Cynemist Ivan Brovkin on Orenburg Earth

Yusupova A.S.

During the development of virgin lands in the USSR, the cinema was not standing in place. There were many films dedicated to this topic. One of the famous was the film "Ivan Brovkin on Vecile". Actions took place in the Orenburg region, in one of the well-known state farms - Komsomolsky. The shooting of the art film began on August 1, 1958 and lasted 2 months on the Scenario George Mdivani. After the soldier Ivan Brovkin, the hero of the movie of the same name, "walked" on the screens, film crews received thousands of letters. Spectators asked how Brovkin lives, where he is now. The screenwriter, director and film actors decided that the search for a demobilized soldier of Brovkin was needed at virgin. The heroic work of the cuneists, the life of the nose and was devoted to the second series of film from Ivan Brovkin. This continuation of the film came director not by chance, everything was connected with the events in the country. The Great Patriotic War inflicted a heavy blow to the grain farm of the USSR. Therefore, in the first postwar years, much attention was paid to the restoration of crops of grain crops. However, by the beginning of the 1950s. It became more clearly identifiable to identify the discrepancy between the existing level of development of grain economy and the growing needs of the country in bread. In 1953, 31.3 million tons of grain were harvested in the USSR, and the costs of production supply of the population and other needs amounted to over 32 million tons. We had to partially use state reserves. The country was needed bread. Under these conditions, cardinal, decisive and urgent measures were required to solve a grain problem. In the conditions of food shortage, the question of the development of new lands to quickly increase grain production has become particularly relevant. In the early 1950s In the USSR, there were large land arrays suitable for dispenser and crops of agricultural crops. In 1953, only in 14 regions of the RSFSR and in 8 regions of the Kazakh SSR there were up to 40 million hectares of healing and virgin lands.

Their mastering could be an important factor in the increase in agricultural production. In the ceremonial steppes, the detachments of land surveyors, soils, hydrolyts moved. They together with directors and agronomas of state farms and MTS studied and cut the lands arrays, looking for water bodies. Only in Orenburg region was taken into account 2 million hectares of values \u200b\u200bsuitable for agriculture. The main array of these lands was in the eastern and southern regions. The region had the largest in the RSFSR of the area of \u200b\u200bvirgin and landlords. Based on the data collected, the size of the development of new lands was planned. However, in places these plans often arbitrarily increased. So on the regional party conference held in Orenburg (February 1954) before employees of agriculture, the task was set up for 2 years not 700 thousand hectares, as was planned for the region, and at least a million hectares of virgin and landlords. Most of the new lands were assumed to master with the help of collective farms. However, the most distant sections of virgin should have been opened by state farms, especially new ones. They began to organize from spring 1954 on March 17, 1954, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution on the development of virgin and lands. Eight new grain farms were created in the Orenburg region. One of which was Komsomolsky state farm. On December 23, 1954, the first peg with the title "s / s Komsomolsky" was scored on the blessing steppe spaces of the Adamsky district. This date is the official date of the founding of the economy. Many people drove to work with a great desire to work, but the hasty, with which its development, departmental confusion and the lack of necessary funds were preparing, led to many serious problems, primarily substantive. Immediately after arriving in new areas, Novoseli faced enormous difficulties. Often they simply have nowhere to post. The lack of builders and the insecurity of building materials, a lack of transport and other reasons led to the fact that housing in virgin regions was little and built it extremely slowly. People who came to the development of people were difficult to distribute and among the locals, as they themselves were keenly needed housing.

Therefore, cennists were placed in the buildings of schools, various district organizations, in economic buildings and other places. So, arriving in the Varna District in February 1955, 320 people from Chelyabinsk in 20-degree frost were placed in trails. Gorozhesta-Bulak district of the Orenburg region came to Ak-Bulaksky region settled in Shalash. Undoubtedly, it was difficult to work in such conditions. This is how the film is dedicated, namely the stubbornness and labor of ordinary and ordinary ceiling. But in the scenario of the film, the life of the cuneists, of course, is very embellished. A separate house to each new Novosel, and a bath in the house, and the toilet is something from the category of "Potemkinsky villages" ... the picture was filmed at a real virgin, in the state farm "Komsomolsky" Adamovsky district of the Orenburg region. Sovzhoz "Komsomolsky" is located in six hundred kilometers from Orenburg. It did not need cumbersome scenery: Removed real houses and streets, real virgin bread and, most importantly, the people who themselves did the virgin lands. With them, Novoselov - Cynnikov, and made their heroes artists, directories. Life under one roof, work together with the aquiculves enriched actors, their game has become more reliable and deeper. Suffice it to say that many artists have learned to drive tractors, and Brovkin himself - Leonid Kharitonov became a dressing motorcyclist. A talented actor, Kharitonov again conquers the viewer with his charming game, deep penetration into the image of the hero. His Brojn - Brigadier of Torturers - taken directly from life. With his new success, the artist, of course, is largely obliged to work in state farm, communicating with living heroes of virgin. People's Artist of the Republic of Sinitsin and the director of the state farm, where the film was filmed, the Golovans were countrymen, Stalingraders. They knew each other before: Konstantin Alexandrovich Sinitsin performed somehow with a concert in MTS near Stalingrad, where at that time the director was heads. Old acquaintances met now in the Orenburg steppe. It can be said that the convincing image of the director of the state farm created by Sinitin was the result of their collaboration.

Wonderful actress Tatyana Ivanovna Peltzer charmingly and played by the mother of Ivana. In the second series of her Evdokia Makarovna is even more colorful and multifaceted. All in her game from life: every word, every gesture. The film successfully used artistic amateurness of youth teams of state farm and enterprises of Orenburg. Especially in the scene of the wedding. Let not be very clear overlaps, but there is also a charm of reliability: after all, they sing and danced artists, but simple guys and girls, tractor drivers and chauffery, painters and milking. In other mass scenes, there are also not stists, but rural and working youth. The film scenario was the following - the main hero of Ivan Brovkin (Leonid Kharitonov) after demobilization comes to his native village, but going to go to the virgin. However, his beloved Lyubasha does not want to leave his village for the sake of the cherished Brovka dream. Bescrase Orenburg steppe, Sovzhoz "Komsomolsky". Spring dishthele, hurry and business fuss of the beginning of the pack ... Brovkin works with a light: helped hardening purchased in the ranks of the Soviet army. The former unpleasant became a brigadier. It is he who seeks to make the life of Novosyok cultural and beautiful, organized a model in the state farm. Having finished his epic on a shopping fleet, Zakhar Stolech (Mikhail Pugovkin) arrives in the state farm. Soon he and Polina (Vera Orlova) played a merry wedding. One Ivan misses alone, Lyubasha does not even respond to his letters. For high figures in labor Ivan awarded the Order. On vacation, he goes to his native village. Again, throwing the harmony belt over the shoulder, Brovkin came to the house of Lyubashi. And the misunderstanding between the beloved ends with complete reconciliation. In the state farm they go together. Ended the filming of the film, Muscovites returned to the capital. Conducting actors, chinnets were punished and in the future do not forget about the new seals, create good films about people of labor. Artists, directors, working groups awarded honorary certificates for participating in the cleaning of a virgin yield of 1958.

Many songs were spitto together in the long clarity evenings at the fires of field mills. Overtakes of those songs are now sounded in the merry, the good film "Ivan Brovkin on the virgin".

The most famous virgin state farm - "Komsomolsky". The Order of Lenin on the banner, 7 heroes of the Socytrud and the film crew of the film "Ivan Brovkin on the virgin". The main street - Ovskaya - since the filming has almost changed. Only scenery took a long time. When it comes to the heroic epic. He was shot as a continuation of a fun cinema story about a young, reckless rustic guy "Soldier Ivan Brovkin". Further fate of Balaguore and Merchant interested spectators. And where else in the mid-fifties could "send" the authors of the film of the restless Brovkin, going to do the continuation of the film? Of course, for virgin. By and large, Ivan Brovkin became a symbol of generation of convictions unknown. He, voluntarily or unwittingly, has yielded the romance of that time, after all, hundreds of thousands of guys and girls went in those years on uninhabited lands to build a new life and give the country bread. The place of shooting a new film was chosen by the Komsomolsky Adamovsky district. And it was here that after the end of the Chkalovsky cooperative technical school, a young faith Sinelnikov arrived together with the group of his girlfriends and colleagues. Then, of course, she could not know that he would take part in the filming of the film. We drove not for this. As Vera Mikhailovna itself remembers, in one of the August days, when the girls worked on the current, the film crew arrived. In the wing of rustic girls was to see a mobile movie chamber, hear the "Motor" team. But Artists Leonid Kharitonov, Tatiana Peltzer, Vera Orlova, Evgeny Szitov did not impress the "stars" at all. Simple, smiling and kind people. To communicate, however, they did not have to communicate with them, but they made an external impression exactly that.

And in the rinletopinus of the virgin epic, Vera Mikhailovna Fedorova, according to her, fell so. Worked, as already mentioned, on the current on the loading of grain. Here, the girls who have squeezed the amber scatter on the conveyor, and recorded the operator. It is clear that for the film the corresponding scene of mass labor heroism was necessary. Then a group of girls put in the body of a truck and they, with songs, went to another site of work. Of course, in accordance with the director's intent. At the very matter, they also engaged in the loading grain in the following days. In addition to participating in the shooting of legendary movies, Vera Mikhailovna remembers the warmth of both. In particular, a wonderful meeting of the then director of the Komsomolsky state farm, the Hero of the Socialist Labor Mikhail Grigorievich Golovanov with Herborobami. Do not forget the feeling of the greatest pride for your country, for the labor heroism of people, when the unmerced barts began to have a beginning to acquire the fame of Orenburg wheat on the current. And even household inconveniences - lived in trays, without light and amenities, the steppe around, could not overshadow the romance of those days. Of course, this page remained for the faith of Mikhailovna unforgettable. After harvesting, it was sent to Grachevsky district, where she worked in the specialty. Returning home, worked as an instructor of schools in the Komsomol district. And from 1962 to the care of a well-deserved rest - in the district branch of the "agricultural machinery" as an accountant, economist, deputy chief accountant. Like all participants in the development of virgin, Vera Mikhailovna is convinced - the work feat of that generation was not in vain.

movie Vecina Brovkin Orenburg


.History of the socialist economy of the USSR. T. 6. M .. 1980. P. 379.

.Economic life of the USSR. Second book. M., 1967. P. 471; CPSU in resolutions ... M., 1985. T. 8, p. 359-391

.RGAE. F. 7803. OP. 6. D. 1125. L. 86.

.Feat on virgin. Orenburg, 1961. P. 16-17; RGAE. F. 7803. OP. 6. D. 1125. L. 86; RGASPI. F. 1. ON. 9. D. 298. L. 171; Garf. F. 374. OP. 30. D. 4582. L. 160.

.From the memories of the width of the Komsomol Central School - Tsype D.F. (1974)

.RGASPI. F. 1. OP. 9. D. 298. L. 179, 182, 188; D. 328. L .. 174; GOO. F. 2567. OP. 1. D .. 244. L. 25.

8.Site - Cinema-theater. RU. Access mode: # "Justify"\u003e. Article (shift) of drokes. V. Ivan Brovkin on virgin. SPB: Science. 1959. - February. - C 4.

.Article (State Internet channel "Russia" 2001, 2014. Certificate of media registration EL No. 77-4929 dated December 4, 2001) A. Volkov Tick: How are things on Ivan Brovkin Street?. 2004. - February 8.


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The development of virgin and landfill lands in Orenburg: the historical aspect

A.V. Fedorova - D.I., Orenburg Gau

From Svetlinsky to the Pervomaisky district, the virgin belt believed Orenburg. As a result of the development of virgin and departments in the Orenburg region, 1.8 million hectares were placed. Only in the Sill region mastered 331 thousand hectares of virgin lands.

In 1954, 11,270 people arrived at the development of virgin and visitor lands, including 8058

In state farms and 3212 - in MTS. From the regional center from 1954 to 1958 more than 1,200 people left for virgin. The Orenburg region was mastered by the virgin volunteers of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Chuvashia, Mordovia, Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Ulyanovsk, Kuibyshev, Ryazan, Penza and other regions. In mid-March, the detachment of young people from Ryazan took. On March 21, Orenburg met 550 boys and girls from the Voronezh region. According to the Komsomol portion of Grozny, the Komsomolsky Dmitry Smoli was sent to the Komsomolsky state farm. The Kuznets of the Orenburg Steam-Repair Plant Leonid Baggilev-Sky has moved to a virgin with two brothers -Efim and Boris and two sisters - Nina and Valentina.

In the first separation of the state farm. S. M. Kirov of the Quark district (now JSC "Primorsky")

latvian Komsomolets paved the first furrow. Half a century lives on Vasilyevich Malyuk, who received a trip of the Odessa town of Komsomol in April 1954. He recalls: "When in April 1954, the first pegs were driven, the Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians, Tatars - representatives of 26 nationalities who came to master new lands".

From the first Kolyka in the state farm "Tobolsky" worked by A.P. Egorov, Front Award - Order of the Red Star - Found A.P. Egorova on virgin. In the same collective farm, Frontovik F.I. was sent from Kurmanaevsky district. Cow. The War's Roads held the worker of the state farm "East" V.V. Sarai. Behind his shoulders - the battle on the Kursk arc, the liberation of Belarus, Estonia. Frontovik A.N. Markushin worked in the state farm "Adamovsky". MM Kaida and V.A. Chicin arrived to master virgin lands, having a serious life hardening behind the shoulders - both have already become disabled war in their thirty and thirty-four years. Protmers worked in the most difficult conditions: unnjudicated places, off-road, dozens and hundreds of a mile from the railway and cultural centers, in the winter in stores, only frown bread and canned food. Member of the events of half a century ago journalist V. G. Altov writes: "Nelaskovo met

shelhes censual lands. The crazy steppe blurred the walls of the tents, as if they were sewn, they were not from dense tarpaulin and insulation, but from gauze. Washed such cold water that the hands were lomil. More than once, because of off-road could not be slightly fuel, and stayed into the most hot time of the tractor. And sometimes happened, they could not deliver bread. But no matter how hard it was necessary, worked, did their own business. "

Films of primuses were constantly replenished with new messengers. In April 1955, about a thousand newcomers from Kuibyshev and Penza regions took in the state farms of the Adamovsky district. 239 Kuibyshevtsev came to the Tobolsky state farm, the Adamovsky state farm - 240, among them 65 tractor drivers. N.M. Sivaca, primo-federate state farm. The 60th anniversary of the USSR, recalled: "... The first time there were a lot of difficulties, there was not enough housing. Several families jutter in one small room. ... working time lasted for eighteen hours. "

Road romance replaced by labor weekdays. So, in the Kvarzen region, over 128 thousand hectares of virgin and landlords were mastered. IN

In 1953, the first 8 thousand decayed, in 1954 - another 10 thousand hectares. But the main offensive began in

In 1955, 2500 people were settled in the area of \u200b\u200bKomsomol's tickets from various republics and regions. The farms received 252 caterpillar tractors, with the help of which the Novoseli had 74 thousand hectares of not touched lands. IN

1956 Kvarkken Harbors on average from each of the 149 thousand hectares collected grains 14.5 c. His gross collection was 205.4 thousand tons, and the sale of 133.1 thousand tons, which is five times more than in 1954-1955. The first 1500 hectares of virgin in state farm "Kulminsky" appeared in 1954 The crop was 6.2 c / ha. By the fall of 1954, in the state farm "Tobolsky", the primuses plowed 29 thousand hectares of virgin, built housing, socialcultuette facilities. By that time, eight tractor-field and nine construction brigades had already been worked. In 1956, almost every resident of the Assistant Tobolsky was awarded orders and medals, and the director of the state farm, Wennedikt, Dmitrievich Balabanov assigned the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

The solution of grand tasks depended on the strengthening of the material and technical base of agriculture. Only in 1954 the region received over 2 thousand new tractors, more than 1 thousand combines and many other techniques. May 20

1954 The district newspaper "Krasnaya Steppe" wrote: "There is a statement of the" field ", a new technique comes. 6 tractors C-80, 10 plows, 8 seeders were obtained. In 1951, one state farm accounted for 77 tractors, in 1958 - 176. Among the Novoselov there were little knowledgeable technique of people. From 1953 to 1958 on the trips to Komsomo

lA from the School of Mechanization of the city of Birski Bashkir ASSR came to the cinema, starting work in the tenth team of the sixth sector of the Akhesky state farm.

The collective farmers of the agricultural artel "12 years of October" of Akbulak district decided in 1954-1955. Expand on 5 thousand hectares of wheat and millet, due to the development of virgin and lands. The patriotic initiation of the collective farmers considered the X Chkalov Regional Party Conference and recommended to organize his broad propaganda.

Already by September 16, 1956, the Orenburg region in the corporal of the Motherland passed 135 million puddles of grain-in more than two times more than in the harvest in 1953. After 10 days, this figure reached 150 million pounds. In those years, the harvest was measured, as before the revolution, puzzles. For outstanding achievements in the development of virgin and lowering lands, the Chkalov region was awarded the Order of Lenin. Eighteen agricultural workers for special merits in the development of virgin lands assigned the title Hero of Socialist Labor. Among them - A.K. Moroz, I.D. REDAYLYLOV, G.Z. Kuzhachmetov and others. The chairman of the executive committee of the Adamsky district council of the working people, a graduate of the agrogenomic faculty of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute E.E. Rogov. More than 6.5 thousand people from the Orenburg region are awarded orders and medals, about half of them

VLKSM members. There were even schoolchildren among them, for example, Alexey Kachayev from the Adam district, who worked with a screwdriver. They published an essay in the "Pioneer Pravda", then in Komsomolsk Pravda. During the years of development of new lands, residents of the village of Bratzlawsky village council were distinguished - descendants of Ukrainian immigrants and local Kazakhs: Sergey, Nikolay and Vladimir Chaika, Alexander and Cyril Cobliki, Peter Nikulcha, Yakov Kirilenko, Viktor Lholat, Sao Betbek Kashpanov, Burubai Bazarbayev, Anatoly Puryazhnyuk, Vasily Macagon, Nikolay Kolyada, Viktor Gunko, Nikolai Shevchenko and many others. In the fight against difficulties grew, worked workers of new lands. Many of them became wonderful masters of high yields, a good school of courage, a school of life passed. Due to the development of new lands and increased yields, grain production in Ak-Bulak, Kvarzensky, Burtinsky, Heat-Biscus, Novora, Dombarovsky districts increased. For 29 years, the state farm "Merry", according to the estimates of A.S. Spit-tsyna, raised 4652184 centners.

Livestock began to develop. In state farm. XIX Parts In 1956, 50 cows appeared. Thirty years later, the state farm had 2 thousand heads of cattle, including 750 cows, 2500 pigs. In 1958, in the state farms

otreat Lesiauria

movsky district numbered 16736 heads, sheep - 39750, pigs -4276.

In the region on the virgin and underlying lands, 11 large state farms were created, 13 state farms - on the basis of weak collective farms and MTS. The greatest of them in the country in the size of the sowing area was the Zernosthoz "East".

110 hectares of virgin reinforced mechanisters of Novo-Pokrovsky, Trinity, Saraktash, Abdulino and other regions of the region. From the Troitsky (Tulganan) district in the development of virgin lands took part the workers of the collective farm. Lenin (Mezhdrachye's farm). The head of work was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Trinity Rain Executive Committee N.R. Burov. The decorated land was transferred to the Adamovsky district, where the state farm "Russia" was organized. The development of virginity was held in the Trinity region itself. 800 hectares of ceremonies were raised at the Kopyl farmers. Tractor drives were distinguished here. Incin, I.V. Sa-Velkin, G.M. Taraskin, A.K. Calgdin and many others.

Komsomolsk and youth brigades worked well. Only in the Adam district of such brigades were created 25. Among them were the Brigade S. P. Lychagin from the Association "East". In state farm "Field" on plowing of virgin, samples of labor in 1954 showed the Komsomol members of the Demidov and Ozolins: at the rate of 7.7 hectares, 9-10 hectares were raised daily.

Workers tried to virgin to live a full-blooded life. The villages were built and landscaped. In the state farm "Tobolsky" brigade of carpenters, led by Street, the panel house was collected in four days instead of eight. Bricklayers from the Gunter Brigade were performed on the day two norms. Large success achieved the builders of the Komsomolsky state farm. From 1954 to 1956, 24 houses, hostel, school, store, library were built here. 107 families celebrated housewarming in homes raised to their own funds. For seven days, a school was built in the state farm "Field" Dombarovsky district. In September 1954, fifty students sat down for the parties who allocated Orsk schools. The school principal a week before the beginning of the school year was appointed V. N. Sekodko, schools not yet existing, but began its work in the period - on the first of September. The first teachers in this school were A.I. Serganin, M.M. Buzulukskaya, V.S. Yushina and others. In August 1954, the decision of the executive committee of the Adamovsky district was opened with seven-year schools in the state farms "Tobolsky" and "Eastern", initial - in the Adamovsky and Lakeholders. Since 1954, it began to work at school of P. East M.I. Ippolitov (Ravivova). Twenty-two years she headed the school teacher's team. Teachers created

student production teams, taking part in North, in harvesting a virgin crop. In the Kumak school, such a brigade was headed

IN AND. Danilova.

In the areas of mastering the virgin and underlying lands in 1954, 27 boarding houses were organized by 667 seats. In 1955, 683800 rubles were allocated for boarding equipment.

By the 1955-1956 academic year, 35 teachers with higher education were sent to the development areas, 62 - with an average special.

In all virgin state farms by September 1958, high schools opened:

In the state farm "Tobolsky" Adamovsky district, the Kulminian secondary school;

In the Kvarkken district, one elementary school

On the farm number 4 of the state farm "Kulkinsky" quarter-of-law, and in the rest of the state farms, seven-year schools acted. In addition, 3 schools of rural youth worked in Adamov-Kom district, in which 143 students were studied, alone - in the Novora district (138 students). In a quartz-com area in the classes of rural youth, 40 students.

In the 1958-1959 academic year, 4982 students were studied in the schools of the Adamovsky district, the Guy

6762, Dombarovsk - 4270, Kvarzensky -4054, Novoksky - 4093, Pervomaisk - 4804, Svetlinsky - 5160.

Medical workers came from different regions. From the Vladimir region in the state farm "Field" sent a group of doctors led by a doctor N.K. Barskov, from the same region a medical equipment was received.

The newspaper "On Vecile" began to publish. The first base of the editorial office was the state farm "Caindy Kumaksky", then the editors were located in Adamovka, in the state farms "Tobolsky", "East".

In 1954, the Tseive Areas of the Orenburg region of the library them. N.K. Krupskaya allocated 35 libraries moving. 33 specialists, including 10 librarians, were distributed to work in Kultp-RosVilliance. Along the country was the collection of books for the acepannists. In May 1954, more than 2 thousand books were sent to the state farm "faithful" Adamovsky district. State farm "Tobolsky" Adamovsky district in 1958 for renting 1 million 500 thousand pounds of bread as a reward from the All-Union agricultural exhibition received library

Newly appeared, already virgin lands. In the Hose "Adamovsky" from 1954 to 1956 78 young couple played weddings. During the same time, 208 boys and girls were born. MARRIA MARKES joined people of different nationalities. In East Orenburg, the Family of the German Mechanizer Mark of Emgrant and Korevashka Valentina Porphyrieva (Emgrant).

A slight part of the pioneers, not

powering the tests, left the virgin, but the backbone of primo-axes remained. In 1982, for example, 288 primuses worked in the Sill District, from them in accordance with them. The 60th anniversary of the USSR - 56. In the village of Tobolsky, in 2003, in the village of Tobolsky in 2003, there were only thirteen left, approximately the same - arrived in 1955.

The teachers, doctors, cultural workers, etc. also participated in the development of virgin. Only in 1954, 7 boarding schools were organized in virgin regions, in 1955-1956. 18 new schools entered the system.

Behind the shoulders of primuses remained many years of a large and rich life with her many minutes of joy and happiness, finds and losses.

We accompanied the progress of the development of virgin and landlords. It was not always taken into account that the virginity zone was a zone of risky agriculture, the remoteness of the virgin regions from consumers was affected, lands reduced the pasture area for livestock, in some involved low-chicken lands in S.-H. turnover, not enough attention was paid to socio-living conditions, a little appeared attention

the culture of environmental management.

The conditions in which the virus facilities were, as well as all agriculture of Russia at the present stage, are undoubtedly noticeably undermine their development. But this should not cover the successes and achievements of virgin. Literature

9. Ternova I.M. Where the rustle is Kovyl // Grain Economy. - 1974. - №6. - C.2.

10.Serinovoye economy. - 1974. - №6. - S.Z.

12.The dear feat of the party and the people is a massive development of virgin and lands. - M., 1979. - p.48.

17.Tesis reports of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the mastering of virgin. - Orenburg, 1994. - C.20.

18.There. - p.21.

19.Tesis reports ... - p.31.

22.Gosarhiv Yasnensky district. F. 27. OP. one.

Mastering virgin

A.A. Chibilev, S.V. Levykin, E.A. Semenov

(Geographical Atlas of the Orenburg region. M.: Ed. Dick, 1999. p. 80).

In the fifties of the 20th century, the Orenburg region was in the zone of large-scale mastering of virgin and lands. From 1954 to 1963, 1.8 million hectares were placed on the territory of the region, which is 11% of the total area of \u200b\u200bvirgin, raised in Russia.

Regarding the region of the region of 35: Adamovsky, Akbulaksky, Svezlinsky, Yasnensky, Dombarovsky, Kvarzensky, Novoorsky, Pervomaisky, Gayai, Belyaevsky, are considered conditionally virgin. As a result of mastering the census in the territory of the region there was a change in the structure of land use. The sowing area in virgin regions increased by 3.5 times, including 5.5 times in Adamovsky and Svetlin.

Over 700 thousand hectares of land, over 700 thousand hectares of land was involved in the insistently intended plan. Among the newly plowed land, about 120 thousand hectares were sandy and samp lands, 600 thousand hectares - Solonsy, 500 thousand hectares - erosion-hazardous lands. The disintegration of low-rise agriculture in combination with a low culture of grain production led to a sharp drop in the natural fertility of the soil cover of virgin regions. 30 years after the start of mastering the tillage, the soil lost from 30 to 50% of gumus reserves. Land area susfied by wind erosion increased 5 times.

The development of virgin lands made it possible to quickly increase the production of grain, but did not ensure the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex in the region. In the lack of town years (1 time in 4 years), 15% of the area marked the complete death of crops, and on one third of the area, the yield did not exceed 2.5 c / ha.

The average yield of grain crops in virgin regions (7-8 c / ha) was lower than the average regional level (9-10 c / ha) and significantly lower than on the old-axial landmarks of the region (13-15 c / ha). In the virgin collective farms of Eastern Orenburg on saline and eroded soils, the average grain yield is 3-4 c / ha. The low efficiency of the virgin agriculture and the inexpediency of the organization of many grain state farms is evidenced by the data that 75% of modern agricultural enterprises in virulent are unprofitable. Capital investments, directed to the development of agriculture in virgin regions in time, transformed into gratuitous loans. Thus, the growth of gross production of grain in the Orenburg region was achieved at the expense of large financial investments, high production costs, deterioration of the environmental situation. Huge damage caused steppe flora and fauna. Dozens of biological species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, including typical steppe inhabitants: droughts and strept.

The development of virgin and landlords caused a wave of population migrations to the areas of new agriculture. In the early years of the virgin call to the Orenburg region, 70 thousand immigrants arrived, mainly from Ukraine, Central Russia and Belarus. Most primuses have no experience and traditions of steppe farming. Sigor climatic conditions and unusual steppe landscape prevented the consolidation of immigrants on new lands. Serious ethnic stress was the development of virgin and for the indigenous population of the steppe, which occupied pasture cattle breeding. Environmental nostalgia, the instability of the economic well-being of farms, led to inverse migration processes, frequent replaceability of the population. From 1965 to 1995, 280 thousand inhabitants left the area of \u200b\u200bthe region, which 4 times the number of primuses.

The combination of the environmental and socio-economic consequences of the development of Orenburg virgin census shows that the modern structure of land use in these areas needs no fundamental changes. The essence of these changes is reduced to the fact that the grain farming with the production of high-quality wheat varieties should be focused on the best soils using efficient agricultural equipment and adaptive-landscape agriculture methods. Low-product arable land of virgin areas where the production of freight grains is unprofitable should be translated into hay-pasture areas. This will make it possible to create a zone of a harmonious combination of gentle agriculture and highly efficient cattle breeding in steppe areas.

Now in the yard of 2014, and many people now do not remember young people, but most likely they do not know that in the distant 1954 in our steppe edge from all over the country rushed into the steppe virgin territory in the Komsomol trips. Young people and girls to raise The agricultural sector of the country, grow bread, grain, which was so lacked in the post-war likholic. In the early years, 11.5 thousand Komsomol residents arrived in the Orenburg region, including 4.5 thousand of the cities of our region, and the rest of the Astrakhan, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Ryazan, Penza regions, Udmurtia, etc. The housing conditions of the primuses were not Akhov: they lived in the open-air tents to deep autumn, lacked housing, which began to erect in East Orenburg, did not have the necessary medicines, personal hygiene, products. According to the stories of the native sister of my grandmother, who came from our family to Orenburg, they lived in the tents, it was cold, frowned, the conditions are inhuman ... By the way, thanks to her, then in the state farm "Red Sheban" Dombarovsky, our family, ancestors which natives of the Penza region now live in the Orenburg region. According to Wikipedia, masteringcoles - A set of events to eliminate the backlog agriculture and increase grain production in the USSR in 1955 1965, by introducing into circulation of extensive land resources in Kazakhstan, Volga region, Urals, Siberia, in the Far East. On March 2, 1954, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Soviets of the RSFSR "On the organization of new grain state farms of the Ministry of Soviet Union of the RSFSR", 4 new state farms were created in the Adam district of the Chkalov region: Adamovsky, East, Lake, Tobolsk Square of 25 thousand hectares. Hundreds of hectares of untouched dynamine steppe values \u200b\u200bwere sprinkled, new villages, villages, villages in the endless palybling steppe were erected. For the most part of the settlement of the Dombarovsky, Adamovsky, Svetiline districts begins just 50 years of 20th century. This is especially true of the Svetyl District, since earlier on the territory of the modern municipality, only the steppes, steppes were, and the indigenous population lived - Kazakhs. Russians here began to appear after 1954. So, for example, the Eastern village is practically at the very border with Kazakhstan, it turns 60 years this year!

It would seem for the village small very term, and he already looks at all with empty glaze of its dilapidated buildings. The times have changed ... Collective farms have been broken, state farms, the technique is stolen, so residents can not put up with a lack of salary, a normal standard of living, and who are traveling. There are empty two-storey buildings in the village, before it was an elite housing, and now half-breasted wrecks. It is difficult to believe that once the centers in the queue stood behind apartments in these houses. During the years of restructuring, everyone left, they ran away, all threw. That is the process started in 50 years, becomes inverse, the village is dying off, and about the former glory, just only this tractor can remind:

It was on this tractor on May 18, 1954 the first furrow in the state farm "East" was laid. This iron horse has become a kind of monument to primo-axes.

What is Eastern now? According to the stories of local residents, this is a dying settlement in which only those who are the road their land and a house, and coming from Orsk asocial families who have been coming out of the apartments in the city and who moved to the free steppe "bread". It may still be twenty-thirty years old, and already nothing will be left of the ceiling of the Cynnikists? Although watched local TV, there is information about the celebration of the anniversary of the mastering of virgin. In particular, it is said that in the village of Komsomolsky, repairs are underway for the celebration of such a grand event. Yes, in that most Komsomolkom, in which the famous Soviet film "Ivan Brovkin on virgin" was filmed.

But what about the virgin, east, bright, who will help them? You can judge about the modern state of the eastern state in several videos, kindly granted to me one of the former residents of the village. With them you can get acquainted in my group, "in contact" - local history of Orenburg. "

June 7, 2014 in the village of Komsomolsky held a grandiose celebration of the development of virginity, its 60th anniversary. Let's not forget the heroic everyday feats of our countrymen in the development of new lands, pioneers of the Earth, Harves and Surprise Heroes. This is what is written about this on the official page of United Russia:

In the village of Komsomolsky Adamovsky district, solemn events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the mastering of virgin will be held, the correspondent ER.RU reports

Honorary guests of the holiday were temporarily Acting Governor - Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region, member of the Presidium of the Regional Political Council of the United Russia party Yuri Berg, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee Viktor Zavarzin, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region, Member of the Presidium of the Regional Political Council Sergey Grachev Party, Vice-Speaker of the regional parliament, Deputy Secretary of the regional branch of the party Alexander Salo, deputies of the United Russia faction in the Legislative Assembly of Ildar Nasybullin, Alexander Bornezov, Andrei Gerasimenko and Evgeny Malyushin, Heads of Regional Ministries, members of the regional government and representatives of the federal structures.

"In the post-war time, when there was no bread, it was necessary to feed the country, and by any paths," said Sergey Grachev. - Therefore, it was decided to master the virginity, and the goal was achieved. It was actually hard work, people drove into the unknown, and they made a feat. "

The history of the village of Komsomolsky Adamovsky district began on December 23, 1954, when hundreds of people began to arrive at the empty place. For the development of virgin and departure lands 44, Herboroba was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and 10 thousand people for their working feats were awarded orders and medals. Thousands of people not only fought for bread, "from scratch" of state farms and villages were built here, created the infrastructure of Eastern Orenburg. Their contribution to the development of the region will never be forgotten.

"The lands that have jammed, gave a good harvest - Alexander Salo said. - For high performance, our area was noted by two orders of Lenin. Those veterans, those people who worked here, is an example for us today, and we will follow them to provide food security, prove yourself on the world arena to supply our bread. And the virgin bread is the best! "

"Given our relations with the West, with America, we must be autonomous, independent in terms of food. In this regard, much work is carried out in the State Duma. And I think that we will have to help with general efforts to help, "said Viktor Zavarzin deputy.

I want to believe that these are not empty promises before the next elections, not slogans of political parties. And how can one restore everything that in the past twenty years has flown and calm down the brick?

Starry hour of virgin
Reforms and people in the USSR

On August 16, 1956, a resolution "On the irrigation and mastering of virgin lands" was adopted in the USSR. More than one and a half million people went to the steppe of Kazakhstan, the Volga region, Siberia and the Urals.

"It is so honored in the vernant state farm" Leninsky "front of the harvest" / PHOTO: Joseph Bujnevich

Mastering the virgin in color images from the archive of the magazine "Spark" - in the photo gallery "Kommersant". The development of virgin lands began in 1954, when the grain deficiency was scheduled in the USSR. 50 thousand Komsomol members from the central part of the country went to the Aktobe region (the Kazakh ASSR) to swallow the steppe and plant breadcrumbs.


"Sweene" / Photo: A. Guest

During the development program, more than 45 million hectares of land were plowed and planted with new cultures: 25.5 million hectares - in Kazakhstan, in Zavolzhye, Siberia and the Urals - 17 million hectares.


"Best Penarka Maria Rogachev with his pet" / Photo: Yakov Rymkin

The labor force to ensure new lands was attracted from the western part of the USSR. Mobilized Komsomol members relied free passage, the benefits of about a thousand rubles. In addition, for 10 years they provided a preferential loan in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. for the construction of housing. For five years, 20 billion rubles allocated from the state budget for these purposes.


"Girlfriend-Tortanist Maria Kiparenko (left) and Sofia Borsch arrived in the Komsomol ticket to master the virgin lands in Northern Kazakhstan" / Photo: N. Drachinsky


"Night cleaning in the state farm" Sunrise "of the North Kazakhstan region" / Photo: Joseph Bujnevich


"Young centers - a tractor driver and a team of brigades arrived at the virgin" / Photo: B. Kuzmin

In total in 1954-1959, 1.7 million people participated in the development campaign on the development of new agricultural land.


"Student MVTU named after Bauman works on a virgin combiner" / Photo: Semen Friedland

"In 1956, he struck the starry hour of virgin. The harvest in the steppe was grown by the richest: instead of the promised 600 million, 1 billion grain pounds were passed, "Leonid Brezhnev wrote in the book" Coleno ".


"Coles Bread" / Photo: Dmitry Baltermanz

In 1956, a record harvest of 125 million tons of grain was collected in the USSR, half of them were obtained on virgin lands.


"Novoseli Tractor Brigade: From left to right, Mikhail Antipov, tractor driver Ivan Zanin and Nikolay Soloviev" / Photo: A. Guest

"People have to be considered natural processes and adapt to them, opposing their fiction of wildlife. But whatever it happened and despite all the difficulties, the virgin bread remained the cheapest, "wrote Nikita Khrushchev in his memoirs.


"Cinema without address. Cinema Bus "Malytka" "/ Photo: K. Kasimov

In virgin regions organized their usual leisure time: clubs, cinemas, libraries.


"For the second year in a row, he holds the championship among the mechanisters of the state farm" Lenin Zhol "Kokchetav region Family link of the Communist Marat Mutagarov. Together with him there are three native brothers - Communists Rafhat, Rashid and Komsomolets Farid "/ Photo: Joseph Buzhevich

To get a quick result and high harvest, virgin lands fertilized chemicals. Their consumption, and, accordingly, the production in the country has doubled.


"Here he is, virgin bread" / Photo: V. Krupin

Specialists ignored the characteristics of the steppe zone climate - the active use of fertilizers led to frequent dusty hurricanes, erosion and loss of soil fertility.


"Tractors" Kazakhstan "at the shipping platform of Pavlodar Tractor Plant» / Photo: Joseph Bunevich


"It is widely known in the republic to achieve senior shepherd of the Lugovsky's house of the Jambul region, the delegate of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, the Hero of Socialist Labor, Proverinnik Nadir Begazieva" / PHOTO: Joseph Budnevich


"On the central current" / PHOTO: Joseph Bujnevich


"Lyuba Gravszyn trailers (left) and Galya Kazakov" / Photo: A. Guest

A sharp outflow of the labor force from the central part of the USSR negatively affected the indicators of agricultural production in these areas. In 1974, the country's authorities announced the "second virgin" - this time in the non-sinnamine European part of Russia.


"Livestock - the second virgin of Kazakhstan. Livestock feeding complex for 30 thousand sheep heads in the Uygur district of Alma-Ata region »/ Photo: Joseph Bujnevich

The disarm of the giant lands in Kazakhstan led to the reduction of pastures and hayfield fields. This affected the traditional agricultural industry in the region - animal husbandry, which turned out to be in the early 1960s in the crisis.


"Elevator Elevator Ayman Seitkaisimova" / Photo: Oleg Knorring


"Twenty-third prags spent behind the helm of the Combine Primezelinnitsa Mayra Khasenov. Before entering the field. Mayra Khasenova, husband Silubek and son Moscow (son named after the capital) "/ PHOTO: Joseph Bujnevich

The virgin epic seized the Soviet Union so much that in 1961 the city of Akmolinsk in Kazakhstan renamed the Tselinograd (now it is the capital of the republic - Astana), in 1963 the Ust-Uyan district of the Kurgan region was renamed a virgin.


"Recently, the tractor driver Leonid Panov was a miner, and now raises in Altai, in the Kulundy steppe, virgin" / photo: A. Guest

About 4 thousand cennists were awarded orders and medals, five of them received the title of Heroes of Socialist Labor.


"COLINE COUBLE. On the street Rain "/ Photo: Isaac Tunnel


"Merry minute" / Photo: A. Guest

With all the successes of the virgin program, the pioneers did not remain to live in the lands of the lands. From 1965 to 2000, only 100 thousand inhabitants left 100 thousand inhabitants of the Orenburg region. This is four times more than the number of agricultural workers in the region.
