The profession of a policeman can be obtained not only in the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also in secondary specialized educational institutions, which were previously called police schools, now most of them have been renamed into colleges, and there are very few of them left. If you can enter universities only after 11 grades, then colleges are accepted at the 9th grade, and at the Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - after 8th grade.

Selection criteria

The requirements for those who plan to enter the police school after grade 11 or 9 are quite strict. This is, first of all, the absence of health problems and excellent physical fitness, good academic performance, stress resistance, and a high intellectual level. And also the readiness to always come to the aid of people and the firm conviction that the choice was made correctly.

Conditions of admission

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have successfully completed the 9th or 11th grade have the right to enter police colleges. Training is conducted in the daytime (less often even evening) form, on a budgetary or paid basis. Both boys and girls can enter college on equal terms.

For preliminary selection for the budgetary department, the admission of personal files begins on March 1. For their registration, you must contact the personnel departments of the local police department. General acceptance of documents ends on 1 August.

Before admission to entrance examinations, all applicants are required to undergo a medical commission at the very educational institution.

Applicants must submit the following documents to the medical board:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood tests for HIV and Wasserman reaction.
  3. An electrocardiogram taken during exercise.
  4. Certificate on the passage of fluorography.
  5. Health statement for five years (outpatient card).
  6. Vaccination information.

In addition to the commission, all future cadets pass:

  • testing for general psychological state and IQ level;
  • entrance tests in physical education, which include running (100 and 1000 m) and strength exercises. The score for this exam has a significant impact on competitive selection.

The term of study in the full-time department, depending on the specialty, ranges from 2 years 10 months to 3.5 years on the basis of 9 classes and from 1 year 10 months to 2.5 years - upon admission after 11 classes.

Required documents

In order to enter a police college (school) after grade 9 or 11, you need to contact the personnel department of the territorial division of the internal affairs bodies (OVD). Its staff will form a personal file of the applicant and send him to college.

Personally, the admissions office is submitted:

  1. Application (for minors with parental consent).
  2. Passport or other identity document (plus a copy).
  3. Certificate and attachments to it (with a copy).
  4. Medical certificate 086 / U.
  5. Copy of health insurance.
  6. Professional color photographs 3x4 (6 pcs.).
  7. Certificate with the results of testing for the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances issued by a licensed public health institution (test for 10 types of narcotic and psychotropic substances)
  8. Characteristics from the school.
  9. Copies of documents for the provision of benefits (if any).

Although, according to the current legislation, it is not necessary to submit the results of the OGE and the Unified State Examination for admission to the police college, educational institutions can add to the lists of documents required when submitting an application, a certificate from the school or a printout from the RTSOI website with the results of the GIA in mathematics and Russian. This does not violate the rights of applicants - admission is carried out through a competition of certificates and test results according to physical culture... But if candidates gain an equal number of points, then the selection takes into account grades for priority subjects for the college and a particular specialty.

You can also enroll in a police college bypassing local internal affairs bodies by submitting documents directly to an educational institution. This format is called direct dialing. Its peculiarity is that after graduation, the cadet is sent to work in any of the Russian internal affairs bodies, and not exactly in the one that recommended him for study, having formed a personal file.

Where to apply - top 3 schools

If for the graduates of the 11th grade the choice is quite extensive, then it will be much more difficult to enter the police school after the 9th grade. Since the main emphasis in vocational training is made on the fact that employees of the internal affairs bodies work with higher education, then there are few specialized secondary educational institutions that train employees for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, almost all of them are located in Moscow:

  • Police College (founder - Moscow Government);
  • College of Law (founder - Moscow Government);
  • Center for vocational training of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region (admission only on the basis of 11 classes).

But in all the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are secondary vocational schools (or separate training programs in the specialties of secondary vocational education).

After the reorganization of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, carried out in 2008, there are only three police schools in Russia, and all of them specialize in training dog handlers for service in the internal affairs bodies:

  • Rostov school of service-search dog breeding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Branch in Yegoryevsk (Moscow region) of the Rostov school of service-search dog breeding;
  • Ufa school for training cynologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Secondary education and the specialty necessary for working in law enforcement agencies are also given by civil higher and secondary educational institutions, for example:

  • St. Petersburg Police College InterPoliceCollege - “InterPolisCollege” (non-state);
  • College (faculty of SPO) MFYuA (Moscow University of Finance and Law).

You can get the profession of a police officer on the basis of 8 classes. To do this, you need to enter one of the seven Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • St. Petersburg;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Yelabuga;
  • Grozny;
  • Novocherkasskoe;
  • Chita;
  • Samara Cadet Corps.

The Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs accept 8th grade graduates who, as of December 31, of the year of admission, are under 16 years old.

From the moment of enrollment in departmental colleges, cadets are awarded the rank of private police, and upon completion of training - a police lieutenant. Cadets and listeners educational organizations The Ministry of Internal Affairs receives the rights, benefits and obligations of police officers. They are paid a scholarship. Freshmen are in a barracks position, that is, on full state support.

Who graduate from police colleges

After graduating from the Police College, graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education, as well as one of the specialties according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • 40.02.01 - law and organization of social security, qualification - lawyer;
  • 02.40.02 - law enforcement, qualification - lawyer.

After graduating from the Police College, graduates can work as investigators, district police officers, UGRO specialists, criminologists, employees of administrative and legal departments - that is, in the positions of private or junior leadership in any police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You can find out about vacancies and recruitment even during your studies or practice.

Many graduates of police colleges do not stop there and continue their studies at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The knowledge and experience they gained during their studies in the open source programs, as well as excellent physical fitness and self-discipline, serve as significant advantages when entering universities and institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Applicants who have already proved that they are not random people in law enforcement agencies are more likely to be accepted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs universities than high school graduates.

For reference

Police schools, which until recently trained officers for work in the police department in the positions of private and junior commanding officers, were reorganized by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1510-r dated October 29, 2007:

  1. Moscow Special Secondary School of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - merged with the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. The St. Petersburg Special Secondary School of the Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Arkhangelsk Special Secondary School of the Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are merged with the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the formation on the basis of the Arkhangelsk School of the University branch.
  3. Yelabuga Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - merged with the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and transformed into its branch
  4. Nizhniy Tagil Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - became part of the Ural Law Institute as a branch.
  5. Novosibirsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - became a branch of the Barnaul Law Institute.
  6. The Chita Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was transformed into a branch of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Dozens of other police schools (Astrakhan, Voronezh, Omsk, Makhachkala, and others) were included in the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs even earlier - in 2005-2006. Accordingly, all secondary specialized educational institutions received the status of universities, and it is possible to enter them only after 11 grades.

What almost any boy wants to be? Of course, an astronaut or a policeman. These professions seem to be the most attractive to children. A childhood dream is either forgotten or becomes a goal in life, if a person from an early age has not changed his decision about the profession.

To become the owner of the coveted uniform, you must enter the Higher Police School. Such schools exist in various regions of the country. After graduating from the police school, you can apply practical and theoretical knowledge already in the position of an operational worker or get further education, but already at a university. Many former police schools, which were transformed into academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are equated with the category of higher educational institutions. Such already full-fledged institutes and universities are located in Omsk, Vologda, Novosibirsk, and Moscow.

Selection criteria

Selection for these educational institutions is based on a competition. In most cases, young men can, of course, enter, while it is desirable that they submit documents after completing 9 classes of a general education institution. But there is no prohibition on training police and girls at school (except for certain specific institutions). At the moment, a female police officer is no longer a rarity, but we do not have a separate educational institution for girls. For this reason, they have to learn together with young people. The only advantage is a lower level of standards for entrance examinations, but in general it is more difficult for girls to do it, because there are much fewer places initially allocated for them.

The training is carried out at the expense of budget funds, that is, it is free for Russians. Students receive a stipend in the established amount for the entire period of study - 2-3 years.

Upon admission, both girls and boys will have to go through a rigorous selection process. More attention is paid to the following factors:

  • health status;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • academic performance of the applicant;
  • age limit - the age of the applicant cannot exceed 25 years.

What is required for admission

You still made the final decision that you want to enter the police school and continue to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the future Russian Federation... What do we have to do?

After completing nine grades, you apply to be admitted to Police High School. For admission, you must go through several stages:

  • application submission. By June 1, an application must be sent to the school addressed to the principal. It is mandatory for this document to sign the parents about their consent to admission. You can't do without it;
  • checking the "past". As soon as the police school has accepted the applicant's application, it forwards it to the personnel service, which, following the relevant conditions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, opens a personal file for each applicant. Here, the applicant and his relatives are required to have no criminal record and criminal or administrative liability. You may not get lucky here. After verification, the candidate either receives a recommendation for admission or a refusal;
  • medical examination. It is carried out on a paid basis. While the personnel service checks for a "bad past", applicants do not sit idly by: in order to enter the police school, the medical commission must present some tests ( general analysis urine and blood tests, HIV test result, Wasserman test), ECG, fluorography, vaccination certificate and extracts from the medical outpatient card for the last 5 years. On the basis of the submitted documents, the medical board determines the suitability or unsuitability of the applicant for service;
  • psychological testing. To be admitted to the entrance tests and enter the police school, you must undergo a special test that will determine the presence or absence of drug, alcohol or other toxic dependence. After this test, the applicant's intelligence level is checked. The police school itself has the right to determine the test: an interview, psychological testing or exam;
  • level of intellectual development. With positive results of psychological testing, potential students show the level of knowledge gained during their studies in a general education institution. The exam is usually held in the humanities: Russian language and Russian history. The form of conducting in the Russian language is a dictation or an essay, for example, according to a read passage of a text or on a given topic, in history - an oral answer;
  • level of physical fitness. This is the last and most important stage that will have to go through to enter the police school. If you successfully pass a set of physical exercises in different sports, you are guaranteed to be enrolled in the ranks of students. Of course, the level of training of boys and girls is different, therefore the standards for both are different. But in any case, it is necessary to pass long and short distance running, perform strength exercises: for boys - pull-ups, for girls - another special complex. As a result, after passing the tests, you receive an assessment of "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory" for each sport.

Young men, when passing a short distance run, receive the following marks:

  • 13.6 s - excellent;
  • 14.2 s - good;
  • 14.6 s - satisfactory.

For girls, the requirements are softer:

  • 16.5 s - excellent;
  • 17.1 s - good;
  • 17.5 s - satisfactory.

For long distance, the evaluation criteria are different. Boys, when running 2 km, must meet the following amount of time:

  • 7.50 minutes - well;
  • 8.10 minutes - well;
  • 9.00 minutes - satisfactory.

For girls, the long distance is shorter and is 1 km:

  • 4.25 minutes - well;
  • 4.45 minutes - well;
  • 5.00 minutes - satisfactory.

In chin-ups for young men, the number of times is taken into account:

  • 12 - excellent;
  • 10 - good;
  • 6 - satisfactory.

Other strength exercises are provided for girls. If this is an exercise for the press, then the number of times is also taken into account, but the evaluation criteria are different:

  • 30 - excellent;
  • 26 - good;
  • 24 - satisfactory.

IN modern world education is very important, technical schools and colleges give us such an opportunity after the 9th grade.

A huge selection of educational institutions allows you to get a quality education, as well as a specialty, in which you can work in the future.

The choice of colleges, both on a budgetary basis and on a paid basis, is a large number. Therefore, each 9th grade graduate can choose exactly what he likes best. Let's consider the educational institutions of Moscow separately.

Where to go

College of the Ministry of Emergencies -

There are only 7 colleges in this area in Russia, this is due to the specifics of education. The most popular institution is TPSK im. Hero of the Russian Federation V. M. Maksimchuk ", located at: per. Light, 2A.

College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -

There is a representative office in almost every city in the country. On the territory of the capital, there is the possibility of admission to three educational institutions.

The most popular is GBPOU "Police College", located on the street. Fabricius, 26.


The popularity of legal education in our country is growing every year. Educational institutions provide an opportunity to enter after the 9th grade.

  • Social and Legal Faculty of the Voronezh State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) - Bolshoi Karetny lane, 10a. Website -;
  • Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Miusskaya square, 6, bldg. 3, site -

Medical -

At the address: Moscow, Shmitovskiy pr., 26, there is a Medical College No. 5.

Russian Railways -

The Moscow College of Railway Transport has two educational buildings at the addresses:

  • moscow, 129626, Kuchin per., 14;
  • st. Lyublinskaya, 88.

Veterinary -

"Intercollege" is waiting for its applicants at the address: Volgogradsky prospect, 138, bldg. 3.

Architectural -

GBOU SPO College No. 7 Architecture and Construction Subdivision No. 2, Moscow, st. Vuchetich, 3/1.

Theater -

FSBPOU "Musical College of Variety and Jazz Art" - st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 27 / 6s1. The site contains a lot of useful information for applicants and students.


Two metropolitan colleges are waiting for applicants:

  • Moscow Secondary Specialized School of Olympic Reserve No. 2, Malaya Filyovskaya st., 34, bldg. 2A, website - ru;
  • GBPOU Sports and Pedagogical College Moskomsport, Kirovogradskaya st., 21, bldg. 1, p. 2, website - sportcollege.rf.

College of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b-

All polyglots and language lovers are welcomed by “College foreign languages"- Moscow, metro Pervomayskaya, st. Verkhnyaya Pervomayskaya, 53.

Psychology -

The specialty "Psychology" is trained in the "College for the training of social workers of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow City", address: st. B. Novodmitrovskaya, building 63.

Journalism -

The profession of journalism is associated with higher education. But in Moscow there is an educational institution that trains specialists in the field of "Journalism" on a paid basis. This is a private institution of professional education "Economic Business College", located at the address - st. Aviamotornaya, p. 39.

Military -

"Moscow Suvorovskoe military school"- Yeniseiskaya, 41. About the organization educational process, passing exams and requirements for applicants on the site there is comprehensive information.

Programming -

The capital "College of Informatics and Programming" is waiting for girls and boys who want to connect their profession with computing, programs and computers. Address: Krondstadt Boulevard, 37B. You need to read about the requirements and procedure for accepting documents on the college website.

Design -

"Moscow College of Design" is waiting for talented, creative and ambitious young people at the address: Izmailovsky prospect, 121.

Pedagogical -

Those wishing to get the profession of a teacher are invited by Moscow State Pedagogical University, which has a college in Medvedkovo, Grekova, 3, bldg. one.


Graduates of the 9th grade can master the profession of a customs officer in the following institutions:

  • "Capital Business College", Tverskaya st., 27, p. 1, ru;
  • "Russian Customs Academy" in Lyubertsy -


Girls and boys who love to cook, who want to master the technologies of cooking various dishes, baking, the basics of running a restaurant business, can be in culinary schools:

  • Food College № 33 Moscow, st. 6th Radial, 10 -;
  • Moscow College "Tsaritsyno" (management, hotel business and information technologies), Shipilovsky proezd, house 37, building 1 -;
  • Moscow educational complex WEST Moscow, st. Bobruiskaya, 23, website

Metro -

"College of Railway and Urban Transport" is located at Kalanchevskaya 26, building 3.

Economic -

"College of Economic and International Relations", st. Mosfilmovskaya, 35.


You can learn the art of photography in Moscow colleges:

  • "College of Photography" from the "International College of Arts and Communications" - ru, st. Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 53;
  • "Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after I. Fedorov", Yaroslavskoe highway, 5, building 2, site

There is an opportunity to get a secondary specialized education in the technical schools that work at MADI, at Baumank. A huge number of institutions for those who graduated from the 9th grade are located in the VAO.

Questions and answers

No, there is no correspondence course after grade 9.

By the ninth grade, schoolchildren are seriously thinking about choosing a future profession. Some prefer secondary specialized education on the basis of a technical school or college after grade 9, others enter a higher educational institution after grade 11. At the same time, the police school is quite popular among young people, and often the choice is made in favor of this institution.

Police school

In 2008, most of the police schools became universities or received the status of colleges, but the old name of the institution continues to operate. Almost all educational institutions of this profile are now institutes or universities and provide graduates with a full-fledged higher education.

In addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are universities and colleges of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in all large cities Russia: Vladivostok and Saratov, Novosibirsk and Orel, Tyumen and Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg and Belgorod, Omsk and Tambov.

Branches of famous educational institutions are open in different regions of the country. A branch of the Moscow Police School, for example, is located in the Yaroslavl Region. There are both young establishments and those that have existed for a long time. In 2018, the Leningrad Police School celebrated its 100th anniversary.

A small number of specialized secondary institutions have also survived. They have the status of police colleges. In Moscow there are 5 such institutions, and in St. Petersburg - 2. You can enter them after the ninth grade or after the eleventh.

Police schools train personnel for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies, including security companies. In the police academies, former higher police schools, retraining and advanced training of acting employees of internal organs is carried out.

Among applicants, investigative expert and law faculties are popular, which train investigators and lawyers. Therefore, these specialties have high passing scores. There are also rare faculties, for example, cynological. These specialists are trained only in 2 police schools: Rostov and Ufa. It is easier to become a dog handler if you undergo training in a specialized center before entering a university.

Like military academies, police schools provide students with a deferment from the army and a job guarantee upon graduation. Students receive a dormitory and a scholarship based on academic performance. Cadets are invited educational literature, uniforms, food and discount passes.

Many police schools are open to girls. The representatives of the fairer sex do not enter except in special units such as SOBR or OMON, since the special forces have high requirements for physical training.


Students apply to college for admission both after the 9th and after the 11th grade. Applicants have a choice of different forms of study: daytime, evening and part-time. Students can study in budgetary and paid departments. Education in such an educational institution takes 2-3 years.

At the end of their studies, students, depending on the specialty and qualifications of the college, are assigned police ranks: junior lieutenant or police lieutenant.

In some schools, titles are not awarded. For example, in the GBPOU Police College of the city of Moscow, which is located near the Skhodnenskaya metro station, since 2012, graduates receive a diploma of secondary specialized education with the qualification of a lawyer. After that, you can work in your specialty or continue your studies at the university.

But the absence of a title does not give a graduate a 100% guarantee of employment. Therefore, it is important at the stage of choosing an educational institution to find out all the information on specialties. In addition to lawyers, colleges graduate investigators, criminologists, district police officers, UGRO workers, specialists for administrative and legal work.

In addition to police colleges, cadet corps have been opened, specializing in training future law enforcement officers. They only accept boys. You can enter it from the 5th grade, and finish their studies in the 9th or 11th grade.

The highest

Almost all police schools received the status of institutes and universities in 2008. Now their graduates are qualified specialists with higher education. Upon graduation from the university and joining the police, the cadets are awarded the rank of lieutenant.

Secondary specialized education is available on the basis of the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Students study for 3 years, mainly by correspondence in the specialty "Law enforcement". At the end of their studies, the graduate receives the qualification "lawyer".

There are options for studying undergraduate and specialty. The first one is taught for 5 years, the second - 5-6 years, depending on the chosen form of study. Upon graduation from the university, the graduate receives a qualification in the chosen specialty.

On the basis of higher police schools, admission to the magistracy, postgraduate and doctoral studies is available. The terms of obtaining education are longer. Scientists and lawyers are trained in such forms of training.

At academies and universities of the police, faculties of retraining and advanced training have been opened to train already working police officers.

List of specialties

Each police school has its own list of specialties.

They are divided into groups:

  • legal;
  • law enforcement;
  • other specialties for training auxiliary personnel - accountants, system administrators, and so on.

The colleges offer 2 specialties: law enforcement, law and social security organization.

In higher educational institutions, the choice of specialties is much wider.

Upon graduation, the graduate has access to police positions from the following list:

  • criminologist;
  • investigator;
  • criminal investigation officer;
  • polygraph examiner;
  • information security specialist;
  • policeman;
  • an employee of a special forces unit;
  • district;
  • traffic police officer;
  • specialist in combating economic crimes;
  • interrogator.

In addition, training is carried out for the justice authorities:

  • judges;
  • secretaries;
  • prosecutors;
  • bailiffs.

This is an incomplete list of professions that can be learned in police schools. Psychologists, accountants and other specialists are taught there. The exact list of directions should be clarified before entering the chosen educational institution.

How to get into police school

It is difficult to get into police schools.

To do this, the candidate must meet a number of criteria:

  • The institute is located in the region of permanent residence of the applicant.
  • The candidate's age is up to 25 years.
  • Unified State Exam and OGE with a passing score in specialized subjects.
  • Good physical fitness.
  • Passing a medical examination and the absence of diseases that interfere with admission.
  • Passage of a narcological examination.
  • Psychological fit normal results tests carried out.

Also, for admission, it is important to get a good description from the educational institution where the applicant was trained. There must be no convictions and no criminal or administrative liability for both the candidate and the next of kin.


The recruitment of candidates for police schools is carried out according to the annual recruitment plan of the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To begin with, the candidate submits an application addressed to the head of the GUVD. Submission times vary.

As a rule, you can send an application before June 1. For minors, the consent and signatures of parents or guardians are required in the document.

In addition, you must provide:

  • a copy of the candidate's identity document;
  • characteristics from the place of study or work;
  • photos;
  • documents confirming the benefits for admission;
  • certificate;
  • exam results with a passing score.

After submitting the documents, you need to undergo a medical examination, narcological and psychological examinations. Also, the GUVD is responsible for checking the past candidate, after which he can be recommended for admission or not.

You can get a profile referral. To do this, apply to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate before March 1, get a referral, then submit documents to the university and take the necessary measures as usual.

An applicant with a specialized direction will have priority over applicants for general principles.

Medical board

Good health is required to become a police officer.

Restrictions for admission to educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • growth below 160 centimeters;
  • poor eyesight;
  • scoliosis;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • flat feet;
  • skin diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive tract;
  • vein diseases;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • lack or excess weight.

It is necessary to provide a certificate in form 086y with the conclusions of the specialists passed, the test results and a list of vaccinations received, obtained at the place of residence.

Physical fitness: standards

After medical and psychological examinations, candidates proceed to the entrance examinations. It is important to show good results when testing physical fitness.

The following standards are presented for boys:

  • Running 100 meters: 12.3-14.8 seconds;
  • 3 km run: 11.35-12.45 minutes;
  • Pull-ups: 21-8 times.

For girls, the standards are not so strict:

  • Running 100 meters: 15.6-17.5 seconds;
  • 1 km run: 4.05-5.00 minutes;
  • Strength exercise on the press: 39-24 times.

Interview on academic subjects

Winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads in specialized subjects are taken to the police school without entrance examinations.

  • orphans;
  • children from families with disabilities and low-income families;
  • who served under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • contract servicemen;
  • children of military personnel who died on duty;
  • other categories provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The rest of the candidates pass entrance tests on a general basis. This requires an interview in the Russian language and Russian history. For some specialties, knowledge of mathematics is additionally tested. What subjects you need to take, you need to check with the educational institution, what was chosen by the applicant.

Psychologist testing

To check the professional suitability of the candidate, psychological research, testing for drug addiction, alcohol and other addictions, IQ tests. The check takes place in the form of an interview, computer or written testing.

It is compulsory and serves as a reason for refusing to enroll a candidate in a police school.

Checking the past

After submitting the application, the candidate's personal file is transferred to the personnel department of the internal affairs department at the applicant's place of residence. There is a thorough examination of his past.

The candidate must not have a criminal record or police record.

The closest relatives also need a clean biography, but sometimes an exception is made and the applicant is allowed to enter the police school in the presence of dysfunctional relatives.

How much to study in educational institutions

The duration of training depends on the choice of the institution and the form of training. For secondary specialized education, the duration will be 3 years. For higher education - from 5 to 7 years.
