Why and who needs the MPE project, what will happen in its absence, all this is described in the relevant section, MPE Project - what is it? Here we will focus on its development.

Develop Draft MPE standards for IZA(sources of air pollution) on your own from scratch- long and difficult, but still Maybe. You will need attentiveness, patience, availability of calculation methods, MS Excel or equivalent and UPRZA (unified program for calculating air pollution). In addition, it is necessary to read and use the regulatory and methodical literature, because: the volume of reference data is huge and it is impossible to write an instruction that is completely suitable for each specific enterprise.

Creating an instruction, we meant that it would be used mainly by environmentalists of enterprises, so we skip questions on obtaining initial data (equipment characteristics, pipe heights, amount of fuel, etc.), all this can be requested or found in the documents.

Step 1. Inventory of air pollution sources (API)

To start it is necessary to determine the list of pollutant emission sources(pollutants) into the air. Decide on the type of sources: organized, unorganized, etc. Important to remember that almost any technological process leads to the release harmful substances in atmosphere! The list of sources in the Project must be exhaustive. In order not to miss anything, you can walk around the entire territory of the enterprise. In the section Draft MPE - what is it? given list of possible sources air pollution, if you have them, then include them in your calculations.

For organized sources, you will also need to know the height of the IZA, the diameter of the outlet, the outlet speed, the temperature of the gas-air mixture (DHW) and the exhaust system capacity (m3 / s).

All organized emission sources are assigned numbers from 1 to 5999, and all unorganized sources - from 6001. Accepted numbering cannot be changed during the next inventory.

When a new source appears, it is assigned a number that has not previously been used in reporting. When the source is liquidated (conserved), its number is not used in the future. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the Draft MPE standards for IZA are being developed on 7 years(with some exceptions), so it should include even those sources that are not functioning this year, but next, for example, will be.

For construction sites, the development of a draft MPE is also required., but the permit for the emission of pollutants is issued for the period of validity of the building permit.

If you have planned the introduction of new production or equipment appears on the balance sheet after the approval of the Project, then it is best to have them immediately take into account when developing otherwise it may require recalculation and new approval.

Source Inventory air pollution (API) may conduct the enterprise itself, or to involve third-party development organizations.

Step 2. Dealing with sources of air pollution (API)

After the inventory of the IZA, the information obtained on the number of process equipment, the time of its operation during the year and shift, the amount of materials consumed per year and per shift, the amount of fuel burned used in heat sources of emission, etc., will allow pollutant emission calculations by calculation methods.

Every year JSC "NII "Atmosfera" issues a "List of Methods Used to Calculate, Standardize and Control Emissions of Pollutants into the Atmospheric Air". It contains an industry list of calculation methods and software products based on them, the calculations for which are accepted by supervisory authorities.

Basically, calculation methods can be downloaded for free on the Internet, it is convenient to use special programs for calculations, but this is a paid pleasure.

Those who are just starting to do the first project at this stage may have many questions about emissions calculations and the methods themselves. If something is not clear or you can not find something, write to the email. mail or Vkontekte, us - Contacts, we will try to help you.

Step 3. Calculation of pollutant dispersion. Initial data option

On the basis of the obtained pollutant emission characteristics, it is necessary to calculate the dispersion of harmful (polluting) substances in the atmospheric air, taking into account the background and climatic parameters. It becomes incredibly difficult to carry out this work manually, and it is simply impossible for an unprepared person.

The only approved legally, a methodological document for carrying out such calculations was created back in Soviet times- this is OND-86"Methodology for calculating the concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises."

OND-86- the technique is very voluminous and complex, and it does not contain a clear algorithm for calculating the dispersion, but only gives recommendations for its implementation. That is why the so-called UPRZA- a unified program for calculating air pollution. Today, ecologists-developers use whole line existing UPRZA based on the provisions of OND-86 and recommended (mandatory!) GGO them. A.I. Voeikov and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

How to start working at UPRZA? First you need to make sure that you have all the necessary information. In addition to data on the enterprise, it is necessary to order reference data from Roshydromet on the climatic characteristics of the area (information on the prevailing wind speeds and directions, average temperatures in summer and winter, information on the temperature stratification coefficient of the atmosphere).

Climate data can be found independently in reference books, but not all supervisory authorities agree with this.

Creation of a variant of the initial data. The data obtained during the inventory of emission sources on the enterprise-user of nature and on sources must be entered into the program. This data includes the name, district, city and location of the enterprise. After entering information about the enterprise, we proceed to adding emission sources: enter the name of the source and select its type (organized, unorganized, etc.), set the height, temperature and diameter of the outlet of the source, if the source is organized, enter the parameters of the gas-air mixture, if unorganized is the width of the source.

Make sure that all substances emitted by the enterprise are present in the directory of substances and summation groups of the software package. If there are new substances in the emissions, use List and codes of pollutants and enter them into the program.

Enter information about the radius of the regulatory SPZ (this is necessary if the construction of the SPZ will be carried out not from the boundaries of the industrial site, but from emission sources). When introducing substances and their concentrations, pay attention to entering all the characteristics of gas treatment plants, if any.

Schematic map. When entering the coordinates of sources, you will need a map-scheme of the industrial site with sources on an integer scale, best of all already digitized and tied to the desired coordinate system. You can use maps created in AutoCAD for this, or you can draw a map based on a raster background directly in the built-in graphics module. In general, there are many ways to link cartographic material with the database (but you need to consider what formats your program supports), you can use the most convenient for you.

Step 4. Calculation of pollutant dispersion. Calculation option

The next operation is to create a variant. The new version has several tabs. Let's consider them in more detail.

First tab - Sources, substances, background. Having checked the presence of all substances introduced by us earlier in the sources of emissions, we enter information about the observation posts of background concentrations.

When should background be considered? In accordance with the Guidelines for the calculation, standardization and control of emissions of pollutants into the air. St. Petersburg, 2012, if the surface concentration of pollutants in the atmospheric air, formed by emissions of this substance by this business entity, does not exceed 0.1 MPC at the border of the nearest residential area in the zone of influence of emissions of a given subject, then accounting for background atmospheric pollution for this substance is not performed.

At the same time, in some regions (including in Perm) when conducting a sanitary and epidemiological examination, clause 4.2.2 is guided. SanPiN, according to which accounting for background concentrations is required for those substances whose surface concentration in the atmospheric air exceeds 0.1 MPC at the border of the production site.

Pay close attention to the background information provided. It is possible that the obtained concentrations of background pollution already include emissions from your enterprise - then they will be taken into account in the calculation at a double rate. It is necessary to exclude the contribution of your enterprise to background pollution before entering information about the observation post.

Second tab - Constants and weather parameters. In meteorological parameters, you can create your own set, but it is best to use the preset refined set. E1 and E2 are constants according to which sources are divided into defining and non-determining. By default, their values ​​are set to 0.01, and there is no point in changing these values. But the constant E3, which is responsible for the appropriateness of the calculation for each of the substances, is a rather controversial value.

  1. By default, it is set to 0,01 according to the recommendations of the GGO them. A.I. Voeikova
  2. However, developers Methodological guide believe that it is better to use the coefficient 0,1 .
  3. At the same time, Rosprirodnadzor, in its Information Letter on the Application of a Number of Sections of the Guidelines for the Calculation, Rationing and Control of Emissions of Pollutants into the Atmospheric Air, St. Petersburg, 2012, recommends taking E3 in the amount 0,05 .

Third tab - Points, sites, depositors, you first need to determine the number and coordinates of the calculated points. Dots must be created on the borders of the residential zone and the SPZ, as well as in the territories of zones with increased environmental requirements.

In the territories of zones with increased environmental requirements, the upper limit of the maximum surface concentrations should not exceed 0.8 MPC(according to SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas).

It is most correct to set the calculated points manually, carefully selecting the necessary points on the map-scheme. When setting the parameters of the calculation area, it is recommended to select not automatic, but a full description of the site. You will have to work hard for this, but the scatter maps will be excellent.

Select the calculation site so that all calculation points can be seen. For "hot" springs, the site is taken in size 40 pipe heights in all directions from the source. The inspectors recommend setting the grid step to no more than the size of the approximate SPZ.

After going to the "Contributors" tab and choosing the necessary options, do not forget to click on the contributor line to make a task for contributions.

Fourth tab - Calculation. Choose the calculation for the summer season as the most dangerous in terms of dispersion, unless your enterprise belongs to the category of thermal power. So, the preparatory work is completed and by pressing the coveted button "Make calculation", we can see the dispersion maps. Open a graphical representation of the results and use the "Print" button to save the resulting maps. By clicking the "Print Tables" button in the "Results" tab, you will receive a ready-made scatter calculation in tabular form.

We hope that the ground concentrations of substances of your enterprise did not violate the established norms!

Step 5. Explanatory note

After all the calculations from the programs, upload the results and form an explanatory note, it must include the following sections:

Annotation. The annotation to the draft MPE standards reflects the main results of the work carried out, indicating:

  1. total number pollutants emitted by the enterprise into the atmosphere;
  2. The number of types of substances with the effect of summation of harmful effects, for which emission standards have been developed;
  3. The number of sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere as a whole for the enterprise;
  4. Benchmarking, in the presence of the previous volume of MPE;
  5. The value of the gross emission of the enterprise.

Introduction. The introduction contains a list of the main documents on the basis of which the volume of MPE was developed.

General information about the enterprise. This section provides:

  1. The postal address of the enterprise, the number of industrial sites, the mutual location of the enterprise and characteristic objects adjacent to it - residential areas, industrial zones, forests, agricultural land, highways, etc.
  2. A map-scheme of the enterprise with sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere marked on it.
  3. Situational map-scheme of the area where the enterprise is located, indicating on it the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, residential area, recreation areas, air pollution monitoring posts.

Characteristics of the enterprise as a source of atmosphere. The section includes:

  1. Brief description of the production technology and process equipment (description of manufactured products, main feedstock, consumption of main and reserve fuel) in terms of air pollution. This takes into account the presence in the emissions of all pollutants formed in the technological process, as well as all chemical transformations of the emitted substances.
  2. A brief description of the existing gas treatment plants, an enlarged analysis of their technical condition and performance.
  3. Prospects for the development or technical re-equipment of the enterprise.
  4. The list of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere, in the form of a table.
  5. Characteristics of emergency releases (if any) in the form of a table. Also cited a brief description of conditions under which emergency and volley emissions are possible.
  6. Pollutant emission parameters for calculating MPE from organized and non-organized sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere.

Carrying out calculations and determining proposals for MPE standards. The composition of the section includes:

  1. The name of the program used to calculate air pollution.
  2. Meteorological characteristics and coefficients that determine the conditions for the dispersion of pollutants.
  3. The results of calculations of the level of atmospheric pollution for the current situation and taking into account the prospects for development, carried out in accordance with OND-86; maximum surface concentrations in the residential area and at the border of the sanitary protection zone; a list of sources that make the greatest contributions to the level of atmospheric pollution, in the form of a table.
  4. Proposals for ELV standards for each source and ingredient listed in the table. If the concentration of pollutants in the air of a settlement exceeds the MPC, an action plan is developed to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
  5. Indication of the size of the sanitary protection zone in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects."

Measures to control emissions under adverse meteorological conditions (NMU). This section should contain:

  1. Plan of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during periods of adverse meteorological conditions.
  2. General characteristics emissions of harmful substances during the NMU period.

Control over compliance with standards in the enterprise. Enterprises for which MPE (MPE) are established must organize a system of control over compliance with MPE (MPE). Control over compliance with MPE standards at the enterprise is divided into the following types:

  1. Control directly at the sources of emissions.
  2. Control of atmospheric air pollution at the border of the sanitary protection zone or in the residential zone of a settlement.

When monitoring compliance with MPE standards at the direct sources of pollution, a list of substances subject to control is included. A list of methods that are used or will be used in monitoring compliance with established emission standards is given. The schedule for monitoring compliance with MPE (MPE) standards at emission sources is drawn up in the form of a table.

Control over compliance with MPE standards for actual air pollution at specially selected control points is carried out only for large enterprises with a large number of sources of fugitive emissions. Control values ​​of surface concentrations of pollutants are drawn up in the form of a table.

Step 6. We hand over the Project for approval

You form, print out the Draft MPE standards for IZA and save a copy to electronic media.

In paper form we prepare:

  1. Explanatory note(from Step 5);
  2. IZA inventory;
  3. Justification of the completeness and reliability of the initial data adopted for the calculation of MPE;
  4. The results of dispersion calculations together with the dispersion fields of pollutants, with isolines of calculated concentrations plotted on them;
  5. Protocols of instrumental measurements at sources (if available);
  6. Letter on background concentrations from Roshydromet;
  7. Passports for fuel, passports for boilers, etc.

Depending on whether the enterprise belongs to the objects of federal or regional environmental control, the state body that issues permits for the emission of pollutants into the air changes. But in any case, the object undergoes a sanitary and epidemiological examination, is considered by Rospotrebnadzor and receives approved standards from the bodies of Rosprirodnadzor.

If the enterprise belongs to the objects of federal environmental supervision, then it is necessary agree separately measures to control emissions under adverse meteorological conditions ( NMU) in the regional environmental oversight body.

Draft MPE standards for API and approved standards for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere valid for 7 years.

For all questions, including if you need help or you want to order the development of draft MPE standards or calculations of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, write to us, our Contacts.

From the activities of each organization, regardless of the size, production and consumption wastes are generated. In law for each waste, waste passports must be developed and agreed, and the enterprise must also develop PNOOLR, or annually submit reports to the SMSP (reporting on waste for small and medium-sized businesses).


the standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air, which is established for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account the technical standards for emissions and background air pollution, provided that this source does not exceed hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric air quality, maximum permissible (critical) loads on ecological systems, other environmental standards (law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".)

Edwart. Terms and definitions for environmental protection, nature management and environmental safety. Dictionary, 2010

Maximum allowable emission of MPE

environmental standard: the mass of a substance in exhaust gases, the maximum allowable for emission into the atmosphere per unit of time, established from the condition that the content of a pollutant in the surface air layer from a source or set of sources should not exceed air quality standards (MAC) for the population, animals and flora (GOST The main values ​​of MPE - maximum one-time, control - are set under the condition of full load of process and gas cleaning equipment and their normal operation and should not be exceeded in any 20-minute time interval. The MPE standard has become a mandatory element of emission permits in environment issued by government agencies to enterprises, organizations, etc.

Edwart. Dictionary environmental terms and definitions, 2010


See what "THE PERMISSIBLE EMISSION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (MAP) the standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (pollutant) substance into the atmospheric air, which is set for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account technical standards for emissions and background ... ... Wikipedia

    - (a. limiting permissible blowout; n. Grenzwert des Auswurfs, Grenzwert der Emission, Emissionsgrenzwert; f. degagement limite admissible, projection limite admissible; i. desprendimiento maximo permisible) scientific. tech. standard, ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

    The amount of a pollutant emitted by an object into the environment per unit of time, the excess of which leads to adverse consequences for the natural environment in the adjacent territory (water area) or is dangerous to human health ... ... Emergencies Dictionary

    The standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air, which is established for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account the technical standards for emissions and background pollution ... ... Glossary of business terms

    emission limit- MPE A scientific and technical standard established from the condition that the content of pollutants in the surface air layer from a source or their combination does not exceed air quality standards for the population, flora and fauna. ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Emission limit- according to the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of atmospheric air, the standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmosphere ... Encyclopedia of Law

    EMISSION MAXIMUM- the standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air, which is established for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account the technical standards for emissions and background pollution ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

    emission limit- The mass of a pollutant emitted by a separate source per unit of time, the excess of which leads to violations of the environment and human health ... Geography Dictionary

    Emission limit- 20. Maximum permissible discharge D. Zulascige Emission E. Maximum permissible discharge F. Emission maximale admissible A scientific and technical standard established from the condition that the content of pollutants in the surface air layer from ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    emission limit- didžiausioji leidžiamoji tarša statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Iš vieno ar kelių taršos šaltinių per laiko vienetą išleistų kenksmingųjų medžiagų kiekis, neviršijantis koncentrijos ribijos. santrumpa(os) DLT… … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

Atmospheric air pollution means an increase in the concentrations of physical, chemical, biological components above the level that brings natural systems out of balance. The highest concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air, which exceed the maximum allowable concentrations by 2-5 times, and it is in these areas that their bulk accumulates on the soil and on the surface of water bodies.

There are two main sources of air pollution: natural and anthropogenic.

Natural sources are volcanoes, dust storms, forest fires, processes of decomposition of plants and animals. The most significant of the above pollutants are forest fires, especially in our time, when due to high temperatures they become rampant, especially in summer.

The main anthropogenic sources of pollution include enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, transport, various machine-building enterprises, and heavy industry enterprises.

The most significant of them:

1. Thermal power plants pollute the atmosphere with emissions that contain sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot, dust and ash, which contain salts of heavy metals.

2. Ferrous metallurgy plants, which include blast furnace, steelmaking, rolling production, sinter plants, coke plants, etc.

3. non-ferrous metallurgy, which pollutes the atmosphere with compounds of non-ferrous and heavy metals, mercury vapor, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbohydrates, etc.

4. Mechanical engineering and metalworking. Emissions from these enterprises contain aerosols of non-ferrous and heavy metal compounds, including mercury vapor.

The oil refining and petrochemical industry is a source of atmospheric pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrocarbons and benzopyrene.

5. Enterprises of organic chemistry. Emissions of a large amount organic matter which have a complex chemical composition, hydrochloric acid, heavy metal compounds, contain soot and dust.

6. Enterprises inorganic chemistry. Air emissions from these enterprises contain oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, phosphorus compounds, free chlorine, and hydrogen sulfide.

7. Motor transport. The geographical patterns of the distribution of pollutants that come from it are very complex and are determined not only by the configuration of the highway network and the intensity of vehicles, but also by a large number of intersections where vehicles stop for a certain time with the engines on. The number of vehicles worldwide is 630 million units.

Environmental pollution by motor vehicles is one of the most unsafe for human health, because exhaust gases enter the atmosphere, where their dispersion is difficult. Car exhaust gases contain a large amount of nitrogen oxide, unburned carbons, aldehydes and soot, as well as carbon monoxide.

Industrial emissions have a negative impact on human health, destroy materials and equipment, reduce the productivity of forestry and agriculture.

Unfortunately, the created effective production technologies are not used in most enterprises because of their high cost, and sometimes, because of the neglect of the environmental problem.

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are characterized by four features: by state of aggregation, chemical composition, particle size, and mass flow rate of the ejected material. Pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere in the form of dust, smoke, fog, steam and gaseous substances. The most common pollutants entering the atmospheric air from man-made sources are: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, dust, carbon monoxide - the most common and most significant atmospheric impurity, commonly called carbon monoxide. The content of CO in natural conditions is from 0.01 to 0.2 mg. m 3, but in major cities its content ranges from 1-210 mgm3. the highest concentration is observed on the streets and squares of cities with heavy traffic, especially at intersections. Its share is more than 50% of the total emissions.

Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. Up to 70% of its emissions are formed as a result of combustion of emissions, fuel oil - about 15%.


For a quantitative assessment of the content of impurities in the atmosphere, the concept of concentration is used - the amount of a substance contained in a unit volume of air, reduced to normal conditions.

The amount of atmospheric air is a combination of its properties that determine the degree of impact of physical, chemical, biological factors on people, flora and fauna, as well as on materials, structures and the environment as a whole. The quality of atmospheric air is considered satisfactory if the content of impurities in it does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) - the maximum concentration of impurities in the atmosphere, referred to a certain averaging time, which, during periodic exposure or throughout a person’s life, does not affect him or the environment in general, direct or indirect effects, including long-term effects. Direct exposure refers to the application of a temporary irritant effect to the human body, causing a sensation of smell, cough, headache. With the accumulation of harmful substances in the body above the specified dose, pathological changes in individual organs or the body as a whole may occur. Indirect impact refers to such changes in the environment that, without adversely affecting living organisms, worsen normal living conditions: green spaces are affected, the number of foggy days increases.

The main criterion for establishing MPC standards for assessing the quality of atmospheric air is the impact of pollutants contained in the air on the human body.

To assess the quality of atmospheric air, two MPC categories have been established: maximum one-time (MPCm.r) and average daily (MPCs.s).

MPCm.r - the main characteristics of the danger of a harmful substance. It was established to prevent reflex reactions in humans with short-term exposure to atmospheric impurities. According to this standard, substances that have an odor or act on individual sensory organs are evaluated.

MPCs.s - established to prevent general toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic and other effects of a substance on the human body. Substances evaluated according to this standard have the ability to temporarily or permanently accumulate in the human body.

By the beginning of 1999, about 1,000 substances were estimated according to MPC standards, but dozens of new, little-studied substances are added to this number every year, most of which are harmful to humans, animals and plants.

The list of substances, the content of which is normalized, therefore, is constantly updated. Temporary standards for MPCs for pollutants in the air for woody vegetation (MPCs) have been established.

If substances have a harmful effect on the environment in lower concentrations than on a person, then when rationing based on the threshold of the effect of this substance on the environment. Exposure to substances for which MPCs have not been established is assessed at the indicative safe level of exposure to an air pollutant (SLI) - a temporary hygienic standard for an air pollutant.

MPC standards for atmospheric air are single for the territory of a single country. MPCs set in other countries may differ. For example, in the USA, MPC for SO2 is 0.75 mgm3, and in Ukraine - 0.5 mgm3, the established norms in each country are regulated by international organizations for the protection of health, the environment and various international organizations. For sanitary protection zones, resorts and recreation areas, MPCs are set at 20% less than for residential regions.

Violation of the established norms is prosecuted by the law, which provides for a certain punishment. Such laws exist in every country, since it has been established that the constant excess of the permissible concentration of at least one of the regulated substances leads to an increase in the incidence by 1.7 times, and in some age groups up to three times. Atmospheric pollution also has a direct impact on buildings and decorations, monuments, etc. In accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation, environmental quality is standardized in order to establish maximum permissible environmental impact standards, which guarantee environmental safety and the preservation of the genetic fund, ensure the rational use and restoration natural resources subject to the sustainable development of economic activity.


For each projected and operating facility that is a stationary source of air pollution, standards for maximum permissible emissions (MAE) of pollutants into the atmospheric air are established. MPE is established from the condition that emissions of harmful substances from a given source in combination with other sources do not create a surface concentration exceeding the MPC outside the sanitary protection zone: С+Сf(

C is the concentration of the substance in the surface layer from the calculated source while maintaining the MPE standards;

Cf is the background concentration of the same substance.

If at a given enterprise or a group of enterprises located in a given region, the MPE value for objective reasons cannot be immediately achieved, a temporarily agreed emission (TSV) is established. The VVS standard is set for the period of development and organization of air protection measures that ensure the achievement of MPE standards. The period of validity of the MPE is set for 5 years. When new industries appear, the existing ones are reconstructed, the technological process or the type of raw materials used are changed, and in other cases, the MPE standards are revised.

For each city, on the basis of the MPE standards of enterprises and the background composition of atmospheric air, city-wide MPE standards are developed, in accordance with which individual MPEs of enterprises can be revised downward.

MPE is set for each stationary source on the basis that the total emission from all sources of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account the prospects for development, will not lead to exceeding the MPC standards in the surface layer. MPE is set for full load conditions of process and gas cleaning equipment and their normal operation. MPE must not be exceeded in any 20 minute period. For small sources, it is advisable to establish MPE from their totality with their preliminary combination into an area or point source. MPE is determined for each substance separately, including in the case of the summation of the harmful effects of several substances.

Based on the results of the calculation of MPE standards for each stationary source of emissions, the maximum emission of enterprises as a whole is established. MPE is set taking into account the background concentrations of the energetically reliable maximum concentration. It is a characteristic of atmospheric pollution and is defined as a concentration value that is exceeded in no more than 6% of cases from the total number of observations. The background concentration characterizes the total concentration created by all sources located in a given territory.

The establishment of MPE for a source is preceded by the determination of its zone of influence.

For enterprises and sources, the zones of influence of which are entirely located within the city, where the total concentration from all sources is less than the MPC.

The emission values ​​used in the calculations are taken as ELVs.

To obtain information about the state of the air basin, a network of control points and stations has been created. An inventory of emissions is regularly carried out - accounting for the main sources of air pollution, the amount and composition of emissions.


Each country has a system for controlling the amount of substances emitted into the atmosphere. This is done so that the number of emissions does not exceed the established limits.

Atmospheric air monitoring - monitoring its condition and warning of critical situations that are harmful or dangerous to the health of people, animals and plants. To ensure control in developed countries, automatic air pollution control systems (APCS) have been created.

Tasks to be solved by ASKZV: automatic observation and registration of concentrations in order to determine the actual state of the air basin; taking urgent measures to combat pollution; pollution level forecast; development of recommendations for improving the state of the environment. ASKZV are designed to measure the concentrations of one or more elements: SO2, CO, NOx, O3, H2S, NH, suspended solids, as well as to determine humidity, temperature, wind speed and direction. ASCV operate at the level of enterprises, cities, regions, at the national and international levels.

The standard for the emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air is a standard established for mobile and stationary sources of emissions, technological processes and equipment, reflecting the maximum allowable mass of the emission of each substance into the atmosphere per unit of production, equipment capacity, mileage of vehicles or other mobile funds, etc.

For the purpose of state regulation of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air, the following emission standards are envisaged:

  • technical standard for the emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air;
  • maximum allowable emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air

Technical emission standards for stationary sources of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air and technological processes are established by Rostekhnadzor.

Technical emission standards for equipment, as well as for all types of mobile sources of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air, are established by state standards Russian Federation, and in their absence until the moment of adoption - by Rostekhnadzor.

The maximum allowable emission (MAE) should be understood as:

  • the standard for the maximum permissible emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air, established for a stationary source of pollution, taking into account the technical standards for emissions and background air pollution, provided that this source does not exceed hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric air quality and maximum permissible (critical) loads on ecological systems;
  • standard that specifies the mass of a substance emitted per unit of time (g/si t/g), which ensures compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the air of populated areas ( MPCmr etc.) under the most unfavorable conditions for dispersion.
  • GOST defines the maximum allowable emission (MAE) as the amount of a harmful substance emitted into the atmosphere per unit of time, which is not allowed to be exceeded by an enterprise or other source of atmospheric air pollution.

When pollutants enter the atmospheric air together, the following types of their effects on the human body can occur:

  • independent action of substances;
  • summation (additivity) of impacts, when substances have the same type of impact, summed up proportionally to the concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air and inversely proportional to their maximum allowable concentrations;
  • oversummation or potentiation (synergism), when the mutual influence of substances enhances the effect of summation;
  • antagonism or inhibition, when there is a decrease in the effect of one or more substances as a result of their mutual influence, i.e. the summation effect is reduced.

Temporarily agreed emission (TSV) should be understood as a temporary limit for the emission of a harmful (polluting) substance into the atmospheric air, which is set for existing stationary sources of emissions, taking into account the quality of the atmospheric air and the socio-economic conditions for the development of the relevant territory in order to gradually achieve the established maximum allowable emission.

The basis for establishing a temporarily agreed emission (TSV) of a pollutant into the atmosphere may be:

  • exceeding the background concentration of a pollutant at the location of a small enterprise over the maximum allowable concentrations of MPC);
  • the presence of objective technical or economic reasons that do not allow the enterprise to achieve the maximum permissible emissions (MAE) at the present time.

The development of maximum allowable and temporarily agreed emissions is provided by a legal entity that has stationary sources of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air, based on:

  • project documentation (in relation to commissioning of new and (or) reconstructed objects of economic and other activities) and
  • inventory data of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air (in relation to existing objects of economic and other activities).

The development of draft standards for maximum permissible emissions (MAE) of pollutants into the atmosphere is based on the application of the following basic rules:

Rule 1 Each business entity that is a source of atmospheric air pollution is required to have an agreed draft of MPE standards.

Rule 2 The MPE standard is set for each pollutant (or summation group) for each source of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and for the enterprise as a whole. For fugitive emissions and a combination of small single sources (ventilation emissions from one production facility, from one indoor or outdoor installation, aeration lamps, ventilation shafts, etc.), a total MPE is established.

Rule 3 The MPE standard should set the volume of substance release per unit of time at which the emissions of the source under consideration, together with emissions from other sources of the city, should not create ground concentrations in the area of ​​the enterprise's impact that exceed the MPC.

Rule 4 If the background concentration of a pollutant in the atmospheric air in the area of ​​the enterprise location exceeds the established MPCs and the values ​​of the MPE standard cannot be achieved at the time of project development for objective reasons, then a phased reduction in emissions is introduced. For each stage, temporarily agreed emissions (TSE) are established with a focus on the level of emissions from existing enterprises - analogues with the best environmental performance. The VVS is established for a certain period with the development of a schedule of measures to achieve MPE standards.

Rule 5 When setting the standard for MPE and the limit of the VST, the following should be taken into account:

  • physiographic and climatic features of the area;
  • location of industrial sites;
  • location of existing residential development sites, sanatoriums, recreation areas of the city;
  • prospects for the development of the enterprise, the adjacent residential area and industrial zone;
  • values ​​of background concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air.

Rule 6 Increasing the height of the pipes in order to improve the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere to reduce the level of ground concentrations is allowed only after applying all available modern means to reduce emissions.

The air quality criterion used in setting the standard for maximum allowable emissions into the atmosphere sets the mandatory ratio between ground concentrations of pollutants, taking into account the background, and maximum allowable concentrations. For pollutants of independent action, their maximum concentration Сi Sif(at a distance of up to two meters from the surface of the earth) should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration MPCi, i.e. Сi + Сif less than or equal to MPCi or

The atmospheric air quality criterion used in setting the standard for maximum allowable emissions into the atmosphere sets the mandatory ratio between surface concentrations of pollutants, taking into account the background, and maximum allowable concentrations. For pollutants belonging to the summation group ("iIIgr.s"), their concentrations Сi in the surface layer of the atmosphere, taking into account the background Sif

The atmospheric air quality criterion used in setting the standard for maximum allowable emissions into the atmosphere sets the mandatory ratio between surface concentrations of pollutants, taking into account the background, and maximum allowable concentrations. For pollutants belonging to the group of incomplete summation or potentiation, their concentrations Сi in the surface layer of the atmosphere, taking into account the background Sif and the established coefficient of combined (joint) action Ksd must satisfy the following condition:

To establish standards for maximum allowable emissions, maximum one-time maximum allowable concentrations are used MPCimr. In the absence of established maximum one-time concentrations, it is allowed to evaluate them according to the values ​​​​of average daily maximum allowable concentrations MPKiss how

Information on background concentrations of pollutants in the atmospheric air must be requested from the State Hydrometeorological Committee of the Russian Federation. The request for an inquiry on background air pollution shall indicate:

  1. The requesting organization, its departmental affiliation, postal address.
  2. The area for which you want to determine the background value.
  3. The name of the enterprise for which the background is requested, indicating whether this enterprise is being designed, under construction, operating, reconstructing.
  4. Description of the position of the industrial site of the enterprise on the plan (map-scheme) of the city and the address of this enterprise. In the case when an enterprise has several industrial sites or a request is made for a group of enterprises, all information is indicated for each industrial site.
  5. List of harmful substances emitted by enterprises (objects).
  6. The estimated period for which the background is requested, the timing of the commissioning of the first stage of construction and the development of the enterprise at full capacity

Rationing in the field of environmental protection is carried out for the purpose of state regulation of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment, which guarantees the preservation of a favorable environment and environmental safety.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 19 federal law dated 01/10/2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection" (as amended on 06/25/2012) standardization in the field of environmental protection consists in establishing environmental quality standards, standards for permissible environmental impact in the course of economic and other activities, other standards in the field of environmental protection, as well as regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection.

One of the types of allowable impact standards established for users of natural resources are emission limits(PDV).

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 14 of the Federal Law of 04.05.1999 No. 96-FZ “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” (as amended on 25.06.2012; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 96-FZ) emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air (hereinafter referred to as emission) by stationary source is allowed on the basis of a permit issued by the territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of environmental protection, in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

It should be taken into account that the approval of MPE standards and the issuance of emission permits are two different administrative procedures that require time.

According to paragraph 10 of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of public services for issuing permits for emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air (with the exception of radioactive substances), approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated July 25, 2011 No. 650 (hereinafter - Administrative regulations), in order to obtain a permit for emissions in the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor, the application must be accompanied by, among other things, the duly approved and current standards of MPE and temporarily agreed emissions (TSV) for each specific stationary source of emissions and the business entity as a whole ( including its individual production areas) or by individual production areas.

Thus, it can be concluded that if an enterprise has stationary (organized and unorganized) sources of emissions, it is obliged to obtain an emission permit. And an enterprise can obtain this permit only on the basis of approved MPE standards.

The obligations of legal entities with stationary sources of emissions are listed in Art. 30 of Federal Law No. 96-FZ. One of these responsibilities is to ensure that the inventory of emissions and the development of ELVs.

MPE are established by the territorial bodies of the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection for a specific stationary source of emissions and their totality (organization as a whole).

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 12 of Federal Law No. 96-FZ, in the event that it is impossible for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs with emission sources to comply with the MPE, the territorial bodies of the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection may establish for such sources of ESM in agreement with the territorial bodies of other federal executive bodies.

Our dictionary. Emission limit(MPE) - the maximum allowable emission standard, which is set for a stationary source of atmospheric air pollution, taking into account the technical standards for emissions and background air pollution, provided that this source does not exceed hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric air quality, maximum permissible (critical) loads on environmental systems, other environmental regulations.

Temporarily agreed release(TSV) is a temporary emission limit, which is set for existing stationary sources of emissions, taking into account the quality of atmospheric air and the socio-economic conditions for the development of the relevant territory in order to gradually achieve the established maximum allowable emission.

Therefore, in order to find out whether the company is obliged to fulfill the obligations established by Art. 30 of Federal Law No. 96-FZ, it is necessary to determine whether the enterprise has sources of emissions that are stationary objects of negative impact.

Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Procedure for maintaining state accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment by the territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Appendix to the Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 24, 2005 No. 867) give the following definitions of stationary and mobile objects of negative impact:

  • stationary object of negative impact— an object from which pollutants are emitted (discharged) into the environment, firmly connected with the ground, i.e. an object, the movement of which is impossible without disproportionate damage to its purpose, an object for the placement of production and consumption waste, as well as an explosion;
  • mobile objects of negative impact- vehicles, aircraft, sea vessels, inland navigation vessels equipped with engines running on gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, liquefied (compressed) petroleum or natural gas.

To date, state accounting of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of emissions, and the amount and composition of emissions (hereinafter referred to as state accounting) is carried out by Rosprirodnadzor in accordance with the Procedure for State Registration of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs with Sources of Emissions of Harmful (Polluting) Substances into the Atmospheric air, as well as the amount and composition of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated October 26, 2011 No. 863 (hereinafter referred to as the Accounting Procedure). It should be noted that there are no definitions of mobile and stationary sources of emissions in the Accounting Procedure.

At the same time, in sub. "b" of clause 7 of the Accounting Procedure lists information (data) on emission sources that must be indicated when registering with the state. So, when submitting information about a mobile source of emissions, you must specify:

  • type of mobile emission source (air transport, water transport, rail transport, road transport);
  • registration number mobile source;
  • environmental class of the vehicle;
  • type and consumption of fuel (by type) by a mobile source (air transport, water transport, rail transport, road transport).

Thus, the main criterion for determining a mobile facility today is operation on a certain type of fuel, and the calculation of the fee for emissions of mobile facilities is based on the volume of fuel used. Mobile emission sources include various vehicles. Mobile installations used on the territory of the enterprise are mainly classified as stationary sources of emissions.

After determining the presence of operated stationary sources of emissions on the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to find out whether these sources are subject to state accounting and regulation.

Order No. 579 of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated December 31, 2010 approved the Procedure for Establishing Sources of Emissions of Harmful (Polluting) Substances into the Atmospheric Air Subject to State Accounting and Standardization (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) and the List of Harmful (Polluting) Substances Subject to State Accounting and Standardization (hereinafter referred to as the List ).

To sources of emissions subject to state accounting and regulation, include sources of emissions from which harmful (polluting) substances are emitted into the air, subject to state accounting and regulation. In turn, harmful (polluting) substances specified in the List, as well as harmful (polluting) substances not included in the List, that meet one of the following criteria are subject to state registration and regulation:

  • the emission hazard indicator, established in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Procedure, is greater than or equal to 0.1;
  • surface concentrations of emissions exceed 5% of the hygienic (environmental) air quality standard.

So, if emissions from stationary sources of an enterprise contain substances specified in the List or corresponding to one of the above criteria, i.e. subject to state accounting and rationing, then in this case it is necessary to develop a draft MPE, approve the MPE (MPE) standards and obtain an emission permit.

Within the framework of this article, the issue of developing a draft MPE will not be considered. No less interesting is the question of the actions of the enterprise after the development of this project.

After the draft MPE has been developed, it must be agreed upon, the standards for MPE (MPE) should be established, and an emission permit should be obtained. The enterprise should have an idea of ​​how long the approvals may take and on the basis of which the enterprise may be refused.

To date, regulations the procedure for establishing MPE standards is not regulated. Thus, the deadline for approval and the grounds for refusing to approve the draft MPE are also not established.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the standards for emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.03.2000 No. 183 (as amended on 04.09.2012), the maximum allowable emissions for a particular stationary source of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air and the legal entity as a whole or its individual production areas, taking into account all sources of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the atmospheric air of this legal entity or its individual production areas, background air pollution and technical standards emissions are established by the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor (with the exception of radioactive substances) in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of these maximum permissible emissions with sanitary rules.

According to paragraph 6 of the Procedure for organizing and conducting sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments, approved by Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated 07/19/2007 No. 224 (as amended on 08/12/2010), term for sanitary and epidemiological examinations at the request of a citizen, individual entrepreneur, legal entity is determined depending on the type and scope of research of a particular type of product, type of activity, work, services and cannot exceed two months.

Further, on the basis of an expert opinion, the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. The term for issuing a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion is also not regulated. Therefore, according to the Model Regulations for the internal organization of federal executive bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2005 No. 452 (as amended on December 27, 2012), the deadline for issuing a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is 30 days.

MPE and VVS standards are established by the territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor (with the exception of radioactive substances) for a specific stationary source of emissions and their totality (organization as a whole).

According to clause 8.13 of the Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, approved by the Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated 06/29/2007 No. 191 (as amended on 10/15/2009), the response to the applicant is sent by the head (deputy head) of the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor within 30 days from the date of registration appeals to Rosprirodnadzor, unless a different period is specified in the order. If necessary, the term for consideration of the application can be extended by the head of the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor, but not more than 30 days, while informing the applicant and indicating the reasons for the extension.

Thus, according to the general procedure for handling issues related to the activities of Rosprirodnadzor, the deadline for approval of MPE standards is 30 days(may be extended by the head of Rosprirodnadzor for 30 days).

On a note. The draft MPE is being developed in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises (OND-86) (approved by the USSR State Hydrometeorological Committee on 04.08.1986 No. 192), GOST “Nature Protection. Atmosphere. Rules for Establishing Permissible Emissions of Harmful Substances by Industrial Enterprises”, Recommendations on the Design and Content of Draft Standards for Maximum Permissible Emissions into the Atmosphere (MAE) for an Enterprise (approved by the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology on August 28, 1987) and other legal and methodological documents.

Since the legislation does not establish grounds for refusing to approve a draft MPE, it means that if the draft MPE is completed in accordance with the requirements of the documents listed above and has received a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, then the refusal to establish MPE is unlawful.

After receiving a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the draft MPE, approval of the MPE (MPE) standards, the enterprise applies to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor or the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to obtain an emission permit.

In accordance with the Administrative Regulations, the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor makes a decision to issue or refuse to issue an emission permit within a period not exceeding 30 working days.

The basis for refusal to issue permits for emissions is the presence of distorted information or false information in the applicant's materials. No other grounds for refusal to issue emission permits have been established.

In conclusion, I answer the question that nature users ask most often: “And what threatens us if we do not develop a draft MPE and do not receive an emission permit?” In the absence of permits, emissions may be limited, suspended or terminated in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, according to Art. 31 of Federal Law No. 96-FZ, persons guilty of violating the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection bear criminal, administrative and other liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

So, according to Art. 8.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the release of harmful substances into the atmospheric air or harmful physical effects on it without a special permit entails imposition of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens - from 2000 to 2500 rubles;
  • for officials - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • for legal entities - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

E.N. Kolchina, ecologist-expert of Bravo Soft Group of Companies
