Allows you to browse the web and use it on mother tongue user.

By default, to display the interface and menus of the Google Chrome browser, the option selected during the initial download and installation is used. Changing it in Google Chrome is quite simple. We use minimal amount body movements. I draw your attention to the fact that chrome variant the one currently in effect is described in New Chrome Variant , and, accordingly, an earlier version - in the section Old version of Chrome

New Chrome Variant

In the upper right corner of the browser, click on the icon

In the menu that opens, select "Settings" and click "Show advanced ..." (they are at the very bottom).

In the settings window that opens, in the "Languages" section, click the "Language and Spell Check Settings" button.

And on this page we set the option we need.

Change language Google Chrome - old version

In the upper right corner of the browser we find the wrench icon and click the mouse. The settings window will open. Select the inscription "Settings". The settings window will open.

Click the "Language and Spell Check Settings..." button.

Accordingly, select the desired option and click the button “Display Google Chrome in this language. After closing all tabs of the Internet browser, the changes will take effect and when you open the browser again, all messages will be on the option you have chosen.

Automatic translation of web pages

Millions of Internet sites are written in foreign languages and the Google Chrome browser (unlike many others), allows you to make a translation almost instantly. You will read everything in your native Russian (if you are Russian). Translation, quite naturally machine, but in principle, everything can be understood.

If the interface of the web page does not match installed language browser, a translation bar appears at the top. Here, for example, we went to a Japanese site ... (initially it is assumed that you are not Japanese).

Chrome (or rather Google itself in the face of its search engine) began to deal with speech already at the search stage. For example, we are looking for the Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK. we type in the search for NHK and see.

We go to the site.

At the top of the page we see a button on which the language of the page is written, and on the right is the Translate button, when clicked, a translation will be made. (Google Chrome has more than 50 options in its "arsenal").

There are times when the language may be determined incorrectly, then select the correct option from the drop-down list. Click on the corresponding button and accordingly make a choice. If you want to refuse the translation of the page, then at the top of the browser, click on the "No" button.

To set the options to be viewed, you can click on the button in the top panel "Settings".

Here you can make permanent settings for this site:

Always translate Japanese to Russian

Never translate into Japanese

Never translate this site

Is this not Japanese? Report a bug

About Google Translate

In general, Google knows how to make smart browsers.

Google Chrome is a functional web browser that has a lot of useful features by default and allows you to expand its capabilities by installing add-ons. In particular, the article will discuss how you can translate pages in a browser using the standard method and using special extensions.

There are several ways to translate web pages in Google Chrome. The most popular is the built-in Google translator. When it becomes necessary to use alternative translators or additional features, you first need to install them in the browser as an extension.

Method 1: Standard Method

Method 2: LinguaLeo English Translator

Many are familiar with the popular English language learning service LinguaLeo. To improve skills and comfortable web surfing, the creators have implemented a separate translator add-on - LinguaLeo English Translator. Here we should immediately make a reservation: the translator works exclusively with English.

Method 3: ImTranslator

Useful add-on ImTranslator can process up to 5000 characters and has support for 91 languages. The extension is interesting because it works with four different text translation services, allowing you to achieve best results when translating text.

Each solution will allow you to instantly translate both individual text fragments and entire articles into Google Chrome.

Recently installed the Google Chrome web browser on a new Windows 10 computer and encountered the default being English language, although Russian is set everywhere in the system. And, no matter how I tried, I couldn’t download the desired version from Google. Fortunately, this is not a problem at all, since you can quickly and easily change the language in Chrome to Russian. In this post I want to show it clearly for beginners.

So, in order to change the language in Google Chrome from English to Russian, open the main menu of the program by clicking on the button with three dots in the right corner of the application window. Select an item from the menu Settings. The following tab will open:

Scroll down to section language and click on the checkmark to expand its options. We find the link " Add language"And click on it. The following window will appear:

We find the Russian language for Google Chrome and put a tick in front of it. Click on the button Add.

In the menu that appears, check the box Display Google Chrome in this language". Next, you need to restart the browser or by clicking on the button Relaunch, or independently close the program and start again.

Note: As you can see, you can change the browser language without any problems right in the settings. If you are offered to download the chrome crack somewhere, then this is a virus and you should not download it.

An article for those who actively use Google services and the Google Chrome browser itself. At one point or another, the user wants or just needs to change the interface language, for example, from Russian to English. In two or three clicks - as at first thought - the problem cannot be solved: you will have to change the settings not only in the browser, but also in different services. Let's see how to do it.

As we have already understood, changing the language in Google is a very general requirement. If you need to completely change the interface language, you will have to change the language in at least three different places:

  • Changing the language in the Google Chrome browser settings;
  • Change language in Google+ profile (Gmail, Google+).

You can change the language in the browser naturally in the settings. After opening the "Settings" window, click on "Show advanced settings". An additional menu opens, where you can look for the "Languages" sub-item. There, click the "Setting languages ​​and input methods" button.

In the window that appears, select desired language. Before clicking "Finish", do not forget to click on "Display Google Chrome in this language". All. After you restart your browser, the interface will be in English, but search, mail and other services remain in the old language.

Change language in Google Search

Consider one of the most simple ways change google search language and google services black bar on top. We type something in the search. At the top right we see a gear. By clicking, select "Search Settings". On the left you will see the item "Languages" and select the language that you need. Voila, it remains to work only on the services: mail and Google+.

Change language in Google account

Change the language in the account settings, change the interface language not only in Google+, but also in Gmail at the same time. Although in the mail settings you can change the same indicator separately.

So, in the search mode, the name, nickname and avatar of your account are indicated at the top of the screen. Click on the "Account" hyperlink. In the "Language" menu, change the settings and save. Refresh the page to see the changes.

That's all. Now the interface language has been changed almost everywhere: in the browser, in Google search, in your Google+ account, Gmail, and even in the calendar. But, for example, in Google Drive and YouTube, most likely, the language will remain the same. If necessary, you need to change the necessary settings in each of the services. The way to find the language settings is about the same - there should be no problems.
