What is Operation Bagration? How was it carried out? We will consider these and other questions in the article. It is known that 2014 marked the 70th anniversary of this operation. In the course of it, the Red Army was able not only to free the Belarusians from the occupation, but also, destabilizing the enemy, accelerated the collapse of fascism.

This happened thanks to the extraordinary courage, determination and self-sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Soviet partisans and soldiers of Belarus, many of whom died in the name of victory over the invaders.


The offensive Belarusian operation "Bagration" is a large-scale campaign of the Great Patriotic War, carried out in 1944, from June 23 to August 29. It was named after the Russian military leader of Georgian origin P.I.Bagration, who gained fame during the Patriotic War of 1812.

Campaign value

The liberation of Belarus was not easy for Soviet soldiers. In the course of the aforementioned extensive offensive, the Belarusian lands, part of the Baltic states and eastern Poland were saved, the German group of detachments "Center" was almost completely defeated. The Wehrmacht suffered impressive losses in part due to the fact that A. Hitler forbade retreat. Subsequently, Germany was no longer able to restore the troops.

Campaign prerequisites

The liberation of Belarus was carried out in several stages. It is known that by June 1944, in the east, the front line approached the Vitebsk - Orsha - Mogilev - Zhlobin line, having founded an imposing ledge - a wedge directed deep into the USSR, called the "Belorussian balcony".

In Ukraine, the Red Army was able to achieve a series of tangible successes (many Wehrmacht soldiers died in the chain of "cauldrons", almost all the lands of the Republic were liberated). If one wanted to break through in the winter of 1943-1944 in the direction of Minsk, the successes, on the contrary, were very modest.

Along with this, by the end of the spring of 1944, the invasion in the south stalled, and the Headquarters of the Supreme Command decided to change the course of efforts.

Forces of the parties

The liberation of Belarus was quick and inevitable. Information about the strength of opponents in different sources differs. According to the publication "Operations of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War," on the part of the USSR, 1 million 200 thousand soldiers took part in the campaign (not including the rear units). On the part of the Germans - as part of the "Center" group of detachments - 850-900 thousand souls (plus about 400 thousand rear-service soldiers). In addition, in the second phase, the left wing of the group of forces "Northern Ukraine" and the right wing of the group of forces "North" took part in the battle.

It is known that four Wehrmacht regiments resisted four Soviet fronts.

Campaign preparation

Before the liberation of Belarus, the Red Army soldiers were intensively preparing for the operation. At first, the Soviet leadership thought that the Bagration campaign would be identical to the Battle of Kursk - something like Rumyantsev or Kutuzov, with a colossal consumption of ammunition, followed by a modest movement of 150-200 km.

Since operations of this type - without a breakthrough into the operational depth, with stubborn, long-lasting battles in the tactical defense area for starvation - required a colossal amount of ammunition and a small amount of fuel for mechanical parts and low capacities to revive the railway tracks, the actual evolution of the campaign turned out to be unexpected for the Soviet leadership.

In April 1944, the General Staff began to develop an operational scheme for the Belarusian operation. The command intended to crush the flanks of the German group "Center", encircle its base forces east of Minsk and completely liberate Belarus. The plan was extremely large-scale and ambitious, since during the course of the war, the simultaneous defeat of an entire group of forces was rarely planned.

Significant personnel transfers have been made. Direct preparations for the Belarusian operation began at the end of May. On May 31, private directives of the Supreme High Command Headquarters, containing specific plans, were delivered to the front commanders.

The Red Army organized a thorough reconnaissance of the enemy's positions and forces. Information was obtained in various directions. For example, the reconnaissance teams of the 1st front of Belarus were able to capture about 80 "languages". Undercover, active acoustic reconnaissance was also conducted, the positions of the enemy were studied by artillery observers, and so on.

The headquarters sought to achieve the utmost surprise. The army commanders personally gave all orders to the unit commanders. It was forbidden to speak on the phone about preparations for an offensive, even in coded form. The fronts preparing for the operation began to observe radio silence. Troops were concentrated and regrouped mainly at night. It was necessary to monitor the observance of camouflage measures, so officers of the General Staff were specially allocated to patrol the area.

Before the offensive, the commanders of all levels, right down to the companies, carried out reconnaissance. They assigned tasks to subordinates on the spot. To improve interaction, air force officers and artillery spotters were sent to the tank units.

It follows that the campaign was prepared very carefully, while the enemy remained in the dark about the coming assault.


So, you already know that the Red Army was preparing thoroughly for the liberation of Belarus from the German fascist invaders. The leadership of the Red Army was perfectly aware of the enemy grouping in the area of ​​a future attack. The general staff of the ground forces of the Third Reich and the commanders of the Center group of forces were in the dark about the plans and forces of the Red Army.

The Supreme High Command and Hitler thought that a major offensive should continue to be expected in Ukraine. They hoped that the Soviet garrisons would strike from the region south of Kovel towards the Baltic Sea, cutting off the Center and North groups of forces.

The General Staff of the Third Reich assumed that the Red Army wanted to mislead the German commanders about the course of the most important strike and to withdraw reserves from the region between Kovel and the Carpathians. The situation in Belarus was so calm that Field Marshal Bush went on vacation three days before the start of the campaign.

The course of hostilities

So, the Great Patriotic War was going on. The liberation of Belarus played a decisive role in this tense confrontation. The preliminary phase of the campaign symbolically began on the third anniversary of the German attack on the Soviet Union - June 22, 1944. The most significant place of the battles was the Berezina River, as during the Patriotic War of 1812.

To liberate Belarus, the generals used all their skills. Soviet troops of the 2nd, 1st, 3rd Belorussian and 1st Baltic fronts, with the support of partisans, broke through the defense of the German group of forces "Center" in many sectors. The Red Army men surrounded and destroyed impressive enemy groups in the regions of Vitebsk, Vilnius, Bobruisk, Brest and east of Minsk. They also liberated the territory of Belarus and its capital Minsk (July 3), a significant part of Lithuania and Vilnius (July 13), the eastern regions of Poland. Soviet soldiers were able to reach the borders of the Vistula and Narew rivers and to the Rubicons of East Prussia. It is noteworthy that the Soviet troops were commanded by General of the Army I.Kh. Bagramyan, Colonel General I.D. Chernyakhovsky, General G.F. Zakharov, General K.K. Model.

The operation to liberate Belarus was carried out in two steps. The first step was taken from 23 June to 4 July and included the following offensive front-line operations:

  • Mogilev operation;
  • Vitebsk-Orshanskaya;
  • Minsk;
  • Polotsk;
  • Bobruisk.
  • Osovets operation;
  • Kaunas;
  • Vilnius;
  • Belostokskaya;
  • Siauliai;
  • Lublin-Brest.

Partisan actions

So, you already know that the liberation of Belarus in the Second World War played a significant role. Before the offensive, a partisan action of unheard-of proportions took place. There were many active partisan formations in Belarus at that time. The Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement recorded that 194,708 supporters had joined the troops of the Red Army in the summer of 1944.

Soviet commanders successfully linked military operations to those of partisan groups. Taking part in the Bagration campaign, at first the partisans put out of action the enemy's communications, and later they prevented the withdrawal of the defeated Wehrmacht troops.

They began to destroy the German rear on the night of 19-20 June. Russian partisans in the central area of ​​the eastern front made 10,500 explosions. As a result, they were able to delay the transfer of enemy operational reserves for a couple of days.

The partisans planned to make 40 thousand various explosions, that is, they managed to fulfill only a fourth of their intentions. And yet, they were able to temporarily paralyze the rear of the "Center" group of forces.

At the end of June 1944, on the night before the general attack by the Russians in the zone of the "Center" group of forces, the partisans carried out a powerful raid on all important roads. As a result, they completely deprived the enemy troops of control. During this one night, the partisans managed to install 10.5 thousand mines and charges, of which only 3.5 thousand were found and neutralized. Due to the activities of partisan detachments, communication on many routes was carried out during the day and only under the cover of an armed convoy.

Railways and bridges became the basic targets for the application of partisan forces. In addition to them, communication lines were also actively disabled. This activity greatly facilitated the offensive of the Red Army at the front.

Results of the operation

The liberation of Belarus in 1944 turned history back. The success of the Bagration campaign surpassed all the aspirations of the Soviet leaders. After attacking the enemy for two months, the Red Army completely cleared Belarus, recaptured part of the Baltic, and liberated the eastern regions of Poland. In general, on a front with a length of 1,100 km, Soviet soldiers were able to advance to a depth of 600 km.

Also, the operation made the group of forces "North", stationed in the Baltic States, defenseless. After all, the Panther Line, a carefully constructed border, was bypassed. In the future, this fact greatly facilitated the Baltic campaign.

And the Red Army also captured two large bridgeheads south of Warsaw beyond the Vistula - Pulawsky and Magnushevsky, as well as the bridgehead at Sandomierz (recaptured by the 1st Ukrainian Front during the Sandomierz-Lvov campaign). By these actions, they created the groundwork for the upcoming Vistula-Oder operation. It is known that the offensive of the 1st front of Belarus, which stopped only on the Oder, began in January 1945 from the Pulavsky and Magnushevsky bridgeheads.

The military believes that the liberation of Soviet Belarus contributed to the large-scale defeat of the German Armed Forces. Many are sure that the Belarusian battle can be safely called "the largest defeat of the German Armed Forces in the Second World War."

On the scale of the German-Soviet front, the Bagration campaign was the greatest in the long history of offensives. It is a furor for Soviet theory of military prowess thanks to the superbly coordinated movement of all fronts and the operation carried out to deceive the enemy about the location of the fundamental assault, which began in the summer of 1944. She destroyed the German reserves, seriously localizing the ability of the occupiers to fend off both the advance of the allies in western Europe and other attacks on the Eastern Front.

So, for example, the division "Great Germany" was transferred by the German command from the Dniester to Siauliai. As a result, she was unable to participate in repelling the Yasso-Chisinau campaign. Division "Hermann Goering" had to leave positions in mid-July in Italy near Florence, and it was thrown into the battles on the Vistula. When the Goering units in mid-August in vain attacked the Magnushevsky sector, Florence was liberated.


The human losses of the Red Army are known quite accurately. In total, 178,507 soldiers died, disappeared and were taken prisoner, 587,308 people were injured and fell ill. Even by the standards of World War II, these losses are considered high. In absolute numbers, they significantly outnumber the victims, not only in successful, but also in many unsuccessful campaigns.

So, for comparison, the defeat near Kharkov in the early spring of 1943 cost the Red Army a little more than 45 thousand dead, and the Berlin operation - 81 thousand. Such an undermining is associated with the length and scope of the campaign, which was carried out on intricate terrain against a competent and energetic enemy who occupied superbly prepared defensive lines.

Scientists are still discussing the human losses of the Wehrmacht today. Western professors believe that the Germans had 262,929 captured and missing, 109,776 wounded and 26,397 dead, and a total of 399,102 soldiers. This data was obtained from ten-day reports that were made by the Nazi troops.

Why, in this case, the number of those killed is small? Yes, because many of the dead were recorded as missing, and sometimes this status was received by the division's personnel at full strength.

However, these numbers are criticized. For example, D. Glantz, a US historian of the Eastern Front, found that the difference between the number of military personnel of the Center group of forces before and after the campaign was much greater. D. Glantz said that the information of the ten-day reports gives the situation a minimum assessment. When the investigator of the Russian Federation A. V. Isaev spoke on the radio "Echo of Moscow", he said that the losses of the Nazis amounted to about 500 thousand souls. S. Zaloga claims that before the surrender of the 4th Army, 300-500 thousand Germans were killed.

It is also necessary to emphasize that in all cases the losses of the "Center" group of forces have been calculated, without taking into account the casualties of the "North" and "Northern Ukraine" regiment groups.

It is known that the Sovinformburo published Soviet information, according to which German troops from June 23 to July 23, 1944 lost 631 aircraft, 2,735 self-propelled guns and tanks, 57,152 vehicles, 158,480 people were captured, 381,000 soldiers were killed. Perhaps these data are considerably overstated, as is usually the case with claims for enemy losses. In any case, the question of human losses of the Wehrmacht in "Bagration" is not yet closed.

The Germans, captured near Minsk in the amount of 57,600 people, were marching through Moscow - a column of prisoners of war walked for about three hours through the streets of the capital. In this way, the importance of success was demonstrated to other powers. After the march, every street was cleared and washed.


We honor the year of the liberation of Belarus today. In honor of this event, the following commemorative signs were created:

  • Memorial "Campaign" Bagration "near the village of Rakovichi (Svetlogorsk region).
  • Mound of Glory.
  • In 2010, on April 14, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus issued and put into circulation a series of coins “Campaign“ Bagration ”.


Subsequently, jubilee awards in the form of a medal "For the Liberation of Belarus" appeared in Belarus. In 2004, a commemorative badge "60 years of the liberation of Belarus from the German fascist invaders" was introduced. Later, jubilee medals were issued for the 65th and 70th anniversaries of the liberation of Belarus.

There is no re-awarding of the jubilee medal. If you have lost a medal or a certificate for it, you will not be given a duplicate. They can only permit the wearing of the strap of the installed version.

Books have been written and a film has been made about the unprecedented feat of the T-34 tank crew during the liberation of the city of Borisov. Each of the three brave tankers became a Hero, sacrificing their lives for the sake of Victory.

Sergeant Alexander Akimovich Petryaev He loved technology since childhood. Before the war, he trained as a chauffeur, and then successfully graduated from a tank school with the rank of sergeant. He got to the front only in June 1944 as a tank driver.

Sergeant Alexey Ilyich Danilov in 1941 he ended up in enemy-occupied territory. Together with a friend, he secretly went into the forest and fired at German planes with a rifle. After a while, the policemen began to hunt for the shooters. Together with other guys and girls from the village, Alexei was loaded into a freight car and sent to Germany for forced labor. Somewhere not far from Vilnius, he managed to escape, and for 2 months he made his way to the front line through enemy territory. He was enlisted in the ranks of the Red Army in 1943. Alexey successfully graduated from the regimental school of tank crews and mastered the specialty of a loader, and then a telegraph operator. In June 1944, he was sent to the front, where by that time a large-scale battle for Belarus was unfolding.

Guard lieutenant Pavel Nikolaevich Rak went to war in 1941. Commanding a tank, he distinguished himself in the battles for Stalingrad, and in 1943 he participated in the crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Smolensk. In the summer of 1944, the crew of his T-34 tank as part of the 2nd tank battalion of the 3rd Guards Tank Brigade liberated Belarus.

On the Minsk direction, the Cancer battalion was tasked with seizing bridges across the Sha and Berezina rivers and ensuring the crossing of the main forces to eliminate the powerful knot of Nazi resistance - the city of Borisov.

Pavel Rak's platoon, which consisted of 4 tanks, was to go first. The approaches to the bridges were well covered by enemy artillery. The Germans managed to disable all tanks except one. The crew of the remaining thirty-four consisted of three fighters - before the start of the operation the 4th crew member, the tower commander, was wounded and had to be dropped from the tank. As a result, the three of us had to fight: the party organizer of the guard company Lieutenant P.N. Rak, the tank driver A.A. Petryaev and the tank radio operator A.I.Danilov.

In this situation, it was necessary to act decisively. At the highest possible speed, the tank of the brave crew literally flew over the Xha, crushing the German battery that was firing at its platoon. After that, P.N. Rak directed the car to the crossing over the Berezina. When they reached the middle of the crossing, the Germans began to blow up the bridge. The tank of Pavel Nikolaevich raced at full speed, trying to quickly pass the crossing, which was about to collapse. When the Berezinsky bridge began to collapse, the Cancer tank had already reached solid ground. Photo chronicle has preserved for us a snapshot of the destroyed bridge across the Berezina. Perhaps this is the very bridge over which the daredevils broke through to Borisov.

A new threat awaited the tank on this bank of the Berezina - the enemy Ferdinand was in ambush. While the German shooter was taking aim, our T-34, without slowing down, disappeared around the bend. Now an armored personnel carrier with German soldiers stood in their way.... The very first shot hit right on target - and the enemy soldiers fled in panic from the burning car.

Pavel Nikolaevich, knowing that first of all he must make every effort and make the crossing of the main units across the river safer, directed his car to the enemy's anti-aircraft battery, which was located not far from the bridge and was a threat not only to the infantry, but also to aviation. Without firing a single shot, our tank crushed every last German gun. Having entered the city, the brave crew came across a German convoy, from which, after a few minutes, almost nothing remained.

Having destroyed the convoy, it was decided to hide in the courtyards for a while in order to rest and outline a further plan of action. By that time, the crew had already done a lot, and could wait for the main troops to approach in cover, but everyone supported the commander, who offered to fight to the end.

Cut off from their forces, the brave crew for 16 hours sowed panic among the German garrison in the city Going out to the commandant's office, our T-34 loudly announced its presence, destroying the trucks standing next to the building with a fragmentation shell and piercing the windows of the German headquarters with a machine-gun burst. The suddenness of the appearance of the Soviet tank predetermined further events. With a cannon shot, our tankers set fire to the building, from the upper floors of which the Germans began to jump out, becoming an easy target for the machine gun. Having dealt with the enemy's manpower, our tank set to work on the equipment, crushing not only the vehicles parked near the building, but also the staff bus, after which it disappeared into the alley without damage or loss.

Panic gripped the city. The Germans had no idea that the only reason for this was a single Soviet tank. The Nazis threw all their forces into the fight against the daring crew.

Next in line was the city hospital, where the Germans kept sick and wounded Soviet soldiers. The brave crew managed to get to the place before the Germans set fire to the hospital building along with two hundred people locked in it. They were all freed and took refuge in the forest. But our tankers did not manage to get to the death camp organized by the Nazis on the outskirts of the city - the Germans shot about 900 prisoners.

Realizing that German "tigers", "panthers" and "ferdinands" will be waiting for them in the city, the heroic crew went to perform an act of retribution for their compatriots.

Going out to the railway station, the crew noticed the trains ready for departure, which the Germans filled with factory equipment, raw materials and products in order to take it all to Germany. Having fired a cannon at the locomotive boilers, Aleksey Danilov reliably blocked the tracks with crumpled locomotives.

The decisive battle with the "tigers" and "panthers" took place at 15:30 on the Minsk highway when our tankers were heading towards the Berezina to meet the Soviet troops. And although the crew managed to knock out two enemy vehicles, the forces were not equal. The ambushed German cannons struck our T-34 with direct fire from close range, and the car caught fire. In this unequal battle, the entire crew was killed. All three were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

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1. Defense of Borisov

On June 22, 1941, fascist German troops crossed the border of the USSR and began to rapidly advance eastward. The troops of the Western Special District were forced to retreat with battles. Borisov entered the war from the first hours after its announcement. The mobilization of persons liable for military service began in the city, as well as the evacuation of organizations, institutions and enterprises. The secretary of the Minsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party (b) B I.A. Belsky, after whom one of the streets of our city is named. On the second day, the city was raided by German aviation, which struck at strategic targets (before the occupation of the region, such raids took place every day). None of the residents of Borisov could have imagined that in less than a week the war would approach the Borisov district.

By the end of June 1941, the main forces of the Western Front were surrounded by Bialystok and Minsk. From the forces of the front, only 16 divisions remained, of which only eight retained from 30 to 50% of the combat strength. The rest were scattered detachments of several hundred people without vehicles and heavy weapons.

Thus, the way to Smolensk along the Minsk-Moscow highway was opened for the shock units of the Wehrmacht. The nearest water obstacle in this direction was the Berezina river, with a bridge crossing at Borisov. The passage of the Germans across the Berezina would jeopardize the plans to deploy the forces of the second strategic echelon of the Red Army on the Orsha-Mogilev line.

The city of Borisov and the bridgehead were defended by a consolidated unit made up of retreating units of the troops of the Western Front and cadets of the Borisov Tank Technical School (head of the school and commandant of Novo-Borisov - corps commissar I.Z.Susaykov, chief of staff - Colonel A.I. Lizyukov) ...

To contain the enemy, on June 30, the commander of the Western Front, Army General D.G. Pavlov ordered the transfer of the 1st Moscow motorized rifle division under the command of Colonel Ya.G. to the Borisov area. Kreiser. The division in January 1940 was reorganized into a motorized division (in May 1940 it was renamed a motorized rifle, but in fact remained motorized), consisting of two motorized rifle, one tank and one artillery regiments, as well as reconnaissance and engineer battalions, anti-aircraft and anti-tank artillery divisions and a communications battalion. According to the commander's recollections, the division was staffed according to military states and had 225 newest high-speed light tanks BT-7M; there were also several T-34 medium tanks and KV heavy tanks).

The division occupied positions on a 50-kilometer front along the eastern bank of the Berezina and was subordinate to the headquarters of the 44th rifle corps of division commander V.A.Yushkevich.

On June 30, 1941, the advance units of the 18th Panzer Division of the Wehrmacht (commanded by Major General V. Nering) reached the outskirts of Novo-Borisov. The concrete bridge across the Berezina was prepared for the explosion, but the Soviet command hesitated, since the retreating units of the Red Army constantly walked across the bridge. On July 1, German tankers captured the bridge on the move.

On July 2, the 1st Moscow Division launched a counterattack along the highway to Borisov. The commander of the German 2nd Panzer Group, Colonel-General G. Guderian recalled: ... The 18th Panzer Division got a fairly complete picture of the strength of the Russians, for for the first time they used their T-34 tanks, against which our guns were too weak at that time ...

However, it was not possible to knock out the enemy from the Borisov bridgehead, including because of the actions of the German aviation. The next day, the Soviet division went on the defensive, retreating under enemy pressure.

On July 4, the 1st Motorized Rifle Division conducted a counterattack near Loshnitsa. The commander of the Soviet division Ya.G. Kreiser recalled after the war ...:

... The situation remained tense: the tanks and motorized infantry of the enemy's 47th Panzer Corps, expanding the bridgehead, advanced along the highway, trying to build on the success in the direction of Loshnitsa. Under these conditions, it was decided by the forces of the 12th tank and 6th motorized rifle regiments to counterattack into the flank of the enemy grouping that had broken through in the direction of Loshnitsa. During the counterattack, a major tank battle broke out, with over 300 tanks participating on both sides. As a result of the counterattack, the enemy's advance was delayed until the end of 4 July. Parts of the division won time to occupy the defense on the Nacha River

The commander-in-chief of the German ground forces, Field Marshal V. von Brauchitsch, expressed concern about the large losses of the 18th Panzer Division in a forest battle (entry in the military diary of the Chief of the German General Staff F. Halder on July 5).

Such tactics became the basis of the division's actions for the entire period of the battle: in the first half of the day, operating on a front up to 20 kilometers wide and occupying convenient lines, the division's forces, using all available firepower, restrained the advance of enemy tanks, forcing it to deploy into battle formations and slow down moving forward. By the evening, under cover of darkness, the main forces of the division, using vehicles, retreated 10 - 12 km to a new convenient line of defense. Such tactics made it possible to avoid irreparable losses inevitable on permanent lines of defense under the dominance of enemy aviation in the air. In addition, swift and unexpected maneuvers misled the enemy, preventing him from bypassing the divisional order, which was the favorite tactic of German tank commanders in the initial period of the war.

On July 5, the 1st Motorized Rifle Division, under the onslaught of the German 18th Panzer Division, left the line along the Nacha River, withdrew to the Bobr River and by the end of the day left Krupki.

But already on July 6, the Soviet division, having received reinforcements (the 115th Panzer Regiment from the 57th Panzer Division, more than a hundred light tanks, mainly T-26, as well as 30 T-34 medium tanks and 10 heavy KB), again attacked the enemy, supporting the offensive of the Soviet 20th Army in the Lepel direction.

On July 8, the attack of the division began, which occupied the position of this point with its battle formation ... Our attack was unexpected for the enemy. As a result of a short fierce battle, the enemy was driven out of Tolochin (in this battle, 800 soldiers and officers were taken prisoner, 350 vehicles and the banner of the 47th Berlin Tank Corps were captured). The division held the city for 24 hours. And then, bringing up fresh forces, the enemy unleashed powerful air and artillery strikes on the defending units of the division.

During 8 and 9 July, there was a struggle for Tolochin, who changed hands twice. By 20 o'clock on July 9, the 1st motorized rifle division was forced to withdraw to the next line of defense - Kokhanovo. It should be noted that she withdrew here, having significant losses in personnel and equipment. And if before that the division could conduct defensive battles on a fairly wide front, reaching 35 km, now its combat capabilities were reduced to organizing the defense with the available forces and means only in the main direction, along the Minsk-Moscow highway. However, the enemy, acting against the division, due to the absence of other roads suitable for maneuvering in this area, was not able to make a deep detour or cover its flanks ...

Thus, being at a considerable distance from its troops, the 1st Moscow Division not only escaped encirclement, which was the usual fate of Soviet formations during this period of the war, but also fulfilled its task, delaying the enemy. The advance from Borisov to Orsha took the Germans more than a week, while the advancing 18th TD lost half of its tanks.

In stubborn battles, the 1st Moscow division also suffered significant losses and on July 10 was withdrawn to the reserve of the 20th army in the Orsha region.

The actions of the division were highly appreciated by the high command: on July 11, the division commander, Colonel Ya.G. Kreiser was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union "for the successful leadership of military formations and the personal courage and heroism shown at the same time" and the defense of Moscow.

Colonel A.I. Lizyukov was nominated for the Order of the Red Banner for the defense of Borisov (however, the submission was revised, and after participating in the defense of the Solovyov crossing near Smolensk, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union).

2. Occupation of Borisov

10 days after the start of the Great Patriotic War, Nazi troops captured Borisov. In fact, from July 2, 1941, an occupation regime was established in the region. By order of the leader of Germany A. Hitler on July 17 of the same year, the entire territory of Belarus was divided into parts. The territory of the Borisov district east of the Berezina, including Borisov, entered the rear area of ​​Army Group Center, where power was exercised by the military administration of the Wehrmacht. I think few people know that in the summer of 1941 in Staro-Borisov the headquarters of the commander of the Army Group Center was located, where Hitler flew to an important conference on August 4. Here the Fuhrer announced his intention to suspend the offensive on Moscow and deliver the main blow in Ukraine.

From the first days of the occupation, the inhabitants of Borisov felt the notorious fascist "new order". A curfew was introduced, during which it was forbidden to go outside without special passes. For disobedience or violation of orders, decisions of the occupation authorities, Borisov residents faced severe punishment, up to and including execution. And the attitude of the Germans towards the Jews was not as gentle as during the Kaiser's occupation of the region in 1918. Having made fun of it, the invaders on August 27, 1941 forcibly resettled the residents of Borisov of Jewish nationality to a specially created camp (ghetto) in the old part of the city, which was liquidated during October 20-21, 1941. Over 7 thousand men, women and children were taken to the outskirts of the city and shot. And not the Germans, but the local police.

Let's talk about other death camps that existed in Borisov. In the first months of the war, dulags were created here, i.e. transit or transit camps for prisoners of war of the Red Army. At different times there were: 126th dulag, 184th, 204th, 231st, 240th, 251st. On the territory of Borisov, there were also stationary camps (shtalagi) in which privates and sergeants of the Red Army were held prisoners of war. So from December 1941 to February 1942, Stalag No. VIII was located in the city, and in 1941-1943. Stalag No. 382 was located. Also in Borisov, at the main railway directorate "Center", an auxiliary camp of Stalag VIH was created. Prisoners of war "Company 208" were used for heavy work on the railway from Zhodino to Priyamino.

The camp, located on the territory of the current communications regiment, initially contained only Red Army prisoners of war. Later, the civilian population was held there. It is known that for some time there were soldiers of the Italian army in this camp, who refused to fight on the side of the Nazis. Based on Act No. 1 of September 10, 1944, the Borisov City Extraordinary Commission established that 9,240 people were buried on the territory of this Borisov camp.

In August 1941, the so-called "Green Camp" was established in the Peche region. In 1942, about 20 thousand Soviet prisoners of war were shot in this camp and died from hunger and epidemics. It is also known about the destruction of 812 civilians. From 1941 to June 1944 in the Zalineyny district of Novo-Borisov operated the so-called. a labor camp that housed the civilian population. During the existence of the camp, 2.5 thousand people died in it. It is known that there was a penal camp in the old part of the city, which also contained the civilian population. Unfortunately, it is not known how many partisans and underground fighters died in the casemates of the Borisov prison. Based on documentary sources, data from the materials of the Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of the Atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their accomplices, it was established that 33 thousand people were killed in 6 large Borisov death camps. I would like to note that at the end of the war, it was planned to settle in Borisov 5 thousand German colonists, for whom no more than 15 thousand Borisov residents would work.

Such well-known German special services as the secret field police, the Gestapo, and the security service (SD) have settled in the city. In 1943, the Abwehr sabotage school "Saturn" was relocated from Smolensk to Pechi. Large warehouses with uniforms, food and fuel were created in the city. Here is located a branch of the Central Trading Society "Vostok", which carried out the economic exploitation of the occupied territories.

Some of the surviving enterprises of the city (for example, a glass factory) were transferred to the management of German manufacturers. Valuable equipment from a number of industries was dismantled and sent to Germany. True, the work of operating enterprises was constantly in a fever. Interruptions in raw materials and a shortage of qualified specialists affected. The workers themselves and members of the Borisov underground made their own contribution to the poor performance of the enterprises.

The working day at the existing factories, among which one can name a match factory, a glass factory, a sawmill, a rosin-turpentine factory, peat factories and others, lasted 10-12 hours. There was only one day off a week, and even then not all the time. For the release of defective products, lateness or unauthorized abandonment of the workplace, fines, temporary detention, and corporal punishment were widely used. For example, from 25 to 100 blows with wooden rods could be assigned for absenteeism. At the same time, discipline, responsibility and good work were encouraged. As a prize money, food, cigarettes were given. There is a known case when an employee of a match factory was awarded a bicycle. The average salary was 250-300 Soviet rubles. There were also occupation stamps in circulation with the exchange rate of 10 rubles per stamp.

The total shortage of everything - in the city of food, and in the village of manufactured goods - forced the residents of Borisov to engage in the exchange trade. “The urban population is starving,” says A.I. Belesov on the work done for the period from May 3 to June 25, 1943 - only workers of the first category receive 200 grams of bread, the second category - 150 grams. bread, dependents do not receive anything ... Lately, the distribution of all food rations to workers has stopped ... The people live off speculation on the black market and the exchange of clothes for bread and potatoes in the villages. "

And yet life, no matter how difficult it was, took its toll. The inhabitants of Borisov fell in love, created families, gave birth and raised children. Paradoxically, at this time there was a return to faith. In the fall of 1941, the Holy Resurrection Cathedral was opened. Services in the church resumed ...

For 1096 days and nights the city resisted the "brown plague". The Borisov party-patriotic and pioneer underground fought against the fascist regime. During the three years of occupation, 47 thousand 862 residents of the city and region were killed, 7 thousand 500 people were taken out to forced labor in Germany. Material damage is estimated at 126 million rubles, of which 49.5 million rubles falls on the personal property of Borisov residents.

3. Liberation of Borisov

fascist patriotic war occupation

In late June - early July 1944, during the Minsk offensive operation (part of Operation Bagration), the Soviet troops liberated Borisov and the Borisov region from the Nazi invaders.

On June 28, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front reached the Berezina River with their advanced units. The crossing of the river and the capture of Borisov, which was transformed by the Nazis into a strong center of defense, was an important stage in the liberation of Minsk.

The commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front was General of the Army, Hero of the Soviet Union I.D. Chernyakhovsky, General V.E. Makarov, chief of staff of the front - General A.P. Pokrovsky. Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, on behalf of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, coordinated the actions of the 3rd Belorussian Front with the actions of the 1st Baltic Front.

On June 28-29, 1944, to the north and south of the city, our troops crossed the Berezina and quickly developed an offensive in the Minsk direction.

The central part of the region and the town of Borisov was liberated by the troops of the 1st Guards and 31st Combined Arms Armies, as well as the 5th Guards Tank Army. Units of the 11th Guards Army occupied a 50-kilometer front from Lake Palik to the village of Novoselki. The forward detachments of the 1st, 26th, 31st, and 83rd Guards Rifle Divisions, having broken the enemy's resistance in their sectors, fought to the Berezina. Engineer-sapper units quickly set up crossings. At 17 o'clock on June 29, army units began crossing the river. The Nazis did their best to disrupt the crossing. They took about 100 aircraft into the air, but our aviation shot down 22 aircraft and did not allow them to reach the crossing. Late in the evening, many regiments were already completely on the west bank and continued their offensive. Units of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps crossed the Gaina River and by 2 o'clock on 1 July captured a strong stronghold - the village of Lyakhovka. One of the first to cross the Berezina was the 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow-Minsk Division, fought heroically on the Berezinsky lines at the beginning of the war. In the liberation operation, the division commander from Borisov Pavel Fedorovich Tolstikov, who later, for the storming of Konigsberg, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Soldiers of the 29th Panzer Corps of Major General Ya.I. Faminykh, who were advancing in the zone of the 11th Army. Near the village of Toy, Soviet tank crews met with a reconnaissance detachment of a German tank division. In a short battle, 12 out of 20 enemy vehicles were destroyed. An unexpected attack on about. Zhitkovo, our tankers mixed up all the cards of the German command: in a hot battle, several dozen enemy tanks, vehicles and guns were destroyed, a lot of enemy manpower.

Things were more difficult in the Borisov area, which was well fortified by the Germans. On the outskirts of the city there were full-profile trenches, bunkers and bunkers. In the center of the city, all stone buildings were adapted for long-term defense. The conditions of the terrain were also in favor of the enemy, especially the swampy valleys of the Berezina and Skhi, which flowed into the Berezina near the city itself.

The 3rd Guards Tank and 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Brigades of the 3rd Kotelnikovsky corps were developing an offensive along the Moscow-Minsk highway. Having seized the bridge over the Sk River, the tanks began a battle for the main bridge on the Berezina. However, only two cars - the guard of captain Selin and the guard of lieutenant Pavel Rak managed to slip through the mined bridge to Novo-Borisov. But as soon as Selina's tank came off the bridge, the Nazis set it on fire. And the car of Pavel Rak, destroying the anti-aircraft gun and suppressing the guard of the bridge, burst into the right-bank part of the city at high speed. It happened at 23:00 on June 29. In an unequal battle that lasted 17 hours, the tank was set on fire by the Nazis, and the crew members Pavel Nikolaevich Rak, Alexander Akimovich Pyatraev, Alexey Ilyich Danilov were killed. They were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

Borisov stormed the 5th Guards Rifle Division under the command of Colonel M.L. Volkova. Reconnaissance reported on the strengthening of enemy forces with additional fresh sticks, on reinforced concrete structures, steel kavpak-"crabs", buried tanks on the eastern bank. It was clear that it was impossible to seize the city on the move. Appropriate training was required. Over the night from June 29 to June 30, the guardsmen paragrouped battle formations, brought up artillery, prepared means for the crossing. The difficulties were that the infantry could not be supported by the tanks of the 5th Guards Tank Army due to the lack of crossings. The main weapons of the infantry were a submachine gun and a grenade, as well as battalion and regimental cannons.

To capture Borisov, the division command made the following decision: to deliver the main blow on the right flank in the direction of an unnamed height and the northeastern outskirts of the old part of the city, where the guardsmen of the 12th regiment of Lieutenant Colonel N.P. Titov and the soldiers of Lieutenant Colonel Bankuzava; the left-flank guards regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Pryladyshava was ordered to support the offensive on the southern outskirts of the old part of the city; 2 flank regiments were to capture the left-bank part. The general task of the division is to force the Berezina River and capture the city with a blow from the north.

All day on June 30, hot and stubborn battles were fought. They especially intensified after the warriors of Titov and Bankuzawa captured the first trench. The enemy launched counterattacks several times, but to no avail. In the evening, divisional artillery arrived and supported the guardsmen with fire. At the end of June 30, they captured the unnamed height and Staro-Borisov. The entire personnel of two rifle battalions of the 12th Guards Regiment, including sleds and cooks, took part in hand-to-hand combat. The deputy commander of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel N.F. Boris, the commander of the 2nd battalion, Captain V.V. Samovich, together with his liaison private quail, Sergeant Stroyev's squad, the 2nd rifle company under the command of Senior Lieutenant Osipov, the commander of a rifle company of the Guard Senior Lieutenant I.M. poured, awarded the title of Hero The Soviet Union, and others.

In connection with protracted battles in the city, the commander of the 8th Guards Rifle Corps, Lieutenant General N.N. Zavodovskikh, changed the initial direction of the offensive of the 83rd Guards Rifle Division of Major General A.G. Maslova, aiming it at the southern outskirts of Borisov. The division commander understood that the decisive role in this situation should be played by swiftness for the main bridge on the Berezina. However, only two cars - the guard of captain Selin and the guard of lieutenant Pavel Rak managed to slip through the mined bridge to Novo-Borisov. But as soon as Selina's tank came off the bridge, the Nazis set it on fire. And the car of Pavel Rak, destroying the anti-aircraft gun and suppressing the guard of the bridge, burst into the right-bank part of the city at high speed. It happened at 23:00 on June 29. In an unequal battle that lasted 17 hours, the tank was set on fire by the Nazis, and the crew members Pavel Nikolaevich Rak, Alexander Akimovich Pyatraev, Alexey Ilyich Danilov were killed. They were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

Self-propelled gunners of junior lieutenant N.G. Balakhava knocked out an enemy tank, smashed 5 guns, destroyed and suppressed 15 firing points. The sergeant major of the 2-rifle company of the 248th Guards Rifle Regiment A. Bazhenov at the critical moment of the battle raised the company to attack and took the enemy position by storm. Step by step, in fierce battles, the guards knocked out the Nazis from dilapidated houses on the outskirts of the city.

Pilots of the 1st Air Army played an important role in the liberation of Borisov land. They supported the crossing of ground troops and did not allow Hitler's bombers to approach them, conducted reconnaissance and discovered accumulations of fascist units, bombed enemy communications. On the Berezina, the pilots of the 125th and 127th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiments, the 86th Guards Fighter Regiments and the 47th Separate Guards Reconnaissance Aviation Regiments were determined.

The enemy tried with all his might to keep Borisov, but the advance of the Soviet troops could no longer be stopped. Units of the 5th and 83rd Guards Rifle Divisions broke into the city on the night of July 1, and after fierce street fighting, which lasted 4 hours, completely liberated Borisov.

The entry to the Berezina line and its crossing were successfully completed by 1 1st Guards Army for 8 days instead of 10, provided for by the operation plan. This was facilitated by the interaction of all units and formations of the 3rd Belorussian Front in the area from Lake Palik to the village of Chernevka.

On the morning of July 1, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky and General of the Army I.D. Chernyakhovsky arrived in the liberated Borisov.

On Saturday evening, July 1, Moscow saluted twenty artillery salvos to the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, crossed the Berezina River and captured a large communications center - the city of Borisov, as well as 150 other settlements. On July 2, 1944, all central newspapers published the Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin, in which it was said: "In commemoration of the won victory of the formations and units, the most distinguished in the battles during the crossing of the Berezina and for the mastery of Borisov, to submit to the assignment of the name" Borisovskie "and to be awarded with orders ..." The honorary title "Borisovskie" were awarded 13 military units and formations, 16 were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner, Suvorov II degree and the Red Star.

3a battles in the Borisov region, 24 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Another 45 people were awarded this title for the courage shown during the crossing of the Berezina. Thousands of people were awarded orders and medals.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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“Listen, people!
Listen people!
Hear the sorrowful tale
About those who are not alive ...
Remember people
Remember people
Fallen for us! "

With these words, spoken by the head of the department of ideological work of the district executive committee L.I. Gornak, today a rally began at the memorial complex at the cemetery on Zaslonov Street in Borisov, dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Borisov and Borisov district from the Nazi invaders.
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the regional executive power, labor collectives, public organizations, educational institutions of Borisov region, local residents and guests came cities.
- For residents of Borisov and Borisov district, July 1 is a special date, - said in his speech Chairman of the Borisov District Executive Committee Vladimir Vladimirovich Miranovich... - 66 years ago, peace came to Borisov land. The soldiers of our army brought the long-awaited liberation from the German fascist invaders. As a result of the successful operation "Bagration", Hitler's troops were defeated. The most important stage was the release of Borisov. The battles for our city were especially fierce. The German command attached great importance to our region. Large enemy forces were concentrated here. But nothing could save the occupiers! On July 1, 1944, they were forever expelled from our land.
All subsequent years of peace, the people of Borisov cherish the memory of those who, in the occupied territory, did not bow their heads to the enemy, but fought with weapons in their hands against the invaders. We remember those who liberated our city, whom the Nazis destroyed in death camps, prisons, ghettos, who became victims of the bombing and punitive operations of the Nazis. Eternal glory to the fallen for the freedom and independence of the Motherland!
The protesters honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

Today we pay tribute to the courage, courage and heroism of everyone who did everything possible for the long-awaited Victory, - V.V. Miranovich. - The names of the patriots and soldiers-liberators of the Borisov region are inscribed in golden letters in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Lyusya Chalovskaya, Peter Lopatin, Ivan Yarosh, Mikhail Mormulev, Pavel Rak, Boris Galushkin and many others - grateful descendants will never forget you!
For military and labor exploits shown in the terrible war years and the period of restoration Borisovshchina was awarded high awards. This is the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and the pennant “For Courage and Fortitude during the Great Patriotic War.

Emphasizing that the history of the war shows the greatness of the patriotic feat of our people, and its study is an important component of fostering a sense of national pride in every person, Vladimir Vladimirovich Miranovich addressed the youth of Borisov region:
- Young residents of Borisov! Love your homeland your people as our dear veterans love them, and then we will be invincible!

The head of the Borisov district addressed many warm people to those who forged the Great Victory:
- Soldiers of Victory! I wish you good health, prosperity to your families, good spirits, endurance and confidence in the future!
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten! The feat of the victorious people is immortal!

Then the floor was given veteran of the Great Patriotic War Peter Aleksandrovich Denisov.
- 66 years separate us from the great and significant date - the liberation from the German-fascist invaders of our native Belarus, which was under the heel of fascism for three long years, - said Pyotr Aleksandrovich, - suffered and suffered. And then came the hour of reckoning: 1944, when the Soviet army launched a heroic offensive against fascism. I had the great honor of participating in the liberation of my native Belarus as part of the 135th Guards Aviation Regiment of dive bombers.
Dear comrades! I congratulate you on this significant holiday! I wish you health, happiness, success and prosperity to your native Belarus!

In his address to the rally participants, the Deputy Commander of the North-West Operational Command, Colonel Sergei Almazovich Korol, noted that there was not the slightest doubt that the policy of peace and well-being pursued by the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the country was built on the pain and suffering of the generation of war, patriotism and the highest heroism of the Belarusian people, shown in the fight against fascism.
Low bow to you, dear veterans! I want to assure you: you beat the enemy during the war, and we know how to do it today! Yesterday, at the Borisov training ground, a large-scale exercise was completed with the participation of all types and types of troops, which demonstrated the strength and power of our weapons. New forms and methods of armed struggle were worked out. The objectives of the exercise were achieved: everyone was convinced of the determination and ability of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus to defend their Fatherland if necessary.

Young people today were born and raised in times of peace. They have never heard the howling of sirens announcing a military alarm, have not seen houses destroyed by Nazi bombs, do not know what an unheated dwelling and a meager military ration are. And it is hard for them to believe that it is as easy to end a human life as a morning dream ...
With words of great gratitude and gratitude for the opportunity to live in a free country, enjoy the world, work, create, raise children - build the future - he turned to the generation of Winners First Secretary of the Borisov RK of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Valery Zhelyubchik.
“Today, following your example,” he said, “the residents of Borisov strive to glorify their native land with their labor successes, sports and cultural achievements, representing it with dignity both in the republic and abroad. The peaceful and flourishing native land is the best monument to the fallen and living heroes-liberators.
The youth leader of the Borisov region expressed confidence that the current young generation will continue and enhance the glorious traditions of the Soldier of Victory in the future.

There are events that, over the years, are erased from people's memory and become the property of archives, - said in his speech at attending educational institution "Secondary school No. 3 in Borisov" Vasily Demidchik... - But there are those whose importance not only does not decrease with time, but, on the contrary, increases with each new decade, making these events immortal. Undoubtedly, these include the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, part of which was the liberation of our native Borisov. This is a holiday that combines joy and sorrow, pride in our history and sincere sorrow about the many victims of the war. And we will continue to preserve and honor the memory of those who gave their lives for a peaceful sky over our country.

Then wreaths and flowers were laid to the central monument of the memorial complex, to the graves of Soviet soldiers. In memory of the deceased, the servicemen fired a rifle salute.


On July 1, 1944, Borisov was liberated from the German fascist invaders. Celebrating the 67th anniversary of this significant event, we invariably remember the events of that heroic time.

At the end of June 1944, the Soviet Army began to drive out the enemy from the territory of Belarus, and carried out Operation Bagration.

In the direction of Borisov, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front under the command of General of the Army I.D. Chernyakhovsky were advancing. The 11th Guards Army (commanded by Lieutenant General K.N. Galitsky), the 5th Army (commanded by Lieutenant General N.N. Krylov), 31st Army (commanded by Lieutenant General V.V. Glagolev).

Ahead of these troops were the mechanized cavalry group of Lieutenant General N.S. Oslikovsky, the 5th Guards Tank Army of Marshal of Armored Forces P.A. Rotmistrov, and the 2nd Guards Tank Corps of Major General A.S. Burdeyny.

The first strikes against the enemy in the Borisov area were carried out by dive bombers. In battles, the pilots of the 125th Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment named after Maria Raskova - Maria Ivanovna Dolina, her navigator Galina Ivanovna Dzhunkovskaya, the commander of the 2nd squadron Claudia Yakovlevna Fomicheva, squadron commander Fedutenko Anton Nikiforovna, navigator Leonevna Zubvikova Soviet Union. The legendary regiment was formed from the composition of female pilots of civil aviation and Osoaviakhim. Navigators and technical staff were former students of universities and technical schools, mobilized by the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the Saratov regional committee of the Komsomol. Male technical staff and gunners-radio operators - the cadre of the Red Army. The regiment was formed by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Polina Raskova. And the pilots of the regiment carried the name of their commander with honor and dignity throughout the war.

The inhabitants of Borisov still remember the militant greetings to the inhabitants of Borisov from the courageous pilots, conveyed to them from the plane along with the pennant. This pennant was dropped over the city from the plane by Maria Ivanovna Dolina.

In honor of the brave female pilots, the museum of the 125th Aviation Regiment named after V.I. Polina Raskova. Pilots of the Normandie-Niemen French air regiment also took part in the battles on the outskirts of Borisov.

On June 29, Soviet troops approached the occupied city. At night, even before the main units crossed the Berezina, a tank under the command of Lieutenant Pavel Rak broke through to the right bank across the surviving bridge. The crew also included sergeants Alexander Petryaev and Alexey Danilov. 17 hours a formidable machine alone fought on the streets of the city, defeated the fascist commandant's office and the headquarters of one of the German units, causing panic among the enemy garrison. In an unequal battle, the tank was set on fire, its fearless crew perished.
The 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow-Minsk Motorized Rifle Division, the same division that defended Borisov in 1941, took part in the liberation of the city. During the offensive, our compatriot, a resident of Borisov, later Hero of the Soviet Union, Pavel Fyodorovich Tolstikov commanded the division.

The fascists resisted desperately. But the blow of the Soviet troops was so powerful that by 3 am on July 1 Borisov was completely freed from the enemy.

The Supreme Command viewed this victory as one of the most important events. Late in the evening of July 1, 1944, with twenty artillery salvos from 224 guns, Moscow saluted the valiant troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, who crossed the Berezina and liberated Borisov.

For the courage and heroism shown in the battles for our city, 13 units and formations were given the honorary name "Borisovskie". And Borisov himself in 1985 was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. On June 29, 2009, in connection with the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and in order to perpetuate the feat of the Red Army soldiers, workers, partisans and underground fighters, committed during the defense and liberation of Borisov, the city was awarded a pennant by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “ For courage and perseverance during the Great Patriotic War. "

In honor of this significant event, the liberation of Borisov from the Nazi invaders, a rally of representatives of the city's labor collectives, the soldiers of the Borisov garrison, took place at the memorial complex of the cemetery near the Church of the Nativity of Christ.

The meeting was attended by Bishop Benjamin of Borisov, vicar of the Minsk diocese, clergy of the Borisov deanery, chairman of the Borisov district executive committee V.V. Miranovich, representatives of the command of the troops of the North-Western operational command

Before the start of the solemn event, Bishop Benjamin performed a litia for the liberators of the city of Borisov and the Borisov region who died during the Great Patriotic War. Addressing the participants of the rally, Vladyka called on the residents of Borisov to sacredly preserve the memory of all who gave their lives for the liberation of the city and region, the Great Victory of our people over the enemy.

A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, retired colonel P.A. Denisov, chairman of the Borisov regional executive committee V.V. Miranovich, representatives of the command of the troops of the North-West operational command, the youth of the city, the creative intelligentsia.

After the end of the rally, wreaths and flowers were laid at the monuments and graves of the soldiers who died during the liberation of Borisov.
