It cannot be denied that severe stress and the psychosomatic disorders caused by it have become one of the most important medical problems, and requires close attention. Very often, these days, it all comes down to stress, it is seen as the cause of all troubles, always seeing the negative. There was such a therapeutic group as "anti stress". And this despite the fact that stressors are not a cause, but a driving force that contributes to adapting to the ongoing changes in the life of an individual (environment). The ongoing adaptation in the human body is sometimes reduced to causal, considering it almost a manifestation of the disease. There is a substitution of cause-and-effect relationships that affect the emergence and formation of various kinds of deviations from the norm.

Human life is an incessant stream of various activities aimed at solving specific everyday problems, which are sometimes created by the person himself. Overcoming them, succeeding or failing, the person is in a state of internal pressure (stress). And this state haunts, regardless of what country he lives in - with a developed economy or just developing. And maybe for this reason, most people are more or less successfully rethinking their existence. This internal work done determines the motives of their actions and understanding of what has been done and what remains to be done. Nowadays, in a constantly changing social space, the task of "adjusting attitudes" is as acute as it once was.

If you accumulate experiences in yourself, vital energy will only dry up, and along with it health: mental and physical.

Stages of development of stress

Stress can be conditionally divided into 3 sequential stages according to Selye:

  • Stage 1 - accompanied by increased production of cortisol by the adrenal glands, a stress hormone. At the first stage, the stress state is the result of physical and chemical processes;
  • Stage 2 - addiction: within a few months, the adrenal glands adapt to the new regime, physically stress at this stage can be expressed by an increase in internal organs;
  • Stage 3 - nervous exhaustion: after prolonged stress, a person emotionally "burns out". His behavior changes, he feels constant weakness, memory deteriorates. Depressed mood and apathy prevent you from focusing on work and everyday problems. Failure to adapt to stress provokes disruptions in the work of internal organs.

The picture shows schematically the stages of stress described by the Canadian pathologist and endocrinologist Hans Selye.

The consequences of severe stress

Contrary to the well-known expression "time heals", in the case of chronic stress it does not work. Long-term neglect of its signs has consequences:

  • Diseases of a psychosomatic nature... Usually, against the background of prolonged stress, a person develops diseases to which he is genetically predisposed, as well as old untreated diseases. In the list of possible diseases due to the transferred stress: bronchial asthma, nervous dermatitis, hypertension, arthritis, cardioneurosis, or intestines;
  • Aesthetic problems... Due to severe stress, small blood vessels constrict, preventing the delivery of nutrients to organs and tissues. As a result, skin problems appear: painful acne, profuse rashes appear on oily skin, dry skin becomes dull and wrinkled. Nails also suffer from a lack of nutrients (they become flaky, thinner); hair falls out;
  • Vegeto-vascular dystonia- one of the most common diseases arising from the nervous system. When the head is dizzy and hurts, it often becomes difficult to breathe, the pressure rises. Often, in order to come to your senses, it is enough to calm down, organize yourself a correct daily routine and good nutrition;
  • Mental disorders: against the background of prolonged stress, adults and children develop neuroses, hysteria, obsessive states;
  • Nervous exhaustion does not allow for proper rest: a person feels lethargic throughout the day, and at night he is tormented by insomnia;
  • Fall of the body's immune defenses... After stress, not only mental balance is disturbed, but the entire work of the body is destabilized. The body cannot resist diseases: both a common cold and malignant tumors.

Problems affect not only the psychophysiological health of a person: stress disrupts his social life. Mood changes, depression, or vice versa, open aggression can cause quarrels with family and friends, problems at work.

How to recover from severe stress

To quickly recover from severe stress, you need to analyze what reasons could provoke this condition. On the list of the most common reasons: dissatisfaction with their own social status, problems at work or in the family, etc.

If there is a specific irritant - for example, an aggressive boss or an envious girlfriend, who convinces you of your worthlessness, you just need to remove it from your life. You can determine the annoying factor by keeping a psychological diary.

It is necessary to understand that each specific stressful situation is not something extraordinary: all people have their own problems, they just know how to overcome them.

Ways to deal with stress

Obsessive thoughts have a destructive effect on the nervous system. At the same time, no volitional effort will help to simply distract from experiences. To turn off the high stress mode, you need to give the brain a new task. For this, active physical activity is used.

At the very beginning of an exercise session, a separate area of ​​the brain is still engulfed in destructive personal experiences. During training, a new area of ​​activity appears, providing muscle work. If the training is intense enough, eventually physical work will dominate and bad thoughts will subside.

The adrenaline rush allows you to "relieve steam": to give the nervous system at least a little time to rest and recover.

Cyclic sports are best suited:

  • Outdoor jogging, arena, or treadmill
  • Swimming;
  • Weight exercises in the gym, classes on the sports ground;
  • Cycling trips.

Do not forget: relaxation and renunciation of destructive thoughts are prevalent, not sports records. You need to train in a comfortable environment (permissible level of load, comfortable suitable clothes) and in a pleasant environment (if possible).

Passive rest

You can restore your exhausted nervous system using passive methods:

  • Yoga, trance, meditation;
  • Vacation at the sea or spa resort;
  • Water procedures. Take a hot bath with sea salt, aromatic oils and candles while listening to relaxing music;
  • Adequate sleep. will help to quickly restore mental balance and disordered functions of the body. You need to learn to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. To make it easier to fall asleep, it is worth putting aside all the gadgets an hour before bedtime, taking a hot shower or bath, and ventilating the room.

Focus on new challenges

One of the most important aspects of a recovery program is focusing on non-stressful tasks. When a person's thoughts are constantly filled with experiences, he cannot concentrate on important life tasks, for example, work.

You can learn concentration with the help of simple and at the same time creative-oriented deeds:

  • Reading and self-education: you can read at any free moment, replacing the meaningless flipping through public pages on social networks and news feeds with a book;
  • Creation. Weaving beads, drawing, modeling clothes, felting woolen toys. The occupation is not important, the main thing is that they bring satisfaction;
  • House cleaning or wardrobe detox. Cleaning the room from debris and annoying things works no worse than intensive therapy with a psychotherapist. Having systematized his personal space, a person puts things in order in his thoughts.

Positive emotions

What to do to recover from negative experiences:

  • Laughter therapy: family watching comedy films or funny videos helps to forget about problems and relax;
  • Communicating with animals will cheer you up. It is worth trying to escape from the zone of imaginary "comfort": visit the zoo, go horseback riding, get a dog or at least fish;
  • Changing the usual environment: traveling, visiting new places, walking with friends;
  • Positive attitudes (affirmations).

Proper nutrition

Food is a source of energy and nutrient compounds for the normal functioning of all body systems. By adjusting your menu, you can speed up recovery from stress:

  • By adding red fish, nuts or other foods rich in unsaturated fats to the diet, you can stop hair loss, restore the cycle after a delay in menstruation.
  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits improves skin condition, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Calcium-rich parsley, dill, basil (contain more than 2 times more calcium than cottage cheese) strengthens nails.
  • We need to remove stimulating drinks from the menu. Coffee, alcohol, black tea, energy drinks with guarana, etc., should be replaced with herbal infusions and green tea.
  • You don't have to jam your stress with refined sweets to boost your mood. You can give preference to bananas, dark chocolate, nuts.


Sedatives are a heavy weapon in the fight against stress and depression. It is much safer and more appropriate to turn to herbal medicine. Herbal preparations, teas, herbal baths act gently and without side effects.

Herbal Recipes:

  • Herbal baths. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over a glass of lavender, mint, calendula or chamomile flowers. Insist for 3 hours;
  • Aromatic oils of orange, mandarin, lemon, green tea, lavender or bergamot are added to shower gels or simply to the bath. You can also just apply oils to your wrists and temples;
  • Herbal tea: Dried mint, lemon balm or ginger with lemon can be added to regular green tea;
  • Sleep on pillows filled with herbs: mint, chamomile, St. John's wort, primrose, lavender;
  • Infusion of valerian root, fennel seeds, caraway seeds and coriander in equal proportions (up to 2-3 teaspoons) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for several days. The infusion is taken in 50-70 ml at night for 2 weeks or more (as needed).

How to restore lactation after stress

It is not uncommon for breastfeeding mothers to lose, or rather, decrease the production of breast milk due to stress. This is due, most often, with severe nervous exhaustion. The release of the stress hormone suppresses the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for lactation.

The period of breastfeeding is extremely important for the health of the infant. To return lactation to breast milk, you need:

  • Get rid of negative and destructive thoughts;
  • Do a pleasant thing: for example, shopping or beauty treatments;
  • Keep in contact with the baby at all times. Even just applying it to the breast can increase the production of oxytocin;
  • More rest: housework, cleaning, cooking can be partially delegated to other family members.

It is impossible to say with certainty how long it will take to “rehabilitate” after severe stress. If the fleeting tension after the scandal with the boss can be neutralized on the same evening, with the help of intense training, then you can get out of a severe depressive state for years. If you can't cope on your own, you can always contact a psychotherapist.

It's no secret that strong emotional experiences affect our general condition. Facial skin is no exception. Doctors around the world have long argued that stress is a risk factor for many diseases. Our inner state is reflected externally. First of all - on the face. In women, the hormonal background is often disturbed from experiences, hence the rash on the skin or the failure of the menstrual cycle.

In general, it can be concluded that stress is bad for the skin. It is not always possible to simply calm down and restore inner harmony, but a woman wants to look dazzling every day. There are several ways to restore the skin after the effects of stress.

How stress affects the skin

First, let's take a look at what it is. Stress is a powerful emotional shock. In response to such a "blow", the body responds with chemical reactions, adaptation to drastically changed conditions takes place. Any quarrel, an unpleasant conversation with a person, or a minor failure is stressful.

It affects the skin through a chain of hormonal reactions. Emotional experiences stimulate the release of corticosteroids from the adrenal glands. These hormones are required for activity to run or attack. This is how nature intended, but modern man does not always get into a fight or hide from negative people. Therefore, the urgently generated energy is not wasted and begins to eat away at the body from the inside:

  • The production of sex hormones, which are responsible for the youthfulness of the skin, is suppressed.
  • Stress stimulates the release of the enzyme hyaluronidase. It breaks down hyaluronic acid, which is involved in the formation of skin elasticity. It becomes dehydrated and dull in color.
  • Then the work of metalloproteinases starts. These enzymes break down collagen and elastin - the dermis framework. Wrinkles appear.
  • During stress, peripheral capillaries constrict. As a result, blood circulation in the skin deteriorates, which disrupts its nutrition.
  • Regular stress lowers the body's immune defenses. Inflammations, including local ones, in the form of pimples, are becoming more frequent.
  • Corticosteroids directly stimulate sebum production. Glitter on the face and acne are vivid proof of this.
  • The nervous system is in tension, the sensitivity of the skin increases. As a result, even minor changes in temperature can damage the epithelium, cause flaking, itching or rashes on the skin of the face.

You can suppress the manifestations of stress with the help of cosmetic procedures.

Aesthetic medicine can work wonders by eliminating the effects of mental and physical fatigue. However, it is best for the skin and the body as a whole - to get rid of the stress factor or calmly survive it. There are several ways to calm the nervous system:

  • Yoga and Meditation.
  • Sanitary vacation or travel. On the edge of the case - take a vacation and relax.
  • Taking a warm bath. Possibly in conjunction with aromatherapy.
  • Regular moderate exercise. Spend at least 30 minutes a day walking in the fresh air.
  • Daily facial skin care.
  • Psychologist consultation.

All of these methods are effective when done regularly. But women always want to look good, so signs of fatigue need to be eliminated as soon as possible. Aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue.

Cosmetological anti-stress procedures

In this case, inappropriate. Cosmetologists have long noticed that in women under stress, the result from or does not last as long as in people without it. The effect often does not meet expectations, which negatively affects the reputation of the clinics, although the doctors have absolutely nothing to do with it - these are the individual characteristics of the organism, which customers are warned about in advance.

In the centers of cosmetology, they suggest focusing on the following anti-stress procedures:

  • Spa massage. A pleasant way to relax and forget about the negativity. The blood supply to the skin improves, it returns to its tone and acquires a healthy, rested look.
  • Mesotherapy. An individually selected cocktail is injected under the skin. Their composition is varied. Most often, it includes vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The skin is nourished and protected from the aggressive effects of stress.
  • ... The method effectively removes signs of stress. The cellular composition of the skin is renewed, which gives the effect of rejuvenation.
  • Masks. Provides nourishment and hydration to the skin of the face.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the consequences of the influence of stress only by external influences. For a more effective recovery, the first step is to calm the nervous system.

Anything happens in life, and from time to time we all face difficult events that literally throw us into a deep emotional and energy hole. In this pit, everything is seen in a gloomy color, the mental mixer with the cycle “what would have happened if I did it differently”, “why did this happen to me” and the like is spinning in full. When a dream collapses, a loved one leaves or someone close to you dies, it seems that nothing good will happen, there is no strength for any action. After a very strong stress, we can feel the consequences even at the physical level, when the heart begins to ache, feel nauseous, dizzy, and a lush bouquet of psychosomatic diseases flourishes. Someone begins a sluggish depression, someone is looking for relief in alcohol, mindless hours of surfing on social networks, helping to brighten up dull evenings. If you are experiencing something similar, then this article is for you.

How to get out of an emotional hole, cope with pain, for example, get over a breakup?

A step-by-step system of restoring yourself step by step will help here. Simple little steps that will get you out of this state. If you go through them without expecting quick results, then life will again sparkle with colors, everything will change. Gradually, desires and goals will return, strength and energy will appear to achieve them, and, overcoming yourself, changing yourself, you will change everything around. And, as if as a reward, be sure to achieve everything you want, be it a love relationship, your favorite job, health, whatever.

Preparatory stage. A bright target

People who have experienced severe stress are so emotionally devastated that they don't really want anything. Yes, there is no energy to achieve something, there is no energy even to want something.

A bright target serves as a beacon, guided by which you can do everything else, you can get out.
There is no need to think now how you will achieve it. Just create an intention, how you want to see your life, what exactly you need, even if at this stage it is just a fantasy.

Suppose you want a happy relationship, family, children? A great goal. Rebuild yourself and you can achieve it.

Are you devastated from the destructive work you hate, the daily traffic jams, conflicts with colleagues? Make it your goal to realize yourself in what you love, earning a decent income.

Is your state of health poor? Do you feel like you are crumbling? Create an image of your vibrant, fulfilling life, where you are overwhelmed with strength, energy and health.

Stage 1. Physical recovery

The main step to rebuilding yourself is establishing proper sleep patterns. It sounds trite and incomprehensible. For people who have experienced severe stress, some kind of regime will seem like absolute nonsense. In fact, the mode is the first rung of the ladder that will lead out of the pit.

If you want to physically feel better, start restoring the body, increase the level of personal energy, then you definitely need to get enough sleep, but not just like that, but get enough sleep correctly. What does it mean?

You need to sleep on average 7-8 hours, but not more. Only on very difficult days, for example, during an illness, can you afford more hours. Once I also thought that the more you sleep, the better, and my favorite saying was “lie down, sleep, and everything will pass”. But in the normal rhythm of life, a long sleep takes away energy, and does not add it!

You need to go to bed before 12 o'clock in the morning, best of all - at 21-22 hours. I wrote in detail what this approach gives in the article How I learned to get up early and I will note once again the main thing: when you go to bed at 21-22 hours, the hormone melatonin will be produced in your body, which is responsible for youth, beauty, energy, helps to get rid of from depression.

In addition, this way you will save yourself from meaningless sticking on TV shows and in social networks, or, even better, from having a couple of cans of beer or a glass of wine in the evening.

Of course, if you are used to staying up late, at first you will not be able to fall asleep so early. But by adding lifts an hour or two early, the body will begin to rebuild. I checked myself many times: proper sleep for 6-7 hours gives much more strength than late falling asleep and getting up. If you manage to organize yourself and make it a habit, very soon your body will rest, recover and soon ask for physical activity, you will be surprised to find that you want to run in the morning or dance.

I have already conducted several streams of the energy marathon “Let's change your life in a hundred days. Detox the body and mind ”and I observe an unambiguous relationship: those participants who already live according to the regimen, go to bed early and get up early, are more vigorous, more active, healthier, they have more strength and better mood, and from the report to the report I see that in general in life they have a lot more organization in various spheres.

Okay, maybe I haven't convinced you.

Maybe the story of one of our participants will inspire you more (in a small reduction):

BUT there is something more: order in the brain, internal dialogues with everything necessary and unnecessary have been reduced by at least 90 percent, a clear system of exercises (exercises, practices) has appeared. I stopped scattering and doing everything in a row, but I built myself a sequence, time and strictly follow my self-discipline. The daily routine has become like that of a normal person: I go to bed at 22:00 and wake up at 4:00, do practices (at this time, as it is written in the Vedas, everything that a person does is multiplied hundreds of times, because from 4 to 7 in the morning a powerful stream of pure energy goes to the Earth). Previously, I sat until 2-3 o'clock in the morning, and then slept until one o'clock, woke up as if a cow chewed me and spat out me. And now a brisk one for the whole day.
Next: the brain began to work the way it worked for me from 24 to 36 years old. Those. I then had a very good, responsible, very coolly paid position, which just because of a clear mind I got, having bypassed EIGHTY people of competitors-applicants.
So, thanks to the fact that the brain stopped processing a bunch of all kinds of crap and calmed down, there was a colossal improvement in the work. A lot of agreements have been reached, cooperation with partners has been interrupted, which were not always obligatory and several times disrupted the terms promised to our clients. It was just that at that time it seemed to me that these are the only people in the world, and I depend on them. AT THE MOMENT I found a replacement and only won in terms of location, timing and cost of services.
Further. Plans for life and the vision of many situations changed abruptly, which influenced many decisions in the most, as it turned out, the best side.
My husband and father-in-law were out of my grip, from how I defend my (our) interests in business and, in general, by what I started to do! In general, they gave the reins, so to speak, to my hands, and on Thursday (May 11) they signed up with the relevant authorities, where the father-in-law will officially sign the documents on the transfer of the business to ME, and not to his own son or grandson.
I calmed down so internally that even silence does not ring for me, but just quietly there is answer after answer, sometimes even to questions that I had several years ago.
I stopped freaking out, panicking, and the impression is that I know everything even before that, and I'm going to internally.
Quarrels stop around me, wherever I go, it seems like the atmosphere is changing, people are very polite, they let me go ahead, open doors in front of me ... I don't know how to explain, but everyone is trying to listen, help, do something pleasant, say a compliment ... The kids began to visit my husband and me quite often, although they used to come, but only out of politeness, but now they seem to be drawn to us. The husband's son began to come often, calls, we have joint breakfasts, go hunting together. And before that, in three years I saw him, maybe five or six times, no more.

Crisis periods are a great time to reboot the body in terms of diet. Lean less on fast food, eat more simple, high-quality food. It would be nice to fast, introduce useful supplements, drink herbal teas. Learn more about rebuilding your body with beneficial supplements.

If you have absolutely no strength to revise your nutrition, then start taking vitamins. Any vitamin complexes that your doctor advises. A lack of some potassium or magnesium can hit our health a lot, and you can meditate as much as you like, do any kind of practice, but if you lack some components at the chemical level, then all this will have a secondary effect.

And pay special attention to vitamin C. Start at least with it! Regular vitamins from the pharmacy or use products that contain it: rosehip infusion, lemon, pomegranate juice (pomegranate juice will also support hemoglobin levels), bell pepper, spinach.

But most of all, probably, vitamin C is in rose hips! It holds the record for its content. Rosehip strengthens the immune system and maintains vigor.

If you are faced with the question of recovery (strength, health, physical activity, recovery from stress) - drink rosehip decoction every day!

Rosehip infusion(recipe from the marathon "Change your life in a hundred days. Detox the body and mind")

The value of fruits increases due to the significant content of vitamin P in them and the presence of a number of vitamins: A, B, E, K and others, which are contained not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves. The flower petals and roots of the plant also have healing properties. Vitamin C in rose hips can be from 0.5 to 4.5 grams per 100 grams of dried berries. This is a lot, about 10 times more than in black currant berries, 50 times more than in lemon and 100 times more than in apples.

How to cook:
Take about 30 rose hips per liter of water. Rinse thoroughly, put in a thermos and fill with hot water (not boiling water).

If you do this in the evening, then the drink will be ready in the morning.

Stage 2. Emotional recovery

Simultaneously with establishing a regimen and detoxing the body, I strongly advise you to start keeping the Morning Pages. I told many times what it is, if you don't know. I will just say that in my opinion, this is the best tool for putting your thoughts and feelings in order, freeing yourself from pain, heavy emotional addictions, and even discovering your creative abilities.

And again I will give the story of a site visitor who began to maintain the Morning Pages (there are a lot of reviews, they really work as psychotherapy, but this particular girl also writes about the regime, so this review is “two-in-one”):

I have been practicing the Morning Page practice for thirty-two days now. What did it give me, and what noticeable changes did I get?

The main thing is that every morning I wake up around 6-00. This is usually around 5-54 / 5-58. This is incredible!

I always got up with great difficulty in the morning. I loved to sleep very much. The days when I could afford to bask in bed were the most anticipated. The most optimal wakefulness schedule for me was to wake up somewhere at 10-00 or even 11-00 in the morning, but I could go to bed at 1, and 2, and 3 nights. Not only that, I also took a nap with pleasure during the day. It is clear that I could afford such a daily routine only on vacation. As a result, for as long as I can remember, since my school years, my eternal desire was to get enough sleep. And not just get enough sleep, but for example, sleep all day. Naturally, this desire was impracticable.

I got up to work in the morning with great difficulty, set three alarms with an interval of 10 minutes. The motivation to get out of bed was a promise to myself that I would come home and go to bed (this was always the case when I managed to return from work in the middle of the day). Then she swayed for a long time and was going to work like a sleepy fly.

And so it has always been! Until I started writing Morning Pages! I still find it hard to believe! First I had to get up 30 minutes early. If I usually got up (after three times switching alarms) at 7-00 and barely had time to get ready, now I began to get up at 6-30 at the alarm clock and without delay. Moved by the consciousness that the page needs to be written. But this motivation was in the very first days. Then there was already some latent desire to get up and go and write a page. It's just like you get up and feel the need to rinse your face with clean water.

Then I began to tidy up my morning. I started doing exercises. There was not enough time, and most importantly, there was a desire to make the bed. I began to wake up a few minutes before the alarm clock. As a result, I moved the ascent time to 6-00 and set the alarm clock just in case. But I wake up 5-6 minutes before the call and even on weekends. Of course, I started packing early in the evening. By 21-00 I try to finish everything and start getting ready for bed, so that at 22-00 I’m already asleep. It happens that I do not have time to calm down by 22-00, but in any case it is no later than 23-00. If I go to bed closer to 23-00, then in the morning I feel some sleepiness (as if I had not had enough sleep), but I still wake up myself and before the alarm clock and get up without any problems.
Now I am happy with the start of the day. My morning starts with a good mood. I manage not only to write the Morning Page, do exercises and make the bed, but also have a quiet breakfast, get ready and take my time to get to work. And I also have enough time in the morning to plan the day and make a to-do list.
I thank the Universe for this opportunity to change my life for the better!

Listening to music also helps a lot. A well-designed playlist can help better than an expensive therapist. Only you need to choose compositions thoughtfully, music should charge or soothe, but not depress. No songs about unhappy love, no suffering. If you like mantras or church chants, this is a great choice. Maybe melodies for meditation, maybe, on the contrary, energetic music for the dance floor.

Turn on your playlist while walking, cleaning the house, or anytime. Music can get you out of very difficult conditions.

For the first month or even two, these steps will be sufficient.

But then you will have the strength for more.

It's time to start clearing space!

I also refer to this point as emotional recovery. A mess in clothes, files, affairs leads to a mess in thoughts and is a hole where your energy flows. If you are not inclined to periodically clear your space of trash, then you broadcast to the Universe that you prefer a lifestyle in a mess, trash, chaos. And she creates additional circumstances for you to do this.

You can make yourself a wonderful gift: take the time and start throwing away excess, old books, unwashed clothes, broken toasters, CDs, and more. If possible, make repairs. After all this, consecrate your home. Not only will it become easier for you, changes in your life will begin immediately.

I think at this stage, if you really listen to me and do everything, your body itself will ask for the load. You will want to take long walks, and maybe even jog, maybe you sign up for a dance or do yoga (yoga is generally ideal for restoring physical and mental balance, if you want to do it, then changes in your state, internal and outside world guaranteed).

Any activity of this kind will not only help restore health and mood. If you can self-organize and exercise regularly, you will look much better outwardly, your posture will straighten, excess weight will go away, you will become more graceful, more confident in yourself, the hormones that are released during sports will make you happier, you will feel your own inner strength. There are so many bonuses that it is surprising why so few people are involved.

Stage 3. Movement towards goals

At this stage, you should already have the energy to move towards your goals.

Look around, you will constantly come across information on where to go next. For example, you still can't get over the breakup with your loved one - go to study. Let the head switch, thoughts will be occupied with other things. You don't have to have a college degree; a variety of courses will work as well. It is important that you invest in yourself.
Expand your social circle. The easiest way to do this is through new hobbies. How to get carried away when not very interesting?
And so. Watch yourself for a few days. Everyone has something that is at least a little interesting. Growing home flowers, cooking, breeding ferrets, whatever, as long as it doesn't cause obvious disgust. Try to dive into it, get deeper, learn more. Start chatting with people who are interested in the same. This is generally a very effective way to expand your circle of friends, make new friends and often find a family.

If you are interested in the transition to a new material level, then start mentally concentrating on what you can earn. If you constantly think about it, along the way reading inspiring stories of other people (and now there are a lot of them), then ideas will surely appear.

A new business, a new circle of friends, new hobbies, any movement forward will give an energetic boost.

If you have the strength to do it now, without waiting for a crisis and severe stress, then invest in yourself, in your development now.

Open up to the world, meet, learn.

And do not forget about the correct sleep pattern)

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just a few of the items that are rapidly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not out-of-necessity purchases, but panic purchases. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects a person's actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, "life prizes" go to others. If your self-esteem goes lower and lower, then there are 20 tips given in this article to help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be eliminated in any way. They are so strong that even doing an interesting job does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add excruciating sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you look at the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We are killing our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, release unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison your mind. Tune in to goodness and positiveness. Do something nice, something you've been dreaming about for a long time.

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Fighting complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop for yourself the tactics of finding the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on this joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness - no matter what anyone says, the goal of every person's life. But is it really that difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then it is safe to say that you will become healthier than you were before. At first glance, they seem simple, but start doing them, and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Touchiness is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to not meeting their expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illnesses, psychological problems and an inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your offenses? Then let's take a look at how you can do this.
