The Ship of the Pacific Fleet "Marshal of the Wings" under the command of Captain 1 rank Igor Shalyan in the fall of 2012 was released to the sea to perform tasks for direct purpose.
This ship can be considered unique. After all, he is the only one in his class on the fleet that performs the tasks of ensuring the flight design tests of new samples of rocket and space technology (spacecraft, winged and ballistic missiles, carrier rockets, etc.).
On July 24, 2012, the ship was 25 years old. In order to maintain knots and mechanisms in good condition, the ship was put on a long dock repair in Vladivostok, during which a full range of works on security systems was performed. After that, the "Marshal of the Wings" successfully passed the running tests in the Amur Gulf.
Let's learn more about the history of this ship.

The need for ships capable of carrying out all sorts of measurements of intercontinental missiles occurs at the beginning of the cosmic era. Rockets, equipped with nuclear battle parts, came to the level when the test polygons became small for them - the range of the rocket began to be measured by thousands of kilometers. Previously, the observation and measurement of parameters was carried out by measuring points mounted on ground polygons. Now, when the starting rocket could find the polio, they needed new means of their control and measurement.
With its appearance, the ships are required by CNII-4 and personally outstanding constructor Sergey Pavlovich Queen. It is from his proposal to create a maritime command and measuring complex and extending it to the expanses of the Pacific Ocean to control the tests of rocket strategic weapons and the history of these amazing subsidiary vessels begins - the history of symbiosis of space and sea fleets.

1958. The leadership of the Soviet Union decides on the creation and construction of the ship - a command-measuring complex. The creation of KIC attracts a huge number of people of different specialties and many MIC enterprises. The first to give dry cargos of the project 1128, created in Poland for the Soviet Union as cargo transport workers, to re-equip them in KIC. The design part of KIC is the Leningrad CKB and Baltsudoproekt. After receiving the ships, work began to equip them with special equipment. It is worth noting that at that time of measuring equipment and equipment for use on her surface ships, it was practically no, and it was removed from ground stations and car chassis. Command-measuring equipment was installed in the trums of ships on special platforms. In addition to the equipment and equipment, the ships received reinforced trim to be able to make a campaign (expedition) through the northern seaway. All the work on the equipment and equipment of ships was completed by the summer of 1959, after which the running tests of KIC immediately began.
All KIC was included in the so-called "Togue" - the Pacific Hydrographic Expedition. Base Place Toga - Bay on the Kamchatsky Peninsula (the city of Vilyuchinsk rose there).

The main tasks of Toga:
- measurement and tracking of the MBR flight path;
- tracking falling and determination of the coordinates of the fall of the head part of the rocket;
- control and monitoring of the mechanisms of the nuclear device;
- removal, processing, transmission and control of all information from the object;
- control of the trajectory and information coming from the board of spacecraft;
- Support for permanent communication with astronauts on board spacecraft.
The first ships of the project 1128 - Sakhalin, Siberia, Sucean (Spassk) were combined into the first floating measuring complex (1pik), the conditional name is "Brigade C". A little later to them joined the ship project 1129 Chukotka. All ships are adopted in 1959. Legend Cover - Pacific Oceanographic Expedition (Toga-4). In the same year, the ships committed the first expedition to the Hawaiian Islands area, which became known as the Rocket Test Polygon "Watering". These were the first ships that made swimming in the center of the Pacific Ocean, the autonomy of which reached 120 days.

All in this expedition was completely secret, mentioning these ships threatened at that time sending to the place was not so distant for the disclosure of Gostain. The ships had an unusual silhouette and color of the color - on the body of the balloons were white superstructures with a variety of antennas. The main equipment was radar stations and direction finders, hydrophones and echo sounder, telemetry stations and classified communication. And although they were posted on the flags of the Navy, to whom they obey, where they are and what they do, they did not know the absolute majority of the population of the Soviet Union, even the commanders of military units, surface and submarine ships. The officers who came to serve on such ships only when making their posts learned that the hydrography was only a cover for the real tasks of the ship.

The secrecy of the ships was in all, for example, when moving from Kronstadt to the place of basing, all visible antennas were dismantled and put back only in Murmansk. There, the ships were equipped with deck helicopters Ka-15. To ensure further promotion, ships are excreted icebreakers. In the road, the helicopters have been implemented various tasks for tickling to the ship and exploration of the ice environment. And although helicopters were tested in the north, and combat missions decided at the equator, Ka-15 helicopters well proven themselves and remained the main helicopters of these ships for a long time.
Subsequently, ships were commissioned:
- Kik-11 "Chumikan", the ship of the project 1130, stood up on June 14, 1963;
- Kik-11 "CHAZMA", the project of the project 1130 stood up on July 27, 1963;
- Marshal Dispense, the project of the 1914 project, stood up 9 December 1983;
- "Marshal of the Wings", the project of the project 1914.1, stood up 9 February 1990;
After joining the project ships 1130, 2 peak created, the conditional name "Brigade H". Legend of cover - Toga-5. In 1985, ships come in 35 brigade Kik. The brigade adhered to the combat and everyday life of the orders of the Commands of the Navy and the RVSN of the Soviet Union. In addition to the measurement ships, two raid messenger boats were enrolled in the brigades and one MB-260 tug

Combat work and tasks KIC.
The presence of TOGE ships were a prerequisite for the start of testing of all Soviet ICBMs, they provided all flights of spacecraft of the Soviet Union and studied flight of enemy spacecraft. The first combat task of ships is the end of October 1959. The first tracking and measurement of the flight of the intercontinental rocket is the end of January 1960. The first flight of a person in space was also provided by the ships of Toga-4, which were sent to the specified area in the Pacific Ocean and until the latter held in secret the combat task. The ship "Chumikan" took part in 1973 in rescue work on Appolon-13. In the early 80s, the ships provided the launch of the Soviet boron. The end of the 80s - Marshal Dispensers provided the flight of the ISS "Buran". "Marshal of the Wings" fulfilled the tasks in the Mission "Europe-America-500". In the 1960s, Toga-4 ships studied and filmed information from American nuclear height explosions.

Ships finished their history very tragic:
- "Siberia" cut on scrap metal;
- "Chutka" cut on scrap metal;
- Spassk sold the United States for 868 thousand dollars;
- Sakhalin sold the PRC;
- "Chumikan" was sold for 1.5 million dollars;
- "Chamja" was sold for 205 thousand dollars;
"Marshal of the Independent" has long stood looted, money for restoration was not found, sold by India as scrap metal.

We wanted to build another 3rd project of the project 1914, the ship "Marshal turquoise" was laid and work began, but the collapse of the Soviet Union, as in many other projects, put a fat cross on his further completion, and, in the end, were cut on metal.

Project 1914.1 "Marshal of the Wings"

Today, this is the last kick from 8 ships capable of working with space and intercontinental objects. Basement site Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Peninsula.
The main developer is "Balsudoproekt". The emergence of new vehicles of measurement and control, fully constructed from "A" to "I" in the Soviet Union - a logical solution with the "arms race" existing at that time. In the ship embodied the experience of the previously built ships, their modernization and equipping with new equipment. The ship planned to establish the most modern equipment, expand the possibilities of deck helicopters and the entire functional of the ship. The ship was laid on Leningrad Shipbuilding Piles 22.06.1982. The built ship has descended from the stapelters of 24.07.1987. To the site of basing, the ship arrived in the middle of 1990, having passed not as the rest of the ships on the northern way, but through the Suez Canal. In 1998, the ship changes his classification last time and becomes a vessel.

Project ships 1914 and 1914.1 appeared only to the presence of the "frigate" in the second radar radar on the second case with an improved antenna. Some changes affected the internal location of the premises. Mounted powerful observation tools are allowed to perform additional tasks. The hull of the vessel received an anti-definite belt in the class L1. The ship is installed on the ship:
- small fock mast;
- grotto mast with indoor rooms;
- Bizan-mast with indoor rooms;
- Two pools, one on the deck of superstructure, the other in the gym;
- Helicopter deck and helicopter storage hangars;
- TKB-12 installations with a 120 light lighting shots "Light";
- the possibility of installing 6 AK-630, two in the nasal and four in the stern part of the ship;
- two screws with adjustable pitch, a diameter of 4.9 meters;
- two movement-steering retractable columns with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters;
- two twisting devices with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters;
- Bulb with a resonator GAS;
- car ZIL-131;
- Plavcase - 4 lifelong boats of closed type, working and commander boats, 2 rigorous yals;
- a unique device for lifting cosmic descendable devices;
- Complex of the automated landing "Drive-B"

Project ships 1914 and 1914.1 are some of the most comfortable naval ships. The ship is equipped with:
- complex "Medblock", consisting of an operating, X-ray office, a dental office, procedural and 2 cabins for astronauts;
- club room with a scene and a balcony;
- sports hall with shower;
- spacious bath;
- library;
- Lencomnata;
- Office;
- hairdresser;
- ship shop;
- dining room and two cabins;

Sleeping facilities of the crew:
- urgent service - 4-bed cabins with a washbasin, cabinets;
- Michmans - 2-seater cabins with a washbasin, cabinets;
- officers, junior composition - 2-seater cabins with a shower;
- officers - single cabins;
- Command - block cabins;
- Ship commander - block cabin with salon for celebrations.

Project ship 1914.1 Even today is one of the largest and equipped ships of the Navy of Russia. It represents the latest achievements of Soviet scientists and designers, from which you can allocate:
- two-way satellite communication complex "Storm";
- Space Communication equipment "Aurora", which provides telephone communication with CSU and astronauts in orbit;
- Zephyr-T equipment, one of the most important complexes for working with antennas and objects;
- Zephyr-A equipment, unique even today, the measurement complex, the main advantage - the information processing algorithms used by the most powerful computing complex;
- Station of Photigrement "Woodpecker". Although in its parameters it works as an ordinary person's eye, an exhaust complex has been technologically - has no analogues in the world;
- the "Cuckit" radiometer delayer - the latter chance of collecting information about the controlled object;
- Complex navigation "Andromeda". Another representative of a unique Soviet thought - conducts calculations of the coordinates of a given point and all associated characteristics.

The main characteristics of the "Marshal of the Wings":
- type - steel with a 2-tier superstructure, elongated tank, has 14 compartments;
- displacement - 23.7 thousand tons;
- Length - 211 meters;
- width of 27.5 meters;
- sediment - 8 meters;
- payload - 7 thousand tons;
- speed up to 22 knots;
- power - diesel DZA-6U;
- two deck helicopters ka-27;
- stocks: fuel - 5300 tons, airflower - 105 tons, water - more than 1000 tons, of which drinking more than 400 tons;
- autonomous swimming up to 3 months;
- Ship crew - 339 people.

And here's another interesting boat

Ship CV-33 "Ural"

"Marshal of the Wings" will be able to track orbital groupings of satellites and manage ship's sesters.

Russian military sailors received a floating "Star Wars Headquarters". For the needs of the Pacific Fleet, the vehicle of tracking the space of the space situation "Marshal of the Wings", which has no analogues in the world. Its equipment allows real-time to manage ships, airplanes and land forces, and to conduct operations in outer space. Ship can solve not only military tasks. It will be used by Roskosmos to track launch launches from the eastern cosmodrome. For a set of on-board radio electronic systems, Marshal Wirons has already received a nickname "Star Wars Headquarters".

In the Glavkomat, the Navy said that the work on the modernization of the ship of the Marshal Krylov measuring complex was almost completed. Test trials passed during the strategic exercises "East-2018". After the end of all the works, Marshal Krylov should be the shipproof department of the Pacific Fleet (Tof).

The ship's outlet in the open sea was announced before the start of the exercise. True, the command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation did not call exactly what ship will take part in them. Before the start of "East-2018" at a briefing for foreign military attache, the head of the General Staff of the Army General of the Army, Valery Gerasimov, casually noted that the fleet tests a new technique.

The ships of a completely new class, which ensure the management of strength groups in the oceanquators, said Valery Gerasimov.

The "Marshal of the Wings" of the project 1914.1 is the only ship of a similar class as part of the Navy of Russia. Now he is listed in the 114th Brigade of the Pacific Fleet.

"Marshal of the Wings" is intended to provide testing and testing of new samples of rocket and space complexes, the withdrawal of air-space forces, search, salvation and evacuation of crews and descent devices that have segged into orbit. As well as for detecting ships, submarines and aircraft, relaying all types of information.

Before modernization, it was most often used to ensure the connection of astronauts with the flight control center (PC) of the State Corporation Roscosmos. After upgrading, the ship will be used including to track launches of rockets from the eastern cosmodrome.

The vessel was upgraded at the Dalzavod ship repair center in Vladivostok. A new feed antenna complex installed on the ship. Repaired main and auxiliary engines, navigator and radio equipment.

The domestic fleet will receive a one-of-a-kind ship, told Izvestia a military expert Dmitry Boltenkov.

"Marshal of the Wings will be indispensable when managing remote shipments of ships," said Dmitry Boltenkov. - Russia began to return to the world ocean. In fact, the Mediterranean squadron is recreated, which existed in the USSR. It is possible that they will recreate the squadron and in the Indian Ocean. In this case, the ship will be especially useful to the fleet.

Marshal of the Wings will be able to solve multifaceted tasks, the head of the St. Petersburg Club of Sailor-submarinkers Captain First Rang Igor Kurdin said. The ship can provide communication in the most remote corners of the world, speaking as a repeater of signals, he explained.

Maybe in the near future, the global ocean is waiting for our ICBM, launched on the limit range?
Or in space a new object appeared, requiring close attention?

No, unfortunately, the ship of the measuring complex (KIC) "Marshal of the Wings" is still repair.

And now he leaves the Dalvoda to Slavyanka.
Although it will be more correct to say - not "he leaves", but "he leaves it" - for the path to Slavyanka will have to do in a tug. For according to my data, the shafts and screws from the ship are removed.

KIC "Marshal Wings" of the project 1914.1 (he is Marshal Nedelin Class - according to NATO classification), by the way, the ship is unique.
Now Russia has the only of the ships of this series (and the last kick out of the 8 existed at the collapse of the USSR).

What kind of beast is?

Kik "And - this is a series of special ships of the Soviet Navy, designed to control the parameters of flight flight parameters on different trajectory sections, as a continuation of ground-based scientific and measuring points and providing IBD tests on the limit range. Also, this category is also equipped with equipment to provide the equipment and The lifting of the descent devices of space stations.

The need to use floating measuring complexes has turned out long before the start of flights of the first Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) P-7. Its distance, 8000 km, has already passed abroad of Kamchatka.
The first work on the creation of Kikov began NII-4 back in 1956. The work was headed by the Deputy Head of NII-4 on the scientific work of Georgy Aleksandrovich Tulila.

Interesting is the fact that the project of the 1914 project was the first ship in the world created initially as KIC.
In addition, it was not RVSN to the customer, but the main management of space funds (Gukos). The curator of the project from Gukos (and one of the ideologues of the project) was the cosmonaut Hermann Stepanovich Titov.

"Marshal of the Wings" participated in the trials of the ICBM "Bulaw" (engaged in the control of the parameters of combat blocks when starting at the limit range).

In more detail about this unique Mastodonte (complete water displacement of the ship - 23780 tons) can be read.

Passes under the "Golden Bridge"

« Marshal Krylov» Against the background of Vladivostok railway and maritime stations, the buildings of the Primorsky Krai administration and the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet.

For the quality of the photo, I did not beat - I removed the sir of the sir, I do not have, point.

It is a pity to the bridge now they are not allowed - the photo from the nose would have happened (painful an interesting perspective) while Marshal in the midst of the Bay of the Golden Horn in the center of the city was standing.

Spectacle to reassure the Camrads - I will not facilitate the work of foreign intelligence, because these Kozlevichs are well known and even in real time monitor:

Two blue boat at the bottom - marine tugs MB-92 and MB-93, which towed it.

By the way I do not understand - why are our military Tugs are equipped with these respondents, allowing to track all their movements (Ulysses - Dalzavod, Dalzavod - Slavyanka, etc.).

KIC "Marshal of the Krylov" - ship of the measuring complex of the project 1914.1. Today, this is the last kick from 8 ships capable of working with space and intercontinental objects. Basement site Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Peninsula. The main developer is "Balsudoproekt". The emergence of new vehicles of measurement and control, fully constructed from "A" to "I" in the Soviet Union - a logical solution with the "arms race" existing at that time.

Ship "Marshal of the Wings" - Video

In the ship embodied the experience of the previously built ships, their modernization and equipping with new equipment. The ship planned to establish the most modern equipment, expand the possibilities of deck helicopters and the entire functional of the ship. The ship was laid on Leningrad Shipbuilding Piles 22.06.1982. The built ship has descended from the stapelters of 24.07.1987. To the site of basing, the ship arrived in the middle of 1990, having passed not as the rest of the ships on the northern way, but through the Suez Canal. In 1998, the ship changes his classification last time and becomes a vessel.

Project ships 1914 and 1914.1 appeared only to the presence of the "frigate" in the second radar radar on the second case with an improved antenna. Some changes affected the internal location of the premises. Mounted powerful observation tools are allowed to perform additional tasks. The hull of the vessel received an anti-definite belt in the class L1. The ship is installed on the ship:
- small fock mast;
- grotto mast with indoor rooms;
- Bizan-mast with indoor rooms;
- Two pools, one on the deck of superstructure, the other in the gym;
- Helicopter deck and helicopter storage hangars;
- TKB-12 installations with a 120 light lighting shots "Light";
- the possibility of installing 6 AK-630, two in the nasal and four in the stern part of the ship;
- two screws with adjustable pitch, a diameter of 4.9 meters;
- two movement-steering retractable columns with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters;
- two twisting devices with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters;
- Bulb with a resonator GAS;
- car ZIL-131;
- Plavcase - 4 lifelong boats of closed type, working and commander boats, 2 rigorous yals;
- a unique device for lifting cosmic descendable devices;
- Complex of the automated landing "Drive-B"

Project ships 1914 and 1914.1 are some of the most comfortable naval ships. The ship is equipped with:
- complex "Medblock", consisting of an operating, X-ray office, a dental office, procedural and 2 cabins for astronauts;
- club room with a scene and a balcony;
- sports hall with shower;
- spacious bath;
- library;
- Lencomnata;
- Office;
- hairdresser;
- ship shop;
- dining room and two cabins;

Sleeping facilities of the crew:
- urgent service - 4-bed cabins with a washbasin, cabinets;
- Michmans - 2-seater cabins with a washbasin, cabinets;
- officers, junior composition - 2-seater cabins with a shower;
- officers - single cabins;
- Command - block cabins;
- Ship commander - block cabin with salon for celebrations.

Project ship 1914.1 Even today is one of the largest and equipped ships of the Navy of Russia. It represents the latest achievements of Soviet scientists and designers, from which you can allocate:
- two-way satellite communication complex "Storm";
- Space Communication equipment "Aurora", which provides telephone communication with CSU and astronauts in orbit;
- Zephyr-T equipment, one of the most important complexes for working with antennas and objects;
- Zephyr-A equipment, unique even today, the measurement complex, the main advantage - the information processing algorithms used by the most powerful computing complex;
- Station of Photigrement "Woodpecker". Although in its parameters it works as an ordinary person's eye, an exhaust complex has been technologically - has no analogues in the world;
- the "Cuckit" radiometer delayer - the latter chance of collecting information about the controlled object;
- Complex navigation "Andromeda". Another representative of a unique Soviet thought - conducts calculations of the coordinates of a given point and all associated characteristics;

Tactical and technical characteristics of the ship "Marshal Krylov"

A type steel with a 2-tier superstructure, elongated tank, has 14 compartments
Displacement 23.7 thousand tons
Dimensions length - 211 meters;
width 27.5 meters;
sediment - 8 meters
Payload 7 thousand tons
Speed up to 22 knots
Engines 2 x DZA-6U
Power 2 x 22000 kW
Autonomous swimming up to 3 months
Stocks fuel - 5300 tons, airflower - 105 tons,
Waters - more than 1000 tons, of which drinking more than 400 tons
Crew 397 people
Aviation Group two deck helicopters ka-27

Stock Foto Ship "Marshal Wings" on his parking lot

Many spoke with great regret that the fleet loses such unique vessels. However, there are also good news related to another measuring ship of the USSR.

Ship of the Pacific Fleet "Marshal of the Wings" Under the command of Captain 1 rank Igor Shalins in the fall of 2012, it was released into the sea to perform the tasks for direct purpose.

This ship can be considered unique. After all, he is the only one in his class on the fleet that performs the tasks of ensuring the flight design tests of new samples of rocket and space technology (spacecraft, winged and ballistic missiles, carrier rockets, etc.).

On July 24, 2012, the ship was 25 years old. In order to maintain knots and mechanisms in good condition, the ship was put on a long dock repair in Vladivostok, during which a full range of works on security systems was performed. After that, the "Marshal of the Wings" successfully passed the running tests in the Amur Gulf.

Let's learn more about the history of this ship.

The need for ships capable of carrying out all sorts of measurements of intercontinental missiles occurs at the beginning of the cosmic era. Rockets, equipped with nuclear battle parts, came to the level when the test polygons became small for them - the range of the rocket began to be measured by thousands of kilometers. Previously, the observation and measurement of parameters was carried out by measuring points mounted on ground polygons. Now, when the starting rocket could find the polio, they needed new means of their control and measurement.

With its appearance, the ships are required by CNII-4 and personally outstanding constructor Sergey Pavlovich Queen. It is from his proposal to create a maritime command and measuring complex and extending it to the expanses of the Pacific Ocean to control the tests of rocket strategic weapons and the history of these amazing subsidiary vessels begins - the history of symbiosis of space and sea fleets.

1958. The leadership of the Soviet Union decides on the creation and construction of the ship - a command-measuring complex. The creation of KIC attracts a huge number of people of different specialties and many MIC enterprises. The first to give dry cargos of the project 1128, created in Poland for the Soviet Union as cargo transport workers, to re-equip them in KIC. The design part of KIC is the Leningrad CKB and Baltsudoproekt. After receiving the ships, work began to equip them with special equipment. It is worth noting that at that time of measuring equipment and equipment for use on her surface ships, it was practically no, and it was removed from ground stations and car chassis. Command-measuring equipment was installed in the trums of ships on special platforms. In addition to the equipment and equipment, the ships received reinforced trim to be able to make a campaign (expedition) through the northern seaway. All the work on the equipment and equipment of ships was completed by the summer of 1959, after which the running tests of KIC immediately began.

All KIC was included in the so-called "Togue" - the Pacific Hydrographic Expedition. Base Place Toga - Bay on the Kamchatsky Peninsula (the city of Vilyuchinsk rose there).

The main tasks of Toga:

Measurement and tracking of the MBR flight path;

Tracking fall and determination of the coordinates of the fall of the head part of the rocket;

Control and tracking of the mechanisms of the nuclear device;

Removal, processing, transmission and control of all information from the object;

Control of the trajectory and information coming from the board of spacecraft;

Support for permanent communication with astronauts on board spacecraft.

The first ships of the project 1128 - Sakhalin, Siberia, Sucean (Spassk) were combined into the first floating measuring complex (1pik), the conditional name is "Brigade C". A little later to them joined the ship project 1129 Chukotka. All ships are adopted in 1959. Legend Cover - Pacific Oceanographic Expedition (Toga-4). In the same year, the ships committed the first expedition to the Hawaiian Islands area, which became known as the Rocket Test Polygon "Watering". These were the first ships that made swimming in the center of the Pacific Ocean, the autonomy of which reached 120 days.

All in this expedition was completely secret, mentioning these ships threatened at that time sending to the place was not so distant for the disclosure of Gostain. The ships had an unusual silhouette and color of the color - on the body of the balloons were white superstructures with a variety of antennas. The main equipment was radar stations and direction finders, hydrophones and echo sounder, telemetry stations and classified communication. And although they were posted on the flags of the Navy, to whom they obey, where they are and what they do, they did not know the absolute majority of the population of the Soviet Union, even the commanders of military units, surface and submarine ships. The officers who came to serve on such ships only when making their posts learned that the hydrography was only a cover for the real tasks of the ship.

The secrecy of the ships was in all, for example, when moving from Kronstadt to the place of basing, all visible antennas were dismantled and put back only in Murmansk. There, the ships were equipped with deck helicopters Ka-15. To ensure further promotion, ships are excreted icebreakers. In the road, the helicopters have been implemented various tasks for tickling to the ship and exploration of the ice environment. And although helicopters were tested in the north, and combat missions decided at the equator, Ka-15 helicopters well proven themselves and remained the main helicopters of these ships for a long time.

Subsequently, ships were commissioned:

After joining the project ships 1130, 2 peak created, the conditional name "Brigade H". Legend of cover - Toga-5. In 1985, ships come in 35 brigade Kik. The brigade adhered to the combat and everyday life of the orders of the Commands of the Navy and the RVSN of the Soviet Union. In addition to the measurement ships, two raid messenger boats were enrolled in the brigades and one MB-260 tug

Combat work and tasks Kick

The presence of TOGE ships were a prerequisite for the start of testing of all Soviet ICBMs, they provided all flights of spacecraft of the Soviet Union and studied flight of enemy spacecraft. The first combat task of ships is the end of October 1959. The first tracking and measurement of the flight of the intercontinental rocket is the end of January 1960. The first flight of a person in space was also provided by the ships of Toga-4, which were sent to the specified area in the Pacific Ocean and until the latter held in secret the combat task. The ship "Chumikan" took part in 1973 in rescue work on Appolon-13. In the early 80s, the ships provided the launch of the Soviet boron. The end of the 80s - Marshal Dispensers provided the flight of the ISS "Buran". "Marshal of the Wings" fulfilled the tasks in the Mission "Europe-America-500". In the 1960s, Toga-4 ships studied and filmed information from American nuclear height explosions.

Ships finished their history very tragic:

- "Siberia" cut on scrap metal;

- "Chutka" cut on scrap metal;

- Spassk sold the United States for 868 thousand dollars;

- Sakhalin sold the PRC;

- "Chumikan" was sold for 1.5 million dollars;

- "Chamja" was sold for 205 thousand dollars;

"Marshal of the Independent" has long stood looted, money for restoration was not found, sold by India as scrap metal.

We wanted to build another 3rd project of the project 1914, the ship "Marshal turquoise" was laid and work began, but the collapse of the Soviet Union, as in many other projects, put a fat cross on his further completion, and, in the end, were cut on metal.

Project 1914.1 "Marshal of the Wings"

Today, this is the last kick from 8 ships capable of working with space and intercontinental objects. Basement site Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Peninsula.

The main developer is "Balsudoproekt". The emergence of new vehicles of measurement and control, fully constructed from "A" to "I" in the Soviet Union - a logical solution with the "arms race" existing at that time. In the ship embodied the experience of the previously built ships, their modernization and equipping with new equipment. The ship planned to establish the most modern equipment, expand the possibilities of deck helicopters and the entire functional of the ship. The ship was laid on Leningrad Shipbuilding Piles 22.06.1982. The built ship has descended from the stapelters of 24.07.1987. To the site of basing, the ship arrived in the middle of 1990, having passed not as the rest of the ships on the northern way, but through the Suez Canal. In 1998, the ship changes his classification last time and becomes a vessel.

Project ships 1914 and 1914.1 appeared only to the presence of the "frigate" in the second radar radar on the second case with an improved antenna. Some changes affected the internal location of the premises. Mounted powerful observation tools are allowed to perform additional tasks. The hull of the vessel received an anti-definite belt in the class L1. The ship is installed on the ship:

Small fock mast;

Grotto mast with indoor rooms;

Bizan-mast with indoor rooms;

Two pools, one on the deck of superstructure, the other in the gym;

Helicopter deck and helicopter storage hangars;

TKB-12 installations with ammunition 120 light shots "Light";

The possibility of installing 6 AK-630, two in the nose and four in the stern part of the ship;

Two screws with adjustable pitch, a diameter of 4.9 meters;

Two movement-steering sliding columns with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters;

Two handling devices with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters;

Bulb with a resonator GAS;

Car ZIL-131;

Plavcase - 4 lifelong boats of closed type, working and commander boats, 2 rigorous yals;

A unique device for lifting cosmic descendable devices;

Complex of the automated landing "Drive-B"

Project ships 1914 and 1914.1 are some of the most comfortable naval ships. The ship is equipped with:

The complex "Medblock", consisting of an operating, X-ray office, a dental office, procedural and 2 cabins for astronauts;

Club room with a scene and a balcony;

Sports hall with shower;

Spacious bath;





Ship shop;

Dining and two cabins;

Sleeping facilities of the crew:

Urgent service - 4-bed cabins with a washbasin, cabinets;

Michmans - 2-seater cabins with a washbasin, cabinets;

Officers, junior composition - 2-seater cabins with shower;

Officers - single cabins;

Command - block cabins;

Ship commander - block cabin with salon for celebrations.

Project ship 1914.1 Even today is one of the largest and equipped ships of the Navy of Russia. It represents the latest achievements of Soviet scientists and designers, from which you can allocate:

Double-sided satellite communication complex "Storm";

Space Communication equipment "Aurora", which provides telephone communication with CSU and astronauts in orbit;

Equipment "Zephyr-T", one of the most important complexes for working with the antennas and objects;

Equipment "Zephyr-A", unique even today, the measurement complex, the main advantage - the information processing algorithms used, the most powerful computing complex;

Station of Photigrement "Woodpecker". Although in its parameters it works as an ordinary person's eye, an exhaust complex has been technologically - has no analogues in the world;

Radiometer "Cuckit" direction finder - the latter chance of collecting information about the controlled object;

Complex navigation "Andromeda". Another representative of a unique Soviet thought - conducts calculations of the coordinates of a given point and all associated characteristics;
