There is always a difficult task before school graduates - to determine the future place of study. The choice of university can play a key role in further labor career, so the decision of such a significant issue of applicants and their parents are always suitable with special attention. To help them and created QS WORLD University Rankings. This annual rating of universities and institutions makes it possible to find out which educational institutions offer the best training conditions for 42 specialties. In addition to filters on the subject, the applicant may also set a certain region or a specific country.


  1. Academic Reputation. Respondents involved in this or related regions are asked to call up to 10 domestic and 30 international educational institutions, which they consider suitable for scientific activities. In 2016, over 76,000 people employed in the field of higher education took part in the survey.
  2. Employer reputation. Employers are asked to call 10 domestic and 30 international universities, whose graduates are best suited to work in this organization. 2016 data is based on a survey over 44,000 employers.
  3. Citation index. A scientometric indicator of the number of references to the scientific works of teachers of the university.
  4. Index Hirsha. An indicator showing the ratio of the number of publications with the level of their quotability. Currently it is believed that it is the Hirsch index that is the most objective indicator of significance and scientific productivity.

It is worth a separately say that for various academic areas their corrective coefficients were used. Thus, for medical specialties, where publishing activity has a high value, the citation index and the Hirsch index accounted for 25% of the overall result of a university. For historical faculties - 15%. And in the field of art and design, where the number of scientific works is extremely small, these factors were not taken into account at all.

The best universities in the art in the field of art and humanitarian sciences

In the field of art and humanitarian sciences QS World University Rankings rating offers data on the following specialties: archeology, architecture, art and design, English language and literature, history, linguistics, modern languages, theater, philosophy. We publish the top 10 world universities in the most popular specialties - "Architecture" and "Art and Design".

Position Architecture Art and design
1 Royal College Of Art (United Kingdom)
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
3 Rhode Island School Of Design (USA)
4 DELFT UNIRERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (NETHERLANDS) Parsons School of Design at the New School (USA)
5 Harvard University (USA) University of The Arts London (United Kingdom)
7 Eth Zurich (Switzerland) School of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
8 Tsinghua University (China) STANFORD UNIVERSITY (USA)
10 Manchester School Of Architecture (USA) Politecnico Di Milano (Italy)

The best universities in the world in engineering and technology

In the field of engineering and technical sciences, QS World University Rankings rating offers data on the following specialties: chemical engineering, civil and industrial construction, computer technology, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and aircraft, mining. We publish the top 10 universities in IT specialization.

Position Computer techologies
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
4 Harvard University (USA)
5 Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
6 University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
7 University of California, Berkeley (USA)
8 Eth Zurich (Switzerland)
9 National University of Singapore (Singapore)
10 Princeton University (USA)

The best universities in the world in the field of natural science and medicine

In the field of natural science and medicine, QS WORLD University Rankings rating offers data on the following specialties: rural and forestry, biology, dentistry, medicine, medical care, pharmaceuticals and pharmacology, psychology, veterinary medicine. We publish the top 10 world universities in the most popular specialties - dentistry and medicine.

Position Stomatology Medicine
1 THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG (Hong Kong) Harvard University (USA)
2 University of Michigan (USA) University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
3 University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
4 King "S College London, United Kingdom STANFORD UNIVERSITY (USA)
5 UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG (Sweden) Johns Hopkins University (USA)
6 Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan) University of California, Los Angeles (USA)
7 KU LEUVEN (Belgium) University of California, San Francisco (USA)
8 UCL (University College London) (United Kingdom) YALE UNIVERSITY (USA)
9 Universidade De São Paulo (Brazil) University College London (United Kingdom)
10 New York University (USA) Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)

The best universities in the world in the field of natural sciences

In the field of natural sciences, QS World University Rankings rating offers data on the following specialties: physics and astronomy, mathematics, environmental science, geology and oceanography, chemistry, materials science, geography. We offer to familiarize yourself with the top 10 of the strongest universities in the direction of "Chemistry".

Position Chemistry
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
2 University of California, Berkeley (USA)
3 University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
4 Harvard University (USA)
6 University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
7 National University of Singapore (Singapore)
8 The University of Tokyo (Japan)
9 California Institute of Technology (USA)
10 Eth Zurich (Switzerland)

The best universities in the world in social science and management

In the field of social sciences and management QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKINGS rating offers data on the following specialties: Buk. Network and Finance, Anthropology, Business and Management, Sociology, Media, Political Science, Pedagogy, Social Development, Statistics, Economics, Jurisprudence, Social Policy. We offer to familiarize yourself with the top 10 universities in the directions "Accounting and Finance" and "Business and Management".

Position Buchs and finance Business and management
1 Harvard University (USA) Harvard University (USA)
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
4 London School Of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (United Kingdom) STANFORD UNIVERSITY (USA)
5 University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
6 University of Chicago (USA) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
7 University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
8 University of Pennsylvania (USA) University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
9 London Business School (United Kingdom) London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)
10 University of California, Berkeley (USA) Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)

The list of 1000 best universities in the world are universities involved in the projects of the National Technological Initiative

The British company Quacquarelli Symonds published the University of QS WORLD University Rankings. This year in the ranking, which includes 1,000 educational institutions, provides 25 Russian universities.

The leader of the Russian highest school remains Moscow State University. Lomonosov, who rose to six positions compared to last year and took 84th place. In second place among Russian universities - NSU (231st position), participating in the program of increasing the competitiveness of leading universities among the world's leading scientific and educational centers ("Project 5-100").
As noted on the site "Project 5-100", from 25 Russian universities presented in the ranking this year, 16 participants of the project 5-100. The top 500 includes 16 universities from Russia, while 12 are participants in the project 5-100.

In addition to the Novosibirsk State University, which raised 13 positions and strengthened its position in the TOP-300, in this rating range also entered another university of Project 5-100, Tomsk State University (268th position).

Russian universities demonstrated positive dynamics and in the top 400. Compared to last year, their number has increased from 10 to 13. MFT (302th position) managed to close to the TOP-300, rising by 10 positions, followed by HSE (322th position) and Niya MEPI (329- I am a position).

For the first time this year, such universities were included in the top 400 of the best universities of the world - project participants as URF (364th position), KFU (392th position) and RUDN (392th position). A significant jerk in the direction of higher rating ranges made the ITMO University, taking 436th place in the rating table, moving on more than 70 points up. The Top-500 also presents the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, whose structure includes the center of competencies of the national technological initiative in the direction of "New Production Technologies" (439th) and MISIS NITE (451st position).

Positive dynamics in the top 300, Top-400, Top 500 speaks of the potential of Russian universities and their increasing competitiveness, as the higher the rating range, the harder it is to move up.

"According to this year, it is obvious that foreign students warmly react to the initiatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and the further creation of a dynamic multinational community is an important factor emphasizing the improvement of the situation in Russia this year. However, it should be noted that the low ratio of the number of students and teachers is another key success factor in Russia. Students appreciate access to their professors, and a large proportion of teachers to students makes the university attractive. Providing a high share of teachers to students is crucial for the further progress of Russia, "said Ben Sauter, head of the research department of the QS Intelligence Unit research department.

The main goal of QS World University Rankings is to help students when choosing leading universities around the world. When drawing up QS WORLD University Rankings, six indicators are taken into account: the credibility of the academic environment, the ratio of the faculty of students, the reputation among employers, the citation index, the proportion of foreign teachers and students.
Along with the Shanghai Rating (ACADEMIC RANKING OF WORLD UNIVERSITIES - ARWU), QS is a rating that focuses on the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in assessing the success of universities.

In terms of "Share of International Students" in the ranking of this year, 19 of the 25 Universities of Russia improved their results - in all of them for the period from 2013 to 2018 the number of foreign students increased by 40%. In addition, seven of the 50 best universities in the world in terms of the "ratio of the number of teachers to students" are Russian.

84 Place in general ranking QS World University Rankings occupied Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, serving a partner of the center of quantum technologies;
231 Novosibirsk State University;
234 St. Petersburg State University;
274 Tomsk State University;
284 Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman;
302 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MFT);
322 National Research University Higher School of Economics;
329 National Research Nuclear University "MIII";
364 Ural Federal University;
366 Moscow State Institute of International Relations - University of MGIMO;
387 Tomsk Polytechnic University;
392 Kazan Federal University;
392 Russian University of Friendship of Peoples;
436 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics - ITMO University;
439 St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, whose structure includes the Center for the Competence of the National Technological Initiative in the direction of "New Production Technologies";
451 National Research Technology University "MISIS", which created the Center for Quantum Communications of the National Technological Initiative;
521-530 Saratov State University;
531-540 Far Eastern Federal University, whose structure includes the NTI Center in the direction of "neurothechnologies, virtual and augmented reality technologies";
541-550 South Federal University;
601-650 Nizhny Novgorod State University;
651-700 Samara National Research University;
751-800 Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanova;
801-1000 Novosibirsk State Technical University;
801-1000 South Ural State University;
801-1000 Voronezh State University.

The results of the Global Rankings QS World University Rankings, which present world universities are known. MSU again became the best in Russia, retaining the position of last year - 108th place in the world. In total, 3,800 universities participated in the rating, 891 were included in the list.

According to Rector MSU Viktor Sadovnichnoy, Moscow State University confirmed the leading position in the context of increased competition, especially from the Universities of the Asian Region.

"In 2016, we traditionally improved the positions in the categories of" Expert Opinions from the Academic Environment "(Academic Reputation) and" Employer Reputation ", which are the main performance of the University, it is these criteria to determine the quality of teaching in high school and level Scientific research. Also this year we successfully conducted a reception campaign to attract foreign students, which is a good back for the future, "commented on the rector of Moscow State University Victor Sadovniki.

Our universities in recent years have licking positions in international rankings, which contributes to their promotion on the global market of educational services and attracts foreign students. In the latest oscillator QS rating in Top 100, eight of our universities are presented. The leader was MSU, who fell into the top 100 in 12 regions. The highest place is the 17th - he received in the "Linguistics" area. In second place, St. Petersburg State University, which is represented by two items. In the full version of the subject rating, 17 of our universities were. There are significant successes from MEPI, Novosibirsk State University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin. For this subject QS rating, 4,226 educational institutions of the world were rated, and in total, 945 universities were included in it. More than 113 million quotations were analyzed, the provision of about 15,530 training programs was checked.

"Another 5 years ago, few people in our universities knew about the Hirsch index, the impact factor, the Scopus and Web of Science databases, the world QS, The And Arwu. Today everyone knows," the rector of Tomsk Polytech Peter Chubikik explained.

As for the other prestigious international rating, the British magazine Times Higher Education is preparing, five of our universities have fallen in the list of 200 of the best universities in Europe. This is Moscow State University (he has 79 place), St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great (113), Tomsk Polytechnic University (136), Kazan Federal University (152), MEPhI (164).

In the first positions in all international rankings, Stenford, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge Universities, Massachusetts Technological University.

Our universities in the Global QS University Rating:

258 - SPbSU.

291 - Novosibirsk State University

306 - MSTU them. Bauman.

350 - MGIMO (y) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

350 - MFTI

377 - Tomsk State University

400 - Tomsk Polytech

401-410 - Mythi.

411-420 - HSE

411-420 - St. Petersburg Polytech

501-550 - Kazan (Volga) Federal University

551-600 - Far Eastern Federal University

551-600 - Saratov State University

551-600 - Southern Federal University

601-650 - MISIS NITE

601-650 - Rudn

601-650 - Ural Federal University

701+ - Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod

701+ - Novosibirsk Polytech

701+ - Reu named Plekhanov

701+ - Voronezh State University

QS works in education since 1990. It organizes international events for students and amounts to university ratings worldwide. QS World University Rankings is considered one of the three most influential ratings of universities in the world, along with the Times Higher Education rating and Academic Ranking of World Universities. Nevertheless, the rating is criticized for support on subjective indicators and polls, which, as a rule, fluctuate the year from year.

Published today by the Employment Rating Graduates of the QS GRAduTe Employability Ranking 2020 is based on five indicators support: reputation among employers, graduate success, partnership with employers, interaction of employers with students and employment of graduates.

The Russian highest school was presented by 13 universities, seven of which are among the project participants 5-100. The winner of the best indicator among them was the HSE, dividing places from 201st to the 250th. Another six universities of the project 5-100 - MFT, NSU, NGU "MISIS", Niya Mafi, Rudn and TPU - occupied places in the rating range of 301-500. The strongest sides of the University of Project 5-100 are the employment of graduates and the interaction of employers with students.

Russian leaders QS GRAduate Employability Ranking became MSU (group of places 101-110), SPbSU (position 181-190) and MGIMO (position 191-200). The total first place in the ranking went to the Massachusetts Technological Institute, the Second - Stanford University, the Third - California University in Los Angeles (UCLA).

Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov101-110
St. Petersburg State University181-190
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation191-200
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (National Research University)201-250
National Research University Higher School of Economics201-250
Moscow Physics and Technology (National Research University)301-500
National Research Technology University "MISIS"301-500
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University301-500
National Research Nuclear University "MEPHI"301-500
Novosibirsk State Technical University301-500
Novosibirsk National Research State University301-500
Russian University of Friendship Peoples301-500
Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov301-500
