The section is very easy to use. It is enough to enter the desired word in the proposed field, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word monograph

monograph in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


monographs, w. (from Greek, monos - one and grapho - I write) (scientific). A scientific book dedicated to the study of some n. one question, one topic. Monograph about Pushkin's work.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, well. Scientific research, a book dedicated to one question, topic.

adj. monographic, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T.F. Efremova.


g. Research on smb. one question or one topic.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


MONOGRAPH (from mono ... and ... graphy) is a scientific work devoted to the study of one topic.


(from mono ... and ... graphy), a scientific work in which a certain topic is most fully explored. In Moscow, the literature on this issue is summarized and analyzed, and new hypotheses and solutions are put forward that contribute to the development of science. M. is usually accompanied by extensive bibliographic lists, notes, etc.


Examples of the use of the word monograph in literature.

Dar climbed up into a chair, read something or listened to excerpts from monographs, which Alyoshin announced with the joy of a commander who won a victory and announced it to his people.

I proceeded from the fact that archeology - a science in which adventure and hard work, romantic discoveries and spiritual self-denial are intertwined, a science that is not limited either by the framework of a particular era, or by the framework of a particular country - was buried in special literature: scientific monographs and magazines.

It was under these apple trees that the historical battle took place, which Academician Barthold once mentions in monographsdedicated to the history of these places.

I remember well that just published in Russian translation monograph I bought Heitler in April 1940 at a bookstore on Mokhovaya, at the entrance to the old building of Moscow State University.

Perhaps you remember my monograph on rare earth ketones and halogens, which had a profound influence on early Hollywood comedy films.

After his first speeches, articles and articles began to appear in our country. monographsdevoted to natural waters, and the school of Soviet hydrogeologists quickly moved to one of the leading places in the world.

I was well acquainted with this folklore, primarily through the extremely rare monographs Eli Davenport, which covered oral material collected from the state's eldest before 1839.

Absent-minded, always busy and quarrelsome Dubovik was hardly published, and therefore the list of literature did not contain references to his works, only a list monographs and articles by Drabin and Yasinovsky, which had nothing to do with the hydro-jet.

Our monograph would be incomplete if we did not consider one of Aristotle's statements, which, in turn, entails the need to pay tribute to this remarkable person who played such a role in confusing human thought.

Before my doctorate, I graduated only one monograph, however, the first in the world for inertial batteries.

This mineralogy course contains a narrative - a required part of any monographs about minerals.

Part monographs about Sabina and notes about Yana Neruda are hidden somewhere in the house where the Elineks, Vysushily and Sukhaneks lived.

As a development of the vile anti-national, anti-national inhuman line, collecting all the dirt from newspaper and magazine pages, scientific brochures, monographs and other waste paper, the regime's accomplices concocted a social science course, which should, in the minds of children, still free from experience and knowledge, finally turn the world upside down.

And now, how many textbooks I read and manuals and monographs, it so happens that a neuropathologist can always make a topical diagnosis.

Strange, but it was not possible to find any signs that Filatova was cooking monograph.

HELLO! HELP TO FIND AN ARTICLE Yadova V.A. Attitude towards labor: a conceptual model and real trends // Sociological studies. 1983. No. 3. S. 50 - 62.
moderator 01/16/2014

Natalia, hello!
Unfortunately, this article is not in electronic form, only in the library.

Natalia 02/22/2014
Good evening, tell me where you can find the book by A.G. Zdravomyslov. Needs. Interests. Values?
moderator 02.24.2014

Natalia, hello!
Unfortunately, we do not have an electronic version of A.G. Zdravomyslov's book. Needs. Interests. Values

Karina 03/20/2014
Hello, could you tell me where you can find sociological studies on the pension reform in Russia (data, calculations, results. Thank you in advance!
Anastasia0101 03/27/2014
Hello, do you have any publications by Belanovsky S.A. ????
moderator 03/27/2014

Karina, hello!
Look at the Information and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. rnIssue 2/2007 PENSION REFORM IN RUSSIA: RESULTS OF MONITORING SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF POPULATION AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. - M .: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2007.- 80 p. Http://www..htmlrn

moderator 03/27/2014

Anastasia, hello!
Belanovsky S.A. Free interview as a method of sociological research // Sociology: 4M, №2 http: //www..pdf

tour 01.05.2014
Hello, help, please, find the article Khalilov T.T. Sectoral priorities of the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan's economy // Contours of socio-political agreement on the development of Russia / Otv. ed. O. M. Mikhailenok - M .: IS RAS, 2012.- 366 p.
moderator 05/05/2014

Tural, hello!
Unfortunately, we do not have an electronic version of the collection in which the article you are interested in is published.

Natalia 05/19/2014

Hello, could you tell me where you can find sociological studies on the attitude of the population to any programs (medical, regional, educational, federal)
Thank you in advance!

moderator 05/27/2014

Natalia, hello!
Maybe you will be interested in the works: Shilova L.S. The attitude of the population of Russia to the modernization of health care // Health care management. 2/2009. No. 24 http: //www..html? Id \u003d 1649; Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology No. 6 for 2013 http: //www.vestnik..pdf. Shilova L.S. or book Modernization russian education: problems and prospects http: //inion..pdf

Zarina 09/20/2014
Hello! I want to see and read articles related to disabled children. Please tell me where and how to look for them))
moderator 09/21/2014

Zarina, hello!
There are many publications on the topic of your interest on the site. Use the search on the site using Yandex. You enter, for example, children with disabilities, in a search on the site, a list with search results comes out, if they do not suit you, you go down on the page below, there is a Search window on the site using Yandex.

Elena 09/26/2014
Hello! Please help me find articles about the methodological features of the case study method.
Solangy 09/27/2014
Hello! Please tell me if you have any articles (research) about nationalism in Russia? If there is, tell me how to find them, please. Thank you!
moderator 10/02/2014

Solangy, hello!
Look at the Analytical report of the IS RAS Youth of new Russia: value priorities http: //www..html Works by LM Drobizheva. and Mukomel V.I. in the publications section http: //www._main.html and in the publications in mass media section http: //www..html

moderator 10/02/2014

Elena, hello!
Maybe the work will be useful to you: B. FLIVBERG. CASE STUDIES IN THE CONTEXT OF QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE PROBLEMS.http: //www..pdf; P. V. ROMANOV Case Study Strategy in Social Services Researchrn FLIVBERG B. On the Misunderstandings Associated with Case Study http: //www..html;
Semenova V.V. Qualitative methods: an introduction to humanistic sociology: Textbook. manual for university students / Institute of Sociology RAS: - M .: Dobrosvet, 1998. - 289 p .: ill. - Bibliography: p. 231-240.http: //www..html? Id \u003d 1806rn

Tatiana 10/26/2014
Hello! Please help me find literature on the topic: the influence of the religiosity of student youth on the projection of the number of children in future families, or the influence of religiosity on the number of children in families, at least something similar)
moderator 10/29/2014

Tatiana, hello!
Unfortunately, there are no publications on the topic of interest to you on the site, the article Zabaev I.V. 1, Melkumyan E. B. 2, Oreshina D. A. 3, Pavlyutkin I. V. 4, Prutskova E. V. 5 may be useful to you. - specially for Demoscope The influence of religious socialization and community membership on fertility. Statement of the problem

Olga 01.11.2014
Hello! Please help me find information related to immigrants in Moscow.
moderator 11/05/2014

Olga, hello!
There are a lot of speeches on this topic by IS RAS scientists in the media. Look here http: //www..html Also look at the works of V. I. Mukomel. http: //www._mainlist.html? fid \u003d Mukomel_V.I.

Aoi 11/18/2014
Hello! could you help me find articles on the social role and status of a student and the conflict between status and role. Thank you sincerely
Julia 20.11.2014
Hello, I am writing a dissertation on the study of the socio-psychological climate in social institutions. Can you please tell me if there is any research on this topic?
Katerina 11/21/2014
please help me find statistics on the political activity of youth, or on youth extremism
moderator 11/23/2014

Katerina, hello!
Look Deviant behavior in modern Russia: alcohol, drugs, youth extremism (concepts and research) / T. A. Khagurov, M. E. Pozdnyakova, V. N. Rakachev, L.N. Rybakova, T.V. Chekineva, A.P. Reznik, S.Yu. Lyubin, E.A. Voinova, N.V. Meleshko, N.E. Khagurov. - Moscow: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2014. - 200 pp. Rnhttp: //www..html? Id \u003d 3202; Yu.A. ZUBOK, V.I. CHUPROV YOUTH EXTREMISM.rn THE ESSENCE AND PECULIARITIES OF MANIFESTATION http: //www..pdf; articles in the Vlast magazine; rnGorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - M .: TsSPiM, 2010 .-- 592 p. http: //www..html? id \u003d 1674

moderator 11/24/2014

Julia, hello!
Unfortunately, no materials were found on the topic of your interest - the study of the socio-psychological climate in social institutions.

moderator 11/24/2014

On the topic you are interested in: the social role and status of a student and the conflict between status and role, there is little literature, maybe the article by P.I. Kukonkova Students in the social security system http: //www.vestnik..pdf. See also other issues of the Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. http: //

Ksenia 12/18/2014
Hello! Can you please tell me if you have any materials on the topic Tolerance as a reason for the professional self-determination of a person?
moderator 12.24.2014

Ksenia, hello!
Try to look at these works, maybe you can find something for yourself. Features of professional and labor self-determination of youth // Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology. 2011. No. 2. P. 87-105 http: //www.vestnik..html? Id \u003d 122; Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - M .: TsSPiM, 2010. - 592 p. Http: //www..html? Id \u003d 1674rn

Chernyak Tatiana Vladimirovna 15.02.2015
Dear Colleagues! I am working on my doctorate on conflicts of interest in public service. I tried to find at least some materials on your site on this topic - in vain! Key words: conflict of interest; deviant behavior of civil servants, regulation of conflicts of interest, etc. Help, I ask you in the search.rnSv, Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernyak, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Personnel Management, Siberian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA, doctoral student at RANEPA
moderator 02/16/2015

Tatiana Vladimirovna, hello!
Look: Akhmetova N.A. Conflict of interests in the public service http: //www..pdf; rnМ. Gilyazeva Social Aspects of Conflict of Interest in the Activities of State and Municipal Employees http: //www..pdfrnSee the works of T.M.Dridze and Tsoi L.N., a list of references to their publications, maybe they will be useful to you.

Olga 04.21.2015

Please help me find an article by A. V. Romanov. Ways of increasing public confidence in the district executive power, published in the first issue of 2006 of the Vlast magazine.
Thank you!

Victoria 15.05.2015
Hello, please tell me where you can find literature on coursework Features of churching people of retirement age? Thank you.
moderator 05/17/2015

Victoria, hello!
There are no publications on the topic: There are no specific features of churching people of retirement age on the portal, maybe you will find articles from the journal Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology useful http: //www.vestnik..html? Jid \u003d 155

Valeria 06/03/2015
Good evening, please tell me how to find an article on comparative cross-country or cross-cultural studies?
moderator 06/03/2015

Valeria, hello!
Look, for example, Magun V.S., Rudnev M.G. rn Similarities and differences in life values \u200b\u200bof Russians and other Europeans: intercountry and interindividual comparisons // Russia in Europe. Based on the materials of the international comparative sociological project European Social Research / Ed. ed. A.V. Andreenkov and L.A. Belyaeva. Moscow: Academy Publishing House. 2009.S. 225 - 270.2.3 p.p. http: //www..php? page_id \u003d 1198 & id \u003d 1975; rnMagun V.S., Rudnev M.G. rn Life values \u200b\u200bof the population: comparison of Ukraine with other European countries / Ukrainian society in the European space. Ed. E. Golovakhi, S. Makeeva. - Kiev: Institute of Sociology, NASU; Kharkiv national University them. VN Karamzin, 2007. - S. 226-273 http: //www..html? Id \u003d 1230; P. M. Fedorov On the comparability of the results of cross-cultural studies (on the example of measuring attitudes towards migrants) http: //www..pdf; A. M. ALMAKAYEVA Measuring generalized (generalized) trust in cross-cultural studies http://www..pdf

Lika 06/09/2015
Hello! Can't find work Andreev I.N., Golubev N.Ya., Novikov L.G. Youth subculture: norms and value system. Socis, 1989 # 4
moderator 06/10/2015

Angelica, hello!
Unfortunately, this article is not available in electronic form, as well as all the articles of the journal for 1989.

Evgeniy 06/28/2015
Hello, Dear Moderator, I ran into a problem while searching for the publication of N.F. Naumova. on this site, because there is no selection of articles for this author. Is there anything you can help me with. Best regards, Evgeny.
moderator 06/29/2015

Eugene, hello!
There was a programming error. Unfortunately, the site contains information about only one of her publications.

Leonid Khvan 07/23/2015

Good day,
Currently, we are looking for researchers in the field of sociology of administrative regulation (or, more broadly, administrative reform). It is desirable with a comparative view of the problem. Could you provide assistance in this matter. This is a specific publication project in an international legal journal. Thank you for your help.
Best regards, Leonid Khvan

Ruslan 12/17/2015
Prompt work on the sociology of organization and the sociology of conflict. Interesting empirical materials on Organizational conflict, occurrence, course and methods of management
moderator 12/23/2015
Look at this work K. V. RESHETNIKOVA Methodological framework qualifications of technologies for managing organizational conflicts http: //www..pdf
margarita 01/21/2016
Good evening, have there been any studies on the continuing education system or the continuing education teacher? Thank you!
moderator 01/28/2016

Margarita, hello!
Look Klyucharev G.A. rnAdditional education - the problem of legitimizing practice // Continuing education in political and economic contexts / Ed. ed. G.A. Klyucharyov. Moscow: IS RAS, 2008.S. 108-119. http: //www..php? page_id \u003d 1198 & id \u003d 1356 And other works by this author.
Popova I.P. Additional education as a channel of professional mobility // Continuing education in political and economic contexts / Otv. ed. G.A. Klyucharyov. Moscow: IS RAS, 2008.S. 120-133. http: //www..php? page_id \u003d 1198 & id \u003d 1357
Bessokirnaya G.P. rnAdditional professional education in Russia: scales and development trends // Russia in a global context. - M .: RITs ISPI RAN, 2002.m

Christina 02/12/2016
Good day! Could you please tell me if there were any studies on the topic: Social stratification in modern Russian society, or maybe on the example of a particular city? Thank you in advance!
moderator 02/14/2016

Christina, hello!
Look at the works of Tikhonova N.E., Golenkova Z.T. Goliusova Yu.V., Mareeva S.V.

Love 02/15/2016
Good day! Article by A.G. Bukhovets Fractal approach to the analysis of sociological data in the construction of typologies // III ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIOLOGICAL CONGRESS SOCIOLOGY IN THE XXI CENTURY. - M., 2008. For placement in the RSCI database, I need to specify the pages. I can not find. Can you help? RnAll the best, Lyubov M.
moderator 02/17/2016

Love, hello!
Electronic edition. There is no continuous numbering. Each article starts with 1 page.

Lyubov S. 03/02/2016
Hello! Tell me, are there any articles on the topic Changing appearance as a way of youth expression or research on a similar topic? Thank you in advance!
moderator 03/04/2016

Hello! Unfortunately, the portal has not found publications on the topic of interest to you. Change of appearance as a way of self-expression of young people.

V.Drob 10/29/2016
Hello! Tell me, are there any articles on the topic of Network Communications or research on a similar topic? I can't figure it out on the site. rnThank you in advance!
moderator 11/08/2016

Look at the articles: Roman Nikolaevich Abramov. Methodological and substantive aspects of social research of blogs: analytical review http: //jour..php/soc4m/article/view/3738; TV VLADIMIROVA NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION THREATS http: //www..pdf; Shapovalova IS Influence of Internet communications on behavior and intellectual development of young people http://socis./5202; S.G. USHKIN USER COMMENTS FOR PROTEST PROMOTIONS IN RUSSIAN YOUTUBE SEGMENT http: //socis..pdfrnThere are many articles on this topic on the portal, try again to use the search, try to search Yandex on the site. On the search results page, at the end, this option is provided. Rnrn

Lena 11/22/2016

Are there articles on the topic The role of leisure as a way to prevent addictive behavior? Thank you!

Julia 11/23/2016
Hello, I am interested in a scientific article on the topic Survey methods of sociological research .. tell me how to find it here?
moderator 11/28/2016

Julia, hello!
Look at the articles by A.Yu. MYAGKOV SURVEY METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION: RESPONDENTS 'PREFERENCES rnhttp: //www..html or V.I.Dudina Sociological knowledge in a developmental context information technologies from. 13-22 http: //www..pdf

moderator 11/28/2016

Elena, hello!
No articles were found on this topic. Look at the articles under the rubric Sociology of Deviant Behavior

Natalia 12/13/2016
Hello. Could you tell me the literature related to the topic Culture of student behavior
Anna 15.12.2016

Good day!
Please tell me what books or articles there are on the topic of the Search Algorithm for Scientific Publications on the Sociology of Religion.
Thank you.

moderator 12/16/2016

Natalia, hello!
Please use the search on the main page of the site. On the search results page, you will see a window at the end of the page - Search on the site using Yandex. Enter your request there. Publications on this topic (with full text) will be issued. You yourself can choose the publications that interest you, since there are many aspects of the culture of student behavior.

moderator 12/16/2016

Anna, hello!
Unfortunately, there are no publications on the site on the topic of your interest.

Leonid 01/14/2017
Hello, where can I find information on the following questions, (Application of Data Mining in Sociology. Software, Methods and Algorithms.
moderator 01/16/2017

Leonid, hello!
Check out A.A.'s blog archive. Davydov http: //www..html, there are articles on the topic that interests you. Here is an article from 2016 by A.V. Maltsev, N.E.Shilkina, O.V. Makhnytkina.Data minig in sociology: experience and prospects of research // Sociological Research. 2016. No. 3. P. 35-44 http://socis./6098

Natalia 01/23/2017
Hello, could you help me with the selection of literature for writing term paper? The topic of my work is Family as a social institution?
moderator 01/23/2017

Natalia, hello!
Search on the site will help you in the selection of literature for your coursework. Try to use it. We also recommend that you look at the works of T.A. Gurko.

victoria 03/04/2017
Good afternoon, could you help me with the selection of literature for writing a term paper? the topic of my work is international social work: areas of its activity
moderator 03/06/2017

Victoria, hello!
We recommend reading the work of P. V. Romanov, E. Yarskaya-Smirnova. Methodology of research and critical analysis in the field of social policy and social work // Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling. 2005. No. 21. S. 51-77. http: //www..php? page_id \u003d 2384 & id \u003d 4067
Perhaps you will find something useful for yourself.

Polina 03/08/2017
Hello! Please advise scientific articles on the pros and cons of conducting sociological research at the enterprise. Thank you!
moderator 03/09/2017

Polina, hello!
We recommend that you read the works of Yadov V.A., Zdravomyslov A.G., Tukumtsev B.G., Temnitsky A.L., Bessokirnaya G.P., Kozina I.M., for example, Kozina I.M. "Case study" in the study of industrial relations in an industrial enterprise // Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling, 1995. № 5-6. S. 65-90. http: //jour..php/soc4m/article/view/3865 concerning research on labor relations in the enterprise. The works of all of the above authors are on the site, search by author.

Tanya 03/15/2017
Hello, tell me, please, articles containing information about the socio-psychological climate in an organization, a team! Thank you
moderator 03/16/2017

Tatiana, hello!
See, for example, V. V. Zhovtonozhko rn Historical analysis of the term "socio-psychological climate" in domestic science http: //www..php? page_id \u003d 2384 & id \u003d 4063 & l \u003d

Anastasia 03/16/2017
Good day! Can you please tell me what publications can be viewed on the topic Models of social interaction in comedy youth series?
Irina 03/19/2017
Hello! Please help me with the search for material on the topic Domestic and foreign experience in management social development (organizations / enterprises). Thank you!
moderator 03/20/2017

Irina, hello!
See Modernization of the Domestic Management System: Trend Analysis and Development Forecast. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference and XII-XIII Dridze Readings (November 21-22, 2013) / Editorial Board: A.V. Tikhonov (editor-in-chief), E.M. Akimkin, V.S.Bogdanov, A.V Zhavoronkov, A. A. Merzlyakov, N. N. Nix, E. I. Rabinovich, V. A. Shilova (scientific secretary), V. V. Shcherbina. - M .: Institute of Sociology RAS. - 2014 .-- 548 p. http: //www..php? page_id \u003d 1198 & id \u003d 3240; Shcherbina V.V. Social technologies: the history of the appearance of the term, transformation of content, current state // Sociological research. 2014. No. 7. S. 113-124 http://socis./5676. Look also at the blog of A.V. Tikhonov http: //www..html

moderator 03/20/2017

Anastasia, hello!
Unfortunately, there are no publications on the topic of your interest on the portal.

marina 02.04.2017
Good day! Please recommend the literature on spiritual health in the sociology section. Thank you so much.
moderator 04/03/2017

Marina, hello!
Look at the publication Adamyants T.Z. rn The influence of the modern socio-cultural environment on the physical and spiritual health of society // Society and health: current state and development trends. Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. Moscow, September 19-20, 2013 M .: ROS, 2013. C. 1-9.http: //www..html? Id \u003d 3000

Alexandra 04/05/2017
Hello, please tell me articles containing information on unemployment. Thanks in advance
moderator 04/06/2017

Alexandra, hello!
You very broadly defined the topic, articles are very different, for example, N.E. Tikhonova. Explicit and Implicit Consequences of Economic Crises for Russians // Sociological Research. 2015. № 12. P. 16-27 http: //socis..pdf or Modeling the dynamics of unemployment (according to the development of Russia 1996-2001) rnTatiana Vladislavovna Kuzminova http: //jour..php/soc4m/article/view / 3978. You need to use the search and see for yourself what interests you.

Regina 04/14/2017
Hello! Can you please tell me if there are any articles and publications about the social rehabilitation of disabled children?
moderator 04/17/2017

Regina, hello!
Please use the search on the portal, on the pages of magazines, there are articles on a topic of interest to you, for example, TI CHERNYAEVA. Social rehabilitation of atypical children http: //www..pdf; Kulagina E.V. Education of disabled children and children with disabilities health: tendencies and criteria of regulation // Sociological research. 2015. No. 9. S. 94-101 http://socis./5743; Dargan A.A.Quality of life of people with limited living space // Sociological Science and Social Practice. 2015. No. 1. S. 98-114.http: //www..php? Page_id \u003d 2384 & id \u003d 3114 & l \u003d; Lebed O.L., Guseva M.A., Zeitlin G.Ya. rnIn the family - a seriously ill child. Study of such a family and work with it // Social pedagogy in Russia. 2014. No. 1. S. 20-26.

Alexandra 04/18/2017
Hello! Please tell me articles in magazines, educational literature on the topic of sociology Poll methods. Thank you!
moderator 04/19/2017

Alexandra, hello!
The page http: //www..html contains information about textbooks and teaching aids on the Institute's portal, here you can select the material you are interested in. We also recommend viewing the issues of the journal Sociology 4M http: //

Karina 04/30/2017
Hello, do you have any research that examines the work style of a leader?
moderator 05/02/2017

Karina, hello!
Maybe the work of V.V. Radaev FOUR WAYS TO APPROVE AUTHORITY WITHIN THE COMPANY http: //jour..php/socjour/article/viewFile/77/79

Elena 05/03/2017
Hello! Please tell me a study about social groups and their types.
moderator 05/05/2017

Elena, hello!
Look at the book of Tikhonov N.E. rnSocial structure of Russia: theory and reality / N.E. Tikhonova. - M. New Chronograph: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2014 .-- 408 p. http: //www..html? id \u003d 3066

Student76 05.05.2017
Good day! Is there any literature on remarriage? Specifically about raising children in such a marriage. Thank you in advance.
Natalia 05.05.2017
Hello! Can you please tell me if you have any research on the lack of places in kindergartens or on the topic of attitudes towards parenting at home? Thanks in advance.
moderator 05/10/2017

Natalia, hello!
The site contains information about the publication Savinskaya O.B., Rukina I.M. , Rzhanitsyna L.S. , Kirichenko M.M. , Ilyina M.A. , Markova V.A. Public examination of the process of transformation of the system of preschool educational institutions. / Ed. O.B.Savinskaya. St. Petersburg: LEMA, 2007. Also on the page of this publication http: //www..html? Id \u003d 620 you can familiarize yourself with other publications on the topic of your interest

moderator 05/10/2017

on the issue of raising children in remarriage, we recommend that you look through the publications on the portal of T.A. Gurko, Yu.P. Lezhnina, articles in the Sociological Journal of S.I. and Sinelnikova A.B.

Victor 10/08/2017
Hello. Can you tell me if there are any publications related to GMOs?
moderator 10/09/2017

Victor, hello!
Look at No. 3 for 2015. Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology, the topic of the issue is Sociology of Food, rn maybe some articles will be of interest to you http: //www.vestnik..pdf

Maria 11/23/2017
Hello, can you tell me the literature on the topic of leisure practices of students / youth, where television would also be mentioned?
moderator 11/24/2017

Hello, Maria!
Maybe the publications will be useful to you: Russia and China: youth of the XXI century [monograph] / otv. editors: M.K. Gorshkov, Li Chonglin, Z.T. Golenkova, P.M. Kozyrev. - M. New Chronograph, 2014 .-- 424 p. http: //www..html? id \u003d 3164; Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - Second edition, supplemented and revised. - M.: Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. - 592 p. http: //www..html? id \u003d 1822; Ivchenkova M.S.Features of methods of television consumption among youth // Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology. 2015. No. 15. P. 93-107. http: //www.vestnik-/374

Daria 06.12.2017
Hello, could you suggest any publications, preferably sociological research on the topic of social adaptation of disabled people. I will be very grateful!
moderator 12/08/2017

Daria, hello!
There is a publication by TI Gorin, VB Kefeli. Social and labor adaptation of disabled people in modern society // Theory and Practice social development... 2013. No. 2. S. 39-51. Look for the text on the journal's website or in electronic library e-library

Vitaly 12/20/2017
Hello, could you suggest any publications, preferably sociological research on the topic of social protection of convicts. I would be very grateful for your answer!
moderator 12/22/2017

Vitaly, hello!
Use search. On the page with search results at the very end there is an option - If you could not find what you wanted, try searching on our website using Yandex. Select and see a list of publications on the topic of your interest with full texts.

Alina 01/19/2018
Good evening! Can you please tell me if there are any relevant studies on communicative competence leaders?
moderator 01/23/2018

Alina, hello!
Unfortunately, your search returned no results.

Christina 02/24/2018
Hello! Please tell me what you can see on the topic of differences in relationships between friends, colleagues, comrades.
moderator 02/26/2018

Christina, hello!
Perhaps the publication will be useful to you: F. TENNIS COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY http: //jour..php/socjour/article/viewFile/586/537

Olga 14.08.2018
Colleagues, good afternoon! Is there any modern research on the motivation of youth work? Preferably a Russian sample. somewhere you can see? thanks!
moderator 08/15/2018

Olga, hello!
Look Russia Reforming: Yearbook: Issue 15 / Otv. ed. M.K. Gorshkov. - M .: New Chronograph, 2017 .-- 568 p. http: //www..html? id \u003d 5036; INAB №2 - 2017. Youth employment in motivational and structural dimensions [Electronic edition] / [M. K. Gorshkov and others]; Resp. editor M.K. Gorshkov. - Electron. text. Dan. (volume 1.5 Mb) - Moscow: Institute of Sociology FNISTs RAS, 2017 .-- 129 p. 1 electron. wholesale 12 cm disc (CD-ROM). http: //www..html? id \u003d 5647

Christina 07.10.2018
Hello! Can you advise on literature on the topic Gift as a social phenomenon?
moderator 10/08/2018

Christina, hello!
Perhaps the article by Shmerlin I.A. Gift as a “social thing” // Social reality. 2007. No. 5. http: //www..php? Id \u003d 898 & page_id \u003d 1198

Julia 20.10.2018
Hello, please tell me a questionnaire or methodology for identifying extremist sentiments in adolescents
moderator 10/22/2018

Julia, hello!
Look at the book Deviant behavior in modern Russia: alcohol, drugs, youth extremism (concepts and research) / T.A. Khagurov, M.E. Pozdnyakova, V.N. Rakachev, L.N. Rybakova, T.V. Chekineva, A.P. Reznik, S.Yu. Lyubin, E.A. Voinova, N.V. Meleshko, N.E. Khagurov. - M .: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2014 .-- 200 p. http: //www..html? id \u003d 3202

A monograph is a scientific work published in the form of a voluminous book that is devoted to in-depth study one or more related topics. Scientific prose is considered its genre. The author of the monograph summarizes and analyzes the literature on the topics under study, putting forward new theories, hypotheses and concepts that contribute to the development of science. The work usually contains an extensive bibliography, etc.

Sometimes the word “monograph” is interpreted incorrectly, thus calling any scientific work created by one person. Not only one author, but also a whole team can act as the creators of a scientific work. In this case, the word itself is used to denote a relatively narrow focus of the specificity of the study of problems, the unity of the material presented, but not the writer.

Monograph writing process

The State Standard for Publishing calls a monograph "a scientific or popular science publication, which contains a comprehensive and complete study of a specific topic or problem, and which belongs to one or more authors." Usually the volume of a monograph is not regulated, since it is the result of scientific creativity, and a work with a volume of more than 120 pages in A4 format, which is written in Times New Roman, fourteenth size and with one and a half spacing, is considered a classic one.

Before publication, the scientific material must be reviewed by specialists in the profile of the monograph with academic degree, information about which is indicated in the output. It is best if there are at least two reviewers. In the absence of information about the reviewers in the imprint of the book, it is not considered a scientific work.

Scientists usually complete the publication of a monograph with any sufficiently lengthy types of work related to the study of a certain topic with detailed description research methods, presentation of the results of work and their interpretation. A monograph can also be presented as a dissertation, for example, if you need to defend an academic degree.

This term has a slightly different meaning in library science, where it is used to refer to any non-serial publication that consists of one or more volumes. This is how it differs from serial publications such as magazines or newspapers, which are located separately and are considered mainly non-scientific literature.

It is not enough for many scientists today to publish the results of their work only in the form of small articles. In this case, the most appropriate option is.

According to GOST 7.60-2003 monograph is "Scientific or popular science publication containing a complete and comprehensive study one (highlighted by MN) problems or topics and belonging to one or more authors. "

IN Great Soviet Encyclopedia we read: “A monograph (from mono ... and ... graphy), a scientific work in which a certain topic is most fully explored. The Monograph summarizes and analyzes the literature on this issue, puts forward new hypotheses and solutions that contribute to the development of science. The monograph is usually accompanied by extensive bibliographic lists, notes, etc. "

Thus, the monograph is not written one the author's work, and a study on one topic.

Therefore, monographs are subdivided into individual and collective. The scientific community is of the opinion that it is not recommended to involve more than five co-authors. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of proposals for participation in the publication of collective monographs. To what extent such monographs can be considered a truly serious scientific work is, of course, a moot point.

If we talk about the recommended volume of monographs, then there are no regulations in this regard. Again, there is a widespread opinion in the scientific community that a monograph should be at least 5 author's sheets (1 author's sheet - 40,000 characters with spaces). Considering that on average one page typed in 14 point size in Times New Roman font with an interval of 1.5 is 1,800 characters with spaces, then 5 author's sheets will be approximately 110 pages of text typed on a computer, or 200,000 characters with spaces.

A monograph of 10 author's sheets is considered solid, and in soviet times When defending a doctoral dissertation, it was decided to publish a monograph of 15 author's sheets.

Title of the monograph

The title of the monograph should be short and clear, contain, preferably, no more than 5-6 words. It should be noted that the title of the monograph and the dissertation research have different goals. If in the title of the dissertation it is necessary to accurately formulate the subject of research in a concise form, then this is not required for a monograph. Too long a title can scare off a potential reader (opponents and members of the dissertation council will still have to read the dissertation, no matter how frightened they are by its title). If desired, you can add the desired text to the title in smaller print, for example: “QUALITY OF EDUCATION. An invitation to reflection. "

Monograph, unlike study guide, cannot be a compilation of someone else's work or a statement of generally known facts. It must necessarily contain the results of your own research, new thoughts, an original analysis of a problem, etc.

If you decide to publish your dissertation research in the form of a monograph, it is advisable to bring it into a more "readable" form. It is desirable that the monograph be written in a simple accessible language. Unlike dissertations, which are written for a narrow circle of specialists, monographs, as a rule, are designed for a wider circle of readers. It is a great skill to write simply about difficult things!

And of course, when preparing for publication of the text of the manuscript, such dissertation "headings" as "relevance of the topic", "goals and objectives of the work", "hypothesis ...", "novelty of research", "the monograph was made at the department ..." and etc.

The structure of the monograph

As a rule, the following structure of the monograph is adopted.

Introduction or / and preface... A monograph may include both an introduction and a preface, or just an introduction, as is most often the case.

Foreword (according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is accompanying article, placed at the beginning of the publication, which explains the goals and features of the content and structure of the work. It may contain summary each chapter.

Introduction (again according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is structural part of the main text edition, which is its initial chapter and introduces the reader to the essence issues works. If a dissertation research is published in the form of a monograph, then the introduction should be revised to make it more convenient for a potential reader.

Also GOST 7.0.3-2006 gives a definition introductory article - This is an accompanying article, which is placed in editions of individual works, or collected works of writers, scientists, public figures. As a rule, it is not written by the author of the work himself, and is designed to help the reader to better, deeper, more subtly perceive the content and form of the work, to understand the difficulties, to get acquainted with the history, the reader's and publishing destiny of the book, its assessments in different eras, etc.

According to the same GOST, to which we have already repeatedly referred, the largest part of the text is section... It is divided into chapters, which in turn are subdivided into paragraphs (§).

It is widely believed in the scientific literature that first chapter (or section) should be devoted to the so-called "literature review". Those. here the positions of different scientists are considered, according to their approaches, etc. Second, this analysis should reflect the position of the author himself.

The remaining chapters (sections) are determined by logic: into which logically completed sequential parts the studied topic (problem) can be divided. How many parts - so many chapters (sections). The entire set of chapters should fully cover the entire studied topic (problem).

If any aspect remains uncovered this should be mentioned in conclusion.It summarizes the research results, on the basis of which the monograph is published. It is desirable to note how the results obtained can be used in practice.

An obligatory part of the monograph is the list used literature and other sources.

The monograph can be supplemented applicationsin which auxiliary materials to the text are placed.

After the monograph is written, the next stage begins - EDITION.

Today's market offers a large selection of different organizations providing publishing services.

A modern author has two options to choose from - to find a publishing house that is so interested in his work that he agrees to publish his work with subsequent paid distribution. If the author is sure that the problem that he considers in the monograph is so urgent that there are enough people willing to pay money to read his work, then it’s only a matter of finding a publishing house that will publish this work.

The second option is simpler, but more costly. This is the publication of a monograph at its own expense. The cost of such a publication today ranges from 20,000 rubles. up to 100-150,000 rubles, it all depends on the circulation, format, cover, etc.

Recently appeared internet publishing houseswho are engaged in the publication of so-called electronic works (). Such publishers can also publish the monograph for free, with the subsequent sale of each download, or at the expense of the author.

note! According to Russian and international laws, a work published in paper format and on an electronic medium is different works, and they are assigned a different ISBN (International Standard Book Number (English International Standard Book Number, abbreviated - English ISBN) - a unique number of a book publication required for distribution of the book in retail chains and automation of work with the publication).

In the course of preparing the monograph for publication, the author will have to cooperate with the workers of the publishing house, regardless of whether he is published at his own expense, or his work will be published by the publishing house with subsequent distribution. Each author is sensitive to his work, often painfully perceives the indication of inaccuracies errors, the more the situation can become acute when the conversation comes about the style of the written work.

Let's talk about some of the stages of work on the manuscript that came to the publishing house.


Editing (French rédaction, from Latin redactus - put in order), the process of processing by the editor (editing) of an author's work for publication in print, on radio, television. Conditionally distinguish between political, scientific, literary editing. However, in practice, editing new works is a single creative process aimed at improving the content and form of a work while maintaining the individuality of its author (Quoted from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978.).

Today, in the case of publishing a monograph, two types of editing can be assumed - scientific and literary.

Scientific editor Is a specialist in this field of knowledge. Scientific editing is based on a scientific assessment of the correctness of the stated facts, conclusions, results, etc. Literary editor - philologist (or journalist). Its task is to analyze, evaluate and improve the form of a work in a compositional, stylistic (linguistic) relation.

"SCIENTIFIC EDITING - editing by the author. the original, that is, its analysis and assessment, with scientific. sides. Usually N. p. is performed by a specialist invited by the publishing house in the field of science to which the work being prepared for publication belongs or with which it is associated "(Milchin AE Publishing dictionary-reference book: [electronic edition]. - 3rd ed., rev. and add. - M .: OLMA-Press, 2006.).

Today, a scientific editor is either a person responsible for the release of scientific literature in a particular publishing house, who must understand the latest scientific trends and decide how much the presented work is suitable for publication and sale. Or it is a person who is a specialist in a narrow, as a rule, technical field, and understands a kind of "bird" language in which the authors write.

Literary editor (or just an editor, this is not quite the same thing, but we will not delve very deeply into the details of the organization of the publishing business) rules the text according to many parameters - the correctness of the Russian language, the consistency of presentation, spelling and punctuation, etc. etc., up to checking the accuracy of quotations and footnotes.

And now the author has a question - what will remain of my work after scientific and literary editorial revisions? Therefore, experienced authors who have published a fairly large amount of their works, candidates and even more so doctors of sciences prefer to do without scientific and literary editing. Moreover, today there are computer programs capable of checking not only grammatical errors, but also stylistic ones.

The simplest for today is probably the option technical editingand proofreading... In small publishing houses, these functions are performed, as a rule, by one person, he can also perform the functions layout designer.

Corrector Is a specialist who checks spelling and punctuation in the texts of newspapers, magazines, books. Its task is to correct errors of various kinds, to catch absurdities and typos with the help of dictionaries and encyclopedias. He makes sure that the generally accepted abbreviation of words, the design of tables, footnotes, links are observed, and he coordinates the noticed stylistic errors with the editor. A proofreader in the printing house compares the print with the original and, if necessary, corrects errors and technical shortcomings (unreasonable distance between letters or lines, unprinted letters or words, line length, paragraphs).

In conclusion, we will give some tips on what to look for in order to minimize the corrections made to the text by editors and proofreaders.

  1. The table of contents should be consistent. At the very end of the work on the manuscript, it is necessary to compare with the text the correctness of the pagination and the titles of the parts of the text with the table of contents. The title of any part of the text should not coincide with the title of the work itself. The table of contents should be well solved graphically, so that the reader would be comfortable using it.
  2. It is necessary to check the numbering of all figures, tables and formulas in the text. Compare whether there is a link to EVERY figure or table in the text, and whether the manuscript contains figures and tables that are referenced in the text.
  3. References - if the list is voluminous and includes sources of different types, it is better to split it into sections.
  4. Decrypt all abbreviations on first use. Do not overload the text with abbreviations, especially those with two letters. This makes it difficult for readers to perceive the text. Don't use abbreviations in titles.
  5. Avoid too many repetitions in links “Ibid. S. 220 ". It is inconvenient for the reader to use such links. Especially if the full link to the source was many pages before “Ibid. P.220 ".
  6. The manuscript must be READ well. Experienced editors do not proofread manuscripts from a computer screen; they print the text and read it intermittently, several pages at a time. The computer may not always detect an error in test... We noticed that when typing, Word did not underline the word "test" in red, although we are talking, of course, not about a flour product, but about text... Such errors can only be noticed with careful proofreading. If the author does not want to do this, accordingly, it is necessary to pay for the work on the manuscript of the proofreader.

Happy publications!

The defense of doctoral (required) or candidate (optional) dissertations is preceded by a monograph on the dissertation. This is a mandatory requirement for ongoing research in preparation for such an important event in the life of a scientist. The number of authors of the work may be different, but it is desirable that it should not exceed five people. There are several important requirements for the creation and design of a monograph, which are mandatory.

What is a monograph?

A dissertation monograph is a scientific work, it is written after research for defense has already been carried out, their data have been analyzed, conclusions have been drawn and their practical application has been found in life, that is, all the basic principles of a candidate's or doctoral work are observed. Before starting to write a work, it is necessary to understand that a dissertation monograph should have one relatively narrow topic, but it can be written by a whole group of authors. If all authors write on exactly one topic indicated in the title, then their common work can be called a monograph. If they work in different planes of science, then their work should be called a collection of scientific articles.

Monograph parameters

The dissertation monograph must have a certain volume: the minimum is allowed - five printed sheets. The work should have a short, succinct and informative title. It is very good if it fits into 5-6 words. Headings of 12 or more words do not stimulate a careful reading of the work, since comprehending the headline is already a problem even for experienced scientists. If a long title is important for the author, then you can use it on the second page of the monograph.

Young authors often forget that a monograph on a dissertation is the result of their own research and experiments, that in this scientific work it is not necessary to cite well-known facts that have been identified by other scientists as examples. This is what attracts the monograph, which makes it possible to assess the size of the efforts made by the applicant for the candidate / doctoral title, his intellect, outlook, curiosity of mind, the ability to see patterns in random phenomena, his talent as a researcher and developer.

A dissertation monograph is a popular science work that will be read by a fairly wide range of readers. Therefore, it should be written in a simple and understandable language, without using specific terms. The structure of the text of the monograph is quite simple, it must contain all the elements inherent in a scientific book.

FAQ (answers from practice)

How many (minimum) author's sheets should a monograph contain for the defense of a doctoral dissertation?

ANSWER: Formally, such a requirement is not spelled out in official documents. However, you can focus on the internal documents of the Ministry of Education: in them, a book is counted as a monograph if it contains 10 author's sheets.

How to calculate the volume of the dissertation text in author's sheets?

ANSWER: Author's sheet (A.L.), by definition, is 40,000 printed characters (including spaces).
According to the requirements for thesis preparation [p. 5.3.7. GOST R 7.0.11-2011], the dissertation pages should have the following margins: left - 25 mm, right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm. The standard font is Times New Roman (14 point size) with one and a half line spacing. Therefore, 1 sheet of the dissertation text contains 30 lines of 72 characters per line, that is, a total of 2160 characters.
Then the candidate dissertation (150 typewritten pages) has the volume: 2160 * 150 / 40,000 \u003d 8.1 a.s.; and doctoral dissertation (300 typewritten pages) - 16.2. A.L.

How to recalculate the volume of copyright sheets in registration and publishing sheets?

ANSWER: This question arises due to the fact that the volume of the text is usually indicated in the output of books (monographs) not in the author's sheets, but in the accounting and publishing sheets.
The difference is really small. The volume of the printed edition, calculated in the accounting and publishing sheets of the account. ed. l.), includes: the volume of the literary work itself plus the volume of all other text and graphic material (editorial foreword, columns, headers and footers, etc.) placed in the publication.
Practically, the volume in the account. id. l. approximately equal to the volume in A.L. + 6%.
