If a person has lived to be 30 years old and have never tried himselfas a leader, he may not be able to handle it whenthe hour strikes him. He can be the perfect organizer whileso far, so good. But suddenly, regardless of his desire,there is no situation when he just has to take matters into his own hands. And then what? It will be too late to start learning.

will provide him with success among others. This skill is brightto steal and listen to others speaking.

The art of communication at all times it was recognized the obligationa characteristic trait of a leader. Among all peoples, and among the ancients in the first place, it was considered as follows: a person striving to somehow put forwardfuss, become a leader, must have the oratoryvom no less than military prowess. Only one heused in peacetime, and others in wartime. Leaders would-are you sure that the power of speech has the same meaning as physicalmilitary strength in war.

The speakers stood out for their demeanor, style of speech. Moreover, intonation, artistry, the arrangement of correct ac-cents often had more impact on listeners thanmeaning of words. The most revered are those who could long and figurativelyspeak before giving your opinion. Good ora-thor had a sense of tact, skillfully took into account the character of thesednikov, knew the history of peoples and their relationships. « Big people"Spoke at the end of the meeting, when pointsvision were clarified and it was necessary to express the opinion of the painshrine.

The art of public speaking and communication withby others it is still highly regarded today. Many people's deputiesyou are nominated precisely because of your eloquence.

The ability to communicate with people is a skill that everyonecan gradually master. To make a good impression, you must write clearly and speak correctly.

When compiling a report or an abstract on somesubject, remember that this is not an essay on literature, simplicity and clarity are needed here

One more rule. Do not try to impress teachers with smartwith words and expressions drawn from the textbook. Teach-the tel will still understand that they are not yours. If you are requiredjust collect information and present it in such a way thatwhoever reads this could get an idea of \u200b\u200bthemeta, it is better to act according to a predetermined plan.

Communication is not a one-way process in which wejust giving information. Through communication, we also receive information, and this process requires us to be able to listen.

Listening means more than just hearing.

We often We only "hear" what we want to hear. When we listen, we pass through the words, intonation and gestures of the interview.nika. To this we must add our own reactions,which make it clear to the interlocutor that we are attentive to himlisten. These reactions include: facial expressions, a smile, a nod of the head, and various remarks.

When receiving information, you must completelypay attention to the speaker without guessing that youare going to report. If possible, write down the mostmore valuable information. This is especially important when receivinginformation by phone when what is happening in the placewhere they are calling from is unfamiliar to you and can easily confuse you.

When you listenthen:

Do this with full attention;

Don't make hasty guesses about what is going to youtell the interlocutor;

Don't waste time trying to formulate an answer by listeninganother;

By looking into your eyes, show that you really pay attentionlisten to him;

While listening to the interlocutor on the phone, do not allow thethe person in the room to distract you;

Talking on the phone, let's understand the caller,that you listen to him carefully, from time to time,xia: "So ...", "Yes ...", "Good ...", etc .;

Make notes if necessary.

Listening is a skill that can be learnedwork. It consists in the correct answers to the setsensitive questions, in the ability to respond to urgentfor the interlocutor of the topic. The latter should get the impression that you are keenly interested in him, and that you areare willing and willing to continue the conversation.

The response to questions should be calm and short, i.e.such that it does not interfere with the speaker's train of thought orspeaker. The reaction can be manipulative, wrongstrong and ineffective if it is not entirely sincere. Re-action on the meaning of what is spoken is best expressed in mo-pause moment.

Each of us is a leader in a certain area: at work, among friends, in the family. For many, being a leader means controlling others. Those who hold this point of view find themselves one day that the more they try to control others, the less influence they have over them. Paradox!
For some, leadership is directly related to power, but they forget that you can be a leader even while taking a completely ordinary position. When a man sees that something needs to be done, his ordinary position will not keep him from taking the initiative; he will simply take responsibility and do what he must. True leadership has nothing to do with superiority over others, position, or prestige. It is associated with the disclosure and realization of the potential of the people around. Leadership is not the strength of one, but the fruit of the joint work of many people.

Unfortunately, today many men do not want to be leaders because of their own apathy and laziness. They would love to live their lives quietly and simply, while others will be responsible for them. However, society needs leaders. If you have to be a leader, will you be ready for the challenge?

Every man can be a leader with the five qualities that we will tell you about in our column today.

1. Ability to make decisions

A good leader can think through each task from start to finish. The decision must be made in the calm before the storm, and the coming stress, fear and chaos will confirm you in the decision. In any situation, there is an opportunity to retreat, a kind of emergency exit, a chance to escape responsibility and choose safety and tranquility. But isn't a victory, a worthy way out of a difficult situation the best reward? A true leader makes a decision and, having done it once, does not doubt the correctness of his choice. He knows what is right, and does not suffer in the grip of indecision, but calmly accepts the challenge. A good leader does not panic, yell, or try to hide his helplessness by imitating hectic activity. Next to such a leader, everyone feels extremely confident, he is like a strong anchor in a storm.

How to learn to make decisions
Don't wait for a crisis to force you to act. Think about your goals and develop a plan for how you will react to a crisis situation, what you are going to take in case of each specific difficulty. Don't wait until the problem grows to an immense size and you panic and start losing ground. Practice on some everyday tasks and you will see: no panic, no hesitation - you just remember your plan and follow it.

2. Willingness to take risks

Those who do not take risks do not drink champagne. High achievements come only to those who are willing to take risks. A leader who only chooses the beaten track will never succeed. The prospect of living without risk is certainly attractive; this haven of safety and comfort has often lured many into the trap of apathy and routine. A weak person will always hesitate whether to take a risk: he is attracted by what he can get as a result, but at the same time, the fear of defeat is paralyzed. Remember that a lesson can also be learned from failure: without ever sowing, a person does not know the limits of his capabilities, his potential, his abilities. The one who never has enough courage does not notice that he is taking the greatest risk possible: he risks stalling in development, becoming lazy in soul and not noticing anything around him that would be worth his efforts.

How to learn to take risks
The fear of risky ventures is common. You won't be able to take big risks if you haven't risked the little things. Therefore, find for yourself in everyday life the opportunity to take risks for minor reasons. It might just be a conversation with a stranger. Think about what scares you, like having to speak in public, and do it. If you overcome yourself every day, you will develop the ability to overcome your own fear and understand that it is still worth the risk. Eventually, you will learn to take risks in big business when your leadership position demands it.

3. Willingness to share the reward with subordinates

A good leader, supremely self-confident, humbly admits that no success is his own achievement, no matter how great his role. He is deeply grateful to all those whose efforts have achieved a high result. The leader understands human nature: all people want recognition, they want to be appreciated. When an organization or just a group of people succeeds, a true leader shows his appreciation for his subordinates. When people see that the leader is humble and shares his success, they want to follow him even more.

How to learn to share success with subordinates
Sharing success is easy. Often, a public gratitude or a simple “Thank you” postcard is enough for a person to understand that he has been appreciated. When you thank or praise someone, try to be as specific as possible. So the person will understand that you are well aware of what exactly he is doing; feel that they are interested in it.

4. Willingness to take the blame

This is exactly the parameter by which you can distinguish a good leader from a bad one. A real leader is ready for two opposite scenarios at the same time. He is ready to share success with his subordinates and at the same time knows how to behave if the business ends in failure. If a leader begins to look for those to blame for a common failure and relinquishes all responsibility for it, people will lose confidence in him. A true leader takes responsibility for all the consequences of decisions made, including bad ones. Even if the failure is subordinate's fault, a true leader will think what he did wrong. Perhaps he gave vague instructions or put the person in the wrong position. Once the leader has taken charge, he begins to take steps to remedy the situation.

How to learn to take the blame
When you take responsibility for failure, you have to be sincere. Recognition of your own mistake should grow from your confidence that you are the first to be responsible for the case. If you plead guilty just for show, it will be boyish, not masculine. Do not try to pretend to be a martyr or seek approval for taking responsibility. In addition, there is no need to publicly flaunt this responsibility in order to later inform your subordinates in an informal setting that he took the blame for the sake of saving their skins. It will look fake and undermine your credibility.

5. A true leader has strong nerves that help him survive storms and disappointments and start from scratch every day, without focusing on his successes and not being oppressed by defeats.

Even the strongest leaders in history have had moments of dizzying success and brutal defeat. A true leader focuses on what he can change and what he can influence, and the past is not on the list of those things. If you have failed, you will learn from it and then immediately stop worrying - and failure will be good for you. Constant torment over what has already passed will not help you in any way. Moreover, the people who follow you will lose faith in you.

Celebrate victories with your subordinates and move on. If a leader is fixated on past accomplishments, it means that he is not setting new goals for himself. As we are taught, often the arrogance of leaders is the cause of their decline.

How not to focus on the past
Read biographies of great people. As you learn more about the lives of great leaders, you will realize that even they have experienced moments of deepest failure. You’ll realize that a single failure doesn’t mean you’re incapable of leadership. And the example of famous rulers will show you that a good leader can achieve a lot.

A person's behavior and leadership qualities of a person determine a leader. Such a person is able to organize the activities of the team: make decisions on behalf of the entire group, organize work, set an example. He proved that his choice for management is advisable and justified. He does not give in to solving problems that may seem insurmountable. Leadership and personality are interrelated concepts.

The leader organizes the activities of the employees

The main character traits of a leader

The main character traits of a leader include:

  • control over behavior and emotions;
  • positive vision;
  • resistance to stress;
  • readiness for change;
  • confidence in success;
  • clarity in the expression of thoughts;
  • readiness to overcome difficulties;
  • ability to manage time wisely;
  • ability to persuade;
  • the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue.

A leader is a strong personality, able not only to solve problems and overcome difficulties, but also to anticipate them in the future.

Formal and informal leadership

Leadership can be formal or informal.

The formal leader is the official team leader. In rare cases, it arouses the sympathy of employees, at most - respect. Informal is a leader who is unofficially recognized for the most part groups. They like him more. But his decision-making is controlled by the leader.

An informal leader often appears in a team with an authoritarian management style. With this style, the official leader is perceived as a tyrant, and the socio-psychological process in the team is perceived as unfavorable, in need of a strong leader. In liberal or democratic governance styles, an informal leader is extremely rare. No one is afraid of a leader, and no help is needed to defend their interests.

The decision of the informal leader is controlled by the official leader

Leadership qualities

A business leader must be persistent, decisive, and able to give orders, make decisions, control and direct the activities of the team. A leader at work must be able to:

  • to determine the statement of tasks of the group, which he leads;
  • communicate them constructively to employees;
  • convince of the need for the goal;
  • motivate as many employees as possible to quickly complete tasks;
  • maintain authority in the team;
  • stay calm regardless of the situation;
  • promptly respond to any change in the situation;
  • think broadly and positively;
  • achieve the set goals, despite the obstacles;
  • listen to the opinions of others;
  • build the right questions;
  • to take risks;
  • make long-term plans and achieve results;
  • dump ballast.

The problem with leadership and leadership is that a leader is not always endowed with leadership qualities. In addition to qualities, the leader must be able to behave like a leader.

Demonstration of qualities

The qualities of a leader are demonstrated by words, intonation, the way of conducting a conversation, facial expressions and gestures, confidence and firmness in views.

  1. A confident person maintains posture.
  2. Does not take his eyes off the eyes of the interlocutor.
  3. Smiles only in appropriate situations.
  4. Respectfully treats the interlocutor.
  5. Dressed accordingly to the position held.

Main types

Striving for leadership is a desire to take a worthy place in society. And it is common to all people. According to the style of decision-making in the team and the methods of approach to solving problems, the types of leadership are determined: authoritarian, liberal or democratic.

Authoritarian leader

Authoritarian leadership provides the leader with the ability to make decisions autonomously, and also implies the subordination of all team members to the leadership. The implementation of the decisions made is monitored. The leader has the right to criticize and, without explaining the reasons, take measures to punish subordinates, which causes massive discontent in the team.

  • high probability of making erroneous decisions;
  • lack of initiative and passivity of employees;
  • dissatisfaction of the team;
  • difficult moral situation.

This style is advisable only in critical situations: an accident or a threat to life. An authoritarian style is capable of suppressing popular discontent.

Liberal leader

The liberal species is characterized by a lack of control, clarity in requirements. There is the potential for unpredictable penalties.

Such a personality shows a regression tendency, is characterized by a lack of incentive to work, employee dissatisfaction with management and all work. The climate in the team is unfavorable. The negative influence of people on each other is expressed in latent conflicts.

Democratic leader

In a democratic state, a person engages the team in discussing the most important tasks and goals, and making decisions. The group is given a certain level of freedom to discuss and stimulate work activity.

Such a leader is the most effective. High probability of making the right decisions, good indicators of labor productivity, favorable psychological environment. This type of leadership is an indicator of the professionalism of a leader and a good leader.

Leadership and leadership

Leadership and leadership are often confused. But these are not synonymous words. In order to understand what leadership and leadership are, it is necessary to consider their differences.

Key differences between leadership and leadership



informal relationship official relations
psychological basis social basis
can be a leader may not be a leader
sets and realizes goals independently sets goals and ways to achieve them through the efforts of subordinates
leadership is based on trust, leads followers subordination of the team is mandatory, measures of awards and punishment are applied

Main similarities:

  • leader and leader can be both at the same time;
  • are representatives of the authorities;
  • can influence the environment.

It can be concluded that leadership is an influence on your followers without the use of measures of coercion and punishment. A leader's credibility depends on his personal qualities and the ability to protect the interests of the group.

Leadership exerts influence through the exercise of formal authority. The position held provides leadership, but not leadership qualities.

Signs of a leader

It is quite easy to identify such a person in a group, its main features are:

  • high activity and initiative in solving problems of the team;
  • ability to influence team members;
  • high awareness;
  • the personal qualities of a leader are inherent;
  • the ability to see the situation outside the framework of recognized norms.

Leader functions

A leader must not only be able to convince and be active, but also perform certain functions. The leader's functions are as follows:

  • organize the life of the team in all areas of activity;
  • set rules and monitor group compliance;
  • formally represent the group in your person;
  • be responsible for the results of the team's activities;
  • coordinate relationships within the group.


In order to be a leader, you must have not only certain personal qualities of a leader, but also constantly work on yourself, reasonably believe in your righteousness. Self-confidence helps to overcome difficulties and not give in to problems. Develop leadership qualities such as calmness, consistency, and the ability to look from the outside. Building the strength of your leadership skills will certainly help you earn the respect and recognition of your coworkers, family, and friends.

If you decide to become a real leader, then you will undoubtedly need a lot of work on yourself. After all, a leader has a multiple set of psychological qualities and knowledge for his consistency.

Leader (from the English. leader) - the first, going ahead of the entire planet 🙂 - a person who in a certain group of people enjoys recognition, authority and influence, which is defined as managerial activity. The leader makes the most responsible decisions of a group or organization and manages all processes in general, while giving direction for further actions.

In this article, we will not talk about, but about toqualities of a leader.

Leader qualities:

1) Self-confidence

2) Sociability

It is difficult to imagine without this quality of a leader; the ability to establish contacts and quickly find a common language with the team is the most important quality not only in this path.

3) Ability to constantly learn

It's no secret that our world is constantly changing with greater and greater speed. It is in connection with this that modern leaders simply need to constantly replenish their knowledge base and introduce innovations in their business. This will greatly increase your competitiveness.

4) Purposefulness

A very important quality that separates the leader from the rest of the people. He always knows what he wants and what needs to be done for this. After all, you must agree to lead the crowd when you don't know where.

5) A responsibility

The ability to be responsible for one's words, actions, decisions is an integral quality of a leader. Here you will no longer be able to say “who is to blame?”. The whole burden of possible failures and failures will have to be taken upon yourself, but the success will be shared with everyone.

6) Self-discipline

Ordinary people easily allow themselves all possible weaknesses. But the leader cannot afford to give up slack and must constantly be collected and ready for action.

7) Ability to communicate and listen to people

The ability to communicate and listen to people is one of the main leadership qualities. This is where leadership begins. You must not only communicate and convince people in understandable languages, but also be able to listen and understand each person as an individual.

8) Ability to create a team

We all understand that without a team, a leader ceases to be a leader. Therefore, the ability to build a team is one of the key qualities of a leader. It is expensive to attract and convince people to go under your banner.

9) Tenacity

A leader is a person who never gives up and is constantly active. He searches for answers and solutions until he finds them.

10) Ambition

A leader always strive for high goals and striking results, while doing this consciously without imagining fabulous mountains.

The qualities of a leader are charisma, competence, responsibility, ability to be flexible, and this is far from full list those traits that are important to develop in yourself if you have great ambitions and a desire to become a productive, successful creator of life or the captain of an organization and even your own business.

What qualities should a leader have?

Leadership qualities are a set of skills, abilities, character traits leading to success, recognition and high results in activities. The development of qualities begins with taking responsibility for your life and what happens in it. The list of qualities that a leader should have is extensive, but each person is an individual and each has its own set of traits and characteristics. Leading him to success.

Leadership qualities of a leader

What qualities should a leader have? This should be a person with a broad outlook and non-standard thinking, able to look at the current situation from different angles. To see those methods that have outlived their usefulness and do not work and abandon them without being afraid to step into a new, promising, albeit unfamiliar. The main qualities of a leader and leader:

  • a responsibility;
  • attunement with other people and the ability to build effective relationships;
  • equilibrium;
  • ability to lead;
  • control over your emotions;
  • clear construction of plans and tasks;
  • skill to work in team.

Leadership personality traits

The main qualities of a leader are skills that are constantly being improved:

  • intellectual abilities;
  • flexibility of thinking;
  • creativity;
  • striving for self-knowledge;
  • constant self-improvement and a desire to learn new things, learn, grow;
  • honesty with oneself;
  • determination and courage to learn the unknown;
  • working capacity;
  • ambition.

Leadership theory

Leadership qualities of a person - Ralph Stogdill in 1948 began to study and structure previously collected information by the first researchers of those qualities that famous personalities possessed - this is how the theory of leadership qualities was born. In the mid-1980s. American consultant Warren Bennis continued his research and, in interaction with 90 successful individuals, identified 4 groups of leadership qualities:

  • attention management;
  • value management;
  • self-management;
  • trust management.

Positive and negative qualities of a leader

Every phenomenon or phenomenon has positive and negative aspects, especially when there is an imbalance or imbalance of some quality - leadership is no exception. Positive qualities of a leader:

  • charisma;
  • firmness and strength of mind;
  • dedication to the cause;
  • high competence;
  • communicativeness;
  • focus on the goal;
  • believe in yourself;
  • insight;
  • the ability to calculate steps;
  • passion;
  • ability to listen and hear;
  • self-discipline;
  • a responsibility.

Negative qualities of a leader:

  • lack of principle;
  • "megalomania";
  • “Walking over their heads” to achieve success does not shy away from “dirty” ways;
  • arrogance or dominance over others;
  • workaholism;
  • rigidity.

Methods for determining leadership qualities

Revealing leadership qualities through tests and methods helps to see the makings of a leader and the valuable qualities of a leader. Such techniques are used by psychologists in various organizations. Leadership Tests and Proven Tests:

  • « Leadership Self-Assessment Methodology"- A.N. Lutoshkin;
  • « Leadership ability"- R.S. Nemov;
  • « Diagnostics of leadership abilities"- E. Krushelnikov, E. Zharikov;
  • « Leader potential"- M. Ignatskaya;
  • « Leadership Style Diagnostics»- L. V. Rumyantseva, based on the study of leadership styles of American psychologists K. Levin and P. Leppit.

How to develop leadership skills?

Leadership development is a gradual process with a series of small steps. In everything, a measure is needed, otherwise there is a "drain" of achievements and a feeling of guilt and aggression against oneself. Make a plan for the week, take as a basis the actions that will be performed every day. For example, practicing one skill with 2-3 exercises, reading a motivating book, keeping and analyzing a diary. To work out the next one, proceed when the assimilation has occurred and there is confidence to go further.

Leadership Development Exercises

The professional qualities of a leader are cultivated on the basis of personal qualities, while developing himself as a person, a person tries different niches, finds his own and all the energy personal potential directs to gain deeper experience in the chosen business. The following simple exercises can help in this, which should be performed as often as possible to achieve progress:

  1. Exercise "Leap into the unknown." Gaining experience in unfamiliar actions, be it dance training, public speaking, parachute jumping - this develops emotional intelligence and helps to expand horizons, breaking the pattern of thinking.
  2. Exercise "List of beliefs that prevent you from implementing your plans." What is the current goal? For example, "I want to become a leading manager of the organization" write it down in a notebook. Considerations why this is unattainable - write everything, from the most abstract to the real, until all the arguments run out. The deed is done and the leaf must be solemnly burned.
  3. Exercise "Ability to say no!" The first part of the exercise - friends or relatives who ask for a favor, such as borrowing a large sum and the task of responding with a refusal without guilt or remorse, can help with this. Train until you start to work out. The second part of the exercise is to learn to stand up for your rights and focus on fulfilling all the data to yourself and other obligations that you have previously voiced to friends and acquaintances for self-motivation.

Leadership development training

Leadership training is one of the most popular training topics today. Such famous speakers as Radislav Gandapas, Nick Vuychich, Robin Sharma, Brian Tracy motivate people around the world to take responsibility for their lives and become the creator of the reality they have painted for themselves. If there is a feeling inside that you deserve more, but there is no understanding of how, it is important to start with small steps, read a book about success, watch a video, attend a leadership development training in your city, and this will be the beginning of a personal leadership path.

Leadership Development Books

The psychological qualities of a leader can and should be developed and it is important to know that great leaders are the most reading people in the world. Reading literature written by famous successful people motivates and inspires to achieve goals. The path full of obstacles, disappointments, doing over and over again gives a complete picture of the fact that everything in this life is possible, and the impossible just takes a little more effort and time.

Leadership Building Books:

  1. « Leader without title"R. Sharma. The qualities of a great leader will develop if you first become a great person - so the author claims. The book will be useful for both novice entrepreneurs and those who have embarked on the path of self-discovery.
  2. « How to become leaders»W. Bennis. A renowned leadership coach talks about a lack of modern world people who truly have developed leadership qualities. Leaders are definitely not born, but they become, honing their strengths and getting rid of formulaic thinking.
  3. « 21 irrefutable laws of leadership»J. Maxwell. Vivid examples, principles, and if you follow the laws written in the book - leadership is provided. The author claims that even the most weak-willed person, after reading this book, will be inspired to change in his life.
  4. « Why should people follow you? A book on what it means to be a true leader"R. Goffey, G. Jones. The qualities of a universal leader? They do not exist, but there is an individuality, developing which you can become a unique leader in the field that a person has chosen for himself. For 5 years, the authors of the book have been collecting material by interviewing successful people - they are all different and each has found its own path to leadership and success.
  5. « Leader charisma"R. Gandapas. A book about how to develop charisma is a quality without which it is difficult to become a successful and visible leader.
