|Marina Emelianenko | 38845

A correctly executed piece of paper is a document.

Every year, changes in educational legislation can confuse any applicant. Submission of documents to a university can become a very tedious and long process if you do not know the nuances of the admission campaign of the university you have chosen or the main package of documents required for admission has not been collected.

First, I would like to remind all applicants that it is necessary to pay attention not only to the availability of all the necessary documents, but also to your appearance when you go to the admissions office. Remember that you are already adults and you must look appropriate: business dress, confident speech, documents must be in perfect condition, that is, not wrinkled or worn.

List of required documents

Finding out what documents are required for admission to a particular university is currently very simple. This information is available on the websites of the educational institutions. Take care of collecting everything you need in advance so you have time for unforeseen situations. What you need to have with you and what documents to submit:

Application form for admission. It can often be found on the university website and prepared at home, where no one will distract you from filling out the document;


Photocopy of your passport;

Original or copy of a certificate or diploma of secondary specialized education;

Medical certificate;

Certificate of passing or the results of the exam.

All documents for admission should be prepared in several copies in case of sudden damage to the first sample. Place them in different folders so that you have everything you need at hand at the right time without haste and panic.

Time of submission of documents

Most often, the largest influx of applicants is observed in the first days of receiving documents. You can take your time, as you risk spending a lot of time sitting in line at the admissions office. However, do not leave everything on the last day, because if you do not have some paper, you may not have time to prepare it before the end of the admission campaign and submit the documents on time.

Method of filing documents

There are several ways to apply to the university:

Personal presence at the university. This method is the most advantageous, because if there are any mistakes in filling out the documents for admission or a lack of them, you will know about it immediately and will have time to correct the shortcomings.

Sending documents by registered mail. This method is good for those who live far from the chosen university or for some reason cannot personally bring and submit documents.

Online submission of documents. This type can be used by those applicants who do not have admission benefits and the right to priority admission.

Waiting for the result

Very important point, if you applied not only to one university. Even at the time of submitting the documents, go through the university, think about whether you would like to study here. The first impression is often the best one. Think over, or rather write down on a piece of paper which of your chosen educational institutions is the most preferable for you. Wait for a response from all universities where you sent your documents, and only then make a decision on further actions.

The main nuances in different universities

In our country, some educational institutions have the right to establish their own entrance examinations. These include:

In these universities, additional exams are held, some of which are regulated by the government, and some are determined by the leadership of the educational institution.

The winners of the Olympiads must submit to the university the USE results in specialized subjects not lower than a certain number of points (65 and above).

Thus, there should not be any special difficulties in figuring out which documents to submit to the educational institution of your choice. Be careful, well and prepare in advance by collecting everything you need. If you have benefits, make sure that you have documentary evidence of this in your hands. Meet the deadlines, take your time, but do not postpone everything to the last. Read all the information for applicants on the website of the university, or directly in it, carefully studying the stands and posters for applicants. Go for a Day open doors... Be confident in your abilities, spend time before the exam on preparation, be sure to visit the consultation, if it will be held.

Expert opinion

Kotov Vladislav, head of the department for admission and pre-university training:

- This publication contains a number of factual errors regarding the list of required documents. So, in particular, the current Admission Procedure requires applicants only to provide a document confirming their identity and citizenship, and a document on education of the established sample, or their copies.

The photographs indicated in the text (2 pcs.) Must be provided only to those applicants who enter the university based on the results entrance examinations held by organizations independently. Applicants by USE results submitting photos to the admissions office are not required.

A medical certificate, as a document, is not mentioned at all in the Admission Procedure. The admissions committee should not demand it from applicants.

For several years now, there has been no evidence of USE results. Now all the USE results have been compiled into a special database - the Federal Information System for the provision of state final certification and admission of citizens to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education(FIS GIA and reception). Each university carrying out admission had to gain access to this system and was obliged to check with its help all the USE results declared by applicants during the admission campaign.

Several small remarks.

The most widespread admission - full-time - begins no later than June 20. At the same time, the experience of past years shows that graduates of the current year by this date, as a rule, still do not have certificates in their hands and, accordingly, cannot submit documents. Therefore, just in the first days of the admission campaign, no influx of applicants is observed. But after a week and a half, at the end of June and the beginning of July, the number of applicants, indeed, becomes noticeably larger. At the same time, with the correct organization of the work of the selection committee, there are still no large queues (at least in our university). It is necessary, however, not to forget that the deadlines for completing the acceptance of documents for different categories of applicants may be different. So if it is necessary to pass additional creative or professional tests for the chosen direction or specialty, the admission of documents can be completed as early as July 7 (the exact date must be specified in the admission rules of the selected university).

Another factual mistake is that the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads for schoolchildren from the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science can take advantage of admission benefits only if profile subject have USE results of at least 75 points (the article refers to last year's threshold of 65 points). At the same time, a specific university can raise this threshold even more. The exact number must be found out in the rules of admission.

Online admission to the institute is gaining more and more popularity today, using the filing of documents via the Internet. This method of filing saves not only time, but also money. For example, when documents are submitted to several universities, it is not necessary to go there in person and bring the documents for admission.

To submit documents, you just need to go to the website of the institute (university) and fill in all the available fields in the online application form and register. It is only natural that this should be done with special care, since the entered data with errors can cause trouble when submitting the originals. To get a higher or second higher education by correspondence, documents can also be submitted online.

All copies of the required documents are attached to the application. Online admission to the institute eliminates long waiting times at the admissions office, when you have to sit for hours, waiting for your turn, and frees nonresident applicants from the need for a long trip. It doesn't take long to fill out an online application and register, so you can register at all selected higher education institutions throughout the day.

An example of an online university admission form

The approximate form of receipt looks like this:
In the first three fields, enter "surname", "name", "patronymic"
Then comes "gender" and "date of birth" (day, month, year)
Citizenship must be indicated
Place of residence (region)
Residence (home address)
Indicate what specialty you want to study
Level and form of education
Contact information: phone (home, cell)
Mailbox address.
It will be necessary to indicate “I agree to transfer personal data”.

In parallel with online submission of documents and registration in some universities, special systems are placed on the site, with the help of which each applicant can remotely monitor his own rating in a given university. Such an innovation makes it possible to see the current situation, which means, to know how to prepare for the entrance exams and, if necessary, prepare more actively or abandon the idea of ​​admission to this university.

After sending the application online, literally in a few seconds, a notification of the acceptance of the application should come, but if this did not happen, then all the steps for sending the documents and registration should be repeated. The submitted online application is considered by the members of the admissions committee for about 24 hours, and when the applicant's candidacy is approved, he receives admission to the entrance exams, and a notification is sent to him by e-mail or postal mail.

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  • Higher School of Economics

    National research university graduate School the economy

  • IGSU
  • Mining University

    Saint Petersburg Mining University


    Moskovsky University of Technology(MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT)

  • Leningrad State University named after Pushkin

    Leningradsky State University named after A.S. Pushkin


    Russian State University of Tourism and Service

  • NGPU them. K. Minina

    Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University

  • Moscow Poly

    Moscow Poly Technical University

  • FEFU

    Far Eastern Federal University


    Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

  • RSSU

    Russian State Social University

  • MGRI-RGGRU them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

  • SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

    Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

  • IFLA

    Moscow University of Finance and Law

  • YSU

    Ugra State University

  • IIP

    Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

  • IGUMO and IT
  • NWTU

    Northwest Open Technical University


    Graduate School of Corporate Governance

  • SPbUTUiE

    Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

  • IEAU
  • MGEU

    Moscow University for the Humanities and Economics

  • MBI

    International Banking Institute

  • MIPT

    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

  • PSPbGMU them. ac. I.P. Pavlova

    First St. Petersburg State medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov


    Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia


    National Research nuclear university"MEPhI"

  • VAVT
  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

    Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation

  • MSTU them. N.E. Bauman

    Bauman Moscow State Technical University

  • SPbSU

    Saint Petersburg State University

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • North-Western State Medical University named after Mechnikov

    Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University

  • State IRYA them. A.S. Pushkin

    State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin

  • MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimova

    A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

  • Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafina

    O. E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University

  • KSMU

    Kazan State Medical University

  • Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

    Saint Petersburg National Research University information technologies, mechanics and optics


    Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


    Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

  • Financial University

    Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

  • RGUP

    Russian State University of Justice

  • VSMU them. N.N. Burdenko

    Voronezh State Medical University N.N. Burdenko


    Moscow State Linguistic University

  • GBOU VPO KubSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

  • PRUE them. G. V. Plekhanova

    Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

  • KrasSMU them. prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

    Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky

  • KGK them. N.G. Zhiganova

    Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganova

  • PMGMU them. I.M.Sechenov

    First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova

  • PTA

    Russian Customs Academy

  • NSU

    Novosibirsk National Research State University

  • UGMU

    Ural State Medical University

  • BSMU

    Bashkir State Medical University

  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas I.M. Gubkina

    Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

  • Siberian State Medical University

    Siberian State Medical University

  • SZIU

    Northwest Institute of Management

  • VSUYU (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

    All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

Do you know that you can have far from the highest USE scores and go to a prestigious university? And at the same time, an applicant with excellent knowledge, brilliant exam results may not go anywhere at all just because he brought the original certificate late or to the wrong university.

The current system of admission to Russian universities does not guarantee admission to more worthy applicants. Situations are quite possible when frankly weak children are enrolled in the first wave due to the fact that they immediately bring the originals of the education document.

The result of the admission campaign is the recruitment of children with low scores to universities due to the current law, according to which enrollment is carried out in two stages. Moreover, in the first wave, only 80% of budget-funded places can be occupied, provided that the candidates have submitted the originals of certificates (diplomas of secondary schools). The remaining 20% ​​- in the second wave, which takes place three days after the first. We considered in detail the distribution schemes of budget places in the article « » .

In fact, all problems with the recruitment of students for the first year can be solved in a fairly simple way. It is enough to make the enrollment of students electronic. For example, now admissions committees do not require to bring certificates with the results of the exam, because they are in a common database. In the same way, graduates can submit documents via the Internet to a similar general database.

It would be reasonable to implement a project of enrollment in universities, in which there will be no division into the first wave "80% of places" and the second "20% of places", the periods will be divided into "280 points and above", "260 - 280 points", "240 - 260 "and so on.

According to this scheme, all applicants in July must register on the website of public services, be sure to confirm their identity and receive an individual digital signature, which gives official status to all actions performed by a graduate on this website.

Applicants who need to pass a creative competition or take additional exams for certain specialties must register before July 10. And until July 20, entrance tests are held in institutions that have the right to organize their own exams.

The results of entrance examinations are recorded in the unified information system of the state final attestation. Scanned copies of documents and certificates confirming certain benefits, individual achievements, applicants add to their application.

Let us remind you that such a base has existed for four years. Each Russian university enters into it all the data about each applicant, about applications, about changes in the personal file, and so on. That is, for the state, the entire enrollment scheme is completely transparent at the moment.

From July 21 to July 30, you can carry out early admission of children who have benefits and advantages, as well as those applicants who enter the target direction.

The early admission scheme is similar to the admission algorithm for the general competition, which we will discuss below.

Applicants entering within the framework of the general competition, before August 1, must mark in the database of the State Institute of Arts and university admission those specialties for which they would like to enter. In response, they receive a list of all Russian universities providing training in these areas of training. Children choose universities without restrictions, noting priorities.

On August 1, those children who have a final result above 280 points are enrolled. When allocating places in universities, the priorities indicated by applicants are taken into account. If an applicant refuses to be enrolled during wave "280", he takes part in the next stages of the competition before admission, but his points are reduced to the level that is the maximum at this stage. This will not allow applicants who have changed their minds and refused admission, who are enrolled later than they could, oust those enrolled in the first wave by the sum of their points. At the same time, the applicant can refuse admission within 24 hours after the publication of the order on August 1.

On August 3, applicants with results of 260 - 280 points are enrolled, as well as those who did not enroll in the "280 and above" period.

On August 5, the distribution of those children who have 240 - 260 points and those who missed admission on the sum of their results takes place.

Thus, the enrollment for the first year will be completed in two weeks, while there will be no restrictions on the choice of a university and additional schemes. Children will not have to rush with documents from one university to another in a hurry, buying expensive air tickets or risking being late and not going anywhere. Students will calmly bring their documents when they come to study at the end of August.

Such an admission procedure will contribute to solving the main task of the admission campaign - to select the most talented children with deep knowledge who are able to master the programs of higher education, and not those applicants whose real merit is only in the fact that they quickly transport documents from one university to another. Or those who are just lucky to guess the university where they should immediately bring the original certificate.

Site editorial staffprouchebu. com considers such an enrollment project to be very interesting and promising and invites our readers to take part in its discussion. If you have any suggestions for improving the enrollment system, please tell us about them, write your article or a short note. After moderation, it will definitely be published on our website.

In view of this, every year there are new and convenient ways to send documents to the university. If earlier the personal presence of the applicant was necessary, now there are 2 new ways to apply for admission: by mail and via the Internet.

Let's consider the advantages and features of these 2 methods separately.

Sending documents by mail

Sending documents by mail - This is a fairly convenient and acceptable way of submitting applications for applicants living in all parts of Russia.

When sending documents to a university by mail, it is important to take into account the fact that post offices sometimes do not have time to cope with a large volume of work. Therefore, sending letters may take from 5 to 7 days. It is better to send documents as early as possible. Do not forget that the admission of applications to universities ends at the end of July. Applications sent after the date set by the university will not be considered.

For those who do not know how to send documents to the university by mail, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations. In order to send the documentation, you need to go to the official website of the educational institution, download and print a sample application. Then fill it out, sign and date it.

You will also need to attach a photocopy of the document:

  • citizenship (passport),
  • on education (indicating the date and year of issue). By the way, this year, certificates from 2008-2011 are accepted.
  • certificates of USE results,
  • other documents required by each university separately.

All sent letters are checked for accuracy by using the data of the unified general educational database of the Russian Federation. If the data is confirmed and will meet the requirements for admission to the relevant specialty, then the student inquires about the decision of the admissions committee within 3-4 days.

Sending documents over the Internet

The submission of documents in is very peculiar. Compared to the traditional method of sending applications, this one is the most convenient and efficient.

Last year, for the first time, a company was introduced to receive electronic applications to Russian universities. During it, due to technical problems, the process of accepting documents was delayed for a long period. This year, all failures were eliminated, which means that the process of accepting documents was more efficient.

Online submission of documents is carried out as follows. Having looked at the official website of the university, the applicant downloads an electronic copy of the application for admission to the university. Then he prints it out and fills it out with his own signature. After that, it scans it, as well as a number of others and sends it to the certification commission for consideration. To do this, he receives a login and password, with the help of which he can visit his personal account at any time and send new requested information.

When sending an e-mail, the address of residence, telephone number and postal address of the applicant are also indicated, to which the university administration sends a notification of admission to the university. Consideration of an e-mail occurs within 2-3 days from the date of its sending.

Some universities, in addition to sending an e-mail and scanned documents, require a personal visit by a student to an educational institution. It is important to remember and inquire in advance on these issues with the operators or consultants of the site.

In view of this, every year there are new and convenient ways to send documents to the university. If earlier the personal presence of the applicant was necessary, now there are 2 new ways to apply for admission: by mail and via the Internet.

Let's consider the advantages and features of these 2 methods separately.

Sending documents by mail

Sending documents by mail - This is a fairly convenient and acceptable way of submitting applications for applicants living in all parts of Russia.

When sending documents to a university by mail, it is important to take into account the fact that post offices sometimes do not have time to cope with a large volume of work. Therefore, sending letters may take from 5 to 7 days. It is better to send documents as early as possible. Do not forget that the admission of applications to universities ends at the end of July. Applications sent after the date set by the university will not be considered.

For those who do not know how to send documents to the university by mail, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations. In order to send the documentation, you need to go to the official website of the educational institution, download and print a sample application. Then fill it out, sign and date it.

You will also need to attach a photocopy of the document:

  • citizenship (passport),
  • on education (indicating the date and year of issue). By the way, this year, certificates from 2008-2011 are accepted.
  • certificates of USE results,
  • other documents required by each university separately.

All sent letters are checked for accuracy by using the data of the unified general educational database of the Russian Federation. If the data is confirmed and will meet the requirements for admission to the relevant specialty, then the student inquires about the decision of the admissions committee within 3-4 days.

Sending documents over the Internet

Electronic submission of documents is very peculiar. Compared to the traditional method of sending applications, this one is the most convenient and efficient.

Last year, for the first time, a company was introduced to receive electronic applications to Russian universities. During it, due to technical problems, the process of accepting documents was delayed for a long period. This year, all failures were eliminated, which means that the process of accepting documents was more efficient.

Online submission of documents is carried out as follows. Having looked at the official website of the university, the applicant downloads an electronic copy of the application for admission to the university. Then he prints it out and fills it out with his own signature. After that, it scans it, as well as a number of other necessary documentation and sends it for consideration by the certification commission. To do this, he receives a login and password, with the help of which he can visit his personal account at any time and send new requested information.

When sending an e-mail, the address of residence, telephone number and postal address of the applicant are also indicated, to which the university administration sends a notification of admission to the university. Consideration of an e-mail occurs within 2-3 days from the date of its sending.

Without leaving home? How to do it? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

Documents to the university can be submitted via the Internet

Consider all possible options for submitting documents to the university

There are several ways to submit documents:

1. Come personally to the admissions office. This is the easiest option. You come with a package of documents required for admission, fill out all the applications and forms yourself. If you choose this method, plan all expenses in advance. For example, the price of tickets to Moscow and back, depending on the remoteness of the region of permanent residence, will be from 4,000 rubles. The cost of living in a hostel or hostel at - from 500 rubles per day per person; in a rented one-room apartment with daily rent - from 750 rubles per person per day. In the best case, you will be sheltered by acquaintances or relatives. Be sure to schedule two trips: the first is to submit copies; the second - for the delivery of the originals after the competition situation has been clarified.

2. Draw up a notarized power of attorney... The trustee can dispose of copies and originals of your documents, as well as sign statements and perform all actions related to the fulfillment of the trustee's instructions. To do this, a power of attorney must be drawn up indicating all the options for training you are interested in: full-time, part-time or evening, on a budget or commercial basis. Be careful! If the authorized person is not allowed in the document to submit documents in the format you need, then the university, according to the law, simply will not be able to accept your application from the wrong hands.

3. Send by Russian Post. You download the application on the website, fill out, attach copies of the necessary documents to it and send it all by registered mail with a list of attachments. Please note: only copies of documents can be sent. If you live far away, this is very convenient, because you will need to visit the university only once - to submit the originals. But do not forget to take into account the speed of the Mail, send everything as early as possible, and not a week before the end of receiving applications.

4. Submission of documents by e-mail. Everything Required documents and you send the scans to the mailbox of the admissions office. And there are many nuances here.

In some universities, electronic registration is not possible

Features of filing documents in electronic form

The ability to submit documents electronically is not available at all universities. Among them are both top universities - and regional - and. You do not need to certify all documents with a notary before sending.

It should be borne in mind that when submitting documents by e-mail in some universities, for example, in order to sign documents, an electronic signature of a PDF file is required.

What documents are needed when processing documents on the university website

To submit documents in electronic form, you need to scan the following documents:

  • an application for admission to study, in which you need to indicate the specialty, direction or programs that you have chosen;
  • consent to the processing of your personal data (the form can be downloaded on the university website);
  • passport or other identity document;
  • certificate and annex with marks to it;
  • medical certificate (if a medical examination is required);
  • 2 black and white photos of 3 x 4 size (sometimes more may be required);
  • military ID if you are liable for military service;
  • a document confirming your individual achievements (participation in Olympiads, awarding a gold or silver medal, TRP insignia, etc.);
  • documents confirming your special rights or benefits upon admission (orphan status, disability, etc.).

Each university determines the obligatory list of digital copies of documents independently. You can find it on the institution's website in the section "Applicants" or "Applicants" marked "Submission of documents".

You can check whether the university of your dreams accepts documents in electronic format in search engines for key phrases:

  • submit documents by email;
  • apply online;
  • submit documents electronically on the website;
  • electronic-digital form of submission of documents.

How to submit documents electronically: step by step instructions

Consider the general algorithm for electronic filing of documents:

If you did everything correctly, you will receive a response letter from the university or your data will appear in the lists of applicants (they are published on the website). If you have any controversial questions, call the admissions office.

Comments (1)

Is it possible to submit the original of the passport through email, and already upon arrival to the university to present the original itself? Or is there any way to certify a copy of the original certificate?

Alexander Matveev, good afternoon!
If the university allows remote submission of documents, then the site usually describes the entire mechanics of this process. There will also be instructions on how to authenticate the documents. You can now go to the university website and see this information. It will not be possible to certify the original. But the original itself can be sent by mail. This method of filing documents is also relevant. The only thing is to try to do everything in advance.

Hello! I wanted to know how to be in this situation. I applied to 5 universities, 4 of them internally for jurisprudence, 1 in absentia for history. Because I have quite good scores + a medal, they called me today and said that budget receipts were secured and I could send the original of the certificate. But what about the correspondence course? Do you need the original there? If so, what should be done?

Ketrin Miller, good afternoon! To help you, I need to clarify one point. Did you want to study straight away both full-time and part-time? Is this the same university? For correspondence enrollment comes later. You are applying to full-time. Then you conclude a contract for paid education by correspondence. Since education can be obtained for free only once. If this is the same university, then there will be no problems with the original. If the universities are different, you will need to take the original from the first university against signature and a certificate stating that you are a student of another university.

There is a lot of useful and important information for applicants. One of these topics is the submission of documents to several universities at once.

Officially, the applicant is allowed to apply to several universities at the same time (up to 5). But what prevents them from not dwelling on this number of universities?

How do universities receive information about applicants?

In order for universities to have the necessary information about applicants, a special information system FIS GIA and admission was developed. It is a large database that helps to centrally carry out the work of all selection committees in the country.

And here is how this information comes to universities: during admission, a university employee enters your personal data into a general table, which stores data on admission, documents, additional points, USE certificates and other personal information.

If you want to, even a scanned essay can be uploaded to FIS.

Once the information has been entered into the table, FIS will start checking it. The system will ask the following questions:

  1. What are the results of the exam?
  2. How many universities did the applicant apply to?
  3. Is there evidence of participation in the Olympiads? What are the results?

The applicant's application is accepted only if all information is correct. And already on the basis of FIS data, universities form orders for the enrollment of those who submitted a full package of documents and passed the check.

How to apply to 6 or more universities?

In general, no way. The system is designed in such a way that information about admission to more than 5 universities will be considered incorrect.

The country's authorities have already agreed to meet young people, allowing them to simultaneously apply to 5 universities. Do not abuse your good attitude and risk your reputation. There are clear regulations, violation of which will entail serious consequences.

Even if for some reason (system failure, late update, freeze, etc.) the system misses this error and the commission of the sixth university nevertheless accepts the applicant's documents, it will emerge already at the stage of forming enrollment orders.

But it also happens that students ignore this ruling. If the deception is revealed after the student has been enrolled, he may be threatened with expulsion.

The law provides for admission to only 5 universities, it is not worth the risk

What are the consequences of violating the regulation?

As we have already said, Rosobrnadzor strictly monitors the situation of submission of documents to the country's universities. This is confirmed by statistics and specific information both from FIS and from representatives of departments at the end of the acceptance company of previous years.

Those who want to outsmart the system should know that even if they manage to do it at the stage of filling in the FIS tables, they will still fail. Specialists in control over the excess of the number of applications submitted to universities regularly collect information and update data. Even if, according to the results of false data, a cunning student can enter the sixth university, this fact will soon become known, which will put an end to the plans for a happy future for the applicant.

In the fifth part of Article 19.30 of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, there are clear norms for starting the mechanism in the event that an applicant submits an application to more than 5 universities, enrolled in one of them and continues his studies there.

If fraud is detected, the university pays a substantial fine (from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles).

For submitting documents to the sixth university, not only the applicant is punished, but also the employee of the commission that accepts the documents. It is he who is responsible for providing the student with reliable data on the number of universities to which documents are submitted. The financial penalty for him can be up to 30,000 rubles.

But to the applicant himself, in addition to the possible expulsion, it is impossible to apply any preventive measures.

Is it possible to apply to the sixth university if you pick them up from the fifth?

If suddenly a student changes his mind about submitting documents to the fifth university and finds another, more suitable one, he can change the documents in a timely manner.

Despite the fact that the federal base on the results of the exam in a timely manner submits information on the number of enrolled universities, the system takes into account only the SIMULTANEOUS filing of applications. This is indicated in clause 26 on the "Procedure for the admission of citizens to educational institutions of higher vocational education"Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education dated December 28, 2011 No. 2895.

As soon as you pick up documents from the fifth university, your status changes to the status of a person who applied to 4 universities at the same time. In this case, there is a legal right to calmly apply for admission to one more university in the chosen direction.

The fact that universities have made a request to the federal database about your personal information does not limit your actions if you want to pick up documents from one and submit them to another university.

The main thing here is to complete all the actions within the work of the selection committee. And even if you managed to do this, be sure to make sure that a specialist edited your data in the FIS system.

Acceptance of documents for the first year for training in undergraduate programs and specialist training programs (with the exception of those applying for correspondence courses) from persons entering universities only on the basis of the USE results ends on July 25 (clause 24 of the Procedure for admitting citizens to educational institutions of higher professional education , approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2011 No. 2895).

The main thing is to do it. If you manage to do this, you will begin the most magical and unforgettable time in your life. And do not worry about the constant delivery of tests, coursework, laboratory and coursework. They will in no way interfere with your active student life if you contact
