Electromagnetic radiation (AM) accompanies modern man everywhere. Any technique whose action is based on electricity emits energy waves. Some varieties of such radiation speak constantly - this is radiation, ultraviolet, and the danger of which everyone has long been known. But about the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body, if it comes due to a working TV or smartphone, people try not to think.

Types of electromagnetic radiation

Before describing the danger of one or another type of radiation, it is necessary to deal with what is in question. The school course of physics tells that the energy spreads in the form of waves. Depending on their frequency and length, a large number of radiation types are distinguished. So the electromagnetic waves include:

  1. High frequency radiation. It includes X-ray and gamma rays. They are also known as ionizing radiation.
  2. Mid-frequency radiation. This is a visible spectrum that people perceive as light. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation are located in the upper and lower frequency scale.
  3. Low frequency radiation. They include radio and microwaves.

To explain the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, all these species are divided into 2 large categories - ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The difference between them is quite simple:

  • Ionizing radiation affects the atomic structure of the substance. Because of this, the biological organisms disrupt the structure of the cells, the DNA is modified and tumors appear.
  • The non-ionizing radiation was considered harmless for a long time. But the latest studies of scientists demonstrate that with high power and long-term exposure it is no less dangerous to health.


Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation surround a person everywhere. They radiate any electronic equipment. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the power lines for which the most powerful charges of electricity are passing. Amy emit transformers, elevators and other technical devices that ensure comfortable living conditions.

Thus, it is enough to turn on the TV or talk on the phone so that the sources of electromagnetic radiation begins to influence the body. Even such, it seems to be a safe thing, as an electronic alarm clock can eventually influence health.

Devices measuring AM

To determine how much acts on the body, a particular source of AMI is used, instruments for measuring electromagnetic fields are used. The easiest and most well-known - indicator screwdriver. The LED at its end burns brighter with a powerful radiation source.

There are also professional devices - fluxmeters. Such an electromagnetic radiation detector is able to determine the power of the source and give it numerical characteristics. They can then be recorded on the computer and process using various examples of measured values \u200b\u200band frequencies.

For a person on the norms of the Russian Federation, the dose of AM is considered to be safe.

More accurate and deployed tables are presented in Gostas and Sanpines. They can find formulas, thanks to which it is possible to calculate how dangerous is the source of EMI and how to measure electromagnetic radiation depending on the location of the technique and size of the room.

If the radiation is measured in p / h (the amount of x-ray per hour), then AM - in V / m 2 (Volta on the square square meter). The safe norm for a person, depending on the frequency of the wave measured in Hertz, the following indicators are considered:

  • up to 300 kHz - 25 V / m 2;
  • 3 MHz - 15 V / m 2;
  • 30 MHz - 10 V / m 2;
  • 300 MHz - 3 V / m 2;
  • Over 0.3 GHz - 10 μV / cm 2.

It is due to the measurements of these indicators and the safety for a person of a particular source of Amy is determined.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect a person?

Given that many people from childhood are constantly in contact with electrical appliances, a natural question arises: is it so dangerous Amy? In contrast to radiation, it does not lead to radial illness and its influence is imperceptible. And is it worth observed the rules of electromagnetic radiation?

Scientists also wondered by this issue in the 60s of the 20th century. More than 50 years of studies have shown that the human electromagnetic field is modified under the action of other radiation. This leads to the development of the so-called "radio wave disease".

Side electromagnetic radiation and pressing violate the operation of many systems of organs. But the most sensitive to their impact is nervous and cardiovascular.

According to the statistics of recent years, about a third of the population is subject to radio wave disease. It manifests itself through symptoms familiar to many:

  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • disorders of the concentration of attention;
  • dizziness.

At the same time, the negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on human health is most dangerous to the fact that doctors still cannot diagnose it. After inspection and surrender analyzes, the patient goes home with a diagnosis: "Healthy!". At the same time, if nothing is done, the disease will develop and go into the chronic stage.

Each of the systems of organs will react to the electromagnetic effect in different ways. The most sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic fields per person is the central nervous system.

Amy worsens the patency of the brain neuron signal. As a result, it affects the activities of the body as a whole.

Over time, negative consequences for the psyche appear - attention and memory is violated, and in the worst cases, problems are transformed into nonsense, hallucinations and suicidal inclinations.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on living organisms has a large-scale impact through a circulatory system.

Erythrocytes, platelets and other TVs have their own potentials. Under the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person, they can stick together. As a result, the blockage of blood vessels occurs and the execution of the transport function of the blood is worse.

Emy also reduces cell membrane permeability. As a result, all the fabrics falling under radiation are not allowed by the necessary oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the effectiveness of blood-forming functions is reduced. The heart in turn responds to this problem with arrhythmias and a drop in myocardial conductivity.

The effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body destroys immunity. Due to the sticking of blood cells, lymphocytes and leukocytes are blocked. Accordingly, the infection simply does not meet the opposition of protective systems. As a result, the frequency of colds is increasing, but also an aggravation of chronic ailments occurs.

Another consequence of harm from electromagnetic radiation is a violation of the production of hormones. The impact on the brain and the bloodstream system stimulates the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other glands.

The sexual system is also sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, the effect on a person can be catastrophic. Given the disorders of the production of hormones, the men fall potency. But for women, the consequences are serious - during the first trimester of pregnancy, a strong dose of irradiation is capable of miscarriage. And if this does not happen, the indignation of the electromagnetic field may disrupt the normal cell division process, damaging DNA. The result is the pathology of the development of children.

The effect on the human body of electromagnetic fields is destroying, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

Considering that modern medicine almost can not oppose the radio wave disease, it is necessary to try to protect themselves on their own.

Protection from AM

Given all possible damages, which brings the effect of an electromagnetic field into living organisms, simple and reliable safety rules have been developed. In enterprises in which a person is constantly facing high levels of Amy, special protective screens and equipment are provided for workers.

But at home the sources of the electromagnetic field are not so shielded. This will be at least uncomfortable. Therefore, it should be understood how to protect themselves in other ways. There are 3 rules that need to be kept constantly to reduce the effect of the electromagnetic field on human health:

  1. It is as far as possible from Emi sources. For LINDS LINE 25 meters enough. And the monitor or TV screen is dangerous if it is closer than 30 cm. Smartphones and tablets are sufficient to wear not in pockets, but pockets or barsets 3 cm. From the body.
  2. Reduce contact time with AM. This means that it is not necessary to stand for a long time near the operating sources of the electromagnetic field. Even if you want to follow the cooking food on the electric stove or to warm up at the heater.
  3. Disable unused electrical appliances. This will not only reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation, but also will help save money in electricity bills.

You can also have a complex of preventive measures so that the effects of electromagnetic waves are minimal. For example, measuring with a dosimeter power of radiation of various devices, it is necessary to record the readings of the EMF. The emitters can then be distributed through the room to reduce the load on separate areas of the area. It is also important to take into account that the steel case is well shielded by AM.

Do not forget that the electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range from the means of communication constantly affect the field of the person's fields while these devices are included. Therefore, before bedtime and during their work it is better to postpone away.

With the constant development of high technologies, an increasing number of sources of malicious rays surrounding humans and nature from all sides appear. The issues of electromagnetic radiation and its influence on the human body today are discussed by global scientists.

It is not possible to completely limit yourself from the effects of harmful emissions, but it is possible to prevent their excess, it is necessary to figure out what it is.

One of the proven facts of exposure to the electromagnetic field becomes a negative impact not only on human health, but also on his thoughts, behavior and even the psychological component. Scientists came to this conclusion, examining the long-term interaction of waves with the human body. Sources of these waves are all sorts of electronic devices, a computer, Wi-Fi, power lines and much more.

Thus, based on studies, experts revealed the theory that developing diseases and pathologies in the human body occur due to the effects of rays from the outside. Moreover, disintegration products can even cause poisoning of organism cells. Fortunately, a person can protect himself and its loved ones from malicious waves, knowing elementary ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation.

Types of electromagnetic emissions are divided into radio waves, infrared (thermal) radiation, visible (optical) radiation, ultraviolet and rigid radiation. Important: In this case, the answer is positive to the question "is there any visible light to electromagnetic radiation."

Radio wave disease

By the beginning of the 1960s, specialists managed to discover a new trend in medicine - radio wave disease. The range of distribution of this disease is quite wide - 1/3 of the population. It is impossible not to say that in most cases a person is exposed to waves not in its will. However, radio wave disease is already indicated by a number of symptoms, including:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • depression;
  • scattered attention.

Since such symptoms relates to a set of varieties of diseases, diagnose the above becomes extremely problematic. But, like any disease, radio wave is able to develop and progress.

As a result of its spread of the body, a person risks earn heart arrhythmia, chronic respiratory diseases and even fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This is happening by destroying the electromagnetic field of a person, struggling even the cells of his body.

This disease manifests itself differently depending on the organ or system that it affects:

  1. The nervous system - we are talking about the deterioration of the conductivity of neurons - brain nerve cells, which can be exposed to electromagnetic radiation affecting a person. Thus, deformation occurs in their work, which leads to a violation of conditional and unconditional reflexes, deterioration of the functioning of the limbs, the appearance of hallucinations, irritability. There are cases of suicide attempts on the background of developing illness.
  2. Immune system - in this case, immunity is suppressed. And cells responsible for its protection themselves are affected by electromagnetic waves, thus creating an additional negative impact on all sides.
  3. Blood - electrofalts provoke the sticking of blood cells among themselves, contributing to the deterioration of blood outflow, the formation of blood clots. Thus, an extra emission of adrenaline in the body may occur, which is in itself detrimental to health. It is not necessary to talk about the violation of the performance of the cardiovascular system, obvious arrhythmia, the development of plaques in the heart muscle and other types of heart failure, as the negative effect of electromagnetic waves on the human body.
  4. Endocrine system - since this system is responsible for controlling the functioning of hormones in the body, the influence of electromagnetic fields speaks for itself. The derivative of such an influence becomes the destruction of the liver.
  5. Sex system - often women are exposed to greater influence of electromagnetic radiation than men. With an increased sensitivity to the influence of the outside, the female organism is able to literally "suck" malicious radiation. This effect is particularly dangerous during pregnancy. In the first week, the fruit is not strongly fixed on the placenta, so the likelihood of loss of communication with the mother with a sharp emission of radiation is great. Regarding the later deadlines - statistics such that electromagnetic radiation affects the change in the genetic code of the child, the deformation of DNA.

The consequences of AM.

Radio wave disease annually acquires new forms, expanding and progressing, depending on the number and level of radiation sources. Experts identified a number of consequences not only individually, but also in a large-scale sense:

  • Cancer is not a secret that cancer diseases show themselves with completely different conditions. However, scientists have proven to enhance the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation on cancer cells. Thus, research in Japan confirmed the presence of an increased level of risk of children's leukemia in persons whose bedrooms are literally "glow" from the presence of electrical appliances and their components.
  • Violation of the psyche - in recent years, cases of deterioration of the perception of the surrounding world in the excessive electromagnetic radiation have become more frequent. It is not only about the so-called classic symptoms, but also about the developing fear of Emi. Such fear often develops into a phobia, a man begins a panic from the idea that any emission of radiation can provoke painful sensations in a particular organ or body part.
  • Student - According to official data, today the risk of fetal death increases by 15%, provided that the mother is in constant contact with electromagnetic radiation sources. In addition to stilling, the likelihood of the development of pathologies has increased by the child who has not yet born, slowing down in development, premature labor, miscarriage. This is the effect of electromagnetic radiation on human health and future generation.

In addition to the huge negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, these waves are capable of poisoning the environment. The most susceptible areas can include areas with a large accumulation of high-frequency power lines. Often they are located away from residential buildings, however, in individual cases, there is a presence of such power near the settlements.

The vegetable and animal world is also subjected to a negative impact of malicious rays. In turn, a person takes into food irradiated animals and food and, as a result, receives an additional dose of particles infected with the radiation into its own body. Such a process is extremely difficult to control the factors due to the person independent of the person, but it is still possible to influence it.

Video: Invisible enemy - electromagnetic radiation.


To understand what is the effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body, it is enough to familiarize themselves with the following facts:

  1. Changes in the blood and urine of a 9-year-old child 15 minutes after the computer is location, the computer coincides with changes in the analysis of the cancer patient. Teens are subject to such an influence after half an hour staying near the computer. And the adult is subject to change in analyzes after 2 hours.
  2. The signal coming from the portable radiotelephone is able to penetrate the brain at a distance of up to 37.5 mm.
  3. Electricians are susceptible to brain cancer at 13 times more often in comparison with representatives of other professions. The level of magnetic field in such workers is almost destroyed.
  4. A 13-year-old child who spoke on the phone about 2 minutes is subjected to a bioelectric change of the brain, which occurs a few hours after the conversation.
  5. Animals, even a few irradiated dose of electromagnetic radiation, began to lag in development, acquired pathologies in the body, as during radiation.

The rules of electromagnetic radiation have the following values:

  • Radio waves - ultrashort (0.1mm-1m / 30 MHz-300GHz), short (10-100m / 3 MHz-30 MHz), medium (100m-1km / 300kHz-3MHz), long (1km-10km / 30kgz-300kHz), Super long (more than 10 km / less than 30 kHz).
  • Optical radiation - ultraviolet (380-10 nm / 7.5 * 10 V 14st Hz-3 * 10 in 16 st Hz), visible radiation (780-380НМ / 429THz-750THz), infrared radiation (1mm-780НМ / 300GHz-429THz) .
  • Ionizing electromagnetic radiation - X-ray, gamma. A more detailed table of calculations of the norms of AMI includes additional sources of malware spread.

Fully secure yourself from the effects of malicious waves is not possible. However, today there are a number of factors that are able to prevent excessive influence of electromagnetic radiation to the human body:

  1. Acquisition of a special dosimeter. Such a detector will help calculate the most dangerous radiation sources, calculating the frequency of their waves and, as a result, to reduce the time of stay near such foci or eliminate completely. Devices for measuring electromagnetic fields are available in any household store.
  2. Separation of radiation sources in area. It is not recommended to operate electromagnetic devices in a close radius of each other, otherwise their negative impact on the environment and the human body is increasing, making maximum harm.
  3. Isolating radiation sources. We are talking, for example, about the refrigerator. It is advisable to use it at a distance from the dining table. A similar situation with a computer or laptop: distance to the dislocation site (sofa, bed) should be at least one and a half meters.
  4. The exclusion of toys with Amy. The electromagnetic effects of radio-controlled and electrical attributes for the children's room presents a serious threat to the health of an adult, and for children is extremely detrimental. It is recommended to get rid of the room from the toys emitted by Amy.
  5. Isolating radiotelephone. This technique is able to radiate malicious waves for radius to 10 meters. It is extremely important to remove as much as possible electronics. This method of protection will be secure from the main source of malicious emissions, since the radio telephone operates 24 hours a day.
  6. Eliminating the purchase of fake phones. The low price for such goods is caused by the harmful radiation of electromagnetic waves per person first.
  7. Careful selection of household appliances. In this case, it is, directly, about the instruments with the steel case.

In addition to the above factors, there are all known simple methods for protection against electromagnetic radiation, compliance with which will also allow to protect themselves from Amy, bringing the risk of irradiation to the smallest indicator:

  • It is not recommended to be located near the working microwave furnace, since its waves have an extremely negative impact on the environment, if we compare household appliances.
  • It is undesirable to be too close to the monitor.
  • The location of the high-frequency lines is eliminated.
  • It is recommended to avoid the increased number of jewelry on the body, which before bed it is desirable to remove.
  • Approved the presence of electrical appliances, household analog facilities, technology and wiring at a distance of 2 meters from the bed.
  • Recommended the minimum amount of time near working electrical appliances and similar equipment.
  • It is undesirable to find non-working devices in terms of inclusion.

Often, people do not give much importance to what the harm of electromagnetic radiation can apply the most ordinary household appliances and other factors surrounding them because they are not able to see their waves. This feature makes Amy extremely dangerous for the vital activity of all living things.

Having the opportunity to accumulate in the body, malicious rays are affecting the system of life, manifested in a variety of diseases and illnesses. All the scale of this problem, mankind will be able to see the generation later - only then there will be a concrete effect on the health of those who happened to live their lives surrounded by the sources of Amy.

Each apartment pays danger. We do not even suspect that we live surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMF), which a person cannot see nor feel, but it does not mean that they are not.

Since the origin of life on our planet there was a stable electromagnetic background (EMF). For a long time he was almost unchanged. But, with the development of humanity, the intensity of this background began to grow with an incredible speed. Power lines, an increasing number of electrical appliances, cellular communication - all these innovations became sources of "electromagnetic pollution". How does an electromagnetic field affect the human body, and what may be the consequences of this impact?

What is electromagnetic radiation?

In addition to the natural EMF, created by electromagnetic waves (EMV) of various frequencies, entering us from space, there is another radiation - domestic, which occurs during the operation of the various electrical engineering existing in each apartment or office. Each household device, take at least an ordinary hairdryer, when working passes through itself an electric current, forming an electromagnetic field around. Electromagnetic radiation (AM) is the power that manifests itself when the current passes through any electrical device affecting everything that is near him, including a person, which is also a source of electromagnetic radiation. The greater the current power passing through the device, the more powerful radiation.

Most often, a person does not feel the noticeable effect of Amy, but this does not mean that it does not affect us. EMV pass through the items unnoticed, but, sometimes, the most sensitive people feel some tingling or pinching.

We all react differently to Amy. The body of some can neutralize its impact, and there are individuals that are most susceptible to this effect, which is able to cause various pathologies to them. Especially dangerous for humans prolonged exposure to Amy. For example, if the house is located near the high-voltage gear line.

Depending on the wavelength, Amy can be divided into:

  • visible light is the radiation that a person is able to perceive visually. The length of light waves varies from 380 to 780 nm (nanometers), that is, the waves of visible light are very short;
  • infrared radiation is in the electromagnetic spectrum between light radiation and radio waves. The length of infrared waves is greater and is in the range of 780 nm - 1 mm;
  • radio waves. They are also microwaves that radiate a microwave oven. These are the longest waves. These include all electromagnetic radiation with waves of half a million;
  • ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to most living beings. The length of such waves is 10-400 nm, and they are located in the range between visible and X-ray radiation;
  • x-ray radiation is highlighted by electrons and has a wide range of wavelengths - from 8 · 10 - 6 to 10 - 12 cm. This radiation is known to everyone for medical devices;
  • gamma radiation is the most shortwave (the length of such a wave is less than 2 · 10 -10 m), and has the highest radiation energy. This kind of Amy is the most dangerous for a person.

The picture below shows the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

Sources of radiation

There are many sources of EMI around us, which radiate electromagnetic waves into space, not safe for the human body. All of them are unrealistic.

I would like to focus on more global, such as:

  • high-voltage power lines having high voltage and powerful radiation level. And if residential buildings are located closer than 1000 meters to these lines, then the risk of cancer in the inhabitants of such houses increases;
  • electric transport - electric trains and trains of the subway, trams and trolleybuses, as well as ordinary elevators;
  • radiotelevice tower, the radiation of which is also particularly dangerous for human health, especially those established with impaired sanitary standards;
  • functional transmitters - radars, locators that create AM at a distance of up to 1000 meters, so, airports and meteorological stations are trying to place as far as possible from the residential sector.

And on simple:

  • household appliances such as microwave oven, computer, TV, hairdryer, chargers, energy-saving lamps, etc., which are available in each house and are an integral part of our life;
  • mobile phones around which the electromagnetic field is formed, affecting the human head;
  • wiring and sockets;
  • medical apparatus - X-ray, computer tomograph, etc., with which we face when visiting medical institutions that have the strongest radiation.

Some of these sources have a powerful impact on a person, some - not very. Anyway, we used how to use these devices. It is important to be extremely careful when using them and be able to protect yourself from negative impact to reduce to a minimum damage caused by them.

Examples of electromagnetic radiation sources are shown in the figure.

Influence of am on man

It is believed that electromagnetic radiation has a negative impact on both human health and its behavior, vital tone, physiological functions, and even thoughts. The person himself is also a source of such radiation, and if other, more intense sources begin to work on our electromagnetic field, then in the human body there may be complete chaos, which will lead to various diseases.

Scientists have established that the waves themselves are harmful, and their torsion (informational) component, which is available in any electromagnetic radiation, that is, it is torsion fields that have incorrect impact on health, transmitting negative information to man.

The risk of radiation consists in the fact that it can accumulate in the human body, and if you use a long time, for example, a computer, a mobile phone, etc., then a headache is possible, high fatigue, constant stress, decrease in immunity, and also increases the likelihood diseases of the nervous system and brain. Even weak fields, especially those that coincide in the frequency with Amy of Man, are able to harm their health, distorting our own radiation, and thereby causing various diseases.

The factors of electromagnetic radiation play a huge impact on human health as:

  • power source and radiation character;
  • its intensity;
  • duration of exposure.

It is also worth noting that the effects of radiation can be common or local. That is, if you take a mobile phone, it affects only a separate organ of a person - a brain, and the entire body is irradiated from the radar.

What radiation occurs from certain household appliances, and their range is seen from the picture.

Looking at this table, it is possible for yourself to understand that the farther the source of radiation is located, the smaller its harmful effect on the body. If the hair dryer is in close proximity to the head, and its impact makes tangible harm to a person, the refrigerator does not affect our health.

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation

The danger of Amy is that a person does not feel his influence on himself, and it exists and greatly harms our health. If there is a special protective equipment in the workplaces, then the houses are much worse.

But to protect yourself and their loved ones from the harmful effects of household appliances is still possible if you follow simple recommendations:

  • purchase a dosimeter that determines the intensity of radiation and measure the background from various household appliances;
  • do not include several electrical appliances at once;
  • stay from them, if possible, at a distance;
  • place the devices so that they as far as possible were from the locations of a long stay of a person, such as a dining table or recreation area;
  • in children's rooms should be as few radiation sources as possible;
  • no electrical appliances are grouping in one place;
  • mobile phone should not be brought to the ear closer than 2.5 cm;
  • telephone database Keep away from the bedroom or desktop:
  • do not be close to the TV or computer monitor;
  • disable devices unnecessary to you. If at this time you do not use a computer or TV, you do not need to keep them on;
  • try to reduce the time of use in the device, not be near him constantly.

Modern technique firmly entered our life. We do not think of life without a mobile phone or computer, as well as a microwave oven that many have not only at home, but also in the workplace. It is unlikely that anyone wants to refuse them, but to use them wisely - in our power.

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body

Electromagnetic fields in which we live, become all the thicker and more diverse. The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is an object of permanent studies. What was new to know the scientist?

Have you ever played in Mindball? When with the help of exclusively electric brain pulses, two players chase the ball on the table? It is known that the electrical activity of the brain would have enough to light the light bulb! It is it, our inner electricity, is infinitely transforming, makes us alive. In nature, without electromagnetic emissions, there is also no life, as without air, light, water.

Natural Earth Electromagnetic Background - 0.000001-0.001 μW / cm². But now these values \u200b\u200brose billions of times. In addition to increasing the level, the character of the electromagnetic background has changed - it has become richer and more diverse, the frequencies that were not there before. And this, according to the Swedish scientist Leife Salford and his colleagues Ole Johanssen, the largest biological experiment on man.

Electromagnetic mix

Router flashes behind his back, a mobile phone is charged next to the laptop, on the other hand - a stationary telephone tube, behind the wall - wires of Internet providers and home wiring, behind the window - the mast antenna of cellular communication, trolleybus is crawled under it, and in the kitchen - boiling kettle , Aerium, and, of course, a warm floor. All this creates its electromagnetic zero. Passing through a person, they begin to interact with its own electromagnetic field (protection against external fields in nature is not provided).

It is impossible to predict the result of this interaction, especially since it changes all the time. To the constant stimulus, the body is gradually adapted. Monotonous noise, even very loud, at some point ceases to be perceived. And when the signal comes from one source, then from the other, then from several immediately, and even with different strength, adaptation does not occur.

"This is called an intermittent impact, and it is twice as tougher than the constant impact of the same force," explains Oleg Grigoriev, Dr. Biological Sciences, Director of the Center for Electromagnetic Security of the Biophysical Center of FMBC named after A.I. Burnazhan.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is good or bad?

Studies of electricity bioeffects began simultaneously with its invention. Already in 1900, Professor Danilevsky from the Imperial Kharkiv University described in detail how the electromagnetic wave acts on the neuromuscular system: the muscles begin to shrink. This is based on a popular, although the ambiguous procedure of my content.

Similar experiments were carried out today at the FMBC named after A. I. Burnazhan. It turned out that the conversation on the radiotelephone and the mobile phone leads to changes in the electromagnetic waves of the brain. Blood supply is changing: the effect of the electromagnetic field on thickening and bodybagging was proved in the middle of the last century by Professor Alexander Chizhevsky. However, all these changes, despite the effect of the afteraction, are quite quickly returning to the norm.

But maybe these impacts are positive? And as a bonus to using a mobile phone or tablet, we get a session of healing physiotherapy? Unfortunately, experts say that such effects, alas, are not observed ...

Towers and all that other

There is no reason to consider individually each device, whether it is a tablet or Wi-Fi amplifier. After all, the nature of electromagnetic radiation is one. The difference in the intensity and power generated by an electromagnetic zero device. The most reliable our defense is time and distance.

The less time to spend next to the working equipment, the better, and the farther it works, the more fortune. That is, the router should stand somewhere in the hallway, and not on the desk. Without signal amplifiers, it is also better to do. And it is desirable that the cellular tower does not decorate the view from the window. After all, ordinary windows and double-glazed windows, brick and panel walls are not protected from electromagnetic radiation.

His mobile shiny

Of all the modern gadgets, a favorite and indispensable mobile phone is subject to the greatest persecution. Unlike the router, or a laptop, or microwave oven, the phone is recognized as the most malicious violator of our electromagnetic harmony, because he is closest to the body, often divides the pillow with us and at the same time directly acts on its electromagnetic oscillations on the electromagnetic vibrations of the brain.

Back in 1997-1998, in the FMBC named after A. I. Burnazhan proved that the central nervous system reacts to the emissivity of the mobile phone, even if it is not accompanied by subjective sensations. What do we see today?

Statistics indicate a stable growth of nerve diseases: from chronic fatigue to epilepsy. Is it possible to say that this is all due to emissions? Probably not. Is it possible to say that they are exactly what? Also it is impossible ... Swedish neurologist Leif Salford argues that radiation from a mobile phone leads to accelerated aging of brain cells. True, we are talking about rats, they did not call a couple of times a day, and irradiated mercilessly. Nevertheless, having modeled the worst conditions, the scientist showed that, as a result of irradiation, organic changes occur in the brain and the overall decrease in rat intelligence.

Have you done?

Today's adults have grown and formed in the domuloral era. There are no modern children with these chances. According to Rosstat and UNICEF, since 2000, by 85%, the number of diseases of the nervous system in adolescents of 15-17 years old increased by 85%, by 82% of blood-based blood and violations of the immune status, by 36% of the diagnosis of epilepsy, epileptic Sky status ", by 11% -" Easy mental from-war ". Obviously, the reason for these troubles is hypo-dynamia, improper nutrition, lifestyle, worsening ecology ...

But electromagnetic radiation is also a factor that it is pointless to deny ... In South Korea, the diagnosis of digital dementia is becoming more common. Similar to enlightenment of cognitive abilities, however, without such a tough formula, they were recorded in the 70s in the study of Academician Ramne Mikhail Shang-Dalo. He compared two groups of children in the equally socio-economic, climatic and other conditions, one of which lived near the source of electromagnetic radiation, and showed that to teach poetry, to perform homework, take exams in children Living near the radiation source, it turned out much worse.

"In children, thin bone and more active metabolic processes. Children are not small adults, they are just a friend, "comments about the pro-Festor Oleg Grigoriev.

In this regard, in Belgium even forbidden children's mobile phones in the form of animals. According to the expert of the Ministry of Health of Belgium, Marina Lukovnikova (our former Snowstation-Vennnnie), "the situation is unacceptable when mobile phones lie on the shelves like toys. If older children use a phone for correspondence more often, then younger will call. And radio waves are more effective than once-torn on the tele-background. And today we do not speak the long-term effect of using mobile phones. "

And nothing has changed…

In 2011, WHO recognized the mobile phone with a potential carcinogen and assigned him a class of danger 2b. Direct links did not prove, since the study had to rely on subjective data: people had to remember when and how many they talked on a mobile phone that it was for the device and to which ear attached it.

In the meantime, a serious laboratory study went to the United States - chronic lifelong exposure of rats and mice. It lasted 10 years. This year published results: males develop cancer, and in females - no. At the same time, it is not about brain cancer or reproductive system. This study confused the situation even more. But it is possible that in connection with this, WHO will raise the level of danger of phones to 2a.

Deadian antiquity deep:According to the stortified of the biophysical center, the issues of normalization of electromagnetic radiation stood up a rib in the USSR in connection ... with the installation of jewels for "enemy votes". Even the sanitary standards were needed for them!

By the way, with a similar problem collided in the United States. Professor Alan Frey Minanets, which during the cold war, the army installed heavy duty at the time of the radar, which, with all their forces, the lives of the adjacent towns were made. Despite the fact that in 1975, in scientific work, it was described as microwaves even in small doses destroy the hemoencephallic barrier - that is, "breaking through" the natural brain defense, these studies were recalculated to be discussed ...

Virtual Allergen

In the immune system with electromagnetic fields its connections. For the first time, in the early 1980s, the Swede was turned on the Swede, Johannssen, when the "screen dermatitis" was diagnosed. In people who do not suffer from allergies, a similar response to work at the computer arose. The study of the skin under the microscope showed that it significantly increases the amount of fat cells, as in allergy coming into contact with the allergen.

Professor Johanssens says: "It's time to rewrite textbooks: the upper norm of the number of fat cells in people becomes lower. All over the world, we are watching allergies and asthma! Perhaps one of the reasons is the strengthening of the electromagnetic field in which we live in an astronomical number of times. The effect of electromagnetic fields on fat cells is studied in Australia on cell culture - in the tube. And, if short, obese cells do not like when they call them on mobile, and react to these waves just like the usual allergen - pollen ... ".

But although the diagnosis of "electromagnetic sensitivity" is recognized in Europe, many doctors relate to it skeptically. Because it can coincide with the effect of a nocebo - negative self-impact. If a person believes that it will get sick, because next to the entrance is a transformer booth or a cellular operator's tower, serious symptoms can appear. So, even in the face of real threats, it is always worth ensuring common sense.

Holy Saints

If you speak on a mobile phone 15-20 minutes a day, for our DNA, the result of such an impact is already destructive. Moreover, as well as all bioeffects of electromagnetic fields, this effect is accumulative. Even after the day without electronics, the process will not immediately stop. But regular weekend will significantly reduce risks.

"It is likely that this is the most dangerous effect of electromagnetic radiation," says Ole Johannsen. "After all, five billion included mobile phones today may be enough for the whole genome ... And this concerns NE only people, but also of every living being."

The problem is that these damage occurs at lower doses than extremely valid norms. The European Parliament, having familiarized himself with the 600-page compilation of 1500 studies dedicated to the bioeffects of electromagnetic fields, voted for tightening these norms for wireless equipment. But they transferred them to the development of not physicians-hygienists, but ... companies for the production of such equipment. Sleeve comments.

In the field

When cars began to ride on the roads, the rules of the road did not appear immediately. It is hoped that we will adapt to the reasonable use of our electronic assistants before any electromagnetic tsunami destroy the world harmony.

"I hope that technologies will make a turn and will not last long. As it was, for example, with asbestos at the beginning of the last century, "Oleg Grigoriev is optimistic. In the meantime, let's try to adapt to electromagnetic field conditions.

During the conversation, clean the phone from the head - Long live loud connection and headphones!

Maximum phone radiates during the dialing, at that moment he exactly has nothing to do with the ear.

In the car - only a loud connection.

Case, especially "radio protection", only harms: it worsens the quality of the signal, forcing the phone to work in reinforced mode.

Do not speak but a charging phone.

For the night, do not put the phone in the headboard, especially at charging.

Do not go to bed next to the instruments included in the socket. Mobile phone Translate at night in the airline - you will sleep calmer.

Infrared windows intended for heat saving are perfectly protected from elscratureagnetic emissions.

Do not quarrel by phone. Stress enhances the negative effect of electromagnetic radiation.

The apartment is safe if From the window is not visible by An-Tenn or LPP, behind the steam or on the floor there is no transformer or a distributor. Near the bedroom or children's cable mines, the cables do not pass on the outer wall. As a rule, the 22nd floor is better than 10th from the point of view of external sources of the RF range. Sources of industrial frequently - you (for example, electro-router distribution system), as a prazo, are located on the first second floors. Transforme-Mator's booth should be located 10-15 meters from the entrance.

Wi-Fi safety rules: radiation power drops in proportion to square square. So it is not necessary to place the routers close to the person - the head of the bed, next to the sofa or
Dining table. The Wi-Fi router should stand at the entrance to the apartment: in the corridor we are the minimum amount of time.

Champions League

Chronic effects of magnetic fields of more than 0.3-0.4 MTL classified WHO as a possible carcinogen. But how much more popular electrical appliances are emitted (in ICTL), if you are in a radius of 30 cm from a person. The difference between the values \u200b\u200bdepends on the power of the device, its quality, the year of release (the newer, the less risk) and the manufacturer:

  • hairdryer 0,01-7
  • mixer manual 0.6-10
  • vacuum cleaner 2.0-20.
  • tV 0.04-2.
  • washing machine 0.15-3.
  • monitor 0,2
  • iron 0.1-0.3
  • heated floors 0.1-8
  • microwave 4-8.
  • heater 0.15-5
  • refrigerator 0.01-0.3
  • halogen table lamp 0.5-2

Everyone from time to time thinks on his health and well-being. Recently, people are increasingly faced with the problem of frequent ailments, deterioration of health, disease rejuvenation and more severe forms of disease.

What are the reasons for such a sharp change in general health indicators? For a person, every day affects a huge number of factors, which, one way or another, leave their mark, exposure to us.

This is manifested in increased nervous voltage at work, incorrect meals, lack of mode, broken sleep, external factors, such as radiation of various characters. All this does not go without a trace for the body and, even more, nothing positive does not carry a similar way of existence.

External radiation

If a person still has the opportunity to somehow adjust and adjust on their schedule and lifestyle, depending on the situation, that is, influencing factors that do not depend on us, for example, external radiation.

Every day our life includes more and more technology, without which it is difficult to present its existence at this stage of technology development. Think about how many devices do you use for one day? The phones are always with you, the computer is constantly on, microwaves, air conditioners, televisions, and many other different devices that facilitate our lives, on the one hand, saving time, but negatively affect our health, on the other. The greatest harm is carried by instruments whose work is based on electromagnetic waves.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect the human body

It has long been known for the fact that electromagnetic radiation bears negative nature of the influence on a person. We are surrounded by appliances, wires everywhere. The oversonight of such impacts entails changes in the immune background of a person, which leads to various diseases that could be avoided while in a healthy environment and surroundings.

A person has a protective biofield, which, in turn, is undergoing negative impact of out, and every day, these factors destroy this shell with their own strength, the more exposure to humans.

In other words, the more people surround itself to radiating devices, the stronger he gets a negative impact And accelerates the process of destruction of the protective shell.

Every day, many people faced with such a strong source of electromagnetic radiation as a computer, a modern person most of his free time spends precisely behind the monitor, and people whose work is directly related to the computer may be influenced by the radiation source to 17-18 hours per day. The computer can be considered one of the main sources of electromagnetic radiation. When the computer works, an electromagnetic field is created around it, which reduces the ionization of the environment, it is also worth considering that in the process of operation, the technical means have a property to heat up, resulting in air, and air is heated.

Dry air leads to allergic reactions, and can also contribute to the development of diseases of the respiratory organs.

High sensitivity to the effects of electromagnetic radiation also has a cardiovascular system, a nervous system, this is detected according to the results of the studies.

Radiations are able to call:

  • nervous disorders;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • significant deterioration of visual activity;
  • weakening of the immune system; various violations of life-forming processes;
  • cardiovascular disorders.

People still lead disputes on how harmful and dangerous radiation. Some try not to pay attention to it, because it is extremely difficult to reduce the impact at this stage of development of technologies, others, on the contrary, exclude all auxiliary techniques from our life and, if possible, lead a healthy lifestyle, try to go to environmentally friendly places and surround yourself Nature.


There is no doubt that any kind of radiation carry a negative impact on living organisms and do not benefit, however, it is enough to avoid them. But there is an option to try to reduce the intensity of such impacts, try to reduce the use of radiating techniques in cases where you can do without it. Having reduced the dose of the resulting radiation, you can protect the body and take care of health.
