- Control event conducted at the All-Russian level according to a single standard. When a new way of controlling knowledge was officially approved, the Ministry of Education explained its importance as follows: the ERP will allow monitoring not only the level of knowledge, but also the effectiveness of the methodological apparatus, which is used by teachers in a particular school of the Russian Federation.

However, these good intentions do not cancel the fact that the introduction of the PRD has become an unpleasant surprise for graduates. Not only are they expecting many of the most difficult, so you need to learn more than some additional items, many of which they will not even be useful at. One of the most complex disciplines made to the All-Russian Measurement of Knowledge is a physicist - science characterized by a bulk categorical apparatus, numerous laws and uneasy calculations.

Those who and so gives physics, to worry because of the time it is accurate. Well, schoolchildren who do not plan to associate their lives with accurate sciences will be useful to learn all the subtleties of the estimation and writing of an HDP, including the structure and content of the work. Despite the fact that the PRD does not affect the ability to receive a certificate, you hardly want to call the teacher's anger by writing test With unsatisfactory result.

Demo version of the institution in physics

Date and regulations of the PRP-2018 in physics

In the timetable of Arm for 2017/2018 academic year For test work on physics allocated March 10, 2018. The regulations of the institution in physics states that the student must cope with its option in 90 minutes. When solving the test work, schoolchildren will be able to apply a calculator for settlements, in which there is no programming function and the possibility of storing information. Primary scoreThe eleventh-grader in the EMP, translated into assessments as it will determine the pedsway of each particular school.

This work will make a final measurement of knowledge among graduates of 11 classes. The basic level of training assumes that students can easily understand and explain the physical terms, as well as apply their knowledge in ordinary life. According to the results of the test work, the profile department will conclude whether it is advisable to make changes to school ProgramAnd whether to increase the professional skill of subject teachers.

As the main sections issued for verification within the framework of the enterprise, the Profile Commission called the mechanics, molecular and quantum physics, elements of astrophysics, as well as a section that studies electrodynamics. When evaluating test work, the Commission will check:

  • knowledge of the categorical apparatus of this science (i.e. phenomena, values \u200b\u200band units of their measurement, physics goals and ways to achieve them by applying various equipment);
  • the ability to interpret the information and data presented in graphical and tabular form;
  • understanding how physics laws operate;
  • the ability to describe and characterize processes using physical quantities;
  • readiness to apply formulas used in physics;
  • the ability to consider the readings of the instruments (minzurics, dynamometer, barometer, voltmeter and ammeter), conduct observations and experiments according to the proposed hypothesis;
  • the ability to clarify the physical phenomena that occur in the surrounding world.

18 tasks for 90 minutes await you on the physics

Structural features of VD in physics

In each version of testing, schoolchildren will be offered 18 tasks that differ in the form and complexity of the solution:

  • tasks from 1 to 10 - basic, checking the knowledge of terminology, the main values \u200b\u200band the main laws of physics. Three tasks refer to the section studying the mechanics, two are related to the section on molecular physics, three are tasks for electrodynamics, and one affects quantum physics;
  • tasks 11 and 12 will check the methodological skills of schoolchildren. In the first, you will need to record the testimony of the device, based on the proposed photo, and in the second - to draw a simple experiment plan, adhering to a certain hypothesis;
  • tasks 13-15 check how well eleven-graders are able to use physical knowledge when describing various devices and devices (including those with which they enjoy in ordinary life), and can the principle of their work can be characterized;
  • tasks 16-18 will check the skills of working with physical texts and information in the form of a table, a schema or graphics.

13 job tests suggest that the schoolboy will write a short response in the form of a number, symbol, the correct word or phrase, or simply select the correct answer from the proposed list. On 5 tasks, you will need to give a detailed answer - it can be a few proposals that describe the steps of the experiment, or filling out permits in the table.

In total, the test work will be given 26 points, 19 (or 73%) of which can be obtained for solving 14 simple tasks, and 7 points (27%) - for work with 4 complex tasks.

How to prepare for educational institutions in physics?

Pay time not only to textbooks, but also to work the demoral

From the structure of the ticket it is clear that to gain a high score, having learned only the physical terms and laws, it will not be exactly. If your goal is to earn a maximum of points, then you need to understand the logic of computing, remember and understand formulas, disassemble the mechanism of action and manifestation of physical laws. Schoolchildren who wrote an Armediary in Physics last year, as well as subject teachers provide such preparation recommendations:

  • by all, I will certainly decide the demo version of the PRD of 2018, which specialists from FIPI have developed (see links at the beginning of the article). So you will understand how the ticket is built, and appreciate your level of preparation;
  • if you did not choose, it will be enough to repeat the materials set forth in school textbooks to prepare.
  • pupils who are not strong in experiments do not know how one or another device works, it is worth consulting with a tutor or watch videos, clearly demonstrating work with various equipment and reading;
  • to secure terminology, go through several online tests.

Arms Physics Grade 11 (samples, options)

PRD 2020, grade 11. Verification work in physics. SAMPLE.

PRD 2018, grade 11. Verification work in physics. SAMPLE.

FIPI, 2018. - 11 s. (+ 4 s. Replies, evaluation system).

Format: PDF.

The size: 419 KB

Watch, download: drive.google

PRD 2018, grade 11. Description verification in physics.

FIPI, 2018. - 11 s.

Format: PDF.

The size: 242 KB

Watch, download: drive.google

PRD 2017, grade 11. Physics. Options 11-14.

Format: PDF.

The size: 1.2 MB

Watch, download: drive.google

PRD 2017, grade 11. Physics. Options 01-18 are only answers and evaluation criteria.

Format: PDF.

The size: 2.9 MB

Watch, download: drive.google

PRD 2017, grade 11. Verification work in physics. SAMPLE.

M.: 2017, FIPI: Sample - 10c., Replies - 4C., Description - 10C.; Format - PDF.


Watch, download: drive.google


Watch, download: drive.google


Watch, download: drive.google

Each version of the PRD in physics contains 18 tasks that differ in forms and levels of complexity. The operation includes 13 tasks, the answers to which are presented in the form of a sequence of numbers, characters, letters, words or several words. The paper contains 5 tasks with a detailed answer, which differ in the total correct response - from several words (for example, when filling out the table) up to three to four sentences (for example, when describing the plan of experience).

Testing includes 18 tasks. Performance of work in physics is given 1 hour and 30 minutes (90 minutes).
Make answers in the text of work according to the instructions for tasks. In the case of the record of an incorrect answer, cross it and write down the new one.
When performing the work, it is allowed to use a calculator.
When executing tasks, you can use a draft. Entries in Chernovik are not checked and evaluated.
We advise you to perform tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that cannot be executed immediately and go to the next one. If, after performing all the work, you will have time, you can return to missing tasks.
The points you received for completed tasks are summed up. Try to perform as much tasks as possible and score the largest number of points.

Structure and content of all-Russian verification work
Each variant of HPP contains 18 tasks that differ in forms and levels of complexity. The operation includes 13 tasks, the answers to which are presented in the form of a sequence of numbers, characters, letters, words or several words. The paper contains 5 tasks with a detailed answer, which differ in the total correct response - from several words (for example, when filling out the table) up to three to four sentences (for example, when describing the plan of experience).
When developing the content of the verification work, the need to assess the assimilation of the elements of the content from all sections of the course of physics basic level: Mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics. The table shows the distribution of tasks by section sections. Part of the tasks in the work have comprehensive nature and include elements of content from different sections, tasks 15-18 are built on the basis of textual information, which can also relate to several sections of the course of physics. Table 1 shows the distribution of tasks for the main substantive sections of the course of physics.

Authors: Lebedeva Alevtina Sergeevna, Teacher physics, work experience of 27 years. Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (2013), the gratitude of the head of the Resurrection municipal Area (2015), graduate of the President of Mathematics Teachers and Physics Association (2015).

Preparation for OGE and EGE

Secondary education

Line UMK N. S. Purysheva. Physics (10-11) (bu)

Line Ukk G. Ya. Myakisheva, M.A. Petrova. Physics (10-11) (b)

Line Ukk G. Ya. Myakisheva. Physics (10-11) (y)

All-Russian verification work includes 18 tasks. 1 hour 30 min (90 minutes) is given to the fulfillment of physics. When executing tasks, it is allowed to use a calculator. Works include groups of tasks checking the skills that are part of the requirements for graduate training. When developing the content of the inspection, the need to assess the assimilation of the elements of the content from all sections of the Basic Physics Course are taken into account: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and astrophysics elements. The table shows the distribution of tasks by section sections. Part of the tasks in the work are complex in nature and include content elements from different sections, tasks 15-18 are built on the basis of text information, which may also relate to several sections of the physics course. Table 1 shows the distribution of tasks for the main substantive sections of the course of physics.

Table 1. Distribution of tasks for the main substantive sections of the course of physics

Arbitration is developed on the basis of the need to verify the requirements for the level of graduates. Table 2 shows the distribution of tasks for the basic skills and methods of action.

Table 2. Distribution of tasks by types of skills and methods of action

The main skills and ways of action

Number of tasks

Know / understand the meaning of physical concepts, values, laws. Describe and explain physical phenomena and properties

Explain the device and principle of technical objects, give examples of practical use physical knowledge

Distinguishing hypotheses from scientific theories, draw conclusions based on experimental data, conduct experiments on the study of studied phenomena and processes

Perceiving and on the basis of the knowledge gained independently evaluate the information contained in the media, the Internet, popular science articles

The evaluation system of individual tasks and work in general

Jobs 2, 4-7, 9-11, 13-17 are considered to be fulfilled, if a student recorded by the student coincides with the right answer. The execution of each of the tasks 4-7, 9-11, 14, 16 and 17 is estimated to 1 point. Each of the tasks 2, 13 and 15 is estimated by 2 points if both responses elements are true; 1 point, if an error is made in the specifying one of the answers given options. The execution of each of the tasks with the deployed answer 1, 3, 8, 12 and 18 is estimated taking into account the correctness and completeness of the response. Each task with a detailed response is given the instruction in which it is indicated for which each score is exhibited - from zero to the maximum score.

Exercise 1

Read the list of concepts with which you met in the course of physicists: convection, degrees Celsius, Ohm, Photoeffect, Light dispersion, centimeter

Divide these concepts into two groups of your chosen feature. Record the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

Name of a group of concepts

List of concepts


The task requires to divide the concepts into two groups on the selected feature, record the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

To be able to choose from the proposed phenomena only physical. Remember the list of physical quantities and their units of measurement.

The body moves along the axis OH. The figure shows a graph of the dependence of the body velocity projection on the axis OH from time t..

Using the drawing, select from the proposed list two

  1. At the time of time t. 1 body was at rest.
  2. t. 2 < t. < t. 3 body moved evenly
  3. During the time interval t. 3 < t. < t. 5 Body Coordinates has not changed.
  4. At the time of time t. t. 2
  5. At the time of time t. 4 the body acceleration module is less than at the time of time t. 1


Performing this task is important to correctly read the chart of the velocity projection of the speed. Determine the nature of the body movement in separate areas. Install where the body rested or moved evenly. Select a plot where the body speed changed. Of the proposed statements, it is reasonable to exclude those that are not suitable. As a result, stop at the right statements. it approval 1: At the time of time t. 1 body was at rest, so the speed projection is 0. Approval 4: At the time of time t.5 body coordinate was greater than at the time of time t. 2, when v X. \u003d 0. The projection of the body velocity was more in its meaning. Recovering the equation of the dependence of the coordinate of the body from time to time, see that x.(t.) = v X. t. + x. 0 , x. 0 - the initial coordinate of the body.

Difficult questions of the exam in physics: methodology for solving problems for mechanical and electromagnetic fluctuations

The body floats from the bottom of the glass with water (see Figure). Pictures in this figure forces acting on the body and the direction of its acceleration.


Carefully read the task. We draw attention to what is happening with a plug in a glass. The plug floats from the bottom of a glass with water, and with acceleration. We indicate the forces acting on the plug. This is the power of gravity, acting from the ground, the power of Archimedes butacting on the side of the liquid and the strength of the resistance of the liquid with. It is important to understand that the sum of the modules of the strength of the gravity and the strength of the fluid resistance is less than the archimedean module. It means that the resulting force is directed upwards, according to the second Newton law, the speed of acceleration has the same direction. The acceleration vector is directed toward the force of Archimedes but

Task 4.

Read the text and paste the missed words: decreases; increases; does not change. Words in the text may be repeated.

Figure, standing on ice, catches a bouquet that flew to it horizontally. As a result, the speed of the bouquet _______________, the speed of the figure ________________, the pulse of the system bodies a skater - a bouquet ___________.


The task requires to remember the concept of body pulse and the law of preserving the impulse. Before the interaction, the impulse of the figure was equal to zero, so he rested against the earth. The pulse of the bouquet is maximum. After the interaction, the figure skater and the bouquet begin to move along with a total speed. Consequently, the speed of the bouquet decreases, Speed \u200b\u200bof figure skate increases. In general, the impetus system is a skater bouquet - does not change.

Methodical assistance to the physics teacher

Four metal bars put it close to each other, as shown in the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of heat transfer from BROUSE to the bar. Temperatures of bars at the moment 100 ° C, 80 ° C, 60 ° C, 40 ° C. The temperature of 60 ° C has a bar.


Change in internal energy and transferring it from one body to another occurs during the interaction of tel. In our case, the change in internal energy occurs due to the collision of chaotic moving molecules of contacting bodies. The heat transfer between the bars comes from the bodies with greater internal energy, to the bars in which the inner energy is less. The process occurs until the thermal equilibrium comes.

The temperature of 60 ° C has a bar V.

The figure shows PV-Diagram processes in perfect gas. Mass of gas constant. Which area corresponds to isochorid heating.


In order to correctly choose a plot of a graph corresponding to isoormal heating, it is necessary to recall the isoprocesses. The task simplifies the fact that the graphs are given in the axes PV. Isoormal heating, the process when the volume of the perfect gas does not change, and the pressure increases with increasing temperature. Recall - this is the Charles Law. Therefore it is a plot OA. We exclude a plot OS.where the volume also does not change, but pressure decreases, which corresponds to the cooling of the gas.

Metal ball 1, fortified on a long insulating handle and having a charge + q., lead alternately into contact with two of the same balls 2 and 3, located on insulating stands and having, respectively, charges - q. and +. q..

Which charge will remain on the ball number 3.


After the interaction of the first ball with the same size of the second ball, the charge of these balls will be zero. Since these charges modulo are the same. After contacting the ball first with the third, the charge will be redistributed. The charge shares equally porovna. Will be q./ 2 on each.

Answer: q./2.

Task 8.

To determine how the amount of heat is highlighted in the heating spiral in 10 minutes, when the electric current is flowing 2 A. The resistance of the spiral of 15 ohms.


First of all, we transfer the unit of measurement to the system system. Time t. \u003d 600 C, then note that when current passes I. \u003d 2 A spiral with resistance R. \u003d 15 ohms, during 600 s, the amount of heat is highlighted Q. = I. 2 RT. (Law of Joule - Lenza). Substitute numeric values \u200b\u200bin the formula: Q. \u003d (2 A) 2 15 OM · 600 C \u003d 36000 J

Answer: 36000 J.

Task 9.

Place the types of electromagnetic waves emitted by the Sun, in order to reduce their wavelengths. X-ray radiation, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation


Acquaintance with the scale of electromagnetic waves suggests that a graduate should clearly represent in which sequence electromagnetic radiation is located. Know the connection of wavelengths with radiation frequency

where v. - radiation frequency, c. - Distribution rate electromagnetic radiation. It is necessary to remember that the propagation rate of electromagnetic waves in vacuo is the same and is equal to 300,000 km / s. The scale with long waves of a smaller frequency begins, this infrared radiation, the following radiation with a larger frequency, respectively, ultraviolet radiation and a higher frequency of the proposed is x-ray. Understanding that the frequency increases, and the wavelength decreases, written in the desired sequence.

Answer: Infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-ray radiation.

Using a fragment of the periodic system chemical elementsSubmitted in the figure, determine the isotope of which element is formed by the electronic beta decay of bismuth


β - the decay in the atomic core occurs as a result of the transformation of the neutron into the proton with the emission of an electron. As a result of this decay, the number of protons in the nucleus is increased by one, and the electrical charge increases by one, and the mass number of the kernel remains unchanged. Thus, the transformation reaction of the element is as follows:

in general. For our case, we have:

The charge number 84 corresponds to polonium.

Answer: As a result of electronic beta breakdown bismuth, polonium is formed.

On improving the teaching methodology of physics in Russia: from the XVIII to the XXI century

Task 11.

A) the price of division and the measurement limit of the instrument is equal, respectively:

  1. 50 A, 2A;
  2. 2 mA, 50mA;
  3. 10 A, 50 A;
  4. 50 mA, 10 mA.

B) Record the result of the electrical stress, given that the measurement error is equal to half the division price.

  1. (2.4 ± 0.1) in
  2. (2.8 ± 0.1) in
  3. (4.4 ± 0.2) in
  4. (4.8 ± 0.2) in


The task checks the ability to record the testimony of measuring instruments, taking into account the specified measurement error and the ability to properly use any measuring instrument (MENZURA, THERMOMETER, Dynamometer, Voltmeter, Ampmeter) in everyday life. In addition, emphasizes the record of the result, taking into account the meaningful numbers. Determine the name of the device. This is a milliammeter. Device for measuring current force. Units of measurement Ma. The measurement limit is the maximum value of the scale, 50 mA. Price division 2 mA.

Answer: 2 mA, 50 mA.

If the figure is required to write the testimony of the measuring instrument, taking into account the error, the following algorithm is as follows:

We define that the measuring instrument is a voltmeter. Voltmeter has two measurement scales. We pay attention to which pair of terminals is involved at the device, and therefore we work on the top scale. Measurement limit - 6 V; Value of division from \u003d 0.2 V; The measurement error under the condition of the problem is equal to half the price of division. Δ. U. \u003d 0.1 V.

Indications of the measuring instrument, taking into account the error: (4.8 ± 0.1) V.

  • Paper;
  • Laser pointer;
  • Protractor;

In response:

  1. Describe the procedure for the study.


You need to investigate how the angle of the refraction of light changes depending on the substance in which the phenomenon of the refraction of light is observed. There is the following equipment (see Figure):

  • Paper;
  • Laser pointer;
  • Semicircular plates made of glass, polystyrene and rock crystal;
  • Protractor;

In response:

  1. Describe an experimental installation.
  2. Describe the procedure

The experiment uses the installation depicted in the figure. The angle of falling and the refractive angle is measured using the transport. It is necessary to conduct two or three experiences in which the beam of laser pointer is directed to the plates from different materials: glass, polystyrene, rock crystal. The angle of falling the beam on the flat plate of the plate is left unchanged, and the refractive angle is measured. The resulting values \u200b\u200bof refraction angles are compared.

PRD in questions and answers

Task 13.

Install the correspondence between the examples of physical phenomena and physical phenomena. For each example of the first column, select the appropriate name physical phenomenon From the second column.

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.



We establish a correspondence between the examples of physical phenomena and physical phenomena. For each example, the corresponding names of the physical phenomenon from the second column will be selected from the first column.

Under the action of the electric field of the charged ebonite stick, the arrow of an uncharged electrometer deflects when the wand brings to it. Due to the electrification of the conductor through the effect. The magnetization of the substance in the magnetic field is manifested in the case when iron sawdust is attracted to a piece of magnetic ore.


Read the text and execute tasks 14 and 15


In industrial enterprises, electrical cleaning of gases from solid impurities is widely used. The effect of the electrofilter is based on the use of the corona discharge. You can do the following experience: a vessel filled with smoke is suddenly made transparent if you make sharp metal electrodes in it, differently charged from the electrical machine.

The figure shows a diagram of the simplest electrostatic precipitation: inside the glass tube there are two electrodes (metal cylinder and thin metal wire stretched along its axis). Electrodes are connected to the electrical machine. If you blow through the tube with a stream or dust and actuate the machine, then at some voltage sufficient to ignite the corona discharge, the flowing jet becomes clean and transparent.

This is explained by the fact that when the corona discharge is ignited, the air inside the tube is strongly ionized. Gas ions stick to dust particles and thereby charge them. Charged particles under the action of the electric field move to the electrodes and settle on them

Task 14.

What process is observed in a gas in a strong electric field?


Carefully read the proposed text. Select processes that are described in the condition. We are talking About the corona discharge inside a glass tube. Air is ionized. Gas ions stick to dust particles and thereby charge them. The charged particles under the action of the electric field are moving towards the electrodes and settle on them.

Answer: Crown discharge, ionization.

Task 15.

Choose from the proposed list two true statements. Specify their numbers.

  1. There is a spark discharge between the two filter electrodes.
  2. Silk thread can be used as a fine wire in the filter.
  3. According to the connection of the electrodes shown in the figure, the negatively charged particles will settle on the walls of the cylinder.
  4. With low voltages, air purification in the electrostilifer will occur slowly.
  5. The crown discharge can be observed on the edge of the conductor placed in a strong electric field.


For the answer, we use the text about the electrostilifers. We exclude incorrect statements from the proposed list using an electrical air purification description. We look at the drawing and pay attention to the connection of the electrodes. The thread is connected to the negative pole, the walls of the cylinder to the positive pole of the source. Charged particles will settle on the walls of the cylinder. Fair assertion 3. The crown discharge can be observed on the edge of the conductor placed in a strong electric field.

Read the text and execute Tasks 16-18

In the study of large depths, such underwater devices such as baafisphs and batisphers are used. The batisper is a deep-water apparatus in the shape of a ball, which is lowered into water from the ship on the steel cable.

Several prototypes of modern batisper appeared in Europe in the XVI-XIX centuries. One of them is a diving bell, whose design suggested in 1716 by the English astronomer EDMON GALLE (see Figure). In a wooden bell, an open at the base, there was up to five people partially immersed in water. They received the air from two alternately descended from the surface of the barrels, from where the air came to the bell on the leather sleeve. Nadiva leather helmet, diver could conduct observations and outside the bell, getting air from it through an additional hose. The exhaust air was produced through the crane located at the top of the bell.

The main drawback of the bell of Gallea is that it cannot be used at great depth. As the bell immersed, the air density in it increases so much that it becomes impossible to breathe. Moreover, with a long stay of the diver in the zone of increased pressure, the blood and body tissues are saturated with air gases, mainly nitrogen, which can lead to the so-called caisson disease when lifting the diver from the depth of the water surface.

Prevention of caisson disease requires compliance with the norms of working time and the right organization of decompression (exit from the high pressure zone).

The time of staying divers at a depth is governed by special rules for the safety of diving work (see table).

Task 16.

How does the bell pressure in it change as the bell dive?

Task 17.

How does the allowable water operation time change with increasing immersion depth?

Task 16-17. Decision

They read the text attentively and considered the drawing of the diving bell, the design of which offered the English astronomer E.Halley. I got acquainted with the table, in which the time of staying divers at depth is governed by special rules for the safety of diving work.

Pressure (additionally to atmospheric), atm.

Permissible stay in the work area

It can be seen from the table that the more pressure (the greater the depth of the immersion), the smaller the time the diver can be on it.

Task 16. Answer: Air pressure increases

Task 17. Answer: Permissible time of work decreases

Task 18.

Is the operation of the diver permissible at a depth of 30 m for 2.5 hours? Reply explain the answer.


The operation of the diver at a depth of 30 meters for 2.5 hours is permissible. Since, at a depth of 30 meters, the hydrostatic pressure is approximately 3 · 10 5 Pa or 3 atm atmosphere) additionally to atmospheric pressure. The permissible time of the diver stay at such a pressure is 2 hours 48 minutes, which is more required 2.5 hours.
