The standard of living and satisfaction in all its spheres often depends on the abilities. Starting from communicating in the family and ending with work, every day the brain produces billions of calculations that often pass out of consideration. Sophisticated and simple actions directly affect the surrounding space. Therefore, it is important to know your features. The test "What kind of mind" online is fully accessible to each user with a standard Internet connection, but whether it is objective - another question.

True on tests

In order to learn the mindset and be confident in the correctness, it is worth passing surveys on different resources, sometimes it is worth repeating a survey to avoid errors, but the full picture can be obtained after special tests from psychology textbooks that the network is now actively filled. It is necessary to immediately specify that for the passage of the test "what kind of mind" online needs time (from 15 minutes or more), the number of questions at least 25, and the options for answers will be 5 or more. They are complex and long, but will give the result as close as possible to reality, which is not bad without consulting a psychologist. Such tests are not limited to the division on technicians and humanities, and show variations from several warehouses of the mind (humanitarian, practical, mathematical, artistic and universal).

If the desire of testing is dictated exclusively by the desire to spend a good time, then forward, to new knowledge!

Having answered ten test questions, you can check your type of thinking. What is you with you - male or female

So, the warehouse of the mind can be divided into two types: technical and humanitarian

Technical - analytical warehouse of the mind

It employs more actively the right hemisphere of the brain. With this warehouse of the mind, a person is able to build a solution to the problem schematically and clearly.

In this case, the thought process occurs continuously and without distracting into small turmoil.

Humanitarian warehouse mind

This means that the person has a more developed left part of the brain. With the humanitarian warehouse of the mind, a person must first dream and feel the whole problem before starting to eliminate it. Such people are most emotional and sensitive.

The test for determining the warehouse of thinking is composed of questions of various spheres. Some questions are accurate, other more creative. Questions are aimed at analyzing your behavior in the company of others, as well as alone.

No matter, humanitarian you or technician. None of the warehouses of the mind rises above the other, as well as not the worst. In both types of thinking, there is a positive side in an even extent, as well as negative.

For example, people with analytical type of thinking are "dryness", can not always show their emotions, but they quickly cope with problems.

In turn, humanities are easy to emotions and know how to create a creative problem to solve problems, but sometimes the decision is delayed.

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What is more in you? Ability to argue, common sense, feelings of reality, independence, independence, mobility or flexibility of thinking? What is your mindset? Abstract, humanitarian, maybe mathematical? Want to conduct a study of your type of thinking, make the diagnosis of intelligence? Then go through the free test on the structure of the intellect and find out how your intelligence has.

Diagnostics of intelligence - what is it?

The test on the structure of intelligence will allow you to find out your mind warehouse and the potential of your brain. Do you have a sense of language or logical thinking, the ability to accurate perception or generalization. A free intelligence test will show which precisely an abstract thinking is available to you, understanding relationships, accurate definition of concepts.

Psychologists believe that the features of human thinking are determined by the hemisphere of the brain, which is leading he. If the right hemisphere is more developed, the emotional sphere, figurative, abstract thinking prevails. In this case, the place has a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere of the brain is more developed, then this is an analytical mindset, in humans, the so-called mathematical thinking.

Passing a free intelligence test, you will learn how much you are educated, how correctly you know how to express your thoughts and how many know about the world around. This is not a school or university "exam", not at all. Although a little "blend" simple school challenges for intelligence you still have to. However, this is not a test for IQ, it is a test on the structure of intelligence that checks your theoretical and practical thinking will be able to evaluate the ability to quickly navigate in a situation, information and ability to apply ready-made algorithms in solving life problems.

This diagnosis of intelligence will not simply reveal your mathematical or humanitarian abilities, but will determine your desire for ordering or chaos, the ability to think logically or abstractly. The test on the structure of the intellect will open for you an understanding of the tempo and rhythm, characteristic of you personally, will help you understand what is more valuable for your intelligence: scientific, theoretical knowledge, or your best teacher is life experience.

Investigation of the type of thinking: instruction for the test on the structure of intelligence

The assigned tasks of the test of intelligence are aimed at identifying the sides of your thinking that the most and least developed. The total diagnosis of intelligence consists of several sections, or rather from six. This approach greatly simplifies the further interpretation of the results.

To pass the test on the structure of the intellect, take a sheet of paper and handle, and write your answers. We specifically offer an interactive, "automatic" option to pass, so that you can independently verify your answers with the correct, after passing the test. We did not "catch fog", arrange a "psychological mysteriousness", and we present an open test, with open results of the results, so as not to put you before the fact without explanation. The test for intelligence is free, and therefore you yourself can be true, interpret the results obtained, and not guess why your type of thinking and the mind warehouse appreciated this way. You will be able to return to questions and figure out why it is faithful to one or another answer, and to figure it out, in which direction you would not hurt to push if it is necessary in life.

In general, take the handle and paper and write down the answers along with the numbers of questions, for example: №1-G, №23-A, №68 - germ, etc. This is a self-testing of the type of thinking, and therefore the passage time is not limited, however, the speed matters. In the future, you yourself will be able to assess the level of our own intelligence, given the time that spent the test on the structure of intelligence. The faster you give the right answers, the better.

And so, a free test for intelligence.

Section First

Each task of this section is an unfinished proposal, in each of which there is a lack of one, often the last word. You need to choose from the attached list one answer for any letter, where the word is most suitable for completing this offer.

Section two

Each task of this section of the study type of thinking offers you 5 words, of which four can be combined into a single semantic group, and one of them is unnecessary. This is an unnecessary word to you and it is necessary to find - it will be the right answer to the question.

Section Third

In each task of this section of the test on the structure of intelligence, the first pair of words consists of two concepts interrelated. You need to choose a word from the list of options to make a second pair, similar in the meaning of the first pair of words.

Section Fourth

Each task of this section contains two words. You need to find the word either the phrase, which combines words of words in meaning.

Section Fifth

This section contains several uncomplicated tasks. However, when they are decided, we advise you to be attentive. If you are confused and can not decide, do not lose time by the time, leave the task for later, return to it when you finish the passage of the entire section.

Section Six

It is necessary to continue the numeric number proposed in the task in accordance with the same pattern that is available between the numbers in this series.


And a little more about the diagnosis of intelligence:

All people are completely different, each of us is endowed with a lot of talents and qualities, but not all of them are manifested. The most interesting such feature is an analytical warehouse of the mind. People endowed with analytics abilities are guided by cold logic, almost never resorting to emotions. Speaking about the physiology of this phenomenon, we can talk about the developed left hemisphere of the brain, since it is it that answers in our body for a logical thinking and a mathematical mindset.

Such a person most often happens to the pragmatist in relation to life, he tries to look for meaning in everything and put everything on the shelves, it is able to come to the right conclusion, even if the number of famous facts is extremely small.

Children with an analytical mindset show the greatest abilities in the exact sciences, the so-called mathematical sedanaly helps them in this.

For example, in the algebra, the student can be incredibly successful, at the same time in the sciences of abstract, aimed at action with imaginary objects (for example, geometry), its successes can be even lower than the average. Determine the level of such abilities in humans can be mediated by the use of various tests.

Practical side of analytical thinking

From the point of view of psychology, this type of thinking is the ability of a person to use logic when analyzing information and decision making. It is also impossible not to mention that it includes the concept of "mathematical savage".

You can select several fundamental aspects characterizing an analytical mindset:

  • allocation of individual components in the entire array of information;
  • the ability to comprehensively analyze as initial information and dedicated structures;
  • building logical arguments and chains of conclusions, which allows you to make the right conclusion, even with lack of source data;
  • the ability to see various options for solving a task.

The ability to predict the course of events is a very important and convenient feature of such people. However, it does not always bring joy to the analyst itself.

Problems of people with an analytical mindset

In general, a person who has such a technical, warehouse of the mind is always assembled and rational, it has a very developed mathematical savv. However, he is alien to "romance" and spontaneous decisions, everything in his life he calculates to the slightest details and is very annoying, when something goes wrong, as he has conceived. It is characteristic of the use of phrases: "Mathematics Mind is in order," and the like.

Presentation: "Analytical Thinking"

Given this feature, many psychologists speak of the so-called "curses" of analysts:
  1. Permanent information hunger. An analytical mind is always in a state of searching for new information and very often information this is fairly dubious quality;
  2. Permanent oscillations. An ordinary person in a controversial situation most often occupies one of the positions and adheres to it. While the analyst under the test both point of view, finds each its advantages and cons, without taking into account the emotional component of the dispute. Because of such situations, they are very difficult to converge with people;
  3. The indecision of the analyst may be only superficial. In fact, most often in pursuit of collecting missing facts, a person simply loses the moment of decision-making;
  4. Constancy. For people who have an analytical mindset, the concept of "Comfort Zone" is characteristic, in which no one should invade. An attempt to change the routine of actions for a long time knocks such people from the rut;
  5. Problems with adaptation in society. The literal perception of any questions and actions and rectilinear answers to them do not contribute to the presence of a large number of friends, at the same time the analysts themselves react very sharply to criticism into their address;
  6. Skeptical attitude to everything. Make such a person in something extremely difficult. Actual evidence is required that it really needs it, emotional statements in this situation will not have any effect;
  7. Not ability to marketing. It is impossible to force such a person to praise the product in which he sees obvious disadvantages. The same applies to the analyst itself, not rarely under the device for a new job, such people in the middle of the test on "professionality" declare: "I do not come out" and go. In addition, the technical warehouse of the mind requires the availability of specifications for each purchased goods;
  8. People with a similar warehouse of the mind prefer to spend time alone, because of this they are often considered herger.

Presentation: "Test: find out your type of thinking"

Studies of analytical abilities

Studies are conducted in order to determine whether a person really has such possibilities. It is often held on the interviews during a device to work, because it is analytical qualities above all are valued in the field of finance and business.

To confirm the presence and find out the level of abilities, first of all, candidates are proposed to go through the appropriate test. However, not many trust it with results.

First, he may be irrelevant, secondly, being in the situation of stress man, may not fully show his abilities and, thirdly, many prefer "living" communication. If still the test was tried relatively successfully, the candidate may offer an internship, during which he either confirms or refutes the test results.

Analysts, it is often very clever and well-read. However, even such dignity, as a mathematical mindset, always has its dark sides. It is infinite to talk about the superiority of the analytical mind, but in this case, no matter how smart it is, he is very often lonely. And yet, all people are born with analytical abilities, but in contrast to such a warehouse of the mind, they are less pronounced and should be developed.
