Spain is a country with a well-developed, modern education system. Very many residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, moving to Spain, think it is about to give their children high-quality European education. It must be said that diplomas of almost all Spanish universities are highly appreciated worldwide. Training in this country is attractively also the fact that its value is relatively small.

Pre-school education in Spain - a matter of voluntary. Parents themselves decide whether to give their child to kindergarten or not. But preschool educational institutions in the country are still a lot. There are state, there are private organizations.

Municipal kindergarten in Granada, designed for children under 3 years

In government agencies, staying and learning the child is free. In private kindergartens, the cost of staying and learning may vary. It all depends on the quality of the Dow itself, and quality, in turn, depends on the financing and size of the support of the choring organization (This may be a company, fund or private person). State dow is very small, so parents most often give a child in a private institution.

Kindergartens Spain

Since private dow in Spain is a lot, you need not to make a mistake with the choice and send the child to a truly qualitative institution. You can choose, for example, Santa Claus in Barcelona. This is really one of the best dough in the city. Having, it is very simple to find any institution.

Santa Claus.

Usually, in Spain, the child is given to a kindergarten in 2 years, and the preschool stage of entering primary school ends (in primary school children take from 6 years). Although there is another, two-level division recognized at the state level:

The program of the Spanish Dow Standard. There are lessons of reading, letters, mathematics, logic, music, drawing, dance, computer literacy, foreign languages, ethics. The school day is 6-10 hours (a quiet hour is not in all educational institutions).

So go for a walk children kindergarten in Spain

In Spain, there are Catholic kindergartens, Dow with a British education system and French. Interestingly, in private kindergartens there are programs that allow you to guarantee a place in a private luxury college.

Stage 2: Basic Education (Basic Level)

І Step

Basic education - mandatory in Spain. It lasts 8 years - from 6 to 14, that is, 8 full courses. 5 classes of children leads one teacher. At this time, as in the CIS countries, the emphasis is placed in Spanish, Spanish literature, mathematics, environmental education.

For foreign children, enhanced Spanish courses have already been provided with 3 years.

A distinctive feature of Spanish basic education is a serious emphasis for foreign languages. (Start studied at school children from 8 years old): English, French, Italian and German.

Optional subject is music. This stage of learning is called Primaria or elementary school (from 6 to 12 years old).

In order to get education in public school, first of all, Spanish registration

ІІ step

After 5 years, the child goes to the next stage of basic education - ESO or Educación Segundaria Obligatoria (secondary school - from 12 to 14 years old). Now one class has several subject commodities at once. Although basic objects are saved.

At the end of each course (or at the end of the school year), the child must pass exams on the main subjects - Examen de Todo El Curso. If the exams are surrendered successfully, the child is transferred to the next yearIf not - leave for the second year (though, there is an opportunity to revaluate the "diluted" exams in the fall or during the year, but only if it was only 2 subjects).

The first two steps of secondary education are mandatory in Spain

The academic year in Spain lasts from 15.09 to 15.06. It is divided into 3 semesters for 11 weeks: from September to January, from January to Easter (the date can "swim"), from Easter to mid-June. Thus, in addition to the summer holidays (last about 10-11 weeks) there are still Christmas and Easter (Spaniards are very religious and try to introduce children to religion and respect for religious canons from an early age).

All Schools of Spain are closed on state and religious holidays (holiday calendar for each region, about holidays, for example, Girona Province, you can read). In order for parents to be confused and managed to plan a shared vacation, calendars are published in advance.

Use the children's summer vacation. At this time, language camps for children and adolescents are 5-18 years old. If you have a goal to start learning or pulling out a foreign language (Spanish, English), then such schools are an excellent option. In addition to learning a language that conducts native speakers with university education, children spend exciting excursions, engaged in sports, sunbathe and bathe.

Summer camps are available in such cities: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Dénia, Cadiz, Alicante, San Sebastian, etc. One of the best and most sought-after options for Russian-speaking children - ENFOREX School in Barcelona - Agora camp (5-18 years old).

After spending summer holidays in the Agora camp in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bchildren and adolescents will not only receive language knowledge and skills, but also familiarize themselves with the cultural life of Catalonia, will be able to visit very interesting excursions, they will see the famous and beautiful attractions, for example, epic, Balo House, Mila and Dr..

If you are interested in other cities in Spain, another program, learning duration, and also any questions about language courses, receipt and continuation of higher education.You can get a free consultation with a specialist.

3 Stage: Secondary Education (Medium Level) or BUP

Middle level or Buffalorato is something similar to Russian 9-11 classes. Learn period of study 3 years (or 3 courses).

In the second year, the child may additionally receive any profession on a two-stage FP system (the training system is organized by the type of Russian vocational school).

In the third year, the student deepens the specialization (it is possible to specialize in 3 directions: accurate, humanitarian or natural sciences). Compulsory items at this stage are: Spanish (Catalan), English, philosophy, history, religion or ethics, physical education.

You need to add 2 more objects to the mandatory program at the selected area. It can be physics, chemistry, anatomy or Latin.


At the end of the third year, students pass the exams - Prueba de La Acceso (by the type of Russian EGE), which are at the same time both entrance examinations in universities. Less objects such as Spanish and literature, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(2 to choose from), philosophy and history.

I wonder what children who scored high scores on the exams are priority upon admission.

Public or private education

And basic education, and secondary education in Spain - free (up to 16-17 years), if the child is studying at the public school (no matter where the child, from Russia, Belarus or Ukraine, is enough just to bring his documents and write to the class suitable by age).

In private schools, learning only paid, and prices can be the most different. Interestingly, in all public schools, teaching is conducted in Spanish, but in private schools options are possible. If desired, parents can find a private educational institution with a suitable language of learning.

Free education in Spain means that the parent does not pay the lessons and work of teachers. But this does not mean that spending will not be completely. We will have to buy school uniforms, textbooks, all necessary accessories, pay for circles and sections, as well as all sorts of excursions.

Top private colleges for children in Spain:

Remember that Spain is a religious country and very many private colleges work closely or generally sponsored by the Church.

Classes in Spanish schools are small - up to 20 people (in private schools - up to 10). Divisions on boys and girls are preserved only in Catholic schools.

When choosing a private school in Spain, it is important to pay attention to such a thing as accreditation and licensing. That is, any international OU (International School, College) must work on the territory of the country officially.

The mode of operation of Spanish schools

Some one, standardized mode of operation in Spanish schools. It all depends on the policy of the OU itself. Classes can start from 09.00 to 09.30, and end at 14.00 or at 17.00, depending on whether there is a break for lunch or not.

Breakfasts, lunches and hops are organized in each educational institutionBut if the lunch break is large, the students prefer to eat at home or in a cafe).

In elementary school, the school day is shorter than in the middle about 3-4 hours. Mugs and sections at schools work in the afternoon. In June and September, all Schools of Spain work only in the first half of the day.

Lessons usually last 40-45 minutes. Changes - 10-15 minutes.

In Spanish schools, pay great attention to both the creative development of children, as well as sports

Teaching Staff

In Spain's schools, the work of teachers is constructed differently than in schools in the post-Soviet space.

In schools work:

  • tutor is an analogue of the Russian class leader;
  • jefe de Estudios or Director de Estudios - Leader of the Training Cycle;
  • director ACADIICO - Responsible for the General School Work Plan;
  • director de Colegio - director of school.

Tutors and teacher executives can combine their work with the teaching of individual items. Parents are usually in contact with Tüter only.

How to get a residence permit in Spain, read.

Home Tasks, Skipping, Exalted Day Group, Evaluation System

Skipping in Spain schools are not encouraged, but are not punishable (especially in public schools). At the end of the month, parents are provided to the form, where all the skips of their Chad are taken into account.

Home tasks set regularly, but their size does not exceed 20% of the overall training load. Naturally, in high schools before exams, the load on students is increased several times.

Home tasks are calculated in proportion to the age of children and begin with 6 years

Too busy parents are given the right to leave their child in the GPA. There are various additional classes. GPD usually works until 21.00 - 22.00.

"Extension" can be visited not "in your" school. You can send a child to a language school for additional classes.

The evaluation system in Spain is a complex - tenball. In this case, it may well be such an assessment as 9.5.

Upon arrival, an exam is usually taken into account (40% of the total points), an assessment for the entire 3-year-old Bachilerato course (60% of the total scores).

For some time, in Spain began to write, the so-called Tabajo de Investigacion - the thesis monograph, the assessment for which is usually affected by the assessment for the entire last 3-year course.

The mechanism of enrollment in the Spanish school (memo for foreigners)

Upon arrival, family with a small child should:

  1. Sign up to the town hall (Padron Municipal de Habitantes), local administration. About the visa center in Spain read.
  2. Visit the Department of Education (Departamento De Enseñanza del Ayuntamiento).
  3. Fill out the registration form of the school (required with NIE - the identification number of a foreigner, parent, or a child guardian).
  4. Fill the medical card (all the necessary vaccinations to the child must be made).
  5. Choose a language (local dialect or Spanish) and items "religion" or "ethics".

It is important to remember that in some public schools there are quotas and so simply to get into them. Therefore, if you know exactly, in which area you will live and in which college will go.

You should contact OU in advance and confirm the reservation in place ( february-April - the time of enrollments in Spanish schools). Perhaps the child will have to take exams (but if he passes them very well, then maybe he will be offered a scholarship that will cover parents' costs).

What is more profitable: rent or buy property in Spain, read this.

Studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bin Spain (for children - adolescents) in kindergartens and colleges

Many parents who give their child to study in Spanish kindergartens and schools, worries 2 questions:

  1. What if the child does not speak Spanish, how will the training be organized?
  2. What foreign languages \u200b\u200band in what volume are studied in the Spanish school?

In kindergartens and schools, young children are very quickly becoming bilinguals. They are organized special, adapted training in native or English and additional lessons that make it possible to quickly learn Spanish.

In kindergartens, Spain children will teach the Azam bills, letters and reading in the game form

In Spanish schools, learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bis an important part of the program. In elementary school, the study of the first foreign language (English or French) begins, another obligatory foreign language is added in high school.

In Catalonia schools, training is conducted in Catalan. Spanish is studied 3 hours a week. So parents who want to give their child to the Catalan kindergarten or school will have to face additional difficulties.

IV stage. Professional and higher education

Higher education in the Spaniards is valued very high. Probably, this is due to the fact that almost all young people of Spain are confident that it is incredibly difficult to get it.

All wishing to get higher education in Spain is important to remember 3 things:

  1. You can only get higher education in universities.
  2. Higher education in Spain is paid.
  3. Institute is not university. The Spanish Institute can be calmly in the Russian technical school (that is, it is rather secondary vocational education).

After the end of the Spanish University, 2 documents are issued: a diploma of the university and a certificate of an international sample confirming the qualifications. Specialization and qualifying categories that exist in Spanish universities are consistent with world standards and bachelor's degrees.

An old outstanding University of Salamanca, whose graduates were Miguel Cervantes and Christopher Columbus

What to do to the University of Spain to a foreigner

For graduates of schools of other countries (and for university graduates, too) there are special preparatory student programs, 2- or 3-year-old (3 years on student preparatory courses, those who specialize in the field of medicine or mathematics are trained).

After the end of the program, exams are rendered and the certificate is obtained, which is guaranteed to enroll in the university.

University of Salamanca - the first European University with its own public library

Yesterday's schoolchildren can enter the universities in Spain, simply by passing such exams as:

  • spanish language (if the applicant has a DELE certificate (Diploma de Español Como Lengua Extranjera is Spanish, as a foreign), then it is released from the language exam);
  • history of Spain (or philosophy);
  • foreign language (to choose from for residents of the CIS);
  • exam in the specialty.

Since 2014, foreigners do not need to pass Selectividad Selectividad (Spanish EGE), as the Russian school certificate, for example, is fully equal to Spanish. This greatly simplifies the entire procedure for admission to the Spanish university.

Training system and timelines

In Spanish University, there are several learning steps:

  1. Bachelor - 2 years. At the end of training, a diploma is issued and the degree of bachelor is awarded on selected qualifications. With such a document in Spain, it is very easy to find a decent work.
  2. Cou - additional one-year preparation required (but, at the same time, optional) stage for the transition to the magistracy.
  3. Master - 2-3 years (it all depends on the specialization chosen by the student). Very often, Spanish universities cooperate with any foreign university, so after graduation, the student receives a double diploma that fully complies with international standards.
  4. Postgraduate studies - 2-3 years. At the end of the graduate school, a doctoral degree is awarded (it is necessary to defend the doctoral dissertation on the selected specialization).

During the training period at the university, you can get an additional specialty in the MBA system. Most often, this opportunity is provided by commercial higher schools. MBA learning is designed for 2 years. Teaching is conducted in 2 languages: Spanish and English. In almost all directions, practice is provided, both in Spain and in other European countries. The diploma makes it possible to realize yourself in international business.

There is an additional post-diploma education. Almost all Universities of Spain enable their graduates to receive the second and third education in addition to the existing specialty. A person with such a level of qualifications can easily find work, both in Spain itself and in other countries of the world.

Higher education in Spain paid, but it does not mean the prices are translated. You can find a university with quite moderate annual rates. Training in all universities is carried out only in Spanish or English.

Top 6 leading universities in Spain (taking into account the wishes of the Spanish employers)

In total, in Spain, more than 50 state universities, 16 private OU and 7 higher educational institutions in the church.

One of the buildings of Barcelona University

For example:

  • in Andalusia - 10 universities (all state);
  • in Aragon - 2 (1 - state, 1 - private);
  • in Castile - 9 (2 private and 2 - at church);
  • in Catalonia - 12 (4 - private);
  • in Madrid -15 (6 - private, 1 - at church);
  • in Navarre - 2 (1 - at church);
  • in Valencia - 7 (1 - private, 1 - at church).



1 University of Seville
2 Barcelona University
3 Madrid University complututense Business Planning and Administration
4 Madrid Autonomous University Business Planning and Administration
5 Barcelona Autonomous University Humanitarian sciences and social scientific
6 Barcelona University Pompeu Fabra
7 Morrasiy Catholic University of San Antonio Medicine
8 University Pantiffs Comiglas Right, economics, management and management of enterprises
9 Catalan Polytechnic University
10 University of Alicante Right, economics, management and management of enterprises
11 Valencian Polytechnic University Technical Direction
12 Madrid University of King Juan Carlos IT area and communication technologies
13 Navarre University Technical Direction
14 Madrid Polytechnic University Technical Direction
15 University of Cadiz. Social Security and Health
16 University of Alkala IT area and communication technologies

Graduates of these areas of this university are especially valued by employers, but this does not mean that there are no other directions in these universities.

In the same Navarre University, there is an opportunity to study in the direction of "Social Security and Health System" and graduates with such a specialization are incredibly in demand in the Spanish labor market. About work in Spain for Russians, read.

The University of Seville is located in a former building of the royal tobacco factory

Top 5 best Spanish educational institutions of additional higher education

Many young people who graduated from universities or only going to do, choose Spain as a country in which you can raise your qualifications, learn the language, get new knowledge or even change profession.

There are a lot of higher schools and colleges here, in which there are programs for additional special education with a practical orientation.



1 Les Roches International School Of Hotel Management (Marbella) Excellent tourism and hotel business programs (including MBA program).
2 EUROAULA (Barcelona School of Business) Programs for marketing, administration, accounting, innovation in the tourist and hotel sector.
3 European Institute Design Design and Fashion (the Institute has branches around the world, therefore it is possible to study according to programs from different countries).
4 Laude in San Pedro Language college, teaching in Spanish and English.

There are various programs for non-speakers of the language (reinforced preparatory and individual courses).

5 Barcelona Higher School at La Universidad Pompeu Fabra In-depth study of the economy and finance, history, political and social sciences and communications

Cost of education

Educational materials have to pay for both public and private institutions

As mentioned above, state preschool and school education in Spain for free, both for citizens and for children of foreigners working in Spain.

Private kindergartens, colleges and all universities, as well as additional education programs - paid.

Prices will differ. It all depends on the prestige of OU and the number of educational programs.



Preschool education 200-500 euros (with a binding individual approach to the child)
Basic and secondary education 600-900 euros per month.

In the most prestigious colleges, learning can reach 18-20 thousand euros per year, but it is with a full board for foreigners: accommodation in campus, food, form, textbooks.

Textbooks and form will cost parents of public schools in 200-300 euros per year.

Professional, additional vocational education From 1000 to 3300 euros per semester (it all depends on the type of program and the specialty, as well as from connections with such institutions in other European cars)
Higher education From 1700 to 11500 per semester (it all depends on the chosen degree: undergraduate, magistrate and specialization; the most expensive specialization - medicine, IT, business administration).

The main thing to remember that in Spain, foreign students are issued a large number of public and private scholarships and grants (the difference between the scholarship and the grant is that the scholarship is paid monthly, and the grant is issued by one). With their help, you can partially cover the cost of training, housing, medical insurance.

Pros and cons of study in Spain

Naturally, before making a decision to teach your child in Spain, we must once again weigh all the pros and cons.

Pros of learning in Spain

Cons Education in Spain

The child falls into an interesting multicultural medium, to the country with ancient stories. Education in Spain is not so prestigious, such as in England or France.
Relatively low cost of learning. Insufficiency of English-language learning programs.
The high probability of obtaining educational scholarships and grants. The separation of education from the professional sphere, the lack of real production practices.
Compliance with Spanish education to international standards. Not enough developed links between OU Spain.
Good logistical base of all OU. The absence of uniform standards of training in the state (every university, college has its own program that differs significantly from others)
Well-developed Spanish OU with OU of other European countries


Recently, Spain has become a very popular country for learning in Europe. And it is quite predictable, because the Spanish learning system provides possession of several languages \u200b\u200band high level of international education at once.

In Spain combines centuries-old academic traditions and modern trends in the organization of the knowledge acquisition process. From 1996 to 2000, the country has passed the education reform aimed at the active introduction of studies adopted in Europe.

The Spanish education system, like most of the most developed, is focused on an independent choice of profession in the future.

The education system in Spain is divided into four levels:

  • preschool - from 2 to 6 years;
  • initial, or basic, from 6 to 16 years;
  • bachilorato (Bachillerato) is a term that does not have a literal analogue in Russian, means a senior school in which he learns from 16 to 18 years;
  • higher.

In 2007, the draft law was approved, according to which the training of children from six to sixteen became mandatory.

Government-financed kindergartens and schools are free. The Basic Education System of Spain, in addition to public and private organizations, includes religious educational institutions that financially supports the Catholic Church.


In Spain, pre-school education is divided into two categories:

  • kindergarten;
  • preparatory groups.

At the first level, the focus is on the intellectual, social and physical development of the child, the formation of independence. Classes are held mainly in an affordable game form and are accompanied by music and dancing.

Programs of preparatory groups of Spanish pre-school institutions are quite extensive and focused on cooking. Kids teach mathematics, letter, basics of logic and computer literacy. Mandatory part of pre-school education - sports, drawing, music, learning English.

In Spain, there are a large number of German, French, international and catholic kindergartens. Getting into the institution, the training in which the church is undergoing under the patronage is not easy, because the religious authorities are presented to parents and a child.

Pre-school education is not necessarily, but extremely popular. The Spanish government makes every effort to make it accessible to everyone, but in municipal gardens still lacks places. The problem decides private preschool training. Non-state institutions offer a more rich program and classes in mini-groups.


The system of school education in Spain includes three main stages:

  • initial;
  • average;
  • bacchilorato.

Primary School (6 - 12 years)

This period is divided into three two-year-olds (age 6 - 8, 8 - 10, 10 - 12 years old) and is not particularly different from Russian younger classes: children learn from one teacher in the office attached to them. The purpose of the educational program at this level is to instill a child speech skills, reading, literacy and accounts. From the eight year, the study of a foreign language is added.

Spanish school program includes the following items:

  • mathematics;
  • literature;
  • native language;
  • physical education;
  • music;
  • natural science.

Much attention is paid to the creative development of students and the formation of erudition in the field of civil rights.

High School (12 - 16 years)

At the middle level of school education, new items are introduced:

  • physics;
  • geometry;
  • chemistry.

Mandatory secondary education consists of four academic courses, the next student can not switch to unsatisfactory estimates for the previous one. But there are exceptions if the teaching staff considers it possible to replenish the gaps in knowledge upon subsequent training.

Graduates with secondary education diplomas can continue their studies at professional courses, at the next school stage on the Bachyl Stream program or start working.

Buffilito, or senior school

The feature of the education system of Spain is the level of Buffin, that is, an additional biennium course of school learning. It is not required, but without him it is impossible to enter higher education institutions.

Buffilito has six major specializations:

  • art;
  • natural science;
  • social sciencies;
  • stage art;
  • technics;
  • economics and Management.

The program includes at least two additional courses, such as philosophy, Latin, Anatomy and others. Tacchilorato certificate gives the right to enter universities.


In Spain, you can only receive a diploma of higher education in universities, each of which has the right to independently make changes to the study program. Public institutions are more popular and respect than private. There are also spiritual universities under the control of the Church.

Since 2010, the Higher Education System of Spain joined the Bologna process and issues three degrees' diplomas:

  • "Grado" -after four years of study at the university;
  • "Master" -only with the degree of Grado and upon completion of the narrow-controlled course;

"DoctoDo" - At the end of one thing - or a biennium, which includes research work. It is impossible to get no wizard without the extent.

In recent years, Spain has become the third in popularity after England and Ireland. Training center in Europe. The specifics and structure of the educational system, especially secondary education in Spain, has a lot of advantages, for example, personally oriented, allows the student to independently determine the choice of a future specialty, and also provides possession of several foreign languages \u200b\u200b"with young nails." Alien studies in Spain attracts not only a successful combination of proximity to the sea, affordable prices and high quality of international education, but also a unique cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Structure of education system in Spain

Education level in Spanish

Escuela infantil

In Russian



Primary School

high school

(mandatory secondary education)


(There is no analogue in the Russian education system)

Higher education


Education in Spain is divided into four levels:

Preschool (Educación Infantil, Preescolar) - from 0 to 6 years

Basic (La Educación General Básica (EGB)) - from 6 to 14 years

Bachilorato (El Bachillerato) - from 14 to 16 years

Higher education (La Enseñanza Universitaria) - from 16 years

Preschool education

Educacioon infantil

Pre-school education in Spain is divided into two cycles: kindergarten Infantil (up to 3 years) and PreScolar preparatory group (from 3 to 6 years). Both cycles are voluntary, and in government agencies and free. Spanish analogs of kindergartens are very different and depend on organizations or foundations that provide them with support. Music and dance lessons, reading and exercises for logic, mathematical classes and familiarization with a computer, drawing and lessons on ethics are taught. The routine of the day depends on the garden, but usually it is six - a decade-hour day, more often from 9.30-10.00 to 16.30-17.00, with dinner and afternooner (sometimes breakfast), "a quiet hour" is not everywhere. In private institutions, children go to small groups of 5-10 people.

According to the Spanish State Institute of Statistics, a million children in the country today account for a little more than 300 thousand places in kindergartens. And 52% of them provide private "gardens". It is simply explained: the number of municipal preschool institutions is much smaller and they simply cannot accept everyone. Catholic kindergartens also do not solve the problem of supply balance and supply, because they put forward extremely strict requirements for enrollment. It is not surprising that today a considerable number of underground preschool institutions is flourishing in Spain, not particularly careful about the standards of upbringing or hygiene. Therefore, for parents, hard work on choosing a kindergarten begins, almost before the birth of a child. The circle of suitable institutions is determined mainly at the place of residence and on the recommendations of acquaintances, but sometimes depends on the bonds of the kindergarten with schools. For example, children visiting the British kindergarten Santa Claus in Barcelona have reserved places in St. College. POL with an English education system.

In Spain, there is a small number of gardens fashionable today, the Montessori system, which combines the personal approach to the child's education with preparing for a college.

The cost of staying in Spanish kindergartens is different, depending on the institution, but is quite adequate compared with European prices: on average, about 350-500 euros per month. In Spain, the school year begins in September, so the set in kindergartens begins in May, and in September it is almost impossible to find a place.

Basic education

Educaciuan General Basica.

Basic education consists of eight courses and covers the age group of children from 6 to 14 years. Obtaining basic education is mandatory, after graduation is given a diploma for secondary education. Within the first five years (Educaciun Primaria), students have only one teacher, studying with it such objects as native language, literature, mathematics, environmental education, music, physical training - mandatory for study under Article 18 of the Organic Law on the formation of Spain. One of the explicit advantages of this learning step is the early beginning of the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(from 8 years).

Schools are often invited to teach foreign languages \u200b\u200bof their carriers.

In the second part of this educational stage, teaching is conducted by different teachers and includes additional items (computer science, art, physics, etc.).

Until recently, Spain did not exist in a single standard of secondary education and children could choose between the basic course of VUP, which opens the road to the university, and the FP's professional education, guaranteeing only the work associated with physical or manual labor. Today ESO, that is, EDUCACION Secundaria Obligatoria (compulsory average education) obliges the Spaniards to learn from a single system from 6 to 14 years.


Bachillerato resembles the older schools of the secondary school and includes two courses on which children learn from 14 to 16 years. At the end issued a certificate of secondary education. Bachillerato is not included in the Mandatory State Education Program, but is necessary for admission to the university, while holders of high medium points have the best opportunities when enrolling. Pupils can also receive vocational education on the selected specialization in humanitarian or accurate sciences, but this is not necessary.

Bachillerato has 6 main specialties: scenic art, visual art, economics and management, natural sciences, social sciences and technology.

Not every school provides training in all these specialties, because often students have to change the educational institution and to "take" objects elsewhere. To think about the choice of Bachillerato It's time for 3-4 courses ESO: it is at this time that the relevant items begin to give.

Mandatory for study at this stage: English, Spanish (plus Catalan in Catalonia) languages, philosophy, history, religion (or alternative discipline, such as ethics) and physical education. Each Bachillerato course has 2 subjects to the mandatory program - to prepare for the university (physics, Latin, Anatomy, Chemistry, etc.). However, the choice of objects may not coincide with the decision of the child about the further career.

University Education

ENSEsanza Universitaria.

University education is paid. In all, there are 50 state universities in Spain, 16 private and 7 higher educational institutions in the church. Students who have appropriate qualifications and those who want to enter the Spanish University must pass the PAU entrance exam (Prueba de La Acceso), which consists of six tests on history or philosophy, a foreign language (usually English), Spanish grammar and literature.

List of universities in Spain

Universidad de almería.
Universidad de Cádiz
Universidad de Córdoba.
Universidad de Granada.
Universidad de Huelva.
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Universidad de Jaén.
Universidad de Málaga.
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Universidad de sevilla.

Universidad de Zaragoza.
Universidad San Jorge (*)

Universidad de la Laguna
Universidad De Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Universidad de Cantabria.
Universidad Internacional Menéndez.

Castilla La Mancha
Universidad De Castilla La Mancha

Castilla y Leon
Universidad de burgos.
Universidad Católica de Ávila (+)
Universidad Europa Miguel de Cervantes (*)
IE Universidad (*)
Universidad de León.
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (+)
Universidad de Salamanca.
Universidad de valladolid

Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona.
Universitat de Girona.
Universitat Internacional De Catalunya (*)
Universitat de Lleida.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (*)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Universitat Ramon LLULL (*)
Universitat Rovira I Virgili
Universitat de Vic (*)

ComUnidad de Madrid
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (*)
Universidad de Alcalá.

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (*)
Universidad Auto De Madrid
Universidad Camilo Jose Cela (*)
Universidad Carlos III De Madrid
Universidad Complutense De Madrid
Universidad A Distancia de Madrid
Universidad EUROPEA DE MADRID (*)
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (*)
Universidad Nacional De Educación A Distancia (Uned)
Universidad Politécnica De Madrid
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (+)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad de San Pablo-Ceu (*)

Comunidad Formal de Navarra
Universidad de Navarra (+)
Universidad Pública de Navarra

Universitat D'Alacant / Universidad de Alicante
Universitat Jaume I.
Universidad Miguel Hernandez.
Universitat de valencia.
Universitat Ceu Cardenal Herrera (*)
Universidad Católica de Valencia "San Vicente Mártir" (+)

Universidad de Extremadura.

Universidade Da Coruña.
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Universidad de vigo

Illes Balears.
Universitat De Les Illes Balears

La Rioja.
Universidad de la Rioja

País Vasco.
Mondragon UnibertSitatea (*)
Universidad de Deusto (+)
Universidad Del País Vasco / Euskal
Herriko UnibertSitatea.

PrinciPado de Asturias.
Universidad de Oviedo.

Región de Murcia.
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Universidad Católica de San Antonio (+)
Universidad de Murcia.

(*) Private universities

(+) Universities in the Church

Types of schools in Spain

According to statistics, about 66% of children in Spain learn in public schools (Escuelas Publicas), 25% attend the so-called "charter" schools (Escuela concertada), which are funded by the state, but have a structure and independence of private schools) and 7.5% Visit private schools. In state and charter "schools, the classes are free, additional paid classes can be introduced in" charter ".

The controversy, which school is better private or state-old as a world. Spanish parents do not miss the opportunity to argue about the advantages of their choice and disadvantages of the other. Meanwhile, each type of education has its own Pro and Contra.

Public schools offer free education, but the level of education is considered among Spanish parents to be low, first of all, due to the lack of a "filter at the entrance": take into classes of children from families of different cultural levels and social layers, because performance and discipline often leave to desire better. A little more optimistic situation in the "charter" schools and in those where there is a competition in place.

The most prestigious is considered training in private schools - they are not so much, but they are extremely demanded. High standards of academic performance, strict routine of the day, orientation for the comprehensive development of children - all this undoubted advantages of Spanish private schools.

Private schools are of particular interest for foreigners, since in some teaching is carried out simultaneously on two programs and in two languages \u200b\u200b(most often it is Spanish and English). In order to get into such a school, it is necessary to have certain knowledge of English (in some cases - and Spanish) language.

Costs for training in a private school depend on the selected educational institution and can differ significantly. There are fully paid schools, "charter", for example, having a private school status, conclude an agreement with the state for which the latter takes on the main part of financing. As a result, the child can have access to education for a practically symbolic amount. The state, subsidizing private schools, receives in return for three places in every class for socially unprotected children. Usually they are quickly occupied by the children of immigrants from Latin American countries, which are well aware of all the intricacies of the Spanish education system and enjoy all its benefits: a free private college place, free books and food in the dining room. In general, all parents pay uniforms and an out-of-school program, regardless of the type of school chosen.

Since in Spain, the Institute of Church, more than half of private schools - religious was traditionally strong.

In such schools, there for many years there is no explicitly pronounced devout orientation, there is no prayer in the morning and Mass once a week, although the idea "not only to form, but also to educate" remains. That is, education is quite standard, but they are managed by religious organizations that ask a general policy. One of the methods of implementing this policy is, for example, the tendency of the Education of the FEAC Committees (Familia, Escuela, Accion Compartida - "School and Family act together!"). At these meetings, parents and treasors discuss common problems in children - from Internet dependences to problems with appetite and exchange their own recipes to combat them. Feac is collected by the age principle, usually once a month on Mondays, from 19.30 to 21.00. In general schools there is an analogue - the Association of Parents (Assoziaion De Padres), which also organizes conferences and round tables, although parental attendance in this case is much more difficult to control. However, in any institution there is a regular psychologist who follows the mental state of schoolchildren.

Learning languages

During primary education in public schools, students are developing Spanish (Castile) language skills and teach the official language of the autonomous community. In the last course of primary school, they begin to learn a foreign language, usually English or French. During the period of obtaining secondary education according to the program, as a rule, another foreign language is added.

In international kindergartens and schools, children are automatically becoming bilinguals, while studying in a foreign language, in some - in two languages, one of which is native. If the child in the public school owns the Spanish not enough, then it is provided with additional lessons, the number of which depends on the school and the region.

It is noteworthy that in Catalonia, where all the teaching is conducted in Catalan, Spanish is given three hours a week, along with other foreign languages.

In private schools, it is also possible to additional intensive language learning for the speedy linguistic adaptation. The summer programs, which last about a month (usually), are also a kind of "impossible" (usually) and in addition to language training, outdoor activities are offered: sports courses, excursions, campaigns, concerts and theatrical performances, etc. Such programs provide a "dive" of a child into a linguistic environment, faster adaptation and special attention of future teachers, but officially language training of summer courses is not enough to ensure that the child can perceive the school curriculum without difficulties. The best option for children who almost do not speak the language of the school - language centers, where for a small fee of the child can receive additional lessons "in the appendage" to school.

Rules of the day in primary and high school

The school day in most elementary schools in Spain lasts from 09: 00-12: 00 and from 15: 00-17: 00. At noon, children make a pause for lunch and afternoon rest, usually 2.5-3 hours. Many of the break go home "on free bread", others dinner in the school canteen, if anyone is available. In schools located in large cities, the day usually lasts from 09: 00-14: 00, in this case, the break for lunch is shorter. Some schools offer the opportunity for students to come early, have breakfast, and then dine at school - for extracurricular activities in the afternoon. Usually the school management coordinates the schedule with parents. In September and June, schools are always open only in the first half of the day, from 09: 00-13: 00.

The school day in high school is usually longer than in the primary - from 08:30 to 15:00 or from 09:00 to 15:00, including a lunch break, but here the clock can vary significantly depending on the location and from the most educational establishments.

Classes and teachers

Lessons in Spanish schools last 45-50 minutes. Classes are usually small, especially in private institutions, in public schools in class Maximum may be 20-30 people. Mixed groups are increasingly popular, divided girls and boys continue only in a religious registry colleges (for example, Opus dei).

In preschool education, all classes usually leads one teacher-teacher, sometimes two. In primary and secondary school, subjects are given by the teacher's composition of 8-10 people, depending on the number of disciplines and the age group, often one teacher can lead several items (up to 5).

For each class, as in the Russian school, the "Class Manager" - Tutor (Tutor), in addition, each training cycle controls the leader (Jefe de Estudios), in some schools there are still director (Director de Estudios) and academic director ( Director ACADIICO).

Last Instant of School (Director de Colegio). Turators play the role of educators and serve as a kind of binding link between parents and teachers. For example, directly to meet with the teacher of philosophy a parent is quite difficult - first you need to talk with a tutor and, if necessary, with the head of the cycle. The skips are not encouraged, but by the way, no one is experiencing themselves - everything is based on the written explanations of the parents in the journal of visits (Agenda Escolar), which are often successfully faked by the Shaluns.


The content of the program is determined by the Council of each school, but there is a standard set of items required to explore. These are natural and social sciences, history and geography, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(the first is introduced at 8 years old, the second - at will - at 12), Spanish and language of the region, mathematics, information technology, physical education, music and religion (optional). In high school, other languages, natural and social sciences, art, etc. are added to them. Often, two subjects are combined into one: for example, Spanish and literature, history and geography, physics and biology, drawing and informatics, etc.

In international schools, combining programs, courses can be taught in different languages, for example, in International School Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhistory is taught in English, and geography is in Spanish. Teachers come to the class by replacing each other.

The lessons are explained by the old good tradition "at the board", with the help of textbooks and projectors and, more and more computers.

Tutorials and school material will cost from 100 to 200 euros per year.


Starting from 6 years, children are given independent work at home. The volume of "homework" usually depends on the teacher and from the age of students - the load increases gradually, but never exceeds 10-20% of the total learning program. Pupils BachileRrato have more disciplines and, accordingly, exams and more loads, including on independent work with textbooks.

Out-of-school classes

In Spain, there is an analogue of the extended day groups - Actividades Extraescolares, which lasts a maximum of 21-22.00 and paid additionally. Most often, children are engaged in sports or make "homework". It is curious that it is not necessary to walk "in the extension" in his own college - you can pull up English in British School, and in sports in the Sbnchez-Casal Tennis Academy. Naturally, for the appropriate fee and without taking into account these achievements of the child "on the side" when studying in his own school.


At each stage of training, from elementary school to Bachillerato, after each trimester, students pass through a peculiar mini-session, passing exams in all major subjects. However, this does not mean that throughout the trimester you can "relax" - depending on the will of the teacher, tests and checks can be poured almost every week. At the end of the school year in Spanish schools, the transferable exam (Examen de Todo El Curso), also covering all learned disciplines, which can be "saving the situation", if the estimate is not very pleased with the eye. Evriking verdict makes a teacher council that evaluates the progress of a child from different points of view before issuing assessments to parents for signature.

As in Russia, if during the June session some exams were "rolled", they can be rented in September (maximum two subjects). If there is a failure here, the student will be omitted to the next course, but it is obliged to go through the items again for the year.

At the end of the Educacion Secundaria (high school), students also pass exams. If the results are negative, they can leave for the second year, but no more than two times, the maximum until the age of 16. Pupils who successfully rent transferable exams receive a diploma of mandatory secondary education ESO (Graduado ESO) and can continue their education by enrolling on Bachillerato. By the way, no special characteristics of the exams for continuing education after ESO do not have, these are the usual final exisions of the entire course.

Examinations in the Spanish school are estimated at the 10-Tibal system (designations may vary depending on the educational institution):

0,0 – 4,9 unsatisfactory, not handed over / suspenso (SS) or Deficiente (D),

5,0 satisfactory / suficiente (s),

6,0 Good / Bien (BI)

7.0 – 8.0 excellent / NOTABLE (NT),

9,0 – 9,9 Excellent / SOBRESALIENTE (SB),

10 An outstanding result / Matricula de Honor (MH).

When the Bachillerato course ends, schoolchildren expect graduation and entrance exams. May according to the tradition-Deadline for submission of documents to the university. For admission to university, you need to dial the required minimum points, which varies depending on the discipline. Higher bandwidth - for future doctors (9.5).

The overall assessment is made up of two components - the Selectividad exam (40% of the final assessment) and the average valuation for the entire course of Bachillerato (60% final evaluation). In Catalonia, there is also the so-called TDR (Trabajo de Investigacion), the thesis monograph, which is 10% of the result of Bachillerato. Despite the fact that this work is innovative and can be a clear chance for future Kulibins, Catalan children TDRs are disliked and considered an additional burden.

If in the end of the examination torment and summation of the points, the lower threshold of the certification was not passed, the applicant remains two ways to enter the selected discipline: to submit documents to a private university, where the conditions are a little softer or use the Lomonosov method and go to another region (in each region - its own Minimum passing score).

Academic year and vacation

The academic year in Spain begins in mid-September, ends in mid-June and consists of three semesters, each duration of 11 weeks:

1) The first lasts from September to December and ends with two weeks of Christmas holidays (Vacaciones Escolares).

2) The spring semester begins after the Day of Magos (DNA de Los Reyes Magos or Epifania) January 6 and lasts before Easter (Pascua, in March or April) and ends with two weeks of spring vacation.

3) The third semester ends in mid-June, leaving for summer holidays, which last 10-11 weeks.

The duration of the trimesters is constant throughout Spain, but in some regions it can be changed, taking into account holidays and important events of a regional scale.

Recently, Spain moved to the European practice of "crushing" of a monthly vacation in enterprises, which influenced the holidays: now in schools there is a so-called "empty week" (Semana Blanca), an additional week vacation, usually in spring. Schools are also closed on holidays and local religious holidays (depending on autonomous communities). In order for the parents in advance to plan joint travel and vacation, the dates of holidays and holidays in Spain schools are published in advance.

School search and quotas

Upon arrival in the region, the family should register with the Town Hall list Padron Municipal de Habitantes, and then visit the Department of Education in the Government (Departamento de Enseñanza del Ayuntamiento). The school registration form and the medical forms of the certificate (filled with the doctor) are issued in place. The medical conclusion should include an outpatient card of a child, while it is important to make sure that all mandatory vaccinations are made - information about them must be represented in the map. School registration form must be filled with NIE (Numero de IdentificAcion de Extranjeros, i.e., a foreigner identification number) and other details of parents or student guardians. When filling out the form, you can specify preference in choosing a learning dialect (Spanish or local), as well as religions or ethics.

Catholicism is taught in public schools, but some schools teach other religions (Judaism, Islam). The Department of Education in Ayuntamiento defines what public school and the child class will visit and notify the parents about it.

Applications in private and international schools should be filed as soon as possible, since in many schools there is a waiting list. To enroll in private international school, you need to contact the school directly or with the help of specializing in such services agencies.

The procedure for enrollment to public school depends on the autonomous region. Typically, registration occurs between February and April, but it is better to contact the school in advance and confirm the dates of enrollment, as they may differ depending on the region. Often, with a limited number of places, students have to go through a competition in order to gain maximum points. Each school has its own system of "Poblazhk" for incoming, which is worth familiar from. For example, if a brother or sister of the applicant is studying at school (or once studied one of the parents), 40 points are automatically credited to his account, if in the family three children - 15 points, if the school is located next to the student's house - 30 points and T ..

The school makes a decision not only about the possibility of making a child to school, but also about issuing him quotas. Sometimes there is a serious struggle for entering a closed college between two neighbors along the landing, as a result, the study is also fully paid and all the necessary textbooks are provided, while the other remains without "overlooking."

The cost of learning in Spanish schools

The cost of studying in primary schools of decent Spanish private school is from 500 euros per month. Older classes will cost a little more expensive. To this you need to add vehicles, food, school materials and uniforms. Tariffs in Spanish private schools are usually lower than in other private schools in Europe.

In public school, training is free, but parents tend to pay for training materials (with the exception of some autonomous regions).

International Schools in Spain

Globalization did not bypass the Spanish parents. More and more families prefer international schools offering different training programs (usually English or American-Spanish) and intensive linguistic training. Another part of the audience of international schools is the growing army of immigrants in Spain, preferring to "immerse" their children to a new language environment with a loaf if not to the native, then the most promising.

Some international schools provide only primary education, while others are education for children of all ages, including pre-school and nursery.

At the same time, indisputable advantage is that training is led by teachers from the founding countries of the school education system. Thus, French College Barcelona supports the standards of their education system, gradually introducing Catalan and Spanish, and all staff, up to cooks - French. Children in such schools receive a unique opportunity to combine extensive general educational knowledge with additional language skills and other developing disciplines. So, in English schools in 12 years, Spanish children already have First Certificate in language, and after Bachillerato, before entering the university - the level of Proficient.

Private international schools have their own school holiday calendar and discovery time, depending on which school "nationality". Regardless of the specialization, before proceeding to learn any educational institution, it is desirable to check whether it is recognized by the Spanish authorities and is owned by an accredited organization. Many British schools in Spain belong to the National Association of British Schools in Spain (Nabss - National Association of British Schools).

As a rule, the educational system of the owner country is taken as the basis of such schools. Many offer specific educational programs for preparing for British GCSE and A-Level exams, American high school diploma and college entrance exams (for example, Act, Sat, test tests and exams), International Baccalaureate (IB), as well as Spanish Bachillerato. Thus, the private bilingual British School Barcelona offers the curriculum of England and Wales for children of different nationalities from 3 to 18 years. Education to the main subjects is conducted in English, additional items are in Spanish, the Russian language is taught separately. At school St. Peterґs, on the contrary, the curriculum is Spanish, but training is conducted in English. In addition, children learn Catalan, German and French with appropriate issuing certificates (Cambridge: First Certificate, Advanced, Proficiency, Generalitat De Catalunya: Nivell C, Institut Franzais: Delf B1, B2 and Goethe Institut: Fit in Deutch).

Some schools combine programs so that after graduation, children besides solid linguistic "baggage" have the qualifications of international undergraduate, and Bachillerato local secondary school.

For example, in Benjamin Franklin's International School in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ball major items are taught in English, and additional ones in Spanish, Catalan and French. At the end of the school, the disciples receive an American diploma of secondary education and the certificate of Spanish Bachillerato, which guarantees them to enter both Spanish universities and the US universities. Since 2011, the School and International Baccalaure Diploma (International Baccalaure Diploma) also provides access to all universities in the world. Such multi-programs are a big advantage for those who see the future of their children in international space.

Another great advantage of international schools is a learning environment. The multilanguage environment allows children to adapt very quickly and learn the language (although, of course, not to the academic level). As a rule, international schools have smaller classes, and more "relaxed" atmosphere reigns in the "newcomers" groups - children give time to integrate and feel confident. International educational institutions are flexible and in providing additional advantages: some guarantee individual teachers, others - the exchange of students with European partners, the third is the fourth foreign language ... an out-of-school program of such schools is also common and more interesting than in other educational institutions, because it is often Children of the "simple mortal" Spaniards are visited.

Like all private educational institutions, international schools offer paid education. Compared to the rest of Europe, Spain International Schools are relatively cheap: the cost of learning ranges from 3,000 to 7000 € per year for preschool children's institutions and elementary school and from 8,000 to 20,000 € per year for high school.

For admission to Spain International Schools, there is also an interview, in addition, some schools can nominate their admission requirements, for example, a test in mathematics or a school profiling language.

When entering the higher educational institutions in Spain, the Russian certificate of secondary education, as a rule, is recognized by the equivalent Spanish (if there are good estimates in it), but the entrance exams foreigners will have to pass.

As a rule, they include tests in Spanish and foreign language, two mandatory objects and two subjects to choose from (humanitarian or technical, depending on the university). If the applicant has a diploma for the delivery of the DELE language exam (Diploma de Español Como Lengua Extranjera / Spanish, as a foreign), when entering the university, it can be released from the delivery of the language test.

Far Eastern State Humanitarian University

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

Specialty iso

Department of Pedagogy

Subject: "Education system in Spain. Education reform"

Completed: 4th year student

Sinitsa D.V.

Leader: Ventrelnikov Yu.P.

Khabarovsk 2010.


Primary and secondary education

Stages of school and pre-school education

Secondary education in Spain

Higher education

Entry exams

Types of higher education

Academic year

Requirements for arrival

Preparation for admission to university

Required knowledge of language

Overview of language courses

Educational process

Postgraduate education


Master researcher



For education in Spain, a combination of centuries-old academic traditions with the dynamic of training programs adapting to the needs of modern Europe is characterized. Recently, the education system in Spain is rapidly integrated into the pan-European system. It was from 1996 to 2000 that the reform was carried out, which was mainly engaged in the primary and secondary school. As for universities, it should be borne here that each university in Spain is autonomous and can make its changes (sometimes significant) into the program.

The main purpose of this reform was, first of all, the transition to European general education standards.

The choice of my topic is justified by the interest of this country. Many in our time are studying Spanish to continue their studies in Spain. Wide capabilities of the professional market of Spain attract young people from different countries. Many of them consider training in Spain as the first step of their future professional career in this country and other European Union countries.

Primary and secondary education

Within the framework of the school program, students learn as compulsory items (geography, history, spanish, mathematics, art, music, natural sciences, and objects for the choice and the basis of training in some kind of area). Upon completion of the mandatory secondary education (approximately relevant to Russian nine-year education), a graduate can continue training either in the system of vocational education, or after successfully completed testing, to enroll on the Bachillerato biennial program, which is necessary for subsequent admission to the university, and complete the complete secondary education. During training under the Bachillerato program, there are divided into streams with in-depth study of items in the field in which the student plans to specialize in the future. Usually schools offer four areas of specialization: art, natural sciences, humanitarian and social sciences and technology. After the completion of education, the Selectividad exam is handed over, which is introductory to Spanish higher educational institutions.

Stages of school and pre-school education

1. Kindergarten (Jardin de Enfancia) - from 2 to 4 years; 2. Preschool preparation (Escuela de Parvulos) - from 4 to 6 years; 3. Primary education (EDUCACION PRIMARIA) from 6 to 12 years; 4. Secondary mandatory education (Educaion Secundaria Obligatoria) - from 12 to 16 years; 5. Full secondary education (Bachillerato) or the 1st level of vocational education (Formacion Professional I) - from 16 to 18 years.

Primary education in Spain

Compulsory education in Spain begins with six years. It is relatively free and can receive it in public and public schools. About what they differ, as well as about their pros and cons, we will tell in a separate article.

The Spanish academic year is broken by three trimesters, it begins not from September 1, and later - closer to the middle of the month. The elementary school begins the school year and finishes it a few days earlier than the other students. The academic year is completed in mid-June.

Primary education system in Spain

Designed for six years of primary learning (Educacion Primaria). The initial education is divided into three cycles for two years each.

Mandatory objects in the Primary School program are mathematics, Spanish and official language of autonomy, literature, foreign language, physical education, drawing and music, familiarization with cultural and social sciences, environmental education and a newly introduced subject, including familiarity with human rights and civil rights and responsibilities. At the third stage of primary education (that is, from 10 years old), students are offered a second foreign language.

Religion in Spanish schools is not subject to mandatory, it all depends on the desire of parents. Even in public-private schools, which often belong to a particular monastic order, religion is not affected by force. In fully private schools, the situation may be different.

general Education Spain European Training

How the primary education is estimated

According to the results of each trimester, students are estimated from 1 to 10. Diaries, estimates in notebooks and for answers at the board in Spanish schools. In principle, if parents do not consider it necessary to learn about how their child learns, no one will report on the successes or problems. The school is obliged to inform the parents three times a year, and the rest is a personal initiative.

There are no cases when the child does not pass one or another item in some trimester. In this case, he has the opportunity to catch up with the next and only if, at the end of the year, the student does not pass three subjects (or two - language and mathematics), it will be offered to repeat the course of study.

The elementary school usually does not have a common building with high school - this is a separate educational institution.

Schedule of primary school in Spain

The schedule of "Primaria" is different from senior classes. Pupils of primary school come to the lessons a little later - about 9 and are engaged to hour, then - a break for lunch and rest, and at three o'clock children return to school again and are there up to five.

Such a schedule creates quite a lot of inconvenience to parents, so many schools offer to bring children to breakfast, i.e. An hour before the start of classes. At lunchtime, the child can also not be taken, he lisks and relates from lessons on the school yard.

Secondary education in Spain

After the kids have learned in elementary school, grown and matured, it is time to leave the usual walls and move to a new step.

Mandatory secondary education in Spain

Secondary education in Spain is mandatory. This means that any child living on the territory of the country legally or illegally is obliged to attend an educational institution from 12 to 16 years.

It is obliged to visit something and the program must be mastered to measure their forces and opportunities, but with a document on obtaining secondary education in Spain, problems may arise. When a child's device in the Spanish school, it is possible to present its overseas passport (even with an expired visa) or some other document, plus - information about registration at the place of residence, the greater in school will not ask. But if by the age of 16, the child will not receive a residence permit or other confirmation of the legality of being in the country, then the document on Spanish secondary education will not be given to him. So the road to further learning is closed for him.

Secondary education system in Spain

Secondary education in Spain consists of four steps. Objects studied in high school are preparing a child to follow the choice of the direction of learning or to work. In principle, without even passing the secondary school course, but Daisy at the desk for up to 16 years, the child can finish its education. If you decide to take up the mind later - please. Secondary education can be completed at school for adults.

Any course of secondary education courses can repeat if three or more of the subject will pass. Estimates are exhibited by trimesters. Those who got a score below are minimal on two subjects, go to the next class, but at the beginning of the year should "take the tailings".

Secondary education in Spain - what's next

For those children who have not passed a course of secondary education in Spain, professional programs are organized, giving the initial level for any specialty.

In general, secondary education in Spain, despite the fact that it is mandatory, "for the ears" does not pull anyone. If parents consider education necessary, and the child for some reason does not pass the subject, you can do additionally. But not at school. For this, there are private "academies", where the student is in charge of a certain fee and decompose on the shelves the non-dusty subject.

After the middle formation stage is over, the child must choose its further path. There are several of them. The simplest (or most complex one?) - Start working. You can go receive vocational education. And you can continue studying at school in Baciorat. This biennium stage is used to prepare a child for admission to the university.

Higher education

The undergraduate covers 2 courses (as a rule, it is possible to prepare for the University of Humanitarian subjects, social sciences). After passing the undergraduate, students can enter the university. It should be borne in mind that some universities are not enough such biennial training; It requires additional one-year training (COU) - an university-oriented course by our preparatory courses at universities. (Usually Cou is needed for admission to medical, mathematical universities).
