You are new to study foreign language?

Then you have a fascinating journey!

Have you started to understand the language or its foundations?

Get ready for the fact that your joy of the first success will be alternate with the feeling of the impossibility of learning the language and communicate freely.

And our advice will help you to get rid of future disappointments and improve the efficiency of learning.

Sit down more convenient, we start!

1. Do not expect the impossible

Do you feel uncomfortable in a foreign language lessons? It is absolutely natural!

You are accustomed that the language of classes usually does not cause you difficulty. Here you will find a lot of discoveries! After all, you will be learned exactly how to communicate. You can forget about the eternal fear to miss something important or make a mistake - here it is more than welcomed. Remember - you will not be able to understand everything immediately, especially first. After all, you will have to adapt to new sounds and rhythms. Yes, at the beginning, most likely, there will be difficult with understanding, but you will be surprised how quickly will get the meaning of the said!

Only constant practice will help you learn the language. Yes, you are waiting for many mistakes ... But they are learning on them!

2. Do not try to learn everything at once

And you knew that it was better to engage more often and gradually than rarely, but for a long period of time? Optimally to pay language attention every day or even several times a day. Admit that the situation is familiar to you when you perform all the tasks on the eve of their surrender, thinking how great it would be to do everything in parts. Also with a foreign language.

Use your leisure with benefit! During breakfast, repeat, standing under the shower -, traveling between classes - remember the names of the items that you meet, and leaving the house, first put in the bag card with words.

Believe me, there will always be a few minutes a day in order to devote their tongue, and the result will not make yourself wait. The main thing is that regularity!

3. Learn vocabulary effectively

Are you experiencing difficulties in communicating in a foreign language? This is a shortage of words. Everything is simple: the more words you know, the more easier for you to express your thoughts and understand the interlocutor.

Do not like to sharpen lists of words? Do not need! Try to make cards with your own hands. Buy a standard set of 7 x 12 cm cards or make them yourself from thick paper (but do not remove gently on the shelf, and always wear with you). On the front side, write the word in the language you want to master, and on the revolt - its definition in Russian. Leave a place for more information about words (for example, plural Nouns, basic forms of verb).

Create! Do you need to learn the genus of the noun? There is nothing easier: allocate the words of one kind of certain color, or use color cards. Do not neglect your fantasy when organizing cards. It is possible to divide them by blocks, for example, by topics or categories of verb. Constantly mix cards, thereby complicating the task! Pull out one - and remember the definition of a word in Russian, and vice versa. The effect will not slow down. You only need to want!

4. Practice - the path to success

Pronounce words and phrases in a foreign language out loud, read the texts loudly, verbally perform the phonetic exercises. The main thing is not to feel free to, even if you are a little disturbing your households! Do not be lazy to write out the answers to the exercises, and not just run through them through your eyes. In the task you need to fill the gaps in the sentence? Spend a few seconds - read it out loud. Constantly pronounce everything related to the language studied.

5. Responsible come to your homework

Not every interlocutor agrees to wait if during the conversation you will begin to remember the genus of the noun or the form of the verb. Avoid such situations - perform homework qualitatively!

When preparing at home you have a lot of time - use it as efficiently as possible. Make a dictionary of your desk book, please contact him for anyone, whether it is an unknown word or sustainable expression. Surge the help of tables or any other resource available to you. Thus, you will be able to secure the material to automatism. Do not be proud that you have read the text without looking into the dictionary, or just guess - your mistakes will only be rooted, and knowledge about the forms of words will pass by you.

Do not neglect the comments of your teacher and always specify incomprehensible moments. Homework - not an empty word!

6. Find a new reason to meet with classmates

Going to groups and communicate in a foreign language. It does not matter if you will perform homework together or prepare for tests, study vocabulary or just talk to the themes you are interested in. Thus, you will have the opportunity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of friends on learning, eliminate gaps in knowledge, to clarify moments that are not understood in the class may even arrange a debate - truth is born in the dispute! Cut the time with the benefit for yourself and your one-logbooks !!

7. Choose your way

We are all individuals, and everyone has their own approach to learning a language. The rate of assimilation of the new material can also be different. Someone in the classroom language is lighter than you? Do not worry! But you have a grammatical flair, or, on the contrary, you grab new Material on the fly.

Experience difficulties with doing homework? Do not give weaknesses pull you down, focus on your advantages over the rest! Do you easier to memorize words of visually? No problem - write them down and try to associate with in any way.

Overcome yourself! If you are accustomed to quietly sit in the class, make yourself for starting to sit in the first row - this is a big step forward.

8. Constantly Improve

Do you strive for free possession of a foreign language? Interact with him regularly. First, train the language with classmates outside the lessons, make friends with a carrier or sign up into a conversational club.

Watch the movies in the study, make a video program an integral part of your day, actively use the Internet resources, view and listen not only to the last broadcasts, but also archives.

Remember that at first you will be able to understand only a bit. Nevertheless, you will begin to gradually get used to the new sounds, rhythm and intonation. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the faster you will master the skills of communication on it!

9. Use the maximum possible opportunities

Work on the tongue every time you are in class. It is not enough just to attend classes and carefully listen to the teacher. Finished the pair work before the rest? Do not waste time - talk with your partner to any topic you are interested in ... But only in the language studied!

Have you already discussed everything? Then boldly try on the written task or remember the words you have learned. Do you still have free time in the classroom? Explore the main attractions of the country of the Language of Language! Or sketch the main theses of future written work. At the lesson of a foreign language, always only engage in them, use your time effectively.

10. Be always in touch with the teacher

Come to the learning process responsibly. Immediately contact the teacher if you have problems or difficulties with understanding the material. To his surprise, you will find that all your difficulties are very easily solved.

The main thing is not to accumulate everything in yourself! This also applies to the missed classes and tasks. Your success and learning efficiency depend on, including, from timely execution and delivery of work!

Learn the language with pleasure! And we will help you in this.

Study foreign languages \u200b\u200bare not only fashionable, but also very useful. In addition to raising the level of human education, promotion of the career ladder and the opportunity to communicate in different countries, foreign languages \u200b\u200bstrengthen the memory, give work to the brain, help to get acquainted with the culture of other countries, it is better to understand the psychology of other peoples, warn the development of dementia and memory loss in old age. It is necessary to study foreign languages, because they can be applied in practice on travel, in a business environment, in business. IN modern world To at least one foreign language is no longer just an ordinary wish, but almost a necessity. Many learning languages \u200b\u200bunderstand this, but not everyone knows how to learn the language is perfect, what are the secrets of his study?

For successful learning language, you need a huge motivation. Studying and so difficult in itself, and the study of languages \u200b\u200brequires constant effort and is not a fact that even in hard work and perseverance will communicate easily and easily. To get this motivation of polyglotes, owning a huge number of languages, it is advised to get acquainted with the country under study, its culture, art, history. And not just read books on history or clipping from magazines, but to ride around this country, to find out what people in it live that they are worried about what they love to do. It is useful to be interested in the cinema or literature of the country under study, so that the motivation is to get acquainted with the works in the original. The simple memorization of words and phrases in the detachment from a living language will not bring either moral satisfaction, no sense of such studies.

In the language you need to say, this is its main task, that is, to study the language of the tutorial is much more difficult than in a pair or group. Communicating, you learn to hear other people, perceive foreign speech with different intonations, accents and speeds of words. Be sure to listen to recordings or live dialogues with native speakers. It can provide discs attached to teaching benefits, communication with foreigners in the educational situation, in the country of the language under study or Skype. Moreover, the lower the level of proficiency, the more so-set and simple it is necessary for the carrier, these records are beneficial to the textbooks differ from other ways to perceive speech on rumor. If you are using tutorialBetter, if it is issued by the publisher in the country of the study. You can be sure that it contains that a set of vocabulary that is really used by carriers. In addition to compulsory communication, it is impossible to forget about other areas of language ownership: reading and writing.

Very important, the regularity and permanence of classes is very important, fragmentary knowledge will not be enshrined and will not work out. Therefore, most students have only residual knowledge of a foreign language, they cannot talk on it or do it uncertainly. In addition, when learning, it is not necessary to follow a mandatory method: they all once come out of fashion, they have deficiencies. Do the way you are comfortable. Language, in principle, can be learned even on films, or traveling, communicating with residents of the host country. There are no certain secrets in learning a foreign language, you just need to pay time to him and learn with pleasure and motivation, like every matter, in which there is a desire to gain skills and become a master.

You can spend years to study of English languagebut never succeed. And it's not even in the absence of abilities to study. Those who manage to master a foreign language, as a rule, consciously or unconsciously adhere to similar principles.

Secret number 1. Motivation

The most important thing is that the study of a foreign language delivered pleasure. Think what do you like to do? Listen to music? Watch movies or presentations of famous experts? You may like to read, listen to audiobooks or discuss news.

Do all the same, only in English. First, a completely new world of ideas and looks will open for you. Secondly, after time you can understand the living english speech And to speak English fluently (and this, at least, should inspire).

Secret number 2. "Live language"

To quickly master a foreign language, you need to plunge into the appropriate environment. However B. everyday life This manages a little. In this case, materials created by native speakers can help. Listen to the speech of the British, Canadians and Americans in songs, films, audiobooks and presentations. Perceive it on a rumor, immerse, try to understand the essence. Over time, you will get better and better.

Not a single tutorial and the textbook will help to achieve such a result that you will achieve thanks to the "live speech". It affects consciousness deeper, causes sustainable associations. The words are remembered easier in the context of a real speech or work, and not educational lying text.

Another important advantage of authentic content is the correct pronunciation. It is better to immediately plunge into the perception of competent and correctly sounding speech. Then, your pronunciation is much faster to the original, and not to pronunciation with the Russian accent.

Secret number 3. Modeling and copying

How do children study? For several years, they repeat everything heard from the surrounding words with interest: "Lofka" gradually becomes a "spoon", and "Khalasho" after a dozen repetitions acquires the form "good".

Adults have a huge advantage over children in the process of learning a foreign language! We already know at least one language. We have already developed articulation muscles, thinking, figurative and engine memory, rumor. If we know at least one language, we already have enough ability to develop other languages. The only problem may be related to the fact that some of us "forgotten" as they studied their first language.

Have you heard an unfamiliar word in English? Do as a child: Repeat it, "Try to taste", imagine the meaning of this word, look with interest in the letters that this word is written. Compare your pronunciation with the original. If you are actively using imitation and copying in the process of learning the language, your chances of success are tripled.

Secret number 4. mutual influence

Development and training of each skill affect the development of the rest. When you hear and listen to the speech of the native speakers, you actively develop not only perception of rumor, but also pronunciation. Especially if they say to herself heard.

When reading out loud, you not only train the pronunciation, but also listen to themselves, comparing your pronunciation with the "standard". With all these actions, you unconsciously lay the foundation of the foundations of grammar and the style of the studied language. Not to mention that with each listening and pronigrating frequently used words and their values \u200b\u200bare better remembered.

Thinking and speech are also interrelated. Not in vain one of the criteria of free proficiency language is considered the ability to "think on it". After some time, after active study, the phrases in a foreign language begins to appear in the head (first, perhaps not very folding).

Secret number 5. Optimal intensity

Mastering a foreign language, doing once a week for an hour, almost unreal. If we summarize the recommendations of various teachers and linguists, it will turn out that the most optimal mode is to study 2-3 hours every day during the year. Then in a year of classes, even if they started from scratch, you can almost freely understand and speak English.

There is such a metaphor that the development of a foreign language is no longer a marathon, but climbing the ice slide. Much more important, with what intensity you do, than how long you do it. In order to climb on the ice slide, a strong impulse is needed. Think about it and decide what the intensity of your occupations should be. The only restriction here will be the observance of the first principle - to receive pleasure from the process.

Do not force yourself to sit for 3-5 hours, "studying" language, it is better to just do what you like. Praise yourself for moving towards the goal and purposefully!

Secret number 6. Regularity

Regularity is even more important than intensity. It is better to do every day for 1.5-2 hours than a whole day to sit on learning English, and then throw it for a week.

Successes related to self-development - from sports awards to professional victories are achieved by regular, intense, targeted training, which, ideally, gives pleasure.

Apply the principle of regularity to the process of mastering the English language, and the result will not wait long for a long time! As a result, the habit of mastering and practicing the language will work out, and sustainable progress will come with it.

Secret number 7. Practicality and efficiency

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5 ways not to forget the words, telling the story in English

And at school and the Institute, we all learn foreign languages. For many years, we teach texts in a row, zubrize the wrong forms of verbs, read about Lena. This is part educational program. Currently, many parents are still in kindergarten forcing children to learn the language. Even despite the fact that children still do not understand why they know another language.

In total, the tongue is being studied for more than 10 years. But does it give a fluency fluently?

Often there is no. The controls are written, exams are handed over, the material is successfully forgotten. But why is it so much time to spend on learning and at the same time zero results?

The whole thing is in the approach to learning English. Study a lot - does not mean well to know. Let's analyze 7 secrets of accelerated learning language.

The first principle of the most efficient learning is the optimal load. The most appropriate, you can consider the option when you pay the learning process no more than 30 minutes per day. In the event that if you can't cut the occupation, try to make sure that the teacher uses these first 20-30 minutes with maximum benefit, that is, studying the most complex part of the material.

But, often this time is spent on checking homework, answers to questions and other useless things ... In this case, training simply becomes boring and absolutely useless. If you have disappeared during the lesson, you disappeared to engage, then you do not need to throw a lesson, simply switch to something else, for example, to study grammar or listening to audio books, repeat the words and phrases learned on the past.

Rule 100 hours

Another rather common problem in the study of any foreign language (and English in particular) is the loss of motivation, it is for this reason that people most often strive to study. For example, there is an external motivation, this is when we promise someone to achieve a certain goal, the result. If we do not do this, then we will be ashamed and unpleasant.

Internal motivation - determines why we need to learn English at all. But none of the listed ways will work at all if you do not consider one single parameter - the desire for success. We try to maintain maximum energy - such is the nature of our organism. Therefore, if you started doing something, but you can't have a conceived, then the body automatically cuts into power supply. It is believed that motivation lives less than 100 hours. If it does not stabilize it on time, then it will either rise or fall.

This means that if about once every 100 hours does not give the body to the motivation, it will begin to understand that this goal is useless and will cease to spend valuable energy on it. And it concerns that absolutely any multi-stage purposes, and not only exceptionally English.

Motivation in the study of a foreign language for each person's own, but those who have achieved a high level it is approximately as follows:

  • i want to read books in the original, in the language of the author;
  • i want to travel freely and communicate with other people;
  • i want to work in a foreign company;
  • etc.

That is, the motivation does not know the language, but to use it to achieve your goals.

2. Daily victory

The second principle of successful learning is the daily victory. It works as follows. One big goal, you need to distribute into a lot of smaller so that you can perform them more easily and most importantly regularly.

At the sight of daily victories, your motivation becomes stronger, because already just a few weeks later you will begin to consider yourself in this activity quite successful. Another mandatory factor is the remuneration for success. It can be a pleasant purchase or watching a favorite movie \\ series.

The main thing in this business is to enjoy the study of the English language - this is the basic psychological principle of a successful result during the fulfillment of any case. The visualization of the future result is able to give a lot of energy, which may be in training. Imagine how you already read books in English, freely talk on the journey and so on.


Motivation and competent loads, this is not all, in addition to this you need also practice. It happens that we are long studying for a long time, but at the right moment we cannot remember the meanings of the word. All because you have not used for a long time! All unnecessary, unused information, the brain simply sends to the archive. Try to do everything too that every day, but in English. You will discover a completely new world.

3. Dive

Immersion in the linguistic environment is a rather important stage. Many believe that the easiest way is to learn English to those who are constantly in an English-speaking environment and to a greater extent it is true. But what about those who live exclusively in Russian-speaking?

Do not worry, you can greatly master English even without leaving your home if you follow simple advice. The main thing is that you like that Wednesday you are going to immerse yourself. The greatest immersion will give the topic that is as close as possible.

If you teach English exclusively for work, then see the materials in your field, but for yourself, try to watch foreign movies and TV shows in the original voice acting. A good option is to view the risks of English-speaking bloggers. Immersion must be as attached to the context of your life.

Another undoubted advantage of authentic English-language content is the right, live pronunciation. It is better to initially plunge into the perception of speech with the right competent pronunciation than it is for a long time to move. After some time, your pronunciation will also be able to close as much as possible to the original, and not to pronunciation with a typical Russian accent. You should not forget about a living speech, none of the most qualitative audio tutorial will not be able to fully replace it.

But do not judge yourself strictly for pronunciation. Believe me, every language has hundreds of dialects and characteristics of pronunciation. Look at Russia: people in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Vologda speak completely differently. Although this is all Russian.

4. Neuroconnect method

The secret of this method consists of only two things: associations and visual memory. The visual memory has a huge potential for the perception of the information received, but it has one substantial minus: this memory is not stored for a long time. The brain pulls out all extra information for maximum energy savings. In order to save visual information, you need to link it with what we already know, that is, it is essentially association.

Try to draw small pictures to better remember the meaning of the word that indicates the object you shown. So you can remember the meaning of the word is much better and faster.

Curve forgetting

If you look at the curve of forgetting Ebbigauz, you can determine how much information will remain in our head at a certain period of time. The essence is that in about a month, we will only remember 21% of what they knew well. It turns out that as a result, 80% of the information received is simply ejected to the wind. To fight this will help the next advice.

5. Proper repetition

Repetition is a very effective method of learning. Proper repetition helps to keep in long-term memory almost 4-5 times more than new information. Perhaps this is the only confirmed scientific research The method of obtaining a similar result.

It's impossible to master the language well for 20-30 times a week. Many teachers and linguists agree that 1 occupations per day for the year will be quite enough to understand and speak English. With this frequency of repetitions, our brain receives enough information, and this is already contributing to the formation of thinking in English.

But, you should not force yourself and try to learn anything through force, it is important to keep passionism, enjoy new knowledge, so if it really needs, then take a little break in training for several days.

6. Regular actions

It is necessary to work in a measure, but regularly, only so in humans are produced necessary skills. Regularity is even more an important factor than intensity. It is better to deal daily for half an hour, than to sit on learning the language all day, getting tired and throwing this thing for a week.

All the successes that are connected with self-development, from professional and to sports victories (this also applies to English) is achieved through intense, targeted and main regular training. Ideally, they should even bring some pleasure.

If you apply this method to studying English, the result will not make yourself wait long! After a while, you will have a habit of mastering the language, and with it there will be noticeable progress.

7. Systematization

The system of systematization is to select the most optimal schedule of classes, goals of training, approach, as well as tools, that is, textbooks of audio-lessons and dictionaries.

If possible, create your own schedule of classes that you will not be difficult to follow, decide why you still decided to learn English, select the right educational materialsWhen the textbooks choose should be guided by their level of understanding of texts, you should not overstate it, otherwise even the most useful book can become useless.

Use services and platforms for comprehensive assistance in the process of learning English. In addition to the materials of the platform, allow you to track the dynamics of training, communicate with like-minded people, dive into the linguistic environment even more and much more.


  • Thanks to the first rule, you know that you need to avoid various brain overloads. That is, it is necessary to take no more than 20-30 minutes a day, but use this time for the most important material.
  • The second rule is daily victories. If you fix daily victories, then literally a few weeks later you will feel incredible lifting and self-confidence.
  • The third rule is immersion. You need to surround yourself as much as possible by the English-speaking environment, watch movies and TV shows in the original voice acting, change the language of the menu of your gadgets into English, read English-speaking articles, books, etc.
  • Fourth - Methods Neuroconnect allows you to remember 100 or more words per day, while not overloading the brain with extra information.
  • The fifth rule is the correct repetition based on the Kerve of Herman Ebbigauza. This technique allows you to save four times more information in long-term memory, while you will deal with several times less than usual.
  • Sixth - regular actions. This rule defines, you will achieve certain indicators in the future or not. It is necessary to regularly repetition to make your skills are much more stable.
  • The seventh secret is successful - systematization in learning a language.

Each language has basic algorithms that you can quickly master and bring to automatism. To do this, you have to go through the way that the child passes. Children tend to speak aged two to three years. At this time, no one does not particularly teach their language, they simply get used to the sound of their parents's voices, listen to their speech, and at some point there is a linguistic revolution, the logic of the native language is "included".

When the child starts to read fairy tales, he understands little, most of the words for him are unfamiliar (which "Lukomorier", that "gilded abdomen"). The first thing that occurs is a feeling of pleasant vibrations and a comfortable rhythm. The child is born emotions, behind them - images, and not necessarily related to what is written in the book.

When we in adulthood begin to learn a new language, we are in it - the same little children. We seem to be "born" and must go through the same way: from recognition to habit, learning and reproduction. We must begin to experience pleasure, combining the elements of the language already familiar to us, creating phrases, suggestions.

2. Get used to the sound of someone else's speech

So that the new language environment has ceased to be someone else's for us, the audio mode must be adapted to a comfortable level: the language should not scare, should be familiar. This is very helpful to watch movies and serials. For adaptation, you can enable subtitles, but only in a foreign language. It is important to watch what we have seen before, so as not to strain and not panic that we will not understand anything.

A good option - view a talk show. This is the only format on television where people speak in the usual language. In the news, the announcer reads in advance the recorded text, trying to meet the timing, so the news view is not enough.

3. Determine what type you feel

We are all different: one with difficulty perceive information on the rumor, but they are easily and willingly speak. Others, on the contrary, everyone understands, know all the rules, but are afraid to open the mouth once again.

Before you start learning a language, it is important to understand what type you feel. Solutions will be different. The problem with the perception is to listen to the audiobooks in parallel with the printed, listen to music, holding the lyrics before your eyes, watch movies, put a talk show with a background. Want to start talking in the language ... just start! A good exercise that allows you to get rid of the block - for a minute without a break to talk about anything.

4. Watch for breathing

Learning Language: Listening to the audio files, I am strongly learning to learn the rule or build a phrase, we are strained not only mentally, but also physically. Do not forget about the body, monitor the feelings of discomfort and remove them with breathing.

As a rule, the voltage is concentrated in one of three points: in the forehead area, throat or abdomen. It is useful to inhale "raise" breathing to the top, and in exhale slowly pass through each of the points, relaxing them.

5. Watch foreigners

Pay attention to how the carriers of an interesting language tell you in Russian, as they sound accent. Literally in several words can be understood as they articulate how their speech apparatus is arranged, see the phonetic picture. It will help you to restructure.

6. Do not seek perfection

One of the most popular wishes for those who come to language classes: "I want to learn to speak without an accent." But this task is not just difficult, but unpaid: all native speakers speak it differently. In only small England, more than three dozen phonetic norms, and classical rules are becoming more blurred.

And if earlier from students-translators, the ideal pronunciation, Oxford accent, are now more important to teach their range of perception - to teach to understand the English speech of Arabs, Chinese, Indians.

7. Use the emotional-shaped approach

In our native language, the word is associated with images, and not with letters from which it consists. Letters only distract from emotions, pictures. It is important that the foreign language gave birth to positive emotions and bright images that are felt at the physical level.

Languages \u200b\u200bcan be compared with friends: everyone has their own features, character, temperament. One friend can hardly be confused with another. It is important to build such associations and languages. The key element may be, for example, music or kitchen. They will become a password that will allow you to activate the "File" with such tongue. The picture, emotion, the taste allows you to immediately "penetrate" in the tongue, bypassing the "internal translator."

8. Do not be afraid of errors

The most harmful language is in learning and in general the whole new - fear of mistakes. Without them, it is impossible to learn anything. The child is praised for any, incorrectly uttered or even invented word. He feels support and stimulus to speak again. With the study of a new language in adulthood should be the same.

9. Immerse yourself in the correct environment.

Many complain that, having gone abroad, plunging into the linguistic environment, in the tongue they do not start talking about. But be abroad - does not mean to be in the environment. Wednesday means the possibility of intensively and continuously communicate with native speakers.

Understood what are ready for such communication? Go to any foreign training or a seminar on the topic that is not related to the language: a towers of fans of aquarium fish or forum of amateurs gardeners. Only residents of the country are usually coming to such events to chat with each other.

10. Love a new language

What does it usually encourage us to start learning the language? Competitive advantages in the labor market (when there is no increase without language), access to information or cultural resources (the desire to read the beloved author in the original), personal relationship, the need to feel comfortable while traveling.

But the best motivation is, of course, love. And the purpose of the study of any foreign language is pleasure and freedom.

Dmitry Petrov will tell even more interesting on October 25 at the conference Psychologies Day "Brain: We change the life, changing thinking." Famous speakers and leaders of opinions will tell about the traps of thinking and about the influence of the language on the brain, will show how to make the brain learn how much more. For readers Psychologies, PSY20Art1 is valid for 20% discount on participation in the conference. Have time to purchase a ticket with a discount on the site. The conference will be held with the support of ECCO and Abu Dhabi.

About expert

Polyglot, psycholingwist, synchronous translator, fluent in 35 languages, author of the book "Magic of the Word" and Tutorials-simulators for quick Study Foreign languages, author and host of intellectual realistic show "Polyglot", creator of the Center for Innovative Communication Linguistics. His lectures can be heard in the Lecture "Direct Speech".
