First year without war. For Soviet people, he was different. This is the time to combat devastation, hunger and crime, but this is the period of labor accomplishments, economic victories and new hopes.


In September 1945, the long-awaited world came to the Soviet land. But he got an expensive price. More than 27 million were victims of war. Man, 1710 cities and 70 thousand villages and villages were erased from the face of the earth, 32 thousand enterprises were destroyed, 65 thousand kilometers of railways, 98 thousand collective farms and 2890 machinery and tractor stations. Direct damage to the Soviet economy amounted to 679 billion rubles. The national economy and heavy industry were discarded at least ten years ago.

Hunger was added to huge economic and human losses. He was promoted by drought in 1946, the collapse of agriculture, lack of workers and techniques, which led to a significant crop loss, as well as a decrease in livestock livestock by 40%. The population had to survive: cook boosch from nettle or bake of cakes from leaves and linden flowers.

Distrophy was a common diagnosis of the first post-year year. For example, by the beginning of 1947, in one of the Voronezh region of patients with such a diagnosis, 250 thousand people were numbered, about 600 thousand in the RSFSR. According to the Dutch economist Michael Ellman, just from hunger in 1946-1947 in the USSR died from 1 to 1.5 million people.

Historian Veniamin Winter believes that the state has enough grain reserves to prevent hunger. Thus, the volume of exported grain in 1946-48 was 5.7 million tons, which is 2.1 million tons of more exports of pre-war years.

To help the starving from China, the Soviet government purchased about 200 thousand tons of grain and beans of soy. Ukraine and Belarus, as victims of war, Assistance came across the UN channels.

Stalin's miracle

The war has just turned rare, but no one has canceled another five-year plan. In March 1946, the fourth five-year plan was accepted for 1946-1952. His goals are ambitious: not only to achieve the pre-war level of industrial and agricultural production, but also surpass it.

In Soviet enterprises, iron discipline reigned, which ensured the impact rates of production. Shared methods were needed to organize the work of different groups of workers: 2.5 million prisoners, 2 million prisoners of war and about 10 million demobilized.

Special attention was paid to the restoration of the destroyed war of Stalingrad. Molotov then stated that no German would leave the USSR until the city was restored completely. And, it must be said that the painstaking work of the Germans in construction and utilities made its contribution to the appearance of the rebel from the ruins of Stalingrad.

In 1946, the government adopted a plan providing for lending to the regions of the most affected by the fascist occupation. This allowed the rapid pace to restore their infrastructure. The emphasis was made on industrial development. Already in 1946, the mechanization of the industry was 15% of the pre-war level, another couple of years and the pre-war level would be exceeded.

All for people

Post-war devastation did not prevent the government to provide comprehensive support to citizens. On August 25, 1946, by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers, a mortgage loan was issued in solving a housing problem under 1% per annum.

"To provide workers, engineering and employees and serving the possibility of acquiring a residential building to oblige a central communal bank to issue a loan in the amount of 8-10 thousand rubles. Buying a two-room residential building with a maturity of 10 years and 10-12 thousand rubles. By buying a three-room residential building with a maturity of 12 years, "said in the ruling.

Doctor of Technical Sciences Anatoly Torgashev witnessed those complex post-war years. He notes that, despite the various kinds of economic problems, already in 1946, in the enterprises and construction projects of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, it was possible to raise the salary of 20%. Official salaries of citizens with secondary and higher special education were increased to the same amount.

Serious gains received persons who had various degrees and titles. For example, the salaries of professors and doctors of sciences rose from 1600 to 5,000 rubles, associate professor and candidate of science - from 1200 to 3200 rubles, the university rector - from 2500 to 8,000 rubles. Interestingly, Stalin as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR had a salary of 10,000 rubles.

But for comparison prices for the main products of the food basket for 1947. Bread black (loaf) - 3 rubles, milk (1 l) - 3 rubles, eggs (dozen) - 12 rubles, vegetable oil (1 l) - 30 rubles. A pair of shoes could be bought on average for 260 rubles.


After the end of the war, over 5 million Soviet citizens were outside of their country: over 3 million in the range of allies and less than 2 million in the zone of the influence of the USSR. Most of them were Ostaram, the rest (about 1.7 million) - prisoners of war, collaborators and refugees. At the Yalta Conference of 1945, the leaders of the winning countries decided to repatriate Soviet citizens, which should have been mandatory.

Already by August 1, 1946, 3,322,053 repatriates were directed to the place of residence. In the report of the command of the NKVD troops, it was noted: "Polynomatics of repatriated Soviet citizens in the overwhelming majority of healthy, characterized by a vast desire to come home to the USSR. It was manifested everywhere considerable interest and desire to find out what was new in life in the USSR, it is more likely to take part in the work on the elimination of destruction caused by war, and strengthening the economy of the Soviet state. "

Not everyone accepted the returnors favorably. In the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), "On the organization of political and educational work with repatriated Soviet citizens" reported: "Separate party and Soviet workers became on the path of ill-dimensional distrust of repatriated to Soviet citizens." The government reminded that "Returned Soviet citizens again gained all rights and should be attracted to active participation in labor and social and political life."

A significant part of returned to their homeland was thrown into areas conjugate with severe physical labor: in the coal industry of eastern and Western regions (116 thousand), in black metallurgy (47 thousand) and the forest industry (12 thousand). Many of the repatriates were forced to enter into labor agreements on a permanent job.


One of the most painful problems of the first post-war years for the Soviet state was a high criminal level. The struggle with the discrepancy and banditry has become a headache for Sergei Kruglov - Minister of Internal Affairs. The peak of crimes fell in 1946, during which more than 36,000 armed robbery was revealed and over 12 thousand cases of social banditry.

The post-war Soviet society was to power the pathological fear of enveloped crime. Historian Elena Zubkov explained: "The fear of people in front of the criminal world was relying not so much on reliable information, as was the case from its lack and dependence on rumors."

The collapse of social order, especially in the territories of Eastern Europe who departed to the USSR, was one of the main factors provoking a surge of crime. About 60% of all crimes in the country performed in Ukraine and in the Baltic States, and the greatest concentration was noted in the territories of Western Ukraine and Lithuania.

A seriousness of the problem with the post-war crime is evidenced by the report under the vulture "Top Secret" received by Lavrenting Beria at the end of November 1946. There, in particular, 1232 references to criminal banditiism taken from the private correspondence of citizens from October 16 to November 15, 1946.

Here is an excerpt from the letter of Saratov worker: "With the beginning of the autumn, Saratov literally terrorizing the thieves and killers. Stripped on the streets, break off the clock from the hands, and this happens every day. Life in the city simply stops with the onset of darkness. Residents have traveled to walk only in the middle of the street, and not by sidewalks, and suspiciously looking at everyone who approaches them. "

Nevertheless, the struggle with crime brought their fruits. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for the period from January 1, 1945 to December 1, 1946, 3757 anti-Soviet formations and organized BDANGRUPs were liquidated, as well as 3861 connected bands . Since 1947, the crime rate in the USSR has declined.

Despite the fact that the USSR suffered very large losses during the war years, he was not only not weakened on the international arena, but became even stronger than before. In 1946-1948 In the states of Eastern Europe and Asia, the Communist governments came to power, which took the course for the construction of socialism-ma on the Soviet model.

However, the leading Western powers conducted force poly-tick in relation to the USSR and socialist states. One of the main means of deterring was atomic weapons , monopoly on the possession of which the United States used. Therefore, the creation of an atomic bomb has become one of the main goals of the USSR. These works headed the physicist I. V. Kurchatov. Institute of Atomic Energy and Institute for Nuclear Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1948, the first atomic reactor was launched, and in 1949, a test of the first atomic bomb was held at the Polygon under Semipalatinsky. In the work on it, the USSR secretly helped separate Western scientists. So, the second nuclear power appeared in the world, the US monopoly on nuclear weapons ended. Since that time, the opposition of the United States and the USSR largely determined the internal situation.

Restoration of the economy.

War material losses were very high. The USSR lost a third of his national wealth in the war. Agriculture was in a deep crisis. Most of the population was in a distinguished position, it was supplied with a card system.

In 1946, a law on the five-year plan of restoration and development of the national economy was adopted. It was necessary to speed up technical progress, strengthen the defense power of the country. Post-war five-year planit was noted by large construction sites (HPP, GRES) and the development of road-building. The technical re-equipment of the Soviet Union industry facilitated the export of equipment from German and Japanese enterprises. The highest rates of development managed to achieve in such industries as ferrous metallurgy, oil and coal mining, construction of machines and machines.

After the war, the village was in a more severe position than the city. In the collective farms, strict events were held on the bunch of bread. If earlier the collective farmers gave "to the overall barn" only part of the grain, now they were often forced to give all the grain. Dissatisfaction on the village grew. Sowing solved solved. Due to the worn out of the equipment and lack of working hands, field work was carried out late, which exposed to the harvest.

The main features of the post-war life.

A significant part of the Liberty Foundation was destroyed. The problem of labor resources was acute: Immediately after the war, a lot of demobilized, but in enterprises still lacked Ra-Bochich. I had to recruit workers in the village, among the students of Proftechilishi.

Even before the war, they were adopted, and after, they continued to act the decrees in which the workers were prohibited under the country of criminal punishment to leave the enterprise.

To stabilize the financial system in 1947, the Soviet practices conducted a monetary reform. Old money on new changes in the ratio of 10: 1. After sharing the amount of money in the population decreased dramatically. At the same time, the government reduced prices for mass consumption products many times. The card system, food and industrial goods appeared in open sale at retail prices. In most cases, these prices were above wrapping, but significantly lower than commercial. Cancellation of cards improved the position of the urban population.

One of the main features of the post-war life was the legalization of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. In July 1948, the church celebrated the 500th anniversary of self-government, and a meeting of representatives of local law-glorious churches was held in honor of this in Moscow.

Power after the war.

With the transition to peaceful construction, structural changes occurred in the government. In September 1945, GKO was abolished. On March 15, 1946, the Council of Ministers and the Ministerial Council and the Ministry of Justice and the People's Commissariat.

In March 1946, the Bureau of the Council of Ministers was created, the preparation of which became L. P. Beria . He was also entrusted to control the work of the internal affairs and state security bodies. Uply strong position in the leadership held A.A. Zhdanov,combined the duties of a member of the Politburo, the Organizing Bureau and the Secretary of the Party, but in 1948 he died. At the same time, the positions were strengthened G.M. Malenkov,which before that occupied a very modest position in the governing bodies.

Changes in party structures were reflected in the program-ME XIX Party Congress. At this congress, the party received a new on-Sha and Ie - instead of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) began to be called Communist Party Council and Wow Union (CPSU).

USSR in the 50s - Propy of the 60s. XX century

Changes after the death of Stalin and XX Congress CPSU.

Stalin Skon-tagged on March 5, 1953. The nearest colleagues of the leader proclaimed a course on the establishment of collective leadership, but in fact, the struggle for leadership began between them. Minister of Internal Affairs Marshal L.P. Beria initiated an amnesty to prisoners whose time was not more than five years. At the head of several republics, he set his supporters. Beria also proposed to mitigate a policy towards collective farms and made the discharge of international tensions, an improvement in relations with Western countries.

However, in the summer of 1953, other members of the highest party manual, with the support of the military, organized a conspiracy and overthrow Beria. He was shot. The struggle did not end. Post-Peno, Malenkov, Kaganovich and Molo-Tov were removed from power, from the post of the Minister of Defense, G. Khukov was shot. Almost all this was done on the initiative N.S. Khrushchev Since 1958 began combining party and state posts.

In February 1956, the XX Congress of the CPSU took place, on the agenda of which were an analysis of the international and internal position, summing up the fifth five-year plan. At the congress, the question was raised about the exposure of the cult of the personality of Stalin. With a report "On the cult of personality and his consequences", N.S. Khrushchev. He spoke of numerous violations of Stalin Leninist politics, about the "illegal methods of the investigation" and the cleaning, which wanted many innocent people. It was said about Stalin's errors as a statesman (for example, it seems to determine the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). The report of Khrushchev after the congress was read throughout the country on party and Komsomol meetings. Its content shocked Soviet people, many began to doubt the correctness of the path that the country was going from October revolution .

The process of detonation of society passed gradually. At the initiative of Khrushchev, cultural figures were able to create their own works without total control of censorship and rigid party dictates. This policy has received the NEIMA "thaw" by the name of the popular I. Erenburg novel.

In the period of "thaw" in culture there were significant due to. The works of literature and art became more degrees and sincere.

Reforms in the field of economics. The development of the national economy.

The reforms held in the 50s - early 60s. XX century, they were controversial. At one time, Stalin outlined the economical frontiers to which the country had to go out in our time. When Khrushchev, the USSR came out on these frontiers, but in measuring conditions, their achievement did not give such a significant effect.

Strengthening the national economy of the USSR began with changes in both the rainstream sector. It was decided to establish acceptable prices for agricultural products, change the tax policy so that the collective farmers were financially interested in marketing products. In the per caption, an increase in cash income of collective farms, pension, mitigation of the passport regime was scheduled.

In 1954, on the initiative of Khrushchev began the development of virgin lands.Later, they began to reorganize the economic instrument-yes collective farmers. Khrushchev offered to build for rural residents of a city type building and conduct other measures to improve their life. Passport mode discovery opened gateways for the migration of the rural population to the city. The various programs of increasing agricultural efficiency were taken, and Khrushchev often saw a panacea in the cultivation of any one culture. The greatest fame received him in torture to turn into the "Queen of the fields" corn. The desire to grow-make it, regardless of climate, caused damage to agriculture, in the people of Khrushchev received the nickname "Caviar".

50s. XX century Characterized by great successes in industrial. Especially increased products of heavy industry. Much attention was paid to the sectors that provide the development of technology. The program of continuous electrification of the country had of paramount importance. New HPP and GRES introduced into operation.

The impressive success of the economy was caused by the leadership led by Khrushchev confidence in the possibility of even greater wearing the pace of the country's development. The thesis was put forward on the full and final construction of socialism in the USSR, and at the beginning of the 60s. XX century Course on building communism , i.e. societies where every person can satisfy all its needs. Co-Glasno adopted in 1962. The XXII Congress of the CPSU A new program of the party was supposed to complete the construction of communism by 1980. However, the serious difficulties in the economy began at the same time.

The difficulties in the development of the industry were largely connected with the ill-conceived reorganizations of the recent years of the Book of Khrushchev. So, most of the central industrial ministries was eliminated, and the economy's management went into hand sovvarkhozov,created in certain regions of the country. This innovation led to the rupture of links between the regions, Tor-Mozilo introduction of new technologies.

Social sphere.

The government conducted a number of activities to improve the welfare of the people. The law on state pensions was introduced. In medium and higher educational institutions, Otni-Lee fee for training. The workers of the heavy industry were transferred to a shortened working day without reducing the salary. The population received various cash benefits. Material revenues of workers rose. Simultaneously with the increase in the salary, it was reduced to lower prices for goods of mass consumption: separate types of tissue, clothing, goods for children, clock, medicine, etc.

Many public foundations were also created, which paid various preferential benefits. Due to these funds, many were able to study at school or university. The working day was reduced to 6-7 hours, and in the pre-holiday and holidays, the working day lasted even less. The working week has become shorter for 2 hours. From October 1, 1962, all taxes from the salaries of workers and employees were canceled. From the late 50s. XX century The sale of long-term goods on credit began.

Undoubted success in the social sphere in the early 60s. XX century Especially accompanied by negative phenomena, especially painful for the population: the products of the stores were disappeared from the stores of stores, right up to bread. There were several youths of the workers, the most famous of which was the de-monster in Novocherkassk, when the troops were suppressed by the arms, which led to many victims.

Foreign policy of the USSR in 1953-1964.

Foreign policy was characterized by the struggle for strengthening the position of the USSR and international security.

Important international importance was the settlement of the Aust-Riy issue. In 1955, on the initiative of the USSR, the State Treaty with Austria was sub-written in Vienna. Diplomatic relations with Germany, Japan were also installed.

Soviet diplomacy actively sought the establishment of a wide variety of ties with all states. The Hungarian uprising of 1956 was harsh, which was suppressed by Soviet troops. Almost simultaneously with Hungarian events in 1956 arose Suez crisis .

On August 5, 1963, a treaty between the USSR, the United States and the United Kingdom was concluded in Moscow about the ban on nuclear testing on Earth, in air and water.

Relationships with most socialist countries were already ordered - those clearly obeyed the instructions of Moscow. In May 1953, the USSR restored relations with Yugoslavi-her. The Soviet-Yugoslav Declaration was signed, in which the principle of indivisibility of the world, non-interference in the volatroery affairs, etc. was proclaimed.

The main foreign policy theses of the CPSU were criticized by Chinese communists. They also challenged the political assessment of Stalin's activities. In 1963-1965 The PRC presented claims to a number of border areas of the USSR, and an open struggle unfolded between the two powers.

The USSR actively collaborated with the countries of Asia and Africa, who won independence. Moscow helped developing countries to create a national economy. In February 1955, the Soviet-Indian construction agreement was signed in India with the help of the USSR of the Metallurgical Combine. The USSR assisted the assistance of the United Arab Republic, Afghani, Indonesia, Cambodia, Syria and other countries of Asia and Africa.

USSR in the second half of the 60s - early 80s. XX century

The overthrow of N. S. Khrushchev and the search for a political course.

Development of science, technology and education.

The number of scientific institutions and scientists has increased in the USSR. In each Soyuz, the Republic was its own Academy of Sciences, in subordination of which was a whole system of scientific institutions. In the development of science, significant successes were achieved. On October 4, 1957, there was a launch of the world's first artificial satellite satellite, then the spacecraft reached the moon. On April 12, 1961, the first person in the history of a person in space took place. CSM CSM pioneer has become Yu.L. Gagarin.

Newly more powerful power plants were built. Successfully developed aircraft construction, nuclear physics, astrophysics and other sciences. In many cities, scientific centers were created. For an example, in 1957, Akademgorodok was built near Novosibirsk.

After the war, the number of schools was disastrously decreased, one of the tasks of the government was to create new educational institutions. The increase in the number of graduates of secondary schools led to an increase in the number of university students.

1954 in schools a joint training of boys and girls was restored. The fee for the training of high school students, students was also canceled. Students began to pay Sipen-Dia. In 1958, an obligatory eight-year-old education was introduced, and the ten-year school was translated into 11 years of study. Soon, labor in production was included in school curriculum.

The spiritual life and culture of "Developed Socialism".

CPSS ideologists sought as soon as possible to forget the idea of \u200b\u200bKhrushchev to build communism by 1980. This idea was replaced by the slogan about the "Developed Socializ-Me". It was believed that with the "developed socialism" nation and nation come closer, a single community has developed - soviet people.It was stated on the rapid development of the country's productive forces, about erasing the faces between the city and the village, about the distribution of wealth on the principles "from each of his abilities, each of his work". Finally, the transformation of the state dictatorship of the proletariat in the nationwide state of Ra-Bochich, peasants and the folk intelligentsia, between which the faces are also continuously erased.

In the 60-70s. XX century Culture has ceased to be synonymous with ideology-gia, it has lost its uniformity. The ideological component of culture retreated to the background, giving way to simplicity and sincerity. The popularity has acquired works created in the province - in Irkutsk, Kursk, Voronezh, Omsk, etc. A special status was recognized for the culture.

Nevertheless, ideological trends in culture were still very strong. A negative role was played by militant atheism. Increased persecution to the Russian Orthodox Church. The churches were closed in the country, the priests shifted and deprived Sana. Warring boys created special organizations for the preaching of atheism.

The completion of the Great Patriotic War has become a huge relief for the residents of the USSR, but at the same time put a number of urgent tasks before the Government. Questions whose solution was postponed during the war, now it was necessary to solve urgently. In addition, the authorities needed to equip demobilized redarmeys, to ensure the social protection of the victims of the war and restore the destroyed economic facilities in the West of the USSR.

The first post-war five-year period (1946-1950) was set to restore the pre-war level of agricultural and industrial production. A distinctive feature of the recovery of the industry was that not all evacuated enterprises were returned to the West of the USSR, their large part was rejected from scratch. This made it possible to strengthen the industry in those regions that did not have a powerful industrial base before the war. At the same time, measures were taken to return industrial enterprises to the charts of a peaceful life: the duration of the working day was reduced, and the number of weekends increased. By the end of the fourth-year plan in all the most important industries managed to achieve a pre-war production level.


Although the small part of the fighters of the Red Army returned to their homeland in the summer of 1945, the main wave of demobilization began in February 1946, and the final completion of demobilization was necessary for March 1948. It was envisaged that demobilized warriors will be provided with work within a month. Family and disabled families of war received special support from the state: their homes first provided with fuel. However, in general, demobilized fighters did not have any benefits in comparison with citizens who were in the years of war in the rear.

Strengthening the repressive apparatus

The apparatus of repression, surviving the flourishing in the pre-war years, during the war was changed. The key role in it was played by intelligence and SMERS (counterintelligence). After the war, these structures were filtered by prisoners of war, Ostarabiters and collaborants returned to the Soviet Union. The NKVD bodies on the territory of the USSR fought organized crime, the level of which immediately after the war increased sharply. However, already in 1947, the power structures of the USSR returned to the repression of the civilian population, and at the end of the 50s the country was shocked by high-profile trials (the case of doctors, the Leningrad case, Mingral business). In the late 1940s and early 50s, from the new-appointed territories of Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic States were deported by the "Anti-Soviet elements": intelligentsia, major owners, supporters of the UPA and the "Forest Brothers", representatives of religious minorities.

Foreign farmers

Back in the years of war, the future of the winning powers laid the foundations of the international structure, which would regulate the post-war world order. In 1946, the UN began its work, in which the five most influential states of the world had a blocking voice. The entry of the Soviet Union to the UN Security Council strengthened its geopolitical position.

In the late 40s, the USSR foreign policy was aimed at creating, strengthening and expanding the block of socialist states, later than the Socialist camp known as the socialist camp. The coalition governments of Poland and Czechoslovakia emerged immediately after the war were replaced by one-party, monarchical institutions were eliminated in Bulgaria and Romania, and in East Germany and North Korea, the proper government proclaimed their republics. Shortly before that, the Communists took control of most of China. Attempts by the USSR to create Soviet republics in Greece and in Iran were not crowned with success.

Internartian struggle

It is believed that in the early 50s, Stalin planned another cleaning of the highest party apparatus. Shortly before his death, he also conducted the reorganization of the Party Management System. In 1952, the CPSU (b) began to be called the CPSU, and the Politburo was replaced by the Presidium of the Central Committee, in which there was no position of the Secretary-General. In the life of Stalin, there was a confrontation between Beria and Malenkov on one side and Voroshilov, Khrushchev and Molotov, on the other. There are such an opinion among historians: the members of both groups realized that a new series of processes was directed, first of all, against them, and therefore, having learned about Stalin's disease, they took care that he would not have the necessary medical care.

Results of post-war years

In the post-war years, which coincided with the last seven years of the life of Stalin, the Soviet Union from the winning power turned into a global power. The Government of the USSR was able to relatively quickly rebuild the national economy, restore state institutions and create a block of allied states around them. At the same time, a repressive apparatus, aimed at eradicating dissent and the "cleaning" of party structures, was intensified. With the death of Stalin, the process of developing the state has undergone sharp changes. The USSR entered a new era.

Reading the near-person disputes on various Internet sites I discovered that the people do not know the history of the USSR even in its main features. This is especially true for pre-war years. So I collected, I think the most popular myths and outlined it in the manner of "History for Doodles" ...

1. The Bolsheviks overthrew the king and unleashed the civil war?
Tsar overthrew the liberals during the February Revolution of 1917, not the Bolsheviks. The civil war in Russia was unleashed by Western countries led by Great Britain, giving a direct order to Czechoslovatsky Corps to raise the rebellion and start hostilities. All the anti-Bolshevik forces participating in the Civil War in Russia, with the exception, maybe some groups of anarchists, obeyed orders from Berlin and London.

2. Under Soviet power, the population lived worse than with autocracy?
The first years of Soviet power, after many years of the First World and Civil Wars, were indeed difficult to populate. However, in the second half of the 30s of the last century, the bulk of the population was better eats, dressed, had more comfortable living conditions than during capitalism. Especially improved leisure of citizens. There were publicly available sanatoriums, holiday homes, pioneer camps for children ... And the main thing from citizens appeared time for study, recreation, sports. The duration of the working day of the builder of communism was only 7 hours. Whereas with the autocracy workers worked for 9 to 11 hours, that is, on average as much as Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. The collective farmers in the 30s were obliged to work out only 60-80 workdays per year. The rest of the times managed at their discretion. With the king, the work of agricultural bathers did not normalize in any way.

3. Under Stalin was (not) dictatorship?
And the same answer is faithful, depending on which period of time it is speech. Until 1936 in the USSR there was a dictatorship of the proletariat, after - People's democracy. Sly Ilya Erenburg before the Civil War in Spain, comparing orders in this country and in the USSR, wrote that, and there, and there was a dictatorship, but in fact what's the difference!

4. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the country for more than 20 years (did not live) live in socialism?
In fact, to the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union managed to live in socialism only four years with a little, since the construction of socialism in the USSR was announced only in 1936.

5. The USSR was a militarized state?
Universal military duty in the USSR was introduced only in 1939. Prior to this, in order to save money, the army was mainly built on the territorial principle when young people passed only short-term military fees, being at the points of collecting with their straw for mattresses. In the Far East there were even "collective farm divisions." The militia-type army is conditionally suitable for defensive actions and is almost unusable - to offensive.

6. The USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War was a superpower?
The superpowering of the USSR became the results of the Great Patriotic War. Prior to the beginning of World War II, the largest, most crowded, the most powerful state in militarily was not USSR, not the United States and, of course, not Japan with Germany, but the United Kingdom.

7. The standard of living of the population in the pre-war USSR was lower than in Europe?
The standard of living of the population in the pre-war USSR was significantly higher than in most capitalist states of the world of the period, including European. This primarily concerns the states of Southern Europe: Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia. As well as Eastern Europe: Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, etc. The standard of living in the USSR was higher than in some Western and Northern countries: Ireland, Finland, Spain, Portugal. The state with the highest standard of living in Europe was the United Kingdom. After Germany subjugated to the continental Europe, the UK moved to second place, passing forward the third Reich.

8. During the years of collectivization, the alternate peasants were completely destroyed?
In 1940, 3 million 600 thousand sole peasants numbered in the USSR. It is 16 times more than in modern capitalist Russia.

9. Soviet soldiers and officers in 1944, freeing Europe, were shocked by a high level of Europeans?
This statement could be fair only in relation to Germany (see P.7) - States with the highest standard of living in Europe in the period from 1939 to 1944. In the remaining capitalist states, Soviet soldiers saw a screaming poverty.

The Great Victory had a great price. War took 27 million human lives. The economy of the country, especially in the territory subjected to occupation, was thoroughly undermined: 1710 cities and urban settlements were completely or partially destroyed, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, about 32 thousand industrial enterprises, 65 thousand km of railway tracks, 75 million people lost her bed. The concentration of military efforts, necessary to achieve victory, led to a significant destruction of public resources and to reduce the production of consumer goods. During the war, it was dramatically reduced before that minor housing construction, while the housing fund of the country was partially destroyed. An unfavorable economic and social factors have entered into operation: low wages, a sharp housing crisis, the involvement of an increasing number of women in production and so on.

After the war, the birth rate began to decline. In the 50s, it was 25 (per 1000), and before the war 31. In 1971-1972, 1,000 women aged 15-49 were twice as fewer children born in 1938-1939 . In the first postwar years, the population of the USSR in working age was also significantly lower than the pre-war. There are information at the beginning of 1950 in the USSR there were 178.5 million people, that is, 15.6 million less than in 1930 - 194.1 million people. In the 60s there was an even greater decline.

The fall in fertility in the first postwar years has been associated with the death of whole age groups of men. The death of a significant part of the male population of the country during the war created for millions of families a heavy, often catastrophic situation. There was a numerous category of widow families and single mothers. Double duties were legally for a woman: material support for family and care for the family itself and about the upbringing of children. Although the state has taken over, especially in large industrial centers, some of the care for children, creating a network of nursery and kindergartens, but they were not enough. Saved to some extent the institute of "grandmothers".

The difficulties of the first post-war years were aggravated by tremendous damage incurred during the war with agriculture. The occupiers ruined 98 thousand collective farms and 1876 state farms, took and stabbed many millions of livestock heads, almost completely deprived the rural areas of the occupied areas of the heavy force. In agrarian areas, the amount of able-bodied decreased by almost one third. The cloaking of human resources in the village was also the result of the natural process of growth of cities. The village was lost in an average of up to 2 million people. Heavy living conditions in the villages forced youth to go to the cities. Part of the demobilized soldiers of the village after the war in the cities did not want to return to agriculture.

During the war in many parts of the country, significant areas belonged to land collective farms were transferred to enterprises and cities, or illegally seized by them. In other areas, the Earth has become the subject of sale. Back in 1939, the decision of the Central Committee of the CCT1C (6) and the Council of TsK on measures to combat the lubrication of collective farm lands was published. By the beginning of 1947, more than 2,55 thousand cases of assignment or use of the Earth were discovered, as a whole, 4.7 million hectares. Between 1947 and May 1949, the use of 5.9 million hectares of collective farm lands was uncovered. The higher authorities, started from the local and ending with the Republican, brazenly robbed collective farms, visible from them under different pretexts actually natural lifts.

The debt of different organizations of the collective farms was 383 million rubles by September 1946.

In the Akmola region, the Kazakh CRI was taken from collective farms by the authorities in 1949 1500 heads of livestock, 3 thousand centners of grain and products worth about 2 million rubles. Crowders, among whom were governing party and Soviet workers were not attracted to justice.

The dilution of collective farm lands and goodholders belonging to collective farms caused a large outrage of collective farmers. For example, 90 thousand collective farmers participated in the general meetings of the collective farmers in the Tyumen region (Siberia) on September 19, 1946, and the activity was unusual: 11 thousand collective farmers performed. In the Kemerovo Region, candidates of 367 collective farms chairs, 2,250 members of the Board and 502 Chairmen of the Audit Commission of the Former Makeup were assigned to meetings for the election of new boards. However, the new composition of the Board could not achieve any significant fracture: state policy remained the same. Therefore, there was no exit from the dead end.

After the end of the war, the production of tractors, agricultural machines and inventory quickly established. But, despite the improvement of the supply of agriculture by machines, tractors, strengthening the material and technical base of state farms and MTS, the situation in agriculture remained catastrophic. The state continued to invest extremely minor means in agriculture - in the post-war five-year plan only 16% of all allocations for the national economy.

In 1946, only 76% of the sowing square were sown compared with 1940. Because of the drought and other troubles of the 1946 harvest was lower even compared to the half-year 1945. "In fact, for the production of grain, the country long period was at the level that had pre-revolutionary Russia," found N. S. Khrushchev. In 1910-3914, the gross grain harvest was 4380 million pounds, in 1949--1953 - 4942 million pounds. The yield of cereals was lower than the yield of 1913, despite the mechanization, fertilizer and so on.

Grain yield

1913 - 8.2 centners with hectares

1925-1926 - 8.5 centners with hectares

1926-1932 - 7.5 centners with hectares

1933-1937 - 7.1 centners with hectares

1949-1953 - 7.7 centners with hectares

Accordingly, less accounted for agricultural products and per capita. Taking the precompanization period of 1928-1929 for 100, production in 1913 was 90.3, in 1930-1932 - 86.8, in 1938-1940 - 90.0, in 1950-1953 - 94.0. As can be seen from the table, the grain problem was aggravated, despite the decline in grain exports (from 1913 to 1938, 4.5 times), reducing the livestock and, therefore, the grain consumption. The population of the horses decreased from 1928 to 1935 by 25 million heads, which gave savings more than 10 million tons of grain 10-- 15% of the gross collection of the grain of that time.

In 1916, there were 58.38 million cattle in Russia, on January 1, 1941, its number decreased to 54.51 million, and in 1951 there were 57.09 million goals, that is, it was still below the level 1916. The number of cows exceeded the level of 1916 only in 1955. In general, according to official data, from 1940 to 1952 gross agricultural products increased (in comparable prices) by only 10%!

The Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in February 1947 demanded an even greater centralization of agricultural production, actually deluded the collective farm of the right to solve not what how much, and what to sow. In machine-tractor stations, political waste were restored - propaganda was supposed to replace the food attense with an excreant and impoverished collective farmers. The collective farms were required in addition to the fulfillment of public supplies, fall asleep seed funds, postpone the part of the harvest in the indivisible foundation, and only after that, to give the collective farmers to the workforum. State deliveries were still planned from the center, the crop perspectives were determined by the eyes, and the real harvest was often much lower than the planned. The first commandment of collective farmers "First give to the state" should have been performed in any way. Local party and Soviet organizations often forced more successful collective farms to pay the grain and other products for their indispensable neighbors, which ultimately led to the impoverishment and those and others. The collective farmers were fed mainly due to products grown on their dwarf loft. But for the export of their products to the market, they needed a special certificate, certifying that they were calculated with compulsory public supplies. Otherwise, they were considered to be deserters and speculators, subjected to fines and even imprisonment. Increased taxes on personal residential sites of collective farmers. From collective farmers demanded in the form of natural supply products that they often did not produce. Therefore, they were forced to acquire these products at a market price and passing them to the state for free. This terrible state did not know even in the times of Tatar yoke.

In 1947, a significant part of the country's territory is hunger. He arose after a strong drought that covered the main agricultural residents of the European part of the USSR: a significant part of Ukraine, Moldova, the Lower Volga region, the central regions of Russia, Crimea. In the previous years, the state was cleared by the harvest at the expense of public supplies, not leaving even the seed foundation sometimes. Lucky happened in a number of areas underwing German occupation, that is, many times robbed and other people and their own. As a result there was no food reserves to survive hard time. The Soviet state demanded all new and new millions of grain peases from the even the pursuit of robbed peasants. For example, in 1946, a year of the strongest drought, Ukrainian collective farmers were to be 400 million pounds (7.2 million tons) of grain. This figure, and most of the other planned tasks, was arbitrarily installed and did not correlate with the valid possibilities of Ukrainian agriculture.

Desperate peasants sent letters to the Ukrainian government in Kiev and allied to Moscow, begging to come to the rescue and save from hungry death. Khrushchev, who was at that time the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) after long and painful oscillations (he feared to be accused of sabotage and lose his place) still sent a letter to Stalin, in which he asked to allow you to temporarily enter the card system and save food for Supply of the agricultural population. Stalin in the response telegram rudely rejected the request of the Ukrainian government. Now the Ukrainian peasants were expected hunger and death. The people began to die thousands. There were cases of cannibalism. Khrushchev leads in his memoirs a letter to him Secretary of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Party A.I. Kirichenko, who visited in the winter of 1946-1947, one of the collective farms. That's what he reported: "I saw a terrible scene. The woman put the corpse of his own child on the table and cut it into pieces. She looked madly when it did:" We have already eaten a maneuchka. Now we will sing a Vanichka. It will support us for a while ". Can you imagine it? The woman went crazy on the ground of hunger and destroyed her own children in pieces! Hunger was raging in Ukraine.

However, Stalin and his closest assistants did not want to be reckoned with the facts. A merciless Kaganovich was sent to Ukraine as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) y, and Khrushchev temporarily fell into disfavor, was mixed with the post of Chairman of the Council of Ukraine. But no movement could save the position: hunger lasted, and he took about a million human lives.

In 1952, government prices for grain supplies, meat and pork were lower than in 1940. Prices paid for potatoes were lower than the cost of transportation. The collective farms paid on average 8 rubles 63 kopecks for centner grain. The state farms were received for the centner 29 rubles 70 kopecks.

In order to buy a kilogram of oil, the collective farmer had to work ... 60 workdays, and to acquire a very modest costume, it was necessary for annual earnings.

In most collective farms and state farms in the country at the beginning of the 50s, extremely low yields were collected. Even in such fertile areas of Russia, as the Central Black Earth region, the Volga region and Kazakhstan yields remained extremely low, for the center infinitely prescribed them to sow and how to sow. The case, however, was not only in silly orders from above and insufficient material and technical base. Over the years, love for their work was kept from the peasants to Earth. Once the land rewarded for the costly work, for their devotion to his peasant business, sometimes generously, sometimes poorly. Now this incentive, which received the official name "stimulus of material interest" disappeared. Work on Earth turned into free or more vigorous forced labor.

Many farmers are starved, others systematically undernourished. Saved loft. Especially difficult position was in the European part of the USSR. It was much better about the situation in Central Asia, where there were high cotton preparation prices - the main agricultural culture, and in the south, specializing in vegetable growing, fruits and winemaking.

In 1950, the consolidation of collective farms began. Their number decreased from 237 thousand to 93 thousand in 1953. The consolidation of collective farms could contribute to their economic strengthening. However, insufficient investments, mandatory deliveries and low procurement prices, the lack of a sufficient number of trained specialists and mechanisters and, finally, the limitation of the collective farmers imposed on personal household farms deprived them of incentive to work, destroyed the hope of getting out of the vice needs. 33 million collective farmers who fought their heavy labor 200 million people of the country remained following the towers the most offended layer of Soviet society.

Let's see now what was the position of the working class and other urban segments of the population at this time.

As is known, one of the first acts of the temporary government after the February Revolution was the introduction of an 8-hour working day. Before that, Russia worked at 10, and sometimes 12 hours a day. As for the collective farmers, their working day, as in the pre-revolutionary years, remained non-normalized. In 1940, returned to the 8-hour.

According to official Soviet statistics, the average salary of the Soviet worker has increased more than 11 times between the beginning of industrialization (1928) and the end of the Era of Stalin (1954). But it does not give the ideas about the real wage. Soviet sources give fantastic calculations that have nothing to do with reality. Western researchers calculated that at the specified period, the cost of life, according to the most conservative estimates, increased in the period 1928-1954 of 9-10 times. However, the worker in the Soviet Union has in addition to the official wages received by the hands, additional, in the form of social services provided to him by the state. It returns workers in the form of free medical care, education and other part of the earnings alienated by the state.

According to the estimates of the largest American specialist in the Soviet economy, Janet Chepman Additional gains to workers' wages and employees, taking into account changes in prices, after 1927 were: in 1928 - 15% in 1937 - 22.1%; in 194th - 20.7%; in 1948 - 29.6%; in 1952 - 22.2%; 1954 - 21.5%. The cost of living in the same years grew as follows, taking 1928 for 100:

From this table, it can be seen that the growth of salary of Soviet workers and employees was lower than the cost of life. For example, by 1948, wages in monetary terms doubled compared to 1937, but the cost of living has grown more than three times. The fall in real wages was also associated with an increase in the amount of subscription on the loan and taxation. A significant increase in real wages by 1952 was still below the level of 1928, although he exceeded the level of real wages of the prevailed 1937 and 1940.

To make a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe position of the Soviet worker compared with its foreign fellows, compare how many products it was possible to buy for 1 hour of the work spent. Having received the initial data of the Soviet Worker's watch wage for 100, we will get such a comparative table:

The painting is striking: in the same time spent the time English worker could purchase more than 3.5 times more products in 1952, and the American worker is 5.6 more products than the Soviet worker.

The opinion of Soviet people, especially the oldest generations, was rooted that, they say, under Stalin, annually reduced prices, and during Khrushchev and after it the prices were constantly grew from here, even some nostalgia in the Stalinist times

The secretion of lower prices is extremely simple - it is based, firstly, on a huge tax takeoff after the start of collectivization. In fact, if we take the prices of 1937 for 100. It turns out that the yen on the baked rye bread increased from 1928 to 1937 by 10.5 times, and by 1952 almost 19 times. Prices for beef 1 grades increased from 1928 to 1937 at 15.7, and by 1952 - 17 times: pork, respectively, 10.5 and 20.5 times. The price of herring rose by 1952 by almost 15 times. The cost of sugar rose by 1937 6 times, and by 1952, 15 times. The price of sunflower oil has risen from 1928 to 1937, 2 times, and from 1928 to 1952 - 34 times. Egg prices have increased from 1928 to 1937 at 11.3 times, and by 1952, 19.3 times. And finally, prices for potatoes have risen from 1928 to 1937, 5 times, and in 1952 were 11 times higher than the level of the price of 1928

All these data are taken from Soviet price tags for different years.

Raising the price of 1500-2500 percent once, then it was already quite easy to arrange a trick with an annual price decline. Secondly, the price reduction occurred due to the robbery of collective farmers, that is, extremely low state and purchase prices. Back in 1953, the procurement prices for potatoes in the Moscow and Leningrad regions were equal ... 2.5 - 3 kopecks per kilogram. Finally, the majority of the population did not feel the difference in prices at all, as the public supply was very bad, in many areas for years they did not bring meat, fats and other products in stores.

Such is the "secret" of the annual reduction in prices in the Stalin's times.

Worker in the USSR 25 years after the revolution continued to eat worse than the Western Worker.

The housing crisis aggravated. Compared to the pre-revolutionary time, when the problem of housing in the densely populated cities was not easy (1913 - 7 square meters. Meters per person), in post-revolutionary years, especially during the period of collectivization, the housing problem is extremely aggravated. The masses of rural residents were hung in the city, looking for salvation from hunger or in search of work. Civil housing construction in Stalin's times was unusually limited. Apartments in the cities received responsible employees of the party and state apparatus. In Moscow, for example, in the early 1930s, a huge residential complex was built on Bersenevskaya Embankment - a government house with large comfortable apartments. In a few hundred meters from the House of the Government, there is another residential complex - the former jetty, turned into communal apartments, where at 20 people there was one kitchen and I-2 toilet.

Before the revolution, most workers lived near enterprises and barracks, after the revolution, the barracks called hostels. Large enterprises lined up new hostels of their workers, apartments for engineering and technical and administrative apparatus, but it was still impossible to solve the housing problem, since the lion's share of allocations was spent on the development of the industry, military industry, the energy system.

Housing conditions for the overwhelming majority of urban population have deteriorated during the reign of Stalin every year: the growth rate of the population has significantly exceeded the pace of civil housing construction.

In 1928, the housing area at 1 city inhabitant was 5.8 square meters. meters, in 1932, 4.9 square meters. meters, in 1937 - 4.6 square meters. meters.

The 1st five-year plan plan envisaged the construction of new 62.5 million square meters. Meters of living space, only 23.5 million square meters were lined up. meters. On the 2nd five-year plan, you were planned to build 72.5 million square meters. meters, it was built 2.8 times less than 26.8 million square meters. meters.

In 1940, the housing area at the I city inhabitant was 4.5 square meters. meters.

Two years after the death of Stalin, when massive housing construction began, there were 5.1 square meters on 1 city resident. meters. In order to give themselves a report, in what crowd people live, it should be mentioned that even the official Soviet housing rate is 9 square meters. meters per person (in Czechoslovakia - 17 square meters). Many families jutter on the square of 6 square meters. meters. They lived not by their families, but clans - two or three generations in the same room.

Family of the cleaner of a large Moscow enterprise in the 13th Chela of the eyelid Arsh lived in a hostel in a room of 20 square meters. meters. The cleaner itself was a widow of the border appendix of the victim in the early German-Soviet war. There were only seven stationary bedrooms in the room. The remaining six people - adults and children laid out at night on the floor. The sexual relationship occurred in sight, they were accustomed to this and did not pay attention. For 15 years, three families who lived in the room were unsuccessfully achieving resettlement. Only at the beginning of the 60s they were raised.

In such conditions, hundreds of thousands lived, if not millions of residents of the Soviet Union in the post-war time. That was the legacy of the Stalinist era.
