Great news - the state program "Global Education" has been officially extended until 2025.

"Global Education" is a government program for funding citizens' education Russian Federation in leading foreign universities with subsequent employment, according to the obtained qualifications. Training levels include master's, postgraduate and residency in the following priority areas:

  • the science
  • pedagogy
  • the medicine
  • engineering and high-tech sphere
  • social management

The program is aimed at preserving and increasing scientific, pedagogical, medical and engineering personnel, managerial personnel in the social sphere, as well as supporting citizens of the Russian Federation who independently enrolled in leading foreign educational organizations, and their subsequent employment.

The program provides for the payment of all expenses for training, flights and accommodation of the participant within 2 million 763 thousand rubles for one year of stay abroad.

The main points of the "Global Education" program of student funding:

  1. In order to receive funding, a student must have on hand a letter of enrollment of one of the universities indicated in the list of universities participating in the Global Education program for the approved specialization.
  2. Funding will be received by students enrolled in full-time master's, graduate and residency programs lasting at least a year.
  3. Funding will cover not only the cost of studies, but also travel, accommodation while studying, educational materials, medical insurance, etc.
  4. Amount of funding: up to 2'763'600 rubles for 1 year of study.
  5. Funding does not apply to students of exchange programs and double degree programs with the participation of Russian universities.
  6. The selection of participants will be carried out on a competitive basis.
  7. Upon completion of their studies, the program participant must return to Russia and, within 3 months, get a job in a Russian company according to the profile of the education received and work for at least 3 years. During these 3 years, the participant can change the employer, but no more than 2 times.
  8. If the program participant does not complete the course or does not fulfill the employment obligations, he will have to pay the full amount of the support received + a fine of double the amount received.

Program participants can study at approved 288 universities from 32 countries of the world. The largest number of universities approved by the Program is in the countries that are leaders in international higher education: the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. All universities for study in which you can get a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation are here: USA, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, France, Australia, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Korea, Italy, Hong Kong, Norway, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand, Brazil, Austria, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan, South Africa, Finland, Ireland.

At the end of March, the Government of the Russian Federation extended until 2025 the implementation period for the Global Education program, instead of the one set earlier in 2016. This is a state program for financing study abroad for Russian citizens who entered one of the leading foreign universities. The results of the implementation of the first stage of the program will be presented at the Moscow International Education Fair 2017 (IMSO), which will be held in Moscow from 12 to 15 April. Ksenia Ivanenko, head of the department of the Center for Educational Development of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, answered questions about the work of the program to the RIA Novosti correspondent.

Many visitors to the Salon are interested in studying abroad. We will tell them about the Global Education program and share the results of its pilot phase from the end of 2014 to 2016. In addition, we will talk about a new stage that began a few days ago, after the signing of a new Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the extension of the program until 2025.

Over the past two and a half years, we have seen a huge interest of Russians in the program - more than 23 thousand users have registered on its website during this time. In total, 9 competitive selections were held, as a result of which 498 people became the winners of the program. To date, 29 program participants have already completed their studies abroad, returned to Russia and got a job. In 2017, another 122 people will graduate.

Program participants get jobs in corporations, federal and leading regional universities, the social sector, high-tech companies and industrial enterprises. Detailed information about all places of employment is presented on the program website.

- Which universities are the most popular among the program participants?

In total, 32 countries participate in the program, but Great Britain is of the greatest interest among our students, 176 grantees have already gone there. In second place is Australia, 120 people. The third and fourth places are shared by Germany and the Netherlands - 30 and 29 applications, respectively. In fifth place in popularity is the United States, and in sixth is Italy.

- What areas of training do the program participants choose?

In the first place was "Management in the field of higher education", 54 people went to study in this direction. Followed by " Information Technology"- 29 people," Ecology "- 20 people," Architecture "and" Oil and Gas Business "- 10 people each.

- Graduates of which Russian universities received grants under the Global Education program most often?

In the first place St. Petersburg State University(19 people). Then Moscow State University (15), Uralsk federal university(14), Phystech (12), Siberian Federal University (12) and Kazan Federal University (11).

80% of grantees were enrolled in master's programs and 20% in postgraduate programs. In total, the program provides support for training at three levels of education - this is a master's degree, postgraduate studies, and, for doctors, a residency.

By the way, not only young people participate in the program, we do not have an age limit. Within the framework of our programs, professors also go to improve their qualifications.

- Is there a competition for a grant among those applicants who have fulfilled all the conditions of the program?

For us, the most important thing is that a person himself enrolls in a top foreign university from the list of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation (for us this is a guarantee that he has the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities) and meets all the requirements for participation in the program. A foreign university itself makes a decision on the enrollment of a student.

- How popular is foreign education among Russian youth today?

Do you know how many Russians are studying abroad today? In Germany - about 11.5 thousand, in the USA - more than 5.5 thousand, in France - more than 5 thousand, in Australia - one thousand six hundred. Many of them went to study on scholarships provided by foreign universities or foreign scholarship programs. Most of the programs do not involve the return of our specialists to Russia.

The uniqueness of the Global Education program is that our state not only finances the education of its citizens abroad, but also assists them in their subsequent employment in Russia.

As a result, the state also wins - the brain drain stops, and highly qualified specialists return to Russia.

What advice would you give to today's bachelors who are planning to enter foreign universities as part of the Global Education program?

Firstly, to start learning a foreign language, because in order to enter a university, you will need to pass a language exam. Secondly, the leading foreign universities need to start the preparation process in advance, because the admission process can take from six months to one and a half years. Thirdly, do not be afraid of anything and believe in yourself, and then everything will work out!

The Moscow International Education Fair (MISE) is the main event in the field of education in Russia, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.MMSOIs not only an open forum, but also the largest exhibition of new educational services, technologies and innovative projects in Russia, as well as a large vocational guidance platform. In 2017, the Salon will be held for the fourth time: 500 events of the program are planned with the participation of more than 1000 speakers.

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    All scholarships
    Global Education Scholarship is a presidential program to support Russian students studying at foreign universities. "Global education" is a public funding scheme, in other words, an opportunity to receive money for studies from the Government.
    According to the idea of ​​the project, the scholarship should cover absolutely all student expenses - from tuition fees to food and transport costs. The total amount of the annual payment can reach 2.76 million rubles. The program provides scholarships only for students of the best universities in the world - Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, MIT - but the list is not limited only to top universities and has almost three hundred universities.
    At the moment, "Global Education" is the only opportunity for a Russian citizen to receive money from the state to study at a foreign university. But the most interesting thing about the whole project is that information about it has not yet been widely disseminated, so the competition for financial coverage is rather small. Below we will tell you how to participate in the Global Education competition and how to increase your chances of success.

    Why was the Global Education program created?

    First of all, it is worth talking about why the presidential program was created at all. After all it comes about very large sums that are given to the student free of charge, so what is the logic?
    In fact, the answer to this question is obvious: the state thus finances its own development. The entire scholarship fund is aimed at training specialists in five priority areas: medicine, science, engineering, education and social management... Since, alas, in Russia there are certain problems with these areas, and not all domestic universities can provide quality education in these specialties, the most obvious way out is to send the best students abroad.
    The scholarship students are expected to help innovate and improve the social and scientific spheres in the country. In order for the invested funds to pay off, one requirement is put forward for the scholars: compulsory employment in one of the partner companies for a period of 3 years or more. In other words, the student who has received funding undertakes to work for some time in his home country. Thus, instead of expensive development educational system, which is impossible in a short time, the state invests in citizens and, consequently, in its own economy.
    In fact, the Global Education program guarantees not only free education in the best foreign universities, but also further employment. Of course, the obligation to return to Russia may confuse some students, but when making a decision, you need to understand that, most likely, you will have to return, regardless of whether the student is studying at his own expense or at the expense of the state: in developed countries, the labor market is very active, and the advantage are local students, while foreigners find Good work and staying in the country is much more difficult. Returning to Russia under the Global Education program, a graduate with a foreign diploma has more realistic opportunities not only to build a career, but also to make life in his country better.

    The Global Education Scholarship is designed for a very broad group of Russians.
    The first requirement for a candidate is a higher education, that is, a bachelor's or specialist's diploma. Thus, it is possible to receive the Global Education scholarship only for studying in a foreign master's degree or postgraduate study. According to many experts, this is a rather wise policy, since it is post-graduate education abroad that is very different. high quality and allows you to perfect the skills acquired in the bachelor's degree.
    The second and probably the most important requirement is independent admission to one of the leading universities abroad in priority areas. To participate in the competition, the candidate must have a university enrollment certificate from the list for a program that falls into one of five categories - medicine, engineering, education, science and social management. In fact, these categories include a huge variety of specializations - from robotics to cultural management. At the same time, most of the universities participating in the program do not differ in high requirements for applicants. For admission to 80% of the universities on the list, it is enough to have an average score of about 4.0 out of 5 and know the language of instruction (in most cases English) at the Upper-Intermediate level.
    The third condition is the absence of a criminal record and official problems with the criminal code. Only those who have been officially found guilty of a criminal offense fall under the category of convicts; administrative violations are not considered.
    In fact, the group limited by these three criteria includes almost all university graduates who own foreign language and found enough motivation for further training. There are no age, ethnic or any other restrictions on applicants: any citizen of the Russian Federation with higher education at any age.

    What professions are not included in the program?

    Alas, graduates with diplomas from most of the humanities faculties have no direct access to the Global Education scholarship. Since the program is limited to a specific list of specialties, albeit quite wide, many faculties were not included in the list. Students with degrees in sociology, linguistics, art history, philosophy, economics, jurisprudence and other typically humanities cannot receive funding to study in their specialty. However, even the humanities have a chance to participate.
    Since the list of programs of the direction "Social Management" includes quite a lot of programs close to humanitarian disciplines, graduates of the above faculties can enter a foreign university for programs close to their specialty. For example, a sociologist can apply to the Social Policy program, a financier to the Health Economics program, and an art critic to the Cultural Heritage Management program. Moreover, this is absolutely real, since many foreign universities are happy to accept students even with a significant difference between the previous education and the chosen course: especially in this regard, it is worth paying attention to the United States and Great Britain. Thus, the Global Education Scholarship is available to almost all bachelors.

    Who Can Get the Global Education Fellowship?

    Although the competition for the Global Education scholarship is rather small, not everyone is receiving funding. The decision on the award is made on the basis of specific indicators, which are described below in order of priority:

    -Place in the electronic queue... Ironically, the most important criterion in calculating a student's rating is the date of application. Most high rating have those candidates who applied before everyone else. Therefore, in order to be sure to receive a scholarship before the start of your studies, you must apply as early as possible. But since the scholarship is awarded in 4 stages every year - deadlines are spread over March, June, August and November - in order to increase your chance of success, it is enough to register at the end of any of these months.
    -Study abroad... The candidate's rating will also increase if he was studying or studying at the time of application at a foreign university. That is, funding can be obtained even remotely, for example, in the second year of a master's program abroad, studying in the first - it is precisely such students that will be given priority in the second place.
    -Professional experience... When selecting fellows, the commission takes into account the background of the participants, including the professional one. In this regard, already experienced candidates who have worked in the specialty for several years may receive priority. Therefore, unlike other scholarship programs, in the Global Education competition, age can be an advantage, not an obstacle.
    -Publications in scientific journals... Candidates who have publications in authorized scientific journals at the time of receipt will receive an additional bonus in the competition. However, if a student does not have them, his rating does not decrease - after all, only a small part of candidates can boast scientific articles, and the rating from their presence does not increase so much (at least 2 times less than with a long registration period).

    How do I get a scholarship? - Step-by-step instruction

    registration... The first step to obtaining government funding is registering on the official website. To register, the candidate must indicate his name and surname, email and password. Upon registration, the student receives an email asking to confirm the email address.
    Filling out the questionnaire... The application for a scholarship is filled out online: the candidate only needs to enter the necessary data in his personal account and click the button “Receive registration in the electronic queue”. The required information includes passport data (both civil and foreign passports), SNILS and TIN (if any), information on previous education, information on professional experience and publications in scientific journals.
    Supporting documents... Upon completion of the application, the student is assigned a place from the electronic queue and time is given to upload scans of supporting documents. TO necessary documents include a Russian passport, a foreign passport, diplomas and certificates testifying to previous education, a work record book (if any), a certificate of no criminal record, a letter of admission to the university and an invoice for tuition fees (if it is paid).
    Waiting for the decision of the commission... After all supporting documents have been sent, the candidate can only wait. The list of students who received a scholarship is published within a month after the completion of the next stage of the competition.
    Receiving funding... If the candidate was lucky enough to find his name in the list of winners, then his further actions are very simple: signing an agreement for the award of a scholarship, which specifies the conditions and obligations of the scholarship holder to the sponsor, and then - the formalities required immediately before leaving the student to another country - visa, air tickets and other important but very pleasant steps.

    Global Education 2017–2025

    In some ways, the Global Education 2013-2016 program can be called a failure: there were more scholarships than suitable candidates. Fortunately, this does not demotivate the authorities, but, on the contrary, makes it necessary to extend the program in order to fully realize its goals. The second round of the Global Education project was launched in 2017 and is planned to be extended until 2025. Thus, in 2016, federal funding did not end at all, but only began to develop. For Russian students, there is still the opportunity to go abroad to the best university for free, and it is simply impossible not to take advantage of this opportunity.

    Global Education Scholarship - List of Universities

    The approved list of leading foreign universities participating in the Global Education program includes 288 universities. WITH complete list can be found on the official website of the program, but here we will give the best universities by country:

    Great Britain

    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the educational institution.


    Global Education Program - List of Employers

    By September 2016, the list of employers-partners of the program includes more than 500 state and commercial organizations in largest cities Russia. To give the reader a sense of the prospects after studying abroad under the Global Education program, below we provide a list of the most famous companies and the range of salaries for which the scholarship holder can apply after completing his studies abroad.
    CompanyField of activityJob vacanciesStarting salary, rub.
    RostecHigh technologies, logistics, civil engineering, finance, management25 70,000 - 200,000
    United Aircraft CorporationMechanical engineering, transport, high technology, finance10 50,000 - 100,000
    United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC)Mechanical engineering, maritime transport, finance, IT8 72,000 - 120,000
    Kaspersky LabIT, high technology, consulting, finance126 40,000 - 100,000
    Skolkovo Innovation CenterEducation, high technology, IT, finance34 50,000 - 130,000
    MGMU im. SechenovMedicine, healthcare, education12 40,000 - 60,000
    State Academic Bolshoi Theater of RussiaArts, cultural heritage, education4 30,000 - 150,000
    R-PharmPharmacology, bioengineering, science, healthcare, sales102 40,000 - 120,000
    Moscow State University LomonosovEducation, science, management, high technologies45 50,000 - 200,000
    High School of EconomicsEducation, science, management23 40,000 - 150,000
    NRNU MEPhIScience, education, high technologies5 35,000 - 130,000

    Twenty-one-year-old Tatyana Ehrlich studied under the International Baccalaureate IB program at the Moscow gymnasium № 45 named after. L. I. Milgram. She graduated from school with an international diploma with which you can enter European schools... Ehrlich chose the biomedical sciences at a college at the Free University of Amsterdam and went to study in Holland. A year ago, the question arose of where to get 24,000 euros for the university (15,000 euros per year costs training, the rest is needed for living). In Holland, citizens can study for a doctor for free, foreigners have to pay. The Ehrlich family had no money, but their parents heard on TV about the Russian state grant program Global Education. She gave their daughter the chance to continue her studies abroad.

    Abroad at public expense

    The Ministry of Education and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) announced the launch of the program in early 2014. The Skolkovo business school is in charge of the implementation of the program and the acceptance of documents. This program is designed for graduates of Russian universities who want to study abroad in a master's, postgraduate or residency program. They, regardless of what their specialty is on the diploma, will be able to improve their qualifications in five specialties: "education" (university management, pedagogy), "medicine", "engineering", "science", "social sphere" (specialist in economy of labor or public administration, cultural manager). Students can receive a grant in the amount of 1.38 million rubles. to study in one of 227 universities in 27 countries. After receiving the diploma, the graduate must return to his homeland and within 3-6 months get a job in a Russian company from the approved list. The requirements for working out are strict - three years. Those who fail to do so will be forced to pay a fine twice the amount of the grant.

    Insidious English

    During the year of the program, despite the attractive conditions for students, there was a shortage of applications. Since the fall of 2014, only 45 people have left to study abroad, says Denis Konanchuk, director of the Skolkovo Business School's Center for Educational Development. The program provides for four stages of application for study per year, and in early June, admission to the second stage of 2015 was completed.According to Konanchuk, 210 people applied, 70 of them have proposals for admission to foreign universities, the rest of the candidates are still taking exams. About 40% of them will drop out at the first stage, because many candidates entered foreign universities in specialties not included in the list of "Global Education". In March, the Ministry of Education tried to save the shortage. It asked the leadership of universities to compile lists of graduate students, young scientists or employees who are ready to take part in the program. The Ministry of Education required at least 15 candidates from each university. The curator of the program, the director of the Young Professionals direction of ASI Dmitry Peskov, explained the reasons for the unpopularity of the program by its poor popularity.

    But the reason is also that many are afraid to fail when entering a foreign university. After all, the applicant himself must submit documents to foreign university and pass exams. And only after he is enrolled in a university, he can apply for a grant at Skolkovo, explains Konanchuk. Philip Katz, a 29-year-old NYU student, said it took him a year of intensive training to enroll in NYU's Master of Science in Urban Informatics. At the same time, he has a diploma from Kazan University with a degree in architecture, he taught at the Institute of Design and Urbanism ITMO in St. Petersburg. And Denis Konanchuk says that students successfully pass specialized exams, but often fail the final English proficiency test.

    The employer is napping

    Ministry of Education officials have compiled a list of employers for Global Education graduates from 538 enterprises, universities and research institutes. According to Konanchuk, the Ministry of Education included universities, the Ministry of Industry and Trade - large industrial corporations. The list of scientific institutions was prepared by the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

    It is assumed that the graduate will choose from the list a place of work that corresponds to the profile of his studies, and then send a resume or transfer it to Skolkovo. If he cannot decide on his own, says Konanchuk, recruiting agencies will help him. You can change your place of work two times, again choosing a company from the list.

    How much money

    4 billion rubles allocated for two years for the Global Education program for 1,500 participants

    The list includes giants of the fuel and energy complex, defense and machine-building plants, research institutes, IT companies, etc. As Vedomosti found out, many companies from the list either do not know about the program at all, or know that they are included in the list, but have no specific plans. in relation to graduates. The representative of the United Aircraft Corporation Sergey Rybak said that the corporation does not yet have a clear idea of ​​how and where they will hire graduates. In the center of the ship repair "Zvezdochka" were surprised that their regime plant is on the list. According to the representative of the plant, Nadezhda Shcherbina, for security reasons they cannot hire those who have come from abroad.

    According to Leonid Bogomolov, representative of the press service of UC Rusal, the company is ready to employ all graduates with specialized mining and metallurgical education in regional offices. But so far they have not received applications from candidates. By the way, for the fourth year in a row, UC Rusal has been implementing its own program for training personnel in Russian universities with guaranteed employment. According to Bogomolov, 70 future Rusal employees will start studying in September. Evgeny Kovalevsky, spokesman for the Tomsk Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, said they were ready to hire about 10 scientists. Yulia Popova, head of the personnel recruitment and brand development department of OJSC Sibur, said that Sibur needs specialists for production, research centers and management companies. But when hiring, all candidates, regardless of what diplomas they have, will be competitively selected according to the same rules, says Popova.

    Companies will willingly hire foreign graduates for scarce specialties (and this, according to HeadHunter, is primarily medical and pharmaceutical specialties, as well as university management), but they are unlikely to overpay those graduates for whose specialties they can hire local specialists, experts say. labor market.

    Scarce specialists

    But IT companies are interested in foreign graduates. According to the director educational programs Parallels Viktor Nikitin, now the company has three vacancies for such specialists. Parallels even sends its employees to study through Global Education, two of whom have already graduated. According to Konanchuk, this does not contradict the rules of the program. SKB Kontur is also ready to hire employees trained in development. According to Svetlana Skolzkova, HR Director of SKB Kontur, they are not trained in Russian universities. They need software testing specialists, interface developers. According to Olga Tatarchuk, a representative of the PR-service of SKB "Kontur", there are now about 30 open vacancies for developers in the company. They hire 7-10 specialists monthly, expanding the staff by 70 people a year. According to Tatarchuk, personnel who have studied abroad can count on a salary above the average level, however, as well as graduates of Russian universities.

    The program is also useful for scientists who studied scientific research in universities on an ongoing basis. For example, Elena Mukhina, a graduate student at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, is writing a dissertation for a grant from Global Education. She was developing in Russian University oil and gas. Gubkin, and after defense in Sweden will return. Before leaving, Mukhina was paid 10,000 rubles. per month, however, after returning, she does not expect a large increase in salary. She relies more on a foreign background, due to which it will be easier for her to receive grants for research work.

    For higher salaries, cadres will rush primarily to Moscow. But under the terms of the program, only 10% of graduates will get a job in the capital. “The rule works here: whoever comes first will get it,” says Konanchuk, agreeing that the quota will end quickly.

    Special places

    The creators of the program are now considering the possibility of reducing the number of participants from 1,500 to 750 people. At the same time, the amount of financing is 4 billion rubles. - will remain, and students will be able to receive grants twice as much. Due to the depreciation of the ruble, the grant has depreciated in dollar terms. For example, Philip Katz did not have enough grant to fully pay for the tuition, he is waiting for an increase in the grant.

    Experts and the students themselves see the disadvantage of the program in the fact that graduates are deprived of the opportunity to undergo an internship in the country of study. According to one of the students of Global Education, he is offered to stay for two years, but he is forced to refuse, because according to the rules of the program he is obliged to return to his homeland. In his opinion, refusal from foreign internships will deprive graduates of the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience and join foreign scientific and entrepreneurial circles.

    According to the vice-rector of the RANEPA Sergei Myasoedov, graduates with foreign diplomas should return not just to an enterprise or a laboratory, but to a certain high position. “Otherwise, people from Harvard will end up in a semi-Soviet system of government, where they will shift papers,” Myasoedov is sure. Or they will be eager to leave as soon as possible. Tatiana Erlikh, after returning home, wants to work in the medical laboratory of the Research Institute of Pediatrics. She is interested in seeing Russian specific medical practice from the inside - perhaps improving it. She understands the salary level, but she is sure that she “secured herself with her international medical diploma,” nothing will prevent her from finding a job in another country after three years of working in her homeland.
