bold, decisive step. When speaking, gesticulate with your hands, helping yourself to better convey the words spoken to your interlocutor. Avoid crossing your arms or legs while sitting. This posture will signal your closeness. Also try to keep your hands away from your face.

2) When you meet a new person, readily shake his hand and smile, look straight into his eyes. If you are talking while standing, then do not shift from one foot to the other; if you are sitting, do not fidget in your chair. Try to be light and casual.

3) Copy gestures and other non-verbal signs of your interlocutor. Just do it very carefully, almost imperceptibly. The point is that a person who does not speak very loudly and with restraint will be more comfortable communicating with the same interlocutor. Someone who gesticulates a lot and smiles broadly is more likely to like the same active and friendly person.

4) When talking, always show your interest. Look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor, and not to the sides. If you look at your watch or your phone, it will mean that you are bored and uninterested in communicating with this person.

5) Sit in front of a mirror and start a conversation with yourself. It doesn't matter what you say. Take some time to watch your gestures and facial expressions. Looking at yourself from the outside, you will understand what points need to be finalized. Improve in front of the mirror until the person you see in it becomes the most charismatic and charming person in the world for you.

Make people feel comfortable around you

The best way to do this is to let the person you're talking to know they're special and interesting. A charismatic person is one who can easily start a conversation on any topic with everyone and charm with his charm.

1) Feel yourself on a par with the interlocutor. No matter who you're talking to—or your teenage nephew—always put yourself on the same level as the other person. That is, you should not show that you are lower or higher in status. If you divide people by status, rank or any characteristics, then they will do the same to you. And in such conditions, it is unlikely to feel freedom in communication.

2) Ask people about their lives, but do it sincerely. Don't be too intrusive. You must understand what question is convenient and not to ask a particular person. You will not ask a woman who recently lost her husband about how she lives alone? This will just be an uncomfortable question, and not a manifestation of interest. To make sure you don't get into trouble, ask people about what they are already telling everyone about. For example, an old woman who talks incessantly about her wonderful grandchildren, your question about where they study and what they can do will only be a joy. And you will get a plus sign to charisma.

3) Use active listening. When someone tells you a story or shares their experience, occasionally nod in agreement, say “you’re right,” “of course,” “I understand,” and ask clarifying questions. All this will let the interlocutor understand that you are really interested in listening to him.

4) Address people by their first names. Firstly, for each person, his name is the most pleasant sound combination of all existing ones. Secondly, by constantly repeating the name of your new acquaintance, you will not allow that at the wrong moment his name will be forgotten.

5) If you give a compliment, then do it sincerely. A compliment for the sake of a compliment runs the risk of looking like flattery. Nobody likes flattery. If you want to make a person pleasant, find in him what you really like, and voice it. So the compliment will look natural and not fake. If they say a compliment to you, then you don’t need to look down in embarrassment, or say “what are you doing.” Accept compliments with honor and a restrained but open smile.

Show a sense of humor

The ability to make other people laugh or make them smile is a mandatory attribute of charisma.

1) Laugh at yourself, but in moderation. A person who knows how to laugh at himself is a truly self-confident person. But do it without fanaticism - you don’t need to specifically talk about your mistakes so that others can laugh at you.

2) Joke carefully. Everyone's sense of humor is different. You must be able to catch the wave of the interlocutor and tune in to it. The kind of jokes you might tell your old college friend you wouldn't tell a strict boss. Joking in a big company, you also need to follow certain limits. If the company is "motley" (people of different age, status, etc.), then it is better to stick to restrained neutral jokes.

3) Don't joke too much. It is better to joke once a night, but so witty that this joke will then be remembered and quoted, than a mediocre joke every 5 minutes.

Become an interesting person

Showing respect for others is good. But you need to make sure that they show interest in you.

1) Diversify. A charismatic person will always be able to keep up the conversation on any topic. You don't have to be an expert in everything, and you won't. Read books on various topics, modern periodicals, follow the latest news. And then you can keep up the conversation on the topic of auto mechanics and contemporary artists.

2) Be an enthusiastic person. You should have a hobby - something that you are passionate about, or one or several topics that you are well versed in. And you should be able to talk about your hobby in an interesting and even recklessly way. Your passion for something will make you an interesting person for others.

3) If you have nothing to say, be silent. Words spoken just for the sake of not being silent will not add to your attractiveness. Say only what you really want to say to the person here and now.

4) Express your emotions openly. Emotionality can interfere with communication, but also help it. If you are an overly excitable person, then you need to control your emotions so as not to put yourself or your interlocutor in an uncomfortable position. But charismatic and unemotional are incompatible things. A charismatic person will openly express what he feels at a particular moment - joy, anger, delight, sadness. But when you do this, you must evaluate the situation in which you are and manage the level of your emotional manifestations.

If you can harmoniously embody all these tips in yourself, you will become a truly charismatic person. But remember that charisma is a very subtle thing, and it may not succumb to you right away. Become an exemplary student of yourself, and gradually learn the correct body language, develop self-confidence, a sense of humor and tact, develop as a person. And then they will say about you: “He is so charismatic!”
