Negative impact on the ecology of the island. Sakhalin-2?

The first, inertial version, will mainly carry the tendencies of three directions (raw materials conservative, raw materials liberal, paternalistic). That is, its parameters will be weighted according to their expected share in the GRP of the Sakhalin Oblast and will experience the maximum influence of foreign companies (Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2), which have already invested tens of billions of dollars. USA in the development of the oil and gas complex of the region.

Sakhalin-2? is a giant project on an island with a very vulnerable ecosystem.

In 2006, the Sakhalin Environmental Watch public organization prepared an overview of the violations of environmental legislation identified by Sakhalin Energy. Among them were the illegal deforestation during the unauthorized rerouting of the pipeline; illegal placement of treatment facilities in the water protection zone of the Val River; bringing to the island several thousand tons of a dangerous toxic chemical - ethylene glycol without permission from the authorities for its use, including in water protection zones; smuggling of devices with a high level of radiation to Russia (Sakhalin); planned discharge of more than 500,000 m 3 of wastewater along the migration routes of salmonids to Aniva Bay; numerous violations of medical, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements, labor protection, identified by a comprehensive audit of federal and regional state supervisory authorities. According to ecologists, the development of oil and gas fields on the shelf of northeastern Sakhalin, primarily the Sakhalin-1? and Sakhalin-2 ?, threatens the existence of the Okhotsk-Korean gray whale population.

The population is classified in category 1 of the Red Book Russian Federation, she was given the status of endangered. Studies of the seismic regime in the northern part of Sakhalin Island and the adjacent shelf in 1930-2009, carried out by Sakhalin scientists, showed that a sharp change in the regime was discovered near the Piltun-Astokhskoye oil and gas condensate field, expressed in the intensification of seismicity since 2005. According to Boris Levin, director of the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics (IMGiG) of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "the facts collected, most likely, indicate the emergence of an induced seismicity effect, apparently due to the development of the field."

Realizing the need to develop oil production on Sakhalin, which leads to the creation of the island's infrastructure, employment, economic development, and an increase in the revenue side of the budget, it is necessary to take into account that developing one industry can destroy another. Fish, crab and other seafood are what they live by now most of Sakhalin residents and residents of the entire coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the impact on marine biological resources and the marine environment will be reflected in humans as well. It should also not be forgotten that fish is a renewable resource, we have it now, and it will be in 100 and in 200 years, and oil and gas will run out in a few decades.

Normal coexistence of the fishing and oil industries is possible only with a reasonable approach, in compliance with strict environmental standards and rules in the extraction and development of oil, and all our efforts are aimed only at ensuring that these rules and regulations are actually applied by oil companies.

Role-play "Environmental problems of the Sakhalin region".

Purpose of the game:

To draw the attention of students to environmental problems and show what they themselves can do to improve their living environment;

- to determine the environmental problems of the region, the need for collective efforts to prevent environmental disasters and the responsibility of each citizen in relation to the nature of his native land;

- to acquaint students with the ecological situation of the area and the city where they live.

Equipment: environmental posters, presentation, interactive whiteboard, business cards.


UNEP expert

Representative of Sakhalin Environmental Watch

Researcher of the Regional Museum of Local Lore

District Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Specialist

The rest of the students are observers and experts.

Preparatory stage: Pupils draw posters in advance on environmental issues (at the end of the game, the results are summed up).

Game progress:

What have we done in the twentieth century!
What happened to the ecology of the earth.
The forests were burned, the rivers were littered.
We could not have done this.

They could not spoil the inner waters,
Man could get along with nature.
They could not build factories in the cities,
but how can we live the coming century.

Live without man-made disasters,
And without risking dying in smoke.
With harmless water for the body ...
Listen, people, to my word

So that humanity does not die from gases,
Protect the living from extinction,
We need to comprehend one rule.
We need to protect the environment.

Leading: Each of us, each of those who consider themselves a particle of world humanity, must know what impact our activity has on the world around us and feel a share of responsibility for certain actions.

From the very beginning of his development, man felt himself the master of everything that surrounds him. A well-known proverb says: "Do not cut the branch on which you are sitting." One wrong decision and it may take tens or even hundreds of years to fix fatal mistake... The natural balance is very delicate. And if you do not seriously think about your activities, then this very activity will certainly begin to stifle humanity itself. This suffocation has already begun, to some extent, and if it is not stopped, it will instantly begin to develop at an incredible speed.

At our conference today, we have gathered to discuss the environmental problems that are relevant for our Sakhalin region, for our island, and therefore for you and me. (slide 2)

But to move on to this discussion, let's figure out what environmental pollution is and what kind of danger it poses to humanity.


To fight against the influence of man on the surrounding nature, it is necessary to find out the influence of human activity on individual sections of nature and develop optimal plans to remedy the situation.

In terms of scale, environmental pollution can be divided into: local, regional and global. (slide 3) These three types of pollution are closely related. Local pollution is primary, and if its rate is higher than natural purification, then soon it turns into a regional, and then into a global change in the quality of the environment.

The resources of the biosphere for natural self-healing have their limits. At current levels of pollution, harmful substances from the source of pollution spread over tens and hundreds of kilometers.

Modern industrial production has a significant impact on nature. (Slide 4) Although most of the pollutants and heat energy are generated in a limited area, mainly in industrial regions of North America, Europe and Asia, due to atmospheric circulations and movements of the Earth's water envelope, a significant part of some long-lived pollutants is dispersed to a vast territory all over the Earth, leading to regional and global pollution.

The scale of anthropogenic impact on the environment and the level of the resulting danger require fast and effective methods of protection from pollution, make us develop technological processes that would be not only economically beneficial, but also surpass the existing ones in terms of environmental cleanliness.

Expert of UNEP (UN body in the field of ecology):(slide 5)

December 15, 1972 was adopted by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), approved by the UN General Assembly. The UN experts comprehensively considered the issues related to the human impact on the environment.

Impact- the direct impact of human economic activity on the natural environment. All types of impact can be grouped into 4 types: intentional, unintentional, direct and indirect. (slide 6)

Intentional impact occurs in the process of material production in order to meet the individual needs of society. These include: mining, construction of reservoirs, irrigation canals, hydroelectric power plants, deforestation to expand the area of ​​agriculture and to obtain timber, etc.

Unintentional impact occurs side-by-side with intentional. For example, when mining minerals in an open way, the level of groundwater decreases, technogenic forms of relief (quarries, waste heaps) are formed. When energy is obtained from traditional sources (coal, oil, gas), the atmosphere, surface watercourses, and groundwater are polluted. And the list goes on.

Both intentional and unintentional impacts can be direct or indirect.

Direct impacts take place in the case of the direct influence of human economic activity on the environment.

Indirect influences occur indirectly - through chains of interrelated influences. So the use of fertilizers affects the yield of crops, and the use of aerosols affects the amount of solar radiation.

Human impact affects not only the state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, but also the fauna of the Earth, as well as the climate of the planet.

According to UNEP, since 1600. 94 species of birds and 63 species of mammals became extinct on Earth. Such animals as tarpan (slide 7), round (slide 8), marsupial wolf (slide 9), European ibis (slide 10), etc. have disappeared. The number of such animals as rhinoceros, tiger, cheetah, bison, condor, etc. has been threateningly reduced.

Every year, as a result of human economic activity, the atmosphere receives: 190 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 25.5 million tons of carbon oxides, more than 700 million tons of other dust and gaseous compounds. They have a significant impact on the global climate, causing negative consequences: the "greenhouse effect", depletion of the "ozone layer", acid rain, photochemical smog, etc.

Such unidirectional activities can lead to colossal destruction of the natural ecosystem, which will lead to high costs for restoration.

Leading: Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are part of the global ecosystem. And we have also not been spared many environmental problems.

Representative of Sakhalin Environmental Watch(slide 11) : « Sakhalin Ecological Watch "is an independent non-political regional public organization that aims to protect the natural ecosystems of Sakhalin and the Kuriles. Our organization was founded in 1995, and in 1997 it was registered and received official legal status.

The main directions of our work are the preservation of forests and the improvement of environmental safety in the exploration and production of oil and gas on the shelf.

In addition, we monitor and try to counteract other environmental violations, and we have a lot of them on the island (slide 12):

    Poaching of wild animals, pushing many species to the brink of extinction; freshwater and saltwater fish, damaging fisheries.

    Forest fires that destroy entire ecosystems and forest tracts.

    Contamination of salmon spawning grounds and loss of recreational areas.

    Poorly equipped, outdated sewerage systems, leading to chemical and sewage pollution of rivers and streams, groundwater and soil.

    Poorly located landfills that poison water bodies, groundwater, soil and air with dioxins.

    Increasing pollution with plastic waste and scrap metal, in almost all inhabited areas, unauthorized dumps.

    Water pollution by the common habit of washing cars along the banks of rivers and lakes

    Storage facilities for fuels and lubricants that do not meet environmental safety.

    Abandoned oil pipeline wells and much more.

Ignoring all these facts can plunge Sakhalin into a deep abyss and deprive of prospects for improvement. After all, the main thing is to build a society that is prosperous economically, socially and ecologically.

Leading: As it became clear from the speech of the representative of the "Ecological Watch" one of the main activities of the organization is environmental safety in the exploration and production of oil and gas on the shelf of the island. The next speaker will tell us how this industry has developed on Sakhalin.

Geologist: (Slide 13): The Sakhalin Region is one of the most developed oil and gas producing regions of the Far Eastern Economic Region and is one of the oldest in Russia.

A total of 69 hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered in the region, including:

11 oil, 17 gas, 6 gas condensate, 14 gas and oil, 9 oil and gas and 12 oil and gas condensate.

For the first time, centralized production of raw materials began in 1923, after the commissioning of the Okhinskoye oil field. Already in 1925, the annual oil production at the field was about 20,000 tons.

At present, the island's shelf is the most studied area of ​​the Far Eastern seas. The total reserves of gas are about 1.2 trillion cubic meters, oil - 394.4 million tons, condensate - 88.5 million tons.

The development and development of offshore projects continues, and in this regard, the need to solve a number of important environmental problems increases (slide 14):

    Application of the most advanced and effective technologies of the international level

    Creation of reliable oil spill prevention and response services.

    Finding the best ways to dispose of drilling and construction waste


    Organization of environmental control and monitoring services at all levels.

    Finding a reasonable balance between oil and gas production and the preservation of the unique island ecosystem, fish and other marine biological resources.

Leading: What is the danger to the environment posed by oil production? Especially oil spills?

Chemist:(slide 15) Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. Once in the marine environment, oil first spreads out in the form of a film, forming layers of various thicknesses. The thickness of the film can be determined by the color of the film. A film with a capacity of 30-40 microns completely absorbs infrared radiation, which leads to the death of many living organisms.

From an environmental point of view, it is important to distinguish between 2 main types of oil spills. One of these includes spills that start and end on the high seas. Their consequences are temporary and quickly reversible. Another and most dangerous type of spill is when an oil slick is washed ashore and causes long-term environmental disturbances in the coastal zone and littoral zone.

Depending on the duration and scale of pollution, a wide range of damaging effects can be observed: from behavioral anomalies and the death of organisms at the initial stages of a spill, to structural and functional rearrangements in populations and communities under chemical action in the littoral zone. (slide 16) (slide 17)

At the same time, damage from a spill of only 100 tons of oil can reach millions of dollars, not counting funds for rescue operations and liquidation of the consequences of the accident.

Modeling and analysis of emergency situations for the eastern shelf of Sakhalin show that under the most pessimistic scenarios, the length of the polyoil pollution of the sea surface will amount to tens and hundreds of kilometers.

Large masses of oil enter the seas along rivers with domestic and storm water flows.

In addition to refined products, other products of human economic activity contribute to the ecological pollution of the World Ocean. The most dangerous of them in terms of toxicological effects: pesticides (a group of artificially created substances that are used to combat pests and diseases of plants), synthetic surfactants (substances that reduce surface tension water), carcinogens (chemical compounds capable of causing cancerous and mutational processes in living organisms), heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, arsenic), as well as various wastes dumped into the sea for burial.

Leading: Long before large-scale work on shelf projects began in our region, the state authorities of the country and the region analyzed and took into account the most difficult ecological, ice, seismological and meteorological conditions of our northern regions.

Currently, the regional administration, its environmental authorities, the Ministry economic development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, together with companies - operators are developing issues of environmental safety.

Since 2004 Russian scientists, together with colleagues from other international environmental organizations, carry out environmental and bioacoustic monitoring of the offshore projects zone.


The northeastern shelf of Sakhalin lies at the intersection of salmon spawning migration routes. However, during trenching and any excavation work, a suspension of minerals is formed, covering the spawning areas with a silty layer, which either complicates the spawning of salmonids, or the fish goes to other, environmentally friendly rivers.

108 species of marine fish are found in the project development zone, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk accounts for 70% of the total fish catch in Russia. In the northern part of the Tatar Strait, in the area of ​​potential project impact, there is the largest pollock spawning area in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The project area is inhabited by 10 species of whales, 4 in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, the remaining 6 in the Red Data Book of the Sakhalin Oblast. At the same time, a special place is occupied by the problem of whales of the Okhotsk-Korean population. (Slide 18) By the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, they were transferred to the category of critically endangered species. Gray whales of the Okhotsk-Korean population were considered extinct and were rediscovered only about a quarter of a century ago. At this time, there are about 100 individuals, of which only 23 females are capable of bearing offspring. (slide 19) Since 2000. The Russian-American scientific expedition is carrying out a project on the so-called photo-identification of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk gray whales. Each of them has its own, unique pattern of the skin, by which the animal can be accurately identified. Over the years, the scientific group has compiled a unique catalog of more than 130 whales in total, many of them have even been given names. For various reasons, natural and anthropogenic, not all recorded whales have survived to date.

March 30, 2005 Under pressure from a coalition of environmental organizations, the transnational operator of the Sakhalin-2 project announced the displacement of the offshore pipeline route from the Piltun area by 20 km south of the original route. Such changes will reduce the anthropogenic impact on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk population of gray whales. (slide 20) However, this is not enough. A great risk is associated with the location of the platform in the immediate vicinity of their feeding places.

The offshore project area is inhabited by 34 species of birds listed in the Red Books, incl. Steller's sea eagle, Okhotsk snail (slide 21), Sakhalin dunlin, long-billed fawn, Kamchatka (Aleutian) tern (slide 22) are the most vulnerable species that do not tolerate disturbance. Moreover, Chaivo and Piltun bays are the most important breeding grounds, which is extremely important for the reproductive capacity of populations.

Leading: For the preparation of a scientific forecast of changes in the natural environment in the future, for assessing the impact of various forms of human activity on natural systems and finding methods for the most rational exploitation of natural resources, protected areas are of exceptional importance. There is an obvious need to have standards for all major ecosystems and, therefore, to improve and expand the protected network. What has been done in this direction in our Sakhalin region will be told by a researcher of the regional museum of local lore.

Researcher of the Regional Museum of Local Lore: Currently, on the territory of the Sakhalin region, such specially protected areas have been created as reserves, wildlife preserves, a natural park and natural monuments. (slide 23)

Reserves are samples of untouched, wild nature - rightfully called natural laboratories. They are completely excluded from economic activities and are protected by law. In our region, 2 reserves have been created: in 1984. "Kurilskiy" and in 1987. "Poronaisky".

A regional park “Moneron Island” has also been created on the territory of the region. It is characterized by pronounced landscape features and is subject to special protection, while it is accessible to tourists and vacationers.

There are 48 natural monuments of regional and local importance on Sakhalin. These are natural objects of scientific, historical, ecological, cultural and relic significance, which are also withdrawn from economic activities. These include: Lake Tunaicha, Medvezhiy waterfall, Wrangel Islands, Yuzhno-Sakhalin mud volcano, Mendeleev volcano, Busse Lagoon, Daginsky thermal springs, Novoaleksandrovsky relic forest, Anivskaya grove of white acacia, Tomarinsky bor, Lake Chaschichivoe and many others.

Also, to specially protected areas, in which certain forms of economic activity are prohibited in order to preserve certain biological species or biogeocenosis as a whole, are reserves. There are 13 of them in our region: 1 reserve of federal significance "Small Kuriles", one biological, complex and scientific reserve and 9 hunting reserves, including the reserve "Aleksandrovsky".

Leading: Our area and our city are also part of the global ecosystem.

Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Specialist of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky District: The ecological state of Russian cities is deteriorating every year. Our city is no exception in this. There are several reasons for this (slide 23):

    Almost 80% deterioration of the housing and communal services system, multiple pipeline ruptures.

    Growth in the number of motor vehicles per capita.

    Imperfection, and sometimes complete absence, of filtration and treatment facilities at the main life-support enterprises of the city.

    The use of coal as an energy source, both in the city boiler house and in the private sector.

    Late collection of garbage from the courtyard areas

    Complete absence of asphalt urban pavement

    Long-term freezing of housing construction, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

This list can be continued for a very long time.

The ecological situation in the city began to be influenced by the offshore projects deployed on the island. So, according to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service, in 2007 in the coastal strip of the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, the content of oil products increased by almost 30%. The pollution of coastal waters persisted throughout the observation period along the entire coast. In addition to oil products, such pollutants as mineral phosphorus, nitrates, salts of heavy metals were found in water samples, the content of which exceeded the maximum permissible concentration.

The administration and various services of the city make a lot of efforts to improve the ecological situation, however, the budget deficit, imperfection and imperfection of the technologies used do not allow achieving the desired result.

Greening of parks, squares and streets plays an important role for the city. Trees clean the air from dust, harmful gases, soot, and protect from noise. Many conifers release phytoncides that kill pathogens. The content of dust in the air on a green street is 3 times less than on a street without trees.

Our schoolchildren are of great help in greening the city, working as part of labor teams during the summer holidays. (slide 24) (slide 25).

Leading: We cannot remain indifferent to what is happening in our city, this is our land, our home.

(slide 27) (slide 28)

Students are encouraged to break into groups and make their own specific suggestions for improvement. ecological situation in the city (create mini-projects).

At the end, projects are defended (1 representative from the group).

The results of the competition for environmental posters are being summed up.

Sections: Chemistry, Biology, Ecology

Objectives of the game:

  • draw the attention of students to environmental problems and show what they themselves can do to improve their living environment;
  • to determine the environmental problems of the region, the need for collective efforts to prevent environmental disasters and the responsibility of each citizen in relation to the nature of his native land;
  • to acquaint students with the ecological situation of the area and the city where they live.

Equipment: environmental posters, presentation, interactive whiteboard, business cards.


  • Leading
  • Ecologist
  • UNEP expert
  • Representative of Sakhalin Environmental Watch
  • Geologist
  • Chemist
  • Biologist
  • Researcher of the Regional Museum of Local Lore
  • District Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Specialist
  • The rest of the students are observers and experts.

Preparatory stage: Pupils draw posters in advance on environmental issues (at the end of the game, the results are summed up).

Game progress:

HOW DO WE LIVE IN THE XXI CENTURY? (Appendix 1; Slide 1)

What have we done in the twentieth century!
What happened to the ecology of the earth.
The forests were burned, the rivers were littered.
We could not have done this.

They could not spoil the inner waters,
Man could get along with nature.
They could not build factories in the cities,
but how can we live the coming century.

Live without man-made disasters,
And without risking dying in smoke.
With harmless water for the body ...
Listen, people, to my word

So that humanity does not die from gases,
Protect the living from extinction,
We need to comprehend one rule.
We need to protect the environment.

Leading: Each of us, each of those who consider themselves a particle of world humanity, must know what impact our activity has on the world around us and feel a share of responsibility for certain actions.

From the very beginning of his development, man felt himself the master of everything that surrounds him. A well-known proverb says: "Do not cut the branch on which you are sitting." One wrong decision and it may take tens or even hundreds of years to correct the fatal mistake. The natural balance is very delicate. And if you do not seriously think about your activities, then this very activity will certainly begin to stifle humanity itself. This suffocation has already begun, to some extent, and if it is not stopped, it will instantly begin to develop at an incredible speed.

At our conference today, we have gathered to discuss the environmental problems that are relevant for our Sakhalin region, for our island, and therefore for you and me. (slide 2)

But to move on to this discussion, let's figure out what environmental pollution is and what kind of danger it poses to humanity.


To fight against the influence of man on the surrounding nature, it is necessary to find out the influence of human activity on individual sections of nature and develop optimal plans to remedy the situation.

In terms of scale, environmental pollution can be divided into: local, regional and global. (slide 3) These three types of pollution are closely related. Local pollution is primary, and if its rate is higher than natural purification, then soon it turns into a regional, and then into a global change in the quality of the environment.

The resources of the biosphere for natural self-healing have their limits. At current levels of pollution, harmful substances from the source of pollution spread over tens and hundreds of kilometers.

Modern industrial production has a significant impact on nature. (Slide 4) Although most of the pollutants and heat energy are generated in a limited area, mainly in industrial regions of North America, Europe and Asia, due to atmospheric circulations and movements of the Earth's water envelope, a significant part of some long-lived pollutants is dispersed to a vast territory all over the Earth, leading to regional and global pollution.

The scale of anthropogenic impact on the environment and the level of the resulting danger require fast and effective methods of protection from pollution, make us develop technological processes that would be not only economically beneficial, but also surpass the existing ones in terms of environmental cleanliness.

Expert of UNEP (UN body in the field of ecology):(slide 5)

December 15, 1972 was adopted by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), approved by the UN General Assembly. The UN experts comprehensively considered the issues related to the human impact on the environment.

Impact- the direct impact of human economic activity on the natural environment. All types of impact can be grouped into 4 types: intentional, unintentional, direct and indirect. (slide 6)

Intentional impact occurs in the process of material production in order to meet the individual needs of society. These include: mining, construction of reservoirs, irrigation canals, hydroelectric power plants, deforestation to expand the area of ​​agriculture and to obtain timber, etc.

Unintentional impact occurs side-by-side with intentional. For example, when mining minerals in an open way, the level of groundwater decreases, technogenic forms of relief (quarries, waste heaps) are formed. When energy is obtained from traditional sources (coal, oil, gas), the atmosphere, surface watercourses, and groundwater are polluted. And the list goes on.

Both intentional and unintentional impacts can be direct or indirect.

Direct impacts take place in the case of the direct influence of human economic activity on the environment.

Indirect influences occur indirectly - through chains of interrelated influences. So the use of fertilizers affects the yield of crops, and the use of aerosols affects the amount of solar radiation.

Human impact affects not only the state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, but also the fauna of the Earth, as well as the climate of the planet.

According to UNEP, since 1600. 94 species of birds and 63 species of mammals became extinct on Earth. Such animals as tarpan (slide 7), round (slide 8), marsupial wolf (slide 9), European ibis (slide 10), etc. have disappeared. The number of such animals as rhinoceros, tiger, cheetah, bison, condor, etc. has been threateningly reduced.

Every year, as a result of human economic activity, the atmosphere receives: 190 million tons of sulfur dioxide, 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 25.5 million tons of carbon oxides, more than 700 million tons of other dust and gaseous compounds. They have a significant impact on the global climate, causing negative consequences: the "greenhouse effect", depletion of the "ozone layer", acid rain, photochemical smog, etc.

Such unidirectional activities can lead to colossal destruction of the natural ecosystem, which will lead to high costs for restoration.

Leading: Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are part of the global ecosystem. And we have also not been spared many environmental problems.

Representative of Sakhalin Environmental Watch(slide 11) : Sakhalin Environmental Watch is an independent non-political regional public organization dedicated to protecting the natural ecosystems of Sakhalin and the Kuriles. Our organization was founded in 1995, and in 1997 it was registered and received an official legal status.

The main directions of our work are the preservation of forests and the improvement of environmental safety in the exploration and production of oil and gas on the shelf.

In addition, we monitor and try to counteract other environmental violations, and we have a lot of them on the island (slide 12):

  1. Poaching of wild animals, pushing many species to the brink of extinction; freshwater and saltwater fish, damaging fisheries.
  2. Forest fires that destroy entire ecosystems and forest tracts.
  3. Contamination of salmon spawning grounds and loss of recreational areas.
  4. Poorly equipped, outdated sewerage systems, leading to chemical and sewage pollution of rivers and streams, groundwater and soil.
  5. Poorly located landfills that poison water bodies, groundwater, soil and air with dioxins.
  6. Increasing pollution with plastic waste and scrap metal, in almost all inhabited areas, unauthorized dumps.
  7. Water pollution by the common habit of washing cars along the banks of rivers and lakes
  8. Storage facilities for fuels and lubricants that do not meet environmental safety.
  9. Abandoned oil pipeline wells and much more.

Ignoring all these facts can plunge Sakhalin into a deep abyss and deprive of prospects for improvement. After all, the main thing is to build a society that is prosperous economically, socially and ecologically.

Leading: As it became clear from the speech of the representative of the "Ecological Watch" one of the main activities of the organization is environmental safety in the exploration and production of oil and gas on the shelf of the island. The next speaker will tell us how this industry has developed on Sakhalin.

Geologist(Slide 13): The Sakhalin Region is one of the most developed oil and gas producing regions of the Far Eastern Economic Region and is one of the oldest in Russia.

A total of 69 hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered in the region, including:

11 oil, 17 gas, 6 gas condensate, 14 gas and oil, 9 oil and gas and 12 oil and gas condensate.

For the first time, centralized production of raw materials began in 1923, after the commissioning of the Okhinskoye oil field. Already in 1925, the annual oil production at the field was about 20,000 tons.

At present, the island's shelf is the most studied area of ​​the Far Eastern seas. The total reserves of gas are about 1.2 trillion cubic meters, oil - 394.4 million tons, condensate - 88.5 million tons.

The development and development of offshore projects continues, and in this regard, the need to solve a number of important environmental problems increases (slide 14):

  1. Application of the most advanced and effective technologies of the international level
  2. Creation of reliable oil spill prevention and response services.
  3. Finding the best ways to dispose of drilling and construction waste
  4. Training.
  5. Organization of environmental control and monitoring services at all levels.
  6. Finding a reasonable balance between oil and gas production and the preservation of the unique island ecosystem, fish and other marine biological resources.

Leading: What is the danger to the environment posed by oil production? Especially oil spills?

Chemist:(slide 15) Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. Once in the marine environment, oil first spreads out in the form of a film, forming layers of various thicknesses. The thickness of the film can be determined by the color of the film. A film with a capacity of 30-40 microns completely absorbs infrared radiation, which leads to the death of many living organisms.

From an environmental point of view, it is important to distinguish between 2 main types of oil spills. One of these includes spills that start and end on the high seas. Their consequences are temporary and quickly reversible. Another and most dangerous type of spill is when an oil slick is washed ashore and causes long-term environmental disturbances in the coastal zone and littoral zone.

Depending on the duration and scale of pollution, a wide range of damaging effects can be observed: from behavioral anomalies and the death of organisms at the initial stages of a spill, to structural and functional rearrangements in populations and communities under chemical action in the littoral zone. (slide 16) (slide 17)

At the same time, damage from a spill of only 100 tons of oil can reach millions of dollars, not counting funds for rescue operations and liquidation of the consequences of the accident.

Modeling and analysis of emergency situations for the eastern shelf of Sakhalin show that under the most pessimistic scenarios, the length of the polyoil pollution of the sea surface will amount to tens and hundreds of kilometers.

Large masses of oil enter the seas along rivers with domestic and storm water flows.

In addition to refined products, other products of human economic activity contribute to the ecological pollution of the World Ocean. The most dangerous of them in terms of toxicological effects: pesticides (a group of artificially created substances that are used to combat pests and diseases of plants), synthetic surfactants (substances that reduce the surface tension of water), carcinogens (chemical compounds that can cause cancerous and mutational processes in living organisms), heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, arsenic), as well as various wastes dumped into the sea for disposal.

Leading: Long before large-scale work on shelf projects began in our region, the state authorities of the country and the region analyzed and took into account the most difficult ecological, ice, seismological and meteorological conditions of our northern regions.

Currently, the regional administration, its environmental authorities, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, together with the operator companies, are developing issues of environmental safety.

Since 2004 Russian scientists, together with colleagues from other international environmental organizations, carry out environmental and bioacoustic monitoring of the offshore projects zone.


The northeastern shelf of Sakhalin lies at the intersection of salmon spawning migration routes. However, during trenching and any excavation work, a suspension of minerals is formed, covering the spawning areas with a silty layer, which either complicates the spawning of salmonids, or the fish goes to other, environmentally friendly rivers.

108 species of marine fish are found in the project development zone, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk accounts for 70% of the total fish catch in Russia. In the northern part of the Tatar Strait, in the area of ​​potential project impact, there is the largest pollock spawning area in the Sea of ​​Japan.

The project area is inhabited by 10 species of whales, 4 in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, the remaining 6 in the Red Data Book of the Sakhalin Oblast. At the same time, a special place is occupied by the problem of whales of the Okhotsk-Korean population. (Slide 18) By the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, they were transferred to the category of critically endangered species. Gray whales of the Okhotsk-Korean population were considered extinct and were rediscovered only about a quarter of a century ago. At this time, there are about 100 individuals, of which only 23 females are capable of bearing offspring. (slide 19) Since 2000. The Russian-American scientific expedition is carrying out a project on the so-called photo-identification of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk gray whales. Each of them has its own, unique pattern of the skin, by which the animal can be accurately identified. Over the years, the scientific group has compiled a unique catalog of more than 130 whales in total, many of them have even been given names. For various reasons, natural and anthropogenic, not all recorded whales have survived to date.

March 30, 2005 Under pressure from a coalition of environmental organizations, the transnational operator of the Sakhalin-2 project announced the displacement of the offshore pipeline route from the Piltun area by 20 km south of the original route. Such changes will reduce the anthropogenic impact on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk population of gray whales. (slide 20) However, this is not enough. A great risk is associated with the location of the platform in the immediate vicinity of their feeding places.

The offshore project area is inhabited by 34 species of birds listed in the Red Books, incl. Steller's sea eagle, Okhotsk snail (slide 21), Sakhalin dunlin, long-billed fawn, Kamchatka (Aleutian) tern (slide 22) are the most vulnerable species that do not tolerate disturbance. Moreover, Chaivo and Piltun bays are the most important breeding grounds, which is extremely important for the reproductive capacity of populations.

Leading: For the preparation of a scientific forecast of changes in the natural environment in the future, for assessing the impact of various forms of human activity on natural systems and finding methods for the most rational exploitation of natural resources, protected areas are of exceptional importance. There is an obvious need to have standards for all major ecosystems and, therefore, to improve and expand the protected network. What has been done in this direction in our Sakhalin region will be told by a researcher of the regional museum of local lore.

Researcher of the Regional Museum of Local Lore: Currently, on the territory of the Sakhalin region, such specially protected areas have been created as reserves, wildlife preserves, a natural park and natural monuments. (slide 23)

Reserves are samples of untouched, wild nature - rightfully called natural laboratories. They are completely excluded from economic activities and are protected by law. In our region, 2 reserves have been created: in 1984. "Kurilskiy" and in 1987. "Poronaisky".

A regional park “Moneron Island” has also been created on the territory of the region. It is characterized by pronounced landscape features and is subject to special protection, while it is accessible to tourists and vacationers.

There are 48 natural monuments of regional and local importance on Sakhalin. These are natural objects of scientific, historical, ecological, cultural and relic significance, which are also withdrawn from economic activities. These include: Lake Tunaicha, Medvezhiy waterfall, Wrangel Islands, Yuzhno-Sakhalin mud volcano, Mendeleev volcano, Busse Lagoon, Daginsky thermal springs, Novoaleksandrovsky relic forest, Anivskaya grove of white acacia, Tomarinsky bor, Lake Chaschichivoe and many others.

Also, to specially protected areas, in which certain forms of economic activity are prohibited in order to preserve certain biological species or biogeocenosis as a whole, are reserves. There are 13 of them in our region: 1 reserve of federal significance "Small Kuriles", one biological, complex and scientific reserve and 9 hunting reserves, including the reserve "Aleksandrovsky".

Leading: Our area and our city are also part of the global ecosystem.

Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Specialist of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky District: The ecological state of Russian cities is deteriorating every year. Our city is no exception in this. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Almost 80% deterioration of the housing and communal services system, multiple pipeline ruptures.
  2. Growth in the number of motor vehicles per capita.
  3. Imperfection, and sometimes complete absence, of filtration and treatment facilities at the main life-support enterprises of the city.
  4. The use of coal as an energy source, both in the city boiler house and in the private sector.
  5. Late collection of garbage from the courtyard areas
  6. Complete absence of asphalt urban pavement
  7. Long-term freezing of housing construction, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

This list can be continued for a very long time.

The ecological situation in the city began to be influenced by the offshore projects deployed on the island. So, according to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service, in 2007 in the coastal strip of the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, the content of oil products increased by almost 30%. The pollution of coastal waters persisted throughout the observation period along the entire coast. In addition to oil products, such pollutants as mineral phosphorus, nitrates, salts of heavy metals were found in water samples, the content of which exceeded the maximum permissible concentration.

The administration and various services of the city make a lot of efforts to improve the ecological situation, however, the budget deficit, imperfection and imperfection of the technologies used do not allow achieving the desired result.

Greening of parks, squares and streets plays an important role for the city. Trees clean the air from dust, harmful gases, soot, and protect from noise. Many conifers release phytoncides that kill pathogens. The content of dust in the air on a green street is 3 times less than on a street without trees.

Our schoolchildren are of great help in greening the city, working as part of labor teams during the summer holidays.

Leading: We cannot remain indifferent to what is happening in our city, this is our land, our home.

(slide 24) (slide 25)

Students are invited to split into groups and make their own specific proposals to improve the environmental situation in the city (create mini-projects).

At the end, projects are defended (1 representative from the group). The results of the competition for environmental posters are being summed up.

The rapid development of all industries, energy, transport, population growth and urbanization, chemicalization of all spheres of human activity have led to certain changes in the environment, including unfavorable ones. Impact harmful substances anthropogenic origin on the natural environment becomes global.
Every year natural resources are used more and more intensively for the needs of mankind. This is especially true for water resources, since no branch of the economy can develop without water. Recently, the problems of water supply have become aggravated, under the influence of economic activity, the hydrological regime of natural water bodies is changing, qualitative composition water in them.
The problem of rational use and protection of natural resources from pollution and depletion requires a complex of environmental protection measures and, first of all, observations, assessment and forecasting of their state. The optimal solution to the issues of the use and protection of natural resources is possible only if there is objective information on the state of water quality of water bodies, scientific substantiation of anthropogenic impact on water bodies.
On Sakhalin, monitoring of the state of the environment is carried out by the only service - the Sakhalin Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Control over the state of the environment is carried out by the State Committee for the Environment for the Sakhalin Region and the Sakhalin Committee for Natural Resources.
The surface waters of the Sakhalin Oblast watercourses are polluted by wastewater from the oil and gas, pulp and paper, coal, food industries, housing and communal services, agriculture, motor transport, housing and civil construction, etc.
Typical indicators of water pollution are oil products, phenols, copper compounds, suspended and organic matter.
The main reasons for the pollution of water bodies are the lack of the necessary treatment facilities, the unsatisfactory operation of the existing ones, as well as the open oil gathering system, the loss of oil during its transportation.
Enterprises discharge 42267.4 thousand cubic meters into water bodies of the Sakhalin Region. m / year of wastewater, of which insufficiently treated - 22749.4 thousand cubic meters. m. / year, biologically treated - 17152 thousand cubic meters. m / year, normatively clean - 2366 thousand cubic meters. m / year. 4361.6 thousand cubic meters are discharged onto the relief. m / year of waste water.
Recently, there has been an improvement in the environmental situation in our region, but despite this, it remains rather unfavorable. The improvement of the environmental situation is not associated with the construction of new treatment facilities, not with the stability of the existing ones, but occurs due to the conservation, shutdown and closure of enterprises.
Supervision over the quality of surface waters is carried out by specialists of the laboratory for monitoring pollution of sea and surface waters of the Center for Monitoring Environmental Pollution of the Sakhalin UGMS. Water sampling for hydrochemical analysis is carried out on 41 rivers and one lake at 61 sections at 47 observation points.
A section is a conditional cross-section of a watercourse or reservoir in which a set of works is performed to obtain hydrochemical data about a water body.
Observation point is a place on a watercourse or reservoir in which a complex of works is carried out to obtain hydrochemical data on water quality. Observation points for the water quality of the watercourse are usually organized in the areas of cities, settlements, in places where wastewater is discharged, in river estuaries, in places of spawning and wintering areas for valuable and especially valuable fish species. Observation points are divided into four categories. The frequency of observations of hydrochemical indicators depends on the category of the observation point.
The rivers of the Sakhalin Region belong to the second or fourth categories. The second category includes only two rivers - the Poronai River and the Susuya River, on which observations are carried out every ten days, monthly and during the main hydrological phases (in winter at the lowest water level, in spring floods, during the period of rain floods and in summer-autumn low water). On rivers of the third category, to which more than half of the rivers belong, observations are carried out monthly and during the main hydrological phases, the fourth category - only during the main hydrological phases.
In our region, 7% of the rivers, from among those on which observations are carried out, belong to the class of clean waters. These are the Rogatka River, the Komissarovka River and the Arkovo River. But in 1993, on the Rogatka River, there were cases of high pollution (IZ) with oil products, the average annual content of the latter exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) 40 times. At this time, logging and construction of the Santa Hotel were in progress. And despite the fact that the clean water of the river can become very dirty in an instant due to human negligence, in 1996, due to lack of funding, monitoring of the water quality of the Rogatka River was stopped.
Susuya, Naiba, Avgustovka belong to the class of very dirty rivers.
In the Susuya river, the average annual concentrations of oil products almost reach high pollution and are at the level of 8-9 MPC, and the average content of copper compounds exceeds the maximum permissible concentration by 17-18 times. The average values ​​of phenols are 2-3 times higher than the norm. During the spring flood, when there is an intensive washout from the soil, the concentration of nitrite nitrogen increases to 10-15 MPC, and this is already considered high pollution.
In the Naiba river, the average content of petroleum products exceeds the MPC by 3-5 times, copper compounds reaches the level of VZ - 10 MPC. The average annual concentration of phenols is also 1-2 times higher than the norm.
In the Avgustovka River, cases of high pollution with copper and zinc compounds are annually noted, which is most likely associated with the discharge of waste waters from the mine "Boshnyakovo".
70% of the rivers on our island are considered moderately polluted. According to statistics, these are good indicators, but in fact this does not mean that the waters of these streams are not polluted. During the period of spring floods, when there is intensive melting of snow and washing away from the soil, during the passage of rain floods in the rivers, a significant increase in the content of pollutants is observed. It should be noted that in these rivers with moderately polluted water, the average annual concentrations of oil products, phenols, copper compounds exceed the MPC by a factor of 1-2.
And the most polluted river about. Sakhalin has remained the Okhinka River for many years. The water of this river belongs to the class of extremely dirty waters. Extremely high pollution (EHP) with oil products is noted here every year. The average annual content of this ingredient exceeds the norm by 100-120 times! The main sources of pollution of the river with oil products are oil and gas production enterprises, which are located along the entire length of the river. In addition, formation waters contaminated with oil products enter the Okhinka River. Incoming wastewater from oil refineries is the result of an increased content of phenols in the river water, the average annual values ​​of phenols exceed the maximum permissible concentration by 5 times. In winter, there is a deficiency of dissolved oxygen in the river. The amount of dissolved oxygen decreases to a critical level of 2-3 mg / l.
Practically in the waters of all rivers where water quality observations are carried out, there is an excess of the content of oil products, phenols, copper compounds by 1-2 times. But it should be remembered that all our rivers are spawning and wintering places for valuable and especially valuable fish species. The toxicity of many organic and inorganic substances for fish and invertebrates in the aquatic environment is several hundred times higher than for warm-blooded organisms, since polluted water is a habitat for fish. The sensitivity of fish to the odors of many chemicals is several times higher than that of humans. For example, fish are able to detect phenol in water at a concentration of 0.001 mg / l, and some species - even at a concentration of 0.0005 mg / l, which is significantly below the sensitivity threshold of the human body. At a concentration of oil products of 0.01 mg / l, a film forms on the water surface, which prevents oxygen saturation and the penetration of microorganisms that decompose many impurities in the process of self-purification of river water. And the cold Sakhalin rivers, poor in microorganisms, have a relatively low self-cleaning ability.
As the human impact on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of river runoff and the process of its formation increases, the problems of rational use of water resources, protection from depletion and pollution of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and inland seas become especially acute.
The most active form of protection of water resources from pollution is waste-free production technology, i.e. a set of measures in technological processes, allowing to reduce to a minimum the amount of hazardous discharges and to reduce to an acceptable level the impact of waste on water quality. The complex of such activities includes:
creation and implementation of new processes for obtaining products with the formation of the least amount of waste;
development different types drainless technological systems and water circulation cycles based on wastewater treatment methods;
development of systems for processing industrial waste into secondary material resources;
creation of territorial-industrial complexes with a closed structure of material flows of raw materials and waste within the complex.
Unfortunately, it will take a long time before the full implementation of waste-free technology. And now we need to try at least to improve technological processes and the development of equipment with a lower level of discharges of impurities and waste into water bodies, to neutralize toxic waste, to dispose of the latter, to take measures to limit the discharge of municipal wastewater, industrial and agricultural waste into water bodies ...
All these activities require huge investments. And in our time, the problems of environmental protection and protection fall only on the shoulders of people who are trying to save our nature or at least reduce its "diseases". And to be honest, what kind of measures to minimize negative environmental consequences can we talk about in our time, when in the last year alone, the observation network for the quality of land surface waters in the Sakhalin Oblast has been reduced by 34%, and instead of 41 watercourses, observations are carried out by only 27 rivers.
Maybe someone will think my opinion is controversial or incorrect, but, as the great French naturalist Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine Lamarck (1744-1829) said, “perhaps it is better that the newly discovered truth be doomed to a long struggle, without meeting the attention it deserves, than so that any creature of human fantasy would meet with a secured favorable reception. "
And I want to finish my essay with an excerpt from a poem by the Sakhalin poetess L. Vasilyeva, who left Sakhalin Island, but misses him very much:
A valley leads to the Snow Mountains,
River, pebbles, waterfall.
More amazing than Sakhalin
Is it just the Garden of Eden!


1. A.A. Bekker, T.B. Agaev. Protection and control of environmental pollution. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1989.
2. Edited by LV Brazhnikova. Dynamics and quality of surface waters Soviet Union... Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1988.
3. M.Ya. Lemeshev. Nature and us. Moscow, " Soviet Russia", 1989
4. V.G. Orlov. Surface water quality control. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1991.
5. Yearbooks of the quality of land surface waters and the effectiveness of the water protection measures taken. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 1993-97

Section 1. Condition of water, air, land, soil, flora, fauna, bowels, natural landscapes and complexes.

There are 65,175 rivers in the Sakhalin Oblast, with a total length of 105,260 km, of which 61,178 rivers flow on Sakhalin Island, 3,997 in the Kuril Islands, including watercourses less than 10 km long.

The Sakhalin Oblast, including the Kuril Islands, in accordance with the water cadastre, belongs to the Amur Basin District - a hydrographic unit of the basin level with code No. 20. As part of hydrographic unit No. 20, water bodies of the Sakhalin Oblast, including the Kuril Islands, are endowed with river code No. 05, and when the absence of the sub-basin level gradation (code number 00), three separate water management areas (VHU) are identified on the territory of the region: - VHU - the Susuya river basin; - VKhU - water bodies of Sakhalin Island without the Susuya River basin; - VKhU - water bodies of the Kuril Islands.

River basin Susuya accounts for 1.3% of the Sakhalin Island area and 1.15% of the Sakhalin Oblast area. The Susunaisky basin is the most populated place on Sakhalin Island, mainly due to the residents of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and, to a lesser extent, rural settlements.

Until now, in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk there is an acute problem of outdated technologies and equipment for wastewater treatment. The main violation by the Office of supervisory measures in relation to housing and communal services enterprises in the Sakhalin Region is the excess of the established standards for maximum permissible concentrations (MPD) of pollutants when discharging wastewater into water bodies. Dump with excess MPC standards for pollutants is carried out due to the unsatisfactory state of sewage treatment facilities, their destruction and obsolescence, almost 100% physical deterioration of water supply and sewerage networks, insufficient funding for the repair and maintenance of existing treatment facilities or their absence at all. One of the largest enterprises engaged in wastewater disposal in the Sakhalin Region is LLC Sakhalin Vodokanal. Receivers of wastewater discharged by the Company are tributaries of the river. Susuya (Krasnoselskaya river, Rogatka river, Prigorodny stream, Elanka river, Vladimirovka river, Lepel river, Zima river). Wastewater discharge is carried out by 16 outlets. Of these, 10 outlets are equipped with biological treatment facilities. During the conduct of supervision activities by the Office, it was revealed that when discharging wastewater into the brook. Prigorodny (release 7a) without purification, exceeding the MPC standards for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrates, phosphates, phenols, iron, BOD full., SAS., In brook. Prigorodny (OSK-7 release) through the city sewage treatment plant (with a capacity of 1737.5 m3 / hour, including: GKNS, gratings, sedimentation tanks, aeration tanks, contact tanks (not used), bioponds, sludge pads, chlorination room), there is an excess of suspended solids, phosphates, ammonium nitrogen, BOD full., phenols, iron, in the river. Krasnoselskaya through treatment facilities (with a capacity of 700 m3 / day, consisting of: a sewage pumping station, a receiving chamber, a block of aeration tanks for sedimentation tanks, a chlorination, compressor, fast filters, biological ponds, sludge sites), an excess in chlorides, BOD full, phenols, iron is observed, in the r. Vladimirovka, through the biological treatment facilities (with a capacity of 100 m3 / day), there is an excess in nitrates, nitrites, phenols, phosphates. The existing treatment facilities mostly require repair and modernization. The unsatisfactory work is explained by overloading in hydraulics, imperfect design, violation of operating rules, unsatisfactory technical condition of structures and auxiliary equipment. At the same time, a positive trend is outlined in the activities of Vodokanal. So, as part of the implementation of the activities of the regional target program "Providing the population of the Sakhalin region with high-quality housing and communal services for the period 2014-2020" on the terms of co-financing (90% - the regional budget, 10% - the city budget) for the reconstruction of OSK-7 (waste water discharge into the ... Prigorodny), 2.7 billion rubles are planned, taking into account the purchase of modern equipment manufactured in Russia, Sweden and Norway. In measures for the development of capital construction facilities of engineering infrastructure of local importance with a deadline of up to 2017. includes work on the expansion and reconstruction of urban wastewater treatment plants (OSK-7), which will allow to exclude outlets No. 7a and No. 7b without purification, switching the OSK of low productivity in the northern districts of the city, planning area Lugovoye (OSK-4, OSK-4a, OSK-5 ), With. Dalnee (OSK-8) at OSK-7. The reconstruction is carried out in two stages. As part of the first stage (June 2013 - December 2015), it is planned to reconstruct existing facilities with an increase in the capacity of treatment facilities to 60,000 cubic meters per day, including the construction of a new deep biological treatment unit, etc. The second stage will begin in February 2015 and will last until March 2016. It includes the construction of two secondary radial sedimentation tanks, installation of the main technological equipment, etc. The commissioning of the facility is scheduled for March 2016. Currently, a project for the reconstruction of OSK-7 has been developed, the contractor's specialists have started work.

The water management section covers the Kuril Islands, which extend from the southern tip of Kamchatka in a south-western direction to the island of Hokkaido and are the natural border between the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean. The Great Kuril ridge, stretching for 1200 km, includes about 30 islands, including the largest ones - Paramushir, Onekotan, Urup, Iturup, Kunashir. According to the data of the state water cadastre, 11 wastewater discharges into surface water bodies operated by energy, municipal and agricultural (fish factories) enterprises have been registered on the territory of the Kuril Islands. The total capacity of sewage treatment plants (WWTP) before discharge into a water body was 0.66 million m3. The largest in terms of capacity are the treatment facilities of the Ostrovnoy fish processing plant (0.59 million m3). In the Kuril GOK, there is a centralized sewerage system in the city of Kurilsk, the villages of Reidovo, Goryachy Klyuchi and Gornoye. Almost all effluents are discharged without treatment. The treatment facilities available in the region (4 units) carry out only mechanical cleaning. A significant part of the housing stock uses cesspools. The capacity of the treatment facilities in Kurilsk is 200 m3 / day. The length of the street sewerage network is 39 km, of which 12 km need to be replaced. In the city of Severo-Kurilsk, the centralized sewerage system covers almost the entire housing stock. The drainage system is a complete separate sewerage system. The city has no sewage treatment facilities. Rainwater runoff is discharged from the territory of the settlement with a system of trays. The discharge of rainwater wastewater is carried out into streams and onto the relief. Yuzhno-Kurilskiy GO has no sewage treatment facilities. As of January 1, 2012, the physical deterioration of the fixed assets of wastewater disposal amounted to 52.3 percent. Currently, work is underway on the construction of treatment facilities as on about. Kunashir, and on about. Shikotan. The receivers of wastewater discharged by enterprises in 2013 are sea ​​waters and onshore rivers of the basins of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, including: - in the basin of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - the Kurilka and Reidovaya rivers with their tributaries, coastal rivers; - in the Pacific Ocean basin - the Matrosskaya and Serebryanka rivers. According to Roshydromet, on the territory of the VHU there are: - an operating hydrological observation point on the Kitovaya river - with. Kitovoe, opened on 08/10/1962 (Sakhalin UGMS), is an operating hydrochemical observation point of the 4th category on the Ozernaya river - the village. Noisy, discovered in 1960 (Kamchatka UGMS). According to other departments, the hydrochemical regime on the rivers of the Kuril Islands has not been studied.

The basis for monitoring surface waters and water management systems on the territory of water management sites on. Sakhalin is the state observation network (STS) of Roshydromet, which is monitored by the federal state budgetary institution "Sakhalin Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring" (FGBU "Sakhalin UGMS"). On the Kuril Islands, the observation network for the state of groundwater is practically undeveloped. Observation points of the state network for studying the hydrogeodeformation field are located only on three large islands: Iturup, Kunashir, Paramushir.

The Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region in connection with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 671-r dated 06.05.2008 and the order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use (Rosprirodnadzor) carries out the formation of statistical reports in the form 2-tp (reclamation) “Information on land reclamation , removal and use of the fertile soil layer ", approved by order of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) dated December 29, 2012, No. 676. After analyzing the information provided on land reclamation, removal and use of the fertile soil layer according to the form No. 2-TP (reclamation) it was found that in 2014 the area of ​​disturbed land amounted to 1118 hectares, which is 2.3 times more than in the previous year, the area of ​​worked land in 2014 was -383 hectares, which is 1.7 times more than the previous year, the area of ​​reclaimed land in 2014 was 330 hectares, which is 5 times less than in the previous year.

The main activity of the organizations that provided the reporting is: oil and gas production, mineral resources development, geological exploration, construction work.

In 2013, the reporting was provided by 39 respondents, for 2014. - 57 respondents, which is 46% more than in 2013.

I would like to note that on the territory of the region, work has begun on the reclamation of objects of past environmental damage at the fields of subsidiaries of OJSC "NK" Rosneft ", the reclaimed areas are not included in the reporting due to the lack of acceptance certificates of the permanent commission on land reclamation. Thus, according to the information of LLC RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz, according to the inventory data of the Company of lands and sludge accumulators on the territory of deposits accumulated before consolidation, the area of ​​oil-contaminated lands and sludge pits of the Nogliki region was -67.07004 hectares, of the Okhinsky region's fields - 87.346094 hectares. Work on the recultivation of oil-contaminated lands is carried out in accordance with the developed "Program for the elimination of accumulated environmental damage accumulated on the territory of LLC RN - Sakhalinmorneftegaz": 2012. reclaimed 8.1 ha, 2013 - 16.2 hectares, 2014 - 5.4 ha, planned for 2015. - 24.7 hectares.

The excess of disturbed lands over reclaimed lands by 3.4 times in 2014 due to the fact that the respondents have licenses for subsoil use with a long term of 2015-2020, in this connection, carrying out land reclamation work immediately after their violation is not a prerequisite for license holders.

As of 12.01. 2015, on the territory of the Sakhalin Region there are 883 licenses for the use of subsoil (including 24 licenses on the Sakhalin shelf), of which 62 licenses for hydrocarbons (onshore-47, shelf-15), 34 - for coal, 6 - for precious metals and precious stones, 580 - for underground waters, 1 - ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, radioactive raw materials, 4 - mining chemical non-metallic raw materials, 53 licenses not related to mining (land - 44, shelf - 9), 143 - common minerals (OPI).

Section 2. Environmental threat, risk to the environment, as well as chemical, physical and biological effects on the environment and their sources.

It is air pollution that is one of the main risk factors for public health. According to Roshydromet, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk has been included in the list of cities with the highest level of air pollution for 20 years, and this level is determined by the maximum concentrations of soot, formaldehyde and benzo (a) pyrene, which have a pronounced tendency to increase. This is especially typical for the cold season, when the highest frequency of unfavorable weather conditions for the dispersion of impurities is noted.
On average, about 82.00% of pollutants from the volume of waste gases from all stationary sources are captured annually. This level was achieved due to the highest degree of capture at the power industry enterprises, but it also does not provide dust and gas cleaning to the required efficiency due to the presence of obsolete equipment.
The quality of atmospheric air in urban areas largely depends on the state of public green spaces - gardens, squares, boulevards, parks, urban forests, which remains unsatisfactory.
The use of outdated and worn-out gas cleaning equipment by enterprises that make a significant contribution to air pollution, the increasing number of emission sources from enterprises and organizations due to the equipment of autonomous heat supply sources and backup energy sources contributes to additional air pollution and deterioration of living conditions for the population.
One of the main factors in the increase in the incidence of respiratory diseases among the population of the Sakhalin Region is the high air pollution in residential areas of populated areas.
The list of pollutants, among which the excess of MPC in the atmospheric air of the settlements of the Sakhalin Region is registered, includes: nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon oxide, dust. With chronic inhalation exposure, these chemicals affect the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, hematopoietic organs, central nervous system, in addition, these substances affect the formation of congenital anomalies in children, oncology and mortality rates.
The critical situation in the region with the formation, use, disposal, storage and disposal of waste poses a real threat to the health of the population and future generations, has an extremely negative impact on the environment The issue of handling production and consumption waste is one of the most important conditions for stabilizing and improving the environmental situation and rational use of the resource potential of the region.

Section 3. Activities of organizations and enterprises subject to federal environmental supervision that negatively affect or may affect natural objects and environmental protection measures, including legal, administrative and others.

The Sakhalin Region is an area of ​​intensive use of natural resources. The leading place in the economic complex of the Sakhalin Region belongs to industrial sectors, including the oil and gas industry, the intensive development of which is accompanied by the formation of significant volumes of waste.

Oil and gas producing enterprises in the Sakhalin Region are represented by Exxon Neftegas Limited, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd, ZAO Petrosakh, OOO RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz.

As a positive solution to the waste disposal problem, one can cite the example of Exxon Neftegas Limited, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. solutions, including oil-containing ones, and other technological waste) are placed in rock formations and in deep subsoil horizons through injection wells for waste injection.

The annual increase in the volume of waste generation requires the adoption of effective measures to organize their processing and disposal in order to obtain material and energy resources and improve the environmental situation.

To date, on the territory of the Sakhalin Region, there are no solid waste disposal facilities (solid waste landfills) that meet the requirements of environmental legislation.

In total, there are 3 solid waste landfills and 21 authorized solid waste dumps in the Sakhalin Region.

At the same time, in the state register of waste disposal facilities (hereinafter - GRODO), which was approved by Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated September 25, 2014 No. 592 "On the inclusion of waste disposal facilities in the state register of waste disposal facilities", 41 objects waste disposal .

At the moment, on the territory of the Sakhalin Region, there is such a situation that the objects connected with burial municipal solid waste is not subject to inclusion in the SDRO (3 landfills for solid waste; 21 authorized landfills), due to the fact that these facilities do not comply with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection and on production and consumption waste.

Thus, the municipal solid waste landfill "Nogliksky" landfill and the modernized solid waste landfill "Korsakov" are located on the lands of settlements and within the boundaries of settlements. This is a violation of part 2 of article 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation of 10.25.2001 No. 136-FZ (lands are used in accordance with the designated purpose for them), and part 5 of article 12 of the Federal Law of 24.06.1998 No. 89 "On production and consumption waste ", (disposal of waste within the boundaries of settlements is prohibited).

The solid waste landfill "Municipal entity" Smirnykhovsky "is located on the lands of the forest fund, which contradicts Part 2 of Article 7 of the Land Code of October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ (the land is used in accordance with the designated purpose). Moreover, according to Art. 25 of the Forest Code of 04.12.2006 No. 200-FZ, the burial of solid waste on lands belonging to the lands of the forest fund does not belong to the permitted types of forest use.

On the territory of other municipalities, the official sites for the disposal of solid waste are authorized landfills that do not meet the requirements of environmental legislation, and, for the most part, have practically exhausted their capacity, or are overcrowded (according to the inventory of these sites, carried out by organizations operating landfills provided to the Office Rosprirodnadzor for the Sakhalin Region).

In addition, almost all solid waste dumps in the territories of municipalities were commissioned in the 80s of the XX century and are located in the territories of settlements, which is a direct violation of environmental legislation (part 5 of article 12 of the Federal Law of 24.06.1998 No. 89- Federal Law "On production and consumption waste" prohibits the disposal of waste within the boundaries of settlements).

Decree of the Government of the Sakhalin Region No. 415 dated 06.08.2013 approved the State Program of the Sakhalin Region "Environmental Protection, Reproduction and Use of Natural Resources of the Sakhalin Region for 2014-2020" (together with "Subprogram No. 1" Production and Consumption Waste in the Sakhalin Region ") ... According to state program, one of the goals is to create conditions for ensuring environmentally safe disposal (disposal) of waste in the Sakhalin region. Objective 1.1 is construction 11 landfills.

The main purpose subroutine number 1 is the creation of conditions for ensuring environmentally safe disposal (disposal) of waste and the elimination of places of unauthorized waste disposal.

The tasks of this subroutine are:

1. Ensure engineering surveys and development of design estimates for the construction (reconstruction) of solid waste landfills;

2. Ensure the design and survey work for the implementation of reclamation measures at waste disposal sites.

The implementation of this State Program will allow by 2020:

Build 11 solid waste landfills in municipalities of the region:

1. urban district "City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk",

2. "Tymovsk urban district",

3. Uglegorsk municipal district,

4. "Nogliki City District",

5. "Tomarinsky urban district",

6. "Makarovsky urban district",

7. "Kholmsk urban district",

8. Korsakov urban district,

9. "Aniva urban district",

10. Poronaysky urban district,

11. "Nevelsky urban district"

Spend reclamation of 8 waste disposal sites, with a total area of ​​26.1 hectares in the following municipalities of the Sakhalin region, including:

1. MO "Korsakovsky GO",

2. MO "Tomarinsky GO",

3. MO "Tymovsk GO",

4. MO "GO" Okhinsky ",

5. MO "Uglegorsk Municipal District",

6. MO "GO" Nogliki ".

7. MO "Kholmsky GO"

8. MO "GO" Poronaysky "

For the implementation of measures in 2014, funding is provided in the amount of 814,439.4 thousand rubles, including 12,787.5 thousand rubles from the federal budget, 779,519.0 thousand rubles. from the regional budget, 22132.9 thousand rubles from the local budget.

The assessment of the situation with production and consumption waste on the territory of the Sakhalin Region is carried out by the Office of Rosprirodnadzor in the Sakhalin Region on the basis of data from the Federal State Statistical Observation in the form 2-TP (waste) "Information on the generation, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste", which is represented by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs engaged in production and consumption waste management.

In 2014, on the territory of the Sakhalin Region, a total of 14.276 million tons of production and consumption wastes were generated (in 2013 - 23.432 million tons), of which:

Used 12.989 million tons (in 2013 - 12.222 million tons);

Waste transferred to other organizations for the use of 0.910484 million tons (in 2013 - 0.214227 million tons);

Neutralized 0.032 million tons (in 2013 - 0.026 million tons);

Waste transferred to other organizations for the purpose of neutralization - 0.422617 million tons (in 2013 - 0.038709 million tons);

Placed at own facilities - 11.759 million tons (in 2013 - 1.852 million tons),

Transferred to other organizations for placement in 2013 - 0.104407 million tons (in 2013 - 10.747 million tons).

At the end of the reporting year, the presence of waste in organizations is 12.052 million tons (in 2013 - 12.001 million tons).

According to the state statistical reporting form 2-TP (waste) for 2014, 757 business entities reported

table Dynamics of generated waste in the Sakhalin region *

Most of the places for solid waste disposal existing on Sakhalin are unauthorized - they do not have approval for the allotment of a land plot and are on the verge of being filled or overflowed.

With regard to most of the existing places for the disposal of solid waste, the documentation regulating their operation has not been brought in line with the requirements of the current legislation. The land plots are being converted into the category of "industrial lands".

In 2014, in the course of raid activities, the Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region identified
564 places of unauthorized disposal of solid waste (on a total area of ​​30.841 hectares) of which: 480 places of unauthorized dumps of solid waste (on a total area of ​​12.216 hectares) were identified by the heads of municipalities, 79 as a result of raids, 5 on the basis of complaints received from citizens.

Administrative investigations were initiated on 84 cases of unauthorized waste disposal, as a result of which decisions were made to terminate administrative proceedings under Article 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation due to the absence of administrative offenses. The materials were sent to the prosecutor's office for taking measures of the prosecutor's response.

In total, 181 unauthorized solid waste dumps were liquidated. Liquidation costs incurred amounted to RUB 11,200,418.

As a result of the raid measures, the calculated amount of damage caused to the soil, as an object of environmental protection, as a result of unauthorized disposal of solid waste was not presented due to the impossibility of identifying the perpetrators of these violations. The case files were transferred to the Sakhalin Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office for appropriate response measures.

By Order No. 262 of July 2, 2013, an interdepartmental working group was created under the Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region to organize measures to prevent, identify and eliminate unauthorized solid waste disposal sites, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Sakhalin Region, the Rosreestr Administration in the Sakhalin region, the Sakhalin interdistrict environmental prosecutor's office. On a regular basis, meetings of the working group are held on the issues of organizing interaction in terms of developing an action plan when carrying out measures to identify and eliminate unauthorized places for placing solid waste.

By the Decree of the Sakhalin Region Administration dated September 22, 2008 No. 293-pa, the Long-Term Regional Target Program "Waste from production and consumption of the Sakhalin Region (2009-2015)" was approved, according to which the construction of new landfills and landfills is planned on the territory of the Sakhalin Region.

The Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region exercises state supervision over compliance by legal entities on the territory of the region with the requirements of the RF legislation in the field of atmospheric air protection. Work is underway to identify, suppress and prevent violations of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

Office, in terms of compliance with the rules for the protection of atmospheric air in 2014. 11 planned, 36 unscheduled, 2 - raid events were carried out.

In the course of supervisory measures in 2014, 45 violations were revealed, the main of which is the lack of permits for the emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air.

Violations were eliminated - 24, 30 orders were issued to eliminate violations, 24 were executed.

Persons brought to administrative responsibility: legal entities - 21, officials - 16, individuals - 0.

Fines imposed - 3,662,000 rubles, of which on legal entities - 3,080,000 rubles, on officials - 582,000 rubles, collected - 1,562,000 rubles, of which from legal entities - 1 240,000 rubles, from officials - 322,000 rubles ... The amount of fines in the total amount of 1,620,000 rubles was reduced to 440,000 rubles by court decisions. Payment deadline in the amount of 480,000 rubles as of 12.12.2014. did not come out, the decision on the appointment of an administrative penalty in the amount of 3,580,000 rubles are being appealed in court. Protocols were drawn up and sent to the Justice of the Peace for consideration under Part 1 of Art. 19.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - 13, according to Part 1 of Article 20.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - 19.

Section 4 Information on the activities of the Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region in 2014.

In 2014, the plan of control and supervisory activities of the Department planned to carry out 42 control and supervisory activities, completed 42 scheduled inspections. The plan of control and supervisory measures for 2014 was fulfilled by 100%.

During the reporting period, 154 unscheduled inspections were carried out, including:

at the request of the prosecutor's office - 4, by order - 148, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation - 2.

In 2014, the Department carried out 347 control and supervisory activities, including:

Scheduled inspections - 42, unscheduled inspections - 154, raid inspections - 72, administrative cases transferred under jurisdiction from another federal executive authority - 79.

In 2014, the Office carried out 347 control and supervisory activities, which is 95.6% compared to the same period in 2013 - 363 activities.

A total of 102 business entities were checked, of which 54 with identified violations ("violators"), which is 52.9%. In 2013, 143 business entities were inspected, of which 64 with identified violations (“violators”), which is 44.7%.

Based on the results of the control and supervisory measures, economic entities were identified that are "malicious violators" to which administrative measures of influence had already been applied by the state inspectors of Rosprirodnadzor:

For violation of the requirements for the protection of water bodies, which may lead to their pollution, contamination and (or) depletion:

Sakhalin Municipal Operating Company LLC

Due to repeated non-compliance with the instructions:

Sakhalin Vodokanal LLC

MUP "Glena";

LLC Sakhalinugol - 6;

Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Housing and Public Utilities Nysh", Municipal Government Office "Nogliki";

OAU "Eastern Forestry";

LLC Uglegorskie Vody.

In 2014, the fact of causing harm to soils on the territory of the Kholmsk city dump as a result of oil pollution from the State Unitary Enterprise of the Sakhalin Region "Waste Management Department" was revealed. Damage to soils in the amount of 300 thousand rubles was presented. The decision was appealed in court. The date of consideration by the court is set for 01/14/2015.

In 2014, 7 damage to the environment was calculated and presented for payment on a voluntary basis, in the amount of 1 million 143 thousand 694 rubles. of them:

4 damage to water bodies, in the amount of 824 thousand 294 rubles, as a result of:

Wastewater discharge in excess of the established MPC standards for pollutants in the river. Winter (Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, LTD), p. Langeri (AS "Vostok-2"), b. Kazachka (MUP "Nevelsk Utility Networks"),

Accidents at the oil pipeline "TsNK USN" Mongi "- TsSPN" Dagi "LLC" RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz "and the ingress of oil products into the river. Dougie.

· 3 damage to soils, in the amount of 319.4 thousand rubles. as a result:

Traffic accident at the railway crossing with. Arsentievka (IP "Stepashko"),

Discharge of household waste water onto the soil of the FKU IK-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Sakhalin Region,

Accidents at the oil pipeline "TsNK USN" Mongi "- TsSPN" Dagi "LLC" RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz ".

Voluntarily paid for 2 damages (IP Stepashko and AS Vostok-2) in the amount of 124 thousand 531 rubles for damages, the terms of voluntary payment have not expired.

In total for the reporting period in the Sakhalin Oblast there are 7 “persistent offenders”.

There are no economic entities that consistently carry out environmental protection measures agreed with the Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region.

In total, based on the results of supervisory activities (inspections, administrative proceedings and investigations):

104 administrative cases were initiated, of which were composed:

2 minutes under Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation were drawn up based on the results of inspections of the execution of orders carried out in December 2013 (transferred to justices of the peace for making decisions, court decisions were made in favor of the Office, the total amount of fines was 20.0 thousand rubles, fines were paid);

6 protocols under Art. 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was drawn up based on the results of inspections carried out in 2014 (transferred to justices of the peace for making decisions, 5 decisions were made in favor of the Office, a fine was imposed in the total amount of 50.0 thousand rubles, 50.0 thousand rubles were paid), materials 1 cases are pending;

4 protocols under Part 1 of Art. 20.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (transferred to the justices of the peace for making decisions, 2 decisions were denied to the Office), at the same time unpaid decisions were sent to the bailiff service;

1 protocol under Art. 19.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (transferred to the magistrate for making a decision, the court decision was made in favor of the Office).

137 administrative cases were considered (taking into account 46 administrative cases transferred to the Directorate of jurisdiction), of which 11 were terminated, 59 legal entities and 65 officials and 2 individuals were brought to administrative responsibility, for a total amount of 2,444.5 thousand rubles. Fines were collected in the total amount of 2320.7 thousand rubles, taking into account those previously imposed.

The forecasted performance indicators of the Rosprirodnadzor Administration for the Sakhalin Region for 2014 in accordance with the orders of Rosprirodnadzor No. 235 dated April 17, 2014 and No. 166 on March 20, 2014 have been achieved.
