Ion chemical bond is a bond that is formed between the atoms of chemical elements (positively or negatively charged ions). So what is an ion connection, and how is her education?

Overall characteristic of ion chemical

Ions are particles that have a charge in which atoms in the process of recoil or electron acceptance. They are attracted to each other quite strongly, it is for this reason that substances with such a type of communication are high boiling and melting temperatures.

Fig. 1. ions.

Ion connection is a chemical bond between the variepete ions caused by their electrostatic attraction. It can be considered an extreme case of a covalent bond, when the difference in electrical negativeness of the bound atoms is so large, which is full separation of charges.

Fig. 2. ion chemical bond.

It is usually believed that the relationship acquires electronic character if EO\u003e 1.7.

The difference in the value of electronegability is the greater, the further the elements are located apart in the periodic system through the period. This relationship is characteristic of metals and non-metals, especially located in the most remote groups, for example, I and VII.

Example: Salt salt, sodium chloride NaCl:

Fig. 3. Scheme of ionic chemical bond sodium chloride.

The ion connection exists in crystals, it has durability, long, but not saturated and is not directed. Ion connection is characteristic only for complex substances, such as salts, alkali, some oxides of metals. In a gaseous state, such substances exist in the form of ionic molecules.

Ion chemical bond is formed between typical metals and non-metals. Electrons are mandatory from metal moving to nonmetal, forming ions. As a result, an electrostatic attraction is formed, which is called ion bond.

In fact, completely ion communication is not found. The so-called ionic bond is partially ionic, partially covalent. However, the connection of complex molecular ions can be considered ion.

Examples of ionic communication

Several examples of the formation of ion communication can be given:

  • calcium and fluorine interaction

Ca 0 (atom) -2E \u003d Ca 2 + (ion)

- Calcium is easier to give two electrons than to get the missing.

F 0 (atom) + 1e \u003d F- (ion)

- Fector, on the contrary, it is easier to take one electron than to give seven electrons.

Find the lowest total multiple between the charges of the generated ions. It is equal to 2. We define the number of fluorine atoms, which will take two electrons from the calcium atom: 2: 1 \u003d 2. 4.

Let us form a formula of ionic chemical bond:

Ca 0 + 2F 0 → Ca 2 + F-2.

  • sodium and oxygen interaction
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a) Consider the scheme for the formation of ion connection between sodium and
1. Sodium is the element of the main subgroup I group, metal. It is easier to give it an external electron than to take the missing 7:

1. Oxygen element of the main subgroup of the group VI, nonmetall.
It is easier to take 2 electron, which is not enough until the external level is completed than to give 6 electrons from the outside.

1. We will first find the smallest common multiple between charges of the formed ions, it is equal to 2 (2 ∙ 1). So that the atoms are 2 electrons, they need to take 2 (2: 1) so that the oxygen atoms can take 2 electrons, they need to be taken 1.
2. Schematic formation of ionic communication between sodium and oxygen atoms can be written as follows:

b) Consider the scheme for the formation of ionic communication between atoms of lithium and phosphorus.
I. Lithium - element I of the main subgroup group, metal. It is easier to pay 1 external electron than to take the missing 7:

2. Chlorine element of the main subgroup of the VII group, nonmetall. His
atom, it is easier to take 1 electron than to give 7 electrons:

2. The smallest total multiple 1, i.e. In order for 1 lithium atom to give, and the chlorine atom accepted 1 electron, it is necessary to take them one by one.
3. Schematically, the formation of ionic communication between atoms of lithium and chlorine can be written as follows:

c) Consider a scheme for the formation of ion connection between atoms
magnesium and fluorine.
1. Magnesium - element II group of the main subgroup, metal. His
atom easier to give 2 external electrons than to take the missing 6:

2. Fluoro is the element of the main subgroup of the group VII, nonmetall. His
atom, it is easier to take 1 electron, which is not enough until the end of the sneak level than to give 7 electrons:

2. We find the smallest common multiple between charges of the formed ions, it is equal to 2 (2 ∙ 1). In order for the magnesium atoms 2 of the electron, only one atom is needed so that fluorine atoms can take 2 electrons, they need to be taken 2 (2: 1).
3. Schematically, the formation of ionic communication between atoms of lithium and phosphorus can be written as follows:

This lesson is devoted to generalize and systematize knowledge about the types of chemical bond. In the course of the lesson, the chemical education schemes will be considered in various substances. The lesson will help consolidate the ability to determine the type of chemical bond in the substance by its chemical formula.

Topic: Chemical Communication. Electrolytic dissociation

Lesson: Educational Schemes Substances With Different Communication Type

Fig. 1. The scheme of the formation of communication in the fluorine molecule

The fluorine molecule consists of two atoms of one chemical element-non-metallo with the same electronegitance, therefore, a covalent non-polar connection is implemented in this substance. I will shown the formation scheme in the fluorine molecule. Fig. one.

Around each fluorine atom with the help of points, we draw seven valence, that is, external, electrons. Until the steady state, each atom requires another electron. Thus, one general electron pair is formed. By replacing it with a dash, you will depict the graphical formula of the fluorine F-F molecule.

Output:a covalent non-polar connection is formed between the molecules of one chemical element-nonmetalla. With this type of chemical bond, general electronic pairs are formed, which are equally belonging to both atoms, that is, the electron density displacement does not occur in any of the atoms of the chemical element

Fig. 2. Education scheme of communication in the water molecule

The water molecule consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms - two non-metal elements with different values \u200b\u200bof relative electronegility, therefore, in this substance - a covalent polar communication.

Since oxygen is a more electronegative element than hydrogen, general electronic pairs are shifted towards oxygen. On hydrogen atoms, a partial charge occurs, and on the oxygen atom - partial negative. Replacing both common electronic pairs of dashes, or rather arrows showing the electron density displacement, write the graphic formula of the water. 2.

Output:covalent polar communication arises between atoms of different non-metal elements, that is, with different values \u200b\u200bof relative electronegativity. In this case, the type of communication is formed by general electronic pairs, which are shifted towards the more electronegative element.

1. Nos. 5,6,7 (p.145) Rudzitis G.E. Inorganic and organic chemistry. Grade 8: Tutorial for general education institutions: Basic level / G. E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman. M.: Enlightenment. 2011176c.: Il.

2. Specify the particle with the greatest and smallest radius: AR atom, ions: K +, Ca 2+, Cl -. The answer is justifying.

3. Name three cations of two anions that have the same electron shell as Ion F -.


1. Metal atoms, giving external electrons, turn into positive ions:

where n is the number of electrons of the outer layer of the atom corresponding to the number of the group of the chemical element.

2. Nemetal atoms, taking electrons missing to the completion of the external electron layer turn into negative ions:

3. Between the variestly charged ions arises Communication called ionic.

4. Finish the "ion connection" table.


1. Addition of the formation schemes of positively charged ions. From letters corresponding to the right answers, you will be the name of one of ancient natural dyes: indigo.

2. Play in the "Noliki". Show a winning path that make up the formulas of substances with ion chemical bond.

3. Are the following statements are true?

3) true only b

4. Emphasize the pairs of chemical elements, between which an ionic chemical connection is formed.

1) Potassium and oxygen
2) hydrogen and phosphorus
3) aluminum and fluorine
4) hydrogen and nitrogen

Make a chemical formation scheme between the selected items.

5. Come up with a drawing in the comic style, reflecting the process of forming an ion chemical bond.

6. Make a diagram of the formation of two chemical compounds with a ion connection on the conditional entry:

Choose chemical elements "A" and "B" from the following list: calcium, chlorine, potassium, oxygen, nitrogen, aluminum, magnesium, carbon, bromine.

Suitable for this scheme of calcium and chlorine, magnesium and chlorine, calcium and bromine, magnesium and bromine.

7. Write a small literary work (essay, novel or poem) about one of the substances with an ionic relationship that a person applies to everyday life or in production. To perform the task, use the Internet capabilities.

Sodium chloride is a substance with an ion connection, without him there is no life, although when it is much - it is also not good. Even there is such folk fairytale, where it tells that the princess loved his father of the king so much as salt, for which was expelled from the kingdom. But when the king once tried food without salt and realized that it was impossible, he then realized that his daughter loved him very much. So salt - there is life, but its consumption must be in moderation. Because excessive salt consumption is badly harmful. Excess salt in the body leads to a disease of the kidneys, changes the skin color, delays an excessive fluid in the body, which leads to the edema and the load on the heart. Therefore, it is necessary to control the consumption of salt. 0.9% Sodium chloride solution is saline, used to influence drugs into the body. Therefore, it is very difficult to answer the question: is it useful or harmful salt? We need it in moderation.
