What does France have a relation to victory over fascism?

Freedom-loving, democratic and left-oriented France (many of us are accustomed to such a historical appearance) was nothing more than a myth. Historian Zeev Sternhel In their works, repeatedly raised the question of the "French fascism roots".

Of course, in the Soviet Union, they knew perfectly well that the "great" French resistance could not be compared with the partisan movement in Belorussia or Yugoslaviasince it, according to some estimates, inferior in his mind even Italy and Greece. But, nevertheless, France has seen Soviet politicians as the weakest link in the capitalist system, again Charles de Gaulle did not hesitate to demonstrate his frankly skeptical attitude to USA and NATOTherefore, on some myths of French history looked through the fingers.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. From the past French self-politics there is no trace. France - regardless of which party government is in power - behaves like an obedient satellite of the United States. And this gives us a reason to us, the Russians, citizens of the country that suffered from the war the biggest damage in the world, finally look at the so-called French ally on the anti-Hitler coalition ...

War from Kutuur

When the Second World War began in September 1939, the French society met her to the highestly strange: appeared ... Abundance of new "patriotic" hats?! So, the so-called "Astrakhan fez" became the sale of sales. In addition, the checkered fabric began to wear hard from England, which walked on the cut of female bare. This style of hats immediately caused many new hairstyles to life. Much borrowed from military baggage.

So, for example, a hat developed Rosa Desca, very reminded the English cap. In addition, the new accessory was almost immediately entered. Many wore a mandatory gas mask on the side. The fear of gas attacks was so great that for several months, the Parisians were not solved without him even go out. The gas mask could be noted everywhere: in the market, at school, in the cinema, in the theater, in the restaurant, in the subway. Some of the Frenchwoman showed a very considerable ingenuity in disguise the gas mask. High Fashion almost immediately felt this tendency. So bizarre bags for gas masks made from atlas, suede or skin began to appear.

Woman with a stroller equipped against gas attacks. England 1938

Immediately advertising and trade was connected to this process. A new style has appeared - in the form of miniature gas masks began to produce bottles for the Spirit and even lipstick tubes. But the special chic was the cylindrical hats, which were given Lanwin. They stepped even for the Atlantic. With cylindrical handbags, very reminiscent of copies for gas masks, the Argentine and Brazilian fashionists began to walk, which did not threaten the horrors of war.

War and its first consequences (air alarm and cessation of electricity supply) dictated changes in the behavior of the French, primarily the townskens. Some of the eccentric Parisians began to wear khaki shirts with gold-plated buttons. Runs began to appear on the jacket. Traditional caps replaced stylized cyver, triangles and fez. Attributes entered the fashion tweet military. Many young women, with whose people have not yet descended the summer tan, refused to lay their hair. They fell on their shoulders, reminding a certain hood, which were previously called to protect against cold weather. From fashion almost immediately came curls and curls.

Against the background of the official military propaganda in the press, they sounded loudly, the questions were again strange at first glance: how would it be better to sell all the collections of fashionable clothes - French and foreign customers? How to keep the palm of the championship, which traditionally preserved for the Parisian high fashion? In one of the French newspapers such a phrase flashed: "Where are those glorious old days when people from all over the globe flock in Paris? When sale of one luxury dress allowed the government to buy ten tons of coal? When sale of a liter of spirits allowed to buy two tons of gasoline? What will happen to 25 thousand women who worked in fashion houses? "...

As you can see, at first the war for the French was only inconveniencewho prevented fashionable life. Only so you can understand the essence of the proposal, with which the famous French fashion designer Lucien Lelong appealed to the authorities. He wanted to get warranty state Support ... French Couturier! He tried to explain that in the conditions of war, such support was vital, and the continuation of the sewing of high-class outfits in France would preserve the presence in foreign markets! He said:

« Luxury and comfort is the sectors of the National Industry. They bring millions of currency reserves in which we now need so sharply. The fact that Germany earns with the help of mechanical engineering and chemical industry, we earn with transparent fabrics, spirits, flowers and ribbons "...

The situation has changed little when the period of "strange war" passed and real fighting began. The catastrophe inhabitants of France saw mainly only in the fact that fashionable shops, varnight and restaurants were closed. Now the war was perceived not just as an inconvenience, but as a ruinernT. As a result, the defeat of France in the war was encountered albeit alert, but without tragic sentiment.

Interrupted once everyday life resumed in fact immediately after the occupation by the Germans Northern France. Already on June 18, 1940, almost all stores opened iron shutters on their showcases. Large department stores of Paris: "Louvre", "Galeri", "Lafayette", etc. - again began their work. Years later, a new literary genre appears in France - "As I did not like Boshy" (in Germany, it will be "how I sympathized with anti-fascists").

However, the actual diary records made by the French in the second half of 1940 demonstrated a completely different picture. Many hardly renowned that again could open their institutions. Shop owners, shops and restaurants pleased the unprecedented number " new visitors" Even more admired them that ready to buy everything in a row germans paid cash

A crowd of women, children and soldiers with a proprietary welcoming sign of the Nazis. France

Large groups of "tourists" in the Uniform of Feldgra and in the sleeper dressings with swastikas actively photographed all Parisian sights: Louvre, Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, Eiffel Tower. And although the majority of the population walked wary of those who had happened, there were a lot of those who openly welcomed the occupying troops. Gradually fear gone. Young girls-schoolgirls with braided braids sometimes gained courage to smile conquerors. According to Paris, it was gradually scattered: « What are they polite!», « What are they cute!». Germans became " charming invaders" In the subway, without thinking, they were inferior to the elderly and women with children. Not only trade, but also a social life, although this happened a very specific way.

Path to Nazi EU

"The European idea is deeply rooted in France. Since Europe It became associated primarily with Germany, then this idea works exclusively on us. Currently, the exhibition "France-European", the opening of which was organized by our diplomatic services, attracts the attention of many visitors. We connected radio, press and literary browsers to continuously promote European ideology. "

These words were contained in the message of the German ambassador. Otto Abaqawhich on June 23, 1941 was sent to the Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs Ribbentropu. I must say that " european ideas»For France were not new.

It is the French Foreign Minister Aristide Brian. At the end of the 20s, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bunification of Europe. She immediately actively began to discuss both in the left and in the right circles of the republic. In France, many new magazines appear: " New order», « New Europe"," Plans "," Fight of Young ". Already from the names it follows that young French intellectuals who hold different political views were looking for new ways to transform the "old Europe" with its controversial territories, mutual reproaches, economic crises and political scandals. Actively discussed issues of how far the occurrence of pan-European patriotism, absentee socialism were possible, and could these phenomena become the basis for the unification of all Western European peoples.

It should be noted that these discussions did not stop during the Second World War. None in any European country, who was under control of Germany, was not written so much about " european idea", As in France! Did not have time to form the so-called. "The Wichi Government", as its youngest representatives immediately appealed to the German ambassador Abtsu. They presented the German diplomat to the France's reorganization plan, which should not just comply with the "standards" of the "axis" countries, but also integrate your economy in general (read German) economic space. The program application was by no means aimed at the request of the occupied country - representatives of the "Vichi government" intended "Through the defeat of France to find the victory of Europe."

In particular, they said in their memorandum:

"We are forced to take an active position, as our country is in a distress. Military defeat, growing unemployment, hunger ghosts disoriented the public. Staying under the disastrous influence of old prejudices, false propaganda, which feeds the facts of the alien lives of a simple people, instead of looking into the future, our country turns around in the past past, pleaseing the voices that are discussed from abroad. We offer our countrymen extremely useful and exciting activities that can satisfy the urgent interests of the country, revolutionary instincts and a decisive national self-consciousness. "

The proposed transformation of France included seven important components: the adoption of a new political constitution, the transformation of the French economy, which was supposed to integrate in European economy, adoption of the public works program in the field of construction, creation national Socialist Movement, New guidelines in France's foreign policy.

Of all this list, we must first be interested in the question of "new" foreign policy. On this issue, the paper reported as follows:

"The French government does not want to abuse him confidence, and therefore will not allow to recreate Last system of unions, focused on saving the so-called. equilibrium in Europe. In addition, France should not be a weak point, namely the zone, through which non-European politically missed. France is forever connected with the destiny of the continent, focuses on solidarity, which in the future should combine our country with all the peoples of Europe. Based on this, we believe that France should become a defensive border of Europe, which is predetermined by our sea coast, and therefore can become a European bastion in the Atlantic. France will be able to cope with this task, if in this area will apply as harmonious distribution of responsibilities as the field of economics. France must protect Europe primarily due to the strength of its fleet and colonial troops. "

By and large " european idea"In France, it was clearly Anglofobic. There was nothing surprising in this if you take into account the details of the meeting of Marshal Peten and Hitler, which took place on October 24, 1940 in the town of Montuar-sur-Le-Lohar. During these negotiations, Hitler said Marshal, who became the head of France:

"Someone has to pay for the lost war. It will be either France or England. If England covers expenses, France will take a place in Europe and can fully keep his position colonial powers».

Activists who blued around the magazine "New Europe" actively developed this topic. There was a story with the victim in the fire Jeanne d'Ark, the treacherous flight of the English troops from Dunkirk, attacks on the French fleet near Merc-El Cemba and much more ...

... It would seem that all these historical facts could continue to look through the fingers, which, in fact, was done at the time with Soviet politicians. However, the first alarming call for us was heard in 1994, when the delegation of Russia was not invited to the celebrations dedicated to the opening of the second front. At the same time, the western community was botheringly hinted that she had a real winner country, and Russia "as it were,". And today, these moods for the perversion of history in the West are only enhanced.

So our historians and diplomats make sense (not too late) to put a number of issues in front of the world public requiring an extremely clear answer:

"Why did one Frenchman who went to the partisans had several of his compatriots who voluntarily recorded in part of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-ss?"

- Why was the hundred flyers from the Squadron "Normandy-Neman" many thousands of French were accounted for in the Soviet captivity when they fought on the side of Hitler?

"Why did the radical French fascist Georges Valua finished his days at the Zakshenhazen concentration camp, and the French communist Jacques Dorio headed by a volunteer on the Eastern Front to fight against the USSR?

- Why the last battles in Berlin at the Reichskancelary Krasnoarmeys had to be conducted against the fanatical Germans, but vs french Esvestia?

- Why not the Europeans who do not differ in the long historical memory began to attribute the arbitrariness by the French occupying authorities on the territory of Germany, parts of the Red Army?

- Why the leader of the Visible Administration Francois Mitteran After the end of the war, became a respected politician, and the Great French writer Louis Ferdinand Celine Was it subjected to "public disgrace"?

- Why collaborated with an apartment model Lucien Lelong He was proclaimed by the "cultural resistance" officer ("he saved the French fashion"), and the French novelist and journalist Robert Brazilk was shot as an accomplice of invaders?

And finally, the most important two questions:

- Can France be considered the winner of fascism, if it is its predatory policy, conducted under the cover of the Versailles peace treaty, on the one hand provoked the emergence of Italian fascism and the German national socialism, and on the other hand laid the foundation for global geopolitical conflictWho eventually resulted in the second world war?

France during the occupation in 2 World War.

Poll in France: Who made the most significant contribution to the victory over Germany in World War II? 60 years of propaganda ...

More detailed and a variety of information about the events occurring in Russia in Ukraine and in other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained on Internet conferences, permanently held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All conferences are open and completely non-payable. We invite everyone waking up and interested in ...

The occupation period in France prefer to remember how heroic time. Charles de Gaulle, resistance ... However, the impartial photo shots show that everything was not entirely as they tell the veterans and write in history textbooks. These photos made the correspondent of the German magazine "Signal" in Paris 1942-44. Color film, sunny days, smiles of the French, welcoming the occupiers. After 63, after the war, the selection was the exhibition "Parisian during the occupation". She caused a grand scandal. The mayor's office of the French capital banned her show in Paris. As a result, permits managed to achieve, but France saw these frames only once. The second - public opinion to afford no longer could. The contrast between the heroic legend and the truth was too striking.

Orchestra on the Republic Square. 1943 or 1944

Changing of the Guard. 1941

Public in a cafe.

Beach near the bridge of the Carridge. Summer 1943

Paris Rickshaw. Regarding the photos of Parisians during the occupation. What is the first to condemn this exhibition for the "absence of a historical context" from the city authorities! Just photos of the journalist-collaborators are wonderful complement the other pictures on the same topic, telling mainly about the daily life of Paris of military times. At the price of collaborationism, this city escaped London, or Dresden, or Leningrad. Carefree Parisians sitting in a cafe or in the park, boys, rollers, and fishermen on the Seine are the same realities of France of military times, as well as the underground activity of resistance participants. For what could be condemned by the exhibition organizers, it is not clear. And for nothing to the city authorities to like the ideological commission under the CPSU Central Committee.

Ryu Rivoli.

Cinema for German soldiers.

Showcase with a photo of a marchala-collaborators of a loop.

Kiosk on Avenue Gabriel.

Metro Marbuf-Elysee fields (now - Franklin Roosevelt). 1943

Fibren shoes with wooden block. 1940s.

Poster exhibition at the corner of Ryu Tilzit and the Elysee fields. 1942

View of Seine from Saint-Bernard Embankment, 1942

The famous modists of Rosa Valua, Madame Le Monie and Madame Anise during the race at the Longshan hippodrome, August 1943.

Weighing jockeys on Longshan's racetrack. August 1943

At the grave of an unknown soldier under the Triumphal Arch, 1942

In the Luxembourg Garden, May 1942.

Nazi propaganda on the Champs Elysees. Text on a poster in the center: they give their blood give their work for saving Europe from Bolshevism.

Another propaganda poster of the Nazis, released after the bombardment of Roian British aviation in April 1944. In Ruang, as is known, the British was executed by the national heroine of France Zhanna D`ark. The inscription on the poster: the killers are always returning .. ..n a crime scene.

In the signature to the snapshot, it was said that the "city gas" served for this buse.

Two more occupation times. Both snapshot are made in April 1942. At the top picture - the car, the fuel for which is the charcoal. In the bottom image - a gas operating on a compressed gas.

In the garden Pale-piano.

The central market of Paris (Les Halles) in July 1942. The picture is clearly visible by one of the metal structures (because Baltar Pavilions) of the Napoleon of the Third, which were demolished in 1969.

One of the few black-walked photos of Zucca. On it - the national funeral of Philipp Enrio, the Secretary of State on information and propaganda, who spent the full cooperation with the invaders. On June 28, 1944, Enrio was shot dead by members of the resistance movement.

Maps game in Luxembourg Garden, May 1942

Public in Luxembourg Garden, May 1942

In the Paris Central Market (Les Halles, the most "worst of Paris") were called "meat refrains."

Central Market, 1942

Rivoli Street, 1942

Rosier Street in the Jewish Quarter Marhe (Jews had to wear a yellow star on the chest). 1942

Fair in the quarter of Nasone. 1941

Baths on the hay.

Fishermen on the hay. 1943

Square of consent, 1942

Velotki in front of the Maxim restaurant on the street of the world. 1942.

The occupation period in France prefer to remember how heroic time. Charles de Gaulle, resistance ... However, the impartial photo shots show that everything was not entirely as they tell the veterans and write in history textbooks. These photos made the correspondent of the German magazine "Signal" in Paris 1942-44. Color film, sunny days, smiles of the French, welcoming the occupiers. After 63, after the war, the selection was the exhibition "Parisian during the occupation". She caused a grand scandal. The mayor's office of the French capital banned her show in Paris. As a result, permits managed to achieve, but France saw these frames only once. The second - public opinion to afford no longer could. The contrast between the heroic legend and the truth was too striking.

photo Andre Zucca from the 2008 exhibition

2. Orchestra on the Republic Square. 1943 or 1944

3. Changing Karaul. 1941 year.

5. Public in a cafe.

6. The beach near the bridge of the Carridge. Summer 1943 year.

8. Paris Ricksha.

Regarding the photos of Parisians during the occupation. What is the first to condemn this exhibition for the "absence of a historical context" from the city authorities! Just photos of the journalist-collaborators are wonderful complement the other pictures on the same topic, telling mainly about the daily life of Paris of military times. At the price of collaborationism, this city escaped London, or Dresden, or Leningrad. Carefree Parisians sitting in a cafe or in the park, boys, rollers, and fishermen on the Seine are the same realities of France of military times, as well as the underground activity of resistance participants. For what could be condemned by the exhibition organizers, it is not clear. And for nothing to the city authorities to like the ideological commission under the CPSU Central Committee.

9. Ryu Rivoli.

10. Showcase with a photo of a marchala-collaboratories of a loop.

11. Kiosk on Avenue Gabriel.

12. Metro Marboef-Champs Fields (now - Franklin-Roosevelt). 1943.

13. Fibrene shoes with a wooden block. 1940s.

14. Poster of the exhibition at the corner of Ryu Tilzit and the Elysee fields. 1942 year.

15. View of Seine from Saint-Bernard Embankment, 1942.

16. Famous modists of Rosa Valua, Madame Le Monie and Madame Anise during Longshan, August 1943.

17. Weighing jockeys on the Longshan hippodrome. August 1943.

18. At the tomb of an unknown soldier under the Triumphal Arch, 1942

19. In the Luxembourg Garden, May 1942.

20. Nazi propaganda on the Champs Elysees. Text on the poster in the center: "They give their blood, give your work for saving Europe from Bolshevism."

21. Another propaganda poster of the Nazis, released after the bombing of Rouen British aviation in April 1944. In Ruang, as is known, the British was executed by the national heroine of France Zhanna D`ark. The inscription on the poster: "The killers are always returning .. ..n a crime scene."

22. In signatures, the "City Gas" served for this bus served as fuel for this bus.

23. Two more occupation hours. Both snapshot are made in April 1942. At the top picture - the car, the fuel for which is the charcoal. In the bottom image - a gas operating on a compressed gas.

24. In the garden Pale Piano.

25. The Central Market of Paris (Les Halles) in July 1942. The picture is clearly visible by one of the metal structures (because Baltar Pavilions) of the Napoleon of the Third, which were demolished in 1969.

26. One of the few black-walked photos of Zucca. On it - the national funeral of Philipp Enrio, the Secretary of State on information and propaganda, who spent the full cooperation with the invaders. On June 28, 1944, Enrio was shot dead by members of the resistance movement.

27. Playing cards in the Luxembourg Garden, May 1942

28. Public in Luxembourg Garden, May 1942

29. In the Paris Central Market (Les Halles, the most "womb of Paris") were called "meat refrains."

30. Central Market, 1942

32. Central Market, 1942

33. Central Market, 1942

34. Rivoli Street, 1942

35. Rosier Street in the Jewish Quarter Marhe (Jews had to wear a yellow star on the chest). 1942

36. In Quarter, Nazon. 1941

37. Fair in the Quarter of Nazone. Pay attention to the fun carousel device.

In the photo below the Nazis occupied by France. This is Paris. This is 1941. Do you think about these Parisians in the queue ???

I can not imagine that, for example, in the occupied by the Germans Voronezh, Soviet women put the queues for this ...

Signature under photo says:

"The queue in front of the store on Italian Boulevard. Today, the sale of a hundred pairs of artificial silk stockings"

In the context of this wonderful photo, I want to bring you fragments from the book of Oscar Rail "Paris's eyes of the German". It is very interesting...

Germans and Eiffel Tower. Calm and delusito was busy Paris

1. Summer in 1940.

"... In the next weeks of Paris, the streets of Paris began to be gradually again. The evacuated families began to return, be taken for their former work, life again entrusted almost as before. All this is not least due to the measures adopted by the commander of the troops in France and his administration. Among other things they were so successfully appointed exchange rate of the French currency 20 francs \u003d 1 mark. On the one hand, the German servicemen still could afford something to pay for their money, and on the other - the French population did not at all without enthusiasm adopted German stamps as Payment for work or sold goods.

Nazi flag over one of the streets of Paris, 1940

As a result, in the summer of 1940, a peculiar live of living in Paris was established. Everywhere there were visible German servicemen walking on boulevards in the company of charming women, looking at the sights or sitting with their companions at the tables in a bistro or café and enjoying food and drinks. In the evenings, such major entertainment places such as "Lido", "Foli-Berger", "Sheherzad" and others, were overflowing. And out of Paris in the outskirts of the famous history - Versailles, Fontainebleau, - almost every hour there were small groups of German soldiers who survived in the battles and who wanted to enjoy life in full measure.

Hitler in Paris

... German soldiers were very quickly mastered in France and, thanks to their correct and disciplined behavior, won sympathy in the French population.Reached the point that the French were openly revealed, When German Luftwaffe was shot down by English aircraft appearing over Paris.

These correct, in many ways friendly relations between German soldiers and the French were not dying around for almost a year.

Most of the Germans and French in July 1940 were hoping for the imminent world, so at the willingness of Hitler in his public speech on July 19, 1940 to peace negotiations with the UK and sharply negative response Lord Halifax a few days later, it seemed almost no one paid attention or perceived tragically . But the illusion was deceptive. In the occupied French territories, it was perhaps quite a few French, with great interest of the call of General de Gaulle to continue the struggle against Germany and who felt that they could mean the statements of the English Lord in the future. For this period of time, the circle of such French people, according to Abver, was still very narrow. In addition, most of his members prudently behaved quietly and expectantly. "

Hitler with approximate poses against the background of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1940. Left - Albert Speer

2. The end of October 1941.

"... The industry and the economy continued to rhythmically work, at Renault enterprises in Boulogne Billancur with a conveyor uninterrupted trucks for the Wehrmacht. And on many other enterprises, the French were produced without any coercion in large volumes and without advertising products for our military industry.

However, then the situation in France was significantly determined by the fact that the French government in Vichy made serious efforts to defeat not only the communists, but also supporters of General de Gaulle. Their instructions to all subordinate to the executive authorities were approximately in such a spirit.

In cities in the occupied French territories, it was easily established that the French police are working closely and without friction with the bodies of our military administration and the secret military police.

Everyone gave the right to believe with confidence that much most of the French, as before, stood for Marshal Peten and his government.

Column of French prisoners from the Warsal Palace in Paris

And in Paris, life went as not as before. When the guard company for the music and drum fighting on the Elysee field marched to the triumphal arch, as before, hundreds and even thousands of Parisians gathered on the sides to admire the play. Rarely on the faces of the audience could have been reading anger and hatred. Rather, most looked after German soldiers with an obvious understanding, often even approval. The French, thanks to their great andthe glorious military past and traditions, show a greater understanding of such performances demonstrating strength and discipline. And unless you can not look at how in the afternoon and in the evening on the boulevards, in zucchi, the German military walked at every step, the German military walked on every step, a friendly chatting with the French and French people?

Parade of German troops in Paris

... not all of these French were ready to act against us as spies and saboteurs. Millions of them, at least at that moment, did not want to have anything in common with the activities of compatriots against us, which were already united in groups. Many of the best representatives of the French and did not think about the fight against Germany. Some believed that they had to maintain the head of their state of the pass, others identified their position due to a strong hostility to the UK. An example of this Admiral Darlan.

3. Summer in 1942.

"... Laval in his radio enjoyment went far that, among other things, stated:

"I wish the victory of Germany, because without her, Bolshevism would reign in the whole world."

"France due to immeasurable victims of Germany cannot remain passive and indifferent."

The effect of these statements of Laval can not be underestimated. Thousands of workers of the French factories for several years, up to 1944, worked unconditionally to the German defense industry . Sabotage cases were very rare. True, it should be noted that all over the world not very many workers can be inclined to make them rush to destroy jobs with their own hands and thus deprive themselves a piece of bread. "

Paris march. Triumphal Arch

4. Summer 1943

"In the summer of 1943 in the afternoon in Paris in the summer of 1943, it could easily forget the impression of the state of affairs. The streets are lively, most of the stores are open. The menu of filled restaurants still offer a rich choice of dishes and delicacies. Their stocks of wonderful wines and a variety of champagne varieties seemed inexhaustible . Many military personnel and staff members made purchases, as in the previous two years.

While you could still buy almost everything: clothes, fur, jewelry, cosmetics.

Staff staff rarely could resist the temptation to not compete with Parisians with civilian orders. In French dress, powdered and painted, in the city they had and not recognize the Germans. It brought to think about one high rank from Berlin, once came to us in the Lutection Hotel. He recommended to put this end.

Then I made a report (the truth, which brought a little benefit) to the subordinate to me with auxiliary female personnel. One of them, by the name of Isolde, then appeared in my bureau and stated: "If you do not take my makeup, then transfer me to Marseille. There in our department I know someone who finds me beautiful, such as I am. "

Izold was transferred to Marseille. "

Military parade on the Champs Elysees

Not far from the Arc de Triomphe. France. June 1940

Walk in Paris.

German excursion at the grave of an unknown soldier in Paris

The grave of an unknown soldier in the Triumphal Arch in Paris. Please note, unlike the photo above, the fire does not burn (apparently due to saving or by order of the German command)

German officers in a cafe on the street of Occuped Paris. 07.1940.

German officers near the Parisian cafe

German soldiers try the French Fast Food

Paris shopping. November 1940

Paris. Summer 1940g. Such as this Frenchwoman, then their own and doit ...

German tank PZKPFW V "Panther" passing next to the Triumphal Arch in Paris

In the Paris subway. 01/31/1941

Freilain walks ...

On donkey in Paris!

German units and a military orchestra are preparing for looking in Paris

German military orchestra on Paris Street

German equestrian patrol on one of the streets of Paris

German machine gun on the background of the Eiffel Tower

German prisoners go along Paris Street. 08/25/1944

Paris. Past and present

About the uprising in Paris

(Tippelskirm "History of World War II"):

"The 1st American army had a task as far as possible to circumvent and surround Paris in order to deliver the city from fighting and destruction. Very soon, however, it was discovered that such a precaution was unnecessary. Hitler, however, ordered to defend Paris to the last person and blow all the bridges through Seine, not believing with the inevitable destruction of architectural monuments, but the forces sufficient for the defense of this city with a million population, at the disposal of the commandant General von Holtitsa.

From the staff of the occupying authorities and the rear services managed to scrape 10 thousand people. Their, however, would not be enough even to maintain the authority of the German government within the city in the face of well-organized forces of the French resistance movement. Consequently, the defense of the city would result in street fighting with senseless human victims. The German commandant decided to enter into contact with the representatives of the resistance movement, who became approaching the front approaching everything more actively and threatened to provoke battles in the city, and conclude a kind of "truce" before the city of the Allied Forces.

This is a kind of "truce" only in some places violated too impatient participants in the resistance movement, which immediately followed energetic rebuff from the German side. From the explosion of bridges through Seine, the commandant refused, thanks to which the world's remarkable architectural monuments of the city were saved near the bridges. As for the interests of the German army, they were not at all affected, because the Americans switched to Seine long before in other places. In such a transitional state, Paris remained until August 25, when one of the French tank divisions entered him. "


"If the Board of Germany brought us well-being, nine out of ten theirs would give up with him, and three or four would take him with a smile"

writer Andre Jul, July 1940, shortly after the defeat of France ...

On the eve of World War II, the French Army was considered one of the most powerful in the world. But with a direct encounter with Germany in May 1940, the French had enough for a few weeks of resistance.

Useless superiority

By the beginning of World War II, France had 3rd in the number of tanks and army aircraft in the world, yielding only the USSR and Germany, as well as 4th after Britain, USA and Japan by the Navy. The total number of French troops numbered more than 2 million people.
The superiority of the French army in a living force and technology in front of the Wehrmacht forces on the Western Front was indisputable. For example, the France Air Force included about 3,300 aircraft, among which half were the newest combat machines. Luftwaffe could only count on 1186 aircraft.
With the arrival of reinforcements from the British Islands - the Expeditionary Corps in the amount of 9 divisions, as well as airlines included 1500 combat vehicles - the advantage over the German troops has become more than obvious. Nevertheless, in a matter of months from the former superiority of the Allied Forces, there was no trail - a well-trained and having tactical superiority, the Wehrmacht army forced ultimately to capitulate France.

Line that did not protect

The French command assumed that the German army would act as during the First World War - that is, will take an attack on France from the northeast on the part of Belgium. All the load in this case was supposed to lie on the defensive redoubts of the Maginos line, which France began to build in 1929 and improved until 1940.

For the construction of the Maginos line, stretching at 400 km., The French spent the fabulous amount - about 3 billion francs (or 1 billion dollars). The massive fortifications included multi-level underground forts with residential premises, ventilation plants and elevators, electrical and telephone exchanges, hospitals and narrow-chain railways. The gunmates from the avia bombs should have protected the concrete wall thickness of 4 meters.

The personnel of the French troops on the line of Mazhino reached 300 thousand people.
According to military historians, the line of Maginos, in principle, coped with its task. At its most fortified areas of breakthroughs of German troops was not. But the German group of armies "b" bypassing the line of fortifications from the north, the main forces threw on its new sites, which were built on the swampy terrain, and where the construction of underground structures was difficult. There are not able to restrain the German German troops.

Capitulation for 10 minutes

On June 17, 1940, the first meeting of the Collaborationist Government of France, headed by Marshal Henri Petin. It lasted only 10 minutes. During this time, the ministers unanimously voted to decide to turn to the German command and ask him about the cessation of the war in France.

For these purposes used intermediary services. The new Minister of Foreign Affairs P. Boduen through the Spanish Ambassador of Locherik conveyed a note in which the French government requested Spain to turn to the German leadership with a request to cease hostilities in France, as well as find out the conditions of the truce. At the same time, the proposal for truce through the papal nunition was sent to Italy. On the same day, Pereng on the radio turned to the people and the army, calling them to "stop the struggle."

Last stronghold

When signing a traffic agreement (act of surrender) between Germany and France, Hitler with Ostaya looked at the latter's extensive colonies, many of whom were ready to continue resistance. This explains some of the relaxation in the contract, in particular, the preservation of the part of the French Navy to maintain the "order" in their colonies.

England was vital in the fate of French colonies, since the threat to their seizure by Germanic forces was assessed high. Churchill put out plans for the creation of the emigrant government of France, which would provide actual control of the French overseas ownership of Britain.
Creating the opposition regime of Vichy Government General Charles de Gaulle all his efforts sent to mastering colonies.

However, the administration of North Africa rejected the proposal to join "Free France". A completely different mood reigned in the colonies of Equatorial Africa - Already in August 1940, Chad, Gabon and Cameroon are joined to de Gaulle, which created general conditions for the formation of the state apparatus.

Mussolini rage

Realizing that the defeat of France from Germany inevitably Mussolini on June 10, 1940 declared her war. The Italian group of the Army "West" Prince Umberto Savoy forces over 300 thousand people with the support of 3 thousand guns began an offensive in the Alps area. However, the opposing army of General Oldri successfully reflected these attacks.

By June 20, the offensive of Italian divisions was more fierce, but they managed to move only a little in the Mentons. Mussolini was furious - his plans to seize by the time of the succession of France a large piece of its territory suffered collapse. The Italian dictator has already begun to prepare an air landing, but I have not received approval for this operation from the German command.
On June 22, a truce between France and Germany was signed, and two days later, France and Italy concluded the same agreement. So, with a "victorious confusion" Italy joined the second world war.


During the active phase of the war, which lasted from May 10 to 21, 1940, the French army lost about 300 thousand people killed and wounded. One and a half million were captured. The tank corps and the France Air Force were partially destroyed, their other part was used by the Armed Forces of Germany. At the same time, Britain eliminates the French fleet to avoid his entry into the hands of the Wehrmacht.

Despite the fact that the capture of France occurred in a short time, its armed forces were given a decent story with the German and Italian troops. For a month and a half, Wehrmacht lost more than 45 thousand people killed and missing, about 11 thousand were injured.
The French victims of German aggression could not be in vain if the government of France had gone to a number of concessions put forward by Britain in return for the joining the Royal Armed Forces in the war. But France preferred to capitulate.

Paris - place of rapprochement

Under the armistice agreement, Germany occupied only the west coast of France and the northern regions of the country where Paris was located. The capital was a kind of place "French-German" rapprochement. Here the German soldiers and Parisians were peacefully rooted: they went to the movies together, visited museums or just sat in a cafe. After the occupation, theaters were revived - their cash collecting grew three times compared to pre-war years.

Paris very quickly became the cultural center of the occupied Europe. France lived as before, as if there were no months of desperate resistance and unfulfilled hopes. German propaganda managed to convince many French that the capitulation is not a shame of the country, and the road to the "bright future" of the updated Europe.
