Multi-fighters, many books, articles, memoirs and memories are written on this topic. But for a long time, under the influence of ideology, these topics were covered mainly with a political, patriotic or median point of view, the role of each individual soldier paid very little attention. And only in the times of Khrushchev "thaw" the first publications based on front-line letters, diaries and unpublished sources, covering the problems of the front life, the period of the Patriotic War of 1941-1945, how the soldiers lived at the front, which were engaged in a short time. In what were dressed, all these questions are important in the general contribution to the Great Victory.

At the initial war, the soldiers wore a gymnaster and pants with tarpaulin overlays in the areas of elbows and knees, these linings extended the service life of the uniform. On the legs wearing boots and windings, which were the main grief of all serving breeds, especially infantry as they were uncomfortable, fragile and heavy.

Until 1943, an indispensable attribute was the so-called "roller", strolled and reliably through the left shoulder, which delivers a lot of trouble and inconvenience from which soldiers got rid at any convenient case.

From the rifle in the early years of the war, the legendary "three-year one", a three-line rifle of Mosina sample 1891, a three-year mosine rifle of the sample of 1891 was given, many soldiers gave them names and considered a rifle with a real combat comrades. But, for example, SVT-40 rifle did not love because of its capriciousness and strong returns.

Interesting information about the life and life of soldiers contains such sources of information as memories, front-line diaries and letters, less susceptible to ideological influence. For example, it was traditionally believed that the soldiers lived in dugouts and dot. This is not entirely true, most of the soldiers were located in the trenches, trenches or simply in the near future I do not regret it. In Dothah, it was always very cold at that time, there were no autonomous heating and autonomous gas supply systems that we now use for example for the heating of cottages and therefore the soldiers preferred to sleep in the trenches, threw on the bottom of the branches and stretching the raincoat from above.

The soldier's nutrition was not good "jester-food ours". This proverb accurately characterizes the soldier's packs of the first months of war and of course the best friend of the Soldier Sukhar, favorite delicacy especially on acquisitions, for example, on battle march.
Also, the soldier's life in the meek periods of rest is impossible to imagine without the music of songs and books that gave birth to a good mood and raised the vigor of the Spirit.
But still, the most important role in the victory over fascism was played by the psychology of the Russian soldier, able to cope with any household difficulties to overcome fear, survive and defeat.

UDC94 (47) "1941/45"

Rest and leisure as a component of the daily life of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War

Larionov Alexey Edislavovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "History and Political Science", [Email Protected]


This article is devoted to a low-surveyed problem of recreation and leisure of the military personnel of the Army (RKKKA) during the Great Patriotic War. Based on memoir and archival sources, various verge of recreation organization of soldiers and officers of the Red Army in 1941-1945, a comprehensive analysis of the leading historical facts and examples in the context of the history of military daily events and events of the Great Patriotic War is carried out. There are conclusions about the significant impact of the specifics of rest and leisure on the combat capability of parts and compounds of the Red Army and on the outcome of the war as a whole.

This article is dedicated to So Far Uncharted Problem of Leisure and Recreation of Soldiers of the Army (Red Army) During World War II. The author considered different aspects of organization of leisure of officers and soldiers of the Red Army in 1941-1945, performed a comprehensive analysis of historical facts, and cited examples in the context of military history and the everyday events of the Great Patriotic War. All This Is Based On The Memoirs and Archival Sources. The ARTICLE PRESENTED CONCLUSIONS ABOUT THE SIGNIFICANT IMPACT OF SPECIFIC RECREATION AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES ON FIGHTING EFFICIENCY OF UNITS OF THE OUTOME OF THE RED ARMY AND ON THE OUTOME OF WAR IN GENERAL.

Keywords: war, leisure, rest, everyday life.

Keywords: War, Leisure, Recreation, Everyday Life.

Family picture of the Soviet artist Yu.M. can leave the indifferent Non-Natsev "Holiday after the fight", written in 1960, but conceived by him back during the war, when he heard a string in the soldier's dugout from the poem "Vasily Torkin". This picture will seek us the window into the face of the Great Patriotic War, which, most often, remains beyond our principal attention - the soldiers do not go here in the attack and do not reflect the onslaught of the enemy, and rest, using rare, and for many and the last, The possibility of at least a brief moment will be deducted from the terrible reality of the war, feel just people, remember the house, loved ones, write or read the letter, sing a song.

I remember how in a conversation with one of the veterans during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the victory (1995), one of his replica literally struck in response to the question of some of the young interlocutors about whether it was not terribly terribly in the war. Nikolai Vasilyevich worms, a native of the village of Kostino Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region answered then literally

the following: "After you go under the autumn rain kilometers 30 with a full display, then you get tired that you already do not think about death. If only fall and fall asleep. Even if they kill - thank God, even a rest. " It turns out that war is not only battles and feats, but also the hardest work, absorbing all the moral and physical forces of a person. But a person cannot only spend them - he needs at least short-term respite, pauses, at least in order to go into battle.

What was the rest of Soviet soldiers and officers during the Great Patriotic War, as they managed their free time, did they have much, which ways were restored by their strength, was discharged in inhuman tension? These and related questions will try to answer in this article.

The first thing to understand, speaking about leisure and recreation of servicemen, is that every army has a strictly regulated social organism, in which formalized norms and standards concern any part of life. That is why the mistake will assume that the rest of the soldier is the time of his full freedom. The bulk of the Leisure of Krasnoarmeys was carried out in the main political governance (Glavpora) of the Red Army, as part of which, according to the Organization approved on November 1, 1938, there was a Department of Culture and Propaganda.1 Obviously, the organization of cultural leisure was inextricably linked with the tasks of part-polytic education of personnel . Such was the "top", which existed before the war, which did not undergo significant changes in this plan and in wartime. Therefore, political workers of various levels often tried to fill out the soldiers' leisure of various kinds of educational and political conversations. However, it was perceived in a real combat situation in different ways, not always unequivocally and not always the way it was expected by the organizers. Much here depended on the personality of a concrete political worker, his ability to find a common language with soldiers, to understand what they really want to hear and what words are able to stir their hearts.

Therefore, in the memoirs of the front-line workers who fought in various titles and in different kinds of troops, you can meet the diametrically opposite assessments of political workers, their significance and played role. While one veterans recognize their significance and need, others do not hide their negative attitude, frankly stating that the political worker only prevented normally rest after the battle and heavy transitions. To not be unfounded, I will give a few quotes from

1 As follows from archival documents, its composition in October 1941. The Department of Cultural Instrumentary Institutions was included, and the agitation and propaganda department itself in July 1942. It was transformed into a special campaign management and propaganda of Glavpourk. - See Camo, Fund 32, OP.11302, 11315.

members of the participants of the Great Patriotic War, illustrating both the first and second point of view.

For example, in the memoirs of the commander of the tank company of the senior lieutenant Ion Lazaren Degen about the reasons for a negative attitude towards political workers, they say rather sharply and frankly. Among other things, it contains such a characteristic detail, as the excessive activity of the deputies during the loud, which prevented the tankers to relax with a qualitatively: "... honestly, we did not have much free time. During the clutch, we were engaged in our technique, training, studied the area of \u200b\u200bcombat operations and so on. Yes, all sorts of deposits were filmed on our head, who were countless, not the necessary party and Komsomol collections were singing. We did not have to rest much. "

In another place of his memories, the same veteran turns back to the topic of relationships with political workers, categorically arguing that in the tank troops they were not needed at all, i.e. In fact, it was a hindrance. In addition, it leads a number of extremely negative characteristics of specific polymat workers with whom he had to meet. However, such an opinion, although it has its supporters in the veterans environment, is not the only one. Other participants in the war speak differently. For example, the veteran of anti-tank artillery Nikolai Dmitrievich Markov responds about the role of political workers as follows: "I give tribute to these people. These were engineers of human souls. In war, a person is hard, he needs to talk. These were the guys cultural, polite. They performed their function to raise the human soul. It depends on a person, but, in principle, these are normal guys. They brought up the right attitude towards man. "

You can also give an example of a third opinion regarding neutral. Veteran, who expressed him, perceived the polymat workers as a certain inevitability, assessing their actions in short: "People's work was such." Of course, in several opinions, it is problematic to make a complete picture of how the fighters of the current army took the common efforts of political workers to raise personnel in their free time. However, one thing is clear, namely, the fact that a certain part of the time free of hostilities (or preparation for them) was necessarily engaged in the moral and educational conversations, including an ideological-political nature. Thus, the Soviet soldier in the war was not a full-fledged owner of his leisure, although it was the dream (most often uncomplyingly) most servicemen who were under the real and highly irrelevant threat of death or injury. The stronger people had the desire to relax, distract from the military everyday life.

According to testimonies of the participants of the war, memories of the house and family, about pre-war life, accounted for an essential part of the conversations during the rest and clutch on the front. They successfully played the role of a relaxation tool, as well as filled the meaning of the very being of a soldier in war, because they did fight, shooting into enemies and even the death itself is not a meaningless meat grinder, but only a means of protecting a normal non-safe life. "Bloody battle", according to the expression of the Tvardovsky, really went "for the sake of life on earth." Do I need to talk in detail about how important it was for millions of soldiers to feel a connection with the house, with native places, left for hundreds and thousands of kilometers relatives and relatives? Almost the only means of maintaining this connection was the front-mail. Letters were written from the front and at the front from the first to the last day of the war. The triangle of the letter has become a kind of symbol of the Great Patriotic. The lack of letters from the house nervated the soldiers, lowered their general moral state, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that from the first days of the war, the question of the normal and timely delivery of letters to the current army became the subject of attention at the highest state level.

Evidence of this is devoted to the issues of the postal report of the State GKO dated August 20, 1941, which became the basis of the functioning of the front post throughout the war:

Top secret

Moscow Kremlin

On improving the work on transportation and shipment of letters and prints to the Red Army and improving postal service in the country

In order to radically improve the work on the transportation and forwarding of letters and prints to the Red Army and improving the work of postal service in the country - the State Defense Committee decides:

1. Observe the NKPS:

a) include postal cars in the compositions of all the veloci, passenger and commodity and commodity trains;

b) In the event of a cluster of a significant number of mailing and printing and the impossibility of transporting them in ordinary postal cars, allocating cargo wagons at the request of the NCC host organs, trailing them to direct route trains.

2. To prohibit the further mobilization of vehicles and horse livestock engaged in the transport of postal correspondence and printing.

3. Enter from August 22, 1941. Mandatory paid workshop of the population to ensure uninterrupted transportation and delivery of posts and prints on intra-republican (intraregional and intra-interchange) postal paths. Payment for the transportation of mail to produce in accordance with the rules of payment for the transportation of mail for each region (edges, republic).

Councils of allone and autonomous republics and regional (regional) executive committees of the Councils of Workers' Deputies to ensure the uninterrupted allocation of gentle transport for these purposes at the request of local NCOMVIA bodies.

4. In order to improve the transportation and delivery of posts and prints to the current parts of the Red Army, to oblige a GUGVF (T. Milok) from August 21, 1941, transport aircraft transport aircraft and newspapers on the following routes:

1. Leningrad - Petrozavodsk - Murmansk

2. Moscow - Leningrad

3. Moscow - Western Front Headquarters

4. Moscow - Central Front Headquarters

5. Moscow - Kharkov

6. Kharkov - Southwestern Front headquarters

7. Kharkov - South Front Headquarters

8. Kharkov - Rostov

5. To ensure normal transportation of mailing and printing in the link Front - the army no later than 22.VTTT.1941. Allocate for each control of the front of the front of 20 cars along with the driver's composition, and only 140 cars of GAZ-AA due to the mobilization of them in folk economy.

6. Responsibility for the uninterrupted transportation of Krasnoarmey letters and printing in the link The army - military units to entrust the military councils of the armies.

7. Observe the NKVD of the USSR:

(a) Provide local agencies in the organization and provision of timely transportation and delivery of postal correspondence and newspapers, taking a special observation of postal correspondence and press on the most important railway, automotive and manpies and mail transportation sites;

b) organize the work of military censorship in such a way that, starting from August 21, 1941, the delay in letters in military censorship bodies, as a rule, did not exceed 36 hours.

8. To oblige NKCOVIA and NPO to complete the formation and staffing of field communications institutions for all compounds of the current army no later than August 20, 1941

Chairman of the State Committee of Defense I. Stalin's extracts sent: etc. Peresykuina, Beria, Shaposhnikov, Chadaev - all SNK republics, region (edge) by the executive committees, Central Committee, Obkomam, Kazikoms - p. 3; t. Moloko - p. 4; t. Kaganovich - p.p. 1, 7-A.2

In the given document, paragraphs 2 and 3 are of particular interest, stipulating the ban on postage mobilization for extraneous needs and attracting civilians for the transport of post-employment mail. In fact, this meant that the delivery of mail became the task of strategic importance on par with the construction of fortifications. Therefore, it is legitimate to talk about the existence of a state-managed tendency to organize the leisure time of redarmeys, close attention and care for their psychological rest as an important condition for the successful conduct of hostilities.

2 RGASPI, Foundation 644, Inventory 1, D.7, LL.125-126.

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Also, when analyzing this document, pay attention to its date and level. August 1941 - the hardest time in terms of military situation: German troops rush to Leningrad and Kiev, closed the "Uman Cowel", who became a giant grave for the 6th and 12th international army of the South-Western Front, the Germans and Romanians are precipitated from " Big Earth »Odessa, in a terrible hurry and confusion, in the absence of aircuts, evacuation is carried out. And this is a terrible time for the country, the Supreme Military Policy Guide of the USSR at the level of Stalin himself finds it possible and necessary to discuss measures and take a completely concrete, not allowing double interpretations, the document on the issue of optimizing mail delivery by fighting and dying to fighters and commanders! 3 This can serve as an additional, though indirect evidence that the Higher Soviet leadership did not lose faith in victory even in a critical, more precisely, the catastrophic situation of the summer of 1941. And it was precisely deep inner conviction, and not a phrase or gesture designed for a momentous external propaganda effect.

The given document can attract our attention and for another reason. The fact that the highest leadership of the USSR headed by Stalin (without someone's review and sanctions this ruling would not have appeared at all) found the opportunity in the summer of 1941 to specifically assume the delivery of mail to the current army, he says against the opportunity of the thesis that on fighters and commanders Watched as "cannon meat". As you know, this mythologist is very popular in liberal-anti-Soviet historiography and journalism dedicated to the topic of the Great Patriotic War. In the interests of the historical truth, this thesis can be subject to revision, including with a support for factual material on military daily.

However, it is not worth exaggerating the degree of exposure to "top" on the organization of a soldier's rest and leisure in front of the front. General organizational and management efforts, even with an ideological component, did not mean a total and petty control of what soldiers are engaged in free time. In this regard, it is appropriate to apply to another face of front leisure - these are performances of artists and writers in front of the fighters and commanders of the Red Army. At one time, a stereotype was created in the public consciousness, according to which the arrival of singers, artists of theaters, poets on the forefront was almost an ordinary phenomenon during the Great

3 It should be noted that until February 1943. In official and everyday practice, it was the concept of "fighter" (either "Red Armenian") and "commander", while the terms "soldiers" and "officer" were associated with pre-revolutionary past and were officially introduced into everyday life in February 1943. Together with the return Store of the old sample.

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Patriotic War. The songs of the "Blue Platle" songs were performed by K. Shulzhenko and Valenki performed by N. Ruslanovoy. The latter performed it in May 1945 on the steps of the Reichstag in the presence of Marshal K. Zhukov. These really bright moments of the activities of Soviet artists left a deep impression of everyone who was their witness or at least heard about them. However, how often is the soldiers of the first echelon of the current army really dropped like a similar luck? The answer to this question can to some extent to give "soldiers' memoirs."

So, in the Artyom Dambkin memories of the series "I fought." None (!) From Frontovikov does not result in the case of performing professional artists on the front line, responding negatively to the relevant question. There are no such cases in their diaries and memories of the former self-propeller. Circonsky, artilleryman Peter Demidov, a battery commander of 76-mm guns Ivan Novokhatsky, a former platoon commander of the Tank Guard of Evgeny Bessonov, and others. Already mentioned Ion Lazarevich Degen as a particularly remarkable case recalls the arrival in part Ilya Ehrenburg: "We did not have any organized leisure. Never arrived to us artistic brigades or front-line ensembles. I do not remember that writers or central newspapers come to us in the brigade. Immediately after taking Vilnius at a distance of 20 meters, I saw my idol of those years, a famous writer and publicist Ilya Ehrenburg. To me came to me accompanying, in the rank of captain, and said:

Junior lieutenant, with you wants to talk to Comrade Erenburg.

But I drank well before that, I was painted with alcohol for the mile, and I was ashamed to approach Ehrenburg. He said that I was ordered to arrive at the brigade immediately. After wildly, regretted his stupidity. Ehrenburg respected all the front-line. "

Thus, the emergence of professional artists, as well as other cultural figures, on the front line was, rather, exception than the rule. It concerned even those parts and genera of troops, which were in a relatively privileged position. For example, who served in the 298th Guards Artillery Regiment of the RVGK (reserve of the Supreme Commander) Nikolay Inozem residents in their extensive and detailed "front diary" never mentions the arrival of artists. This, however, does not mean that in parts of the army there was no cultural life at all. It was simply organized on another, in fact the army level. Amateur creative teams were, practically, in every part and compound, and people were collected in them are talented, capable of providing their combat comrades full-fledged cultural leisure.

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Below is a characteristic description of the celebration of the New Year (1945) in the military unit, which was on the front line. When analyzing the primary source, it is necessary to take into account that the holiday took place at the final stage of the war, when military life was debugged, the front homemade was organically fit into its structure. At the beginning of the dip, especially during the retreats and environments, it was hardly possible to organize so large-scale festivals.

"During the day December 31st food. Defect the New Year. The club is illuminated, in the center a large Christmas tree with toys, on stage - traditional digits "1944", made of red light bulbs (apparently, the author's search, according to the diary chronology and the events described in it, met in 1945). The concert begins. Speakers choir. Gymnastic etude Tarasenko. With wild cry and screech appears from the hall of Mezentsev

in. Clown costume. On belts, rods and ropes dragged a dozen dogs of all texts and sizes. For a long time they dissolve them in the votes and the "soloist" of the dog Khora Rosa (Fox Terrier of the head of the headquarters) begins to howil Serzh Mezentsev under the lip-harmonica. The room passes with great success. Several Things Simonov reads Safonov. The first branch is over. In the second, the trio with "Tritombo" and Ukrainian songs. Then the foreheads under the accompaniment of Bayan performs the "officer waltz" the most popular thing in the winter of 1944

The first branch is over. In the second, trying trio with "Tritomy" and Ukrainian songs, then a rhythmic dance and the appearance of Serge. In difficult pyruets, suddenly freezes with his head facing notes and screams the entertainer:

Invert, flour!

The number is original and causes a loud laughter of the soldiers' audience. Performs jazz. One after another are the favorite songs of the audience gathered. The concert "Krasnoarmeysky dance" is being completed, the masterfully furnished by Mezentsev. The impression of everyone from the concert, without exaggeration, is the best. "

Similar descriptions of the amateur organization of holidays and significant dates, birthdays can be in sufficient quantities to meet in the memoir literature and the front-line diaries. However, it is necessary to note a certain selectivity. She obviously leaks even from the given passage. First, the author is an artillery officer, not field and anti-tank, which was often called serving soldiers and officers "Forgiven, Motherland!" Either the "Barrel Long - Life is short!", not less than the case level and reserve rates. Even the soldier's composition was in parts of the RVGK at a relatively privileged position.

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We will not meet any such descriptions in the memoirs of the infantrymen, tankers, military scouts, mortars of battalion and even regimental mortars.4 with the intensity of hostilities, their tension and high losses that existed in the named birth of troops, there was no time Neither forces, nor relevant resources for the organization of rest and leisure at such a high level. However, the lack of opportunity does not mean the lack of desire. Therefore, as soon as a free minute, a pause between battles or a break in marchs, soldiers and officers of any childbirth of the troops showed amazing resourcefulness and ingenuity in organizing leisure, entertainment and recreation of both individual and collective.

"A little deeper into the rear, where the division headquarters was located, the political department had a large applied club. The movies were shown there, the artists came with concerts who came to us at the bridgehead5, our front-hand amateur was performed, other events were held. But we were rare in it. First, I did not want to return to my location through the forest. Secondly, we did not exhibit time, because we stood on a tan hazard and weaken attention simply did not have the right. So for all time only seen two movies.

But we did not bored - we had enough homegrown artists. Special attention was used by the mechanic-driver of seeds of the Pozdnyakh. He was stuffed with all kinds of stories, told so scolding and funny, no worse than any artist. A lot of guys always gathered around him, and laughter did not stop. And if there is a harmonica, it turned out no worse than in the famous theater. You can not smile to remember these wonderful moments of our front-line holiday. "

From the given passage, it is obvious that the confirmation of the already said is the lack of a real possibility of organized cultural recreation and its satisfying replacement of free improvisations and the forces of the servicemen themselves in the intervals between the battles. As can be seen, the narrator nowhere does not mean the word that he and his comrades were insulting about the impossibility of visiting the "club", watch movies or performances of professional artists. The overwhelming majority of soldiers and officers of the Red Army perceived the difficulties of front-line life as quite natural in

4 In the RKKE to the battalion, the mortars of the caliber of 82 mm, to the shelf - caliber 120mm. See: Soviet military encyclopedia. T.5. M., 1978. P.306.

The 5th part, which fought Stanislav Gorsky, was part of the 1st Belorussian Front and at the time of the events described was on the left bank of the Vistula, on the People's University, preparing for the taste-Oder operation.

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There are current circumstances and preferred to leave the situation on their own. From this you can make a second interim conclusion: along with centralized measures to organize the free time and recreation of the PCKA personnel during the Great Patriotic War, independent, in order of personal initiative, the actions of the servicemen of the current army on the creation of the army played For myself and your comrades, leisure, entertainment and recreation. It can be said that in this regard, the Red Army was a completely autonomous organism, which existed, the traditions and skills on the organization of recreation were sustained and reproduced, despite the permanent extreme circumstances, and the high degree of personnel of personnel in combat units as a result of losses during the period of intensive battles . At the same time, as follows from memoir sources, the obvious preference was given to collective forms of rest and leisure, in which equal participants, and not passive spectators, were most military personnel or divisions: it concerns jokes, songs and dance, joint memories of the house and the discussion of the news reported in letters. This team phenomenon as a significant factor of the soldiers' recreation in the period of the Great Patriotic War is undoubtedly deserving that he has paid special attention to. In it, as in a drop of water, the specificity of human relationships was reflected not only in the Red Army of the military period, but also the Soviet society of the pre-war and military period as the society of the traditional basis, whose members are connected with each other with solidarity and ideocratic connections. Here we see and characteristic of the Russian traditional society, the desire to create autonomous and self-reproducing structures to restore the usual lifeguard, massive equal participation in passions with temporary ignoring service hierarchy and army subordination and the creation of effective relaxation-compensatory mechanisms in extreme and even deadly conditions. The manifestation of all these sociocultural features was also facilitated by the association of all military personnel, the homogeneous Steriological teleology of Orthodoxy - Cathedral salvation. In this case, this sketchiological idea was transformed into the idea of \u200b\u200bcollective salvation of the Motherland. This confirmation of this can serve as popular songs of military years, which often performed by soldiers during rest. In all of them, from the "Holy War" to "in the Forest of theft" or "Eh, Roads.", Clearly dominates the idea of \u200b\u200bcollective, common destiny, complete and all subordination of individual public, but without dissolving the first in the latter, which also complies with the Christian ideal where

the merger of the human person with God does not mean her erasure, but only gives it completeness and perfection. Otzvuk, the defillas of such a merger permeated the daily life of the Red Army in the years of the Great Patriotic War, which was reflected in particular, on the examples of rest and leisure. Some kind of pathetic it sounded, but the army, organized on such ideals, was indeed invincible, whatever heavy defeats she suffered at the beginning of the war. Thus, through the prism of the disparate facts of military daily days, it is possible to go to the level of cardinal questions of the study of events and the patterns of the Great Patriotic War and offer the original options for answers to them.

Life and free time in all circumstances are not reduced to the entertainment moments. Each person always has a desire to be alone, to distract from any external worries and anxiety, to plunge into the world of their most intimate desires and experiences. It would seem impossible for the front and army the task. However, here people managed to find the niche, where the blood did not reach and the roar of war. She was in their souls and was expressed in correspondence with relatives and close people. The organization of postal communication in the current army has already been said. Here we will consider only how the need for soldiers in communication was implemented. Letters from the front and the front went throughout the war. We have read and wrote always when such an opportunity was provided. When analyzing the correspondence of the military years stored in archives, museums and private archives, there is always a strange feeling: soldiers and officers, the authors of letters as if they forget about where and in what circumstances they are. Wars for them in these moments as if there was no, but there were only native people with whom he had not had seen long ago and would like to talk about vital for all things; Or war is mentioned as an annoying interference that does not give people happily live. In order not to be unfounded, I will give only one letter of Frontovik home:

"Hello, dear daughter Rushka! I congratulate you on your birthday with the hope that this day on January 21, 1943 you will get this letter. Dear raw, sincerely I wish you a lot of happiness, grow and be healthy. I am writing to you this letter on the night for the New Year, in a few minutes it will come in 1943. Therefore, I congratulate you at the same time with a new happy 1943! Dear daughter, I am very sorry that I am not with you today, in our little beloved family meeting the new year. It is a pity that I have no such opportunity to see you on your birthday, and hear your voice. But while the war is going, we have to destroy the Germans, and maybe your birthday I will note the feat of the destruction of Fritz. This war is not on life, but to death to defeat the enemy and provide you<...> Junior

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a happy strong life to do not see the German bloody cable. Rahenka, as I will return home, I will heal again, everyone will take for the forced storms and adversity. We will heal to the music again.<...>Well, now, the raw, you need to obey your mother and granny, live in the Council with Vites. Well, all, on this I end my letter, we will be alive - these letters will enter the history of the family and fall into the family archive. Be healthy, dear daughter. Good kiss you. Your dad. January 1, 1943 ".6

Almost all front letters breathe with love and deep spiritual tranquility, sharply contrasting with the surrounding circumstances. Love, being the most important need for a person, found a place for both the war and death, constituting an important and deep intimate part of military daily. Sometimes for a brief date, the soldiers or officer committed actions, unthinkable from the point of view of military discipline. On the way to the front, Moscow militia, Vladimir Shimkevich, recalls on the mime of love on the front, about his meetings and partings with a Russian girl who survived the horrors of the occupation in Western Ukraine writes in Memochi-artillerist Peter Demidov: "Suddenly, the Division was redesigned to the village of Khotyn. It was a pity to part with the ante-loved me. How much in Khotyn we just, no one knew, but I suddenly wanted to see my hostess: I was asked back to her, saying only a few warm words. Began to think about how to go to baratutin? The machine was excluded. Bicycle! .. Soon I was pounded into the Anyuta window. The night flew as one hour. Parting was touching: both understood that it is unlikely that you will ever see themselves again. " Imagine the officer of the current army, the commander of the division of reactive mortars (Katyusch), who is preparing for redeployment due to the combat mission, one of the night goes over a few kilometers, warning about it only the orders and a deputy for combat training! In the event that he had been late for a common collection, he would have threatened the tribunal, but it did not scare him. Without a doubt, such examples were a huge amount, although not all of them ended as well as this.

However, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, a consistent satellite of soldiers during the war was fatigue. Often the soldiers and officers were deprived of the lowest amenities. The more valuable they were in their eyes. The first place was the opportunity to wash, sleep in warm and dryness, heated. Often it was the best form of rest. Soviet soldiers showed the wonders of ingenuity in the organization of hiking baths, and could sleep with the slightest opportunity. If there was no roof above the head, the fighters were glad to sleep on the stern of a tank where the heat of the engine came out, tankers

6 Letter Taken from the site: Date of handling: 11.12.2010.

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they laid right in the combat department, etc. However, how often their sleep was interrupted by a sudden combat alarm, the need to step up or reflect the attack of the enemy. The more precious was the moments of rest, stolen from the war and death. In this sense, the song on the words of Alexey Fatyanov "Nightingale" incredibly accurately reports the spirit of the war years. The singer asks Solovyov not to disturb the soldiers. We will not disturb them and we, but simply remember with the reverence and grateful memory of those who have given their sacrificial feat of the subsequent generations to sleep peacefully.

By completing this article, I would like to sum up some results. Of the analyzed material, obviously follows that the rest and leisure of soldiers and officers of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, as well as their everyday life during this period, existed and developed on several interconnecting lines:

1) organized and amateur forms;

2) collective and individual;

3) ideal and utilitarian components.

Rest and leisure (like the entire daily life of the Red Army) developing in the context of the events of war, possessed not only by the endogenous (relaxation means), but also an exogenous meaning - as one of the factors that provided the final victory of the USSR in the war.

Among the factors that affected the diversity of forms of military recreation and leisure, there were one or another period of war, the situation on the fronts in general and in this area, in particular, the nature of hostilities (offensive, defense or retreat), personal human qualities of soldiers, officers and Polymatot workers who determined the quality of their relationships, including during leisure.

If you abstract from transferring specific facts and options for their local interpretation, by going to a more general level of analysis, we can conclude that the front-line leisure with all its components is not just an attempt to distract from blood and death in their progenic concentration, but also Something more-conscious negation of war as an arip of a pathological condition and equally unconscious to reproduce, restore normal, that is, a peaceful life at least for a short time.

Ultimately, on the example of military recreation and leisure, it is possible to make sure of the eventual and semantic inexhaustibility, the multi-faceted and ambiguity of such a global historical phenomenon, as the Great Patriotic War, and therefore, in the need for further development of historical research in its area.


1. Bessonov E. I. on Berlin. 3800 kilometers on the tank armor. M., 2005.

2. Gorsky S. A. Notes of the Su-76 gunner. Poland's liberators. M., 2010.

3. Demidov P. A. in the service of the God of war. In the target of the Black Cross. M., 2007.

4. Drabkin A. Still, the country is huge. / Serie "I remember." M., 2010.

5. Drabkin A. And yet we won / "I remember" a series. M., 2010.

6. Drabkin A. The Sacred War / "I remember". M., 2010.

7. Drabkin A. I fought on the T-34. M., 2009.

8. Drabkin A. I fought with Panzerwaff: Double salary - Triple death. M., 2007.

9. Drabkin A. I went beyond the front line: revelation of military scouts. M., 2010.

10. Inozemtsev N. N. Frontaya diary. M., 2005.

11. La View D. F. Tankist on the "foreign car". M., 2007.

12. Mikheenkov S. E. In the reports were not reported. The life and death of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War. M., 2009.

13. Mikheenkov S. E. Platridge, prepare for the attack! .. Lieutenants of the Great Patriotic War. M., 2010.

14. Novokhatsky I. M. Memories of the battery commander. Division artillery during the Great Patriotic War. M., 2007.

15. Pershann V. Penflies, Scouts, Infantry. "Equal truth" of the Great Patriotic. M., 2010.

16. Cooking E. E. Diary of the self-propeller. The battle route of the mechanic-driver ISU-152. 1942 - 1945. M., 2008.

17. Shimkevich V. The fate of the Moscow militia. M., 2008.

From the experience of solving some socially events

On the village in the 70s and 1980s (on the example of the Moscow region)

Alexander Vasilyevich Baranov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department "History and Political Science", [Email Protected]

FGBOU VPO "Russian State University of Tourism and Service",


The article is devoted to the implementation of integrated activities on the socioeconomic transformation of rural settlements. It analyzes the work of party, Soviet and economic leaders of the Moscow region to update and reconstruct villages and villages in order to create the most favorable conditions for living, recreation after the labor day and the comprehensive development of rural workers and their children.

The ARTICLE IS DEVOTED THE IMPLEMENTATION COMPLEX MEASURES FOR SOCIO-ECONOMICAL TRANSFORMATION OF RURAL SETTLEMENTS. IT Analyzes The Work of The Moscow Region In The Aspect of Renewal and Reconstruction of Villages in Order to Create The Most Favorable Conditions for Living, Relax After Hard Day "S Work and The Comprehensive Development of Rural Workers and Their Children.

Keywords: selyan, update, services, cooperation.

Soldier's bikes are an unchanged attribute of Russian folklore. So it happened that our army fought, as a rule, not "thanks", but "contrary to". Some front-line stories make us open the mouth, others cried "oh well!?", But all of them, without exception, make proud of our soldiers. Wonderful salvation, seduker and just good luck - in our list.

With an ax on a tank

If the expression "field kitchen" causes you only an increase in appetite, it means that you are not familiar with the history of the Krasnoarmeyman Ivan Sereda.

In August 1941, his part stood not far from Daugavpils, and Ivan himself was preparing lunch for soldiers. Hearing the characteristic clandage of metal, he looked at the nearest grove and saw the German tank who had rushing him. With me, at this moment there were only an uncharged rifle and an ax, but Russian soldiers are still strong and smelting. Hiding behind the tree, Seresa waited, when the tank with the Germans would notice the kitchen and stop and it happened.

Wehrmacht's soldiers got out of the Terrible Machine, and at that moment the Soviet cook jumped out of his shelter, waving an ax and a rifle. The frightened Germans jumped back into the tank, waiting for at least the attacks of a whole company, and Ivan did not dissuade them in this. He jumped into the car and became a turn of the ax to beat her roof, when the heads of the Germans came to themselves and began to shoot him from the machine gun, he simply bent him blew up with several blows of the same ax. Feeling that psychological advantage on his side, Seresa began to shout orders to the non-existent reinforcement of the Red Army. It was the last straw: a minute later, the enemies surrendered and the Karabarba went towards the Soviet soldiers.

Woke up Russian bear

Tanks kV-1 - the pride of the Soviet Army of the first stages of the war - had an unpleasant property to stroke on arable land and other soft soils. One such a kV is not lucky to get stuck during the retreat of 1941, and the carriage faithful to his case did not dare to quit.

Hour passed, German tanks approached. Their guns could only scratch the armor "who fell asleep" of the giant, and unsuccessfully shooting all the ammunition in him, the Germans decided to tow the "Klim Voroshilov" in his part. Cable secured, and two PZ III with great difficulty shifted the sq.

The Soviet crew was not going to surrender, as suddenly the tank engine, displeased Pokhyaktev, washed. Thille thinking, towed himself became a tractor and easily pulled two German tanks in the direction of the position of the Red Army. Puzzled crew "Banzerwaff" was forced to escape, but the cars themselves were successfully delivered by the KV-1 to the most advanced.

Right bees

Fights near Smolensk took thousands of lives at the beginning of the war. But the story of one of the soldiers about the "buzzing defenders" is amazing.

Permanent air trains to the city forced the Red Army to change their positions and go back to several times on the day. One exhausted platoon was not far from the village. There, the soldiers were met with honey, the benefit of the apiary was not yet destroyed by air strikes.

There was a few hours, and the enemy infantry entered the village. The enemy forces exceeded the Red Army several times and the latter retreated towards the forest. But they could no longer be saved, there was no strength, and a sharp German speech was heard very close. Then one of the soldiers began to turn the hives. Soon the whole buzzing buzzed bees was spinled over the field, and it was worth the Germans to approach them a little closer, as a gigantic swarm found his sacrifice. The enemy infantry shouted and rode in the meadow, but could not do anything. So the bees reliably covered the retreat of the Russian platoon.

From that light

At the beginning of the war, the fighter and bombarding shelves were separated and often the latter flew to the task without air protection. So it was on the Leningrad Front, where the legend was served by Vladimir Murzaev. During one of these fatal tasks on the tail of the Soviet IL-2 group, a dozen "messerschimits" sat down. Case Live: Wonderful Il was good, but did not differ at speed, so having lost a couple of aircraft, the link commander ordered to leave the car.

Murzaev jumped one of the latter, already in the air felt a blow on his head and lost consciousness, and waking up, accepted the surrounding snow landscape for the heavens. But he had to get burned very quickly: he probably does not happen to be a burning fragments of fuselage. It turned out that he was only a kilometer from his airfield. Docking to the officer's blockage, Vladimir reported on his return and threw a parachute on the bench. Pale and frightened fellow soldiers looked at him: the parachute was sealing! It turns out that Murzaev got a blow on the head part of the plane shearing, and the parachute did not reveal. A drop from 3500 meters softened the drifts and truly soldier's luck.

Imperial guns

In the winter of 1941, all the forces were thrown on the protection of Moscow from the enemy. There was no extra reserves at all. And they needed. For example, the sixteenth army, which was bleeding with losses in the Solnechnogorsk area.

He also led this army yet Marshal, but already the desperate commander Konstantin Rokossovsky. Feeling that, without a dozen guns, the defense of Solnechnogorsk fell, he turned to Zhukov asking for help. Zhukov answered with refusal - all the forces were involved. Then the tireless lieutenant-general Rokossovsky sent the request to Stalin himself. Expected, but no less husty, the answer followed immediately - no reserve. True, Joseph Vissarionovich mentioned that there are several dozen canned guns that took part in the Russian-Turkish war. These guns were museum exhibits attributed to the Dzerzhinsky Military Artillery Academy.

After several days of searching, an employee of this Academy was found. Old professor, practically a peer of these guns, told about the place of conservation of the Gaubitz in the Moscow region. So, the front received several dozen of the old guns, which played not the last role in the defense of the capital.

In addition to the fighting and constant proximity of death, the other party is always present in the war - the daily life of the army life. The man at the front not only fought, but was concerned about the infinite number of cases, which he needed to remember.

Without a good organization of life of servicemen in a combat situation, it is impossible to count on successful performance of the task. On the moral state of fighters, as is well known, the organization of life was provided. Without this, the soldier during hostilities can not restore the spent moral and physical forces. For what restoration of the forces can count the soldier, if he, for example, instead of a healthy sleep during rest, it is fiercely itching to get rid of itching. We tried to collect interesting photos and the facts of front life and compare the conditions in which Soviet and German soldiers fought.

Soviet blonde, 1942.

German soldiers for fasting, Central Front, 1942-1943.

Soviet mortar in the tag.

German soldiers in the peasant surge, the central front, 1943.

Cultural service of Soviet troops: front-line concert. 1944 year.

German soldiers celebrate Christmas, Central Front, 1942.

Senior Lieutenant Kalinina fighters dressed after a bath. 1942 year.

German soldiers in dinner.

Soviet soldiers at work in a hiking repair workshop. 1943.

German soldiers brush shoes and sew clothes.

First Ukrainian Front. General view of the regimental laundry in the forest West Lviv. 1943.

German soldiers on a privala.

Western Front. Haircut and shaving of Soviet fighters in the front-line hairdresser. August 1943.

Haircut and shaving the fighters of the German army.

North Caucasian Front. Girls-fighters in leisure hours. 1943.

German soldiers in their free time on a privala.

Much in the soldier's house, and at the front depended on the outfit. From the memoirs of the fighter of the Leningrad Front of the 1025th separate mortar company Ivan Melnikova: "Hards, shirt, gymnaster cloudy, pants and pants, wadded, boots, tap-taper, mittens, mittens. In such an outfit, you could fight in forty-degree frosts. Unlike From us the Germans were dressed extremely easy. They were dressed in overweights and blanks, boots. In particularly, the frosts were wrapped in woolen scarves, wrapped her legs with rags, newspapers, just to escape from frostbite. So it was at the beginning of the war near Moscow and later Under Stalingrad. The Germans could not get used to the Russian climate. "

Western Front. Soviet soldiers in leisure hours on the advanced line. 1942 year.

Correspondence (according to the correspondence) marriage of a German soldier. The ceremony holds the company commander, 1943.

Operation in the Soviet field hospital, 1943.

German field hospital, 1942.

One of the main issues of military life was the supply of an army and a military diet. It is clear that the hungry does not buy a lot. The daily rate of food issuance of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht for a day as of 1939:

Bread................................................. ...................... 750 grams
Cruses (semolina cereals, rice) .................................... 8.6 grams
Pasta................................................. .............. 2.86 grams
Meat (beef, veal, pork) ............... 118.6 grams
Sausage................................................. ................. 42.56 grams
Salo-spicker ............................................................. ............... 17.15 grams
Fat animals and vegetable .............................. 28.56 grams
Oil cow ................................................ ....... 21.43 grams
Margarine................................................. .............. 14.29 grams
Sugar................................................. .................... 21.43 grams
Ground coffee................................................ ......... 15.72 grams
Tea................................................. ....................... 4 grams per week
Cocoa powder ............................................... ......... 20 grams (per week)
Potatoes................................................. ............. 1500 grams
-All beans (beans) ............................................ 365 grams
Vegetables (celery, peas, carrots, kolrabi) ........ 142.86 grams
or canned vegetables .......................... 21.43 grams
Apples ............................................................... ................... 1 piece a week
Pickles................................................ ..... 1 piece a week
Milk................................................. .................. 20 grams per week
Cheese................................................. ....................... 21.57 grams
Eggs ............................................................. ...................... 3 pieces per week
Canned fish (sardines in oil) ...................... 1 bank per week

German soldiers on a privala.

The daily diet was issued by German soldiers once a day at once, usually in the evening, with the occurrence of darkness, when it becomes possible to send food pans in the near rear to the field kitchen. The place of food and the distribution of food products during the day soldiers determined independently.

During the Great Patriotic War in the fascist troops who fought on the Eastern Front, the norms for issuing food, supplying uniforms and shoes and the consumption of ammunition were revised. Their decrease and reduction played a certain positive role in the victory of the Soviet people in the war.

German soldiers during food intake.

For the delivery of food from field kitchen on the fascist advanced, large containers equipped with gluable belts were used. They were two types: with a large round screw cover and with a folding lid in size throughout the transverse cross section of the container. The first type was intended for the transportation of drinks (coffee, compotes, rum, schnapps and other), the second for such dishes, like soup, porridge, goulash.

The daily rate of food the food of the Red Army and the superior composition of the combat units of the current army of the Soviet Union as of 1941:

Bread: October-March ........................... 900 grams
April-September ............................... 800 grams
Wheat flour, 2nd grade ............. 20 grams
Crupes are different .............................. 140 grams
Pasta .................................... 30 grams
Meat .......................................... 150 grams
Fish ........................................... 100 grams
Comblege and Salo ........................... 30 grams
Vegetable oil ...................... 20 grams
Sugar ........................................... 3 grams
Tea ............................................... 1 gram
Salt ............................................ 30 grams
- Potatoes .................................. 500 grams
- Cabbage ....................................... 170 grams
- Carrot ........................................ 45 grams
- Beet .......................................... 40 grams
- Onion onion ................................. 30 grams
- greens ........................................... 38 grams
Machork .......................................... 20 grams
Matches .............................. 3 boxes per month
Soap .................................... 200 grams per month

June 1942. Sending freshly baked bread to the forefront

It is worth noting that the norms of products to the fighters did not always reach completely - the products simply lacked. Then the elders of the divisions were issued instead of the 900 grams of bread, only 850, and even less. Such conditions encourage the command of part to use the help of the local population. And in the difficult conditions of the fighting, often the commanders of the divisions were not able to pay due attention to the food. The duty officers were not prescribed, elementary sanitary conditions were not observed.

Field kitchen Soviet soldiers.

Soviet soldiers during food.

When writing the article, materials were used

Public houses for the Germans were in many occupied cities of the North-West of Russia.
During the Great Patriotic War, many cities and settlements of the North-West were occupied by the fascists. On the front, on the approaches to Leningrad, the bloody battles were walking, and in the quiet rear, the Germans were hacked and tried to create comfortable conditions for recreation and leisure.

"A German soldier must eat on time, wash and remove sex stress," so many Wehrmacht commanders argued. To solve the last problem, public houses were created in large occupied cities and dating rooms in German canteens and restaurants, and free prostitution is allowed.

Money girls usually did not take

The brothels worked mostly local Russian girls. Sometimes the deficit of the priestens of love was replenished from residents of the Baltic. Information that the Nazis served only purebred chims, the myth. Only the top of the Nazi party in Berlin was concerned about the problems of racial purity. But in military conditions, no one was interested in the nationality of a woman. It is also mistaken to assume that girls in the brothels were forced to work only under the threat of reprisals. Very often, they were leuting military hunger.

Boring in the major cities of the North-West, as a rule, were located in small two-storey houses, where they knew from 20 to 30 girls. On the day, one served up to several tens of servicemen. Public houses enjoyed unprecedented popular with Germans. "In another day, the porch lined up long queues," wrote one of the Nazis in his diary. For sexual services, women most often received a full payment. For example, the German clients of the bathroom-laundry plant in the Marevo Novgorod region often balled favorite Slavs in the Borders-House chocolate candies, which was almost a gastronomic miracle. The girl's money was usually not taken. Buckka bread - the board is much more generous than rapidly depreciable rubles.

For the order in public houses, German rear services were followed, some entertainment places worked under the Ward of German counterintelligence. In solts and stoves, large reconnaissance and sabotage schools were opened by the Nazis. Their "graduates" were sent to the Soviet rear and partisan detachments. German intelligence officers have believed that the "prick" agents are easier than "on a woman." Therefore, in Soletsky Bardell, the entire service personnel was recruited by Abver. The girls in private conversations found out at the cadets of the intelligence school, as far as they are betrayed by the ideas of the Third Reich, are not going to go to the side of Soviet resistance. For such "intimate-intellectual" work, women received special fees.

And fed and satisfied

In some canteens and restaurants, where German soldiers had lunch, there were so-called dating rooms. Waitresses, dishwashers In addition to the main work in the kitchen and additionally provided sex services in the hall. It is believed that in the restaurants of the famous grain chamber in the Novgorod Kremlin, such a room for the Spaniards of the Blue Division was located. This was spoken of the people, but official documents that would confirm this fact.

The dining room and club in the small village of the Bear got fame among the soldiers of the Wehrmacht not only by the "cultural program", but also the fact that the striptease was shown there!

Free prostitutes

In one of the documents of 1942, we find the following: "Since there were not enough public houses in Pskov for the Germans, they created the so-called Institute of Sanitary Outlook Women or, Simply put, revived free prostitutes. Periodically, they should also be at a medical examination and receive appropriate marks in special tickets (medical certificates). "

After the victory over the fascist Germany, women who served the Nazis during the war years were subjected to public cure. People called them "German bedding, skins, b ...". Some of them shaved heads, like fallen women in France. However, not a single criminal case on the fact of cohabitation with the enemy was not established. The Soviet government looked at this problem through the fingers. In war - special laws.

Children of love.

Sexual "cooperation" during the war for a long time left the memory of herself. From the occupiers were born in any other kids. It is difficult to even count, in what quantity blond and blue-eyed children with "Aryan blood" appeared. Today it is easy to meet in the north-west of Russia of a person of retirement age with the features of the purebred German, who was not born in Bavaria, but in some distant village of the Leningrad region.

Surrounding during the war "Nem" women were not always alive. There are cases when the mother personally killed the baby, because he is the "son of the enemy." In one of the guerrilla memories described the case. For three years, the Germans in the village "Table", the Russian woman came across the three children. On the first day after the arrival of the Soviet troops, she carried out her offspring on the road, put a row and shout: "Death by German invaders!" broke a cobblestone head ...


Commander Kursk General-Major Marcel published "Prescription for ordering prostitution in Kursk". It said:

§ 1. List of prostitutes.

Only women in the lists of prostitutes having a control card and regularly passing inspection from a special physician for venereal diseases can be prostitized.

Persons involving prostitution should be registered to enter the list of prostitutes in the order service department of Kursk. The prostitutes in the list can only occur after the corresponding military doctor (sanitary officer), to which the prostitute should be sent, gives permission. Extinguishing from the list can also occur only with the permission of the appropriate physician.

After entering the list of prostitutes, the latter receives a control card through the service department.

§ 2. The prostitute must adhere to the following prescriptions when performing its fishery:

A) ... to engage in its fishery only in its apartment, which must be registered with it in the housing office and in the order service department;

B) ... to nail the sign to your apartment to indicate the appropriate physician in a prominent place;

C) ... does not have the right to leave his area of \u200b\u200bthe city;

D) any attraction and recruitment on the streets and in public places is prohibited;

E) a prostitute should strictly perform the instructions of the appropriate physician, especially regularly and accurately appear on the specified time for examination;

E) sexual intercourse without rubber fuses are prohibited;

G) in prostitutes to which the relevant doctor banned sexual intercourse should be nailed on their apartments special ads of the order service department with an indication of this ban.

§ 3. Punishments.

1. The death is punishable:

Women infecting Germans or people of the union nations with a venereal disease, despite the fact that they knew about their venereal disease before sexual intercourse.

The prostitute is the same punishment, which has intercourse with German or the face of the union nation without a rubber guard and infects it.

Venestic illness is implied and always when this woman is prohibited by sexual intercourse by the appropriate physician.

2. Forced work in the camp for up to 4 years caught:

Women with sexual intercourse with Germans or the people of the Allied Nations, although they themselves know or suggest that they are sick venereal disease.

3. Forced operations in the camp for a period of at least 6 months are punishable:

A) Women engaged in prostitution, without being listed in the list of prostitutes;

B) Persons who provide room for prostitution outside the prostitute's own apartment.

4. Forced operations in the camp for a period of at least 1 month are punishable:

Prostitutes that do not perform this prescription designed for their fishery.

§ 4. Entry into force.

Similarly, prostitution was regulated in other occupied territories. However, strict chairs for infecting with venereal diseases led to the fact that prostitutes preferred not to register and they were illegally engaged in their fisher. The referent SD in Belarus is finished in April 1943, "in April 1943, we first eliminated all prostitutes with venereal diseases that only were able to delay. But it turned out that women who were previously sick and reported this, later disappeared, having heard that we would treat them badly. This error is eliminated, and women, patients with venereal diseases, are cured and insulated. "

Communication with Russian women sometimes ended for German military personnel very sadly. And no venereal diseases were here the main danger. On the contrary, many Soldiers of the Wehrmacht had anything against it to pick up gonorrhea or tripper and to squeeze into the rear for several months, "everything is better than to go under the bullets of the Red Army and partisans. It turned out this combination of pleasant with not very pleasant, but it is useful. However, it was just a meeting with a Russian girl often ended for the German partisan bullet. Here is the order of December 27, 1943 on the rear parts of the Center of Army Center:

"Two head of the boss of one sapper battalion met in Mogilev with two Russian girls, they went to girls at their invitation and during the dances were killed by four Russians in civil and deprived of their weapons. The investigation showed that girls along with Russian men intended to go to the gangs and in this way they wanted to buy a weapon. "

According to Soviet sources, women and girls, the invaders were often forcibly driven into public houses intended for servicing German and allied soldiers and officers. Since it was believed that with prostitution in the USSR, once and for all, the partisan leaders could only imagine the violent recruiting of girls in the Bord. Those women and girls who had to cohabit the Germans, after the war, not to persecute, also argued that they were forced to sleep with enemy soldiers and officers.

Stalino (Donetsk, Ukraine)

In the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine" for August 27, 2003 on the topic "Bords for the Germans in Donetsk". Here are the passages: "In Stalino (Donetsk) front brothels were 2. One was called" Italian Casino ". 18 Maiden and 8 people workers worked only with the allies of Germans - the Italian soldiers and officers. As they say local historians, there was a given establishment of the current Donetsk The covered market ... The second brothel, intended for the Germans, was located in the oldest in the city of the hotel "United Kingdom". In total, 26 people worked in the brothel (this is what the maidens, technical governments and leadership). Maiden's earnings were about 500 rubles a week (owls ., True walked on this terror. In parallel with the brand, course 10: 1). The work schedule was: 6.00 - medical examination; 9.00 breakfast (soup, dried potatoes, porridge, 200 gr. Chleba; 9.30-11.00-Go to the city; 11.00-13.00 - stay in the hotel, preparation for work; 13.00-13.30-lunch (first dish, 200 gr. Chleba); 14.00-20.30- Customer service; 21.00 dinner. Overnight the ladies was allowed only in the hotel. Soldier for visiting a brothel received The commander acc. Cone (in leaving The Nii of the month of the day was supposed to have 5-6 pieces), a medical examination took place, upon arrival in the boutinal registered the coupon, and the root passed to the office of the military unit, washed (the regulations were assumed to issue a fighter of a piece of soap, a small towel and 3-condoms) ... The preserved data in Stalino visiting the brothel did a soldier in 3 stamps (contributed to the cashier) and continued on average 15 minutes. Bords existed in Stalino until August 1943

In Europe.

During the fighting in Europe, the Wehrmacht had no opportunity to create a public house in each large settlement. The corresponding field commandant gave consent to the creation of such agencies only where a sufficient large number of German soldiers and officers were stationed. In many respects, the real activity of these brothels can only guess. Field commandants took responsibility for the equipment of public houses, which should have been consistent with clearly defined hygienic standards. They also set prices in the brothels, determined the inner routine of public houses and took care that at any moment there was a sufficient amount of women available.
The brothels had to have bathdings with hot and cold water and mandatory bathroom. Each "room for dates" had to hang a poster "Sexual intercourse without contraceptive means - strictly prohibited!". Any use of sadomasochist attributes and fixtures is strictly prosecuted by laws. But the military authorities looked through his fingers to trade in erotic pictures and pornographic magazines.
In prostitutes they took not every woman. Officials of the Ministry carefully selected candidates for sex service soldiers and officers. As you know, the Germans considered themselves the highest Aryan race, and such nations, like, for example, the Dutch or Finns, - according to certain criteria, related to the Aryans. Therefore, in Germany, he was very strictly monitored, and marriages between the Aryans and were not welcomed. About unicoys and did not have to talk. It was taboo. In the Gestapo, there was even a special department of the "ethnic community and healthcare". In his functions, he was controlled by the control "behind the Reich Fund". The Germans, who entered into a sexual relationship with Polgot or Ukrainian, could send to the concentration camp for the "criminal dilution of the Seed Foundation Reich." Rangers and walks (of course, if they did not serve in the elite troops of the SS) were detected and punished. The same department was followed by the purity of blood prostitutes in the field brothels, and at first the criteria were very tough. In officers, only true Germans have had the right to work in the internal, invalid German lands of Bavaria, Saxony or Silesia. They had to be a rise not lower than 175 cm, necessarily blonde, with blue or light gray eyes and possess good manners.
Doctors and faggers from military units were to provide public houses not only with soap, towels and disinfectants, but also a sufficient number of condoms. By the way, until the end of the war, the main sanitary governance in Berlin will be centrally supplied.

Only air raids prevented immediate supplies of such goods to the front. Even when problems with supply began to arise in the third Reich, and for individual industries, the rubber was provided according to a special schedule, the Nazis never missed condoms for their own soldiers. Except in the brothels themselves, soldiers could acquire condoms in buffets, in kitchens and responsible for the supply.
But the most striking in this system is not even this. It's all about the notorious German punctuality. The German command could not allow the soldiers to enjoy sexual services, when they want, and the priests of love themselves worked for the mood. Everything was taken into account and estimated: for each prostitute, the "standards of development" were installed, and they were not taken from the ceiling, but scientifically justified. For a start, German officials shared all the bored in categories: Soldier, Unter-Officers (Sergeant), Feldfelsky (Starinsky) and officers. In the soldier's public houses in staff, it was supposed to have prostitutes in the ratio: one per 100 soldiers. For sergeants, this figure was reduced to 75. But in the officer, one prostitute served 50 officers. In addition, a certain customer service plan was installed for the priestess of love. To get a salary at the end of the month, the soldier's prostitute was to serve at least 600 customers per month (at the rate that every soldier has the right to relax with the girl five to six times a month)!
True, such "high indicators" lay in the worn bed in the ground forces. In aviation and fleet, which in Germany was considered privileged childbirth, the "standards of production" were much smaller. A prostitute serving the "iron falcons" of Gering, it was necessary to take 60 clients monthly, and on staff in aviation field hospitals were supposed to have
One prostitute for 20 pilots and one on 50 people of ground service personnel. But for a warm place at the airbase, it was necessary to fight.
Of all the countries and peoples who participated in the war, the Germans most responsibly approached the sexual service of their soldiers.
