
about electronic library IvSU

Introduction 3

Publishing House "Ivanovo State University";

Faculties, departments and other departments of IvSU;

Organizations - suppliers of electronic publications and documents.

5.2. To species electronic documents and publications include:

  • electronic versions of printed publications prepared by teachers and staff of IvSU in accordance with the plan of publications of scientific and educational literature (planned publications);

  • electronic documents for educational and methodological purposes, prepared by teachers and staff of IvSU for organizing educational process in order of duty ( official works);

  • electronic documents for educational and methodological purposes, prepared by teachers and staff of IvSU on their own initiative ( initiative documents);

  • electronic publications and documents, the authors of which are not teachers and employees of IvSU ( third party publications).

  • copies of printed publications - analogues of printed publications created using text scanning methods;

  • An independent electronic edition is an electronic edition that has no printed analogues.

The procedure for providing electronic documents and publications is defined in Section 6.

6. The procedure for providing materials to the Electronic Library fund

6.1. Electronic copies of planned publications:

  • when transferring the obligatory part of the published edition of the publication to the scientific library, the publishing house "Ivanovo State University" sends an electronic copy of the publication in machine-readable form;

  • when an electronic copy of a planned publication is received by the Literature Acquisition Department, the author fills in the Registration Card (Appendix 2). The completed Card is signed by a library employee.

6.2. Electronic copies of third-party publications:

  • third-party publications enter the fund scientific library IVSU in accordance with the current regulations;

  • the rules for using third-party publications are determined by agreements concluded between IvSU and the authors (copyright holders) of the publication, or other documents that have legal force.

The procedure for providing electronic other documents and publications is carried out in accordance with the current legislation .

7. General requirements for the preparation of electronic documents and publications

7.1. General requirements for the preparation of electronic documents are as follows:

  • electronic documents can be prepared in any format convenient for the author. Preferred formats are MS Word (DOC or RTF), HTML, PDF, ANSI text,

  • images (drawings, photographs, etc.) included in the electronic document may be presented separately or, if the selected format allows, in the body of the document. The image format is not regulated.

  • Software products that are integral part electronic document (for example: document viewers, examples, etc.) must include a description (instruction) sufficient to work with them,

  • documents can be archived using RAR, PKZIP, WinRAR, WinZip archivers.
7.2. Requirements for the output of electronic publications are defined in GOST 7.83-2001.

7.3. Electronic publications and documents are accepted on any machine-readable media. It is allowed to provide a link (network address) indicating the physical location of the electronic document in the local network or the Internet.

7.4. The carriers of the electronic document and the documents themselves must be free from computer viruses.

8. Copyright

8.1. Electronic publications and documents are subject to copyright and are protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international conventions.

A work created within the limits of the labor duties established for an employee is a service work. The exclusive right to an employee work belongs to the employer, unless otherwise provided by an employment or other contract between the employer and the author (Article 1295 “Service work”).

8.2. In the case of copyright, a license agreement is concluded with the copyright holder, drawn up on the basis of Article 1286 “License agreement on granting the right to use the work” (Appendix 1), which regulates the right of IvSU to use the document on the terms determined by the agreement, observing mutual interests, licensing and legal purity of the electronic publication or document. One signed copy of the agreement is kept in the library, the second copy is kept by the author/copyright holder.

8.3. Publications for which the copyright term has expired in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 1281 “Term of the exclusive right to a work”) are subject to free translation into electronic form.


9. Standard processing of electronic documents and publications

9.1. Electronic documents and publications accepted in accordance with the procedure for submitting materials to the fund of electronic documents and publications (section 6) are subject to standard processing.

9.2. Standard processing of electronic documents and publications is carried out in the IvSU library in accordance with the Interstate System of Standards for Information, Librarianship and Publishing (SIBID).

9.3. All issues related to the technology of standard processing of electronic documents and publications should be regulated by the internal technological documents of the IvSU library.


10. Placement and storage of electronic documents and publications

10.1. Placement and presentation of electronic documents and publications on the servers of IvSU with the ability to access them via a local network and / or the Internet is provided by the National Library

10.2. The structural subdivision responsible for organizing the placement and storage of electronic documents and publications is the Library Computerization Department.

10.3. Storage of electronic documents and publications is provided by the Computerization Department of the Library.

Storage of electronic documents and publications is carried out as follows:

Stand-alone electronic publications (documents) are stored on portable machine-readable media in the IvSU library;

Network electronic publications (documents) are stored in the electronic database;

Electronic publications (documents) of combined distribution, which can be used both locally and online, are stored in the DL.

10.4. The technology for storing electronic documents is determined by the composition of the information and software of the electronic library.

10.5. An electronic document can be translated (converted) into an accepted (single) storage format. Translation (conversion) of the format is carried out in the Computerization Department of the library.

10.6. The Department of Computerization organizes backup of electronic documents and publications, which ensures their physical safety, ensures the protection of electronic documents stored in the electronic database from unauthorized copying and computer viruses.

10.7. Other issues related to the placement and storage of electronic documents and publications, not considered in this Regulation, are regulated by the library's internal regulatory documents.


11. Ways of user access to electronic documents and publications

11.1. Free access for employees and students of IvSU to view electronic documents:

  • in the local network of IvSU;

  • on the Internet.
11.2. Free access for individuals (who are not employees and students of IvSU) to view electronic documents:

  • in the local network of IvSU;

  • on the Internet.
11.3. Paid access for individuals or legal entities to view electronic documents:

  • in the local network of IvSU;

  • on the Internet.
11.4. Access to electronic documents only to employees of departments serving the EB IvSU.

11.5. Provision (production and delivery) of electronic copies of works to individuals or legal entities on orders on a paid (free) basis.

11.6. Provision (production and delivery) of electronic copies of works to IvSU teachers. Payment issues (full or partial) and the conditions for free electronic copying should be regulated by the relevant local acts of IvSU.

11.7. The method of access to an electronic document is indicated in the Registration Card (Appendix 2) and in the License Agreement, if it is concluded (Appendix 1).

11.8. All types of access are regulated by the License Agreements (Appendix 1), internal local acts of IvSU, these Regulations.

11.9. All users of the DL should be notified that the information provided in electronic documents and publications cannot be used directly or indirectly for large-scale or systematic copying, reproduction, systematic supply or distribution in any form to any person without prior written permission. Users are not allowed to modify, distribute, publish materials of the fund of electronic documents and publications for public and commercial purposes.

Library Director L.G. Brigadnova


Vice-Rector for scientific work Polyvyanny D.I.

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics Pukhov S.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Physics Mineev L.I.

Dean of the Faculty of History Kornikov A. A.

Dean of the Faculty of Philology Khromova I. A.

Dean of the RHF Taganov A.N.

Dean of the Faculty of Law Kuzmina O.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics Eremin V.N.

Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology Kareev D.V.

Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry Klyuev M.V.

Director of the publishing house "Ivanovsky

State University» Mikheeva L. V.

Head of UICT Rutenberg M.L.

The library is one of the leading structural divisions of the university, its main information center, which provides access to both its own funds and electronic educational resources.

The book fund of the library has more than 970 thousand items. It includes scientific, educational, artistic, reference and periodicals, literature on foreign languages, abstracts of dissertations. At the service of library users: 2 subscriptions, a reading room, including access to Internet resources, a copy service, an MBA.

Since 1994, the library has been working with the automated information and library system "MARK", and in 2010 it switched to the network version of the AIBS "MARK-SQL". The electronic catalog of the library has more than 29 thousand entries, it is constantly updated with new documents, and a retrospective fund is being introduced.

  • formation of a library fund with documents on traditional and electronic media in accordance with the profile of the university and the information requests of users;
  • creation of a reference and search apparatus of the library fund.
  • issuance of scientific and fiction literature, scientific and technical documentation, periodicals, abstracts of dissertations, dictionaries, GOSTs;
  • creation and maintenance of a reference and bibliographic apparatus, provision of information retrieval;
  • providing access to information resources of the library;
  • provision of additional (paid) services;
  • signing bypass sheets.

The library of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University has an interesting, eventful history that begins back in 1918. It was then that by the decree of V. I. Lenin, on the basis of the Riga Polytechnic Institute evacuated to Ivanovo-Voznesensk, the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnic Institute (IVPI) was created. From the first days on the basis of the spinning and weaving faculty - one of the nine faculties of the IVPI, the library began to work. Initially, its fund consisted of 961 items. storage, the staff consisted of only 2 employees, and 447 people were registered in the register of readers. The first head of the library, starting from the moment of its creation and over the next 13 years, was Olga Mitrofanovna Malkova.

In 1930, the IVPI was divided: on the basis of its four faculties, the Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, the Ivanovo Textile Institute, the Ivanovo Agricultural Institute and the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute were created. From this period, the library began an independent existence as a structural unit of the Ivanovo Textile Institute. M. V. Frunze, and then the Ivanovo State Textile Academy.

Another important step towards the creation of the IVGPU library was the opening in 1981 of the Ivanovo Civil Engineering Institute (later - IGASU). The basis of the library fund of the young university was the literature of the construction department of the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute, on the basis of which the IISI was created. Later, in 1984, the library fund of the Ivanovo Industrial College was added to it.

In 2012, as a result of the reorganization of IGTA and IGASU and the creation of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University on their basis, the libraries of both universities were merged into a single library system, with a single management, funding, and book fund. The latter has more than 970 thousand publications, and in its content is a universal, diversified collection of educational, scientific and fiction, periodicals and reference publications, a repository of hundreds of copies of regulatory and technical documentation, encyclopedias, dictionaries. The pride of the library is the fund of rare books, which contains pre-revolutionary publications, documents of the 20-40s of the twentieth century and modern publications of particular value.
