The final battle in the Great Patriotic War was the battle for Berlin, or the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation, which was held from April 16 to May 8, 1945

On April 16, at 3 o'clock local time, aviation and artillery training began at the site of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts. After its completion, 143 spotlights were included to blind the enemy, and infantry supported in the attack, supported by tanks. Without meeting strong resistance, she has advanced by 1.5-2 kilometers. However, the further our troops advanced, the stronger the opponent's resistance increased.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front carried out a rapid maneuver at the exit to Berlin from the South and the West. On April 25, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belarusian fronts were connected by West Berlin, completing the surroundings of the entire Berlin enemy grouping.

The elimination of the Berlin group of the enemy directly in the city continued until May 2. The storm had to take each street and house. On April 29, battles began for Reichstag, mastering which was entrusted to 79 Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belarusian Front.

Before the assault on the Reichstag, the military council of the 3rd strike army presented with its divisions nine red banners, specially made according to the type of the USSR State Flag. One of these red banners, known under No. 5 as a banner of victory, was transferred to the 150th Rifle Division. Similar homemade red banners, flags and flags were in all advanced parts, connections and divisions. They, as a rule, were awarded to assault groups that were completed from the number of volunteers and went into battle with the main task - to break through to Reichstag and establish a banner of victory on it. The first - at 22 30 minutes in Moscow time on April 30, 1945, watered the assault red banner on the rooftop rooftop on the sculptural figure "Goddess Victory" Artillery officers-intelligence officers of the 136th Army Cannon Artillery Brigade Senior Sergeants G.K. Zagitov, A.F. Lisimenko, A.P. Bobrov and Sergeant A.P. Minin from the Assault Group of the 79th Rifle Corps, which was commanded by Captain V.N. Poppy, assault group of artillery officers acted together with the battalion of Captain S.A. Neset. Two or three hours, also on the roichstag roof on the sculpture of the equestrian knight - Kaiser Wilhelm - according to the orders of the commander of the 756th rifle regiment of the 150th rifle division of Colonel F.M. Zinchenko established the Red Banner No. 5, which was then famous as a victory banner. Red Banner No. 5 Water Intelligents Sergeant M.A. Egorov and Jr. Sergeant M.V. Cantarians who were accompanied by Lieutenant A.P. Best and car guns from the company Senior Sergeant I.Ya. Congues.

Fights for Reichstag continued until morning on May 1. At 6:30 am, on May 2, the head of the Defense of Berlin, General of Artillery, Vaidling, surrendered and ordered the remnants of the troops of the Berlin garrison about the cessation of resistance. In the middle of the day, the resistance of the Nazis in the city stopped. This day, surrounded groups of German troops southeast of Berlin were eliminated.

May 9 at 0:43 am Moscow time General Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, as well as representatives of the German Navy, who had the appropriate authority from Denitians, in the presence of Marshal G.K. Zhukov from the Soviet side signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. A brilliantly conducted surgery with the courage of Soviet soldiers and officers who fought for the cessation of a four-year nightmare of war led to a natural outcome: victory.

Taking Berlin. 1945 year. Documentary

Battle's move

The Berlin Operation of Soviet troops began. Purpose: complete the defeat of Germany, to master Berlin, connect with the allies

The infantry and tanks of the 1st Belorussian front began the attack before dawn when illuminating anti-aircraft spotlights and advanced by 1.5-2 km

With the onset of dawn at the Zeel's heights, the Germans came to themselves and fight with fierce. Zhukov introduces tank armies into battle

Apr 16 45g. The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front Konev meet on the path of their occurrence, less resistance and approach Neisse

Commander 1 Ukrainian front Koney orders the commander of his tank armies fishing and lebulushenko to adopt Berlin

Konev demands from fishing and lelushenko not to get involved in protracted and frontal fights, bolder to move forward to Berlin

In battles, Berlin died twice the hero of the Soviet Union, the commander of the Tank Battalion of the GW. Mr. S. Chokhryakov

To the Berlin Operation, covering the right flank, joined the 2nd Belarusian Front Rokossovsky

To the outcome of the day, the front Konev completed the breakthrough of the Neissensky line of defense, forced r. Spree and provided conditions for the environment of Berlin from the south

Troops 1 Belarusian Front Jukov break the 3rd strip of enemy defense to Oder - on Zeelian altitudes

To the outcome of the day, Zhukov's troops completed a breakthrough of the 3rd strip of Odsesky turn on Zeelian heights

On the left wing of the front of Zhukov, the conditions for cutting with the Frankfurt-Gajnaya Group of the enemy from the Berlin region

The directive of the TBC betting commander of the 1st Belorussky and the 1st Ukrainian fronts: "Contact the Germans better." , Antonov

Another betting directive: about identifying signs and signals at the meeting of Soviet armies and allies troops

At 13.50, the long-range artillery of the 79 rifle corps of the 3rd shock army was opened by the fire on Berlin - the beginning of the storm of the city itself

20 Apr. 45g. Konev and Zhukov send the troops of their fronts almost the same orders: "First break in Berlin!"

By evening, the compounds of 2 Guards Tank, 3 and 5 shock armies of the 1st Belarusian front went to the northeast margin of Berlin

The 8th Guards and 1st Guards Tank Army wedged into the urban defensive distribution of Berlin in Rainakh Petershagen and Erkner

Hitler ordered to turn the 12th army, previously targeted against the Americans, against the 1st Ukrainian Front. It now has a goal to connect with the remains of the 9th and 4th tank armies that make the south of Berlin to the West.

3 Guards Tank Army Fishing broke into the southern part of Berlin and by 17.30 leads a fight for the Telts - Koney Stalin telegram

Hitler last refused to leave Berlin, while there was such an opportunity. Gebbels, together with his family, moved to the bunker near Reichancelyriage ("Fuhrera Bunker")

The assault flags were awarded the Covenants of the 3rd Shock Army by Divisions, storming Berlin. Among them, the flag, which has become a victory banner - the assault flag 150 of the rifle division

In Rayna, Spröbberg, Soviet troops eliminated the surrounded group of Germans. Among the destroyed parts, the Tank Division "Protection of Führera"

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front are fighting in the south of Berlin. At the same time, they went to R. Elba North-West Dresden

Goering, who left Berlin, turned to Hitler on the radio, asking for him to approve him at the head of government. He received the order of Hitler, removing him from the government. Borman ordered to arrest Gering for state treason

Himmler is unsuccessfully trying through the Swedish diplomat Bernadott to offer allies of surrender on the Western Front

Shock connections 1 Belarusian and 1 Ukrainian fronts in the district of Brandenburg closed the ring of the environment of German troops in Berlin

The forces of the German 9th and 4th tank. The armies are surrounded in the forests southeast of Berlin. Part 1 of the Ukrainian Front reflect Conrtudar 12th German Army

Report: "In the suburbs of Berlin, Ransdorf work restaurants, where" willingly produce selling "beer to our fighters for occupation brands." Head of the Political Tale of the 28th Guard of the Rifle Regiment Borodin ordered the owners of Ransdorf restaurants to close them for a while until the battle end

In the area of \u200b\u200bTorgaau on Elbe Soviet troops 1 Ukrainian FR. Meets with the troops of the 12th American Army Group General Bradley

Forking the spree, troops 1 of the Ukrainian front of Konev and the troops of the 1st Belarusian Front Zhukov rushes towards the center of Berlin. Gusting of Soviet soldiers in Berlin is no longer stopped

The troops of the 1st Belarusian Front in Berlin took Hardstadt and the Gerlitsky station, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front - Rd Dax

Koney appealed to Zhukov with a proposal to change the strokes between their fronts in Berlin - the city center transfer it to the front

Zhukov asks Stalin to give the honor of taking the center of Berlin to the troops of his front, changed the troops of Konev in the south

General Staff orders Konev's troops, which have already reached Tirgarten, transfer their head of the onset of the troops of Zhukov

Order No. 1 of the Military Commandant Berlin Hero of the Soviet Union General Colonel-General Berzarin on the transition of all the completeness of power in Berlin in the hands of the Soviet Military Community. The population of the city was announced that the National Socialist Party of Germany and its organization dismissed and their activities are prohibited. The order established the procedure for the behavior of the population and determined the basic provisions necessary for the normalization of life in the city.

Fights began for Reichstag, mastering which was assigned to the 79th Rifle Corps of the 3rd Shock Army of the 1st Belorussian Front

When breaking out of barrings on the Berlin Kaiserallee Tank N.Shdrikova received 2 holes, caught fire, the crew fell out. The deadly wounded commander, collecting the last forces, got behind the control levers and threw a burning tank on an enemy gun

Hitler's marriage with Eva Brown in a bunker near Reichskancelia. Witness - Goebbels. In his massive testament, Hitler excluded Goering from NSDAP and officially called his successor to Gross Admiral Mennie

Soviet divisions are fighting for the Berlin Metro

The Soviet command rejected the attempted German command to start negotiations on time. cessation of fire. The requirement is one - the capitulation!

Began to the assault on the building of the Reichstag, which was defended by more than 1000 Germans and SSEs from different countries

In different places of the Reichstag, several red banners were fixed - from regimental and division to homemade

Intelligents of the 150th division Egorov and Cantaria about midnight ordered to hoist red banner over Reichstag

Lieutenant Beresta from the Battalion of Neztasesen headed the fighting task for installing a banner over Reichstag. Installed about 3.00, May 1

Hitler committed suicide in the Reichanceland Bunker, taking poison and shooting a pistol in a temple. Hitler's corpse burned in the yard of Reichskancelary

The post of Reichskanzler Hitler leaves Goebbels, who will end with him the next day. Before the death of Hitler appointed Bormanna ReichSministrome on the Party Affairs (there was no such post)

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front mastered the Bandenburg, in Berlin cleared the regions of Charlottenburg, Shengherg and 100 quarters

In Berlin, Goebbels and his wife Magda, pre-commit his 6 children

In Berlin Army headquarters in Berlin arrived. it. General Staff Krebs, reported on Hitler's suicide, proposed to conclude a truce. Stalin confirmed the categorical requirement of unconditional surrender in Berlin. At 18 o'clock the Germans rejected him

At 18.30, in connection with the deviation of the capitulation in the Berlin garrison, a fire blow was applied. The massive passing of Germans has started

At 01.00, the wages of the 1st Belorussian Front received a message in Russian: "Please stop the fire. We send parliamentary to Potsdam Bridge »

The German officer on behalf of the defendant of the Defense Berlin Weident reported on the readiness of the Berlinsky garrison to stop resistance

At 6.00, General Vaidling surrendered to captivity and after an hour he signed an order to surrender the Berlin garrison

The resistance of the enemy in Berlin completely stopped. The remnants of the garrison massively give up

In Berlin, the deputy head of Goebbels in propaganda and press - Dr. Friece. Frice at the interrogation showed that Hitler, Goebbels and Head of General Staff General Krebs committed suicide

The order of Stalin on the contribution of Fronts of Zhukov and Konev in the defeat of the Berlin grouping. By 21.00, 70 thousand Germans surrendered

The irrevocable losses of the Red Army in the Berlin operation - 78 thousand people. Enemy loss - 1 million, incl. 150 thousand killed

Everywhere in Berlin, Soviet field kitchens are deployed, who have "wild barbarians" feed hungry berliners

The war ended. This understood everything - both the generals of the Wehrmacht, and their opponents. Only one person - Adolf Hitler - contrary to everything continued to hope for the strength of the German spirit, on the "miracle weapon", and most importantly - on the split between his enemies. The grounds for this were - despite the agreements achieved in Yalta, England and the United States did not particularly want to give up Berlin by the Soviet troops. Their armies were moving forward almost freely. In April 1945, they broke through to the center of Germany, having deprived the Wehrmacht of his "Forge" - the Ruhrian Basin - and having received the opportunity to throw on Berlin. At the same time, the 1st Belarusian Front of Marshal Zhukova and the 1st Ukrainian Front Konev froze in front of the powerful line of German defense on Oder. The 2nd Belarusian Front of Rokossovsky finished the remnants of enemy troops in Pomerania, and the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts moved to Vienna.

On April 1, Stalin convened a meeting of the State Defense Committee in the Kremlin. The audience was asked one question: "Who will take Berlin - WE OR AGLO-ARTIANS?" - "Berlin will take the Soviet Army," Konev responded the first. His, the last rival of Zhukov, the question of the Supreme also did not find surprise - he demonstrated a huge mock of Berlin's huge layout, where the goals of future blows were accurately indicated. Reichstag, imperial office, building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - all these were powerful foci of defense with a network of bomb shelter and secret moves. The capital of the Third Reich washing three lines of fortifications. The first one took place 10 km from the city, the second - on its outlook, the third - in the center. Berlin defended the selected parts of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops, on which the last reserves were urgently mobilized - 15-year-old members "Hitlergenda", women and old people from Volkssturma (folk militia). Around Berlin in the Army groups "Vistula" and "Center" were up to 1 million people, 10.4 thousand guns and mortars, 1.5 thousand tanks.

For the first time since the beginning of the war, the superiority of Soviet troops lived and technique was not just significant, but overwhelming. 2.5 million soldiers and officers, 41.6 thousand guns, more than 6.3 thousand tanks, 7.5 thousand aircraft were supposed to be at Berlin. The main role in the adventure approved by the Stalimal Plan was given to the 1st Belorussian Front. Zhukov was supposed to storm in the forehead of the defense line on the Zelovsky heights, which rose over the Oder, covering the road to Berlin. The front of Konev was to forcing Neutse and hit the Raikha's capital forces in the capital of Ryachko and Lelyushenko. It was planned that in the West he will reach Elba and together with the Front of Rokossovsky will connect with the English-American troops. Allies notified about the Soviet plans, and they agreed to stop their army on the Elbe. Yalta arrangements had to be performed, moreover, it made it possible to avoid unnecessary losses.

The offensive was scheduled for April 16. To make it unexpected for the enemy, Zhukov ordered to step early in the morning, in the dark, blinding the Germans with the light of powerful spotlights. At five in the morning, three red rockets gave a signal to the attack, and after a second thousand guns and "Katyusch" opened a hurricane fire of such power that the eight-kilometer space turned out to be overpaced. "The Hitler's troops were literally cooled in a solid sea of \u200b\u200bfire and metal," the beetles wrote in his memoirs. Alas, the on the eve taken captive Soviet soldier revealed the German date of the future offensive, and they managed to take troops to green heights. From there, a sighting shooting began on Soviet tanks, which the wave behind the wave was walking on a breakthrough and sitting through the shot field. So far, the enemy's attention was riveted to them, the soldiers of the 8th Guards Army of Chuikov managed to advance forward and take the frontiers from the outskirts of the village of Zela. By evening, it became clear: the intended occurrence of the offensive.

In the same hours, Hitler turned to the Germans with the appeal, promising them: "Berlin will remain in German hands," and the offensive of the Russians "choose in the blood". But in this very few people believed. People with fear listened to the sounds of the cannonads, which were added to the already familiar breaks of the bombs. The remaining residents were at least 2.5 million - they were banned from leaving the city. Losing a feeling of reality Führer decided: if the Third Reich dies, his fate must divide all the Germans. Propaganda Goebbels intimidated by the residents of Berlin atoms of the Bolshevik Horde, convincing them to fight to the end. The headquarters of Berlin defense, who ordered the population to prepare for fierce battles on the streets, in houses and underground communications. Each house was planned to turn into a fortress, for which all the remaining residents were forced to dig trenches and equip firing positions.

At the end of the day, April 16, Zhukov called the Supreme. He was dryly informed that Konev overcoming neutis "happened without difficulties." Two tank armies broke through the front from Cottbus and rushed forward, without stopping the offensive even at night. Zhukov had to promise that during April 17 he would take ill-fated heights. In the morning, the 1st tank army of General Katukuku again moved forward. And again "thirty parts", who passed from Kursk to Berlin, burned like candles, from Faustpatronov fire. By the evening, the part of Zhukov advanced just a couple of kilometers. Meanwhile, Konev reported Stalin about new successes, reporting readiness to participate in Berlin's storm. Silence in the tube - and the deaf voice of the Supreme: "I agree. Turn the tank armies to Berlin. " On the morning of April 18, the army of fishing and Llyushenko rushed to the north, on the Telts and Potsdam. Zhukov, whose pride suffered severely, threw his parts into the last desperate attack. In the morning, the 9th German army, according to which the main blow was faced, did not stand and began to roll back to the West. The Germans still tried to go to the counterattack, but the next day retreated all over the front. From now on, nothing could delay the junction.

Last birthday

On April 19, another participant appeared in the race for Berlin. Rokossovsky reported to Stalin that the 2nd Belorussian front is ready to storm the city from the north. In the morning of this day, the 65th Army of General Batov forced the widespread direction of the Western Oder and moved to Prenzlau, cutting into parts by the German group of the Army "Vistula". At this time, Konev tanks are easy, as on the parade, moved to the north, almost without meeting resistance and leaving far behind the main forces. Marshal deliberately went to risk, hurrying to go to Berlin before Zhukov. But the troops of the 1st Belorussky have already approached the city. His Grozny Commander issued an order: "No later than 4 am on April 21, at any cost to break into the suburbs of Berlin and immediately transfer to Stalin and for the press a message about it."

On April 20, Hitler celebrated his last birthday. In the bunker submerged 15 meters, elected guests were gathered under the imperial office: Gering, Goebbels, Himmler, Borman, the Top of the Army and, of course, Eva Brown, which was listed by the "secretary" of the Fuhrera. The colleagues offered their leader to leave the doomed Berlin and move to the Alps, where secret refuge was already prepared. Hitler refused: "I was destined to defeat or die along with Reich." However, he agreed to bring the command from the capital by the troops, dividing it into two parts. The North was under the control of Gross Admiral Dinet, to whom Himmler went to the rescue with his headquarters. The south of Germany was to defend Goering. At the same time a plan for the defeat of the Soviet offensive forces of the Army of Steiner from the North and Wreath from the West. However, this plan was doomed from the very beginning. And the 12th army of the wreath, and the remnants of the parts of the SS of Steiner were exhausted in battles and are not capable of active actions. The Army Center "Center", which also had hopes, led heavy battles in the Czech Republic. Zhukov prepared the German leader of the "gift" - in the evening of his army approached the city border of Berlin. The first shells of long-range guns hit the city center. In the morning of the next day, the 3rd Army of General Kuznetsov entered Berlin from the northeast, and the 5th Army Berzarina - from the north. Covers and chukes fell from the east. The streets of durable Berlin prisimily blocked the barricades, of the conviction and windows of houses on the coming fired "Povniki".

Zhukov ordered not to spend time to suppress individual firepoints and hurry forward. In the meantime, the tanks fish came to the headquarters of the German command in Tsosssen. Most officers fled in Potsdam, and the head of the headquarters General Krebs went to Berlin, where on April 22 at 15.00, the last military meeting at Hitler took place. Only then the Fuhrer decided to say that no one can save the besieged capital. The reaction was violent: the leader broke out by threats to the "traitors", then collapsed on the chair and groaned: "Everything is over ... War is lost ..."

And yet the Nazi tip was not going to give up. It was decided to completely stop the resistance of the Anglo-American troops and to quit all the strength against the Russians. All military capable of keeping the weapon should be sent to Berlin. The Führer was still the hopes for the 12th army of the wreath, which was supposed to connect from the 9th army of the Bouss. To coordinate their actions, command led by Kaitel and Yoodel was derived from Berlin in the town of Kramnitz. In addition to Hitler himself, only General Krebs, Borman and Goebbels, appointed by the head of defense, remained in the capital.

City in fire

On April 22, 1945, Zhukov appeared in Berlin. His army is five rifle and four tanks - spoke the capital of Germany from all types of weapons. Meanwhile, the tanks fish fitted to the city feature, taking a bridgehead in the Teltov district. Zhukov gave his avant-garde - the armies of Chuikov and Katukov - the order to forcing the SPre, not later than the 24th to be in Tempelgof and Marienfeld - the central regions of the city. For street battles, assault detachments from fighters of different parts were hastily. In the north of the 47th Army, General Perchorovich on the chance of a chance to survive the bridge crossed the Hafel River and headed to the West, preparing to connect there with parts of Konev and closer the ring of the environment. Taking the northern regions of the city, Zhukov finally excluded Rokossovsky from among the participants of the operation. From that moment on, until the end of the war, the 2nd Belarusian front was engaged in the defeat of the Germans in the north, pulling on a significant part of the Berlin group.

The glory of the winner of Berlin passed Rokossovsky, she passed she and Konev. The Stalin Directive, obtained in the morning of April 23, ordered the troops of the 1st Ukrainian to stop at the Angel train station - literally in a hundred meters from Reichstag. To take the center of the enemy capital Supreme trusted Zhukov, noting this of his invaluable contribution to the victory. But even before Ankhalter, it was necessary to walk. Fishing with his tanks froze on the banks of the deep cavulum channel. Only with the approach of artillery, which suppressed German firepoints, the cars were able to cross through the water barrier. On April 24, Chuikov's intelligence officers made their way to the West through the Shenfeld airfield and met the tank workers fishing. This meeting divided German forces in half - about 200 thousand soldiers were surrounded in a wooded area to the southeast of Berlin. Until May 1, this group tried to break into the West, but was dissected on the part and almost completely destroyed.

And the shock forces of Zhukov continued to rush to the center of the city. Many fighters and commanders did not have the experience of fighting in a big city, which led to huge losses. Tanks were moving columns, and it was worth the front of the front, as the entire column was becoming easy to prevent German "faversal." I had to resort to merciless, but effective tactics of combat operations: At first, artillery led a hurricane fire for the purpose of the future offensive, then Katyusch's volley trembled to all living in shelter. After that, the tanks were walking forward, the spray of barricades and the spreading house where the shots were driving. Only then the infantry joined the case. During the battle of the city, almost two million gun shots were collapsed - 36 thousand tons of deadly metal. Fortress guns were delivered from Pomerania on the railway, shooting in the center of Berlin shells weighing in half noon.

SU-76, Berlin, 1945

But even this firepower did not always cope with the thick walls of the buildings, built in the 19th century. Chuikov recalled: "Our cannons sometimes produced up to thousands of shots on one Sktor, according to a group of houses, even in the small garden." It is clear that at the same time, about the peaceful population, trembling from fear in bomb shelters and sloping basements, no one thought. However, the main wine for his suffering was not in the Soviet troops, but on Hitler and his approximations, which, with the help of propaganda and violence, did not give residents to leave the city, turned into a sea of \u200b\u200bfire. Already after the victory, it was estimated that 20% of houses in Berlin were completely destroyed, and another 30% - partially. On April 22, for the first time in history, a city telegraph closed, having received the last message from Japanese allies - "Wish good luck." Water and gas turned off, stopped walking, ceased food issuance. Hungry Berliners, not paying attention to continuous shelling, robbed trade trains and shops. They were no longer afraid of Russian shells, and the SESS patrols who have grabbed men and hung on trees as deserters.

Police and Nazi officials began to scatter. Many tried to get to the West to surrender to the Anglo-Americans. But the Soviet parts were already there. April 25 at 13.30 they went to the Elbe and met at the town of Torgau with Tankers of the 1st American Army.

On this day, Hitler instructed the defense of Berlin General Tankist Waidling. Under his beginning there were 60 thousand soldiers who were opposed to 464 thousand Soviet troops. Zhukov and Konev's army met not only in the east, but also in the west of Berlin, in the area of \u200b\u200bKetcin, and now they were separated from the city center just 7-8 kilometers. On April 26, the Germans took the last desperate attempt to stop the attackers. By completing the order of the Fuhrer, the 12th army of the wreath, in which it was up to 200 thousand people, inflicted from the West to the 3rd and 28th armies Konev. Unprecedented fierce even for this cruel battle, two days continued, and by the evening the 27th wreath had to move to the previous position.

On the eve of the warriors Chuikov, the airfields of the Gold and Tempelhof were taken by the order of Stalin - at all costs to prevent Hitler to leave Berlin. The Supreme was not going to give the one who tricked him treacherously in 1941, slip out or surrender to the allies. The relevant orders were given and about other Nazi leaders. There was another category of Germans who were hardly looking for, - Nuclear Research Specialists. Stalin knew about the work of Americans over the atomic bomb and was going to create "own" as soon as possible. It was already necessary to think about the world after the war, where the Soviet Union had to take a worthy place paid by blood.

Meanwhile, Berlin continued to choke in smoke fires. Folkssturmovets Edmund Hekscher recalled: "There were so many fires that night turned into a day. It was possible to read the newspaper, but the newspapers in Berlin did not go out. " A rumble of guns, shooting, bombs and shell breaks were not cleaned for a minute. The clouds of smoke and brick dust clouded the city center, where a deeply under the ruins of the imperial office of Hitler again and again tormented subordinate to the question: "Where is the wren?"

On April 27, three quarters of Berlin were in Soviet hands. In the evening, Chuikov's shock forces came out to the Landven Channel, one and a half kilometers from the Reichstag. However, the paths of the SS selected parts blocked with special fanaticism. The 2nd Tank Army Bogdanova is stuck in the Tirgarten area, whose parks were littered with German trenches. Each step here was given with difficulty and considerable blood. Again, the chances of the Tankists of Fishing, who committed the unprecedented throw from the West on this day to the center of Berlin through Villemersdorf.

By the night in the hands of the Germans, a strip of 2-3 kilometer width remained and length to 16. The first parties of the prisoners stretched into the rear - still small, overlooking the arms raised from the basements and entrances of the houses. Many flip from the fideling screen, others who were crazy were wildly laughing. The civilian population continued to hide, fearing revenge the winners. The avengers, of course, were - could not but be after the Nazis did on the Soviet land. But there were those who risking their lives, pulled out of the fire of German old people and children who shared with them with their soldiers soldering. He entered the history of the feat of Sergeant Nikolai Masalov, who saved a three-year-old German girl from the destroyed house in the Landven Channel. It is he who is depicting the famous statue in the Treps-Park - the memory of the Soviet soldiers who kept humanity in the fire of the most terrible war.

Even before the end of the fighting, the Soviet command took measures to restore normal life in the city. On April 28, General Berzarin, appointed by the commandant of Berlin, issued an order for the dissolution of the National Socialist Party and all its organizations and the transition of all power to the military commandant. In the areas cleared of the enemy, the soldiers have already started to extinguish fires, demining the buildings, to bury the numerous corpses. However, it was possible to establish normal life only with the assistance of the local population. Therefore, on April 20, the rate demanded that the commander of the troops change the attitude towards the German prison and civilian population. The directive promoted a simple justification for such a step: "A more humane attitude towards the Germans will reduce their perseverance in defense."

Reich cramps

The fascist empire decayed in front of her eyes. On April 28, the Italian partisans caught the Mussolini dictator who tried to hide and shot him. The next day, General Von Vitigofofa signed an act of the surrender of Germans in Italy. Hitler learned about the execution of a deadly show at the same time with another bad news: His coming gimmler comers and Goering tied separatic negotiations with the Western Allies, keeping their lives. Fuhrer was outside of herself: he demanded immediately arrest and execute traitors, but it was no longer in his power. He managed to recoup on the Deputy Himmler, General FEGELYIN, which fled from the bunker, - the squad of the SSEsovsky grabbed him and shot. The general did not save even the fact that he was her husband of his sister Eve Brown. In the evening of the same day, the commandant Vadling reported that the ammunition in the city was left only for two days, and there is no fuel at all.

General Chuikov received the task from Zhukov - to connect from the east with the forces that occurred from the West, through Tiergarten. The obstacle soldiers became Potsdamer-Bridge, leading to Angelter and Wilhelmstrasse Station. The sappers managed to save him from the explosion, but the tanks entered on the bridge were chopped by the shooting shots of Faustpatron. Then the tankers rid one of the tanks with sand bags, poured him with a diesel flammable and put forward. From the first shots fuel flashed, but the tank continued to move forward. Multiple minutes of confusion of the enemy was enough for the next tank the rest moved. By the evening of the 28th Chuiki approached Tirgar'an from the southeast, while the rolling tanks came from the south to this area. In the north of Tirgarten, the 3rd Army of Peredkina freed the Moabit prison, from which 7 thousand prisoners were released.

The city center has become a real hell. From the heat there was nothing to breathe, the stones of the buildings were cracked, water boiled in ponds and canals. The advanced line was not - the desperate battle was walking for each street, every home. In dark rooms and on the stairs - electricity in Berlin went out - they flared up hand-to-hand fights. Early in the morning of April 29, the fighters of the 79th Rifle Corps of General Perezierkin approached the enormous building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - "House of Himmler". Shot from the Barricade cannons at the entrance, they managed to break into the building and capture it, which gave the opportunity to come close to Reichstagu.

In the meantime, nearby, in his bunker, Hitler dictated a political will. He excluded from the Nazi party of "traitors" of Geering and Himmler and accused the entire German army in the inability to keep "commitment to death to death." Power over Germany was transferred to the "President" of the Dönitsa and "Chancellor" Goebbels, and the command of the army - Field Marshal Shernera. Closer to the evening, the Official Wagner made the siepers from the city of Civil wedding ceremony of Führera and Eva Brown. Witnesses were Goebbels and Borman, who stayed for breakfast. For meal, Hitler was depressed, mumbled something about the death of Germany and the celebration of "Jewish Bolsheviks". During breakfast, he gave two secretary ampoules with poison and ordered to poison his beloved Shepherd Blondie. Behind the walls of his cabinet, the wedding quickly turned into a break. One of the few sober employees remained Personal Pilot Hitler Hans Bauer, who proposed to take out his chief in any area of \u200b\u200bthe world. Führer once again refused.

On the evening of April 29, General Vaidling for the last time he reported to Hitler atmosphere. The old warrior was frank - tomorrow the Russians will be at the entrance to the office. Ammunition end, reinforcements to wait now. The army wreath is thrown off to the Elbe, about most other parts and nothing is unknown. Need to capitulate. This opinion confirmed Colonel SS Monke, before that, fanatically fulfilled all the orders of the Fuhrera. Hitler prohibited the capitulation, but allowed the soldiers with "small groups" to leave the environment and make their way to the West.

In the meantime, Soviet troops occupied one building after another in the city center. Commanders were hardly focused on the cards - there was no that the groove of stones and the fused metal was indicated, which was first called Berlin. After taking the "House of Himmler" and the Town Hall, the Attacking remained two main goals - the Imperial Office and Reichstag. If the first was the real center of power, then the second is its symbol, the highest building of the German capital, where the Wurning banner was supplied. The banner was already ready - he was handed over to one of the best parts of the 3rd army, the battalion of Captain Neztostroy. On the morning of April 30, the parts approached Reichstagu. As for the office, they decided to break through the zoo in Tirgar'an. In the crushed Park, the soldiers saved several animals, including a mountain goat, which for courage hung on the German "Iron Cross". Only under the evening was taken the center of defense - a seven-story reinforced concrete bunker.

Next to the Zoo, the Soviet assault detachments were attacked by SSS from stunned subway tunnels. Pursuing them, the fighters penetrated under the ground and discovered moves leading towards the office. With the go, the plan "Finish the fascist beast in his lair". Scouts deepened in the tunnels, but in a couple of hours they hung the water to meet. According to one of the versions, learning about the approach of the Russians to the office, Hitler ordered to open the gateways and put the water to the Sprör in the subway, where in addition to Soviet soldiers were tens of thousands of wounded, women and children. The Berliners who survived the war recalled that they heard the order to urgently leave the subway, but a few could get out of the appearances. Another version refutes the existence of an order: the water could break into the subway due to continuous bombing, destroying the walls of the tunnels.

If the Führer and ordered to flood his fellow citizens, it was the last of his criminal orders. In the afternoon of April 30, he was reported that the Russians are on Potsdamerplatz Square, in a quarter from the bunker. Shortly after that, Hitler with Eve Brown said goodbye to comrades and retired to their room. At 15.30, he was shot, after which Goebbels, Borman and a few more people entered the room. Fuhrer with a gun in his hand lay on a sofa with a face, bold blood. Eva Brown did not disappear - she took poison. Their corpses carried to the garden, where they put in a funnel from the projectile, poured gasoline and set fire to it. The funeral ceremony lasted for a long time - the Soviet artillery opened fire, and the Nazis were hidden in the bunker. Later, the burned bodies of Hitler and his girlfriend discovered and transported to Moscow. For some reason, Stalin did not make the world of evidence of the death of his worst enemy, which gave rise to many versions of his salvation. Only in 1991, Skull Hitler and his main uniform were discovered in the archive and demonstrated to everyone to see these dark evidence of the past.

last fight

Assault of Reichstag was led by the 79th Rifle Corps of General Transzyvkina, enhanced by shock groups of other units. The first on the morning of the 30th was repulsed - in a huge building, it was drunk to one and a half thousand SSS. At 18.00 followed the new assault. Five hours, the fighters meter per meter moved forward and up, on the roof decorated with giant bronze horses. The flag was instructed by Sergeants Egorov and Cantarius - they decided that Stalin would be pleased to participate in this symbolic act of his countryman. Only at 22.50, two sergeants got to the roof and, risking their lives, inserted an anti-flag in a hole from the projectile from the most horse hoofs. This was immediately reported to the headquarters of the front, and Zhukov called the Supreme to Moscow.

A little later came other news - Hitler's heirs decided to go to negotiations. This was announced by General Krebs, which was in the betting of Chuikov at 3.50 am on May 1. He began according to: "Today, the first of May, a big holiday of both of our nations." To which Chuikov answered without unnecessary diplomacy: "Today is our holiday. And how are you doing, it's hard to say. " Krebs told about the suicide of Hitler and the desire of his successor Goebbels to conclude a truce. A number of historians believe that these negotiations were to stretch the time in anticipation of the Separate Agreement "Government" with a male with Western powers. But they have not reached their goals - Chuiki immediately reported Zhukov, and he called Moscow, waking up Stalin on the eve of Pervomay's parade. The reaction to the death of Hitler was predictable: "I finished, a scoundrel! It is a pity that we did not take it alive. " A response to the deceit was the answer: only complete surrenders. It was handed over to Krebs, who objected: "Then you will have to destroy all the Germans." Response silence was eloquent words.

At 10.30, Krebs left the headquarters, while he had time to drink with a cognac and exchange memories, both commanded parts near Stalingrad. Having received the final "no" of the Soviet side, the German General returned to his troops. He sent ultimatum to him: if the consent of Goebbels and Borman on a unconditional surrender, Soviet troops will not be given to 10 hours, the Soviet troops will bring such a blow from which in Berlin "nothing except Razvalin." The leadership of the Reich replies did not give, and at 10.40, the Soviet artillery opened hurricane fire in the center of the capital.

Shooting did not stop all day - Soviet parts suppressed the foci of the resistance of the Germans, which slightly weakened, but was still fierce. In different parts of the huge city, tens of thousands of soldiers and folksturmovtsev still were known. Others, throwing weapons and tearing the signs of differences, tried to go to the West. Martin Borman was among the latter. Having learned about the refusal of Chuikov from the negotiations, he, together with the group of SS, fled from the office through an underground tunnel, going to the subway station "Friedrichstrasse." There he got out to the street and tried to hide from the fire behind the German tank, but he was shot down. The leader of the "Hitlergenda", which turned out to be in the same place, shamefully threw his young pets, then stated later that he saw the dead body of Nazis number 2 under the railway bridge.

Soviet soldier Ivan Kichigin on a friend's grave in Berlin. Ivan Alexandrovich Kichigin on the grave of a friend Grigoria Afanasyevich Kozlov in Berlin in early May 1945. Signature on the back of the photo: "Sasha! This is the grave of Kozlov Gregory. "
Such graves were all over Berlin - friends buried their comrades near the place of their death. In about six months, it began to reburial from such graves on memorial cemeteries in the Treps-Park and in Tiergarten Park.

At 18.30, the soldiers of the 5th Army of General Berzarin went to the assault on the last Optota of Nazism - the Imperial Office. Prior to that, they managed to take the postproof post office, several ministries and strongly fortified Gestapo building. Two hours later, when the first groups of attackers were already approached the building, Goebbels and his Magda's wife followed his idol, taking poison. Before that, they asked the doctor to introduce a deadly injection with their six children - they were told that they would make an injection from which they would never hurt. The children were left in the room, and the corpses of Goebbels and his wife were delivered to the garden and burned. Soon all who remained below - about 600 adjutants and the SSEstems, they rushed out: the bunker began to burn. Somewhere in his depths, only letting a bullet in Lob General Krebs remained. Another Nazi commander, General Vaidling, took responsibility and on the radio turned to Chuikov with consent to the unconditional surrender. At one o'clock in the morning, the German officers with white flags appeared on the Potsdam Bridge. Their request was informed by Zhukov, who gave his consent. At 6.00 Vadling signed an order to surrender, addressed to all German troops, and he himself filed an example of subordinates. After that, shooting in the city has become sled. From the cellars of Reichstag, the Germans left the ruins of houses and shelters, who were silently put on the ground weapons and were built into the columns. They watched the writer Vasily Grossman, accompanied by the Soviet commandant Berzarin. Among the prisoners, he saw old people, boys and women who did not want to part with their husbands. The day was cold, the smallest rain watered smoldering ruins. On the streets lay hundreds of corpses crushed by tanks. There were also flags with swastika and party tickets - Hitler's adherents were in a hurry to get rid of evidence. In Tirgar'an, Grossman saw a German soldier on a bench with a nurse - they sat sick and did not pay any attention to what was happening around.

After a noon, Soviet tanks began to ride the streets, passing the order of surrender through the loudspeakers. At about 15.00, fights finally stopped, and only in Western regions were rummaged explosions - they were pursued by the SSEs, trying to escape. Over Berlin hung unusual, tense silence. And then she broke her a new squall of shots. Soviet soldiers crowded at the steps of the Reichstag, on the ruins of the Imperial Office and shot again and again - this time in the air. Strange people rushed to each other in his arms, dance arranged right on the pavement. They could not believe that the war was over. Many of them were ahead of many of them, difficult work, difficult problems, but the main thing in their life they have already done.

In the last battle of the Great Patriotic Red Army crushed 95 enemy divisions. Up to 150 thousand German soldiers and officers were killed, 300 thousand were captured. The victory was given by the hard price - in two weeks of the offensive, three Soviet front lost from 100 thousand to 200 thousand people killed. Senseless resistance took the lives of approximately 150 thousand peaceful berliners, a significant part of the city was destroyed.

Chronicle of operation

April 16, 5.00.
The troops of the 1st Belarusian Front (Zhukov) After powerful art preparation, the occurrence of the Zelovsk heights of Oder is beginning.
April 16, 8.00.
Parts of the 1st Ukrainian Front (Konev) force the Neurov River and move to the West.
April 18, morning.
The tank armies of fishing and Lebryushenko turn to the north, in the direction of Berlin.
April 18, evening.
The defense of the Germans on the Zelian altitudes is broken. Pieces of Zhukov begin promoting Berlin.
April 19, morning.
The troops of the 2nd Belarusian Front (Rokossovsky) force Oder, cutting into parts by German defense north of Berlin.
April 20, evening.
The Army of Zhukov approaches Berlin from the West and the North-West.
April 21, day.
Fishing tanks occupy the headquarters of the German troops in Zosssen south of Berlin.
April 22, morning.
The Rybalko Army occupies the southern outskirts of Berlin, and the Army Perchorovich is the northern regions of the city.
April 24, day.
Meeting of the upcoming troops of Zhukov and Konev in the south of Berlin. The Frankfurt-Gubnaya group of the Germans is surrounded by Soviet parts, its destruction has begun.
April 25, 13.30.
Konev's parts came to the Elbe from the city of Torgau and met there from the 1st American Army.
April 26, morning.
The German army wreath inflicts Constridar in the upcoming Soviet parts.
April 27, evening.
After stubborn battles, the army wreath was thrown away.
April 28th.
Soviet parts surround the city center.
April 29, day.
Taken by storming the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Town Hall.
April 30, day.
Busy District Tiergarten with Zoo.
April 30, 15.30.
Hitler committed suicide in the bunker under the imperial office.
April 30, 22.50.
Completed in the morning the assault of the Reichstag.
May 1, 3.50.
The beginning of the unsuccessful negotiations of the German general Krebs with the Soviet command.
May 1, 10.40.
After the failure of the negotiations, the Soviet troops begin the assault of the buildings of the ministries and the imperial office.
May 1, 22.00.
The imperial office is taken by storm.
May 2, 6.00.
General Vaidling gives an order to surrender.
May 2, 15.00.
Fights in the city finally stopped.

Anatoly Utkin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Ivan Izmailov

On April 23, Hitler was reported that the commander of the 56th Tank Corps Waidling had his headquarters and was already west of Berlin, although he had to defend him. Based on this hearing, Hitler ordered the shooting of the general. But he came straight into the bunker, where the top management of the Nazi Reich was hiding, and reported that his headquarters is almost on the front line. Then Hitler changed his mind to shoot Wadling, and on April 24 appointed his commander of the defense of Berlin. "It would be better if Hitler left the order of my execution," said Vadling, having learned this news. But the destination accepted.

Berlin militia. (TOPWAR. RU)

It turned out, on Hitler made an impression of the courage that did not felt from the advanced general. He no longer had almost a single standing commander for the defense of the city, which he planned to turn into a German version of the battle for Moscow: to defeat the Soviet army in a defensive battle and go to counteroffensive. Hitler persisted to the last: "If Berlin falls into the hands of the enemy, then the war will be lost." Of course, the insane plans of the Fuhrer could not implement the best commander.

Day after the day of the power of the German defense, glued from the remains of broken and shabby parts, from the militia and adolescents of Hitlergenda, retreated and surrendered. Every day, Waidling reported Hitler about the situation. April 30, when even Hitler became clear that the struggle is hopeless, he killed his favorite dog, and then he and his wife Eva Hitler (Brown) committed suicide. Having learned about this, in the morning of May 2, General Vaidling surrendered to Russian, signed an act of surrender and ordered the remaining German troops in Berlin to stop resistance. Battle for Berlin ended. On May 3, 1945, Waidling already testified by the Soviet investigators at the rebel of the 1st Belarusian Front.

Vadling, like many officers, complained about the degradation of the German command during the war, caused by the desire of Hitler to personally control the actions of all troops: "I should note that the Russians during the war went far forward in the tactical sense, our command stepped back. Our generals are "paralyzed" in their actions, the commander of the corps, the commander of the army and the partially commander of the Army Group did not have any independence in their actions. The commander of the army has no right to transfer a battalion from one site to another without Hitler's sanction. Such a guide system for troops has repeatedly led to the death of entire compounds. About the commander of divisions and buildings, they do not even have to say, they generally were deprived of the opportunity to act according to the situation, show the initiative, everything should be done on the presenter from above, and these presense often did not meet the position on the front. "

Vadling showed that although in Berlin there was food and ammunition for 30 days, they did not manage to deliver them normally, and the warehouses located on the outskirts were captured by Soviet troops. 4 days after the appointment, the commander of the defense in Waidling troops did not have almost nothing for resistance.

Question: What were the orders of Hitler in the defense issue of Berlin? Light the created position in Berlin by the time you are capitulation.

Answer: Being the Commander of the Defense of Berlin, I received an order from Hitler to defend Berlin to the last person. For me it was clear from the very first thing that there is no possibility to defend Berlin with hope for success. Every day the position of the defended worse was worsened, the Russians squeezed the ring around us more and more, every day approaching closer to the city center. I reported at the evening and position every day.

By April 29, the situation with ammunition and food was very heavy, especially with ammunition. I realized that further resistance, from a military point of view, insanely and criminal. April 29, after the two-hour report of my Hitler, in which I stressed that there is no possibility to continue resistance that all hopes for supplying from the air collapsed, Hitler agreed with me and declared me that he gave a special order about the transfer of ammunition by airplanes, and that If on April 30, the position with the delivery of ammunition and food will not improve, he will give a sanction to leaving Berlin, to try to break the troops. "

It was the last Waidling and Hitler meeting. The next day he committed suicide and provided General Freedom of Action, which he immediately took advantage: "I gave an order to parts, who can and want to be made away, the rest of the folding weapons. On May 1, at 21.00, I gathered workers of the headquarters of the 56th TC and employees of Berlin defense headquarters in order to decide whether the headquarters would break through or surrender to the Russians. I stated that further resistance is useless that to break from the boiler, means when successful to get from the "boiler" in the "boiler". I was supported by all employees of the headquarters, and on the night of May 2, I sent a colonel to the dufing background by the parliamentant to the Russians with a proposal to terminate the German troops of resistance. [...] Although I was the commander of the defense of Berlin, the situation in Berlin was such that after a decision was taken, I felt only the Russians. "

In the future, General Helmut Vaidling was evident with the Soviet consequence and confessed to war crimes committed under his command in the USSR. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Died in 1955 in the Vladimir Central and is also buried there.

Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation (Berlin Operation, Taking Berlin) - an offensive operation of Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War, which ended with the take of Berlin and victory in the war.

The military operation was carried out on the territory of Europe from April 16 to May 9, 1945, during which the territories captured by the Germans were released and taken under the control of Berlin. Berlin operation has become the last in the Great Patriotic War and World War II.

The following smaller operations were carried out in the Berlin operation:

  • Shtttinsko-Rostokskaya;
  • Zelovsko-Berlin;
  • Cottbus Potsdam;
  • Steterberg Torgau;
  • Brandenburg-Ratenovskaya.

The purpose of the operation was the capture of Berlin, which would allow Soviet troops to open the way to connect with the allies on the Elbe River and not allow Hitler to tighten the second world war for a longer period.

The course of the Berlin Operation

In November 1944, the General Staff of the Soviet troops began planning an offensive operation on the approaches to the German capital. The operation was supposed to defeat the German group of army "A" and finally release the occupied territories of Poland.

At the end of the same month, the German army undertook a counteroffensive in Ardennes and was able to push the allied troops, thereby putting them practically on the edge of defeat. To continue the war, the Allies needed support for the USSR - for this, the leadership of the United States and Great Britain appealed to the Soviet Union with a request to send their troops and conduct offensive operations to distract Hitler and give allions the opportunity to recover.

The Soviet command agreed, and the USSR army began an offensive, but the operation began before almost a week, which was not enough training and, as a result, large losses.

Already by mid-February, Soviet troops were able to force Oder - the last obstacle to Berlin. The capital of Germany remained a little more than seventy kilometers. From this point on, the battles took more protracted and fierce character - Germany did not want to give up and he tried to keep the Soviet offensive with all their might, but it was quite difficult to stop the Red Army.

At the same time, on the territory of Eastern Prussia, preparation for the storming of the Königsberg fortress, which was extremely well strengthened and seemed almost indepressible. For the assault, the Soviet troops conducted a thorough art preparation that as a result of Alo its fruits - the fortress was unusually quick.

In April 1945, the Soviet army began preparations for the long-awaited storm of Berlin. The leadership of the USSR adhered to the opinion that in order to achieve success of the entire operation, it is urgent to carry out assault, not tightening, since the delay in the war itself can lead to the fact that the Germans will be able to open another front in the West and conclude a separate world. In addition, the leadership of the USSR did not want to give Berlin the forces of the Allies.

Berlin offensive operation was prepared very carefully. The in the outskirts of the city were transferred huge stocks of military military equipment and ammunition, the strengths of three fronts were pushed. Commanded the operation of Marshals G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Crosovsky and I.S. Koniev. In total, more than 3 million people participated in the battle on both sides.

Storm Berlin

The city's assault began on April 16 at 3 am. In the light of the spotlights, one and a half hundred tanks and infantry attacked the defensive positions of the Germans. The fierce battle was four days, after which the forces of the three Soviet fronts and the troops of the Polish army managed to take the city into the ring. On the same day, Soviet troops met with the Allied on the Elbe. As a result of the four days of battles, several hundred thousand people were captured, dozens of armored vehicles were destroyed.

However, despite the offensive, Hitler was not going to hand over Berlin, he insisted that the city should be retained by anything. Hitler refused to surrender even after the Soviet troops came close to the city, he threw all the existing human resources, including children and old people, on the field of hostilities.

On April 21, the Soviet Army was able to reach the outskirts of Berlin and tie there street battles - German soldiers fought until the latter, following the order of Hitler not to give up.

On April 29, Soviet soldiers began the assault on the Reichstag building. On April 30, the Soviet flag was watered on the building - the war was over, Germany was defeated.

Results of the Berlin Operation

Berlin operation put an end to the Great Patriotic and World War II. As a result of the rapid offensive of the Soviet troops, Germany was forced to surrender, all the chances of the opening of the second front and the conclusion of the world with the allies were torn. Hitler, having learned about the defeat of his army and the entire fascist regime committed self.

7. A broken German anti-aircraft gun on Berlin Street.

8. Soviet Tank T-34-85 in the Supreme Forest south of Berlin.

9. Soldiers and Tanks T-34-85 of the 12th Guards Tank Corps of the 2nd Guards Tank Army in Berlin.

10. Burned German cars on Berlin Street.

11. The killed German soldier and Tank T-34-85 of the 55th Guards Tank Brigade on Berlin Street.

12. Soviet foreman-invalid by the radio during battles in Berlin.

13. Residents of Berlin, escaping from street fighting, leaving the districts liberated by Soviet troops.

14. Battery of 152-mm Gaubitz ML-20 of the 1st Belorussian front at positions on the approaches to Berlin.

15. The Soviet soldier runs around near the burning house during the battle in Berlin.

16. Soviet fighters in the trenches on the approaches to Berlin.

17. Soviet soldiers on horseback rods passing near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

18. Reichstag view after the end of hostilities.

19. White flags on Berlin houses after surrender.

20. Soviet soldiers listen to the harmonist, sitting on the window of 122-mm M-30 Gaubitsa on Berlin Street.

21. The calculation of the Soviet 37-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun of the 1939 sample (61-K) is monitored by the air situation in Berlin.

22. Destroyed German cars at the building in Berlin.

23. A snapshot of Soviet officers next to the bodies of the dead commander of the company and folkssturma fighter.

24. The bodies of the dead commander of the company and folkssturma fighter.

25. Soviet soldiers go on one of the streets of Berlin.

26. Battery of Soviet 152-mm Gaubitz guns ML-20 under Berlin. 1st Belorussian Front.

27. The Soviet Tank T-34-85 accompanied by infantry moving down the street on the outskirts of Berlin.

28. Soviet artilleryrs are fire on the street in Berlin's suburb.

29. The gunner of the Soviet tank looks out of the hatch of his tank during the battle for Berlin.

30. Soviet SAU SU-76M on one of the streets of Berlin.

31. Facade of the Berlin Hotel "Adagno" after the fight.

32. The body of the killed German soldier next to the Horch 108 car on Friedrichstrasse Street in Berlin.

33. Fighters and commanders of the 7th Guards Tank Corps in T-34-85 Tank with crew in Berlin.

34. Calculation of 76 mm gunners of Sergeant Trifonova at dinner on the approaches to Berlin.

35. Soldiers and tanks T-34-85 of the 12th Guards Tank Corps of the 2nd Guards Tank Army in Berlin.

36. Soviet soldiers run the street during the battle in Berlin.

37. Tank T-34-85 on Square in Berlin.

39. Soviet artilleryrs prepare for the BM-13 "Katyusha" reactive bump in Berlin.

40. Soviet 203-mm Gaubitz B-4 leads fire in Berlin at night.

41. A group of German prisoners under the convoy of Soviet soldiers on Berlin Street.

42. Calculation of the Soviet 45-mm anti-tank gun 53-to 1937 sample in battle on Berlin Street at T-34-85 Tank.

43. The Soviet assault group with the banner is moving towards Reichstagu.

44. Soviet artilleryrs are written on Hitler's shells, "in Berlin", "on Reichstag" (1).

45. Tanks T-34-85 of the 7th Guards Tank Corps in the suburbs of Berlin. In the foreground burns the core of the German car.

46. \u200b\u200bThe volley of reactive mortars BM-13 (Katyusha) in Berlin.

47. Guards reactive BM-31-12 mortar in Berlin.This is a modification of the famous jet setting "Katyusha" (by analogy, the name "Andryusha").

48. The knocked armored personnel carrier SD.KFZ.250 from the composition of the 11th SS Division "Nordland" on Friedrichstrasse Street in Berlin.

49. Commander of the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Division, three times the hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Pokshenka at the airfield.

50. Killed German soldiers and reactive installation of BM-31-12 (Modification "Katyushi", received the nickname "Andryusha") on Berlin Street.

51. Soviet 152-mm Gaubitz-20 ml-20 on Berlin Street.

52. Soviet Tank T-34-85 from the 7th Guards Tank Corps and prisoner militia from Volkssturma on the streets of Berlin.

53. The Soviet T-34-85 Tank Tank from the 7th Guards Tank Corps and prisoner militia from Volkssturma on the streets of Berlin.

54. Soviet regulator against the background of a burning building on Berlin Street.

55. Soviet tanks T-34-76 after a fight on Berlin Street.

56. Heavy tank is-2 at the walls of the defeated Reichstag.

57. Building military personnel of the Soviet 88th separate heavy tank shelf in Berlin Park Humboldt-Hein In early May 1945. Building is carried out by the shelf Major L.A. Glushkov and deputy commander of the regiment F.M. Hot.

58. Column of Soviet heavy tanks IS-2 on the streets of Berlin.

59. Battery of Soviet 122-mm M-30 Gaubitz on the streets of Berlin.

60. The calculation is preparing the reactive artillery installation of BM-31-12 (Modification "Katyushi" with I-31 projectiles, received the nickname "Andryusha") on Berlin Street.

61. Column of Soviet heavy tanks IS-2 on the streets of Berlin. In the background, the snapshot is visible of the ZIS-5 trucks from the composition of the rear support.

62. Column of the Soviet heavy tanks of the IS-2 on the streets of Berlin.

63. The Battery of the Soviet 122-mm Gaubitz sample 1938 (M-30) leads fire on Berlin.

64. The Soviet Tank of Isa-2 on the destroyed Street of Berlin. The machine shows the masking elements.

65. French prisoners of war hise the hands of their liberators - Soviet fighters. Copyright: "Berlin. French prisoners of war are released from Hitler's camps. "

66. Tankists of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the 11th Guards Tank Corps of the 1st Guards Tank Army on Rest at T-34-85 in Berlin.

67. Soviet artillery officers are written on Hitler's shells, "in Berlin", "on Reichstag" (2).

68. Loading of the wounded Soviet soldiers at the ZIS-5B military truck for evacuation.

69. Soviet SAU SU-76M with onboard numbers "27" and "30" in Berlin in the area of \u200b\u200bKarlshorst.

70. Soviet Sanitars are shifted from the stretcher on the wounded fighter.

71. View of the Brandenburg Gate taken by Berlin. May 1945.

72. The Soviet T-34-85 Tank, baked on Berlin Street.

73. Soviet soldiers in battle at Moltke Strasse (now Rotko Street) in Berlin.

74. Soviet soldiers are resting on the Tank of Isa-2. Copyright photo - "Tankers on vacation".

75. Soviet soldiers in Berlin at the end of battles. In the foreground and behind, for the car - the urding of the ZIS-3 sample of 1943.

76. Participants in the "Last Berlin Conscription" at the prefab station of prisoners of war in Berlin.

77. German soldiers in Berlin surrendered to the Soviet troops.

78. View of the Reichstag after battles. German anti-aircraft guns are visible 8.8 CM Flak 18. The body of the deceased German soldier lies the right. Copyright photo "Final".

79. Berlin women at street cleaning. Beginning of May 1945, even before signing the act of the surrender of Germany.

80. Soviet fighters in position in street battle in Berlin. As a shelter, street barricade is used, built by the Germans.

81. German prisoners of war on Berlin Street.

82. Soviet 122-mm M-30 Gaubita on horseback taigt in the center of Berlin. On the shield of the gun inscription: "Avenge for atrocities." In the background - Berlin Cathedral.

83. Soviet car gun on a firing position in the carlin tram car.

84. Soviet automatons in street battle in Berlin, who took the position behind the fallen turrets.

85. The Soviet soldier goes past the murdered Hauptsturmoffurera SS in Berlin at the crossroads of the Schossesstraße and Oranienburgerstraße.

86. Burning building in Berlin.

87. The militia from Volkssturma killed on one of the streets of Berlin.

88. Soviet SAU ISU-122 in the suburbs of Berlin. Behind SAU inscription on the wall: "Berlin will remain German!" (Berlin BleiBt Deutsch!).

89. Column of Soviet SAU ISU-122 on one of the streets of Berlin.

90. Former Estonian English Tanks Building MK.V in Berlin Park Lustcarten. In the background you can see the building of the Old Museum (Altes Museum).These tanks, re-equipped Maxim Machine guns, brought part in the defense of Tallinn in 1941, were captured by the Germans and transported to Berlin to the exhibition of trophies. In April 1945, presumably participated in the defense of Berlin.

91. Shot from the Soviet 152-mm Gaubitis ML-20 in Berlin. On the right is visible the caterpillar tank is-2.

92. Soviet soldier with Faustpatron.

93. The Soviet officer verifies the documents of the German servicemen surrendered. Berlin, April-May 1945

94. The calculation of the Soviet 100-mm cannon of BS-3 leads fire on the enemy in Berlin.

95. Infantrymen from the 3rd Guards Tank Army attack the enemy in Berlin with the support of the ZIS-3 gun.

96. Soviet soldiers are licked by a banner over Reichstag on May 2, 1945. This is one of the banners installed on the Reserve In addition to the official waters of Egorov and Cantaria banner.

97. Soviet attachments of IL-2 from the 4th air army (Colonel-General K.A. Vershinin) in the sky over Berlin.

98. Soviet soldier Ivan Kichigin on a friend's grave in Berlin. Ivan Alexandrovich Kichigin on the grave of a friend Grigoria Afanasyevich Kozlov in Berlin in early May 1945. Signature on the back of the photo: "Sasha! This is the grave of Kozlov Gregory. " Such graves were all over Berlin - friends buried their comrades near the place of their death. In about six months, it began to reburial from such graves on memorial cemeteries in the Treps-Park and in Tiergarten Park. The first memorial in Berlin, solemnly open in November 1945, was the burial of 2500 soldiers of the Soviet Army in Tiergarten Park. At his opening, the monument of memorial was held with a solemn parade of the Allied Troops on the Anti-Hitler Coalition.

100. The Soviet soldier pulls out of the Luke of the German soldier. Berlin.

101. Soviet soldiers run to a new position in battle in Berlin. The figure of the Killed German Sergeant from Rad (Reichs Arbeit Dienst, Procring Labor Service) in the foreground.

102. Divisions of the Soviet heavy self-propelled-artillery regiment in crossing the river Sprey. Right SAU ISU-152.

103. Calculations of Soviet 76,2-mm divisional guns of the ZIS-3 on one of the streets of Berlin.

104. The Battery of the Soviet 122-mm Gaubitz sample 1938 (M-30) leads fire on Berlin.

105. Column of Soviet heavy tanks of Isa-2 on one of the streets of Berlin.

106. Plated German soldier at Reichstag. The famous photography, often published in books and posters in the USSR called "End" (it. "End").

107. Soviet tanks and other technique at the bridge across the River Sprey in the Reichstag area. On this bridge, the Soviet troops under the fire of the defendant Germans went to the assault of the Reichstag. In the photo Tanks, IS-2 and T-34-85, SAU ISU-152, cannons.

108. Column of Soviet Tanks IS-2 on Berlin Highway.

109. The deceased German woman in the armored personnel carrier. Berlin, 1945.

110. T-34 Tank out of the 3rd Guards Tank Army stands opposite a paper stationery store on Berlin Street. Luke Mechanic-driver sits Vladimir Dmitrievich Serdyukov (born in 1920).
