The history of Ukrainian battalions "Roland" and "Natigal" is the history of German meanness, self-confidence and short-sightedness. These battalions had to become the basis of the future army of independent Ukraine, the Allied German Rayhhi Rahu anti-Bolshevik strength, but Hitler said: "... There should be no question about allowing the creation of any military force to the West from the Urals. It is impossible to assume that someone else, except Germans, wore weapons ... ", and all the work of the Abver in establishing relationships with the Ukrainian nationalist underground went to the rush.

Unlike other Ukrainian parts of the German army, all servants of Roland and Naotigal were members of the OUN (organization of Ukrainian nationalists). Moreover, members of the Military Reference OUN. Moreover - selected and recommended by the Supreme Conduct of the OUN. It was hardened by underground, educated (half of the soldier had a higher education), proven over the years of the fight volunteers. Let me remind you about the OUN 30s, that is, about the organization that was prohibited by the authorities, killed Polish ministers and Soviet consuls, whose members sat in prisons and received the highest measure; At the same time, the organization had a widest social base - from student communities and secret circles of Ukrainian officers to children's sports and educational movements of the type of layer. German intelligence made a bet on it. Kanaris (as well as Rosenberg and a number of senior officers of the Wehrmacht), unlike Hitler and his environments, seriously assessed the role of oppressed nations in the Anti-Bolshevik front and, in general, approvingly belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bindependent states on the expanses of the former Russian Empire.

Politically "Roland" and "Natigal" obeyed only OUN, and gave oath to the Ukrainian state. Their service in the German army was supposed to be limited to an extremely eastern front, exclusively against the USSR. The battalions were trained in the shelf for special instructions "Brandenburg", subordinate to the abroad (AMT AUSLAND / ABWEHR). They did not have the numbers and were listed as a separate formation (SonderFormation). Formally, they did not relate to the Wehrmacht at all, and were only supplied to him for individual tasks. If you figure out essentially, their main function was agitation and propaganda. Entering Ukrainian cities in the first ranks of the German army, they had to testify to the local population, which was not the occupant, but the liberator.

Harmony ended when "Natigal" rested after fighting for Vinnitsa. In Lviv, nationalists, not asked by the opinion of the Germans, announced the creation of an independent Ukrainian state. The Germans, feeling dizziness from success and watching how easily the Soviet army is easily rolled back, they decided not to play diplomacy and quickly break the woven Ukrainian ally. The Supreme Provision of the OUN, including Stepan Bandera, is arrested. The arrests of the OUN members are held. Above the "Roland" and "Nakhtigal" does the prospect of the concentration camp.

Not that the Ukrainians earlier trusted the Germans and believed in the desire of Hitler to build independent Ukraine. Already in the formation of the "Roland", the second battalion from the Ukrainians, the commander of the "Naughty" Roman Shukhevich (the future general-Khorunzhiy UPA) advised the fighters to be recorded not under their own surnames, but under pseudonyms. He understood that sooner or later will have to go underground.

Moved to the east, the Germans made District from Galicia and joined her to one of their general governors, the rest of Ukraine declared "Reichskisariat". Announcement of independence in Lviv was demarmed by the OUN. Or the Germans take this idea, or it becomes finally clear that the Ukrainians are not on the way. The German response was more than unequivocal.

Shukhevich appealed to the general headquarters with a protest. In connection with the arrest of the Ukrainian government, the Natigal battalion cannot further remain as part of the German army. In fact, Shukhevich announced a riot.

The battalion was removed from the front, disarmed and sent to Krakow, closer to Auschwitz. The week was about negotiations about his fate. In the end, a compromise version was adopted: instead of the concentration campaign, soldiers were offered to send to Belarus and the annual service contract for military police - to protect strategic objects from Soviet partisans. Shukhevich accepted these conditions, especially since "Roland" and "Natigal" should be united into one formation. From this point on, the brigade of Ukrainian nationalists exists under the name "Schuzmanshftbatalong No. 201". A year later, after the expiration of the contract, none of the fighters signed it continued. They were waiting for Ukraine and the emerging Ukrainian rebel army.

The main accusation of the "Naotgal", which sounds today is to participate in the mass executions of the Jews in Lviv, at the very beginning of the war.

First, to attract Ukrainian nationalists to punitive shares at the beginning of the war there was no sense, no need. Special German AinzattsGroups were executed by shooting, it was their profile. The main role of "Najtigal" was a campaign-indicative. There was no need to get it in the eyes of journalists and the local population, besides, the fighters themselves were not polysya, scored from prisoners of war, but volunteers with their political leadership and their principles. They could simply refuse to fulfill such an order.

Secondly, actually mass executions at the beginning of the war could not be. Rather, they were, but on the other hand: when the Germans entered Lviv, the NKVD prisons (in particular, prison, brigitta, prison on Lohn) were packed by corpses. Departing, the Soviet government decided not to leave possible enemies and shot without the disaster. The Germans have established its death car in the occupied territories much later, and at the beginning of the murders were carried out according to the lists prepared in advance. Gestapo arrested and destroyed 38 Lviv professors, and this fact was recorded in the third volume of the materials of the Tribunal of the Nuremberg Tribunal published in the USSR. Mentions about "Naotigal" there is no.

Information about the mass executions, and the "Naughty" performed, was loudly announced much later than Nuremberg. Specifically, after the Westone Male Chancellor Konrad Adenauer appointed "Minister for the Affairs of Germans - repatriates, exiles and victims of the war" Theodore of the Oberlander. The Oberlander was a fiery anti-communist and the hater of the USSR. In addition, in June-July, the 41st, he was a connected officer between the Abman and Naotgalem, in fact, the curator from the German side. This part of his biography seemed to the Soviet Union heavily and gave a chance to fabricate the accusation of Nazi crimes. Moreover, it would be well rhymed with an anti-nationalist campaign, which turned out then in the USSR itself.

With the help of East German professors-historians, as well as communist parties in the world, an information campaign was deployed, which led to the resignation of the Oberlander. The Tribunal, considering his case, did not find a reason for the accusation.

Yes, in modern literature it is not denied that the Jews killed representatives of the police created by the Ukrainian National Committee, which on June 30 proclaimed the independence of Ukraine, and simply amateur fools. Among the latter were also the Poles, which is not surprised, given the anti-Semitism in pre-war Poland.

However, although Poles in the then Lviv was three times more than Ukrainians, information about their participation in pogroms is much smaller. Some victims (and in just late June - early July, 4-6 thousand Jews died), of course, fell from the hands of Germans, but the main role of the occupiers was then reduced to incitement and non-interference. But the death of Polish professors is considered to be the case of Ainsambroups headed by Brigadefürer SS Eberhard Schongart.

As for the Natigal battalion, then in Ukraine, they prove that all accusations of his address, in particular testimony, fabricated by the KGB and the GDR security service in order to stain the political head of this unit - subsequently prominent Western German policy of Theodore Oberlander. In 1960, this figure in the GDR was sentenced to life imprisonment just for killing Jews and Poles in Lviv. But it is concluded: once in the same year, the Bonn Court justified him - hence, "Naotigal" to the specified acts are not invalid.

However, everything is not so simple. In fact, there was no excuse, since there was no court; The case stopped the prosecutor's office: regarding Jewish pogroms - for the lack of evidence, and in relation to the execution of Polish professors - in connection with the establishment of the accused of the accused.

At the same time, it is impossible to not pay attention to that such an exposer of Ukrainian nationalism, like Vitaly Maslovsky, in his final work "Z Kim I, who has been fighting Ukrainian Natsіonalіsti in the rocks of another Svіtovoi Vіini" (M., 1999) does not use that evidence base On the basis of which the aurlander was condemned in the GDR. He frankly writes about the "lack of significant and comprehensive documents and analytical research" on this issue, and the involvement of "Naotigal" to crimes withdraw only from the book of the Polish author Alexander Kormanan "From the bloody days of Lviv 1941" (London, 1991) based on eyewitness testimony.

"Nakhtіgalіvtsі" Vityagali Z Budinkіv Comunіstіv І Polekіv, I immediately got on the balconies ... "; "Ukrainian Variats Batalyon" Nakhtigal "Mescansі Lviv called" Ptashniki "..."; "Ptashniki Buli in the NiMetsky uniforms І z nіmetaki vіyskoviy vіdznakov. Rose mostened on Ukrainian Movі ... » - Quotes this edition of Maslovsky.

And the Polish historian Yateke Willchur, who lived in 1941 in Lviv, claims that then he was told: "Ptashniki" killed by four ways - bullets, bayonet, butt or just scored to death with their hands and legs ". As already mentioned in the quotation from Korman, "Ptashniki" called Nakhgigallians - due to the image of the nightingale on their machines and motorcycles: they differed from the Ukrainians who served in other German parts as translators.

Would it be fair to discard the testimony of Vilchur on the grounds that he did not see these crimes himself, or in view of doubts about his objectivity? Memory, of course, can bring anyone. But it is known that the pogroms in Lviv really took place, and be Polish historian by the Ukrainophobe, he just rather assigned those at least from Germanists independent of Germanists (for example, the police subordinate to the National Committee), and not the division of the German army - for in the first case, the wine was naked It would be in some Ukrainians, whereas in the second it is divided between the German command and its subordinates.

"Prelude to the Holocaust". What are German archives say

And yet the materials available to us, Kormann and Vilchur, do not allow firmly to determine how serious their evidence base is. This also applies to other posts in the press on Polish historians who are convinced of the "Naptigal" involvement in this crime in Lviv. In addition, some of their colleagues compatriots adhere to the opposite opinion ... and independently conclude about the guilt or innocence of the Ukrainian battalion of Abver, having the historical works themselves at hand, but only feedback on them or individual quotes - such a task seems unreal.

Now, however, any user of the Internet is available to a source facilitating and to those who do not have foreign languages, the opportunity to come to a certain conclusion on this issue. This is the article Hannes Heera "Prelude to Holocaust: Lemberg in June-July 1941", written ten years ago and from recently recently reprinted in Russian near sites. True, in the publications of this interesting text there are two drawbacks. First, it is not brought to a convenient view of the extensive reference apparatus, references to sources (the footnotes are practically not translated, German abbreviations are not deciphered, which makes them small and for many prepared readers), secondly, nothing says not to the author .

Meanwhile, Hannes Heer - the most famous German historian, who in the late 90s of the last century was organized by the resonant exhibition "The Crime of the Wehrmacht", breaking the stereotypical idea of \u200b\u200bthe stereotypical idea that SS, Gestapapo, SD - but not army are involved in the atrocities of the Nazis.

At the beginning of the "Prelude ...", Heer explains that the battalion of the 800th teaching and sabotage regiment Abver Brandenburg (800 soldiers), which was attached to the Natigal battalion (400 soldiers), was given a special task in Lviv - the preparation of shares "Self-cleaning", which meant on the Zagona Nazis destruction by the local population of Jews and other unwanted for invaders of elements:

« If we proceed from the fact that the warlords involved in the east knew in advance about the shares of "self-cleaning" planned by Ainsambruppa and, perhaps, have already heard of the first such stage, which took place on June 25/26 in Lithuanian Kaunas, Stülpnagel (Commander of the 17th Army of Wehrmacht. - A. P.) pursued the goal to receive support from Ainzazgroup for own actions in this direction.

At the disposal of the army there was a division that could be used not only for risky rims into the rear of the enemy, but also for other tasks - a battalion of 800 educational and sabotage regiment Brandenburg. Since military reasons to use the elite connection was not - the Red Army passed Lemberg without a fight, "only a political order remains as an explanation. Its logic in this was - the three Ukrainian companies of the Natigal battalion were set up extremely anti-communistically and anti-Semitic and scored from the most well-oriented in the terrain of the residents of Lemberg and the surrounding area.

Judging by the preparatory activities, Lemberg made a special role: as an order for the capture of the city and the appointment of commandant proceeded from 17 army. Moreover, after the lesson Lemberg, she continued to control the cochest of the city. In addition to the battalions involved, no connections were allowed to enter Lemberg, the tolerance of individuals was only possible on special pass (how strictly there was control, shows the fact that the special authorized Abver prof. Koch initially did not let go to the city), even the passage of front parts - such As Waffen-SS Division "Viking" - was detained for one day.

Movement inside the city was also limited: patrols had to accompany an officer, and the mountain arrows received an order to stay in their posts in the citadel and a high castle. These precautions create the impression that the 800 battalion wanted to provide the opportunity to act without interference. In this regard, it is interesting that the battalion 800 did not comply with the ordered procedure of the following - behind the mountain arrows - and became the first part of the Wehrmacht entered the city.

This mentioned in the battalion report ignoring the order did not have, judging by the documents, no consequences, since it was obviously covered. In justifying the discipline, which gave the commander of the battalion Heinz, - he wanted to save from the GPU's burning prison "More Alive German Soldiers and Ukrainians", and also not allow the "Jewish population" to turn the warehouses - the tasks that at the very The case was delivered to the 800 battalion: take control of prison and, possibly, coordinate anti-Jewish shares.

The use of the work was not limited. From the testimony of the witnesses it becomes clear that after the arrival of the battalion 800 and the Ukrainian mouth subordinates to him, some in prisons were mutilated. The same, apparently, occurred in other cities of Galicia. The performers are called OUN-B activists. Encavedeshniki - Approve witnesses - were primarily concerned about evacuation events and their own hasty retreat, they had "too little time" for sadistic izhests.

These terrible manipulations with corpses explain inconsistencies in reports from prisons (most of the evidence of those who visited prison on June 28-29 do not contain, unlike later evidence, indicating that the corpses are mutilated; also the first report of the battalion 800 does not contain such instructions ). It should be added that the Jewish victims of the NKVD were removed from Lemberg prisons before the population began to run inside for identification».

Almost every phrase of the author is supported by references. Only in this fragment of the article 14 (here we do not give these footnotes for the sake of saving space, but in Russian reprints of full text they are present; truth, work with them, as noted, not easy). Moreover, the author refers not only to the publication of eyewitness memories and the monograph of historians, but also to archival documents. In particular, information about the first report of the 800th battalion is taken from the archives. And the statement that Nakhtygalev residents were taken predominantly from Lviv, based on the book of Philipp-Christian Vaksa "Theodorera Oberlander Case" (Frankfurt, 2000), the author, who was passionate about the character and biography of the hero of his work, closely communicated with the fact that in the last years of his life and had Access to a personal archive.

As you know, wines for executions in Lviv prisons were entrusted not only on the NKVD, but also in Lviv Jews in general, and in order to trigger the pogrom, the Jews were commissioned to disassemble the corpses shot in the presence of relatives of the latter.

This is what Heer writes about the role of the Shukhevich battalion in these events:

« The script was involved and Ukrainians from the Natigal battalion. They forced the jested Jews on his knees to lie down to the corpses and wash them, they spread their dresses to women and girls to take pictures of them semi-naked, they pulled out beard to old men. In working Jews suddenly threw grenades or caused her panic sighting shots. The climax served again and again the repeated ritual of punishment by Spyzruten.

According to one of the surviving Jews: "After we coped with the analysis of the corpses of the corpses, we were forced to run around the courtyard for a long time, while we had to keep your hands above our heads. [...] During run, and maybe immediately after him, I heard the German team "To Spreads" or "Stroke for Spyzrutenov." As far as I remember, this team was given by someone from the group of German military workers who were somewhat away from the general grave and who watched us all the time. The group consisted of 5 or 6 people. These were officers. [...] On this German order, Ukrainian soldiers built in two trellis and put bayonets. Through these trellis, all the Jews were in the courtyard in the courtyard, the Ukrainian soldiers beat them and pour them. I was not among the first who had to go through the chopers. Net random. The first Jews who had to pass were almost all jackets with bayonets. " In total, 4000 Lember Jews died during this remedy».

« Contrary to the statements of the German officers that the personal composition of "Naotigal" did not leave the locations of the dislocation, the presence of a battalion soldier in all three prisons was confirmed. First of all, the NKVD prison exists accurate testimony of witnesses, on the basis of which the Bonn Prosecutor's Office found that at least part of the second company (And there were three companies in the battalion. - A. P.) "Frames to acts of violence against the aginulated Jews and guilty of the death of numerous Jews." The testimony of the SD employee who was present at the execution of the Jews by the soldiers of the Natigal battalion in the courtyard of the gymnasium, gives legitimate grounds to doubt that the circle's circle was limited only to the second roth, and the place of committing crimes - the NKVD prison.

Fighters of "Natigaly" were more than determined: the agiographic literature on the actions of the 800 battalion in Lemberg tells without the bias that the Ukrainians were obsessed with only one - revenge. The report of the Secret Field Police states that translators attached to it with the mediation of Najtigal so "fanatically tuned" in relation to the Jews that "the boundaries of their use [...] in the framework of military discipline" became obvious on the first day. Even for not too friendly entitled to the Jews of the Politinist Oberlander, the state of his soldier these days was the reason for concern».

The above two fragments are supported by 15 references. Third of them - testimony, which were held in the ruling of the Bonn Prosecutor's Office, who studied the Oberlander's case. Key witnesses - former Lvivanin, and in the future Israeli journalist Eliahu Jones, who will later write a book about the fate of Lviv Jews, and the West German Kommersant of the Jewish origin of Moritz Grubart, who at the time of the occupation of Lviv was in prison (he fled from the Lodz Ghetto and was arrested by the NKVD for illegal border crossing).

It is extremely difficult to imagine that the KGB influenced these people. And the archival documents published by Vyatrovich, which he interpreted as indicating the preparation of provocations, they speak exclusively about working with Soviet witnesses for the process in the territory of the GDR. The "orange" historian has no hints that testimonies against "Natigaly" can be in the West German business of the Oberlander.

Convinced Nazi and his Ukrainian lawyers

However, the testimony of Grünbart and Jones is not such a secret: their memories of the occupied in Lviv in the first days of his occupation were published in Spiegele in February-March 1960, when a scandal with a wubland began, and now available to everyone on the official Site of this magazine.

One of these publications also provide the words of the Oberlander at a press conference: " I can say that in six days, during which the "Naotigal" was in Lviv, there was no single shot and that I am unknown about any case of any violence ... In those six days I must constantly control the posts exhibited "Naxtagal" to protect various objects. I was then in Lemberg for a long time and I can tell you that during these six days "Natigal" did not in Lviv a single shot».

However, he lied. Heer did not invent that the Nutigal Political Court was then concerned about the excessive zeal of his wards: this statement was supported by the reference to the wubbler's letter of the Spouse, given in the mentioned Baks book.

By the way, the application quoted above at a press conference explicitly contradicts what Ukrainian historians are written now - the apologists of "Natigal". So, according to the Oberlander, the battalion was guarded all the time some objects, and in Vyatrovich and to him, this unit every day after joining Lviv sent a weekly vacation, after which it was serving from the city.

But the contradiction here is apparent and symptomatic. At the time when the scandal broke out, the defenders of the "Naotigal" and the Oberlander could still try to argue that in Lviv did not shoot at all. But when everything is clear that such a version does not pass, it remains to talk about a "weekly vacation": then crimes committed by soldiers in the form of this battalion can be explained by their personal abnormality by taking responsibility from the command.

The Bonn Prosecutor's Office in the 1960s could not worry the entire personnel of Najtigal. In its resolution, which quotes Vyatrovich, it is not excluded that " members of the Ukrainian battalion "Najtigal", the names of which are not established, at their own discretion could take part in murders and pogroms, without knowledge and contrary to clearly prohibitions of battalion commanders».

But Vyatrovich and K ° does not lead any archival documents in confirmation of the prohibitions, and the crimes committed from the knowledge or without the knowledge is clearly saying a letter of the Oberlander's spouse. It is clear that it is impossible to trust the objectivity of the Bonn prosecutor's office, which is written by historians of this kind. Not so long ago, "2000" already wrote, which was denazification in Germany ( Will the victims of national reconciliation wait? // № 15 (554), 15-21.04.11):

« ... From 1945, in the Western occupation area, the process was really launched, named denazification, and condemned individual war criminals. But the logic of the "Cold War" led the West to the coagulation of this process and demilitarization of Germany. Many criminals early came out of prisons and began to play a prominent role in the country. And some and behind the bars did not visit.

For example, the creator of such a key element of the Nazi system, like Nuremberg Racial Laws, - Hans Joseph Globa - from 1953 to 1963 he headed the government apparatus when Chancellor Conrad Adenauer. True, he helped to some extent that he was, so to speak, non-partisan Nazi. Its active activity in the center of the Center (until 1933) became the basis for the Borman personally refused to receive him in the NSDAP in the 1940s. That is why the globe and escaped denatices. However, the leadership of Germany, and the US leadership was perfectly aware of his role in the Nazis».

I will add that the Americans, having received information on where the organizer of the Holocaust Adolf Eichman is not shared with Israel, it is precisely from the fear that his catch will put it under the globe.

Attempts to justify an aurlander and at that time did not cause confidence of democratically tuned Germans. So, Spiegel in 1960s declared that the International Investigation Commission "Lviv-1941" was discredited and its materials were absolutely inconclusive in Holland. And the Ukrainian historians are also liked to refer to this commission - the defenders of "Natigal".

Defending the reputation of the Ukrainian battalion of the Abver, they naturally protect both the aucerlander. And the level of this protection just shows the degree of their historical competence.

For example, Vyatrovich explains why the USSR wanted to compromise the aurlander: " ... the desire to punish the military criminals was covered by a political game, inspired by the KGB against the West German Government, headed by the Chancellor by Adenauer Conrad. In 1953, he appointed theodora Oberlander to the post of Minister for War Victims, deportened and repatriated Germans. Under his care, millions of non-refugees and immigrants from the former Land Reich, who after the war they moved to Poland, Czechoslovakia and the USSR. Among these people were prevailed anti-communist moods. Over time, the Oberlander, relying on them, decided to create a powerful political party with a bright anti-bias, which attracted the attention of the staff, and hence the KGB. Partially the task of compromising the Adenauer government and directly the Oberlander to the Valorous Chekistam still managed to implement. Despite the justification in court, the Oberlander had to resign as the Minister involved in the loud political scandal."(ZN, No. 6, 02/16/08).

In fact, the politician left the post of Minister in May 1960, when the prosecutor's office had not yet taken his case. And most importantly - no serious materials about his plans to create a new batch in Germany. On the contrary, everything was exactly the opposite: The Oberlander in 1953 came to the Government of the Adenauer, as the representative of the Junior partner of the CDS - Party "Serechermansky Block / Union of the expelled and deprived of rights", which voted just the immigrants from lands lost by Germany in 1945th. But already in 1955, he, together with the leader of this Politsyl, Waldemar Kraft and his other prominent functions switched to XDS, having pulled to Christian Democrats and the main electorate of this party (which was then quickly shivered). They were quite comfortable in the Wednesday of Christian Democrats, since then the degree of anti-herd linked the latter simply shook. And the USSR was beneficial to discredit an aurlender as figures in the Adenauer's office, while the emergence of a new party would be rather advantageous to Moscow, strengthening the potential of internal conflicts in German government.

And the explorer of the Holocaust in Galicia Zhanna Cowba, which diligently emphasizes the non-involvement of Ukrainian nationalist formations to atrocities, for the characteristics of the Oberlander, only such words are found: " vіdomimius not love your ryzko anti-slip, antiyadancy plots, Alya Tim, Scho Bouv from_ser Wehrmachut, Zvfortzikov, Batalyon "Nakhtigal".

Of course, the said figure was an anti-communist and an anti-sovereign. However, for example, the anti-communism and Antishetism of Churchill did not prevent that the USSR ally. And the Oberlander was on the opposite side, since he was a convinced Nazi - another 18-year-olds participated in the Hitler's "beer path" (1923), which was why he spent four days in the cataalage. The subject of its major interests before the Second World War was not communism and the USSR, but Poles and Jews. On the one hand, he was engaged in inciting national contradictions in Poland, on the other - the fight against the Poles from the number of subjects of Reich. He already expressed in the middle of the 30s in favor of the prohibition of social relations between the Germans and the Poles, and in 1939-1940. Conducted ethnic cleansing on the Polish lands attached to Germany.

However, the Oberlander of the Poles did not like not just as such, but as Slavs - back in 1936, in the article "Demographic pressure in German-Polish Border Guard," wrote that "the rapid growth of the Slavic population is a serious threat to all of Europe." At the same time, he expressed the elimination of assimilated Jews, which saw the main carriers of Bolshevism. Jewish property confiscated in Poland offered to partially convey to the Poles to improve their attitude towards the Germans. But at the top in Berlin, they did not listen to this sentence. It is some kind of purely tactical disagreements sometimes inflate to fundamental contradictions in Western literature, primarily in the Wax book mentioned, where the auerlander appears hardly as a fighter with the Nazism of Stauffenberg type *.

* Claus Shank Background Stauffenberg (1907-1944) - Wehrmacht Colonel; One of the main participants of the "sales of generals", the culmination of which was the unsuccessful attempt on the life of Hitler on July 20, 1944. Stauffenberg was shot along with a group of associates. - Red.

However, in modern German, British and American studies, a lot reported on the Nazi activities of the Oberlander, about his racist views. Exposures from these works are abundantly represented in articles about him in the Anglo and German-speaking versions of Wikipedia.

And the fact that Ukrainian historians - Nutigal defenders persistently do not see the battalion of these qualities in the political head of the battalion, just acts as a convincing argument in favor of mistrust to their arguments about the non-involvement of this Division of Abver to crimes.

The published documents show that the "warriors" of "Natigal" is obviously involved in pogroms in Lviv in 1941 and as provocateurs, and as performers. But the degree of their specific guilt still has to be found out, as well as the faults of the Oberlander: if the defenders of the latter seek to present the crimes of his subordinates as self-acting acts, this does not mean that it was. Simple this version is most convenient for the estimation of the battalion polyctic.

SESSERS - organizers. And who are performers?

As for the murder of Polish professors, it was undoubtedly a German action. However, the defenders of the nationalists are deceived when they argue that the leading Polish researcher of this problem Sigmount Albert proved complete not involved in this Ukrainians. In fact, in his work, which is in Russian, the following is said: " Many Poles still mistakenly believe that Ukrainians committed the murder of professors. If it were so, the Hamburg prosecutor would not recognize after the war, that it was the case of his compatriots - Germans ... This prosecutor admitted that only the group of shooting consisted of Ukrainians, translators dressed in mandids of the SS formation».

But the role of "Natigal" in providing the Gestapo translators just wrote Hannes Heer. Albert also shares the widespread version in Poland that Professors were found on the nationwide vendor:

« Many Poles asked themselves the question where the Germans have appeared a list of professors sentenced to execution. It has no significant value, since the names and addresses could be found at least in the pre-war telephone directory. You can, however, believe Walter Kutshman, who said Assoc. Lanchloron is that the list of gestapovtsy Dali Ukrainians gave. Fortunately, there were only 25 professors in the list. After all, only one university was 158 opposites and professors ...

Based on the fact that the Gestapo in the July night wanted those who died after the beginning of the war (i.e. after September 1, 1939 - A. P.): okulist prof. Adam Bednarsky and Dermatologist prof. Roman Leschinsky, it can be assumed that the list arose in Krakow. Due to the fact that Lviv turned out to be separated by the border, they could not know in Krakow, who after that he died. The most believable is the version according to which Krakow Gestapo before the beginning of the German Soviet war demanded from Ukrainians, students or graduates of higher schools of Lviv, instructions of the names and addresses of the professors known to them. Therefore, the list was, fortunately, as relatively short».

If this version is separated by most of the other Polish researchers, is true, then the "Nakhygalovets" may be completely among the murderers.

But before shooting professors, they were required to arrest them. An employee of the Polish Institute of National Memory Stanislav Bogachevich declares that these warriors also arrested, and believes that a personal role in this Oberlander needs clarification. On their participation in arrests writes and Yateck Vilchur. It is also reported that in the spring of 2005 the Union of the descendants of the dead professors in a letter to the then President Viktor Yushchenko talked about the battalion soldiers as participants in this crime. But what exactly was the authors from the Ukrainian president and what response got - unknown.

Meanwhile, Igor Melnik rightly emphasized in his speech, " Mi-Misnni Nobles, hto whom I am not dead ... I do not die, and we, we live, the bush of such a nikoli is not a repeat».

But, alas, attempts are not made to find out the true role of "Naotigal" in the events of that time. On the contrary, it seems that this truth is not needed, whereas created at Yushchenko mythology remained in service and some structures of the new government. After all, for example, a reprint of an apologetic article by Vatrovich "as a legend of Nachtigall was created" is presented on the website of the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States (and in Ukrainian-language, and in the English-language version) in the "Story Pages" section (see Stowed time// "2000", No. 26 (564), 1-7.07.11).

" "
Hitler's espionage machine. Military and political exploration of the Third Reich. 1933-1945 Yorgensen Cryster

Battalion "Najtigal"

Battalion "Najtigal"

In the fall of 1940, when calm came on the Western Front due to uncertainty with Zelev's operation ("Sea Lion"), the OKB / OKH began to develop an invasion plan in the USSR. In the winter of 1940/41 in Neuhammera, near the light, a new training camp appeared. The partisan agents were gained from OUN trains and Up Stepan Bandera, and led them an outstanding Ukrainian commander of Skontrinka. Another source of replenishment was Ukrainian in the composition of Polish units, which passed towards the Germans during their invasion of Poland. The training course was distinguished by special severity, and Skontrainka tirelessly emphasized that she was preparing soldiers to liberate the occupied homeland. The German command of the division was represented by Lieutenant Albrecht Herzner and Professor T. Oberlander. Abrew called the unit in which many sang well, "Natigal", that is, "nightingale". The name is beautiful, but not affairs.

In June 1941, "Naotigal" was attached to parts of a special purpose. June 29-30, having heard about the planned massacre with compatriots in the Lviv prison NKVD, "Natigal" entered into battle before the German approach and lasted several hours. Like Lithuanians, Ukrainians naively believed that the Germans immediately after the expulsion of the Soviets would provide them with independence.

On the creation of independent Ukraine, they declared the first thing when they captured the radio station in Lviv. The Germans immediately denied this statement and reported that Western Ukraine was included in the Governor-General (what remained from Poland. - Ed.) Hans Frank. The moral spirit in all Ukrainian units (created by the Germans), especially in the "Naotigal", fell noticeably, and the Germans decided to dissolve them.

The angry Oberlander, an expert in Ukraine and a hot supporter of its independence, achieved the audience at Hitler and expressed displeasure such a negligible attitude towards the valuable ally of Germany in the war against Stalin. At the Fuhrera, his arguments did not impress. Demonstrating ignorance and amazing stupidity, he said: "You do not understand what you are saying. Russia is our Africa, and the Russians are our negros. " The professor has returned to the report by the commander of the brand "Brandenburg" and faded in passing: "Such is the concept of Hitler, and with such a concept we will lose the war." Oberlander was not mistaken in his prediction.

Peter Verchaigor, the leader of the Soviet Ukrainian partisans and the deadly enemy of both Germans and Ukrainian nationalists. Commanded thousands of partisans in Ukraine

Initially, the Germans in the East saved only the fact that Stalin was so conceived against himself Ukrainians with their actions - ruinous economic policies, mass repressions and deportations - that they were ready to serve the Germans even after the events of 1941 in the end, choosing between two angry, Ukrainians , like the peoples of the Baltic States (some of those and others. - Ed.), chose that did not know. Surprisingly, even a year later, 200-250 thousand Ukrainians served in the ranks of the German army and the SS (protecting the common homeland, the USSR, in the ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces died (including tortured and other demographic losses) 1,377,400 Ukrainians. - Ed.) . As for the Baltov, they, after three years of humiliation and insults, rushed in 1944 to help parts of the SS, who defended their countries from the advancing Red Army (including the 8th Estonian Rifle Corps and other compounds. - Ed.).

Ukrainians warmly welcomed their German liberators from the "Stalin's Yarma" in August 1941. Their enthusiasm will soon be fused due to Hitler's Colonial Policy

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book of the author

From the book of the author

The "Muslim battalion" begins to act on July 5, 1979, a group of state security officers from Special Preview of Kuz (commissioning courses of officers who have special intelligence and sabotage training were sent to Kabul. In

From the book of the author

The 2nd battalion (802th regiment) of the division of this battalion (regiment) was performed by specials in the territory of the North Caucasus. In June 1942, the battalion through Odessa and Nikolaev arrived at the North Caucasus and in August - September 1942 was located in Maykop, later in the village

From the book of the author

The 3rd battalion (803rd regiment) Battalion (regiment) directed his units to the Eastern Front and to France to fight the French partisans. In the composition of the battalion included the 9th - 12th company, in the regiment - 1st - - 3rd battalions.10th battalion in 1942 operated under

From the book of the author

The 4th battalion (804th regiment) of the battalion unit (shelf) was carried out by special operations in certain sections of North Caucasian, Karelian fronts and in Africa. Thests stationed in Hamburg, then in Brandenburg. Commander Shelf - Major Heinz. The battalion included the 13th - 16th

From the book of the author

The 5th battalion (805th regiment) The 5th battalion (regiment) had its own divisions on the sites of Leningrad and Karelian fronts. The battalion included the 17th - 19th company. 13th company acted on the Leningrad Front, the 18th - on the Karelian front, 19th - at the Battalion headquarters.

From the book of the author

"Aleksandrovsky" battalion was formed in September 1942 in Brandenburg. The personnel of the battalion until July 1943 passed military training, then was directed to combat partisans to the Zhytomyr region. The factors of the Military Personal Communications "Brandenburg", with

From the book of the author

The 500th / 600 Parachute-landing battalion of the SS troops until inclusion in the fighter connection of the SS 500 troops (then the 600th) paratrooper battalion was used as an independent combat unit for special operations. First an attempt

From the book of the author

Chapter 4 "Exodus will decide the last battalion" Early in the morning of September 30, 1941, the 2nd tank group, and on October 2, the 3rd and 4th Tank Groups of the Center for Army Center of Field Marshal von Boca inflicted terrible strength strikes on the defensive positions of Soviet armies, Based the approaches to Moscow.

From the book of the author

"Cossack hiking battalion" October 7, according to the telegram of the Commander-in-Chief of General Denikin, the TERSKY Division is hastily, trains, was sent to the rear, since Batko Makhno seized almost all of the Ekaterinoslav province and approached the Taganrog, to Denikin's bet. IN

From the book of the author

The battalion of the special purpose of grams after the heavy siege of Rostov in early December 1941 at the front reigned relative lull, and it should be noted that the 40th tank intelligence battalion under the command of the Ober Lieutenant, the crown of brave struck, constantly

From the book of the author

Chapter 3. The battalion was formed all in a hurry to break up with hair. An enterprising Samoilova, strikingly similar to the boy, buying a comb and machine with scissors, began for a haircut, taking 50 kopecks. from the head. What comes back from the teaching, we caught

From the book of the author

The 1st personnel battalion of the Belarusian regional defense in the second half of July 1944, the leadership of the BCR finally settled in Berlin and again began to actively work. To actually prove your determination and continue to fight the Bolshevism, Radoslav

From the book of the author

The 257th battalion of the Lithuanian police The structure of all Lithuanian police department units - detachments, platforms, battalions, regiments - was almost the same. Let's try to consider the history of education, structure, weapons and provision of Lithuanian police battalions

First, give data on the organization of these formations in the system of Hitler's Abver.

Stepan Bandera wrote: "In early 1941, it was possible to do with the German army of school for two Ukrainian divisions, approximate number to Kureny." Here, the Bandera noted that the "military training classes" was performed from the Oun-Bandera R. Shukhevich, D. Gritsay-Overbidnis and O. Gasin-Lyzar. It is well known that the Special Battalion Abver "Natigal" ("Nightingale", "Night Bird") named after S. Bandera was formed in March-April in 1941 from Bandera. The formation took place military training in Noyagammer as part of the 1st battalion of a special purpose shelf "Brandenburg-800", which was subordinated to Abwaru-2 (the Division of the Abver who was engaged in the implementation of sabotage in the enemy. The Battalion's political leader was Theodore Oberlander (a well-known German figure, who was engaged in the Germans of the East, Obrafür SS), the commander of the battalion on the part of the Germans was the Ober-Lieutenant Albrecht Herzner, the commander of the battalion from the Ukrainians - Captain Roman Shukhevich.

The special battalion of Abver "Roland" named after E. Konovalz and S. Petlyura was formed in April in 1941 from Bandera, Melnikov residents, Petlisovtsev and Hetmans and held military training in Zubersdorf near Vienna under the leadership of Verkeraiskovanda of the XVII Vienna, which also obeyed Special formation of Abver Brandenburg-800, but was intended for a battalion for hostilities in the southern direction of the Eastern Front. He managers were: Rico Yarmonary from the German side and Major of the Magen Bigguly ("Ren") - with Ukrainian. Essentially, the leader of the battalion was Major Brobishchik, because R. Yarray, as a member of the Oun-Bandera Wire and at the same time, the Abver resident in the same OUN, constantly performed other orders.

Before talking about the so-called "Ukrainian" special battalions, it is necessary to give short information about the formation of the Abver "Brandenburg-800", which they entered, and about the "special" appointment of these formations (which, just the nationalist authors often hide) . And the essence is here such. In the book of German General B. Muller-Gillebranda "The Ground Army of Germany. 1933-1945" Noted: "The" Brandenburg-800 "division was formed on September 21 in 1943 on the basis of the deployment of units of the 800th construction training regiment of the special purpose" Brandenburg ", Which was a special part that was at the disposal of the 2nd Office of the OKV Abver (Sector Intelligence and Counterintelligence Service). However, the deployment of the division was delayed. In October in 1944, it was reorganized into the Motorized Division "Brandenburg".

Here, as we see, the author envelopes sharp corners and division seems to be a common military formation, besides, "construction", "training" and at the same time "special part of the special purpose". What was built by the Abversives-saboteurs of the 2nd Division, if the regiment, and then division called "construction"? Already nothing. They reinforced the destruction, sabotage and mass murders!

The truth is revealed by other authors. It turns out that the special purpose regiment "Brandenburg-800" and the special purpose division "Brandenburg" was "construction" and "training" only for masking. In fact, these formations were special parts of the Abver-2 (sabotage in the enemy's mill) only because they performed special tasks at the front and in the near rear of the enemy: organized and carried out sabotage, purified whole areas of the enemy from possible and impossible preparations of diversions against Germany. The detachments of this formation were guided panic and chaos in the area of \u200b\u200baction. Shares they were also intended both against partisan detachments and compounds that were frequent and massive sabotage in the rear of the Hitler's troops.

Historographer Herrt Bugayt testifies that during the "Eastern campaign" of the Nazis only one front intelligence, subordinate to the first department (Abver-1) of the Assvera's headquarters at the headquarters of the Wehrmacht Supreme Command (OKV), was "neutralized", that is, liquidated, 20 thousand Soviet citizens. Bucuit does not call such an action of the 2nd Division of the Abver, who directly engaged in sabotage and punitive shares in the state of the enemy and which, in fact, belonged to the formation of a special purpose "Brandenburg-800" and "Brandenburg", and they, in turn - such special - battles, like "Natigal" and "Roland".

Another researcher is sheds in the same direction - Hungarian historian and publicist Julius Mader, who held a fairly voluminous analysis of many studies of the Assaver's Action Time of Last War: "Zagred (Abman, he pointed out, - he had a wide extensive apparatus to combat the active opponents of the Hitler , insisting in the early destruction of resistance groups and partisan detachments. Abper and its special part of the "Brandenburg-800" were wrapped in 13 European countries. Only in 12 of them (not counting the USSR), the Nazi occupiers were killed during hostilities, shot and tormented in prisons. Over 1,277,750 people. Most of these victims should be attributed to the killers from the Abver and their professional "partisan hunters." And how many Soviet people destroyed? So far, not counting. I think that future historians still calculate these victims.

Thus, we will make certain clarifications and summarize. The formation of a special purpose "Brandenburg-800" appeared before the war of Hitler's Germany against the Soviet Union. At first it was a special battalion, which in 1940 became a special purpose regiment "Brandenburg-800", and then in 1943 - the "Brandenburg" division. It was not an ordinary army unit, and a special association of saboteurs, punishers, Bashibuzukov, formed from the kingdom of nonsense national nationalities, from those countries against which Nazis prepared aggression. Thus, the 1st battalion, stationed in Brandenburg (the name of which and the entire regiment and the special purpose division) was formed from representatives of Eastern Europe (mostly territories of the USSR) and is intended for war on the Eastern Direction "(to him and was The Najtigal battalion is attributed for a teaching in Noyagammer and the onset of Lviv); The 2nd battalion was stationed in Duren (Rhine Region) and consisted of Alsatsev, French trainees, Belgians and Dutch; The 3rd battalion was housed in Baden (near Vienna) and is intended for operations in the south, in the countries of South-Eastern Europe (a special battalion "Roland") was assigned to it. At the same time, companies, battalions, and then the shelves of this formation in their number significantly, and even several times, exceeded the usual settings for the acquisition.

Consequently, "Natigal" and "Roland" were not just ordinary military formations as part of the Wehrmacht (nationalists and still try to call them "squads of Ukrainian nationalists" (DUN), and the formations of a special purpose abol - for the implementation of sabotage and punitive shares in the mill Entrpetes. For this purpose, they passed military training in special schools to ensure the fulfillment of tasks. E. Bigguly, head of the Roland battalion, and then Schuzmanshaft battalion, in his memories it notes that the task of the detachment was "to seek the development of Soviet parts And so provide the rear. "And what is" to provide the rear "is well known, because it meant to eliminate those" bookmarks "!

Both formations, as evidenced by almost all nationalist authors, were the exercise of the long-standing dream of the OUN conductor to form professional military units with the help of Nazis and turn them into the basis of their future nationalist armed forces. This dream, as you know, came true, but unsuccessfully and not as thought.

Actions "Natigal" and "Roland"

This question is complicated, because Abman, as you know, did not advertise my actions. It is known that on June 30 in 1941. The Special Battalion "Natigal" entered Lviv together with the 1st battalion of the Protection Shelf "Brandenburg-800". Gestapo and subdivisions of the Security Council (imperial security services) have not arrived at the city, and therefore the internal order has been imposed on the Military Commandant of General Renza and his field commandant. This gave the basis of Polish and Soviet publicists and historians in the 50s- 1970s to blame Branderbers and Nutigalians in the punitive shares of the first days of the occupation of Lviv. As evidenced by the famous scientist and public figure of Nir A. Norden at a press conference in Berlin on October 22 in 1959. Regarding the investigation of the crime of the Bonn Minister T. Oravelander (the former political head of the Natigal battalion and other similar sabotage formations on the Eastern Front, Particularly Tamara-1 and Tamara-2 detachments in Chechnya), from July 1 to July 6 in 1941. Abrashers from "Natigaly", managed by Oberlander-Herzner-Shukhevich, together with Branderbers, Feljandarmers and Burderbers Regional Exkurative OUN- B, destroyed 3 thousand people in Lviv, mostly Soviet activists, Jews and Poles, among them over 70 well-known scientists and cultural figures.

It is believed that in the near future, all this will be fully investigated, despite the former "fog" and "smoke vest", both in the Polish and Soviet literature and in Ukrainian-nationalist.

However, now there are separate clarification. Recently, the book of Polish author Alexander Kormann was published in London "from the bloody days of Lviv in 1941." The author leads numerous facts, surnames, eyewitness evidence of this tragedy. The researcher claims unequivocally: from June 3 to July 6 in 1941 (the time of stay of the Special Battalion "Natigal" in Lviv) of Polish scientists, Jews and Communists destroyed the Nazis, Nakhigallians and militants from Oun-Bandera.

Kormman leads in the book Photocopy of the appeal of Stepan Bandera, which was distributed in Lviv from June 30 to July 11 in 1941 in the form of a flying and poster: "People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Magyars, Jews - then your enemies! Destroy them!" In another interpretation, this postcard sounded like this: "Lyakhov, Jews, Communists destroy without mercy, do not regret the enemies of the Ukrainian People's Revolution!"

The author claims that the excretion of the extermination was led by Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Hans Kruger (Cryger), who later led the Gestapo in Stanislav. The murders were held on the list prepared by the services of E. Mr. (Sat OUN-B) and "Legends" (I. Klymiv), Head of the Regional Exkuvet of the OUN-B. The arrests carried out the departments of Abver (Brandenburg), FeldPolyte and "Natigal". Excirations carried out they. E. Vesotna himself personally participated in the executions of Polish scientists.

A. Kormman leads a lot of evidence in the book. Here are some of them: "Nakhtygalovevtsy" were pulled out of the houses of the Communists and Poles, who were also hung in the balconies ";" Ukrainian warriors of the Natigal battalion, residents of Lviv called "poultry houses"; "The poultry houses were in German uniforms and with German military differences. Talked in Ukrainian"; "Several Polish students who led the militants of Ukrainian nationalists were shot on the streets of Russian and Boimov; "..500 Jews. They all shouted Ukrainians" etc.

The author cites the fact that the wife of the arrested professor of Lviv Polytechnic Casimir Barbel (former Prime Minister of Poland) visited Artzibiscoup Sheptitsky with a request to help free her husband, but he answered that "could not do anything."

In general, Alexander Kormanna's book is a reliable, meaningful study. However, it is unilaterally, because it is imbued with non-universal, but mostly Polish passions.

Despite the lack of weighty and comprehensive documents and analytical research, we now reliably know that the Bandera campaign of the first days of the occupation of Lviv is a large-scale and fairly desperate: from the proclamation of the "Act on June 30" to the bloody travel - extermination of Soviet activists, representatives of the Polish intelligentsia and the Jewish population . He led this action, undoubtedly, N. Leby - the Security Chief of the OUN Security Service, and a little later - the conductor of the whole Oun-Bandera in the region. His undergraded steel: his deputy for the Security Service of OUN E. Mr. and Head of the Regional Exkuvet of the OUN-B "Legend" (I. Klymiv), Lieutenant Gestapo Ya. Moroz and the leaders of Naotigal T. Oberlander, A. Herzner and R. Shukhevich . Though over all of this, the gestapo heavy hand (Cyger) and Abver (T. Oberlander).

Special battalion Abvert "Nakhtgal" together with the 1st battalion of the Brandenburg-800 regiment, Feljandarmery detachments and OUN militants from the resort "Legends" - Klymiv was directly involved in the bloody orgies of the first days of the Occupation of Lviv.

Further "fate" special battalions

After an unsuccessful "mutual understanding" with the Nazis during the proclamation of "Act on June 30, 1941", that is, the so-called proclamation of independent Ukraine in Lviv, which I carried out by Ya. Stetsikov ("Karbovich", First Deputy Bandera), with the help of "Natigale" name S. Bandera and by order Bandera, and after the arrests of participants in this undertaking, both special battalions were withdrawn from the front and at the end of October are united into one formation, which immediately began a learning for a new appointment.

In the middle of March in 1942, the combined (now Schuzmanshft) battalion under the team of E. Bearing (Rena) was sent to Belarus and acted in a triangle Mogilev-Vitebsk-lepel as part of the 201st Police ("Security") General Division Jacobi against Belarusian partisans and civilians.

In the collection "Friends of the Ukrainian Nationalists in 1941-1942" (Edition in 1953) E. Bigguly writes: "The artists would have excellent motifs for drawing," describing and admiring the beautiful Belarusian scenery of those places where they were brought.

But they were sent here, of course, not for drawing on the player, but in order to "protect the bridges," notes the penis. We know well that the "bridge guards" did not fight with the partisans, but only protected bridges constantly, carrying this service every day. At the same time, we know well that the "Army guards" of Hitler's Germany protected not bridges, but carried the campaign service in the rear of the Hitler's troops, and this meant that they constantly conducted punitive stocks against "bandits" (as the red partisans called the brothatic ) and local residents who helped "bandits".

It is also known that the Schuzmanshaft battalion, four companies, who were commanded by R. Shukhevich, M. Brigider, V. Sidor and Pavlik, became a division of the 201st police division and brigades and individual operational battalions, which were commanded by the background dem. Bakh-Zelevsky, Obergroupenfürer (Colonel-General) of the SS troops. This Obergroupenführer SS was led by the fight against partisans in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and Poland, especially in Belarus and in the northern part of Ukraine. Reported parts were predominantly SSEs, and therefore the 201th police division was forced to act like them.

It becomes somewhat clearer when the "Ren" writes about the "combat operations" (which, of course, did not conduct "bridge guards" in any way) and the fact that the Obergroupenfür MS background Bach "said at the meeting of all commanders, that this is my best department , he said it is not for the red sense that the merit is in that - foreman. " It is also known that those elders, including Shukhevich and the Brobishbie, not for the "guard of bridges", and for the "combat valve", the Nazis marked with "iron crosses". The broken, while I stated: "Legion fulfilled its task by 100 percent." Here he boasts that the command of the division asked the Legion to protect the commander of the Division. Consequently, they deserved former Nakhigallians and Rolands such an honor! Noteply, of course: such differences!

The same E. Pobigurizes in his memoirs is more frank: "Of course, there were frequent fights against the partisans, the counting of forests, the attacks on their place stand. Kurnie his task performed well, as said the background Bach, saying that from all 9 Kurte, who Guarded the middle rear of the Eastern Front, - our smoothie fulfilled the task best. "

It is now completely clear that they did not "guard the bridges", but "guarded the middle replaces" of the group of the Hitler's Army "Center", which occurred to Moscow.

Another author, M. Calba in the book "Natigal" (Kurna Dun) in the light of the facts and documents "(Denver, 1984) writes that" Natigal "has never been a sabotage formation and no sabotage acts performed, although it also determines that Kurnie "was attached to Brandenburg. And then Calba refers to the German author of Verner Brockford, who wrote about the formation of "Brandenburg" and, by the way, indicated that "Natigal" "performed fantastic acts" in the spirit of the "American American Military Film". What had been specifically in mind Brockford so far it is unknown, it remains behind the scenes, but "fantastic acts" in the spirit of the "military film of American products" intriguish not only the author's fantasy.

However, today it is quite clearly definitely that the Schuzmanfelt battalion is not "bridges protected" in the partisan region in Belarus, but acted as part of the punitive formations of the ObergroupPenfürera MOP background-dem bhak-zelevsky against Belarusian partisans and civilians, participated in punitive operations "Bolotnaya Fever "," Triangle "," Cottbus "and others. With the 201st Security Division, and the enterprising partner in combat actions against partisans and peasants of Belarus was the notorious known during the war "Brigade of Dirvheringer", formed from criminal criminals, professional sadists and murderers. Several choth "Ukrainian" formation as part of the 15th police regiment participated in the punitive action described in the documentary story of Vladimir Javorivsky "Eternal Kitelis", as a result of which the beasts with human names erased from the face of the earth together with residents of Volyn villages Borki, Zaboloty, Borisovka and Kooteris.

Abver Battalions "Najtigal" "and" Roland "
The same broken-"Ren" recalls that before Merry Christmas in 1943 "Legion was dissolved." The reasons for this are still not clarified. Wonderfully served, received "iron crosses", were the best in the punitive troops of the SS background-dem Baha-Zelevski and suddenly .., "dissolved"! The brothering recalls that the Obergroupenführer MS background Bach declared him personally, that "all legionnaires" (so the beacon and other authors call the police officers) "will go to small groups home and there should be registered with the police in Lviv there."

"Demobilization" took place, but with very mysterious circumstances. However, in Lviv, part of Ukrainian officers and non-commissioned officers, including the brought, the Nazis held "under arrest", but "a change in political conditions saved us." It is clear here, it is clear that during the formation of the 14th Grenadier Division of the SS "Galicien", they were called upon by the younger officers now the SESS formation, where the broken-"Ren" was first the commander of the regiment, and then battalion in the rank of the Shturmbanfürera (Major ) SS. So, finally, officers from Abresian-police officers turned into SCS.

"What benefit from the Dong"? - Stepan Bandera asked in one of his articles and here was answered: "Special that they brought with them - this is the knowledge of the organization, strategy and tactics of the partisan struggle used by the Bolsheviks in World War II, and the German methods for the destruction of partisan detachments. This knowledge was Very useful in creating the UPA. "

As you can see, the banner was interested in the experience of the struggle of the Nazis against Soviet partisans. And it is also necessary to add that he headed up, became its "commander-in-chief" of the recent captain of Abver and Suqumshaft formation of R. Shukhevich, who immediately became General Khoruniv.

Consequently, there were not the experience of the "guard of bridges" learned former Nostigallians and Rolands, and the fight against partisans and peaceful inhabitants of Belarus in German methods "Background Dem Baha Zhelevsky and Dirvhaninger.

Vitaly Ivanovich Maslovsky
Translation from ukr. RM.U.
