- Non, Je Vous PrĂ©viens Que Si Vous NE Me Dites Pas Que Nous Avons La Guerre [...] Je Ne Vous Connais Plus, Vous N "ĂȘtes Plus Mon Ami [...] (No, I tell you forward if You do not tell me that we have a war [...] I don't know you anymore, you are not my friend [...]). "
"So spoke in July 1805, famous Anna Pavlovna Sheroer" 1.

Those who did not stop on the first page of "War and Mira", remember that the war with France - which was so craving for the interlocutor of Prince Vasily Kurakina - soon really began. The heroic case of Prince Bagration with Schonngrabhene, the defeat of the Russians in the Austerlice - the events remained to all these thundering in the center of Europe - five months.

But that day, when M-ME SCHERER also dreamed of a war, such with the participation of Russians was already. Only in places, society is completely not yet known - for the "wall of the Caucasus", in Karabakh. And the feat, perfect in the Russians in June - July 1805, is even more impressive than Schongrabensky - it remained by Russian society, not noticed.

The feat is described in the reports of the detachment commander, which is confirmed by an independent source - memories of a participant in events (as they think, Peter Ladinsky officer). And still in what happened it is difficult to believe ...

Start of summer of 1805. Disposition

To the Russian-Iranian war 1804 - 1813. He led to joining in 1801. Russia of East Georgia - the land, which Iran (until 1935, who called me the Persia) considered it its sphere of influence. The attempt of Persians to invade there in 1804. The Russians broke, but in the summer of 1805 Shah Feth-Ali again moved troops in Karabakh to go to Georgia and clean it from the Russians.

The invasion army (he commanded the Crown Prince Abbas-Mirza) there were about 30 - 40 thousand people. The Russians in the Transcaucasus had only a little more than 8,000 2 - and that were scattered on a large space. It was necessary to protect Georgia and from Dagestanis-Lezgin, and from Iran's vassals - Azerbaijani Khanov. It was necessary to control the newly attached Khanate - Ganja and Karabakh ...

Hopes for reinforcements disappeared: the war is nearing Napoleon, it means that Russia will not be free.

Russia herself is far behind the high mountains. There is only the thread of the military-Georgian road, which that and looked will cut the "non-live" mountains.

We must only count on yourself.

And then, the commander-in-chief in Georgia Lieutenant General Prince Peter Tizianov guides to meet Abbas-Mirza from Elisavetpol (now Ganja) in Shush, the chief of the 17th Hanger Regiment of Colonel Pavel Karyagan. (Chephs then actually and commanded shelves.)

In the detachment of 493 soldiers and officers - the battalion of the 17th Hsenther, the company of the Tiflis Musketers and the team of the 7th artillery regiment. And two guns 3.

Karyagin must give Tsizianov the ability to collect disparate forces. And for this, having connected in Shushe with another six Roths of the 17th Hsenthers and bringing his army up to a thousand people, delay Persians.

Not thirty, not the forty thousand ...

Start of summer of 1805. Personal composition

The then Russian soldier was not an angel.

He looked with cynical sayings, unceremoniously extorted on the "man's" one, then another thing and dragged the average man all that badly lay. The usual thing was shoots. Of the 475 of the lower ranks of the Karyaginsky squad during the fighting, 56 4 were deserted - every ninth!

But the soldiers were in the ranks were firmly disabled with the discipline that had been impeded for years, consistently and rigidly. The discipline reinforced what we do not always remember - the desire not to bring comrades 5, especially understandable away from Russia.

And in the battle was a strong force, a resistant "soldier".

Karyaginsky officers are the children of small nobles or only the personal nobility of officials - did not finish the cadet buildings. "In Russian read and know how to write" - that's all their education. But for that era, it's too bad enough, and then the school was in the Caucasus. Where the Russians often acted with small detachments, where the enemy was always superior to the number, and the political situation was always confused, "the commander should never be lost and thinking his head.

The commander of the Jersey Battalion Peter Kotlyarevsky from the 16-year-old Sergeant became 27-year-old Major in this school.

She passed and Pavel Mikhailovich Karyagin.

The 54-year-old widower, the son of an officer, who heard his family an offacarious nobility, he was born, obviously, in Smolensk region, as the service began with arrival in 1773, the ordinary courtyard in the Smolensk mint - guarded the mint in the village of Porechye (now the city of Demidov).

Serfs and real estate did not have.

But in the Caucasus served from the 1783rd, and in Georgia, he fought back in 1784-1787. Podorukhik of the Belarusian Hheeral Battalion 6.

In 1791 he took Anapa from Turk.

In 1796 he went to the Persian campaign.

In 1804th, 52 years old from the family, under the stones and arrows, scrupped with his mergans on the wall of the Azerbaijani fortress Ganja.

And as every then officer, he knew about himself, first of all, that he was "his imperial majesty, the sovereign of his servant."

June 24, 1805. The battle

Most of the way remained behind, when in the morning of June 24, 1805, behind the Shah-Bulah river, Karyagan's squad was attacked by Avangard Abbas Mireza. Up to 3,000, horsemen flew to a handful of Russians then on the one hand, then on the other.

But a handful - regular army! Several teams - and now it is already in the rank of kara, a quadrangle, meeting the enemy Zollemi, from where it appears. "Iluju" (as joined in the time of Suvorov Turks) with fire, go (and this is already the expression of Persians) "Inmpodious Moving Walls" 7.

The top of the walls is black (these are cylindrical hats and caps).

Bottom - white (summer pantalons).

Heat - color. Three walls are light green, with a line of purple collars. This is the ruger of the 17th shelf. The fourth is dark green, with the lines of blue collars and light raspberry pursuit. These are Typhleans Captain Tatarartsov. After his injury, the huntsman, Lieutenant, Rafail Tegulov commanded this faces.

Persians - wick guns of the XVI century sample. Therefore, on the sides of the kara go chains of huntsmen with rifled fittings. From distant distances, they beat the enemy to choose from, remaining invulnerable themselves.

The left chain leads the suborpecus Prince Semyon Tumanov 1st (Simeon Tumanishvili). Right - Lieutenant Emelyan Listenko. From time to time, new parties of the nozzles are sent; They are headed by the captains Alexey Kukurbin and Ivan Parfinov and Lieutenant Yakov Kulyabka 2nd.

Three times Karyagin sends a part of the rangers to clear the commander over the road height. This handful of arrows in the loose building leads to Asian crowds the future "Caucasian Suvorov" - Major Peter Kotlyarevsky.

With the orders to him and with the reports from him rides Lieutenant Matvey Pavlenko.

So, with the battle, the detachment moves six hours - 14 miles.

In the evening, reaching the Ascarant River, Karyagin stops on vacation in the tract of Kara-Agach-Baba, on the hill, in the midst of the Muslim cemetery of the Muslim cemetery.

But here the main forces of Abbas Mirza are poured on it.

It is from 10 to 15,000 people, and Kharyaga remains in the ranks of about 300 8.

However, European quality again takes over an Asian amount. After three hours, when all the attacks of the Persians are shot down with fire, it turns out that for the whole day the Russians have spent on average 23 cartridges on the arrow 9!

"For the scholar three are unaccustomed to give us a little three, let us 6, we are not enough 6, let us take 10 on one; we will beat everyone, we will take!" 10

These Suvorov words are not additives, but the formula derived in practice.

27th of June. Tnyok attack

Shusha - in 25 versts, and Karyagin is confident that it would be breaking there. But many horses are interrupted, they are not enough for the transportation of the wounded, and the wounded already a third of the detachment. And the colonel decides to hold on to the cemetery while Major Lisanevich does not fit with his six rotary.

Cemetery docks are complemented by an earthen shaft. But he does not save from heat, thirst and nuclei of small-caliber guns - falconetes, several batteries of whom Persians were installed at the surrounding altitudes. On the evening of June 26, fees are not allowed to approach the only creek, and Karyagin organizes a babble.

"Rota, listen to the team: Bretch, Forward, with God!" - Commands Capitan Kernik. (A year ago, he served in the garrison battalion in the depths of Russia.)

And the merger of the bayonet attack captures four batteries with 15 falconetas 11.

But the 27th enemy clearly decides to end the squad. Artillery shelling and attacks of the calender lasts all day. Russians already have little ammunition and medicines. Losses are growing, twice the contused karyagin is injured in the back. Four times the contused artillery porquituer Sidor Gudim-Levkovich, who killed or wounded 22 out of 23 gunners 12, it charges itself and bring both tools.

And Major Lisanevich is not.

He never decides to leave shush without troops ...

56 Henuers and Musketeer move to Persians. And - the case has not yet been explained, but clearly talking about the severity of the situation - it goes to the enemy of the war hero on June 24, Lieutenant Listenko.

And then Karyagin dictates, constituting the next report to Ctsianov: "To save people and guns [...], made a firm decision to break through with braveness through the numerous enemy [...] in the intention to take a fortress on Shah-Bulach" 13. In the fortress to defend them easier.

The detachment on the edge of death is going to attack!

But the enemy does not expect it - and this is the key to success. Especially if the enemy is not governed (and therefore impressionable).

About the battle with Abbas Mirza, finishes a weekly tone Colonel, details a convey from the captured fortress ...

July 7th. Breakthrough from the Fortress Shah Bulah

On the night of June 28, the detachment comes to the fortress Shah-Bulah. The horses are enough only for seriously wounded, the Mostoza has to quit. Nevertheless, found care of Russian Persian cavalry again cannot overcome regular squares.

At dawn, the fortress is shown. Persians there is a man 150, but they are behind a high stone wall with six towers.

"Forward, forward, with God!" - Submits its usual team 14 Karyagin.

The Russian core spreads the gate - and there, the purple collars are rushed out for Major Kotlyarevsky. Two bullets fall a major in the leg, the charge of a rifle.

And two hours later, the Russians have to reflect the assault itself: Abbas-Mirza arrived to Shah Bulahu.

But Persians are not Russian. They are dumped from the walls, and the prince is forced to limit the blockade fortress part of his forces. By July 1, Karyagintsy begins to eat grass and horseback. And late in the evening, on July 7, Karyagin secretly begins a breakthrough into a new support point - the empty Mukhrat Cutter, which is 30 versts. Persians do not notice his care.

At dawn on July 8, the detachment stops before the deep, in the growth of a person, whom. She is too wide, so that the guns can be transported through it.

It is impossible to bypass it, the trees for the construction of the bridge nearby are not.

And then, by the coherers, Havrili Sidorov, soil, is built "Living Bridge".

At the bottom of the wins, Hengery cougged. These are supports bridge.

In the bottom of the rifle bayonets. These are additional supports.

On the shoulders of hurkers and on the butt guns, other rifles are laid. This is a bridge flooring.

On this flooring and roll 8-pound unicorn and a 6-fond gun.

The first weighs 524 kilograms. The second could weigh up to tons 15.

But "live piles" remain alive.

In addition to Gavrily Sidorov.

Jumping with a flooring the wheel hit him in the temple.

July 15. Victory

In finally, Abbas Mirza throws to the end of the Connection. One part of it rushes to Mukhrat, but the fortress has already taken the detachment of Kotlyarevsky's detachment forward. It is only wounded, but an attempt to break into Mukhrat is repulsed!

Even up to 1500, contesions are attracted to the main forces of Karyagin. Again, as well as June 24, those are going, reflecting countless shames. Again the Persians can not do anything with a regular army.

And after the class of Karyagin Mukhrat, the son of Shah has come to the fate - leaving the stubborn squad from the Rusparticle.

Karyagin also received food from Armenians, and on July 15, he was connected with the approached, finally, the troops of Citianov.

Holding the enemy to the approach of the main forces, he saved Georgia from the Persian invasion. After the approach of Cycian's Persians were defeated (July 28, under the jigato) and went to their limits.

Of the 493 Karyaginsev killed 90, they were deserted or were captured 58, and from the remaining 345 there were more than half of the wounded. Of the 16 (without a traitor of Lisenko), the officers of injuries or contusions did not have only three 16.


For a long time to endure such works in the Transcaucasia, then few people managed to.

Colonel Pavel Mikhailovich Karjagin Already in June 1807, he will bring in the grave "Yellow Fever".

Major Alexei Ivanovich Korokin in 1808 will be fired due to retired injuries.

Major Rafail Sergeyevich Zhulova in 1811 will be fired due to retired injuries.

Lieutenant-General Peter Stepanovich Kotlyarevsky - the bodies learned from under piles in the Lankaran Fortress taken them - in 1813 will be dismissed due to retirement injuries. And thirty-eight years, until the death, he will suffer from pain in a fragmented jaw.

Major Matvey Alekseevich Pavlenko in 1814 will be dismissed due to early wounds.

Major Yakova Osipovich Kulyabka in 1815 will be fired due to retired injuries.

Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Ivanovich Parfinova will be buried already in 1816.

Colonel Peter Antonovich Ladinsky in 1822 will be fired due to a resignation.

The 17th English and Tyflis Musketeer Shelves after a series of renaming will be in 1864 by the 13th Lab-Grenadier Erivanian and 15m Grenadier Tiflis. Together they will come to the First World War.

And on October 16, 1914 near the Polish city of Suwalki, in an attack, which is a breakthrough of the Germans at the junction of two Russian buildings, the Garrenil of the 9th company of the Erivan regiment will die. SingoMiller and the same name Gavrila Sidorow from the "Live Bridge". The German bullet will fall right in the heart 17.

1. Tolstoy L.N. War and World // Tolstoy L.N. Cathedral op. 20 tt. T. 4. M., 1961. S.7.
2. Bobrovsky P.O. History of the 13th Lab-Grenadier Erivanian His Majesty Regiment for 250 years. 1642 - 1892. Ch. 3. Eger (1786 - 1816). St. Petersburg., 1893. P. 220, 221, 226.
3. Ibid. application. P. 310.
4. Calculated by: ibid. P. 226, 227; application. P. 310.
5. Liven D. Russia vs Napoleon. Fight for Europe. 1807 - 1814. M., 2012. P. 81-82.
6. See: Bobrovsky P.O. Decree. op. Application. P. 232-233.
7. Ibid. P. 218.
8. ibid. P. 224, 226; application. P. 311.
9. Calculated by: Ibid. Application. P. 310-311.
10. A.V. Suvorov. Documentation. T. III. 1791 - 1798. M., 1952. P. 508.
11. Bobrovsky P.O. Decree. op. P. 226.
12. Calculated by: ibid. Application. P. 310-311.
13. Quote. By: ibid. P. 227.
14. See: ibid. P. 229, 233, 238.
15. With faucet. See: Nilus A.A. The history of the material of artillery. T. I. SPb., 1904. P. 258; Wiscide A.B. Encyclopedia of domestic artillery. MN., 2000. P. 35.
16. Bobrovsky P.O. Decree. op. Pp. 235; Application. P. 311-312.
17. Lab Erivans in the Great War. Materials for the history of the regiment in the processing of the regimental historical commission. Paris, 1959. P. 35.

At that time, in the Caucasus, the battle with less than ten-fold superiority of the enemy was not considered for battles and officially passed in reports as "teachings in the conditions close to combat"

To lean to read - watch the video.
From the author of the post:
Please do not criticize the author of this video about the style of presentation (for a certain layer of the population) of historical facts, as well as the conclusions made by him in the Association for the modern leadership of the country ...
For schi will begin)))

The campaign of Colonel Karyagin against Persians in 1805 is not similar to the real military history. It looks like a prequel to "300 Spartans" (40,000 Persians, 500 Russians, gorges, bayonet attacks, "This is madness! - No, this is the 17th English regiment!"). Golden page of Russian history, combining the slaughter of madness with the highest tactical skill, delightful cunning and stunning Russian hectares. But first things first.
In 1805, the Russian empire fought with France as part of the third coalition, and unsuccessfully fought. France had Napoleon, and we had Austrians whose military glory had long rolled up, and the British, who had never had a normal land army. Both those and others behaved like full fools and even the great Kutuzov could not all the force of their genius, take something to do something. In the meantime, in the south of Russia, the Persian Baba-Khan, with the purr of reading reports of our European defeats, aka appeared.
Baba Khan stopped purrab and again went to Russia, hoping to pay for the defeat of the previous one, 1804. The moment was chosen extremely successfully - because of the usual setting of the usual drama "Crowd of the so-called allies-cruise and Russia, which again is trying to save everyone," Petersburg could not send any extra soldier to the Caucasus, while it was from the Caucasus 8,000 to 10,000 soldiers.
Therefore, having learned that the city of Shushu (this is in the current Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan), where Major Lisanevich was located with 6 rats of hurkers, there are 40,000 Persian troops under the command of the hereditary Prince Abbas Mirza, the prince of Tsizianov sent all the profog that could only be sent. All 493 soldiers and officers with two weapons, Hero Karyagin, Hero Kotlyarevsky and Russian military spirit.

They did not have time to reach Shushi, Persians intercepted our on the road, at the Shah Bulah River, June 24. Persian avant-garde. Modest 10,000 people. Not confused (at that time in the Caucasus battle with less than ten-fold superiority of the enemy was not considered for the battles and officially passed in reports as "teachings in the conditions close to combat"), Karyagin built an army in a kara and a whole day reflected fruitless attacks of Persian cavalry While the Persians did not have alone. Then he passed 14 more versts and got up with a fortified camp, the so-called Wentburg or, in Russian, a walk-town, when the line of defense is built out of municipal carts (taking into account the Caucasian off-road and the absent supply network, the troops had to carry significant reserves with them).
Persians continued their attacks in the evening and fruitlessly stormed the camp until the night, after which they made a forced break to clearing the pile of Persian bodies, funeral, crying and writing postcards to the families of the victims. By the morning, after reading the racial art for dummies for teapots ("If the enemy was strengthened and this enemy - Russian, do not try to attack him in the forehead, even if you are 40,000, and its 400"), Persians began to bomber our walk - an artillery, seeking not to give our troops to get to the river and replenish water reserves. The Russians in response made a breakdown, made their way to the Persian battery and discovered it, throwing the remnants of guns into the river.
However, the provisions did not save. After serving another day, Karyagin began suspecting that he could not kill the whole Persian army. In addition, problems were started inside the camp - Lieutenant Lieutenko and six more traitors ran to Persians, the next day they joined them another 19 - thus, our losses from cowardly pacifists began to exceed the losses from ineptful Persian attacks. Thirst, again. Heat. Bullets. And 40,000 Persians around. Uncomfortable.

On the officer council, two options were offered: Or we stay here everything and die, who for? No one. Or we are going, breaking through the Persian Ring of the Environment, after which the nearby fortress is stormed while the Persians catch up, and sit in the fortress. The only problem is still tens of thousands of Karalyat.
We decided to break through. At night. Cutting the Persian watch and trying not to breathe, the Russian participants of the program "Stay alive, when to stay alive cannot" almost come out of the environment, but stumbled upon the Persian travel. Stage began, shootout, then pursuing again, then our finally broke away from Mahmudov in the dark-dark Caucasian forest and went to the fortress called by the name of the nearby Shah-Bulah river. By the time around the remaining participants of the insane marathon, "Fight, as you can" (I can remind you that the fourth day of continuous fighting, crashes, duels on the bayonets and night hires in the forests) shone a golden aura, so Karyagin just broke the Shah-Bulah gate cannon , after which I was tiredly asked from a small Persian garrison: "Guys, look at us. Do you really want to try? So, really?".
The guys understood the hint and felt. In the process of the runway, two Khan was killed, the Russians almost hardly managed to repair the gate, as the main Persian forces seemed concerned about the losses of the beloved Russian squad. But it was not the end. Not even the beginning of the end. After inventory, the property remaining in the fortress it turned out that there is no food. And that the moods with food had to throw during a breakthrough from the environment, so there is nothing to eat. At all. At all. At all. Karyagin again went to the troops:

Infantry regiment in Kara. Musketeer companies (1), Grenadier company and platoon (3), regimental artillery (5), regiment commander (6), headquarters (8).
- Of the 493 people left us 175, almost all injured, dehydrated, depleted, in the limit degree of fatigue. No food. No worm. The kernels and cartridges end. And besides, right in front of our gate sits the heir to the Persian throne Abbas Mirza, who has already tried to take us as storm several times.
It's awaits, while we die, hoping that the famine will do that 40,000 Persians could do. But we will not die. You will not die. I, Colonel Karyagin, I forbid you to die. I order you to get all the arrogance that you have, because this night we leave the fortress and break through to another fortress, which we again take the storm, with the whole Persian army on the shoulders.
This is not a Hollywood fighter. This is not an epos. This is a Russian story. To put on the walls of the sentries, which all night will elude among themselves, creating a feeling that we are in the fortress. We are speaking as soon as it will warm enough!

July 7 at 22 o'clock, Karyagin spoke out of the fortress at the next, even greater fortress. It is important to understand that by July 7, the detachment was continuously fought for the 13th day and was not able to "Terminators go" as in the state "extremely desperate people on the evil and strength of the spirit move in the heart of the darkness of this insane, impossible, incredible , unthinkable campaign. "
With guns, with wounded strucks, it was not a walk with backpacks, but a big and heavy movement. Karyagin slipped out of the fortress as a night ghost - and therefore, even the soldiers, the remaining echoing on the walls, managed to escape from the Persians and catch up with the detachment, although they had already prepared to die, understanding the absolute mortality of their task.
Fucked through darkness, pain, pain, hunger and thirst, the squad of Russian soldiers collided with the moat, through which it was impossible to forward guns, and without guns the next, even more better fortified fortress, the flour, had no sense, no chance. Forests to fill the ditch, there was no time, there was no time to look for the forest - Persians could overtake at any moment. Four Russian soldiers - one of them was Gabril Sidorov, the names of the rest, unfortunately, I could not find - silently jumped in ditch. And lay down. Like logs. Without bravada, without conversations, without everything. Jumped and easily. Heavy guns went straight on them.

From the RVA only two rose. Silently.
On July 8, the detachment entered the closage, for the first time in long days, it was normal, got drunk, and moved on, to the fortress of Mukhrat. For three versts from her, a squad in a little more than a hundred people attacked several thousand Persian riders who managed to get through to the cannons and capture them. In vain. As one of the officers recalled: "Karyagin shouted:" Guys, ahead, for ahead, save guns! "
Apparently, the soldiers remembered what price they got these guns. On the boosters splashed red, the Persian, and splashed, and poured, and poured the windows, and the land around the yokes, and the windows, and uniforms, and rifles, and sabers, and flowed, and flowed, and flowed until Persians in a panic did not run away, and not sowing to break the resistance hundreds of ours.

300 Spartans in Russian (hike against Persians in 1805) 300, 1805, Spartans, in Russian, hike, against, Persians, year
Mukhrat took easily, and the next day, on July 9, the prince of Cycianov, receiving a report from Karyagin: "We are still alive and for three last weeks to chase us half. Persians near the River Territary," immediately came to meet the Persian army with 2300 soldiers and 10 guns. July 15, Cycians smashed and drove the Persians, and after it was connected with the remnants of the detachments of Colonel Karyagin.
Karyagin received a golden sword for this campaign, all officers and soldiers - awards and a salary, the silently lightest in ditch Gavril Sidorov - a monument at the headquarters of the regiment.

In conclusion, we consider not too much to add that Kararyagin began his service a private service in the Butyrsky infantry regiment during the Turkish war of 1773, and the first cases in which he participated was the brilliant victories of Rumyantsev-Sanunaysky. Here, under the impression of these victories, Karyagin for the first time comprising a great secret to manage the hearts of people in battle and led the moral faith in a Russian person and in whom he never considered his enemies.
When the Butyrsky Regiment was moved to Kuban, Karyagin fell into the harsh environment of the Caucasian nineteenth life, was injured during the assault of Anapa and since that time, it can be said, did not leave the enemy from under the fire. In 1803, by the death of General Lazarev, he was appointed chief of the seventeenth regiment located in Georgia. Here, for the capture of Gangzhi, he received the Order of St. George 4th degree, and the exploits in the Persian campaign of 1805 made the name of his immortal in the ranks of the Caucasian corps.
Unfortunately, constant hiking, wounds and especially fatigue in the winter campaign of 1806 finally upset Karyagin's iron health; He fell ill with a fever, which soon developed in yellow, rotten hot, and the seventh of May 1807 did not become a hero. The last reward him was the Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degrees received in a few days before the death.

At the time when the fame of the emperor of France Napoleon grew in the fields of Europe, and the Russian troops, fighting against the French, made new feats for the glory of Russian weapons, at the other end of the world, in the Caucasus, the same Russian soldiers and officers peak no less than glorious things. One of the golden pages in the history of the Caucasian Wars, the Colonel of the 17th Hsenther Regiment Karyagin and his detachment was entered.

The state of affairs in the Caucasus in 1805 was extremely difficult. The Persian lord of Baba Khan rushed to return the lost influence of Tehran after the arrival of the Russians in the Caucasus. The prince of Pavl Dmitrievich Tsizianova Ganzhi was the impetus to war. Because of the war with France, St. Petersburg could not increase the number of Caucasian corps, to May 1805 in its composition there were about 6,000 infantry and 1,400 cavalry. Moreover, the troops were scattered in a huge territory. Because of the disease and bad nutrition, there was a big incomplete, so on the lists in the 17th English regiment, it was listed in three battalions of 991 ordinary, in fact there was 201 people.

Having learned about the emergence of major Persian compounds, the commander of Russian troops in the Caucasus, Prince of Tsizianov ordered Colonel Karyagin to delay the promotion of the enemy. On June 18, the detachment spoke out of Elisavepol to Shushu, having 493 soldiers and officers and two guns. The part of the detachment was included: the chef battalion of the 17th Hanger regiment under the command of Major Peter Stepanovich Kotlyarevsky, the company of the Tyflis Musketeer Regiment of the Captain Tatharintsov and the artillery officers of the companion Gudim-Levkovich. At this time, Major was a major of the 17th English regiment of Lisanevich with six Roths, thirty Cossacks and three weapons. On July 11, the squad of Lisanevich was offset several attacks of the Persian troops, and soon an order was received to connect with the detachment of Colonel Karyagin. But, fearing the uprising of the population and the likelihood of the capture of Shushi Persians, Lisanevich did not.

On June 24, the first fight with the cavalry of Persians (about 3000) forcing the Shah Bulah river. Several attacks of the enemy who tried to break through the kara were repulsed. After having passed 14 miles, the squad is located the camp at the Kursa-Agach-Baba tract on the Ascaran River. The tents of the Persian Armada were visited under the command of PIR-Kuli-Khan, and it was only an avant-garde of the army, who was commanded by the heir to the Persian throne Abbas Mirza. On the same day, Karyagin sent Lisanevich demand to leave Shushu and go to him, but the latter could not do this because of the hardest situation.

At 18.00, Persians began to storm a Russian camp, the attacks with a break continued until the night. Large losses, the Persian warlord took his detachments on the heights around the camp, for the shelling of the Persians set four falconed batteries. From early morning on July 25, the bombardment of our location began. According to memories of one of the participants in the fight: "Our position was very and very unenviable and an hour from the hour is worse. Unbearable heat exhausted our forces, thirst for us tormented, and the shots from the enemy batteries did not cease ... ". Several times the Persians offered the detachment commander to fold the weapons, but invariably received a refusal. In order not to lose the only source of water, on the night of June 27, the group shall be made under the command of the Lieutenant Klypina and the companion of Prince Tumanov. Operation on the destruction of the enemy batteries was successfully implemented. All four batteries were destroyed, serving part of the interrupt, part of fled, and the falconettes were dropped into the river. It must be said, 350 people left in the detachment in the detachment, and half had wounds of varying severity.

From the report of Colonel Karyagin, Knyazy Tsizianov dated June 26, 1805: "Major Kotlyarevsky three times was sent by me for the harness of the former in front and occupied the elevated places of the enemy, he was driven by strong crowds with courage. Captain of Parfenov, Cupin Cubinin all over the battle in different cases was sent by me with the meadows and hit the enemy with faintiness. "

At dawn on June 27, the storms of the camp began the basic strength of Persians. Attacks again conducted within the course of the day. At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was a case forever the remaining black spot in the glorious history of the regiment. Lieutenant Listenko and six lower ranks moved to the enemy. Having received information about the serious position of the Russian Abbas-Mirza, threw his troops on a decisive assault, but there were big losses, was forced to abandon further attempts to break the resistance of the desperate handful of people. At night, another 19 soldiers ran to Persians. Understanding the entire severity of the situation, and the fact that the transition of comrades to the enemy creates unhealthy moods among the soldiers, Colonel Karyagin decides to break through the ring of the environment, go to the Shah-Bulah river and take a small fortress standing on her shore. To the prince of Tsizianov, the detachment commander sent a report, in which he wrote: "In order not to subjected to the perfect and final death, the residue of the detachment and save people and guns, made a firm decision to break through with leakiness through the numerous enemy surrounding from all sides ...".

The conductor in this desperate enterprise became a local resident, Armenian Melik Vanya. Leaving the conversation and shower a trophy weapon, the detachment moved to a new campaign. At first they moved in complete silence, then a collision was collided with an equestrian entrance of the enemy and the Persians rushed to catch up with a detachment. True, on the march, attempts to destroy this wounded and deadly, but still a combat group did not bring good luck to Persians, moreover, most of the persecutors rushed to rob a blank Russian camp. Upon giving the castle Shah-Bulah Ball built by Shah Nadir, and I received my name from the stream of the spent nearby. The castle was a Persian garrison (150 people) under the command of Emir-Khan and Phial-Khan, the outskirts occupied the posts of the enemy. Seeing Russians, the hourly raised the alarm and opened the fire. Russian guns rang out, the launch of the gate was a lack of a gate, and the Russians broke into the castle. In the report of June 28, 1805, Karyagin reported: "... the fortress is taken, the enemy is driven out of it and from the forest with a little on our side. With the enemy side, both Khan killed ... I was in the fortress, I expect the commandments of your creation. " In the evening there were only 179 people, and 45 charges for guns. Having learned about this, the prince of Tsizianov wrote Karyagin: "In the despair, I ask you to reinforce the soldiers, and I ask you to refresh you."

Meanwhile, our heroes suffered from lack of food. To get the supplies volunteered all the same Melik Vanya, whom Popov calls the "good genius of the squad." The most amazing, the brave Armenian coped perfectly with this task, the re-operation also brought its fruits. But the position of the detachment was becoming harder, the more the Persian troops approached the strengthening. Abbas-Mirza tried to knock out Russian from strengthening from the go, but his troops suffered losses and were forced to go to the blockade. Being sure that the Russians in the trap, Abbas-Mirza offered them to fold the weapon, but received a refusal.

From the report of Colonel Karyagin, Knyazy Tsizianov dated June 28, 1805: "The Tiflis Musketeer Regiment The suborukhal Zhudekovsky, who despite the wound, was called by a hunter when taking batteries and entered as a brave officer, and the 7th artillery regiment of the Podoruk Gudim-Levkovich, who, when almost All the canonians were wounded, he himself charged the guns and fell back the faucets under the enemy pushku. "

Karyagin is solved on an even more incredible step, break through the hordes of the enemy to the Fortresses of the Mukhrat not occupied by Persians. On July 7, at 22.00, this march began, on the path of the detachment there was a deep ravine with steep slopes. People and horses could overcome him, but the guns? Then ordinary Gavril Sidorov jumped on the bottom of the Rib, behind him there is still a dozen soldiers. The first gun as a bird flew to the other side, the second broke and the wheel hit the ordinary Sidorov in the temple. Burrying the hero, the detachment continued his march. There are several versions of this episode: "... the detachment continued the movement, calmly and unhindered while two guns were not stopped with a small moat. Forests to make the bridge, in proximity was not. Four soldiers voluntarily volunteered to make the case, crossing themselves in ditch, and they were transported to the gun. Two remained alive, and two for heroic self-sacrifice paid life. "

On July 8, the detachment came to Ksapeth, from here Karyagin sent forwards with injuries under the Kotlyarevsky team, and he moved behind them. In three versts from Mukhrat, the Persians rushed to the column, but were chopped off with fire and bayonets. One of the officers recalled: "... But only Kotlyarevsky managed to move away from us, as we were cruelly attacked by several thousand persian, and they were so strong and sudden that they had time to capture both of our guns. This is not at all. Karyagin shouted: "Guys, forward, forward, save guns!" Everyone rushed like lions, and our immediate bayonets opened the road. " Trying to cut off the Russians from the fortress, Abbas-Mirza sent a cavalry detachment for her capture, but here the Persians failed. Kotlyarevsky's disabled team dropped Persian riders. By evening, Karyagin came to Mukhrat, according to Bobrovsky, it happened at 12.00.

Having received a report from July 9, the prince of Tsizianov gathered a detachment of 2371 people at 10 guns and came to meet Karyagin. On July 15, the detachment of Prince Tsizianova, throwing the Persians from the TRTAR River, was located the camp at the village of Mardagishti. Having learned about this, Karyagin leaves Mukhrat at night and goes to the connection with his commander.

Making this amazing march, the detachment of Colonel Karyagin for three weeks chained the attention of almost 20,000 Persians and did not allow them to go deep into the country. For this campaign, Colonel Karyagin was awarded a golden sword with the inscription "For courage". Pavel Mikhailovich Karyagin in service from April 15, 1773 (Smolensk Mint), from September 25, 1775 Sergeant of the Voronezh Infantry Regiment. Since 1783, the porquet of the Belarusian Hheegered Battalion (1st Battalion of the Caucasian Hsenther Corps). Participant of the assault of Anapa on June 22, 1791, received the Chin of Major. Head of Pambaak Defense in 1802. Chief of the 17th Hsenther Regiment from May 14, 1803. The assault of the gaggey was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree.

Major Kotlyarevsky was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degrees, who remained in living officers with the orders of the Holy Anna 3rd degree. Not left without award and Avanes Yuzbashi (Melik Vanya), he was made to ensign and received 200 rubles silver in a lifelong pension. The feat of Private Sidorov in 1892, a year of the 250th anniversary of the regiment was immortalized at the monument installed at the headquarters of the Erivans Manglis.

The heroism and the readiness of the Russian warrior to self-sacrifice are known from ancient times. In all the wars who led Russia, it was on these features of the nature of the Russian soldier who was based victory. When, at the head of the Russian troops, such fearless officers stood, then heroism reached such a scale, which forced to talk about himself the whole world. That was the feat of the squad of Russian troops under the command of Colonel Pavel Mikhailovich Karyagin, held during the Russian-Persian war of 1804-1813. Many contemporaries compared it with a battle of 300 Spartans against the unmeasant troops of Xerxes I in Fermopil.

On the third of January 1804, the Russian army assigned to the second largest city of the current Azerbaijan Ganja, and Ganja Khanate became part of the Russian Empire. The purpose of this war was to ensure the safety of previously acquired possessions in Georgia. However, the activity of Russians in the Transcaucasus really did not like the British. Their emissars bowed the Persian Shah Feth-Ali, better known as Baba-Khan, to the Union with Britain and the announcement of the Russian war.

The war began on June 10, 1804, and by the end of this year, Russian troops constantly have a superior forces of Persians. In general, the Caucasian war was very remarkable, there is a persistent belief that if the enemy did not exceed the enemy in battle 10 times in numbers, he did not decline to attack. However, the feat of the battalion under the leadership of the commander of 17 Henser's shelf Colonel Karyagin even on this background is stunning. The enemy exceeded these Russian forces more than forty times.
In 1805, the twenty thousandth army under the leadership of the heir to the Persian throne, Abbas-Mirza moved to Shushu. In the city there were only six Roth of Henmen under the leadership of Major Lisanevich. Everything that the Commander of Cycians as a reinforcement could at that time, it was a battalion of 17 Henser's regiment. The commander of Karyagin regiment was appointed commander of the regiment of Karyagan, whose identity was legendary by this moment.

On the twenty-first of June 1805, 493 soldiers and officers in two guns moved from Ganji to help Shushe, however, and these forces did not have time to unite. The squad was intercepted by the army of Abbas Mirza on the road. Already twenty-fourth June, Kharyagan's battalion met advanced enemy troops.
In connection with the relative smallness of the Persians (there were about four thousand), the battalion was built in Kara and continued to move. However, in the evening, the basic Persian forces began approaching. And Karyagin decided to take defense at the Tatar cemetery, located on the top of the hill in 10-15 versts from the Fortress of Shah Bulah.

The Russians were surrounded by a camp with a moat and mesh wagons, and all this was done in the process of continuously leading battle. The battle lasted until the night and cost the Russian detachment of 197 people. However, the losses of Persians were so great that the next day Abbas-Mirza did not decide to step, and ordered the shooting of Russian from artillery. On the twenty-sixth of June, Persians took the stream, leaving Russians without water, and installed four batteries of falconettes - 45-mm guns, for the shooting of defending. Kararyagin himself was three times short and wounded a bullet in the side. However, about the surrender, and it was offered on very honorable conditions, no one even thought.
The remaining in the ranks of 150 people at night committed watering. During one of them, the detachment of Ladinsky defeated all falconed batteries and captured 15 guns. "What kind of wonderful Russian wellms were soldiers in our squad. It was not necessary to encourage and excite their bravery "- remembered later Ladinsky. Four days squad beat with the enemy, however, the fifth soldiers made the last crunches, the officers at this point had long fed her grass. Karyagin equipped with forage rate from forty man under the guidance of an officer of the unclear origin of Lisenkov's lieutenant, which turned out to be a French spy. As a result of his treason, only six people wound back to the last extreme returned.

On sun
EE Rules, under these conditions, a detachment was supposed to surrender to the enemy, or take heroic death. However, Karyagin accepted another decision - to capture the fortress Shah Bulah and wait for reinforcements in it. With the help of the Armenian conductor of Yuzbash, a detachment, throwing the conversation and joining the trophy falconeta, at night secretly left the position. And in the morning, breaking the gate from the guns, captured Shah Bulah.
The Persian army surrounded the fortress as soon as the Russians managed to repair the gate. Food reserves in the fortress did not turn out. Then Karyagin for the next sentence for the delivery took four days to think, subject to the supply of detachment by Persians. The conditions were accepted and the remaining warriors were able to strengthen and put themselves in order.

At the end of the fourth nights, Karyagin told the ambassador "Tomorrow in the morning, let His Highness takes Shah Bulach." Karyagin did not earn anything against military duty, nor against this word - the Russian squad left the fortress at night and moved to the capture of another fortress, Mukhrat. The arjergard of the squad, held exclusively of the wounded soldiers and officers, led the Kotlyanovsky - Personality is also the legendary, future general and "conqueror of Azerbaijan."
During this transition, another feat was performed. The road crossed the ditch, through which it was impossible to forward guns, and without artillery, the capture of the fortress was impossible. Then four heroes went down in ditch and from the guns laid out the bridge, leaving on their shoulders. The second tool was broken by killing two brands. The story has kept for the descendants the name of only one of them is the battalion fought Gavrila Sidorov.

Persians caught up with a detachment Karyagin on the approach to the fly. The battle was so hot that the Russian guns moved several times from hand to hand. However, making serious damage to Persians, the Russians with little losses moved to Mukhrat and took it. Now their positions have become impregnable. The next letter of Abbas Mirza with a proposal of high titles and huge money on the Persian service Karyagin replied: "Your parent has mercy to me; And I have the honor to notify you that, fighting with the enemy, gravity is not looking, except for traitors. "
The courage of a small Russian squad under the leadership of Karyagin saved Georgia from the capture and plunder of the Persians. Distinguishing the forces of the Persian army, Karyagin gave the opportunity to collect forces and begin the offensive. Ultimately, all this led to a brilliant victory. And the Russian soldiers, in which already once, covered themselves unfavorable glory.

Colonel Paul Karyagin lived in 1752-1807. He became the real hero of the Caucasian and Persian wars. The Persian campaign of Colonel Karyagin is called "300 Spartans." Being a chief of 17 of the Hsenther Regiment, he brought 500 Russians against 40,000 Persians.


The service began in the Butyrsky regiment in 1773. By participating in the victories of Rumyantsev in the first Turkish war, he inspired faith in himself and the power of Russian troops. On these supports and relied during the raid, Colonel Karyagin subsequently. He simply did not consider the number of enemies.

By 1783, he became a suborpecification of the Belarusian battalion. He managed to stand out in the storming of Anapa in 1791, commanding the Hsenther Corps. I got a bullet in my hand, as well as the Chin of Major. And in 1800, already possessing the title Colonel, he began to command 17 by Henser's regiment. And after became a regimental chief. It was the commandment that they made Colonel Karyagin campaign against the Persians. In 1804, he was awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees per assault on the fortress of the Gange. But the most famous feat made Colonel Karyagin in 1805.

500 Russians against 40,000 Persians

This campaign is similar to the story of 300 Spartans. Gorge, attacks with bayonets ... This is a golden page of military history of Russia, which included the madness of the slaughter and the unsurpassed skill of tactics, amazing trick and arrogance.


In 1805, Russia was part of the third coalition, and things went bad. The enemy was France with her Napoleon, and in allies - Austria, noticeably weakened, as well as the United Kingdom, which has never had a strong land army. Kutuzov sought as he could.

At the same time, the Persian Baba-Khan intensified in the southern regions of the Russian empire. He began a campaign on the empire, hoping to recoup for the past. In 1804, he was defeated. And it was the best moment: Russia had no opportunity to send a large army to the Caucasus: there were only 8,000 - 10,000 soldiers. And then 40,000 Persians under the beginning of Abbas Mirza, the Persian Prince, came to the city of Shush. 493 Russians came to protect the Russian limits from Prince Tsyianov. Of these, two officers with 2 guns, Colonel Karyagin and Kotlyarevsky.

Start of military action

Russian army did not have time to reach Shushi. The Persian High Caught them on the road near the River Ochah-Bulah. It happened on June 24th. Persians were 10,000 people - this is avant-garde. In the Caucasus, at that time, ten-fold superiority of the enemy was like a situation on the exercises.

Speaking against the Persians, Colonel Karyagin built his soldiers in Kara. There was a round-the-clock reflection of the attacks by enemy cavalry. And he won. After, having passed 14 miles, he broke the camp with the line of defense from the wagon.

On a hill

The main forces of Persians appeared in the distance, approximately 15,000 people. It became impossible to move on. Then Colonel Karyagin took the Kurgan, on which there was a Tatar cemetery. It was more convenient to defense there. After breaking the moat, he blocked the approaches to the elevation of wagons. Persians fiercely continued to attack. Colonel Karyagin held the hill, but at the cost of life 97 people.

On that day, he wrote to Ctsianov "I would lav it ... the road to Shushu, but the number of wounded people, I don't have to raise funds, makes it impossible to move all the place to move with me." Persians died a huge amount. And they realized that the next attack would be expensive to them. The soldiers left only a canonade, believing that the detachment would not stand until the morning.

In military history, there are not many examples in which the soldiers surrounded by the enemy repeatedly exceeding the enemy do not take surrender. However, Colonel Karyagin did not give up. Initially, he counted for the rescue of the Karabag Cover, but she moved to the side of the Persians. Tsizianov tried to turn them towards Russians back, but in vain.

Region detachment

Khaharaga did not have hope for all assistance. By the third day, June 26, the Persians blocked Russian access to water, placing falconed batteries nearby. They were engaged in round-the-clock shelling. And then the losses began to grow. Karyagin himself was three times contused into the chest and his head, he had a wound in his side.

Retired most of the officers. There remained about 150 capable of fighting soldiers. They all suffered from thirst and heat. Night time was alarming and sleepless. But the feat of Colonel Karyagin began here. Special persistence showed Russians: they found the strength to make ribs on the Persians.

Once they managed to reach the camps of Persians and capture 4 batteries, get water and bring 15 falconetes. Made this group under the command of Ladinsky. Records are preserved in which he admired the courage of his soldiers. The success of the operation exceeded the most bold waiting of the colonel. He went to them and kissed the soldiers in the face of all the detachment. Unfortunately, Ladinsky the next day was hardly wounded in the camp.


After 4 days, the heroes were fighting with Persians, but the fifth began to miss the cartridges and food. The last crushers ended. The officers have long ate grass and root. And then 40 people colonel sent to nearby villages for bread and meat. The soldiers did not inspire confidence. It turned out that among these fighters was a French spy, who called himself Lisenkov. His note was intercepted. The next morning returned from the detachment of only six people, who reported to the escape of the officer and the death of all other soldiers.

Petrov, who was present told that Listenkov gave orders to soldiers to fold the weapons. But Petrov reported that in the area where the enemy is nearby, so it is not done: at any moment PERS can attack. Listenkov urged something to be afraid. The soldiers understood: something is not here. All officers always left the soldiers armed at least most of them. But there is nothing to do, the order is an order. And soon the Persians appeared in the distance. Russian barely pierced, hiding in the bushes. Survived only six people: they hide in the bushes and began to fight back from there. Then the Persians retreated.

Hiding in the night

It greatly disappointed the detachment of Karyagin. But the colonel did not lose the spirit. He ordered everyone to go to bed and prepare for night work. The soldiers realized that at night the Russians would break through the enemy rows. It was impossible to remain in this place without superstrears and cartridges.

The tour was left to the enemy, but the mined feet hid in the ground so that they were not delivered to Persians. After that, the guns charged the booth, the wounded decomposed on the stretcher, and then in full silence the Russians left the camp.

Lacked horses. Henmann carried guns on the straps. On the horses there were only three wounded officers: Karyagin, Kotlyarovsky, Ladinsky. The soldiers promised to carry guns when they need. And they fulfilled the promise.

Despite the full secrecy of the Russians, the Persians found that the squad was disappeared. Thus, they went along the trail. But the storm began. The darkness of the night was pitch. However, Karyagny detachment saved in the night. He came to Shah Bulah, in the walls of him was the Persian garrison, which slept, no way expects Russians. Ten minutes later, Karyagin's attack took a garrison. The head of the fortress of Emir-Khan, a relative of Prince Persia, killed, the body left with him.


The blockade of the fortress began. Persians were counting on the fact that due to hunger, the colonel will be surrendered. For four days, Russians ate grass and horse meat. But stocks rushed. Appeared to Yuzbash, providing the service. At night, he, choosing from the fortress, told Tsizianov about what was happening in the Fish of the Russians. An alarmed prince, who did not have warriors and food for revenue, wrote Karyagin. He wrote that believes: the campaign of Colonel Karyagin will end well.

Yuzbash returned with a small amount of food. Food just enough for the day. Yuzbash began to hold a squad at night by Persian Food. Once, they hardly faced the enemy, but in the dark of the night and fog they arranged an ambush. In a couple of seconds, the soldiers killed all the Persians without a single shot, only during the bayonet attack.

To hide the traces of this attack, they took horses, the blood was sprinkled, the corpses were hidden in the ravine. And the Persians did not know about the collapse and death of their road. Such bailings allowed Karyagin to stay for another day over seven days. But as a result, the Persian prince lost patience and suggested a colonel to the reward for going to the side of the Persians, passing Shah-Bulah. He promised that no one would suffer. Karyagin offered 4 days to think, but that all this time the prince delivered food to the Russian. And he agreed. It was a bright page of the hiking of Colonel Karyagin: Russians recovered during this time.

And by the expiration of the fourth day, the prince sent the messengers. Karyagin replied that the next day the Persians would take Shah Bulah. He kept the word. At night, the Russians went to the fortress Mukhrat, which was convenient to protect.

They went with neighboring trails, through the mountains, bypassing Persians in the dark. The enemy discovered the deception of Russian only in the morning when Kotlyarevsky with wounded soldiers and officers had already been in Mukhrate, and Karyagin with the guns switched the most dangerous areas. And if it were not for the heroic spirit, any obstacle could make it impossible.

Live bridge

For impassable roads, they carried guns with them. And finding a deep lean, through which it was impossible to transfer them, soldiers with approving exclamations after the proposal of Gavril Sidorov themselves went on the bottom of her, while building a live bridge. He entered the story as a heroic episode of the colonel of Colonel Karyagin 1805.

The first passed through the living bridge, and when the second one, two soldiers did not get up. Among them, Gabril Sidorov was started.

Despite the rush, the detachment dug the grave in which he left his heroes. Persians were close and overtakely Russian detachment before he had time to get to the fortress. Then they entered the fight, sending their guns to the camp of the enemy. Several times the guns moved from hand to hand. But Mukhrat was close. Colonel at night went to the fortress with a small loss. At that moment, Karyagin sent the famous message to the Persian prince.

The final

It should be noted that thanks to the courage, Colonel Persians were detained in Karabag. And did not have time to attack Georgia. So, the prince of Tsizianov gained warriors who were scattered in the outskirts, and moved to the offensive. Then Karyagin got the opportunity to get out of the fly and go to the settlement of Mazdiegert. There, Cycianov took him with military honors.

He asked Russian soldiers about what happened and gave a promise to tell about the feat of the emperor. Ladinsky issued the Order of St. George 4 degrees, and after he became a colonel. It was a kind and witty man, as everyone who knew him about him.

Karyagina, the emperor gave rise to a golden sword with engraving "for courage." Yuzbash became an ensign, was awarded a gold medal and 200 rubles of pensions for life.

The remnants of the heroic squad went to the Eliasvetpol battalion. Colonel Karyagin was in wounds, but after a couple of days later, when the Persians appeared to Shamhora, he even made them against them.

Heroic salvation

And on July 27, the PIR-Kuli-Khan, a detachment attacked Russian transport, heading to Elizavetpol. With him there was only a handful of soldiers with Georgian traffickers. They lined up in Kara and moved to defense, each of them accounted for 100 enemies. Persians demanded transportation, threatening with complete extermination. The head of transport was Donets. He called his soldier to die, but not to give up. The situation was desperate. Donets was mortally wounded, and the walled roar sector was captured. Soldiers lost their chiefs. And in that moment Karyagin appeared, changing the fight radically. From guns, the Persian ranks were shot, they turned to flight.

Memory and death

Because of the many wounds and hikes suffered from Karyagin. In 1806, he suffered from fever, and already in 1807, the colonel died. The famous officer for his courage became a national hero, the legend of the Caucasian epic.
