Blinova Tatiana Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Lokosovskaya secondary school named after Z.T. Skutina "

Pedagogical workshop "Lesson Designer"

Of course, every teacher has his own creative workshop. Each has a wide variety of methodological techniques and, perhaps, has already made an attempt to structure them.

We would like to suggest using the "Lesson Builder", an effective tool for "assembling" lessons. Any of the main stages of the lesson can be partly implemented by different methodological techniques or their combination. That is, the techniques, in fact, are the elements of the Constructor.

The constructor increases the efficiency of the lesson design by the teacher. Even if all the methodological techniques are known to the teacher, it is difficult to keep them in memory without the "Konstruktor". With Constructor, you can prepare a variety of lessons pretty quickly.

The experience of using this technique is an element of novelty in improving a modern lesson and significantly enriches the teacher's methodological piggy bank.

In the first vertical column - the main stages of the lesson, in the 4th column - the names of the methodological techniques necessary for the implementation of its stages and the last column - UUD, which are formed at this stage.


stages of the lesson

1) Cognitive: - general educational skills to structure knowledge, control and assessment of the process and results of activities.2) Logical: - analysis, comparison, synthesis.3) Regulatory: - planning,- forecasting.Video snippetsFragment of a mathematics lesson in grade 4a, teacher Ryzhkova E.G.
Reception of tetralization at the stage of knowledge actualization - reception "Game of randomness" - German language lesson, teacher Alima Bekkulovna Amrenova, English lesson. language teacher Bazarsadaeva L.S., Discussing homework Catch the Mistake Perfect Survey Its support is a cheat sheet Crossword I take you with me (The teacher makes a sign by which many objects are collected and names the first object. Students try to guess this sign and in turn name objects that, in their opinion, have the same sign value. The teacher answers whether he takes this object or No. The game continues until one of the guys determines on what basis the set gathers.)A basket of ideas, concepts, names (You can draw a basket icon on the board, in which everything that all the guys know together about the topic under study will be conventionally collected.) Theatricalization Randomness game Intellectual warm-up Programmable polling Quiet poll Perfect pollBlitz - control Work Thick and thin question (A thin question suggests an unambiguous short answer. A thick question suggests an expanded answer) Round table

Three sentences

( Students should convey the content of the topic in three sentences.)


( 3 students are called to the board. The first one answers the question, the second adds or corrects the answer, the third comments on the answer)

We got acquainted with active teaching methods, which are elements of CG. These techniques contribute to the formation of UUD.

Annex 1

Brief description of methodological techniques



The teacher complements the real situation with fiction. You can transfer the learning situation to a fantasy planet; transfer a real or literary hero in time; consider the studied situation from an unusual point of view, for example through the eyes of an alien or an ancient Greek ...


Teacherstarts the lesson with "settings".For example, introduce you to the lesson plan. This is best done in a half-joking manner. For example, like this: “First, we will admire deep knowledge together - and for this we will conduct a small oral survey. Then we will try to answer the question ... (the topic of the lesson sounds in a question form). caches of memory something valuable ... (called the theme of repetition) ". If technically possible, a short musical phrase will be a good setting for the lesson.


Knowledge for the duration of the game becomes our space. We are immersed in it with all our emotions. And we notice what is inaccessible to the cold observer from the outside. A scene on a training theme is played out.


The teacher begins the lesson with a proverb or saying related to the topic of the lesson.


The teacher begins the lesson with the statement of an outstanding person (people) related to the topic of the lesson.


The teacher begins the lesson with an epigraph to this topic.


A situation of contradiction between the known and the unknown is created. The sequence of application of this technique is as follows:
- Independent solution
- Collective verification of results
- Identifying the reasons for discrepancies in results or difficulties in implementation
- Setting the goal of the lesson.


At the end of the lesson, the students are offered an assignment, during which difficulties should arise with the implementation, due to lack of knowledge or lack of time, which implies continuation of work in the next lesson. Thus, the topic of the lesson can be formulated the day before, and in the next lesson it can only be remembered and substantiated.


You can start the lesson with an intellectual warm-up - two or three not too difficult questions to think about. From the traditional oral short survey - a simple survey, because its main purpose is to tune the student to work, and not to stress him out with a headwash.


A universal technique aimed at involving students in active thought activity from the first minutes of the lesson. The teacher begins the lesson with a contradictory fact that is difficult to explain based on existing knowledge.


To the topic or specific concept of the lesson, you need to write down the words-associations in the column. The output will be as follows:

    if the series turned out to be relatively correct and sufficient, give the task to compose a definition using the written words;

    then listen, compare with the dictionary version, you can add new words to the associative array;

    leave a note on the board, explain a new topic, return at the end of the lesson, add or delete something.



The topic of the lesson is formulated as a question. Students need to build an action plan to answer the question. They put forward many opinions, the more opinions, the better the ability to listen to each other and support the ideas of others, the more interesting and faster the work goes. The selection process can be guided by the teacher himself or the selected student, and the teacher in this case can only express his opinion and direct the activity.


Students are invited for visual perception the name of the topic of the lesson and the teacher asks to explain the meaning of each word or find it in the "Explanatory Dictionary".


Among the many similar objects, words, numbers, figures, one is highlighted in color or size. Through visual perception, attention is focused on the selected object. The reason for the isolation and generality of everything proposed is jointly determined. Next, the topic and objectives of the lesson are determined.


At the stage of updating the educational material, a conversation is conducted aimed at generalization, concretization, and the logic of reasoning. The dialogue is brought to what the students cannot talk about due to incompetence or insufficiently complete justification of their actions. This creates a situation for which more research or action is needed. A goal is set.


Students are invited to divide a number of words, objects, figures, numbers into groups, justifying their statements. The classification will be based on external signs, and the question: "Why do they have such signs?" will be the task of the lesson.


The technique can be used through visual or auditory perception. The basis of the "Bright Spot" technique is repeated, but in this case, students need to find what is superfluous through the analysis of the general and the excellent, justifying their choice. An educational goal is formulated.


The topic of the lesson and the words "helpers" are suggested: Let's repeat; Let's study; Find out; Let's check. Students use the words "helpers" to formulate lesson objectives.


The teacher draws a line on the board, on which he indicates the stages of studying the topic, forms of control; talks about the most important periods that require one hundred percent dedication from the children, together they find lessons where they can “take a break”. "Timeline" allows students to see what exactly can be the final product of studying a topic, what you need to know and be able to successfully master each subsequent topic. This exercise is useful for children who find it easier to assimilate educational material from general to specific.


The teacher poses a problem that does not require a long discussion. Two groups are formed: generators and critics.

Example: The task of the first group is to give as many options as possible for solving the problem, which may be the most fantastic. All this is done without prior preparation. The work is being done quickly. The challenge for the critics is to choose the most appropriate from the proposed solutions to the problem. The task of the teacher is to direct the work of students so that they can deduce this or that rule, solve some problem, resorting to their experience and knowledge. This method can be used to stimulate independent work of students.


A technique aimed at creating external motivation for studying the topic of the lesson. This technique allows you to attract the interest of students to study a new topic, without blocking perception with incomprehensible terms.

Example: Teacher writes down the word "Topic" on the blackboard, pauses until everyone pays attention to the teacher's hand, who does not want to deduce the topic itself.

Teacher: Guys, sorry, but my hand refused to write the topic of the lesson, and it seems no coincidence! Here is another riddle for you, which you will solve already in the middle of the lesson: why did the hand refuse to write down the topic of the lesson?

He writes this question in the corner of the chalkboard.

Teacher: Guys, you have to analyze and prove, in terms of usefulness, the absence of a topic at the beginning of the lesson! But we still need to start the lesson, and we will start with familiar material ...


This strategy is appropriate to use to develop the following skills in students:

analyze the text together with other people;

conduct research work in a group;

it is available to transfer information to another person;

independently determine the direction in the study of a subject, taking into account the interests of the group.

Example: The technique is used to study and organize a large volume of material. To do this, you must first break the text into semantic fragments for mutual learning. The number of passages should match the number of group members. For example, if the text is divided into 5 semantic passages, then in groups (let's call them conditionally workers) - 5 people.



You can start the lesson with an intellectual warm-up - two or three not too difficult questions to think about. Warming up can be done in different ways:

    What's superfluous?

    To summarize - what is it ...

    What's missing is a logical chain

    What word is hidden and so on.

Signs with concepts and terms are posted on the board or made out in the form of a multimedia presentation and students are asked questions. An intellectual warm-up not only sets students up for learning activities, but also develops thinking, attention, the ability to analyze, generalize, and highlight the main thing.


Using the work on the study of the etymology of the word, "speaking surnames", you can apply this technique. At the end of one of the lessons, you can ask a question. The next lesson should start by answering this question.


Formula: the teacher introduces elements of random selection into the lesson. Where chance reigns, there is passion. We are trying to put it in service. A roulette wheel is good for this. It is enough to have a circle made of cardboard with an arrow on a carnation. It is possible, and vice versa, to rotate the disk relative to the stationary pointer. The object of a random choice can be the problem to be solved, the topic of repetition, the topic of the report, the student being called. In addition to the roulette, they throw up a coin (heads or tails), draw lots, take out the kegs of the Russian loto, with the student's number in the magazine.


The teacher, together with the students, discusses the question: how well the homework was done.


Explaining the material, the teacher deliberately makes mistakes. Students are first warned about this in advance. Sometimes they can even be prompted "dangerous places" by intonation or gesture. Teach students to instantly stop mistakes with a symbol or explanation when needed. Encourage attention and willingness to intervene! The student receives a text (or, say, analysis of the solution to the problem) with specially made mistakes - let him "work as a teacher."




A form of educational work, during the preparation of which the skills of “folding and expanding information” are practiced under certain restrictive conditions. A student can answer using a "cheat sheet" prepared at home if:
1) the "cheat sheet" is drawn up on a sheet of A4 paper;
2) there is no text in the cheat sheet, and the information is presented in separate words, conventional signs, schematic drawings, arrows, the arrangement of information units relative to each other;

3) the number of words and other units of information corresponds to the accepted conditions (for example, there can be no more than 10 words, three conventional signs, seven arrows or lines on a sheet).
The best "cheat sheets" as they are used in the lesson are posted on the stand. At the end of the study of the topic, the results are summed up, the winners are awarded.


Crosswords in the lesson are the actualization and consolidation of knowledge, drawing attention to the material, intellectual exercise in an entertaining way. Students love to solve riddles, puzzles, and crosswords.


A technique aimed at updating the knowledge of students, contributing to the accumulation of information about the attributes of objects.


    the ability to combine objects according to the common value of the attribute;

    the ability to determine the name of the attribute by which objects have a common meaning;

    the ability to compare, compare a large number of objects;

    the ability to compose a holistic image of an object from its individual features.

The teacher thinks of a sign by which many objects are collected and names the first object. Students try to guess this attribute and take turns calling objects that, in their opinion, have the same attribute value. The teacher answers whether he takes this object or not. The game continues until one of the guys determines on what basis the set gathers. Can be used as a warm-up in the classroom.


This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when their experience and knowledge are being actualized. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think about the discussed topic of the lesson. On the board, you can draw a trash can icon, in which everything that all the guys know together about the topic under study will be conventionally collected.




A technique aimed at enhancing mental activity and attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. Forms: the ability to analyze; the ability to identify and formulate a contradiction. The teacher finds a point of view in which even well-known facts become a mystery. It is well known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates work like amazing. You can always find such an angle of view in which even the ordinary becomes amazing. These can be facts from the biographies of writers.


The teacher deliberately does not fully disclose the topic, inviting the students to ask additional questions to clarify it.


Four to five keywords are selected from the text. Before reading the text, students working in pairs or groups are encouraged to give a general interpretation of these terms and suggest how they will be applied in the specific context of the topic they are about to learn. After reading the text, check if the terms have been used in this meaning.


A simple, understandable and attractive goal is set for the student, fulfilling which, willy-nilly, he performs the educational action that the teacher plans.


Multimedia presentation - itpresentation of material using computer technology.Multimedia contributes to the development of motivation, communication skills, acquisition of skills, accumulation of factual knowledge, and also contributes to the development of information literacy. Facilitating the process of perception and memorization of information with the help of vivid images is the basis of any modern presentation.


A technique aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in the lesson.

Forms: the ability to analyze and compare facts; the ability to identify a contradiction; the ability to find a solution with the available resources.

1 reception option. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives a riddle (surprising fact), the answer to which (the key for understanding) will be opened in the lesson when working on new material.

2 reception option Give a riddle (surprising fact) at the end of the lesson to start the next lesson with it.


For the studied text, it is proposed to compose a certain number of questions - judgments in a certain time:


How to prove?

How to explain?

As a result of what?

In which case?


A diagram with a list of questions-judgments is posted on the board and it is stipulated that whoever completed 7 questions in 7 minutes receives a mark “5”; 6 questions - “4”.

After reading a paragraph, students build judgments, make up a question and write it down in a notebook. This technique develops the cognitive activity of students, their written speech.


For students, working with Internet resources is access to a huge amount of necessary illustrative and informational material, which is sorely lacking in libraries. This is, first of all, an impetus to self-education and enhancing the cognitive activity of students, as well as a choice that children do not have, working only with a textbook.


A technique aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in the lesson, forming an idea of ​​how the contradiction works.


    the ability to find positive and negative sides in any object, situation;

    the ability to resolve contradictions (remove "minuses" while preserving the "pluses");

    the ability to assess an object, a situation from different positions, taking into account different roles.

Option 1

The teacher specifies an object or situation. Students (groups) take turns calling "pros" and "cons".

Option 2

The teacher sets the object (situation). The student describes a situation for which this is helpful. The next student is looking for how this last situation is harmful, etc.

Option 3

Students are divided into sellers and buyers. Both those and others represent some famous characters. Then they play according to the scheme. Only "pluses" are looked for from the position of the character - the seller, and "minuses" - from the position of the character - the buyer.

Option 4

Students are divided into three groups: "prosecutors", "lawyers", "judges". The former blame (look for cons), the latter defend (look for pluses), the third try to resolve the contradiction (leave the “plus” and remove the “minus”).


The group is divided into two parts: "jockeys" and "horses". The first receive cards with questions, the second - with the correct answers. Each "jockey" must find his "horse". This toy is applicable even in the lessons of learning new material. Its most unpleasant feature is the need for the entire team of students to walk around the classroom at the same time, this requires a certain formation of a culture of behavior.


Before studying the educational text, the task is set: to compile a list of questions for the text. The list can be limited. For example, 3 reproductive questions and 3 expanding or developing ones.


Let there be a place in the classroom for open questions: this is what we have studied; this is left outside the program; I don't know that myself; nobody knows this yet ...



The student composes his own pivotal notes on the new material.

This technique is appropriate in cases where the teacher himself uses such notes and teaches children to use them. As a weakened version of the technique, you can recommend drawing up a detailed response plan (as in an exam).

It is great if the students have time to explain their pivotal notes to each other, at least partially.

"Yes, no"

The teacher thinks of something (number, subject, literarygo or a historical hero, etc.). Students try to find the answerasking questions. The teacher answers these questions only with words:yes, no, and yes and no.

"Yes, no" teaches:

    connect disparate facts into a single picture;

    systematize the information already available;

    listen and hear your comrades.

"SORBONKA"The technique is intended for memorizing historical dates, all kinds of definitions, foreign words, etc. On one side of the card, a concept, word, date is written, and on the other, the answer. The student goes through the cards, tries to give an answer and immediately checks himself. An animated version of the sorbon can make this memorization process more attractive and varied. Objects of memorization can be not only words, dates, terms, but also cards and others.visual objects.


Groups receive the same task. Depending on the type of assignment, the result of the group's work can either be presented to the teacher for verification, or the speaker of one of the groups discloses the results of the work, and other students supplement or refute it.


These games come to the rescue in difficult times -to dissolve the boredom of monotony ...

1. If you need to do a large number of monotonyexercises, the teacher includes them in the game shell, in which these actions are performed to achieve the game goal.

2. Students compete by performing in turn actions in accordance with a certain rule, when any subsequentthe action depends on the previous one.


The use of such a lesson form as a business game can be seen as a development of a role-based approach. In a business game, each student has a very specific role. The preparation and organization of a business game requires many-sided and thorough preparation, which in turn guarantees the success of such a lesson among students. Playing is always more interesting for everyone than learning. After all, playing with pleasure, as a rule, you do not notice the learning process.


The teacher conducts a training survey himself, without listening to the answers of the students.The group is divided into two parts in rows -options. The teacher asks a question. The first group answers it.Moreover, each student gives an answer to this question to his neighbor indesk - to the student of the second group. Then the teacher answers the same question.or a strong learner. Students of the second group, after listening to the teacher's answer, compare it with the friend's answer and give him a gradeor just "+" or "-". Students answer the next question from the teacherthe second group, and the guys from the first listen to them. Now theyin the role of a teacher and after the teacher's answer, mark the students of the second group. Thus, by asking 10 questions, they finish offthe fact that each student in the group answers 5 questions,gives the teacher's answers to all questions, will rate his friend 5 timesprospect. Each student in this form of survey acts both in the role of the respondent and in the role of the supervisor. At the end of the survey, guysgive each other marks.


Types of tests: installation; test reminder; teaching; test addition; diagnostic; test comparison; final; test ranking. And also: written, computer, test with a choice of answer, test with a "twist", test-matching, test with a detailed answer, etc.


Pupils are handed out printed intelligence - cards with missing connections, concepts. The guys make up for the intellect-katu. The technique is effective if the teacher, when explaining the new material, demonstrated a completely filled mind map.


This technique is especially effective when the studied text is rather thick, overloaded with factual material, and concerns complex subject areas. Ask students to pair up and then pair up for 1, 2, 3, 4. Each pair is numbered accordingly. Tell the students that they will be reading the article now, but in a rather unusual way. Explain that the article is divided into four parts and that pairs will be given a part of the article under the appropriate number for study. And now each of these "quarters" is divided in half. This is done so that one member of the pair is the speaker, and the other is the respondent for the first part, for the second half they change roles. However, at the end of the lesson, students should know the entire content of the article. The speaker's task is to read the text carefully and be ready to summarize what he read. After they honor their part, they should be ready to give the partners what they read in their own words.


Cards must be printed and distributed to students. They contain questions and tasks of various difficulty levels.Working with cards in a student-centered lesson begins with the selection of an assignment by students. The teacher does not take any part in the student's selection process. The role of the teacher when working with cards is minimized. He becomes an observer and, at the right time, an assistant, not a leader.

When choosing a card, the guys go through three stages:

    Stage 1 - task selection (by content)

    Stage 2 - according to the degree of difficulty (* - easy, ** - difficult)

    Stage 3 - the nature of the task (creative, reproductive)

The total number of combinations of all our selection parameters gives us a set of DCs, consisting of 6 cards. Each selection parameter is indicated on the DC with a corresponding icon: the type of task in terms of content, the degree of its complexity and the nature of the task. These icons help each student make informed choices.



The educational project, as an integrated and multipurpose method, has a large number of types and varieties. The research mini-project resembles a true scientific research in structure. It includes substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, designation of research objectives, the obligatory advancement of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and a discussion of the results obtained. At the same time, the methods of modern science are used: laboratory experiment, modeling, sociological survey. Students can choose the age group for the survey themselves, depending on the task assigned to them, or the group for the survey is determined by the teacher (this option is more acceptable at the initial stage, when the children are just getting acquainted with this form of work).


This type of tasks is an innovative toolkit that forms both traditional subject educational results and new ones - personal and metasubject educational results.Situational tasks- these are tasks that allow the student to master intellectual operations sequentially in the process of working with information: familiarization - understanding - application - analysis - synthesis - evaluation. The specificity of a situational task is that it has a pronounced practice-oriented character, but specific subject knowledge is required to solve it. In addition, such a task has not a traditional number, but a beautiful name that reflects its meaning. An obligatory element of the task is a problematic question, which must be formulated in such a way that the student wants to find an answer to it.


The teacher "pushes" the students towards the correct choice of research topic by asking them to answer the following questions: What interests me the most? What do I want to do first? What would you like to know as much as possible? By answering these questions, the student can receive advice from the teacher on which research topic to choose.

The topic could be:

Fantastic (the student puts forward some kind of fantastic hypothesis);
- experimental;
- inventive;
- theoretical.


Students solve educational problems using TCO.


When solving educational problems, each student works at a pace determined by himself.


Students sound a fragment of a feature, animation, etc. film after preliminary preparation.


Pupils restore a text fragment deliberately "damaged" by the teacher.


The method of working with illustrative material in many cases includes two stages. At the first stage, an idea of ​​what is depicted is created, memorization is carried out, at the second, the activities of students are directed towards the assimilation of connections between concepts, at the use of knowledge in a similar and new situation. The simplest and most effective form of working with illustrations is completing certain tasks.


Reception for systematization, generalization of acquired knowledge; to highlight essential and non-essential features of the phenomenon under study; creating a brief description of the concept under study, comparing it with other similar concepts. This is a universal technique for drawing up a generalized description of the phenomenon under study according to a specific plan.


A technique aimed at developing the ability to ask questions, and can also be used to update the knowledge of students on the topic of the lesson. Students are offered a table of questions and terms on the topic they have learned or a new topic in the lesson. It is necessary to compose as many questions as possible using question words and terms from two columns of the table.


Question words


The rules for working with this technique are as follows: the trunk of a tree is a topic, branches are assumptions that are conducted in two main directions - "possible" and "probably" (the number of "branches" is not limited), and, finally, "leaves" - the justification of these assumptions , arguments in favor of this or thatopinions. "The prediction tree might look like this:



Students are asked to choose the correct answer from the proposed options.


The student composes the author's basic synopsis of the studied topic. It makes sense to do this on a large format sheet. It is not necessary for everyone to repeat the same topic. For example, suppose half of the students repeat one topic, and half the other, after which they open their supports to each other in pairs.

Or this form of work: several students hang their author's supports - posters on the wall, the rest gather in small groups and discuss them.


Cluster (bunch) - fixation of a system concept with interconnections in the form:

concept e e


Mind maps reflect the process of associative thinking. They reflect connections (semantic, associative, causal, etc.) between concepts, parts that make up the problem or subject area that we are considering. Intelligence cards are effective in developing memory, generating associations, brainstorming, creating a big picture, indicating relationships, planning. Mind maps make it easy to understand, remember and work with information that is complex in structure and volume. The rules for creating mind maps are as follows:

    Only colored pencils, markers, etc. are used to create maps.

    The main idea, problem, or word is centered.

    To depict the central idea, you can use drawings, pictures.

    Each branch has a different color.

    The main branches are connected to the central idea, and the branches of the second, third, etc. orders are connected to the main branches.

    The branches should be curved.

    Only one keyword is written above each line - branch.

    For better memorization and assimilation, it is advisable to use drawings, pictures, associations about each word.

    Overgrown branches can be enclosed in outlines so that they do not mix with adjacent branches.

Special information technologies make it possible to draw up mind maps using special programs. It is convenient to combine the mind map with the ZXU table (I knew, I found out, I want to know). When drawing up a mind map by students, the condition must be met independently: the text with which students work should be small, because this work takes a lot of time.


Students develop checklists for all previously learned topic. Competition of lists is possible. You can do a quiz on one of the lists, etc.


Students develop lists of questions, the answers to which add knowledge to the entire previously studied topic. Some of these questions are appropriate to answer. But not necessarily at all.


Students select (or come up with) their examples, tasks, hypotheses, ideas, questions connecting the last studied material with any previously studied topic indicated by the teacher.


A technique that can be used to analyze a specific situation, a problem, an event that has occurred. The most convenient way to complete the analysis is to fill in the table:

Today's situation


The problematic task raises the question or questions: "How to resolve this contradiction? How can this be explained?" A series of problematic questions transforms the problematic task into a model of finding a solution, where various ways, means and methods of solution are considered. The problem method involves the following steps: problem situation → problem task → model of finding a solution → solution. In the classification of problematic tasks, tasks are distinguished with uncertainty of conditions or the desired, with redundant, contradictory, partially incorrect data. The main thing in problem-based learning is the very process of finding and choosing the right, optimal solutions, and not an instant exit to a solution. Although the teacher knows the shortest path to solving the problem from the very beginning, the very process of searching leads, step by step, to solving the problem.


Students in the table compare two similar objects, processes, etc.

Example: Laboratory work "Comparison of the February and October revolutions of 1917"

Comparison lines


The purpose of this technique is to show the ambiguity of any social and historical phenomenon, for example: Find negative and positive.



One student's story is interrupted anywhere and continues with another student. The technique is applicable in the case when a detailed, logically coherent answer is assumed.


The student chooses one correct answerfromseveral suggested.


Conversation with one or more students takes place in a half-whisper, while the group is busy with other activities.


Students assess their own level of preparation and inform the teacher about it. The question is: who today feels ready for a "5"? (Students raise their hands.) To "4"? At "3"? Thank you...


The control is carried out at a high pace to identify the degree of mastering of simple educational skills that students must master for further successful study.The pace of the blitz test is similar to the factual dictation. Includes 7-10 standard tasks. Time - about a minute per task. Carrying out technology:

before : Option conditions open on a board or poster. If possible, conditions are printed out and placed on the desks with the text down. On command, they turn over.

during : on the desk - a blank sheet and a pen. Students start work on command. No explanations or standard design of the assignment is made. After the expiration of the time, the work is terminated by a clear command.

after : the work is handed over to the teacher or the self-test option is used:

a) the teacher dictates the correct answers or, what is better, posts a table of correct answers. Students mark their results with "+" and "-" signs;

b) a small discussion on student issues;

c) the assessment rate is set. For example: out of 7 tasks 6 "plus signs" - mark "5", 5 "plus signs" - "4", at least three - mark "3";


The test is carried out according to the texts of previously solved problems.You specify d / z an array. Redundant array: not all tasks need to be solved. But do relay work. The assignments of these control are formed from the array. Can be included and once disassembled in the classroom. The more tasks he solved, the more attentive he was at the same time, the more likely he was to meet a familiar task and quickly cope with it.


The teacher checks the students' work selectively.


This technique of developing critical thinking is used to organize interrogation. The strategy allows you to form: the ability to formulate questions; the ability to relate concepts. A subtle question suggests an unambiguous short answer. A thick question suggests a detailed answer. After studying the topic, students are asked to formulate three "thin" and three "thick" questions "related to the material covered. They then interview each other using thick and thin question tables.


Roundtable Writing is a collaborative learning method in which a paper and pen are constantly passed around in a circle among a small group of participants in the game. For example, one of the partners writes down an idea, then passes the sheet to the neighbor on the left. He adds some of his own considerations to this idea and passes the sheet on. In one version of this procedure, each participant writes in their own color. This, purely visually, enhances the feeling of an equal contribution that everyone makes to the formation of a general opinion, and allows the teacher to understand and record the participation of everyone.

Oral "Round Table" is a joint teaching method similar to the previous one, only it is conducted orally. Each participant, in turn, picks up and develops the idea expressed by the previous one.


Students should convey the content of the topic in three sentences.


3 students are called to the board. The first answers the question, the second adds or corrects the answer, the third comments on the answer.



Students are asked to select the appropriate statement

1) I myself could not cope with the difficulty;

2) I had no difficulties;

3) I only listened to the suggestions of others;

4) I came up with ideas….


Students model or visualize their understanding, actions in a drawing orscheme.


Fixing knowledge and ignorance about any concept (can be located both horizontally and vertically.



Designation using characters in the margins near the text or in the text itself:

"+" - knew, "!" - new material (learned), "?" - I want to know


Arrows or graphs,in which students depict the result of reflection according to various criteria:understanding, participation in discussion, generation (advancement) of ideas, group interaction, mood, interest in completing the task, ease of implementation ... - i.e. different types of reflection.


L and




Card with the task "Continue phrase":

    It was interesting to me…

    We figured it out today….

    Today I realized that ...

    It was difficult for me ...

    Tomorrow I want in class ...


The student marks the appropriate rung on the ladder.


Confident in my abilities



Extremely bad


    How would you name the lesson?

    What was the most important thing in the lesson?

    Why are we at the lesson today ...?

    What is the topic of today's lesson?

    What is the purpose of the lesson?

    What will be the next lesson?

    What challenge will we face in the next lesson?

    What was easy (difficult) for you?

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    What do you want to praise yourself or one of your classmates for?


A reflexive technique that facilitates the organization of an emotional response in the lesson. The student asks a question starting with the words "I want to ask ...". To the received answer, he reports his emotional attitude: "I am satisfied ...." or "I am dissatisfied because ..."



The method of reflection is used most often in the classroom after studying a large section. The bottom line is to record your progress in studies and, possibly, in relationships with others. The backpack moves from one student to another. Everyone not only records success, but also gives a specific example. If you need to collect your thoughts, you can say "skip a turn."

Example: I learned how to plan a text; I figured out such and such a topic; I finally remember


Possible forms of implementation

Lesson type (determined in accordance with the didactic objectives of the lesson)

  • combined (mixed);
  • lessons in learning new material;
  • lessons of generalization and systematization of the studied;
  • lessons of control and correction of knowledge, skills;
  • lessons in the practical application of knowledge, skills

(G.I.Shchukina, V.A.Onischuk, N.A. Sorokin, M.I.Makhmutov, etc.)

Lesson forms

(form of organization of educational activities)

1. Diving Lessons

2. Lessons: Business Games

3. Lessons - press conferences

4. Competition lessons

5. Theatrical lessons

6. Consulting lessons

7. Computer lessons

8. Lessons with group forms of work

9. Peer Learning Lessons

10. Creativity lessons

11. Lessons-auctions

12. Lessons taught by students

13. Lessons-tests

14. Lessons - Creative Reports

15. Lessons-contests

19. Lessons-communication

20. Fantasy Lessons

21. Lessons-games

22. Lessons - "courts"

23. Finding Truth Lessons

24. Lessons-concerts

25. Lessons-Dialogues

26. Lessons "Investigations are led by experts"

27. Lessons - role-playing games

28. Conference lessons

29. Lessons-seminars

30. Lessons - "circuit training"

V.M. Lizinsky

Teaching methods


∙ reproductive

problem learning

partial search



Motivation techniques

(motivation is a general name for processes, methods, means of encouraging students to productive cognitive activity, to actively master the content of education)

1. "Pro"

Based on the future profession, why do you need to study this topic?

2. "Idol"

Distribute “idols for life” on cards. Imagine how they would prove to you the need to study this topic?

... If you were an illustrator, how would you illustrate this topic? Etc.

4. "Orator".

In 1 minute, convince your interlocutor that the study of this topic is simply necessary.

5. "Timeline".

I draw a line on the board, on which I indicate the stages of studying the topic, forms of control; I talk about the most important periods that require one hundred percent dedication from the guys, together we find lessons where you can “take a break”. "Timeline" allows children to see what exactly can be the final product of studying a topic, what you need to know and be able to successfully master each subsequent topic. This exercise is useful for children who find it easier to assimilate educational material from general to specific.

Learning technologies

differentiated learning

group technologies

gaming technology

technology for the development of critical thinking

∙ project method

Techniques and means for the formation of cognitive activity

- passionate teaching

The novelty of the teaching material


Connection of knowledge with the destinies of people who discovered them

Demonstration of the practical application of knowledge in relation to the life plans and orientations of students

Use of new and non-traditional forms of education

Alternation of forms and methods of teaching

Problem learning

Computer-assisted training

Use of interactive computer tools

Peer education (in pairs, microgroups)

ZUN testing

Showing the achievements of trainees

Creating Success Situations


Creating a positive microclimate in the group

Trust in the trainee

Pedagogical tact and skill of the teacher

A positive attitude of the teacher to his subject, to the students,

Humanization of interpersonal relationships, etc.



The participants of the master class were asked to write four sentences reflecting the following four points of the POPS - formulas:

P - position
O - explanation (or justification)
P is an example
WITH - consequence (or judgment)

The first sentence (position) begins with the words:
"I think that…".

The second sentence (explanation, justification of your position) begins with the words:

"Because …".

The third sentence (focused on the ability to prove the correctness of one's position in practice) begins with the words:

"I can prove it with an example ...".
The fourth sentence (consequence, judgment, conclusions) begins with the words:

“Based on this, I conclude that ...”.


Lesson goal builder

The educational goal is the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Lesson in learning new things.


lesson in generalization and systematization of knowledge

Lesson - control

Formation of skills (subject or general educational)

Elimination of gaps, prevention of possible errors.

1. Restore knowledge about ...

1. Expand your understanding of ...

1. Check knowledge ...

1.Start (continue) the formation of skills ...

1.Correct knowledge on the topic ..., paying attention to the following errors ...

2. To form an idea of ​​...

2. Develop and concretize knowledge about ...

2. Determine the level of assimilation ...

3. Introduce ...

3. Consolidate knowledge about ...

2.To learn to use the algorithm ...

4. Consider ...

4. Apply knowledge about ... for (explaining observations, solving problem problems ...).

5. Show structural features (influence) ...

2. Prevent errors from occurring.

3.To consolidate the skill ...

6. Start forming a concept ...

5. Summarize and systematize knowledge about ...

4. Continue to practice the skill ...

7. Expand the concept (essence, diversity, especially with tee) ...

6. Establish connections between ...

5.Check the degree of formation of the skill

8. Describe.

9. Reveal the meaning ...

10. Explain the reasons ...

11. Establish a relationship (dependence, pattern) ...

12. Build understanding ...

13. Deepen (expand) knowledge about ...

The developing aspect of the lesson is associated with the development of mental processes


Development of logical thinking:

highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, classify

Development of speech activity.

Development of creativity, imagination, independence

Development of attention, memory, will, feelings, emotions, fantasy

The educational aspect implies the formation of a worldview and the upbringing of personal qualities.

respect for nature;

interest in knowledge, culture of mental work; a sense of responsibility for the results of their work;

culture of communication, communicative qualities (the ability to communicate in the process of pair and group interaction); hard work, sense of duty, self-discipline;

persistence and perseverance in achieving the goal; aesthetic views and tastes; reflective personality traits

materialistic worldview, we form a scientific picture of the world as a component of universal human culture, develop ideas about the integrity and materiality of living nature


Working with a microscope; preparation of micropreparations.

observation of natural objects

work with herbariums and collections

recognition of cells and their organelles, tissues, plant organs, animal organ systems

food chain compilation

General training



collapsing and expanding information; work with text and pictures of the textbook (finding the necessary information, highlighting the main thing, drawing up a plan and reference schemes, searching for hidden information); work with additional literature.

analysis and synthesis; definition of concepts; comparison, generalization and systematization; classification; establishing analogies, causal relationships and interdependencies; putting forward hypotheses; evidence and refutation; solving problematic tasks.




Yes, no - the teacher thinks of something (number, subject, literary or historical hero, natural phenomenon, etc.). Students try to find the answer by asking questions. The teacher answers these questions only with the words "yes", "no", "yes and no."

For instance:

Teacher: I have chosen the time of year that you should find out. To do this, you can ask me questions, to which I will answer with the words "yes", "no", "yes and no." But the questions should be “thick”.

Students ask the teacher questions like:

Are the flowers blooming at this time?

Can I go swimming this time of year? Etc.

Surprise! - It is well known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind as amazing. The teacher gives an example of an amazing fact and phenomenon.

For instance:

  1. In which city is the onset of spring declared by a special decree depending on the opening of the official chestnut tree? (Answer.In Geneva, for 2 centuries there has been a tradition to declare the onset of spring by a special decree when the first leaf blooms on the "official chestnut" growing under the windows of the cantonal government building. According to statistics, most often spring was announced in March, although often earlier, and in 2002 the chestnut blossomed on December 29. The most paradoxical year was 2006: first, spring was announced in March, and then again in October, as the tree suddenly bloomed again).
  2. In which country does spring meet for half a year? (Answer.In Russia. It is so great that spring comes in it at different times).
  3. When do candy canes grow on a birch tree?(Answer. During spring frosts. If there are scratches on the birch trunk, then the birch sap flows out and freezes, turning into sweet icicles).

Video plot - it is known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind like a visual plot, a picture, a piece of music, a still from a film. The teacher shows a video.

Theatricalization - it is known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind as one's own participation in the creative presentation of the task.


Cluster - graphic display of the material, showing the internal and external connections of objects and phenomena.

For instance:

Fantastic Supplement- It is well known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind as amazing. The teacher complements the real situation with fantasy.

The teacher transfers an ordinary situation to a fantastic planet, in time, invents fantastic heroes, examines the situation through the eyes of a fantastic hero.

For example: there has never been spring on the planet WINTER. What is nature on this planet? Explain why?


Catch the mistake - in the text presented by the teacher, students look for errors in a group or individually, argue, confer. The speaker chosen by the group or the student himself announces the result to the whole class. The time for completing the assignment is predetermined by the teacher.

For instance:

Spring. This is a natural phenomenon characterized by heavy snowfalls, sharp temperature fluctuations, and an increase in the length of the night. This is the time when roses bloom in the gardens of the Amur Region, storks give birth to offspring, and a strong half of humanity is actively engaged in underwater fishing.

Advanced Lecture -a lecture, during which students take notes, fill in tables, make basic notes; participate as lecturers at a certain stage of the lecture; answer questions using electronic educational resources.

For instance.

Spring- this is the time of year when everything wakes up and flourishes. Spring, like other seasons (summer, autumn and winter), consists of three months. Each month has its own name. Names of spring months: March, April, May.

March, first spring month. March is a cold month, the sun is still cold and does not warm well. In March we still wear warm winter clothes. There is a holiday in March, March 8 - International Women's Day, when all women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters and girls, all men congratulate on the holiday.

April , the second month of spring. In April, the sun begins to warm up, the air becomes warmer and the snow becomes dirty and begins to melt, a thaw sets in. Drops begin (when snow and ice melt, it drips, hence the name of the drops). The snow melts, turning into large puddles, streams run. In the morning, the puddles are covered with ice, because it is still cold at night, but in the morning the ice melts due to the overheating sun. People are starting to wear lighter clothes: a hat, a jacket. The air gets warmer, the buds on the trees begin to swell and burst, and leaves emerge from the buds.

The first thawed patches appear (thawed patches are the place where the snow has melted, and there is still snow around), the first flowers appear on the thawed patches, which are called primroses (these are snowdrops).

Migratory birds return from the south and begin to build nests, and frogs wake up in the pond. Ice begins to crack on the river.

A bear, a hedgehog wakes up in the forest. The hare changes the coat from white to gray. In April, we celebrate April 12, the day of cosmonautics, when the first man in a spaceship flew into space.

May ... In May, almost all the snow melted, leaves appear on the trees, the grass turns green, butterflies and ants wake up. The day is getting longer and the night is shorter.

The sun warms almost like in summer. The air gets warm.

On the river, the ice cracked, became thin and the river begins to carry it downstream, hence the name ice drift (from the word ice goes). The first thunderstorms occur in May. In May, we celebrate May 9, the Victory Day, when Russian soldiers defeated German troops.

Inventory - in the information presented by the teacher, students select that information that relates to the question posed to them.

For instance:

Spring of light - When the sun starts to shine brighter in March, the day gets longer.

If the snow began to melt early in March, it means that it will not melt for a long time, or even a new one will fall.

Early March warmth is unreliable.

If the snow is melting rapidly, expect a lot of precipitation in summer.

To see blue or gray clouds in March means warmth or warm rain.

If the clouds are high and floating fast, then the weather in March will be good.

Long icicles hang from the rooftops - by the long spring.

Spring of water - in April the snow begins to melt, streams run, rivers flood, water rises in lakes, because of the frozen ground, water remains on the surface.

There are many small streams in the forest, which means that the earth has "woken up".

If it is hot during the day and cool at night, the summer will be rainy.

Rains in April to good arable land.

Rainy April to tall grasses in May.

If birch gives a lot of sap, then the summer will be rainy.

Spring grass - in May, green grass appears, leaves bloom on trees and shrubs.

If May is cold, the bread will be ugly.

If the nightingales sing all night, the weather will be dry.

If you heard a cuckoo, there will be no more frost.

A tall and steep rainbow means good weather.

Question. In his book "Calendar of Nature" M. Prishvin described the spring of light, the spring of water, the spring of grass. "Yes, happy is the one who can catch the beginning of spring in the city and then meet the spring of water, grass, forests near the ground ..."
What does it mean: spring of water?

Silent movie scoring- it is known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind like a visual plot, a frame from a film. The teacher shows a video, a still from a film, a presentation. Students, working in a group or individually, voice the plot shown by the teacher.


Hot stool - Option A - a student comes to the blackboard, sits on a chair, facing the class, with his back to the blackboard. The teacher writes a concept, a term on the blackboard. Students in the class, without naming a word, characterize it. The respondent must define the intended word.

Option B - a student comes to the blackboard, sits on a chair, facing the class. The students in the class take turns asking him questions about the topic.

For instance:

  1. Why is March called “the spring of light”?
  2. When does the “spring of water” begin? Explain the meaning of the proverbs: "April is glorious with water, April will give everyone a drink, April streams wake up the earth"
  3. Why does “spring snow carry away the remnants of winter snow”?
  4. Why do phenologists call April weather “restless”?
  5. When is the “spring of green”?


Cheat sheet for a friend- the teacher offers to compose the text of the cheat sheet, suitable for a complete answer to the question posed or on this topic.

For example: Why are the seasons changing (winter, spring, summer, autumn)?

The difference between the distances of our planet to the star in aphelion (the farthest distance of the earth from the sun 152,100,000 km) and perihelion (the closest distance of the earth from the sun 147,300,000 km) is only about 3 percent and has no noticeable effect on the change of seasons ...

The true reason for the change of seasons on Earth is the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the earth's orbit (ecliptic), which is 23 degrees 27 minutes. The sun warms more where the direction of its rays is closer to the vertical. The maximum density of energy (heat) received from the Sun falls on the vicinity of the "sunflower" point of the earth's surface. Part of the year, each of the two poles is turned towards the Sun, and the second part is hidden from it. When the Northern Hemisphere is facing the Sun, in countries north of the equator, summer and day are long, south is winter and day is short. When the direct rays of the Sun fall on the Southern Hemisphere, summer begins here, and winter in the Northern.

The longest and shortest days of the year are called the winter solstice and the summer solstice. Summer solstice occurs on June 22nd and winter solstice on December 22nd. And all over the world in every year there are two days when day is equal to night. This happens in spring and autumn, exactly between the days of the solstice. In autumn, this happens around September 22 - this is the autumn equinox, in the spring around March 22 - the spring equinox.


Find a connection with life - it is known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind like reliance on personal life experience. The teacher invites students in a group or individually to illustrate their answer with examples from personal experience, works of art, media materials, etc.

For instance:

Spring, as the season in which field work begins, is represented in various ways in Russian proverbs and sayings.

Spring ice is thick and simple; autumn thin, yes tenacious.

Spring is red in the long afternoon.

Spring is red and summer is mild.

Spring is generous for warmth, but stingy for a time.

Graphic dictation- the teacher suggests using conventional symbols to choose the correct answer to the proposed questions.

For instance:

  1. Spring includes 3 calendar months. (+)
  2. The second month of spring is May. (-)
  3. According to the astronomical calendar, the first day of spring is considered the day of the vernal equinox - March 21. (+)
  4. In March, we celebrate the day the first man flew into space in a spaceship. (-)

At your own pace - the teacher offers tasks of varying degrees of difficulty (level A, B, C). The student selects tasks that he can cope with.

For instance:

Level A.

Answer the following questions.

  1. In what month do they arrive: rooks, starlings, nightingales, swallows?
  2. Where are larks nests built? And the rooks?
  3. Why do rooks arrive earlier and nightingales later?

Level B.

Remember if you were in the forest in the spring and what you saw there. What are the main signs of March, April, May.

Level C.

1. Draw the spring.

2. Write an essay based on the picture you have drawn.


Prove to a friend - the teacher offers a statement. Students work in pairs. One student from the pair proves the correctness of the given statement, the other student refutes.

For instance:

Spring comes on the first of March. Is it so?


Traffic lights - the teacher uses signal cards. Pupils raise the "traffic light" (signal cards) with the red or green side towards the teacher, signaling their readiness to answer. Green is the correct answer, red is the wrong answer.

For instance:

  1. Thermometer is a device for measuring air temperature.
  2. Pure snow melts faster than dirty snow.
  3. The polar bear sleeps in winter.
  4. March 23 - day is equal to night.


Snowball - the teacher asks a question. Pupils begin with a simple answer, with each additional responder complementing the answer. Thus, information accumulates like a "snowball".

For instance:

Question: "Why does an April stump dream of becoming a birch on a spring day?"


  1. Spring has come.
  2. It became warm, the length of the day increased.
  3. The soil thaws, sap flow begins. Etc

Crossword - it is known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the work of the mind like personal participation in the implementation of a creative task


1. A green sprout looks out from under the snow. He is the first spring flower. (Snowdrop.)

6. Makes a flight, but still gnaws nuts (kind of squirrels). (Flying squirrel)

8. A fragrant May forest flower with a sprig of white bells. (Lily of the valley)

9. Tears of melting icicles. (Drops)

10. A flexible tree on the shore, which was called the weeping one. (Willow)

11. He is waiting for the spring to pass the baton to him. (Summer)

12. Spring "commands" the start when it comes ... (March)

17. Melted snow. (Water)

19. Plow and sow in the spring. (Field)

20. When the snow melts and gets warmer, then you can go to nature, barbecue.

And how to call such an exit? (Picnic)

21. A little mouse went to the river to listen to how it makes noise ... (Reed)


2. Time of crying icicles. (Thaw)

3. Begins at birth. (A life)

4. In the spring, it and the puck are removed for storage until the next winter. (Stick)

5. The "puddle" that an ink pen leaves on the paper. (Blot)

7. A collection of photographs under one cover. For example, all photos on the theme "Spring has come." (Album)

10. The place where the river begins, the stream. (Source)

13. ... silvery - this bush is also called mimosa. (Acacia)

14. "... - flowers in my garden." (Buttercups)

15. This natural phenomenon was loved in early May by the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. (Thunderstorm)

16. The main decoration of the table, in the opinion of Pope Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashin. (Flowers)

Everyone has their own plot–Each student receives his own version of tasks to control the acquired knowledge.

For instance:

  1. What do early flowering plants need to bloom in early spring? (In autumn, nutrients accumulate in the underground parts. The plant uses these reserves in the spring)
  2. What do mother-and-stepmother appear earlier: leaves or flowers? ( Flowers).
  3. What changes are happening to wild animals with the arrival of spring? (Hibernation stops, molts, cubs are born).


Sinkwine - it is a five-line in which

the first line is the subject;

second line - two adjectives characterizing the topic;

third line - three verbs characterizing actions related to the named topic;

the fourth line is a statement, a sentence consisting of four words on a given topic;

the fifth line is a synonym word for the syncwine theme.

For instance:


Joyful, warm

Murmurs, sings, melts

Spring is the time of love

A life


Add your sentences- the teacher offers to finish sentences on the topic of the lesson. Pupils, working in groups or individually, complete sentences.

For instance:

  1. Spring is a time of renewal not only in nature, but also….
  2. With the arrival of spring… appears.
  3. Spring is always looked forward to, because….


"You - me, I - you"- students work in pairs or groups. They ask each other questions about the topic of the lesson. The best questions are asked to another group or couple.

For instance:

  1. What does the crying of birch trees mean in spring?
  2. What are the birds that return in the spring called?
  3. Is it possible to hunt animals in the spring?

Free microphone- the teacher offers to evaluate the lesson. Those who wish come to the blackboard and argue the pros and cons of the lesson.


For instance:

  1. I consider today's lesson useful, because I learned why one season is replaced by another. At the same time, I would like to have more puzzles in the lesson.
  2. In the lesson, it was not always interesting for me, because I already knew a lot of what was said. I wish we could visit different parts of the world in spring using the Internet right in the classroom.


Presentation –Presentation of a given topic or task in the form of an electronic presentation of a booklet, poster presentation, etc.


Your synopsis is your support – the student draws up a synopsis of the textbook material in the form of a table, diagram, cluster, basic synopsis, plan, etc., which he can use while answering.


Make a test - the student makes a test on the studied topic. The test should consist of 10 questions, for each question there are 4 possible answers.


Special assignment - the student receives an individual task. The fulfillment of such a task requires the study of additional material, the search for information in various sources. The task can be leading, metasubject, etc.


Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

2 slide

Slide Description:

1. Present the lesson in the form of logically complete modules with a clearly defined goal and planned result. Algorithm for constructing a lesson in the framework of the system-activity approach 5. Assess the efficiency of a lesson, based on the principle of ideality: the maximum effect of students' learning activities with minimal teacher activities. 4. Analyze the resulting lesson scenario from the point of view of the system-activity approach. Consider the selected techniques or techniques for the use of ICT for their implementation. 3. To prepare educational tasks based on the material of the textbook, the constructor of situational tasks Ilyushin can be used. 2. Based on the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the module, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of the development of children, choose a pedagogical technique or technique from the bank of techniques.

3 slide

Slide Description:

Universal learning activities (ULE) - in a broad sense, means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; more narrowly - ... the ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process

4 slide

Slide Description:

The second generation standards introduce a new concept - the learning situation. An educational situation is such a special unit of the educational process in which, with the help of a teacher, children discover the object of their action, explore it by performing various educational actions, transform it, for example, reformulate it, or offer their own description, etc., partially remember it. The teacher must learn to create learning situations as special structural units of learning activity, containing its full closed cycle.

5 slide

Slide Description:

6 slide

Slide Description:

7 slide

Slide Description:

Technique "Fantastic addition" A universal technique aimed at attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. Admission involves the transfer of the learning situation to an unusual setting or environment. You can be transported to a fantastic planet; change the value of some parameter, which usually remains unchanged; come up with a fantastic animal or plant; transfer the literary hero to modern times; consider a familiar situation from an unusual point of view.

8 slide

Slide Description:

A universal TRIZ technique aimed at involving students in active thought activity from the first minutes of the lesson. The teacher starts the lesson with a contradictory fact that is difficult to explain based on existing knowledge. Example. Russian language. It is known that nouns change in cases and have endings. What about the word cinema? The student wrote in a notebook that the wounded man was lying in the ward.

9 slide

Slide Description:

10 slide

Slide Description:

Do you believe that ... (creates a problematic situation in the lesson) That all these words have the same root? 2) That all these words are cognate? 3) Are all these words forms of the same word? After that, formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

11 slide

Slide Description:

Reception "Delayed answer" A universal TRIZ technique aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in the classroom. Forms: the ability to analyze and compare facts; the ability to identify a contradiction; the ability to find a solution with the available resources. 1 reception option. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives a riddle (surprising fact), the answer to which (the key for understanding) will be opened in the lesson when working on new material. 2 reception option. Give a riddle (surprising fact) at the end of the lesson to start the next lesson with it.

12 slide

Slide Description:

Reception "Surprise!" Description: a universal technique aimed at enhancing mental activity and attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. Forms: the ability to analyze; the ability to identify and formulate a contradiction. The teacher finds a point of view in which even well-known facts become a mystery. Russian language. Topic: case of nouns. China - no case Dagestan - more than 50 cases. Russian language -

13 slide

Slide Description:

Reception "Associative row" To the topic or a specific concept of the lesson, you need to write down the words-associations in the column. The way out will be as follows: If the series turned out to be relatively correct and sufficient, give the task to compose a definition using the written words; then listen, compare with the dictionary version, you can add new words to the associative array; Leave a note on the board, explain a new topic, return at the end of the lesson, add or delete something.

14 slide

Slide Description:

Technique “Undeclared Topic” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at creating external motivation for studying the topic of the lesson. This technique allows you to attract the interest of students to study a new topic, without blocking perception with incomprehensible terms.

15 slide

Slide Description:

Beginning of the lesson The organizational moment at the beginning of the lesson is traditionally allotted by the teacher to discipline, to draw attention to himself and the lesson. The loss of five minutes sometimes does not give the expected effect, and the children continue to go about their business for some time without getting involved in work. To organize the educational activities of schoolchildren from the first minutes of the lesson, you can use the following pedagogical techniques.

16 slide

Slide Description:

Technique “I take you with me” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at updating students' knowledge, contributing to the accumulation of information about the attributes of objects. Forms: the ability to combine objects according to the common value of the attribute; the ability to determine the name of the attribute by which objects have a common meaning; the ability to compare, compare a large number of objects; the ability to compose a holistic image of an object from its individual features. The teacher thinks of a sign by which many objects are collected and names the first object. Pupils try to guess this attribute and in turn name the objects that, in their opinion, have the same meaning of the attribute. The teacher answers whether he takes this object or not. The game continues until one of the children determines on what basis the set is gathered. Can be used as a warm-up in the classroom.

17 slide

Slide Description:

Reception "Yes, no". A universal method of TRIZ technology: it is capable of captivating both young and old; puts students in an active position. Forms the following universal educational activities: the ability to connect disparate facts into a single picture; the ability to systematize existing information; the ability to listen and hear each other. The teacher thinks of something (part of speech, word, literary hero, historical person, etc.). Students try to find the answer by asking questions that the teacher can only answer with the words "yes", "no", "yes and no."

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Technique “Feature chain” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at updating students' knowledge about the features of those objects that are included in the work. Forms: the ability to describe an object through the names and values ​​of attributes; the ability to determine the hidden parts of the given parts of the model; the ability to draw up an internal plan of action. 1st pupil names the object and its sign ("the squirrel has a case"); 2nd names another object with the same meaning of the indicated attribute and another attribute ("he has a part of speech"); The third person names his object on a similar basis and a new feature (“I am the number of syllables”), etc., as long as there is someone who is able to continue the chain.

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Reception "Jockey and horse" Reception of interactive training. A form of collective learning. The class is divided into two groups: "jockeys" and "horses". The first receive cards with questions, the second - with the correct answers. Each "jockey" must find his "horse". This toy is applicable even in the lessons of learning new material. Its most unpleasant feature is the need for the entire team of students to walk around the classroom at the same time, this requires a certain formation of a culture of behavior.

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Reception "Agree - Disagree" A universal technique that contributes to the actualization of students' knowledge and activation of mental activity. This technique makes it possible to quickly include children in mental activity and it is logical to move on to studying the topic of the lesson. Forms: the ability to assess the situation or facts; ability to analyze information; ability to reflect your opinion. Children are invited to express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: agree - "+", disagree - "-". Example. When studying the topic "Gerasim and Mumu", you can offer the following statements: 1. Gerasim found Mumu in the master's garden. 2. Mumu never entered the lord's chambers. 3. Mumu lived with Tatiana. 4. Gerasim went with Mumu to the village. 5. Gerasim looked after Mumu as a mother looks after her child. Note that the children do not announce the results obtained, the teacher only says the "ideal" answer and asks to correlate it with what each student has done.

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Technique “Basket of ideas, concepts, names” This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when their experience and knowledge are being actualized. It allows you to find out everything that the students know or think about the discussed topic of the lesson. On the blackboard, you can draw a trash can icon, in which everything that all students together know about the topic under study will be conventionally collected. Example. Many lessons on learning new material begin with the "Basket" technique, the main ideas of the upcoming lesson are demonstrated on the board or displayed through the projector. For example, in the study lesson "Spelling prefixes in zs" you can ask students to express how they think what algorithm can be created to learn how to write these prefixes. give examples.

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The choice of the form of studying new material in the lesson depends on many factors: the characteristics and level of training of children, the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the topic, the possibilities and technical equipment of the office, the skill of the teacher. Long-term experience of experimental teachers has shown that even in the most “hopeless”, “uninteresting” cases, one can find a technique that will allow not only to introduce students to a new topic, but also to organize their independent activity to study new material. Techniques and techniques that can be used to achieve your goals

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A universal technique that activates the attention of students. Forms: the ability to analyze information; the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation; the ability to critically evaluate the information received. The teacher offers students information containing an unknown number of errors. Students look for a mistake in a group or individually, argue, confer. Having come to a definite opinion, the group chooses a speaker. The speaker passes the results to the teacher or announces the task and the result of its solution in front of the whole class. To prevent the discussion from dragging out, set a time in advance for it. Example. Russian language The teacher gives several grammatical (syntactic or other) rules. One or more of them are wrong. Find and prove the fallacy. Literature. Students receive a series of citations citing authors. Determine in which case the quote could not belong to the given author. Prove their opinion. Catch the mistake

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Reception "Zigzag" This strategy is appropriate to use for the development of the following skills in schoolchildren: to analyze the text together with other people; conduct research work in a group; it is available to transfer information to another person; independently determine the direction in the study of a subject, taking into account the interests of the group. Example. The technique is used to study and organize a large volume of material. To do this, you must first break the text into semantic fragments for mutual learning. The number of passages should match the number of group members. For example, if the text is divided into 5 semantic passages, then in groups (let's call them conditionally workers) - 5 people. Source: Material from Letopisi.Ru

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Technique "Good-bad" Description: a universal TRIZ technique aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in a lesson, forming an idea of ​​how a contradiction works. Forms: the ability to find positive and negative sides in any object, situation; the ability to resolve contradictions (remove "minuses" while preserving the "pluses"); the ability to assess an object, a situation from different positions, taking into account different roles. Option 1 The teacher specifies an object or situation. Students (groups) take turns calling "pros" and "cons". Option 2 The teacher sets the object (situation). The student describes a situation for which this is helpful. The next student is looking for what is harmful to this last situation, etc. Option 3 Students are divided into sellers and buyers. Both those and others represent some famous characters. Then they play according to the scheme. Only "pluses" are looked for from the position of the character - the seller, and "minuses" - from the position of the character - the buyer. Option 4 Students are divided into three groups: "prosecutors", "lawyers", "judges". The former blame (look for cons), the latter defend (look for pluses), the third try to resolve the contradiction (leave the “plus” and remove the “minus”). Reception “Own support” A universal technique that folds information. The author of the technique is a teacher and developer of TRIZ-Forms: the ability to highlight the main idea; the ability to establish connections between objects; the ability to present information in a "collapsed" form. The student composes his own basic synopsis of the new material. Of course, this technique is appropriate in cases where the teacher himself uses such notes and teaches students to use them. As a weakened option of admission, you can recommend drawing up a detailed response plan (as in an exam). It is great if the students have time to explain their basic notes to each other, at least partially. And it doesn't matter if their pivotal notes are almost the same. Example. Pupils exchange reference notes and recite the topic from the neighbor's reference notes. Source: E.V. Andreeva, S.V. Lelyukh, T.A. Sidorchuk, N.A. Yakovleva. Creative tasks of the Golden Key. /

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The technique is used to create an information piggy bank and the subsequent construction of definitions in the study of linguistic, mathematical concepts. The model is used for collecting and analyzing information on the given characteristics, revealing essential and insignificant characteristics of the studied phenomenon. The piggy bank is universal, it can be used on various objects Example. in Russian - collecting parts of a word to construct new words; collection of lexical meanings of polysemantic words; compilation of synonymous and antonymic series; piggy bank of phraseological units and their meanings; piggy bank of words containing a certain spelling; piggy bank of related words; in mathematics - the collection of elements of the problem (conditions, questions) for the construction of new problems; compilation of piggy banks of mathematical expressions, quantities, geometric shapes for their subsequent analysis and classification; the world around you - piggy banks of various types of animals and plants; literary reading - a piggy bank of rhymes, metaphors; piggy bank of personal qualities for the characteristics of heroes. Technique "Morphological box"

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Technique "Fishbone" (fish skeleton) The head is the question of the topic, the upper bones are the basic concepts of the topic, the lower bones are the essence of the concept, the tail is the answer to the question. Entries should be concise and contain key words or phrases that capture the essence. Example. Russian language: head - Spelling-vowel letters upper bones - checked vowels, unverified vowels, alternating vowels lower bones - morpheme, tail rule - know the conditions for choosing a letter. Source: Teacher and student: opportunities for dialogue and understanding.- Ed. L.I.Semina. - M .: Publishing house "Bonfi", 2002.

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"Fishbone" is a mini - research work with the text of a work of art, which makes it possible to form skills: to use elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis; extract the necessary information from a literary work and translate it from one sign system to another (from text to diagram); participate in project activities, in the organization and conduct of educational and research work; coordinate and coordinate personal activities with the activities of other participants when working together.

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In the educational process, this technique allows students to "break" a general problematic topic into a number of reasons and arguments.

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problem inference reasons, events facts, arguments Techniques of graphic design of the Ishikawa diagram ("Fishbone")

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They run away from class to the movies. Joint "activities" Lena's classmates are not a collective, since they are not united by common work for the good of society Mironova is against, but she is carried away by force. Shmakova and Popov secretly remain in the office. Does the “event” benefit society, does everyone want to take part in it? STRATEGY "FISHBONE" in the work on the story of V.K. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow" Can Lena Bessoltseva's classmates be called a collective? They independently earn money to travel to Moscow. They want to be independent and independent, but not everyone wants to work.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum "Steps"

Methodical development

for primary school teachers

Developed by: Deputy Director for Water Resources Management, Kozhina N.N.




The teacher should think about making the student first

suitable for taking education. Teacher before

educate the student with his instructions, first must

to awaken in the student the desire for education, to do

student at least fit for education.

Ya.A. Comenius

New social needs, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard, determine the goals of education as general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence of education as “teaching to learn”.

At the present stage of development of education, the main form of instruction in primary school is a lesson.

How to build a lesson to meet the requirements of the Second Generation Standards? To do this, you need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson:

1. The objectives of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer functions from teacher to student.

2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out a reflexive action (assess their readiness, reveal ignorance, find the reasons for difficulties, etc.).

3. Various forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of students' activity in educational activities.

4. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to pose and address questions.

5. The teacher effectively (adequate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem forms of teaching, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.

6. In the lesson, tasks are given and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are formulated (there is a special formation of control and assessment activities among students).

7. The teacher achieves comprehension of the teaching material by all students, using special techniques for this.

8. The teacher strives to evaluate the real progress of each student, encourages and maintains minimal success.

9. The teacher specifically plans the communication tasks of the lesson.

10. The teacher accepts and encourages, expressed by the student, his own position, a different opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression.

11. The style, tone of relationships, set in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort.

12. In the lesson, a deep personal influence "teacher - student" is carried out (through relationships, joint activities, etc.).

So, the student must be the master of his activities: set goals, solve problems, be responsible for the results. In order to cope with any task, the student masters universal learning activities. From the teacher who is present and passively fulfilling the instructions in a traditional class lesson, the student becomes the main actor.

The role of the teacher in the lesson is a “conductor”, exercising hidden control over the learning process, inspiring students (Table 1).

Table 1.

Differences between a traditional lesson and a lesson in the Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson requirements

Traditional lesson

Lesson on federal state educational standards

Announcement of the topic of the lesson

The teacher informs the learners

Students themselves formulate

Communication of goals and objectives

The teacher formulates and communicates what the learners should learn

Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance


The teacher tells the learners what work they have to do in order to achieve the goal

Planning by students of ways to achieve the intended goal

Practical activities of students

Under the guidance of a teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is often used)

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used)

Exercise control

The teacher monitors the implementation of practical work by students

Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are used)


The teacher, in the course of performing and following the results of the work performed by the students, carries out correction

Students formulate difficulties and carry out correction on their own

Assessment of learners

The teacher evaluates students for work in the lesson

Students assess the performance according to its results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of comrades)

Lesson summary

The teacher asks the students what they have memorized

Reflection is carried out


The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is one for everyone)

Students can choose an assignment from those suggested by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities

Each teacher has his own creative workshop. Each has a wide variety of methodological techniques and, perhaps, has already made an attempt to structure them.

Any of the main stages of the lesson can be partly implemented by different methodological techniques or their combination. That is, the techniques, in fact, are the elements of the Constructor.

The idea of ​​the Designer belongs to the teacher Anatoly Gin.

The constructor increases the efficiency of the teacher's lesson design. Even if all the methodological techniques are known to the teacher, it is difficult to keep them in memory without the Designer. With the Constructor, you can prepare a variety of lessons pretty quickly.

The pedagogical lesson constructor in the hands of each teacher will “breathe” in its own way and change, like a living being. If some techniques turn out to be unnecessary, they can simply be excluded from the table. And perhaps there will be their own, branded ones. Each teacher can have their own constructor. I offer only its form and some methodological techniques.

The experience of using this technique is an element of novelty in improving the modern lesson and significantly enriches the teacher's methodological piggy bank.

In the first vertical column - the main stages of the lesson, on the right - the names of the methodological techniques necessary for the implementation of its stages.

For example, knowledge can be updated in the form of an “Intellectual warm-up” (a few simple tasks) or a game “Yes, no”, a small survey on the “Traffic light” was introduced not for the sake of control, but for the sake of mobilizing students.

The general view of the constructor can be as follows (Table 2).

I suggest Algorithm of activities for the application of the "Constructor" technique:

1. Mandatory designation of the main sections of the lesson.

2. Study of different methodological techniques and their combinations.

3. Structuring of all techniques in the "Constructor".

4. Thematic planning with the introduction of the "Constructor" section.

5.Creating your own "Constructor" lessons.

Application modern pedagogical technique "Konstruktor" provides the following advantages:

1. The variety of lessons is growing significantly.

2. There is a systematization of well-known and used in the work methodological techniques, which without the "Constructor" it is difficult for a teacher to keep in mind.

3. When using the "Constructor", the time spent on preparing lessons is significantly reduced.

4. When preparing for the lessons, more attention is paid to organizing the beginning and end of the lesson, to the "Homework" stage.

5. A variety of methods and techniques in the lesson increase students' interest in the subject, which undoubtedly affects the quality of teaching.

table 2

Lesson constructor


stages of a lesson that reproduces a holistic educational process.

The main stages (links) of a lesson that reproduces a holistic

studying proccess.

Observed Teaching and Learning Techniques.

Lesson constructor.

Active search for teaching methods (content of activities in the master class).

1 subgroup.

Self-determination to activity and knowledge actualization.

1.Organizational moment

Greetings from the teacher, preparation of workplaces, life safety.

Fantastic Supplement

Rhymed lesson start.

Emotional entry into the lesson.

The beginning of the lesson with elements of theatricality.

The beginning of the lesson with a proverb, sayings related to the topic of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson with a statement from prominent people related to the topic of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson with the epigraph to the lesson.

The beginning of the lesson with the formulation of an educational problem by means of a problem question.

Creation of a problem situation.

2. Statement of the goal of the lesson at the beginning or during the lesson, motivation of educational activities.

Statement of the purpose of the lesson.


Working on the concept

Bright spot situation

Leading dialogue


An exception


Time line

3. Actualization of UUD knowledge at the beginning of the lesson or in the process of it as needed.

Techniques for repetition of the system of basic exercises, previously learned educational actions necessary for the perception of new material; methods of fixing concepts, rules, algorithms on the board.

Intelligent warm-up

Delayed answer


The game of chance

Discussing homework

Catch the mistake

Perfect poll

2 sub-


"Discovery" of new knowledge.

4. Primary perception and assimilation of new theoretical educational material (rules, concepts, algorithms ...)

Techniques for attracting the attention of children to fundamentally new information; methods of primary consolidation.

Press conference

Its support

Attractive target

Catch the mistake

Delayed answer

Questions to the text

3 sub-


Application of new knowledge according to the studied algorithm. Creative application of the acquired knowledge with transfer to another language material.

5. Application of theoretical positions in the conditions of performing exercises and solving problems.

Reproduction of ways by students to do exercises according to the model; applying grammar rules when writing words and sentences

Its support

Yes - no

Catch the mistake

Working in groups

Training game

Business game "I am a teacher"

Gentle poll

6. Self-creative use of the formed skills and abilities.

Solving educational problems of increased difficulty or practical problems


Solving spelling problems

Mini research


"At your own pace"

Silent movie scoring


7.Dynamic pause

Basic techniques of dynamic pause.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercises to prevent scoliosis

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet

Exercises to develop hand motor skills

4 sub-


Deepening the formed competencies.

8. Generalization of the learned and its inclusion in the system of previously learned ZUN and UUD.

The use of new content in conjunction with previously studied in a frontal survey, conversation, exercise.

Its support

Grouping grammatical


Repeat with control

Repeat with extension

Intersection of topics

5 subgroup.

Reflection: emotional and evaluative.

9. Control over the process-som and the result of the educational activities of schoolchildren

It manifests itself in the oral statements of children, as a result of written work.

Chain poll

Programmable polling

Quiet poll

Perfect poll

Blitz - control

Relay control work

Selective control

10.Reflection of activity

Summing up the results of the joint and individual activities of students (new content studied in the lesson, assessment of personal contribution to joint educational activities.

Continue the phrase choose the one you like, answer the question.

Draw the mood


creativity "

"Fire of communication"

Intellectual reflection

« My condition"





The teacher complements the real situation with fantasy.

You can transfer the learning situation to a fantasy planet; change the value of any parameter that remains constant or has a well-defined value; come up with a fantastic plant / animal and consider it in a real biocenosis; transfer a real or literary hero in time; consider the studied situation from an unusual point of view, for example through the eyes of an alien or an ancient Greek ...


The teacher starts the lesson with "tuning".

For example, introduce you to the lesson plan. This is best done in a half-joking manner. For example, like this: "First, together we will admire deep knowledge - and for this we will conduct a small oral survey. Then we will try to answer the question ... (the topic of the lesson sounds in a question form). Then we activate our mental activity - we will solve problems. And, finally, let's look in the caches of memory for something valuable ... (called the theme of repetition) ".

If there is a technical possibility, a short musical phrase will be a good mood for the lesson. It can be energizing in major, like Khachaturian's Saber Dance or Ravel's Bolero, or calming in minor, like Glinka's romance. You can start with a traditional homework review. From an intellectual warm-up - two or three not too difficult questions to think about. From a traditional oral or short written survey - a simple survey, because its main purpose is to set the child up for work. There may be other options for entering the lesson.


Knowledge for the duration of the game becomes our space. We are immersed in it with all our emotions. And we notice what is inaccessible to the cold observer from the outside.

A scene on a training theme is played out.


The teacher begins the lesson with a proverb or saying related to the topic of the lesson.


The teacher begins the lesson with the statement of an outstanding person (s) related to the topic of the lesson.


The teacher begins the lesson with an epigraph to this topic.

PROBLEM SITUATION(according to M.I. Makhmutov).

A situation of contradiction between the known and the unknown is created. The sequence of application of this technique is as follows:
- Independent solution
- Collective verification of results
- Identifying the reasons for discrepancies in results or difficulties in implementation
- Setting the goal of the lesson.
For example, for a mathematics lesson on the topic "Division by a two-digit number" for independent work I suggest a number of expressions: 12 * 6 14 * 3
32: 16 3 * 16
15 * 4 50: 10
70: 7 81: 27


At the end of the lesson, the children are offered an assignment, during which difficulties should arise with the implementation, due to lack of knowledge or lack of time, which implies continuation of work in the next lesson. Thus, the topic of the lesson can be formulated the day before, and in the next lesson it can only be remembered and substantiated. For instance, on the lessons Russian language and literature, you can use many techniques goal setting that are suggested by the methodological literature (insert letters, words, signs; find keywords, errors; collect text, restore; compose your own text, give examples, draw up a plan, algorithm, etc.). Here are some of these techniques. goal setting.




The topic of the lesson is formulated as a question. Students need to build an action plan to answer the question. Children put forward many opinions, the more opinions, the better the ability to listen to each other and support the ideas of others, the more interesting and faster the work goes. The selection process can be led by the teacher himself in subject-subject relations, or by the chosen student, and the teacher in this case can only express his opinion and direct the activity. For example, for the lesson topic "How do adjectives change?" built an action plan:

1. Review the knowledge of the adjective.
2. Determine with which parts of speech it is combined.
3. Change several adjectives along with nouns.
4. Determine the pattern of changes, draw a conclusion.


Students are offered for visual perception the name of the lesson topic, and the teacher asks to explain the meaning of each word or find it in the "Explanatory Dictionary". For example, the topic of the lesson is "Verb conjugation". Further, from the meaning of the word, we determine the purpose of the lesson. A similar task can be done through the selection of related words or through the search in a complex word for word-constituent bases. For example, the topics of the lessons are "Phrase", "Rectangle".


Among the many similar objects, words, numbers, letters, figures, one is highlighted in color or size. Through visual perception, attention is focused on the selected object. The reason for the isolation and generality of everything proposed is jointly determined. Next, the topic and objectives of the lesson are determined. For example, the topic of the lesson in grade 1 is "Number and digit 6".


At the stage of updating the educational material, a conversation is conducted aimed at generalization, concretization, and the logic of reasoning. The dialogue leads to what the children cannot talk about due to incompetence or insufficiently complete justification of their actions. This creates a situation for which more research or action is needed. A goal is set.


A number of words, objects, figures, numbers are invited to divide children into groups, justifying their statements. The classification will be based on external signs, and the question: "Why do they have such signs?" will be the task of the lesson. For example, the topic of the lesson "A soft sign in nouns after sibilants" can be considered on the classification of words: ray, night, speech, watchman, key, thing, mouse, horsetail, oven. A mathematics lesson in grade 1 on the topic "Two-digit numbers" can be started with the sentence: "Divide the numbers into two groups: 6, 12, 17, 5, 46, 1, 21, 72, 9.


The technique can be used through visual or auditory perception.

First view. The basis of the "Bright Spot" technique is repeated, but in this case, children need to find what is superfluous through the analysis of the common and the excellent, justifying their choice.

For example, the topic of the lesson is "Wild Animals".

Second view... Ask children a series of riddles or just words, with the obligatory repeated repetition of guesses or a suggested series of words. By analyzing, children easily identify what is superfluous.
For example, the world around us in grade 1 on the topic of the lesson "Insects".
- Listen and remember a series of words: "Dog, swallow, bear, cow, sparrow, hare, butterfly, cat."
- What is common in all words? (Animal names)
- Who is superfluous in this row? (Of the many well-grounded opinions, the correct answer will surely sound.) The educational goal is formulated.


1. The topic of the lesson and the words "helpers" are proposed: Let's repeat
Let us examine
Find out
The children use the words "helpers" to formulate the objectives of the lesson. 2. For a Russian lesson on the topic "Future tense of verbs", series of words are offered to children: Play - played - I play - ...
Read - read - read - ... 3. Determine the reason for combining words, letters, objects, analyzing patterns and relying on your knowledge. For a math lesson on the topic "The order of arithmetic in expressions with brackets" I offer the children a number of expressions and ask the question: "What unites all expressions? How to carry out a calculation?" (63 + 7) / 10
24/(16 – 4 * 2)
(42 – 12 + 5)/7
8 * (7 – 2 * 3)


The teacher draws a line on the board, on which he indicates the stages of studying the topic, forms of control; talks about the most important periods that require one hundred percent dedication from the children, together they find lessons where they can “take a break”. "Timeline" allows children to see what exactly can be the final product of studying a topic, what you need to know and be able to successfully master each subsequent topic. This exercise is useful for children who find it easier to assimilate educational material from general to specific.



You always need an attitude towards a certain type of activity. To do this, there is a procedure for "entering the lesson" - you can start with an intellectual warm-up - two, three not too difficult questions for reflection. Warming up can be done in different ways:

    What is superfluous (Earth, Mars, moon, Venus), etc.

    To generalize - what it is (bacteria, animals, plants, fungi are kingdoms)

    What's missing is a logical chain (birch, plant = wolf, …….)

    What word is hidden (photamsear - atmosphere) and so on.

Signs with concepts and terms are hung on the board and the children are asked questions. An intellectual warm-up not only sets students up for learning activities, but also develops thinking, attention, the ability to analyze, generalize, and highlight the main thing.


Using the work on the study of the etymology of the word, "speaking surnames", you can apply this technique. At the end of one of the lessons on the number, you can ask the question: "Which number literally means" thousand "? The next lesson should start by answering this question.


Formula: the teacher introduces elements of random selection into the lesson

Where chance reigns, there is passion. We are trying to put it in service. A roulette wheel is good for this. If it's hard to find something as gorgeous as in the TV game “What? Where? When? ”, It is enough to have a circle made of cardboard with an arrow on a carnation. It is possible, and vice versa, to rotate the disk relative to the stationary pointer. The object of a random choice can be the problem to be solved (as in a television game), the topic of repetition, the topic of the report, the called student. In addition to roulette, they use dice, toss up a coin (heads or tails), draw lots, take out the kegs of the Russian loto, with the student's number in the magazine, launch a paper airplane - whoever it hits ...


The teacher, together with the students, discusses the question: how well the homework is done.








It is well known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates work like amazing. You can always find such an angle of view in which even the ordinary becomes amazing. These can be facts from the biographies of writers.


The teacher deliberately does not fully disclose the topic, inviting students to ask questions.



The student is given a simple, understandable and attractive goal for him, fulfilling which, willy-nilly, he performs the educational action that the teacher plans.


Explaining the material, the teacher deliberately makes mistakes. Students are first warned about this in advance. Sometimes they can even be prompted "dangerous places" by intonation or gesture. Teach students to instantly stop mistakes with a conventional sign or explanation when it is required. Train your children to react instantly to mistakes. Encourage attention and willingness to intervene! The student receives a text (or, say, an analysis of the solution to a problem) with specially made mistakes - let him "work as a teacher." The texts can be prepared in advance by other students, including elders.


For the studied text, it is proposed to compose a certain number of questions - judgments in a certain time:


How to prove?

How to explain?

As a result of what?

In which case?


A diagram with a list of questions-judgments is posted on the board and it is stipulated that whoever completed 7 questions in 7 minutes receives a mark “5”; 6 questions - “4”.

After reading a paragraph, students build judgments, make up a question and write it down in a notebook.

This technique develops the cognitive activity of students, their written speech.



The student composes his own basic synopsis of the new material.

This technique is appropriate in cases where the teacher himself uses such notes and teaches students to use them. As a weakened version of the technique, you can recommend drawing up a detailed response plan (as in an exam).

It is great if the students have time to explain their basic notes to each other, at least partially. And not food if their pivotal notes are almost the same.

"Yes, no" or Universal game for everyone

The teacher thinks of something (number, subject, literary or historical hero, etc.). Students try to find the answer by asking questions. The teacher answers these questions only with the words: "yes", "no", "yes and no".

"Yes, no" teaches:

    connect disparate facts into a single picture;

    systematize existing information ;

    listen and hear fellow practitioners.


Groups receive the same task.

Depending on the type of assignment, the result of the group's work can either be presented to the teacher for verification, or the speaker of one of the groups reveals the results of the work, and other students supplement or refute it.


These games come to the rescue in difficult times - to dissolve the boredom of monotony ...

1. If it is necessary to do a large number of monotonous exercises, the teacher includes them in the game shell, in which these actions are performed to achieve the game goal.

2. Students compete by taking turns

in accordance with a certain rule, when any subsequent the action depends on the previous one.


The use of this form of lesson as a business game can be viewed as a development of a role-based approach. In a business game, each student has a very specific role. The preparation and organization of a business game requires many-sided and thorough preparation, which in turn guarantees the success of such a lesson among students.

Playing is always more interesting for everyone than learning. After all, even adults, playing with pleasure, as a rule, do not notice the learning process.


The teacher conducts a training survey himself, without listening to the answers of the students.

The class is divided into two groups according to rows-variants. The teacher asks a question. The first group answers it. Moreover, each student gives an answer to this question to his neighbor on the desk - the student of the second group. Then the same question is answered by a teacher or a strong student. Pupils of the second group, having listened to the teacher's answer, compare it with the friend's answer and give him a grade or simply "+" or "-". The teacher's next question is answered by the students of the second group, and the children of the first group listen to them. Now they are in the role of a teacher and after the teacher's answer they give the students of the second group a mark. Thus, by asking 10 questions, they ensure that each student in the class answers 5 questions, listens to the teacher's answers to all questions, and assesses his friend on 5 questions. In this form of questioning, each student acts both in the role of the respondent and in the role of the controller. At the end of the survey, the guys give each other marks.



The educational project, as an integrated and multipurpose method, has a large number of types and varieties. The research mini-project resembles a true scientific research in structure. It includes substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, designation of research objectives, the obligatory advancement of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and a discussion of the results obtained. At the same time, the methods of modern science are used: laboratory experiment, modeling, sociological survey. Students can choose the age group for the survey themselves, depending on the task assigned to them, or the group for the survey is determined by the teacher himself (this option is more acceptable at the initial stage, when children are just getting to know this form of work).


Students learn to choose the correct spelling for a word from the set.


The teacher "pushes" the children towards the correct choice of the research topic by asking them to answer the following questions.

What interests me the most?
- What do I want to do first of all?
- What do I do most often in my free time?
- In what subjects do I have the best marks?
- What would you like to know as much as possible?
- What could I be proud of? By answering these questions, the child can receive advice from the teacher on which research topic to choose. The topic could be:- fantastic (the child puts forward some kind of fantastic hypothesis);
- experimental;
- inventive;
- theoretical.


Children solve educational problems using TCO.


When solving educational problems, each student works at a pace determined by himself.


Students sound a fragment of a feature, animation, etc. film after preliminary preparation.


Pupils restore a text fragment deliberately "damaged" by the teacher.



on which children "run" with their eyes. For example, on a sheet of Whatman paper any colored figures (ovals, eights, zigzags, spirals) are depicted, the line thickness is 1 cm.


This is a special device that sends light and sound signals (the gray background of a book text, contributing to the accumulation of trace impressions in the cerebral cortex, turns out to be one of the factors supporting the fatigue of schoolchildren). One of the most effective means of removing such trace impressions is impulsive color flashes.


1) I.p.- o.s. Take the correct position, fix it;

2) walking with correct posture;

3) walking with arms raised high;

4) walking on toes, spreading arms and moving shoulder blades (30 sec.)

5) light running on toes.


1) ip - standing on the outer arches of the feet, half-squat (4-5 times).

2) I. p. - standing with toes inward, heels outward, rise on toes. Return to i.p. (4-5 times);

3) I. p. - while standing, turn the feet inward. Get up on your toes, slowly bend your knees, slowly straighten your knees (4-5 times);

4) I. p. - while standing, raise the left (right) leg - turn the foot outward, turn the foot inward (3-5 times).


1) "My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

That's my whole family! (Alternate bending of the fingers, starting with the thumb.)

2) "Cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop,

We salt and salt the cabbage,

We are three or three cabbage,

We press, we press cabbage.

(Movements with straight palms up and down, alternate stroking the pads of the fingers. Rub the cam on the cam, clench and unclench the fists.)

3) “We have woven our fingers

And pulled out the handles.

Well now we are from the Earth

We push away the clouds. "

(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their hands with their palms forward, and then raise them up and stretch as high as possible.)

4) “We will put our hands on the table,

Turn the palm up.

Ring finger too

He wants to be no worse than everyone.

(Children put their right hand on the desk, palm up, bend and unbend their ring finger. Then they do the same with their left hand. Repeat the exercise several times.)



Students are asked to choose the correct answer from the proposed options.


Often it makes sense to do this on a large format sheet.

Attention! It is not necessary for the whole class to repeat one topic in this way. For example, suppose half of the students repeat one topic, and half the other, after which they open their supports to each other in pairs.

Or this form of work: several students hang their author's supports - posters on the wall, the rest gather in small groups and discuss them.

As a trick, have students create a “one-size-fits-all cheat sheet” on the topic. Run a props / cheat sheet competition.


Cluster (bunch)


A number of words, objects, figures, numbers are invited to divide children into groups, justifying their statements. The classification will be based on external signs, and the question: "Why do they have such signs?" will be the task of the lesson. For example: the topic of the lesson "A soft sign in nouns after sibilants" can be considered on the classification of words: ray, night, speech, watchman, key, thing, mouse, horsetail, stove. A mathematics lesson in grade 1 on the topic "Two-digit numbers" can be started with the sentence: "Divide the numbers into two groups: 6, 12, 17, 5, 46, 1, 21, 72, 9.


Students develop checklists for all previously learned topic.

Competition of lists is possible. You can do a quiz on one of the lists, etc.


Students develop lists of questions, the answers to which add knowledge to the entire previously studied topic.

Some of these questions are appropriate to answer. But not necessarily at all.


Students select (or come up with) their own examples, tasks, hypotheses, ideas, questions connecting the last studied material with any previously studied topic indicated by the teacher.



One student's story is interrupted anywhere and transmitted

Applicable in the case when a detailed, logically coherent answer is assumed.


The student chooses one correct answer from several suggested.


Conversation with one or more students occurs in a half-whisper, while the class is busy with other activities.


Students assess their own level of preparation and inform the teacher about it .

The question is: who today feels ready for a "5"? (Students raise their hands.) To "4"? At "3"? Thank you...


The control is carried out at a high pace to identify the degree of mastering of simple educational skills that students must master for further successful study.

The pace of the blitz test is similar to the factual dictation. The difference is that this includes checking proficiency in formulas, calculations, and other standard skills. Includes 7-10 standard tasks. Time - about a minute per task.

Carrying out technology:

    before: Option conditions are unlocked on a board or poster. If possible, conditions are printed out and placed on the desks with the text down. On command, they turn over.

    During: on the desk - a blank sheet of paper and a pen. On command, the students get to work. All calculations, intermediate actions are on the sheet, the answer is surrounded by a frame. No explanations or standard design of the assignment is made. After the expiration of the time, the work is terminated by a clear command.

    After: the work is handed over to the teacher or the self-test option is applied:

a) the teacher dictates the correct answers or, better, posts a table of correct answers. Pupils mark their results with "+" and "-" signs;

b) a small discussion on students' questions;

c) the assessment rate is set. For example: out of 7 tasks 6 "plus signs" - mark "5", 5 "plus signs" - "4", at least three - mark "3"; d) marks are put (or not) in the journal at the discretion of the teacher.


The test is carried out according to the texts of previously solved problems.

You specify d / z an array. Redundant array: not all tasks need to be solved. But do relay work. The assignments of these control are formed from the array. Can be included and once disassembled in the classroom. The more problems I solved, the more attentive I was at the same time, the more likely I was to meet a familiar problem and quickly cope with it.


Check student work selectively.




Compare your mood with the image of an animal (plant, flower) and draw it, you can explain it in words.

Paint your mood with paints on a wet sheet.

On a common large sheet of paper with a group or the whole class, paint your mood with paints in the form of a strip, leaf, cloud, speck (within 1 minute).

To determine the mood by color, you can apply the Max Luscher color characteristic:

Red color of soft tones (pink, orange) - joyful, enthusiastic mood,

saturated red and bright color - nervous, agitated state, aggression;

blue - sad mood, passivity, fatigue;

green - activity, (but with color saturation, this is defenseless);

yellow - pleasant, calm mood;

purple - a restless, anxious mood, close to disappointment;

gray - isolation, chagrin;

black - dull mood, denial, protest;

brown - passivity, anxiety and insecurity.


Children are given paper-cut balls (Christmas tree decorations) on which they paint their mood.


At the end of the case, day, lesson, children attach leaves, flowers, fruits on the tree:

Fruits - the business was useful, fruitful;

The flower is pretty good;

Green leaf - not quite satisfied with the day;

Yellow leaf - "lost day", dissatisfaction.


Children in a circle, embracing their shoulders, talk about what was most interesting.

Children in a circle pass a symbolic heart and say:

Today I was pleased ...

Today I was saddened ...

The child gives medals (flowers) of three different colors to those who need it.

For instance:

blue - the most polite in communication;

green - the most compliant (compliant);

orange - the most humble.

Who got the biggest bouquet? Why do you think?


The technique of comprehending the process, methods and results of mental work, practical actions. IR contributes to the understanding of obstacles and difficulties in a given situation, acts as one of the main mechanisms for the development of thinking, consciousness and learning activity.

1) Choose the correct statement:1) I myself could not cope with the difficulty;

2) I had no difficulties;

3) I only listened to the suggestions of others;

4) I came up with ideas….

2) Modeling or schematizationyour understanding, actions in the form of a picture or scheme.

3) Spider (sun, flower) - fixing associative links of any concept.

4) Cluster (bunch)- fixing a systemic concept with relationships in the form of:

5) Plate -fixation of knowledge and ignorance about any concept (can be located both horizontally and vertically.




I want to know

6) Margins (insert, marking)designation using signs in the margins near the text or in the text itself:

"+" - knew, "!" - new material (learned), "?" - I want to know

7) Archivist -entering the image of the concept under study and writing an autobiography or a message about "myself" (about the image).

8) CribLAND




10) Ranking, arrangement in the desired order of concepts.

    Restoring a deformed statement, rule, text or addition of missing words ( for example, when every third or fifth word is missing).

    Sinkwine- drawing up a quatrain according to the scheme:

First line- a concept expressed by a noun,

second line- description with two adjectives (participles),

third line- 4 significant words expressing attitude to the concept,

fourth line- a word synonymous with a concept, generalization or expansion of meaning.

13) Card with the task "Continue phrase":

    It was interesting to me…

    We figured it out today….

    Today I realized that ...

    It was difficult for me ...

    Tomorrow I want in class ...

14) Options for questions that are asked by the teacher at the end of the lesson for the purpose of meaningful reflection:

    How would you name the lesson?

    Why are we at the lesson today ...?

    What is the topic of today's lesson?

    What is the purpose of the lesson?

    What will be the next lesson?

    What challenge will we face in the next lesson?

    What was easy (difficult) for you?

    • Are you satisfied with your job?

      What do you want to praise yourself or one of your classmates for?

15) Questions of the final reflection can be asked by the student (at will, at the request of the teacher ...):

    What did we want to find out in the lesson?

    What did we find out?

    Did we answer the question posed?

    What are we going to do tomorrow?

    What was the most important thing in the lesson?

    Who wants to praise someone?

16) Reflexive writing(both for homework and for 5-7 minutes in class)

A rough outline of the child's reasoning in accordance with the stages of the lesson:

    At first we reasoned like this ...

    Then we ran into a problem

    Then we observed (compared, did)….

    We saw (understood) ... So ...

    Now we will ...


    Written discussion


The child places the image on the appropriate rung of the ladder.


Confident in my abilities



Extremely bad

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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1. Present the lesson in the form of logically complete modules with a clearly defined goal and planned result. Algorithm for constructing a lesson in the framework of the system-activity approach 5. Assess the efficiency of a lesson, based on the principle of ideality: the maximum effect of students' learning activities with minimal teacher activities. 4. Analyze the resulting lesson scenario from the point of view of the system-activity approach. Consider the selected techniques or techniques for the use of ICT for their implementation. 3. To prepare educational tasks based on the material of the textbook, the constructor of situational tasks Ilyushin can be used. 2. Based on the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the module, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of the development of children, choose a pedagogical technique or technique from the bank of techniques.

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The choice of the form of studying new material in the lesson depends on many factors: the characteristics and level of training of children, the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the topic, the possibilities and technical equipment of the office, the skill of the teacher. Long-term experience of experimental teachers has shown that even in the most “hopeless”, “uninteresting” cases, one can find a technique that will allow not only to introduce students to a new topic, but also to organize their independent activity to study new material.

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Reception “Non-standard entrance to the lesson” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at involving students in active thought activity from the first minutes of the lesson. The teacher starts the lesson with a contradictory fact that is difficult to explain based on existing knowledge. Example. Physics. The topic of the lesson is "Heat Transfer". Before the start of the lesson, put a decanter of water on the window, and open it with the opposite side in front of the students' entrance. Ask the children to touch the decanter with their hand and explain why the side of the decanter facing the sun is cold and the opposite side is warm. Reception "Associative row" To the topic or a specific concept of the lesson, you need to write down the words-associations in the column. The way out will be as follows: If the series turned out to be relatively correct and sufficient, give the task to compose a definition using the written words; then listen, compare with the dictionary version, you can add new words to the associative array; Leave a note on the board, explain a new topic, return at the end of the lesson, add or delete something. Reception "Delayed answer" A universal TRIZ technique aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in the classroom. Forms: the ability to analyze and compare facts; the ability to identify a contradiction; the ability to find a solution with the available resources. 1 reception option. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives a riddle (surprising fact), the answer to which (the key for understanding) will be opened in the lesson when working on new material. 2 reception option. Give a riddle (surprising fact) at the end of the lesson to start the next lesson with it. Reception "Surprise!" Description: a universal technique aimed at enhancing mental activity and attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. Forms: the ability to analyze; the ability to identify and formulate a contradiction. The teacher finds a point of view in which even well-known facts become a mystery.

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Technique "Fantastic addition" A universal technique aimed at attracting interest in the topic of the lesson. Admission involves the transfer of the learning situation to an unusual setting or environment. You can be transported to a fantastic planet; change the value of some parameter, which usually remains unchanged; come up with a fantastic animal or plant; transfer the literary hero to modern times; consider a familiar situation from an unusual point of view. Technique “Undeclared Topic” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at creating external motivation for studying the topic of the lesson. This technique allows you to attract the interest of students to study a new topic, without blocking perception with incomprehensible terms.

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Technique “Feature chain” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at updating students' knowledge about the features of those objects that are included in the work. Forms: the ability to describe an object through the names and values ​​of attributes; the ability to determine the hidden parts of the given parts of the model; the ability to draw up an internal plan of action. 1st pupil names the object and its sign ("the squirrel has a case"); 2nd names another object with the same meaning of the indicated attribute and another attribute ("he has a part of speech"); The third person names his object on a similar basis and a new feature (“I am the number of syllables”), etc., as long as there is someone who is able to continue the chain. Reception "Yes, no". A universal method of TRIZ technology: it is capable of captivating both young and old; puts students in an active position. Forms the following universal educational activities: the ability to connect disparate facts into a single picture; the ability to systematize existing information; the ability to listen and hear each other. The teacher thinks of something (number, subject, literary hero, historical person, etc.). Students try to find the answer by asking questions that the teacher can only answer with the words "yes", "no", "yes and no." Technique “I take you with me” A universal TRIZ technique aimed at updating students' knowledge, contributing to the accumulation of information about the attributes of objects. Forms: the ability to combine objects according to the common value of the attribute; the ability to determine the name of the attribute by which objects have a common meaning; the ability to compare, compare a large number of objects; the ability to compose a holistic image of an object from its individual features. The teacher thinks of a sign by which many objects are collected and names the first object. Pupils try to guess this attribute and in turn name the objects that, in their opinion, have the same meaning of the attribute. The teacher answers whether he takes this object or not. The game continues until one of the children determines on what basis the set is gathered. Can be used as a warm-up in the classroom.

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Reception "Step by step". Reception of interactive training. Used to activate previously acquired knowledge. Author - E.D. Timasheva (Lyubertsy). Pupils, walking to the blackboard, name a term, concept, phenomenon, etc. for each step. from previously studied material. Example. In a biology lesson. Pupils walk to the board. And each step is accompanied by the name of a cruciferous plant, or a canine animal, or a part of the human circulatory system, or something else. In the lessons of other subjects, students may well walk, naming Rubens' paintings, architectural styles, limiting or unsaturated hydrocarbons, the main battles of the Thirty Years War, the names of the Apostles or Grand Dukes of Moscow, spelling, words on the topic "Family" and so on. Source: electronic periodical "Effective educational technologies". Issue 1. 2008 Chief editor, Ph.D. Professor Guzeev VV Distance learning technologies and training Reception "Jockey and a horse" Reception of interactive teaching. A form of collective learning. The author is A. Kamensky. The class is divided into two groups: "jockeys" and "horses". The first receive cards with questions, the second - with the correct answers. Each "jockey" must find his "horse". This toy is applicable even in the lessons of learning new material. Its most unpleasant feature is the need for the entire team of students to walk around the classroom at the same time, this requires a certain formation of a culture of behavior. Method "Game goal" A universal method-game aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in the classroom. Allows you to include in the game shell a large number of monotonous examples or tasks. Forms: educational skills; skill to work in team; the ability to listen and hear each other. It is proposed to a team or a group of students in a playful way to complete a number of similar tasks for speed and correctness.

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Technique “Basket of ideas, concepts, names” This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson, when their experience and knowledge are being actualized. It allows you to find out everything that the students know or think about the discussed topic of the lesson. On the blackboard, you can draw a trash can icon, in which everything that all students together know about the topic under study will be conventionally collected. Example. Many lessons on learning new material begin with the "Basket" technique, the main ideas of the upcoming lesson are demonstrated on the board or displayed through the projector. For example, in the "Linear Algorithm" lesson, you can invite students to express how they think which algorithm can be called linear, give examples. In the lesson of the study of the "Cycle" propose to suggest what a cycle is, what examples of cyclical actions they can give. Technique "Before-After" Description: a technique for the development of critical thinking. It can be used at stage 1 of the lesson as a technique that actualizes the knowledge of students. And also at the stage of reflection. Forms: the ability to predict events; the ability to correlate known and unknown facts; the ability to express your thoughts; the ability to compare and draw a conclusion. In the table of two columns, the "Before" part will be filled in, in which the student writes down his assumptions about the topic of the lesson, about solving the problem, he can write down a hypothesis. The "After" part is filled in at the end of the lesson, when new material is studied, an experiment is carried out, a text is read, etc. Next, the student compares the content of "Before" and "After" and draws a conclusion. Technique "Developing Canon" Description: Reception for the development of logical thinking. Three words are given, the first two are in a certain relationship. Find the fourth word so that it has the same relationship with the third. Example. Term - sum = factors -? Circle - circle = ball -? Birch - tree = poem -? Song - composer = plane -? Rectangle - Plane = Cube -?

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Method “False Alternative” Universal method of TRIZ. The listener's attention is diverted to the side by the alternative "either-or", completely arbitrarily expressed. None of the suggested answers are correct. Example. The teacher offers random riddles and false riddles, children must guess them and indicate their type. For example: What is 8 and 4: 11 or 12? What does not birch grow - apples or pears? Is the word "clock" spelled as "chesy" or "chisy"? Who swims faster - a duck or a chicken? Capital of Russia - Moscow or Minsk? What animals live in Africa - mammoths or dinosaurs? How many seconds are there in a minute - 10 or 100? Interrogative words strategy. A universal method of TRKM, aimed at developing the ability to ask questions, and can also be used to update students' knowledge on the topic of the lesson. Students are offered a table of questions and terms on the topic they have learned or a new topic in the lesson. It is necessary to compose as many questions as possible using question words and terms from two columns of the table. Example: Why are crimes committed in the field of information related activities? How much does the law ensure the security of information in Russia? How many categories of information crimes are there? etc. Question Words Topic Concepts How? What? Where? Why? How many? Where? Which? What for? How? What is the relationship? What does it consist of? What is the purpose? Information Crimes Law Article Security Categories

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Reception "Agree - Disagree" A universal technique that contributes to the actualization of students' knowledge and activation of mental activity. This technique makes it possible to quickly include children in mental activity and it is logical to move on to studying the topic of the lesson. Forms: the ability to assess the situation or facts; ability to analyze information; ability to reflect your opinion. Children are invited to express their attitude to a number of statements according to the rule: agree - "+", disagree - "-". Example. When studying the topic "Multimedia presentation", you can offer the following statements: 1. The presentation consists only of text and pictures. 2. The design should be different on each slide. 3. The more text, the better. 4. It is better if the change of slides is carried out by clicking, rather than automatically. 5. The fewer animation effects the better. 6. The presentation can be educational in nature. Note that the children do not announce the results obtained, the teacher only says the "ideal" answer and asks to correlate it with what each student has done. Technique "Thick and Thin Question" This is a technique from the technology of the development of critical thinking is used to organize interrogation. The strategy allows you to form: the ability to formulate questions; the ability to relate concepts. A subtle question suggests an unambiguous short answer. A thick question suggests a detailed answer. After studying the topic, students are asked to formulate three "thin" and three "thick" questions "related to the material covered. They then interview each other using thick and thin question tables. Example. On the topic of the lesson "Information Security", you can invite children to ask a thick and thin question. A subtle question. What groups of information crimes do you know? Thick question. What examples from life serve as evidence of ensuring the information security of an individual in our state? Source: Zagashev I.O., Zair-Bek S.I. Critical thinking. Critical Thinking: Technology Development. - SPb: Alliance-Delta, 2003.

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Technique “Whole-part. Part-whole ”Reception for the development of logical thinking. From the first pair of words, you should determine which rule applies here: whole-part or part-whole. For the word of the second pair, you need to indicate the one that corresponds to the found rule from the proposed options. Example. 1. Car - wheel; gun - a) shoot b) trigger c) weapon "Zigzag" technique This strategy is appropriate to use to develop the following skills in schoolchildren: analyze text together with other people; conduct research work in a group; it is available to transfer information to another person; independently determine the direction in the study of a subject, taking into account the interests of the group. Example. The technique is used to study and organize a large volume of material. To do this, you must first break the text into semantic fragments for mutual learning. The number of passages should match the number of group members. For example, if the text is divided into 5 semantic passages, then in groups (let's call them conditionally workers) - 5 people. Source: Material from Letopisi.Ru Reception "Insert". Acceptance of technology for the development of critical thinking. It is used to form such a universal educational action as the ability to systematize and analyze information. The authors of the technique are Vaughan and Estes. "Insert" is: I - interactive - self-activating N - noting S - system - system markup E - effective - for effective R - reading - reading T - thinking - and reflection The technique is used in three stages: In the process of reading, students mark the text with icons ("V" - already knew; "+" - new; "-" - thought differently; "?" - did not understand, there are questions); Then a table is filled in, the number of columns of which corresponds to the number of marking icons; Discuss the entries in the table. Thus, thoughtful, attentive reading is provided, the process of accumulating information, the path from old knowledge to new, is made visible. Source: Information bank of the modern teacher

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Technique "Good-bad" Description: a universal TRIZ technique aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students in a lesson, forming an idea of ​​how a contradiction works. Forms: the ability to find positive and negative sides in any object, situation; the ability to resolve contradictions (remove "minuses" while preserving the "pluses"); the ability to assess an object, a situation from different positions, taking into account different roles. Option 1 The teacher specifies an object or situation. Students (groups) take turns calling "pros" and "cons". Option 2 The teacher sets the object (situation). The student describes a situation for which this is helpful. The next student is looking for what is harmful to this last situation, etc. Option 3 Students are divided into sellers and buyers. Both those and others represent some famous characters. Then they play according to the scheme. Only "pluses" are looked for from the position of the character - the seller, and "minuses" - from the position of the character - the buyer. Option 4 Students are divided into three groups: "prosecutors", "lawyers", "judges". The former blame (look for cons), the latter defend (look for pluses), the third try to resolve the contradiction (leave the “plus” and remove the “minus”). Reception “Own support” A universal technique that folds information. The author of the admission is Sergey Sychev, a teacher and developer of TRIZ-methods from Rostov-on-Don. Forms: the ability to highlight the main idea; the ability to establish connections between objects; the ability to present information in a "collapsed" form. The student composes his own basic synopsis of the new material. Of course, this technique is appropriate in cases where the teacher himself uses such notes and teaches students to use them. As a weakened option of admission, you can recommend drawing up a detailed response plan (as in an exam). It is great if the students have time to explain their basic notes to each other, at least partially. And it doesn't matter if their pivotal notes are almost the same. Example. Pupils exchange reference notes and recite the topic from the neighbor's reference notes. Source: E.V. Andreeva, S.V. Lelyukh, T.A. Sidorchuk, N.A. Yakovleva. Creative tasks of the Golden Key. /

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Strategy "IDEAL" This is a strategy of technology for the development of critical thinking. The strategy allows to form: the ability to define the problem; the ability to find and formulate ways to solve a problem; the ability to choose a strong decision. Example. I wonder what the problem is? It is necessary to formulate the problem. It is better if the wording starts with the word How. Let's find as many solutions to this problem as possible. All possible methods and ways of solving the current problem are proposed. Are there any good solutions? Good, effective solutions are selected from a variety of proposed solutions. Now let's choose the only solution. The strongest solution to the problem is selected. Curious, how will this look in practice? Work is planned to implement the selected solution. Technique "Catch a mistake" A universal technique that activates the attention of students. Forms: the ability to analyze information; the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation; the ability to critically evaluate the information received. The teacher offers students information containing an unknown number of errors. Students look for a mistake in a group or individually, argue, confer. Having come to a definite opinion, the group chooses a speaker. The speaker passes the results to the teacher or announces the task and the result of its solution in front of the whole class. To prevent the discussion from dragging out, set a time in advance for it. Example. Russian language The teacher gives several grammatical (syntactic or other) rules. One or more of them are wrong. Find and prove the fallacy. Literature. History Students receive a series of citations cited by the authors. Determine in which case the quote could not belong to the given author. Prove their opinion. Source: A.A. Gin Methods of pedagogical technique: Freedom of choice. Openness. Activity. Feedback. Ideality. - M .: Vita-Press, 2005.

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Reception "Listen - agree - discuss". Reception of interactive training. This technique contributes to the active assimilation of knowledge, involves students with any level of training in subject work. The author is E. D. Rozanova. Pupils are encouraged to think and write 3 words related to the topic of the lesson. Then the guys should show them to their neighbor on the desk, after that in 1.5 minutes from 6 words it is necessary to select 3 and read them to the class. Example. In a foreign language lesson, when studying the topic "Seasons. Winter", students are invited to think and write 3 words related to winter and only to it. Then show a neighbor on a desk, 3 out of 6 words are selected and offered to the class in 1.5 minutes. This exercise takes about six to seven minutes to complete. During this time, each of the words of the "winter" vocabulary is repeated aloud several times, in fact, the issues of word formation, figurative meanings of words are touched upon. After the teacher writes on the blackboard all the words suggested by the pairs, the selection of three words among them begins. At the same time, with each word during the discussion, a proposal is drawn up, moreover, it is usually non-trivial ("Frost is a temperature below zero, it can occur not only in winter, but also in a refrigerator in summer"). Almost all model grammatical constructions are found in this set. Thus, in a few minutes, work was done, for which a lesson would not be enough with conventional approaches. Ping-pong technique "Name - Meaning" A universal TRIZ technique aimed at updating students' knowledge, contributing to the accumulation of information about the attributes of objects and the ranges of their possible values. Forms skills: for a given specific object, select the names of features; determine the values ​​of the characteristics of the object by the specified name of the characteristic. Specifies a specific object. The players of the first team call the name of the attribute, the players of the second team answer with the value of the attribute. In the next step, the roles are changed (the 2nd command names the names of the characteristics, the 1st - the values ​​of the characteristics). The command loses if it cannot name a feature name or answer with a value. Fixing the most typical feature names, it is possible to collect a piggy bank of feature names and, on its basis, build object passports. The game can be used in any academic subject. Especially - for objects that need to be described according to a certain plan (parts of speech, natural zones, living organisms, etc.).

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Technique "Communication" A universal method-game TRIZ, proposed by the master of TRIZ G.I. Ivanov. Regardless of the context of TRIZ, in a slightly different interpretation, a similar game was suggested by L.I. Fradkov (she developed this game for environmental studies). Forms: the ability to find connections between objects in the system; the ability to establish connections between objects located in different supersystems by building a chain of related objects; the ability to establish connections between any objects. The teacher sets (or the students choose) two objects that, at first glance, are not related to each other (as an option, objects are chosen randomly, for example, using a cube). Children build a chain of objects and interactions between them so that the first interaction starts from one of the original objects, and the last one ends with the second object. Example. W: The ancient sages said: "Touching the grass, do not disturb the star ...". Do you agree with this statement, can you explain it ... Indeed, everything in the world is connected with everything, and we will now try to prove it. Name two objects that are as different as possible, distant from each other. D: The volcano is a notebook. D: Accepted. Our task is to build a chain that would show how these two objects are connected. D: The word "volcano" was written in a notebook. D: Good. And now let's try to connect a real volcano with a real notebook, for example, with the one on my desk. It is not necessary to look for a direct connection, you can connect them through other objects, build a long chain. D: Ash is falling from the volcano, it flies through the air. A lump of ash mixed with a drop of water. This droplet fell into the ocean, and from there into the White Sea. Then it evaporated, there was a wind, a stream of air brought us, it flew through the window and got on the notebook ... U: Great. Who will suggest other options ...? Source: E.V. Andreeva, S.V. Lelyukh, T.A. Sidorchuk, N.A. Yakovleva. Creative tasks of the Golden Key. /

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Technique "Z-H-U" The Z-H-U strategy was developed by a professor from Chicago Donna Ogle in 1986. It is used both in work with printed text and for lecture material. Its graphic form reflects the three phases according to which the process in the technology of developing critical thinking is built: challenge, comprehension, reflection. Forms: the ability to determine the level of their own knowledge; ability to analyze information; the ability to correlate new information with their established ideas. Work with the table is carried out at all three stages of the lesson. In the “challenge stage”, by completing the first part of the “Know” chart, students make a list of what they know, or think they know, about a given topic. Through this primary activity, the student determines the level of his own knowledge, to which new knowledge is gradually added. The second part of the “I want to know” table is the definition of what the children want to know, awakening interest in new information. At the “stage of comprehension,” students build new ideas based on existing knowledge. Working with the "Insert" strategy helps to highlight inaccurate understanding, confusion or errors in knowledge, to reveal information that is new to them, to link new information with known information. Previous knowledge is brought to the level of awareness. Now they can become the basis for the assimilation of new knowledge. After discussing the text (film, etc.), the students fill out the third column of the "Learned" table. Example "I know" The first people lived in flocks, then in communities. To get their own food, people roamed. "I want to know" Where did the first people appear? How did people populate our Earth? Why don't people wander now? "Learned" Students find answers to the questions posed in the text of the textbook during the lesson. If there is no answer to the question posed, work continues at home. Source: Zagashev I.O., Zair-Bek S.I. Critical thinking. Critical Thinking: Technology Development. - SPb: Alliance-Delta, 2003.

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Technique "Fishbone" (fish skeleton) The head is the question of the topic, the upper bones are the basic concepts of the topic, the lower bones are the essence of the concept, the tail is the answer to the question. Entries should be concise and contain key words or phrases that capture the essence. Example. Russian language: head - Spelling-vowel letters upper bones - checked vowels, unverified vowels, alternating vowels lower bones - morpheme, tail rule - know the conditions for choosing a letter. Source: Teacher and student: opportunities for dialogue and understanding.- Ed. L.I.Semina. - M .: Publishing house "Bonfi", 2002. Reception "Generators-Criticism" The teacher raises a problem that does not require a long discussion. Two groups are formed: generators and critics. Example. The task of the first group is to give as many options as possible for solving the problem, which may be the most fantastic. All this is done without prior preparation. The work is being done quickly. The challenge for the critics is to choose the most appropriate from the proposed solutions to the problem. The task of the teacher is to direct the work of students so that they can deduce a particular rule, solve a problem, resorting to their experience and knowledge. This method can be used to enhance the independent work of students. Source: Reverse Brainstorming Techniques Reverse Brainstorming Techniques Reverse brainstorming aims at finding and eliminating possible shortcomings. The method excludes the control of the search, but helps to overcome psychological inertia (the usual course of thinking, based on the past of knowledge about the object), to get the thought off the ground and at the same time does not allow to stop where it is necessary. Example. They invented a book - paper does not wrinkle, does not get dirty. Buyers have no complaints about the quality of the book. The manufacturer incurs a loss, since the service life of the books is very long. How to help the manufacturer, preferably without compromising quality. Source: Development of creative thinking Technique "Venn Diagram" Description: The board (sheet) is divided into three parts. In the first column, children are asked to write down the commonality between 2 concepts, and in the other two, the distinctive features of each.

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Technique "Morphological box" The technique is used to create an information piggy bank and the subsequent construction of definitions in the study of linguistic and mathematical concepts. The model is used for collecting and analyzing information on the given characteristics, revealing essential and insignificant characteristics of the studied phenomenon. The piggy bank is universal, it can be used on various objects Example. in Russian - collecting parts of a word to construct new words; collection of lexical meanings of polysemantic words; compilation of synonymous and antonymic series; piggy bank of phraseological units and their meanings; piggy bank of words containing a certain spelling; piggy bank of related words; in mathematics - the collection of elements of the problem (conditions, questions) for the construction of new problems; compilation of piggy banks of mathematical expressions, quantities, geometric shapes for their subsequent analysis and classification; the world around you - piggy banks of various types of animals and plants; literary reading - a piggy bank of rhymes, metaphors; piggy bank of personal qualities for the characteristics of heroes. Reception "Create a passport" Reception for systematization, generalization of the knowledge gained; to highlight essential and non-essential features of the phenomenon under study; creating a brief description of the concept under study, comparing it with other similar concepts (Russian, mathematics, the world around, literature). This is a universal technique for compiling a generalized description of the phenomenon under study according to a specific plan. Example. It can be used to create characteristics: in literary reading - heroes of literary works; on the surrounding world - minerals, plants, animals, plant parts, body systems; in mathematics - geometric shapes, mathematical quantities; in Russian - parts of speech, members of sentences, parts of a word, lingual. terms ..

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An example of the development of situational tasks at the lesson of informatics and ICT Topic “Safety Engineering. Organization of the user's workplace ". On the basis of the educational material, the following situational tasks can be formulated: What diseases can be provoked by prolonged work at the computer? Imagine what factors that worsen health, a person can eliminate on their own. Determine how your computer workspace complies with hygiene requirements. Conduct a study of the computer science room for compliance with hygiene standards. Offer options for the reconstruction of your workplace or computer science office. Formulate the requirements for a computer presentation in terms of safe visual and psychological perception. Solving these problems requires not only knowledge of safety rules and workplace organization, but also involves a little research. Problems are classified as "open", as they do not imply a definite answer. Tasks number 4, 5, 6 involve the use of knowledge and universal actions that go beyond the scope of this lesson topic and subject.

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An example of developing an inventive problem in a lesson in computer science and ICT Working with a computer requires significant energy costs from the eyes - more than in ordinary reading. Long work or play in front of the monitor can lead to myopia and asthenopia - a lack of visual power. Nevertheless, according to the WHO, 90% of users violate the mode of continuous work at the computer, and 52% of users, when landing, do not observe the distance "outstretched" from the eyes to the monitor. Numerous reminders, recommendations posted on the walls did not help to solve this problem. Suggest a way to fight to preserve the health of personal computer users. Solution of the problem 1. Let us reformulate the problem into an inventive one: How to teach users to follow the rules of working at the monitor and take care of their health? 2. Let's formulate a contradiction: The user needs to spend a lot of time at the computer. The user cannot work in front of the monitor for a long time without interruption. Ideal End Results: Users spend as much time in front of the monitor as necessary, but regularly take breaks and bring the monitor closer to their eyes as close as 50 cm. 3. Resources. Possible options for using the following resources: human: the position of an employee has been introduced into the staff, who will regularly remind users of the need to take a break and follow the landing rules in front of the monitor; material: place a second transparent screen in front of the monitor at a distance of 50 cm so that users maintain a safe distance; energy: to build a device into the monitor that will turn off the monitor on its own at regular intervals, thus making itself a forced break in work. Of these resources, the most efficient is the energy resource. 4. Method of resolving a contradiction: resolution in the structure. Embed a thermal sensor into the monitor, which will turn off the monitor if a person approaches the monitor closer than 50 cm, and will also turn off at regular intervals, thus arranging a break in the user's work. 5. Evaluation of the solution: the solution requires, in any case, costs, the most effective use of the capabilities of the system itself - the monitor.

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Mind maps as a way of working with information In short, the essence of this technique is VISUALIZATION - accompanying the thinking process by drawing flowcharts that capture all new thoughts, conclusions and transitions between them. At the same time, the usually inhibited right hemisphere of the brain begins to work more actively, and intuition becomes stronger - a function of thinking localized precisely in this hemisphere. Cartoids help present ideas and concepts in a clear, engaging and persuasive manner, provide a holistic vision, and promote understanding and idea generation. Mind Maps: Provide a quick and complete overview of a large topic (sphere, problem, subject); Allows you to plan strategies and make choices; Provide information about where you have been and where you are going; Collect and present a wide variety of data on one sheet, showing connections and distances; Stimulate imagination and problem solving by developing new paths; Allows you to maximize efficiency and effectiveness; They are an excellent tool for thinking and memorizing; Save time; Liberate thinking; Increases productivity (and, as a result, income levels). Mind maps are a tool that allows you to: effectively structure and process information; think using all your creativity and intellectual potential.

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Technique "I want to ask" A reflexive technique that facilitates the organization of an emotional response in the lesson .. Forms: the ability to ask questions; the ability to express your emotional attitude to the answer. The student asks a question starting with the words "I want to ask ...". To the received answer, he reports his emotional attitude: "I am satisfied ...." or "I am dissatisfied because ..." Example. "I want to ask. In what cases does a logical formula incorrectly describe a given expression? " After the answer. "I am satisfied because I realized that if the priority of the operations is not followed, a mistake is possible."
