A variety of mental characteristics are manifested in human behavior and activity. Some of them are not essential, do not affect human behavior and activities. Others are significant in a certain respect, but do not matter for all human behavior (for example, features of perception, attention, memory, etc.).

In the human psyche, there is also such a set of stable essential properties, which is manifested in all types of activity.

Character - general methods of interaction with the environment acquired in specific social conditions, which constitute the type of its life activity.

Translated from the Greek, the word "character" means "to draw", "to leave an imprint", and in a figurative meaning - clearly expressed general features of behavior.

The originality of the character of each person is determined by:

    • its direction (stable sphere of personality) and
    • features of the implementation of activities - volitional qualities.

Motivational sphere of personality

This sphere of personality combines the dominant needs, feelings, attitudes, drives, interests, desires, ideals, beliefs, and worldview of a given personality.

A wide system of views, ideas and concepts about the surrounding reality, knowledge of its main interrelationships is the highest motivational and orientational basis of personality behavior - its worldview. The peculiarities of the worldview as the most important characterological property of a person is the degree of his awareness, integrity and scientific character. A developed worldview is an indicator of personality maturity.

The worldview is associated with the formation of a belief system - a stable motivational education, in which knowledge is synthesized with feelings, with deep faith in them.

Beliefsis knowledge that has become the principle of activity.

Relationships of a person are formed on the basis of his knowledge, ideas, life experience. Thus, the experience of a person, the system of his knowledge is the most important substructure of character.

Features of the implementation of activities

Another substructure of character is a variety of generalized skills of behavior and activity.

Many forms of personality behavior are habitual, stereotypical - expressive movements, manners, memorized phrases. Habits tend to be spontaneous. Initially, certain actions are prompted by some reason, and then these actions are performed spontaneously, due to the formed need for them. In some cases, negative habits are associated with immoral behavior of a person.

Traits and types of character

Character is an individual-typological combination of value orientations and regulatory personality traits.


    1. character traits - expressed in certain general features of behavior;
    2. type of character - expressed in general ways of interacting with the environment.

Character traits

Diverse character traits are combined into the following groups:

    • strong-willed;
    • emotional;
    • intellectual.

Strong-willed character traits

Strong-willed character traits - These are stable individual-typological features of the conscious, conceptually-mediated regulation of activity and behavior. These include:

    1. purposefulness,
    2. independence,
    3. determination,
    4. persistence, etc.

Purposefulness - the ability to bring to the fore those motives of behavior that are associated with the basic principles and goals of the individual.

Independence - the ability to subdue behavior own views, principles and beliefs, it is relative independence from the diversity of requirements of various small groups; critical appraisal of advice and guidance.

Decisiveness is the ability in difficult, conflicting circumstances to make a well-grounded, sustainable decision in a timely manner and enforce it.

Persistence is the ability to achieve a set goal through overcoming significant difficulties, endurance to mental and physical stress, a persistent attitude to failures and even defeats, persistent search for new means of achieving a previously set goal.

Endurance and composure - the ability to control your behavior in difficult conflict conditions, the ability to refrain from unnecessary actions, to restrain your emotions and feelings, to prevent impulsive actions, to regulate your mood, not to lose your presence of mind in difficult and even dangerous situations, to endure hardships, failures, physical suffering ...

Courage - the ability to self-control in dangerous situations, willingness and ability to achieve goals, despite the danger,

Courage is the ability to show courage in extremely life-threatening conditions, readiness for the sake of achieving lofty goals for self-sacrifice.

Discipline - the ability to subordinate behavior to rules, norms, requirements of society as a whole and individual social groups; the ability to exert great effort to best meet these requirements.

Emotional character traits

Emotional character traits are stable individual-typological features of direct, spontaneous regulation of behavior.

Natures differ in emotional qualities:

    • emotionally impressionable (increased emotional reactivity);
    • sentimental (increased passive-contemplative emotionality);
    • passionate, expressive (increased emotionality associated with violent, impetuous activity);
    • low-emotional (emotions do not play a significant role in activity).

The most important emotional feature is the prevailing mood of a person, his emotional stability,

Along with emotions, personality traits are determined by the characteristics of feelings. The breadth and depth of stable feelings, their effectiveness and harmonious combination with the intellectual and volitional sphere is the most important characterological feature of the personality.

Intellectual traits

Intellectual traits - These are stable individual-typological features of mental abilities.

In terms of intellectual qualities, natures differ with a theoretical or practical mindset, with varying degrees of flexibility and depth of intellect, the speed of thought processes, with a different ability to creatively transform the elements of experience; to independence in the formulation and solution of new problems.

Qualities characterizing the intellectual makeup of the personality:

    1. productivity of mind, its originality, clarity and others, that is, general intellectual endowments;
    2. mastery of generalized ways of thinking, and
    3. stable intellectual focus personalities - curiosity, prudence, thoughtfulness, etc.

In the variety of characters, one can single out what is in the foreground for a given personality:

    1. predisposition to rational activity, thoughtfulness, discretion, accuracy, a developed sense of duty and pride;
    2. the predominance of the volitional side of the psyche, manifested in an increased ability to control oneself in difficult life situations or in increased activity;
    3. lack of initiative, susceptibility to suggestion, instability of relationships, the predominance of vital, organic needs and related drives;
    4. emotional impulsivity, expressiveness, increased mobility of emotions, desires and aspirations at an average level of development;
    5. increased emotional susceptibility, impressiveness, accompanied by signs of weak-willedness, decreased adaptation to changing conditions;
    6. increased expansiveness, striving for positive-emotional situations, carelessness, increased sociability and speech activity;
    7. increased external activity on an insufficiently formed motivational-orientational basis, inflexibility of behavior, instability of decisions made and inability to long-term volitional efforts.

These features are, of course, schematized. In some people they are very pronounced, in others they are less pronounced, in many they are presented in various combinations.

Character types

    1. Harmoniously holistic typewell adaptable in various situations. This type of character is distinguished by the stability of relations and at the same time high adaptability to environment... A person with this type of character does not have internal conflicts, his desires coincide with what he does. This is a sociable, strong-willed, principled person.
    2. Internally conflicting typebut outwardly consistent with the environment. This type of character is distinguished by an inconsistency between internal motives and external behavior, which, in accordance with the requirements of the environment, is carried out with great tension. A person with this type of character is prone to impulsive actions, but these actions are constantly restrained by volitional efforts. The system of his relations is stable, communicative properties are well developed.
    3. Conflict type with reduced adaptation... This type of character is distinguished by a conflict between emotional motives and social responsibilities, impulsivity, the predominance of negative emotions, and the underdevelopment of communicative properties.
    4. Variable type, adapting to any conditions as a result of instability of positions, lack of principle. This type of character indicates a low level of personality development, the absence of a stable general mode of behavior.

So, character is a general regulatory personality trait that is formed in the corresponding living conditions. The basis of character education is the system of influences on the orientation of the personality and the corresponding organization of the ways of human life.

The character of a person is formed gradually, in the process of active systematic activity. However, significant changes in character sometimes occur in leaps and bounds, as a result of mental shocks, in a difficult conflict situation. Character is especially evident in critical circumstances.

Many successful people one feature unites: strong-willed character. A strong-willed person has firm principles and ideals, but he is open to new things and is ready to adapt to unfamiliar situations. If you want to become a strong-willed person, be patient and tune in to work - developing the necessary qualities in yourself requires the same effort as working on your body in the gym. Understand what you believe in, live by your principles, and develop the endurance that will enable you to face any challenge.


How to understand yourself

    Calm your mind. A person with a strong spirit must have a clean mind. Learn to let go of unnecessary anxieties, get rid of distractions, and focus on what's important. If you find yourself worrying about little things again, take a deep breath and mentally return to what you want to think about.

    Find out what gives you pleasure. Think about when you felt happy or content and why. Then consider why the experience was enjoyable. Try to reproduce these situations as often as possible. Ask questions about yourself to loved ones. Ask them how they would describe you when you are happy and what they think makes you happy. This information will help you learn something new about yourself.

    • For example, if you enjoyed working as a tutor, try to help others and share your knowledge more often.
  1. Find out what motivates you. Think about what pushes you forward and helps you keep your hands on everyday life... If you find yourself more often than not just trying to get through the day, consider what you would do with your time if you didn't have to worry about current issues like money.

    • Motivating factors can be related to your values. For example, if you value friendship, you will be motivated to spend more time with the friends you have and meet new people.
  2. Set long-term goals for yourself. Having a purpose in life before your eyes will make it easier for you to be a strong-willed person, to overcome difficulties and solve problems. Set goals for yourself that will guide your life. Try to think of at least a rough plan for the next five years.

    • List several goals that you would like to achieve in the coming years. For example, you may decide to complete your studies, find a job, or learn Italian.
    • To make it easier to achieve goals, surround yourself with people who also have goals. Chat with mentors with whom you can discuss your dreams.
  3. Consider achievable short-term goals. When will you have general idea about what you want to do, break down your long-term goals into smaller ones. This will make your goals less daunting and make it easier for you to go where you want to go.

    • Set SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that describes what goals should be: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. For example, the goal of "finding a job" can be broken down into several small goals: writing a resume, doing an internship, getting additional education.
    • Give yourself plenty of time to reach your goals. Time frames should be realistic and should take into account recreation, entertainment and possible contingencies.
  4. Learn to recognize other people's motives. To feel confident in your opinions and decisions, you need to learn how to perceive other people correctly. If a person inspires trust and respect, listen carefully, but do not follow the lead of selfish people who are driven by their personal motives.

How to overcome challenges with personal strength

  1. Look at your problems from the outside. Don't overblow problems. Thinking about catastrophic consequences, blaming yourself, and jumping to conclusions can undermine mental health. Try to be realistic about the situation.

    • To make it easier to control what is happening, challenge your thoughts from time to time. Consider if you have enough evidence to support a particular thought. Decide if you are really looking at the situation objectively.
    • For example, if you failed to perform in front of an audience of 100 people, you may decide that you have failed and that you should not perform any more. If this is the case, remind yourself that many people have bad performances and that this is not the end of the world.
    • Try talking to a close friend or counselor to see things differently. This person will not be emotionally involved in your situation and will be able to be objective. This will give you new information to think about.
    • The tone of your inner monologue can be negative, so watch it. If you find yourself constantly telling yourself something negative, replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.
    • Instead of, "Why even try?" - tell yourself this: "Today I will try to do it a little differently."
    • The people you interact with can have a big influence on your thoughts. If people around you often allow yourself negative statements, try to spend less time with them so that they do not hinder your development.
  2. Accept that discomfort is normal. Getting out of your comfort zone requires persistence and strength, but this is the only way to achieve a new level. Set goals for yourself that are slightly beyond your skill level. Accept the inevitability of failure and practice doing things without expecting a specific result. Discomfort, setbacks, and insecurities are perfectly normal and even beneficial for personal development.

    • To develop your ability to overcome difficulties, sign up for a public speaking club or for challenging workouts.
  3. Do not give up. If something matters to you, do not give up, even if it is difficult for you and if you have already suffered defeat. Go to your goal, even if you are still far from it. Try to take at least one small step forward every day.

    • For example, if you are having trouble getting the job you want, try temporarily working elsewhere and taking evening classes in the area you want to work in.
    • If you decide that a goal or task is no longer worth the effort, be prepared to give it up, but at the same time be honest with yourself. Give up a goal just because it no longer aligns with your values \u200b\u200band aspirations, not because it is too difficult.


Everyone is familiar with the state of mobilization of will and its weakening. We either experience decline, weakening of will, then we mobilize our efforts and show perseverance, strength. Some forms of behavior become habitual over time and transform into character traits.
A strong-willed person has a number of characteristic qualities.
How is strong will manifested in character? What qualities are strong-willed? How is lack of will manifested?
Among volitional qualities in the first place purposefulness. Purposefulness is:
- the ability to set clear goals and objectives,
- the ability to plan their actions;
- the ability to carry out what was planned, to subordinate oneself to the achievement of the set goal, for example, to observe a strict regime, if necessary to achieve the goal, etc.
Aristotle said: "The goal is that for the sake of which something is done ... for the sake of it, everything else is done."
The more clearly a person has a goal towards which he strives, the more persistent he is in overcoming obstacles, the more purposeful he is.
But people are persistent in overcoming difficulties in different ways. It happens that a person does not complete the work he has begun. Some begin to work with enthusiasm, but cool down quickly. The stronger the obstacles, the more intense the volitional effort should be, the more strong will is required from a person.

The next important quality of will is persistence - This is the steadfastness of will, which is shown by a person who has set himself distant goals. To fix distant goals well in consciousness, you need to reflect them in specific tasks. The desire to achieve distant goals forms a strong and persistent will in a person.
Perseverance is closely related to personality traits such as self-control and patience. They should not be confused with obedience, lack of initiative, weak-willed submission to the force of circumstances or someone else's will. Patience, self-control are always associated with initiative, are active in achieving the set goal and overcoming troubles. A patient person knows for what he endures something.

Vital is such a strong-willed quality as composure... It is important in life and in any work, especially for those whose work is related to communication. No matter how excited a person of such a profession is, complete mastery of his voice, facial expressions and pantamimics is his professional duty.
Self-control consists of:
- in the ability to maintain clarity of thought, i.e. stay alert, focused on the work being done, despite confusing factors. This is the ability to avoid "defeatist" thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures, hindrances, mistakes;
- also in the ability to control your feelings: it is easy to increase the emotional tone in a state of confusion, apathy, fear, etc .; to reduce the level of emotional arousal with excessive joy or excitement, pain, resentment, etc.; and in case of success, do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness, a sense of imaginary superiority and other undesirable experiences;
- and in the ability to manage their actions: to control their movements when fatigue appears, the appearance of pain, dissatisfaction with oneself and other unfavorable internal conditions; in conflict situations keep yourself from unethical acts - bickering, rudeness, etc.

The following two qualities can be erroneously evaluated as positive.
“Stubbornness is weakness that has the appearance of strength” (VA Zhukovsky). Stubbornness - quality other than persistence. In this case, persistence is implied in the implementation of decisions taken without sufficient grounds. A stubborn person defends his opinion against logic, reasonable arguments and facts. "The stubborn one does everything in his own way, does not listen to anyone's advice and soon becomes a victim of his delusions." (Aesop).
If a stubborn person determines the goal of an activity, re-education into a persistent person is carried out.

Compliance - a quality of will that is determined by a slight change in the decision made under the influence of other persons. It is the opposite of stubbornness. If it is difficult to convince a stubborn person of anything, to persuade a compliant person, on the contrary, it is very easy. Despite the fact that for a compliant person, the opinion of other people can become a determining factor in making a decision, he still makes the decision independently.
Re-education of this quality does not mean a transition to harshness, rudeness in behavior. You can be firm and polite when dealing with other people.

If a decision is given to a person in a ready-made form from the outside (and it is made without criticism), then they speak of such quality as suggestibility... Suggestibility, as well as compliance, does not prevent a person from being, for example, a good worker. However, it is believed that this trait needs to be re-educated in order to save a person from possible harmful influences. Re-education in this case is recommended by strengthening the will and the formation of critical thinking.

For a person, such a strong-willed quality as determination... It is defined as the ability to quickly assess circumstances and make certain decisions, moreover, accepting them not to hesitate, but to act confidently.
Decisiveness is an important quality when the situation does not tolerate delay and requires a quick response.

If a person has enough time, but he still does not make a decision or changes it to the opposite, they speak of a particularly negative quality of will - indecision.

If it is necessary to quickly make a decision and act, but the person is not able to do it, they talk about the state confusion... A confused person is either inactive, or begins different actions and does not finish them. ("Speed \u200b\u200bis needed, but haste is harmful" (AV Suvorov)) These actions can be opposite in meaning. Instead of calmly analyzing the situation and making a decision, he can change decisions.

The considered volitional qualities are manifested in each person in individual situations, but they can also be a personality trait. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how a person behaves in a decision-making situation most often: hesitates, or makes decisions quickly; thoughtlessly, and then quickly changes them, or makes thoughtful and accurately implemented decisions.

There are also such qualities of will as:
Performance - manifests itself in the diligent and systematic implementation of the decisions made. An executive person feels the need for the complete completion of the business he has begun.

Discipline - a person's ability to act in accordance with norms, rules and laws. The work discipline is highlighted, which develops perseverance, determination, the ability to overcome their impulses. Thus, justified exactingness, strengthening discipline, thereby strengthens the will. This is not about the so-called "stick" discipline, which is based on fear. Discipline should be based on an understanding of the motives of behavior, human actions.

There is also a group of volitional qualities associated with behavior in a situation of danger - these are personality traits such as courage, bravery, courage, courage... And the opposite ones - cowardice, fearfulness are considered a manifestation of lack of will.

Different forms of fear in different ways, but always negatively affect performance.
In the fight against fear, it is recommended to use the following general rule - the more primitive and biological the emotion, the less it lends itself to eradicating with the help of words. You cannot persuade a person to be fearless. But emotions are easily crowded out by each other. A frightened person is angry enough to pass the fright. If you make an angry person laugh, he stops being angry.

But the danger can also cause positive emotions of sthenic arousal. Stenic, not pronounced fear can tone the cerebral cortex from the subcortex and, in combination with critical thinking, manifest itself as "reasonable fear" in the form of fear, caution. "Expose yourself to danger with prudence," said the sage Bias.
As much as cowardice, timidity and fearfulness are negative personality traits, so caution is considered a positive trait.

Such a reaction to danger as a reasonable excitement associated with the activation of conscious activity at the moment of danger is also considered positive.

The relationship between the degree of activity at the moment of danger and experiences has been determined: the more active a person is in a dangerous situation, the easier it is in terms of the subjective content of his experience.
A. Suvorov said: "Danger is better to meet than to wait on the spot."

There are various forms of overcoming fear - fearlessness, which differ in their manifestations. This is courage, bravery, courage, courage, heroism.
Even Plutarch said: "The beginning of victory is courage." With the manifestation of courage, fear remains, but activity is determined by thinking and volitional decisions. Such a person is considered brave, who knows that there is danger ahead and still goes to it. He knows why he suppresses fear, what goal he achieves by acting in spite of fear. Courage consists in the ability to suppress the feeling of fear: when a person, in conditions of real physical danger, experiences a desire to take risks and a desire to take action. In these conditions, he mentally disconnects from experiences, fear and concentrates entirely on action. Courage manifests itself in a variety of activities: "bold thought", "bold solution to the problem", etc. Helvetius said: "Often it is courage that we are obliged to the discovery of the greatest truths"; Guette: "Every artist has courage, without which talent is unthinkable."

Courage - associated with sthenic emotional experiences of excitement in times of danger. The brave man likes the sense of danger. His experiences are stenic, his activities are not disorganized. But it is good when courage is based on reasonable risk: insane courage is just as harmful as insane fear. It is recommended to cultivate courage by taking reasonable risks: taking risky actions and experiencing the satisfaction of their successful implementation.

In the formation of courage, they warn against the following extreme: it is advised to ensure that courage does not turn into the negative form of fearlessness - daring. Prowess is defined as courage that has reached the level of affect, which is characterized by the loss of critical thinking.

Psychology claims that the education of courage is the education of faith in oneself and technology. This is fostering confidence in the high probability of successfully completing any risky, but feasible task.
There is a pedagogical recommendation - be careful when choosing the moment at which you can allow a person to take a chance for the first time. One must be sure that in terms of his knowledge, skills and experience he is prepared for this risk and can independently cope with the situation.

Courage stands out as the opposite of prowess. Courage is understood as the ability to act. A person who defends personal interests can be brave and courageous. Courage is manifested in the achievement of the goal, which is perceived as a common cause. In a brave person, fear is overcome by a sense of duty, which is associated with a person's worldview and beliefs.
A brave person, going towards danger, is tense, a brave person is excited, and a brave person is calm.

Courage is defined as the highest, most complex form of fearlessness.
"And who meets the danger with courage,
That and the thought is clear, and the language is firm. " (Sophocles)
Goethe says: “If you lose good, you lose a little! If you lose your honor, you will lose a lot! If you lose courage - you will lose everything, it would be better then not to be born at all ”.
Courage summarizes a number of aspects of a person's personality. In various situations, one or another of these sides prevails. Courage, courage, courage, as well as responsibility, patience, resourcefulness, decisiveness, self-control, conscientiousness, self-righteousness, worldview, initiative, firmness of will (defined as resistance to the force of a single blow) and firmness of will (defined as resistance to a number subsequent blows).

An example of courageous behavior is a case from world history - the philosopher Socrates calmly looked death in the face, forgiving his enemies.
Heroism is defined as a concept that goes beyond psychology and has a social content. In heroism, a high level of positive emotions is manifested when performing feats of public importance.
Fearlessness, expressed in courage, courage, courage and heroism, is a clear manifestation of a person's possession of their emotions, an example of volitional behavior.
So, now you can imagine the image of a strong-willed person with such qualities as:
- purposefulness,
- persistence,
- patience,
- consistency,
- self-control,
- decisiveness,
- diligence,
- discipline,
- firmness of will
- firmness of will,
- caution,
- reasonable passion,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage;
and its opposite - a state of lack of will, manifests itself in such qualities as:
- stubbornness,
- compliance,
- suggestibility,
- indecision,
- cowardice,
- fearfulness,
- prowess.

Each person is unique and, first of all, he is distinguished by his inner world, character traits, which are manifested in his attitude towards others, public duties, labor. In the latter connection, persistence, diligence, passivity, laziness, etc. are manifested. A person can develop certain properties of his character independently. Let's talk about this and other in more detail.

Formation and manifestation of character

Character is a set of personality traits and is formed from the following sources:

  • genetic basis (genes are able to determine the propensity of each person to a certain type of activity);
  • the impact of current circumstances on the person himself;
  • deliberate choice of certain personal properties.

It should be noted that already from childhood, personal character traits begin to take shape. This, again, is influenced by the above sources. Over the years, improving, a person can develop the necessary inner ones. So, purposefulness is formed through strong motivation, willpower and hard work.

As you know, a person's personality manifests itself in various relationships, but the following are character-forming:

  1. The attitude of a person towards other people (this is a manifestation of sociability or isolation, rudeness or tact, sincerity or hypocrisy, deceit). This attitude also shapes personal consciousness.
  2. In relations with oneself, such character traits as self-criticism, modesty, self-confidence and narcissism are manifested.
  3. In relations with property, neatness or negligence make themselves felt, generosity - stinginess, wastefulness - thrift.
  4. In relation to the matter: hard work - laziness, dishonesty - responsibility.

A decisive role in the formation and development of character traits is played by attitudes towards other people and society as a whole. It is impossible to understand the character of each person, to reveal, without knowing his behavior within the team.

Strong-willed character traits

They are not innate, therefore, everyone has the right to educate them in himself. The famous scientist I. Pavlov emphasized that man is the only living system capable of self-improvement. So, weak-willed individuals, thanks to carefully thought out work, are capable of vigorous activity. In order that in adult life a person does not have difficulties with the manifestation of volitional qualities in conflict circumstances, they should be developed from a young age, training the will and developing such volitional character traits as:

  • activity;
  • self-control, endurance (the ability to take control of one's own behavior in difficult life conditions, refraining from unnecessary emotional outbursts, excessive impulsivity in actions);
  • decisiveness (the ability to make a decision in a timely manner, the ability, if something happens, to stop a certain action if it loses its expediency);
  • courage, courage, which are opposite qualities of cowardice.

Strong character traits

People with a strong character always stand out against the background of the majority, and often their personality is set as an example to others. They differ in that their character is present:

Volitional qualities help a person succeed in life.

Thanks to the developed willpower, you can achieve important goals, get rid of bad habits and form useful ones.

We will tell you what willpower is, what personality traits it includes and how to develop it.

Basic concepts

Strong-willed personality traits - what it is? This is a combination of those qualities that are necessary to achieve the goals.

Some of the most famous: dedication, perseverance, discipline, strategy.

These qualities are based on willpower - a special state, a habit of the psyche. Willpower can be trainedsuccessfully realizing the intended goals, motivations, desires.

The volitional sphere of a personality consists of two parameters: willpower and willpower.

Strength of will- the ability to mobilize the body and mind to achieve goals. If a person is ready not to retreat for a long time, to regularly strive for success - his will is developed.

If a person gives up a job halfway through, does not finish it to the end, or gives up after the first or second failure, there is a problem with willpower.

Fortitude of will - the ability to maintain the degree of volitional efforts. It means keeping the will for a long time. Anyone can gather strength for the day. Months and years are not enough for everyone.

In athletics, there are two types of runners: sprinter (fast short distance running) and stayer (long distance endurance running). Fortitude is just about stayers.


Volitional qualities are divided into two main types: primary(extraordinary volitional qualities) and systemic(moral strong-willed qualities).

The second are based on the first: on the basis of the primary, systemic ones are formed and developed. We will discuss these two types below.


Let's consider the basic primary qualities and give their brief description:


Now let's move on to systemic qualities based on primary ones. For a person who constantly pumps willpower, the qualities described below form the foundation (these qualities often describe a person, give him a characteristic):

Briefly about the formation

Will is formed and developed in the process of human life.

Volitional qualities are laid down in childhood, and their further progress largely depends on how the child relates to obstacles and how he copes with them.

In early childhood, the child is largely guided by survival instincts... The main role in his behavior is played by the needs for food, safety (which parents must provide).

After 4 years of age, the child is able to make more informed decisions, since his behavior is now controlled not only instincts, but also education.

At this age, moral qualities also develop.

If a child tries to actively overcome obstacles, achieves even small, but goals - the higher the likelihood that in adulthood he will show willpower.

We will describe in detail how to strengthen will and discipline in the section on the development of volitional qualities of a person.

Research methodology for volitional organization

To analyze the level of development of your will, you can take the N.E. test. Stambulova. The test taker can assess every quality of will (such as self-control, initiative, persistence, etc.).

The test asks questions that can be answered “no”, “yes”, and also with a more vague degree of confidence: “rather yes,” “maybe,” etc. Each volitional quality has 20 questions. To find stambulova test is possible on the Internet.


The first steps to strengthening will take place in childhood. Education plays a huge role parents.

If they try in every possible way to please the child, he grows up passive, stubborn,.

This is dangerous because, having entered adulthood, a person will expect similar behavior from others ( "everyone owes me" syndrome).

Accordingly, if parents make serious demands on a child (serious, but not despotic / totalitarian), then from an early age he learns to achieve goals. One of the most effective ways to develop willpower in your child is define it in a circle / section.

Moreover, he must choose, there is no need to impose any hobby, because a backlash will follow. When the baby understands what he likes to do, where his talents are realized, it is important to monitor progress.

For example, a child likes to draw. Hence, such factor as passion is already present... The second factor - discipline, a sufficient degree of perseverance - should be formed.

Parents can give their child drawing tasks on a daily basis, celebrate the growth of his skills, praise in accordance with success, and reward for effective activities.

It is also possible to develop will in adulthood. But it’s much more difficult to do it on your own if you didn’t develop a habit of self-discipline in childhood. However, there is a technique:

Willpower is not a static personality trait. If it is not developed, degradation will occur, leading to passivity.

You can improve willpower at any age, but the sooner you do it, the better. Anyway, everyone can become an ace in achieving goals!

How to become a strong-willed person? Psychologist's advice:
