More and more I come to the conclusion that "official science", or as I call it "office", is the same invented religion. And geologists, volcanologists, iztoriki, and others, these are her priests, who, defending their capital and fearing to lose their flock, will do their best to defend their dogmas, built on lies. Since the biblical gibberish of terms is no different from official science, I suppose that these two religions, supposedly in conflict with each other, were stamped in one office (just like Poroshenko created a "party of regions" and "opposition" in order to always remain the winner and to be a way to split a single people into warring parties). What the "official religion" is trying to hide by the invented God named "Volcano" is the large forests of the "flint era". That most of the stone around us is not at all soulless objects, they are pieces from a large living once-growing organism. But not all stones are a killed organism. Some of them are young and still growing. Most of you are already aware of the growing and breeding stones called Trovanti. // There will be a post about them tomorrow // And the news was sensational. In general, stones grow on the planet, perhaps even more than mankind remembers itself, and there is a sensation - MOST OF MANKIND did not know about growing stones. Why? Because they don't really like to talk about it. Then you will have to admit that EVERYTHING around is either alive or killed. There will be questions - where did it go? It will become clear that we have buried ourselves in the ground so that we can extract it in the form of "minerals". Who did it? Then the "herd" will guess - those who are silent at the government and scientific level. This means that the dogma of a religious official will immediately collapse, like a house of cards, even though we are being programmed from kindergarten and school. And we are precisely programmed to carry out the program laid down in us - to serve the interests of those who rule mankind. The Trovenants were lucky. Contrary to the desires of the priests and Pharisees, they grow anywhere and even in places that are far from flint stumps and waste heaps therefore it was difficult to call "volcanic formation". Yes, and Trovanta begin to grow and multiply from the rain - a lie will be too obvious. The Trovens were lucky, but the Geodes were not particularly lucky, as were the basalts and other stone forms of life. They are attributed to "volcanic formation", therefore they will not actually grow - this is a soulless stone, supposedly more use from it in decoration than in the fact that it lies! For example, a description from priests and programmed people: "Among semi-precious stones, the geode stone occupies a very special place. This is the same amethyst familiar to everyone, only grown on a chalcedony or opal substrate. Amethyst geodes are of volcanic origin, over 130 million years old. Amethyst crystals grew inside a closed cavity, which was formed due to the fact that gas bubbles in the lava, rising to the surface, left voids behind them. These voids in the basalt layer were filled with amethyst geodes. Commercial mining of geodes is carried out in Brazil, the Urals, Uruguay, Madagascar, Ceylon - on all continents. In the basalt layers, amethyst geodes are mined horizontally. When heavy equipment cannot cope, simple and hard work of the miners comes to the rescue. Having found a geode, the workers determine its prospects and manually cut it off the basalt, the process is lengthy and must be worked carefully. Geodes are fragile and can collapse if not cut correctly. Their weight is from one kilogram to a whole cave, where a person can freely enter. In the context of the geodes, they look like pieces of ripe and juicy figs. "From such a gibberish like a big curtain over your eyes. Only opening these curtains can be easy if you see what it looks like and start thinking individually, without holding anyone in authority.

In search of extraterrestrial intelligence, humanity expects to find carbon-based life forms. But who said that life in the Universe, life should develop exclusively in the image and likeness of man. In our review there are 10 biological and non-biological systems that fall under the definition of "life".

1. Methanogens

In 2005, Heather Smith of the International Space University in Strasbourg and Chris McKay of NASA's Ames Research Center reported on the possibility of methane-based life, which they called "methanogens." Such a life form could breathe hydrogen, acetylene and ethane, breathing out methane instead of carbon dioxide. This would make life possible on cold worlds like Titan, the moon of Saturn.

Just like on Earth, Titan's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen, but it's mixed with methane. Titan is also the only place in Solar system, where, in addition to the Earth, there are many lakes and rivers (consisting of a mixture of ethane and methane). Liquid is considered essential for molecular interactions in organic life, but until now, other planets have been looking for ordinary water.

2. Silicon-based life

Silicon-based life is perhaps the most common form of alternative biochemistry described in popular science fiction. Silicon is so popular because it is very similar to carbon and can take four forms, just like carbon.

This opens up the possibility for a biochemical system based entirely on silicon, which is the most abundant element in the earth's crust besides oxygen. Recently, a species of algae has been discovered that uses silicon in the process of its growth. Full silicon life is unlikely to appear on Earth, since most free silicon is found in volcanic and igneous rocks of silicate minerals. But the situation may be different in a high temperature environment.

3. Other alternative biochemical systems

There are many other speculations as to how life based on another element, not carbon, might evolve. Like carbon and silicon, boron tends to form strong covalent molecular compounds, forming various structural hydride species in which boron atoms are linked by hydrogen bridges. Like carbon, boron can form bonds with a nitrogen atom, leading to the creation of compounds that have chemical and physical properties similar to alkanes, the simplest organic compounds.

All life on Earth is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur, but in 2010 NASA scientists found the bacterium GFAJ-1, which can incorporate arsenic instead of phosphorus into its cellular structure. GFAJ-1 thrives in the arsenic-rich waters of Lake Mono, California. Arsenic was considered poisonous for every living creature on the planet, but it turned out that life on its basis was possible.

Ammonia has also been identified as a possible alternative to water for creating life forms. Biochemists have created nitrogen-hydrogen compounds using ammonia as a solvent that can be used to create proteins, nucleic acids, and polypeptides. Any ammonia-based life would have to exist at the lower temperatures at which ammonia takes on a liquid state.

Sulfur is believed to have served as the basis for the beginning of the metabolism on Earth, and even today there are organisms that use sulfur instead of oxygen in their metabolism. Perhaps, in another world, evolution will develop on the basis of sulfur. Some believe that nitrogen and phosphorus can also take the place of carbon under very specific conditions.

4. Memetic life

Richard Dawkins believes that "the development of life is about survival and reproduction." Life must be capable of reproduction and must develop in an environment where natural selection and evolution are possible. In his book The Selfish Gene, Dawkins noted that concepts and ideas develop in the brain and spread between people through communication. In many ways, this resembles the behavior and adaptation of genes. Dawkins introduced the concept of a meme, which describes the transmission unit of human cultural evolution, analogous to a gene in genetics. As humanity became capable of abstract thinking, these memes began to develop further, regulating tribal relations and forming the basis of the first culture and religion.

5. Synthetic life based on CNC

Life on Earth is based on two information-carrying molecules - DNA and RNA, and scientists have long wondered whether it is possible to create other similar molecules. Since any polymer can store information, heredity and transmission of genetic information are encoded in RNA and DNA, and the molecules themselves are able to adapt over time through evolutionary processes. DNA and RNA are chains of molecules called nucleotides, which are made up of three chemical components - phosphate, a five-carbon sugar, and one of five standard bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, or uracil).

In 2012, a group of scientists from England, Belgium and Denmark for the first time in the world developed xeno-nucleic acid (XNA or KNA) - synthetic nucleotides that are functionally and structurally similar to DNA and RNA. Such molecules have been developed before, but for the first time they have been shown to be capable of reproduction and evolution.

6. Chromodynamics, weak nuclear forces and gravitational life

In 1979, scientist and nanotechnologist Robert A. Freitas, Jr. announced the possibility of non-biological life. He argued that the metabolism of living systems is possible based on four fundamental forces - electromagnetism, strong nuclear force (or QCD), weak nuclear forces, and gravity.

Chromodynamic life may be possible on the basis of strong nuclear forces, which are the strongest of the fundamental forces, but only over very short distances. He suggests that such a medium could exist on a neutron star, a superdense object that has the mass of a star but is only 10-20 kilometers in size.

Freitas considers life forms based on weak nuclear forces less likely, since weak forces only operate in the sub-nuclear range, and they are not particularly strong.

There may also be gravitational creatures as gravity is the most common and effective fundamental strength in the Universe. Such creatures could receive energy from the very force of gravity in the universe.

7. Dusty plasma life form

As you know, organic life on Earth is based on the molecules of the carbon compound. But in 2007, an international team of scientists led by V.N. Tsytovich from the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences documented that, under certain conditions, particles of inorganic dust can be organized into spiral structures, which can then interact with each other almost identically to the processes of organic chemistry. A similar process occurs in the state of plasma, the fourth state of matter (besides solid, liquid and gaseous), in which electrons are detached from atoms.

Tsytovich's team found that when electrons are separated and the plasma becomes polarized, the particles in the plasma self-organize themselves into spiral structures that are attracted to each other without external influence. These helical structures can also separate, forming later copies of the original structure, like DNA.


Professor Lee Cronin, chair of chemistry at the College of Science and Technology at the University of Glasgow, has a dream - he wants to create living cells from metal. To do this, the professor experiments with polyoxometalates, metal atoms, binding them with oxygen and phosphorus to create bubble-like cells, which he calls inorganic chemical cells, or iCHELL. By changing the composition of the metal oxide, the bubbles can be imparted with the characteristics of the membranes of biological cells.

9. Gaia's hypothesis

In 1975, James Lovelock and Sidney Upton wrote an article for the New Scientist, "Finding Gaia." Although it is traditionally believed that life originated on Earth, Lovelock and Upton argue that life itself takes an active role in determining and maintaining the conditions for its survival. They suggested that all life on Earth, down to the air, oceans and land, is part of a single system, which is a living super-organism that can change the surface temperature and composition of the atmosphere to ensure its survival.

This Gaia system, in honor of the Greek goddess of the Earth. It exists to maintain homeostasis by which the biosphere can exist in the Earth system. The biosphere of the Earth supposedly has a number of natural cycles, and with one of them something goes wrong, the rest compensate for it in order to maintain conditions for the existence of life. Using this hypothesis, it is easy to explain why the atmosphere is not composed mainly of carbon dioxide or why the seas are not too salty.

10. Probes von Neumann

The possibility of artificial life based on machines has been discussed for a long time. Today we will consider the concept of von Neumann probes. Mid-20th century Hungarian mathematician and futurist John von Neumann believed that in order to replicate the functions of the human brain, a machine needed self-awareness and a self-healing mechanism. He put forward the idea of ​​creating self-replicating machines that should have some kind of universal constructor, allowing them not only to build their own replicas, but also potentially improve or change versions, which would make long-term evolution possible.

Von Neumann's robotic probes would be ideal for reaching distant star systems and creating factories where they would multiply in the thousands. Moreover, moons, and not planets, are more suitable for von Neumann probes, since they can easily land and take off from these satellites, and also because there is no erosion on the satellites. These probes will multiply at the expense of natural deposits of iron, nickel, etc., extracting raw materials for the creation of robot factories. They will create thousands of copies of themselves and then fly to find other star systems.

The universe still keeps a huge number of mysteries and secrets. For example, such as.


In popular medical publications, you can find research results indicating that the human body needs about 40-50 mg of silicon every day. As his key function supports the maintenance of normal metabolism. It has been established that many diseases of the body could not exist if there was enough silicon in it. In this regard, it is believed that the health of human ancestors was undermined by foods that interfere with its assimilation. Many of them are included in the diet today. This, in particular, meat, white flour, sugar, canned food. Mixed food lingers in the digestive system for up to 8 hours. This means that during this time, the body digests food, using most enzymes. In such a situation, as I.P. Pavlov believed, the body cannot provide a sufficient supply of energy to other organs - the heart, kidneys, muscles, brain.

And now the question arises: if the silicon form of life should act as the initial and final goal of the existence of biological organisms on the planet, can we find traces of its existence in the past?

The first thing that comes to mind is the movie "Avatar", which hints at the true appearance of the planet, which existed in the past. By the way, it is the integral consciousness of the first level that is described there on the example of flora and fauna. Then what we now call trees are miserable bushes, compared to what gigantic forests were in the past. And notice, animals have six legs. It's a hint, conscious or not, it's hard to tell, but for now, just remember it.


If someone thinks that the flint forest was cut down because of wood, then I hasten to upset you. The fact is that old trees are information storage, database, hard drive, saying modern language... Everything that happens on the planet is recorded by trees in their information portal. For a person with good sensory perception, it is enough to enter such a forest and easily read any information about the past, just by touching a tree trunk. And what power flows into us through touch, I generally keep quiet ...

Too many myths and legends tell us about the transformation of people, animals and plants into stone. It all converges here, for paleontologists around the world are digging up animal and plant fossils all over the planet.

There are so many of them that the museums of the world are simply littered with petrified clover, frogs, foot and mouth disease, pieces of dinosaurs, etc.

But where are the trees? The ancient sequoias of California do not fit here, since they are definitely made of carbon, which means they did not find the silicon era.

Believe it or not, they were found in North America, in Arizona, to be precise.

We present to your attention an open-air museum. The petrified trees are here stupidly scattered across the desert and also surrounded by a fence. Today anyone can visit this tourist park called "Petrified forest national park".

The fossils in this park are not simple - they are just unique! If turtles and frogs turned to stone in gray-white cobblestones, then the local trees turned into semiprecious stones!

According to scientists, the tissue was organic, but it became silicon dioxide, that is, at the behest of the pike it turned into silica (SiO2).

But in order for the body to become petrified, it must be filled up and tamped, that is, deprived of oxygen access. And for this you need some kind of natural disaster, for example, a volcanic eruption, tsunami, or clay rain, which would quickly cover the frog or mammoth (canned, so to speak), sedimentary rocks, so that the air bacteria did not decompose the corpse to a state of "porridge" ... Or burn out all the oxygen in the atmosphere.

According to the official version, these trees fell in an unequal battle against a neighboring volcano, attention: 225 million years ago! Moreover, the wood not only did not burn in the infernal flame of lava; not only did it not rot in 225 million years in the damp Earth; a contrary to all the laws of physics, chemistry and biology, it just turned into gems!

But placers of such gems can be found all over the planet. For example, the coast of Denmark. And what is this lonely rock in the background?

Now, the most important thing: have any of you noticed how small these silicon trees are? After all, they are incomparable, even with the sequoias of California!

And everything is very simple: These are not trees! These are the branches of giant trees of the silicon era!

And those trees are so gigantic that American sequoias next to them look like a match and a baobab tree. And while the tourists, with their mouths open, marvel at the gems, no one will pay attention to the background, from which these beautiful branches are designed to distract. But the whole feature is in the background!

Let me introduce you to Devil's Peak, Wyoming, USA. This is a messenger mountain formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze about 200 million years ago. At least that's what Vicki tells us, and people believe it's a mountain.

And if we assume that this is a stump from a giant tree of a silicon life form?

Let's get closer to our "hemp" and, burying ourselves in it, simply fantastically inexplicable columns, read the conclusion of Wikipedia:

"The Devil's Tower was formed from a magma melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze in the form of graceful columns."

What a clever magma melt! Took it and froze in the form of perfect hexagonal columns, as much as 300 meters to the sky! Straight line can be checked by the miracle columns!

Do you know which fact strikes the most? All columns are hexagonal! Why exactly hexagonal? Because The universe builds its masterpieces in this very form..

There are no identical snowflakes, but they are all perfectly hexagonal. Bees, also not knowing mathematics, correctly determined that a regular hexagon has the smallest perimeter among figures of equal area, which means that such a shape can be filled as efficiently as possible. When building combs, bees instinctively try to make them as spacious as possible, while using up as little wax as possible.

Hexagonal shape is the most economical and efficient shape for honeycomb construction! Maximum volume with minimum perimeter.

You should understand that our Universe is fractal, which means it doesn't matter on what scale you study it - in the size of a mountain or in the size of a tree that everyone has under the window. And now we open a botany textbook, find the structure of a plant and compare it with our giant stump. We will not go into the jungle, but take only those facts that themselves fall out from the photos of the stump, which means it is useless to argue with them.

Let me introduce you to a cross-section of a flax stem and a pole of Saturn. Both are hexagonal shapes.

The stump fibers, like the flax stem fibers, have a hexagonal shape, which strictly retains its geometry along the entire length of the trunk, which is as much as 386 meters!

The fibers do not differ from each other: they seem to be calibrated not only along the entire length, but also relative to each other. The feeling that this is a bunch of hexagonal reinforcement after leaving the rolling mill.

The fibers are not spliced ​​to each other, as they freely peel off and fall in hexagonal fragments as the stone erodes.

Each stump fiber is covered with a thin sheath. Just like the fascia is the connective tissue membrane that forms the sheaths for the muscle fibers. As you can see, the petrified shell, in contact with winds and moisture, cracks, peels off and crumbles, and this is direct evidence that the stump fibers consist of at least two different components embedded in each other.

Moreover, fibers do not sink vertically into the ground... They gradually bend to smoothly transform into a root system, as befits any tree.

Now, let's estimate the height of the tree that this stump once was. To do this, we will use a formula where the diameter of the stump is approximately equal to 1/20 of the height of the entire tree. So, the diameter of our stump is 300 meters at the base. Considering that the stump was crumbling down great, it is clear that it was wider, but even if, modestly, we take these 300 meters and multiply by 20, then we get the height of the tree - 6 km in height!

Everything is learned by comparison, isn't it?

I think we can put an end to this. The Devil's Tower in the United States is a giant silicon-era stump with all the hallmarks of a common forest stump that each of us has seen.

So, we have dealt with one stump, it's time to examine the others! Yes Yes. And you thought he was the only one or what? You just need to take off your blinders, and you will not see this! Search "mesas" and you will find stumps of the silicon age on all continents of the Earth.

For example, compare the Devil's Tower to the Giant's Trail. Rather, let's compare a silicon stump with a silicon stump.

Essentially the same stump, only at ocean level.

There is darkness on the planet, the dark of silicon giant trees. The most interesting thing is that people do not even think that these are stumps, but official science has seriously thought: how to hide them from the ubiquitous why and came up with an ingenious name for silicon stumps:

Basalt rocks!

Now do you understand why we are so fascinated by the rocks? Why are the most elite properties nestled among the rocks? Why are natural rock pieces the most environmentally friendly material for housing construction?

But because even though the rocks have died, they continue to emit the powerful energy of life, saving us - the mortal representatives of the carbon era.

Stone is the bridge between silicon and carbon life!

It should also be noted that not all trees have honeycomb fibers, like the Devil's Tower or the Giant's Trail. Many of the rocks we have just talked about have a plate-like or spongy structure, like our mushrooms.

As the liver differs from the lung, so the silicon world of antiquity was so diverse that we simply cannot identify and imagine most of the species and subspecies.

The last material is partially taken from the article "There are no forests on Earth!", So you can find it on the Internet and read it. Only carefully, because the conclusions and concepts proposed there by As Gard (the author), at least some, raise great doubts.


So where have we come to? Even official scientists recognize the possibility of silicon life. Silicon is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. The most common silicon compound is its dioxide SiO2 - silica. In nature, it forms the mineral quartz and its many varieties.

Why exactly silicon can be the basis of life? Silicon forms branched compounds like hydrocarbons, that is, silicon is the source of diversity. On the basis of the semiconducting properties of silicon, microcircuits and, accordingly, computers are created - that is, silicon can be the basis of the mind, like our brain. This is also hinted at in the Vedas. Indian Sanskrit literature tells how we, when approaching in precession to the point closest to the center of the galaxy, become aware of electrical energies, which significantly increases our abilities and capabilities.

Could our planet have had silicon life in the past?

I could very well. Found trunks, branches, stumps of stone trees. Some of them are precious. The finds are numerous all over the world. In some places there are so many trees that it cannot be called anything other than a forest. Stone trees retain their wood structure.

Found fossil stone animal bones, including precious stones. The finds have preserved the bone structure. Stone shells - ammonites - are scattered in the steppes.

In general, there are many examples of fossil silicon creatures. If someone is satisfied with the official explanation of the process of replacing carbon for silicon in fossil finds by irrigating wood or bone with mineral water and then turning into a gemstone, well, this is your choice.

The next question is: what did she look like?

Like the carbon life form, the silicon life form must be structured from the simplest single-celled forms to evolutionarily (or divinely, as you like) complex and intelligent forms. Complex life forms are made up of organs and tissues. Everything is as it is now. The idea of ​​silicon life as a monolithic piece of granite endowed with the spirit of God is quite naive. It's like a living puddle of oil or a living lump of coal.

Isn't the cartilage of fish and our bones elastic in the early stages of development and are replaced with calcium only with age?

The set of organs is universal for any creature, both carbon and silicon. This control ( nervous system), nutrition, excretion of toxins, skeleton (bones, etc.), protection from the external environment (skin), reproduction, etc.

Animal tissues are made up of different cells and look different. They consist of different substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The tissues have a different content of various substances from carbon to metals.

All this visible to the eye, the economy functions according to physical and chemical laws. The laws are common for a living organism, computer, car.

We will not dwell on physiology, including the methods of reproduction of silicon creatures, due to the complexity of the topic. There was a substance similar to water in carbon life. There were silicon analogs of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There was an oxidizing agent like oxygen. For example, chlorine. There was a silicon Krebs cycle.

All this life was seething at certain, apparently high temperatures and pressures.

How long did the silicon era last?

The silicon era is the crust of the earth. The earth's crust, granites and basalts, are rocks, the main element of which is silicon. The crust is 10-70 kilometers thick. And silicon creatures accumulated these kilometers by their vital activity. Just like carbon creatures are developing fertile soil now.

When immersed in the soil of the silicon world, that is, the earth's crust, the temperature rises. They warm the bowels of the earth. At a depth of 10 kilometers, this is about 200 degrees. Probably, such was the climate at the beginning of the silicon world. Accordingly, the materials had different physical and Chemical properties, than now. Over time, the crust thickened as a result of the accumulation of silicon biomass (soil). The surface moved away from the hot bowels of the earth and its temperature dropped. At the moment, the warmth of the bowels of the earth does not reach the surface. The only source of heat is the sun. The global cooling of the surface of the earth's crust made the conditions of existence for the silicon world unacceptable. The end of the silicon era has arrived.

Where did the remains of the rest of the creatures go?

On the basis of silicon, a bunch of precious and semiprecious stones are synthesized by nature. This is what the flint life did. Highly organized silicon beings have become highly organized silicon in the form of precious stones. And common sand, granite and clay are building materials, the basis of life.

After the end of the silicon era, precious and semi-precious raw materials (that is, the corpses of highly organized silicon creatures) were savagely plundered. Waste waste heaps, sand, granite and clay remained.

The traces of robbery are everywhere. it giant careers all over the earth, these are giant waste dumps of processed rocks, reaching heights of several kilometers. Anyone who wants to will find it easily and see it.


In Eastern philosophy, the process of the descent of spirit into matter is described. The embodied spirit through reincarnation passes the world of stones, plants, animals, people and finally becomes a god. There is something harmonious and fair in this. But it is worth understanding that the world of stones is not modern cobblestones, but the world of silicon creatures. The planet was a large garden of living rocks. And the task of the silicon world was to create the basis of life - the earth's crust with a mass of minerals.

The next world that has emerged on the evolutionary ladder is the carbon world. And this is the plant world. And it doesn't matter that according to the local classification of modern science, plants are the biological kingdom of multicellular organisms, whose cells contain chlorophyll. Carbon life is the second step from the bottom on the path of development. In a global philosophical sense, we are all just plants until we become light emitters from consumers of light. And the planet is a big plantation, for some a school. The task of the plantation is to create biomass, to be food for animals and people who will go to school.

The fact that we are actively feeding in all senses of the elusive field creatures- an unpleasant, but quite realistic conspiracy idea. Why are creatures elusive and invisible? Because we are static and slow, on a universal scale, in comparison with them. We are plants. We do not have time to see the animals that often eat us, coming from the next worlds in terms of development.

The so-called man is the main useful plant on the planet. But, judging by the state of affairs in the world, our planet is actively plundered by wild animals from higher worlds. There are barbarians everywhere, even among the gods.

The bark has been gutted for many kilometers. Normal people almost completely replaced by genetically modified ones, multiplied, and etheric energy (gavah) is actively downloaded from them. Under the guise of local and global wars, people are literally consumed.

What was the silicon world like? Probably less harmonious than ours, because we are the next step in development. The current state of affairs on the planet is not indicative. The planet is infected and seriously ill.

Can we cope with this disease? It will be very difficult. Again, the entire basis of life, the wealth of the subsoil, the legacy of silicon creatures have been plundered to a depth of several kilometers. All precious stones and metals are selected. We were left without a past. We are sitting on a pile of rubble in the middle of flooded quarries.

Why? Because precious stones and metals have magical properties... All the magic was removed with the buckets of huge bucket wheel excavators. Witchcraft and magic have become a fairy tale from everyday practice. And human society began to resemble a hornet colony, which is what it says Prophecy of ancient Tewanaku... But fortunately, there are a huge number of other prophecies ...

The famous geochemist academician Fersman put forward a hypothesis that it is possible on our planet silicon life form (non-carbon). Similar assumptions have been made by various scientists at different times. In November of this year, it was reported that biotechnologists at the California Institute had developed a bacterium that is capable of synthesizing compounds with SiO 2. Thus, they have made significant progress in research related to the creation of creatures whose metabolism is based on inorganic molecules.

Silicon Life Form: Vitolytic Theory

In the process of research, scientists were looking for enzymes in the information base of protein sequences that have the ability to bind C and SiO 2. Hemoproteins were selected for this reaction. They are proteins in which porphyrins are also present. The researchers chose cytochrome. This protein is synthesized by bacteria found in Iceland's hot underwater springs. Scientists have isolated and propagated a gene that encodes an enzyme. After that, he was subjected to random mutations. The researchers inserted the created DNA sequences into E. coli. In the course of observations, it was found that some mutations in the active site led to the fact that the bacteria taken began to produce a protein capable of synthesizing organosilicon compounds. Its efficiency, measured by its reaction rate and the amount of product, is superior to that of artificial catalysts. Scientists intend to continue their research. Their goal is to understand why, despite the widespread distribution of silicon compounds on Earth, it was the carbon form that was created and developed in the course of evolution. There are no organisms in nature that could use SiO 2 in metabolism. It is possible that in the future, researchers will be able to create an organism from which to begin silicon life on earth.

Literary representations

Silicon Life on Earth invisible to the human eye. Its metabolism is so stretched over time that people do not take into account the very possibility of its existence. The books of Pratchett (English writer) about Discworld describe the original race of silicon-organic creatures - trolls. Their thinking depends on the temperature of the environment. The stupidity that trolls have is due to the poor functioning of the organosilicon brain in the heat. When cooled significantly, these creatures exhibit ultra-high intellectual abilities... Representatives of the silicon-calcium world can transform into the skeleton of animals and plants, as well as into corals.

Natural phenomena

French geologists Reshar and Escolier have been very thoroughly investigating rock samples from different parts of the planet for quite a long time. They found out that certain signs of vital processes are inherent in stones. Only they proceed extremely slowly. Scientists have found that the structure of stones can change. They can be old or young. In addition, the researchers found their ability to "breathe". But one "breath" stretches for 1-14 days, and a "heart beat" - almost a day. Scientists have photographed the stones at different periods of time and have established their ability to move. Meanwhile, there are "moving blocks" in many parts of the world.

Silicon Life Form: Agates, Living Stones

There is a hypothesis that the crystalline mineral lattice is able to accumulate information and operate with them. That is, the theory of "thinking stones" is being put forward. According to a number of researchers, all biological organisms, including humans, are only "incubators". Their meaning lies in the birth of "stones". It has been established that a diamond can then be made from the ashes. This service is quite popular in some countries. For example, from 500 g of ashes under pressure and high temperature, a blue diamond with a diameter of 5 mm can be grown in 2 months. On average, a person synthesizes about 100 kg of quartz and silicon in his life. It is believed that when they enter the body, they begin to grow, often causing discomfort. After death, these stones probably go through another cycle of development already in natural (natural) conditions. They turn into isolated nuggets that resemble agates. The accumulation and development of grains of sand in the body has been known for a long time. This process is called pseudomorphosis. So, the bones of dinosaurs have survived to this day precisely because of this phenomenon. In this case, the chemical composition of the remains has nothing to do with bone tissue. In fact, their existence determines silicon life form. it proven by a number of studies. In one case, the casts of the bone remains are chalcedony, in the other - apatite. In Australia, unusual belemnites were discovered - cephalopods that widely inhabited the planet in the Mesozoic era. Their bone remains have been replaced by opal.

A. Bokovikov's research

Explained in a rather original way silicon life form on the example of the mineral "agate". The domestic researcher Bokovikov discovered several signs that allow formulating a hypothesis. Agate is a cryptocrystalline type of quartz. It is presented in the form of a fine-fibrous aggregate of chalcedony, characterized by a banded color distribution and a layered structure. silicon life form. Agate, as a plant organism, is not immortal, despite the fact that it has existed for millions of years.


In samples of different ages the anatomical features are clearly identified. In particular, during the research, the scientist and his team discovered a striped and crystalline body, a bottom-mirror (the value of this element has not been established accurately, it is assumed that this is in some way a semblance of a visual analyzer). Agates have skin that can shed and regenerate. Like many other organisms, they get sick and heal their wounds (cracks and chips). Silicon Life Form presupposes nutrition, the capture of certain spaces, the preservation of complex forms in dynamics.


In the course of research, scientists have identified interesting fact... It was found that agates are bisexual. The crystalline body is feminine and the striped body is masculine. Genes are also present in them. They are represented by crystals of the female body. Reproduction can be done in several ways. For example, cr dark life form develops from "seeds". In addition, using specific examples, Bokovikov showed that budding, cloning, and division with the formation of dividing centers is also possible. The researcher observed reproduction by cryotes in basalt. The scientist identified a number of processes. For example, the emergence of cryotes, development, the appearance of an infant, transformation into an organism, the emergence of spherical structures around the embryos, death.

Masonic views

In the course of numerous studies, a new doctrine was formed - anthroposophy. R. Steiner became its founder. He claimed to be dominant on the planet. The birth, development and death of a person is necessary only for one purpose. It consists in serving the mineral world. Man and other organisms provide the existence of connections with the task of people Steiner saw in the transformation of the mineral world into a work of art. He said that electricity testifies to the occult depths of matter. When people rebuild the mineral world in accordance with their inner perception, the planet will stop developing in the physical sense. It will pass into another state, in which the reflection of everything that was once the mineral Earth will be in a condensed form. Steiner substantiates Goethe's words when he spoke about the Spirit of the planet. At the same time, the scientist indicates that there is silicon life form on the moon... He says that on this heavenly body there was a plan of development. In each specific case, with respect to each planet, there is its own scheme. The atoms left after the termination of physical development became the basis for the creation of the Earth. A plan is being developed for the planet. Reaching the end of development, its atoms pass to another celestial body. As a result, silicon life form on Venus, Mars, Jupiter.

The cycle in nature

Silicon Life Form acts as the initial and final goal of the existence of organisms on the planet. A number of prominent scientists propose to see the meaning of the emergence of human civilization exclusively in the participation of the cycle in the natural environment. While people were gatherers and hunters, they acted as members of natural biocenoses. However, civilization has a number of specific features. According to V.V. Malakhov, a person extracts from the depths that which has come out of the cycle. For example, these are oil, coal, gas. At the same time, a person returns carbon to the earth in the form most accessible to organisms. By extracting metals from the depths, people saturate industrial waste with them, returning the waste compounds to the World Ocean in a form acceptable to its inhabitants. This, in fact, is the biosphere task of mankind.

The death of humanity

According to Malakhov, when this function is fully implemented, civilization will come to a quiet and natural end, due to the depletion of reserves. This will not be an atomic war, but a slow extinction of humanity. At the same time, the biosphere will reach a qualitatively new level of development. It will flourish. Of course, Malakhov believes, the saturation of atmospheric air with carbon dioxide, the likely greenhouse effect, the enrichment of the ocean with heavy metals will lead to the death of a huge number of organisms. This will be one of the biosphere crises. However, along with this, life at a new stage will flourish. New systems with unusual substances and metals will appear. However, all this will exist without a person.


Based on Malakhov's hypothesis, the death of civilization will not mean the death of a person. For a certain period, people will still live on Earth. They will unite in primitive communities of pastoralists, hunters, gatherers. However, this will already be the existence of a biological species as an element of a natural biocenosis. In other words, the essence of being is not anthropocentrism. It consists in serving the "Other", which, according to I. Efremov, can also be identified by studying the stone as one of its manifestations.

"Dark matter"

According to some scientists, it can also act as a form of life. The term researchers designate a hypothetical substance that fills about 27% of the universe. Physicists coined this concept to explain some of the contradictions. According to experts, this matter can be intelligent and interact with humans. However, this tissue is located at the quantum level. This explains the fact that many years of space exploration have not shown scientists any satisfactory proof of the existence of other life on the planets.


In popular medical publications, you can find research results indicating that the human body needs about 40-50 mg of silicon every day. Its key function is to maintain a normal metabolism. It has been established that many diseases of the body could not exist if there was enough silicon in it. In this regard, it is believed that the health of human ancestors was undermined by foods that interfere with its assimilation. Many of them are included in the diet today. This, in particular, meat, white flour, sugar, canned food. Mixed food lingers in the digestive system for up to 8 hours. This means that during this time, the body digests food, using most of the enzymes. In such a situation, as I.P. Pavlov believed, the body cannot provide a sufficient supply of energy to other organs - the heart, kidneys, muscles, brain. From this, the researchers draw one important conclusion. They say that, probably, Steiner, who says that the raison d'être of man is to serve minerals, is right.

Alternative biochemistry puts forward various theories as to what life forms our Universe can be populated with. The most widely accepted hypothesis is the silicon life. It assumes that planets, stars, stones and other silicon-based compounds live differently from ours. The representatives of the silicon world are grains of sand, stones, mountains, tectonic plates. ... This form of life appeared much earlier than the albuminous one, and will apparently also exist much longer.

Silicon is tetravalent, like carbon, which means that it also has the quality of symmetry necessary for building stable organisms.

For several years French geologists have been studying stone samples taken from different regions of the planet. At the end of the study, they came to the conclusion that the stones are actually inherent in life processes, only they occur very slowly by human standards. The internal structure of stones changes over time, silicon organisms, like protein ones, are subject to aging. The stones live, only one breath takes them several weeks, and one heartbeat, that is, a reduction in the internal structure, about a day. Silicon compounds grow, slowly move along the surface of the planet (the phenomenon of wandering stones).

Most of the stones originate in the bowels of the Earth, but some of them are of biogenic origin. Once in the body of a person or animal in the form of grains of sand, they begin to grow. After the death of the biological host, the stones continue their life cycle already in natural conditions. Organic residues are a favorite place for the growth and development of silicon organisms. They slowly seep into the bones, displacing organic compounds but retaining the original skeleton shape. It is thanks to this phenomenon we today have the opportunity to examine the bones of fossil animals. The chemical composition of dinosaur skeletons shows that there is no bone left in them. Its place was taken by silicon organisms. For example, dinosaur remains found in Mongolia are made of chalcedony, while the skeletons of Colorado dinosaurs are made of apatite. Bones turned into stone are heavier and have a different color from real skeletons. Similar metamorphoses occur with plant remains. Wood trunks are replaced with stone ones, but the internal structure of the wood remains unchanged.

Remnants of ancient organisms reproduced in stone form are found in different parts of the planet. In Australia, found opal molluscs, whose ancestors lived in the Mesozoic era. In Argentina, there are agate cones that completely repeat the structure of araucaria cones - conifers of the dinosaur era.

The stone enters the body in two ways. In the first case, the mineral completely replaces the organic matter. In this case, the internal structure of the biological organism is lost, but the external form is retained. In the second case, minerals fill the cells, contributing to the petrification of the body. Most often, organic tissues are replaced by quartz and its varieties.

Living organisms are sometimes found inside the stones, most often frogs and other cold-blooded creatures. Toads are found in the chips of flint rocks, in lumps of metal ore. How they get there remains unclear.

Not all stones that are found on the surface of the Earth are alive. Like biological organisms, they die and leave behind only a shell that breaks down much more slowly than organic remains.
