Purpose.To acquaint children with P. Solovieva's poem "Night and Day"; practice expressive reading of a poem.

Course of the lesson

"Have you noticed that the winter is longer - day or night?" - the teacher is interested in children and reads:

- Night in winter is like a black cat,
Day is like a gray mouse.

What unusual comparisons: "night in winter - like a black cat, day ...?" These lines can be read in different ways, with an emphasis (stress) on different words».

The teacher repeats the lines and asks 2-3 children to say them in different ways.

The teacher repeats the lines again and attaches the following two to them:

But spring, spring is coming
It drips brightly, loudly from the rooftops.

Children (2-3 children) read the quatrain. Then the teacher repeats it, adding the following four lines:

I can't hold back the frost
The noisy joy of streams
The birds began to fly
The chirping of sparrows is louder.

Children together with the teacher pronounce these lines twice, and 1-2 children try to read them on their own.

The teacher, repeating the last four lines, attaches to them the final quatrain:

The darkness and silence disappears
And now vice versa:
The night is like a gray mouse
Day is a big, shiny cat.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the comparison of night and day with a cat: “Night in winter is like a black cat”, and with the onset of spring “day is a big, shiny cat”.

"Big is understandable, since the day has become longer, why brilliant?" - the teacher asks. (There are more sunny days.)

The teacher reads the entire poem. He repeats it, inviting children to read with him, but without a voice (training of the articulatory apparatus).

Children do not have time to memorize a poem in class. This will take them 2-3 days. They will read the poem without distortion if the teacher periodically repeats it (in the evening, during the gathering for a walk).

Lesson 5. Lexical games and exercises

Purpose.To activate the speech of children, teach them to improvise.

Course of the lesson

“The weather is good today,” the teacher begins. - Or rather? (Warm, sunny, beautiful ...)

And the other day there was bad weather ... (windy, wet snow, icy ...).

The poet Mikhail Yasny, whose "Peaceful counting" we often remember, has a strange poem:

- Hello, hello!
How are you?
- Hello, muzzle!
Don't bite us! ..

What do you think of it? You can repeat the words tail, bite?

So the puppy spoke with the tail -
And I couldn't catch him all!

We haven’t played the game with you for a long time “We will not say where we were, but we will show what we saw”. Remember the rules of the game? Then I'll start ... "

The educator might, for example, pretend to be sick when a football or hockey match is shown on television.

Then he calls 3-4 children who want to demonstrate their improvisation.

“Let's check,” says the teacher, “we have learned to compose interesting fables. - So, you will name the words, and I will write down some of them.

What, who is around us and far from us ...

What are the objects, living beings ...

Where can they be ...

What can they do ... "

The teacher brings to the attention of children 3-4 absurdities.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher tells the children that he will be glad to hear from them independently invented fables.

Lesson 6. Spring is coming, the road to spring!

Purpose.Reading poems to children about spring, introducing them to the poetic cast of speech.

Course of the lesson

The teacher clarifies with the children what time of year it is and what is the spring month.

“Do you feel the approach of spring? - the teacher is interested. - Who noticed what signs of spring? And this is what the poems say about early spring. "

The teacher reads poems: F. Tyutchev "Winter is not without reason angry ...", "Spring waters", E. Baratynsky "Spring! Spring! How clean the air! "

Winter is not without reason angry
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives them out of the yard.

And everything was in a fuss
Everything is boring Winter out -
And the larks in the sky
Already raised the bell.

Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise ...

The wicked witch went mad
And, capturing the snow,
Let go, running away
Into a beautiful child ...

Spring and grief is not enough:
I washed myself in the snow
And only became blush
Contrary to the enemy.
F. Tyutchev

Spring waters
The snow is still white in the fields
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore
They run, and shine, and say ...

They say to all ends:
“Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are the messengers of the young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, light round dance
They crowd cheerfully behind her! .. "
F. Tyutchev

Spring, spring! how clean the air is!
How clear the sky is!
With your azure alive
It blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! how high
On the wings of the breeze
Caressing the sun's rays
The clouds are flying!

The streams are rustling! streams glisten!
Roaring, the river carries
On a triumphant ridge
Ice raised by her!

The trees are still naked
But in the grove there is a shabby leaf
As before, under my foot
And noisy and fragrant.

Under the sun the most soared
And in the bright heights
The invisible lark sings
A cheery hymn to spring.

What's with her, what's with my soul?
With a creek she is a creek
And a bird with a bird! murmurs with him,
Flies in the sky with her!

Why makes her so happy
Both the sun and spring!
Does she rejoice, like the daughter of the elements,
Is she at their feast?

What a need! happy who's on it
Oblivion of thought drinks
Who is far from her
He, wonderful, will carry away!
E. Baratynsky

The teacher asks the children which poem they liked. Reads the one that most children like. (Most often it is "Winter is not without reason angry ...".)

Before reading, the teacher draws the children's attention to unusual comparisons: spring is a beautiful happy child washed in snow; winter is an evil witch, she is not yet ready to give way to spring and is angry with her.

The teacher emphasizes how beautiful and figurative poetic speech is, how sonorous and folding it is.

“Being able to write good poetry is a rare gift. Good poetry has a long life. And these spring verses were written a long time ago, ”the teacher notes.

Then he asks the children if they have noticed how the night has changed (is it like a black cat or no longer?), What the day looks like (like a gray mouse or ..?).

Tatiana Melnik
Memorizing the poem by P. Solovyova "Night and Day"

Memorizing a poem

P. Solovyova« Day and night»

Program tasks:

Continue teaching children to use mnemonic tables.

Introduce children to poem P. Solovyova« Day and night» .

Practice expressive reading poems.

Reinforce the correct use of prepositions; the ability to compose short stories about spring.

To form the ability to divide words into syllables, to work in a notebook.

Foster a love of nature.

Preliminary work: homework assignment - compose a story about spring from 5-6 sentences, work on cards game "Short words"

Vocabulary: spring, shiny cat.

Material: mnemonic cards for each child, notebooks, pens, laptop.

Individual work: before class, hold didactic game "Short words"


Educator - Guys, let's remember finger gymnastics:

"Frogs - Laughing" Develop memory, attention, motor skills, rhythm of movements; consolidate knowledge about the habits of the frog.

Two frogs - laughing

They jumped and jumped.

Foot - clap, another - clap,

The cheeks puffed out.

We saw a mosquito



The mosquito flew away like the wind.

It's good to live in the world!

Show the index and middle fingers, remove the rest.

The palm is rhythmically slapped on the leg.

Show roundness with fingers around the cheeks.

They make a pinch of three fingers, depict the flight path, trace it with their eyes.

The thumb is placed to spoil everyone else, depict opening and closing the mouth.

Make a sharp forward movement of the hand.

Stroke your chest with your palm.

Educator - Have you noticed that the winter is longer day or night? Here, listen to how it compares day and night Solovyov.

- Night in winter - like a black cat,

Day - like a gray mouse.

What an interesting comparison. Night is like a black cat. Day how - ... This sentence can be read in different ways, emphasizing different words. Try, read (children speak the lines poems) ... Lay out the table cards on your tables (work at tables).

Listen, the following lines -

But, spring, spring is coming

It drips brightly, loudly from the rooftops.

We lay out the following cards and read the entire quatrain.

Children lay out cards, 2 children repeat the quatrain.

Listening to the following four lines -

I can't hold back the frost

The noisy joy of streams

The birds began to fly

Louder is the twittering of sparrows.

We lay out the following cards, listen and repeat after me in a whisper. Who wants to try reading for themselves? (children read).

And the last quatrain -

The darkness and silence disappears

And now vice versa:

Night - like a gray mouse,

Day is big, shiny cat.

Notice how the author compares day and night with a cat: « Night in winter - like a black cat ", and with the onset of spring « Day is big, shiny cat "... Big - it's clear the day got longerwhy shiny? (children's answers - the day got brighter, a lot of light, the sun shines brightly and everything shines)

Now listen all poem and memorize -

But, spring, spring is coming

It drips brightly, loudly from the rooftops.

I can't hold back the frost

The noisy joy of streams

The birds began to fly

Louder is the twittering of sparrows.

The darkness and silence disappears

And now vice versa:

Night - like a gray mouse,

Day is big, shiny cat.

Children read poem.

Physical education.

Swans fly

They flap their wings

Bent over the water

They shake their head.

Proudly and boldly

They can hold on.

Very quiet

They sit on the water.

Swing your arms intensively.

Hands behind the back, bending forward, shaking the head.

Hands on the belt, turns the body to the right, left.

To squat.

Work on the word "Spring"

Guys what does the word mean "Spring"? (children's answers)... How many syllables are in a word "Spring"? How many sounds? How many consonants? How many vowels? What are the voiced consonants? What are the voiceless consonants? Type a word "Spring" in a notebook.

Independent work in notebooks.

Educator - I gave you a homework assignment to come up with a short story about spring. Who wants to tell?

Stories of 2-3 children

Outcome - What seemed difficult to you today? What's the best thing? What did you like? (children's answers)

Related publications:

Synopsis of the integrated GCD "Memorizing the poem by E. Blaginina" Overcoat " Software content. To form the ability to listen carefully to a poem, to memorize and expressively read it, to introduce children to poetry.

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Sections: elementary School

Class: 1


  • to acquaint children with the expressive means of the Russian language: synonyms and figurative comparisons;
  • develop the speech and creativity of students;
  • teach children to draw conclusions, generalize.


  • textbook edited by AV Polyakova "Russian language" 1st grade;
  • cards for individual work.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of what has been learned.

Make up the proverbs that are written on my chalkboard.

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

(children's statements)

III. Learning new things.

1. Synonyms.

1. The words are written on the board:

Fire, business, longing, occupation, luck, sadness, bad weather, success, bad weather, flame.

Read the words.

What can you say about these words?

Combine these words in pairs on a common basis. What is this sign?

Explain your choice.

(these words are close in meaning)

Skip one line for our today's topic, which we will write down at the end of the lesson, and write these words on the second.

Similar words are called synonyms.

2. Make a sentence with any word and write it down.

3. Verification.

2. Figurative comparisons.

1. A sentence is written on the board.

It contains the secret of the language. Can someone find it?

The forest, as if we are looking at a painted one,

Purple, gold, crimson ...

What words help to create the image of the forest?

What does the forest compare to?

Why is it compared to a tower?

Similarly, the tower is painted - they call figurative comparison.

2. There are sheets in front of you.

Read and find figurative comparisons in them.

Night in winter is like a black cat
Day is like a gray mouse.
But spring, spring is coming
It drips brightly, loudly from the rooftops.
And now vice versa:
The night is like a gray mouse
Day is a big, shiny cat.

(Night is a black cat, day is a gray mouse,

Night is a gray mouse, day is a big shiny cat)

Why at first the day was like a gray mouse, and then he compared the night to a mouse?

(The mouse seems to be running away quickly)

3. Physical minutes.

4. Figurative names of months.

What time of year is it?

Name the spring months.

Does anyone know what the month of March is called?

(March. Protalnik)

Write it down in a notebook.

Why a motteller?

Find the same root words.

(thawed, thawed)

On your tables are leaflets with excerpts from poems.

The lily of the valley has blossomed.
Lilacs are blooming.
Drops are ringing in the yard.
The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.

The sun goes higher in March.
Its rays are hot.

Look for passages on your sheets that apply to this month.

(The sun goes higher in March.

Its rays are hot.)

And April? (April. Snowman. Pollen.)

Writing in a notebook.

Find the passage about April.

(Drops are ringing in the yard.

The birds began to sing songs,

And the snowdrop blossomed.)

And May? (May. Herbal. Herbalist)

Find the passage about May.

(Lily of the valley has blossomed.

Lilacs are blooming.)

Maybe someone knows where the names of the months come from?

It turns out that all the modern names of the months came into Russian from Latin or Greek.

In ancient Russian, there were different figurative names for the months. Old books, proverbs and sayings tell us about this.

5. Lesson summary.

I asked you to skip a line to write the topic of our lesson, but I forgot.

Tell me, what would you call it?

(Children sayings)
