In sociology, the concept of a social role appears from the late 19th century, although officially this term appeared only at the end of the 20th century within the framework of R. Linton theory.

This science considers society or another organized group in the form of a set of individuals with a certain status and model of behavior. What they mean by the concepts of social statuses and roles, as well as what matter they have for a person, we will also tell us further and give examples.


For sociology, the term "social role" means the model of expected behavior expected from a person, which would comply with the rights and regulatory duties established by society. That is, this concept considers the relationship between the personality function and its position in society or interpersonal relationships.

It can also be said that a social role is a certain algorithm of actions prescribed by a person by society, which he must follow to implement useful activities in society. The model of behavior or the prescribed algorithm of actions at the same time approximate or voluntarily or forced.

For the first time, such a definition appeared in 1936, when Ralph Linton proposed its concept of how the interaction of an individual with society in a limited algorithm of actions dictated by a particular community. So there appeared the theory of social roles. It makes it possible to understand how a person may be identified in certain social framework and how such conditions may affect the formation of it as a person.

Typically, this concept is considered as one of the dynamic aspects of the status of an individual. Speaking as a member of a society or group and taking responsibility for performing certain functions, a person must follow the rules established by this group. This is waiting for the other community participants.

If we consider the concept of social role on the example of an organization, it can be understood that the manager of the enterprise, training personnel, and receiving knowledge of the person - this is a valid organized community, norms and rules in which are registered for each participant. In an educational institution, the director gives orders to whom the teacher must obey.

In turn, teachers have the right to demand from students to fulfill the rules prescribed for their social status with the regulations of the organization (do lessons, show respect for teachers, comply with silence during lessons, etc.) At the same time, a certain freedom is admissible for the social role of the student associated with the manifestation of his personal qualities.

For each participant in role-playing relations, prescribed regulatory requirements and individual shades of the status obtained by him are known. Therefore, the model of human behavior in a particular social range is expected for the remaining members of this group. This means that other community participants can largely predict the nature of each of its members.

Classification and varieties

As part of its scientific direction, this concept has its own classification. So, social roles are divided into types:

1. Social or conventional roles caused by professional activities or standardized relationship system (educator, teacher, student, seller). They are built on the basis of the rules, norms and duties prescribed by the community. At the same time, it is not taken into account, who exactly is the performer of a particular role.

In turn, this species is divided into basic socio-demographic models of behavior, where there are such social roles in the family, like a spouse and spouse, daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, etc. If we take the biological component as a basis, such social roles of individuals as a woman / man can also be distinguished.

2. Interpersonal - roles caused by the relationship between people in limited conditions and the individual characteristics of each of them. These include any relationship between people, including conflict, arising on the basis of emotional manifestations. In this case, gradation may look like this: idol, leader, ignored, privileged, offended, etc.

The most visual examples are here: the selection of the actor to execute a specific role with its external data, abilities, specific socio-typical manifestations. Each actor leans towards a specific role (tragic, hero, comedian, etc.). The personality is trying on the most typical model of behavior or a peculiar role, which allows others to somehow to assume further actions of a person.

These types of social roles exist in each organized community, and there is a clear link between the duration of the group's existence and the probability of typical manifestations in the behavior of participants. It is worth noting that from the above-mentioned stereotype, habitual for humans and society, it is extremely difficult to get rid of time.

Considering this topic, it is impossible to bypass the category classification according to the characteristics of each specific role. They were able to allocate a well-known sociologist from America T. Parsons to get the most complete picture of the term "social role of personality". For each model, he suggested four distinctive properties at once.

1. Scaligence. This characteristic depends on the latitude of interpersonal relations observed between the participants of a particular group. The more closely communication between people, the greater the relationship of significance. Here you can give a visual example of a husband and wife.

2. The method of obtaining. Referring to this criterion, you can highlight the roles achieved by a person and ascribed to him by society. You can talk about behavioral templates, characteristic of various age categories or representatives of a particular floor.

The gender representations of a person relative to his role enshrines the school. The biological features of the individual and the present in society gender stereotypes predetermine further formation under the influence of the environment.

It will be appropriate to note that at present the behavior model is not as tied to the characteristic manifestations of a particular gender than earlier. Thus, the social role of the woman now includes not only the responsibilities of the mother and the housewife, but applies to other areas.

In turn, the concept of a male social role has changed with the change in the conditions of modern society. However, a family behavior model for both sides is theoretically balanced, and actually - unstable.

These are models prescribed by society for each person who will not have to apply effort to get excuses from the environment. As achievable roles, it is possible to consider the results of an individual, indicating its social status (for example, career growth).

3. The degree of formalization on which the formation of the personality and its function depends. Regarding this criterion, social status status can be formed under the influence of regulatory requirements, and may develop arbitrarily. For example, the relationship between people in the military unit is governed by the Charter, while friends are guided by personal feelings and emotions.

4. Motivation type. Each person when choosing a behavior model is guided by a personal motive. It can be a financial benefit, career ladder, desire to be loved, etc. In psychology there are two types of motivation - an external, which occurs under the influence of the environment, and the inner, which the subject itself determines for itself.

The process of choosing and becoming a role

The role of a person in the social environment does not occur spontaneously. The process of its formation takes place several stages, completed personality in society.

At first, the person is studying the basic skills - practicing, applies theoretical knowledge gained in childhood. Also, the initial stage includes the development of mental abilities, which will be improved throughout the future life of a person.

At the next stage of development, the social identity expects education. Within almost all life, the individual receives new skills and knowledge from educators, teachers, teachers, and, of course, parents. As you grow new information, the individual will receive from its environment, from the media and other sources.

An equally important component of the socialization of the individual is education. Here, the main character is the person himself, choosing the most typical skills and the direction for further development.

The next stage of socialization is protection. It implies a set of processes aimed at reducing the significance of the factors that could injure the person in the process of becoming. Using certain social protection techniques, the subject will fen myself from the environment and conditions in which he will be morally uncomfortable.

The final phase is adaptation. In the process of socialization, a person has to adapt to its surrounding, learn to communicate with other members of society and support contact with them.

Processes, thanks to which the social role and social status of the individual is determined, are very complex. But without them, a person will not be able to become a full-fledged person, so they are so meaningful in the life of everyone. Sociologists argue that there are two phases contributing to the adaptation of an individual to their social role:

  • Adaptation. In this period, a person will know the rules and norms of behavior established by society. Mastering new laws, man begins to behave accordingly.
  • Interiorization. It provides for the adoption of new conditions and rules with simultaneous refusal of old men.

But "malfunctions" are possible in the process of personality socialization. Often they occur against the background of reluctance or the inability of the subject to fulfill the conditions and requirements that provide for the social role of a person in society.

Role-playing conflicts are also associated with the fact that each participant in society has to perform several roles at once. For example, the requirements for adolescent parents and peers will be different, and therefore its functions as a friend and son cannot meet the expectations and first, and the second.

Determining the conflict in this case is equivalent to a complex of complex emotional states. They may arise from the subject due to the incomprehensibility of either the contradictors of the requirements for it by various social circles, the participant of which it is.

At the same time, all the roles of a person are very important to him. At the same time, it can completely identify the significance of each of them. The individual manifestation of social roles is a specific shade, which directly depends on the acquired knowledge and experience, as well as from the desire and striving of a person to justify the expectations of society, the member of which he is. Posted by: Elena Suvorov

behavior expected from who has some social status. Restricted by the set of rights and obligations that meet this status.

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Social role

The combination of requirements for others to persons occupying certain social. Position. These requirements (prescriptions, wishes and expectations of relevant behavior) are embodied in specific social. standards. System system Positive and negative sanctions are aimed at ensuring proper fulfillment of the requirements associated with R.S. Winds due to specific social. The position given in societies. Structure, R.S. However, a specific (regulatoryly approved) method of behavior, mandatory for individuals performing the corresponding RS The RS, performed by the individual, becomes the decisive characteristic of his personality, without losing, however, its social-derived and in this sense of an objectively inevitable nature. In the aggregate of the RS, performed by people, personify the dominant societies. relations. Soc. According to its genesis, the requirements of the role become a structural element of the human person in the course of socialization of individuals and in the resorts of internal interpartines (deep internal assimilation) of the norms characterizing R.S. Internalize the role - it means to give it your own, individual (personal) definition, evaluate and develop a certain attitude towards social. Positions forming the relevant RS during the internalization of the role of socially generated norms are estimated through the prism of installations, beliefs, principles divided by the individual. Obda imposes an individual of the RS, but its acceptance, rejection, or execution always impose a print on the real behavior of a person. Depending on the nature of the requirements concluded in the regulatory structure of the RS, the latter are divided into at least three categories: the norms of due (mandatory), desired and possible behavior. Compliance with the mandatory regulatory requirements of the RS is ensured by the most serious sanctions of a negative nature, embodied most often in laws or other legal instructions. character. Role standards embodying the desirable (with t. Sno-VA) behavior are ensured most often with negative sanctions of an extraordinary nature (non-compliance with the charter of societies. Organization entails an exception to it, etc.). In contrast to these role standards, K-ryy formulate possible behavior, are provided primarily by positive sanctions (voluntary execution of the responsibilities of those who need help entails the increase in prestige, approval, etc.). In the regulatory structure, four structural elements can be allocated - description (of the type of behavior, to-ry is required on behalf of the person in this role); prescription (requirement in connection with such behavior); Evaluation (cases of execution or non-fulfillment of role prescriptions); Sanction (favorable or unfavorable social. The consequences of action within the requirements of the RS). See also: Theory of Personality role-playing, role theory. Lit.: Yakovlev A.M. Sociology of economic crime. M., 1988; Solovyov E.Yu. Personality and right // Past interpret us. Essays on the history of philosophy and culture. M, 1991. C, 403-431; Smelzer N. Sociology M., 1994. A.M. Yakovlev.

Excellent definition

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Social role

Social role - model of human behavior, objectively asked by the social position of the individual in the system of social, social and personal relations. Social role is not something externally associated with social status, but an expression in the action of the social position of the agent. In other words, a social role is "the behavior that is expected from a person occupying a certain status."

History of the term

The concept of "social role" was proposed independently of the American sociologists R. Linton and J. Foreign Ministry in the 1930s, and the first interpreted the concept of "social role" as a unit of the public structure described in the form of a given person a system of norms, the second - In terms of the direct interaction of people, the "role-playing game", during which, due to the fact that a person imagines himself in the role of another, there is a learning of social norms and is formed social in person. Linton definition "Social role" as a "dynamic aspect of status" entrenched in structural functionalism and was developed by T. Parsons, A. Radcliffra Brown, R. Merton. The ideas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were developed in interactive sociology and psychology. With all the differences, both of these approaches the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "social role" as a nodal point in which the individual and society are closed, individual behavior is converted into social, and individual properties and inclinations of people are compared with internationally regulatory installations, depending on what happens Selection of people on certain social roles. Of course, in reality role expectations are never unambiguous. In addition, a person often falls into the situation of role conflict when its different "social roles" turns out to be poorly compatible. Modern society requires an individual to constantly change the model of behavior to perform specific roles. In this regard, such neomarlicists and Neofreedists, like T. Adorno, K. Horney and others in their works made a paradoxical conclusion: "Normal" identity of modern society is a neurotic. Moreover, in modern society, role conflicts arising in situations were widespread when the individual requires the simultaneous execution of several roles with contradictory requirements. Irwin Gofman in his studies of rituals of interaction, taking and developing a basic theatrical metaphor, paid attention not so much on role prescriptions and passive following them, how much to the processes of active design and maintenance of the "appearance" during communication, in the zones of uncertainty and ambiguity in interaction , errors in the behavior of partners.

Definition of concept

Social role - the dynamic characteristic of the social position, expressed in a set of models of behavior, consistent with social expectations (role-playing) and as defined by special norms (social regulations) converted from the relevant group (or several groups) to the owner of a certain social position. Owners of social position expect that the fulfillment of special regulations (norms) provides regular and therefore predictable behavior on which the behavior of other people can be focused. Thanks to this, social interaction (communicative interaction) is possible and continuously planning.

Types of social roles

Types of social roles are determined by a variety of social groups, activities and relationships in which the person is included. Depending on social relations, social and interpersonal social roles are allocated.

In life, in interpersonal relationship, each person performs in some kind of dominant social role, a kind of social role as the most typical individual image, habitual for others. Change the usual image is extremely difficult both for the person himself and for the perception of the people around him. The longer period of time there is a group, the more commonly becoming for those surrounding the dominant social roles of each group of group and the more difficult to change the familiar behavior for the surrounding stereotype.

Social Characteristics

The main characteristics of the social role are allocated by the American sociologist Tolkott Parsons. He suggested the following four characteristics of any role:

  • On scale. Part of the roles can be strictly limited, while the other is blurred.
  • By method of obtaining. Roles are divided into prescribed and conquered (they are also called achievable).
  • According to the degree of formalization. Activities can proceed both in strictly established framework and arbitrarily.
  • By type of motivation. Personal profit can act as motivation, and so on.

Scale of the role Depends on the range of interpersonal relations. The larger the range, the greater the scale. For example, the social roles of spouses have a very large scale, since a wide range of relationship range is established between her husband and wife. On the one hand, these are interpersonal relationships based on the manifold of feelings and emotions; On the other hand, the relationship is governed by regulatory acts and in a certain sense are formal. Participants in this social interaction are interested in the most different sides of each other's life, their relationship is practically not limited. In other cases, when the relationship is strictly determined by social roles (for example, the relationship of the seller and the buyer), the interaction can be carried out only on a specific occasion (in this case - purchases). Here, the scale of the role comes down to a narrow circle of specific questions and is small.

Method of receiving a role It depends on how inevitable is this role for a person. So, the roles of a young man, old man, men, women are automatically determined by age and human floor and do not require special efforts to acquire them. There may be only the problem of compliance with your role, which already exists as a given. Other roles are achieved or even conquered in the process of human life and as a result of targeted special efforts. For example, the role of a student, a researcher, professor, etc. This is almost all the roles associated with the profession and any achievements of a person.

Formalization As a descriptive characteristic of the social role is determined by the specifics of interpersonal ratio of the carrier of this role. Some roles suggest the establishment of only formal relationships between people with tough regulation of the rules of conduct; Others, on the contrary, are only informal; Third can combine both formal and informal relationships. Obviously, the relationship between the traffic police representative with the violator of the traffic rules should be determined by the formal rules, and the relationship between close people - feelings. Formal relationships are often accompanied by informal, in which emotionality is manifested, because a person, perceiving and evaluating the other, manifests a sympathy or antipathy. This happens when people interact some time and relationships become relatively sustainable.

Motivation Depends on the needs and motives of man. Different roles are due to various motifs. Parents, taking care of the welfare of their child, are guided primarily by a sense of love and care; The head works in the name of the case, etc.

Role-playing conflicts

Role-playing conflicts There are a role due to the failure to fulfill the responsibilities of the role due to subjective reasons (reluctance, inability).

see also


  • "The games in which people play" E. Bern



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A social role is a status-role concept, which is one of the most popular theories in sociology. Anyone is part of society, society and in accordance with it performs a number of functions, and in connection with this concept, the person is subject. Famous American sociologists laid the foundation of the concept of personality, they were R. Minton, J. MID and T. Parson, of course, everyone has separate merits for the contribution of their efforts and potential in the development of the status-role concept.

Social status and social role are the main two concepts that describe a person. Individual, occupying a certain place in society, is fixed by a public position and has certain rights and obligations. It is this position that determines a person. At the same time, a person has several status, one of which is basic or basic, that is, the main status is a profession or a person's position.

Social role is which he performs as part of its social status in a specific social system. And considering that one person has several status, then, accordingly, it performs several roles. The total aggregate in the framework of one social status is a social set. A person performs more social roles if he has much higher status and position in society.

The social role of a person working in the Security Agency is radically different from the role set of president of the country, it's all clear and easy. In general, for the first time I systematized the role of American sociologist T. Parson, thanks to which there were five main categories, allowing to qualify individual social roles:

  1. Social role is that in some cases regulated. For example, the social role of the civil servant is strictly outlined into the framework, and the role of the fact that this employee is a man, very blurred and individual.
  2. Some roles are extremely emotional, while others require severity and restraint.
  3. Social roles may differ in the way to receive. It depends on social status, which is prescribed or is achieved by a person independently.
  4. The scale and volume of authority within the same social role is clearly defined, and others are not even installed.
  5. The performance of the role is motivated by personal interests or for the sake of public debt.

It is important to remember that a social role is a model of behavior balanced between the role expenses and the character of man. That is, this is not an accurate mechanism and scheme, as expected from a specific social role, and role-playing behavior specifically depending on the individual characteristics of a person. Once again, they will continue that the social role of a person is due to a specific social status, a pronounced profession, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity. For example, teacher, musician, student, seller, director, accountant, politician. The social role of the personality is always given an assessment from the Company, approves or condemns. For example, the role of a criminal or prostitute has public censure.

Social role is a socially necessary type of social activity and the personality behavior. The concept of a social role for the first time was proposed by American sociologists Middle and Linton back in the thirties of the last century.

Main types of social roles

The diversity of social groups and relations in their groups, as well as activities, has become the basis for the classification of social statuses. Currently, social roles are allocated as: formal, interpersonal and socio-demographic. Formal social roles are associated with the situation that a person takes in society. This refers to the genus of his classes and profession. But interpersonal roles are directly related to various types of relationships. This category usually includes pets, rosters, leaders. As for socio-demographic roles, it is husband, son, sister, etc.

Characteristics of social roles

The American sociologist Tolkott Parsons was allocated the main characteristics of social roles. These include: scale, method of obtaining, emotionality, motivation and formalization. As a rule, the scale of the role is determined by the range of interpersonal relations. There is a direct proportional dependence. For example, the social roles of her husband and wives have a very significant scale, because between them there is a wide range of relationships.

If we talk about the method of getting a role, it depends on the inevitability of this role for the individual. So, the roles of a young man or old man do not require any effort to acquire them. They are determined by the age of a person. And other social roles can be conquered during the lifetime upon reaching certain conditions.

Social roles can differ in terms of emotionality. Each role is characterized by its manifestation of emotions. Also, some roles suggest the establishment of formal relations between people, others - informal, and others can combine those and other relationships.

The needs and motives of man depends on its motivation. Various social roles can be due to certain motifs. For example, when parents take care of their child, they are guided by a sense of care and love for him. The manager works for the benefit of some enterprise. It is also known that all social roles may be subject to public assessment.
