Decision, speed and flexibility of thinking, developed intuition, the ability to overcome the inner brakes and fears - this is not a complete list of qualities inherent in a person with developed figurative thinking. After all, with shaped thinking, the ruling activity is dominated by the Western man oh as not enough.

Development of figurative thinking- We suspend everything for and against? To start:
Thinking is a reflection of reality mediated by the word.
Types of thinking:
in form(1. Vite-effective; 2. Vintage-shaped; 3. Abstract-logical);
the nature(1. Practical; 2. Theoretical);
According to the degree of exploration(1. Discursive; 2. intuitive);
According to the degree of novelty(1. Reproductive; 2. productive).

Fashionable thinking is carried out on the basis of images, ideas that a person perceived earlier. As we understand, these images are removed from the memory, or they can be recreated by imagination. And during our mental problems, these images may be transformed in such a way that as a result of work on them we can find answers to new tasks.

That is why the development of figurative thinking is so relevant in our time. The development of figurative thinking increases creative abilities and trains creativity. The difference of creativity from creativity is the essence of creativity in the fact that having certain patterns, the person of them can invent new, and creativity is conceptually new ideas, the ability to generate them.

But it should also be borne in mind that the development of figurative thinking and perception is completely different directions. Often people unite these concepts. Fashionable thinking deals with existing objects that have ever seen a person, and the imagination is to recreate the image of the shape, as well as inventing a completely new one.

The development of figurative thinking is complicated, but performing the task. What can you try? For example, imagine your cabinet in the smallest details. The image turned out to be bright? Can you now imagine other wallpapers? This is now involved and imagination together with figurative thinking. The development of figurative thinking can be trained.

With permanent training, you can then use figurative thinking and in vitality and goals. For example, apply the visualization of the goal, forming a mental image of itself in the process and achieving the result.

Fashionable thinking is a weighty component, in all kinds of human activity. The development of figurative thinking contributes to the rapid digestibility of new information, memorization and develops the flexibility of thinking.

You can also be interested in books in the direction

Postalovsky I.Z. - Training figurative thinking - Development of figurative thinking is one of those fundamental features of the human intelligence, to which the XXI century will provide special requirements. Without highly developed figurative thinking, it will be impossible to solve many problems of personality development and society. In the proposed allowance, an attempt is made to create a systematic course of training and development of figurative thinking based on targeted and comprehensive training of our receptors, spatial representation and imagination. The course has passed a long-term practical test and showed quite high results.

Hicks Esther and Jerry - the law of attraction - The development of figurative thinking contributes to the rapid digestibility of new information, memorization and develops the flexibility of thinking. The authors are confident that, having learned about the action of the Law of Attraction, we will understand that the reality surrounding us we will do our thoughts! Our figurative thinking can help it. After reading this book, you can learn how to create life at your own accord! Decision, speed and flexibility of thinking, developed intuition, the ability to overcome the inner brakes and fears - this is not a complete list of qualities inherent in a person with developed figurative thinking. You can get rid of all unnecessary, achieve what you dream about, to defeat your fears and, finally, understand what they really are trying to ...

Psychotechnics in the direction

Staircase concepts.
Annotation: Exercise on the development of conceptual thinking.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For adults
Conducted: individually
Used approach: Art therapy
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (148)

A look into the future.
Annotation: Exercise for figurative thinking.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For adults
Conducted: individually
Used approach: Gestalttepia
Authorship or source of materials: I.Vagin
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (1559)

After 15 years.
Objectives: Development of figurative thinking self-knowledge strategy
Annotation: 35 Step from the training "Development of Confidence".
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For adults
Conducted: individually
Used approach: Gestalttepia
Authorship or source of materials: Nina Rubestein
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (684)

The task of precious stones.
Objectives: Development of intelligence Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: Exercise on the development of intelligence and figurative thinking.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For adults
Conducted: individually
Used approach: GameTherapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (1064)

Task about ribbons.
Objectives: Development of intelligence Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: Exercise on the development of intelligence and thinking.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For adults
Conducted: individually
Used approach: GameTherapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (1063)

Objectives: Visualization Rightphan Thinking Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: Exercise for images (visual, auditory, bodily, tactile and bodily).
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For adults
Conducted: individually
Used approach: Self-regulation
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (62)

Annotation: Exercise on the development of intellectual abilities, on the development of creativity.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For preschool children
Held: in the group
Used approach: Cognitive psychotherapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (82)

Find similar.
Objectives: Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: 7 Step from the course on "Anxiety Correction of the Junior Schoolboy." Purpose: Development of motility, abstract thinking. Training on the correction of anxiety of the younger schoolboy.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions:
Held: in the group
Used approach: Art therapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (1289)

Application skills.
Objectives: development of creativity Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: Exercise teaches generating ideas about the ways of practical application available from participants in resources contributes to improving self-esteem, and also improves motivation to develop new skills and improving existing ones.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For younger school age
Held: in the group
Used approach: GameTherapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (362)

Objectives: development of creativity Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: The training of thinking "from the opposite" - a way to find solutions to problems in which their opposite is presented for a more complete understanding of their essence. Development of flexibility in perception of life situations. Search not obvious solution options.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: for teenagers and older
Held: in the group
Used approach: GameTherapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (360)

Linguistic pyramid.
Objectives: Development of intelligence Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: Exercise for understanding your characteristics of thinking, development of generalization skills, disassemble and transition by analogies.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: for teenagers and older
Held: paired
Used approach: Reality therapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (523)

Find missed words.
Objectives: Development of Intellect Development of interest Development of figurative thinking
Annotation: Exercise on the development of figurative thinking.
Field differentiation: Unisex
Age restrictions: For any age
Conducted: individually
Used approach: GameTherapy
Authorship or source of materials: Unknown
Contribution to the Technician Foundation introduced: Administrator (1059)

Smirnova Olga Leonidovna

Neuropathologist, Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience of 20 years.

Posted articles

A man in his consciousness constantly creates a model of the world, while the brain is active and takes shapes called visual-effective or figurative thinking. Science gives this explanation: this is the main type of human mental processes since the Primitive Society, whose feature is that it is associated with the solution of practical problems. Thanks to this type of thinking, a person is aware of the need to do any action, for example, buy products or make charging.

Each has its own picture (or model) of the world. Due to the activity of brain cells, a person receives knowledge of the world and its existence. It makes practical activities to change reality using visual effective thinking.

The mental ability of a person, developing, passes three stages, on which the type of thinking depends:

  1. Vividly effective.
  2. Vite-shaped.
  3. Wonder-logical.

Effective helps to solve the necessary tasks with the help of hands (touching the subject): take, transfer, build, pour, break, etc. It is especially important for babies and older children (1-3 years) to improve the shallow motility of the fingers. It has a connection with the formation of consciousness. Therefore, the first stage in development is to launch clear-effective thinking.

This type is considered the main and actively used by the kids. These are the movements without speech involvement, they are committed through actions with regard to the subjects currently in the field of view of the kid.

The type of thinking in different sources has such definitions: elementary, basic, simplest, lower. His signs are noticeable even in animals.

Feature - the close relationship of mental processes with the actions performed. The child, repeatedly playing with the same subject, gradually reveals its internal characteristics and features. A small person develops skills, acting "according to the sample". Thus, the subject in the hands of crumbs is a way to know the surrounding world.

The process of formation of thinking

A child from birth and about three years old reveals peace, seeing and touching the objects. Babies are interesting absolutely everything - from the eyes of Mom to the fluffy cat. But only little to see - they need to touch things close to. Thus, with the help of touch, they begin to understand what is wet, and what is dry, which is smooth, and what is rough.

To understand what kind of item is, the baby must touch it, often even taste. So he is preparing for mental activities. In the desire to understand the peculiarities of a particular toy, the child comes to the thought that he tries to learn how she was arranged that she had inside. As a result, the toy often breaks. The parents are wrong, who in such cases scores the child. In fact, in this action, the kid lies the desire to know the world, this is the first stage in the development of research activities.

The mental processes occurring in the brain of a small child during this period differ from the same processes in an adult. The main difference is the child's transition to active actions in an attempt to solve any problem. An adult person is at first aware of how and what to do.

Examples of visualistic thinking: the child wants to get a toy that lies in the closet on the top shelf. Because of a small growth, it cannot reach. What makes the baby? He takes a chairs, substitutes to the closet, worst and pulls out the toy. Such actions are characteristic of a child of 2 - 3 years of age.

Older children (in 5 years) can in their consciousness to form a preliminary picture of this action, where they predict the result. They "draw" in the imagination, which will be if the chair, for example, is stunned. Possible result of actions will make the baby be careful or call adults. This is already visual-shaped thinking.

It is more complex. During its development, the baby presents what will be after it produces certain actions. This is a significant stage in the development of human brain activity (especially a preschooler), which is necessary in the process of further training, because to know any science - to be able to think.

The highest form of development of thinking processes is verbally logical. His features:

  • based on the basis of linguistic means;
  • concepts are used;
  • logic structures are used;
  • characterizes the late stage of human thinking.

Velibious-logical thinking is the ability to think with the help of concepts that are expressed in speech. When the baby pronounces some word, a specific subject appears before its inner eyes. For example, with the word "cat" in the presentation, it is exactly the animal that he saw (in a book or at home). Over time, the kid will learn to summarize all objects.

As adults think

Since the process of developing the mental activity of man begins with clear-effective thinking, there is an opinion that it is irrelevant for adults. But an adult man in the process of his life is constantly addressed to this type of brain activity. In some activities, this skill plays an important role, for example, in design, mechanics, during design or construction work. Thinking here is necessary for the realization of the ability to deal with the functioning of complex mechanisms and see which result will lead to.

To solve a specific task, adult performs actions with objects in the desired sequence. Knowing why the hammer is intended, a person can easily be able to use this tool if necessary.

There is such an expression - manual intelligence. This is knowledge about the purpose of different objects and the skill of them to manage. And although in an adult person to one degree or another, all forms of thinking are developed, for some activities in the first place there is clearly effective.

More often they possess the masters of manual labor:

  • plumbers;
  • mechanical engineers;
  • locksmore;
  • malariers;
  • masonry and others.

But no less important is visual-effective thinking for scientists and inventors.

In various types of work, you need to be able to use workers of labor, as well as have a deeper knowledge of the nuances of the profession. For example, a carpenter should not just score nails, but also calculate:

  • places of fastening parts;
  • number of nails;
  • board size, etc.

In addition, it must clearly represent what happens as a result.

Thus, in the life of an adult, there is no clear distinction between the types of thinking. It uses various abilities in different situations. By producing action, a person represents the result, the plan is and logically connects the concepts. Depending on the nature of the work and its result, one type of thinking will prevail over others. All of them are interconnected between themselves and are equally important.

Think extraordinary and deeper than all this can be learned by simple exercise. How to develop in adult figurative thinking? Having exercises from 15 minutes of time every day, you guarantee yourself an effective result.

Development of abstract thinking in humans

  1. Read the inscription on the right left, walking around the city or on the way to work. So signboard Fur store invites will be read as: teastalgirp Aheh Nizagam.
  2. When you waste time on something necessary (for example, the queue), deliver the book and read it from the bottom up. Thus, you will receive a sequence of events opposite to this.
  3. How to develop abstract thinking in a child? Invent with it strange and unusual male and female names. During one exercise you can about five. For example, Laprionide also intended.
  4. On the sheet of paper, draw a fictional animal that can have parts of the body of real animals. For example, a bear torso, a piglet patch and an elephant ears. Invent the name for this being.
  5. Come up with phrases that will be contradictory. For example, black snow, low skyscraper, hard down.
  6. How to develop creative thinking? Choose a word and imagine it with an abbreviation. Then try to decipher it. For example, the sky is a mute ellipse of rich deer.
  7. List a few assignments of the usual subject. It should not be limited to its standard functions. For example, you can not only lunch or read the book, but also sleep on it after a hard day or build a house from it.
  8. The development of thinking in old age. Associations will help here. In order to develop the association, take a sheet of paper and write on it as many words for one letter in four minutes. For example, sh Chinchilla, fur coat, stamp, scarf, and the like.
  9. How to develop divergent thinking? Select the word (noun) and on a sheet in one column write ten adjectives that are suitable for it, and in the other - which are not suitable. Try to use adjectives from different spheres. For example, the mind is pure, clear, deep, teacher, in another column - delicious, spiny, soft.
  10. The exercise that should be performed several times a day: when you watch any picture of life, try to give it a name as an artist. It doesn't matter, satirical or serious, most importantly - so that it fully reflects the essence of the picture.

Using these simple techniques, after a while you will notice that we look at the world at all exactly not as most gray mass. You can find non-standard solutions in everyday tasks. And who knows how to successes will it lead you ...

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Wonder-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

The verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that a person who observing a certain picture is entirely extinguished from it only the most significant qualities, not paying attention to insignificant details, just complementing this picture. Typically, three forms of this thinking are distinguished:

  • Concept - when items are grouped on features;
  • Judgment - when any phenomenon or communication between objects are approved or denied;
  • Review - when concrete conclusions are made on the basis of several judgments.

To develop verbal and logical thinking should be all, but it is especially useful to form it from an early age in children, because this is a great training of memory and attention, as well as fantasy. Here are what exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

  • Candle on the timer of 3 minutes, write during this time the maximum number of words beginning with the letters "w", "sh", "h" and "I".
  • Take a few simple phrases, for example, "what for breakfast?", "Went to the movies", "come to visit" and "Tomorrow is a new exam", and read them on the contrary.
  • There are several groups of words: "sad, cheerful, slow, cautious", "dog, cat, parrot, penguin", "Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga" and "Triangle, Square, Board, Oval". From each group, select those words that are not suitable in meaning.
  • Determine the differences between the ship and the plane, grass and flower, story and verse, elephant and rhino, still life and portrait.
  • A few more groups of words: "House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper," War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map "," youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children "," road - Machines, pedestrians, movement, asphalt, pillars. " Choose one or two words from each group, without which the concept ("house", "war", etc.) could exist as such.

These exercises, again, can be easily upgraded enough and modified, simplifying or complicating at its discretion. It is thanks to this that each of them can become an excellent way to train abstract thinking, both in adults and in children. By the way, any similar exercises, among other things, are well developed intelligence.

Vite-effective thinking and exercises for its development

Visibility-effective thinking can be described as a process of solving mental problems by converting the situation in real life. It is rightfully considered to be the first method of processing received information, and is very actively developing in children up to 7 years, when they begin to combine all sorts of objects to one whole, to conduct their analysis and operate them. And in adults, this type of thinking is expressed in identifying practical benefits among objects of the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intelligence. For the development of visual-effective thinking, the brain is responsible.

An excellent way of learning and training here can be called the usual game of chess, compiling puzzles and, modeling all kinds of plasticine figures, but there are several effective exercises:

  • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then also "weigh" your clothes. After that, try to install the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms of your apartment.
  • Draw on landscape sheets triangle, rhombus and a trapezium. Then take the scissors and turn all these figures into the square, cut once in a straight line.
  • Put in front of you on the table 5 matches and make 2 equal triangles of them. After that, take 7 matches and make up 2 triangles and 2 squares.
  • Buy a constructor in the store and make up different figures from it - not only those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that the details are as much as possible - at least 40-50.

As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and other you can use our excellent.

Logical thinking and exercises for its development

Logical thinking is the basis of human ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to solve various tasks and development of intelligence. This type of thinking contributes to a successful search for substantiations of any phenomena, meaningful assessment of the surrounding world and judgments. The main task in this case is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection with the basis for the analysis of its different aspects.

Among the recommendations for the development of logical thinking, a solution of logical tasks can be distinguished (and this is also an excellent workout of memory and attention in children and in adults), passing tests for the intellect ratio, logical games, self-education, reading books (especially - detectives), and intuition training .

As for concrete exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

  • Of several sets of words, for example: "Chair, table, sofa, stool", "Circle, oval, ball,", "Fork, towel, spoon, knife", etc. You need to choose a word that is not suitable. Despite the simplicity, this is a very effective technology for the development of logical thinking, and such sets and exercises can be found in a huge amount on the Internet.
  • Collective exercise: Gather with friends or your whole family and share two teams. Let each team offer the opposite to unravel the semantic riddle, where the content of some text is transmitted. The essence is to determine. Here is a small example: "The church beloved in the farm an animal. He experienced strong warm feelings to him, however, despite this, a violent effect was over him, which caused his death. It happened for the reason that the animal made a non-disabilities - ate part of the food, for him not intended. " Reflecting logically, you can remember the children's song starting with the words: "Pop was a dog, he loved her ..."
  • Another group game: a member of one team makes any action, and the participant of the other must find its cause, and then the cause of the cause, and so until all the motives of the first participant have been clarified.

Repeat that these exercises (in particular - the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence suitable to people of all ages.

Creative thinking and exercises for its development

Creative thinking is called such a kind of thinking that allows you to uniquely systematize and analyze the usual information. In addition to the fact that it contributes to an extraordinary solution of typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the effectiveness of the assimilation by the person of new knowledge. Applying creative thinking, people can view objects and phenomena from different sides, awaken the desire to create something new - what was not before (this is the understanding of creativity in his classical sense), develop the ability to other tasks to others and find a lot Interesting options for performing work and exits from life situations.

Methods for the development of creative thinking are based on the idea that a person in his life implements only a small percentage of its potential, and its task is to find opportunities to enhance unsupened resources. The technology of creativity development is based primarily on several recommendations:

  • It is necessary to improvise and always look for new ways to resolve everyday tasks;
  • No need to focus on the established framework and rules;
  • It is necessary to expand the horizons and constantly recognize something new;
  • You need to travel as much as possible, opening new places and get acquainted with new people;
  • It is necessary to make learning new skills and skills with their habit;
  • You need to try to do anything better than others.

But, of course, there are certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking at all - you will find them and).

And now let's talk about the exercises:

  • Take a few concepts, for example, "youth", "man", "coffee", "kettle", "morning" and "candle", and choose each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that determine their essence.
  • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, "Piano - Machine", "Cloud - locomotive", "Tree - painting", "Water - Well" and "Airplane - Capsule" and pick up for them the maximum number of similar signs.
  • Imagine several situations and think what can happen in each of them. Examples of situations: "In the city there are aliens", "no water runs from the crane in your apartment, and Limonad," "All pets learned to speak by the human language," "in your city in the middle of the summer it is snowing."
  • Inspect the room where you are now, and stop the look at any object that interest you, for example, on the cabinet. Record on a piece of adjectives suitable to it, and then - 5 adjectives, completely opposite.
  • Remember your work, a hobby, a favorite singer or an actor, a better friend or a second half, and describe it (it / it) with at least 100 words.
  • Remember some saying or, and write, based on it, a small essay, verse or essay.
  • Write a list of 10 purchases that you would commit before the end of the world.
  • Write a plan for every day for your cat or dog.
  • Imagine that by returning home, you saw that the doors of all apartments are open. Write 15 reasons why it could happen.
  • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
  • Write a letter to your future - when you are 10 years older.

Also to activate your creative potential and intelligence, you can use two excellent methods in everyday life - and. These methods of developing creativity will help you destroy all stereotypes, expand the comfort zone and work out the original and not a similar type of thinking.

In conclusion, let's say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your training and develop thinking more efficiently, you will certainly have to taste one of our courses, you can familiarize yourself with whom you can.

Otherwise, we wish you all success and comprehensively developed thinking!

Developed figurative thinking - One of the necessary requirements of creative professions, including graphic designers and copywriters. A familiar to many phrases "Draw something beautiful here" should not put in a dead end, but to force creatively to work. Improving figurative thinking involves and analytical abilities, which helps to intensify the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Exercises for the development of figurative thinking will be suitable not only to creative workers, but also to any other person who wants to have a sharp mind and a wide range.

Fashionable thinking is often a good assistant in everyday life. This ability helps:

  1. It is easier to solve problems. This happens not because creative personalities understand the problem is deeper, and since they can approach the problem on the other side, not standard.
  2. Soothe nerves. This is a kind of mental protection mechanism. Its essence is that in the imagination there is a comic, exaggerated and even absurd image of a person or a situation. An example is a well-known psychological technique to present a hamster or other animal to the man who begged you.
  3. Visualize. The clearer will be the image in imagination (to the smallest details), the easier it is possible to implement the idea.

Exercises for the development of figurative thinking

Consider some interesting exercises for the development of figurative thinking. It should be done calmly, without limiting themselves in time, without competition and criticism from the side. As a result, not only the number of answers is estimated, but also their originality.


Drudlas are an unfinished picture that is encouraged to prevent and draw. This is an option for designers. The copywriter needs to describe your associations with words. The best solution is that few people come to mind, especially if it is with humor. And there is no correct answer! This is one of the most interesting ways to check how far your creativity can go.

We conducted such an exercise among the staff of the collective, and here's the result: the curtainness, creative and passion.


Here, for the development of thought, some kind of figure is offered: blots, stains and other abstractions, based on which the image is invented. An example may be the famous Rorschah test (looking at the picture-klyax, to answer that it reminds you of), which is often used by psychologists to determine the personal characteristics of the individual.

Figurative expression

"Smoking contributes to the formation of cancer"

"Just wool"
