Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich (1896-1948) - Soviet Parentine-State Worker. In the 20s-30s, he headed Nizhny Novgorod (Gorkovsky) KVP (b). In 1934, Zhdanov became the first secretary of the Leningrad City and Committee. Often he is considered one of the most odious figures of the Stalinist regime. Meanwhile, Zhdanov was one of the leaders of the "Russian Party" in the Central Committee.

Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov was born on February 26, 1896 in Mariupol. This city subsequently wore his name until the second attack of the anti-Stalinsky hysteria began during the Gorbachevsky catastow. It was not randomly lowered from the chain of the sample of democratic borzills, first and foremost on Zhdanov.

He was especially hased by him as a Russian man as the leader of the Russian Party inside the WCP (b). In his name, they have experienced another symbolism. The bursting from the mallelectual "Intellectual" Y. Karyakin called his article in the "light" No. 19 for 1988 "Zhdanovskaya liquid" having in mind the composition that was used to dry thermal smell. Well, let's take a comparison of Karyakin: yes, it was this liquid that was needed to dry the body odor after the death of the hopes of anti-Russian forces for domination in Russia.

A.A.zhdanov took place from the intelligent family - his father held the same position as Lenin's father. He studied at the Agricultural Academy, in the Revolution acted in the Urals, and in 1924-1934 he headed the Nizhny Novgorod regional party organization, one of the largest in the RSFSR, "Molotov, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, worked in it. In 1930, Zhdanov became a member of the Central Committee, in 1934 - secretary of the Central Committee.

R. Konkvest writes about Zhdanov: "Strong, although not a deep mind combined with ideological fanaticism, which prevailed him to a greater extent than other figures of his generation. His country is obliged to one of the few positive phenomena of the Stalinist era compared with the 20s - restoration of the education system, which, with all its narrow and official Slav, at least in the field of non-political science, has again gained the foundation and effectiveness of the old Russian education system after deterioration. At the interim period of experiments, "(Great Terror, p.35), even Khrushchev, who does not hide in his memoirs of fatal hatred to the nearest comrades of Zhdanov Shcherbakov, quite differently, respectfully responds about Zhdanov as a very large figure.

Then, in 1934, Zhdanov, was still completely alone at the top. But he had some particularly close relationship with Stalin. They usually rested together in the south. In August 1934, during such a joint recreation, they made comments on the abstracts of the textbooks of the USSR history and a new story. The collaborators of these comments were enrolled by Kirov, just who caught south to Stalin and Zhdanov, but Kirov himself was only surprised by this circumstance: "What is my historian?" He honestly admitted (S. Krasnikov. S.M.Kirov. M., 1964, p.196).

The conversation about history did not happen by chance. On May 16, 1934, the decision of the Council of Coviet and the Central Committee on the Teaching of the History, in which it was noted that the teaching of this discipline is distracted, schematic, and instead of the history of real peoples, students are presented with abstract definitions of formations. Later, 27 I H Varya 1936, the new ruling explained that these harmful trends and attempts to eliminate history as science are associated, first of all, with the distribution of erroneous historical views in the historians, characteristic of the so-called "School of Pokrovsky", even later, in August 1937 years were convicted: misunderstanding of the progressive role of Christianity and monasteries; Neon understanding of the progressive value of joining Russia of Ukraine in the XVII century and Georgia in the late XVIII century; Idealization of Streletsky rebellion aimed against the civilizational policy of Peter I; Incorrect historical assessment of ice traveling. Thus, the disgusting anti-Russian orientation of Soviet historical science was gradually eliminated and was replaced by his views, the correctness of which today has to defend themselves in severe struggle, in the context of the new Sabbath of Anti-Russian forces.

The "liberal" intelligentsia still does not get tired of branding Zhdanov for interference in literary and musical affairs, for the injury of Zoshchenko and Akhmatova. The curtain over the true causes of the hatred of this public to Zhdanov, the already mentioned famous Zionist M.Agursky, for which Zhdanov and Shcherbakov were the main leaders of the "black-based" direction in the top, and Zhdanov's desk book were allegedly "Protocols of the Zion Wise men." As for the reflection of the well-known resolution of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) dated August 14, 1946, "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad, ", it was perfectly showed by Vitaly Volkov in the article" Behind the Kulisami "(Aurora, 1991, G8). He noted that Zhdanov's accuses "could not see the immediate, albeit little care, at first glance, the connection between a sharp drop against the Leningrad Literary Public in 1946 and the bloody violence with Leningrad party-household staff in 1949-1950."

The main role in this case, according to V. Volkov, played Malenkov. The accusations of an ideological nature against Zhdanov could not nominate, since in this area of \u200b\u200bpolitical activities did not feel in his element and was clearly inferior to Zhdanov in the ability to conduct the relevant discussions. For the attack on the Leningrad grouping, Malenkov elected the region of party work, in which he felt confident of everything - personnel. Malenkov tried to focus the attention of Stalin, from Zinovievsky and Kirov, who was very suspicious to "Leningrad separatism", on the outstand that in Leningrad "is going on self-government in the selection and placement of personnel", which goes into the "non-ignoring of the CC settings". "If, - writes Vovvov, - Malenkov managed to convince Stalin in this, then the position of Zhdanov, Kuznetsov and all Leningrad nominations would be undermined in the most serious way in 1946."

"The circumstances have developed in such a way that in a multi-part combination that Malenkov played against Zhdanov, one of the central figures was destined to become ... M.M.Zoshvenko."

According to the same V. Volkov, "Zoshchenko has long been felt if not a patronage, then quite favorable attention to himself Zhdanov, and it was, of course, known to Moscow. It is clear that in these circumstances, any blow to the popular writer was indirectly directed against Zhdanov. " The first attempt to such a strike, Malenkov, was taken back in 1943 in connection with the publication in the "October" journal of the first part of the story Zoshchenko "before the sunrise", approved for the press of the Deputy Head of the Office of Propaganda and Agication by the Central Committee by Espoity, and the Sudanov. The head of this administration of G. Elksandrov was the famine of Malenkov and filed a report, accusing Zoshchenko in the "slander to our people." This halt of Zhdanov managed to neutralize with minimal losses, but Malenkov has introduced a new chance in 1946, when Zoshchenko was recommended on the editorial board of the magazine "Star", and from July 26, approved in this capacity, and V. Volkov does not exclude here Provocation by the departments of Beria, Ally Malenkov, and not just the oversight of the Leningrad Hospital, which "almost became a prologue to the next pogrom of Leningrad personnel." Malenkov immediately accounted for Stalin, and Zhdanov was forced to "sacrifice Zoshchenko to save himself and his environment." "The main strategic task of Zhdanov was to withdraw the Leningrad Patorganization from under the strike. And he coped with her enough successfully. " "Zhdanov sought to close as soon as possible so that way the case with the Leningrad writers arisen in order to finally protect themselves from any further galads of Malenkov in this direction." And Zhdanov managed to localize the attack, limit the discussion of the cross in personnel policies to the writing medium. Of course, Zhdanov had to scold Zoshchenko with the last words, literally reproducing the instructions of Stalin to the writer, living with the wolves, Zhdanov skillfully used the wolf, not being such in essence.

K. Simonov recalls a similar case when his story was sold out in print, and then he called Zhdanov to himself and "talked about the same smarter, thinner and intelligent than it was written" ("The eyes of a man of my generation", p. 147). And in 1948, Zhdanov tried to soften the blow. Everyone was confident that Zoshchenko and Akhmatov were arrested, but nothing like that did not happen. Moreover: those excluded from the Union of Writers selected food and industrial cards, but Zoshchenko and Akhmatov were called into Smolny and cards they again issued.

Returning to Moscow, Zhdanov took all measures so that no one from openly opposed his grouping remains unpunished. He achieved the shipment of Malenkov in the "long business trip" in Central Asia, and in fact - removal from work in the CC apparatus. In the summer of 1947, a discussion was held on Zhdanov's scenario "History of Western European Philosophy", after which Alexandrov flew from his post.

However, it completes its article by V. Volkov, "No Malenkov, nor the more Beria have been knocked out. They only hid and waited for a case for revenge. Such an opportunity for them was provided after Zhdanov's death in 1948. And it was used with interest in a year when the bloody "Leningrad case" began.

Not only literature, not only the philosophy is all become a political struggle. Even biology.

As you know, from July 31 to August 7, 1948, a sadly famous session of Vaschnil, who ended with the victory of supporters of Lysenko above the despicable geneticists was held. As R. Konkvest notes, "We must pay tribute to Zhdanov: he never supported Lysenko, and the final defeat of Soviet biology occurred in 1948 and was part of his own political defeat and death" ("Great Terror", p.436). Son A.A.zhdanova Yu.A.V., who was headed by the Department of Science of the Central Committee, and was married to the daughter of Stalin Svetlana, repeatedly opposed Lysenko, however, when Stalin took the side of Lysenko, Yu.zhdanov was forced on July 7, 1948 to write the revenue Stalin's letter, published the day after the end of the aforementioned session of Vaschnil (J. Medvedev. Take off and fall T.L.Lyshenko, New York, 1971, s.11o, 226), and on August 31, 1948 A. Successible A. Edition. "We will not be surprised if ever it becomes known that Beria has attached to this act," writes A.ANTON-Ovseenko in his already quoted earlier work on Beria in the journal "Youth" (1988, M12). There is even a version that Zhdanov was just shot on the hunt "like a boar." I heard this version from M. Bernsteam, and he was from his father, who in Berievsky times occupied an important post in MGB. Undoubtedly one: the direct link between the death of Zhdanov and the departure from his political line and the defeat of his grouping.

Zhdanov's loans were invented even the contemptuous term "Zhdanovshchina", the content of which the Chechen dealer of A.Avtorkhanov on page 67 of his book "The Mystery of Stalin's Death" reveals as "a consistent return to pre-war substrate and in external and internal policies." It is curious that just a few pages further authans claims that Zhdanov "began to conduct a politician of the destination of Eastern European countries", which was accused of conspiring with Dimitrov and Tito to create the Balkan Federation (CIT. Op., P.82.84). It is not clear how such a policy can be associated in the head of Avrakhanov with Stalinism.

Another emigrant connoisseur of Russian affairs N. Rotch in his book "CPSU in power", as we remember, already flashed once awareness, the publishing of the book of Tarle about the war of 1812 was already shot by Tukhachevsky. In the same way, Rutyul is inflicted by Zhdanovsky Agitprop for the condemnation of an extracurricular approach to the Russian past and the idealization of state and military leaders of the Tsarist Russia, referring to the article dated by September 1948, that is, the Zhdanov's published after the death of Zhdanov.

N. S. Khrushchev about A. A. Zhdanov:

After the death of Kirov, Stalin took the Leningrad parthorization to Zhdanov. Zhdanov at the XVII Congress of the CSP (b) was elected secretary of the Central Committee, and before that he worked in Gorky. With him I was better acquainted than with Kirov. I remember our first meeting. We competed earlier with the Nizhny Novgorod Territory. And now our delegation at the congress invited the Gorky delegation to visit. I do not remember where we gathered. Zhdanov was a cheerful man. Then he drank us and drank before. In a word, I went to the layout and stretched the two-row harmony. He played a good harmony and on the piano. I liked it. Kaganovich responded contemptuously about him: "Harmonist". But I have not seen anything reprehensible in it. I myself once tried to learn such a game in my youth, and I had a harmony. However, I never played well, and he played well. Already after, when Zhdanov began to rotate in the Politburo environment, it was clear that Stalin was very careful to him. Here, the grinding of Kaganovich to Zhdanov intensified; He often said something: "Here it is not necessary for a great skill to work, you need to have a good suspended language, you should be able to talk well to the jokes, sing a chastushki, and you can live in the light of" ...

Zhdanov was a clever man. He had some dullness with the Chitri. He could simply notice your slip, let me let the irony. On the other hand, purely externally, at all plenums he was sitting with a pencil and recorded. People might think: how carefully listens to the Zhdanov all at the plenum, writes everything to miss anything. And he recorded someone's unsuccessful turnover of speech, then came to Stalin and repeated them. For example, a lot of laughter had a speech by Yusupov. In addition, Zhdanov really was a musical man. It turns out that he once studied music from Alexandrov, the father of the current leader of the military ensemble. That they have taught music among them in an average educational institution. Zhdanov studied in Mariupol and graduated there with a secondary educational institution.

Much sense causes the name of Zhdanov in connection with the post-war regulations of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad" and the opera Muradan "Great Friendship". Regarding them, I think Zhdanov was just a designated Rapporteur: that he was kept to say, he said. How he thought it was hard to find out. Maybe exactly how he performed, but I doubt it. Most probably not. At that time, Zhdanov was in absolute opaire. The attitude towards him has changed during the war. And why did he still get from Stalin to disfavor?

"Upstairs" there was such an impression (as far as it was reasonable, it's hard for me to judge) that he is like a slacker, does not rush to business. To some extent, they all noted. At any meeting in the Central Committee of the Party, he could come after two or three hours, and could not come at all. In a word, he was not like, for example, Kaganovich. He will always find a matter, he always has no time. And this is calm: if the question is entrusted to him, he will do, and not entrust, it is not necessary. Such an impression was also in Stalin, and in others who knew Zhdanov. Personally, it is difficult for me to speak on this issue. I have never worked especially with him, so it's hard for me to speak. And so the rest he was a very charming person.

Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov

State and party leader. Born in 1896, his career takes off after the murder of Sergei Kirov. In 1934, he became the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and at the same time the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the CSP Goront (b). From 1939 - Member of Politburo. He led the defense of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. In 1946, he finally moved to work in Moscow. He oversees ideological and international issues. After graduating from the Great Patriotic War - the most likely successor of the Secretary-General. Successively died on August 31, 1948

The death of Zhdanov is death under the cloth. She lay down, no one needed, no one is particularly disturbing, almost no one who has been interested in four years old. And then served as a reason for one of the largest post-war trials. The events of 1948 were based on the scenario of "doctors".

This, generally speaking, a characteristic story for the Stalinist period - the revolution of the official version of the death of one or another figure for 180 degrees (remember at least the death of Kirov and Gorky). The period of Stalin is characteristic of such a "wasteless" cycle - when the dead are called for the implementation of punitive parties.

In the death of Zhdanov, like in one, another intertwined history and medicine.

No one has ever doubted the fact that Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov suffered from a cardiovascular disease and died, being under the supervision of doctors, on August 31, 1948 in the boarding house "Valdai". The rest in his death is the issues of certain medical, historical and political interpretations.

She (Zhdanov's death) became, if they were expressed by the language of the newspaper "Pravda", "Lost for the Soviet people." Doubt, which go beyond the medical consultation, did not initially caused. And in the same "truth" on September 1, 1948, the official cause of the death of A. Zhdanova at that time was published. It was formulated as follows: "From paralysis of a painfully modified heart with phenomena of acute edema of the lungs."

This is our first version. You can call it "medical" or "purely medical".

The first version: Natural death as a result of cardiovascular disease

In 1948, Andrei Zhdanov - fifty-two. This is also our time for a man dangerous age, from the point of view of the development of cardiological diseases. Zhdanov was tormented by regular attacks of chest toads (so called angina). He suffered from severe atherosclerotic change of heart vessels. It was called, a typical fifty-year-old core patient. This contributed to the hereditary predisposition, and lifestyle. Stresses pursue politicians. To be near Stalin and feel peace of mind did not manage to anyone. It was the last two years of life that were most difficult for Zhdanov. On this account we have a historical reference.

On August 14, 1946, a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad "appeared. Although Formally Zhdanov performed as a speaker, but it was directed against the Leningrad Organization, which he led. Opponents of Zhdanov become increasingly active. In early 1948, the Second Coming was held by Georgy Malenkov, who returned the post of secretary of the Central Committee of the Party. In the spring of 1948, the son of Andrei Zhdanov, Yuri, a chemist scientist, head of the science department of the CPSU Central Committee, criticized Stalin's favorite Academician Trofim Lysenko. This caused anger from Stalin. Yuri Zhdanova openly slammed the newspaper "Pravda".

Zhdanov was not easy. On the one hand, the competitors, first of all Malenkov and Beria, were pressed, with another own son made rash applications.

Zhdanov knew how the Secretary General did with those who caused his doubts. Everyone perfectly remembered the period of mass party cleansing and trials. Zhdanov, in addition to his own career, apparently, was seriously disturbed by the fate of the Son, who became the son-in-law of Stalin and had negligence to speak against Lysenko.

Zhdanov put the trouble extremely hard. He was forgotten only with alcohol. But only worse. He gained a reputation as an alcoholic among party comrades and - the main thing! - In the eyes of the leader. Despite the fact that as responsible for the ideology was obliged to be under Stalin, constantly participated in the night "dinners" in the near country.

Nikita Khrushchev recalled: "I remember (and this was a rare phenomenon), as Stalin sometimes smoked at him, not to drink. Then Zhdanov poured himself fruit water when others poured alcoholic beverages. I believe that if Stalin has held him at the dinner, what was the house where Zhdanov remained without such control? This vice killed Shcherbakov and greatly accelerated the death of Zhdanov. "

In 1947, Zhdanov passed a course of treatment in Sochi. It did not lead to success. Angina progressed. The aggravation occurred in July 1948 on July 10, Zhdanov, "According to the conclusion of doctors", sent to a two-month vacation. As Zhdanov himself said, he was "obliged" to go to be treated in the Sanatorium "Valdai". As it should be, he has been appointed by Herbalprom attending doctors - Dr. Majorov and Carpathians. July 23, according to the testimony of the personnel, he had a telephone conversation with his subordinate, head of the Agitprop Dmitry Shepilov. The conversation was unpleasant for Zhdanov, he was extremely excited (Shepilov himself in his memories demonstrates the devotion to Zhdanov and about this telephone conversation in the death of the boss, the chapter does not mention at all). At night, Andrei Aleksandrovich had a heavy seizure.

July 25, Professor Vinogradov, Vasilenko and Egorov arrived from Moscow. Consilium ruled that there was an acute attack of cardiac asthma. And the main reason for disadvantage was called cardiosclerosis.

The patient was prescribed walking and massage. According to the researcher of this issue, Kostrchenchenko historian, the patient's position did not seem to doctors. Sofya Karpay went on vacation, and Majorov instructed the care of the cluster of the nurse and became interested in fishing.

On August 7, in the "Pravda" unexpectedly for himself, Zhdanov sees the repentant letter of his son, in which he, referring to his "inexperience" and "immaturity", humiliatedly asked Stalin forgiveness.

On the same day, the latter was removed before led to the crisis of the Cardiogram. The next on only August 28, after the seizure and three days before death.

Consilium in the face of Kremlin professors arrives in Valdai on August 28. The most important person in this drama comes with them later - the head of the ECG Cabinet of the Kremlin Hospital Lydia Timoshuk. It examines Zhdanov and states "myocardial infarction in the field of the front wall of the left ventricle and the interventricular partition."

Professor call her opinion erroneous. They insist that Timoshuk rewrote its conclusion in accordance with their diagnosis: "Functional disorder on the soil sclerosis and hypertensive disease."

So, opinions were separated.

And the patients offered the physicians ... move more! In the history of the disease, they made: "It was recommended to increase movement, from September 1 to allow drips by car, September 9 to solve the question of a trip to Moscow." Only Timashuk insisted on strict bed mode. But her voice was not heard. On August 31, the patient died.

An autopsy was held in the evening on the day of death. He was done by the pathologist of the Kremlin Hospital Fedorov, in the presence of secretary of the Central Committee of Alexei Kuznetsov. The conclusion confirmed the clinical diagnosis of professor professors. Fresh and old headers on the heart (testimonial infarction) described ambiguously as "necrotic hotels", "necrosis", "foci of momalation", etc. The same evening the results approved by correspondence consignment in Moscow. In the morning, as we know, the Fresh Number of the Pravda newspaper came out with an official diagnosis.

Most Cardiology specialists believe that the doctors of the Kremlin hospital twice made medical errors. The first time, when it was not insisted in bed for a high-ranking patient (this can be explained by the resistance of Zhdanov himself, which they were afraid). And the second - rock error - ignoring the results of electrocardiography. A suspicious attitude towards this method of functional diagnosis could be affected here, which only recently began to enter clinical practice.

August 28, 1948, realizing that the Vinogradov did not listen to her opinion, Lydia Timashuk writes a statement to the head of the head of the MGB of the USSR Vlasik, through the head of the guard of Zhdanov, Major Belov. In the evening of the same day, the statement in Moscow.

On August 29, General Abakumov reports that without specifying myocardial infarction. "

Stalin responded calmly. The statement of Timashuk, read by Stalin, went to the archive. Her itself was lowered in office. Zhdanov buried near the Kremlin wall. Painting A. Gerasimov "Stalin at Coffin Zhdanova" was noted by the Stalin Prize for 1949. The city of Mariupol was renamed Zhdanov, the name of the deceased received plants, institutions and the Leningrad University.

But after three years, the note of Lydia Timashuk was reserved again. She formed the basis of the doctors' affairs, during which the second "official" version of Andrei Zhdanov's death was named - a deliberate murder of medical workers.

Version Second: Zhdanov - Sacrifice of killer doctors

The cold war began and the new large cleaning. One of its goals should be Soviet Jews. Among the doctors, in particular, those who treated Zhdanov, there were many of them.

The plans of the punitive campaign against doctors serving the leadership of the USSR were launched several years. The arrests of Sofia Karpay, Yakova Ethinger and others were preceded by the finally formulated case. The Senior Investigator of the Intelligence Department was engaged in the work of the Senior MGB of the USSR Mikhail Ryumin. The first arrested was incriminated to the killing by assuming obvious mistakes in the treatment of Mikhail Kalinin (died in 1946) and secretary of the Central Committee of Alexander Shcherbakov (Shurin A. A. Zhdanova, died on May 10, 1945). A letter of Ryumin Stalin was a reason for the arrest of Minister MGB Viktor Abakumova (a Zionist conspiracy in the MGB, preventing the development of the case of doctors).

What it turned out this case, you can understand from the message of the TASS of January 13, 1953. "The consequence established that the participants of the terrorist group, using their position of doctors and abusing the confidence of patients, deliberately the villains undermined the health of the latter, deliberately ignored the data of the objective study of patients, set them Incorrect diagnoses that are not fitted with the actual nature of their diseases, and then incorrect treatment for them. "

In the interpretation of the then consequence of Zhdanov, he became the most famous and large victim of conspirators in the death of Zhdanov's death was drawn by a lot of people. This case gave reason to arrest a large group at once, and not only doctors. Zhdanov was a "resonant" character, almost a leader. Ideologically, in the eyes of the people, his killing was a particularly cynical act.

Lydia Timashuk and its statement was to investigate a unifying link in unraveling a conspiracy chain. She became the main medical witness. And indirect or direct participation in history with Zhdanov turned into a reason for the repression of all others - Egorov, Vinogradov, Vlasik, the same Abakumov ...

Lydia Timashuk received the Order of Lenin in January 1953 for the help of a consequence. Almost all investigative actions at that time were accomplished around its diagnosis, set by A. A. Zhdanov. And, as we remember, the main opponent of Timashuk mentioned by her in the letters was academician Vladimir Nikitich Vinogradov. He was the most authoritative and mastic among the "court doctors" and treated not only Stalin, but also all members of the Politburo. However, from the treatment of Stalin by this time of grapes was removed, although his forecast about the unhealthy of the leader (atorosclerosis and possible stroke) came true one hundred percent.

In interrogations, he recognized both intent and negligence. He had full-time stakes with Sofia Karpay, where Professor of Vinogradov, according to transcripts, offered a colleague not to eat and confess to everyone.

Vinogradov was tortured, besides, he did not give illusions - he himself had the experience of participation in such a process: in 1938 he acted as an expert from medicine against his mentor Professor Pletnev.

Vladimir Vinogradov expressed the final opinion on the medical side of this case, when he was released and rehabilitated, in a letter to Lavrenting Beria: "It is still necessary to recognize that A. A. Zhdanova had a heart attack, and denial him to me, professors Vasilenko, Egorov, Doctors Majorov and Karpay had an error on our part. At the same time, evil intent in the formulation of the diagnosis and treatment method we did not have. "

The case of doctors collapsed, without reaching the court, Stalin barely died. On April 3, 1953, the defendants were released. The next day it was announced that the confessions were mined "unacceptable methods". The Ryumin investigator was arrested by order of Beria. In the summer of 1954 he was shot. From the assumption that Zhdanov was destroyed by pest doctors, the Soviet state refused.

But in this case, the third version is possible. It can be called political. The bottom line is that the death of Zhdanov was on hand to his political opponents. And by and large - his cartridge, Comrade Stalin.

Version Three: Killed by order Stalin

In the first postwar years, Zhdanov grew up into the largest political figure, man number 2 in the USSR. After Opal Molotova, Malenkov, Zhukov, the fall of the influence of Beria, since 1946, Zhdanov seems to be the closest to Stalin. Stalin entrusted Zhdanov the most important front is ideological. He also led the personnel layout. Oversaw international communist movement.

Dmitry Schipilov, who was heading in those days Agitprop, wrote: "Stalin very close to Zhdanov. Much time they spent together. Stalin appreciated Zhdanov highly and gave him one order after another, the most different character. This caused deaf irritation from Beria and Malenkov. Their dislikes for Zhdanov increased. In the elevation of Zhdanov, the danger of weakening or the loss of confidence in them from Stalin. "

The main thing that Zhdanov was distinguished among other Stalinist Sanovnikov - he had his own client. A large group of large party officials, owned by him with his elevation.

Suites from the Leningrad Party Organization, which for many years led Zhdanov, occupy important posts in the leadership of the country: Nikolai Voznesensky - First Deputy Chairman of the SNK, Chairman of the USSR, Alexey Kuznetsov - Secretary of the Central Committee and Head of Personnel Management CCP (b), Mikhail Rodionov - Chairman Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and a member of the OrganizingBury of the Central Committee. In Leningrad, after the departure of Zhdanov, the faithful Peter ass remains.

Only from 1946 to August 1948, the Leningrad Party Organization prepared about 800 major party workers for Russia. Former deputy chairman of Lensovet M. V. Basov became the first deputy chairman of the Summin RSFSR. T. V. Zakrzhevskaya, N. D. Schumilov, P. N. Kubatkin were put forward in the Central Working Committee. M. I. Turko, N. V. Soloviev, T. Kedrov, A. D. Verbitsky became the first secretaries of the Commands and Central Committee of the Republican Communist Parties.

Zhdanov Group - Leningraders - had their own political program. Not written, not spoken in detail. Rather, those who are felt by all intuitive views and addictions. This is the Russian nationalism of the imperial sense. Anti-Semitic and antikavkaz moods.

Even before the war, Stalin elects the Russian national course. After 1945, this idea is experiencing the second birth. Zhdanov uses patriotism to combat ideological front. Zhdanov and his associates seek to play a "Russian map". This applies to both the ideology and principles of the country's leadership. It is planned to transfer the capital of the Russian Federation to Leningrad, to establish a Russian anthem, to create his Communist Party and its own Academy of Sciences in the RSFSR.

All this could not do not reach Stalin. Say, the replica Nicholas Voznesensky "earlier in the politburo smelled garlic (there were many Jews) And now the kebab. " But the Politburo had three Caucasians: Beria, Mikoyan and Stalin himself.

Groupbuds Stalin was afraid and fought with her with all cruelty. At the famous February-March 1937, the Plenum of the Central Committee, he said about the head of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan: "Take Mirzoyan's comrade. He works in Kazakhstan, he worked before in Azerbaijan for a long time, and after Azerbaijan worked in the Urals. I warned him several times, do not tackle my friends with any of Azerbaijan, nor from the Urals, but put forward people in Kazakhstan. What does it mean to carry a whole group of buddies, friendships from Azerbaijan, which are not fundamentally related to Kazakhstan? What does it mean to carry with you a whole group of buddies from the Urals, which are also not fundamentally related to Kazakhstan? This means that you got some independence from local organizations and, if you want some independence from the Central Committee. He has his own group, I have my own group, they are personally committed to me. " Soon Leon Mirzoyan and his "buddies" were shot.

In the summer of 1948, Zhdanov Malenkov's competitor was appointed secretary of the Central Committee. Zhdanov, on the contrary, is seriously ill, weakened by a politically unpleasant situation with the speech of the Son against Lysenko. Zhdanov in front of the eyes, drinks. Everything that could be made by Zhdanov's hands is done. These are cleaning in Leningrad. These are post-war ideological campaigns, the defeat of the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad", performances against Zoshchenko, Akhmatova, Shostakovich, "Courts of honor".

Mavr did his job, Maur could leave.

The death of Zhdanov became a prelude to the total destruction of the party frames close to him, the famous "Leningrad case".

We will never know what exactly happened in Valdai. But, most likely, it was about a kind of conspiracy of inaction. That is, all these courty Kremlin professors did not exert the proper assistance, not because they did not see the ECG infarction. And because they got the installation (most likely indirect than the direct) - the patient is rather needed dead than alive. In principle, the persistence with which Vinogradov, Egorov and others resisted the diagnosis of Timashuk, says that there, in the sanatorium "Valdai", something was unclean.

At the same time, Lydia Timashuk strangely had a camera with him and removed for history (?!) ECG Zhdanov on film. But at the same time, its signals were not heard, and in the note of Abakumov she was attributed to the wrong initials. And no one defended her when the professorstera sent Lydia Timashuk to a spent, compared with the Kremlin hospital, a clinic. But left with its films "for history" in the current reserve.

Stalin's handwriting - first order to kill the sacrifice, then turn the executioners.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Peter Alexandrovich and Platon Alexandrovich Chihachev, Peter Chihachev, was born 16 (28) August 1808, and Plato - a year of the beginning of the war with Napoleon, 10 (22) of June 1812, in the Bolshoi Gatchina Palace - the summer residence of the entertainer Empress Maria Fedorovna. Father Brothers Chichachev

Seventh chapter. Ivan Zhdanov Zhdanov Ivan Fedorovich was born on January 16, 1948 in the village of Tulatinka in the Altai Territory. Ros eleventh child in the peasant family. He worked as a mechanic at the Barnaul Plant "Transmash", Assistant of the Drill Masters in Yakutia, Littopherty

Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov If God had awarded me with the ability to draw, and then fading drawings and put them with the ability to gesticulate and say - I would depict Andrei Aleksandrovich standing on the top of the carved mountain or on the roof

Berterty Little Andrei Aleksandrovich Captain of the Russian Corps of Lieutenant General B.L. Steponcapitan Armed Forces in 1904 Russian. From employees. At the age of 15, Lieutenant General A.I. entered Denikin. A citizen participant, awarded the St. George Medal. IN

Tsonon Andrei Aleksandrovich Major Armed Forces November 1, 1911 in St. Petersburg. Russian. From the family of the employee. In 1918, together with his family he moved to the Republic of Estonia. At the end of the Russian secondary school, he was called up to the army. In the late 30s. entered the national labor

Fight for the ideals of the people A. A. Zhdanov

Zhdanov and Babayevsky at the second meeting of young writers in 1951, in addition to classes in seminars, there were more general meetings. Corifean appeared before the participants - Privine, Tvardovsky, Leonov ... and unexpectedly - Babaevsky. Circular Highly, like Gribachev, but soft,

Great Prince Vladimirsky Andrey Aleksandrovich Speed \u200b\u200b(hot-tempered) to 1261-1304 The third son of Alexander Nevsky and the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Haepe. Received from the Father Gorodetskoy Principality. When in 1276 a childless Vasily Yaroslavich died, Andrei Alexandrovich in addition to

Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich (02.26.1896 - 08/31/1948). Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) from 03/22/1939 to August 31, 1948, a candidate for members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) from 01.02.1935 to 03/22/1939, a member of the Organizing Bank of the Central Committee of the CPS (b) from 10.02. 1934 to 08/31/1948 Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) from 10.02.1934 to August 31, 1948, a member of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) in 1930-1948. Candidate of Members

I am racing Zhdanov "Aleksandrovsky boys" and "Komsomolts of the twentieth year". The house of tolerance for the spiritual mentors of the party. Occupational army and meat for the beasts of the Vienna Zoo. Chance to encline yourself with Habsburgs. Litvinov and Kollondtai in the Kremlin Dining Room.

Chapter 16. The Name Tank "Andrei Zhdanov" The second half of the 1930s put another one for our hero, a new task for him. Leningrad was not just the second metropolis of the USSR. Here, first, he worked one of the most important military-industrial centers. Secondly, in

A.V.V.V. on the eve of the arrival of the main forces at the end of December 1969, the Egyptian government and personally, President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, appealed to the Soviet government for help in connection with the activation of the raids of Israeli aviation for military, civil and

Mikhail Zhdanov Memories of V. A. Troitskaya Valery Alexeevna Troitskaya is one of the most striking representatives of the Russian Geophysics of the 20th century. She combined the unique qualities of the scientific leader and the talent of the world-class scientist. I first met with

Senior Sergeant I. Zhdanov on May 2 * I drank with comrades in the mug of wine in honor of the victory at the very Brandenburg gate. Then we decided to walk a little, look at the German capital, as she looks like today. We look at, three women are sitting on the bench. Here, I think already got out

Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov, (1896-1948), was born in Mariupol Ekaterinoslav province, in the family of an official. Got a secondary education, in 1916 he entered the military school, to finish which he was prevented by the revolution. According to him, in 1915. Entered into the batch of Bolsheviks, but this does not correspond to reality: until the revolution itself he was loyal to the king. In November 1917, being one of the leaders of the community salvation committee in Schadrinsk, suppressed the Communist's attempt to seize power in the city: arrested a revolution, disarmed the squad of the Springs-Krasnogvardeys, and called for the protection of the temporary government. But in June 1918, seeing that the power of the Bolsheviks in the country was strengthened, and hoping that they would become "state power", joined the RKKKA, and in the Communist Party.

During the Civil War, there was insignificant posts, and began to rise in service in 1922, when he became chairman of the Tver Gubspolkom. In the internal party struggle, Stalin was supported, which in 1934, put forward him to the post of the first secretary of the Leningrad City Council and the regional account of the WCP (b), and at the same time secretary of the Commissary of the Party. Stalin estimated his business grip, energy and determination.

In Leningrad, together with L.M. Zakovsky, entered the "Troika NKVD", became one of the organizers of eviction from the city and the region "Anti-Soviet elements", authorized the "Kirov stream": mass arrests of persons who were accused of sympathy to the murder of Kirov. Many workers who received the bench wages and seeing how Kirov live and his approximate, did not have grounds for sorrow in connection with his death. They accounted for the bulk of the "Kirov Flood". And, being the secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, Zhdanov received the staliest and berry, later - hedgehog, the lists of people being executed, and the signature stands on many of them.

In the fall of 1937 Zhdanov was directed to Stalin to organize "cleaning" in Bashkiria. There he came to the conclusion that the disorganization of the industry is possible due to the scope of repression, and in this spirit made several extensive notes in the name of Stalin. Stalin became interested in his conclusions, and instructed him to prepare a draft decision of the Central Committee on the restriction of repressive practice. In January 1938 Zhdanov made a decision "On the responsibility of prosecutors for the unreasonable arrest of specialists", designed to stop the beating of the NKVD of the Directive Corps, but nothing happened: the Izov Office ignored the Decree of the Central Committee. In March 1938 Zhdanov, together with A.A. Solz, initiated the decision to reveal the "automatic" dismissal from work and eviction from the dwellings of persons excluded from the party. Zhdanov supported Stalin, and after that he became an "anti-crisis manager": leaving the regions where the actions of the NKVD were particularly blatant; The result of such travel was the displacement of the most odious chekists. The "crisis situation" was already almost everywhere and the private measures did not give anything, which Andrei Alexandrovich himself said at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) in June 1938. In July 1938 Zhdanov became the chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and in February 1939. - Member of the Politburo.

With the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war in November 1939 A.A.zhdanov became a member of the Military Council of the Front. Until 1947, he oversawned the sense of annexed Finnish territories: organized the closure of all Finnish and Karelian schools, Lutheran churches, arrests and deportation of the Finnish and Karelian intelligentsia.

In the summer of 1940, it was Zhdanov who insisted before Stalin on the inclusion of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to the USSR: Joseph Vissarionovich himself until the last moment doubted the feasibility of this measure, offering to establish puppet, but formally independent regimes. In 1940-1941. Zhdanov oversaw the college of the Baltic States: V.N. Merkulov, B.Z. Kobulov and some other heads of the NKVD, carried out there punitive policies, carried out the instructions of Zhdanov. It is responsible for deportation, mass arrests and executions in the Baltic republics: all these shares were held on his initiative and under his personal control.

In 1941-1944 - Curator of the defense of Leningrad. I managed to mobilize the strength and resources to create a system of powerful defensive ruffles around the city, the export of strategic materials, ensured the operation of military factories. The "human resources" of Zhdanov did not regret: the evacuation of the civilian population began to engage in spring 1942, when the threat of epidemics arose due to mass mortality.

In 1944 Zhdanov was produced in Colonel-General.

After 1945. A.A.zhdanov became the initiator of a number of major repressive shares. So, in August 1946 Zhdanov made a report on "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ", which contained a sharp criticism of A.A.Akhmatova, M.I.TSvetareva, M.M.Soshchenko, a number of other cultural and art figures. They were accused of "distortion of reality", "vulgarity", propaganda "alien to our society of ideas."

In 1946-1948. Zhdanov initiated campaigns to combat "low-alphabones in front of the West" and "worship of foreign technician": a positive feedback on the Western lifestyle or even some scientific invention was regarded as "antipatriotism". During these campaigns, Zhdanov were defeated by many Research Institute, almost all scientific and cultural contacts with Western countries were crushed. Zhdanov in their public speeches promoted primitive "kvass patriotism", there is little difference from those "ideas", which before the revolution were proclaimed with the storms.

In 1947 Zhdanov defeated, as "Lzhenauka", the sociology in which the USSR first had priority.

Then it was the turn of genetics and cybernetics: Zhdanov also announced "Lzhenauki". The sadly famous August session was chosen 1948, he was held on his initiative.

Zhdanov organized a campaign to combat "formalism": against musicians who did not want to adhere to "social realism": D.Shostakovich, S.Prokofiev, B. Muradeli and others. Creativity A.N.vertinsky, in 1943, who returned to the USSR fell under the unlawed ban.

In 1948 A.A.zhdanov began a campaign: "On the fight against rooted cosmopolitanism" and "bourgeois sionism". Anti-Semitism was hidden under these signs. Zhdanov was organized "case" of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee; His members "turned out to be" "American spies" and "Agents of the Bourgeois Zionist Organization" Joint ". Andrei Alexandrovich was expressed in favor of the deportation of Jews from the USSR to Israel. With the filing of Zhdanov, the topic of the "Masonic conspiracy against Russia" was to be worked out, in which he sincerely believed

    Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich

    Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich -, Soviet state and party leader. Member of the Communist Party since 1915. Born in the family of the Inspector of People's School. He graduated from the real school. In a revolutionary movement with ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich - (1896-1948), party and statesman. Member of the Communist Party since 1915. Worker. Member of the struggle for Soviet power in the Urals. In 1918-1920, on the politicalness in the Red Army, then on Soviet and party work. ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

    Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich - (1896 1948) Russian politician. From 1922 on Soviet and party work. In 1934 48 Secretary of the Central Committee, at the same time in 1934 44 1st Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the GOCD (b). In the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Military Council of Troops ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich - Rod. 1896, mind. 1948. Soviet politician. He occupied various state and party posts since 1922, was the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (1934 48), the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the city assessment of the WCP (b) (1934 44), during the Great Patriotic War, a member ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich - (1896 1948), party and statesman. Member of the Communist Party since 1915. Worker. Member of the struggle for Soviet power in the Urals. In 1918 1920 on the politicalness in the Red Army, then on Soviet and party work. In 1934 1948 ... ... St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

    Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich - (1896 1948), political figure of the USSR. From 1922 on Soviet and party work. From 1934 Secretary of the Central Committee, at the same time in 1934 44 1st secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the GOCDCC (b). In the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Military Council of the North Western ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Zhdanov, Andrey - Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov A. A. Zhdanov ... Wikipedia

    Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov - ... Wikipedia

    Ashahar Andrei Aleksandrovich - (1843 96), Rus. Pedagogue and translator. He graduated from Derptsky Un t. Translated on it. Yaz. Poems A.S. Pushkin, A.V. Koltsova, N.A.Nekrasova, A.K. Tolstoy. Translated from L. OK. 20 verse, the poems "Mcyri", "Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov", "Demon". The best of his ... ... Lermontov encyclopedia


  • Zhdanov, Volynets A .. Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov on the right is the most mysterious political figure of the Epoch of Stalin. Since 1948, not a single full-fledged study of Egographs in Russian has not appeared. ... - Buy.
  • Zhdanov, Volynets Alexey Nikolaevich. Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov is rightfully the most mysterious political figure of Stalin's era. Since 1948, not a single full-fledged study of Egographs in Russian has not appeared. ...

Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov

Official certificate of a member of the Central Committee

Zhdanov Andrei Aleksandrovich (14 (26). 02.1896 - 08/31/1948), party member from 1915, member of the Central Committee since 1930 (Candidate since 1925), Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee from 03/22,39 (Candidate C 01.02 .35), Member of the Central Committee of the Central Committee and the Secretary of the Central Committee from 10/10/34 was born in Mariupol. Russian. He graduated from the real school. From August 1917, the Chairman of the Shadrin Committee of the RSDLP (b). In 1918-1920 On the politicalness in the Red Army. In 1920-1922 Deputy Secretary of the Tver Sponge Party, Chairman of the Tver Gubspolcom. Since 1922, the head. Department, since 1924, the first secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod Spongy (Regional Committee, Kazikom, Gorky Criton) of the party. Since 1934, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), at the same time in 1934-1944. The first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee and the Gorky Party. During the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Military Councils of the North-West Direction and the Leningrad Front. Colonel-General (since 1944). In 1946-1947 Chairman of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Member of the Central Bank and the CEC of the USSR, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1-2 convocations. He was buried on Red Square in Moscow.

Other biographical materials:

Decision of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad". August 14, 1946


Zhdanov Yury Andreevich (r. 1919), party leader, scientist (chemist-organizer), son A.A. Zhdanov.

Zhdanova Ekaterina Yurevna (r. 1950). Stalin's granddaughter, Svetlana's daughter Stalina-Allyluieva and Yuri Zhdanov. By profession - a scientist-volcanologist. After her mother threw her, brought up in the grandmother's house (near Zhdanov). He graduated from the Institute. Got married; After the death of her husband (committed suicide), Ekaterina Zhdanova went to Kamchatka, where he works to present (in the city of keys). When in 1984, after the seventeen-year absence, S. Allyluweva came to Moscow, Catherine did not want to meet with her. He has daughter Anna (r. 1982).


Abramov A. The Kremlin Wall. M., 1974;

Private Leninsky Guard. M., 1972, from 152-161;

From the history of the Kalinin party organization. Kalinin, 1972, p. 114-122;

Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov. 1896-1948, M., 1948.

Demidov V., Kutuzov V. Posternaya: Strokes to the portrait A.A. Zhdanov // S.-Petersburg Panorama. 1992. No. 11.
