Municipal government educational institution

Novomelovatskaya secondary school

Kalacheevsky district, Voronezh region

My pedagogical credo (essay)

Teach to learn

Prepared by Tatyana Petrovna Medvedeva

teacher of mathematics 1 qualification category

NS. Horsetail


My pedagogical credo "Teach to learn"

There are many professions on Earth, different professions: interesting and monotonous, prestigious and not very, complex and simple, dangerous and ordinary, in demand and routine.

Who to be? Sooner or later, every person asks himself this question. The path of a person begins with a childhood dream. I always knew that I would become a teacher. I could not even imagine another profession in my future. As a little girl, I was fascinated by my first teacher - Lysenko Polina Mikhailovna. She was for me the ideal of kindness, justice, exactingness, wisdom. I tried to be like her in everything. It is no coincidence that the favorite game of childhood was “playing at school”, fortunately there was someone to teach - there are 8 children in our family. And now, after more than 30 years of work at school, I can say for sure: my choice was made correctly. I am a teacher, a math teacher in a small rural school.

Over the years, I realized that it is simply impossible to transfer all my knowledge to children. My pedagogical credo is "Teach to learn". The main thing is to turn children from passive listeners into active participants in the educational process, teach them to think, find answers to exciting questions, make decisions on their own, create conditions for unlocking their potential and help to know themselves.

What is the teacher today? I believe that the main professional values ​​of a modern teacher are constant self-improvement, interest in innovative technologies, originality of thinking, courage in searching for solutions to non-standard problems. The success of a modern teacher depends not only on how much the teacher owns the subject and methods of work, but also on the personality of the teacher himself: his culture, general knowledge, sincerity, competence, objectivity, and the ability to find an approach to the child.

I love my profession, I love entering the class, looking into the eyes of the children, feeling their mood, and I cannot allow disappointment to appear in the eyes of my students. A good teacher learns all his life. I believe that my best lesson is ahead, and life itself will continue it. I always think, will my lesson for children become a lesson of Faith, Goodness, Justice, Honor, Professionalism? Therefore, I go forward to my childhood dream!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten number 16 "Rodnichok", Yanaul, municipal district Yanaul district

Republic of Bashkortostan

Pedagogical essay "Educator is my vocation".

All professions are important

All professions are needed.

Agree these words are not empty, but very significant. Many people, when choosing a profession, several times think about where to go to study, what to become. Will you be able to benefit others. Even as a primary school student, I wanted to become an educator. Every person, when still small, wants to become an adult as soon as possible. I also had this. I wanted to grow up as soon as possible and raise all the children. I hardly put my dolls and began to educate them.

The profession of an educator, known since ancient times, arose when a need arose in human society for the upbringing and education of children. At the dawn of humanity, education was incorporated into the stream of life itself. In joint life with parents and other adults, the growing person was accustomed not only to performing labor operations, but also to following the norms of life in the family. He absorbed the values, traditions, beliefs and way of life inherent in this community.

Kindergarten is a small life! It is in the kindergarten that the most interesting unusual delightful parts of childhood take place ... The heart of which is an irreplaceable educator - a person with an open heart, a big one who believes in miracles and does not part with the world of magic and fairy tales to the end. When you work with children, you yourself also fall into a carefree childhood.

It is believed that the educator is the person who leads the children. But in our time, working with modern children, the educator should only push, bringing creativity, creativity, igniting children's hearts.

Love for children is determined by the personal qualities of the educator: the peculiarities of his upbringing, his childhood, how the teachers in kindergarten and school treated him, a sense of duty and responsibility.

When visiting children, you need to remember that you cannot rise above them, betray, humiliate and offend them, because they trust us, expect from us, educators, maybe even more love and care than from their parents.

For the upbringing of a child's personality, a special organization of the life of children in a group is necessary, which implies, first of all, a psychologically careful attitude towards the individual, respect in him for a person who has the right to privacy. The life of children must be organized in such a way as to interrupt and interfere with their activity as little as possible. It is advisable to take into account the age of the children, their interests, needs and opportunities. It is necessary to constantly encourage the efforts of children and the very desire to learn something new, to learn something. An educator is not a translator, but an assistant and a skillful leader. If you know how to present the most common fact as a discovery and achieve the surprise and delight of children, then you can consider that you have already done half of the work.

It all starts from childhood. The sky, earth, smells and sounds are understandable and extraordinary. And the first skills of creative communication with reality, the first contact with the mysterious world of beauty occur in childhood.

All children with very different characters, therefore, one cannot do without an individual approach, someone needs to be fondled and pitied, and it will not hurt someone to scold, because the teacher is the second mother, and she must have a key to each child.

The teacher is a sage to whom children go with any question, and he must give an answer. It is a very interesting profession to be an educator: children love you and expect something new from you, and you live their life and enjoy their success with them ... The highest manifestation of pedagogical success is a smile on children's faces. It is worth nothing, but it gives a lot, it enriches those who receive it, without impoverishing those who give it.

Go to work with joy, from work - with pleasant fatigue - this is the highest happiness and the meaning of life. An educator who is passionate about his profession realizes the importance and necessity of his work.

Childhood is a real, bright, original, unique part of life; it depends on him what kind of person today's baby will become. We all want to see our children happy - now and in the future, when they grow up, we want the smile to never leave the child's face.

My pedagogical essay.

New time has put forward very urgent requirements for education: the upbringing of people with a new type of thinking, initiative, creative, intellectually developed, competent.

The focus of modern education, which means that each teacher is placed on the individual, respect for her, the desire to help her development.

A creatively working teacher constantly asks the question: how to build a lesson so that it is interesting for children to learn, and the teacher himself would experience moral and professional satisfaction from his work.

Without interest in the subject, a methodically correctly constructed lesson with the presentation of the material at the highest scientific level, with the involvement of the necessary examples from practical life will not give the desired result: "All our ideas, all searches and constructions turn to dust if the student has no desire to learn", - wrote the outstanding teacher of the 20th century V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

The development of students' interest in physics, the development of the creative abilities of each student is the goal of my work.

In order to "awaken" the student, to light the fire in him of the desire to learn new things, to engage in thought, cognitive activity, there is only one means: interest through the content of the educational material, through unusual forms of lessons, through extracurricular activities, through bringing the studied material to life student.

To achieve my goals, I use an entertaining presentation of educational material, I use fragments from fiction, history, examples taken from everyday life, I introduce children to the achievements of modern science and technology.

Conducting new forms of lessons (travel lessons, research, debates, games, etc.), using a non-traditional system for assessing students' knowledge, conducting extracurricular activities in the form of intellectual games, such as “What? Where? When? "," Happy accident ", KVN, etc. Allow to activate children, awaken their cognitive interest.

Modern psychology claims that any person needs a game in order to maintain him in a normal state, to provide psychological relaxation.

"In physics lessons, play acquires especially great importance," wrote Ya. I. Perelman, "not so much for the friends of physics as for its enemies, whom it is important not to force, but to encourage learning."

The game promotes the development of creative abilities, instills in students the desire for victory and for new knowledge, develops thinking, attention, imagination.

Therefore, in my teaching activities, I often use games, game moments, situations.

Essay on the work of a teacher (with 20 years of experience)

It is a pity that the modern education system does not allow teachers and students to realize their full potential. You have to spend most of your time writing and rewriting unnecessary pieces of paper over and over again. When finally at least one person in the Ministry or in the government comes up with a simple idea that all the time that a teacher or head teacher spends on stupid pieces of paper, he could spend on working with children, as it was before, for example, during the Yeltsin era. .. With what warmth and nostalgia we remember those golden times when we went to school to teach children !!!

The times of Yeltsin are a wonderful period of my life, when there was time for self-education, for creative preparation for lessons, events (despite the fact that there was no Internet and computers!). The time when I felt needed and saw the result of my work ...

What a pity that the developers of the new FSES are people who have never worked in a regular school, and therefore every rave. As, for example, Mr. Kondakov with his UUD, monitoring and all other utter nonsense, on which the teacher is forced to spend a significant part of his time, instead of teaching children. I would like to ask the same Mr. Kondakov: "Is it possible that the fact that the teacher will write down the flowchart of the lesson on 10 A4 sheets with all the UUD at each stage, the children will become smarter ?!" Gore-Kondakov, you did not think that a teacher has 5 to 7 lessons per day (10 * 7 = 70 sheets !!!) + consultations + pieces of paper with your delirium ...

It is very sad to realize that the current government, the media have made teachers and doctors the biggest criminals in the country. Not a day goes by without a teacher, doctor, or school being spat on TV all over the country. Because they know that these people cannot protect themselves in any way. But not a single oligarch was called to account, not a single official who was stealing was imprisoned (Serdyukov even went for a promotion, they will also release Ulyukaev and put him in another position) And teachers and doctors are vilified and humiliated in every possible way.

The prosecutor’s office doesn’t get out of schools; the transport inspectorate, the tax inspectorate, the SES, the firefighters, and the ecology, and whoever was not there, checks. Even the Rosselkhoznadzor! Only Minatom has not checked us yet. And each office writes out from 5 to 30 thousand fines for some incorrectly written piece of paper. We are not lawyers, we do not know all the delays in legislation. And who else can the state take money from if not from us ?! Not from the oligarchs! For them, the tax is minimal ...

August 2016 I am deeply outraged by the opinion of Mr. Medvedev that a teacher should be a beggar! Yes, I agree with his opinion that teachers choose to work by vocation. Is that why we must be poor? In civilized countries, teacher salary is a priority.

And here ... even the drunkard Yeltsin did not stoop to such cynicism and disregard for the work of a teacher, as the leader of the United Russia party, DA Medvedev! "... go into business ..." - But if we, teachers, go into business, as Medvedev advises, who will teach the children ?! I really liked and remembered the performance of the KVN team in Vladivostok on this occasion. Just great!

According to Mr. Medvedev, our teachers receive a decent salary ... One of two things: either our governor, Mr. Savchenko E. S. (also the leader of United Russia) writes fake reports, or Mr. Medvedev is just a cynic, to put it mildly ... Such are the gloomy reflections on the realities of life.

Is it worth it to conscientiously study at school, then 5 years at the institute in order to receive a salary less than that of a school cleaner or a watchman ?!

And then they still wonder why there is a shortage of teachers, why young people do not go to work in school ?! Rhetorical question!!

The elections in 2018 have passed.Vladimir Putin intends to fight poverty ... I wonder how ?! Shoot me, or what ?!

Yes ... The Promised One is waiting for three years. And in 2021 we will be rowing handfuls of money! In the meantime (October 2018), even the headmaster's salary is not much higher than the salary of a cleaning lady in the same school.

Let me summarize. Dear employees of the media, the State Duma, the Government, and inspection bodies! H Is it possible that the school once offended you so much that you are ready to tear to pieces these unfortunate teachers ?! I have always believed that teachers and doctors deserve even an ounce of respect. And every day I see only nasty things, spitting at us ... It's very bitter to realize this ...

Essay by the preschool teacher

Kolomytseva Raisa Vladimirovna educator at the Raduga MBDOU in the village of Tatsinskaya, Rostov Region.
Work description: This material can be used by teachers for their portfolios and for various competitions.
Target: Disclosure of the meaning of the word educator.
- to create a cozy atmosphere when familiarizing with the material.
- to develop a sense of interest in the material.

Educator essay

“The educator is a magician who opens
the door for children to the world of adults. And what the educator knows and is able to do depends on what and how he will teach his pupils. "

K. Helvetius

Educator's essay.

What does it mean - the profession of a kindergarten teacher, educator of extraordinary kids who are trusted by parents, the most precious and most priceless?
It is very difficult and difficult to answer this question, to choose the right words and form sentences in what letters to express that happiness when a child gives you a warm palm, trustingly cuddling and rejoicing in you. You need to have great patience and compassion for children, a desire to see "your children", to worry about their successes and failures, to rejoice in personal achievements and small victories. In fact, these children are not relatives, but you “grow together” with them, you start to think with them, wonder and admire how they are, and now they are already “my children”
The educator is like a potter, in whose hands soft, pliable clay turns into an elegant vessel. The task of the educator is to fill this vessel with goodness, creativity, knowledge and skills. After the mother, the educator is the first teacher who meets on the child's life path. This is the same profession when the educator at heart, always remains a child, otherwise the children simply will not accept him into their world, will not let him into their hearts. I believe that the most important thing is to love children, to give them your heart, to love just like that, for nothing, just for what they are!

Educator - who is he?
Mentor or edifier?
Or maybe he is a creator and a soul sculptor
Or maybe just a person
Leaving a footprint forever?
And simplicity and depth of mind
Able to build bridges for us!

I have been working in kindergarten for fifteen years and I do not want another profession for myself. I try to learn something fresh and keep up with new technologies in the field of preschool education. The main thing is that I love children and I have a great desire to work. At work, daily self-education in communication with children, colleagues, parents. Every day I plan, implement, show, communicate.

Yes, the teacher is a star destiny,
There is a search in it, the joy of illumination,
For the souls of children, the struggle
Work is just inspiration!

During my stay in kindergarten, I had the opportunity to work with different ages: from the junior nursery to the preparation, and I will say, without concealing that each age has its own "zest", its own distinctive features. When you pick up a younger age and go, step by step, to graduation from kindergarten, then during this time you get closer to the children and grow with them. A child is ill - and your heart hurts for him - how is he there, is everything all right, nothing serious happened? The most crucial moment is the adaptation of the child in the nursery group. When the baby cries and does not want to let his mother go to work, then you collect all your knowledge and skills, techniques and methods, gain patience and try to do everything to make the baby's stay comfortable and cozy. And how great it is that this baby, who recently cried, walks into your arms and reaches out like a loved one. Already parting with mom is easier and more painless, I think this means one thing - you have become yours, second after mom.
Every time the children leave the kindergarten after the prom, my part of my soul leaves with them. Over time, you give so much love and energy, and in return you are endowed with trust, joy and, most importantly, love. I am proud that my former pupils, when they meet me, smile that smile by which I recognize them, greet them, share their news and achievements.
Working with preschool children, you never cease to be amazed - how amazing, funny, caring, wonderful they are. Curious. Each child is unique in his own way, with his own character and mood, talent and unpredictability. The future of the baby depends on what an adult knows and can do, what he will teach them. The time of progress inexorably provides an opportunity for self-improvement, mastering innovative technologies and non-traditional methods. To satisfy the curiosity of a modern child, knowledge of modern techniques and technologies is required.
I am convinced that the true right to upbringing is not a diploma of professional education, but a vocation, the main criterion of which is indifference to other people's destinies, high human dignity, which determine the main pedagogical activity.
During my work, fate brought me together with wonderful people. She learned the hard skills from more experienced and senior teachers, because being an educator is a huge responsibility, only those who love children and are devoted to their profession can do this kind of work. The great teacher G. Pestalozzi, who practiced the pedagogy of love, said: “If you don’t love, then you have no right to educate,” and every day I am convinced that he is right.
My profession is my life! I spend most of my time at work, but due to my workload and busyness I manage to fulfill my family responsibilities. In my free time I like to pamper myself with a fascinating book, arrange a small holiday for the soul, because reading is an opening into a completely different world and it is very cool to live a few moments in this world! I love making various crafts from salt dough. When I get carried away with a new job, I get distracted from everyday worries, this is a kind of relaxation for me, which allows me to relieve stress after working days. And, of course, I am always happy with the final result. My hobby was also picked up by my daughter Tatyana, although she is now not entirely up to entertainment, because she graduates from a secondary educational school and is thoroughly preparing for the exam, and the eldest son Vladislav entered the YRSPU and is in his first year.
It's never boring in kindergarten, every day is filled with something new and unexpected. It is simply impossible to calculate the situation. After all, children are unpredictable and act, almost always, contrary to logic. I am very pleased when a child goes to kindergarten without tears, with a smile on his face and joyfully greets, and leaves home with regret and chagrin.
I think that the profession of an educator became my vocation, helped me find my way, my place in life, gave me the opportunity to sincerely devote myself to my beloved work, to give my love and knowledge to children and not burn out from this, but to become purer and richer in soul.
I am happy that I have tied myself with strong ties to a great and wonderful thing - raising children. I learned to look at the world with the enthusiastic eyes of children and contemplate it as it is. I learned to wake up every day in anticipation of a miracle. I got the feeling that raising children, I am raising myself!

I am a teacher and I am proud of it
That I am learning to live in the world with my children,
Yes, I am an actress of many roles.
But the main role is to replace mothers!

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal government educational institution

"Mishkinsky secondary school"

Essay on the topic of:

Primary school teacher:

Babkova Valeria Yurievna

Mishkino, 2017


    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ..3

    Main part ………………………………………………………………… 4

    Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… ..6

    List of sources used ……………………………………… .... 7

Thinking over the topic of the essay, I first of all have a question: what is "credo"?

Credo (lat.credo - believe) - a personal conviction, the basis of a person's worldview, sometimes - the same as a motto.

Remembering the material studied in the lessons of pedagogy, I would like to focus on one of its important principles - the principle of education by oneself. And, of course, you need to remember the commandment: do no harm! For the majority of students, the teacher is an ideal from which they take an example and imitate him.

My ideal teacher is my mother, who has dedicated her life to teaching. It was she who taught me to love children. In this regard, I would like to formulate my pedagogical credo as follows: “To devote life to good, fighting against evil! Be open, honest and fun for children. Strive for the goal without stepping back. "

    Why does my credo sound like this?

    Why dedicate your life to good and, at the same time, fight evil?

    Why is it important for children to be open, honest and fun?

I will try to tell you about all this in my essay.

Devote life to good, fighting evil!

Be open, honest and fun for children.

Strive for the goal without stepping back.

The teaching profession is very interesting, exciting, spiritual and creative. Children, like sponges, absorb the best qualities of this wonderful person.

I chose this credo for myself not by chance!

In today's world, our children are surrounded by many dangers in society, family and school. School is a place where every child should feel protected! It all starts with the simplest - with kindness!

Kindness is a quality of a person that expresses his ability and desire to do good to people. The opposite of goodness is wickedness. In ordinary consciousness, kindness refers to such personality traits as gentleness, consideration, caring, and the ability to sympathy, without which kindness is unthinkable. Genuine kindness is fundamental and is inspired by concern not only for the well-being of another person, but also for his moral perfection and dignity. (R. G. Apresyan.)

Everyone must remember: children are our future! Having taught them such qualities as kindness, honesty and justice, in the future we will get a modern society with moral foundations.

Nowadays, evil is often found next to our children. I want to teach my pupils to believe in goodness and, of course, to do good ourselves, to believe in kind people, a kind word ...

Thus, I believe that our lives and the lives of our children should be devoted to good and, of course, to eradicate evil!

The teacher must understand, he works with children of different views, temperaments - they are very different! It is appropriate to say: the teacher is a mirror for them, and the children are his reflection! Children, like a litmus test, absorb the teacher's lifestyle. Therefore, if a teacher allows himself to enter the class without a mood or allows deception in relation to a child, then he, in turn, will automatically copy the teacher. WITHthis is where the relationship problems begin.

Thus, in order to prevent such situations from happening, you need to be with children:

    open so that the child can address any problem to him and know that you will support and understand him;

    honest, so that your students are honest with you;

    fun, so that the children are charged with energy from you and work more actively in the lessons.

    Why, in my opinion, is it necessary to strive for the goal without stepping back?

In order to resolve these issues, you need to set a goal for yourself to strive for, without stepping back.

Target - the object of aspiration, what is needed, it is desirable to implement.

For me, a goal is a long or, perhaps, a short road to what I want, it happens, it stretches for years, and sometimes it is overcome in a few days.

Without a sense of purpose, the individual's activities would have no meaning. (Alfred Adler)

Any business that we undertake must be accompanied by a goal, otherwise we will not know whether it is finished. I am impressed by wordsMarkus Alena: "If you do not know where you are going, you will never know that you have reached the place." ... I cannot but agree with his statement. Indeed, the goal for a teacher is to know and understand what you want from yourself, from your pupils.

It seems to me that every teacher has a goal, and, probably, it is not one. My goal, as a teacher, is this: to bring up literate, tolerant, sociable children, to lay in them kindness, a sense of humor, honesty in front of others.

Thus, every teacher strives to put the best in the child, hoping that this will help him become an independent person. And each emerging personality must see its goal and strive for it.

Summing up, I would like to answer the last question that was asked at the beginning: why does my credo sound like this: “To devote life to good, fighting evil! Be open, honest and fun for children.Strive for the goal without retreatingback".

Here are some criteria that fit my credo:

    Kindness is a quality of a person that expresses his ability and desire to do good to people.

    Humor helps the teacher to find a common language with children, to look at the world through their eyes;

    Honesty is the mirror of the soul between teacher and student;

    The goal is the stimulus to life of every person.
