Effective communication - One of the most important life skills that we can develop in yourself, but many of us usually do not make enough efforts for this. If you want to become more sociable and better understand people around you, you will be helped by several important advice to improve the efficiency of communication.

1. Control your body language

You want to show your interlocutor that you are open to discussion, but your hands intersect. You say you are listening, but constantly challenge your phone's screen.

Our non-verbal signals often show more than we think. Regardless of how well you can set the visual contact or how you hold yourself during communication, do not forget that you are constantly communicating, even when you do not say a word.

What are the ways to influence your body for more efficient communication? Accept the power pose if you need a serious conversation. Smile, if you want to show your openness and friendly attitude. Learn to read the body language of other people so that you can communicate well.

2. Get rid of extra words

You can also remove your hands out of pockets or simply relax and pause before talking. Pause in conversation will seem uncomfortable more for you than for other people.

3. Planning conversation

The conversation is an art that few people have mastered.

To fill in possible pauses in the process of communication, especially when communicating with people you barely know, make up the communication plan. To the best topics that will help eliminate awkward silence during a conversation, all that is associated with family and leisure, acquaintance, as well as goals and dreams.

You will definitely install a common language with another person if you talk about what is interesting for him.

4. Tell the interesting story

Stories have a huge impact. They activate our brain, make communication more rich, alive and interesting, and we are more convincing.

A told personal story can help when passing interviews.

5. Set the questions and specify the words of the interlocutor

By asking questions and repeating the last few words of another person, you show the interest that he says, and also will allow you to clarify the moments that may be incorrectly understood (for example, "Are you going to buy tickets for Sabbath Match?" I understand you correctly? ").

It also helps to develop a conversation and fill out awkward pauses. Instead of trying to talk about the weather, ask questions (for example, "Are there any plans for the summer?" Or "What do you read lately?"). Be sure to discuss the answers, since it is more important to be interested in what to seem interesting.

6. Exclude distracting factors

It is quite unethical to dig in the phone when someone is talking to you.

You will not be able to get rid of all gadgets and technologies, but to postpone all these distracting things for the time of communication, should not be a lot of work for you.

7. Adjust to the listener

The best speakers change the style of communication, depending on who they are talking to.

You would probably use another Maner of communication with colleagues or your boss in comparison with how you are talking to your close friends, children or parents.

Always try to take into account the features of another person when trying to convey information.

8. Be concise

For example, to properly write a text message, use the following structure: "Prehistory", "Cause", "Information", "Completion", "Conclusion (request, feedback)".

Transmitted information must be specific, consistent, complete and at the same time optimal, and ethical.

9. Put yourself to the place of the interlocutor

Communication resembles a bilateral street. If you have the opposite point of view, you can reduce the voltage during the conversation, if you understand why another person thinks otherwise.

For example, you should not prove anything to your interlocutor if he is too tired to talk.

The development of empathy (empathy) helps better understand the communication process, as well as increase communication efficiency.

10. Listen and listen again

The best thing you can do is to develop your communication skills - learn to listen to other people.

Focus your attention on the interlocutor and let him say without interrupting it. In fact, it is not so easy, but effective communication is a totality of said words that are intertwined with the ability to sincerely listen to another person. If you are not deprived of such quality, another person most likely also carefully listens to you.

Why it is so important to become sociable

The ability to establish contact and develop relations with other people has a strong positive impact on all your life. No matter, you wish you either want to improve the efficiency of business communication, it is important for you to know how to become sociable.

Communication skills are the key to the construction and development of friendly relations, creating a strong social support network. Communication skills help you achieve the goals, without damaging the values \u200b\u200bof other people.

People who have no experience in the field of efficient communication do not know how to behave in various situations in the process of communication. Some of us have the necessary skills, but they lack confidence to use them. In any case, practicing, you will enhance your confidence and improve communication skills.

Machine your confidence, interacting with other people. Develop communication skills that will increase the possibility of building successful relationships.

A person is not born with experience effective communication. Like any other skill, it is processed by samples and errors, as well as repetition in practice.

How to become sociable

3 Communication Areas that you need to develop
  1. Non-verbal communication (body language).
  2. Verbal communication (spoken skill).

Non-verbal communication occupies a huge share in the Communication process. What you tell people with your eyes or your body language has the same strong influence as what you say words.

When you feel the excitement, you behave accordingly. For example, you can avoid visual contact or speak very softly.

In other words, you are trying to limit communication so that the interlocutor does not give your behavior negative evaluation.

  1. Emotional state (impatience, fear).
  2. The attitude towards the interlocutor (humility, contempt).
  3. Knowledge of the topic of communication.
  4. Honesty.
How to improve non-verbal communication skills
Step 1. Definition of problems

First, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. I have problems with maintaining visual contact when talking with others?
  2. I smile too much because of nervousness or too little?
  3. I slut?
  4. Do I hold your head straight?
  5. I tell a timid voice?
  6. I say too fast when I worry?
  7. I intersect my arms or legs?

An important component of non-verbal communication to which you should pay attention include:

  1. Pose (head raised up, the body is tilted forward).
  2. Movement and gestures (intersecting hands).
  3. Physical distance (finding closer or further when talking to others).
  4. Contact an eye (look into the eyes or look aside).
  5. Facial expression (smile, stone expression).
  6. Tone voice (it sounds loud or quiet).
  7. Confidence in voice (no comment).
Step 2. Experiment with non-verbal skills and practice them.

Try to work out only one skill at a time. After you make sure that you have mastered it, you can go to the next.

You can ask you a close friend or relative to characterize your non-verbal behavior. The resulting feedback can be very useful because we do not know exactly how the surrounding perceive us.

After you have identified problem areas, change your behavior. You can work out your new non-verbal skills standing in front of the mirror.

After you get results on the basis of the practice at home, start applying new skills in real communication with other people. Good idea - start with small, talking, for example, with sellers in stores.

Try to increase the intensity of the visual contact in the conversation process. Watch your actions and pay attention to the surrounding reactions. For example, is the interlocutor more friendly or more talkative when you use more visual contact and smile more?

If you want to know how to become a sociable, then one of the biggest problems will be the beginning of the conversation and its retention.

It is normal that you speak a little, because it is not always easy to think about interesting things and at the same time talk about them. This is especially true when you worry.

On the other hand, some agitated people say too much that there is also no standard of communication.

How to improve verbal communication skills
Step 1. Definition of problems

Below are questions that you can ask yourself to identify those areas that you need to work:

  1. Do I have problems with a conversation?
  2. I quickly stop talking?
  3. Can I say only "yes" or nodding, and try to force other people to support communication so as not to talk yourself?
  4. I do not want to talk about myself?
  1. Start the conversation, saying something in common and not too personal, for example, speak about the weather ("A great day, isn't it?").
  2. Tell the compliment ("This sweater looks great on you").
  3. Make observation ("I noticed that you read a book about sailing sports, do you have a boat?").

To become sociable, you do not need to seem witty. Try to be sincere, be yourself.

Some time after the start of the conversation, especially if you have already been a little familiar with the interlocutor, it will be appropriate to go to more personal topics, such as relations, family values, goals and beliefs.

Do not forget to pay attention to your non-verbal behavior - look into the eyes and speak loud enough so that others can hear you without asking what you said.

Remember that the conversation is not a solo, but a duet. In the process of communication, do not speak too little or too much. Try to talk, allowing you to speak your interlocutor, with a modest silence either will not benefit you.

Disclose information about yourself, such as your leisure, favorite football team, your hobbies and interests. Personal information should not be "too personal." You can start in order to express your opinion about the things you like.

Specify questions about your interlocutor. If you met him only now, try not to touch very personal topics.

Try to ask open, not closed questions.

A closed question is a question that is responsible for one or two words, for example, "Yes" or "No": "Do you like your job?". An open question involves a much more detailed answer, for example, "How did you get on this job?"

To understand how to become sociable, do not forget that people usually love to talk about themselves, especially if another person shows the genuine interest.

Any conversation sooner or later ends, so it makes sense to prepare for its completion.

To stop chatting, you can say that you need to take something to drink, find a friend at a party, return to work or you can promise to continue the conversation later (for example, "I hope we will have the opportunity to talk again" or "see you in the near time").

Step 2. Experiment and practice verbal communication

Below are some practical recommendations:

  1. Talk to a stranger at the bus stop, in the elevator or in line in the store.
  2. Talk to your neighbors about the weather or what happens in your area.
  3. Interact with colleagues. Communicate on a positive wave with your colleagues during a lunch break.
  4. , as well as develop friendly relations with familiar people. Invite your colleague or familiar to meet a cup of coffee either invite a relative, who have not seen for a long time, on.
  5. Do not only. Take the obligation to make at least two complies every day, and it is preferable to sound the words that you usually did not speak. Do not forget to always be sincere, for this make a compliment to the one who your opinion deserves.

How to become sociable? Become confident.

Confidence in the process of communication is the sincere expression of his own views, desires and emotions, which causes respect for them from the interlocutor.

When you say confidently, the style of your communication is not condemned, and you are responsible for your own actions.

If you depend on someone else's opinion, you may have difficulty to express your thoughts and emotions openly.

Confidence skills can be difficult to master, especially if you confident for you means that you are doing no way as you usually do. Perhaps you are afraid of conflicts in the process of communication, always agree to the views of the surrounding people, and also avoid expressing your own opinion.

As a result of this behavior, you probably developed a passive style of communication. Instead, you can strive to control and dominate others, developing the skills of confident communication.

Confident manner of communicating carries many advantages. She will help you treat other more sincerely, will reduce the level of anxiety and offense. As a result, you get greater control over your life and reduce the number of circumstances that do not depend on you.

Confidence is an acquired skill, not the feature of the person with which you are born. Confidence is not part of your essence, because it arises as a result of the fulfillment of the necessary actions, practices and disciplines.

Step 1. Definition of problems

To start, ask yourself the following questions to determine in which direction you need to work:

  1. Do I ask what I want?
  2. Is it difficult for me to present my opinion?
  3. How easy I can say "no"?
How to become confident in communication

Many people are hard to ask what they need, feeling that they do not have the right to ask or be afraid of the consequences of the issue. You might think: "And what if he says not?", Or "she will think that I am rude and unbridled."

When you ask about something, it will be useful to start with your understanding of the problem of another person. For example, "I know that lately you are very busy."

Then tell about the essence of your question and how you treat him. For example, "this presentation should appear next Friday, and I am very worried that it will not be ready in time."

It is important to talk about your feelings, and not accuse others. For example, it is better to say: "I's offensive, when you are late for a meeting with me" than: "You are always late! You still do not care! "

Then describe what you want from the interlocutor. Be as brief and positive as possible. For example, "I would really like to understand how we can accelerate the fulfillment of our project."

Finally, tell us the interlocutor that he will receive in return if your request is satisfied. For example, "I would try to help create slides for the presentation next week."

Many people have problems expressing their views openly. Perhaps you are waiting for when you first express our opinion, and only after that share yours if both opinions coincide.

To be sure - it means to be ready to express your opinion, even if the others do not do or your opinion differs from the views of the people around.

At the same time, confidence means the opportunity to accept new information and change your opinion. However, this does not mean that you have changed my mind, because others consider otherwise.

How to learn to say "no"

Say "No" may be difficult if you are not confident enough. However, if you can't say "no" to other people, you will not be responsible for your own life.

When you say "no", use the affirmative posture from the arsenal of non-verbal communication (stand straight, look into the eyes, speak loud).

Before talking, decide what your position is.

Saying "no", do not apologize, defend yourself and justify.

If it is difficult for you to immediately say "No", answer "I need time to think." This will help get out of the vicious circle, when you always agree with someone else's opinion.

Remember, every person has the right to say no! ".

Step 2. Develop your confidence

First, comprehend the above about those cases when you avoid the opportunity to express your opinion, say "no" or ask what you need. How could you cope with the situation differently?

Touch the skills of communication out loud, being alone with yourself so that you are accustomed to a new manner to talk. For example, "Unfortunately, I can't help you with these", or "I want work to be done until the end of tomorrow."

Then simulate the situation that will arise next week, and in which you can show your confidence. Start by expressing your opinion or say "no" to loved people, and then use spent skills in communication with other people.

Remember that confidence is similar to any new skill and takes time and practice. Do not be too demanding to yourself at the very beginning, if you worry, or do not understand how to do everything right. You will need time to get used to the new style of communication and to changes that will occur within you.

Installations that interfere with becoming sociable and confident
1. To be sure means to be selfish

It is incorrect, just because the expression of your opinion and preferences does not mean that other people are forced to follow you. If you behave confidently (not aggressive), you do not deny the availability of respect for the values \u200b\u200band beliefs of other people.

2. Passivity is a way to be loved

Being passive means agree with others, always allowing them to manage you and not to contact their address with any requests. Such behavior does not guarantee that others will love you or admire you. In fact, they can perceive you as a boring and disappointed person.

3. It is better to be silent than telling the truth

In some cases, we are really better not to express your own opinion, especially if it concerns the relationship between the head and subordinate, it is not always. However, more often, other people will be interested in finding your opinion. Think, no matter how you feel if everyone always agreed with you.

4. I have to do everything, what will ask me

When communicating with our friends, we can worry about what we will look like selfish, if you don't do everything, what we will be asked about. At work, we can worry that we will seem lazy or ineffective, if we will not satisfy all the requests of our colleagues.

Other people will not know how busy do you have any other plans until you tell them about it.

Despite the fact that it is necessary to work out in practice communication skills in order to better understand how to become sociable, you should carefully observe other people. Ask yourself, who are you comfortable to communicate? Examine their behavior: smile, gestures, words, voice tone. Implede the chips of other people in your life.

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It is an opinion that it is impossible to teach a person to communicate. Like, the ability to talk with people is some kind of genetically laid ability: or given, or not given. But in recent years, psychologists actively refute this stereotype and boldly declare: communication is exactly the same skill as dancing, singing or cooking. And in the same way as in the development of any skill, there are certain exercises for working out.

We are in websitetoday there were 8 unusual exercises for you, which will be able to make talkative even the most shy introvert. This is not just an exercise to improve speech, but a whole range of classes that help learn how to think during the conversation and build a fascinating dialogue.

1. Retelling

For what: You learn to think and speak at the same time. Strengthens the connection of thinking and speech.

How to perform: Open your favorite blog, find any article, choose 2-3 of any paragraph from it. You read them and retell themselves out loud. Further is the following several paragraphs, and so until the end of the article.

Exercise duration: Depends on the amount of article. It is necessary to retell 1 article per day.

2. Continuation of someone else's thought

For what: You learn how to search for non-standard solutions, develop thinking flexibility.

How to perform: Turn on TV or any video on the Internet. 30 seconds listen to the speaker, then turn off the sound and develop its thought within 30 seconds.

Exercise duration:5-10 minutes per day.

3. Riddle Lewis Carroll

For what: Break your own stereotypes, habits to think in a certain way.

How to perform: The mystery, which Carroll came up with, sounds like this: "What is the rope on the table?" Exercise is based on it. It is advisable to perform it together so as not to put on yourself more "convenient" items. One calls any word, the other calls any other word, insert the question between them: "What are like?" It turns out something like "what a closet looks like a rabbit?" Sit and search options.

Exercise duration: Start costs with 10 pairs.

4. Lecture for anything about anything

For what: Having leaning from the memory of misfortune information, you train the memory. Make thinking process more flexible.

How to perform: Exercise is performed together. You choose any item from those that surround you, and tell about him the interlocutor. How did he appear? Why is it important on the scale of mankind? What is it used here in this room? With regular practice, you will soon be able to push the hour lecture about eraser, chair or cabinet door.

Exercise duration: Start with 5 minutes.

5. Dialogue with mirror

For what: You watch for yourself from the outside, learn to talk about your thoughts to talk about your thoughts, make contact with yourself.

How to perform:The task is to, looking at himself in the mirror, to endure out of mind any thought and develop it out loud. That is, you come to the mirror, start thinking and talk about what you think. Smoothly go with thought to the thought, tying them with each other. After some time, you will start to get a connected and sincere story about what is spinning in your head.

Exercise duration: 10 minutes a couple of times a week.

6. Conversations with mouth stuffed

For what: A simultaneous improvement in the diction before "sleep".

How to perform: There are different options here. It is possible to put a regular spoon on the tongue or on the handful of nuts for the cheeks and try to make the words as clearly as possible.

Exercise duration:Enough 7-10 minutes.

Question psychologists

Hello! I am 17 years old, this year I finish school, and I have a problem with which I find it difficult to understand myself. Last year, I was closed, I'm not sure of myself, I was afraid of everything, and I had huge barriers to communicate with people, especially with guys. I went to a psychologist, worked a lot on myself, gradually overcame his fears, I learned to live by the present, do not wait, but to act, love yourself, etc. In the summer I had new friends (guys), with whom I had fun, and they liked to communicate with me .. In school, too, everything went well, many liked the changes that happened in me, but only the first time. Now I'm terribly uncomfortable, I can not find the balance between eccentricity in self-expression and common sense. Some are put on me with your "standards", "frameworks", and I give up, worrying constantly, what is boring with me, it is not interesting, I am surprised at all how I have friends appeared, how could I say that I was interesting ?? I can not be myself - I do not know what I am who I am! I constantly need someone's support, opinion, advice. At the same time, thoughts and feelings do not at all correspond to the feelings in the body, for example. Everyone has its own circle of communication. Most extroverts, I am introvert. I also want to communicate with many, but it is impossible to select topics, the conversation is turned short and tense. I want to like, I want to interest, and I know that for this you just need to relax and be yourself, but nothing comes out: (

Obtained 5 tips - consultations from psychologists, to the question: how to gain ease in communication, remaining yourself?

Hello, Sabina! The fact that you have visited a psychologist many times and worked out that it was a good incentive for new acquaintances and pleasant communication - it's wonderful, but not enough for a long time, since you yourself write that the opinion of others who live in the template, " so correctly "," so it should be ", and nothing else - more, and in habit - such people are calmer and easier to live" like everything "," like others ", however, not your life, and someone else - what to stand out, To express, to discuss, hear different opinions and at the same time - to remain. You now have such age, like the psyche - are subject to many temptations, views, directions, and there are a lot of them, what the head can be spinning, therefore, to go in a conscious faithful direction, to be loyal, you can help you - only your own organism, in His whole integrity: thoughts, feelings, sensations, intuition, and not only pleasant, and those that appear and appear at the moment. And coming out of the following: Suitable - it does not fit, nice - it's not pleasant, I like it - I don't like it, it's on the one hand, and on the other, the fact that internally-free, as for the hook is what is really necessary to work with If it is independently difficult, then you again appeal to a psychologist - to work yourself, and continue to go on your own. From your letter, you can see that you are now needed professional support, in helping to deal with yourself, your feelings and work out some unfinished situations that you prevent you from adequately take yourself in communication, others, with a support for yourself. Since the sitting block inside is "comply with the expectations of others" - now much stronger than making yourself and presenting yourself as you are, which ultimately gives freedom of choice and respect for differences in individuals. Since, you still do not know yourself and studied. You can ask for a full-time consultation in the city, or contact our psychologists on online advice, who will appear sympathy - the decision for you. All the best. With respect, Lyudmila K.

Good answer4 Bad answer0

Most extroverts, I am introvert. I also want to communicate with many, but it is impossible to select topics, the conversation is turned short and tense.

To establish contacts with others - this is a game and this game you can learn ::

1. Take the first to welcome the surrounding rule. First, you yourself notice that the more often, the simpler, secondly, the number (where to go to him) goes into quality, and you will soon be ready to say more!

2. Heat to keep confidently (or pretend that you are confident). Scatter your shoulders and raise higher chin, giving to understand the world (and at the same time reminding myself), which you appeared, and some of themselves.

3. Do not be afraid to watch people in the eyes: the interlocutor will understand that you are interested in it, and will repay.

4. Collect the science of referring secular conversations. Start with people with which it is easy and simple, switching gradually on the alleged friends.

5. Prepare a reason for the conversation. A little fantasy and you will understand that ways to attract attention - a million: a magazine in hand, an unusual decoration or a detail of the toilet - and tie a conversation with interested easier simple:

6. Actively ask. If in a conversation with someone you feel not the best, ask more questions requiring extensive answers.

7. Outcasting. Periodically remind yourself that you are a diamond worthy of admiration.

8. Dreaming is not harmful. And very useful. Imagine yourself freely chatting with a group of people on any topics, starting in a large company, half of which make up your hot fans. Plausible? When you believe, you can implement.

9. Theatre studio. Very prominent actors also had to overcome stiffness. The art of reincarnation helps to look at itself from the side.

10. Try to play your antipode, yourself, on the contrary, until you get into the image finally and irrevocably.

11. Try to do what is most afraid. If you get at least something from that before the earlier I had to pass, congratulations, the victory is yours!

12. Related himself - helping another. Support a shy stranger in the company, and then both will be boring to rob.

13. Take your condition for the fact. Keep in mind that the world is good, which consists of any different personalities, including phlegmatics and just loving people. So do not overdo it, because you are you.

People will perceive you exactly as you see yourself.

Good answer5 Bad answer1

Hello, Sabina.

Someone support is great! It's hard when you become addicted from it.

But you have changes. Now they are or not? Maybe you began to look at the positive changes, how about proper?

In your letter, I most alerted what you talk a lot about the reactions of your environment "They liked to communicate with me ... many liked the changes," you are writing about yourself casual and more about actions, but not about feelings « he worked on himself, gradually overcame his fears, learned to live by the real, do not wait, and act, love himself. "

"with meboring, uninteresting , (And about yourself) I am surprised at all how before I had friends, how could I say that I was interesting? I can not be myself - I do not know what I am who I am!. "

What stops you go to the next reception?

Good luck to you,


Good answer5 Bad answer1

Hello, Sabina! You worked with a psychologist and it helped you. You write that were interesting, you had friends and you easily communicated. And what happened? Now you are uncomfortable, you put on you, you lost your balance, do not know what you are. What happened at what point did you change? I think, precisely because you suddenly "lost", you need advice and support. How do you learn that your thoughts and feelings do not fit the feelings in the body? Try to answer these questions, and perhaps you will understand something. If it is difficult for you to understand yourself, consult a psychologist in person. Good luck to you!

Good answer2 Bad answer1

Many people do not know the concept of self-confidence. After any awkward situation or after a conversation with someone, a person involuntarily begins to think: "And what would happen if I answered differently?" Or "How would everything happen now if I had risked then and did it all so?" At least once in life, everyone asked himself such a question, but if such thoughts attend you constantly, it is already abnormally and can adversely affect both physical and mental health. In this case, it is worth thinking about how to learnally treat life. In this article, consider several tips that will help you get rid of self-confidence and enjoy every minute of your life.

As a rule, it is the girls more prone to self-digging. It is unlikely that you will meet a young man who will sit and discuss with friends what he did, as did, why and what would be, he will do something differently. Therefore, it is the girls more about the advice who will help to perceive the life around them, what it is, and not think about the topic "if yes kaba".

First of all, it is necessary to realize that in life there are things that happened, happen and will occur regardless of whether you want it or not. Such events can be attributed, for example, death. And here are the advice of friends like "score!", "Everything will pass!", "Do not pay attention to it" here do not work. Each person himself must realize that he is unable to change anything and what happened, it should have happened. And then it will be easier for you to take what happened and the question "How to be easier?" will disappear by itself.

To perceive life easier, it is very important not to be nervous for no reason and not to attach great importance to small problems and troubles. In the modern world there are so much that it is just unreasonable to spend your nerves and time on trifle events and small failures. In this case, it is important to simply accept what happened and extract a lesson from this that will help to avoid the same errors in the future. In search of a response to the question "How to become easier?" It is important to apply to everything in a philosophical life.

Many often hear the phrase "be easier", but what really means? For different people, various degrees of this very "easier" were discussed. For the famous movie star, it means to dine in a regular cafe, for a popular millionaire - put on ordinary clothes and walk around the city on foot, and not on the road. Therefore, when you hear the famous phrase "be easier, and people will reach out to you," the question is unwittingly: how to become a simple and open person to which everything is still drawn? After all, often people who speakers this phrase do not give any tips on how to do it.

"No" arrogance

As a rule, it is easy to get rid of its arrogance to become elaborate. Every girl, thinking about how to become simple, you should also think about your pride. Very often it is the reason why you are advised to be easier. If you really noticed sinters in the form of an excessive arrogance, then you should simply distract a little from your person and pay time to others. Learn to think about others, compassion and empathize with them.

But be sure to take into account the one who wants you to become easier. If this is not the most worthy imitation of people, it is better to stay with our opinion and with their so-called pride. Maybe these people just envy you, so thoroughly filter various "goodwires".

Friendly and sociability - your best friends

Many people under the "simplicity" understand spiritual kindness, sociability and openness. This situation is fundamentally different from the previous one. In this case, it concerns closed and closed people, not proud and self-confident. It is not always possible to understand how to be a simple person to which everything is drawn. Try to make new acquaintances and communicate more with others. Indecisiveness and insecurity very often repel people. Perhaps becoming more sociable and open, you reach the most desired level of "simplicity".

Love yourself - it means well to treat others

Compliance with this item is the main criterion in finding an answer to the question: "How to become a simple person?" And in fact it is very difficult, especially for inborn pride, who do not think about anyone, except for themselves. Not everyone can create good acts, but everyone can try not to do anything bad. Treat people as you would like them to relate to you. This proverb is not possible by the way. After all, no man will do something in harm to himself, so why many allow themselves to make unpleasant things towards others?

Being yourself - it means to be happier

Before you know how to become simple, it is important to think about what makes you happy. Maybe your job does not bring you pleasure, and you like to write poems or care for plants in the country. Or do you like to dance, sing, draw. Just do what delivers you joy, more often, because then you will feel happier. At moments of joy, you want to make happy everyone around, and this will make you a simple and open person.

Compliance with these advice will make you confident in yourself, will teach positively to the world and everything is happening in it. Then you will become truly good, open and simple person to which others will stretch.

Many children from childhood are learning to behave so that their behavior approved others. And this is the mistake of many parents. They attach too much importance to public opinion.

Of course, relatives and close people criticize us only with good intentions, but not everyone can accept and objectively evaluate this criticism. Therefore, most likely, it will bring more harm to a person than good. Listen to the advice and recommendations of relatives, but do the way you make your heart. After all, it is never mistaken. Do honestly, be sincere and open, because it is precisely that the most simplicity, to which everyone strives.

Remember that your positive and negative sides knows so good as you yourself. And if you really think about how to become simple, do not waste the time on thinking about the fact that your girlfriend said from envy or in a rustling of anger, your mother was blown out. Do not be offended by loved ones, always think about the fact that they are still in any situation wish you good. And it is not necessary to complicate yourself and their life because of several hurt phrases.

Is it necessary to pay attention to the trifles?

Worth the question "How to become simple and open?", Think about how much time you spend on the fact that, in essence, unworthy and minutes of your life. Attention to trifles is only necessary in work, and in all life situations it will only bring you problems. Thus, you simply complicate your life with various rules and conditions that would not be if you took everything that happens to what it is. No need to scroll in the head of the event, thinking about all the little things and think, no matter how you can do in a particular situation. Believe me, nothing will lead to anything good. Just enjoy life, do what you like, become happier and make happy everyone around.

Disgrace between mind and heart

Very often, many girls face situations when the heart suggests one, and common sense and experience speak of a friend. Almost always, such a dispute between mind and heart arises due to the constant analysis and thinking about the situation. You are trying to take into account all the little things to miss anything, but in the end I miss something very important. Sometimes it is worth listening to the heart and intuition, risk and possibly gain the greatest happiness in life. No need to listen to the advice of others and do the way they are considered right if you feel that you do not want it. There is nothing worst regretted what you did not. Follow your desires, be happy, and you will not notice how you will become the ideal of simplicity, to which everything is drawn.

What is ease of love? What do men imply under this? How to return it if she disappeared? This article-inspiration will give answers to the burning questions and will help those who are tired of severe and complex relationships.

Men who recently broke up with her friend or wife, often say that they did not have enough ease of relationships. They do not shy! For us, women, the phrase "light relationship" almost always means "relationship without obligations", but is it really? Let's figure it out.

Initially there was lightness ...

At the beginning of your novel were short and hot dates, tender SMS correspondence, photo sharing. What were you talking about? Most likely, about the weather and nature, shared interesting stories from life, discussed films, dreamed of something and fantasized. You both have enjoyed the time spent together. And exactly did not discuss the dollar and politics, did not complain about their low salary, colleagues and bosses. So?

You looked at him with adoration, you found in it advantage, you respected His masculinity. And you always looked at 100% and, of course, smiled! For him, this is ease!

Familiar story? This story is about you. Yes, you were so quite recently. And then something suddenly happened. And now he complains that he is tired of a difficult relationship that he needs "ease." And after such words, you think: "He sobbed me" or "he does not want to take responsibility for the relationship." STOP! This is not true!

In his head a completely different picture! He still loves you, just him recently really lacks your attention. The usual female attention and participation, without criticism and disputes, without discussing communal payments, without tips in the style of "I spoke!", Without scandals because of scattered socks. Within all, you understand?

He missed! He wants to wake in you the woman who inspired him on the feats and adored, without hiding her delight! And it gave him masculinity and purposefulness.

What to do? How to return to the best ease of relationship?

How to return ease into relationships?

I will share with you effective ways using which you will start to enjoy relationships with a new force. But first remember: to return ease - do not complicate!

1. Learn to be silent in the bedroom

Stop discussing problems in bed, and in general, twist to the absolute minimum any conversations in the bedroom! All that can be, it is to talk about how you want it as he is strong and gorgeous. The bedroom was not created for conversations - a bedroom for sex and love!

2. Give him time

Meet him with a smile and do not start household conversations at least for 30 minutes after it came. Give a man time to get out of the role of an assertive businessman and turn into your gentle "cat".

3. Become unpredictable

Do not ride the scene of jealousy in a flat place or simply by habit. Do not ask where he was and who writes him sms! Let him notice himself that you are "weird" behave, and it will begin to make efforts to return your attention.

4. Enjoy it, believe in it

Praise him. Praise him for everything! For how the masterfully screwed the light bulb, for how the knife sank, for the heroic creation of dinner, or by chance, washed the cup. He is always waiting for your approval. Just do not overdo it. Remember: he is not a kid, and an adult man. Praise him as a man.

Believe in it, no matter what happens. Believe everything here. He can, he is strong! Speak him this and believe in what he will cope with any difficulties. Because you have the best man!

5. Ottage the art of listening and hearing

Listen to him without interrupting! If he wants to speak out after the working day - listen to him silently. If he is not ready to pour the soul - do not drag him forcibly into the dialogue, the man sometimes needs silence and loneliness.

6. Give him a feeling of need

When your eyes are burning from the fact that he is just near, from the fact that you can nourish it and watch a movie on his shoulder, when you sincerely rejoice that you have it, then he feels what you need. Give him a feeling of need, tell him about it.

7. Find what you can respect

You will be surprised, but there are many positive qualities in it, which you just stop paying attention. Find them again or open something special in it. Respect him! For a man, the words of respect mean a lot more than the words of love.

Remember that he does not need mom, she already has it. In you, he wants to see an ally and a woman who will lead. Give him this feeling, show your female flexibility.

9. Give him freedom and become free

The worst punishment for any person is a restriction of freedom. Do not let relations become a prison camera for both of both! Delivered with understanding and respect for what he sometimes wants to be in a male company or one. By the way, nothing brings it closer like separation. Rest from each other at least once a month, let each other buses - it will add fire to your feelings.

10. Surprise it

Invite it on a date in a cozy cafe, where there is something in the menu that he loves. Thus, you will show how attentive to its tastes.

11. Insert It

Tell him about your dreams associated with your common future. Describe everything bright, colorfully and positively, do not wait and do not require a response or urgent implementation right now. Just looking into the sky, we dream to tell him a beautiful story, in which he is the main character.

12. Develop

Become an interesting yourself. Take care of something new, meet your friends, read, draw, dance, but anything! You will begin to excite his interest, he will look at you in a new way. An enthusiastic woman is a mounted space for a man. He wants to solve you again and again.

13. Smiley

Light "Smile Joconda" ... Mysterious, mounted, soothing and gives him the feeling that he is at home, that he is happy and his woman is happy with him, she is happy, which means he is her hero!

14. Make him compliments

Is it trite? Not at all! Men no less women are waiting for confirmation of their uniqueness and value. Give him it! Pay attention to specific details. Compliment "You look great!" Not suitable, it is an impersonal phrase. Much better: "How do you like this shirt, I like it so much! You are a real macho! " You will see how he will immediately try to justify your words.

15. Choose words, for they materialize

Finally, stop complaining to work, chief, salary, country, neighbors. Just stop and all. Your thoughts are strong energy, and words have even greater potential. Choose a happy life and talk about good. If you need to discuss something unpleasant, then say it without unnecessary tragedy, but with the share of humor and optimism.

Do not complicate!

These are simple tricks. But it is important not just to know them, but to apply in practice. And after a couple of days you will be surprised how in love with each other!

Relationships are the most beautiful of all works on Earth, and when you love it, you will definitely hear how your man tells his friends:

- She is an incredible woman!

- Yes? And how does it differ from others?

"She is enough to look, and I will not wait for a feat for her!"
