Self-Confidence Building Training

Goal: practicing the skill of confident behavior, self-knowledge, self-improvement, cognition of one's own, undetected potential.

Training objectives:

    expand your self-image;

    to actualize and realize their strengths;

    help group members distinguish confident from insecure behavior;

Materials: a small ball, A4 paper, a pen, pencils or markers, calm relaxing music.

Time spending: 3 hours 10 minutes

Number of participants: 12

Training program progress

Introduction : Self-confidence is a person's experience of his capabilities, both adequate to the tasks that face him in life, and those that he sets himself. Self-confidence in any kind of activity takes place when a person's self-esteem corresponds to his real capabilities. If self-esteem is higher (lower) than real possibilities, there is correspondingly self-confidence (self-doubt). Self-confidence can also become a stable personality trait.

Exercise 1 "Cheerful ball"

goal : warm-up, developing the ability to speak and listen to compliments.

Time: 5 minutes

Material: small ball

Exercise progress: Let's start today with a game. Throwing this ball to each other in turn, we will talk about unconditional merits, strengthsoh the one to whom he throws the ball. We will be careful that everyone has the ball.

Exercise 2 "Steps"

goal : help participants build adequate self-esteem.

Time: 7 minutes

Material: paper, pen, pencil

Exercise progress : Participants are invited to draw a ladder of 10 steps. The instruction is given: "Draw yourself on the step on which you think you are now."

After everyone has drawn, the presenter gives the key to this technique:

    1-4 steps - self-esteem is underestimated

    5-7 steps - self-esteem is adequate

    8-10 steps - self-esteem is too high

Questions for discussion:

1.Does it meet given result your ideas about self-esteem? Why do you think so?

Exercise 3 "Great Master"

Goal: actualization of the strengths of the individual.

Time: 10 minutes

Material: paper, pen, pencil

Exercise progress: I invite you to think about the "Great Master" of what you are and tell everyone about it. On reflection 2 minutes. Each participant in a circle begins his statement with the words "I am a great master ... ..." for example, walking, making coffee, while you need to convince other participants of this.

Questions for discussion:

    Was it difficult or easy for you to remember and say in front of everyone what you are a master?

    What feelings did you get while completing the assignment?

Exercise 4 "I am strong - I am weak"

goal : help group members distinguish confident from insecure behavior, promote self-confidence through role-playing.

Time : 15 minutes

Materials : not required.

Exercise progress : Participants are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other. The first participant in a pair extends his hand forward. The second participant in a pair tries to lower the partner's hand by pressing on it from above. The first participant in a pair should try to keep his hand, while saying loudly and decisively: "I am strong." Now we repeat the same thing, but the first participant in the pair says “I am weak”, pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, ie quietly, sadly. Try to swap.

Questions for discussion:

    When was it easier for you to keep your hand: in the first or second case?

    Why do you think?

    How did you feel while doing this exercise?

    What influence did your phrases “I am strong”, “I am weak” have on the task?

Exercise 5 "Figure I"

goal : to expand the idea of \u200b\u200boneself, self-knowledge.

Time : 25 minutes


Exercise progress : Taking pencils, felt-tip pens, paper, the participants are located anywhere in the room. It is desirable that no one is sitting next to each other. On a piece of paper, they will have to draw their own image in allegorical form as they imagine themselves. A certain time is given for drawing. For example, 10 minutes, after which, nevertheless, one should not rigidly demand the completion of drawing, it is necessary to give each participant the opportunity to finish their drawing in a calm atmosphere.

Instructions for participants: “You can draw whatever you want. It can be a picture of nature, a still life, an abstraction, a fantastic world, an action-packed situation, something in the style of a rebus, in general, anything, but with which you associate, associate, explain, compare yourself, your life state, your nature. "

Questions for discussion:

    What qualities does this person have?

    Is this a confident person or vice versa?

    When you spoke about your drawing, how did you feel?

    Does everything that has been said about this drawing coincide with your qualities?

Exercise 6 "Motto"

Goal: make the participants aware of their individuality and goals in life.

Time: 15 minutes

Materials: paper, pens

Exercise progress: Leading. There was a custom in the old days - to depict the family coat of arms and motto on the gate of the castle, on the knight's shield, i.e. a short phrase that expresses the guiding idea or purpose of the owner's activity. We will not draw the coat of arms, but let's think about the motto. Each member of the group must formulate his own motto, which reflects his life credo, attitude towards the world in general and towards himself. 5 minutes are given to formulate the motto (but you should not rush the participants). You will then read out your slogans one by one and provide the necessary explanations if necessary.

The main thing in this exercise is the idea and the liberation of self-expression. During the discussion, everyone has the right to ask each other questions and comment on their mottos.

Questions for discussion:

1.What feelings did you get when composing the motto?

2. How useful was the task?

3. Will you use this motto in your life?

Exercise 7 "Who am I?"

goal : promote group rapprochement, introspection.

Time : 15 minutes

Materials : paper, pens.

Exercise progress: Participants are invited to think about the question "Who am I?", Then write numbers from 1 to 10 on a piece of paper, opposite each number they need to write their characteristics, traits, interests, about which perhaps none of those present knows. Then everyone hands over their leaf to the presenter, the leaves are mixed and everyone chooses a leaf. The characteristics are read aloud and the participants must guess who these characteristics belong to.

Issues for discussion:

    How did you feel while doing the exercise?

    Was it easy for you to do it?

    Was it difficult for some of you to guess who the characteristics belong to?

    In your opinion, were all the listed characteristics of a person suitable for this participant?

Exercise 8 "Intonation"

goal : Closure correction.

Time: 15 minutes

Materials: paper

Exercise progress: On small pieces of paper, participants write the name of any feeling or emotion. Then the sheets are collected, shuffled and distributed again. Now the group decides which phrase, line from the verse to take as the basis for further actions. After that, the participants take turns saying this phrase with an intonation corresponding to the feeling that is written on a piece of paper. The rest of the group guess with what intonation the phrase was pronounced.

Questions for discussion:

1. Was the embarrassment of pronouncing the phrase in such an unusual way?

2. What feelings did the exercise evoke?

Exercise 9 "Additional Drawing"

goal : to reveal the tendency to uncertainty.

Time : 20 minutes

Materials : pencils or markers, A4 paper.

Procedure : The drawing is sent in a circle. One of the participants begins to draw, the other continues, add something and so on in a circle.

Drawing can be done with felt-tip pens, pencils ... Drawing is done on one sheet because the theme is confidence building. With each subsequent addition, the space will decrease, which can confuse an unsure person, because he will "disturb" the drawing of the other.

When analyzing the resulting drawing, the artistic level of its execution is not taken into account. We are talking, first of all, about the feelings of the subjects by the subject when completing someone else's drawing, the lack of a place where you can draw something of your own, the fear of spoiling what has already been drawn ...


    Have you completed the drawing?

    If not, why not?

    Is this exactly what you would like to add?

    If not, why not?

    What exactly did you portray?

Exercise 10 "I am a star"

goal : practicing confident behavior skills.

Time : 20 minutes

Materials : not required.

Procedure : The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a star that is significant for him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, president, fairy-tale character, literary hero, etc.). Then he makes a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: he utters a phrase or shows a gesture that characterizes his star). The rest of the participants are trying to guess the name of the "idol".


    Was it difficult for you to choose the role of a significant and famous star?

    What is similar between you and the chosen star?

    What feelings did you get during the presentation?

    Have you tried to show your chosen star in a way that is understandable to others?

    Where was it easier to show or guess?

Exercise 11 "Just Believe in Yourself"

Goal: relaxation, self-discovery, self-confidence building.

Time: 15 minutes

Materials: calm, relaxing music

Exercise progress : it is suggested to sit more comfortably, close your eyes and relax. When everyone has sat down, calmed down, music starts playing and the presenter says his words: Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a large room with two mirrors on opposite walls. In one of them you see your reflection. Your appearance, facial expression, posture - everything speaks of an extreme degree of uncertainty. You hear how timidly and quietly you pronounce the words, and your inner voice constantly repeats: "I am the worst!" Try to completely merge with your reflection in the mirror and feel completely immersed in the swamp of uncertainty. With each inhalation and exhalation, intensify the feelings of fear, anxiety, and suspicion. And then slowly "step out" of the mirror and notice how your image grows dimmer and finally fades away completely. You will never return to it.

Turn slowly and gaze into your reflection in the other mirror. You are a confident person! Memory prompts three vivid events in your life when you were "on horseback". Remember the sounds, images, smells that accompanied your feeling of confidence. Your inner voice burst out: “I believe in myself! I'm confident in myself! " The red bar of your confidence rises on the thermometer scale and approaches the centigrade mark with each inhalation and exhalation you take. What is the color of your confidence? Fill yourself with it. Create a cloud of confidence around you and surround your body with it. Add confidence music, smells. Try to see the symbols, the image of your confidence and merge with it. Imagine a sweeping inscription in gilded letters on basalt: "I am confident in myself!" Imagine a huge hall. You stand on a stage and tens of thousands of people applaud you. In the end, take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Questions for discussion:

1. What feelings do you have after introducing yourself to be confident?

2. Which person did you better introduce yourself? Confident or vice versa?


Goal: summing up the training results, feedback

Time: 15 minutes

Materials: not required

Exercise progress: Group members are encouraged to close their eyes and imagine that the group is over. You are going home.Think about what you didn’t say to the group but would like to say. What psychological qualities did you show when participating in the training? How did you feel? What new have you learned about yourself, about the group? How will you use this knowledge? What have you learned? How will this come in handy in the future? What was important? What are you thinking about? What happened to you? What needs to be developed for the future? After a few minutes, you are invited to open your eyes and answer any question from all voiced.

Thank you very much for coming to the training, I hope that it will not pass without leaving a trace in your life, that something will be useful to you and that you have thought about something and will work in this direction. Goodbye.

"We act by contradiction":

  1. Imagine an event that you are terribly afraid of.
  2. Look for options for how you would act in this desperate situation.
  3. Smile and believe that you are capable of anything.

"Creating a new world within yourself":

  1. Sit comfortably in your favorite chair or favorite chair.
  2. Relax completely.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Breathe in and out several times (deeply and thoughtfully).
  5. Let go of all negative thoughts.
  6. Imagine yourself exactly the way you want to be now and always.
  7. Imagine yourself in front of a mirror.
  8. Consider your reflection in an imaginary mirror.
  9. Tell the reflection that you are the best.
  10. Get up from the chair (from the chair) and go to the real mirror.
  11. Say the same words (that you are the best), considering yourself already in reality.

"Two leaves in half":

  1. Take a few pieces of paper.
  2. Divide (fold) them neatly in half in an upright "position".
  3. Write those negative qualities and traits that you do not like in yourself (you need to write them in the first half of the piece of paper).
  4. Take the second piece of paper.
  5. In its first half, write those qualities of yours that you respect and adore in yourself.
  6. Take a sheet of paper with "harmful" qualities.
  7. Opposite each negative quality, describe a situation in which this very quality could be very useful.
  8. Take a leaflet with qualities that have a positive connotation.
  9. Opposite each good quality, write a situation in which it (quality) would play a far from wonderful role.

"Spontaneous self-presentation":

  1. Take a large piece of paper.
  2. Write a speech to yourself.
  3. In your speech, describe your successes, your good qualities, your "exploits" and your good deeds.
  4. Add praise to your speech.
  5. Reread this speech several times a day and every day.

"A beautiful vessel made of crystal":

  1. Become facing the sun.
  2. Squint your eyes well.
  3. Make it a goal to see the sunbeams through your narrowed eyes.
  4. Remember the first ray you can see.
  5. Close your eyes tightly - tightly.
  6. Imagine that your whole body is a huge and empty vessel.
  7. "Overflow" with the rays of the sun.
  8. After three minutes, cover your face with your palms.
  9. Sharply pull your palms away from your face.

"Turning into Power":

  1. Stand straight.
  2. Raise both arms to your chest.
  3. Clench your hands into fists.
  4. Throw your fists up with all your might.
  5. Shout out at the very moment of the release that you are power, that you are the richest and sexiest person.
  6. Repeat the exercise five to eight times.

"Acquaintance at random":

  1. Dress nicely.
  2. Go outside.
  3. Go to the avenue (as there is a more lively "area").
  4. Approach any young man and make an acquaintance with him.

Self-esteem training

"Look at life a little differently!"

The purpose of the training: raising self-esteem, returning ("birth") self-confidence.

Stages of the training:

  1. Collect ten people.
  2. Designate one leader.
  3. Everyone sit in a semicircle or in a circle (whichever suits you best).
  4. Each person (in turn) asks questions like: "Do you consider yourself good and why?", "What are your thoughts doing?" Well, and similar questions. It is necessary for each person to be liberated. Then the reason for the self-doubt of each of the participants will "open".
  5. The presenter (to each individually, but in the presence of everyone) gives advice, focusing on the situation.
  1. Buy yourself a notebook. Call it Success Journal. Write down in a notebook this everything that you have achieved. Refill and replenish the notebook with new entries, re-reading old ones from time to time.
  2. For a job well done, please yourself and indulge yourself with something. Than - plan for yourself. Buy yourself a new thing if you love shopping.
  3. Don't compare yourself to other people. Remember that each person is a unique creature.
  4. Wear only those clothes and only those shoes that pleases you with comfort and appearance!
  5. Do not make excuses to people! Many people, by the way, perceive any excuse as an attack.
  6. Follow your interests, your desires. Try to spend time doing what you like. Think you are too busy for this? Plan your entire day!
  7. Don't be afraid to voice your personal opinion. Nobody will kill you for speaking!
  8. Forgive all mistakes and failures (for yourself!). Come to the understanding that ideal (completely ideal) people do not exist at all.
  9. Smile. A smile illuminates the whole world! A smile adorns women! Don't be shy about your smiles.
  10. Practice meditation. It relaxes, puts thoughts in order, allows you to forget about everything….
  11. Change your appearance! The change in appearance has helped many to improve their self-esteem. And in order not to be disappointed in the changes - seek advice from a friend or consult a specialist!
  12. Choose the sport that is closest and most enjoyable to you. Sign up for it and visit it regularly.
  13. Joke more often, tell funny anecdotes and stories. When there is no one around, read jokes. A good mood boosts self-esteem!
  14. Spend time with your friends. It helps! True! It is advisable that you spend time with those who are dear to you and to whom you are dear!
  15. Change your job and place of residence. By the way, you can make a cozy renovation. Bring your girlfriends to your new apartment. They will admire the work done, and self-esteem will increase during this time.
  16. Start dating a guy. Such "undertakings" greatly increase self-esteem. You will get the same effect from the appearance of fans. It's good if you have a boyfriend and a few fans.
  17. Speak confidently. This will also play a huge role in increasing self-esteem, believe me!
  18. Don't let yourself be humiliated and hurt. And put those who want to do it right away!

Improving self-esteem is a pressing problem for almost everyone. After all, the future life and success of the individual depends on the value of self-esteem. In people, at different periods of life, the level of self-esteem can vary, despite the fact that its basics are laid in early childhood by parents.

Self-esteem in the direction of underestimation is fraught with a danger of the following nature - if there is potential, he will be afraid to show himself, as a result of which it will remain unfulfilled. Therefore, the level of self-esteem affects absolutely all areas of an individual's life, from interpersonal communication to any kind of activity. It is formed based on a list of beliefs about one's personality, a list of positive and negative traits.

Self-esteem training

In reality modern world those who are unsure of their potential and in themselves, in general, are unlikely to succeed in achieving great heights in life. Any achievements of a person, small and not so, are directly related to her ability to adequately assess herself and her capabilities. An adequate level of self-esteem allows an individual to make competent decisions and achieve their goals.

As a rule, in life you can find more individuals with a low level of self-esteem than with a high one. Basically, young people tend to overestimate self-esteem, but over time it becomes adequate. It happens that under the influence of certain life circumstances, self-esteem drops, practically, to zero. In such cases, it is subject to correction. After all, people with low self-esteem are characterized by the fear of making independent decisions, they tend to underestimate their potential, as a result of which they miss many career opportunities and do not achieve family happiness. It is for the correction of inadequate self-esteem that a methodology for increasing self-esteem, psychological trainings aimed at solving the problems of a person with low self-esteem, has been developed.

Self-esteem training is to help a person gain confidence in his personality, abilities, potential. Ways to improve self-esteem are aimed at programming the subconscious of the individual for success in life.

For most people, the problem of low self-esteem lies, first of all, in the fact that such people consider themselves unworthy of the love of others and of their own. Also, many people mistakenly believe that self-love is called selfishness. Loving yourself means respecting your personality, the right to self-expression. A person who loves himself has a sense of his own dignity and does not allow anyone to humiliate himself.

Another goal of trainings to improve personal self-esteem is to teach individuals the correct attitude to assessments, especially negative ones, by others. You should not focus on negative characteristics in your address. People have always discussed and will discuss. The only opinion to be guided by is your own.

Trainings help you to see all your capabilities and talents that you previously underestimated. They teach how to properly confront negative criticism that lowers self-esteem. Trainings help to gain self-confidence and open many roads on the path to success. After all, an individual's self-esteem determines his fate and the direction of development along the path of progress or degradation.

Self-training to improve self-esteem

Everything that you say about yourself is necessarily deposited on your subconscious. Therefore, you need to keep track of all your thoughts. It is necessary to try to speak and think only in a positive way. You need to understand that each person creates himself. Try to find positive traits and qualities in yourself, thereby increasing your self-esteem.

The basis of any auto-training is exercises that are based on volitional relaxation and reinforce positive emotions, conditioned reflexes, as well as affirmations to increase self-esteem. Self-education and self-hypnosis open the way to rational transformation personal qualities and characteristics.

The main role in auto-training is assigned to verbal formulations, which, with constant repetition, are fixed in our consciousness. You can come up with such formulations yourself, the main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of construction. We must completely abandon the use of words such as "try" and "try". All formulations should carry only a positive attitude, it is forbidden to use the particle "not". Auto-training should be completed with the words "at the moment I am aware ...".

Self-esteem self-training is considered one of the most effective techniques. By controlling your thoughts, you can banish anxiety and build confidence. Everyone knows that emotions affect the body, but there is also a feedback - our body affects emotions and general mood. When you go to work or do household chores in the morning, repeat affirmations silently or aloud to boost your self-esteem. And the result will not be long in coming.

After regular auto-training, the following positive effects are observed:

- reduced emotional stress and physical stress;

- symptoms of fatigue are removed;

- strength and performance are restored due to the relaxing effect;

- sleep is normalized;

- self-actualization develops, attention and imagination are activated;

- the process of socialization of the individual is facilitated;

- excessive clumsiness, timidity in communication and self-doubt go away;

- the level rises social competence and self-esteem.

Improving women's self-esteem

Low self-esteem among the female population is often the result of public opinion. Characteristics of a negative nature, heard in their address from others, lead to a decrease in self-esteem. Women's appearance suffers more from such characteristics. Indeed, for the beautiful half of humanity it is vitally necessary to be beautiful, to admire and conquer. Without self-worship, a woman begins to fade. The first sign of low self-esteem is the inability to accept compliments. An insecure woman takes a compliment as a mockery, denying it.

The problem with all females is that they often compare themselves with recognized standards of beauty, which, as it were, scoff at them from glossy covers and blue screens. Typically, such comparisons further underestimate self-esteem. And no one thinks about the fact that a lot of stylists, makeup artists, fashion designers, hairdressers, etc. have worked on the image of the model. But now think, is there any point in complexing, if even the recognized beauties cannot do without a kilogram of cosmetics and "photoshop"?

All ways to increase self-esteem in women are based on constant and painstaking work on themselves. You should start by revising your social circle. Communication, first of all, should give joy, and not drive into. Therefore, you need to think about whether there are people among your circle of friends who contribute to a decrease in your faith in yourself and a decrease in self-esteem. If there are such, then it is better to avoid communication with them or to minimize it. Then you should take an "inventory" of your merits. Highlight all your positive characteristics and the dignity of appearance. Write them down on a piece of paper. Whenever your mood gets spoiled or you need a positive boost, reread this list.

Increasing women's self-esteem involves creating their ideal look. Look at yourself impartially, as if from the outside, and try to describe what appeared to your gaze. Think about whether you like what you see or would like to change something. Come up with your perfect look in detail. Admire him and kind of merge with him. Any figure flaws are just an excuse for action on your part. The main thing is to love yourself. After all, even if you correct all the flaws in appearance, then you will begin to dislike something else in yourself. Until you love yourself, nothing will change.

The next step on the path to redefining yourself and instilling confidence is to update your wardrobe. Throw the trash out of the house in the form of worn out and old things in which you feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Always control your posture. Correct posture is sure sign energetic, decisive and self-confident personality.

Try to avoid evaluating yourself negatively. Remember, your strength lies in your individuality and dissimilarity. Love and value your appearance, your potential and yourself in general.

Improving teen self-esteem

If you notice that a previously cheerful and active child suddenly closed in on himself, began to avoid companies, is often sad and complex about and without, then it is possible that the reason for this lies in a decrease in self-esteem and loss of self-confidence. Also, low self-esteem can manifest itself in the form of unmotivated or ostentatious gaiety, defiant clothing style or behavior. Whatever it was, low self-esteem is an obstacle to the full realization of the personality. Individuals in puberty with low self-esteem are much more likely to fall under the negative influence of the environment.

Improving the self-esteem of a teenager is a primary task for parents. However, in this case, excessive zeal can also be harmful. You should not constantly admire the child and praise him sweetly. Children are always acutely aware of lies. Therefore, this can only aggravate the situation. Instead, pay attention to your parenting methods and how you criticize the child. Negative formulations should be directed not at the personality of the child, but at his actions or behavior in general, i.e. on what is amenable to adjustment. Replace the phrase "I'm not happy with you" with a phrase like "I'm not happy with your behavior." Never criticize, let alone insult a person as a person. Remember that the child is not bad, but his act.

It is impossible to boost a teen's self-esteem if they are not respected by their own parents. Therefore, try to consult with him, ask his opinion about the film, the book read, etc. It is especially important to hear the child in questions that concern him.

So, there are several conditions for the development of adequate self-esteem, such as constructive criticism and earned praise, attention and respect for the child's personality, personal territory.

Self-esteem exercises

The method of increasing self-esteem is based on regular exercises to increase your own importance in your eyes, self-confidence and your potential.

Any exercise must be taken seriously. Naturally, you will have to set aside some time for them. Therefore, if you are not ready to devote at least 30 minutes daily to classes, then it is better not to start, since failure to achieve a result can further lower self-esteem.

So, you need to make a list of your strengths on a piece of paper or in a computer file, and such a list should consist of at least 50 points. This list should include everything, for example, a beautiful smile or the ability to make delicious cocktails. Then you need to list all your weaknesses, qualities that you attribute to negative and which you do not like. Don't be too zealous here. So, for example, if you do not know how to solve the most complex mathematical examples, but at the same time work as a translator, then such inability is not considered your weak side.

The next step in this exercise is to transform your minuses into pluses. To do this, you need to think about what advantages this or that disadvantage can bring you. For example, an inability to follow through on a job you have begun may indicate that you are an easily addicted person. Try to understand that flaws are just raw virtues. Also, any shortcomings are a kind of steps for growth, incentive reasons.

Spend some time working through each minus from the list, and you will understand that everything is not as bad as it seems at first glance. To consolidate the result, you should regularly re-read the results of the exercise.

Self-doubt is the cause of many problems. Because of her, people fail deals, ruin their careers, and never dare to realize their most cherished dream in life. But being confident in yourself is not as difficult as it seems: knowing your rights and being able to defend your point of view, believing in yourself and your capabilities, not worrying about the opinions of others. If you cannot count yourself among the people with even this modest set, do not despair - self-confidence training will always help you - exercises that develop self-esteem and form the makings of a leader.

Self-confidence exercises

A number of exercises presented will allow you not only to build self-confidence, but also to develop will and learn how to suppress weaknesses. You will need the help of a group of friends or loved ones to complete some of the example exercises presented.

Confidence Building Exercise

Purpose of Exercise: Using this technique, you can suppress your fears and fears, gain well-being and self-confidence.


  • write a report on your positive qualities, skills and achievements;
  • convince yourself that you have qualities that can and should be developed. AND
  • while developing these qualities, constantly repeat this belief;
  • imagine that you are a self-confident person who has already achieved your goals and won the authority of others;
  • learn to feel inner confidence in your strengths with every cell of your body.

Exercise-drawing "I am what I am"

Purpose of the exercise: To develop a more objective self-concept.

Instructions: get together with a group of friends, where everyone should draw themselves, but so that no one can see. When all the drawings are ready, they need to mix and exchange impressions on each creation, what the participants see in each drawing and what, in their opinion, is lacking in it.

Exercise-technique "Sic volo"

Purpose of the exercise: The technique helps to develop willpower, gain self-confidence and feel inner freedom.

Instructions: at lunchtime or at the end of the day, place an A3 or A4 sheet in front of you in a horizontal position. In the left edge of the sheet, write down in a column all the cases completed today. Those that were completed, for example: “came to the office”, “read the contract”, “drank coffee at lunchtime”. Write what comes to mind first and do not be afraid that you may forget and not write about some important matter. To the right of each case, draw a reverse arrow (

Self-Confidence Exercises

If you think you already have the beginnings of self-confidence, but need to tighten up a little, the following techniques will help you.

Self-hypnosis exercise "Confidence building"

Purpose: Exercise helps those who are concerned about a lack of confidence in communicating with others.

Instructions: Take a comfortable position in which you can relax. Say each of the phrases at least three times:

  • my body should be relaxed;
  • my body must be heavy;
  • warmth should be felt in my body.

Try to relax as much as possible and disperse unnecessary thoughts with the following phrases:

  • for a few minutes my mind should be free;
  • all extraneous thoughts should gradually disappear;
  • now I should be too lazy to think about something else.
  • i have the right to be independent;
  • i am entitled to success;
  • i have the right to be listened to and taken seriously;
  • i have the right to receive what I pay for;
  • i have the right to ask for what I want;
  • i have the right to make mistakes and be responsible for them.

Exercise "Give yourself a name"

Goal: achieving a balanced emotional state, calmness and confidence. Performed in a group.

Instructions: Participants take a comfortable position and relax. Then each one is told: “Think about an event when you felt confident and successful. Where and when it happened. Remember your feelings and relive this event again. " For execution tasks are given about 7 minutes. After this time, participants should discuss the results of their visualization of the event. Everyone should tell about the event he saw with the obligatory addition of a source that caused a feeling of confidence, success, etc. After listening to all the stories, the group comes up with a new name for each participant, which should reflect the state that he received by remembering the event. For example: "I am the one who .. (does this)" or "I am confident when I .. (do this)."

All exercises should be done about once a week. Although it is quite possible that many readers just mastering these techniques will already give strength and self-confidence.
