A riddle that suggests interesting thoughts!

The nuclear grave is a place where the spent nuclear fuel is stored, many such places are scattered throughout the earth. All of them were built in recent decades to reliably hide the side products of atomic power plants.

But, humanity has nothing to do with one of the burial grounds: it is not known who built it and even when scientists carefully determine its age in 1.8 billion years.

Phenomenon Oklo

In 1972, an inquisitive laboratory instructed on the developed uranium deposit in Oklo (Africa, Gabon) that the percentage of U-235 in ore is lower than a value of 0.003%. Despite the seeming insignificance of deviation, for scientists it was emergency. In all earthly uranium ores, and even in samples delivered from the moon, an uranium content indicator in ore is always 0.7202%, for what reason from mines in Oklo raised ore containing 0.7171%, and even less?

Most of all scientists scares incomprehensible, so in 1975 a scientific conference was held in the capital of Gabon Librevil, on which the nuclear scientists were looking for an explanation to the phenomenon.

After a long debate, we decided to consider the field in Oklo the only nuclear reactor on earth on Earth. An emerged 1.8 billion years ago and the natural reactor grown over 500 thousand years ago, the ore is the spree product. Everything sighed hardly - one mystery on Earth was less.

Alternative point of view

But not all conference participants adopted such a decision. A number of scientists called him a contrived, not withstanding any criticism. They led to the opinion of the Great Enrico Fermi, the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, which always claimed that the chain reaction can only have artificial character - too many factors must accidentally coincide. Any mathematician will say that the probability of this is so small that it can be unambiguously equated to zero.

But if this suddenly happened and the stars are called, the self-governed nuclear reaction for 500 thousand years ... at a nuclear power plant, several people are watching the reactor's work around the clock, constantly changing the modes of his work without giving the reactor to stop or explode. The slightest error - and get Chernobyl or Fukushima. And in Oklo half a million years old worked everything in itself?

The most stable version

Dissenters with the version of the natural nuclear reactor in the Gabon Rudnik put forward their theory, according to which the reactor in the Oklo is the creation of the mind. However, the mine in Gabon is less like a nuclear reactor built by high-tech civilization. However, alternatives do not insist alternatives. In their opinion, the mine in Gabone was the burial site of SNF.

For this purpose, the place is chosen and prepared perfectly: for half a million years from the basalt "sarcophagus", a gram of a radioactive substance has not penetrated into the environment.

The theory that the mine in OKLO is a nuclear grain of a technical point of view much more suitable than the version of the "natural reactor". But closing some questions, she asks new ones. After all, if there was a burial ground with SNF, it means there was a reactor from where these waste was brought. Where did he go? And where did the civilization that built the burial is missing?

If an unusual case happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had a unusual dream, you saw in the sky UFOs or became a victim of the abduction of aliens, you can send our story to us and it will be published on our website \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003e .

Supporters of the hypothesis Ob. alien origin of mankind They argue that in time immemorial in the solar system could arrive Space expedition From the central part of the Galaxy, where the stars and the planets rotating around them are older, it means that life originated and reached high development earlier than with us.

Space "progressors" at first burned Faeton, which at that time, when the sun was younger and hot, was most suitable for life.

And when a terrible war broke out on this planet, the splitting of it on the part and turning the asteroids into the belly, the surviving part of mankind settled on Mars. After many years, the Martian civilization could not cross in its development "nuclear threshold" and was destroyed. But the colonists survived, who have already mastered the land.

Supporters of this theory were not only science fiction writers (Alexander Kazantsev, etc.). For example, in 1961, the Soviet scientist, mathematician and astronomer, an expert on the ancient languages \u200b\u200bof the Mattest Agret published the article "Cosmonauts of Antiquity". The author believes that some artifacts and monuments of the past are evidence of their stay on earth representatives of some highly developed alien civilization.

He writes: "... You can assume that the survey of the solar system of astronauts was made by small ships, starting from the ground. For these purposes, it may be necessary to mined an additional nuclear fuel on Earth and build special sites and storages. "

Oklo mine: reactor or ...

It is possible that the hypothesis of Mestiest Agret confirms an unexpected discovery made in 1972. One French company mined uranium ore on Oklo mine in Gabon. And during the usual analysis of ore samples, it was found that the percentage of uranium-235 in it below the norm.

Then a shortage of about 200 kilograms of this isotope was recorded. Specialists of the French Commissioner of Nuclear Energy scored alarm. After all, the missing substance is quite enough for the manufacture of several atomic bombs.

Further studies have shown that the concentration of uranium-235 in the OKLO mine as in the spent fuel from the atomic station reactor. So what is it? Did the nuclear grave? But how can it be if it created about two million years ago?

Puzzled Nuclearies found an answer in the article published by American scientists by George Sobrell and Markan Ingram in 1956. Scientists suggested an existence of the existence in the distant past of natural nuclear reactors. And the floor of the smoke, a chemist from the Arkansas University, even identified the necessary and sufficient conditions so that in the body of the uranium field spontaneously there is a process of self-sustaining splitting.

In 1975, a scientific conference was held in the capital of Gabon Librevil, on which the Oklo phenomenon was discussed. Most scientists concluded that the mine is the only natural nuclear reactor known on the ground. He started about two million years ago spontaneously due to unique natural conditions and worked 500 thousand years.

What kind of conditions is it? In the river delta, a sandstone layer rich in uranium ore was postponed on a strong basalt bed. As a result of tectonic activity, basalt foundation plunged into the ground a few kilometers together with the Uranian sandstone. Sandstone crashed, in the crack began to penetrate the groundwater.

In the mine's mine, the same as in nuclear firing nuclear power plants, the fuel was located compact masses inside the moderator. The retarder served water. In ore there were clay "lenses". In them, the concentration of natural uranium with conventional 0.5% increased to 40%. After the mass and thickness of the layers have reached critical sizes, the chain reaction occurred and the installation began to work.

The water was a natural regulator. By entering the active zone, it launched a chain reaction that led to evaporation of water, reducing the neutron flow and stopping the reaction. After 2.5 hours, when the active zone of the reactor cooled, the cycle was repeated.

Then the next cataclysm lifted the "installation" to the previous level, or uranium-235 burned out, and the reactor stopped work.

Although over half a million years, this natural reactor has developed 13 million kilowatt-hours of energy, its power was small. She was on average less than 100 kilowatts, which would have enough for the work of several dozen toasters.

... nuclear grain?

But many nuclear students have the conclusions of the conference in Libreville cause greater doubts.

After all, Eriko Fermi is the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor - argued that the chain nuclear reaction can only have artificial origin. On the one hand, if the nature has some unimaginable way to run it into OKLO, then a number of factors should operate for continuous support of the reaction, the probability of the simultaneous presence of which is almost equal to zero.

In fact, the slightest shift of the stamps of the soil in the area, which at that time was distinguished by high tectonic activity, would lead to a stop of the reactor, and the former conditions for its launch could hardly arise again. And if the regulator of the chain reaction was groundwater, then, without lack of artificial adjustment of the reactor power, its spontaneous increase would lead to water and stop the process, and it would not be a fact that it would again start spontaneously.

And on the other hand, the mine in Gabon is not too similar to a nuclear reactor created by highly developed civilization. It was too small with its power, sheepnik, as they say, not worth it. Rather, it resembles the burial place of spent nuclear fuel. And it is equipped perfectly. For almost two million years, no gram of radioactive substances penetrated into the environment. Uranus is reliably closed in basalt "sarcophagus".

In a closed circle

But if there is a burial ground with spent nuclear fuel, it means there were also a reactor generating atomic energy, and a highly developed civilization using it. Where is she going?

Recently, hypotheses are increasingly more likely that the current technocratic civilization is far from the first on Earth. It is possible, highly developed civilizations that mastered the powerful forces of nature, there were millions of years ago on our planet. But only none of them managed to use this power for the benefit, for creation, and not for destruction.

At a certain stage of technocratic development, there was a confrontation of two or several state formations, which poured into the world war using such a monstrous weapon that nuclear compared to it would seem like children's fun. As a result, mankind destroyed himself, the face of the planet changed, and miraculously surviving people fell into a primitive state, losing all knowledge and skills.

The last time this worldwide catastrophe occurred about 50 thousand years ago, when Aria (hyperborei) agreed in the deadly battle with the Atlanta.

Pushing tectonic weapons, the enemies have achieved only a worldwide focus, as a result of which they left under water and hyperbeda, and Atlantis, and from the water, new continents rose, on which now, after tens of thousands of years, a technocratic civilization that owns nuclear weapons and chosen to more terrible means of destroying.

Can she once again not stumble about the "nuclear threshold"? Will it break out of this closed circle? Will your power on the creation, and not for destruction? There is no answer in neither of science or religion.

Victor Mednovnikov, Magazine "Secrets of the twentieth century"

Many sohanople are scattered throughout the land. Nuclear Mogilnikov - places where spent nuclear fuel is stored. All of them were built in recent decades to reliably hide the side products of atomic power plants.

But, humanity has nothing to do with one of the burial grounds: it is not known who built it and even when scientists carefully determine its age in 1.8 billion years.

This object is not so much mysterious, how is amazing and unusual. And he is the only on earth. At least the only one for us is known. Something similar, only even more terrible, can fade under the bottom of the seas, the oceans, in the depths of mountain arrays. What do troubled rumors talk about mysterious warm countries in the areas of mountain glaciers, in the Arctic and Antarctic? Something should heat them. But back to Okle.

Africa. The same "mysterious black continent."

2. The Red Point is the Republic of Gabon, the former French colony.

Province of Oklo 1 , the most valuable mine uranium. That is what goes on fuel for nuclear power plants and filling for warheads.

1 Mariinsk: I did not find the province of Oklo on the map, or for ignorance of the French language, or by a small number of viewed sources)).

3. According to Vika - this is probably the province of Gabon-Lolo (French - OgouuƩ-Lolo - what can be read as "OKLO).

Be that as it may, OKLO is one of the largest uranium deposits on the planet, and the French began to mine uranium there.

But, in the process of production, it turned out that the maintenance of uranium-238 in relation to the extracted uranium-235 in ore is too large. Speaking in simple, in the mines there was no natural uranium, but a fuel spent in the reactor.

An international scandal arose with the mention of terrorists, the leakage of radioactive fuel and other completely incomprehensible things ... It is not clear, for, what does it have to do with it? The terrorists replaced the natural uranium, which also needed additional enrichment, for spent fuel?

Uranium ore from OKLO.
Most of all scientists scares incomprehensible, so in 1975 a scientific conference was held in the capital of Gabon Librevil, on which the nuclear scientists were looking for an explanation to the phenomenon. After a long debate, we decided to consider the field in Oklo the only nuclear reactor on earth on Earth.

It turned out the following. The uranium ore was very rich and correct, but a couple of billion years ago. Since the same time, allegedly, very strange events occurred: natural nuclear reactors on slow neutrons took place in Oklo. It happened this way (let me in the comments, nuclear physicists, but I will explain as I understand it myself).

Rich uranium deposits, almost sufficient for the beginning of the nuclear reaction, were flooded with water. The charged particles emitted by ore knocked out slow neutrons from the water, which falling into the ore, caused the release of new charged particles. A typical chain reaction began. Everything went to the fact that there would be a huge bay on the site of Gabon. But from the starting nuclear reaction, the water was bought, and the reaction was stopped.

According to scientists, the reaction continued with a cycle of three hours. The first half an hour the reactor worked, the temperature rose to several hundred degrees, then the water was bought and two and a half hours cooled the reactor. At this time, the water again leaked into the ore, and the process began again. So far, for several hundred thousand years, nuclear fuel has not exhausted so much that the reaction has ceased to occur. And everything subsided until the appearance of French geologists in Gabon.

Shakhty in Oklo.

The conditions for the occurrence of such processes in the deposits of uranium is in other places, but there it has not come to the start of the work of nuclear reactors. OKLO remains the only place known to us on the planet, where a natural nuclear reactor worked and there were found for the whole sixteen foci with a worked uranium.

So I want to ask:
- Sixteen power units?
Such phenomena rarely have only one explanation.

Alternative point of view.
But not all conference participants adopted such a decision. A number of scientists called him a contrived, not withstanding any criticism. They led to the opinion of the Great Enrico Fermi, the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, which always claimed that the chain reaction can only have artificial character - too many factors must accidentally coincide. Any mathematician will say that the probability of this is so small that it can be unambiguously equated to zero.

But if this suddenly happened and the stars were called that it was called, the self-governed nuclear reaction for 500 thousand years ... at a nuclear power plant, several people are watching the operation of the reactor around the clock, constantly changing the modes of its work without giving the reactor to stop or explode. The slightest error - and get Chernobyl or Fukushima. And in Oklo half a million years old worked everything in itself?

The most sustainable version.
Dissenters with the version of the natural nuclear reactor in the Gabon Mine, they put forward their theory, according to which the reactor in the Oklo - the creation of the mind. However, the mine in Gabon is less like a nuclear reactor built by high-tech civilization. However, alternatives do not insist alternatives. In their opinion, the mine in Gabon was the burial site of SNF.
For this purpose, the place is chosen and prepared perfectly: for half a million years from the basalt "sarcophagus", a gram of a radioactive substance has not penetrated into the environment.

The theory that the mine in OKLO is a nuclear grain of a technical point of view much more suitable than the version of the "natural reactor". But closing some questions, she asks new ones.
After all, if there was a burial ground with SNF, which means there was a reactor from where these waste was brought. Where did he go? And where did the civilization that built the burial is missing?
While questions remain without answers.

Career for mining uranium ore in Gabone near the city of Oklo

Exactly 40 years ago, the first international conference was held, devoted to the results of the study of a unique natural nuclear reactor in the south-west of Equatorial Africa. This geological phenomenon was opened in Gabon, near the Miner's town of Oklo, on June 2, 1972 right in the body of the uranium field.

Life term - 500,000 years

Once, when examining the uranium mine in Gabon, the Expedition of French geologists in amazement found out that about two billion years ago the real natural nuclear reactor worked here. So the whole world became a geological miracle hidden in the old Oklo mine.

How did the natural conditions for the flow of a chain nuclear reaction have been created? Once it all began with the fact that in a river delta on a solid bed from basalt rocks, a sandstone layer rich in uranium ore was postponed. As a result of an endless series of earthquakes, basalt foundation plunged deep into the ground. There, at a kilometer depth, the Uranian sandstone crashed, and in the crack began to flow ground water. Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and the sandy layer rose again to the surface.

The nuclear engineers explained to the geologists that water served as a natural regulator of the chain reaction. When she got into the reactor, he immediately boiled and evaporated, as a result of which the "atomic fire" was extinct for a while.

It took about 2.5 hours to cool the reactor and the accumulation of water, and the duration of the active period was the order of half an hour. When the breed was cooled, the water again leakaged and launched a nuclear reaction. And so, then flashing, then fascia, the reactor, the capacity of which was 200 times less than the first nuclear power plant in Obninsk, worked about half a million years.

"Chicago Polyennitsa", the world's first nuclear reactor, launched in 1942

Despite the solid expiration date of the African geological phenomenon, some unresolved questions remain. And the main thing: how for half a million years old, the natural reactor survived the earthquake and raising-lowering the earth's crust? After all, it is obvious that any movement of terrestrial layers would immediately change the "volume of the working area". At the same time, either a nuclear reaction would immediately cease, or an atomic explosion would have occurred, the geological phenomenon who destroyed the geological phenomenon would be ...

Meanwhile, and at the moment OKLO is a valid uranium field. Those ore bodies that are located at the surface are mined by a career method, and those that are at the depths - mine workings.

"Chicago Flip"

On December 2, 1942, a team of physicists from the University of Chicago, headed by the Nobel Prize winner Enrico Fermi launched the world's first nuclear reactor called "Chicago Fully". After 15 years, the first ideas of the possibility of the existence of a nuclear reactor created by nature itself appeared. A Japanese physicist floor of the smoke has been done one of the first to develop a hypothesis about natural reactors. He has long been unsuccessfully looking for signs of natural nuclear reactions in the rudnight deposits of uranium.

When the OKLO reactor was opened, various hypotheses arose about the causes of this strange phenomenon. Some argued that the field was infected with the spent fuel of alien spacecraft, others considered it the burial site of nuclear waste, which was inherited from ancient highly developed civilizations.

In addition to the striking parts of the functioning of the natural nuclear reactor, it would be very curious to learn the fate of its "radioactive waste". Radiochemistry specialists calculated that the reactor in OKLO has developed about 6 tons of fission products and 2.5 tons of plutonium. At the same time, the main part of radioactive waste was concluded inside the crystal structure of the mineral settlement, in the ore bodies of the OKLO mine.

The natural reactor clearly demonstrated how nuclear grains could be built, harmless to the environment. However, the main thing in the influence of natural radiation on the flora and the fauna of our planet is all sorts of mutations.

From monkey - to man

The natural reactor in Oklo began to act during the time when the first multicellular organisms appeared on Earth, which immediately began to master warm water bodies and coastal areas of the world ocean. Evolutionary teaching, based on the fundamental theory of the Great Darwin, assumes a smooth transition from marine plants and animals to ground. However, some paleontological finds are poorly stacked in traditional views, confirming hypotheses about evolutionary "racing" and "jumps". Some paleontologists persistently insist that in different historical periods, as it were, some kind of living organisms unexpectedly occurred.

As an alternative estimate of the events of that distant time, it is also possible to mention the following opinion related to the consequences of the natural reactor. It is assumed that the natural nuclear reactor could lead to numerous mutations of living organisms, the overwhelming majority of which are extincting as non-visual. Some paleontologists believe that it is the high radiation that caused unexpected mutations in wander nearby African man-like monkeys and pushed their evolution towards a modern person.

Dead spot and radiation mutants

It is possible that in those distant times, natural foci of chain reactions occur quite often, therefore the occasionally not only turned on natural reactors, but also atomic explosions occurred. Of course, such radiation impact was to somehow reflect on the emerging biosphere of our planet. High radiation is destructive for any life, however, in the case of natural reactors, the situation is much more complicated. Indeed, near, and even more so over the reactor, a dead spot should be formed (recall the mysterious "geopathic" zones), where any flora and fauna will be destroyed by ionizing radiation of the reactor zone. But at the edges of the danger zone, radiation levels could change the situation on the opposite - the radiation here will not be killed, and will cause a series of gene mutations.

Uranium ore extracted from Oklo mine

Among radiation mutants could be very unusual creatures that made a wide variety of environmental and accelerating evolutionary development. It turns out that not far from natural sources of radiation should have been observed an unprecedented variety of life.

Moreover, radiation streams from natural reactors and explosions could clarify how life began on earth. Biologists of evolutionists, biophysics and biochemists have long been expressed cautious guesses, which for the launch of life processes in the first boss needed some kind of powerful energy impulse. This flow of external energy could break the chemical bonds of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Then these elements could enter into reactions with each other and form the first complex organic molecules. It used to be believed that such a push could give a pulse of electromagnetic energy, say, in the form of a strong zipper discharge. However, in recent years, ideas are increasingly meeting that much better lightning with the organization of such an energy pulse could cope with powerful natural radiation sources.

Atcidali phenomenon

Recently, Marshod "Curiositi" made an unexpected discovery. It all started with the fact that during the planned research, the Martian Rover found on the surface of the Red Planet traces ... nuclear ashes.

This mysterious fact immediately gave rise to the hypothesis that a large-scale nuclear catastrophe occurred several hundred million years ago on Mars. In some ways the natural reactor exploded, covered with extensive expanses of the planet with radioactive dust and debris. At the same time, the main argument is the fact of the implementation of such a "nuclear scenario" on Earth, in OKLO.

Maybe about a billion years ago, a gigantic nuclear reactor was formed and acted in the northern part of the Martian At Adidali Sea. Probably, the Martian reactor did not have a fairly effective regulator and once exploded, throwing a significant amount of radioactive substances.

Most likely, the "acidali phenomenon" lay at a considerable depth, no less than a kilometer, where there was an extensive ore body from concentrated uranium, thorium and potassium. Apparently, the ancient Mars was in a tectonic plan a rather calm planet with extremely minor movement of lithospheric plates. Therefore, the radioactive ore body was very long and nuclear reactions were processed in it.

Marshod "Curiositi" found on Mars traces of nuclear ash

Calculations show that the Martian atomic explosion is comparable to falling on the surface of the 30-kilometer asteroid planet. However, in contrast to asteroid strike, the explosion center was closer to the surface, and the wpadin, formed by them, was significantly smaller in depth than shock crater.

The region with an increased concentration of thorium lies in the north-west of the Acidali Sea in a wide and small depression. The content of Toria's traces and radioactive isotopes of potassium indicates that the nuclear catastrophe occurred several hundred million years ago, in the middle or end of the Amazonian era. The presence in the atmosphere of the planet of Isotopes Argon-40 and Xenon-129, arising from nuclear reactions, also indicates on this catastrophe.

Many planetists express great doubts about the reality of the Martian atomic catastrophe. So, they note that the current geological conditions both on Mars and on Earth did not have sharp changes for thousands of years. According to geophysicists and geochemists, the peculiarities of the Martisian 0_surface, open during the NASA mission, may be associated with the most common geological processes that do not have a nuclear framework.
