Going beyond physical reality into other worlds. The combination of these two states creates true, unconditional love. Heavenly body is seen by the gaze of the seer as a shimmering, beautiful light, sustained in pastel colors. Like mother-of-pearl, this layer shimmers ... opalescent with golden-silver light. The shape of the sixth layer cannot be clearly defined: heavenly body simply radiates light, just as the flame of a candle emits it. Within this radiance, one can also discern ...

https: //www..html

Evil, than to correct it later, because this correction can take more than one generation of human lives. Heavenly body of our solar system live their own life incomprehensible to man, their worldview is fundamentally different from the human. But presence in heavenly bodies consciousness puts them on a par with all Divine essences endowed with the Spirit. Therefore, all of us, stars, planets ...

https: //www.site/religion/13262

On the night of June 3-4, an unknown crashed into Jupiter heavenly body... The collision took place at 00:31 Moscow time. At the time of the meeting of the giant planet with an object in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter, a white flash appeared. Until astronomers can tell ...

https: //www.site/journal/126938

A billion years ago, when the Earth collided with heavenly body the size of the planet Mars, according to American scientists from Colorado. According to American scientists, the duration of daylight hours on Earth used to be only 4 hours. In this case, the planet revolved in the opposite direction. The consequences of the collision led not only ... to the conclusion that such an amount of debris could appear, only if the planet earlier revolved much faster than at present.

https: //www.site/journal/123237

Lun fits well with the modern understanding of the structure of the solar system. The gas giant's gravitational field has had a huge impact on the formation of planets and their orbits. Only Mercury revolves in the equatorial plane of the Sun, while the orbits of the rest of the planets are oriented relative to Jupiter. The process described in theory can be virtually endless. Powerful gravity ...

https: //www.site/journal/117366

Suns revolves a huge asteroid belt, the largest of which, Ceres, has a diameter of about 1000 kilometers. But, fortunately, the orbits of these heavenly tel do not always lie in the vicinity of the Earth. The biggest heavenly body, flown ... more than a thousand asteroids with a diameter of over two kilometers, which can reach dangerous proximity to our planet. Heavenly tel the size of 50 meters, capable of destroying the average city, there are more than a million. What is the likelihood of a collision ...

https: //www.site/journal/19788

From the Holy Spirit and information from the Almighty. Who is able to reach such a blessed belonging of the Creator? Let's remember about Heavenly Hierarchy and Host Heavenly, which, in terms of their qualities, are to one degree or another separate from God, and have a certain subordination. ... her kind, "as His creation. For heavenly body these are seeds scattered throughout the Cosmos, but, by right to be called the Earth, there can only be a seed that has given germination. Exactly heavenly body carrying on itself those who are suffering up to the Accessories ...

Dangaus kūnas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. celestial body vok. Himmelskörper, m rus. celestial body, n pranc. corps céleste, m ... Fizikos terminų žodynas

heavenly body- ▲ material body (to be) in, space celestial bodies body in space. comet. | globules. perseids. | accretion. ♠ Universe ▼ star ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

A celestial body that shines with its own light and appears to earthly observers as a light point. Z. are scattered throughout the universe at great distances, so that their own movement we don't notice. On a clear moonless night, the entire visible sky ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Epimetheus, South Pole (Cassini image, December 3, 2007) Epimetheus (other Greek Επιμηθεύς) is an internal satellite of Saturn's satellite system, also known as Saturn XI. Named after the character of Greek mythology Epimetheus. December 1966 ... ... Wikipedia

Body: In mathematics: Body (algebra) is a set with two operations (addition and multiplication), which has certain properties. Body (geometry) is a part of space bounded by a closed surface. The body of the complex Body (physics) ... ... Wikipedia

Noun., P., Uptr. naib. often Morphology: (no) what? body, what? body, (see) what? body what? body, about what? about the body; pl. what? body, (no) what? bodies, what? bodies, (see) what? body what? bodies, about what? about bodies 1. A body is a matter, matter, ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

body- BODY1, a, mn body, bodies, bodies, cf. The body of a person or animal in its external physical forms and manifestations. And he cracked his chair, straightened his two-meter body with feigned languor (Y. Bond.). Boyer [the dog] seemed to have broken in his back, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Heavenly space and celestial bodies- Nouns LUNA /, month / syats, crescent / syats. A celestial body, which is the natural closest satellite of the Earth, glowing at night with the reflected light of the Sun, yellow, less often reddish or white. NOT / BO, heaven /, book. sky / d, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

Not to be confused with Meteorite. Meteoroid is a celestial body intermediate in size between interplanetary dust and an asteroid. According to the official definition of the IAU, a meteoroid is a solid object moving in interplanetary space, the size of ... ... Wikipedia


  • Day seven, V. Zemlyanin. It seems that the Moon has always been a satellite of the Earth. However, this is not the case. It turns out that this celestial body is a spaceship, on which she escaped from a universal cataclysm ...
  • Day Seven, Earthling B .. It seems that the Moon has always been a satellite of the Earth. However, this is not the case. It turns out that this celestial body is a spaceship, on which she escaped from a universal cataclysm ...


Which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury? Why can these heavenly bodies be useful to earthlings?

23 March 2017

Mercury is one of the smallest planets in the solar system, also located at the closest distance to the sun. The moon is a celestial body, which is located relatively close to the Earth. In total, in the entire history of mankind, 12 people have visited the moon. The satellite flies to Mercury for six months. It takes only three days to reach the moon today. What are both of these celestial bodies interesting for astronomers and other scientists?

Why do earthlings need the Moon and Mercury?

The most frequently asked question about them is: "Which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury?" Why does this mean so much to scientists? The fact is that Mercury is the closest candidate to colonize it. Like the Moon, Mercury is not surrounded by an atmosphere. A day here lasts a very long time and is as much as 59 Earth days.

The planet rotates on its axis very slowly. But not only the question of which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury - is of interest to scientists in connection with possible colonization. The fact is that the development of Mercury may be hindered by its proximity to the main luminary of our system. But scientists suggest that there may be ice caps at the planet's poles that could facilitate the process of colonization.

Closest planet to the Sun

On the other hand, close proximity to the star can guarantee a constant supply of solar energy, if scientists still manage to colonize the planet and build power stations on it. Researchers believe that due to the slight tilt of Mercury, there may be areas on its territory called "peaks of eternal light." They are of the main interest for scientists. The soil of Mercury contains large deposits of ore that can be used to create space stations. And also its soils are rich in the element Helium-3, which could also become a source of inexhaustible energy.

Difficulties in studying Mercury

Mercury has always been very difficult for astronomers to study. Primarily due to the fact that the planet is obscured by the bright rays of the main luminary of the system. That is why scientists for a very long time could not determine which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury. A planet rotating in the vicinity of the Sun always turns out to be turned to the luminary by the same side. Despite this, in the past, scientists have tried to map the far side of Mercury. But she was not very popular, and she was treated with skepticism. For a very long time it was extremely difficult to determine which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury. Photos of these planets made it possible to conclude that they are approximately the same.

Craters on the Moon and Mercury

One of the first astronomical discoveries was the discovery of craters on Mars and the Moon. Then scientists expected that there would be plenty of them on Mercury. After all, this planet in size is located between the Moon and Mars. Moon or Mercury - which is larger and what does this have to do with craters? All this became known after Mercury twice flew around an interplanetary station called "Mariner 10". She took a huge number of photographs, and were also compiled detailed maps Mercury. Now there was as much knowledge about the planet as about the satellite of the Earth.

It turned out that there are as many craters on the territory of Mercury as on the Moon. And a surface of this kind had exactly the same origin - countless were to blame for everything. meteor showers and powerful volcanoes. Even a scientist could not distinguish the surface of Mercury from the surface of a satellite of the Earth from photographs.

Pits from meteorites on these celestial bodies are formed due to the lack of an atmosphere that could soften impacts from the outside. Previously, scientists believed that Mercury still has an atmosphere, only very rarefied. The planet's gravity cannot keep an atmosphere on its surface that could be similar to that of the earth. Nevertheless, the instruments of the Mariner-10 station showed that the concentration of gases at the surface of the planet is greater than in space.

Is colonization of the moon possible?

The first obstacle that stands in the way of those who dream of populating the Earth's satellite is its constant susceptibility to meteorite bombardments. Meteorite attacks, as scientists have found, occur a hundred times more often than previously thought. Various changes are constantly taking place on the surface of the moon. Meteorite craters can range in diameter from a few centimeters to 40 meters.

However, in 2014, Roscosmos made a statement that by 2030 Russia would begin a program for mining on the moon. With regard to such programs, the question of which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury - fades into the background. After all, so far this statement has been made only in relation to the satellite of the Earth. Russia is not going to colonize Mercury yet. The plans for mining on the moon were announced on Cosmonautics Day in 2014. For this, a scientific program is already being developed at the RAS.

Moon or Mercury - which is larger and which planet is more advantageous for colonization?

On Mercury, the temperature is around 430 ° C. And it can go down to -180 ° C. At night, on the surface of the Earth's satellite, the temperature also drops to -153 ° C, and during the day it can reach +120 ° C. In this respect, these planets are so far equally unsuitable for colonization. Which celestial body is larger - the Moon or Mercury? The answer will be as follows: the planet is still larger. Mercury is larger than the Moon in size. The diameter of the moon is 3474 km, and the diameter of Mercury is 4879 km. Therefore, for now, dreams of settling outside the Earth for humanity remain a fantasy.

Solar system.

Based on the conclusions of the DDAP philosophy, it is possible with a high probability to assert that the solar system was "born" by the sun in the true meaning of the word. Hence, most of the known planets are the so-called "sphinxes" - star-planets. The chemical composition of the Sun is mainly hydrogen, with the presence, in various percentages, of the entire table of chemical elements. The stars, respectively, and the Sun, as well as the planets, in Interaction-action with the Space of the Universe (outside-inside), generate matter in their depths (Evolutionary direction). Matter in quantitative and qualitative composition corresponds to their own likeness. At a certain point in time, the amount of generated matter matter was thrown from the inside-out (Revolutionary direction), giving birth to a star-planet or a planet. Is this phenomenon observed in the solar system?

According to modern science, plasma generation is constantly increasing on Jupiter. This plasma Jupiter "sells" through coronal holes. This plasma forms a torus (called a donut). Jupiter is compressed by this torus of plasma. Now there is so much of it that already in an optical telescope, glare is visible in the space between Jupiter and its satellite Io. It can be assumed with a high degree of probability that we are already observing the formation period of the next satellite - the star-planet of the young star Jupiter.

In the future, the Plasma Torus should form into a star-planet. Constantly increasing, the Plasma Torus makes an inversion from the outside to the inside (Evolutionary direction), at a certain point in time forms a new star-planet (from the inside out, the Revolutionary direction). As a result of a rotational inversion from outside to inside, the Plasma Torus "slides" from the sphere, turning into an independent cosmic body.

The American spacecraft Voyager 1, launched in the summer of 1977, flying near Saturn, on November 12, 1980 approached it at a minimum distance of 125 thousand kilometers. Colored images of the planet, its rings and some satellites were transmitted to Earth. It has been established that the rings of Saturn are much more complex than previously thought. Some of these rings are not round but elliptical. In one of the rings, two narrow "rings" were found intertwining with each other. It is unclear how such a structure could have arisen - as far as we know, the laws of celestial mechanics do not allow this. Some of the rings are crossed by dark "spokes" stretching for thousands of kilometers. The intertwining rings of Saturn confirm the mechanism of the formation of the cosmic body of the "satellite" - the rotation of the eversion of Thor (rings outside-inside). Rings intersecting with dark "spokes" confirm another mechanism of rotational movement - the presence of cardinal points. In December 2015, astronomers observed an amazing phenomenon: a real new moon began to form at Saturn. The natural satellite of the planet was formed on one of the ice rings and scientists cannot understand in any way what was the first impulse. At the end of 2016, the Cassini spacecraft will return again to survey Saturn - perhaps this will help cosmologists unravel another mystery of the Universe.

The plasma ejected by the sun has a chemical composition similar to that of the sun. The formed plasmoid (star-planet) begins to evolve as an independent space body in the system of the Space of the Universe. It is also necessary to say that all formations of the Universe are a product of the Space of the Universe itself, and obey the single law of Space. Considering that in the Space of the Universe, the chemical elements of the beginning of the periodic system are the densest in relation to the final ones, then hydrogen and its corresponding ones will descend to the core of the star-planet, and the less dense ones will float up, forming the crust of this star-planet. The evolution of a star-planet is carried out with an increase in the volume of the planet, thickening of its crust due to constant generation

Its substance is matter. Star-planets grow like children and only after reaching "sexual age" are they able to reproduce their own kind. What we see at Saturn, Neptune, etc. .. The satellites of these planets are already "grandchildren".

Numerous videos that have appeared recently, filming a bright formation near the Sun, which is identified with the planet of the Sumerian myths Nibiru, apparently, there is a new planet "born" by the Sun in our solar system. Which, I give the name "Alexandrite". The plasma torus, which was observed in the solar corona during the eclipse, turned into an independent plasma ball, which will now evolve into the planet next to Mercury, which I named "Alexandrite". The total solar eclipse of 2008 revealed an unusual phenomenon that scientists are trying to explain. Deputy Director of the Institute of Solar and Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Grigoriev said that during solar eclipse On August 1, 2008, scientists did not observe the so-called solar whiskers. In this case, we mean two long rays emerging from the solar corona and dividing the heliosphere into two regions with different magnetic polarities. They are usually clearly visible during the period of minimum solar activity, when the rest of the corona remains relatively uniform. According to Grigoriev, scientists while observing a total solar eclipse could not see two long rays in the sun's corona. These two beams were the visible part of the plasma torus, which, apparently, turned into a new planet "Alexandrite".

Ancient myths, legends, heritage of cultures and religions, existing and extinct civilizations convey to us "echoes", echoes of the consequences of catastrophes of cosmic significance that happened once.

Acquaintance with the materials of research and hypotheses in various fields of science such as philosophy, physics, chemistry, geology, geography, astronomy, history, archeology and many others, gave me the opportunity to put forward a hypothesis about the catastrophe in the solar system. Only an integrated approach helped me to establish myself in the correctness in relation to this problem. And I am convinced that you can get closer to the truth only if you look at it from different sides, from different angles from any distance and time. Since any truth that is valid in the material world can never claim to be absolute, but is relative to the extent of the knowledge that exists at the moment, any hypothesis can become a relative truth in the process of its confirmation by facts, and naturally has the right to life. The hypothesis of a cosmic catastrophe that I set out below may become in the future a relative truth, which I sincerely hope. The catastrophe that happened in the solar system had big influence on the planets of the system, but our planet Earth has been and is still subject to a special influence.

Working on the philosophy of the Dualism of Dialectics of the Absolute Paradox, I discovered patterns that in a new way explain many generally accepted theoretical directions, both in cosmology and cosmogony, and in other natural sciences.

In this work, I will give a point of view that is based on my own hypotheses arising from the laws of the philosophy of Dualism of the Dialectic of the Absolute Paradox. With regard to the origin of the planets of the solar system in the future, I will give my own hypothesis.

Are planetary formations in the Universe a natural property of the evolutionary development of stars? In 1991, a team of American astronomers made a discovery concerning the closer to us pulsar PSR1257 + 12, a collapsing star located 1300 light-years from Earth. Astronomers estimate that a star that exploded about a billion years ago has two, and possibly three, planets. Two of them, of which there was no doubt, revolved at the same distance from the pulsar as Mercury from the Sun; the orbit of the possibly third planet was roughly the same as that of the Earth. "This discovery has given rise to many hypotheses that planetary systems may be different and exist in different circumstances," wrote John N. Wilford in The New York Times on January 9, 1992. " This discovery inspired astronomers who began a systematic survey of the starry sky. Apparently, this is only the beginning in the discoveries of planetary systems and the recognition of their laws.

There are many cosmogonic hypotheses about the origin of the solar system. The ancient civilization Sumer - the first known to us - had a developed cosmogony.

Six thousand years ago, Homo sapiens underwent an incredible metamorphosis. Hunters and farmers suddenly turned into city dwellers, and just a few hundred years later, they had already mastered the knowledge of mathematics, astronomy and metallurgy!

The first cities known to science suddenly appeared in ancient Mesopotamia, on a fertile plain lying between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where the state of Iraq is now located. This civilization was called Sumerian - it was there that "writing was born, and the wheel first appeared," and from the very beginning this civilization was strikingly similar to our present civilization and culture.

The highly respected scientific journal National Geographic openly recognizes the priority of the Sumerians and the legacy they left us:

“There in ancient Sumeria… in cities like Ur, Lagash, Eridu and Nippur, urban life and literacy flourished. The Sumerians very early began to use carts on wheels, and were one of the first metallurgists - they made various alloys from metals, extracted silver from ore, cast complex products from bronze. The Sumerians were the first to invent writing. "

“... The Sumerians left behind a huge legacy ... They created the first society known to us in which people could read and write ... In all areas - in legislation and social reform, in literature and architecture, in the organization of trade and in technology - the achievements of the cities of Sumer were the first we know anything about. "

All studies on Sumer emphasize that such a high level of culture and technology was achieved in an extremely short time.

Six thousand years ago in Ancient Sumer it was already known about the true nature and composition of the solar system, and also probably about the existence of other planetary systems in the Universe. It was a cosmogonic theory developed in detail and documented. Do we have the right now, to ignore the ancient cosmogonic theory, if all many modern achievements are based on the foundation of knowledge of the Ancient civilization of Sumer? This question, in my opinion, must have a negative answer.

One of the ancient Sumerian texts, written on seven clay tablets, has come down to us mainly in its later, Babylonian version. It is called the "myth of creation" and is known as "Enuma elish" after the first words of the text. This text describes the process of the formation of the solar system: the ancient planet Tiamat, and then three more pairs of planets: Venus and Mars (Lahamu and Lahmu ") Between the Sun and Tiamat, Jupiter and Saturn (" Kishar "and" Anshar ") behind Tiamat, and even further from the Sun Uranus and Neptune (" Anu "and" Nudimmud "). The last two planets were discovered by modern astronomers only in 1781 and 1846, respectively, although the Sumerians knew and described them several millennia before. These newborn "celestial deities" attracted and repelled each other, resulting in some of them having companions. At Tiamat, located in the very center of an unstable system, eleven satellites were formed, and the largest of them, Kingu, increased so much that it began to acquire the characteristics of a "heavenly deity", that is, an independent planet. At one time, astronomers completely ruled out the possibility of the existence of several moons on the planets, until in 1609 Galileo with the help of a telescope discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter, although the Sumerians knew about this phenomenon several thousand years ago. The Babylonians seemed to know four large moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. However, it was first necessary to invent a telescope in order to be convinced of the validity of the most ancient observations.

As stated in the "myth of creation", this unstable system was invaded by an alien from outer space - another planet. This planet was not formed in the Apsu family, but belonged to another star system, from which it was pushed out and thereby doomed to wander in outer space. Thus, according to the testimony of "Enuma Elish", one of the "discarded" planets reached the outskirts of our solar system and began to move towards its center. The closer the alien approached the center of the solar system, the more inevitable his collision with Tiamat became, the result of which was the "heavenly battle". After a series of collisions with alien satellites crashing into Tiamat, the old planet split in two. One half crumbled into small fragments, the other half remained intact and was pushed into a new orbit and turned into a planet that we call Earth (in Sumerian “Ki”). This half was followed by the largest satellite Tiamat, which became our Moon. The alien itself (Nibiru - "the one that crosses the sky") moved into a heliocentric orbit, with an orbital period of 3600 Earth years, and became one of the members of the solar system. It must be admitted that you need to have deep scientific knowledge in order to describe the initial state of the system, when there were only "Apsu - the first-born, philanthropist, Foremother Tiamat, who gave birth to everything."

One of the hypotheses, the author of which was the French scientist J. Buffon, was based on an alleged cosmic catastrophe, during which one of the comets fell obliquely on the Sun. The impact tore away from the daylight several clots of incandescent matter, which subsequently continued to circulate in the same plane. Later, the clumps began to cool down and turned into existing planets.

One of the cosmogonic hypotheses of the eighteenth century began to be called the Kant-Laplace hypothesis, although the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant and the great French astronomer, physicist and mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace were not co-authors at all - each of them developed their ideas completely independently of the other. Laplace strongly criticized Buffon's cosmogonic hypothesis. He believed that the collision of the Sun with a comet is an unlikely phenomenon. But even if it did happen, then the clots of solar matter, torn from the daylight, having described several orbits in elliptical orbits, would most likely fall back onto the Sun. In contrast to Buffon's idea, Laplace put forward his hypothesis of the formation of planets in the solar system. According to him, the building material here was the primary atmosphere of the Sun, which surrounded the daylight at the time of its formation and extended far beyond the solar system. Further, the substance of this huge gas nebula began to cool down and shrink, collecting into gas clumps. They were compressed, heating up from compression, and with time, cooling down, the clots turned into planets.

The mechanism of the formation of planets was expressed four decades earlier than Laplace made his hypothesis. It turned out to be the German philosopher I. Kant. In his opinion, the planets of the solar system were formed from scattered matter ("particles", as Kant wrote, without specifying what these particles were: gas atoms, dust or large solid material, hot or cold). Colliding, these particles collapsed, creating larger clumps of matter, which then turned into planets. This is how the unified Kant-Laplace hypothesis developed.

In this period, the most developed is the hypothesis, the foundations of which were laid by the works of the Russian scientist O. Schmidt in the middle of the twentieth century. In the hypothesis of O. Schmidt, the planets arose from the substance of a huge cold gas-dust cloud, the particles of which revolved in a variety of orbits around the recently formed Sun. Over time, the shape of the cloud changed. Large particles, attaching small ones to themselves, formed large bodies - planets. The hypothesis of the origin of the solar system from a gas and dust cloud makes it possible to explain the differences in the physical characteristics of the terrestrial planets and giant planets. Strong heating of the cloud near the Sun led to the fact that hydrogen and helium evaporated from the center to the outskirts and were almost not preserved in the terrestrial planets. In parts of the gas-dust cloud remote from the Sun, a low temperature reigned, so the gases here froze onto solid particles, from this substance, which contained a lot of hydrogen and helium, giant planets were formed. However, some aspects of this complex process are being studied and refined at this time.

On the origin of the solar system, experts have data that shortly before the appearance of the sun, a supernova explosion occurred nearby. It seems more likely that interstellar gas and interstellar dust were compressed from the shockwave of the exploding supernova, which led to the condensation of the solar system. Further, based on the similarity of the isotopic composition of all bodies of the solar system, they conclude that the nuclear evolution of the matter of the Sun and matter of the planets had a common fate. Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, the primary massive star, the progenitor of the solar system, was divided into the primary sun and circumsolar matter. Around the Sun, in space close to the equatorial plane, a disk-shaped gaseous nebula arose. This shape most likely explains the subsequent arrangement of planetary orbits, which are approximately in the same plane with the equator of the Sun. The further course of events consisted in the cooling of this nebula and various chemical processes that led to the formation of chemical compounds. Modern cosmochemistry believes that the formation of planets took place in two stages. The first stage was marked by the cooling of the gas disk, thus a gas-dust nebula arose. The chemical inhomogeneity of the gas-dust nebula should have arisen due to the action of the force of attraction of the mass of the Sun to the chemical elements of the gas-dust nebula. The second stage consisted in the concentration (accumulation) of particles of chemical elements in separate condensed primary planets. When the protoplanet reaches a critical mass, about 10 20 -degree of kg, it begins to permeate into a ball under the action of gravity. The planets of the solar system can be divided into small inner terrestrial planets and outer gas giant planets. The average density is especially high for the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars). The conclusion suggests itself: that they are composed mainly of solid material. These are most likely silicates, with an average density of 3.3 g / cm 3 degrees and metallic 7.2 g / cm 3 degrees of mass. It is roughly possible to imagine the planets as a metal core in a silicate shell, it is obvious that with distance from the Sun the proportion of metallic material rapidly decreases and the proportion of silicate material increases. Further, the composition is determined by the ratio of silicate and ice material with a progressive increase in the latter. The giant outer planets were formed in a way much similar to the evolution of the inner planets. However, in the final stages, they (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto) captured many light gases from the primordial nebula and dressed themselves in powerful hydrogen-helium atmospheres. In the process of the growth of the outer planets, huge masses of cosmic snow fall on their surface, subsequently forming ice shells. Outer shell H2-He-H2O-CH4-NH2. For Pluto, the most distant of the planets, ice is probably composed of a mixture of water and methane. The newborn planets did not have time to cool down, as their bowels began to warm up again under the influence of the decay of radioactive elements. The substance near the center of the ball is condensed. In this case, the gravitational energy of the entire planet decreases, and the difference in energies is released in the form of heat directly in the bowels. From heating, partial melting begins, chemical reactions occur. In the melt, heavy minerals, mainly containing iron, sink towards the center, while lighter, silicate minerals are forced out into the shell. The current location of masses inside the Earth is known quite well from seismic data - the propagation time of sound along various trajectories inside the Earth. In its center there is a solid sphere with a radius of 1217 km with a density of about 13 g / cm 3 degree. Further, up to a radius of 3486 km, the Earth's substance is liquid. If we assume that the central solid core consists of iron, and the liquid consists of iron oxide FeO and iron sulfide FeS, then the chemical composition of our planet will be entirely close to the composition of carbonaceous chondrites. In 1766, the German astronomer, physicist and mathematician Johann Titius came up with a formula that can be used to estimate the distance to planets. Another German astronomer, Johann Bode, published the Titius formula and presented the results following from its application. Since then, the formula has been called the Titius-Bode rule. The Titius-Bode rule - apparently determines the distance on which the ratio of the gravitational force of the Sun to the gravitational force between the masses of chemical elements depends. Although the rule has no theoretical basis, the coincidence in the distance of the planets is simply fantastic.

In 1781, the planet Uranus is discovered, and it turns out that the Titius-Bode rule is valid for him. According to the Titius-Bode rule, between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter at a distance of 2.8 AU. from the Sun there must have been a planet number 5. The name of the hypothetical planet was given in honor of the myth of Phaeton, PHAETON. But in the orbit of Phaeton, the planet was not discovered, but a large number of small bodies of irregular shape, called the asteroid field, were discovered. So, more than a hundred years ago, it was suggested that asteroids are fragments of a planet that previously existed between Mars and Jupiter, but for some reason collapsed. Some scientists believe that all small bodies in the solar system have a common origin. They could have formed from various parts of this once large and heterogeneous planet as a result of the explosion. Gases, vapors and small particles frozen in outer space after the explosion became comet nuclei, and debris of high density became asteroids, which, as observations show, have a clearly debris shape. Many cometary nuclei, being smaller and lighter, during their formation received large and differently directed velocities, and went very far from the Sun. And although the hypothesis about the explosion of Phaeton is questioned, but the idea of ​​throwing matter from the inner regions, the Solar system, into the outer ones, was later confirmed. It is assumed that at large distances from the Sun, comets are naked nuclei, i.e. lumps of solid ordinary ice and ice from methane and ammonia. Stone and metal dust and sand grains are frozen into the ice.

There is another explanation for the origin of small bodies (asteroid belt). Due to the gravitational attraction of the giant planet Jupiter, the planet Phaethon, which was supposed to be in this place, simply did not take place.

In order to imagine the planet number 5 - Phaethon, let us give a brief description of its neighbors Mars and Jupiter, known to science at this point in time.

Mars belongs to the terrestrial group of planets, the planet's core is metallic in a silicate shell. The average density of matter on Mars is about 40% lower than the average density of matter on Earth. The atmosphere of Mars is very rarefied and its pressure is about 100 times less than that of the Earth. Basically, it consists of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapor in very little. The temperature on the planet's surface reaches 100-130 degrees with a minus sign, in C. In such conditions, not only water will freeze, but also carbon dioxide... Volcanoes have been discovered on Mars, which indicate the planet's volcanic activity. The reddish tint of the Martian soil is due to the presence of iron oxide hydrates.

Jupiter belongs to the outer group of giant planets. It is the largest planet closest to us and the Sun, and therefore the best studied. As a result of a rather fast rotation around the axis and low density, it is significantly compressed. The planet is surrounded by a powerful atmosphere, since Jupiter is far from the Sun, the temperature is very low (at least above the clouds) is minus 145 degrees. helium, ammonia NH2 was also found. At low temperatures, ammonia condenses and is likely to form visible clouds. The composition of the planet itself can only be substantiated theoretically. Calculations of the model of the internal structure of Jupiter show that as it approaches the center, hydrogen must successively pass through the gaseous and liquid phases. In the center of the planet, where temperatures can reach several thousand Kelvin, there is a liquid core consisting of metals, silicates and hydrogen in the metallic phase. By the way, it should be noted that the solution of the question of the origin of the solar system as a whole is largely complicated by the fact that we hardly observe other similar systems. Our solar system in this form has nothing to compare with (the question is in the technical difficulties of detecting planets at large distances), although systems like it should be quite widespread and their occurrence should not be accidental, but a natural phenomenon.

Natural satellites and planetary rings occupy a special place in the solar system. Mercury and Venus have no satellites. The Earth has one satellite - the Moon. Mars has two moons Phobos and Deimos. The rest of the planets have many satellites, but they are immeasurably smaller than their planets.

The Moon is the closest celestial body to the Earth, it is only 4 times smaller than the Earth in diameter, but its mass is 81 times less than the Earth's mass. Its average density is 3.3 10 3 degrees kg / m3, probably the core of the Moon is not as dense as that of the Earth. There is no atmosphere on the moon. The temperature at the sunflower point of the Moon is plus 120 degrees, C, and at the opposite point minus 170 degrees. Dark spots on the lunar surface were called "seas" - rounded lowlands up to a quarter of the lunar disk, filled with dark basaltic lavas. Most of the lunar surface is occupied by lighter heights - "continents". There are several mountain ranges, similar to those on the earth. The height of the mountains reaches 9 kilometers. But the main landform is craters. The invisible part of the Moon differs from the visible one, there are fewer "sea" depressions, as well as craters. Chemical analysis of samples of lunar matter showed that the Moon does not belong to the group of terrestrial inner planets in terms of the variety of rocks. There are several competing hypotheses for the formation of the moon. A hypothesis that arose in the last century suggested that the Moon broke away from the rapidly rotating Earth, and in the place where the Pacific Ocean was located. Another hypothesis considered the joint formation of the Earth and the Moon. A group of American astrophysicists put forward a hypothesis of the formation of the Moon, according to which the Moon arose from the merger of fragments of a collision of a proto-Earth with another planet. The merit of the idea of ​​the birth of the Moon in a collision quite naturally explains the different average densities of the Earth and the Moon, their unequal chemical composition.

Finally, there is a capture hypothesis: from the point of view, the Moon originally belonged to asteroids and moved in an independent orbit around the Sun, and then, as a result of the approach, was captured by the Earth. All these hypotheses are more speculative, there are no specific calculations for them. They all require artificial assumptions about initial conditions or attendant circumstances.

The moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos are clearly in the form of debris and, apparently, were asteroids that this planet has captured by its gravity. The giant planets are characterized by the presence of a large number of satellites and rings. The largest satellites Titan (the satellite of Saturn), Ganymede (the satellite of Jupiter), are commensurate with the size of the Moon, they are 1.5 times larger than it. All new natural satellites of the giant planets are being discovered at the present time. The distant satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are very small, have an irregular shape, and some of them turn in the direction opposite to the rotation of the planet itself. The rings of the giant planets, and they are found not only on Saturn, but also on Jupiter and Uranus, consist of rotating particles. The nature of the rings does not have a final decision, either they arose during the destruction of existing satellites as a result of a collision, or they represent the remnants of matter that, due to the tidal effect of the planet, could not “collect” into separate satellites. According to the latest data from space research, the substance of the rings is ice formations.

Let us give approximately the masses of the planets of the solar system, relative to the mass of the Earth Ms = 6.10 24 degrees of kg.

Mercury - 5.6.10 - 2 degrees Mz.

Venus - 8.1.10 - 1 degree Mz.

Mars - 1.1.10 -1 degree Mz.

Jupiter - 3.2.10 - 2 degrees Mz.

Saturn - 9.5. 10 - 1 degree Mz.

Uranium - 1.5. 10-1 degree Mz.

Neptune - 1.7. 10 - 1 degree Mz.

Pluto - 2.0. 10 - 3 degrees Mz.

These are the main provisions of the official science of education and the composition of the solar system.

Hypothesis about the origin of the solar system.

Now I will try to substantiate my own hypothesis about the origin of the solar system.

The universe is made up of many galaxies. Each star belongs to a specific galactic formation. Old stars are located in the spiral arms of galaxies, while young stars belong to the center of galaxies. It follows that new stars are born in the center of galaxies. Since all galaxies, without exception, to one degree or another have a spiral shape, they are vortex formations. An example of the similarity of the birth of "stars", in terrestrial conditions, is ball lightning, as a result of the cyclone-Anticyclone vortex process, in particular during thunderstorms. Spherical forms do not exist in nature, all such formations have the form of an explicit or implicit torus.

Origin of the Stars.

The Universe is a closed space. Hence the Universe is a complete formation. Each point of the Universe is its Relative Center, since it is equidistant from itself in all directions. Hence, each point of the Universe is the Beginning and the End at the same time. The Unified Form of the Torah of the Universe is Indivisible. The rationale is the philosophy of the DDAP. Recent studies of mainstream science tend to this view.

NASA: the universe is finite and small

“The data obtained by the NASA spacecraft puzzled astronomers and raised the question of the possible limitations of the Universe with renewed urgency. There is evidence that, in addition, it is unexpectedly small (in astronomical, naturally, scales), and only as a result of a kind of "optical illusion of sight" does it seem to us that there is no end and edge to it.

Confusion in the scientific community was caused by data obtained by the American WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) probe, which has been operating since 2001. His equipment measured fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background radiation. Astronomers, in particular, were interested in the distribution of the magnitudes ("sizes") of pulsations, since it can shed light on the processes that took place in the Universe at the initial stages of its development. So, if the Universe were infinite, the range of these pulsations would be unlimited. Analysis of the data obtained by WMAP on small-scale fluctuations of the relic radiation confirmed the hypothesis of an infinite universe. However, it turned out that fluctuations practically disappear on large scales.

Computer simulations have confirmed that such a distribution of fluctuations occurs only if the dimensions of the Universe are small, and more extended regions of fluctuations simply cannot appear in them. According to scientists, the results obtained indicate not only the unexpectedly small size of the Universe, but also that the space in it is "closed on itself." Despite its limitedness, the Universe itself does not have an edge - a ray of light, propagating in space, must return to its original point after a certain (large) period of time. Because of this effect, for example, Earth astronomers can observe the same galaxy in different parts of the sky (and even from different sides). We can say that the Universe is a mirror room, in which every object inside gives many of its mirror images.

If the results are confirmed, our views of the universe will need serious correction. First, it will be relatively small - about 70 billion light years across. Secondly, it becomes possible to observe the entire Universe as a whole and make sure that the same physical laws operate everywhere in it. "

The Universe is a Thor making a causally forced rotation of an inversion from outside to inside counterclockwise. The rotational movement of the eversion of the Torus of the Universe is a spiral. Consider the 4th cardinal points of the spiral motion, which are causally caused by the rotation of the eversion of the Torus of the Universe. Let's characterize the 4th cardinal points of the spiral movement. Any segment of the trajectory of the spiral motion of the Torus of the Universe is an element of the trajectory of rotational motion. The rotational movement of the Torus Spiral of the Universe, in certain places of the spiral turns, reveals 4 types of cardinal points. The first type of cardinal points on the turns of the spiral, form a line that determines the moment of "compression" of the spiral. The "contraction" line of the spiral defines the area of ​​"contraction" of the Torus Space of the Universe. Of the 2nd type, the cardinal points of the spiral turns form a line defining the moment of "stretching" of the spiral. The "stretching" line of the spiral defines the region of decay of the Torus Space of the Universe. Of the 3rd and 4th type, cardinal points, on the turns of the spiral, form a line defining the moment, which is the process of Unstable Equilibrium, the Torus Spiral of the Universe. We are interested in the cardinal moments of "compression" and "stretching". The points of "compression" of the Spiral of the Torus of the Universe form an Axis that permeates the entire Space of the Torus of the Universe. This Axis defines the area in which the "contraction" of the Torus Space of the Universe takes place. It is in this area, with the contraction of Space, the Hydrogen Atom appears, i.e. Hydrogen clouds (see DDAP philosophy). Points of "extension" of the Spiral of the Torus of the Universe determine the line of "decay" of the Space of the Torus of the Universe. In the regions of the "decay" line of Space, the so-called "relict radiation" equal to 2.7K appears. (see philosophy of DDAP). It is along the line of compression of the Torus of the Universe that Space contraction occurs with the release of primary matter - Hydrogen, and already from the hydrogen clouds STARS of GALACTIC FORMATIONS are born.

Recently, the above has been confirmed by official science.

Scientists have discovered an "axis of evil" in the Universe that refutes fundamental laws.

“The newest data obtained from the American space probe WMAP (Wilkinson microwave anisotrophy probe) brought real confusion to the world scientific community. Designed to measure the temperature of radiation radiation from different parts of galaxies, he discovered the presence of a strange line in space, which permeates the Universe and forms its spatial model. Scientists have already called this line the "axis of evil", ITAR-TASS reports. The discovery of this axis casts doubt on all modern ideas about the origin of the Universe and its development, including Einstein's theory of relativity, for which it was given this unflattering name. According to the theory of relativity, the deployment of space and time after the initial "big bang" was chaotic, and the Universe itself is generally homogeneous and tends to expand throughout its borders. However, the data from the American probe refute these postulates: measurements of the temperature of the relict radiation does not indicate chaos in the distribution of different zones of the Universe, but about a certain orientation or even a plan. At the same time, there is a special giant line around which the orientation of the entire structure of the Universe takes place, scientists report.

The basic Big Bang model fails to explain three main features of the observable universe. Whenever the basic model is unable to explain the observed, some new entity is introduced into it - inflation, dark matter and dark energy. " This is, first of all, about the inability to explain the observed temperature of the present Universe, its expansion and even the existence of galaxies. The problems are multiplying. More recently, a ring of bright stars was discovered so close to the center of the Andromeda galaxy, where, according to scientists, there should be a black hole that they simply cannot be there. A similar formation has been recorded in our Galaxy.

However, the data obtained by NASA's WMAP probe and its discovery of the so-called "Axis of Evil" overflowed the thicket of patience of specialists in the field of cosmology.

The WMAP probe was launched into space on June 30, 2001 by a Delta II launch vehicle from the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral. The device is a research station 3.8 m high, 5 m wide and weighing about 840 kg, made of aluminum and composite materials. Initially, it was assumed that the duration of the active existence of the station would be 27 months, of which 3 months would be spent on moving the apparatus to the libration point L2, and another 24 months - on the actual observation of the microwave background. Nevertheless, WMAP continues to work to this day, which opens up the prospect of a significant increase in the accuracy of the results already obtained.

The information collected by WMAP allowed scientists to construct the most detailed map of small temperature fluctuations in the distribution of microwave radiation in the celestial sphere to date. It is currently about 2.73 degrees above absolute zero, differing in different parts of the celestial sphere only by millionths of a degree. Earlier, the first such map was built using data from NASA's COBE spacecraft, but its resolution was significantly - 35 times - inferior to the data obtained by WMAP. However, overall, both maps agree quite well with each other.

The term "Axis of Evil" was entrenched "with the light hand" of cosmologist Joao Magueijo of Imperial College London for a strange phenomenon discovered by a space telescope - "cold" and "warm" regions were not randomly located on the celestial sphere, as it should be , but in an orderly manner. Computer simulations have confirmed that such a distribution of fluctuations occurs only if the dimensions of the Universe are small, and more extended regions of fluctuations simply cannot appear in them. "The most important question is what could have led to this," says Dr. Maguejo himself.

Its defenders rushed to the struggle to save the "standard model". According to New Scientist, they put forward other hypotheses that, in principle, could explain a similar distribution of microwave radiation. For example, Chris Vale of Fermilab and the University of California at Berkeley believes that the true background may be distorted by the monstrous concentration of galaxies in certain regions of the celestial sphere. Nevertheless, the very proposal for such a peculiar character of the arrangement of galaxies looks very unconvincing.

Finding the Axis of Evil is not so bad, says Dr. Maguejo himself. “The Standard Model is ugly and confusing,” he says. "I hope her finale is just around the corner." Nevertheless, the theory that will replace it will have to explain the whole body of facts - including those that were described quite satisfactorily by the standard model. “It will be extremely difficult,” says Dr. Maguejo.

"Axis of Evil": large-scale structure of relic radiation field inhomogeneities according to WMAP data

The discovery of the "Axis of Evil" threatens with such fundamental upheavals that NASA has already allocated funds to scientists for a five-year program of detailed research and verification of WMAP data - it cannot be ruled out that this is an instrumental error, although more and more facts indicate the opposite. In August of this year, the world's first conference entitled "Crisis in Cosmology" was held, at which the unsatisfactory state of the current model of the world was ascertained and ways out of the crisis were considered. Apparently, the world is on the verge of another revolution in the scientific picture of the world, and its consequences may exceed all expectations - especially considering that the theory of the "Big Bang" was not only of scientific significance, but also perfectly consistent with the religious concept of the creation of the Universe in past. "

The Earth makes its own rotation around its axis and moves with Space around the Sun. Accordingly, in turn, the Solar System, making its own rotation around its axis - the Sun, and moves together with Space around the axis of the Galaxy. All Galaxies make their own rotations around their centers and move together with Space around the central axis of the Torus of the Universe. The torus of the Universe makes a causal rotation of an inversion from outside to inside, and that should be noted counterclockwise. Hence, all subsequent rotations in the Universe - Galaxies around the central axis of the Torus, rotation of Galaxies around their axis, rotation of star systems around Galaxies, as well as around their own axis, rotation of planets around their stars, as well as rotation around its axis are a forced consequence of the eversion of the Torus of the Universe counterclock-wise.

The fact that all rotations in the Universe are carried out asymmetrically counterclockwise is caused by the primary rotation of the eversion of the Torus of the Universe outside; inside counterclockwise. These data are confirmed by the latest research in mainstream science.

“The Axis of Evil network project, Galaxy Zoo, involving tens of thousands of amateur astronomers, has revealed a pronounced asymmetry of the universe that does not fit into any of its existing models.

As part of the study of the "Axis of Evil" phenomenon, which later promises in the course of studying the orientation of the spiral arms of 1660 galaxies, the phenomenon of their unusual and inexplicable asymmetry in the framework of modern physics, which does not fit into the framework of the modern cosmological model, was revealed.

To study the phenomenon of asymmetry of the "twisted" arms of spiral galaxies, a research group led by Keith Land invited amateur astronomers to take part in studying the orientation in space of more than a million spiral galaxies. For this purpose, they developed the online project Galaxy Zoo. For the analysis, we used images of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Three months later, the project, in which tens of thousands of amateur astronomers are already actively participating and to which anyone can join, has brought the first results. They turned out to be discouraging.

It turned out that the majority of spiral galaxies are twisted counterclockwise from the point of view of an observer at the only point possible for us - on Earth. What explains this asymmetry is completely incomprehensible. From the point of view of modern cosmology, both should meet with equal probability.

With a great degree of conventionality, this asymmetry can be likened to how the water flowing out of the bath forms a spiral funnel, twisted in a strictly defined direction - depending on which hemisphere of the Earth the bath is in. But modern science does not know the forces, the action of which on the scale of the Universe can be likened to the action of the Coriolis force on Earth.

"If our results are confirmed, we will have to say goodbye to the standard cosmological model," says a member of the research group from Oxford University Dr. Chris Lintott. The collapse of modern cosmological concepts will inevitably be followed by a deep revision of the scientific picture of the world.

This is, according to data from the WMAP space probe, the large-scale structure of our universe. "

Consider some of the current scientific explanations for the origin of the solar system.

The formation of the solar system.

“As in the case of the Universe, modern natural science does not provide an accurate description of this process. But modern science decisively rejects the assumption of accidental formation and the exceptional nature of the formation of planetary systems. Modern astronomy provides serious arguments in favor of the presence of planetary systems in many stars. For example, about 10% of the stars in the vicinity of the Sun have excess infrared radiation. Obviously, this is due to the presence of dusty disks around such stars, which, possibly, are the initial stage in the formation of planetary systems.

The origin of the planets.

Our solar system is located in the Galaxy, where there are about 100 billion stars and clouds of dust and gas, mostly the remnants of stars of previous generations. In this case, dust is just microscopic particles of water ice, iron and other solids, condensed in the outer, cool layers of the star and thrown into space. If the clouds are cold and dense enough, they begin to collapse under the force of gravity, forming clusters of stars. This process can last from 100 thousand to several million years. Each star is surrounded by a disk of the remaining matter, which is enough to form planets. Young discs mainly contain hydrogen and helium. In their hot inner regions, dust particles evaporate, and in the cold and rarefied outer layers, dust particles persist and grow as steam condenses on them. Astronomers have found many young stars surrounded by such disks. Stars between 1 and 3 million years old have disks of gas, while those that have been around for more than 10 million years have faint, gas-poor disks as the gas is blown out of it either by the newborn star itself or by nearby bright stars. This time range is precisely the era of the formation of the planets. The mass of heavy elements in such disks is comparable to the mass of these elements in the planets of the solar system: a fairly strong argument in defense of the fact that planets are formed from such disks. Result: The newborn star is surrounded by gas and tiny (micron-sized) dust particles.

For several years, Canadian scientists have measured very weak periodic changes in the speed of movement of sixteen stars. Such changes arise due to the perturbation of the motion of the star under the action of a body gravitationally associated with it, the dimensions of which are much smaller than that of the star itself. Data processing showed that for ten out of sixteen stars, speed changes indicate the presence of planetary satellites around them, the mass of which exceeds the mass of Jupiter. It can be assumed that the existence of a large satellite such as Jupiter, by analogy with the solar system, indicates a greater likelihood of the existence of a family of smaller planets. The most probable existence of planetary systems is noted for epsilon Eridanus and the Cepheus gamma.

But it should be noted that single stars like the Sun are not so frequent, they usually form multiple systems. There is no certainty that planetary systems can form in such stellar systems, and if they arise in them, then the conditions on such planets may turn out to be unstable, which does not contribute to the emergence of life.

On the mechanism of formation of planets, in particular, in the solar system, there is also no generally accepted conclusion. The solar system was formed perhaps about 5 billion years ago, and the Sun is a second (or even later) generation star. So the solar system arose on the waste products of the stars of the previous generation, accumulating in clouds of gas and dust. In general, today we think that we know more about the origin and evolution of stars than about the origin of our own planetary system, which is not surprising: there are many stars, but the known planetary system is one. The accumulation of information about the solar system is far from complete. Today we see it completely differently than even thirty years ago.

And there is no guarantee that tomorrow some new facts will not appear that will turn all our ideas about the process of its formation.

Today there are quite a few hypotheses for the formation of the solar system. As an example, let us present the hypothesis of the Swedish astronomers H. Alfven and G. Arrhenius. They proceeded from the assumption that in nature there is a single planetary formation mechanism, the action of which is manifested both in the case of the formation of planets near the star, and in the case of the appearance of satellite planets near the planet. To explain this, they use a combination of different forces - gravity, magnetohydrodynamics, electromagnetism, plasma processes.

Today it has become smaller. But even now the terrestrial planets (Mercury. Venus, Earth, Mars) are practically immersed in the tenuous atmosphere of the Sun, and the solar wind carries its particles to more distant planets. So it is possible that the young Sun's corona was extending into Pluto's present orbit.

Alfven and Arrhenius abandoned the traditional assumption about the formation of the Sun and planets from one mass of matter, in one indivisible process. They believe that first a primary body arises from a gas-dust cloud, then material is supplied to it from the outside for the formation of secondary bodies. The powerful gravitational effect of the central body attracts the flow of gas and dust particles penetrating the space, which is to become the area of ​​formation of secondary bodies.

There are grounds for such a statement. The results of the long-term study of the isotopic composition of the matter of meteorites, the Sun, and the Earth were summed up. Deviations in the isotopic composition of a number of elements contained in meteorites and terrestrial rocks from the isotopic composition of the same elements on the Sun were found. This indicates a different origin of these elements. Hence it follows that the bulk of the matter in the Solar System came from one cloud of gas and dust and the Sun was formed from it. A much smaller part of the substance with a different isotopic composition came from another cloud of gas and dust, and it served as material for the formation of meteorites and partially planets. The mixing of two gas and dust clouds took place about 4.5 billion years ago, which marked the beginning of the formation of the solar system.

The young Sun, presumably with a significant magnetic moment, was larger than the current size, but did not reach the orbit of Mercury. It was surrounded by a giant supercrown, which was a rarefied magnetized plasma. As in our days, prominences escaped from the surface of the Sun, but the emissions of those years had a length of hundreds of millions of kilometers and reached the orbit of modern Pluto. The currents in them were estimated at hundreds of millions of amperes and more. This contributed to the contraction of the plasma into narrow channels. Discontinuities, breakdowns appeared in them, from where powerful shock waves scattered, compacting the plasma along the way. The supercrown plasma quickly became inhomogeneous and uneven. The neutral particles of matter coming from the external reservoir fell to the central body under the influence of gravity. But in the corona, they ionized, and, depending on the chemical composition, were decelerated at different distances from the central body, that is, from the very beginning, there was a differentiation of the preplanetary cloud in terms of chemical and weight composition. Ultimately, three or four concentric regions were identified, the densities of particles in which were about 7 orders of magnitude higher than their densities in the intervals. This explains the fact that planets are located near the Sun, which, with relatively small sizes, have a high density (from 3 to 5.5 g / cm 3), and giant planets have much lower densities (1 -2 g / cm 3).

The existence of a critical speed, at which a neutral particle moving with acceleration in a rarefied plasma is ionized abruptly is confirmed by laboratory experiments. Estimated calculations show that such a mechanism is capable of ensuring the accumulation of the substance necessary for the formation of planets in a relatively short time of the order of one hundred million years.

The supercrown, as the precipitated matter accumulates in it, begins to lag behind in its rotation from the rotation of the central body. The desire to equalize the angular velocities of the body and the corona makes the plasma rotate faster, and the central body slows down its rotation. The acceleration of plasma increases centrifugal forces, pushing it away from the star. A region of very low density of matter is formed between the central body and the plasma. A favorable environment is created for the condensation of non-volatile substances by their precipitation from the plasma in the form of individual grains. Having reached a certain mass, the grains receive an impulse from the plasma, and then move along the Keplerian orbit, taking with them part of the angular momentum in the solar system: the share of planets, the total mass of which is only 0.1% of the mass of the entire system, accounts for 99% of the total moment of momentum. The dropped grains, capturing part of the angular momentum, follow the intersecting elliptical orbits. Multiple collisions between them collect these grains into large groups and turn their orbits into almost circular, lying in the plane of the ecliptic. Eventually, they collect into a toroidal (ring) shaped jet stream. This jet stream captures all particles that collide with it and equalizes their speed with its own. Then these grains stick together into embryonic nuclei, to which particles continue to stick, and they gradually grow to large bodies - planetesimals. Their union forms the planets. And as soon as the planetary bodies are formed so that a sufficiently strong own magnetic field appears near them, the process of formation of satellites begins, repeating in miniature what happened during the formation of the planets themselves near the Sun.

So, in this theory, the asteroid belt is a jet stream, in which, due to the lack of precipitated matter, the planetary formation process was interrupted at the planetesimal stage. Rings of large planets are residual jet streams that turned out to be too close to the primary body and got inside the so-called Roche limit, where the gravitational forces of the "host" are so great that they do not allow the formation of a stable secondary body.

Meteorites and comets, according to the model, formed on the outskirts of the solar system, beyond Pluto's orbit. In regions far from the Sun, a weak plasma existed, in which the mechanism of matter precipitation was still working, but the jet streams, in which the planets were born, could not form. The sticking together of the fallen particles led in these regions to the only possible result - to the formation of cometary bodies.

Today there is unique information received by Voyagers about the planetary systems of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. We can confidently talk about the presence of common characteristic features in them and in the solar system as a whole.

The same regularity in the distribution of matter over chemical composition: the maximum concentration of volatile substances (hydrogen, helium) always falls on the primary body and on the peripheral part of the system. At some distance from the central body, there is a minimum of volatile substances. In the solar system, this minimum is filled with the densest terrestrial planets.
In all cases, the primary body accounts for more than 98% of the total mass of the system.
There are clear signs that indicate the ubiquitous formation of planetary bodies by particle adhesion (accretion) into ever larger bodies, up to the final formation of the planet (satellite).
Of course, this is only a hypothesis, and it requires further development. Also, the assumption that the formation of planetary systems is a natural process for the Universe does not yet have convincing evidence. But indirect evidence allows us to assert that, at least in a certain part of our galaxy, planetary systems exist in noticeable numbers. So, I.S. Tsialkovsky drew attention to the fact that all hot stars, the surface temperature of which exceeds 7000 K, have high rotation rates. As we move to colder stars at a certain temperature boundary, there is a sudden sharp drop in the rotation rate. Stars belonging to the class of yellow dwarfs (such as the Sun), whose surface temperature is about 6000 K, have anomalously low rotation rates, almost equal to zero. The rotation speed of the Sun is 2 km / s. Low rotational speeds can result from the transfer of 99% of the original angular momentum to the protoplanetary cloud. If this assumption is correct, then science will receive the exact address for the search for planetary systems. " By the time the planets began to form, the central body of the system already existed. To form a planetary system, the central body must have a magnetic field, the level of which exceeds a certain critical value, and the space in its vicinity must be filled with rarefied plasma. Without this, the planetary formation process is impossible.

The sun has a magnetic field. The source of the plasma was the sun's corona.

The hypothesis of the Swedish astronomers H. Alfven and G. Arrhenius somewhere echoes the hypothesis of the author of this work.

Let's continue further. Hence, stars and planets are torus-shaped, whose coronal holes form vortex magnetic poles. Undetected matter of the Space of the Universe is a structured combination of cells - Content / Form in the Energy / Time potential, the so-called "ether", which participates in the birth and life of stars and planets. In the depths of already existing stars and planets, matter is constantly generated, which supports the vital activity of the former and the growth of the latter. At certain stages of development, the Stars give birth to star-planets, and star-planets give birth to satellite planets.

Based on the conclusions of the DDAP philosophy, it is possible with a high probability to assert that the solar system was "born" by the sun in the true meaning of the word. Hence, most of the known planets are the so-called "sphinxes" - star-planets. The chemical composition of the Sun is mainly hydrogen, with the presence, in various percentages, of the entire table of chemical elements. The stars, respectively, and the Sun, as well as the planets, in Interaction; action with the Space of the Universe (outside; inside), generates matter in their depths (Evolutionary direction). Matter in quantitative and qualitative composition corresponds to their own likeness. At a certain point in time, the amount of generated matter matter was thrown out from the inside; outward (Revolutionary direction), giving birth to a star-planet or a planet.

In the future, the Plasma Torus should form into a planet. Constantly increasing, the Plasma Torus makes an inversion from the outside to the inside (Evolutionary direction), at a certain point in time forms a new planet (from the inside; the Revolutionary direction outward). The Plasma Thor, as a result of a rotational inversion from outside to inside, contracting, "slides" from the sphere, turning into an independent cosmic body. Those. as the quality of the quantity of plasma increases, the Plasma Thor "floats up like a ring of smoke over a smoking pipe", but does not dissipate, but contracts.

The mechanism of such a phenomenon is also observed in the solar system.

The American spacecraft Voyager 1, launched in the summer of 1977, flying near Saturn, on November 12, 1980 approached it at a minimum distance of 125 thousand kilometers. Colored images of the planet, its rings and some satellites were transmitted to Earth. It has been established that the rings of Saturn are much more complex than previously thought. Some of these rings are not round but elliptical. In one of the rings, two narrow "rings" were found intertwining with each other. It is unclear how such a structure could have arisen - as far as we know, the laws of celestial mechanics do not allow this. Some of the rings are crossed by dark "spokes" stretching for thousands of kilometers. The intertwining rings of Saturn confirm the mechanism of the formation of the cosmic body of the "satellite" - the rotation of the eversion of Thor (rings outside-inside). Rings intersecting with dark "spokes" confirm another mechanism of rotational movement - the presence of cardinal points of rotation.

The plasma ejected by the sun has a chemical composition similar to that of the sun. The formed plasmoid (star-planet) begins to evolve as an independent space body in the system of the Space of the Universe. It is also necessary to say that all formations of the Universe are a product of the Space of the Universe itself, and obey the single law of Space. Considering that in the super dense Space of the Universe, the chemical elements of the beginning of the periodic table are the densest in relation to the final ones. Therefore, hydrogen and the corresponding ones will descend to the core of the star-planet, and less dense chemical elements will emerge, forming the crust of this star-planet. The evolution of a star-planet is carried out with an increase in the volume of the planet, thickening of its crust due to the constant generation of matter by it. Star-planets grow as "children" and only after reaching "sexual age" are they able to reproduce their own kind.

Star-planets differ from planet-satellites in quantitative and qualitative chemical composition of elements. The stars through the coronal holes of the torus eject mainly hydrogen plasma; in certain quantitative circumstances, they give birth to star-planets. The ejection of a large amount of stellar plasma forms a plasmoid, which in the course of its life is clothed with a crust of various chemical elements and forms a star-planet. Star-planets through the coronal holes of their torus eject mainly chemical compounds of hydrogen with oxygen H2O, hydrogen with carbon CH4, hydrogen with nitrogen NH2 and with other chemical elements. It is the star-planets that, at a certain stage, form rings of these compounds, in particular, when there is not enough matter for the birth of a satellite planet. (It can be assumed that the composition of the Moon, as a planet, is a silicate crust over an ice base.)

Further. Observational statistics show that up to 30% of all stars are likely binaries. Apparently, the solar system is no exception in this order. The origin of binary stellar systems is not yet known exactly. There are various incorrect assumptions, one of which involves the gravitational capture of one star by another. The author puts forward a hypothesis that the Star-planets, having reached a certain state, shed their crust and turn into stars, forming a double, triple, and so on systems with the progenitor star.

Taking with a certain degree of seriousness, as well as healthy skepticism to the "myth of creation" of the solar system in the cosmogony of the ancient Sumerians, we can imagine the likely events of the past. The "young" solar system, which included the star Sun and the star-planets it gave birth to, starting with the oldest - Phaethon (Sumerian Tiamat), then the Earth, and apparently, Mercury at a certain orbit around the center of the galaxy, captured a different, older one, planetary system. Why could the solar system take over the planetary system? Only if a star of this planetary system exploded, and its planets, having lost their gravitational component, began to drift towards the nearest star, which was the Sun.

Note. So Astronomer Jeff Hester and his colleagues from the University of Arizona (Arizona State University) published a theory according to which the Sun and its planetary system did not form alone, but near a supermassive, exploding star. Nickel-60 found in meteorites became a witness. This element is a decay product of iron-60, which, in turn, could have formed only in a very massive star.

From here, the solar system "captured" the massive planets Saturn, Neptune, Uranus of the perished star system. According to the Sumerian myths, a powerful planet, perhaps Saturn approaching Phaeton, was the reason for the birth of the young star "Jupiter".

Jupiter is a young star.

“Everyone knows that there are nine planets in our solar system. From childhood we are familiar with the majestic names that keep echoes of the past millennia: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars ... Beyond Mars - Jupiter. The largest among the celestial counterparts, a giant planet. Is it just a planet? Maybe a star?

At first glance, even the very posing of this question may seem ridiculous. But here is an employee of Rostov state university A. Suchkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, put forward a hypothesis that made us look at many seemingly immutable postulates in a new way. He came to the conclusion that Jupiter ... possesses sources of nuclear energy!

Meanwhile, science knows that planets should not have such sources. Although we see them in the night sky, they differ from stars not only in their smaller size and mass, but also in the nature of their luminosity. In stars, radiation is the result of internal energy arising in the course of processes going on in their depths. And the planets only reflect the sun's rays carrying energy. Of course, they return to space only a part of the received energy: there is no one hundred percent efficiency in the Universe either. But Jupiter, judging by the latest data, emits energy that is noticeably higher than the one sent to him by the Sun!

What is this, violation of the law of conservation of energy? For the planet, yes. But not for a star: the power of its radiation is mainly determined by internal sources of energy. Does it mean that Jupiter has such sources? What is their nature? Where are they - in the atmosphere, on the surface? Excluded. The composition of Jupiter's atmosphere is known - there are no such sources there. The variant with the surface also does not stand up to analysis: Jupiter is too far from the Sun to be able to speak of its overheated hard shell. It remains to conclude that the sources of excess radiation are in its depths.

A. Suchkov suggested that the energy feeding the excess radiation arises in the course of a thermonuclear reaction, which is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of heat. This reaction begins close to the center of Jupiter. But while the particles - energy carriers - gamma quanta - move to the outer shell, the energy itself passes from one type to another. And on the surface, we are already observing ordinary radiation. The usual is for the stars.

The "stellar" hypothesis is supported not only by the colossal - 280 thousand degrees Kelvin - according to A. Suchkov, the temperature in the center of Jupiter, but also by the rate of energy release. From these data, the scientist calculated total time, during which, starting from the moment of the birth of Jupiter, there is a thermonuclear reaction. It turned out that it should have been going on for a thousand billion years! Or, in other words, a hundred times longer than the age of Jupiter and other planets in the solar system. This means that Jupiter is warming up.

A. Suchkov is not alone in his assumptions. The hypothesis that Jupiter is not a planet, but a forming star was also put forward by another Soviet scientist - R. Salimzibarov, an employee of the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the Yakutsk Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moreover, his hypothesis explains how a star could have formed among the planets of one system.

It is known that the Sun every second sends into space a huge amount of not only energy, but also matter. In the form of a stream of electrons and protons - the so-called solar wind - it is scattered throughout the solar system. Where do these energy-carrying particles go? According to R. Salimzibarov's hypothesis, a significant part of them are captured by the giant Jupiter. At the same time, firstly, its mass increases - a necessary condition to become a "full-fledged" star. And secondly, by capturing these particles, Jupiter ... increases its energy. So it turns out that the Sun itself helps its "competitor" to turn into a young star.

According to this hypothesis, in 3 billion years the mass of Jupiter will equal the mass of the Sun. And then another cosmic cataclysm will occur: the solar system, where our present star has occupied a dominant position for billions of years, will turn into a double system "Sun - Jupiter".

Now it is difficult to imagine what consequences the appearance of the second star will lead to. But there is no doubt that significant changes will occur in the structure of the solar system. First of all, the trajectories of the planets will be violated. It is quite possible that Venus and the Earth in different periods of time will gravitate to the Sun, their former "patron", then to Jupiter, the newly appeared star. Is Mars Jupiter's closest neighbor? Will he remain at least partially under the influence of the Sun? Or will it be completely taken over by a young star?

It may be that the new system will be double: there are so-called double stars in the Universe, revolving around a common (conditional) center of mass. And cosmic particles, gravitating towards them, have two poles of attraction. Finally, it is not excluded that two independent stellar systems are formed instead of the existing one. How then will the planets and other celestial bodies of the solar system be redistributed between them? There are no answers to these questions yet. How do the assumptions themselves await confirmation: is Jupiter really a future star? "

It must be recognized that the solar system is a solar-Jupiter binary star system. "Born" by a star "star-planets" must be located in the "planetary system" according to the increase in masses. This arrangement of "star-planets" is influenced by the strength of magnetic polarity, depending on the masses of the "star-planets". The "star-planets" "born" by the Sun were arranged in the order of increasing their masses - Mercury, Venus, Earth and, apparently, the legendary Phaethon. In another planetary system - the "planets" were also arranged in the order of increasing their masses - Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. During the capture of the solar system - another planetary system of the dead star, there was, according to the words of the "Sumerians", "Heavenly battle". The "heavenly battle" of the two planetary systems created a new united planetary system, which re-formed the arrangement of the "star-planets" in this union. It should also be noted that the united planetary star system has a relative revolution around the common Center of Mass, which manifests itself in the Solar precession. If there is a regularity of the emergence of life on the "star-planets", then Mars, apparently, fully corresponded to these conditions. Therefore, traces of life must be looked for on Mars, which suffered a catastrophe as a result of the "Heavenly Battle", the solar system with a different planetary system.

Note. There is a similarity between the Sun and the young star Jupiter. “The rotation of the Sun is judged by the regular movement of long-lived irregularities on its surface. This ball of gas does not rotate as a single solid body: a point on the equator of the Sun completes a revolution in 25 days, and closer to the poles the period of rotation is about 35 days. Deeper, the angular velocity of the Sun also changes, but how exactly, with full certainty is still unknown. " Jupiter also rotates in zones - the closer to the poles, the slower the rotation. At the equator, the rotation period is 9 hours 50 minutes, and at mid-latitudes it is several minutes longer. The eleven-year cycle of the Sun's magnetic activity, noted by Chizhevsky, is apparently associated with the revolution of the Sun and Jupiter around a common Center of Mass. If Jupiter revolves around a common CM with a period of 12 years, then the Sun precesses around a common CM with a period of 11 years.

Are Saturn, Neptune and Uranus the aliens from the "creation myth" of the Ancient Sumerians?

Note. In ancient Sumerian legends, the planet Nibiru is called "watery", and, as far as we know, this circumstance is favorable for the primary development of life. When describing Nibiru, epithets are used - "luminous", "shiny", "with a shining crown" - and this seems to indicate the existence of internal sources of heat in it, which gives reason to assume the presence of a temperate climate, even when it is far from the sun's rays.

Consider some of the facts mentioned in the "myth of the creation of Enuma elish." Nibiru in Sumerian means - "she who crosses the sky." Apparently, the characteristic of Nibiru about the crossing of the sky should indicate its orbit, passing through the middle of the solar system. Let's look at the arrangement of the planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Uranus. From here we see that Jupiter's orbit is in the middle position and indeed crosses the "sky". The next fact, according to the sages of the Ancient Sumerians, the period of Nibiru's revolution around the Sun is 3600 Earth years. Jupiter's orbital period is 12 Earth years. A small digression is needed here. The so-called Annunaki, which literally means “those who descended from heaven to earth”, the compilers of the Ancient Sumerian cosmogony known as “the creation myth of Enuma elish”, had their ancestral home Arctida, located in the North Pole region. They were the ones who considered their homeland "heavenly". The year in Arctida was counted from sunrise to sunset and was 10 months 30 days each, which was 5 months of an upward spiral and 5 months of a downward spiral of the Sun's movement, it is natural that they used this calendar, at the early stage of colonization, in the territory of the Ancient Sumerians. They counted the year from the rising of the sun to its setting, that is, the day in the lower latitudes they equated with the year. Hence the bewilderment among today's historians about the life and rule of the Sumerian dynasties, where the life of individuals lasted several tens of thousands of years. A historical example demonstrating our assumption is the chronological list of the Sumerian kings. Eight kings of the pre-Flood dynasty ruled 241,200 years, which, according to the normal biological norms of the duration of human life, is implausible, since the average time of the reign of one king should have been 30,100 years. This chronology can reflect real facts, only under our assumption, when the year in the chronology of the pre-Flood reign is equal to 24 hours - one day. Let's make calculations by dividing 30100 years of the reign of one king into 365 days - years, we get a more plausible result, about 82 modern years.

From here, you can calculate the time of Jupiter's revolution - we multiply 12 years by 10 months, we get 120 and multiply by 30, in total 3600 Sumerian years. This is the time of the circulation of Nibiru. Therefore, we can identify Nibiru with the young star Jupiter. The capture of the planetary system of a dead star caused a catastrophe in the united planetary system. The star-planet that belonged to the Phaethon-Tiamat solar system has turned into the young Star Jupiter. The reasons and consequences of this phenomenon will be discussed later.

Retreat. An example of the birth of stars in the center of galaxies is the latest astronomical discoveries:

“American scientists using the Hubble Telescope discovered an object in the Andromeda galaxy, which they called“ mysterious ”- a strange ring of stars surrounding the central black hole of the galaxy. It includes about 400 very hot and bright blue stars, orbiting like a planetary system, extremely close to the central black hole of the Galaxy. It is they who emit the bright glow, discovered by the Hubble Telescope a decade ago and still puzzling astronomers. Such a discovery is striking and fundamentally contradicts modern physical concepts - the gravitational field near a black hole is such that there can be no question of the formation of stars near it. According to New Scientist, the stars form a very flat disk about 1 light year across. They are surrounded by an elliptical disk of older red stars, about 5 light years across. Both discs are located in the same plane, which may indicate their relationship with each other, but no one in the scientific world can say anything definite about the nature of this highly mysterious formation. "

“Dozens of new stars are being born less than a light-year from the largest black hole in the Milky Way. The stars were discovered by British astronomers from the University of Leicester.

This is the most aggressive environment in our galaxy. Such an unfortunate place of birth can only be compared with a maternity hospital built on the slope of an erupting volcano. The findings will be published in the Monthli Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. They contradict the conclusions of theorists that massive stars are forming elsewhere in the galaxy and are moving towards black holes. "

About space as a structured combination of cells of Time-Energy - “Ether” let us give the floor to the famous physicist Nikola Tesla: “You are mistaken, Mr. Einstein - the ether exists! There is a lot of talk now about Einstein's theory. This young man proves that there is no ether, and many agree with him. But, in my opinion, this is a mistake. Opponents of the ether, as evidence, refer to the experiments, Michelson-Morley, who tried to detect the movement of the Earth, relative to the stationary ether. Their experiments ended in failure, but this does not mean that there is no ether. In my works, I have always relied on the existence of a mechanical ether and therefore have achieved certain success. What is ether, and why is it so difficult to detect? I thought about this question for a long time, and here are the conclusions I came to: It is known that the denser the substance, the higher the speed of propagation of waves in it. Comparing the speed of sound in air with the speed of light, I came to the conclusion that the density of the ether is several thousand times greater than the density of air. But, the ether is electrically neutral, and therefore it interacts very weakly with our material world, moreover, the density of the substance, the material world, is negligible in comparison with the density of the ether. It is not the ether that is ethereal - this is our material world, it is ethereal for the ether. Despite the weak interaction, we still feel the presence of the ether. An example of such an interaction is manifested in gravity, as well as with a sharp acceleration or deceleration. I think that stars, planets and our entire world arose from the ether, when, for whatever reasons, a part of it became less dense. This can be compared to the formation of air bubbles in water, although such a comparison is very approximate. Compressing our world from all sides, the ether tries to return to its original state, and the internal electric charge in the substance of the material world prevents this. Over time, having lost its internal electrical charge, our world will be compressed by ether and will itself turn into ether. He went off the air - he will go on air. Each material body, be it the Sun or the smallest particle, is an area of ​​reduced pressure in the ether. Therefore, around material bodies, the ether cannot remain in a motionless state. Based on this, one can explain why the Michelson-Morley experiment ended unsuccessfully. To understand this, let's transfer the experiment to the aquatic environment. Imagine that your boat is spinning in a huge whirlpool. Try to detect the movement of water in relation to the boat. You will not find any movement, as the speed of the boat will be equal to the speed of the water. Replacing the boat with the Earth in your imagination, and the whirlpool with an ethereal tornado that revolves around the Sun, you will understand why the Michelson-Morley experiment ended unsuccessfully. In my research, I always adhere to the principle that all phenomena in nature, in whatever physical environment they occur, always manifest themselves in the same way. There are waves in the water, in the air ... and radio waves and light are waves in the air. Einstein's assertion that there is no ether is erroneous. It is difficult to imagine that there are radio waves, but there is no ether - the physical medium that carries these waves. Einstein, tries to explain the movement of light, in the absence of ether, by Planck's quantum hypothesis. I wonder how Einstein, without the existence of ether, can explain ball lightning? Einstein says - there is no ether, but he himself actually proves its existence ”. From a manuscript that supposedly belonged to the brilliant Serbian and American physicist, engineer, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering, Nikola Tesla. (Serbian by nationality. Born and raised in Austria-Hungary, in subsequent years he worked in France and the USA .. In 1891 he received American citizenship).

The scientific hypothesis of I.O. Yarkovsky. Yarkovsky puts forward the idea that matter is generated in the center of cosmic bodies from ether.

Of the kinetic hypotheses of gravitation, put forward at the end of the 19th century, the hypothesis of the Russian engineer I.O. consisting, like a gas, of individual particles moving randomly. All bodies are permeable to ether, porous and capable of absorbing ether, as if absorbing it into themselves. At the same time, inside the bodies, in the intervals between the molecules that make up the body, the ether should be denser, just as, according to I.O. Yarkovsky, any gas should be denser inside porous bodies. With some sufficiently large compaction (and it is greatest in the center of the body), the ether should turn into ordinary matter, thus freeing up space inside the bodies for new portions of ether moving from the surface of the body to the center. The body, as it were, processes the ether within itself into weighty matter and continuously grows at the same time. Each physical body, according to Yarkovsky, constantly absorbs particles of ether, which inside it combine into chemical elements, thereby increasing the mass of the body - thus, stars and planets grow. The stream of ether, going from the world space to the center of the celestial body, should produce pressure on all bodies that fall on the path of this flow. This pressure is directed towards the center of the body absorbing the ether; it manifests itself as the attraction of bodies to each other. The force of the ether pressure should depend on the distance to the central body and be proportional to the number of atoms contained in the body under pressure, i.e. proportional to the mass of this body.

Yarkovsky's hypothesis is far from perfect, but his idea of ​​the transformation of a gravitational medium absorbed by bodies into another form of matter existence is of undoubted interest; the experiment performed by Yarkovsky in 1887 is also of undoubted interest.In the course of this experiment, according to the author, periodic daily fluctuations in the acceleration of the force were discovered gravity, as well as the noticeable influence of the total solar eclipse on August 7 (19), 1887 on the readings of his instrument.

It is curious that it was Yarkovsky's ideas that found their devotees. In 1933, the German geophysicist Otto Christoph Hilbenger expressed the idea of ​​the expansion of the Earth. He suggested that a few billion years ago the globe had half the diameter, so that the continents completely covered the surface of the Earth, closing in on their borders. This idea was developed by the Hungarian geophysicist L. Edied, the American geologist B. Hazen and others. The geological consequences of this hypothesis are considered - an increase in the mass of planets, an increase in their volume, an increase in gravity on the surface, the expansion of continents (to explain the youth of the oceanic crust and the mutual similarity of continental boundaries), and so on.

Astronomical observations and studies of outer space in recent years, using the most modern technology, confirm the possibility of generating matter from the "ether" of space, both by stars and by planets.

"The giant hydrogen" superbubble "(" Superbubble "), almost 10 thousand light-years above the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, was discovered using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope - GBT, owned by the American National Science society (National Science Foundation - NSF). The GBT telescope, commissioned in 2000, is considered the largest fully directional radio telescope in the world, with a total antenna size of 8,000 square meters. Located in a special conservation valley in West Virginia, where radio emission from neighboring regions is blocked by a natural mountain barrier, and all radio sources within the valley are strictly controlled by the state, GBT can demonstrate without interference its unique sensitivity necessary for observing faint radio-emitting objects in the distant Universe.

The newly discovered "superbubble" is located at a distance of almost 23 thousand light years from Earth. Its location was revealed by combining many images obtained in the 21-centimeter radio emission of neutral hydrogen, and adding to the resulting image images of ionized hydrogen in the same area from the optical telescope of the University of Wisconsin, which is located at the summit of Kitt Peak in Arizona ( the so-called Wisconsin H-alpha cartographer - WHAM; H-alpha is one of the emission lines of ionized hydrogen (in the red region of the optical range) used to detect it). Ionized hydrogen, apparently, fills the inner space of the "superbubble", the walls of which are already "built" of neutral hydrogen.

“This giant gas bubble contains a million times more mass than our Sun, and the energy of its ejection is equal to about a hundred supernova explosions,” explains Yuri Pidoprygora of the American National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and State University Ohio University, who, along with colleagues Jay Lockman of the National Radio Astronomical Observatory and Joseph Shields of Ohio State University, presented the results of this study at the 207th meeting of the American Astronomical Society - AAS), held in the US capital Washington.

“Gas ejections from the galactic plane have been observed many times, but this 'superbubble' is unusually large,” says Lockman. "An eruption that was able to set in motion such a large mass must have had extraordinary power." Scientists suggest that the gas could be “blown out” by the strong stellar winds of one of the star clusters (among other things, they are responsible for the saturation of the Galaxy with heavy elements produced only inside the stars).

Theoretical models show that young stars are indeed capable of providing an emission comparable in energy to the observed phenomenon. According to these models, the probable age of the "superbubble" should be on the order of 10-30 million years.

Obviously, we can say that the terrestrial planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Phaethon-Tiamat, born in the solar system, due to their low mass, i.e. "Minority", not all could have natural satellite planets. But the "adult" giant planets born in a different planetary system, as we see, have many natural satellite planets. A certain pattern can be traced in this, the Sun, having a huge mass, gives birth to star-planets, its natural satellites, in turn, giant planets give birth to their natural planetary satellites. But let us turn to the hypothetical planet Phaethon, planet No. 5, according to the Sumerian cosmogony "Foremother Tiamat, who gave birth to everything." Phaethon-Tiamat was an "adult" star-planet born by the Sun - "Apsu the first-born, all-benefactor." Phaethon-Tiamat, as an "adult" star-planet, had its own "children" of satellite planets. In the Sumerian cosmogony, it is mentioned that Tiamat had eleven satellite planets, and the largest of them, Kingu, increased so much that it began to acquire the characteristics of a "heavenly deity", i.e. independent planet. We already know that, according to the Titius-Bode rule, between the orbits of the planet Mars and the young star Jupiter at a distance of 2.8 AU. the planet was supposed to be from the sun. But, unfortunately, an asteroid belt was discovered in its supposed orbit. Small planets or asteroids, of which more than 3000 are currently known, have an irregular shape, clearly of a debris nature. Judging by the fact that many small asteroids have been discovered, it can be assumed that meteorites (remnants of bodies that fell to the Earth) are fragments of those asteroids. There are three types of meteorites: stone, iron and iron-stone. According to the content of radioactive elements, the approximate age was determined - in the limit of 4.5 billion years (it is noteworthy that it coincides with the approximate age of the continental rocks of the Earth). The structure of some meteorites indicates that they were exposed to high temperatures and pressures and, therefore, could exist in the bowels of the collapsed planet. A significantly smaller number of minerals were found in the composition of meteorites than in terrestrial rocks. However, many minerals that make up meteorites give us the right to assert that all meteorites are members of the solar system. Let's consider another type of cosmic bodies, which we cannot do without in the future - these are comets. Their origin does not have a clear scientific definition, the comet's nucleus, apparently, consists of a mixture of dust particles, solid pieces of matter and frozen gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane. Being in space far from the Sun, comets appear as very faint, blurry bright spots.

However, back to Phaeton - Tiamat. So already more than a hundred years ago, it was suggested that asteroids are fragments of the planet. The planet Phaeton existed before, just behind Mars, but for some reason it collapsed. They (asteroids) could have formed from different parts of a large and heterogeneous planet as a result of its destruction. Gases, vapors and small particles frozen in outer space after destruction could become comet nuclei, and debris of higher density - asteroids, which, as observations show, have a debris shape. And so, if the planet Phaeton-Tiamat existed, what was it like. Based on the above material, it is possible to draw up a tentative description of a hypothetical planet. Being the very first-born star-planet of the solar system, it had to be a giant star-planet by its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Having the characteristics of the chemical composition of the star-planets of the solar system, the planet's surface was covered with a huge ice shell, since the temperature on its surface was within minus 130-150 degrees C. We can assume that Phaeton-Tiamat was similar to the giant planets Saturn, Neptune or Uranus. And since Phaethon-Tiamat was a giant star-planet, it naturally had similar planets satellites (as Uranus currently has 14 satellite planets), according to the Sumerian cosmogony, Phaeton-Tiamat numbered 11, and one of them Kingu was very big. Further, based on logical conclusions, we can imagine the events that developed after the capture of another planetary system by the solar system, and compare with the cosmogony of the Ancient Sumerians. The events written in the "myth of creation" according to the testimony of "Enuma elish" were called the "Heavenly battle". The closer the aliens approached the solar system, the more inevitable their collision with Phaethon-Tiamat became, the result of which was the "Heavenly Battle". As a result, the old star-planet Phaethon-Tiamat threw off the crust and gave birth to the young star Jupiter. The star-planetary crust crumbled into small fragments, turning into an asteroid belt; a young inner star was pushed into a new orbit and became Today's Jupiter. The Kingu satellite, which acquired the signs of a planet, "having lost" Phaeton followed in the direction of the Sun's gravity. Could these events really be valid. Phaeton-Tiamat was a star-planet, the interior of which was a plasmoid, covered with a crustal shell of chemical elements, which corresponds to the evolution of all star-born planets by the Sun. Due to the gravitational effect of the planets of a different planetary system, the crustal shell of Phaeton-Tiamat was destroyed and turned into an asteroid belt, and the inner plasmoid itself (a young star) was pushed into a new orbit. The destruction of the cortical shell of Phaeton-Tiamat for an outside observer would be impressive, the debris scattered throughout the entire solar system, and the planets suffered accordingly from them. The nearby planets were particularly affected.

Retreat. To understand what happened in the future, it is necessary to make a statement, which for explanation and proof requires a completely different scientific work, but the mechanism of the consequences of the catastrophe cannot do without it. Bodies attract and repel. With an increase in the mass of "falling" bodies, the forces of repulsion grow faster than the forces of attraction. Massive bodies can come into full contact (collide) if they have a very high speed. The planets, having a huge mass, cannot come into full contact, but the repulsive forces can produce very significant destruction on the contacting bodies of the planets. If only the law of universal attraction reigned, then all the bodies, in the end, gathered in one place, which we do not observe. (The presence of one law of Universal Gravitation contradicts the philosophical law of the Unity of Opposites, hence the law of Universal Repulsion must also operate.) The existence of planetary systems would be impossible. Therefore, at a certain distance, the force of attraction of bodies changes to the force of repulsion and vice versa, from here the planets acquire stationary orbits. The Titius-Bode rule is based on this law. Since each planet moves in elliptical orbits, where the Sun is at one of the foci of the ellipse, it passes the point of the orbit closest to the Sun - perihelion and goes to the far point of the orbit - aphelion. The simpler the movement of the planet, namely the uniform and ideal circle, the more ideally it obeys the law of attraction and repulsion. In the system of the real motion of the planets, one has to admit the presence of variable forces acting on the planets. Therefore, the motion of the planets around the Sun is periodically affected by forces and attraction and repulsion. As the distance between the masses of bodies decreases, the repulsive forces increase, and the forces of attraction decrease, as the distance increases, the repulsive forces decrease, and the forces of attraction increase (the action of a spring is a property of space). Therefore, in order to open or compress the spring, it is necessary to impart energy (speed) to the body. As a result, the speed of the planets decreases in aphelion, and increases in perihelion, which is consistent with Kepler's second laws. And also, again, the philosophical law of the unity of opposites is fulfilled. There is a certain line between the masses of bodies in space, where, on the one hand, the forces of attraction act, and on the other, the forces of repulsion. For its transition, certain forces are needed. These forces are vortex, since any body is less dense in relation to space, which is why Cyclones and Anticyclones are formed. Hence, the forces of attraction and repulsive forces depend on the vortex funnels of the celestial bodies themselves.

At the moment it is known that the planets Mercury, Mars, Earth are covered with craters. All satellite planets, even as small as the satellites of Mars, about 20 kilometers in size (Deimos and Phobos), were covered with craters, mainly of impact (meteorite) origin. It is noteworthy that there are fewer large craters on Mars than small ones, and on the Moon, on the contrary, the surface of Mercury is dotted with small craters. These are all witnesses of the catastrophe that took place in the solar system. This explains why the Moon has more large craters than Mars. It was closer to the crash site, as it was the satellite planet of Phaeton-Tiamat. Let's go back to Luna King. Since Phaethon-Tiamat collapsed from the gravitational impact directly on Nibiru (possibly one of the alien planets), the joint system was not yet gravitationally adjusted. From here Luna Kingu followed in the direction of the Sun's gravity. The first planet under the gravitational influence of which Luna Kingu fell was the planet Mars. When the Moon approached Mars, given that the Moon's mass is approximately 10 times less than the Mars's mass, the repulsive forces increased manifold, the Moon rebounded, pushed off Mars, losing its initial speed, flew into the zone of the Earth's gravitational influence. The mass of Mars is not very significant to extinguish the speed of the Moon and put it into its orbit, but Mars, as the Moon moves away, when the forces of repulsion change to the forces of gravity, significantly slowed down the Moon. As a result of the approach of the Moon to Mars, a monstrous catastrophe befell him. The planet was scalped, millions of tons of Martian soil were thrown into outer space, the Martian ocean, the atmosphere was literally ripped off the face of the planet. The planet itself received additional speed in its rotation around its axis. Under the action of the centrifugal forces that arose, the planet was deformed, as a result of which the Martian crust in the equator region received numerous cracks, which at one time were identified with the Martian channels. Earthquakes shook the planet, numerous volcanoes appeared. If there was life on Mars, then it ceased to exist in an instant. The next planet that did not avoid meeting the Moon was Earth.

Note. The events that took place during the "Heavenly battle" of the two planetary systems could have taken place according to another option, one thing is obvious that they were accompanied by catastrophic phenomena for these systems.

There are many hypotheses about the origin of the moon, but I will cite some of them that, in my opinion, deserve attention.

Recently, a hypothesis has been put forward, according to which even the length of the day, as well as the oscillations of the earth's axis, are due to the collision of the earth in a very distant past with some giant body. Canadian professor S. Tremayne and American NASA employee L. Downes believe that only a few million years after the formation of the Earth, i.e. about 4.6 billion years ago, another planet the size of Mars crashed into it. As a result of this collision, our planet began to rotate three times faster (the rotation speed at the equator now exceeds one and a half thousand kilometers per hour), and the Moon was later formed from the fragments knocked out during the collision. At the same time, the day decreased from 72 to 24 hours, and the Earth's axis of rotation acquired oscillations that have not calmed down to this day. Further, the hypothesis of the German astronomer Gerstenkorn about the capture of the Moon by the Earth. The fact is that according to one of the models of celestial mechanics in the distant past, the Earth did not have its natural satellite. This theory was proposed by the astronomer Gerstenkorn, substantiating the mathematical conclusion that the Moon was a separate planet, but due to the peculiarities of its orbit, it was captured by the Earth about 12 thousand years ago. This capture was accompanied by gigantic gravitational disturbances that generated huge tidal waves (up to several kilometers high) and intensified volcanic activity on Earth. Gerstenkorn is not alone in his opinion. According to the American astronomer G. Urey, the moon is a kind of anomaly in the solar system. According to him, the Moon, which was a planet in the past, became a satellite as a result of a cosmic catastrophe. A huge cosmic body passed by her, which knocked the moon out of orbit. She lost the speed of movement and, having fallen into the Earth's sphere of gravity, was, in the end, in the words of G. Yuri "caught" by the Earth. Paleontologist Howard Baker, who worked at the beginning of the twentieth century, in accordance with the idea of ​​the English astronomer George Darwin, believed that tidal forces once pulled out the earth's crust in a section of the Pacific basin, and the Moon was formed from it. The remaining, protocontinent, broke apart, pieces parted to the sides, and the waters of the formed oceans were captured by the Earth, with the destruction of a hypothetical planet, now represented by asteroids.

What actually happened when the Earth met the Moon? A catastrophic picture of what happened is formed in the presence of numerous facts indicating this. The moon, which had lost a significant part of its speed as a result of the encounter with Mars, approached the Earth. If, probably, the Moon passed in close proximity to Mars, and the disaster on Mars confirms this, then the meeting with the Earth took place almost head-on. The repulsive forces of the planets reached enormous values, respectively, the Moon received large marks, since it had a mass 81 times less than the mass of the Earth. On this occasion, the original hypothesis of the engineer-geodesist T. Masenko was published in the journal "Tekhnika-youth" No. 1 for 1978. If we consider the Moon, it seems that in their outlines the lunar "seas" are very similar to the terrestrial continents. The raised areas of the Earth correspond to large depressions on the Moon, i.e. there is a kind of interplanetary connection "convex-concavity". Moreover, as Masenko writes, the relationship is inverse not only for the levels of the areas being compared (up-down), but also for their location: what is east longitude on Earth, west longitude on the Moon, and vice versa. So, the main, western group of lunar "seas" (Ocean of Storms and others) are similar in configuration to Asia, the Sea of ​​Rains resemble Europe, and the Sea of ​​Clouds is the southern extremity of Africa. The eastern group of lunar "seas" (Clarity, Tranquility) seems to be analogous to the North and South America, respectively. True, the author of this hypothesis was embarrassed by some absurdities: the lunar "Europe" is located too close to the "Americans" and cleanly merges with them, and the Sea of ​​Cold (located in the region of the lunar North Pole) and the Sea of ​​Crises (located east of the lunar "Americans") do not have modern terrestrial analogs. This hypothesis has something in common with the hypotheses of the existence in the distant past of such hypothetical lands as Arctida, Pacifida, Mu, etc. In connection with the above, T. Masenko makes the following conclusions: the surface of the Moon is a mirror, reduced reflection of the surface of the ancient Earth. As for the official explanations for the origin of the lunar "seas", they are apparently formed by the melting of the lunar crust and the outpouring of lava onto the surface. Based on this, it can be assumed that the energy released by the repulsive forces was so great that it left an imprint of the face of the Earth on the surface of the Moon, which has survived to our time (due to the absence of active volcanic activity on the Moon, atmosphere, and so on). What is also interesting, on the far side of the Moon, we do not observe lunar "seas" of such size. Since the earth's continents rise 4-5 kilometers above the ocean floor, the repulsive force generated energy that crushed the lunar crust, melted it and caused the outpouring of lava. The repulsive forces extinguished the speed of the Moon, and pushed it away from the Earth, but the Moon could not leave it due to the forces of attraction of the Earth itself. The moon was captured by the earth's gravity, having landed in the Earth's orbit, it became its satellite, forming a binary system. It can also be assumed that the Moon received a significant "imprint" of the face of the Earth only due to the fact that the Moon is an ice formation covered with a thin crust of selicates.

About the Earth and the Moon.

Let us consider the mechanism of action causing periodic catastrophes of the double Earth-Moon system.

Note. It should be noted that the considered mechanism of action takes into account the relativity of motion.

The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, forming a double system with the Earth. It is interesting that the trajectories of artificial satellites of the Moon showed that the center of mass of the Moon is displaced towards the Earth in relation to its geometric center by 2-3 kilometers, and not by ten meters, as required by the balance today. Such a distortion of the Moon's figure was close to equilibrium, according to official science, when the Moon would be at a distance of 5-6 times closer to the Earth than it is now. Such closeness, at the moment, science has no explanation. The Earth and the Moon are a binary system that has a common center of mass, which appears to be in the body of the Earth itself. Astronomical observations have shown that the Moon does not revolve around the center of the Earth, but around a point that is 4700 km from the center of the Earth. Around this point, the center of mass of the Earth also moves in a "circle". The moon revolves around a common center, perhaps this is the reason for the constant displacement of its center of mass and the fact that it is turned to the Earth on one side. The Earth also revolves around a common center of mass, which is not the same as its center, which we observe as precessional revolution. Naturally, its individual center of mass periodically approaches the common center of mass, then moves away (forces of attraction and repulsion). This periodicity of movement of the center of mass of the Earth causes a periodic change in the axis of inclination to the opposite (the principle of the pendulum - Unstable Equilibrium). The dialectic of the Double Earth-Moon system is the dialectic of dualism. It must be viewed from the standpoint of Object-subject and Subject-object.

Since the Earth-Moon Binary System is not an evolutionary system, but a revolutionary one, the dialectic of the dual system's dualism has one Revolutionary; evolutionary direction. In one case, the Earth acts as an Object, and the Moon as a subject, in the other case, the Earth acts as a Subject, and the Moon as an Object. Therefore, in one and the other case, there is a Revolutionary; evolutionary Action; interaction.

Consider interactions. 1). The Center of Mass of the Earth over a long period of time approaches the Common Center of Mass of the Binary Earth-Moon system. The Center of Mass of the Moon for a long period of time moves away from the General Center of Mass of the Binary Earth-Moon system. 2). The Center of Mass of the Moon over a long period of time approaches the Common Center of Mass of the Binary Earth-Moon system. The Center of Mass of the Earth moves away for a long period of time from the Common Center of Mass of the Binary Earth-Moon system. Consider Actions. 1) Instantly the tilt angle of the Earth's axis changes to the opposite direction. The moon makes instant leaps in space, moving away from the Common Center of Mass, the Binary Earth-Moon system. The Common Center of Mass of the Binary Earth-Moon system is instantly displaced in the direction of the Center of Mass of the Moon. 2). The moon makes instant leaps in space, approaching the Common Center of Mass, the Earth-Moon Binary System. Instantly the tilt angle of the Earth's axis changes to the opposite direction. Common Center of Mass of the Earth Binary System; the Moon is instantly displaced towards the Center of Mass of the Earth. Further, all this is periodically repeated. (Founding Philosophy DDAP).

We will discuss this in more detail in a separate chapter. And now let's return to the Martian ocean, “ripped off” by repulsive or gravitational forces into outer space, the ocean, possibly having speed, went to the periphery of the united system, turning into comets, and possibly was captured by one of the planets and became a satellite planet. So the satellite planet of Saturn - Mimas, is a "ball" with a diameter of 390 kilometers and a mass of 3 10 19 degrees of kg. With the density of water ice. And now, with regard to the events that took place during the contact of the Earth with the Moon. The following events took place on Earth. The energy generated by the repulsive forces caused the fires. The rotation has either increased or slowed down. With an increase in rotation, centrifugal forces should have arisen, which deform the planet. The earth should be flattened at the poles, at the equator there were ruptures of the earth's crust, lava poured into the cracks that appeared, and numerous volcanoes arose. The primary continent or continents would split apart. Huge masses of volcanic ash and water vapor were thrown into the atmosphere. Monstrous earthquakes shook the planet, huge waves of the primary ocean swept across the Earth, sweeping away everything and everyone with their might. Something similar would happen if the Earth's rotation slowed down. The space catastrophe that took place significantly changed the appearance of the Earth, disrupting the natural, evolutionary processes, which later affected its natural development. The ancient catastrophe left many mysteries, which, apparently, cannot be fully clarified. One of the mysteries is the cosmogony of the Ancient Sumerians, from where they know the details of the formation of the solar system. If they knew at that ancient time the reliable number of planets and even the presence of some satellites, then we have no right to ignore their scientific achievements in cosmogony, since we have only recently surpassed them in this. We still have to prove the correctness of the Sumerian cosmogony or refute it, but now we have no right to reject it.


Concept of the Universe. Universe and human life.

Human exploration of the Universe.

1. Universe.

Universe is a boundless outer space with celestial bodies. Space has long attracted the attention of people, fascinates them with its beauty and mystery. Unable to go beyond the Earth, people inhabited space with diverse mythical creatures. The science of the Universe was gradually formed - astronomy.

Observations are carried out at special scientific stations - observatories. they are equipped with telescopes, cameras, radars, spectrum analyzers and other astronomical instruments.

2. Exploration of the Universe by man.

Astronomical observations from the Earth. Scientists take pictures of the starry sky and analyze them. Powerful radars listen to outer space using different signals.

Launch of space satellites. The first space satellite was launched v space in 1957 Satellites are equipped with instruments for studying the Earth and space.

Human flight into space. The first flight into space was carried out by a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Gagarin.

3. Influence of the Universe on the development of life on Earth.

Our planet was formed from cosmic dust about 4.5 billion years ago. Space material continues to fall to Earth in the form of meteorites even now. Interrupting at high speed into the atmosphere, most of them burn up (shooting "stars"). During the year, at least a thousand meteorites fall to the Earth, the mass of which varies from several grams to several kilograms.

Cosmic radiation and ultraviolet radiation from the Sun contributed to the processes of biochemical evolution on our planet.

The formation of the ozone layer protects modern living organisms from the destructive effects of cosmic rays.

Sunlight through photosynthesis provides energy and food to all living organisms on the planet.

4. The place of man in the universe.

Man as an intelligent creature masters and changes the face of the planet. The human mind created technologies that made it possible to go beyond the Earth and begin mastering the cosmos. A man landed on the moon, space probes reached Mars.

Humanity wants to find signs of life and intelligence on other planets. There are scientists who believe that modern people are the descendants of aliens who made an emergency landing on our planet. In several places on Earth, drawings have been found made in the era of primitive people. In these pictures, scientists see people in space suits. The elders of some tribes paint a starry sky that can only be seen from space.

Among several theories about the origin of life on Earth, there is also the theory of the transfer of life from space. In some meteorites, amino acids are found (amino acids form proteins, and life on our planet is of a protein nature).

1. Star worlds - galaxies. Stars, constellations

Everything terrestrial planets have a relatively small size, considerable density and consist mainly of solids.

Giants of the planets are large in size, low in density and consist mainly of gases. The mass of the giant planets is 98% of the total mass of the planets in the solar system.

In relation to the Sun, the planets are arranged in this order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

These planets are named after the Roman gods: Mercury - the god of trade; Venus is the goddess of love and beauty; Mars is the god of war; Jupiter is the god of thunder; Saturn is the god of earth and fertility; Uranus is the god of the sky; Neptune is the god of the sea and shipping; Pluto is the god of the underworld of the dead.

On Mercury, the temperature rises to 420 ° C during the day and drops to -180 ° C at night.

Venus is hot both day and night (up to 500 ° C), its atmosphere is almost entirely carbon dioxide. The Earth is located at such a distance from the Sun that most of the water is in a liquid state, which made it possible for life to arise on our planet. The Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen.

On Mars, the temperature regime is similar to that of the Earth, but the atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide. At low temperatures in winter, carbon dioxide turns into dry ice.

Jupiter is 13 times larger and 318 times heavier than Earth. Its atmosphere is thick, opaque and looks like stripes of different colors. Beneath the atmosphere is an ocean of rarefied gases.

Stars- red-hot celestial bodies that emit light. They are so far from the Earth that we see them as bright specks. With the naked eye, in the starry sky, you can count about 3000 vision, with the help of a telescope - ten times more.

Constellation- groups of nearby stars. Ancient astronomers mentally connected the stars with lines and received certain shapes.

In the sky of the northern hemisphere, the ancient Greeks identified 12 zodiac constellations: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. The ancients believed that each earthly month is associated in a certain way with one of the constellations.

Comets- celestial bodies with luminous tails, which over time change their position in the sky and the direction of movement.

The body of a comet consists of a solid core, frozen gases with solid dust, ranging in size from one to ten kilometers. As it approaches the Sun, the comet's gases begin to evaporate. This is how comets develop a glowing gas tail. The most famous is Halley's comet (it was discovered in the 17th century by the English astronomer Halley), which appears near the Earth with an approximate interval of 76 years. She last approached Earth in 1986.

Meteora- these are solid remnants of cosmic bodies that fall with great speed through the Earth's atmosphere. In doing so, they burn out, leaving a bright light.

Fireballs- bright giant meteors weighing from 100 g to several tons. their fast flight is accompanied by loud noise, a scattering of sparks, and the smell of burning.

Meteorites- burnt stone or iron bodies that fell to Earth from interplanetary space without collapsing in the atmosphere.

Asteroids- these are "baby" planets from 0.7 to 1 km in diameter.

2. Determination of the sides of the horizon for the help of sight.

It is easy to find the Pole Star behind the constellation Ursa Major. If you face her, then there will be north in front, south behind, east on right, west on left.

3. Galaxies.

Spiral (consist of a core and several spiral arms)

Wrong (asymmetrical structure)

Galaxies- these are giant stellar systems (up to hundreds of billions of vision). Our Galaxy is called the Milky Way.

Elliptical (the appearance of their circles or ellipses, the brightness decreases smoothly from the center to the edge)

The sun. Solar system. The movement of planets around the sun. The sun is the source of light and heat on Earth.

The sun is the closest star.

The sun is an incandescent gas ball located at a distance of 150 million km from the Earth. The sun has a complex structure. The outer layer is a three-shell atmosphere. Photosphere- the lowest and thickest layer of the solar atmosphere, approximately 300 km thick. The next shell is chromosphere, thickness of 12-15 thousand km.

Outer shell - sun crown silvery-white, the height of which is up to several solar radii. It has no clear outline and changes shape over time. Corona matter constantly flows into interplanetary space, forming the so-called solar wind, which consists of protons (Hydrogen nuclei) and helium atoms.

The radius of the Sun is 700 thousand.

km, weight - 2 | 1030 kg The chemical composition of the Sun includes 72 chemical element... Most of all is Hydrogen, followed by Helium (these two elements make up 98% of the mass of the Sun).

The sun has existed in space for about 5 billion years and, according to astronomers, it will exist for as long. The energy of the Sun is released as a result of thermonuclear reactions.

The surface of the Sun shines unevenly. Areas with increased brightness are called torches, and with reduced - spots. their the emergence and development is called solar activity. V different years solar activity is not the same and has a cyclical nature (with a period from 7.5 to 16 years, on average - in 11.1 years).

Often appear above the sun's surface outbreaks- unexpected bursts of energy that reach the Earth in a few hours. Solar flares are accompanied magnetic storms, as a result of which strong chaotic electric currents arise in the conductors, which disrupt the operation of electrical networks and devices. Earthquakes can occur in seismically active zones.

In the years of increased solar activity, the growth in trees increases. In the same periods, karakurt, locust, fleas reproduce more actively. It was found that in the years of high solar activity not only epidemics (cholera, dysentery, diphtheria), but also pandemics (influenza, plague) occur.

In humans, the nervous and cardiovascular systems are the most vulnerable to changes in solar activity. Even in healthy people, motor reactions and perception of time change, attention is dulled, sleep worsens, which affects professional activity. The number of leukocytes decreases and immunity decreases, which increases the body's tendency to infectious diseases.

Solar system.

The sun, large and small planets, comets and other celestial bodies that revolve around the sun, make up Solar system.

One revolution of the planet around the Sun is called year. The farther a planet is from the Sun, the longer is its revolution and the longer is the year on this planet (see table).

Although all planets revolve around the Sun at different speeds, they move in the same direction. Once every 84 years, all the planets are on the same line. This moment is called parade of planets.

8. Which celestial body is not a planet? A. Earth. B. Moon. V. Venus.

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History of astronomy

"Discoveries in Astronomy" - Antonia Mori (1866-1952) At Harvard 1888-1891. Harvard Classification Ann Cannon (1863-1941) - (O, B, A, F, G, K; O1-10, B1-10, ...). Stars are balls of gas in equilibrium. Robert Mayer - 1842 - The Law of Conservation of Energy. 1912. Harvard classification by William Fleming (1857-1911) (Originally 16 grades - A, B, C,…, Q).

"Systems of the world" - Geocentric system of the world. The movement of distant celestial bodies. Galileo Galilei. Rejection of geocentrism. Substantiation of geocentrism. Copernicus. Planet.

Achievements of ancient astronomy. Ptolemy's system. Copernicus' teachings. Development of heliocentrism. Geocentric system. Nicolaus Copernicus. Isaac Newton. On the rotations of the celestial spheres.

"System of the world" - The picture shows a celestial globe in 1584. Like many other peoples, other Greeks imagined the Earth as flat. Ulugbekblin's quadrant slab with degree divisions. Astronomer's study of the early 16th century. The importance of Copernicus' work can hardly be overestimated. Ideas about the world in the Middle Ages. Ideas about the world of the peoples of Mesopotamia.

"History of the Development of Astronomy" - White, Solution to the Mystery of Stonehenge, 1984. History of Astronomy Summary. During field work, it was required to take into account the onset of different seasons of the year. History of Astronomy Stonehenge II. It became possible to clarify the lunar calendar, which created difficulties in chronology. Heel stone Height ~ 5 m Weight ~ 35 t. For both time and angles (Ptolemy is a smaller division.

"Heliocentric System" - Ancient India. Copernicus' heliocentric system. Galileo's discoveries. The geocentric system of the world. Ancient Greece... Planets orbiting the Sun. The heliocentric system of the world. The first ideas of people about the Universe. Proof of the heliocentric system of the world. Scientific explanation of the heliocentric system of the world.

"History of Astronomy" - Ecliptic. Simple eccentricity hypothesis. Angle bisection scheme. The Pythagoreans were mesmerized by the world of numbers. History of Astronomy Hellenistic Period. History of Astronomy Geocentric system of the world of Ptolemy. Errors in the hypothesis of simple eccentricity. Ptolemy - Scheme of "angle bisection". “Pythagoreans” Regular polyhedra.

There are 13 presentations in the topic "History of Astronomy"

Planets are large celestial bodies.

All the terrestrial planets are relatively small in size, of significant density and consist mainly of solids.

The giant planets are large, low in density and consist mainly of gases. The mass of the giant planets is 98% of the total mass of the planets of the solar system.
The planets are located in relation to the Sun next order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
These planets are named after the Roman gods: Mercury - the god of trade; Venus is the goddess of love and beauty; Mars is the god of war; Jupiter is the god of thunder; Saturn is the god of earth and fertility; Uranus is the god of the sky; Neptune is the god of the sea and shipping; Pluto is the god of the underworld of the dead.
On Mercury, the daytime temperature rises to 420 ° C, and at night it drops to -180 ° C. On Venus, it is hot both day and night (up to 500 ° C), its atmosphere is almost entirely carbon dioxide. The Earth is located at such a distance from the Sun that most of the water is in a liquid state, which allowed the emergence of life on our planet. The Earth's atmosphere contains oxygen.
On Mars, the temperature regime is similar to that of the Earth, but the atmosphere is dominated by carbon dioxide. At low temperatures in winter, carbon dioxide turns into dry ice.
Jupiter is 13 times larger and 318 times heavier than Earth. Its atmosphere is thick, opaque and looks like stripes of different colors. Beneath the atmosphere there is an ocean of rarefied gases.
Stars are incandescent celestial bodies that emit light. They are so far from the Earth, we see them as bright specks. With the naked eye, in the starry sky, you can count about 3,000 stars, with the help of a telescope - ten times more.
Constellations are groups of nearby stars. Ancient astronomers mentally connected the stars with lines and received certain shapes. In the sky of the Northern Hemisphere, the Greeks identified 12 zodiac constellations: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Ancient people believed that each earth month is associated in a certain way with one of the constellations.
Comets - celestial bodies with glowing tails over time change their position in the sky and direction of movement.
The body of a comet consists of a solid core, frozen gases with solid dust, ranging in size from one to ten kilometers. When approaching the Sun, the gases of the comet begin to evaporate.

This is how comets develop a glowing gas tail. The most famous is Halley's comet (it was discovered in the 17th century by the English astronomer Halley), which appears at the Earth with an approximate interval of 76 years. Once she approached the Earth in 1986.
Meteors are solid remnants of cosmic bodies that fall with great speed through the Earth's atmosphere. In doing so, they burn out, leaving a bright light.
Fireballs are bright giant meteors weighing from 100 g to several tons. Their fast flight is accompanied by loud noise, sparks, and the smell of burning.
Meteorites are charred stone or iron bodies that fell to the Earth from interplanetary space without collapsing in the atmosphere.
Asteroids are “tiny” planets from 0.7 to 1 km in diameter.
Determining the sides of the horizon using vision
It is easy to find the Pole Star behind the constellation Ursa Major.

If you face the North Star, then there will be north in front, south behind, east on right, west on left.

General concepts of the universe

Universe is an ordered system of interconnected elements of various orders. These are: celestial bodies (stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, comets), planetary systems of stars, star clusters, galaxies.

Stars- giant glowing self-luminous celestial bodies.

Planets- cold celestial bodies that revolve around the stars.

Satellites(planets) - cold celestial bodies that revolve around the planets.

Asteroids(minor planets) - small cold celestial bodies that are part of the solar system. They have a diameter of 800 to 1 km and revolve around the Sun according to the same laws according to which large planets move. There are over 100 thousand asteroids in the solar system.

Comets- celestial bodies that are part of the solar system. They look like hazy specks with a bright clot in the center - the nucleus. Comet nuclei are small in size - several kilometers. In bright comets, when approaching the Sun, a tail appears in the form of a luminous strip, the length of which can reach tens of millions of kilometers.

Galaxy- a giant stellar system with more than 100 billion stars orbiting its center. The galaxy is formed by stars and the interstellar medium.

Metagalaxy- a grandiose collection of individual galaxies and galaxy clusters.

In addition to galaxies, the Universe contains relict electromagnetic radiation, a small amount of very rarefied intergalactic matter and an unknown amount of a substance called latent mass and latent energy.

When studying objects in outer space, one has to deal with very large distances, which in astronomy are usually expressed in special units.

Astronomical unit(au) corresponds to the distance from the Earth to the Sun. 1 a.u. = 149.6 million km. This unit is used to determine cosmic distances within the solar system. For example, the distance from the Sun to Pluto is 40 AU.

Light year (s.y.)- the distance that a light beam traveling at a speed of 300,000 km / s travels in one year. 1 sec. year = 10 13 km; 1 a.u. = 8.3 light minutes. Light years measure the distance to stars and other objects in space outside the solar system.

Parsec(pc) - distance equal to 3.3 light years. 1 pc = 3.3 s.g. This unit is used to measure distances within and between star systems.

Stars. The most common objects in the Universe are stars. Stars are incandescent space objects composed of ionized gas. In the depths of stars, thermonuclear reactions of the transformation of hydrogen into helium take place, as a result of which enormous energy is released. Stars contain from 97 to 99.9% of the substance of galaxies. It is assumed that the total number of stars in the Universe is about 10 22, of which we can observe only 2 billion.

Stars have different sizes - supergiants, their sizes are hundreds of times larger than the Sun, and dwarfs, their sizes are even smaller than the Earth. Our Sun is a medium-sized star. The closest Star to the Sun, Alpha Centauri, is 4 light years distant.

Most stars are believed to have their own solar-like planetary systems.

Stars can form star systems — several stars orbiting a common center; star clusters - hundreds - millions of stars; galaxies are billions of stars.

Depending on whether a star changes its characteristics or not, stationary and nonstationary (variable) stars are distinguished. The stellar stationarity is ensured by the balance between the gas pressure inside the star and the forces of gravity. Non-stationary stars include novae and supernovae, on which outbursts occur.

The processes of formation and disappearance of stars are ongoing. Stars are formed from cosmic matter as a result of its condensation under the influence of gravitational, magnetic and other forces. The gravitational contraction heats up the central part of the young star and "starts" a thermonuclear reaction of fusion of helium from hydrogen. When a nuclear reaction cannot maintain stability, the helium core contracts, and the outer shell expands and is thrown into space. The star turns into red giant... In this case, the color of the star changes from yellow to red. For example, the Sun will turn into a red giant in about 8 billion years.

If a star has a small mass (less than 1.4 times the mass of the Sun), then in the process of further cooling it turns into a white dwarf. White dwarfs represent the final stage in the evolution of most stars, in which all hydrogen "burns out" and nuclear reactions stop. Gradually the star turns into a cold dark body - black dwarf... The size of such dead stars is comparable to the size of the Earth, the mass is with the mass of the Sun, and the density is hundreds of tons per cubic centimeter.

If the mass of a star is more than 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, then such a star cannot go into a stationary state, since the internal pressure does not balance the forces of gravity. As a result, a gravitational collapse occurs, i.e. unlimited fall of matter to the center, which is accompanied by an explosion and the release of a huge amount of matter and energy. Such an explosion is called supernova explosion... It is believed that since the formation of our Galaxy, about a billion supernovae have exploded in it.

The star explodes like a supernova and turns into a black hole. Black hole(BH) is an object with such a strong gravitational field that it does not let go of anything (including radiation). Inside a black hole, space is highly curved, and time is infinitely slowed down. In order to overcome the gravity of a black hole, it is necessary to develop a speed greater than the speed of light.

Despite the fact that the BH does not release any radiation from itself, it can be detected, since the gravitational field near the BH surface emits particles of different types. It is assumed that BHs are located in the centers of some galaxies. So in the center of our galaxy is a strong source of radiation - Sagittarius A. It is believed that Sagittarius A is a black hole with a mass equal to one million solar masses.

It was suggested that BHs can be regions of transition from one space to another space, to another Universe, which differs from our physical properties and has other physical constants.

Part of the mass of an exploded supernova can continue to exist in the form neutron star or pulsar. Neutron stars are clumps of neutrons. They cool down quickly and are characterized by intense radiation in the form of repetitive pulses.

Stars with a mass of 10 to 40 times the mass of the Sun turn into neutron stars, and stars, whose mass is greater, into black holes.

Galaxies. Galaxies are giant clusters of stars, dust, and gas.

Galaxies exist as groups (several galaxies), clusters (hundreds of galaxies), and clouds of clusters or superclusters (thousands of galaxies). The most explored is the Local Group of Galaxies. It includes our galaxy (the Milky Way) and the galaxies closest to us (the nebula in the constellation Andromeda and the Magellanic Clouds).

Galaxies differ in size, the number of stars included in them, luminosities, and appearance. In appearance, galaxies are conditionally divided into three main types: elliptical, spiral and irregular... At the initial stage of formation, galaxies are irregular in shape. Spiral galaxies develop from them, which have a pronounced form of rotation. And finally, at the third stage, elliptical galaxies appear, which have a spheroidal shape.

Our Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy. This is the most common type of galaxy. It has the shape of a disk with a bulge in the center - a nucleus, from which spiral arms extend. The disc rotates around the center.

The diameter of our galaxy is 100 thousand light years, the diameter of the core is 4 thousand light years, the total mass of the galaxy is about 150 billion solar masses, and is about 15 billion years old.

The space between galaxies is filled with interstellar gas, dust, and various kinds of radiation. It is believed that interstellar gas consists of 67% hydrogen, 28% helium and 5% other elements (oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.).

The metagalaxy is an observable part of the Universe. Modern observation capabilities are distances of 1500 Mpc. The metagalaxy is an ordered system of galaxies. Modern astronomical data indicate that the Metagalaxy has a mesh (cellular) structure, that is, galaxies are not evenly distributed in it, but along certain lines - as if along the boundaries of the grid cells.

In 1929, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble experimentally established the fact that the system of galaxies is not static, but expands, "scatters". This means that the Universe is not stationary, it is in a state of constant expansion. Based on this, a law was formulated (Hubble's law): the farther the Galaxies are from each other, the faster they "run away". This means that for any pair of Galaxies, the speed of their distance from each other is proportional to the distance between them:

, where

V- the speed of the recession of galaxies, R is the distance between galaxies, H is the proportionality coefficient, which is called the Hubble constant (parameter). The modern average value of the Hubble constant is H = 74.2 ± 3.6 km / s per Mpc (megaparsec). Estimating the value of the Hubble constant makes it possible to estimate the age of the Universe (Metagalaxy).

The concept of the nonstationarity of the Universe was first introduced by A.

A. Friedman even before the experimental proof of the phenomenon of "recession" of galaxies. Distances to galaxies are measured in millions and billions of light years. This means that we see them not as they are now, but as they were millions and billions of years ago. Essentially, we see the past epochs of the universe.
